IlliDj J 1 I 111 ' ; O I I AO Do XSTiBLISIIEU MR TUP. DIMEWV.TItl OF UlliriUTir. , BIN. I. U.S. iM Ttl RUN ii nOSHTUVIXB BY TflK SWEAT (IF OtR BQti'il KUGENK, Oil., SATUMMY, AUGUST LMJ. 28 NO. 38 CA.II'UELL, 1'UULISHER. 2 let -''''' "' W Ulrtiiii: It? Ii t M in ,,.J K lil'i street. si .-t:Utrri )N': $2.00. 1.00 SO. few. j.i,i. ,ro. liiin r3t83 made known on application. lel'.o-i to OfAltli, J,, on-."" S. .OCKEY DI-AI.KIt IN, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. fAlItlN" PROMPTLY DOXi:. iylinVorH Warranted. I W. BROWN, M. D. Ivslol.-.n. and Surgeon. i.. ml re-i'lmc over NMtnH'u. ICmr: .i 12 l -, o w v i. in. T. TTTSn 1 !IITE AND MARBLE WORKS.: t i fc,!sa kii.I Sew Priori In ForvUn ami Uc MhiI.Iu anil Uraiilte, Miiiiiiiih'iiM. 1,.-i.m' ud Cttmeiere work of 11 klndi (or 1S.I-. I, WOUK GUAUANTF.F.D ! i i ll' sired, near IVsUitnoo. K'if.'iic, Or C. WOODCOCK, i.timicy-at-lw. i in.. Iiull blook uulh of I'hriiiiimii'j Ki '.i:n. K. K. Makki.i.y. 4 .nsev & Markley,!!!!..!.,,!;,. su,,. 1 J I M rs T M Jnek. Attorneys-at-Law. illl ;1 I'rOlMU' BullK'H ..'0- :i Cliris'iiim lUoek. EUNI'.SUAY, AUGUST I 1!) i 113 (,U)ie.l III Issi.) UGENE, OREGON. General Banking business branches transacted on r rable terms. 'A. (. HOVKY, i'rcslilciit. J. M. AUUAMS, Cachlcr. A. it. HOVKY, Jr.. Afwt.C:whr. i!)lNIHIl'KS, 1'rci.iilut. 3. H. Kaki.s, Jr., 1'a.iliior i f I Tj 1 f Ot Eugene ii n las'i Canltal ?'50,000 plus Kisti i nn us, c,"" gene - " Oregon ii.i ral haukitiK biwla.)! i!.in on' Mniiri. Nwtit ilmfts on NK ' V.m.' UCO, SAX KKANOUn) mil I'Uhl- P, OKKdD.N'. Uj..f MchnKoM r.n f.-rskn couiitri;. dt. rn(siivl nuhjtfol io check or tertiti- 4 '' .,, i 'oi wuti nw eciraitea to M will roiv ttleDVloD. L. PAGE, PEAUR IN ROCERIES in? a Liuiie uiul C'inpli'tet'M k of iple and Fancy Oroceric bouglil in the nnirkets, 1 . . MUSIVELY m CASH, a idler the public heltcr pm-i-D ui) any other h-m-e In Iigf"'- ... si all Kills taiei at Mirk;! Prices. J. F. FORD, ('iivitl.K.'lit,) .'.I iia.'s. I. Wi. wnvs un ler iUta ( Maroh 21. 1: H Mkii. Mf. Co., Dinar, Ureou. CNTLKMKw: On arriving bmne l ist ! k, I found all well and iinxiou-ly tuv'. Our little irl eiht an- '"--1 f,Ve in,o!d,wh l,ad wa.te.1 aay , Hod., and well lleshe.1 U). S. It. j (urn lo.s done Ha work Well. : il of the children like it. Your S. j 'ii'i 'h Cure has eured and kept j all hoHr-nu-ss from ine. SV give ' vcry one, with t?rectin(C for all nitii you jint-penty, we are 'r, Mr. axi .Mrs. J. F. Ford. ' i.. f.-l frvh nd rhwrrul, nd l.'T th.. -'.-.-.'- ,.rk rlAtlM. the V.tin u.. iir,,. .,.,1 I.i nr Cure, br UklUf County Bank. L'l. I '!i' i. ri , 'f v il.'iil at ."hail-in. i" ii ini'i.' man, . t, w i: !., ,. ti ft l . .i i . v ' I.'. I '. :.l i.v. I'.'ll .1 i'ii r. n.' vi-it.d :il (I i n m s'ali 'i hi- !: '"II IMp today. II UTV S'l-llv I I I.'ll2' l:.' In, I . f Plea Hi' lliil was Mis I! ,.!, ll"lllr ill llii.eilv 'ii!' -i'U ill I ii-r Tin- i-.pul.,r (liiitiniHT, "". Is III the city. i"i" !'i ii i ii !.., r.'-U',T A I' !!r i.l I M do 1 1 "" I I I- llll.'l llOnll. I.', v Father ISIu.'l: imivi il ,,h:h ."I'll. ii i.' ihi- iiiicim on. from n .Mill, (II Irving, limir- in vi..,..,. i,.,v f 'III II friV Tiic tow n j . . i 1 1 . . Ii h will pn. r.Hlii! i ,( (,.lV ,y.,. . Jacob S (iilil:,,,il, of Kii.tih', has had liis J . 1 1 -i i . 1 1 ucic:i"i Mom (i.'.i II I i-U arrived I, nun. from New i,,rl iiI'Iitiiikiii 1 A an I ( iinily iirriv. il In n. yi-n-Ivr.l.iy i vi'iiii,),' Sijimw crofk." N:l:i." Ir i:iiiT wi-nt In K iel.ui' iiihI will n-i.i..ii Hi... iMcvlini; iillcy In t-ily. I Mi-s '.ituiSi' II iinl-iiUcr, nfSili.fii, j is viH in.; Iht gr!in.lviri'iils In H i, U tv. Fifiv i Uhil'l'll ll.'IV. M'Vrll I'iijori. nt I' t I ii i Hi's p'ojile pie feTi V"lr I .Mi-s-s I,. ii i mnl Hum J!i.,ir , .,',, ri'tiirii.'il IY,.i:i u Ph.nt visit nl I'mt i liiml. I (.' S.vlve-UT, of Jn- vr.was In Kuyrni' ; to.liiy. I Mrs IMl Miller iiml .1 miflitcr mnl ; little mhii iinlvnl Cimih Ne ii)it tliis iifliiiiiiun. I I. Clilllil i II li:is r.'liiriil'it fnmi n trip t Ilic iiieelin' nf llie Orenti Tress ; .Vsiiehillmi. I .1 1st lis. A K Wiioeli-r l i'rly Ii ive ifiiiniecl fnmi ii inii-t . ij.'litfiil trip lo ' lH'i eiii I l(ii, I. MeKinler will his . iter nf ne-, eepliinee Weil ni'-i 1 1 v nr Tliiirsil-iv, s it is s'nled. ' " i M'ss I'Mvllic Yitiei'iit n liiriii'il lriin ! ! J:i-Im r lm!:iV. A claim r ci nlly lec iled in 1 1i ltliie i liivi-r lliillil'L' tilrl I ii I IlilH I cell chris : e el ' I'l i i I " ' Ju.Ijre Walt. m has h i I a new s.t. ' w ilk laiil in Tii. nt of I tn irk him k 1 1 1 . t. I son n iil Mhs Ivtitel Kellev i.f Spi i t tr H I t nrriveil liniiie1 fi'uni New put I In lay. j N. ls,. K i:i'.v, I'u .l Hi lliu.'in ami ! Alil' ii 1,'iw ii'iuv wiiit tn Cnttate i ( irnve till nl!' i nix n. I (ie-.ruo Welch, f. i;ra l'l:l!e nflliet'. of ( . is innv pr-iel ieln law in Astoria uMd haviin; nml hiicccss. (' M I) 'Us'iiuiv, the fee I st'ir.' invi, Is iniiviinr his stock Iiihi I he new I'V:ii,l; I i i. k mi Ninth t-tn , t. Will 1 ii!i'I!m ck Iiml iplite mi ex pi'iici ci- ill the ciiiiitrv with a "hike" jo-lcr.l.iy. Ask liim ah nit it. Allnrni y I, I'.ilyeti went tn Turner, Mini. hi i ci n t v , this iiiiirnliiir tn visit i.i ii.... .. i. . .... 