The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1896, Image 7

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i j VuItii, uttorney-iit-lnw.
1 .m-v t' ,'" fa"'1- Enquire of
& Wlt'- , , ,
" (. w. Middle may I found at
ijeini' on Olive strvc. Ulwctii
Sixlli street, one block west
Mititi-tM, hotel. He lit prc
j, V il'i nil dental work III the best
lUrkl (blitfin!!
thft rlro pultl fr i'lif item
rami for Sal'-.
V.i n.irt-thirty line farm iu the
i,a tie valley for aule. These
1. iim Iu I" every vuriety in slxc and
.,iriiescripnon nst, noirc-a
Uko. M. Ml I I. Kit,
WilUlu Mlock, Eugene, Or.
Impui tn ut to Farmer.'.'H SuCIKItKI, EXTKKMINA
I the original ami only article of It
giving complete satisfaction.
f reduced from 60 to H' ct'i I ier
i Vur sale ly
Osuvh.n A DkLano,
Eugene, Or.
Money Loauid.
ijrl Morlgiitfe on I m . roved rrop-
1 Negotiated: Veure prepared in
viiiie tlrsl mortgage Uoii In,
,.. firms III Oregon, Washington
lldiihi with Eastern urllii and
capitalists at I ho usual rate of
jrest. Mortgage renewed lliat
thefii taken by other companies,
f out of business. Addles (with
J Maker City, Or.
U are anxious to do a little good in
world and end think of no pleas
,r or better way to do it thau by
jmiiieiidliig One Minute Cough
fut a pieveiitive of iiiieuuioiila,
iiiiiiptlon and other serious lung
iblet that follow neglected colds.
Osburu & DeLano.
i Ice? to V bom it May Concern.
, the undersigned, am authorised by
fer of Attorney to-collect and sel
ll accounts of J 11 Sehmllz, de
vil. i AO IlAlMAN.
ral'.ervMe, Lane Co., Or.
f -
Iluck leu's Arnica Sulve.
be Ileal Halve in the world for
s, Bruises. Soren. Ulcers, Ball
hiiii, Fever Mores, Tetter, Chapped
vis, Chilblains, Conn, and all Hkin
plions, and Mmitlvely cures Piles,
o pay required. It hi guaranteed
ve H.rfect satisfaction or inouey
Oded. Price 25 cents per box.
dale by Ilelidersou & Linn.
n Iuby was &tck, we gave her CantOA .
en alio was a CUil.1, alio cried for Cantoris,
to !io btvajne 51 tut, she clung to Gistori.
alia bad Children, tUo gar U. am Caatmla,
AMMONU'a IlAHOAtNS. Tuill.el
Ion Hie t.ld Oregnn Taciflo ral't
, between CnrtrallN and Yaqulna
$73,.K). It Is about 00 feet In
lb and I on a ten per cent grade,
vest entrance being much lower
tlm unlrHiiofl nearest the summit.
Viired a million and a half feet of
r to timber thin tunnel and build
ifgb bridge at the. west end. Tun.
To 2 la 4.10 feet in Uoigth and No 3
-out 800 feet. With 173.000 aa the
t of diggiiiK a single tunnel the
vler by the coinparisou in easily able
comprehend how small wa the
e that Homier & Hammond paid
this railroad that within a dls-
of less than lin miles crossoa
y'a river not less than 1!0 timca.
eclally if Hie 12.1,000 received Iroui
ale of the steamer Willamette Yal
ta aMjulred by them, and the pur.
price tie, thus reduced to $77,000
Dly $2,000 more than the coal of
one tuunel.
:j little boy, when two years of
, was taken very ill with bloody
u I was advised to use Chamber
's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
aedy, aud luckily procured pait of
ittle. I carefully read the direc
ts and gave it accordingly. He waa
t low, but fcdi.wly nd aurely he
tn to improve, gradually recovered
i Is now aa atout and nt rong as ever,
al sure It aaved Ida life. I never
i praise the remedy half Its worth,
ni sorry everyone in the world
I not know how good it Is, a9 I do..
Irs. LlnaH Hlnton. Orahamavllle,
fion Co., Florida. For sale by On-
o & DeLano.
Unity item'.
.Tie weather i beautiful.
t Is predicted that thero will be a
ristlan baptising In the near future
the thresher was tunning in
st last Hunday. See.
H Is awfully tmd oil dos where peo-
) visit so much.
rim it n ranm tiicctlntr will com
mna tlm "Oili df this month. Ilev P
Williams will le here the nrst four
va lla will nlsn lecture at this
we the 10th at 7:30 a in. Illshop
lion will be at the meeting theitth
dwiii will conclude the
T J Ileufro visited Jasper thla week
Ja Carter and family have moved to
Eastern Oregon threshers are run
1 og In this vicinity.
Rev Miller preached here last Sun-
Sir and Mrs niackhiirue of 'Spring--Id
visited al his lioiii sum I on KM l
ei.'k last Wi-ek.
