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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1896)
I I ijlTY ANO COUNTY. , OCfOltKK U lender"", MMltMt. j y Wulton, utlorney-ut-law. Votiev to I'M" 0! funtw. Kmiiilrv of Oliver gwg f'W 00 j. V I, ChniiiVrs. t "l)r U'll'll' 1U.V I"' fuii( ut u n'-.ilfin on Ollvo strvei. Istweeii ifiliu'i'l rtixtli streets, one hi nek west i ,lt. Minnesota hotel, lie In tire- j td do all dentul work In the Ixnt illtl'T- fl'ull ':Iu'ri "me ""' Cement. i F L CIiiiiiiIkth. Far mi for Sule. tutvt now thirty fine funis In Hie iiLiiiift le valley for mile. The? include every variety in size ami Ice. l-orileHcriiMioti iihi, hii-iivi-h ,: ' tlKO. M. Ml I I. Kit, i Wllklns Mock, Eugene, Or. QuntierV tinware, lit. Threshers' out F L C'liuiiilu-rs t L' i'l cok move M.OU, Chaiuher. Brick uml mortar for sale at the j icket store. 0 I' or O 4i! hi ly refer to plows, hut P.-r to an Oliver plow or an extli, 1 til the '"" "l""-' ! the plow or i nm the full lianio in on every piece i o(i-rn are Imitations or the Olive j 0w Works. TJakkiko. Mr William Janie ( ass hihI Mli Nellie Florence Mar i were inarrleit liv llev W S Gilhert : i the residence of ilm hride's parents (i Eat '1 tvelflh street ut 8 o'clock hist f.-nliiif. The young people are well s i favorably known In iv.igciie anil i , Ir many mentis join in wishing l' iu a happy anil prosperom wedded Imitations are nuiuerouH, ami "only - d thiiiirs are Imlta eil," hut the mine Oliver chilleit plow can only It bought of F L Cnainheni. Farm fur Kent. ji Also one of 385 acres; good dwelling; o Inary outhuiMinKH; large prune r hard, In full tearing. Will rent c ap. For terms address, Jamks Ukaiui art, Kllgeiie, Oregiri. abIiiioii for Kali. rsuxiisvi M.K, Ore.. He.t 22, lH'.HI. Those desirihic to buy fre-di or salt r. .!i;inn ciin gft them at my wharf 7 miles below teaton, Fresh salmon at cannery prices. Flour and bacon taken In exchange. 8 J BituND. Lost. Owl scarf pin studded with (! umoiids; ruby eyes; nose black onvx. Literal reward will be pah! on de livery to Julius lioldsmith's Cigar n'.iire, Eugene, Or, SUPRKMK Cot'KT. III liie case of First National bank of Eugene City, sopcllaut, vjAU llovcy, et ul, re IKindents, ordered that the time for nerving and tiling appellant' abstract ind brief be extended IK) days, and for r.npondcnt's alistract and tirief lot) (!;iys, from tlio tlrnt day of this term. The appellant U given 61) days after tervloe of repondeiita briel to serve ud file a reply lirief. It would lie hard to convince a man etitrvriiig from bilious colic that his b ;ony is due to a microbe w itli an un pmouncttble name. Hut. one dose of I Witt's Colic and Cholera t lire will i ince him of Its power to afford I ut relief. It kills pain. OsIll'HN & DkLano. , Dates ( Ulicelled. t Portland, Oct 2, 1S!)G. Editok Guard: Under date of October 2nd, Judge M L Olmtead telegraphs as follows: "Ow ing to the li'ku.s In my family I cannot till apjxiintments at present. Notify." iiittiutea and appointment have therefore been cancelled. Yours truly. ; John C Yot'xu. A Nakkow Escapk Another gun riden came near being added to the h"t ywterdar. Wairen, the 18-yeur i.UUonof W M Jones, who reside at tiie eoruer of Tliirteeiith and Hilyard ntn-i'ta, was handling a shot gun lu me litting room of the house where it was accidentally discharged. The contents pid through the onel of a door Into another room, riddled a lot of wardrobe aud hurried itselt In the wall f tht room. Mra Jones h id Just left Hie room into which the charge of shot paxl when the guii was discharged. i Iisl.T was stck, we pare u -t UantOA . Wha was a CUi'.J. slio crtw! . r CastorU. Khm site bocanw JTiw, riia clun ; t' C.-storU. m tbs had CbilJren, the gave Caatoi !. aitlng- Allrnr Sbi-ddi. AtiiANY, Oct. 7. New s from Shedds Nr., says that Edward Furwell was iwioe In the bowels at 0 oclmk t', is evening bv Miss Thompson. It Is Uived that'Farwell will die. No r eticulars are obtainable. Iti'Ulnrta t'annst bn t ured ' ' I'Hjal npplteKtloiia they e-inrioi reach tha X'. p.irtlim of the ear. Theru l only out viocire d-aliieM. aii'l that l hv onmlltu ' " 1 rvmeilleii. l".