'II- lll'llll. l ll.i I.T i llll- rn ... j MisscH I'.lla I liens mnl Clara llnv liins sitriveil liini'. yesterday cvei;tii?j fi'oni a visit nt ii.viivillc. Three frciuht cars were attnehed tn the local this innniimr. One oftlicni contained a lot of fruit for this station. Id, ke Smith hns re.ii?iieil iishcitc tnrynfllie Inlcilnr nnd will Hiippurt Itryan. Ilis ciici'i ssor w ill he il (?"hl ilcinncnit. Sevi ral Ihrcshers were runniiii; In Hie eoiintrv vesteid.iv. Karmi rs me . . . f . ' . i . ' . ...I : .... .1... i"ri"" '" r'"M " 1,1 "rt 1 iivnuii nic I'lecil'.l a in'ii'aii- in tin- K"i ilemocintic cotivetilion wlilch nnvts in (ndian.'ipolis Sept. '2. The Ilarrishuru' Iteview cays that nt least two-thirds of tl e hops in that vi cinity will remain unpicked owini? to the low price nllercil for Iht in. Mrs (ien llaker, of I'oi I land, who has hecn visltlm? over Siimlay with her parents, Mrnml Mrs KM JUalr, in this city, returned home today. Silas Kceliev, formerly ft l.ane cntii ty hoy, hut who has resided In K.ntcrn Oii koii Tor a nmniier oi years is visi'lnu his mother, Mr S Ilollowny. Mr nnd Mrs II 1) Kilwnids, of SpilnuhYhl precinct, left Satnrdnv on a visit of t-cverul weeks to (liMliim eoiinty. They went via the route. .Ins I.Mckey nnd John (Irny rcturneil this mnrnin'i? finm ft short visit to theirclainis on the Const Folk. They rode down the Ihnntf from the Jones sawmill. John rlmir. Free Gardner nnd Curl Trnvls milvcd home Saturday evei. Ini.' from camplmr trip to Odell Inkc Thiynpnit irood llshlns? nnd limit i i) jr. It is now stat-' l that Tims C Plult will he noinin ited (?nvt-rnnr hv the v ... v .1. ,i.i;.....w Itlsclaimen tln r.? w iil he an Independent repuhli- can tl-kct. Albany n-uincrat of S,t:ird i.v: Of the l"() people who went out over (lie Ymiiiinn bar yesterday, nil weresen sick hut ten or twelve Only f"tir or the () N ti boys escnpi d. (ieo A livson, of llr.iwnsville, one of the parii.i rs In the Lucky Hoy mine, is In the citv. Mr iKsnn is tbiiikit-d ,;f nu.vltiii his family here this fall to M'lid his children to school. IlrownsvllV Time-: i A Hyson and fnmilv. ' It Wi Is n iiik! family nnd Moidle Kceliev. slnrtcl for thH mlneg via the M- Kciiie route, hist Tuesday, where loey tintlcipa'.e pleasant out i 1 1 iS . ....... !,. . .,toi,,t deserted Vf- . . ,.' i .1.. i,itles were mini- ,,1,,., ,i,.. i.aults ..r the McKen- . and WiilamcUc. " ' . , , in rid ik' h en a .-: Sbal lile-' fr lit r inch ,,,t Visit lO l)r lit (josliell. II- reports tin- I) .c'nMiawui? n chard and a very line ortei ..u. .....j mall HU i'ili!.V tdtruil inis e:t-oo Keirle ad of c.ltle hi Walla Walla ,.,,.. were killed last week rroul K-tlir cm It wh irreen and ,.b,mi is in, h. -l.irfh. Soul-, hogs cot inl I il. nnd ale some n Al MONDA V, AClil'ST tifl; ami nue of them rresnlcnt Chap man left for Coipiille i ity lont'.eii I a couutv institute and labor in the inlcrc-t ufll.e U of O. The next puhlie holiday In Oreumi, n iiovi,led bv it I ) net of Ilic le-ishitilre -fl 'H Is Labor l.iv-lli.i Hist Mon day in S i.tciulier. It is a mm Judi cial day. O iiMdcnC Hie entity and state ,1 . r:u . nis I ti tl tv will lint be ol.scrvid. Ibsidelits of lliijhtli street in the western portion nl the city report at luis i, tlhv that boys w ho 'drive milk cows to pasture aiiuse the ter ribly w bile eiiroine to and Iroin the , pasluie. The ow neis niiuht do we. I to lo.ik the mutter up. The .',isto:lli. department has fixed the follow inn star ui iii service s ht-.l-ule In OtcKon. Colliiije Glove to Wild wi.od Leave Cnttajje (irnve M i'i.l iy and Friday, 7 n in., arrive Wildwoo l by "J p in.; Leave Wild wood Tuesday a. il Saturday, nt 1 "J :? p in, arrive Cot lane (irove b tl::td p in. 1 ( apt W S Mo.ui, eom ii'iMiliiu G Co, O N G. Lieiiteiiaiit John McCliire, s-rneai.t Major I) K Yoraii. Serij. aiit Chus Mct'lure nnd ('minimi Will Me- , Clure Hi rived lioine from Camp New port this atlcriioon. The remaiiiini? uicuils is of i he company w ill come up from Albany by team tomorrow. ( limbing tli, Snow rntks. Mi'Kknzik Hkiixik, Aii'.M, 'uti. l.l'li.iK (it'AKli: The 'liisi trip to the Three Sisters this year was made . on Aii?ut 1 1, by a parly i f fourteen 't under the kindly uunl nice of 1 loll J II Mi ('hint.'