Mr Trllley, the tan liatk hauler had a
! or-e killed by the train lut week.
Eli Hill. LumlH-r City. Pa , writes;
' I have been autlV rlng fruiu piles f"r
years and tlmtight my case lucura
tie. DeWltfs Witch Haiel Balve waa
recommended to me as a pile cure, so I
i ought a box and ll performed a per
' auent cure." This la only one of
lousands of similar eures. hx-iema,
res and skin discuses yield quickly
hen It la used.
Osem" DkLano.
Thf smoke U coming again.
Rev J MDlek U In the city.
A saddle for J at Weston &
HO Jaekaon, of Junction city, is in
Itev Wallace, of Junction City, in In
Kilgene Corbua, of Independence, la
In tin- city.
The thermometer registered M thin
The people will mhiu beeoiulug home
from the resorts.
Den Lurch, the Lumt inenhaiit,
Vinlted Kiigcue today.
Wall piia-r, lime and cement.
K L. Chamliera.
The IlliuoU and Indiana deinoeriita
and populUu huve fused.
M S llarker has U-en conllued to hi
rxiin hII week W ill alckuiM.
W Haiideru l loudlug a ear with
chiltlrn bark for New York.
A good uook kloVe til (K).
V L Cliambeni.
10 L Cumplell, of IWllalid, whs bU
arrival by this afternoon's train.
A civil case la being lienrj by Jus
tice Wheeler court thla atterniKiii.
Mr )re Uriltln and family return,
ed from Foley Springs lust evening.
Attorney (Jeo li Dun is made Junc
tion city a brief professional trlptodsy.
The adjiihteia are figuring on the limit
of the llosteln residence Ibis afternoo' .
Whips 5 cmiU and up at rrcatou Ai
MisF,ilHi Viiufiit U vMiiuir nt
Jas)er, the guest of Mis V li Kreuey.
The democratic and (Hipiilist ht:tle
ceutral com in It lees meet in I'oriliiud
Tile Albany Democrat wiya: "The
iwuitentlary Is loo g.iod for a wife
beater." Correct.
Try I'restou & Hale' gall cure. They
guarantee It.
Salem Statesman: Mr It lleekner
departed lor Kugenu yesterday via the
Koaeburg mail.
All kind of thresher extra ordered
F L Cliambt rs.
Dr J S Walter and family left thla
moriiluK for a leu days' outing trip up
the McKeuiie river.
Your horse will not mw Itch his tail
over the lines Willi a Preston & Hale
uet on.
Kola Neli of Albany visited Eugene
today. He repi.rt prospects very poor
for a fair price for hops.
The Noiris brothers are placluu a
new roof on their residence, corner of
12th and Patterson strict.
Campers' tinware. Threshers out
fits. F L Chambers.
Lawrence T Harris haj filed In the
county clerk's ntllce bis uppolutincbt
as deputy district attorney.
Count v Clerk Jennings has received
from the railroad company three hirce
patents to railroad lauds for record.
Manv deaths occurred In the f.ast
yesterday from the territlc heat. That
section is now promised cooler weath
er. MoMlnnvllle Transcript:: Mrs Itev who has becu ill. we are
pleased to report considerably Improv
Miss Cora Leonard, of Hilly, Iowa.
will visil with her aunts, the Misses
Leonard of this city, during the sum
mer Ittibt Eastland. Earl Church, Carl
Narregan and Herbert Thompson ie
turned home last evening from a trip
up the Willamette.
The highest bid for tho Kalein motor
owned by the Slate Insurance Co., ou
account of $34,000 mortgage, was f3,-
750. 1 1 was not soul.
Mrs E B McElroy and daughters,
Alicia and Lillian, have returned from
a visit of several weeks with Irlctids in
Porllaud, Ha'eui and other oitie.
Mrs It Alexauder and sou, of Pen
dleton, who have been visiting with
Mrs N K Kraxer during the past week,
went to Salem on this morning s local
GooM Miller returned this niorulu,
from Salem. Although a McKiuley
man, he says nearly every man he met
Id thai city wa for Hryan and Iree
Csrvallls Times; Carl Nodes re
i.lrn.ui Kniiirilav from a week so
iourii with friends and relatives In Eu
gene. Carl wa in no way corrupted
during his absence.
Hou D V Thompson say he is on
the lence and Is waiting for Mcmii
lev's letter. He says I c has not staled
he would vole for either McKiuley or
A lackrabblt Is not a novel sight In
ll.riit-v eouiit v. but the Harney al
ley Item says that 2000 may be seen
almost any evening about sundown,
pa U W Btiaw'8 WUeai lieiu near Jim-
KARL'S CLOVEW uuur win pj
ifv your blood, clcai your complexion,
regulate your bowels aud makes your
head as clear as a bell, soc, wc, anu
$1.00. Henderson & Llun.
v... 1 lirvmi. after manv enthusias
tic receptions, readied New York last
evening. He will accept me vim-ago
nomination tuis evening ..i-uim...
