The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 22, 1896, Image 2

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I. L. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
Comprehensive Kevlew of tha I m port
ant Happenings of III Pt Week
Culled Proui the Telegraph Columns.
Mulloh Rezza, who assassinated the
Imh of Persia la May lane, wi banged
t Teheran in the presence of an im
mense concourse.
lien Noyer, who was arrested upon
suspicion of having robbed the Wilboit
stage, bat been released from jail with
out having been given an examination
upon the charge.
In a fight at Vodena, Macedonia, be
tween J 60 insurgents and 600 Turkish
troop, the former were reinforced after
four houri and routed the Turks, fifty
of whom were killed.
Frank Farnswortb Barnard, aged 43,
tenor linger well known in theatri
cal circle, oorornltted auiclde in New
York by shooting blmaelf In the right
temple with a revolver.
The oyolists of Olympla, Wash., have
formed a olub, with a membership of
1 BO, for the vigorous prosecution of a
good road cruaade. They propose to
immediately begin the improvement of
Hie varioua road leading out of the
Tbe four-story mill of the Spcrry
Flour Company, at l'ato Kobles, Cal.,
wai burned together with three adjac
eut oibini and a blackamltb ihop.
The mill w valued at '35,000, and
the itock of wheat and flour on band
wai worth 1 13,000, and it wai a
total loss. There wai 10,000 insur
ance on the building.
A dispatch from Egypt aaya: "To
ahow the futility of any hope of arrest
ing the course of cholera at present,
during the week before last fresh out
break! occurred in sixty-nine different
plaoe and lust week in eighty-seven.
During the aeven days to August 1,
1,200 deatha were reported, and in the
following ill daya 1,700 deatha."
Judge Noble denied the application
of the Drown Hoisting Company's
locked-out employe for an injunction
to restrain Mayor MuKissnn, of Cleve
land, from calling additional militia
into Kir vice; to restrain tbe Drown
oompany from arming Ita employe
and to compel tbe oompany to carry
out the agreement made with the
locked-out men on July 37.
The cannery and machinery of the
Anderson (Cal.) Canning Ac Packing
Company, owuod by Dan Urover and
11. T. Kyan, burned. Tbe cannery was
worth f 4,000. A stock of dried fruit
worth f700, 800 lack of wheat and a
large quantity of tin waa also de
stroyed. There is no Insurance. Two
adjaoent oottagua owned by Dun Urover
aud J. T. Kyan, valued at f 700, were
also burned.
At Bun Antonio de In lianos, a pro
prietor named Domingo Ueinundei,
who wai 70 years old, bus been bunged
by the insurgent.
At the Novelty theater, Loudon, iu
stabbing aoeue, tbe spring dagger
made for stage use fulled to act aud an
actor was stubbed to the heart ao that
ho died in a tew minutes.
Honor Marco 1 do AzHcurrn, Bpaulah
milliliter of war, I considering a
scheme to iutroduue conscription iu
order to facilitate the recruiting of
forces fur tbe Spanish army aurvioe iu
Mini Clara Harton, president of the
Amerioau brauoh of the Kod Cross So
olety, ha started on her return to the
United State, her mission of distribut
ing relief to tho Aruieulaua having
been ended.
A. W. Fawoett, the recently deposed
mayor of Taooinu, annouuee that the
tight for occupancy of tho oflloe Is not
yet ended by auy means, aud that bo
will immediately carry the contest to
the supreme court for settlement.
Johu Thompson aud Jay Leonard
were killed by lightning iu a violent
storm at Saiidusky, U. They were
working on tho new government pier
at Cedar l'olnt, with auger iu their
bauds, which attracted the lightning.
Tho body of a newly born male in
fant wa discovered Moating iu the
Willamette river near New K.ra one day
last week. A coroner's impiest wa
held over the remains, but uotbtng wa
developed which would tend to throw
any light upon the mystery, a to why
the body of the babe wa thrown Into
tho river.
The steam schooner Poiut Arena,
bound from Sun Francisco to Mendo
oino, went on the rock near l'oiut
lteyos. Captain Johnson, her matter,
wa on the bridge when she grounded.
He at once begun to back ber, aud
withlu teu minute the waa free of tho
rocks. A soon a tho voancl was
loosened the wuter began to rush iu
through a hole iu her port bow, just
forward of the forward hold. Captain
Johuson headed for San Franoiaoo, aud
came up uuder a full head of steam,
the pumps being kept iu action all the
wbilo. By the time she reached the
Miasion slip, where she wa docked,
there wa tour feet ot water iu ber tor
ward hold.
A. V. Tile, ot California, eoorctary
of the national stiver committee, wa
fouud dead at Washlngtou, D. C, uu
der circumstances which lead to a sus
picion of foul play. He had been mis
sing for four day. Hi body wa
fouud under the aqueduct bridge.
When last aeon he had ooualderable
money, but the money wa missing
when the body wa discovered. A sil
ver watch, however, had uot been dis
turbed. Thero i no evidence ot sui
cide. Mr. Pile wa the ion of ex-Con-gresstnau
I'ilo, ot California.