. The' parly h it t lit i r eiunp mid friends on the summit ol'lthe Cas : ea.les nl 0 a ui returning at 7:'fd p hi, : uiiikini? the trip hi one day. After visitinj? the Klacie.' ten of the j party left Mr McCliiinr. Mr and Mrs I' D Liiit ui and Mrs V T Ivikiu on the clacier, and -tarted fur the peak of ' the middle Sister. In three and one half hours the paily reached the top, 'namely: Frank Wire ,Wavne Osluiin Lou i'o.vcrs, Fannie I) llemciiwtiy, F.lbert I'.rown, (irace 1 rmvu, Mav llciueuwav, Alice I lcineiiw.iv, Willa M I l:tii nit. and W T lvikin. This was i liu lar-st puny recisler ili) tin the Mlmmit .since the new book was placed there bv 1'lof Slraub in IS'Ji The smoke was w or-e In tlie nftcr- iiooii than in (lie giortntip;, but a good view was had of Ml Jell'trson, Ml 'iishiii(;to!i, Iliimond IVak, Odell Luke and n hu;,' snow p'nk in tiic so illi. A fie- r. -tin,' an hour the parly li-uaii Hie tie-.! -in, rea'hin;? their hi, i -is iu an hour nnd n half. (I.i the afternoon of August 1.'!, the lava bids were vi-itcd by Lev Wire and family, Mis Frank (Muirn mid son Wavne, Mr .McCluiif? and Mi- Jessie Met luiiu', Mr W.Gic's family and fiiciuls. Mr and Mrs Sutton, Mr T 1) Linton nnd family, Lmi I'oweis, the Mis-ts llcinenway and Mr Cau ircl. W. M. II. Cilnil Yot mi. Albany D.iiiociat: A live hlory comes nil. n I lie II iy, even from .Sleepy Hollow, the camp of llieO N (I. An Albanv oiimjt liiiiu wns assigned lo a certain duly one eveiilin?. Thai very nielli he Iiml inane arranneiiieiiis to taken couple of yoiiu ladles to the ball, and he proposed lo .) any way. Not nppreciatiiii; the strict military law under w hich he was taking his il.ui without the colis.i lit ol the otllcci iu t hai'!;.' In' not a yminj? man to don Ids uniform nnd Illl the place, while he hied away lo the place where the senile strains of iiuiMc. emanated from the Instruments of the Portland orchesl n. The fact was reported to Col Voran, who immediately sent a cumiii iml to him to r-turn to his post ol'.lutV. This I e refused Iiml contin ued his t'anciiu. The Col is business, so he sent ii s.piad of inch niter him with authority to brii'K him Into lamp. Tln v inarch d into the ball room mid carried him by foicv from the place. lhoili?h hu resisted mid r i,i f..r bis freedom. i lite ft Hell- sttion wns e.iu-ed. Tin- yo'.ms nmn was placed in the L'uard nous,', with all theil.-aijiceablc features cniiliectetl with it. We tin not know whether he Is under ",'iardytt "r "0,' l Kl.1. t.KK Tin: CAlis-Moiiday's Albanv I'eiii Htai: As fie excursion train from the Hay last nii(ht wns spetdin westward between riiiloninth mid Corvallis nt probuhly 'S mi lea per hour, Henry Stewart a printer in the Times ofllee of Corvallis, stepped out upon the platform, nnd immediately losiuji his balance by a crk of the car fell out Into the darkness. K'dntf head first ami striking upon his head und uliotilihrs. Den Cli lan of thin city was iil-o on one of the platforms und im mediately pulled the rope for the train to stop. It backed up mid a half a mile or so fo ind Hie younif uiaii nl most I iseusihle lylin? by the Irack. Ho was taken upon the cars ami brought to Corvallis. No hones were broken and it Is probable the youm? man will I coiillned to his bed only n few days. I'allJ (.ur.l, Auk'hI 21. A Narrow F.m. vI'K -A boy nam-d i t a rents resiiie lit v ict fiiiiii., " i , . ; nnd Hilyard streets, had a inr ro.naeape from Instant death while I ri'iini?a horse at a rapid pace down j ,ii street last i veiiini,'. The horse, j i i. w Im Uev. inad.' ft short i (IVt II' .1 i'.T " ' , turn down an alley, and iin- boy to .ve himself Irmn Is'inif erushe.l . against tho fei , hid the pn-euee of, ,, toil.row bim-clf over the feliee into the it .rdeii owned by fc o 1! saker. A close -have. Pa ; 'in ml. Aiica 21. i TO t UVK -J 'bn U Go,,l;, of Mo- ; hawk'precin.l, s p-d to the Purl : land exposition this iiiori.uu;. a i-.i.p.e f bunches or rje il-' uM"i.renw r on exhibition nnd w .11 In lp lehe n-e thetioil and climate of Lane c-MlitJ . iui : jr i.imr i, Aiis'i''. -I Takino Kvit.KN. K.-Kvl.lercecoi.. eerning the burning of the L'.