-atni' cium-J Iij ail ia ! :il diinliiinn ot Hie miiunin lining "I tn '.arliUn xutw. W lim Ihi" mh i nillumt j 5 -a hve a rumblliu or Imiwrfi'fll h.nnt!. :i'lhii II l emlrelT fliwa.deafm-aaU ins ' "lit, anil unlpu the tiiflainallon on be taken 'I au 1 tlm tube realuml to it normal coiuli ' hearliiK wtll be destroyed forvver; nine ii-'oiii o it.n are o ued by ra'arrh. which U "'ii'lng but an lnUauieU couditioa ol the mu "''Sii'faCM. rtw (ivennellumlriHl Dollar lor any cams 'li'aliie-n (eaiiw.1 by rutarrh) thai cannot be f "HI by HaH'tCalairli l ure. 8eud lor clrcu ';tree; . it i rirrvEV A CO..T .ledn. 0. C-SoM by Dnmgnu.lTje. Foind. III the Racket store, a Mall sum of money. Owner cn hsveanie ty calling at th store aud p'orlng property, Eli Hill, Lumber City, Fa., writes: "I have been suffering from pile for -j years and thought my ea.e iucura tie, DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve was '(Miinieuded tome as a pile cure, so I "ght a box and it performed a per ' Dent cure." This Is only one of 1 uands of simitar cures. Eexema, ' 'tand kkin uieeasea yield quickly v it bused. OsBt'RN 4 DeLano. Stale fail cniiliiicnecl t.ij.,y. Commissioners court in M'l. ion. Cyclone ho.e Until meets tonight. Georgia is holding a shite election today, J W Kays U lu Port Unit on a hul ni s (rip. ColllllliS: IIIOI llillg U. v V Aurora lu, omrs I'ourt ci-iivened this (iilli-rl returned fr.un Thanks toSecntaiy of State Kin caid for favors. rresideiit Chnpinau arrived hoine this ufleriiiiou. I)r Ogl.-sny came up from Junction iuis uiieriiiMin. J M Dick of ( amp Crek uri ived mi the ufuriii.oii i rain. The I'iits is the let h vcr harrow made. K L ChauiU-is, Agt. lion C II liakt r, of Wallei ville, was In the i lly this iifieruoon. Judge Hsk ami V M Horn n turned from Kli.ruice l:.b( eveiiing. Oliver sleel plows anal. led to scour anywhere by F I. Chaniheis. The averane catch i.f s.iliu m at F.orenee is In tons per day. Ciiiiimis inner T Ilailev is in the city in attendance upon c.nirl. Miss Sue D.irris of Tortlaml Is visit ing Willi liei parents in thiseily. The ioO Oliver nlow is leader of all favorites, hce it at F I. ('hiiiiibcrs. It is rumored that one our I.UHlm-ks men uill be marned this evening, J S Clni k.a liighly re-siected Aliiuliv, nifii in uitl piace VeMclilay full cut load of Oliver idow s ai ! 1 r hauiUr s. Trof ! red H Dunn has been eh-cted president of the Salem Epworih league. I) WCooIidge has sent 15 varieties of grapes to the statu fair ut Salem for exhibition. Fresh grass seed of all kinds. K L ClIAMIlKHS. J r inrst has couimeliivd suit against Joseph Spice r to foreclose on a leiu lor iu m. Win Vauk'han, w ho resided west ol town, left today for Easlcrn Oreuoii to resiae in tne luiure. All kinds of thresher extras ordered by t Jj Chambers. Mrs Geo T Hall has none to Tort- laud to siiend ten days with her daughter, Miss Carrie. riie iiorth bound local tialn w Id lay over at Hie State fair grounds until o'clock each afternoon. Genuine Oliver plow extras only to be had at F L Chambers1. Tiie county court today granted a mnrrliiL'o license to Will Gross and Nellie Martin, both of this city. W J Itryan made live speeches in Indianapolis, Ind , yesterday, one audience iiumlicring nearly 0U,(M). Oliver plows both steel and chilled Ith the same old guarantee warrant ed to scour. F Ij Chambers, sole ngent. J It Haskell hai sold his stock of second hand goods to Hut ton & Gilbert f the Ninth streo second hand store. Kohl Di ink water has rented his farm uhovu Springlleld aud will leave next week with his family for Harney to reside. New and second hand buggies. F L Ch:mlers. Col D H Hush of Tortlaml, a life long republican, has declared for Bry an and free silver, says a gold bug pa per of I hat city. Stoves to fit everybody 's purse from $1.00 to I0 00. Just