The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 22, 1896, Image 1

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;)L 28
NO. 37.
,i,re:ith end Eighth BlroaU.
0, ir. .
lint Monthl,
Advertisina rates made known
ion application.
A,!,lr.' kit builu'M leltori to Cl'AKD,
locks, batches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
I;-.ill Work Warranted. -xKa
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
physician and Surtjeon.
I Olli anl resldsnoe over potollioe. Hours;
f Ml)' to". 6 to 9 p. Pi.
j EI. O. IaA.Tg3E3.
c Deslgni and New Price In Foreign and
loinetlo Marble and Uraulte, Monument.
j llead.touea and Cemetery work of
all alima lor iikr.
Bllaruetle Htreet, near Prutofllce. Eugono, Or
I Attoriicy-ut-Lnw.
Orncs-Ouehelf block aouth ol Chrlsmau'i
N. E. Maiikliy.
Cinsey & Markley,
! Attorneys-at-Law.
"iommerelal and Probalo BuiIiwm a So-
iCire In Clirliman Block.
ane County Bank.
(EtblUlied In ISSi)
general Banking business
"all branches transacted on
orable terms.
A. O. HOVEY. President
J. M. A BRA MS, Cashier.
A. O. HOVEY, JR.. Asst.Caslir.
T. a.Hmnmcis, 8. B. B.ii. Jr..
Pntnldriit. Cashier
I I IS 1 1
I Ol Eugene.
. !d up lash Capital $50,000
rjilus and Fronts, $50,000
Jgene - - Oregon.
' leneral banking buelna done on rejou-
term. rii(fht draft on NKW YUlik,
1 il). OKEUON.
1U of exchange sold on foreign counlrioa.
iU received iubjoot to check or csrtih
' ofilopnait. , ,
1 collection entrusted to Ui will rwie
ipt attention.
1ng a Large and Complete btoi k of
aple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the best markets,
Exclusively for cash,
offer the publio fitter prices
ian any other house l.t Eugene.
iii! or all mu taken al Market Prices.
! J. F. FORD,
Dill llftilAMA
M ilne, Itiwa, writiw ooder date
March 2t,
Mkd. Mfo. Uo.,
S Dufur, Orefron.
Sntlemkn: On arriving home lait
, I found all well and anxiously
ui)?. Our little girl, eight ai. one
year old, who had wated away
iMiundx, U now well, strong anil
roim. and well fleshed up. 8. It
:h Cure In dne lbs work well,
t of the children like it. Your a
otieli Cure has cured and kept
all hoarenexg from nie. So give
very one, with greetings for all.
dug you prosperity, we are
an, Mr. and Mks. J. F. Ford.
4 wl.h to ftl M and ehrvrful, and
or the iprlrij'. work, clraniw the fy.tem
il'.lch nl LiTer Curi, by uking
How drum a Wrrk.
nnilrra pUU fiiarant.'O
evnu rr bottle or ail drogfMta.
The morning nr.- quite cihI.
Considerable wood belli,. hauled In
to low n.
People ale reluming home fnmi the
illUUUtallls. I
Tlid riiutti University reopens four
weeks from today.
W Sander shipped two carloads of
chlltlui hurk to New York today.
The travel is now hoiucwurd hound
from the mountains and sea coast.
t lite a iiiiiiiber of Ciook coniy
l'i-iii- me i-uiupcu ui itcikliap iiri iih.
The gold democrat will li. l.l n mass
btate eotiveiitiou in PorllanJ Tlinr.
The lute L Fleiwhner, of Portland,
left mi ebtule eslimuted to be wortli
Maik Ilunna euya Win MeKiuley
will not muke any npecla during the
Several Euucne altornevn wl.l at
tend the meeting ot ihe Itar A-oolu-
tion at I'urtlana lliursday.
Win! Cunibbell broil iiht to this
ofllce today a tame blackberry iliat
meaHured 1 inclie In length.
Quite a number of inutile weie at
the train this morning to bid DUhnp
Mills and hi folks good-bye.
Albany Democrat: The SelN-
Foiepaugh circus has been advertised
even in Eugene. A waste of paste.
Attorney YV A Wood is having a
residence built ou a tract just oul.-Me
the city limits opposite Rev 1 D Driv
er h
We understand (hut Mrs Samuel
Wilhrow, of near Elinira, Is iIhiilht-
ously ill and not expected to survive
more than a few days.
The Oweu-Vauduyue party which
has been iu the mountains for the
past month returned yesterday. They
report plenty of game and a delightful
Fire isoul in several places on the.Mc-
Kenzie and trees have fallen across the
road in a number of places, but the
road lias been kept open by chopping
urouud them.
Early hops are already about ready
for picking. We have heard of sever
al yard of this variety that will not
bo picked on account of the low
price prevailing.