-I''i' re-ide isls-iug tak' li todiy. I nf i,,,,,,,,,,,- ...inipa-ii's nre riprt-se,, .,) pVa- ...IJu-t-r while Mr P. --tel.. s in l.rc.t i- b-i.ig lonUed aft. r by Attor ney K It skipwnr'.b. 1 1 r.j i ..m. aj.ii.i W.....N..r.... -1 r T W Hams wi lint l! I to K em Dr.. "in- '"' 1 this mmnii'gi ,,ul ,e wi-he I t" - - i'r liit-i U o s'aiin. 11, e . allies wliom lived here last -vtiimg, so that the TL'i:S!)AY, AUtil'ST -V. You can kill phc:iau!s one week I from Political di-cu -ion on the streets i are Humeri, u-. i Th ' leaves ate be the Autumn hue. ;i.i:il I,' In t ike oil Three w.-eks until suimd at the I' of O. s! 1 1. '. arc ro- The annual M F. eonferene. me ts In Dallas September ,"rd. The old Sltitie b rber shoo room is jbeiiiir nil led for Kliwcgau's book sioie. Attorney L TII irris has lnvn up pointed a iioinry pubiie by the gov ernor. The head camp, Woodmen of the World bus redil' cd the per capita tax from rti.l per annum lo M.mi. D J I'eiigia, an old Lane county p iliticlan, but now residing in Crook county, Is now shouting for free silver nil. I Itryan. Kiigene Mill and Luiii 'er Company shipped a car load of hiiuWr to l laii today. 'Ilieynre loading two more ens for the same place. Kx-Mayor (ien P F.anU, ot Purl laud, died at Long I'.cach, Wash, yts lenl iy, from c.ino r of the stoniaeh. He was 4j years n ' uge. Soiut rville Journal: Joiiuny Pa, w hat Is the ibtri rcnce b.-tweeu a ton sol nil urtist and a build'.' Mr Wig gles The toli-oiial urtist uses longer wo.'ds. Jacksonville Times: Il is reported that Jos Koch, the map maker, litis departed for pa-lures new. Several Jacksonville cm, i n will rvgtvl his Hilling. There is a duly of seven cents li pou utl upon hops Tin' duty was put o.i lo piolect the hop raiser. Of course that in the ica-oii n p sell al silcli a high tlguro today. Tbt' cannery on the Silcl., at Kern ville, is now iu opeialioii, and has al ready packed several hundred eases of -almoii The li-h arc said lo be in very good condition. l'tiu Statesman says thai everybody who coiihl raise I he coin w ent lo the ciieus Saturday, .'toiu lo .'1'iOJ to each of the two pcrloriiiaiices mid thai it was the best ever In that city. The .Moliniouth Monitor h is suspen ded publication. 1 he editor ejves as a reason that tin re u as a mortgage on Hie nillee, and not being ml Millets it was loo heavy for him lo lilt. Fx Governor David 11 Francis, of .li-s,nii i, h i- been appointed S 't!ielury nf I tio Interior, vice Hoke Smith, rc signtii. Mr Francis will probably t ike charge of Hie ollice Sept 1st. A Marion county man is ad .'eriisin lo sell the properly of an estate at tier Vuis, as executor itloie he has been appointed by the court, or even the propeily appraised. This is a hurried e. Stnator David 11 Hill his invite I Win J liryau to lunch with linn at bis home iu Albany, N Y, tomorrow. The politicians "lalm t this means Unit Mr Hill will siipp nt Itryan lor Hie prcsidt ncy. Oscar C Pierce, win ofNalh iu Pu ree of I'elidle'o.i, had ids hand Ici'i ihly mangled iu a threshing machine, last Fiitlay. Ho was brought lo Pendleton for treatment, uml It ih thought the hand will be saved. Times; Fad Flo.'tl, of U wburj who was one of Ihe chief spokesmen of the gold-standard crowd in the demo cratic slate convention la-t April, has announced Ills Intention of taking Hie stump for Itryan ami Scwall. CS Jackson and John Hailey, of CinyonvilU', on u four dnyi' hunting trip, last week, secured 1 deer ami two bears. Mark Kiggs, Itobeit Cong lar nnd S Duclianiill, id the same phi. o, killed four ilei r on a elinilnr lour. Albany Democrat: Poll .idmastcr Davitlsou has now litiisoiied IStlogs liocording lo law. 'luX" have been collected on about lUU. lie has bis eyes llxctl for several more as soon us Hiey ii turn from their outings in the coil u try. The Salem J.mrual puhlishis this Item: Out of W) voters in Dcxttr pre cinct, Lane county, not toexctctlS are for III gold standard. In one pre cinct ol Marlon county, out of 7.i voters ouli VI are for McKinley, count ing all doubtful for him. Material Is being; prepared at the S 'lilh Tacoina car nhoM for the con slrucliou of l!!0 new llat-cars, of ), ikiii iioiiiul cupueity. They will bo turned out within the next two months. The shops are also iuurcas iii'j the size of seveial hundred cars, to a capacity of f)0,(KXJ, Instead of M.UnO pounds. About 4'M men are now em ployed in the shops. A mar. in a neighboring county who was clci! ed on uu economical phtlform immediately bccaino ilissilislidl wltti his (pinners, ui.d said lo I hi- judge who wus a bold over: "What do you call llns un nlllco or u hole in the wali?" The Judge, promptly replied: "I don't know w hat you call II i.o.v but Is fnre election it was an ollbie, Was limit?'' The conference then ended. Albany Herald: ll;iiry Williams received a ihsputch yesterday from Nate (linl announcing the tlealli of ins daughter, Miss Itlanch (flrd, at l'ri.'ieville. The tl. '.vasal iiiieuticii school In Albany l ist year and had 111 my young fiielids here. S'io was Hge.l 1 "j and was a bright gill. Her dcith occurred ut the home of bor grandfather, where shy was spending her vacation. Albany Oin Coat roller Iv.'kles has j.,sl inhered lie payment of ho per cent int.r.