A Cubau woman and two little girl
8 aud 10 year old, have been held a
spies in Puerto Priuolpe. The former
carried a revolver aud the children
bad correspondence addressed to the
rebel government iu Cubltu when p
prehonded by the Spanish in tbe Puerto
Principe suburbs. All will be court-
martialed. A petition, however, 1
being signed beseeching tbe queen
regent to request Captain-General
Weyler to pardon the children it con
victed. Potatoes In Greenlaud never grow
larger than a marble.
lea Famine Threatened.
Bt. Louis i seriously threatened with
an ioe famine. Price have been
iteadly advancing lino the opening
of the season until now they are op to
the highest point reached in thl oity
for several year. Tbi week there
wa an additional increase of $1.35 per
ton to the trade and another increase
may be expected soon. Tbe price to
the trade 1 now 5, or more than
double what it wa at any time last
year. Ioe 1 being (hipped in from re
mote northern point, but tbe demand
oannot be supplied.
An American Clllaen "hot.
A young man named Jamea F. How
ard i now in the hospital in Juarez,
Mexico, with two bullet hole in hi
body. He became involved in a quar
rel with Mexican and shot three of
them dead. They had attempted to as
sault aim. He wa seriously wounded
in the fight, but managed to escape.
A Demand by Terrell.
United States Minister Terrel ha do
tuanded the immediate release of six
Armenian (nuturalized Americans)
imprisoned at Aleppo. Terrel ba(
notified the Turkish authorities that
the further imprisonment of Ameri
can would not be tolorated.
Tran.-Oreeiilo Keenrd llroken.
The (teamship St. Paul, from South
ampton, cronaed Sandy Hook in six
day and fifty seven minutes, beating
the new record made last week by her
later ship, the St Louis, of six days,
two hour and twenty-four minute.
Droeutd In the Columbia.
Mark Van Dibber, a ion of W. H.
Van Dibber, of The Dalle, wa
drowned In the Columbia river near
that oity, where be wa swimming iu
company with several companion!.
The body ha not been recovered.
fifteen Horses PuUoued.
Twelve of the fifteen horses belong
ingj to Charle A.Worth, of Bun Fran
oiaoo, are dead and three more are un
der treatment for arsenical poisoning.
The poison wa administered by an
enemy ouknowu.
Iiaulel Pullen Musing.
Daniel Pullen, a prominent farmer
of Lapush, Waab., luddenly became
insaue last Suuday aud left hi home
and ha not siucobeeu seen or heard of.
Iti believed behai committed suicide.
Floods In India.
A London dispatch from Bombay
lay heavy flood have been caused by
the rising of the river Kistuuh. - Im
mense damage wa done, andlhoueunds
rendered homeless. A river bout wai
capsized and 300 person drowned.
Ilegulalors Madly Needed
The violent demonstration by the
turbulent element of Delloville, 111.,
against the Salvation Army which
have occurred at frequent intervals on
the puhlio square for a year past, at
lust culminated in a riot For over
two hour the mob aurged around tho
little baud of Christians, cursing, push
ing, striking aud creating a perfect
bedlam of discordant noises. One of
tbe army flags, on which was the stun
aud stripes, was toru from its stuff and
trumpeted upon. Cue of tho women,
who waa struck on the head by a mis
sile, wu about the ouly one seriously
The Maw a Large Metrnr.
E. Simmons, wife and two daughters
were sitting Iu the yard at their home
iu Chicago when they saw a meteor do
socudiug aud aiming directly toward
them. Terror overpowered them,
bound thorn to tholr scats and prevent
ed their fleeing. Dut fortunately
while tho mass ot molten metal was
100 feet from them it burst, and tho
fragment scattered with a report like
a cannon, the hissing sound which hud
beeu growing in luteusity culminating
In a lust dying gasp. No fragments
could bo found.
Death In tha Flood.
A great rain storm burst over Pitts
burg aud vicinity, deluging a territory
several miles iu extent, swelling the
streams Into torrents, sweeping away
bridges aud sending a icoro of humau
beings into eternity. Tho storm is
attributed to the approach of a cool
wave from the Northwest. Great dam
age was done by water iu various parts
of the oity. The streets ware covered
by debris, cur lines tied up and trucks
blockaded. At Dehaveu, a small towu
near the Wild wood oil well, six peopli
wort drowued.
A Holler Kiploded.
A hundred and fifty horse-power
boiler at the Lookville Drlck Tile
works, near Maximo, O., exploded with
terrillo force, completely wrecking the
building. Isainh Johnson, an en
gineer, bad his back broken. He will
die. Samuel Snider was badly injured
about the head aud had his breast
crushed. He oautiot recover.
Train lieu lulo a Wa.hout.
An eastbouud mail traiu from Chi
cago on the Lake Shqp road, ran into a
washout seventy feet long aud thirty
feet deep near Otis, Iud , aud the entire
traiu, except the day ooaoh, plunged
into the big hole. The engineer, James
Grlftlu, aud the fireman, Michael
ltoache, wore almost instantly killed.
No cue else was injured.
Florence, Kan., is proud of being the
resilience of a humane lady, who bought
au ear trumpet for her pet dog.
