The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1896, Image 3

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nrlllah Propoaiim"
) yeiive roiUk.
! vy-gahlngton.'-Aog. 8 Word reach.
I , here from Birthh Guiana indicates
that the high oonrl of polloy, or legls
Utore of the oolony, is further Inclined
' reli8t the London otboritlet in mat- !
rL ftouueotod . with the VenetoeU
Irnnble. Colonial MlnUter Chamber-
Wi policy baa been to strengthen the
. i. ...ill tar fnrna and hnv Maxim
onj ------
They found difflonltj in secur
ing the guns, and now the high court ,
v,i paswd roiolntlou respectfully j
lag the government to reduoe mill-
tar upeusra.
fur. Hunter, who introdnoed the
isolation, said, In supporting it, that
jj, Veneiuela boundary trouble bad
jolted in swelling the cost of the
rlice force from $185,000 to 200,000. said, simply scut opto
j,, Venezuela boundary to be made
Mommtes" of. lie understood a num-
ef bad Icon sent there fully armed to
wotect the boundary, aud, if the
jowny approached, they were to say
t'boo" and retire. Mr. Hunter's fur-
ttier itrictures on the military and po-
Bt-e caused something of a sensation.
Be was supported by a number of mem-
cri, and the resolution calling for re-
f each men t passed. .
Sir Augustus Hemming, the gover-
tor-general, then brought forward a
iovelplan for strengthening the mill-
lrT branch, by enlisting Indians as lnT spoae tne Norwegian bark Eugeu,
jclooial troops. It was explaiued that from Halifax for Swansea, and ob
0ie system would be somewhat similar tained from her a small supply of
o tbat conduoted by Great liritain in bread and water,
fait InHiu, where the native troops are ' Both men are in good health, and
me of the most effective branches of ' look weather-beaten by long exposure.
ier majesty's military foroes. The iney punea two pairs of sculls during too old to work It waa eared for ten-Ittoruey-geueral.
la supporting the I he day and at night kept watches of derly. and when It died Its owner pur
sroposition, said it was proposed to 1 three and halt hour intervals, oue chaed a plot of ground opposite hia
rive theni regular commissions and : polling while the other slept. ! residence aud burled It there. When
.ties, as captains, etc., ai the Indian i
fought a great deal of himself if be
tore a title and staff office. The com
jifsiun would permit the Indian ofll
jer to exact homage and respect from
ie nativea. The Indian oaptains, oon
Aables, etc, would be used, the attor-
ley-general said, both to keep the gov-
. . . 1 . ...
t-nnieui luiormeo aa ro events in tne
Bterior, and also to suppress any dis-
Urbanoes along the Venezuela border. ;
The plan waa discussed at length,
Kit it has not yet passed.
Cuban Insurgent. Preparing for a Great
t Htrllfa.
f Havana, Aug. 6. There are indlca-I the mother of the fact, but she said
ieui that an attack is imminent upon there was no danger, as the lion would
be trocha. Bandora is enoamped near , not hurt anything. The child orawled
laugas, in Pinar del Kio, and La Crete within reach and the animal seized
I maintaining a watoh upon the trocha the Infant by the head and shook it as
tear Canas, prepared to second Ban-1 a dog would a rat The mother, reck
kira's attack. From Artemisa answer-! less of danger, rushed to the rescue of
ng signals of red lights, are seen at
light in the insurgents' camps.
jA decree published by Captain Gen-1
ral Weyler announcod that the crews I
I filibustering vessels, as well aa their i
iptains, will be considered as exempt !
cm responsibility and enjoying im-1
mnity from punishment if they deliver
the members of snob expeditions or
rir m 8ei??d by panUh
nisers, in which case they will seoure
reward of tl.000 for steamers and
iOO for sailing vessels of over 250 i
In a signed editorial article in La
rSssussion today, Francisco Hermida, 1
a Spanish author and political writer
cf note deprecates the frequent attacks i
n the Americ-n nennla In tha n-M nf
sdrid and Havana. He regrets that
importance of Mr. Cleveland's
ink manifestation of intenrational
od faith toward Spain is not better
The Spanish General Lono, via Can
laria, reports tbat he engaged the
Ml forces in the Cambolai hills. The
Jels were dislodged at the point of
t bayonet The Spanish captured
-ieir positions, burned their camps,
lestroyed their plantations and seized
heir cattle. The rebel loss It un
' nown, but ia believed to be oonsider
Two Men Killed and One Injured In m
Heading Accident.
