The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 17, 1896, Image 1

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    ! -n TV '
S-;- ' 1
NO. 45i
1 i 3 'fil " ' ill
ri f
i-En-'t Willamette l
ladEHlilh XlrcoU,
i..-nliiF SClUCUirriuS:
' . . '
tcim rates
on application.
H bmlu-M letters to
made known
iVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
411 Work Warranted. -CS
y. BROWN, M. D.
lcianjand Surgeon,
ad residrnce over poatollio. Hours:
a.; 1-' to 2, 6 to p. ni.
ju nJ New Prlcee In Inreln and
t Uarblo lud (Inutile, Monuments,
idilonei and Cemetury woik of
:, all kind! for 1895.
Street, near Poatofflco. Eugi-ae, Or
-One-half block south of i:tirlmaii'i
N. K. VaukLIT.
3ey & Markley,
Another fine day.
Mi-s Atikeny n turned from Salem
K W (Miiirti returned f(-nii Cnrvalli.s
Mrs S M Yorun returned loibv from
1'rnf Tynuull, the mind rcul r,
Ih lu
rclal and Probate Buslue
la Cbrliman lilork.
B. D. PAINE, f
Vice Prultfent.
I Ann
tiS-D. A. rlue, J- B. Harris J. "
c B. B. I'alne. W. B. Brown, J. r.
uod, F. W. Oiburn.
JiCatiltal. : : : $50,000.
Banking Business Transacted.
ni allowed on time tlcpoilu.
am entrusted to our c'e will receive
! t notion.
j County Sank.
J (EstaUllihed In
neral Banklnn business
' knnrhnq transacted on
jle terms.
. O. HOVEY, Preside nt.
. M. ABRAMS, Cashier.
... O. HOVEY, Jit.. Asst. Cashr.
8. 11. KakiV. J a-.
National Bank
Ot Eugone
in tas'j CapiUl
js and Profits, W,0i
;ne - - OreRon.
n Uniting bualjieoj done "3 "nb
. 8iKht draft on NLV. YOKK,
ii), 8 AN FKANCi O and I'OH I
exchange nld on forelpn -'ir.truv..
reoalyed nabjoot U che-?k or wertili
.,, ,
iUone entrusted t. ni will roccire
. L. PAGE,
i Fruiifi-'!'
Larue aoil Cnll't ,"m K ' !
Mrs E 1'Sn.ltli arrivetl linu- fnmi
l'aitlmi'l loil:iy.
Mi'H A'ln Mill'ojii nrrivcil Iihiik'
from rnrtliiiul tmluy.
I'oHniiii.ItT nf Vll.-r li!n,
uh in K ihhij luitiiy.
VImOU - lirihinuii ucht lo Port
Inn. I lo.l.iy lo vioit llio fulr.
TIih iniii w:m lii'tit lU-lul lu( iIm
iiiit wmiit'it a j-rnii lr.-U nmri-.
Wkliinluy iiiili'n hIi'i vcis Imi
till) roaili ill girxl cullillliiill Bjaiil.
Jlunry K Aukfiiy loft li Ih miii
in Jrtiiwm I'ciinty Sat ii i Jay niiit.
Mm K'Mii;"iii, hii nri .1,-ulcr m' t. ; t
lumt, wtia mi uirlval on tlio HfuTin) hi
M Ii ('Hllllllifll U llOW Illllf lu Ih- tlif hlrci-t.i with 1 1 1 iii'l of n
Aliritm D MiiU-r, of ('oUirn,
Uon granted an original mililicrV
Mis Llium Hull lift lhi tnoriiinu
on a vlnli to tliu fuir nt Suli tu niul
Ft rtlaiul.
Atloincy Woodcock Iiiih rt-turiii'd
from a tiutiiiifpii trip In I'orthitid mi l
and tittle in.
Hon E Hiiff.r, editor of llio S!-ni
Joiirnul, R!iv tills ollk'f it pU-it-ai t
cull yesterday.
Mr niul Mm M W Ciearwuu-r of
.SpiliiL'tluld precinct, are limiting rel
alivvK in tliix clly.
An Odd Fellnwtf lodtru whh in Hill
ed at Elk tlty Thutaday evenii:c
Willi l uienitier.
For once the chryHaiitlieniiiiu cornea
to llll it long-felt want. It Ih crowd
log out the catipulgi) button.
It Is reported that all the tlire-l'ing
In the Ginud Uondu Vnlley will not
be completed lefore Novembi-r l'J.
Dean SandeMon und the Divinity
school student-! arrive. I fro it tli-iir r
npecttve appoineiiietita toilny.
Secretary ol State. II R Kino .id re
turned to Salem today utter tpciidiiiii
Sunday with IiIh family In tlm city.
Mm A U Ilovcy who lia been vis
ing with relative In lovv.t and Mis
souri for the past mx wci-Kh, arrived
home yeelerday.
Mm E It IiiKham ha niun cd from
week's visit to the McKelizie ri-h
Rtncli. Slit" was aiiMinpanleil home
hy her fa'.her, John Cogs well.
