The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 10, 1896, Image 8

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I. I CAaTfBELI,, rrearlelor.
Aalatare.tlng Collaatloa of Item. From
'.ba Two lleuilapbere. Preaeated
In a Coudon.od Form
Tbe IdHbo mines, loomed in the Kio
com dUtrict, Urltish Colombia, bave
just declared dividend of t0,000.
The ownert of the property expect in
future to receive a dividend of from
115,000 to (20,000 monthly.
The barge Sumatra, the contort ol
the W. 13. Arnold, from Chicago, with
a load of railroad iron, foundered off
Oovernnient pier, near Milwaukee.
Four aailora were drowned. The cap
Uin, mate and cook were retoued b a
lifu-iaving crew.
Jennie Lore watihot in the bead and
instantly killed by William Hwanaou
In St Louia. The testimony of teveral
witnesses toi'i to ihow that the ballet
which ended the woman'! life wai in
tended for William Lee, negro wi'h
whom Bwanson bad been quarreling.
Jealousy about the woman it the cause
A TioloDi St IJernard dog attacked
a party of acbool children in Marys
Tille, CaL Laura llaoniaiin, aged 7,
wai bitten about the face ami bead and
will probably die; liaby Kucha, wai
almost torn to shreds, iti aruii and
breatt were terribly bitten, and it can
not recover. Albert Kuoba wai bitten
through the wriit, and will recover,
unless rabiea follow!. A little girl
waa bitten in the leg, but will recover.
"Doo" Payne and Ion Heckwith,
' middle-weight, met in Cleveland, O.,
for a fluinb fight for (260 a tide and
the gate receipt! in Lavto'i gyinna
aium. In the aeveuth round, when
1'ayne wai all but knocked out, the
police burnt in the door, and itoppxd
the fight, arresting all tho principals,
aeoonda and referee. Two hundred
spectator were iu attendance, and
ouly ten of tbein escaped, jumping
from the window. All of the putrol
wagoua in the oity made trip after trip
couveyiug the crowd, which contained
inuuy prominent oitlzuua, to the ata
tiuu. It it reported that Lewla (limm, ot
Cleveland, ()., the holder of the Ameri
can 3 1-hour indoor blycle record, ii
mentally unbalanced from the effect
of bia remarkable performance in that
city hut week. Hiuun rode 180 milca
and 1,1 IS yard in 231,' boura, break
lug the American record by more than
8! in 11 on. He would have fallen from
bia wheel at the finish but for the
judges, who noticed the movementa of
the rider and curried biui from the
Manuel Gregory, colored, waa ahot
in Chattanooga, Teun., while attempt
ing to rob a house. The bullet, fired
at a diHtanoe of twelve feet, atruuk
Uregory in the bead and fluttuiied out
ai it if hud boon made of pittite. The
ni'gro li not seriously injured.
Hon. William Collina Whitney and
Mr. Kdith 8. Itandolph, were married
at liar Uarobr, Me. It waa an in
formal affair. There were no brides
muidi and no beat man. The entrance
to tho church wai a ma hi of rosea,
laurel hydraugeai and potted planta.
D. M. Drowning, controller of Indian
affair, baa made hi annual report to
the secretary of the Interior. He any
that with uo outbreak or disturbance
during the year, the progros of the lu
dlansiu general education audoiviltzt
tion bai btHn uninterrupted and sub
stantial. The main effort now, aa for
many yean, mut be to put the Iu
diuu npuu hla allotment, teach him to
upport himself, protect bim from eu
crouuhmeut and Injustice, aud edueato
bia ohildrcu iu book aud industries.
The iteamer Umatllia, from Sau
Francisco to I'ugot muud, itruok on
the rocki off Point Wilaou promon
tory, iu DlBoovery buy, near Tort
Towuaend. All of the passengers were
landed safely by meaui of amall bout.
The starboard bow of the steamship
wai itove iu badly aud the atoamer is
leaking leriously, but rciti above tho
water supported on tho rocks. The
oauie of the disaster i attributed to
the fog so prevalent iu Northern wa
ter at this season.
The Cuban junta hai received au
offer from au English syndicate of a
loan ot (11,000,000 for (tlO.000,000
payable iu twenty years. President T.
Estrada Palma aud the other member
ot the junta held a conference aa ioou
aa the offer waa received. The presl
dent waa asked what action waa taken
and stated: "We have takeu no de
cided aotiou aa yet," he aaid. "We
have received a number of similar
otter from bunkers, who eo that we
are almost oertalu to win, aud we
have them all under advisement. Wo
will probably aueept tho best terms, the
offer of tho Knglish syndicate ii'ein to
call for a very large Interest, but the
fact that they may uever get it back
must be considered. During tho last
year of the Mcxicau war for independ
ence Mcxioau bonds sold for (2.60 on
the hundred."