bought a bank rupt stock of three car loads. F. L. Clmmliers. A car of hops was loaded today by r D liiuton for the Thiladelphia mar ket and one by E C Smith for tho Tort laud market. The strut sprinkler was on duly again this afternoon. It was giveu rnval welcome as me sm-els were coining ipiite dusty. Another full carload of Oliver plow Rt 1'. li. CHAMHKHa . Geo Knlierlson, of Tortlaml, repre ulinir the liluke McKall Taper Co., spent last night lu Eugene. Ho went gout It this afternoon. Will llrlstow and family drove dow n from Tleasant Hill last evening. Mr Hiisiow went to Portland today on the Woodmen excursion. U Allen, wife and daughter, of Prineville, who came in after a load of supplies, left for homo tills morning. Mr Allen Is an old Lane county hoy. The old butcher shop building for merly occupied by Heyniun, and re cently nearly destroyed by lire, Inn been torn down and the remains cart ed away. A good riddance. Ex Representative Hillcgas or Springfield, is In t he city today. He has not Joined the democrat party, but is a free silver republican and w ill support Hryan and silver, Itev 0 A Wooley has been elected vice president i.f the 0 P Synod. He also preached to the synod in Portland yesterday mi tho subject, "The Love of Our Work." The Woodmen order, staling that there would be no asset-siiient for October has been countermanded and a new one issued. There is one as sessment for thi mouth. The Eugene Social and Dancing club will hold its first danrw Saturday night. The club has inoreased lis pop ulaiit) since lat season ami has a very large membership to start out with. The report that Ex-Supreme Judge E H Walson of Portland had declared for Hryau Is erroneous. Mr Watson has written to a fiiend in this city staling that he will support MclCinUy. Attorney II I) Norton and V M Kis senger left this morning for Mabel precinct where they expect to make Hryan epeeches this afteruoou and to night at the Ping Yang aclmol hou-e in Mohawk precinct. A half ft dozen railroad agents were here last night trying ".ll.,ltt0J'er." sons tickets to the Middle esl. Transcontinental passenger business mum be Ihrht when they will ru.lle for aliltle business thu-ly. Ashland Tldiugs: MrsJ W Ham akar caine in from Klamath last week and after a brief visit wth Ashland friends we .1 on to Eugeue where her sons are attending fcliool. remain with them through the w inter at Eue lie. A political nn-aker In maKiOKui r effort not lar from The Dallea be- ter effort not lar I r, I, la inwr'll US tnllljW's: 'Pirelli you may have clul reii If uiav Imve." and clo not "iir isen won 'thfie is not a man. woman or i no. In the houe w ho ha not arrived at the age of lift v years, hut that has felt lhe-e mitfhty truths thundering through their miud for the .ast ceil tune, ... ..1 OMEKMS( THE 1101' MAKKEf. HtMlen of Some of the i.ooal BiiTer Kclttnre ii Mill Important Mailer. I'alSyiiuard. IVUiber 7. Salem Statesman of today aays: "A Statesman reporter called on some of the hop brokers and agents in tills city yesterday and interviewed thetu on the sliiiatiouof the niuiket, Willi the follow in u results: Spilre Farrar: "Tiie hop market is n liille belter, prices ate advancing slightly, We are now ottering U cents for choice iroods. Hons o..n..rllv make good samples, showing up very well. Hrewers are not .buying much. tliiiiKIng they will buy cheaper later on. urowersare selling rapidly. It w ill not take many weeks to clean up me available bops lu this section of mo country, t here are so many con tracted and consigned for the pursue iiiiMHK picKiug money, that there win not be many available hops Crops will go out of growers' hands in a snort lime, it Is almost useless to aeiid out samples, as sales, In most instances, will be consummated Ulore returns can be had from the samples sent out." "E C Herreii: Hops are holding int'irowii. nuyers wain nopg badly, inquiries being received here from London aud New York, but there are not many sales to report as