A (iiilixina plant Is blooming in the
window of Craig & Vincent's barber,
shop on Nliith street. Il is a very
beuulilul plant and is aleo (juile rare,
being the only one In town.
The audience at the Congregational
church last night was favored with a
solo, sang by M i.-s Gertrude Conser, of
I'ortlund. 1 he piece was well reiiuer-
ed and was enjoyed by all present.
Salem Journal: Til Ford to bright
newsboy: "1 suw you taking in my
speech to the worktugmeu last night,
llowiudjou HKeuv' -un: it was
a good K'ec!i, but It made you sweat
like thunder, didn't il!"
Neil II til mid Gourde Hyram have
returned to Canyon City uiier taking
three car loads of horses to Memphis,
Ten n. They secured from i-'M to fi3U
per head for the horse, which we'e an
exceptionally flue lot.
It is said that a wedding will take
place In this city one week from to
morrow iu which a well known Eu
gene young lady and it young gentle
man of lloscburg, formerly of thi
cily, will be the principals.
Harper's Razai: "John," said Mrs
Wilbur, "why don't you brush that
fly oil' the top of your head'.' He's
liimii thi-re three millllles." "Oh, let
him stay," suid John. "I'm not ui-lng
the top of my head just now."
Charles Cunningham, die Umatilla
count v sheep man, who had his house
and barns deslioyed by tire last season,
is again in trouble. Thieves entered
his dwelling house a few days ugo and
stole everything that could be carried
Picking Hops. S Sinn d of Walter
vllle commenced picking his early hops
last Friday. Rruntou brothers of the
same place will beulil picking in a day
or two. The price paid is cent
per box and pickers are said to be anx
ious to pick at any price.
Star mail service lias been estnb
lished a follows: Mclvetifie bridge
to Helknap Sdrings, 6J miles and back,
three times a week ttoni May I, to
October 31, and twice a week the resi
due of year, by a schedule of not to ex
ceed 2 hour running time eacu ),
We have received the first number
of C E Wolcott's new paper, ihe
Mirror, published at Simon, Califor
nia It start oft with a good adver
tising patronage and is lulltoover
llowing with local news. We w ish
Mr Wolcott success In his latest ven
ture. A man writing from Forty Miles
Alaska, saj: I saw a span of horses
here that weighed probably 7D0 pound,
each, and one of the most ancient or
der, that J10O0 was offered for a few
days before, but their owner refused It,
id li could make Just that
much with them during the month of
The Astoria Rudget is us bitter ns
gall against life insurance agent.
Here are some samples: The cily is
iufestrd with Insurance bores Ihey
are worse skinner than three card
nionte dealer. They don't give you
a living chance at anything and
rob the widow when you die There
Im a law airalnit these
confidence operators. An Insurance
agent one of the confidence men
called at this ofllce today and wanted
to insert a twenty-dollar advertise
ment. He w as reiuseu me space. or
Bndgel likes to make all the money it
can legitimately, but it doe not like
to become a partner in robbery or a
booster for confidence men.
What has the country cinic to when
even the circus fails to draw the
crowd? Only a handful of people at
Pendleton went to see "The original,
the onlv. the grent Adam Forepaugh
fjmousiy magnificent menagerie, the
enormously perfected consummation
of filly continuous year of research In
n..rt..r ..f the irlolie. in cnllossal
contrast ami associate "ui""""1 "
rVlls RroV millionaire menagerie,
giant African amphibia the cons..
idated colli-eums and cbi-sic amphi
theatres of the imperial past the turf
event of the progressive pre-etit
i world's arenic wonder the trnnsecnu
' .nt avirrciratioti 'f amusement
lolant!!" Hard limes are ce:
i i r dutij, Aiifun it.
Robt Day returned Iroiu Salem to
1 P Yentch, of Cottage Grove, in In
tin' city.
L Sehell and wife of Thurston are In
Hi" eltv.
I 1 I ,ll
bur SnV.r " I
IliU morning
Dr Pretitiee wa a iMsenger to j
Newport today.
tomorrow morning.
u.'o ji jiuier will leave for Horeiiee
DrC W Lowe and
vallisthis forenoon.
wife left fur Cor
Mis Fanta Lee loft for her homo In
Iowa this morning.
(! R i hrlsman left for Sidavilleon
this forenoon's local train.
John Itirirer made a trip to the it tr
ger farm is'low Coiitirg Sunday.
The Williiughhv party returned from
their oti'ing trip Saturday evening.
Volnev lli iiuuway and family ar
rived home from McKcuzic llridge to
day. A (iolilsniith mid wife have gone to
Dr Sharpies' fruit farm to spend a few
Miss Gertrude Conser, of Portland
Is visi'ing wilh Miss Lizzie Griffin In
this city.