The dredge Enterprise is now at
Cascade lock eugagod in clearing the
laud from the upper entrance. The
inner wall ou the south side has been
completed, and the concrete foundation
for tho north wall i done. Several
oourse of masonry remain to be laid
upon this latter wall. It i the gen
eral feeling that the locks are nearing
completion, and any further delay
would be au uuweloome surprise. With
the completion of this woik, The
Dalle Mpeot to make rapid growth
and attract capital from abroad.
The supreme oourt of Washington
hold that au ordinance of the oity of
Taoouia, preventing barber from pur
lulng their calling for ooiupeuiatiou
on Suudays is special legislation, aud
obuoxlou to the provislou of the state
constitution. It aay this class of peo
ple is singled out while other people
are allowed to pursue their work, which
Ii strtotly contrary to the object ot tho
constitutional provision prohibiting
special legislation.
Mis Clara Howard I working ber
way through the University of Call
fornia by willing newspaper.
A Tooth of Womiilr (lieee.
The member of the party oorop'nel
ef federal general who are touring tie
country In tb interest of the repub
lican party unite in saying that the
most pleasing lnoidmit to far of thilr
journey wa a delicate bit of oonrtesy
shown by Mr. Pry an, wife of the
Demooratio candidate for president,
who, while the procession In bonor of
the visiting general wai moving past
her bouie in Lincoln, Neb , displayed
over ber door a large portrait ot Wil
liam McKiuley, tastefully draped in
the national oolon. It wa a touch of
womanly gurce, beautiful a it wa un
expected, aud General Alger lay that
he will cherish it a a sweet recolleo
tion plucked from an aorimonioui
campaign until the end of hi days.
Match (ilrlt on a Hlrlke.
Rather than have their teeth ex
amined and repaired, half of the 300
girl employes of Edwin Mould's big
match factory at Passalo, N. J., bave
gone on a strike, and declare they will
never work for inch horrid man
again. Pboaphoroni, which ii used in
miking matches, if allowed to act on
decayed teeth, will evntoally subject
tbam to disease and .leave tbem crip
pled for life. Damage luiti may re
mit Mould, therefore, ordered the
Slrli to inbmit to an examination by a
eutiat, bat they refused.
- Will Readjust Wit Kates.
The Carneige Steel Company, of
Homestead, Pa., bus notified iti em
ploye in the mill that a "readjust
ment" of the existing wage scale i de
ired by the company. Thii, the men
lay, meant another cut in wages. Un
der the agreement with the workmen,
each lide ii required to give a nlnetr
dayi' notioe of any change desired in
the wagei paid. Tiie present scale
expiree January 1, when the new scale
will be put into effect
torin on lha Potomac,
Report from the upper Potomao
ihow that high wiudi did great dam
age to property tbi tide of the moun
tain. In addition to the wind, there
wai olondburst that toon changed the
mall tributaries into raging torrents,
carrying away much farm property and
waahiug away many bridges. On a
abort spur of the railroad loading to
Berkley Spring, thirteen bridge were
oarried off.
The Fooiri lla A (reed.
There it, lay a London dispatch,
very good reason foi bellvelng that an
important agreement has been reached
between the great power aud that all
danger of a European war has, for the
present paFsed away. It miy now be
hoped that the duugor has been con
jured by diplomacy, which alone was
oupable ot dealing nifuly and ade
quately with the problem.
Mines tu Ho Worked.
Preparations are being hurriod for
the resumption of work iu the bison,
Little Johuuy, Mehala aud Kesurreo
tiou mines, at Leadville. At least 600
men aro expected to go to work soou.
A Head Knit Colllalou.
Two freight trains collided at Phil
son, ou the Daltlinore & Ohio railroad,
124 mile east of Pittsburg, Pa., mak
ing one of tho worst wreck iu the his
tory of the loud. Twelve tramp have
beeu taken from the wreck, six of
whom were dead. Tho other tit are
In serlouH condition. The two en
gineers and firemen were injured seri
ously aud one perhaps fatally. The
orew of the fust freight train lost con
trol of the train ou a steep grade. It
wai going at a high rate of speed when
It struck the other train, every car be
ing thrown to a common center iu the
oolliiiou aud ground to atom.
It Was a II ll I'lot.
A plot to ovetbrow the government
of Nicaragua and kill President Zul
ya, has been discovered and frustrat
ed. Sonid of tho most prominent peo
ple are implicated iu the plan, which
wai well prepurod. Since the close of
the last rebellion, in which Zulaya was
victorious, hit enemies and a majority
of hli former allies, namely, the con
servatives, have been plotting to apset
the government by force of arm. The
barracks aud palaoci were to lie as
saulted ituiultaiieoualy, aud President
Zelaya waa to be assassinated. The
barracks were to be blown up with
dynamite iu case the assault failed.
Auother lll Delicti.
A comparative statement ot the re
ceipts and expenditures of the govern
ment for the mouth ot September shows
the total receipts to have been (31,684,
944; expenditure, (2H,6T0,6S6, leav
ing a deficit for the uiuutb of f 1,01)5,
1U1. The deficit of the throe mouths
of the present fiscal year is (35, 104. 1 20, j
a compared with a deficit of (9,884,- j
058 in the corresponding mouth last 1
year. Receipts for the last mouth show 1
a lost at compared with September of ,
last year of nearly (3,300.000 from cut
toms, and about (680,000 from internal ,
Reviewing Miami Collapsed.