"Iucroaseot oholera iu Egypt" is
tbe principal feature of a report re
ceived from the laud ot the Pharaohs
by Surgeou-Meuor Wyuiau, ot the
marttia hospital service iu Washington.
"Notwithstanding the measures taken
bv Dr. Itouers Pasha." sars the reoort.
"the proportion of tho cholera outbreak
shows the disease bas got beyond the
control of "the sanitary authorities. It
is no rvtlection upon lingers Pasha or
the member ot the staff who are assist
iug him.
(1 reek May Kiteud Aid.
A Loudon dispatch from Athens say:
"Owing to the recent Mussulamn atro
cities the Oreck governing ut ha decid
ed no longer to plaoe hindrances iu the
way ot arm aud volunteer going to
Crete for the insurgents. The govern
ment oouslder It would be inhuauin to
leave them a helpless prey to the Turk
ish ferocity
A syndicate ha beeu termed In
Englaud to work ooal bed in Kent,
one ot the few green bit of the laud
where the suin of the stoker's trade
ba uot yet falleu ou the landscape.
A laa Franelseo Maa Baa Designed
Kt Alrahlp.
Ban Franoiaoo, Aug. 17. Dr. C. A.
Smith i more enthusiastic than ever
over hi Hying machine ainoe be re
ceived a telegram Wednesday from
Washington informing him that a
patent had been granted on bi device
for ailing through the air. A com
pany wa incorporated in tbi oity last
Saturday to build Smith' airship,
navigating air vessel and carrying on
a general businesa in tbem. I. J. Tru
man, president of the Columbian bank,
and George T. Garden are among the
stockholders. The attorney for the
company ii M. M. Estee.
These well-known men declare that
Smith' machine appear feasible a a
mechanical proposition, and that it is
really a most ingeniou solution of the
difficult prob'ems that have faced the
scientific aeronaut Smith himself
claim it will lift itsolf and additionul
weight, and more than that, he oan 10
ootrol it flight a to practically imi
tate a bird on the wing. Tbi meun
that the airship can be lifted from the
earth and depressed at the will of the
engineer, who may also tteer hi vessel
hither and thither, describe circle re
gardleia of the wind, and perform evo
lution like a ihip at sea.
It 1 still further claimed for tbi
wonderful invention that it can be
driven into the very teeth ot the storm.
Indeed, if all thut is olaimed for it
prove true, the longtalked-of airship
will aoon be an accomplished fact
The oompany intend to open a work
shop at once aud begin the oonitruo
tion of Dr. Smith' first alrahlp. Aud
in the oourse of a few month, the ex
pectation of seeing the machine arise
and float aloft will be very strong.
Will He Held In Portland From
tember IB to Oo tuber IT.
The coming Oregon Industrial Expo
sition whioh opens in Portland Sep
tember 19 and closes October 17, prom
ises to be a pronounced success. The
citizen of that enterprising city have
subscribed over $10,000 to carry out
the plans, whioh are now being ar
ranged on a more elaborate scale than
ever before. It looks already as though
every available inch of apaoe alio ted to
exhibit in the great building will be
occupied. A splendid military baud
has been organized and will be under
the leadership of Mr. G. Oechsle, late
of Gilmore' celebrated band, and a
leador and composer of great ability.
The admission price bas been fixed at
35 cents, and the same interest mani
fested iu tbe Portland fuir lust year
will doubtless be much increased this
year on acoouut of tbe overwhelming
success of the Exposition of 181)8, when
the management iu every respect kept
faith with the publioand provided such
attractions as bad never before been
seen on the coast
II arret!, the Enclnnda Hold-Bar
ber, Has Coufe.aed.
Ban Diego, Cal., Aug. 14. Garret,
the Euoinuda gold-bar robber, bus con
fessed to the Mexican officers. Ho
says no one was implicated with him,
aud he opened the safe by a combina
tion. He offered to show bow it was
done, and was tuken by the official, to
Kiverull's oflloo, where in a few sec
ond he opened two safes by the combi
nation. He says Pratt Is not guilty,
and tbut on the night of the robbery,
he got Pmtt drunk aud robbed the safe
alone. Wheu captured Garrett carried
firearms and a canteen with water,
enough to withstund a long siege.
The governor baa sent out boats and
armed men to overhaul the schooue
Pokiu, which took Garrott to Lower
Counterfeiting Dollars.
Washington, Aug. 17. The secret
soi vice bureau of tho treasury depart
mont has boon requested to look into a
report of extensive counterfeiting of
United Stutes silver dolars in one of
the Central American states. The in
formation oomes from a Mexican paper,
and waa sent to the state department
by Minister KauBom. It states thut iu
one of the Central American states a
company has beeu organized by Ameri
cans who have purchased the silver
dollars of the state worth 47 cents, aud
ooiued them into American dollars. It
is said that 3,600,000 ot these dollars
have been shipped into this country,
where they have passed at par. The
story 1 discredited at the treasury de
partment, aud it is said it would be
impossible to ship any considerable
number of coins Into this country with
out tbe counterfeit being discovered.