ProfJ R Wet herbee left on hi bi
cycle this ii.rniug for Ihe npier Mo
Kenzie. Geo W Vance, of Cottage Grove,
has In en granted an original soldiers
Attorney Woodcock and Council
man Fislier vNitel Dun county
CD Edwards, of the Gi'Alin, re
lumed home from the upper McKeiuie
last evening.
MrsEIlatim and children arrived
home todav from an extended outing
at Sodavillc.
Miss Grace Murray, of Glen wood,
was the guest of Miss Marie Thomp
son over Suud ly.
SJ Sills and family arrived home
last even i nsr from a pleasant outing on
the tipper
J N Williamson and lamlly of Prine
vllle started for home today with a
lare load of supplies
A G Mathews ami family and Mrs
S E Rrown went to the Mohawk
blackberry fields today.
Miss Llnna Holt went lo Albany
this morning to the wedding of
Miss Mason, her friend.
Mis Gertrude Conser, who lias been
visiting with friends in tills city, went
to Roseburg this afternoon.
Miss Lee, who Ims been visiting
with Rev Ruse and family, left for her
home Iu Iowa this morning.
E II Ingham and family left on this
forenoon' train for Newport where
they will spend several days.
Itoy Reiisliiuv, Hallle Wood and
Walter Carroll icturned home from
Sodavillc Satuiday evening.
Coke Rilveu left for Foley springs ou
his bicycle yesterday morning. Mrs
llilyeu'went upon the stage today.
Dr W Kuvkendall arrived here from
Winchester'Hav ycsteiday morning.
His family wili remain a while longer.
J 11 Wilkinson and party have re
turned from McKenzie llridge whtre
tiny spent a couple of weeks camping
Robt Hu-ton and R Mount relumed
iroiu the Siu.-law country yesterday
after spending about leu days recre
ating. Win V Moore and family left for
the Kiison spilius yesterday morn
ing where Ihey w 111 spend a couple or
Mr and Mrs II D Edward of
S, riiiglleld precinct will leave on a vis
it to relatives in (iillmaii county iu a
few days.
Mrs M F Turner and Mrs llolu Rice
of Ilarrisburg visited with re atives
in this cily over Sunday, returning
home to day.
nw firiiiln and Leis Aye are at
calm.,, llinvn litltl nil on uireo
nmfs fl ir .1 I Currin. J A Rensotl
Mr Watch.
DrC E Loomis and family and
Frank Wilkin left tor Foley Springs
tills morning where they will spend a
couple of week.
Henry E Ankeny, of Sterling, Juck
son i ounty, returned home last even
ing. His family will remove to Ku
eene about September 1st.
Miss Fannie Stafford and Miss Haw
ley were passenger to Cottage Glove
tins Mlernoon. iney c.cui.
the Roliemia mining district.
II II Stone has decided to locate in
vr,.t. iSiiiforniR. where he will en
gage In the barber business. He will
leave for thut place Wednesday night,
JJLulz. who has been running a
baHier shop on Ninth street, has gone
to Gardiner, where he will probably
locale. The field bus been too crowded
James Hoffman and wife and daugh
mi.. i.lvili. DrC W I-owe am
wife and (ie'irge Keetan returned from
. ...i.v to Folev Snrinir yes
terday afternoon. They report having
h.,,1 a most deliL'htful outing
Fis-sil Journal: Mr Katie Parker is
comliil' up from Goshen, Lane county,
.. four uenks lo lie present at t he
in.,., ..f l,..r husband' monument
which ill he done under the auspices
of the camp f Woodmen, of
which he was a member at the lime 'l
hi death.
Miss E-tella Learned accompanied
bv'h.-r iielc-, Mi-s Cra Learned, of
Siblev, Iowa, leit lor ran f "" I
last Fridav morning on I be overland;
where the for wul purchase a!
large stock of millinery goods for their
fall and winter trade. These ladies
were accompanied bv Miss Myra.N or
ris, a teacher in the Ueary sclnsd. I he
parly will return by water In about
two week.
Piineville R-view of August 10th:
Mr M L iiMlt'isntid family left for
l-'u 'ene hi-t I tie-'l iV on u 1-11.
were accompanied hy Mrs Carry
Writfhl and Mis. Msnyie (ilaze of the
It.-vlcw Mrs v oni nw
visiting ith lo r parent
and rela
and will return
UV.-P n. ...... - - - .
r . ovuri a. -4 k
. 1 .... I.
to her home nt .moiioim , ... -
t t.u fiiMV. Will gO OH Id I lie ;..M.n,
ami visit friend, and rel, live, st that
TUESDAY, Artil'sr IS.
S II EdwotdxlH at Ilili Hank
( U (.'mi lining of Albany U In
city, I
Al Auh't) lit a ucecHful liuekrii,
Mr M J Train ooine tip fnru Albany i
thi nlteinoon. !