During the parade at the Iowa semi
centennial oelebratiou, at liurlingtou,
la., the reviewing stand containing
Vice-President Steveuaoti, Uovornoi
Drake, of Iowa, aud staff, aud many
other promineut people, oollapsed,
throwing all to the ground and injur
ing thirty people. Vice President
Steveusou aud Governor Drake escaped
with slight bruise.
Desolation in the Path ot the
The Town of ar Key. Leveled to
the ruud-HlMty-Beven I'er
sons Klllad It. lha State.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct 6. Com
munication with the interior it re
stored, and the news ot the destruction
of life aud property by Tuesday's hur
ricane becomes appalling. Hundred
cf persons ate humeksi and must
suffer from hunger unlet relief snail
bo quickly furnished. Reports to the
Citizen from many different towns, in
cluding all of the important point in
Levy, Lafayette, fcuwaw-e, Columt us,
Bradford and linker counties, .how
tbat sixty-seven person were killed,
and lixty-two Injured. These are the
known oauialties. To thi total, prob
ably a considerable number mutt be
added to cover those nut yet heard
The loss of life wai greatest at
Cedar Key, on the Gulf of Mexico,
where the barricane entered the state.
Over halt of the known death occur
red at that place. The destruction of
valuable timber, turpentine tree, farm
crop, phosphate worki and building!
of every description in the counitet
mentioned forming belt acrosi the
tate from soathwett to northeast, will
aggregate hundreds of thousands if
not millions of dollars.
Fall and authentio advloei from
Cedar Keyi late tonight ihow the al
most total destruction of the twn, and
the lost of thirty-nine livei. Thli it
believed to Include the complete roll of
the dead. At Shell Mound, a great
pleasure resort near that place, a party
of five men, three women and three
children were cimping out Borne sur
veyors making their way borne aftr
the storm tonnd eleven bodies strewn
on the shore, under logi and brush.
Tbey were close together, which wonld
indicate that they were ilmulanteously
killed by the tidal wave. Eight other
bodies bave been found on the beach.
Twenty fUhcremn are still misanlg, all
of whom are probably dead.
During the hurricane at Cedar Keys,
the water came up wltb the wind, and
down the prinolpal streets rushed a
mad torrent, upon which Seated bouses,
boats and debris of every description.
While the tempest waa at its height,
the llettelini bouse, the Schemmer
houso and John Sherill'i residenoe took
fire and wore burned. The destruc
tion of pioperty waa very great, the
loss being estimated at (250,000.
A Deputy Marebal Wa Aboard and Ho
Klllad Uoo of lha UaudlL.
Albuquerque, N. M., Oct B.-An, . .jav Jjaf K,niiht toholdup immigia-'w" -"
pasainger tram No. 2, of tho Ailamio j quJ. Armenia! ReiUgeCS.
& 1'aclflo, due Here at n:o, ju. .
wai leaving Rio Pneioio bridge, tniity
rntlei west of here. The attempt wat K
a failure, owing to the pmuipt auuoii PjnL.l TLUnsia
of United fctatei Deputy MarnUal j
Loouili, who shjt one of tiie robbers j
.I,.mH m. nula it an ulicomfortuble for , dacralary tarllila is
tl.u iUr, ih.i : tlintf fled. KlO i'uercij 2dltr, and
ii only a pumping sutiou with a tele- J L.niauty in l" Allow
graph oilice, in charge of the pump-, 2 T,m ,(ftul0t,
wan. . . I . ";,. siujid. of t'ie emi-
Wnilo the train was standing at tiie u' "u'"" ,,.. called to the
,f.ilf,ti" tb
Will tirl an
station, it wai boarded by three niuou " " ta .',, cionfzri"ii
I men, who compelled tiie eunmeer , - - vilinrr, ,lf ArjUBOi.rj refusal.
s.nd bccretiiry
ia this country of
11 LiianA, KlllltrJ
um4 hlllliolf lltt'l UtU full
....... -.m r.f .ich ik m-iveuieur, uDfl
HUlltDU ' aav
fi,nl 1. had b.m maJe
the euuiiieer to
...... ...A i, .I fcvtiteiiA Cur
j from tue tram aud run thftu on to the
i biiclue. Tua nuii'Doim at oLce tint
word to tun city aud tue Atlantic Sc
Pucifla floiunniiv Miit a special train
witu officers to the iceue At m
niuht. the train arrived It Alba
Conductor Sam Heady itatet that
when the train readied the Kio
oio tank Engineer Koss laid that a pin
though he oould go up the Uiviae. xue - , Th
conductor though no. and just a. the , enforce the taw. l T 1 J h
enigueer was aoout to fix the pin three T&i
masked men jumped on the engine any lawf ul m c.