Shamokins, Pa., Aug. 6. Two men
are killed and one fatally Injured in
a freight wreck on the Philadelphia &
Taading, six miles west of Sbamokin,
t day. The wreokage took fire from
f. dismantled looomotive, and the ,
lowteage tnai on mesiaingwnere tne
i xiiaent occurred was a carioaa ot :
; mpowder prevented an attempt to ;
i soure nntil the explosion had oo-1
rred. It waa thus that the body ot
lgineer Miohael Smock was burned
i full view of the workmen. It was
uned beneath the engine and fiercely
irning debria. The victims are:
'.eiander Smith, conductor, dead;
ioob Driesbaoh, fireman, badly scald-
1, will die.
Car of Horses Ditched.
Indianapolis, Aug. G. A wreck this
arning at North Indianapolis, on the
Four road, caused a parlor car for
arses, containing a string belonging
J. F. Bush, ot Louisville, to upset,
rery horse waa so much injured that
Is thought none will ever raoe again,
is value of the horses is 0,000.
d Barnum, Dennis, George Fsgsn
1 Charles Brock were Injured, Brock
rionsly. The horsea were May
ieen, Hal Crocker, Sallie Bronson,
Dg Henry, Minnie Defoe, Buster.
Run Over bv HI. Train.
Seattle, Aug. 8. Arthur Exon, a
iman on the Seattle & International
d, was run over by hia train today
Woodenville junction, a few miles
t from this city, and died after bav
I been brought to a hospital here,
on was coupling cars and slipped.
wheels went over his thighs and
died from the shock. He was a
ang man, well liked by the officials
d employes of tbe road. His parents
at Kirkwood, S. D.
Accidentally Shot.
Bealdsburg, Cal., Aug. fl. Miss
ite Jagoe, who Uvea with her father
' J a ranch back of Staag's Springs,
as shot in the left leg yesterday by a
t hunter. Miss Jsgoe, who is her
t an expert ahot, waa on ber way to
neighbors, and sat down near a
P of brush to rest While severe
wounded, she will recover. Tha
ater is not known.
Vis of fine quality and ln consider-
numbers have recently been dis
ced near Uenesaee, Idaho.
Two Adveatarou. N.ylg.tor. Make tht
Vejeie u Kt,ot.
London. Aug. 7.-Kull detail of the
adventurous vovsire nf n.n ....i
. , , " --a mV4
humna ann I - ....
JT.T, , " ,u rowDoat wmoo reaobed
ociiiy lait baturday are publi.hed.
uarjo aayi they left New York. June
o. at 0 F. M. Owing to itrong wlndi
tney were driven northward tn v.
Dn" Newfoundland, and July 1
they SD0K0 the ai'hnnm.r I aAm --J
- ouu ru.
kj repori mem all
July 7, tbey euoountered a heavy
gale from the west, and bad great diffl-
OUlty In keepina on board, bnonino- nna
0I. "'em bailing. The gale ooutinued
'w more or lets force nntil 9 P. M.,
Jul7 10, when a heavy sea struck and
,cP"d the boat, throwing them into
" water. After a few miuute they
succeeded in righting bur and getting
on board, and bailing her out. All
th'ir provisions, anchor, oooking uten-
. "'goal lights and several other ar-
Hclea which were not lashed to the
i boat were lost After the accident
ne7 suffered severely from the oold,
having to remain in their wet clothing.
Shortly after the weather moderated
"d the wind continuing, they proceed-
d eastward. July 15 they boarded
1 the Norwegian bark Cito, from O,oebeo
, or Pembroke, and were supplied with
water and provisions, and again when
aoou tuu uiuea weat oi Scilly, July 24,
. T.. Lion Kill, tha Haby of It.
. . " .
Cblllioothie O., Aug. 7.-In Thomas
Hurd i animal show, which is part of
Hagenback's menagerie, and is now
.kAlnH . Ik. I.I. J- I 1
""""" ,a" ijrouuu., a largo
ln which was ohalned near the en-
trano th 'en catching adver-;
tisement. it waa a young beast and !
the Proprietor prided himself on ta ;
docility, fcddie Hurd, 18 months old, ,
son of the proprietor, was playing near
tuo au.uiai. uegro wrvaui wit ine
cnua near tne lion wnue sue went ior
a bucket of water. Some one apprised
her babe, aud might have been torn to
pieoes but for the quick presence of
mind of the father, who struck the
lion with a whip. The lion let go of
the child, but waa a oorpse, its head
being crushed out of all semblance to
anything human. The affair caused a
panio in the crowded grounds and soon
emptied them.