Ml IVnrl Darelim arrivd home1
. ,. .
earl iMienui niurcii no mi-
Mi!W stltl,, urrvod from IVirtland
thU af'ernooti.
'j'K, tlierniouieler n-KWlereil de-
jrreeii thH alleruoon
tl. o M Miller left for Florence
at noon on his bicycle.
W C Newliurn, the shirt maker, I
home from the mountains.
Many of (he sidewalks throughout
the cily are being repaired.
J II Goodman has moved to High
street, between 11th and lolh.
L C lio-sman, of LeaburKh, gave
this olllce a pleasant call today.
Miss Maggie Andrew of Irving Is
visiting w im friends iu this cily.
Clem Hodca will home from
Foley Springs by tonight' stage.
The Mi.scs I.uckey of Prinevillc aie
visiting Willi relatives In this city.
Mr and Mrs P Comegys will go to
Sodavillc tomorrow on an outing.
The Eugene Mill and Lumber Co. Is
loading u car fir 'he L'tah uurkct.
A representative of Hurst Rro, hop
buyers, was Iu Eugene last evening-
John Stewart and fain ly will go to
Sodaville tomorrow on a pleasure
Miss Mercy Applegilo I exoivted
home from San Eraiiei-co in a day or
Mr and Mrs Will Yor.u: will go to
Sodaville tomorrow on a pleasure
Mrs Joel Ware and children came
home from Fol -y Springs this aftcr-
Postmaster J W Shumate, of Wal
tervlllc, was doing bu-iness l u Eugene
Clarence L I.uckey has returned
from Prinevillc and I now al McKeii
zlo lirldgc.
MrsT M Jackson and Miss Kate Kcl
ley of Spriiwlleld were passenger to
Newport tislay.
Win Preston and family returned
today from McKcnzle JSrldge, arier a
in mill's outing.
AD Stearns and wife, Mis I Murlm
and P R Gal higher all of Sail Francis
co are In the cily.
The Misses Rom:i and Lena Rlalr
are visiting wilh their sister, Mrs
linker, in Portland.
John Stoneburg and family have ar
rived here from Washington and will
locate uear Civ well.
Cha Latler went to Newport today
to Join hi family, who will return
home in a day or two.
MruudMr FA Riiikln, Mr O
Zlegler and D (lover went to S idavlllc
yesterday lor a few day.
Mr and Mr Fletcher Linn returned
to Portland today after a pleasant visit
with friend Iu this city.
Frank Hanson arrived home today
after a pleasant outing of two weeks at
Sodaville and Waterloo.
Field day sport ut Rosebiirir next
Monday and Juesday. Purse
umouutiug to $ "(K) are oll'cied.
Mr Hubbard, a California miner,
has returned here after a six weeks'
visit to the Rlue River mines.
Mrs Prof Ilailey will leave for her
new home iu Seattle, Wash, on to
morrow morning's early train.
Ti. call ha been Issued for the gold
national demo; rntic convention which
i to meet iu Indianapolis Hcpt 2.
Those w ho have promised this olllce
wood on account are rciiestcd to de
liver the same a soon a possible.
it I tboiiL'ht nroluible that Major
McKlnley will publish his formal fet
ter of acceptance about August .
II C Ruckman, who recently went
from Irving to Dubuque, Iowa, re
turned hereon this morning's train.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Har
ris, Attorney Jtilyeu and Slierlll Joiin-
son liave returned irom juoum.n
Mis Mary Abigail Dodge, writer,
I.U.rn.nlii.r anil controversialist, died
at Hamilton, Mass, lust evening, aged
M years.
Mr'th Rrown. who died at
Gervais recently, left an estate ol tlO,-
(KM). Mr Nellie U Hwlll is ouo ui we
heir mentioned in the will.
lVndkton EO: A telegram from
San Era. Cisco to C S Wheeler bring
iiition that a daughter was born
on Saturday last to the wife of Wesley
('bus Henderson and J A RaW-r em
,.1.,v..a of thH Htatu Insane asylum at
Salem arrived hero today and will
leave tomorrow on an outing at Foley
"Deacon" Davis arrived home on
his wheel today after a very pleasant
10 (lavs' outing at McKenzIo Rrldge
and vicinity.
G W Knapp, the grocerymnn, I
Mil non lined to his home With blood
n..i..,niiiir nt the fool, though he I
slowly Improving.
Mrs Gilstrap and (laughter and
Mr Cimiiibcll and family arrived
home last evening from a pleasant
stay of several week at Sodivlllo.