when shooting commenced. A Ian- , w " An . ,ob1eoL
K.:"-i.r tr isz ....... TALE OF H0RB10LE emaxw.
a..k tl .! -'
ld. ! Lady lloury Souierst-t, ttnn Wiltar ,
I ...j v.,ii.v. and American relief at- ,
ocitttions, askiug ths co operation of ,
.i ..u,n,ni in furnishing these i
puer! , stricken people an asylum iu the Uultej j
Ur,itas' hut Will 1 the arm pa th ics ol an
at a piu : -"--- . -.,, in ,helr j
in the engine w. out of gear, but ne ,"""ZZ " verunl,ut mu.l
"tesla-s latest invention.
flls Elaelrlaal O.allato. at taal
New York. Oct U -NiooU TeU
bit explained the principles of theeleo
Irlcal oMlllator for which be has ju.t
obtained. lie ha. been work
lug on tha idea tor ten year.
'The object of my oscillator," .aid
Mr Teila, "1 to provide a simple,
compact and effective for
producing greater effect, with Misting
circuit csrrylng dirwl carrenti- Pr.o
tlcal electricity ii too expeniiye. It
must be obe.ji.ried so tb. mu t tude
may bave .dvautage of It. That i. .11
I am aiming at.
"My now invention I. .Imply this:
In any given circuit I Interpose a de
vice in the nature of a ohokiog coll Id
order to give the olrcuit a high .elf in,
duetion. I ulo provide a olrooit con
troller th;it may be operated to make
and break the oircult. Around the
I Int-rrnntioll I dUc. . COndOD'
ier to store the ener8y of the discharge
current, and in aeries with such oon
denser I pU' tiauiformer which be
comes the .uuroeof current, of high
frequency. .
"iuii.much .. the telMndaotlon ot
the circuit through whioh the conden
i.r dischargos. as well a. Ih. capacity
of tb. condenser itself, way be givon
praotlcally any deilred value, tbe fre
quency of the discharge correut may
be adjusted atwilL"
Evidence ot Steady G
. .1.1;. and also ' aUT
the expresi car from the train. j cume "'u"u, ' mon
. , L. 1 nnmon wnose ticket or passage monoy
Lo K in ArTo'nTon ; j
the trail of tbe Southern New Mexico ; who it "
bandit., wa. on bit return to tbe city. Lady lleury bomet. i, i, .ndr. ,
and be left the imoklng-car when the Hood, inquired whether bond, wo, a
Irnt shot wa, fired. IleVok deliberate be r,ceived b-ta"""
aim at one of the robber., .hooting him ' not become pub 11 cb.rg . A r ply ,
l,mnh .!, bend Th man ran for nils oeeu scut iimi i- -,
100 vardt and then dropped dead.
other robberi retreated to the Malpais,
where their voice, calling their com
rade could be heard.
Conductor Heady itatei that Loom it
remained at Kio Puercio, expectiug
tbe robber to return for their dead
oomrade, while Cade Kelvy, special se
cret service officer of the railroad,
who was on the train, met the poise of
offloeri at Atlantic and Pacific Junc
tion, and returned with tbe party to
Rio Pueroio.
Tbe hold-up wai failure financial
ly, tbe robbeit securing no money.
Loo nils thinks that tbe hold-ups are the
tame gang that robbed the Sepur post
office a few weeki ago, and have been
terrorizing Southern New Mexico, and
that the dead robber was the ltader.
The 1 uot accept bondi, except under ipecial
circumstances, alter thorougn investi
gation of each individual case.
It ionis probuble the law put an In
surmountable obstacle in the w ay of re
lief in the manner proposed.
four Hundred and Twalva Tons War
1'augbt u Duo Haul.
Seattle, Oct. 8. A Port Townsaud
dispatch to the Post Intelligencer lays:
The catch ot salmon iu Southwestern
Alaska is about 30 per cent more than
that of lxxt year, and about equal to
the pack of tbe preceding year. What
is believed to hare been the largest
number of fish ever taken at one baul
wa made at Karluk thi summer. In
one baul 75,000 Hah were caught.
Each fish averaged about eleven
pouudi, aud the entire ciitob weighed
about 418 tons. It ii almost impos
sible for a persnu unfamiliar with fish
ing to realize the vast pile of fish iu
uch a haul.
lha Thvatar Hal fjiirsllon.
San Francisco, Oct. 5. Alfred Bon
vier, the manager of the llaldwlu thea
ter, think be bus solved the feminine
head-gear problem and that diplomacy
in such dilemmas a his will prove bet
ter than foroe. Tbe plan be ha de
vised for persuading the ladies to re
move their ball consists in the follow
ing protest, which, engraved on a
oaid, will be presented ou a silver sal
ver to the woman who wear a high
bat to tbe piny iu the future:
'The management sincerely regrets
any personal annoyance this may cause
you, but must respectfully request that
yon remove your bat, a complaint
have been lodged that it Interferei
with the comfort and enjoymeut to
whioh those seated back of you are en
titled, (digued) The Baldwin, San
A Chicago Han Make, a Valuable Dis
covery. I
Cbtoago, Oct. 5. Iron in unknown, j
but presumably large quantities, has
been discovered iu the raud on tbe lake
bore off Waukegan. A gentleman !
while strolling along the shore at the
place threw a small magnet on the
sand. When he pioked It up little
, back specs adhered to it. The owner
i of the magnet made a hasty examina
tion of it and then hurried to notify
the owners of the land of his find.