The che" Pr,i'"'
cal Kow lu Ala
Fatal Polltl-
,Pelllk'. , Aug. 7About 5
olof J"!
umtbie; Democrat, arrived at Five
PtnU hm Fayette, on horseback and
roa8 P crowa' "'"""ssiug pui.uc,
and yelled "Hurrah for Johnson I"
This enraged James Trammel, a Pop
nlist, who shot Cunibie. While Cum
bie was lying on tho ground dying, the
Populist gang cut his head from his
body. Young White and Frauk Cum
bie, Democrats, fired on the three
Trammels, and Sadie White, Populists.
George Cumbie, Democrat, was killed.
Milt Trammel, Populist, was shot, but
bis condition is unknown. James Tram
mel, PopuliBt, was abot and will die.
Yoong White, Democrat, was seriously
Evan In Old Spain Mb rty I. Kn.hrlned
In Men. Hearts.
Madrid, Aug. 7. The trouble in the
provinoe of Valencia, nominally due to
the imposition of new taxes, is believed
to be the result of a republican move
ment The patrols of gendarmes have
flantnrAd inventl hsnds and a snuadron
of ig now ln Dur8uit of , ban(1
hioh trisd t0 euter a Tuiage near
No disorder has occurrea in
i(llirM in nhmhr demirin. tndsv
gouor Fernanda Cos-Gayon, mluister !
of the interior, said the government be-
lieved that the disorders in the prov-1
inoe of Valonoia were fomentod by the'
friends of the Cuban rebels.
Tha Thunderer In Krupllnn.
London, Aug. 7. The Times, in an
angry article, complains of tbe German
semi-official press for denouncing and
abusing Lord Salisbury because be re
fused to join in a blockade of Crete.
The Times says:
"It is not improbable that if a block
ade bad been started Germany would
available. It is not dignified to stand j
aside and incite other nations to do i
what she is not prepared to do herself.
To make Crete a cockpit in which op-
posing foroes might fight out their ;
quarrels would be a most effectual
method of producing a European war ;
unless the powers were most oomplete-1
ly in agreement." j
Peking, Aug. 7. It is learned the :
Chinese government withholds its per-;
mission to Russia to construct railways
through Manchuria. A oonvontion
which was to give effect to this per-
mission is still uusigned. The attempt
to raise funds in America for railways
in China has failed, and the projected
n.l..u. A mAvinan Viunlr hilS fVl .TtHut I
Lisbon, Aug. 7. It is again stated
in the newspspers that Great Britain
has reoognired the sovereignty of Bra
til over tbe island of Trinldade.
The Tower Collapied.
vi.i.inM Ana 7 Frances Thar-
man. aged 84, professionally known as
Mlla Zoe. was drowned at Curtis bay.
near this city, this afternoon, while at
tempting to perform her dariDg aerial
foat ot sliding down an 600-foot wire
cable, one end of which was fastened
to the top a wooden tower seventy feet
high, built out in the river. She was
suspended by holding ln Ler teeth a
! strap attached to a pally running on
j the inclined rope. This afternoon,
when two-thirds of tbe desocnt Lad
, been made, the tower collapsed and the
' erturmer drowned ia tha river.
Made In London for a Hltlmore Man
n.l WlBhe Two found.
The lai-gmt wati-u In the world una
madi. In l.oiulon f,,r William Wllkvua
- S" IS 1 11 if
. . .
"r "anunor.-. It I k-it l.y hla oii a
" h. li lmnn. Mr. .Wllkfii vrn an odd
"" lu ninny wny. Oik- of hi i,fu-
Ur il.-sirvs una to him.h tliliiR that ,.ntir..u- ,iitr.. ...... .
thin In the world. The big wati h
uiim o ir - ...
"uifBwiiiiiii oi mi trail, it
i mm j,.hni. He ordered It in lKiUt,
'"'t H aa tiot fluUhed until lsai. The
iiiiimnIvp Bnld chnlu. to which It waa
attached, weighs four pound, mul
t-uat (SID) Ir i.i
; The watch-a repeater-weighs two
pound lucking au ounce. The hunting
I of in curat gold and la seven-
eighth of au Inch thick. The w hite
enamel of the dial I four Inches In
diameter. The ease la elaborately eu-
graved Inside and outside, the design
on the front representing Mr. Wllkens'
Baltimore factory and residence. The
engraving on the back represents Mr.
