The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1896, Image 10

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.,a TV Tx T7v. . i' TMv-
for Infants and Children.
"wcmiimi-nd It a aiirurlnr to any irf!NciiAiua
wBtolni." Jl A. Ahi-iim, M. P.,
Ill So. OxfurJ Hi., Urooklyn, X. Y.
' Tti um of "Castorl U so unlramt anil
' marlta n ari-ll known that It a.-ma work
f wjirrFroKittliin U cndunw It. Few ai" the
.Htxlllgrot famlllns who do nut kwp Caaturis
- iUi'ji mii rtwh.
ClXUm jUTTl, I), p.,
hew York City.
Tai CinTii-m CosTasT, 71 MnuuT Brawr. Krw Yoai Cm
faatorla cum Co lk, Cmattpatlnn,
flour Btooiach, Iilorrhiaa, Kruotalluo,
Kllli Worm, gli-us aU-i, and promotas
Wit bout Injurious madkatloa.
"For Tml jrars I bar ttxmmmCri
your 'Caatnrla,' and ahalt always eontln U
do ao sa it ba UitarUMjr produced bsnefc-ul
result. H
Zvwa F. Plants, K. D,
130th Btraot and 7th An Nuw York Clt
8.0. PAINE. F
Vict President.
him Loan and Savings
0 Eugene. - - Oregon.
)l KCTOK1 D. A. Pa I in, J. B. Ilarrla, 1. JC.
Parla, 11. I). I'alnu. W. K. Drown, J. K.
l(olluou, H. W. Uibiirn.
Pali Up Capital, J : : $50,000.
general Banking Business Transacted.
The hop growers have ' cut the
price of picking about 30 per cent
notwithstanding the fact that hopH
are protected by the tariff with 7
cent a pound duty. High wages
and protection; not 30 per cent and
high tariff! hx.
A Baker Citr dealer anxiont to
supply the home demand for Bryan
buttons, is in receipt of a letter
from the manufactures stating that
they will fill his orders as soon as
poBsiblo, the demand being so great cent speeches or in his letter of ac
that they cannot keep up the sup- ceptance favoring the restoration
nlv. On the other hand they have of the schedules contained in the
ia- " . I .
.l..nlH F HfnLrir.l..u KnllAxa An1 I An Km. finn Kia nomA
IMmetaliHin: A oad word to
fool voters with.
Debased money. Any money
which do.) not afford the Uoths
child Hyndicate a rake-off.
Honest money: Money design
ed for the payment of debts and
of double the "value of money bor
International agreement:
polite term signifying 'till
freezes over.
Most enlightened nation of the
eirth: Those whose legislatures
are controlled by the Rothschild.
Rothschild: A foreign poten
tate whose influence in the United
States is greater by far than that of
any other man.
Hound money: The system now
in vogue in which one class of dol
lars is worth but one-half what an
other class is.
Standard money: Something
which not one politician in a dozen
can deline.
The Chicago Times Herald, Mr
McKinley's official organ, makes a
frantic appeal to "gold democrats"
to vote for McKinley, and in the
course of its appeal, says:
"There is nothing in the plat
form adopted at St. Louis to indi
cate that the election of Major Mc
Kinley means the re-enactment of
tho tariff law of 1800. There is
nothing in Major McKinley's re-
ntvrett allowed on time dcpoilta.
.lil.Mtlon animated toour car will roceWe
I.' impl attention.
;akcd & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains.
Bruises and Stralm,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints.
rf arness & Saddle Sore,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
VII 5hecp Ailments,
Penetrates r vide,,
Membrane and Tissue)
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
JHu.Hang Liniment con tH en
Makes Han or Beaut well
11 "li-ri'nanta
la ti'I'ton nieat K.C. lUKK'S
r II'hailKi'.
iHim uommi't. lor a can
Han KraiietM'O, t'al
ix mailt
Thli utra-
JMIIiarjr lio
urutir la
I ho moat
ilHHivrrj if
llio ann. it
au tx n rn.
JONpil y iho
ino men it
liumpa aud
Hud, an la
OUri'ly vctsu
tattle. Dud, an ropa
t the Ula.
2hriro In vtl
art. Vttrvt
i ,i - 'it
Flllllr K'll
onatwlivhliii! i'l Uie eir.
Km) other
ami tutu a the
Hudtaa cucvi
lull I 11 ty,
ami rntum
weat orijuia.
Palna lu the
Ui', kaaea
lir ilir o i
the supply is far in excess of the
demand. Straws show which way
the wind blows.