; For years the gaud from that point
ha been nsod for plastering iu Chicago
and frequoutly the predomiuence of ,
I "black snud," as the iron grains are !
! called, caused it to be thrown out on 1
account of iti great weight aud dark
; color. A quantity of the iron grains
were lepnratca lroiu tiie eaim oy a
magnet aud tent to an assayer. Be re
ported that the iron was 69 per cent
pure and was of first-class quality.
A Kefjce for Fi-Convlct to U Opened
In Chicago. j
Chicago, Oct 2. A "prison gal.
home" for ex-oonvicti will be opened
by the Salvation Army at 17 North
Clark street Thursday evening. Com
mauder Booth-Tucker will be present,
and work will also be begun on food
aud shelter bouses for the unemployed. !
Chicago will be the first oity in the
United State to bave a refuge for die-
churged prisoiien under Salvation
Aruiy auspice, though a similar insti
tution is soon to be opened in New ,
York. The army now has prison gate
hornet in luccersful operation In To-.
routo, in England, Australia aud South
Africa. It is intended that tbe home, !
after it it ouee fairly started, shall b.
entirely self supporting. Commodious
quaiters have beeu secured in the build
ing which hai been occupied by the
men's training guriison. Tbe latter
will be lncated at some point in the
heart ot tho city not yet decided upon. '
Tbo Salvation Army is working iu con
junction with the oivio federation's bo-'
reau of charities, of which Dr. Ay res
is in charge, aud it is expoctcd that
the efforts in behalf of former prisoners
will be extremely practical and pvove
valuable in reclaiming men assisted
from paths of crime.
Idlotlo Poor Farm Inmate Almost
Burled All.
Norwich. N. Y.. Oct o.-Floyd Ab
bott, deputy superintendent of the poor
of Cheuigo oounty, hai been arretted
on warrant lamed by Juitice Mo
Mahon, of Preston, In which town tbe
oounty farm I. .ituated. The com
plaint wa. made by Thoroa. Weaver,
one of tbe most retpoutible men of tbe
town, who live, at the oounty farm.
lie says In an aflldavit that Abbott
attempted to bnry alive Oeorge Ma
comber, an inmate of tbe idiot ward;
that be forced Maoomber Into grave
in the county farm oemetery and held
him there while the grave wa. par
tially filled, and until, In his struggles,
bi. victim finally broke away and es
caped. On another oocaiion Maoomber
wai let .upon and beaten by Abbott
with a .hovel and curelly oat and
bruised, lie wa. then compelled to
.trip naked and wa. thrown into the
creek which runt through the cemetery.
Abbott pleaded guilty to the com
plaint, aud made no attempt to explain
or defend bit actions. III. fine wa.
paid by hi. employer, Superintendent
Sprague, and Abbott I. .till retained
aa deputy.
Iteport of lha Anuria Health Officer.
Salem, Or., Oct. 6. J. A. Fulton,
health oltloerof tbe port of Astoria, bat
filed with tbe governor hit report for
the quarter ending September 80. It
shows that daring July eight vessel
entered and left, the inatitary condi
tion s of each being good. Ten entries
aud departures aro shown for August,
ono case of fever being found aboard,
aud oue of scurvy. Disinfectants are
reported used in the fever cases. Dur
ing September fifteen vessels entered
and cleared, aud the sanitary condition
of each is noted at good.
An right-Year-Old Murderer.
Zauesville, O., Oct 6. The 8-year-old
sou of Andrew J. Andrews, of
Irville, secured his father'l gun today,
during the absence of the family, and,
pointing it at his baby brother, fired,
killing bim instantly. Tbe fratricide
it not thought to be accountable.
'art of Fes Durned.
A Tangier dispatch says: The Jew
ish quarter of Fes, the principal city
of the empire of Morocco, has beeu
burned. Several persons perished, and
many were fatally injured. Five
hundred ot the residents of the burn
ing quarter were compelled to fleo
Woman Heaten to Death.
St Joseph, Mo., Oct 5. Advloei
were received bere tonight ot a brutal
murder whioh occurred at Arkoe, a
lose Brohmer IU Her Own Ideas of
Oakland, Oct 6 Rose Hrobirer, the
10-year-old daughter ot Matthew
Brohmer, may be brought iuto oourt on
a writ of habeas oorpus if her younger
brother, now demauded by the pareuts,
but kept in seclusion by the girl, it not
The young woman't reasons for keep
ing ber brother from bit parents are
aooepted by the authorities as little
short of remarkable. She became in
censed at the oouduct of hor father af
ter he had left his wife and home, and
finding that her rebukes had no effect,
decided to remove hor younger brother
from ber father's influence. Some
three years ago her pareuts were dl
voroed, but subsequently became recon
ciled. Rose, however, decliued to be a
party to the reconoiliatiou, aud, taking
her little brother, lived iloue, defy
ing them to interfere with ber.
a Boom In Football.