If counterfeiting has been going on,
the guilty persons could be punished
uuder the treaties providing for such
orimes, which have boon made with
nearly all countries.
Fualou Agreed t'pon.
Ellensburg.Wash., Aug. 17. Fusion
ot the Populists, Democrat aud free-
silver men who left the Republican !
party has been effected iu tbe state of ;
Washington, aud the name ot the new !
party will be the "People's party." !
This wa brought about touight, when !
the Populist convention decided to al
low the Democrats to nominate one
congressman, in addition to tne other
official allotted to them.
Mlnue.ota Train Wreck.
Kouud House, Minn., Aug. 17. An
Eastern Miunesota freight ran into a
Oreat Northern engine, demolishing
both engines and killing
killing M. Moore,
Great Northern fireman. The blame
is tupposed to rest with the Eastern
1 crew
Whenever the lnveution admit of a
model the inveutor is required to fur
nish it ot a oouvenlnet stie to show
properly and to the best advantage the
working of the device.
Klot at rieveland
Cleveland, O., Aug. 17. Three men j
were shot and oue badly butt in a con-1
fliot which oocurred this evening be-1
tween a parly ot the Prown company ;
strikers aud several non-union men, ;
who were going borne from the works.
Two ot the wouuded men are non- 1
nulonlsts, the third is a striker and the
fourth a spectator. None were neces
sarily fatally hurt j
In India there it a species of butter
fly in which the male bat the left wing
yellow aud the right wing red.
oolort on the female are vice vena.
Dr. Nansen Advanced Further
Than Previous Explorers.
Ilr. Hansen Has Beea Over Three
Years Now. e..d HI. Kipedlllon Is a
Great Su.eei.-He Will Hoon ll.lurti.
Malroo, Sweden, Aug. 17. The
heler has received
1 communications from Dr. Nansen and
Lieutenant Shottansen, from the island
of Vardo. These oinuiuuioatious state
that they abandoned the Fram in the
autumn of 18'J5 and rcsorttd to ice.
i The iteamer Windward, carrying
'supplies to tho Jacksou-Uarmsworth
' expedition, picked them up near Franz
Josef laud. They expectetd that the
Fram would eventually drift to tbe
! east ooast of Greenland. Dr. Nansen
! failed to reach the pole, but he touched
: a point four degrees nearer than any
j other explorer has done.
Tbe steamer Windward took letters
for Nansen when It started to the relief
! of tbe Jackson-Uarmsworth expedition,
' as Mr. Jackson expected to find Nan
' sen, and was convinced that bis idea
' of drifting across the pole in the ice
i was impracticable. He was also con
j vinced that Nansen would return in
I the direction of Fran Josef laud.
All In (iood Health.
Vardoe, Norway, Aug. 17. Dr.
Nansen left the Fram on March 14,
181)5, in 83 deg. of north latitude. He
traversed the polar sea to a point 80:14
north latitude, situated north of the
North Siberia islands. No land wai
lighted north of 83 deg. of latitude or
thenoe to Franz Josef hind, where he
passed the winter, subsisting on bear
flesh and whale blubber.
Dr. Nunsen aud his companion! are
In the best of health. Tbe Fram li ex
pected at Vardoe or Dergeu shortly.
She stood the Ice well. There were no
sick persons aboard when Nunsen left
(Dr. Fritjojo Nansen, the Norwegian
gcientist, now 80 yeur old, suilod
from ChrBtiana on Juue 24, 181)3, ou a
vovage of discovery to the arctic re
gions, aud with tbe intention of reach
ing tbe north pole, if possible. He
embarked on board the three masted
schooner Fram, which was provided '
with a mo-horsepower steam engine.
She was ot 800 tons burden, and ber
sides were so constructed as to force ail
ice meeting tbe vessel to pass under it,
thus preventing all "pinching" and
The Fram was launched at Laurwik, 1
near Christiana, October 20, 18U3, and
the Norwegian parliumeut gave Dr.
i Nansen about 153,000 in aid of his ex
pedition. Additional funds were
forthcoming by private subscription,
including one of over $5,000 from King
Tbe Fram was in every way admir-
ably equipped, aud had a crow of
I twelve men, all of whom occupied tho
I cabin, which measured only thirteen
j feet square, aud which was heated by
means of an English petroleum Btove,
which consumed three liters of petro
leum a day. The Fram (forward) had
; enough fuel on board to last eight or
nine years, and she also hud a library
ot 1,000 books.
Dr. Nansen's plan was to make for
the New Siberia islands and thcuce
sail directly north until the Frum
should be imbedded iu the Ico He
propo.ed then to drift along with the
ice, following the west coast of any
land that might be met. A dispatch
was received from him at Vardien,
August 23, 18U3, written iu the Yngor
aki straits ou the aecoud day of that
montn, anuouuoiug thut the expedition
was about to sail iuto Kara sea, aud
that the Frum, so fur, hud behaved
Dr. Nuusen entered the university of
Chistiuna iu 1HS0, au iu 1883 went as
a passenger ou the sealing steamer VI-:
king to Denmark straits aud the east
coast of Greenland. It is believed that
this voyage laid the foundation for the
ambition of his life, namely, that ot
discovering the north pole. Ou his re
turn from Greenland he was appointed
curator of the museum at Ucrgen, aud
held thut position until 18S3, wheu he
led a small expedition to Greenland
and crossed the southern portion ot thut
country from the east const to God
bead, ou the west const, where the
party wintered, aud returned to Nor
way in June, 1 880. )
A Hertoit. Areldent.