Square Harden.
Editor Fisher, of the Itoseburg iw
view, and member of the democratic
state central coiuimnw,
Portland this morning to attend
.,.i i nir of the body tomorrow.
Do vou lack fulth and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeW ill's sarsaparu-
la Osni'KN A DkLano.
swr-tsxv of State Kiucald and faml
iu ruiuriiHil boniH from Newport ou
ism iilirlii'a train. Mr. Kincaid went
to Salem this morning on lie local
train to attind to his official duties.
The regular business meeting r 1,18
YPSC E of the Congregational
church was held at U N Frazer's lust
evening. Ailer tne ousiuess
sacted a social time was engaged In.
Pur blood means good health. Dc
Will's Harfaparllla punlles the blood,
cures eruptions, ii aema, scrofula and
all disease arising from impure blood
Osbibn 4 DELANO.
vv-t -mtatid that the trout blast
r..n..u.ii, a ihelr crtuiiiiul avo-
" ,: :: ; the Upper MW.IU.Fork
. ... .....iniv need a deputy game
warden who will de ect the men
Indlaiiapolla Journal: "Thebutcher
.iLinJlili hand tills morning."
.. .;.l trlrl. Indeed." ies in
Mill niw rs ' , i.
He tried to sell it to me with a siesk
luit I made him take it off the acaUs.
t.i..u' Ktm Htatesmau: (let) M
viiiiup fif Kiiiffiie. a real estate agent
aud the luveutor of Hie flying maeliiiie
lie I the brother nf Joaoulu Miller,
the poet uf the Sierras.
Piu tho good word along the lino.
Piles can I p quickly cured without an
o-ration by simply applying De
Wltfs Witch Hazel Salve.
Osiil'KX A DkLano.
Col l!eo C Yoran, of Euuetic, will lie
in Oinmanil of ihe militia encamp,
mnitat Newport. There will 'i
frniii Eugi ne, 21 from Albany, 10 from
WiMMlburii and 27 from Salem.
Captain Se-eeiiey U. S. A., Sail Di-
ego, Cal., says: 'hMo's Catarrh
Item.tly Is tho first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any
K'hhI." Price 60c. Henderson A
I. Inn.
The editorial association will meet
In Astoria. An enterprising salixiu
kecKT has sent copples ot the Itudget
to editors over the slate with his sa
loon advertisement marked. This
needs no comment.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day I break
ing!" so sai.l DeWilt'a Little Early
Risers to the man who had takeu
them to arouse Ills sluggish liver.
Osburu A DeLano.
Carey Martin ami wife returned
from their month's bridal trip to the
Florence country on last evening's
stage, leaving for Salem ou this morn
ing's early train. They reported a
very pleasant trip.
A cup of Pnrks' Tea at night moves
the bowels lu the morning without
pain or di-comfort. It Is a great
health giver and blond purifier. Sold
by A. Ykii.'Noto.v.
Small lu size, but meat In results.
DeWilt's I.lltle Eirly KUers act
gently but thoroughly, curing indi
gestion, ilyspepi-la aud constipation.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill.
Omrks A Pi.Laso.
All any iK'iuocrut: Mr A H Slausou,
who returned from IviKcne a few days
ago, Is confined to the home of Mr Ir
vine with typhoid fever, and It will
probably be a eoupl of wc'k before
fie and Mrs Slatison can leave for
Dr James S D.ile M D, of this city
has liecn elected by the State Hmue
opalhic Medical Sielct.V a delegate to
the World's Congress of Meilico-Clim-alology.
The cunuress will probably
meet In New Orleans about Ihe last of
this year.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
it at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure.
Osni iis A DkLano.
RepiescntatlveThos Yaugliaii, of Co
burg, was in town (hu other day. It
haviuu been rumored that he was go
ing to vote for Hi mi he was Inter
viewed on the subject. He merely
said, "I am gulug to vote by ballot
this year."
Parks' Sure Cure Is ll Mitive specific
lu all disea.- of tho Liver and Kid
neys. Ity leiuoving the uric acid in
the blood it cures Rheumatism. 8. II
llasford, of Carthage, S. Dakota, anya:
"I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicines for liheiimatlsm and
Urinary disorders." Sold by A. Y'EK-
A young attorney from Colinge
(irove, bile attempting to Hud Ins
family who are out vamping, lost his
way ho. I sM'iit tho night in the woods,
lifter several exciting experiences such
as seeing catamounts, foxes, running
inlo trees and having tussels . with
bears etc., lie llnally found them.
And still there Is rustl ceiling, fin
ishing lumber and mouldings at the
Wheeler I'.rothers' Lumber 'ard at
prices much lower even than the low
ones ourrent elsewhere. First come first
served. Come soon as tills sale will
not last always.