Wllken and hla old white horse, for
; w hich he bad as much affection aa It
I possible for one to have for a dumb
Mr. Wllkens. who waa very wealthy
when be died,' liegnu life In a humble
way. He started business by wheeling
home In a lairrow the hair and bristle
which he gathered at the Itultlmore
Hlaughter-hoiisca, there sorting and pre
paring them for market. The busluesa
grew steadily and Mr. Wllkens pur
chased a horse aud wrroii, abandoning
the wheelbarrow. The horse, however,
waa never deserted. When It lecame
, hi huge watch was made he gave this
faithful old home equal prominence
with himself In the engraving on the
onH4., Mr Knkpn, ,.,, ,,, ,,,
atch to the day of hi death. The
olinlni ,vll,,.b ,H alMnlt folr fw.t u
waa worn almnt his neck. He had an
htrva ,a , ..,,. ...
" ...... iu . I, ...
hla veata to hold the watch. Some Idea
0f,ue immtiHlt v of the time piece may
1k, ,,.,, kl',0wlng that the largest
-. Ilow ,M.(.aH,(,Im,y Ilmllllf,.tured
for tllH tnilk. ,, a ,.nM(. ,. .,.
wl(U. alu, a ,, ()10 ,, trir,(mrt),r
,,,.. wM,. The diameter of the
wn,,.u , n,.nrv f(,r aj
a quarter
lucbes. New York World.
Lumber that lioea Into lloxea.
In a discussion of the amoutit of lum
ber consumed lu the umk'n of boxes.
Barrel aud Box, a paper recently start
ed at Louisville, 1 authority for the
statement that the X. K. Kalrbank
Company uses every year $lr,iH)
worth of white pine ap lo.cs In Chl-
cago, md $sii,(Msi worth of eottonwooil
Imixcs at St. I.oiils. All are Isiught
from the trade. The total number of
Imixc used by this company lust year
was l,!Wl, J. S. Kirk & Co., Chi
cago, use l.rsKi.tsiO Ihjxc every year.
The firm operates In own bo factory
at Ithluelander. Wis.
There are fifty other aoap manufac
turers In this country, and Barrel and
Box estimates that all together 1.m).()n),
(NN) boxes are employed In packing
aoap alone. This should certainly In
sure cleanliness of the community,
which, we are taught, la going a long
way toward Ita godliness.
We also see that there la a close con
nection tictweeu aoap and lumber. Two
of the large aoap manufacturers expend
each year f for Isixes. If,.
(KM) Isjxea cost $4H),Ooo, I.MI.inkp.ikki
boxes would Involve the expenditure of
$20,ihiO,(hki for aoap package alone.
Continuing the calculation through the
vast range of imcklug Ihix demand,
which Involves almost every Industry
known to man we can Imagine how
enormous Is the expenditure In It
grand total and what au amount of
lumber Is consumed In Its manufacture.
It Is evident that the making of boxes
furnished the largest percentage of the
demand for the coarser and common
grades of lumber, and that, a the
years paa, there will be a sure outlet
for low-grade white pine, eottonwood,
yellow pine and all other lumber tbat
cau be worked Into boxes. Northwest
cm Lumberman
A I'tgron'a Ixing f light.
The Washington section of the Na
tional Federation of American Homing
Pigeon l'anclera sent tell plginius oil
June -1 to Punta (iorda, Kla., an alr-
, line distance of 1)75 mile. The bird
were Ills-rated on June 24, at il:.K
o'clock a. m. C, IT.7.1. It. C. C, Sagwa,
owutnl by II. O. Kldwell, waa the first
and ouly one to arrive up to date. The
pigeon waa caught the day after lllicra
tlon, June 25, at Augusta, Ca., by J. K.
Iun. It waa then alsiut half way home.
It was kept a prisoner until July 8,
w hen It waa liberated at 7 o'clock a. m.
The pigeon homed to hla loft, 1217
Twenty-fourth afreet Northweat, on
July 10, at 8:45 a. in., having covered
the distance, deducting the time when
he waa not at HlaTty, In alsiut four
and a half daya. Is-lng the greati-st dla-
nce ever eo e e by a ashln
"t.- . ,
M g,,,
In ,il8 enrly Jnva UtnX nuasell. of
K,owell( Ci,,.f justice of Kngland.
,in(, a g0(M, ,,,., , ,,, p wlth froln
oM(ir m(in an(, j,i,.s w ho thought td
I rum, (,own pxuiM.-n,. One day,
Pr DiKt,y Seymour, y. C. kept up a
flow of small talk when Hussell was
speaking. "I wish you would 1- quiet,
Saymore," said Kussell. with hla Irlsll
accent. "My name la Seymour, If you
please," replied the learned gentleman,
with mock dignity. "Then I w ish you
would see more and say less," waa tha
A Poultry lt:m.