San Franoisoo, Oct 5. Frank But
ter worth, the famous fullback of Yale,
who has been engaged to coach the uni
versity of California team, has arrived
from the East and will enter upon hia
duties this afternoon. A delegation of
Berkley students met the great football
player, who was given an ovation.
"Football is goiug to have a great
boom this year all over the country,"
he said. "There are more good play
ers than ever before aud the college
teams will be much more uniform.
Like last ceasou, there will be plenty
of kicking and less mass play. The
change have made a marked tendency
to populariie the pastime with the gen
eral spectator."
Fatal How Over Polities.
San Francisco. Oct. 5. Phil Reilly,
an employe of the harbor commissiou,
Wil thot and fatally wounded last
small town about thirty-five mllei . nisht bv William Brittnn. a bnutman
north of here. Mrt. Edith Bomley wai j The thooting occurred in front of a
found iu ber home dead, with evi-! taloon at Franoisoo and Powell treet
Seventeen Arre.ted In a Poolroom Itald
In Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 3. A womnu'i pool
room has been discovered and raided
by the police. Seventeen women, all
said to be members ot Sonth Side to
ciety, aud attired in silk clothing and
wearing diamonds, were arrested, to-,
getber with a colored boy and an in
spector for a telegraph company. I
When the police broke into tbe pool
room iu the building at 851 Thirty-!
third street, the occupant! were busily !
engaged in examining the entry card
at Oakley, Winsdor, St Louii and thi
Ideal Park races aud in plaoiug beta. (
With the appearance of the police thi
room became a scene of pandemonium. 1
Some of the women fainted. Otheri
oreamed and tied handkerchiefs over
their face. I
In five minutes the police bad col
lected oard dropped by the occupant
containing the eutriei at the four race-!
tracki, together with tiokett for bets
placed ou the horse. The tioker wai
torn from the desk and telephone from
the wall. The telephone, it wat dis
covered, bad a connection with auothet
in tbe basement
Tbe patrol wagons were oalled and
all the occupants were taken to thi
station, where an attorney was lent
lor, wbo produced bail for the prlion
Town of Cedar Ker .aid to Ba Nearly
Pemacola, Fla., Oct 5. Railroad
communication with, the eastern and
middle parts ' f the state baa just been
re-established, and harrowing tales are
being received over the peniusula ot
It appear! that tbe itorm left the
gulf aud struck the ooast about Cedar
Keys, which li laid to be almost com
pletely wrecked. From there it iwept
in a northeasterly course, it. diameter
being about forty miles aoro't the state,
doing fearful damage at the towns of
Gainesville, High Springs, Nowberry,
Lake City, Brousford, Callahan and
many others.
Much damage it reported at Jackson
ville, but no loss of lifo. ai the center
of the itorm seems to bave passed to
the north of that city. Tbe loss of
property cauuot now be ascertained, but
it it very heavy, not only in the towns,
but on farmt, where the crops were do
Kiploilnn In a Brewery.
Indianapolis, Oct. 8. An explosion
at the Indianapolis Brewing Company's
plant, shortly before 1 o'clock, injured
more than score of men, five of them
seriously, and caused a heavy loss. Th.
first explosiou was due to a leaking
valve iu the ammonia pipes. Thii wai
followed by a more powerful explosion,
which ihattered the buildlug and tore
uoors irom tne ningei blocks
Tbe first explosion attracted a
aua tne yard wai full at the
of the second explosion.
Heath or Mrs. A. It. MeClur.
The Dalle.. Oct. 2 Mrs A h m
Clure died yesterday at Mosier, fifteen '
nulei wet of here, of neuralgia of the 1
stomach. She wai U year, old, and '
oue of the pioneer reid.o,f.
an unclad condition to the country
nnilt the thanes were queuched. It it
estimated that there were 10,000 Jews:
in Fes. out of a total population ol
100,000. j
Hurued by llrlgamla.
Advices from Belgrade say the ,
brother of the Austrian consul at Ceres. !
Macedonia, wbo was oarried off by
baud of Bulgarian brigand some weeki
ago, with a wealthy Greek landed pro-;
prletor and others, hat beeu murdered
with four of hit oompanioni, because j
the ransom of f 50,000 demanded by tht j
brigands as the price ot their liberty
was not forthcoming.
. i deuces of a desperate struggle with her : and was the outcome of au old gru.k-o rtn' '"ving crossed the plaim in 18R2
lu,. lit,, K. t... ....... ,n. .. ., ...... ... ' and er.rtl.,.1 i...i : oo,
assailant fc-he bad beeu beaten to
death, but the murderer made bis es
cape an I nothing is kuown of bim.