A union meeting of tilt f.iijiosie
Chrlslian Alliance was held Intlie.M
church last tveniuir, Uii'S atldiVMna
by the R.-v Cl.ipp of l'ortl tud.
Tito Baker City Blade lias nil-penned
publication, and the plant will oe
moved lo Im (irntide, lo be used l:t the
publkation of a new populist paper.
Fred Rich of Splint-ilel 1 Is sullertiin
from it niece of steel whLii tliv.v in his
eve wiille he was working wilh a s tw
at Deadiiir.nd s mill.
Enueiiu has t' ninny dos that
their time on Willamette Ktte. t.
Ifn Hon law wouiil oniinise in wiiiid oi
thihB dogs it would U' a good thing-
Win Renshnw lis Imd tho old
womieii awninir torn away from llie
front of bla place of business. One by
one Ihcfce nuisances ate timing awsy
J O Watts returned from San Fran-
- II. . ...I. .. ....... .1. I A
Cisco yesieroay. tie i'"" i"1"!"110
course la lestlim the sluhl and lilting
glasses, mid received a Urol cUms uer-
linn W R U'Ren. of Oregon Cily, ar
.i.u,i iiurn liut niLiht. He sneaks at
the court house lonigU. Everybi dy
invited to attend, especially tho ladles.
A ss,.U.m dlsnatuh s:tV9: "Wheal Is
olItHir here at 5U cents a bush-l, and
Ihh.1. nualitv. will brilU 8 cents
a pound, and fanners are correspond
ingly happy."
Captain Nice's salmon cannery on
Alsea buy U making a line pck, und
neailv 10,000 cases will be put up if
there'ls no abatement In the run be
fore the season closes.
The new county briiUo aeravt Hills
crerk at Jasper was completed today.
Ihe bridge is an open wood structure
with a tifty-fiMit span and a long ap
proach at each end.
Corvallls Times: l'rcsldcnt MHI;f
has told the students at the O A C
that they can have the dining hall
In the boys dormitory to u-e for dime
lng purposes this winter, if they must
Judge Totter and Commissioi ers
GiIIIwiii nod Bally drove to Thurs
ton todav to consider the applications
of Dr B V Uuam-ll and Ales Uray lor
the keep o.' Lane county's paupers.
Lake vie examiner: Rom Boyd.
r i.' i'nit nf ilils nlace. started
8"'" . :,.o to atteu.1 the
uulversl'v. Ihls mnlas J'i"'P"I'';
TIM wmi ii
Univeisity In ow year.
i u fo,n..v niul wife and W Lojk-
i 1 i ' Mr,. vi. went lo l'ort
WII1I III vwntiK' ,
i Messrs Loikwood UUil
Medley are delegates from Cotlage
in.v l.NlM Knights of rythins to the
grand lodge which meet at t'orliami
f nr.. in Vormnl seliiiol: Several
new students entered the Normal Him
week itmong them was Miss catch
of Cottage Urove Mi;- Ethel Sjcw-
art w ho was visiting friends at Nor
mal, returned to her home at Spring
field Monday.
I) E Yoran. a delegate from Helmet
, 7a" v . :i K'nluhts of Pythias o'
Ihlsiitv, went to 1'ort and today to
n ei 1 'the meeting f ti e grand lodge
w del c mveiie. lit that clly tomorrow
H W Tavlor hlso a delegate will go
jdown iiiniorrow mornlug.
Watts w ho has ueen
. . Oiu ttu.t moillll lalifK
Beggars iiiitiierous today.
D uiglas entity Is In debt l '.l Oil.
The stale fair Is over. It was a fail
ure. SpcaU'f Recti will eumpiign in
But very few hops ure left in Ihe Eu
gene W'urehoUres.
Thanks ; J R Alexaude for a
banket of line grapes.
(in to Junrtlon City S:iturday and
t.ike puW In (lie liarUi ue.
The a-'e lights were on duty last
night. So was the moon.
B'ack Prince won th'f half mile di-li
it the h!sJn fI r yesterday lu 4 'J,.
l'oii'a.siimn Boulelle, of Maine Is
tuMw , n Urrgon lor McKluley.
Ji).i" Mci'addeu spoke to a large
aiM'" -'HI Molmsvk last evening.
Com .'Trick gave a 20 minutes lec
ture on im Khali nt u vi in lily this uioru
l.ii. '
Wheat i- still advancing and today
at Sun r'rain iseo It was wild and ex
cited. The bridge across the mill race near
the univeisity has luvived an over
Albany Is going to have a ladies
Brvaii rliih. SI o nlr. ml v has a ladii s
McKluley club.
The county e.e.u t still has the mailer
i.f iissigiiin the (aiipers lo a home
utiicr mlvis-in nt.
Petty thrives are said to be committ
ing iiumeroiis depredations in the
western part of the elty.
Col W II Edlnger, of Portland, a
''national driuo'," has declared for
i!rj an, and will lake the dump.
Four cars of hops wer,i loaded in
tills city today, three nl the Friendly
warehouse und one at the U.iU ware
house. The freight and local met here this
morning, the latter having to side
track owing to the great length of the
freight (mill.