-l divideiid ly the Linn County National D ink. 1 he deposi tors have alnad.V In-fit paid Ih'ir I rui.'ipai in fall, a'"1 will lio.v r. Ive ,j p.-r c- il iu a Iditi in. li'-i les tin-; rl, nil I suits no .v I .'.eh', 2, b lo f..'.. r ,, the bank, lioiu 1 In I J p-r unit more w til be paid on interest. Puis w ill pill consilient!.!.- money into circulation, over which iheie has Is'cii suiiie pe s tio'i as to II payineul. l,l.i' Ainany ll. ruld: lloht Darl ing, w h-le nt work in tlie Woods ut I be in iii ol D i Harlow, was killed Instantly bv a tree being blown down 'which lal lolgul, on the." ol lust; ' m ar Ho; llrcilennu-li A Kerry station. De.-ei.-d wa- a bachelor, a native of Ciiiada, who had t'fil lioldiu;,' don a'c' iim rear H-mld. r creek, i-Mt of Detmit f..r the "st tliree or four ycais. )i. was a ini'i -f lrrcproncbb,e t hara. t. r. and lii sudneu ih uii-e cnsls a ijl'ii'in over the camp. I i'l'I'MIUll. ! I'll J' ' .11 II, t, AlU'i!.' .' I Blind Johnny lv "iiey is in Ihe city. S M Yor. m wcul to l'oi Hand lo.liy. J M Di tn.-k his folks toSodaNilie today. ! The ( all olic sish rs anived liouie today. ' Mrs MJ Traill returned to Albany today. I Mrs M M A I air rcliirucl froiii New. i port today. I ' 1 C Horrin, a S ilcui hop m m, is iu this ci'y. , Go W Pickett went to Junction this morning. ! C Sprcckcls ui of S i.ita Cruz, Culif , : is in litis citv. Miss Mae Hull went lo Host this afternoon. l.urg Mrs D A Wrighl went to (Irani' i a- last night. Prof Washburn lias returned from I his outing at Newport. I Miss Nettie Whitney Is visiting with j Mrs S S Train at Alba'ny. j Darw in l'.i'1-tow came down Ironi I Cottage Grove this morning. Postmaster Koney, of (io-hen, was doing business in Lugoiic today. Mi-s Stella Rowland returned liionc 'from Hariisliurg this afternoon, W I. Dc Moss of Dis.Moiiics, Iowa, was an arrival on I lie allcriioou Irani. Wils Oit'cu and daughter, Miss Nellie, are at the farm for a few days. liobt Parker went to Cottagj Grove this afternoon on a Miorl business trip. Get) T Hall's family is expected homo from the upper to morrow. Prof John Slraub and family will return to their homo in this i lly Thursday. Drew GriuTn Is ipiitc sick at his home iu this city with obstrucliou ol Hie bowels. Miss Anna Whiteaker Is vlsiiimr a Ja-pcr, and is the guest of Mr and Mrs J M Kceiicy. Mis J M Howe and children went to llrowiisville lo visit Willi friends and relatives today. Secretary of state Kiucald w ho has bet o visum ; his her, w ho Is .pule ill, returned lo Salem today, Mr and Mrs K L Fisher, the new ly wedded couple, lell lor their futuie home til K iscburg lids afternoon. Miss Laura Miller who has I -cell vis iting with Mi-s Dee Ankcny, of Sterl ing, Jackson county, has returned home. . Lester Se -It, of Portland, olio of the Ma.aiuas who has bu n on the Crater Lako excursion, spent last night in Kugeiie. Geo W Ihucliait came down from Crcswcll this iiiorning. lid will leave for his home al Condon on tomorrow ' early train. Mrs Judge J A Campbell, of Sin Francisco, w tin has been visiliug In thh city for a few days, went Injunc tion today. Don L P Coleman, of Cohiiig, and wile were in Kugeiie today. Ho In forms us that Mr .1 J Walton's Con dition shows noiehitlve change. Today' Salem Statesman: S II Fiientlly, of Ktigenc, ono of the lead ing gtain and hop dealers Iu the val ley, came up from Portland by last evening's local train ami stopped oil' in this city. Mr ('line ami family left this morn ing for their home at l'rliiL'Ville, via the Me Kcn.le route. A part of their load consists of (i ) gallons of lame blackberries which they Imtight ut 6 cents per gitllnn nn the vines. Warren Luckey and wife and daugh ter, Miss Margaret, und son, Karl, will stmt by team tomorrow morning for Harney county, where Miss Margaret will teach school Ibis winter. The others will return iu three weeks. The Ilolleiibcck -Spores party ar rived homo last evetilug lioin their outing. They went acro-H I ho Can onic by th-i Military route, visited Crescent mid Odell Deschutes country mid icluiiicd via Iho McKe.i .le route. Dr V V Henderson, who has been In attendance upon Ihe grand lodge of Woodmen of the World, us a delegate, returned to this city this morning. He reports having bad a very pleasant anil Instructive visit. P K Snodgrnss, Hie other Kugeiie delegate, mopped oil' at Pendleton while en louto home, to visit with relatives lor a few day b.illy Uutid, Aun-t 2 1. Ilo vi i so Party. A very pleasant boating party went to the head of Ihe met, last evening. Tim party rowed out of the city about 7 p in, returning at 10 p m. At Ihe bend of Hie race a large Ihiii 111" was built and the time was spent In playing games, listening to music, etc. 