Astoria, Or,. Aug. 17. Honry John
son, an employe at Logau's Seaside
sawmill, was terribly lacerated jester
day while flliug a circular saw. The
maohiuery was started up without
warning, and Johnsou was caught by
the olothiug aud thrown over the saw. i
A bystander, with groat presence ot
mind grasped a knife and severed the '
belt, thus saving Johnson from Icing
cut to pieces. The injured mau was
removed to his residence aud medical
aid summoned. It was fouud that the
right arm was badly out below the
shoulder, the left abovo aud below the
elbow, aud the right leg at the knee
was toru In a shocking muuuer. It is
thought Johuson' wouuda will not
prove fatal. j
I'lllaclng Continues In Crete.
Rome, Aug. 17. Semi-official
vice from Canea, island ot Creto,
say that the pillaging continues iu
i -.,, nl
a ! Z I . T"'
time five village aud
been burned.
contents have
rortj-Klght Kebels Killed.
Cape Town, Aug. 17. Plummer's
column bad another engagement and
dispersed the rebels, who twice tried
to rush into the bivouac Forty-eight
rebels were killed.
Enormous Hold 1'rodurtloa. j
Denver, Aug. 17. According todata
collected by Secretary Parsons, of the
oommeroial exchange, the gold pro luo
tion of Cripple Creek in tbe first six
months this year waa 17,256,000. He
estimates tbe total production ot 1SU0
will be 118.000,000. That camp pro
duced in 18U5 $J,19i,000.
The Kaffirs of Kimberly, South
Africa, are very fond of cigars, but
they smoke them with the lighted eud
in tbe mouth, inhaling all the smoke.
Th' "y th1 U lhe ouly P'0 W,J
K.narlenee er Miner.
(laid In Alaska.
.. . r ,A Wash.. A Oft".
fori iuwuiwuu, . .
The . "am.bip City of Tup, arrived
i,:" ...w, from Alaska with 185
returning from Cook', inlet Nearly
'5 were men who bad gone north to
Sk fortune, in the fabled go d Jtald
ot that country. Tbe poor follow, all
returned as .teerage
UM bard stories ot that country.
... runners returning-
O. D. Fairbanks, or -----
photographer, who went to ,Uuk 1 1 In-
letf or the purpose oi taa ..K
view! of that country. He as sertsat
not a single find of gold has been
struck in that country, and hat at
Sunrise City there are now 1.000 meu
who are without money and have ou
enough provisions to last a short time.
Fairbanks say. that, unless the gov
ernment sends relief, many are des
tined to die of iturvution in the near
futuro; tbut many men there mort
gaged their furmi in the itatei. the re
nit of yean of hard labor, to go north
and are now offering to work iu Cook s
iulet for 60 cent! a day ana oou.
cannot get work. He says tnat
i, .,.., x, Aljutu ComDany and
Alaska Gold Company had every claim
within 800 miles of Sunrise City staked
off before the common prospectors
reached the country, aud absolute y
notbiug remained. Upwards of 1.000
men have already left the Cook inlet
country, and those who are remaining
are the ones who have not the means
to get awayj
ui Man Coniiiellrd to
stand Hope-
leaaly By.
Douver, Aug. 17. A special to the
Republican from Pocatcllo stys: Word
Is received from Montpelier, Idaho,
that about 8 o'clock this afternoon,
three masked men rode into town on
horseback, stopping in front of the
Duuk of Montpolier. They dismounted
and compelled six men who were
Btanding in front of the bunk to go In
side. Two of the desperadoel theu
covered the men with revolvers, while
the third weut behind the counter aud
emptied all the cash in sight into three
sacks. The robbers then mouuted their
horses aud rode out ot towu.
Sheriff Davis organized a posse of
men, who are iu pursuit of tho robber?,
thirty minutos bchlud It is thought
they are heuding for Jackson Hole, and
if they are, their capture will be uncer
tain, as the Hole is kuown to bo filled
with a desperate gang, who will resist
their capture. The bank officials re
fuse to disclose the amount pec u red,
but it Is believed to be fully flO.000.
HeVen to Ten Hundred Have Died of
Heat In New Tork.
New York, Aug. 14. Tbia was the
eiehth duv of tbe hot weather. The
number of deatha in Greater New York
during tbe past week, as a result of
the torrid wave, is estimated at from
700 to 1,000. In many cases the heat
has been given the credit for causing
deaths that in reality are due to
complications. Ou tbe other bund,
m tny persons have doubtloss perished
from unknown causes when an autopsy
would have shown "sunstroke'' as the
cuuse of death. Since Mouday over
100 bodies have been sent to the potter's
field from the morgue, and forty more
will be hurried away tomorrow morn
ing. Estimates ot today range from
forty to one hundred for New York,
the total number of dead officially re
ported to 10:30 touight amounting to
sixty-seven. The total number cf pros
trations reported in New York city to
day was 250. The total deutha offi
cially reported In Brooklyn today was
twenty-five. The total deaths reported
from Jersey City aud surrounding
towns during the day was about fifty.