Chicago Record: "Don't you think
there should he music in every home?"
"By all means; what 1 object to is
music next ibmr."
Chicago Tribune: "I think I'll
abandon the stump." said Rivers,
throwing away the remnant of the
estnpaig'i cigar a candidate had given
E J MeClalml's.i bus about CO idii nsui.t.4 lu his park on
Ferry Mreel. Me had 10 bird lat
spring and riue, Uk oilier b) this
sen sop.
Oregon Ip-o company met last
nlelit. J W lvtvs was elected presi
dent of the company vice II T Condon
resigned on account o, removal irom
the city.
County Clerk Jennings today grant
ed a maiiia'.-e license to John Beers,
aged J1, nnd Mis l.illie 11 Murphey,
aged 10. The young couple reside at
Chicago TiHiin e: "It nltvoj do
presses me lireadfully to mis-t a bicycle
scorcliet." "Whys..?" "Ihatetosce
a ajiati's l jr work so much better than
his brains."
Judge S-.ii' en Smith, of Portland, a
life long republican has declared for
Brvun am! will niakesevernl campaign
speiclns in the in rlhern part or the
s'.ate this week
The engine on the southbound
freight this morning was detorated In
mourning out of respect to the memory
of the i i killed iu tho recmt w reck
south of Roseburg.
The Mitchell Monitor has passed In
to tho bauds of a new management.
The paH'r has been removed lo Trine
ville, and will hereafter be known as
the Crook County Journal.
This Is the weather, with Us clear
sky, ho ft winds, cool morning and
bright days, that puis upon the fuees
of Oregnu women the bloom and fresh
ness f r w hich they are famous.
Pendleton E O: "J D Matlock of
Eugene, brother of V F Matlock and
n ovor of Eugene, will uddress the
Brvaii elu'u and the cilizons next Sut
urdny cvenlnjT at the court hou-e.
Rev C H Wallace came down fmu
Creswell this lurelioou. Uil llie way
I,., interviewed every person met now
he Intended voting, with the following
result: uryan tj, .Men.nuejf jo, !
hiblliou 2, "on fence" 1.
n..rrolt Free Tress: ouug wife I
always thought you the bravest man
.. i i ...1.1'a ... ui.rn pnlirtlnif
111 llio worm no o " . r-
You wouldn't go to Lanaiia in case in
another war, would you near: ot
if the wat w as Willi umaua.
Cincinnati Eniuirer: "You sceni
to be awfully stuck up." "How can I
help It?" wailed the poster girl, In her
l'Uide"t color tones, "What else can
you expect, when the bill
poster was so full that he couldn't, see
an inch beyond his nose?"
Albany Democrat: Mr Soott de-n;-u
ihnt lip has a brother at porest
Cr .ve. his ild home. He ought to
know. It Is In order for some one
....... u'ur.l ihe deadly Item, whoever
it was, to apologia t l8 '", t'ullt"'
Prof Edward A R . one of llie fac-
,,if.. ,.r sttHMf.ird University, lias writ
i.... an able little b ok on the money
,...uiinM entitled. "Honest Dollars.
those who desire to get at the true
.... ll.a ninnev OUttlon should
i r. ..,,,. I'harlcs A Kerr & t o
.Mi Fifth Ave.. Chicago, III., and pro
cure a copj of Pr .f U-sV b s.k.
Hon M A llurl.y, of Wiseon
who spoke at the ft ! -eye-1
j... ,.(...r,,,Loi, hii. I evening went
Junction loilav and will Heak In that
eitv t.iili;bt- Mr Iiuruy
nouneid to i-peak at
but bis engs'-'otli'-nt
ie!led. He si' Mil.i ti
Tlay'i -'b'"' Siati-uiaii: J)te
, -i in memory of deo
H Turner, who died il
lu the town of Turner. (Mober Ul.i.
Bt 4 n m was c hicled yesterday at
i nfiur I : I r 1 1 ill : i u ' -
p.r.y ii'iaia.Ortbrr II.
II F. Ankeny is again In Eugene.
Attorney I. Bilyni is in Portland.
County Judge E O Potter is lu Port
land. Sam Goldsmith spent last night in
II V. Owen was in from the ranch
last night.
Will McClure returned frni Porl
Innd leday.
A M Sweaney of Collage Drove was
In Eugene today .
Mr and Mrs Chits May hew returned
from Salem today.
Mrs a id Mrs F M Wilkius returned
from the fair ul Salem today.
Al I lot leu went north this morning
on a hop buying expedition.
E Temptilon. of Dexter, will ride
his bicycle to Sub-m toiiiorrow.
Miss Daisy Dillar.l is ipilte sick at
her home on East Eleventh street.
Geo A Dorrls and ('has Kissenger
sjieuks in Spencer precinct tonight.
Miss Agnes Harris who has been
visiting at S.item united home this
(.'laud Davis was thrown from his
bicycle this morning and had his left
leg" badly injured.
W W Halms, c-f the Eiueno tan
nery, went north this morning on a
hide buying (rip.
J A Cowd.'il and w ife left this morn
lug for BliMimiiigtoti, Illinois, where
the will reside lu the future.