Miws Mary Lindley, Eriilce Stuart,
J. i ni,. and Stella Anderson, who bavn
ls-en camping for several weeks at
Waterloo, are expected home tomor
row. IT Nlcklin and wife, Miss Stella
Paijc, Mi-s Annie W.itzey, of San
Eraneisco, ami Mis There. I lodes
leave on a trip to itudaviile tomorrow
Clem H'tdes has a contract of clear
Ing two acres of land nt Foley Springs.
He Is now Industriously at woiit on
hi contract and ha out a number of
fires on the tract.
H II Stone bus moved his fixture
out of his old shop anil I having
them stored until he selects a is rnia
ni nt bsation. However, he think he
will locate at Yreka, Cal.
j Chicago R-ord
Mo Mr Iiilksr
In s gut a divorce.' ' "les; sue dis
covered that Mr ltilker had Isin bid-
U, II,.
- J,.g --' backyard."
Lew Powers, of McKcnzle Rrldge, !
expect to enter the C of O till fall.
Placer mining Is belngengased iu ou
a small scale on lllue sivcr. The men
make fair wages and live In Iioih' of i
striking It rich ouio day. I
w , . ... ... ,, . M I
. .7 "'";""""'- ;
-vein iMC.usier, n i-.iigeue, lame to
lhaiiy last evening on til bicycle,
i'd ill visit hero for several day.
.... w .1 i. ilvi litr.i.i r-
,i our eity, U'lnu reatly luipreed
with Hie U-auty and proM rlly of Eu-
eiie u coiupnred with tilher platva
j J 11 Ouke. of Mitchell, Crook coun
ty, recently cspt ircd 20 large wis on
'ihe lawn in front of hi house. They
had escaped from ail ailjaivnl irrigat
ing ditch and were unable to find
their way back.
Attorney Woodcock procured au axe
this morning and slashed some trees
down In the rear of his olllce thai ex
tended over into the alley. If he
keeps up farming and laboring he will
soon bo a free silverite himself.
N L Robinson, a Portland peddler,
who ha been oHraling In Crook
county all summer, had the misfor
tune to losu his harness, wagon and
stock of good by lire at Ochoco last
Saturday night. The los wasfllUO.
Mr and Mr O A Campbell of
Sprlnglhld precinct and Mr and Mrs
Jesse Haw ley will leave Monday on a
pleasure trip to Kltson Springs. Mr
CaiiiptN'll and Mr Haw ley will go on
as far as Pine 0icuiugs and Crescent
Luke on a hunting and fishing trip.
Rannister Vowel, an old resident of
the upiH-r Ochoco, near Prinevillc, fell
from (hu hayloft ou the farm of J W
Wright last week, receiving Injuries
from the effect of which he died a few
hour later. How as (IS years of age.
The funeral was held at Howard, Or,
last Thursday.
Long Creek Eagle: It Is reported
that Harvey Scott will tender Senator
John II Mitchell a banquet on hi ai
rival hi Portland. Scott has tried all
manner of liewpaer tactics to defeat
Mitchell iu the past, but one would
judge that hi tactics for the future
are to lie ol a somewhat different na
ture. A fight for blood occurred between
two voung moil, residents ot the up
pel .McKcnzle, at the McKenzIo Rrldge
Sunday afternoon. The trouble arose
over nil old time grievance and the
young men fought to a finish, one of
Ihem getting a badlly mashed face and
losing a part of an ear In the scrim
mage. Geo I.ucc, of Sluslaw, was In the
city today Willi two pack horses load
ed wilh sacks of chiltciu bark.
Perched on top of the sacks ou
one of the horses was a
young black liear. The little
fellow proved a very good rider and
proved quite an attraction on the
Phil Scott and Ou Teutsch, of
Creswell, who have been traveling In
(lie Willamette, valley durinir. the past
summer for I.lcvie, Frlcke A Co, of
Sail Francisco, manufacturer of Jtcd
Seal llaisliig Powder, have been given
territory In Central California and
will go down a lion l tscplemner 1st to
begin work In their new territory.
t party of So people from McKcnzle
Ilrldno and Folev Springs, most of
w hom belong in Eugene, visited the
summit of the Cnade and the
glacier on the Three Sister Inst week.
Ter. member of the parly made the
ascent ol the Sister, reaching the
summit. All account of the trip will
appear in the Guaki In a few days.
The, Elleiisburg Jnil I apparently a
rather flimsy alls-lr. Last Sunday a
in soner named Wilson, w ho was
awaiting trial for cattle stealing, dug a
hole tlnouKli the brick wall with a
billet of wood and made his escape.
Two l washes, who were also prisoner
declined to take advantage or ine op
portunity, and remained Iu their cell.