yet The crops are all harvested am! there is no picking now. I bo quality of hops is Ki-ueraiiy goon, ailliougn some very Interior goods It ve bten harvested. In price mav heln online k rowers oi mis poor product. Win n the 'M Don bales of hops that are consigned In lids slate reach the market they w ill have to be disposed oi, ss toe ueaier s money is tieil up lu them, and when they are I brown on the market we may look for a decline. We have shiped several carloads to London and New York and have bought a quantity of hops at 5 to 0 cents.' " The Salem Statesman has the fol lowing additional Interviews with local hop buyers: II J Oltenhelmcr: "As anticipated tho quality of Oregon hops Is lurulng out superior to former st i.sons, and as a result an iniuiry has already sprung up from the English markets for our Bonds, from the fact that both the New ork aud English ciops are of an inferior quality as compared with for mer seasons. Six and a half cents are ottered for the choicest growths, but as yet there Is no demand for the Inferior grades." Geo W Hubbard: "There Is a bet ter leellug in the market, but growers arj pot disposed to sell. Choice ship pers are in good demand, but there is as yet, no market for lower grades, I am ready to concede that there is a better feeling. Choice lions will (Ind a ready market, even at the advance." w in isrown: "l iie market la firm. Choice hops are worth 0 rent. Many growers are selling llielr crops. De mands from the East ami foreign pi hits are good. A few Enulish or ders have been received lu this mar ket." iovSylvesterPennoyer -mmssxa- The true friend to the FARM ER and the WORKING-MAN, has consented to Address the Voters of Lane county on the political issues of the day, in EUGENE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23D, In the afternoon at 1 o'clock. Come and make this a grand meeting. EVERYBODY INVITED. Pally Guard, October 7. (Ikvkrai. iNSi'Kcriox. Company C, O N G, underwent general Inspec tion nt the nrinorv last iiieht. The i,,tn..(.ilmr officer were Colonel Telfer, ot Albany, Inspector general, Colonel Jackson, of Portland, who Is detailed as Inspector from the United State army and also representing the brigade commander, and Colonel Geo O Yoran of this city, commanding second reg iment, O X U. The company is a little short on members, but otherwise bore au excellent lnseelion, showing much good Improvement. The In siK'cling staff went o Itoscburjr this afternoon and w ill Inspect tho com punv at that place tonight. They w ill' then visit ihe companies at Ash land and Salem. Ualiy ou -nl, Ociulwr 7. A Pakalytic S t k o k e Mrs J C Gixidale ofCoburg suuereii n p' lytic stroke jeslerduy evening, left side of her face and her left The arm wsc u liliril vzeil. ..icuii iii si'i summoned from this city nd tiie lady Is some better today. Pal!) Ouard,Octotr 7. ii ii mm At the Minnesota hotel iii'lhlH cttv at 5 o'clock last evening, William'ch and Gcnrude Har num, both i.f tlii-1 , U v J A Img- botloui ofllcjatiog: If your children are ubjecl to croup watch for the llrst symptonis of the disesse hoarseness. If Chnruberlaln'l cough remedy is given as soon as the child bectm h"ftr. it i" prevent the at tack. Even after the croupy cough him appeared the attack can always be pieiented by giving Ibis remedy, It i luvaiuame ior iiu sml wh'ioplng cough. For sale by O-burn & iieLano. Camp wagou to hire. F L Chaiiilient. October Jurors. bally Guard, CVlotsii ;. The list of Juror for tl.. O. to! et term of court was drawn yeti rdav afternoon by Sheriff Johnson, Clerk Jennings and Treasurer Patterson. Following are the men w ho w ill de cide the cjiscs. J J Thomas farmer Edward Hailey " Willamette Junction Ciiy Loraue Speiuvr Middle Fork vYD'aiiiede Sprlnctlcld Cottage Grove Euiiene Lost Valley Win 1 1) ii iu 1 1 IUmiIhmi Job It It Kelscy Jastier Wllklns A G Hogart J H Haw ley C K Monroe Henry Tillon " A J Pickard stoek'iiau Stephen Smced farmer SD Wilson Eugene Camp Creek Uoahcu C