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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1896)
Kugene City Guard. hATITHDAY OCTOBER 17. "No crawa el thorne, NocroaaeJ fold." PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. K. lioHKIt, of Salem, Mai Ion county. N, h. IiUTLEIt, of Dallas, cotfnty. HANKY V ATKINS, of McMlnnvllie, Yamhill county. W. H. HPAUOII, of Lane couuty. IS OHIO FOR liKYAN. James Gordon liennett'a New York Herald, a utauncb supporter of McKinlcy in this campaign, jiubiiblied tho following unpleasabt bit of new from the republican headquarter at New York: "News had come from Ohio that was not of a tileasunt character. No one eeema to have thought for a minute that McKinlcy might not carry his own state. Yet the first jioll uiude by the Unto state com mittee gave the stale for 15ryan, and the second poll was not much mire satisfactory." The report from the Herald con firms the judgment of Henry (Jeorge, whose prediction of an Ohio landslide ior Hryan, w'th his rnon for it, have been published. Hi nry George, h) has been in Ohio for several weeks, viewing the political situation, closes a letter to the New York Journal as follows: "And now, when only four weeks of the campaign remains, there can be no question as to which sido is gaining. Free silver is everywhere lnuking its way, and everywhere the republican candidates are los ing ground. I find this in Cleve land, as I return to it, after some thing like a week's abnence, and it is the thing upon which all of those I have talked with elsewhere "are agreed. And to theso elements of success is being added that most potent clement which Bryan's per sonal touch with the people is pro ducing and intensifying a be lief iu the honesty of the man. "From my views of the situation, I cannot think that Hryan will tail to carry Ohio by a large ma jority ; and the Bame influences that give him Ohio should give him all the Central Western states that have been considered doubtful." There- are other evidences which tend to show that Ohio is very doubtful, and, iu spite of state pride in McKinlcy, it may go for Bryan and free silver. Among these other evidences is a a U lenient from Jtitriuh Wilkins, proprietor of the Washington Tost, and former ly a representative in congress from an Ohio district. JIU paper is neutral in tho campaign and his personal predilections tnvard gold. 1 In save: "Information from my old district in Ohio, from the most reliable sources, leads uio to believe that liryan will have 2.'!00 majority there. In tho last election the re publican majority was 800." Ho further says ho recoived a letter from one of the leading railroad mechanics at Cleveland, saying that Cleveland would give JSryau 15,000 majority. At the last elec tion Cleveland 'went republican by G000. Mr Connor. formerly chair man of the republican committee and at ono timo a member oi me republican national committee, dronned into Mr Wilkins' oflice a few days ago and told Mr Wilkins that ho ha. I apprised Mr Hanna that Cleveland was lost to the re imblican imrtv. Mr Wilkins says that a careful poll of the state, . i . . .i - . :.....:.. lliauu 10 aicervain wiu iruu eiiuittiou g'ves Mr liryan the state by 33,' 000. If thero is any truth in the state incuts hero ricorded, and Hryan carries Ohio, his election is likely to bo made unanimous. Tho people are in the humor to show the "pro fosBionals" and the "experts," the "specialists' and tho "money kings" that they aro still on dock, determined and cipablo to B'til the ship of state. Col 1) B Bush of Portland, prom inont in circles and i lifelong republican, has declared for bryan and free silver. Koscburs Review: If Railroad Commissioner Kddy were to receive his salary in those much abused "53 cent" dollars, it would then be a groat deal more than he