The Welcome savs: Ex Henator II
F Alley, who bolted Dolph because he
did not like the gold senator, has
swallowed the St Louis platform hook,
halt, sinker ami line. lie belongs to
the Raker City sold club and at the
masthead of hi pam-r, Hie llepuuil
cuu, I the motto: "Only one more
vear of Grover: thank God." The
wily ex-sennlor is t a I an under
Oreuoulan: Mr John II Mitchell,
Orcuoii' senior reprjseutatlve In the
United Wlate senate, ha teiegrapueu
that ho will be Iu Portland about
AultjisI 21. It come direct from bin
to lii friends In Oregon that he will
take the field for McKlnley as soon
arrangement can be made. Senator
Mitchell expects to make siM-eches In
every part of tho state and do his ut
most tor the success ot llie republican
Frank Lee., editor of the Portland
Pacific Farmer, who lias been east for
some weeks, returned Saturday. He
savs that during the hcsUd term Iu
Chicago, business waa atmot sus
nended. It was Impossible lo go out
to do anything. The ambulance
watron could not tBke careof the dead
and prostrate. Incidentally, Mr Ia
remarked that If sentiment counted
foraiivthlnir. Rrvan will carry every
thluir west of the Hudson river and
south of Long Island sound, with a
fighting chance for the New England
TiiKvWti.i. Fioirr. Down at the
metronolls nolitlca must be considera
bly more tropical than In Eugene.
Witness the following taken from the
police court column of last evening's
r..lcinitii: "The following cases aris
ing from political discussions in Al-
blna last Saturday, went over till to
morrow: Clcmcnse I ter ger for as-
suiting Henry Kneis and Jacob
Kalthan; l.iidwlg li'Hi ror assaulting
Jacob K-iltlnin; John Seheldelliail for
us.., uiiing l.leiiiensit lierger; Henry
Kneis for assaulting Ioui I,smi, and
Jacob Kalthan for assaulting C""inene
Pallr Ouard, Aiigu.t IT.
A iiitKHTKi) Foil Lakckny. A man
by the name of E E Lyons was ar
rested at Junction City today on the
charge of larceny of public funds. It
aptsurs from what we can learn at
this time that he wa a deputy sheriff
and had collected delinquent taxes
and bad refused or neglected to turn
the amount over to Sheriff" Johnson,
hence his arrest. Prosecu'or Harris
went down on this morning's l.ical
train to appear In behalf of the state
and Attorney Illlyeu for the defense.
'- "iBim io uncsn
Portland Telegram: 'On the 20th
of June last C F Jewett, manager of:
the Pacific Investment Company, dc.
:,.,, i 1.....1,,.. i,..i.i.l i,i, ' . ,..!
r .(,,..i'i....i...i .....1 ....i7-
Issued d'-ed on csrtaln fruit lauds
alwuit Eugene, dr., which, when
straightened out. showed the man to
have defrauded hanks and Individuals
in Portland to the amount of nearly
"It wa some day bcfoio his de
parture was known, and then hi vic
tim consulted the police. Jewett was
finally located In Worcester, Mass,
where resides an uncle, S Forehand,
president of tho Forehand Arms Com
pany. "The natural conclusion at tho time
was that Jewett would tat arrested and
brought back to Portland for trial.
That did not occur, however, and
those who had loaned the man money
seeming satisfied, the matter was- ul-
lowed to drop,
"It wa then said by llinso intimate
with the case that Jewett had un
doubtedly made arrangement In the
hast whereby tils paper here was to is?
protected, and the over Issue of stock
of the Pacific Investment & Real E-
tate Company, on which he hud
raised money, taken up.
'That tin solution or me dropping
of the proseeutlon would seem to be
correct, Is evidenced by the presence
iu Portland 011 Saturday last ot Mr n
horehaud, of Worcester, Mass, the
wealthy relative whom Jewett at once
made for on leaving this city. Mr
Kotehand's slay was short, but while
here lie was busy among the banker
and others w ith whom Jewett had
done business. Saturday noou he left
over the narrow guage road. A It
was Mr Forehand's money which paid
for the fruit lands which formed the
basis of the Investment A Real Estate
Conn any. it is probable die protect ion
of bis own Interest has had as much
to do with his trip to the coast a look
ing after Jewell's all'alrs."
A t'oug-ar Story.
TheCorvalll Times (ells It:
"Polo" and George Avery left Cor-
vallls tlireo weeks ago for a rousing
old time Iu the mountains. Well,
they had it. They returned ye.lerday
noou and were heavily laden with
dried meat and stories of adventure
that rival Klppllng's "Jungle Stories."
They hunted Iu the. Yachalts, Five
mile Creek and Ten-mile Creek
countries, and at Five-mile Creek they
were jollied by Jim Wilkinson, a
nephew of our Reaver Creek Jim. Jim
I a good hunter, as well as "Pole" and
George, and they had famous success.
When Ueorge was asked "wnai
luck?" ho replied, "thlrteeu deer, a
bear, a cougar, and cut a bee tree."