It Is the big wheat yields that are re
ported. Here is one from Linn
county: The I I) Miller crew threshed
1754 bushels of wheat oil oil acies of the
Ed Knox farm, owned by S E Yonng
and ren.ed by Tho Chamber. Tins
Is an average of over 30 bushels. One
thousand two bund el and seventy
six bushels of It were threshed in the
The best regulator to regulate a peo
ple, Is Simmons Liver Regulator. It
regulatea the liver aud the liver regu
lates the person. If the liver is leguiai
then health Is good, but If sluggish
and diseased then there Is constant
Jliliousness, Indigestion, Headache
and all the disorders of the stomach
that one hear of. Try Simmons
Liver Regulator and prove this.
Six weeks ago I suffered with a
very severe cold; was almost unable to
ttpek. My friends all advised me to
consult a physician. Noticing Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy advertised In
the St. Paul Yolks Zeltung I procured
bottle, and after taking It a short
while was entirely well. I now most
heartily recommend this remedy to
nvmie sutleriiiir willi a cold. Will
Keil. 678 Se bv Ave., St. 1'aui, Mioo.
For sale by Osburu A Delano.
Prof K II McElrov has returned from
Monroe, Alsea and oilier points and re-
ports many thresliing iiiacnines run
ning on full time. In many Instances
ilnlils of fall wheat and oats are yield
log from 1 to 2 bushels morj per acre
ii.un Imil Is-en xnected when the
crrttin WAS CUt.
Should this small ad
vmiep lie ma niaineo, ty mc pni
. ..... I I .. .1... .r.vl..n
plantings, It will Ineiease the output
of grain and make up to some extent
for the unusually snon crops.
I've a seoret in my heart,
Sweet Marie,
A tale I would impart,
Swvet Marie:
If you'd even fairer !e
You must always use Parks' Tea
The Improvement you will see,
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. Yekixotov.
Since 1-7S then-' iv.- been nine epl
deinlcsof dvaeulery in different parts
nf the country lu which Chamberlain'
Colli). Cholera and Diarrhoea itemeojr
. .. .i..
was used with perfect success, uys
emery, when epidemic, Is almost as
i-erre and dangerous a Aslalio cnoi
era. Heretofore the best tflorts or tlie
most skilled physicians have failed to
eheek it ravages, this remedy, now
oir, has i iired the most malignant
eases, both of children and adults,
and under the lmt trying conditions,
ul.l..i proves 11 to
best inedi-
eine In the world for ts.wel complaint.
For sale by Ostium wwun
Dr. Finley, deiitisl.rooin 3,Duno blk.
A fine phaeton f 100.
t L Chamlvr.
The cement walk lu front of Frank's
new brick block is completed.
J W Mulkev is building a residence
for Attorney Wood, In this city.
The Oregon Press As -oelatlon meets
In Astoria one week from today.
The militia eoumanv. 23 strong, will
leave for Newport tomorrow morning.
Nelson Price is building a neat real-
lence on bis properly at A and 13th,
New aud second hand buggies.
V L Chambers.
The funeral of the late W J J Scott
ai Creswell, yesterday, was largely at
tended. Dr. Finley, dent 1st, room 3, Dunn blk.
Hop picking will commence lu about
two weeks.
Pfunder's floral establishment was
gutted by the last night; loss, $15,000;
Insurance, $S,000.
The militia boys are busy this after-
uoon making arraogemeuls for their
trip to Newport.
The city will receive for lbs
grading and gravelling ol Third aud
1'earl streets until August -4th at 7 p
Stove to fit everybody 'a purse Iroiu
$1.00 to $40 00. Just bought a bank
rupt stock of three car loads.
F. L. Chambers.
Oold bugs and silver bugs are being
worn as stick pins by young women
anxious to show their political tenden
cies. '
Webster Wall is' crop of grain,
west of Eugene was threshed jester-
lay. 1 ho wheat yielded 20 bushel to
the acre.
The United State 11 ill commission
er Ims decided to establish a salmon
hatchery at Stevenson, Wash., opposite
the Cascades.
Surveyor-General Arnold has re
vived the annual appropriation,
mounting to $13,000 for Hie survey of
lauds lu this state.
Stoves at half price.
F L Chambers.
Hon H L Itarkley denies that he la
a candidate for shaker of the lower
house of the legislature, a suggested
by Ihe Salem Slatesiuau.
The hot wave continues lu the East.
It Is estimated that 1000 people have
died in New Yoik City from the tor
rid weather during the past ten days.
A good demand for lame blackber
ries. The (allure of the fruit crop
prompts the ever alert housewife In
tilling the larder wun una exceueui
A flue light buggy for $12.00.
V L Chambers.
The democratic aud populist itnto
central committees are holding meet-1
ines In Portland today. It Is likely al
fusion will be arranged on the electoral I
ticket. I
The Llveriiiore-Huruette party
caught 123 nice trout lu one morning's l
llshing ou lime river, ruey aiso aeui ,
12.5 down by Iho stage to friends In,
this city.