Dave Bradley of Woodburil spent
last night In Eugene. He went to
Collage Grove today on Ills w heel. ,
Clarence Winter arrived today from
JcH'craou, having come across the
mountain via Mohaw k on his wheel.
I tob t Drlnkwater and family of
Springfield pri cliiti left this morning
for Harney where they will reside in
the future.
Thomas BriuKcy and wife of P:og
ress, Washington county, who have
been visiting with friends hi this city
left for home litis morning.
Tho C P presbytery meets at Alea
tomorrow. Rev J A'l.niighottoui, C A
WiMilcy and C II Wallace of this
county will im in attendance.
C L l.uckcy is home from San Fran-ci-co.
lie received a diploma from the
Ciililornla Optical Instlt.ite which in
stitute he has ts-eu attending.
Mis Jones of Portland who has been
l-iting at Cottage Grove was uti ar
rival on the morning train and will
visiLwith Eugene friends for a few
Rev F II Forde, of Salem, the lately
appointed presiding for this dis
trict of the M E ehuich. arrived with
his family on the aficrnoon train.
His residence will tie in this city
Arthur Comegys has gone to the
fair gounds at Kulcui to assist the ti P
o erator at that place. Tho company
liasa special ofthsi at the fulr grounds
during llie session of the stule fair.
Miss Stella Dorrls went to Salem to
day to visit a week witli relatives und
see the fair. From there she will go
to Spokane, Wash., where she will
sH'tid tho winter with her sister, Mrs
FREE Ml.i:ii .WHHCllS.v
!y Hon M A Hurler. f U tsro-Hn.
A Silver Ii. pub' lean.
I'.ilh im .1.1, I'ci-.ii-r I :.
; Hon M A Hurley ol Wisconsin, a
silver republican niul it delegate t the
national silver convention, spoke in
favor of Bryan and fn e silver :.t the
! court house Ibis a'P rnoon.
; By the 1 the speaker snivel
! et et'y seat lu the li.nis.i w as oe uplcd
) and many were compelled to stand
I during the ili -coins.'. The speaker
ja introduced hv CHv R' colder B F
Dirrls, president i f the local Brtali
club. Mr llnrlev eiitcicd at once up
i on a discussion nf Ihe sul jcets at Issue.
He Is a eultlvittid and able talker
though not a pilUhed orator. He
posser-scs a di pth nf thutight and every
sentence utteu d by him had a mean
lng attached to Ii which s'aitcd his
liearers to Hi. liking along lines w hich
they had not Ih I'oic thought of. The
fact that a republican of Ids standing
am! Influence should h ave his party
for the principle at Issue added force lo
his argument. 1K talked for somt
llineon the citu-es which have brought
about a division of all parties hi this
presideliliid cam)iaign ami then look
up the Issue which has formed a union
of men from nil parties in support ol
(lie white met tl aiid Win .1 I. mtu. In
framing the silver plank In its plat
form the democratic party Inis ollcred
the only tYenuriw lor .he return of
prosperity, and It I the pimelple In
volved hi that ilaiikthal enables the
speaker to conseieutlnusly support the
lemocrntle camlblate.
Mr Hurley ske at eoiisblernble
leneth ami kept Ills audience deeply
Interested listing the entire time.
I Irrtnt Court Cases.
Coin nil sloni'i i Court.
Oct s.
Charles Stickles lumber.. $ H 00
Eaklu & Bristow lumber claimed
$JJ 'Jo: allowed
V B Andrews lumber
A L Roney lumber
Eugene Lumber Company 4 bills
(iiMpiuatl.t Son lumber ...
Ii Lurch lumber ciaiiueit ji.i i.i;
C W Thompson bridge work
(1 W Cornell " "
L N Roney bridge work Wsillmo
Horn it Talne load inatcriul
W Harris visit to piHom r
Iibt It Mushy eiavel
S 1 Roberts com. rcll f hullgent
Winters ii. Manville pauersit
I .
F W Prentice metlical uileiui-
ance for paupers ""
i ir. r
7 00
(I (HI
27 00
li .'0
72 10
12 CO
10 7.")
."t 00
12 CO
0 .'ill
2 00
li 00
.".0 t o
2 80
w as sn
H tlsey tonight
)it was esll-
e.i , . v nilil '
The following new suits have
filed with the County clerk:
Ellsa J Munkers vs Wm Munkers
suit for divorce. The complaint al
ifL'ts full ure of support on the part of
defendant, cruel and abusive treatment
that he called her vile nuHl'.'s ami Oct
. ... , i , . it i
o, IM'U, ueaerteii neraitu naa iiui. inn.
with her since, THjr were marrien in
Lune county in November, 1802. They
have no children.
C S Davis vs Henry Smith; suit to
reeover f 1181.70.
J W Shumato va Henry Oodard;
f ult to recover money, 1201.70.
iiui Alliance Trust Company Llm
ited, a corporation vsjohn Young und
Hint Kirlsh Ytmnir. his wife: suit In
enultv t forecloses luorlgage oil real
iroiwrtv for I208!l.f)0.
a J Kaiser vs J E Lee. ct al: ult to
set aside deed to property cohered by
WHBraggvsCJ Tlbbctts, ft al
suit lo recover tHO. '
Samuel T Nelson Vi K II Mostly, UV
al; suit to recover SooO.