Jim Wilkinson had a dog with him
to use lu hunting and he ulso had a
pup along that he waa teaching to
hunt. Some one of the party had
killed a deer and taken It to camp.
Arriving there, tho carcass was thrown
down In front ol die tent near the
place where the pun was chained. Not
one of the party was far from camp,
and either George, or "Pole," or both of
them, were shouting wlililn a short
distance of camp, and Jim wus but a
rew rods away, wlien mere wa a ter
rible screaming, howling, snurllug n:id
kl-yl-lng to be heard at the snot where
the pup was chained. Jim wiikiiisoii
rushed up and beheld the pup In the
clutches of the cougar. As often ha-
pciii in case ot an Imcrgency, Id uuu
wa empty, and what was worse the
cougar was Inside of the tout lying on
bis cartridges ana ere long me nun
was literally torn lo pieces. He
shouted for George to come quickly,
and when the latter reached the scene,
Wilkinson seized his gun and shot the
animal, killing It right in the lent.
Jim was so enraged at the destroyer of
Id pup that he graiilied a knllo auu
cut it into strip. I lie cougar was a
female and It must have been very
hungry for It never clinched at the
approach of the men. The scalp was
saved ami win uring a oouuiy 01 iwo
or three dollars.
DiKii. Tavlor L Rees died of con
sumption at his home at 'Ihurston
this morning. August 18, 18Uu, at 6
o'clock, at the age ofSUyear. Do
ceased had been fulling Iu health for
some time. A few weeks ago he was
taken to the McKcnzle spring with
the hope of benefiting his health hut
the change fulled to do him good, and
lie was brought home, to (Ilea week ao
lust Sunday. Uceeased came to ure
gon from Missouri a number of years
ago and located in tins city, ouyiog
what is now the Travis fruit tract in
the northwestern part of the city. A
short time later he removed to Ihurs
ton where he bought property and
erected the store buildings and started
the seneuil store at that place, which
he has conducted ever since. He and
III brother. Martin Rees. of Tliurs-
ton, planted a large prune orchard at
that place and In many ways have
done ;much to euhanoe the value ol
properly In that section. Deceased
leaves a wife and a brother at Thurs
ton. The funeral services will be held
bv Itev I N Mulkev at 10 a m tomor
row and the remains Interred In the
High Rank cemetery.
('nuiiOvF. Ham. Snm Goldsmith
the popular drummer of Portland, I
authority In the Oregonlao for the
.iui.. ...nt. that there are only four
business men Iu Eugene supporters Of
Itrvan and silver. Ham is talking
through hi head gear. Certainly he
ha not taken a census or Eugene In
i lil narttcular. A fair proportion
of the ii-oii engaged In business In this
cllv are supisirlers of silver several
Lime the number tlven by the gen
tleman. Sum, come Here and we win
point tho geiillemeii out to you your
father and two brother being among
the nutiilar. The statement, to say
the least, I fulse.
itoiicMiA DiHTitn-r Minks. Ore-
gonlau: Mr Ruih Olltner lias returned
from a visit to the mines In the llo
IipoiIh district, and Is so favorably Im
r.n.uuxl with what lie saw ttiat III. pre
diei a ai-coiid Crlitiile creek there. He
went through the Nonday, Acme,
I'l.rnueonla. Annie. Star and other
n.i and mvs there Is an Immense
body of ore there which yields u to $10
per ton. The Cottage Grove people
have built a road Into the mlues, and
. nonniv road i being built ill from
Oakland to get a share of the ttade
. Si
-1 -.
1 J. .-.-l
mmi .tslh'saasisiUsfc
ti;e cest
Is Simmons Live? ppcuLATOR-don't
firgrt to take- it. I' he Liver get slugglih
diiriin tha Winter, jut like all nature,
anJ the svstiMM becomes choked up by
ths ,-u(.uiii'il.iU J v .! U vliLh brines on, l over anJ Ague and Klieum-
tism. Yen bi wake up your Liver
now, lit he sure you tike SIMMONS
I IVl.K KI'uUI.ATOK to do It. It also
r.ul.ites t'.u LK cr keeps it properly at
vi'ii, wli.'o your system will he free from
poivni anJ the whol- ho ly Invlgnnted.
You cct ill. i m.sii i:i.u'Jiwhn
your s ste.n h In Al condition, and that
w ill only le when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver leincdy once and note th
dut rciue. Hut t.ike only SIMMONS
LlVbit KLi.ULAfoK which makes th
dillcrcnce. Take it in powder or In liquid
alro.iJy prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but UkeSlMMUNS LIVER REGU
LATOK. You'll find the HhL) Z on every
package. Look for It
T. 11. Zclllu A Co., Philadelphia, Pa,
The Field Mill Iu Ashes-Los, 18,000
to 3V, mm; insurance.