Jutlire Potter and a iury are near
lug a civil case at the court house this
alteruoou iu which the parties are
Davidson vs Smith A Uclntyre.
Quito a number of witnesses are lu at-I
The Paclflo coast hop crop last jear
amounted to 181,000 bales, of which
Uil.ADO were raised lu Oregon, 62,000 lu
California, 28,800 In Washington aud
700 lu Rritish Columbia.
A balloon with people In the basket
was seen recently passing over Skeena
river lu Alaska going north. A light
was seen displayed from It, but lid in
formation could be had from it.
W U Peters, cashier of the Colum
bia National bauk of Tacoma, which
fulled last October, has been convicted
on twenty-four charges of falsifying
the bauk a oeoas.
August Roman, a French rancher,
was found murdered In Walla Walla
yesterday. As he had no money or
valuables llie ooject oi tne iiiuium in
not known. There Is no clue to
the murderer.
Judge Hurnett, of Corvallls, has Is
sued the following toast to liryan:
"The people' money, both gold and
silver, what was created by tiod, and
united lu holy constitutional oouos o.v
the fathers, al a ratio ol 16 to 1, let no
man put asunder."
Oeo F McCounell. the defaulting K
of P otllcer, has been arrested at Ross-
laud, It C. McUounell expresseu ins
willliik n 'SB to return to Portland, aud
said he would make no troubles over
extradition papers. He said ho sin
cerely regretted his downfall, and ap
parently lecis nia uisgrace aeeuijr.
When we consider that the lutes-
tines are about five times as long as
the body, we can realize the lutense
suffering experienced when they are
luflamed. DeWltl's Colic and Cholera
Cure subdues Inflammation at once
aud completely removes the difficulty
Ohiiubx a Delano.
Tlm Falrbavcn National bauk Las
ceased receiving deposits, and propose
. i .t.. .l..t
in u-iitti on Litetr hiiuiib. iuv w.-
holders have paid in an assessment of
30 per cent, and all Claims are oeiog
paid as last as preseuteu. mo hi
Lr u ill Im retained for a time, aud
-i, . ,ni.i M.ere bea a ufflcient revival In
busluessto warrant It, me oaua may
be icopeued
A.trl tilHtinteh of Aug. 12. Mag.
mi. (! rioshv. voungest sou of the late
Mayor Crosby, met with a painful ac
cident today al the Pacific can factory.
The lad was employed at ooe of the
....... i, nmkloir cans, sou iu some
...unnar I. la hand was CAUgllt. lie-
ii. mnnlilne could be stoped, the
hand was crushed so as to Incapacitate
tho lad for work tor many weess.
a from Salem uuder dateol
the 12th ays: " 1 he supreme oourt to-
h.u tt.ii.niriietl for an Indefinite lime.
Justice lieau left 10 days ago, aud Is
spending a vacation al his mother's
Louie, at Maplelon. juauce vnoiver
ton will leave for the seaside, in the
vicinity of Newport, in a few days.
Chief Justice Misire lis not yet
.I....1.I. .1 tif.tiii a vacation trip. The
prol.ubllilieare the rewss will U)
short one."
i....... murrt. a nromlnent sheep
raiser of Sherman county, and one of
il.tste who were arresieo oir ,r...K...
.I...I- ulwM.n nil ll.e Cascade limber re
serve, estimate that if the reserve Is
closed lo sheepmen, it win iuiwi
one-half to lao-thlrd of Uiom engaged
i.. .i . i in.iuwtrv lii Wasco and Sher-
mall counnes uut --
,i...ui.. ur no doubt true, and when
..... t.t 1.1,-tiiMMt Ilia
such statement are brought to the at
tention uf Oregon's delegation In con-L-res-.
they ought certainly to heed
Ihein. and exert their effort to getting
ail order Issued throwing the reserve
Judge Kiillertoii D ililes i tn Ulalr
ud 1.1 uli b streft ( ' in Favor
of tuo Hi;.
Judge Fullertou ha handed down a
derision In favor of Ihe city In the case
of S A Huddleston, aiexcciitoi of the
estate and last will and testament of
Jfttnes Huddleston, diivaseil, vs the
City of Eugene, In Ihe matter of the
improvement of Eighth street. The
decision also carries with it all tho
contested case ou Eighth and lilalr
streets, as it wa stipulated by the
parties to abide by this division.
Judge Fullertou filed the following
OONIXV810X8 ok law:
First. That there was a legally es
tablished county Mad over and across
the premise of plaintiff at tho time
tho limits of the defendant's corpora
tion were extended over said premi
ses. Second. That Eighth atrvet, of said
defendant city as extended by ordi
nance of said city is upon tho said
county road.
Third. That the said defendant cor
poration had the right to establish
and locate streets upon county roads
within the corporate limit of aald city
by ordinance without proceedings to
appropriate the lands within the limit
of saltl couuty roads provident by sec
tion 90 of said charier of lssii.