Psllr (juard, October U.
iiuvam Mrctiso. Hon W H
U'Ren, of Clackamas county, member
of the next legislature, addressed llie
citizens on political issues at trie couri
house lust night. Mr u iten was nr
merly a republican, but Is now a lop
u'lsl and was elected on thai ticket.
He was greeted lust night by a goon
audience, w hich he entertained lu an
able manner for nearly two nours. u
first took up Ihe Kpullst theory oi
the referendum, or a power given the
iK-ople to vote directly upon all ques
tions of state or national Importance.
He discussed this principle at some
lenght and Iheli took up tho money
il.uL.rlir anil I lin laboring
uurnii.'ii) ...v . ---
man's cause, handling cacti In an able
manlier and plainly showing why he
championed lh causo or silver and
the laboring doss, and why he could
conscientiously support VS ru J Bryan
for president, lie was cnerreu .u.vo
frequently during his discourae.
Pally t'Uart, Octutir 1 1.
FixniiAi.l. Kotks. The U of O loot
ball Ham worked on the Klnrald
grounds Ihls afternoon tor I m first
tiiiin this season- The Kincnhl field
has 1 n placed ill good shuts?. There
n.-e thro Lams this year-lst, 2nd and
3d. Last year there were only two
learns and 'ess Interest was displayed
than Is In evidence this year. Loach
Frick deliver.'d a practical leeiuro ue the memls-rs of the diflerelit teams
lit tlie n.imr.v i"i in"..
J IT GriHMi iiuuncr supplies.
I' M Illuir Imuiing nonces...
J F Slarr cleaning eloet ol Jail...
Eli Bangs livery hire
J & W White stationery
Kd Howe )uror county court. .. .
, Brown " " "
J J F.lwond ." " "
S E McGuIre Juror " "
M W McMurrtty
J M Sloan '
Frank Heyer -
V M (Jootlniat
C Parsons
F. R Frank '
Go -don Brothers sawing woo l...
Kiigetie Light Company Septem
ber oei vices
M O WllUlns Mini copy
J E Jennings 2.) days on lax
W F Reed deputy slierlll
W F Recti bail! It
LT Harris deputy district ut-
torney 0 cases
Ira McFarlaud janitor work
U M Collier re-eslublishliiK 12
Un ted States corners
0 M Collier re-survey of road
No 200
2 HI
2 10
2 10
2 10
15 00
IS 00
1 00
fit) 00
2 f.0
4 00
fit) di)
I 2-1
18 00
6 80
i l and Fancy Groceries Isiugbl
? in the best markets,
oQer the public better price
r any other house lu Eugene.
ttf ill Hill tiki it Hirwmtcs.
s ial course in the a j . '; , the presence f a
dS.riltui:..rr.vr ' "Sueeon.regalionof r-
:::H,',,,run,e,r,bVi".er Tia ' par- f
Portland and Is expected to arrive
i home Tuesday.
I Ti... iAj liear that is one
- . . .... I... Tw
uii-sorinier-si.t tun (on.pai
broke l.-e from ins ciia , BMl.rP)
.ii..riiis.n.andltre.Uirea iiiec.i.."...- r-j -- . .
a very
ru all
Reward of Gesh'I'. R H Huston
gtnn, D
f,.r im Invei in n
I'be nifilal l
is a very
of the f. at- of the Ol aki) i.m.-e has r.-. l ive
Ii.IIi iltur.l. ( cu.ti-r II.
Sa I. km .I.i.'. it Coii.r.-T.sli.y'. ver i
Statesman: In the case of the at. v. 1 1 t.
Fd bls v. cbargisl wiin suioKing
ojiium, the defendant yesteiday came
ii,U) court and pleadHl guilty to the
charge and was sentenced to pay a
One f .i0 and t. amounting In all
to t',.W. whl b he liquidated receiv
ing discharge. Htate oi trego..
john Ep-r"ni burglary; pit
euili v.
Two Kx-l'nited Slutes SennlotH AUded
to lite Mivtr j. ii n as.
Two ex-United Slates Senators have
lolued the Bryan ranks. Tin y are the
lion Lafayette L drover of lorllaiid,
o,.,l ih Hon J II Slater of Lit Grande. in ib.inoerats. For Some tilll"
they were counted as nationul demo
....ia i.oi ibnv lnivo declare I In un
equivocal terms that they are demo
I., wr Ken so of the word.
Messrs U rover r.nd Slater will prob
ably make speeches In the campaign.