Saturday night the Fields saw mill
known us Craw ford A Fuller's old mill
20 mile uorlheuHt of Eugene was de
stroyed by fire, and every vestige of
the lumber that was ou the yard,
which amounted to considerable. The
mill was recently rt lit ted and It la
thought the entire los will amount to
probably fl.OOO.
it npis'tir mat incendiaries nave set
the mill ou lire several times but the
Hume were sulMlued before (hey had
done much damage. Saturday night
the mill was set on lire again and the
iroperty wa destroyed. Mr Holds
ui had a man fur some time stationed
in the mill, armed with a Winchester
rllle, lo watch tho proerty, and not
withstanding this precaution the vil
lainous Incendiary wus successful in
hi devilish design. There was no
Insurance whatever on the property.
U the perpetrator or mis crime
should be detected ho would probably
be dealt w ith by the residents with
out the aid of a Judge, or Jury.
A II o'l d (iuiue.
Albany Democrat: "Last Friday a
man went to tint bottling work of O.
Itaeiimle and bought three buttle of
wine, claiming tnat they Were fol a
saloon be wa starling up In the hills,
ami a hu hud n partner he would
want a receipt, which was given him.
Yesterday tho mini went to Mr.
liaeiiuile, and giving hi liniiio as John
Darling, claimed to ho special agent of
the Internal revenue olllce, and de-
luring that Mr. llueumle hud violated
the law it would take (150 to settle It.
This Mr. Itaeiimle Insisted It would be
absolutely Impossible to rase. The
amount was finally cut down to $20, of
which Mr, ltaetimln paid ana
Hgrccd to pay the balance. Marshal
Lee hud bceti informed ot the mutter,
and finally suspecting' something
wrong, telephoned to U 8 Marshal
Grady, who Informed him that there
was no sueli agent aim iiuauy teie-
(jraphed him to arrest Darling fur Im
personating bum omoer, auu mat
Deputy .Marshal Humphrey woum ue
up tonight to tako lil in buck.
liariiug, . or wuntevcr ins uuiue
may be, was arrested aud is in the
county jail, it look like a bold con
fidence Bailie to iiiiiko a nam, auu
there aro circumstances indicating
that Darling may have a Confederate
lu it"
Claim for Dainas;.
Pokti.ani), Aug 11). The trial of
the t2.,000 damage suit of Stephen
Hart against the Southern Tactile
company wus commenced today in the
sluie circuit court oeiore juogo on Hi-
tuck. Hart I a ceiuniercial traveler
from Minnesota and he alleges that,
on January Mh Inst, he was foiclbly
ejected from a train at Albany while
enroute from Portland to Sau Fran
cisco. The ticket presented by Hart
wus nunclied to denote that the per
son entitled to ride upon it wore chlu
whiskers. Hart wa without this
facial appendago and the train
spector observing that such was
fuct. took Hart's ticket irom uuu
as Hart declined to pay lure, ue
put off' the train.
1 . . .. . , i.
Hare wore a cnin oearu wuen no
purchased the ticket but he after
wards had it shaved off. The defense
of the company is that the whole
thing Is a Job put up by Hart, to de
fraud the company. The company al
so alleges thut, beside disposing of
his beard lu order to diner in appear
ance from the description marked up
on hi ticket, that he signed his name
lu a disguised hand and also bad me
....... a tit IIi.iu.i.I...Imki, murlcoit llnnlk
hi gripsack. r
Is Ohwion. Them are In Oregon
ii.ii.d .', IIIIVIMI. .
800 general stores, lotl retail hardware
dealer, 620 retail grocers, ioo reiau
dry g(Hl stores, (il retail boot and
shoe dealer, lU retail clothleis, 27 re
tail crockery stores, HK retail cigar
and tobacco dealer, retail drug
gists, 4K0 carpenters and builder, 4
manufacturer of agricultural Imple
ment, 3(H) dealer In such implements, '
M) bicycle dealer, 00 foundries, 2H0
cnrrlngo and wagon maker, 0112 Phy
sician and surgeons, K3 photographer,
ISO real estate dealer, I IS lumber
dealer, tilo minister, 420 live stock
breeders, 4 10 investor, 110 paint and
oil dealer, 110 printing etubllsh
ilshmentM, 004 saw mills, 0,1 pinning
mills, 22 wood workers, 4 woolen and
cotton mills, 80 breweries, 10 tanneries,
UK) Hour mills, p.W miscellaneous
sttam users, 1st) manufacturers of har
ness and saddles, IW plumlx-m, steam
and gas litters, 2!KJ burlier shop, 1120
saloons and billiard halls, 110 banks,
140 milliners and 1)40 dealers in book
aud stationery.
Jupon us.