e-vrns by any publio service performed. The Boston Herald, a gold stand ard pajwr, advises tho goldite car toonists to slop caricaturing the American farmer till after election. "It is a queer speetacle," it says, "to find the farmer ridiculed in polities now in the days of his re Dorlod distress. A clear mistake has been made, and it should not in ordinary prudence, be contiuu cd." Ohio for Hhvan. IHshon Win Dillon of Hit) United llrethrvu church wrl'.ea the Halciu Journal from lay toil. Ohio, that McKtnly) will not carry Ohio, lie my Iu letter re cvlvttl yesterday: "The situation aud outlook here U even mora hopeful thau I have ut It iu this urticltt. The turning of the republican to five!! ver U considerable, and don't be alarmed If Ohio Is reported for llryau on the morning of November 4lh." Mr. Dillon I known by uuuy people In Lane county. Brevities. t'tiirouud, ociuUt u. Tired eye, an alurm bell for less work or spectacle. The I'lit I Dm best lever harrow made. K L Chamber, Agt. C Marx Intend having a cement sidewalk put dowu In front of his brick building. Oliver U'cl plow warranted to scour anywhere by K LC'hambeiH. The Shakespeare e'ob reopened II sessions for the winter lat nlxht at the rooms of Prof Lu -lla C Curson In the Bailey residence. Tho V0 Oliver plow Is lender of all f ivorltes. rke it at F L liamtier. Be sure to attend the Benefit In tl.o gymnasium Saturday evening. Re freshments of Ice cream and cake, coflee and doughnuts, lemonade and candle will be served. An excellent program ol musio will be rendered. Admixiion 10 cents. Another full carload of Oliver plow at K L Chamber's. H M Yoran, republican candidate for presidential elector, went to Oak villa, in Lino county, today, where he will address the cltinn toiilght. Mr Yoran seak at Hslscy tomorrow night and at Jlurrlsbutg Saturday night. On next Monday he will go to Yamhill couuty. Fresh grass seed of all kinds. F Ij Chambers. In today's Oregonlan will be found the following headlines: "Iu Mc Kinlcy Towns. Bryan's Chilly Ride Through Michigan. Lack ot Kiithu siasui Noticeable." Then follow a column of the different lowu visited. Thousands turned out to hear Mr. Bryan and the enthusiasm was great. Did ever a newspaper before, resort to such rauk unfairness? No. Fresh grass seed. F. L. Chambers. L N Roney, contractor, of this city, It replacing the old piling under the approaches to the county bridge across the McKenzle river at Coburg with new piling. Another full car load of Oliver plows at r. It- CllAMIIKKH'. Rev I O Kuotts of Florence who has been attending the nicotinic of tbo Presbyterian church at Union, lias returned to this city. Ht will visit with relative a few ilays before return ing to Florence. Apple prcsHcs and step ladders. F. L. CilAMUKKS. When we onslder that tho intes tine are about IWu limes as long as the body, we can realize the intense sullerlng experienced when they are Inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues Inflammation at ouce and completely removes th difficulty Osiiimn & DkLano. Tuke Kimmons Liver Regulator to prevent Illness from the malarial poison which comes with the (all months. Himmons Liver Reulalor is a mild laxative that cleanses the HyHtem and purl lien the blood. An ex cellent ulteralivo ami tonic for the fall. "I have been very much Improved in health by taking Simmons Liver Reg ulator." M Newport, Williamsburg, Ry- It would bo hard to convince a mail suffering from bilious colic that his agony is due to a microbe w ith an un nronouncable name. But one dose of Ik-Wlit'sCollo and Cholera Cure will convince him of its power toaffoid instant relief. It kills palu. Qt-BUHN A, DkLano. Be comfortable while traveling lu cool weather. Tho Union Pad lie heuts it train throughout by steam heat from i he engine, thu making every part of all its cars pleasant and com fortable. 