Clt-Been visiting my old aunt out
on the farm. Heal old fashioned, ploii
sort. For Instance, she believes If I
a sin to try to hatch chicken iu an In
cubator. Subbnb (who has tried lt)-lt Is. It
Is -In " "" "
-Cincinnati Ln.p.lrer.
gg tint way.
Fee Un.
"These blVyclc are hurting business
dreadfully," said tbe liveryman.
"Business Is not the only thing they
are hnrtlDg." replied Wheeler a be
limped over and pok a chair.-Youkers
-,yucn a woman losea a px ket I ih C
n,.ary always believes that l dry
g1Ma i-li-rk atul IU
Crcamerlre Do Not Make Ho I. arse a
I'roportion of tha Uuttrr Uaed aa
Many 8uppoae-One Keaann Why
Wheat la Cheap-Farm Notes.
Farm and Factory Ituttrr.
The Idea Is generally prevalent that
the amount of butter which has of lute
years been made by Individual dairy
men was Insignificant as compared
with the output of creameries aud but
ter factories, but figures given In Sta
tistics of the Dairy." by Henry K. Al
vord. c hief of the dairy division, sliows
this belief to linve had no foundation In
fact, up to lw.Mi.
While the lucre.ise In population
from ls.'Hi to 1MHI was nliout 17i per
cent., the production of butter for tin1
census year of 1NKI exceeded that of
ls"sl by I'M per cent. This increase
was not uniform with either population
or butter production, but iulle the
contrary, a may be sim'U by Hie fol
lowing figures:
Per cent.
Increane from 1N.MI to ISiKI 4tl.70
lncreaae from 1NI to istl li.M.t
tnerense fMin 1S7( to IS "SLKS
Increase from lsstl to 1S1H1 IIM'.I
Increase from 1 vai to ;t.V6s
Increase from 1MI to 1M70 IT.MI'J
Increase from 170 to LSSl 'MWH
lucrcue from 1HM) to 1H iM.JO
Kiuanatlng from some other 'sources
the figures given by Mr. Alvord might
reasonably be subject to doubt, but
Mr. Alvord la not oue who would know
ingly send forth false Information nor
base an official statement on mere
guesswork, aud being lu a position to
know whereof he speaks, hi figures
may be relied upon as correctly repre
sent'.ng the situation. But It will be
a genuine surprise to nearly all who
have glveu the matter a thought to
learn that S per ceut. of all butter
produced In this country was, as late
as 18'JO, made on tha farm. Here Is
whit he baa to say on the subject:
"The moat noteworthy fact lu con
nection with the production of butter
on farms la that, iiothwlthstaudliig the
great extension of the creamery aya
tent aud the decline In the amount
of butter annually exported, such pro
duction baa Increased even more rap
Idly than Hipulatlon. To go back to
the census of IHTiO, It I found that the
otal production of butter on farm In
nit was ai:t..i4...:;Ki pound, or i:i.!U
pound per capita of population. Iu
ISiXI the amount reported was 4 ."!,
1S1.87J pound, or 14.112 pounds per
capita. In 1870 the amount reported
was 51 l.ob'J.iKl pounds, which gave
au average of only Y.X pounds for
each Inhabitant. Vp to this time (here
had been no creamery butter reported,
but lu Inst) the production of farm but
ler averaged 1.YB0 pounds for each In
habitant, and that of creamery butter
0..VS pound for each Inhabitant, the
total average being thna ItioH pound.
At the eleventh census, however, the
production of butter on farm alone
averaged 1(1.33 pounds per capita of
the population, ami such had been the
increase that the total production of
butter averaged no lesa than 10.24
Niuud per unit of the population."
A no creamery butter was reported
until 1, when ouly a little more than
one-third of 1 per cent. (.(Oil, to be ex
act) was thus produced, It follows that
of the IS per cent, shown by the elev
enth census, nearly all was gained dur
ing leu year. There Is no doubt that
the ratio of gain baa been much great
er of late. New York Times.
Drylnir Wheat for Seed.
There la often an Injury to winter
wheat seed from heatlug after the grain
Is gathered, which Is always done In
hot weather. If tho straw and gralu
are slightly damp when put In the mow
or alack, It will almost surely beat.
This beating may uot be Injurious lu
itself, but It leaves the grain damper
than before, aud It ouly dries out when
cold weather comes. So It often hap
pens tbat when winter wheat of the
present year'e crop la used as aeed, It
often la sown when very nearly aa
damp aa It was when garnered. Such
wheat germinates slowly. It Is already
expanded with moisture, and so does
not swell la the soil a It should. For
this reason many old farmers who grow
winter wheat prefer wheat a year old
for aeed. It Is, however, no better
than If as good as this year's wheat,
which ha been thoroughly dried and If
possible without any beating lu Its
moist state. Put the seed wheat In
bundle on scaffolds where It will dry,
spreading so that It will not heat. Then
thresh It out with the flail and put It
In a fruit evaporator for twenty-four
hours. By that time the grain will
seem much lesa plump than new wheat
ought (o be, but It la all the better seed
for that.