Bloodhound will be put upon hi
A Brewer' I'reient to the Topa.
Rome, Oct 5. The pope received in
audience today John A. Beta, sr., the
millionaire Philadelphia brewer, who
presented hi holiness with a Iarge sum
of money. Mr. Bed ii a Lutheran. ! son ,., .M ,!,.,. .
and veiy liberal man. lie had been ' ment 0ther nimtiM in tllU oi,; .
traveling iafc.0Kpa fonwveral mouthi ! dHr ume nilulaKOUient uo,
San Fra"nci"aco",K-t 6. -The board ' ffteJ. reported they will
About a year ago. Keillv and Brittaiu
, bad some words over politics, which
j terminated in blows. Brittain got the
, worst ot the enoouuter, aud swore veu
g canoe against Keilly.
ltrHuerj fthut Down.
Philadelphia, Oct 6. The Spreckles
ugr refluery. operated by the sugar
trust, hat shut down for an indefinite
period, owing to dull busiues. About
nun .emeu at .Mosier n ikc.u
left three children, her husband
ing (lied a year ago.
hav. ;
Aooordiug o the most careful com
putation, only one person in 10,000 o
both sexes attain te age of 100 year
aud six to seveu lu 100 the age ot 60.
ot health today adopted a resolution
directing the attorney of the board to
hive an ordiuauoe paoaed by the board
ot supervisors forbidding expectorating
in public couveyaucv. and on tb. pub
lio streets.
curtail their production on account of
dull trade.
In tbe Nuremberg Chess Tourna
ment, the young Oennan, Dr. Us .;ir,
fairly earned the buuor of bung tuo
royal game.
.i.-1,JU."!M 1,K",!'"1i" use i
third of the ooql tuiuej in Enghud.
Forty. rive Cent Wheat In tiardetd.
Oarlield. Wash., tier. a.-Comneti
tion yesterday among the local
hnvnra iu .V... : . . e.'"iu
" nice oi wheat
OUT uve cents per vishel
up to
anl over
50.000 bushels w.w sold at'tM,
Lastyearat ,h.s ,j f,rn,crs
congeri to sen t thutv
""'vesting xpenej Tl'
tooay is as g.-oil ,
prmg to tha farmers
niers were
cuts t pRt
' P?ioe rjiiiil
fifty cem next
Statisticians e,timste
worm i stick ..f bjlv
that the
er cum amounts to '
Charged Wltb Carrying a Concealed
Astoria, Or., Oct. S. Thi. afternoon
the grand jury returned an indiotmeut
against County Judge Uruy on a oharge
of carrying a couoealed weapon. The
complaining witness was John Stephen
sou, oue of the witnesso for the de
fense in tbe case of tbe TJuiontown
rioter. The iuoident that led to the
complaint against Oray ocourred in the
early part ot August, during the pre
liminary bearing ot the oases against
the alleged rioters, and as the result of
a heuted argument between tbe county
judge and Stepheuton. The latter,
Judge Oray asserted, wn. endeavoring
to intimidate Jacob Jackson, the prin
cipal witness against tbe alleged
rioters. Hot words followed, and
Judge Gray exposed a six-shooter.
Judge Gray oontends that be Is a
peaoe officer, and as such has a right
to carry a weapon; furthermore, that
he bad received threatening letter, a
short time previous to bis dispute with
Japin to Import American Cotton.
Waoo, Tex., Oot 6. Mr. Tsura
tanl, ot Kobe, Japan, is bere with let
ter, of introduction to local .hipper..
The object of his visit ia to arrange tor
direct importation of Texa. ootton to
Japan. He aays there are eighty planta
iu Japan for the manufacture ot cotton
goods, and other mills are to be estab
lished. Texai cotton will shortly be
shipped from San Franoisoo to Toklo
on a Japanese steamship.
Itobbed a I'aymaater.
San Frannicio. Oot. 6. The China
brings news of the robbery at Shang-
... ui tun paymaster of the United
States cruiser Boston of $1,123 by two
able seamen named Henrickgen and
Mooocey. both from this city. The
thieves escaped after their bold rob
boiy. but were oaptured at Nagasaki.
give an educational and historical car
mval. which will last during an en
tire week.
A Daring Burg'ar.
Pittsburg, Oot. 6. It baa just been
learned that burglars entered the Hotel
Norman, n-ar Wilmerding. Pa, Sun
diy morning, 8Dd after chloroforming
U the inmates, iuoluding eighteen
guests, carried off 10,000 in money,
jewelry aud silverware.
A Flouring Mill Burned.
Montrose. Colo.. Oct 5.-The Farm
en and Merchauta' flouring mill
burned. The los. i. 50,000. with in
urance of about 35.000. Spontaneou.
eoo.bu.ttoa la .upposed to hav. canted
from All the cm.. ...
Thrl.lng , t
Polk coonty warrant u
count. ,tlir
Tbe clerk of Lane conntv
ceive bid. until U.iobgJ ?,!
knm,ln rh. . . ' Hin t.