1 1 also lUhts Us ears by the celebrated Pint soli light, making them brilliant at night. Passengers carried dully ou tho fast mull, which leaves Portland at 7 p m. For sleeping car reservations, tickets, or Information, cull on or address K J McClanahan, agent, K igk'iie. Ore. We m'ght tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it curt a cough. Every oue does who has used It. It is a per fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse- lies. It I an espcclul favorite for children, being pleasant to take and puck iu curing. Osbukn k DkLano. Henry Kemlno, of Farmington, In Washington county, whs attacked Monday by a mad boar, lie was uriv I.... II. mi ..f B atlll.l.lo when the Infuriated animal rushed upou him and thrust his tusks Into Reml'io's thigh, above the knee striking the bono and lacerating the muscle. A doctor was called and dressed the wound, and he thinks that if blood M)isonlng should not set in, the mau will gel along all right. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editorially of a popular patent tuedl cine. We kuow from experience that Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy I all that I claimed for it, as on two occasions It stopped ex eructating pains and possible saved us from an untimely grave. We would no! rent easy over ulght without It In the house." This remedy undoubted ly naves more palu aud suffering than auy other medicine In the world. Kvery family should keep It In the hnuxv, for It is sure to be needed sooner or Inter, For sale by Usburn A I)e- Dkc l. viu i Or K. The debate which was announced to take place bctwocn the U. of O. Jtrjau and McKinlcy dubs ho been declared oft, owing to lack of time of the speakers to prepare for the occasion. Found Gl'U.TV. Wednesday's Sa lem Journal: "Ed Babb and John Apperson will be sentenced tomorrow by Judge Burnett, for burglary from the sbIimiu of Me) flainllton. Apper son plead guilty wheu arraigned, but Babb stood trial and was convicted." A CAPTAIN'S STORY. "It w when I wns In rnrrliil at M , onecf tlie (liilli-it bimI iniMt stuijld of pmvlni liil town '1'here wa noltiliiir In the world fnr a fellow to do with Idm :lf there, no tlinafr even, ouljr a low nui lle hall. 'When I was (iff duty, I irmdimllr if't Into the luiblt of turning itiUi the l iiimi club, which, by th bye, wia tlie only oue the town Kx-HM-l. "It was called tho -Union,' 1 iiiouiu hnaaino, tweuuxe there was always n dis pute of (tome, kind or another mng on there. '1 hero was very little niay at trio club except nt the time of the three annual fairs, each of which laitcd a wr-K. una mtuinn afu-rnonn, J tut at the ocnlri of ono of them fulni, I hupienl to to tho club rather early. Thero was a fair num ber of men there that (biy who were stran gers to me, wealthy former of the neigh borhood, who rarely cajne Into town, and tho various owner of the country house around. '"They tire rly'nc 1i!ki today,' sulil one of the hubltur of tho club to me. I turned round toward tho tahlo to wau-h tbo gnmo and wa no surprised i.t thoslKht of one of the player that I almost ex claimed. 'It was young man of soino Si or S3 years of bub, wlioin I knew by slKht. I was very muctt Interemctl in linn, ior ni father Imd fought ttiuruiA-ouMly i.t Magen ta and had inxsn killed oil tho Held of bat tlo, lmvltinc bis widow and k.iii by no moans well provhU d for. Tho ymniK man very rarely to the club, mid I had iiever iiecn lilm touch a card before. I wns stuiie flcxl, theref ire, to see him lioldinu tho bank, and a good liank it was, too, for thero were plenty of notes and gold coins Uutied up In front of him. '"How much." called out one of tho player. " 'Oh! ' laufrhcd a wealthy farmer, 'il. do Morten I In luck's way. Hu can safely koep bis lusnk open.' 