Why Horses Slobber.
A correspondent of the American Cul
tivator expresses the belief that the
reason why the aecoud growth of clover
makes horsea slobber Is because of Its
seeds. Clover seed at present and pros
pective prices Is altogether too dear
feed to be given buret, even the mo:
valuable. Hut, aays tho Cultivator, wo
think our correspondent mistakes in
ascribing the slobbering to the clover
seed. Neither do we think It Is the sec
ond grow th of the clover Itself. Many
years ago we made an Investigation,
and found that the slobbering only oc
curred where the lobelia plant, ofteu
called Indian tobacco, was found uilxcl
with the clover. This loliella Is, aa
every farmer kuowa, a most powerful
emetic. Even on laud w here It la abun
dant, It doe not get large enough to go
Into the first crop of bay. But after the
first and heavy clover crop la removed
the lobelia makes a very rapid growth,
aud It blue flowers a re often very plen
tiful where clover Is grown on low,
moist ground.
The Tasael of Corn.
The flower of the corn plant Is di
vided luto two portion, tbe tasael, or
male section, which furulshe the poll
en, and the silk, which la the female
portion of the flower, which receives
It. Kach thread of silk carries some
of the pollen to the ear, and there a
1 gralu of corn I formed. The profusion
of llk Is so grest that the gratua of
corn are compacted on the ear a close
ly as possible. Wbn this Is not the
fact It Is more likely due to (he drying
up of the lassel, so that not enough
pollen Is formed to fertilize all the silk.
If there I either a very dry or very
wet time when the tassel should tic dis
tributing imiIIcii. these defective ear
will be plenty. Heavy rains In oue
case wash the tllcii off, aud the dry-
weather cause the tassel to shrivel
and bivome worthless. Tbe blossom
ing Is exhaustive. If the season Is Just
right one iiiarter of the (assets pro
duced would make a full crop of well
developed ears. Hut as In every crop
there are more or less defcvllve ears.
It Is unsafe to cut them out. The suck
ers usually lassel later, aud for this
reason they often Increase the corn
crop on (he main stalk after the earlier
tassels have dried up.
F.Kua and Young- Chlckrna.
In the twenty-one days (hat It take
(o (urn a perfectly fresh fertile egg
into a chick, there I more profit In pro
portion to the capital Invested than lu
any other farm oMra(lon. So (he old
lady was uot so far out of the way
when she said she would not sell eggs
under a shilling a doxen, or a ceut each,
because It didn't pay for the hen'
time. If an egg Is worth one cent, a
lively young chick, newly batched, I
worth at leant six cents. If not ten. Six
hundred (o l.lM) per ceut. profit lu
twenty -one days' time I not to be
ncczed at. There Is another side lo
this, of course, when sickness or some
thing else thins off the young chick,
and their dead little bodies are not
worth even (he cent that (he egg cost
from which (hey were hatched. It I
by looking on all aide that conserva
tive farmer usually called rather slow
are saved from enthusiasm In the egg
and poultry business that have de
ceived and disappointed many who
have gone In without experience and
have come out with more experience,
thau they wanted.
Hye PI raw for Ulndlnt Corn Matke.
It Is a good plau for farmers who
grow rye to save a few bundle to be
threshed by baud, aud use the straw
for bludlug com stalks. V cut corn
much earlier than we used to do, and
It Is wise to do so. In using green corn
stalks for binding the tops of stooka.
perhaps two or three will break, wast
ing stalks, sidling pailauce aud taking
time, all of which would bo saved by
having a wisp of lung rye straw to use
In bludlug the tops. There la still an
other advantage of the rye band. They
will hold, whllo If a dry, hot apcll come
a good many of the stalk bands will
break, letting the stock fall apart,
aud when rain come most of the stalks
will be found In the mud. Those who
use rye band for binding corn stalk
will never after be wlthoul them, even
If they have to grow a small piece of
rye every year for (hi purpose alone.
Ornwlaa Me'nna.