S Stevenson " Cottage Grove J II Honig teamster Eugene WEHwwn banker Eugene T J Neidy farmer Sanoer iH'tipiuiln cieen " Junction t it v Harilv ( row Siuslaw 'riiwM'lo:e Martin " L M Hartrt ig " KM Wllklns capitalist Creswell I'.ugene Eugene E J Crow tanner Lunelle Jasia-r Hill Joel Addiugton W L Houston John Flint II A Hower III! Fisk KM Parkei A H Heagle Jasper Lost Valley Junction City Eugene Eugene Florence Junction City Cot Inge Grove Jasper Items. Oct , n . The lee cream axdnl night was well attended. last Friday N J Morehouse left on the morning local for Astoria, w here ho will work iu a logging camp this winter. The scarlet fever Is In the tieighlsir hood. MrsP S Hill's two children were taken witli it last Friday, but are not dangerously ill. S n Davis and family have moved to Thurston where lie has rented I farm for the next year. Lester am! Mairiile Jacohv has re turned from their visit to Astoria and Port Ian I. Missea Nellie Cure and Ed v the Vincent of Eugene accompanied Miss iseiie iveeney home rrlilay night. Aloses ami tune tiiiiu are alteudiuu the public school lu Springlleld. Allen NoiisiiiL'er hid farewell to ft lends Thursday afternoon and made tracks toward the Hoheniia mines. Horn, to the wife of .Newt Idmll'V at Natron, Sept ,'U), a sou. Mother and child are doing well. SchtMil has been dismissed for two weeks on account of the scarlet fever, II G Keeucy nm lo Eugene a busl. ness rail Monday. Con, Datlr lluanl, October 7, Hoi'B Havk K 1 s k n. Today's rsalem htalesman: "in Salem yesler day 7 cents were offered for hops lu aevpral Instances. The market Is firm and an increase even in this price Is expectul." Hryan Electom Win. Secretary of State Klncald has de cided that the Itryan electors, which are to be designated as "Peoples, Dem ocratic, Silver Itepublicaus" on the otllclal bullot, have the leiral right to the use of the name of "Democrats" notwithstanding the objection of the so-called ' National Democrats," w ho never held a primary or state conven tion, and therefore he has certified to their nominations to the county clerks. A dispatch from Salem, under date of October tith says: "The national dem ocrats served an Injunction upon Sec retary of Stale Klncald this afternoon, enjoining him from forwarding his certification of the fusion candidate as 'democratic,' to the county clerks; but the secretary had already regis tered and mailed to the different county clerks the ccn Ideations. It is probable that each of the county clerk will now be enjoined from print ing the word 'democrat' after the names of the fusion candidates." A flue phaeton IU0. F L Chambers. R U P T U h H rtriGsaeutly WITHOUT fcAyr Knifo or Operation Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED h mm Tl.reo to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E, M.U.ER CO. Oir i-"' I ' ' ' " ' 'i"'-'a ll'i'Wi'i pO"TLuiL GRG0N. (iood-Kye tu Hie swallowtails. CONTlvIP.riT.n. Ihe hwai'ow-lnil iK rnov'ials have gone over 1. 1 (lie kid gl .co repuhll cam. - b x. 'Twas always thus in childhood hour, Goodbye, irold lover, goodbye; That rich kids should on tssir folks sour, Goodbye, gold lover, gixidbye. I lloltl'M. live, Manila's baby, bye oh, Itye, baby party, bvn oil, live. Ilanna's darling, bye oh, Goodbye, gold lover, goobye. We loved you In the good old days, Goodhyc, gold lover, gisidhve;' Ere we saw your heart by Roentgen ra , Goodbye, gold lover, goobye. ritom-.i. Hut now wo are by the "gold beau rent, GiMxIhyc, gold lover, goodbye; r or your are weihled tii cent s rcent, iioounye, goiii lover, gooiltiye, riioitts Willi a swallow-tall coat and a glove hand, GiHidhye, gold lover, goodbye, You can't play In our alley 'nor our sand, Goodbye, gold lover, goodbye. riitiiU'M. kid pile Smitherii Oregon at the I . of (. The Ashland Tidings is in reivlnt of a letter irom one ol the .hlainl hoys now ailclining llieMate l uiverslty at I'.ugene who expresseil liluiself as highly pleased with the scIiimiI, and resiris theSititherii