'I Hotbed that tho young man s face wa deadly ide nnd there was an excltetl look In his eye. "'Oix'n bank,' be said. And Itseomouu tliough tho very words changed tho luck. "Ten time running Alertens lost, and In a quarter of nn hour Ills Nink was clear ed out. Another man tnok his place ivid tho play went on. It got so excitlnjf that I, too, wa fascinated anil joined In. There was no room tn sit down at tho table, so I continued KbiudinK, holding my bat In my band and throwing my winnings Into it I had a run of luck and went on playing In tho moxt excited way until I was startled by some ono railing out, 'You are being robbed, captain I' "I started and Instinctively seized a hand which had knocked against initio through my sudden movement. It was M. do Mortens' hund, nod ho held tho 10 note which he had put taken out of my hut. Tlie wretched man's faro was con vulsed with emotion. Our eye met Ills were diluted with terror, and there wa a look In them that seemed to hold mt spell bound. " 'M. do Mertens Is my partner,' I said hnutrhtily to the man who luul warned me, 'and I nm surprltt that you should daro to bring such un i-ceuiuillon aiinst a gen tleman whoso n put. i Ion is so well known.' "Tho Individ u..l who had culhtl out had never l o in to before and did not kuow .M. do .McrtcM i.t all. Wo hud all been Ft.ii.diiig round the btlileclow to each other, r.r.d on seeing another player put hi hard Into my It w.ts very natural that t)io i ian hlioulil havo thought It hi duty t warn me. On hearing my explana tion hu upoliif;l. d mmt humbly to M. do Mci ti'lis, and suvorid of tho acquaintances of tiic latter gathered round and expressed their regret that Mich an insult should luivo Utin otTeretl liini. " We then continued our play, and M. do Mertens soon ufter left tlio club. Three days puKNitl, niul I heard nothing mure of tUu yuiil'.rf man. Ill shlelilii' him n I had done, myllrst thought li.ul Uien of his father, and 1 had di'tcrmincd to stive from disgrace tho name of thu bravo soldier of Alagetiti. Of course I could ulti under stand that the young man should now shrink from soclui; mo again, but still It struck mo us rather strance that In soma way, either direct or I'ulirect, ho did not attempt to express his thanks. "Ouo evening, however, just us I vi going out to pay some visits, my orderly Informed me that a lady wished to see mo. I went into thu drawing room, and there 1 found a woman of nlsiut 45 years of age. She was very digulllcd looking, and there wo un okmi, honest expression ubout her fare which fascinated mu. "'1 am Mine. do Mertens,' sho said sim ply. 'My son told mo everything about tho affair at thu club, aud I have como to thank you with all my heart for having preserved for us Intact the honor of our name.' " 'Mad.imo,' I licgan, but she Interrupt cd me In her emotion and nervousness. " 'My son bud got ent.niglcd iu various ways, nnd iu desperation had taken to play. It upiieurs ho had lost every peuny ho possosKOtl that lilht You know the rest, alas I' "I felt very much eiulnu-rassed, for tho IKKir mother's grief wan terrible to witness, " 'Ho is young, uiadanio. You must not tako it to heart so,' 1 stammered. 'It was Just a moment's woakuosg. I will see your son, and' "'Kit, captain,' si o said, shaking her head sadly, 'he Is no longer hero. Ho has enlisted and I already on his way with tho regiment' " We liad all been listening attentively to Call tain Jt.ulicrt's sttiry, aud when ho stopped speaking there was silence for a few minutes. "And what happened to M. do Mertens, captalnf" "Ho Is dead. six months ago I received a letter from Kclnntf a pitiful little lctju written with very pule Ink and on oet of luitwr that wns nil crum pled and yellow with ago. Thero were only few Hue for mo to read. I know them by heart. They were us follows: " 'I am mortally