Clara Sbortridgo Foltz, the bril
liant lady lawyer of California, now
a rcBident of New York City, has
announced that she will take the
Btump as an advocate of Mr. Bry
an's election, declaring that bIio in
dorses every word of the Chicago
platform. Mrs Foltz is a Bister of
Charles M Shortridge, editor of the
ban rrancisco Call and a republi
can leader of California.
Push your town, it's interests, and
put forth chums to every industry
that would be of material bencht
Always have a good word for your
town, tho business men and cili
zitifl. Never bo a clog in the wheel
of progress, but exert every lnflu
en eo to mako advancement marked
and rapid. Don t imagine a town
can stand still such cannot be,
It must either move forward or do
cline, and do wo not all affirm that
tho retrograde will happen of its
own volition. A gentle bustle will
make a forward move impossible of
defeat and will attract followers bv
tho scoro. Then let's start the
bustle at once. Now is tho oppor
tune limo. (iive your assistance.
It is necessary and much desired
Tho Examiner gives a list of the
Union Leaguo Clubs committee to
raiso funds for tho purpose of fight
ing free silver. The name of John
1) Kocker fuller, head of the Stand
ard Oil trust, is worth 1125,000,000
next, Cornelius anderbilt is worth
100.000,000; C 1 Hunington,
manager of tho S I' II K Co., 00,
000,000; J l'ierpont, Morgan, head
of the bond syndicate, $23,000,000;
Andrew Carnegie, tho steel manu
factuter, $20,000,000; the wealth of
tho lirst twenty-six named aggro
gating ujo.waj.uw. men come
twenty-four, each worth over a
million ftpieeo, and the remainder
of the committee are all men of
wealth. No wonder Hanna has
little trouble in raising a campaign
fund of 110,01)0,000 in Wall
Street alone.
Several days ago tho repre
sentatives ot tho various insurance
companies doing business in Tort-
land addressed a communication to
Mayor I'onnoyer and the board of
fire commissioners protesting
against any further removals in the
lire department except for good
and sufficient cuuso. This is the
way the mayor answered them: "I
want to say that in removing Com
missioner Wcssinger, a man op
posing the party that elected me, I
havo tho uniform precedent of the
country, and at this time, when
tho issue is fairly between the Brit
ish and American financial policy,
don't proposo to appoint any one
supporting the British system. In
regard to the communication of the
CoDiiulHiloiifrs Court.
I) M McCrady and 31 P-'"1-fd
h tlielr iwtiuoii unking the court lo
bull I u bridge at-ros. l'-ti u "
roud No 8.( and Hit court beliiK lyl
ed lu said matter it waa onleret- t
the petition iMJxrunted and allowed.
In the mailer of the Kaveit road in
thvlllHKe of Falrinount; ordered e
tahllHhed an viewed and aurveyed ami
the sa mo ordered opened for puont
tr J UIU Creek bridge; petition to cou-
struct bridge allowed.
ItonrtofCM Vi.uiiuaHHtiRk InHpee
....... r iu rv.r tlou with CJ
W Oriltln and J J Moon an securlllen,
"'Tn" inatU r of the Voder road In T
17 H 1(0 W; report of viewers apuoiiii.
ul iii u.u.. ii in. lii nreiuiM- or J
i. u.. ...... i.r,i r.l..rHil that the re-
w)rt be iiDoroved and .leclared a public
hallway us viewed and curveyed ami
,i.......i.,if mi ill road or
tiil lliciiniik .
great I mo .rtance it Is further ordered
lit I llllirl llkut iaia
i.v r.niix miiintv the aiiiouut
iikiimuv..iiu.i.uil in hit ori.-miees. to
wit $75. ,
Al this time A J Johnson, sherlfl
uotltied the cout that he had appolul-
ed thefiillowlinrdeiiulies: JU uray
H F Keeney, U II Lyons, J F Kmith
l.nuHi iiuM.unuiuv M K Ktallord, 1 I
HimrHoii, C W Br.iwii, James M Hhaub
and rresiey UomeKys. ,
At this lime the court considered
and allowed the following bills and
clerk ordered to draw warrants on the
feneral fuud It. payment thereoi:
K Itrpwufer iImiiiiil'i'S Oil lo-
oullnn. Viulnr rimil t" (0
It W Mfuni. u-iirk 111 road (lis-
trim 18 &0
rir It K RiihhcII. cure of nauoers
for Jul v. lH'Ml 143 4
E O Putter, ludae. salary lor
Julv W C5
A H Putierxon. treasurer, salary
for July 41 Cj
CH Hunt, superintendent, stl-
lary (or July 60 00
A J Johnson, Sheriff, salary for
Julv 100 C5
('. I. Ki-iitt.deiiutv sheriff, salary
for July "3 00
A C Jennings, clerk, salary lor
July 108 63
V U Uioiis, ueputy eiera, salary
for July
E Itowt ii, ferryman, salary for
Grant Hendricks, feriyman sal
ary for July
Ursv & Hon. iiauper supplies
t'J.G5. caudles 12 IU 11 io
James A Garfield said, when
the house:
"Every man who is opposed to the
use of silver coin as a part of the
legal currency of tho country I dis
agree with. I would endow the
two dollars with equality and make James Blaine, nursing pau er,
the roinare free." claimed HU.uo, allowed
. . . ... . I fir rn I' - ...... II. .