.. .... i. .ii.,. i mtni.u sentitors and
frluiiiU of the nwiple they will doubt-
rmilHl llifirt HU'.letlCCH. Ml
I us L'overmir of Ore
gon. Iieltig elected lu 17. Shortly
Zr,.,r i.i. s..oonil election ho w as chosen
United Slates seuutor to succeed Bolter
Mitchell hy llie legislature II. . n Ma itKKT. Tuesday's Sa
1..... i,.,,r.,,.l- "(Jen W Hubbard, the
.....11 1, ......... I.,.., I. over, went tojtller ni.tri. I tl If . Mr Hubbard staled
that 71 cents per pound was being paid
l.oi.a nud it was ft question
In lils mind whether It would Is; politic
i..m .m.u'.r. to 1111 v lonirer nom turn
l.,..u I.. II.'. ttee lallou of a furt he
raise since ho did not think the price
1.1 .,,1 1-hiiv more. The super.
lor quality of tho Oregon hop this year it n-n'ij r... ......
satisfactory profits lo both grower and
consumer. The price Itcing paid for
hops ill Salem. 71 cents, Is exactly tli'i
same figure for which they are bclon
purchased nl New York, notwith-tand-lng of traiisporlallon lietwcell
the two point', amounts to lie l r
pound. '1 Ids Is tirlitiuly u Valuable
object lesson to Oregon growers since
it demori.tratia that a choice produ-l
commuiitls a l.euvy snlo lu any mur-ket."
patll litiird. nc-tobfi H.
Av Atr.K Si'KATcr.u.--Hon M
Hurl. . ' V! sin, sp-4: aguln
.1 .1 I.,, 1,... t:,.t l-Vthl ' '.II
silver to a good mi.
that the meeting I
vIo.ihIv announced
of llie ablest spcnki
tent lo thi- city this
Hiv mid Water Committee Autlior
it'il 10 Sign l.llit I'oiitriiti
- Other T.iisIiicsh.
Ciiiucil nut lu regular sis. ion.
Mayor Matlock tsiug absent Trisl-
lent Grav presided. Present: Cnnii-
ilnien Ht'iid Tsou, B tugs, Grav, Dry,
Fisher and Dnun.
Minnies of September 12 and Oclo-
bi r 2 read and approved.
l'lii ince cnmmittee rcporic.i ntvor-
an y on llie usilti nuiius r 01 tuns
w hich w ere allowed ami ordered paid.
Mr Day from llie committee on lire
niul water read contract agreed upon
with Eleettio Light Company. Mr.
11 tugs ma le motion the committee 011
Fire and Hater be directed to sign
mil met as had pending examination
by eitv uttoruey. Motion adopted.
.Mr Usher from street commiltco re
ported woik done. Keiiori received
and ordered on tile.
Communications from l-.tigene Co.
No I desiring (o sell Its interest in
racing cart lo llie cily for use In lire
service referred to committee on lire
and water.
Petition of Mr and Mrs B A Allen
for sidewalk on north sldu of 'thir
teenth street from High street rust to
alley. Referred Inatrcet committee.
Petition ofD W Cool Id go to build
ross walk from the side walk on west
side or High street to his gate at the
corner nf Mil street, referred to street
committee with power lo act.
Petition nf H proterty Homers pro
testing ugnltisl building of proposed
sewer on north Pciirl street, laid on
Petition of Sidney Horn and 12 lib
ra asklntr council toois'ii Third street,
between jcllersou and Madison streets,
lo the traveling public, referred to
street committee.
An ortllance lo unicnil section Ii or
an nrdlutieu tor Ihe prevantion of fires,
in laws of clly of l aigene for ini.i:
I he eitv of i-.ugeiie iiis's oriiutn as
follows: Thul wcliou 17 r an oidl
iiaiiee approved January 2, IWH), und
eiilltlctl tin nrdiuneo "For llio l'reven-
llon of Fires" beginning on page 811 of
the published laws of llie clly of Ku
cene. and Ihe same Is hereby auieiid-
ed so as In read as follows:
Seettoli 17 No WinmIcii lillllillllgs
within said lire limits shall lie altered
changed or repaired without periiilss-
ion of llictiiler lire waruen 111 writing
and approved hy tho committee on
lire ami water 01 tno 00111111011 cnuu-
cil ol the city of Eugene, which per
mit shall apccliy tuny 1110 itnerauouor
clniu'.'es iiqutrctl, and sueli iktiiiii
shnll not extend over a crlnd of 30
lavs. Tho iipphcitl Ion thereto una a
eoiiv 1 f each shall bo kept oil llio lu
llie olliee or city returner.
Passed Septcmts'r 14, ISlHi.
AtUst: B F Dorrls, Recorder.
Tho above rdlnunce was returned to
tho council htsi niiiht with tho may.
ors's veto, which Is as follows:
In the common council or 1110 city
of Eugene:
Genllenien 1 lierewilll return or
lliinnce iiutnbercd-entllled nil ordl-
11 once lo umeud section 17 of an ordi
nance for llie prevention of llres, lu
laws of llie city of Eugene for l.v.U,
passed by vour honorable body the
l-llli day ot HeptcmlKir, ISUfl, without
llie cnici rtssous mr wuooo.ooib
my slgliuture lo sum oniimini nru,
tlr-t, it will require the appoiulmont of
and maintenance of another ollleer til
the city, which at least under the
proent llnuliclal culltllliou 01 tne uny
would bo unwise.