wounded. Tho colo nel (Courbct ) hits Just brought me tho cross; but 1 nm dying. I am sending it to you, my poor cross for you saved uie, and I should Uko you to wear It "This Is why, my friends, instead of wearing tho decoration which I received from tho chancellor you always see me with the sergeant's cross which poor Mor tens sent me. I'lxirhoyl To think that he darted a a thief and died a hero' death at Koluug !" From the Kronen. Health Saguolton. An authority on physical training for women give the following direction tut sreurlng the lu st results, which naturally must bo iiKshr.ixl by Individual character istics and clri'Uiust.iiuvs: "Shvp nlno hours out of the -1, Uithe In cold water, exercise llvemlnules daily wth light dimib liells, drink a cup of hot liquid before lirvokf.tst, spend h-i'.f un hour every digr In outdoor exercise, niulo tho best of bid bargalas aud always keep your temper." N "Xvp Xuu io; atu)U 8uqaoq nw epjAoad pu 'nvid joaoJ mi ohoj tuSpu ioq tpnur ip)uaopoiu qiM M.iiiopr suontiq ao Ms puw j,iv,ji jpm punui in pun "irvq qoin ot uujW V)uis) pvui aoj Suivm lW ;o ssuiio pnoi suossoi Su. oiri tuq) DUUWJV Al ts.U.l"l Jp(l HUV4 pan Aip oqi poixiuo .nj)avi pue .j,adJ toui 'uo,x,ia Jtn;j.ij 'inoit nnj)u O) TOM 0l. J,)t.iM :ix '4 j.ijjjd ioq) 3 8u.uuj sx.w joj .i.v am:ii t.i tmrj ai;v Jia qi ii(Kiiv tii.t.t it) aunojoqt jo wvd e 0"vi in p.w;:.'o epi.vd upiiJ.X) jo ti oii 0Jf,'pv) ,a.tioiMj iiWj,g uj Boots, Rubbers. Just tho thin you ncel for winter. Tho Uest that money fa" huy. Will wear well anl keeyour feet dry. Prices as low as the lowest. CALL AND EXAMINE. YORAN & SON, The Shoe Dealers. l obltc School Iteport. The following I the report of the Eugene public school for Ibe first school month of the year: Number enrolled-niule, l, feiuule, 314; total, 610. Number belonging at close of month male, 27; female, 309; total, 5!H5. Whole nuinber of days attendance tiialc, 4S7J; female, 5J0"i; total, 10,1.'17. Whole number of days absence male. US; female, 124; total, 7i Whole number of cases oftardlne male, 30; female, 28; total, C4 Averajjo numlr belonging male, 2ol; feiuule, 271; total, 6i2. Average tlally atlenduuie male, 242; female, J3; total, 61S. Percent of attendance, 07. Neither absent uor tun'y inale, 182; female, 05; total, 387. D V iS lit: 1 1), Kujriliteiidcnt. ilOKK SI'EAKIMi. Judge Ciewell and Win 11 loivlg Will Sprsk In Lane County. Judge t'rowcll will 8euk in Cottage Grovo on Tuesday, October 20th at 7 p in. Hon yViii M Colvlg will address the citizens of Lane county 011 the po litical issues of the day In Eugene Monday, October 2Gth. Persons who have a coughing spell every night, on account of a tickling sensation In the throat, may overcome it at once by a dost; of One Minute Cough Cure. OsBUit.s A DkLano. Not Uoru rreelscly There. Tho precocious frankness and simplicity of a class of 6-year-olds ha been forcibly Impressed upon ono of tho teachers Id the Dew lilalno school nt Thirteenth nnd Nui rls streets during tho past tew days. Pre paratory to opening the school tho chll dren are being registered, and their an swers to the queslluns put to them are often quite ludicrous. Ouo of the teacher asked a youngster what was his father's name. "Ilnxtcr," wns tho reply. "What Is his full name;" "Mr. Baxter," said the boy. "Xo, no," the teacher continued rather Impatiently. "What U bis first name!" A gleam of comprehension brightened tbo lad's face, and he blurted out: "lia calls him 'Bill.'" In order to determtno another little fel low' place of nativity bo wus asked: "Wore you born berof" With all seriousness ho responded: "Nome. I was horned on Tyler street." Philadelphia Record. A Vnlqu Salsd. "Mamma, I havo Invented a lovely sal ad," exclaimed Margery, nged 7. "Have you, darlingr" said her pleased mother. "And how did you mako