It la natural at planting time to put
aotuo composted stable manure lu
melon bills. The soli Is then rather
damp and too cool for the melons. The
manure dries aud warms It, which
give the aeed an earlier start than
It could get without the manure. But
alsiut this time the man who baa mel
on with manure In the bill wishes he
had not pul any (here. No matter bow
well couiHHited the manure, It will uot
hold Ita moisture luto midsummer
heats. The beat way to water these
melon hllU Is to make deep holes down
below the manure lu the hills, and theu
slowly fill aud refill (hem with water
until the ground la well saturated.
Then If tbe holes are tilled with loose
soil, and the surface Is kept mellow to
prevent evaporstlon, the melons will
not suffer for lack of moisture In even
the dryeat (lines.
Pub.tltntee for Wheat
Possibly one of the reasons for the
low prices of wheal the paat few years
la that o many substitute, have been
found for It as human food. We still
use a great deal of wheal, but In cities
especially wheatcn bread la lesa the
staff of life that It uaed to be. The uae
of oat meal has Increased, and It dally
form part of the nutritive ration, and
very good nutrition It la, too. We use
far more fruit than formerly, and also
more isitatoea. The latter are not so
good lu nutrition aa wheat, and for
(hi reason their Increased uae la not
for our advautage In health aud
strength. Like all other starcy food,
potatoes are difficult to dlgc(, and
should only lie eaten lu moderation, ex
cept by (hose whose dlgestloii Is strong.
Facta for tha Farmer.
Mice love pumpkin seeds, aud wll
lie attracted to a trap bulled with then,
when they will pu by a piece of meat.
All excellent axle-grease: Tallow,
eight pounds; palm oil, tin pounds;
plumbago, one pound; heat and mix
To help the early lambs, the ewea
should have a liberal meal of oatmeal
gruel, a little warm, every morning, aa
soon as tbe lamb Is born.
The feet of foals very seldom re
ceive the care and the frequent In
eiicctlon so necessary to their future
protection of form and soundness.
Horses' feet from this cause alone fre
quently In-come defective and un
healthy. Ignorance and rarelessnea
are, iH-rhnpa, equally to blame.
It la the busluew of the fanner to
ascertain If he has any stock that It
does not pay to keep. It la suicidal
business willcy to be feeding and shel
tering stock that do uot pay for their
A correapoudeiit of an exchange sug
gest to prevent apple trees from
splitting where tbey grow In forka, tak
ing a sprout tbat Is growing In one
branch and grafting It on the other.
The branch will grow with the tree
and la-come a strong brace.
A difference of a very few days
makes a great difference In all kinds
of crops some aeaaona. Clover sown
Just before a beating rain would be
come luibedcd In the soil, and would
grow better aud stand more dry
weather than If sown Immediately
after tbe rain.
Owing to the location of some sta
bles, It la Impossible to get much suu
light In them; but In the greater (lum
ber of barns, where the cows atand In
a row next to the aide, It would lie an
easy matter to put In a few windows,
fine window for every two cows should
tie the rule, snd they may be swung
open to throw the manure out of them,
If necessary. If the suu esn ahlne di
rectly ou tbe cows, so much the better, i
Malarial d I I. Invariably luppleaiented
by ilMiirhatice ol Ihe llfrr, tha bowela, ilm
iliimai h aud Ihe lu-rtrx. Tn Ihe rvmotal nl
both Ilia caiiati ami lu rlt.ila, Hualoiii-t'a
S'emarh Hlilvra la ( 1 1 y .'fniua.. lf'SliKhe
bill'' aa no other r4ineiy d , performing ha
work u.nroiiKtily. lu inan-dlvMa are pure am!
ri iilMiirne, and II linlr.ibl)i arvw lo bull I ui
a ti.u-m bmavn by III h-alih and alem el
atri'iiith. Coniilpailnn, llvvr anrl kblney rum
p ami aud urrvmiiiiaa are roti.pierrd by IU
To a eor'a'a rum! ou'. chancier Bar be
read frum oue'a sail.
We will forfait 11.000 if .ny of our pub
li.hed testimonial, ar prtoen to he uol
genuine. Ths f ihi t'o., W.rren, Pa.
There la more catarrh In thli aectlon nl the
enuntry than all other rii.eua. fn . totvthrr,
and mull ihe laal lew yrara waaniiHiae to ba
tnmratil. Per a friat many viara ilnctura pro
noiinrrd II a liM-al liM-e, and vrorrlti d I. cat
remedlca.and by coimaiiiiy falling tnrtire wlln
leral liealmvnl, priiuoum-cd It Incumti e.