Oicgon conllnKenl as getting along nicely. The fnllow ing Is a list of tiie students at the Cut versify from this section: Homer Ioucks, Bernard E Spencer. t has !. Wagner, liny It Itnhlcy, Ash land; Iclor Holt, Talent; Ix'ss llrad- ley, .Marie Hradley, lletilali W arner, llessiu hammouil, Medford: Win Join. son, Jacksonville: John M lloolh. I. It Iilster. A W Ulster, IM S Van Dyke, Miss O Croxtou, Grants Pass; Louisa E lliehn, It II Smith, M L Apiileeate, Itov Hamakar. Guv Hani- akar; Claud K Fountain, Geo U Hat- ton, Klamath rails; Arthuy E Gard ner, Drain; Ed J Ellison, Koschurg; . iwumicii, liiiitiie. Sup iy me Court Kiryrln Decision. The Michigan siinreme court handed down a decision Tuesday of Intcnst to bicyclists, crowing out of the ruuiiluir down of a iitth) girl by a man named 11 lulls. Mie was walking tlown hill lu a narrow path. Hinds was ridiinr down the hill at a rate of live or alx miles an hour. He struck and severe ly Injured her. He claims that lie si ruck an obstacle Just Ulore the ac cident, but the supreme court declared that w hen a person iiimhi a bicycle comes up behind another, who Is un conscious of approach, and is walking where lie has a right lo w alk, elves no warning, and strikes hlin with his vehicle, the circumstances, unexplain ed, tend to show negligence. While Hinds may la able to show that he was in the exercise of duo caie. the court declare that, the burden of proof Was cast upon him by the girl's case. Flint Democrat. hai'j l.uanl, Ot'lotier 7. TlIK WimiUMKN E.V( l ltHloN. After not a Utile controversy ibis morning the managers of the W'iMidiiicti excur sion and the H P company dually came to terms aud 4 or M Eu- Itene pcnilo took paasagu on the local for Portland. Iho excursion seemed to huvc been greatly muddled. The company charged f l"0 for a car lo Portland and renin red that the money be dcMsiled with them bcfoio tliey would take any steps to arrange lor the excursion. The result was that a hirim erowil of neoiilo naMiMiibleil si. the deisit before the arrival of the Ih'JU train, but could not vet tickets, as the company had fulled lo provide Ihei'i. A list ol tin. names or thoso wnopai i fare was taken. A lew minutes before the arrival ol Ihe train a message was received from Portland slating that ull wlio took the excursion tickets must return on Friday's local train. This would give them one day In Portland. rhejlist understanding had been that the excursionists should return Satur day and when the chaiiKO became known many iiemamieti their money back again, refusing to concede to any such demand by the company. When the train arrived no special car was attached, and the excursionists crowd ed Into the regular passenger couches, forming a Jam lu the cars, mintage una hurrleill V checked without tickets and the conductor and excursion man agement no doubt had a Hlco Job straightening things nut between here and Portland. II lu a Irian Alsiul lo lll Kinis svctlnii ul country where malarial Ul.eaao, ellhur III tlx form ol rhllli aiel fever or bilious rainllliail was particular. ly rife, what would be about the beat ailrlcs you coulil Siva lilin. W e will loll you -to carry aloiiy or roviir on arrlvlnj, tho potent tne dlchial lafsiiuanl, lloiletter'a Hloniarh Hit lers, kuiiwti uiroiigiinui niaiaria inaaiieu SioiL, hers aiel III oilier coantrlea, a Ilia iimt ine.n. of di.arinlhs tha mlaiinalla eon rue, aud robhiiig 11 ol Ita lall dealrurilva lulluriirv. Not only doee lllorllly tliu iyatrin by liicrea.lns III taialna, bat overcome. Ir. n'KU ailiy ol dlsue.ilnn, ami tha Sow- ela, and eouuteraeta the uulavorahls ell.i'l. ol over rxerilou, bislllyand tnuiilal, iiMnure in mush wumlier, or ;i-cii,nUun imi ai ueiuary or Isiroll., lo.. ll ai'penut aiei rirfMi iirr- vou.ncM 1 lie iiiiii'iiou. ol aiiinriiiaiiou, un Ilui a'('retliiii and Bleep hvu lu II a mint IHjwcrlul and rellablu auxiliary. I'pper McKenile News. IlKI.KNAI' SI'KINOH.Oct 5, 1890, Mrs Charles Hill Is some U tter. Mr J O Houls Is