Fourth. That defendant la entitled
to a decree of the oourt dismissing the
complaint herein
It I ordered and adjudged that said
cause he and the same I hereby dis
missed, neither plaintiff nor defendant
to recover coals and disbursement
Done at chambers, Roseburg, Ore
gon, thla 10th dav of August, 1MM.
J. C. Fru.KHTON, Judge.
The contract for the Improvement
of the two street were made October
9, 181'3, and the work on the name was
accepted Deoembcr 11, 1SH3. The work
was assessed to tho property owners
April 17, 1884.
The amount Involved Is about a fol
lows: Delinquent on 6th street $ 6!2 03
" Ulalr street 07 01
Advertising SSl 00
Cost of levy, eto 160 00
Total $1,890 04
Resides the alsive amount the city
will be entitled to Interest from April
17, 1894, on lh amouut.
The plaintiff was represented by At
torneys llllyeu and Walton and the
defendant by City Attorney bklpworth
and Attorney Ueo 11 Dorria.
The attorneys for the plalntifi In
form us that the case will be appealed
to Ihe Supreme court.
The main contention In the case 1
as to whether or not the two streets
have been legally converted Inlo city
streets from couuty roads, which it is
il.nlLtu.1 ttiutf ft.rmurlv IVArO.
nil iiifiinnir was nmm itltr,.i
...... is.iui t.sta-i...
Tb kill nsr. sad Midclor, lomolimn brisisio
lOT.U tuJ ink iroui aiiBMarlalimM. i-sumo.
WamtbiiixTun ihtr dlilirliig function! !
of neccultjr rorj uuperleodr perforuusl, .
certain il.hrli. which li tin nrnill ot natural
bmlllf waala Slid dveaT, iIihm mil rwaps as II
should, but remains to corrupt tno I.IimmI and
dtm' nualniiou. tin mora and danii.'mui aa
well aa painful d l .... II li our ol tho bana
hovnt .flactanl lltislallvri Sl.niia.-h llllt.-ra to
geiitlr ailinulata Ilia urinary oigaita, and prs-
Tnl tnsin troin .aistuiKiniu a "i in u
Ity, always provarllWe of liillainatorf da-
rcneratliin and il.f ay. How mut'li letter, llisn.
a It lo adopt this mild dliirello aa a, nisam of
Incllliia Ihvin to action, than to Incuro the dan
Her of destruction. To Hl from Ilia ayili'tn
waaie uiattar throiiRh the bowla and kldneya
and to rvgulate and arouw Ilia atomavh and
llrer, are anions the chief uwi ot this valuable
Pally Ouard, AUUil I I.
Bicvclr Thikf. The Justice of the
K ace of Cottage Grove has notified
nutv Prosecuting Attorney Harris
that a party has lieeu arrested at that
place for llie llieil oi a oicycie aim mui
the trial was set for tomorrow morn
ing at 10 o'clock In that city. He
failed to give the party's name or any
particulars. This will be
Drat case.
Mr Harris'
Fob Rent. I will rent for cash 750
acres of land; 260 acres In cultivation;
(JO acres summer fallowed; oOO In pas-
lure; farming Implements; 'M tons oi
hay, 80 milch cows, horses and har
ness, chickens, turkeys, hogs to. Call
at once on H L Swaggart, one mile
south of Oofchen, for particulars.
Dally Uaard, Annual li.
As Accident. Till forenoon at
Henderson station, a few miles above
Eugene, a loaded'wagnn ran over the
breast of Frank Miles, fracturing two
or three ribs and iutlictliig severe in
ternal injuries. It li thought lie win
recover. Dr Drown was called and
relieved the young man.
Daily Ouard, AufUit li.
Runaway. John Inwali's team
broke awav last evening from a hitch-
Ins post In this city. Tho horses were
nnt liiinrml Imt the hack was consid
erably wrecked, a broken tongue aud
neckyoke being among ins unningr.
Pally Ouard, Auiuat 13.
Being Examined- Couuty School
Rorwrlnteiitletlt Huut. assisted by Mis
Koinia lioOU alia J J Jiauunaser, ib
. .... i i..i... 1.
nrwirlnptlnir the regular nuarteriy
teachers' elimination at mo t enirai
school building. This I the first ex
aminatlnn slnoe Mr Hunt took charge
of the office.
An a isr t tr Thouiii.k. A letter from
McKenale Rrldge state that C D Ed-
wardsof the CIuard Is again in trouuie
nn aramtlllt of bis bifVCle. TIlO frBIIIO
nt ii. wliml broke miiare lu two. lie
will probable return by the stago aud
ship bis wheel nome as irein,iit.
Instantly Keiievea
and Permanently
Knife or Operation
Treatment Absolutely Painless
r,nm Three to Six Weeks
A . Duma .OT.-.V7. irquw
Ml S
Psilr liusrd, Am J, I 11.
( has Davis is homo from Saluiu.