ltr" "Why," answered the mlto proudly and seriously amid tho laughter of thuso pres ent, "I chopied up a rose, somo parsley and some cold potatoes and covered It with dressing. ' - "And where did you get tho oil?" ex claimed Mrs. A. "Oh, I used sewing machine oil," re- sponueu tno 111110 monkey, who liad, as she supposed, copied her mother's method With perfect success. ew ork Adver tiser. Monocle Mr. Ilubly I saw a man making a reg ular monoclo of himself In the street Just DOW. Mr. Westby A what? "A monocle." "Ho, ha I You mean spectacle, don't your" "No, sir, I do not. There was not a pair of him, and therefore ho was a mon oclo. Thank goodness, I can speak the English lauguago correctly." IVursou' weekly. Dav 5i Henderson, Undertakers an. tmbalmers. Cor Wit, and 7th sty. U. of 0. BRYAN CLUB. A. E. REAMES, Ol' lVttlaud, graduate of the Univeisl ly of Oregon, will addim- the citi tens of Lane county, under the auspice of the U. of O. , Hryaa Club, at the COURT HOUSE SUTUROAT EVEOQ, OCT. 17th. At 8 p iu. Everybody luvited, c eeUlly Indie GRAND BRYAN BARBECUE. The JmiCii'ii BrvaJ Club Will Give a Demonstration Saturday, October 17. .... .i.... !! Itrvau Club has Brru.iKed to Kiwi a grand political ileiiionctralioil lu Ibat Ciiy SAI I KKAV. iter. Kill, i, . -..... i.i umkfl the int'elinir tb.. lHrH.t ever held ill the state in a l.nvn of the size of our sister cuj. UARUKt L'K. t ,i 1. 1 i.uetir i if roa-it beef, veal, rt (JIHini v.. - n,.rU .n.l mutton, with bltad w"l ue I ... ..II l.n mntf 111 tend. A horseback j.araue will t)J ono 01 thu attractions. At night a torchlight parade win tuke pluce. Mii.!c u ill b furnished by the Har risburg and Junction City bras baud', nnd (irobibly others. 6PEA KICKS. ai 9..V!.u in tho afternoon Elder II I. ibirklev. reoiibllcaa uittuber of the letfUlaiurc from Marion county, aud one of the iuo,t eloquent speakers lu Hie stale, will t.ddress the people. . wr In llieevell Uif at 70 O'CIOCK 1JOI1 E Hiafer. a silver republican, aud -... lit editor of the Salem Dally journal, wm tell the people why he Is supiioning Win J Bryan. Everybody is invited. iimi (Intnl. Dctber 15. I.h knke Day. Todav is the regular day for taking out the serui-aDnual liquor licenses. At 4 o'clock only two saloons and one drug store had taken out license for the ensuing six mouths. J. W. Witbrow and Clem Hudes each paid fi'OO Into the city's exchequer. The proprietor of the other four saloons will probably all nnv iu vet thi evening. II A Vin cent paid a drugstoro license of $12.60 fornix luou hs. Tbo remaiuing four drugstores paid for oue year each last April. Weiileuiau's brewery, uie omy one in the city, has ceased operation and will uol renew us license. Harrisburg item: Our citizens were quite Miockid Monday afternoon on learning that Mr. Horace Laue, an old and well known resident of Llnu couuty, had committed suicide by hanging himself in Joel Huston's barn J el ween In o'clock and noon of that tiny. Coroner Wright was (uminoned, aud went out to t lie scene of the trag edy Monday night Mr. Lane wot making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Joel 1 1 u-toti. .Ylclililler Out of II. Chicago, Oet. 13. Chairman Jones, of the democratic mtlional committee, Kaveout a statement today, charao icrizini; tiM iihMird llie figures showing the iirolu.l'l J remilt of the election as given out iy ISeinitor (iuay. Chair man Jones Kind (but iu all the slates elated by ei.utur Quay as doubt- lui a couiili to una narmouious ruslon between l lie iiemncrnts, populisl aud silver republicans exists, rendering mem cert ii u Tor lirvan. for the same reii -"in he chtswH ns doubtful the states of Iowa, Ohio and Wisconsin, and cliiiiim i.t Itrvan I ho electoral votes of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Ken- mo v. Miciiitrnn. -Mlnnesola. rsorth Dakota and