'i'honi w ho embarked were: Misses Carrie and llarhara Luiier, Carrie Fi loudly, Miss Haum and Delia I'lluger, of Portland, lllaucli Straight, Mae Hull itu-I Lena Gold sinlib; Me-sis Warner Drown, C W Keltic, Dr J J Fiul.y and K K Davis. SnMK Hop Norm. -salcm Htates iniin: Fl-as & Prlt., ol Cliiiiiimiti, lijive contracted with Oliver Hcers for J'l.lll 0 pounds of Imps grow n on Ilis farm neitr llris-ks ibis year. The price to bo paid Is 'H cents ol w hich 4 cents are to be paid advanced nt the limn of picking. Delivery Is to be niado not inter than October loth Hop pick ing in Maiimi county will begin about the llrst i-f S.'ph inhc r und will be in hid bla-t by the 7lh.',f 0.;i r I, V iiu-l Hi s' in no I! ' ; s - 1 lie bicycle iiics.i. i; - i..i. vi-lcrday were ho -ly eiiitc-led. Welch Won Hie mile race; lime lo Hat. I link, of lilcndalo, wini the ' uiile novice; lime 1-10. JM McChttiitliaii, Jr, ofllils city Won the one mile open race, defeating the Southern On g-m riders Iu -;.'!-. Mo ( laii'ihan as not p 'rtulltcd to enter (be o mile nice. DlU-.-Mrs Samuel ilhrow, aged 11 ycar, died of consumption at the family home near l'.lmiia August ".I, ih'.sl. Di cc.iM t leave a husband and s -vt ral children. She was ipilte wi ll known throughout tho c unity. The lunelal seiviees w ill lie held at 1 1 a m tomorrow and the remain Interred In lli', Ionian cemetery. OM'E MUUK' IS A TUAMK. Ilic Semblance of Heath Acalil VimIs Mr Mary AlbcrtMMi. l'hcre is a se.niel to the escape of Mis Mary S AIimtIsoii from being i'l -buiiic'l n live. The terrible experience in tins young wi.iow in v-oiuunia , slough during iho week ending August was related iu the Portland lele ! grant. She was supposed to have tin d !of typhoid fever at A o'clock oil the I morning of the .7lh of July, and two Ulays Intel prepurallous were being I made in ml. r her. Frank Tliurmau an old Danish hospital nurse, and a Irieiid of the woman, believing he tie- detected some sparks of lilo Iu the re- mains, almost gin into several personal '. altercations because of hi refusal In I allow the burial of Mr Albertou lo be proceeded with till inoro positive I evidences of tlealli had made Iheui- stlvcs iiiaiiifcst. Iho old nurse's premise were correct, for with Iho aid of a galvanic ballery and other sloralives, ttio dead was brotigh'. re to Ml lite on the inoiuiiijj of the ad lust. III.. 1 1 in., Illi. vi.llllip U'llllllV WHS laid ...w j B ......... . Imrliil mIio una fllllv imirtllltll t of w hat was passing about her, yet uu able to artieiihtlo u sound or move a muscle. On the HUli Inst Mrs Albertsoti had sullbieully reetiveretl lo accept an In vitation from friends near Grant's Pas. She lell her homo on the evening nf that day seemingly III excellent health and spirits, promising to write her liieiul Tiiurinaii us to how slio wa far ing on In r visit. Hut she was not utile to keep that pledge, for tile unfoituu ale woman ngaiii Is In a cataleptic slate. Thurmaii yesterday received a It lt. r from It 8 lllochmeler, whose l'. lo Mr A llii.rtMiiil Ii. VImIIIiilT- Mlut- ing Hint slio was taken very nick two days uller lier arrival more. vu inn third day she wa apparently dead. Hut for her narrow escaiw from being buried alive Iu Poitlautl, she certainly would have iiecll sublcctetl to olio of tl e most horrible late the human mind can conceive, on Hie Souitiern Oregon rami, Hloetimeii'r write that a (Haul' Pass physician applied a galvanic ballery immediately aHcr .to, it b uim sniesiscd tn have claimed the woman, but it proved unavailing till last Tuesday noon. Then the cat aleptic attack gradually abandoned tlie patient, and nt 4 o'clock she asked lor a illinK ol Winer. niio, nowovcr, C..II... I i.i i...ilii wli.irit mIhi wus. mill complained bitterly al being removed from the soeleiy oi nor paiems iwuo me ileadi. wilh whom hIio was having a delightful visit. In tliis Instance she iiad been perfectly uiicunscloils of leiicstrlill Ilic, hiiti a i no incosopnism