stopping at George Frlzeli's. There has been some extensive work done on the McKcnzle wniion road on the summit. We lmie the iieopleof the McKenzie aud Eugene will do a well every senson. The reported light 111 this vicinity proved lo tie a nsn race. e nope lieonie Will ihi earciui nooiii iiiaaiug such giaud mistakes. Just ta-cause a man fulls tlown and culls a rout uou t constitute a light. con. Tha tlariaa l.lrcllan. Jacksonvii.i.k, l'"a., Oct 6 The state and county election passed ul! luletly lu this i lly tiMlsy, with In licallons of n largo vote, 'fiio weather Is clear. Chuirmail Itawl. of the de iiiM'rnlic executive commitie, iluiiua that lil ixhsm, candidate for governor will have nluralitv. Hie re publican chairman concedes Jtloxhum l.wsJ more man me repuuiicau noin- line, iiuuny. This Is one or the slate ini .lara Haiina has Isen claiming as doubt ful. Persons who have a coughing spell every night, on account of a tickling aeusutiuu lu the throat, may overcome It at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. OrUllKX A. DkLA.NO. Bryan Rally Eugene, Oregon, SATURDAY, Oct. 10th HON. BEN HAYDEN, of Polk county, will speak lu Ihe ufter teriioou at 2 o'clock. He la well know n as one of the pioneer pollti cal speakers. HON. E. HOEFER, Candidate for Presidential Elector, and editor of Ihe Salem Dally Journal, will speak In the evening at 7:30. He was a Itepuhllcail uieuiU-r of the last legislature, and say he Is still a Re publican. Ho will tell wby he sup- lairts William J Hryan aud the free coinage of silver. Everybody Invited tn each of the sieaklugs. Mils fur Keep of Paupers. Ihe folic wlnir bids for the keen of Lane county's pauiK'r for tho I'lisiilmr year have Ihvii presented to tho county court fur consideration: Dr II F Ituascll. the n resent en cumbent, oflcrs to care lor, provide lood, clothing, medicine, medical attendance and burial of all who die while in hi eharge lor (3.50 each ler week. Alex Gray olTcra to care and provide food, clothing, medlcluo aud medical attendance for f-.IH) each per week, aud $15 each burial exmsea lur those wuo die wiiiie in tils charge. Mrs Macule Harklns oilers to care for, and provide food, clolhluit, medi cine, aud medical attendance, and huilal for thoe w ho din while In her charge for (3.40 each per week. Dally lluard. Urtober 7. O.NK MoHK Dkad. GeorgO Hap- icr ett, the II reman who had both eg broken In the collision near Itose- btirg yesterday morning, died last evening. He leaves a wife and two hlldrcu. Iu addition to the list of niiired ulveu yesterday are lien ,ohr. bead and fain cut, Conductor Freil Wall, who started the fatal enirlne back to Itoseburg, hruslsed and cut about the face and head. W H kat. Wheat advanced again yesterday lu Liverpool. Wheat Is excellent properly and must raise considerably yet. SPhGlALS.1 BO O Shoulders per lb 5c Hams " 6c 10 lbs Lard 70c OTHER GOODS III PROPORTION. GRAY & SON 6. m .. . . . -, , ill. V -liy in, f ftr STOVES. Yon can buy tho Universal stoves and ranges now clieiuior than ever before Thov are mado of tho beat cook inc and aro tho best bakers mado. n ... m . 1 . I 1 Wo hoU them cheaper than any goou biovo uaa ever k'cn sold in Ino county. GRIFFIN N ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. On account of the poor health of our family we are compelled to close our store and ienve Kuirene.mueh to the regret of ourselves) ndfitmlly. ltut m the henllb of our lurnlly deumuds It,, we shnll coinniHiice oil i SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96, Oar o Qreat o $o$T)i) o Out o 5a,?