I r " "uuuv poor lor ok.:;-
rriuevtue propose toh.v,w
raolng. coinmeuoiun Km.i..,ll'
offer. 770 in purse., which1
ne most libera Dura
place in tbe Northwest olrcuit.
uame Warden McUtilrehu u.
ed hi. deputy to enforoe the
in uinn county, aud already tJ
rants hav Vuun i.u.,j .
to bave been a good many rAj
.old, .booting from the raid
Ibex and mountain ibeephi-w
eon tbi. lummer on the slm
oesilble cliff, md omm r..
Strawberry mountains, un rLr
yon City New.. In e.rly jZ?
kinds of game were quite jW,f,i
Captain William Stevem, sin.-
Irfil lint, nn V.nnli.. L.. .
almon of the ohiuook ,...
Uin Steven, i. nearly 00 yeari a!
(ink Via rVtntinnasi ir Lt
nd enjoyi the iportof fablu
.. in bi. boyhood days.
Mr.. F. H. Kearney, of Ps.
ba. recently returned frnm n. nT
- m .
having won tbe distinction of CI
. V. . A.. wnman j .1.1- .
. . nuuiau tu 11UO fCTOH thi
waste. Deiween reodlelon ui ft
Dalle, on a bioyole. Her haiUodt,
with her, and they rod.wltiium,
Indian, wbo rode iutoHnirt
with tb. intention ot doing a ka
hunting tbi. fall were told u "cj
wa ' by tbe cltlxeui. Thi rivia,
considered it good Dolicv to 1m. .
grizzlied pioneers In poneii(ia
wild game in Harney cotwtj'i lorn
and quietly departed.
Probably the largest ulna m
brought to the Coqulllt mirket, s
tbe Herald, was caught on tbtlnt
river tbe other day. It weighed tr
five pound, dressed, and about u
pound, gross, it wn s ran tins
for that section, a blueback or tt
bla river .almon.
Tbe cannerv at Emotr Citv
receiving the largest catch ot fan
known to come iuto Coo bay. d
night last week a Mr. Petervaa-ji
what brought bim the round tai
85, at tbe present low pricei fat 14
85 cent, apiece for Chinook a!
weighing from 80 to 60 ponnditvi
Tbe board of trustee of IbeOttt
Soldleri' Home held it. regular qu
ly session in Roseburg last l i d
transacted the reuglar rontim i .
amining olalmt aud billa .giiaa
home. Tbey inspected tht boat ai
tbe hospital, and approved thtkj
John Hunter, contractor, lot M
a. per contract; recommwiiWtav
ing tbe hospital at a cost not sua1
1.600, and that a barn be bull bit
more thau 1500.
The electrio light plant la
Durg l. anoui reaoy hi uv "" t
The Kalama river boom conipr;
potting in a very substantial
the month of the river. I
The Bellingham Bay bank Ur
ed to declare a dividend of 10p"J
oon. One dividend of 10 pa "
elraadv hpnn nflid.
- - .
The olaim ii made by th Oil
... . i . n el
Bun that irom iour w in - -ba.
been paid for wheat then tw
an other nlace in Whitman ooui!
o' r
of Garfield, baa received 75,W
of wheat tbu. lar wis
.i,.,a tliAre an Mm
good run. but bave not nw f4
any figures.
Poitmaiter Haynle, o,,p,,JJL,
fuied to accept campaign
whioh wa. euolosed in tta
. ... t ...tln and Wr
veiope, Dom ucuiw" -lioan,
whioh bad been mt olI
chairmen of all political par"
matter ba. been referred to wi
ton for a decision.
Work ba. begun
line of the Spokane & BiU.
bia Company, between Marc u
Tille. Ten men are wor.
and delivering PTi
Work will be pushed
faat ..pole, can tie , g.----
oorapany I. taking cedar and
UUIOB IU flaw -t-" .- fltt0i'
pacta to have the line comply
in operation vj '
Work winbeoommenorf w
t,i mine on tnei-s'"
river, near the Colvllle
The mine i.
formerly owned by W
and other., dui luc" M: .lack"
the prospect, because J) I
ter. In after year. tblM""
.now from the nxtm ,0
melting away, which furnii
amount ot water. , , w
The contract to'fLf
Northern Pacific B.iW 1 Z
the filling in of the .
the Cedar-oreek tiestle. ,
outheait of uaru .
long one, eiRniy-i- oir,i
highest point, and w " 1
anTonntof WOrk W fill ' ;,!
making tbe fill i.
A new trestle cou... -t9.000.but.
built every few yeari,
nid that a fill would w
the long run. ,dWo
carcass or me - i,cf"-'
Taoouia three week g 7
i.i, Tha work l i yt-
vtsion of an ex
inert refln';
viniuu vi .lino'-
o ...j i nnn callon" . trrt,W
Portland and San rue t
Uigurs! price--
usual ,neciu
t,.85. The bone 'nilb,
ized.' which together
$100, nd fbout
.at VW ,.
. WiU V",
made by exnum." m
men interested over t
their .ix week i