J C Ooodalu was lu Eugene today.
Mis Dora Scott wa in Eugene to
day. Sam Oolilsmltli, of Portland Is in
C P Houston, of Junction City, is lu
Eugene today.
Col S P Sladdo.i came up from Port
land this afternoon.
Walter (Irlflln arrived from New
port this afternoon.
Mr Link has retim ed from a de
lightful trip lo New ort.
P (i Chrismau, a Lakeview banker,
spent last night In Eugeiie.
Win Mayer and wife are homo from
a pleasaut'trip to tho Yuquln.i
IVputy Prosecuting Attorney Harris
went to Cottage lirove this afternoon.
J M Howe left on the local train
this forenoon for Salem aud Poitlaud.
E P Wright hlpcil a carload of
baled timothy hay to Omul's Pas to
day. Sheldon Jonkiii aud family have
gone up the Mclveuzio ou a camping
out trip.
lion HI, Moorhcad, editor of the
Junction City Time visited Eugene
this afternoon.
Mrs J S Luckey was a passenger to
Yaqulna Ray this morning where she
will spend a few days.
J V Walker, of Walker' station,
and J A Ishmu, of McKcnzle llrldge
were iu Eugene today.
Prof M Ralley Is III Seattle, Wash.
Hu will nooii return to Eugene aud
contluuo to make this hi homo.
Pendleton Tribune: Mrs P E Snod
grasa. of Eugene, is in the city Ihe
gucsl uf her brother, Elmer Cleaver.
Misses Nellie Oilfrey, Ada Hen
drlcka aud Henrietta Latter went to
Newport Ibis morning to aiard two
or three weeks.
Dr E O Duthro of Portland arrived
here this afteriKsni to vllt a daughte:
of Johu Yaughan's, of Coburg, who I
dangerously III,
Hon S II Friendly returned from
Newport this afternoon. Wo are In
formed that Mr Friendly yesterday
caught nearly thirty pound of fish.
James Hollniau and family and Dr
C W Lowe aud wife, who have been
onding a month al Foley Springs,
exKi-l to atari for home the latter part
of this week.
Woodhurii Independent: Ilert 11
Miller, of Eugene, came dowu on his
wheel Saturday and K?nt Hunday
with his parents, of the Independent
family, returning home Monday
morning. Ho was on the road ten and
one-half hours, from Eugene to Wood
burn. Thla Is a good record.
A Household Treasure.
D W Fuller, of Canajoharle, N Y.,
says that ho always keep Dr King
New Discovery In the house aud his
family has always round the very best
result, follow It use; that ho would
not iw without It If procurable. O A
Dj kfinan, druggist, Catsklll, N Yj
says that Dr King's New Discovery Is
undoubtedly the best cough remedy;
that he ha used It lu bis family fot
toirht venrs. aud It has never failed to
tdoall that Is claimed for It, Why.
j . . ....
not trr a remedy eo long trieu ana
tosted. Trial bottles free at IIcndoi-
in & Linn's drug store. Regular
t60ccut aud $1.00.
1100 Reward $100.
Th. r...l..ra ..I thla nai.PT will bs .lca.Hl to
Irarntliattlirrelsat lt-a-1 tins drea l. d dlx aw
that atilunni haa Imsmi atile In ruie In all lie
........ -.i ih.i l. i .i-rili. Ilall'i ('..larrll lire
la tlis only suiye flirt. nw .. ... ....
nietllt'al iraisrnuy, i aisrrn i i....
tlniial ilineaw n-.iilrt. a coiietllti ttniml trvst
tn..i.t Hall's catarrh cure la takmi InU'rnally
Clin dlns-lly iiini mti!iioii aim n...u
facta ot the system, ihervliy awir..yiii ma
dieae, ami sWIn Ihe pallctil itn-iiain i.y
i...n.titf .... ti.. ciniitiuiiion aim aMiniiiiK
liire In diilits Ita work. The proprietor, harneo
....oh i-iih In Ita ciiratlro pnwura, that tlicy
niii.rima II ii itl retl liollar. lor any case that It
fall) to cure. Heml lor im in iwiiimiinisn.
Aililreaa, r J i:os.-ii v u, iuiouu, o.
hold by all Prusalati. vo.
Fkom CtniUKO. J C (loodale In
form, us that be will commence saw
Iniron bis 1.000.000 ft Eaitern lllllllier
contract next Monday. Ho has Just re
ceived S&0,000 feel of log from llie mo
l.uvL'k anil w Ulsoou have III his boom
4,000,000 from the upper McKoiieIo.
Fruits are Very Scarce,
and will be high. Better ouy
some while we nave oargama
10 lbs fancy dried IVachea $1.00.
HI lbs fancy dried rruncs a.w.
funcv dried Anrloots.. 1.00.
M lbs fancy dried Applsslslleed).. 1.00,
Chasa &. Sanborn's Roasted
Coffees beat the world.