Ha Will Never All Couneelloiis With the
Northern fat-llle.
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 14. When
the receivership of the Northern Pacific
ruilwuy terminates, August 31, Ueoign
W. Dickinson, general manager under
Receiver Uurloigh, aud loug previous
to that assistant general superintend
ent, will retire from all connocion
with the road. This he admitted to
uight. He will retire of bis own free
will, and will remain in Tacoma. It
is generally understood the position of
assistant general superintendent aud
that of second vice-president, now held
by C. H. Prescott.wlll be consolidated,
aud uu Eastern mun appointed. W.
O. Poarce, now assistant to General
Manager Kendrick, may probably be
thut mau.
Walking for a lliiauaml.
Ligouier, Iud., Aug. 17. Miss
via Uititdn. , ' ,
Wenduosduy to walk to St. Louis
where she is to meet U. A. Stouzel, of
Denver. The long overland journey
is to have its sequel lu the marriage of
the couple. Miss Reusor Is 3 5 years
old. Stenzel advertised iu a matri
monial paper for a wifo, and Miss Reu
sor was the successful applicant for his
affeotlons. Tha novel agreemeut that
they should meet in St Louis was
made lu lieu of Miss Reusor's inability
to go to Denver. She expects to be
assisted ou her journey by persons en
. Big Hotel llurned.
New York, Aug. 17. -The Manhan
sett hotel, at Shelter island, one of the
largest and most fashionable summer
hotels on Long Island ooast, took fire
early today. The whole south side of
tbe hotel was burned, entailing a loss
of 1100,000.
Navasota. Tex., Aug. 17.-A boiler
exploslou oocurred at Suuinierford's
stwmill, near here, today, killina
three meu and fatally Injuring two
others. 8
Killed In a Rn.w,T Arrldent.
n uuroara. Cal.. a,,..
Three men fituM. v,.... ... , . .
.... . " ' auu iour nurses
killed wat the result of a terrible ruua-
way .ceideut at Naples this morni
t.b . ' . " oroxen
"'P grade The
ua.ueu uown tbe hill
bridge with fatal result.
over the
An Ingenious man in Cobham, Eng.
land. Invented a lit,i9 enRlu ;
keroaeue oil. which propelled hi. bU
cycle. He was fined r.f,....,. .i.;,,:.. .
lor runuiuir a "l,.-.,,,,.i.M 1
"1 . .. .. '""""e's
1 w vv4Mui ' v nimtiiir a
Business thus far for the month of
August has been very satisfactory, con
,1,1, ring the untoward olroumstance.
wbicb at present beset tho commercial
world. Country busiues. has lackened
a little .luce tbe first ot the month, but
the oity and lower river trade continue,
oood Wheat and wool remain almost
inactive. The salmon seasou Just
closed wa. an extraordinary cue, and.
although nearly bait of the ptriod al
lowed tor fishing was lost by a .trike, a
phenomenal run ot fish has brought the
pack up to wtlhln about 10 per cent of
last year. ,
Wheat Market.
I Tbe now wheat crop bas not begun to
move in sufficient quantities to make a
very active market, although oonsidera
ble is ooming into tbe warehouse east
of the mountains. The output from
the Willamette valley tills season will
be considerably below the average.
n,..uHnn. are. Walla Walla, 4U to
60c; Valley, 61 to 63o per bushel.
Produce Market.
I FufB Portland, Salem, Cascadia
' and Dayton, 3.H6; Denton county and
White Lilv, fl'.ho: gralmin, l-' o".
; nernne, 2.26 per barrel.
; P (UTS-Choice white. 3:i4o per bush
el; choice gray, 30w3&. Itollwl oaU
are quoted as follows: BaK.N.A0
6.1!'); burrels, II.60M7S cases, J.iO.
Hat-Timothy, 10.G") per ton ; etieat,
' til.6(i(37:clover,to(s7;oatItJ.60; wheat.
ilAaLn'r-Feed barley, 113.60 per ton
brewing, 14 10. . M. .i,nr,a
MawTtirrs-Bran. 114 50; shorts
115.60; middlings, 18(420; rye, DO.
per cental. , ,
Burraa Fancv creamery is quoted a
40c; fancy dairy, flic; lair to good
itrvroiiK.-UOtail for new, 00c p.r
' Back for old.
I OsioNs-85'"ilt0crersacx.
I ponLTBY-Cliiikeus. mixed. Id'Ojrf
3 fit). bioilers,$l.Wi2 25: K?"".4-"0-turkeys,
live. lOtflt).-; ducks, ,2.00eJ
3.00 per dozen.
I Koos-Oregon. 12,',,'c per dozen.