And t lie second reason Isllieorm-
iL.tiisi removes from the hands of tho
council one of tho most important du
ties no Imposed upou II una piucee
llio regulation of matters under one
arising from the ordinance or tne
city relating to Urea and the tire lim
its 10 a coininiiieo. A matter "i
grave Importance lo the people of the
city should remain 111 the hands of
llm lull council aim uoi tut ui-isw.v.
lo (he control ol any committee.
There are oilier minor oojeciimis
that 1 think I could with propriety
present, but what litis already been
said is sulllcient.
I veto the ordinance.
J D Matlock,
Dated at Eugciiu this 10th day of
Heptemls'r, 1H80.
Motion to pass the above amcnu
incut to ordinance over, veto of mayor
was carrld by a vote or four for and
The cltv attorney presented tho re
quest of Sirs Kendall for a reduction
in the amount of her Eighth alreet
itssesMiieiit and accumulated charge.
Itefetred to committee.
Tim street committee wfc directed
lo n.nt. atrln of lurid between Ninth
nmi Tenth streets oil Mill, by tho
monlli. . . ,
On motion of Mr Fisher tiro and
u ,.t,.r committee directed lo place ail
incundescent light lu south end of tho
river bridge, provided tho county
r.iriii.l.i.s one at tho north end.
". ...
Flro and water committee outuo
rl.ed to advertise for four eloctrlu
light polls, 75 f el long.
On motion adjourned.
The contract with tho light company
was signed todiy and light will be
turned on aguin tonight.
U -: V'..-; K'.;,!6f;,.
i-i.iAk, .I
i 'v,Ve N
-.-i-y' :s-r
l.iSr.V0'; I.IVC7 PDVJLATOR-Jon't
(.;;. t t.i t.;!;. i'. Ill" I her gets slugglih
iuU.' ',m Writ. r. i i t UUe all nature.
1 t ; t i!iol:rd up by
i . i:..e, .;.i.!i bring on
r ;vi A ". . at:J Klicuma-
1 1 1 ...l.e t; your Liver
v 'I .-:!: SIMMONS
i'r.J 1 : ay."
Y u r.
r 1
1 IV! :! I. '.'' IO! I 1 d) it. It also
r .'. I..' 1 ;: l iv.t- l.etj s it pnptrly at
WMi't, v. .: 1 v ' r r., .: -1 , 1:1 t e free from
r-v'vn 11J ' v. ' l ! I'tvltorated. t IH '1 ?"-r (tLOOUwhen
yo.T s-vtTi i; i 1 A I ivi'.'tii Jn, and that
will t'.lv 1 1 l!w l.lvt r is kept active,
itv 1 l.iv.T K'T.i'Jy oii.e and note th
liniiTtMie. Hit rnlv SIMMONS
lll :t l:;iit I ATvi it Is SIMMONS
Livi.t K::ot;i..ri)it v!.kh malu-s the
diiicrciKT. 1 .ike il in powder or in liquid
alrc.iJy neparij, or make a tea of the
rvwJor; I i:t t.iUeSlMMONS LIVER REGU
Lator. You'll lind the KtU Z on every
pjLk.ige. Look for It.
J. li. XcUlu & Co., riaiadelpnla, Pa,
Itepiibllran (tetters Wanted.
Salem Journal, Oct. 13: "Monday
after exhausting nil argument, Gld
Stolz ottered to bet Dr W H Molt f 100
that McKluley would bo elected. The
doctor at once agreed to meet him with
the coin al 0 o'clock. The republican
striker in his enthusiasm also wanted
to bet another flbO oil the result III
Oregon. The doctor at once agreed to
cover (he sumo with his coin' at 0
o'clock Tuesday. At this Tom Kay.
the popular woolen mill operator and
protection enthusiast, stepped up and
saitl he had foOO to wager upon gener
al results for McKluley, which offer
was accept etl by Ihe nervy doctor with
the ot lit r two. This morning the man
of medicine and Hon G H Downing
apH'itred ut the appointed place ami
hour with llio fTHtJ Jingling In their
Jems, prepared to double their money
on their faith, but lo and behold, they
were lonesome until some of the Bryau
friends gathered nround. for the re
publican advocate failed to ihow up,
with their prollcrcd wealth. And the
Bryau money has been forced buck lu
to the cullers of some Salem bank.
Star Hems.
I 1
rce I
Pally Uuard, Oclolr II.
Okhi kiih El.ii('i'Ki). Tho Young
People's Society of Christian En
deavor of the Congregational church
met hut night at the homo of Lloyd
Cherry and ileoted the following tilll
ccr for Ihe ensuing term: President
Mtss Eioriia Wold; vice pres dent, II S
Huston; secietnry, George W lllough
by; treasurer, Miss Mabel McCana; or
ganist. Miss Ellen lsnnls; librarian,
Miss Grace Mount. After the election
refreshment were served and a richil
time had.