- Durlnir this sale everything will he sold at Auetlou Price. II you wish to huy irtHsIs Cheap now Is your nop irtunlty. Come early hefore the stock It hroken. Nothlug reserved. Every thing In our store goea. WATCH THIS SJP-A.CJ3EI. J. D. MATLOCK & CO., roiniid.nloiiers Court. Oct 7. Court commenced lu regular session; present: Judge E O Potter, eomm! loner, J T Calllson and W T Dally. At this time the voting plaoe of Fall Creek precinct was changed from Pe plot'a house to tho Kcnerly achool house. At this time tho voting place of Goshen precinct w as re established at Grange hall. At this time It was ordered by the court that the Mlliug place of north Junction precinct tai established la the city hall In Juctiou City. At tills time it was ordered by the court that the polling place of Irving nreclnct he established at the Odd Fellows building at Irving, At this time the court upsinted It P Caldwell iudkfo of election for Junction precinct vice W II Spaugh removcti from precinct. lo Live Saved. Mrs Phoebe Thomas, nf Junction City, III, was told by tho doctors she had that there wa no hope for her, hut two bottle ofDr King's New Dlicovery completely cured her and she say It saved ber life. Mr Thomas Eggers, 138 Florida street, San Francisco, suftered from a Ireadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything I so then bought one bottlo of Dr King's New Discovery and lo two weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It Is such results of which these are samples that prove the won derful elllcacy of this medicine lo conn hs ami cold.. Free trial bottles at Henderson A Linn's druir atore. Regular size fiOc ami (I. Daily liuard, October , Makiiikii. Mr J V Hraustetter and Miss Emma Lewis came down from Cottage Grove yesterday and were united In marriage at H o'clock last evening at the home pfDKLaklnm the presence of a small company of friends of the brldo and a room. The young people formerly lived tn and near I'.ugene and have a large circle or friends here. The marriage ceremony was pronounced by itev Morton L lose, or tne l. iiristiau church. Hurklcn's Arnica Salve. The Dest Salve in the world for Cubs, Jtruises, Sores, Ulcers. Halt Kheutii, hever Nores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and ixstitively cure Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give is-rtect satisractioii or money refunded. Price 'Si cents per box. For sale by Henderson A Llnu. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that It curts a cough. Every one tha' who has used It. It Is a per fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse ness. It la an cweelal favorite for children, being pleasant to take aud piicK in curing. UHllUKN A DELANO. I'ally Ouanl, October 0. Hol'H Snl.l). It it Hayes, today, sold to Phil Nets fc Co., Sliermau Hayes agent, the balance of bis hops, consisting of U2 bales. The price paid was six cents ht pound. When we rnslder that the Intes tines are about Ave times as long aa tho body, we can realize tho Intense Buffering experienced when they are Inflamed. D Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues Inflammation at onco aud completely removes tha difficulty Ohiiukn A DeLano. Slillo's Cure Is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient consumption. It la the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose, ii'icts., 60cts., (1. Sold by Hen derson A Linn. AIRTIGHT STOVESH Five reasons why you should buy them. A .he are ramnrd from front, not through corar, and (Ire ran lw atarted at Ilia bottom our draft la tha llslnr.l ot lla kind, and alr rawutial lo th aucreaa and durability of the aloraa. Iiur aatra ra.t collar on Ilia lining protcols tha oatr Joint. '1 ha lliilhg I. not atiachrd lo Ilia ouUlda, and can herviiiovml when II Rive. out. Our raat lni atnTi-a rati lw ue.trd: no hrt Iron oorera to bloarnir. Hwlns rover revrula Joikln out smoka, burning tha i-arM-l wlih a hot porer ami mlnliif tha urn bv li. Ins II a. a handle: Ihn ilauir Is mads ao It rau'l blow out. Oar lnv I. alMoluiulv aafa. All .lovea an lluisl with heavy ateel lata and bars aa alripaea Is-twn-n Ihe 1) lit liar and nut.lde, that piolacu tha novo from warning ami buriiln red. Usr draft la attached to Ihe body, mil tn tha llnlnf. Tha riiHin.lon of Ilia lining dot-a not affovl lb JoinU la Colo'. AlrlUlil A new lot just receivsd at 9th and Oak streets. iron uso tho least wood in HARDWARE CO.