Ciikshm Oregon, Dc; CalifouiaSj;
Young America, Uc per pound,
j Thopical FactT California lemons,
fancy, 4.00 4 60 per box; bananas,
' 1 76aj2.50 per bunch: California scei -ling
oranges, 12.60(82.75 per ho: Med
iterranean sweets, 14.60 per box ; pine
apples. 13.00(4 5.00 per dozen.
Ubxuon Vx(itabi.ks, new, IU
1 per pound; Oregon pes s, 2c; new tab
I bage, le per lb; tomato s, 60ctf5 pr
1 Ikjx; strng beans, 45c per lb; wax,
;3($4cierlb: Oregon ralishes, 10c per
dozen; cauliflower, 70y76c per dozen;
(ileum oern, mijiw .--., -re
plaut, 15(417.' o per lb; rhubarb, l'
Fukhii Fbuit California appb , H-2
6U 60 per box; ch-rries, Koyal Anne,
loose, 6c per lb, f5c a box; Black Ke
publicans, loose, 6o per lb, 00c per box; 2ui2,,c per pound; cur
rants, 6c; raspU-rries, 4c; blackberries.
:tc; aprico's, U per Ikjx; peaches, bocC't
75 per box; wutermelous, t2(g2.50 per
dozen. .
Dkiki Fruits Apples, evaporated.
bleached. 44,'c: sun-dried. dWt4c
,Bn and evaporated. 6tic- plums
ni 1 1 hh. 3iu4e: Drunes. 3iu5 per pound
Wool Vallev. Dc, per pound; East
ern Oregon, 6((7c.
Hops Choice, Oregon 23e pei
pound; medium, neglected.
Nits Peanuts, ti(fl7c per pound for
raw, 10c for rousted; coooanu e, UOc per
dozen; walnuts, 12,'i(il4c; pine nuts,
i 15o; hickory nuts, 8(luV; chestnuts,
17c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c;
i Jumbo, 10c; lilber', 12S,c; fancy, large.
114c; bard-shell, 8c; paper-slull, li :tS
j i'KoviHioNK Portland pack : Smoki.1
hams are quoted at IOk.iIOV per lb;
picnic hams, 7c; boneless baiua, 7,'uc;
I breakfast bacon, 10c; bacon, 7c; dry
salt Hides, Ce; lard, 5-pound pails, ?bk1
IOh, 7lc; 60s, 7V; tierces, 7c per
Hidks Iry bides, No. 1, 10 pounds
and upward, 10,,il0c per pound; dry
kip, No. 1, 6 to 10 pounds, Ou per pound;
dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 12 a 16c;
dry suited, one-third le s than dry 11 lit.
Salted bides, sound aleers, 00 pounds,
and over, 7c do, 6'J to 00 pounds, tic ;
do, under f0 pounds and cows, 4.l5c
do, kip, sound steer, 15 to 30 pounds,
&.; do, veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 0c; do,
calf, under 10 pounds, 0 jt7c; g'cen (tin
suited . lc per imjuihI less: culls (bulls,
stags, inotli-eaten, badly cut, scored,
hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby)
one-third less.
Bkkkwax 20(ii22 per pound.
I Tallow Prime, per pound, 3u2.cj
; No. 2 and grease, -!nC
Merchandise Market,
Salmon Columbia, river No. I. Ullt
$1.251.00; No. 2. talis, t2.25i32.00
fancy, No. 1, fiats, $1.75U.H5; Alaska
No. 1, Ulls, $1.20(31.30; No.2,U11b,)1.IX
Cordage Manilla rope, lV-invli. t
o noted at tc; W hite lisul, bard twiste l:
Kope, l'j-in. cir,
aud upward, 0'4c;
rope, 12-tliread, lic.
bDOAB UuuImiC.J1.'!!: extra C. 4Wc-
dry granulated, 5c; cube crunhed am
powdered, tt.: per pound; t4c perpouni
discount on all grades lor prom nt cash
half barrels, ic more than "barrels
maple sugar. 15,t 10c per pound.
Coirau Mocliu, 27irf31c per pound;
1....- .1 .', .. ",! .t,
! -v.- . vww i.nn, "
V; Caracal, 22'v.(n2oc; Salvacor, It)
S 22-; Arbuckle, ltl,u"; Lion, $11)03;
Columbia, l 1.06 per ease.
Ku iBlund, t3.50(fl4 per sack; J
pan. 3.7oCt4.
Coal On. Case, 20c; barrels,
17V; tanks, 15'tfc per gallon.
Whkat Bins Calcutia, 14.25? 4.S7J
for July and August deliveries.
Meat Market.
Bur Gross, too steers, $3.25; cows,
$2.2!(d2.50; dressed beef, 4td6)vo pel
Mdtton Grosp, best sheep, wethers.
$3.00; ewes, $2.76; dressea mutton, 4'
tii 5c per pound.
Veal Gross, small, 4,'c; large, 3(3
3c per pound.
lloos tiroes, choice,
heavy, $3.00,?
d..o; ngtit aud feeders,
3 Si y 4c per ponna.
$2.75; dressed.