have it, lier astral body had la-en ui. iuulcring about In celestial realms. Hlockmeierailds that il was lull two hours before Mr Alborlsnii cou.d grasp who ho and Id family were, ami II was almost I m possible lo con vince her that she bad been In a death like trance ror live iiuy. "She reuionilicred nothing about lier leaving home," continued the writer, "and lor Heveial hour alio raved like one demented ft. r having boon brought back to this eiitih. At u o'clock in the night, however, she grew calmer and ipnte lucid. She then was nine to rciili.o lier sllualioii. NYheii alio was bright enough lo appreciate lier econii .......,iu H. in irmn it livlmr burial slio went into oonv ulslons, and nt mid . . . . . I, night slio ngnili wns iu a iruiice. The letter In Thurinan'a ssoslon say thai Mince men, up io rri.iay eveiilntr. 'r AlU-rlson uaa uui once been hioiiuht to herself by mean of a galvanic battery. She ha not tikeli, any iinurisiiinuni since ncr unites, uu the rami. anU nue lias wasteti away in ui,..,l,iti- A ktrHiitrn fofiture 111 a ii.i-iv r.,, .- . - - n - connection with this case Is that while In the tiance condition, Mrs Aloert- soii's ti'Hiilralltili ami nuisaiiou are absolutely linperceptiblo. Yot alio must breathe, aim iter neari inusi, no in ucllon. Her medical attendant, who i a skilled one, ay the allllclud woman' lire hangs on the slightest thread, and certain deatli Is likely to ensue at any moment. Hut Iu this ciuie there will be no Interment till de composition has act In. Usui uonril, Auguit '.l. A WltKiiC Today' Haleni Htateii- liliili: The Dili lliuolllltl ireigni irmn, which left Malum at luiio riuniiiiy morning, was wrecked a half inilo this side of (iervnls at II o'clock the aame morning The train, which wa In charge of Conductor l''.ugcne Ilrlstow ami Knglneer John rolsoin, wa running "long at a rapid rate when one of iho axles ol the II fill cur from the rear of the train broke, throwing tho four car and the cuboose. which were back of the wrecked car, olt the track, completely wrecking them and scattering the eoului'ta two of which were loaded with wheat and the other two with Hour-over the ground, ami tuirlng up the track badly for about PHI yards. The car were ground into kindling wood and the road wns block aded. Tlie wrecking tralu' from the carahotM wu scut out and at once began tho work nf cleurlnn up the road. This wa completed by mid night anil the road wa put In condi tion to allow train to pass. The after noon ltoscburg truln. which readied the scenu of the wreck about 3 o'clock, was, of course, unable to proceed und walled therefore uutll tlie Salem local reached that point, when passengers I I wn. uw nlin llirml till! Ha- llll'l UI!r,tt:KU ,s v.i.-"P,"- , lem liH iil running back to Portland and the Koseburg tralu returned here. I he overland train last night was de layed two hours, arriving Iu thin city . . . . i . . . . . .... i .... at l a in yesier.iay iii iiuh-k. PoVIAl. TKLKiiRAl'II ltATKH. The Postal Telegraph Cmr.puny bus low ered it rate Ii) those ol the WeslKrn Union, w hich were recently published, it.. in i oil.. InivH an understand ing that their rate hall bethenuine i i i,..i..l,.rn tin. seheibllo of rate iiuhllsbcil a few day ago applle to the I. . ... 11 . ... .1... tt-.....w.i rn-tal u wen as io mo in. Union. (ilAMil-s.-llon It 11 Miller, the i. lent of the Oieiron Agricult ural Colltve, will ship id household Ultccts to that city Satufduy. Mr Mil ! Ier' handsouiH residence in this city i i...- i....... in President I haiiinan i Ill's ... i " - " - of the university who will move Into i next week. Tkn Day. Win 10 Swunn, the mini rr...ied Krl.liiv for being drunk and abtisinir hi wife, wa given a hearing before Itecorder Dorrls and aentenia'd i,. ten davs Iu tail. Tlie man' wife was sent to her people at Dayton Hat- ur lay. ,''".T.''" - ' TTT" ' . ; W- --T I?!1 '. f, 5 f )!,-'' V ''M'.'-s'; ' - v. i.-v. rSuf '.-'.-r .