West Virginia, all of which were cmtmed ror McKinlcy by Mr Quay. Tlie table given out by Chnirmun Jones Kve 81 votes as cer tin for McKinlcy, 279 for Hryan, and 87 as doubtful. Tillman Intkkvieweu. The Portland Tribune Interviewed Senator Tillman yesterday. He said: "The election of tor. Hryan Is an absolute certainty. We will cany the8outh and West. Kentucky and Tennessee are not at all doubiful. They are both for Hryan. Michigan, Wlscousln, In diana and IllituiU ure also for silver. We will crry them without anv trouble, and the people of Oregon may rest assured that Hryan will be our next president. I met Mr. Bryan in Minneapolis on my way out. He was very cheerful and had no doubt what ever as In the result of the election. also had a conversation with Chair man Jouts, of the national commitbe and he likewise was very hopeful. liryan, bo told me, would be elected ivemcnibir Senator Tillman aud Gov. I'eiinoyer sneak here tomorrow (Friday) afternoon instead of Mouday as previously announced. Owlyuunra, October 15. World's Kaih Mkdai.. M Wll kins of Cobuig todny received a di pioma ui mrilal from the World fair eoninilsiion for au exhibit of grains. The medal is made of bronze and came iu a handsome velvet lined aluminum ease. On one side of it are the words in ra'u-ed Utters "World's Columbian Exposition u commenin- ration of the four hundredth anniver sary of the land of Columbus. M D C CCXCII. M DCCOXCIII. to Oeorge BeUdiaw." The other side contains a sum I tatute of Columbus with the worts, "I'lus Ultra," aud the dale; tVi XII, M CCCCX 0 I I. Sknior Class Okficers. The senior cliisi l the university has eWted tlie following class oflleers President, C A W.Hilson; vice preai' dent, Misslviui, V.zie; secretary, MUs Baibara Lam r; assistant secre tary, Mim Lotta Johnston; treasurer, Fred Templeloti. The ela-ss will give It annual reception i Villard Hall S'turd,y, Oc.oUr An excellent program J U'iu prepared tor the oc casion. Sauhw Hulii.-U., & tiearhart today sold the "Bureau" saloou to J B Colemxu and J T Witter, who will continue tie business. l . 1 .-. m fimifinanf QATrinHintrv mI Fabric thatthrong tno aepaitment with ready buJCr h It may bo Styles, Qualities or rrices perliarw nation of the three. Whatever It Is, U' $llU lU a satisfactory business at that. ids. 4 Hosts of New Wears have arrived the past few We want to introduce them to your notice nr. i. . ' Dress Goods. 34 in. mixed Suitings 20cT,erv1 34 in. plain " Qt L0C L j 30 in. mixed 41 Jjjj. 38 in. mixed " (0 50c L J 46 in. Black Dress Goods o0o ' JJ 50 in. Black Brocade just 1 Jl the thing for suits $1.00 per yi Imported Fancy Dress Patterns-th. very Latest. 48 Your dress is here if you will only come and ilLil O.UlYLio Aiiu vaiuo naaniJd LUIlI D.1 Jew Full Sized Bed-Steads 3l.ou LMUn, At DAY k HENDERSOK 7th and Willamette Streets. ITo: MllnKugeDe,Oree.,l)UKNlmwoN A LVM.snUbsilifl.:i u ls.l..!w,iin pprsoual. Dallr Oaud, October 15. Mr Chas Farrow arrived home thi afternoon. John Cogswell has returned from a trip to Portland. Mrs II L Veazie was a passenger north this morning. Rev Father J II Black was a passen ger to Albany today, Attorney H D Norton paid Junctiou City a legal visit today. Dr W Kuykendall paid Junction City a short visit tudsy. Mrs R II Chaplin of Brownsville Is lu the lily visiting relatives. Mr aud Mrs O P Coshow of Browns ville are here visiting their daughter, Mrs J M Howe. Rev Barkley, the free silver advo cate of Marion county went south on the afternoon train. Anions those who arrived home from Salem today were: Col Geo O Yoran, Miss Cecil Dorrls and Arthur Comegys. Volney Hemeuway la cou fined to the house witli a wreuched back, which he received while trying to lift a large stick of wood this morning. W B Lawler and several mining ex perts left for tlie Blue River mines