Ckook'h Hkavy Tax
Paykbh. C
I eiice. considering Alschul, owner or tlie wagon ron i,
ad imt Is-en pre- .,ssted at 209,.V7; B F Allen, $4L
Mr Hurley Is om-1 1, It M A L Co. tV.4M, M Hlehel A
rH who has lsen,( Vi, 7.i(; r Uller I , ti.issi, m
campaign. He B.t dwin. 14.USo; V liroie, ."-'. -
. . , . I....... .
of not
Paiif ouirt, October 13.
JlHTlrK'sCAsrc-A civil case, en
...t. .i 1 t d.KKl .le. Sr.. vsthe t.obiirg
M,uie Mill Com,mny, suit to recv. r
,st tl, Is Ising nra
. . .. a.t.-li. t Ill i:l.irr,l '! .'.
:: i , 'C I and many i, a IITkim;n. f 1S.I0; E L.m.i.y
around tho speaker' stand H con-1 t,tni; T H Lafollt
gratulute him ut the tiorO nf bis ad- slpiirka, $:j,4'Jl,
It): Hahll A I-rled,
1; r. I.""'.;.
H Lafollett, 0,4i7; fc. u
Oct 11th.
Rev Wooley pleached at th Bid
Rock school house today.
Ileury Smith returned Friday from
Bohemia w here ho has been at work
for some lime.
Born, Oct 4, to tho wlfo of Cha
finishing a girl,
The work nl Improving the road on
Row river Is about completed. There
ws$:l.')0 donated hy tint people on the
river beside tho fotX) appropriation by
tlie county.
Our lust batch of Item went we
know not w here.
Shelby Teeters hut finished seeding
Ills 40 acre slashing.
Mr Robinson is putting iu a thtnglo
mill at the Pitcher mill site.
Dudley Shield ha rented the
Grouseljcck pluce and will move 00
tho placo as si sin a Jay Gould move
away from the place.
Il seem as though our store keeper
ha got tired of wulting for customer
and Inn started out looking for them.
In llie llolienila IMsirlct.
C'OTTAIIK Giiovk. Or., Oct 13.
Flngal Hind liii Just returned from
the Bohemia district, where he ha an
interest h. tlie Glen wood group, that
consist of six mines. The ledgo
average from 0 to 10 feet in width.
The ono upon which the most devel
opment work ha been done I show
ing up well. It ha a 10-foot velu of
free willing and base ore, that assay
from $10 to 123 a ton.
Pally UuarO, OotoOer I I.
Next Saturday evening In the gym
nasium of the University a benefit
will bo tendered Iho Christian Asso
oiutluii for tho purpose of furnishing
their new room In South Hall. An
attractive mom for their exclusive use
bus long been needed by the associa
tions for the best success In their work
and It is ho.( to obtain sufficient
means In this way to furnish a room
lutely secured, ilie nest poasiuie
music has been obtained for tlie oc
casion. Refreshment, consisting of
ice creuin and cake, lemonade, canuie,
collee and doughnut will be served at
booth by the young people aociene
of Eugene. General admission, 10 eta.
Unlit Guard, October 13.
Lioiits roa Ilnieo. At will isera by
today's report of lust night' council meet
ing, tlie city cminoil baa nrdnred an inoan
drsceut lluUI plnosd in the south end of
the river bii lc,o pro' J ill county will
placs one in llie LortU eu.l. Th sonth end
ot tlis bri it go is In th oily limits bnt th
north end it outside. The county bas
. grti llo furnish mis light, so that th
Lrutt: - will be liuhtcd as 1000 a th lamp
can b plaoe.l In position. i
Pally ouato, Oclober II.
Iloi-s UJ'.SuIem Statesman: In
Salem yesterday a few hop were old
for eight cents; W II Holme disposed
of 600 bales at that figure. In i.ue lu
tariee H cent wa oll'ered and one
buyer has an option on a small lot of
very choice at cent: (
Pally ouard, Iwlolwr 11.
BnniiUAY Pakty. A birthday
purty was given th Misses Dessle
and Annie Ruler at their home near
Sprtiigilel I last night. The former
celebrated her 20th birlliday yestenlay
whllu the lulie. I 1 1 year tun toiiujr.
Bakkackh Movkii.-TIio Sidvuti"ii
Armyotllccts huveniovtd their bar
Packs from Ih" "" "'H'""
Eighth street Into the ll'.v.-y build
ing, corm r of i-.tgnui ami o'l""1 "
before Ju.llre, They held the hrst inciting
oew quarter last night.
TuokThbkk Pki -D NV Cool
Idge of this city took three piue at
the state fair at Salem for rape ex
hibits as follows: Foreign grape, lt
i.rixe. M.OO; American graes, 2d iri.e,
1.... . . ... .I...... ..rami.
the t-i.lltl; aiugie variety rtiiivin... b'-i-'i
' 2nd prlzo, l.&0.
About 21 nr 0 nf their
out from this city.
friend drove
Dn:p.-!n Kugeiie.Sunday ninrnlng.
Oct 11, IS'.hJ, Eleanor, Infant daugther
of C F and Cassia Baxter, aged 9
mouths and K days. The remain
were buried at Ihe Isabel cemetery on
the Mohawk.
' etlor.s of tne hotel force, 6n0 bun- re',
sriswr of cUlor' ' S'X