-' ''( . THE DC3T SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons liver fpgulator don't forget to t.ikr it. 1 hi Liver Rets sluRglsh during the Winter, just like all nature, nnj tlie svstem Kvurnii thokej up by tin a.vmm:! it'. J, wlii.h brings on Mal.itii, l ever nnj Ague anj Klieuma tisni. Yu want to wake tip your Liver now. but j-uri mu take Sl.M.UOSS LlVliR h'la.L'l AIOU t ) do it. It also regulates th-' Liver Keeps it properly at work, vv he. i your system will be free from poison anJ the wlvl hclv invigorated. You get Tin : ltr.s ritLooDw hm your system Ii In Al condition, and that will only he when tlie Lb cr is kept active. Try a Liver HemcJy once and note the ditlt-ri'iue. Hut take only Sl.M.YiONS LlVliK Hintd ATOR it Is SIMMONS I iviiK HniULAfOK vvhka makes the dilleretKe. T.iUe it in ptrnder or In llqulj already prcp.irej, or make a tea of the CiwJer; butt.ikeSIMMONSl.IVKR KEGU AfOK. You'll luiJ the KbU Z on every (xickage. Look for it. J, U. Xclllu Co., riaiadcliihU, Pa, (iKNKKAL AltNOLl) HK.VH. Siicciiiuhs to a Llngerlnr Illness of Five Year. Mondav's Portland Telegram: "John (' Arnold, surveyor general ror ttio district of Oregon, after a long and lingering lllues lasting over a period of marly live year, tiled this after noon at P.': lo p m, at his rcsldcneo, 10 I'.ast Mnth strict. , "Mr Arnold wa born In tho stale of Iowa ') I years ago, coining to Oregon when hut a lad of 11. His Unit occu pation was that of a school teacher, subsccp'utly hu was a book agent, and then taking up civil cnglntsi'ring by Indomitable pel severance ho fought his way to (ho bead of hi profession. 'ror. ' year past, prior to hi be ing named surveyor general nn Cleve land' second election, ho wan a real lent ol Cinalilla county, with Ii las homo In Pendleton. For 15 year of this limn lie was county surveyor, the other live year being devoted to farm- lug. 'A more generous, warm-hearted: man than was John (J Arnold II would bo hard to Iiml, a the hun dreds of dlstressetl emigrants and struggling young men be lias assisted win icstity. "Mr Arnold leave a wife ami three children." Mr Arnold was a resident of huge ne and Lam, county for a number of year, hdlowing (ho professions ot school teacher ami civil engineer. Ilia many friends throughout this lectioa will learn with regret or nil demise. Flshcr-l'ieston Nuptial. !lly Ci tianl. August Of tho many pretty wedding that have occurred this summer season. none, perhaps, wus so pretty as the last. At their homo ot Fifth ami Pearl street al high noon today, Mr and Mr W ui Preston gave In marriage to Mr Kmersou Lee Fisher, a prominent young business man or ltoscburg, their only daughter, F.tta Ilrlstow Preston. All that kindly reeling und anisiio lasle coil hi do hud been heartily done, ami when the kuchis the relative and Intimate friend of the happy couple arrived a few minutes before) the noon Hour, lliey lounu the uaimy parlor transformed Into a bower of Itlylllo bounty. Iu tho front parlor a gorgeous "Hold Hand" and Japan Ill- lies mingled their waxy pniK ana white with tho mora brilliant coloring or "La France" rosea ami the rich green of palms and lint i houso foliage plantu; white snowy mists oi domain-, festooned from the center to the brightest corner of the room, formed a marriage arch ns unique a ueauniui. Promptly at noon, to the strains of Meudelsshon's "Wedding March" laved bv Mis Hull the bilde and groom, attended by little Iluw l Hull, a maid of honor, and Master Donald Preston, a page, tooK llieir places un der Ihe arch, while ltev W H Gilbert, with characteristic! brevity ami tenderness, pro- nouiieeil ilis earnest wnrtis inaiuinue them man and wife. The charming bride, nicely irowuod in cream chlltbu, carried a bridal bouipicl of magnificent "La r ranee" rose. After happy congratulations, all were shown into the dining room, glowing with llamlng verbenas and yellow roses, where a most perfect lunch wa served. The bride and groom were then escorted to the after noon train, which they took for their now homo iu Uos-burg. Tlie shower of rose leaves and rice (to say nothing of shoes) and the happy faces of the entire company of guests, showed how heartily they all joined tn wishing them all the happiness Iu the world. A Of EST. I lia Ullisr m'hviaisr- SA.'.HM. Or., Aug. 2J.-Forthe bene Hi of McKinley, or Michigan, who would have lost considerable money by Investing In Oregon lands, the titles to which have proven Invalid because of tho base used, about 2800 acre have been listed from tho Cas cade reserve ami will be used to "wt up" MoK nicy's title. liahjr (iiisril, Augint '.'(. t ". Mm I msi ii t m 1.1 A ii i nail ranee adjuster is in; tho city today working on Ihe lloslclll ios. it nuv, m that tho insurance was as follows: On reslth nee, f -t,rlK; on furniture, 1.1,000; total, to.oiK), Instead of a total of f 4,C00, as formerly stuted. Duly Utisr.1, Augut'2. Oi.ii Siioks and Itit'B. A number or friend were at the depot this after noon lo witness the departure ot the bridal parly. They had old shoes and an abundance of rice, which wasshow end upon the young couple. ih.wd.sw. m wwk. of the lion- tj "t an.ler poiiilrr (iiaranbs; ., . if tcnu rei bottle by all draretita. UK trip will not lie lie cs-ary.