today to examine the Gold Hill property. M 8 Barker, M D Bisscll aud Lee Lauder arrived home today from a visit to Mr Barker's claim ou Fall creek. They killed a deer while there. Rev P R Burnett, pastor of the Christian church at Forest Grove, ar rived on the larly train this morning ou a visit with his family in this city. Jos Vogl, who has been in the em ploy of the Weiuliard agency in this city during the summei season weut to Portland touay and will be em ployed iu Welnhard' brewery. Albany Herald: Rev M C Wire, the newly installed pastor of the M 15 church, was tendered a pleasant re ceptiou at the church last evening by the members of the congregation and friends generally. Glen Powers, an attache of the state insane asylum, arrived on tho after noon train. He will visit his brother, Lew, who la attending the UofO In this city aud then go to MeKenzie Bridge t i visit with his parents. Hop News. Salem statesman: Three hundred hales of hops sold in Polk county yesterday for 8 cents. Stoves at half price. F L Chambers. it For the nest few weeks -ft L A OVERTON (Three door WKsr ol I'. O ) Will sell WALL PAPERS and PAINTS, at COST To mike room for New n. ' Cash! Cashl CashI Something New For. Farmers. BRING YOUR Chickens-Eggs-Hops-Wool-Grain-Hidcs Butter-Sheep-Fruits-tlc., pncV,TnCAd8H!1 TtVt Warehouse Cor 9th and Pearl streets. L A. ROSTEIN. . ,1 ooool 89o&o a: 3Th! rumniUcn i'. f i fj, t. r.x.l norvoua dl" .. . ,j , ,;.1J llMdwbe. W;tti. .1- ,'u; .i,j . ctiI d-vioui, ll'tpu n r n c v-- ..N.mJl htulrrrart ur t taii. i. iu . .i. . M.,m lMn, .Hji.lMiihMllil.h link. i!l r ir I. K.UrerrlKllnrrtpKki-t t-l i-ru- -.or -(i"jhB, Mill. UH wrtllfB tii..wnif iir- . , .ni. it rk arrilrnl Ix.oU, lelLsl P'.-I.l wn r. lms nn.iu.i.lal.ni1litf. K rfc.l ft r . i. I IIOIU. liMlnllliIMrtlti'M'. i.-..HcWi. 1V x kV" sirl.ii..3V': !UW. anil a tTSjf St.00 BottleVA '2 iSit One cent a do w. Am 11 1. It U sold on a cunr.ctnitrtc I (fiiits. It ouri rioji.iit Uasu I ntti IU best Coi.umid'owC I Bold Urllenileii'fln & Lisa. TAKE -LIVEBINl FOIt THE- liver' and For Sals tj HU Hjh Summons. In the Circuit Court of th for Lanemusir. Mirmla J. Kmut, riiuU v Ti. r.- I ' , 1 t-f-r.riTit .nun a'. iiii-., . ; v Suit in eiuily fnnlivocs ui tt" nf minor clii "Iren. , To John F. Kuunt, tli ibv In tllen.llue..ft't';'f, hurebv iuniiniuiKl '! wi""" Mid Circuit Court sod t rfthePWatiffllWlhswa., that being the tint .Ly J term of W cmri nm. m. .j g,i month, following the time pr orJer for puhlii'stion f H' ""JV if you tail to piur unit ""'' U apply i lM" V , Mffi.lT'! pr.yedf.riu the ciL,. , tweenjo......! He 1'lswt J. tiff hvetlie cu.iy " ""B i. of RHid nisrriaKe. Arthur ; KoT, , H Kut. slid tlmt riaiBuu - he the owner f lot X ''""X'ZZwi 50-10e ai-res oi iuik mHi hi in j.,.h ..H.r relief, "'"' .VT rf situ ws" , i IBI eem e..iithlr. U " MH nivle od you by l'1'lict'' " Wkkki.1 Gi'Alin, a ne' yB tember lt, iow'i in lU eulation. pul.lwheu wee.j -- it oonnecutive week jy,,, ADMISISTBATOK'8 SALE jM1, BUU11, iir.LL.n"'-- Notice it hereby I"? 'V.lK"" oraer of the Couu. le Btste of Oregon ber tern- thereof, WJ . n..kli ni-hnu Ht the lu' ... ,fc,l.' of Mid Line cou nt v ar dny of Noreuiber. IH-'b t'M of nine o'clock a m o.l l M! "i .air I P!" 0CIW. , aH! VI Willi , -.I ,r l Ulrl- .f inK l'ri,'"rJ . irf On'L gene City. Lsn- coudiv. f follows; toit: io B','Ti?' half0f lot Noll .'it,t hence en-l 2.M vlw. " M. . chains to Ibe I'j ' 1 M J ',1 and lb" "' ' J , ... uccc' ,ek Xo 1 oi .--'. -,M to tng-oe 1 1 j ". .., s.1 i'"'. DorrlK at 1.01..7. - ,,,.lt,t. "'cf atreet and 180 Terms f s.l-c- b, 1 '.' ... . .i..e Sile ' u.(,.rit' George D Dor "J da, of NoTeoiber, I-.' ua ,, T..n eountT. A1-" thf e ,,!, i lowing d,orilK.l 't f -(tlwi Beginning oue chs.n - corner oft5bs . hi"'"" rj tbence ei ''""""ilciiisW-... jl Geo B Dcnuis, A'ty;