Potatoes (iurnet Chile, 60(0"c
r.ariy uose, ootmo,-, in sacks; do 111
boxes, 4iKati5e; Bui haiiks, in boxes, 76
(t!Hc; do in sucks, 40;6c.
ON!on-3U.40c persa k for yellow,
60ciW) for pickle.
Koos htore, 14tt lfj ; ranch, 20 5 23c
ducks, lOlii per d ten.
CititsE-Fancv. mild, new, 8',(51)
fair to good, 7.tt8',c; Young Auie'ica
810c; Eastern. 12'3 per pound.
Bcrrxa Fancv creamery, ll)c; do
seconds, KJiflUc; fancy dairy, lOa
17iv seconds. 15' lttc.
Hops 2i?4j per pound for old.
Wool. Han JoaiUin aud Southern
coast, poo-, 4 4,5: do goo.1, igH;: an
Jnaipiin foothill, good to choice, 6'((S
7V; do yeai's lleece, 4 i5V; Nevaila.
heavy, ,c 7c: do. choice.8 a8lc; North
ern, choice, lOorllc per pound.
llw Wheat, new. $;!0 heatand
oHt, t) 5iMD, oat, (l.,(7 liarlev, tti 00f
7 50; allalla, fust crop, 4,5 lo eecolid
cnip, tiititK W; clover, 5(iJ7.W; slock,
$4.60(5; per ton.
Mff WlllCtS
A Resume of Events fc
"wi mvvest,
(lathered 1. ...
Our N.i.,. " Mj
ment Moled la aii. .
Tha a. " "-N
April 8, lhU. "'n;
Tbe Orsaniv.,:... .'
change ha, ZT, M
and an application
been made. " 1 t
Oround .,,nirrel,
numerous in Curry col
eral places the g.nieo, '
damaged. wi
Harney countv la
vested 35,000 la laJlh
3,000 in cash and iTt,
installment plan,
Jaoob Oreenburs. tiu
of Isaao Ureeubnrg UT
the Willani,,,,- .;' "'.
Davis street, Portlaad.
Company CJ, 0f pu.
to A. K. Holmes. .iT
pin and pendant. In
service, while cspuuj J 4
, W. 8. Byer., of PttJ
b -i- - -'"I'ujtrui n W
flour for Africa. In.-"
UH and 49-pouna
m.j ..uu, auu iam tub .
packed In coffee itcki
A band of bunch-ma
horses were unbroken od
very low price. Oaj w
old for t8, snd good u...
aut eiu 10 fo.
Day liros. will mmht
the upper eud of th, kaj lf
tho water falls to (m s-
aaiewnen they will bejliic;
walls of the inner Minxtw,
not been decided spa,.
nave been received boa
partment autUorixing tb
A trip throngh the boc-r
tricis around Browarrila t
the acreage will not ts re
as last year, bat the qai;
indication of being ii
yards which have been cut
an abundauce of joaaj b
riues, and si yet tbey stb
pests of all kindi
A black bear, that kal t
in King valley, wu fcii 1
by Ueurge Neithtmer. fc.
400 pounds. The tia
lSelthanier were so iliiel a
struction ot the bear tan
presented the hoDter vs
apiece, ana tie 11 sov p
about fourteen heal
A departure from the a. i
threshing machine aeikr
the farmer hi bed sii
county. There tbi foaSJf:
a kitchen on "be tii
hauled around wi At ari
it costs the fa nun! tot
ing. It is a note! ita uJ 1
will undoubted!' so
among the women osiittj
The attempt st Ktnn'"
tbe district for littaMFt
voted down at the we
tion. f
Henry Seiflert, who 4-1
L. H. Platter in Uvfl
Spokane on the first of s'
boen deuied bail.ud
to await trial.
' Assessor Cirponter, '
tmunced noon a band I
tory sheep belonging H
Sous, of Oregon, aw
fully paid the Ux.
Tha Methodist Epi?
River couference,whicl)Bl
ern Oregon, Eunttrn
Northern Idaiio, wui--
Yakima Augmt J&
Tbe aggregate mI
property In Yakima
izod by the ooanij
ti ian.883. The tow
181)5 wast 106, J59JI.
W. A. Mean, oi ?df
Dusiuess .
. .I.. Hall LUBW
P.".: aortal.
xivereii, au
lumber to be .hipp
The Fairhaven J
its business as a -
lorsiuiu... - - w
ing the tudebtedne
be small.
niavci w - , l9r
oeiver. Tbedepo.!",
i noo. wbiw
reach $50,000.
Tbe statenwaa
ct,.tt couuty 'or
counted to $1,0,
nients 10 v----
t ...act U
The hay n"-: d v
over and the
beau ave.ngv - ,
it wa w .'J
. of .
wild fniiM
there is "".' in asf
into tne ni--hockleberrU
couuty, baiK ,:.
Ai tbe oonu7 -
reft. I. fljfr
building of . &
to Baker CitJ-
Powder "Mic'
and are
its construe"
K.v. blH'n '" Mlrf'
nave i
rnad SB propO6".'
m.nntv roao ,,ay
win cos. ? ; (01T
Culteu H e-
Major 0. ,u"