You can buy tho Universal stoves and ranges now
cheaper than ever before.
Thoy are rnado of tho best iron uso tho least wood in
cookinc and aro tho best bakers made.
WohcU them cneaper
been sold in Lano county.
On account of the poor health of our family we are compelled to
cl seTur store and leave E.mene.much to the regret of ourselves
.ml family. Hut as the health of our family demand It, we
ami family. Hut
shall commence on
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Our o Qreat o ?lo5ir$ o Out o 5a,?-
early bef'.rethe'st.Kjk is broken. Nothing reserved. Every
thing in our store goes.
WAtoii this si?iioa.
(re swell lusualtirst
Aug 10, '9G.
W A TcuUtli and Phil Scott are
home for a vacation.
J W Lawn enmo homo Saturday
from tlm mines lu Josephine couuty.
A puity of Creswell young people ex
pert (o stmt to Newport next week.
Alva Hendricks, a former Lane
co inly boy, Is hoiuu on a visit after a
sojourn iu Arizona nod Mexico, where
hu lias bteii iu the bicycle busines.
(leorgu Laiulingliam, of Tlllmook
county arrived here last Friday even-
ing, fuming rroui Albany that day.
His team took fright at ti.o headlight
ofatra.uat Albany Thursday night
ami lie was thrown from the wagon
and rendered unconscious for a time
while his team nil into the cemetery
fence and stuck fasl. When Mr L.
la-gall to revive he culled to passershy
to help 1 1 i tn tin. I bis it-am but tbey
took bini for a drunk man ami would
not In lo him. llxw ts badly bruised
upiind lianlly al In to walk, hut man
aged to It ml and diseiilanglo bta team.
Judging from this man's experience
Albany Is a bad placo for a man to
fall "wounded by the wayside" as
tliuy all "passed by on tho other side."
lie has not yet recovt led from the In
juries received at that time.
The funeral of tint late W J J Scott
took jilaeii yesterday at 10 o'clock, Rev
(,' 11 Wallace oniclatiug. A largo pro-
cswloii folio ived the remains to the
Howe cemetery. The running of two
threshers kept many more from at
tending. Zeph.
W hat V'osler hay.
Foster's Inst bulletin irave forecasts
of the storm wave lo cross the conti
nent from the loth to the Mill during
which some verv severe weather will
occur in limited localities.
The next disturbance will reach the
Pai'lllo coast about the loth, crista the
west of the Kockles country by close of
the Itlth, great central valleys 17lh to
llitli, l-.nsteru stales , -Mill.
The warm wave will cross the west
of the Itockiea country alsiut the 15,
great central valleys Ihe 17th, FjiHteru
shttes (lie llilh. CihiI wave will cross
the west of Ihe Itoekle country about
I'.H n, great central valleys 'JUlti, iast-
ern states, ..M.
TeuiiM'ratureof the wtH'k August Otb,
tn 1'itli, inclusive, will average above
thu mean of the month In the
great central Valleys, lake region
ami westward, ami Isdow tho mean of
the month In the Eastern states.
In the great central valleys rain will
irohahly hedellclcnt until about the
IHth, followed by heavy showers to
close of month, The dry period of Ihe
mouth will couio earlier lu the Eastern
states, followed during the middle
third of the month by frequent bow
ers, tho mouth closing dry.
Ulllrlallr Nalllael.
New York, Aug 12. Win J liryan
wa ollleiaiiy iiouueii touay oi in
nomination as president In the pres
ence of ISI.unO people at the Madison
Square Harden. I he ieoeh waa one
of uriiuuient and was enthusiastically
received. After the liolincallon air
llrvau and others made airceohea on
the streets, Mr liryan shaking to a
crowd of at least 40,JOO people. The
heat was terrtllo but tho people were
f We will publish the spoocti lu run
later ou. 1
Letter List.
Aug. 13th '06.
Allison, ('has Church, J H
HiMiker, JH Johnson, t'hns
Jacobs, O V Lewis, Mrs It
Turpin, rur j i .
Arlierfnnf one riit will rsi made on all
l..icr iin nut. IVrii.tia railing lor letters
will plta atalo wliuu advHI-el.
McKkn.ik Koaii A comnilltee
from the upHr KcKentlo I paaslng
around a suhscrlpton paMr asking lor
money lo Improve, the road ou the
summit of the mountain. Ills quite
Important that this nad lie placed In
excellent condition, as much trade will
tie brought to this city by sued Improve
ment. Alsiut four miles of the road Is
reported to be In an exceedingly bad
Plenty ok Hai ku. TheHprlugfieUl
Elevator has on hand all the sacks
needed, which will be let out on the
usual terma.
1 dox pt Mason Jats $ 00
1 dox (it "
1 dox 1 gal "
1 10
Extra caps and rublwrs per dox..,
8 dox extra rubbers
Good shaved shingles per M
Ax Billy.
muu any huuyx ww ma .v.
was In this City yesieraay aueniw...