HWrnre haa iniren catarrh In tie a cotiatlisllnn
al dleaa., end therefore mi iit.eiiMtiatiiiitlonal
treatment. Haifa catarrh I'ure, manufaciurrd
by t ) ('henry A Co., Toledo, iihln, la Ihe only
ronilltuilunal are on (he markfl. Ii la takrn
Inlvrtially In dtxea from 10 driipa lo a leaimni.
(ul. It acta illre. Ily ou the blool and niHcnua
anrtai-ra ul the ayalcm. Theycffurniii humlrid
ilollara Inr any raae II Hie lo cure. rVud lor
clccaiars aud U ailmnnlala. Ae lre-a,
r. J I IIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold b? rrui.-fl, 7.V.
Haifa Family Hlla are Ihe bwU
riT -ill a a atnrprd Iree by lr. Rllne'a
Great Nerve Heatnrer. No tlntlur tl ritral
day a uae. Marv elnua riirra. Tn-atlie and I-' UU
trial txtltle Irre lo Fit rawe. Seutl lo Dr. Kline,
SSI Arch St., I'hll.delphla. fa.
Ualrk atepaViv aald to be'iiniicallva of energ r
and asliullun.
Tea will MM ae eaapaa
laalde each Iwa aaaea beta;,
and Iwa atipeai laalde eaek
Soar aaaea bag ar Mack
mt this celebrated to be dm tv
ead read tbe eoapoawhlcbi V.
tvee a Hat of valaable area- .i
a-la mm haw la B.t theaa.
It's Pure
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Cocoa is Pure it's all
Cocoa no filling no
"A very smooth article'
1 Don't compare "Battle Ax" 0
.with low grade tobaccos compare j
f " Battle Ax" with the best on
y the market and you will find you g
1 get for JO cents almost twice as f
much "Battle Ax" as you do of p
I other high grade brands. il
aMwatrwf klsaar
aaiiai msj
tn loin.
rear dealer.
aaaea are
L II II 11
k il" ' t v aauooa.
V V -mk It W kecauae we are
m7f Vll Itawmdralll buaiaeaa.
NrtaT ene aaai yoa. raa he
because we
fOf PtOPlI THAT ! He or
'Vuet Dpfl't 'awl Well,"
are tke One Tln aa eae.
Only Ofia for a Ooea.
Swia ay Imcetete at .e. a bee
eapiwiua fraa. tMnn
Or. eiian Bag, fee. faiia. tt.
y res
Ta'k tn farnr of Heed'a arwnrllla .a far aa
ixri-r mnllrlne. It has lb- (irairai Irenes ef
curve of auy uiedlclu la the world, la last.
fa Ihe One
true Rl A
rurlflcr. u
Hood's Pills'" mirk headache. IndlfrertM
MAILED FREE Vf," 'rlee Llat ml
Thla circular la bailed for the bengal of mr
enuntry ruitumera whucauiini avail taenia. Iva.
nl our Pally Hiwial Salea, rend aa ynar ed
uiva. lou wuioun MiMuoiiani uni-rangoU
W II. I. a FiNt K CO.,
(Us SJO Market alreet San Fraiiclaco, Cal.
MD? WIIKinwrC BooTHiNa
lllllvj. IlilltfLWII S BTSUP
ra.USre'lP'eoeUU. SSCeaae a .Ola.
Iwkias. , Mils. H4l.( aw rrsMns-iiaji Plk t4s) at tMj tg)
D. BO-ANKO' PILI RIMIOV. - - AaMila . ( !. fM
K. tlfmUUMfjiU. ft at. UMAMk. rhU. I,
jyia a. ii.
fTJ!? j
BAKER CO., Ltd.. Dortheeter. Mass.'
tKaa ffsas-saaoav saavlla, la ItMr. WM
ia sa tsaa w ws na vai rooiaiiaMi it taiusan
aiuI. ihaHafdffa. slfi(Ml wiBtlmtlt aooibt-
. . , a .i . JI '
oa dbtsj, uou oo. rauca um cum oi
wind powar to oo-iita wnai 11 wka.
W bcHrv U law priceM, klch tridv :
ftMl pump me prtcM until Im k
w mmum uon nana ana toog
Dower etroae aeaipe, ariui Deal aeeea- .
lea Mae. UDe ciuaaer. wwei ma
I row eaae- Tel
Bay aooe other. Aaraiatar arte. and
eiware aaw. inrouao irai.iuav. aav
are pnre eiaaera, ana are eerasi at
d baa given ne aiore Ibaa aail
Wa have to branca bona
eaaenralry Ulaatnu. Mnalar..
ad Couak errnaTTaMa U.u4; Caa
talll-fa, Hlf draniMl
N. P. N. U. No, 8C2.-a f. N. U. No. 739
J 1