That was the dos ton of Abraham " 1 "V""-. i",ui"-f i'i'"-
Lincoln and General Grant. That
was the position of the Ilepublicai
party from its formation down un
til the St. Louis convention.
83 35
15 00
14 CO
Hon. John B. McBride, brother
of Senator McBndo. who was the
first republican member in con
gress Irom Uregon, now ol po
kane, who has held many positions
under republican administrations,
is an enthusiastic supporter ot
Bryan and the double standard.
The Chicago Tribune, one of the
leading republican papers of the
West says: "Bryan, in a recent
speech, struck what must be the key
note of this campaign, that it was
not a personal campaign and that
he should not bring personalities
into it, but should tight for prin
eipie." ino irioune niriner says:
"This thing of calling those on the
other Bide fools, anarchists, trai
tors, repudiators, is not argument
and a party that cannot produce
hetter argument deserves the con
demnation of the people."
Mrs. McKinky asserts her utter
disbelief in tho superstition at
ached to the wearing of opals
Mr. McKinley gave his wife some
handsome diamonds and opals on
Christmas, 1894, and she stys that
nothing but good fortune has be
fallen her lot ever since. Mrs
McKinley has more than a dozen
diamond pins and a bracelet that
is trulv a circlet of beautiful and
precious stones. Mrs. McKinley's
watch is thickly studded with
gems.and when she appears in pub
lio her fingers are ablaze with
handsome sparkling jewels, Mrs,
urvan seems to care lime lor jew
elry, the ornaments of which the
majority of women are bo fond, and
during the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan in Washington Mrs.
Bryan was as modest in display of
jewels as in all other matters of
dress and adornment.
From Spring field ,
What a llUAKD reporter saw at
wprlnglleld: A reporter of too Daily
Uiiakii paid our slstei eltv. tSnrlinriield
a brief Visit recently, and while taking
in me sigius ooserveu mat those rust
lers, the W anli tin rue, Ilros, were kept
utisy us ever iu ineir nour mill, run
ning, we believe, day and iilulit. to
supply the demand of their Hour.
llio saw null, now run by J A
HrUgs, is turning out a large amount
or utmiier.
Mention mmta'so be made of the
large elevator, now ready for business,
. i p men to myseu ana tne m, ,w, Vrvcted and is owned by
board of commissioners, speaking Messrs Olds Latterly. They have
for myself, 1 will say that 1 can at- ,,'11 constantly at woik on tills for
0 00
6 .r4
LO licekwlth. pauper supplies llliii
J L eigler, pauper supjilies 4 l.'t
I K Peters, psuper iupplies 1 3U
It P Allison, bridge lumber 10 08
(J W Lyons, roud work 37 'S
L A Overtoil, house rent fi r
pauper i ii
John liivi!s, care of aiier ID CO
Stephen .Sineed, viewer U 1
lia I roud 2 10
Frank Post, viewer U T Hall
road 2 10
CH Decker, viewtr U T Hall
mad 2 10
J M W'ltlirow, chainman, U T
road 2 00
W in King, cliaiuuiun U T Hall
roud 2 00
Win Smeed. marker U T Hall
road 2 00
U M Collier, surveyor. U THall
road 6 10
Stephen Hinted, viewer W T
Campbell road 2 10
Frank Post, viewer W T Camp-
Im-II roud 2 10
O H Decker, viewer WTtamif
liell road 2 10
J M Witlirow, eiiuliiman. V T
Campbell road 2 00
W'ni King, ehninmaii W T
Campbell road 2 00
Win Hmeed, marker W T
CaicptH'll road 2 00
C M Collier, surveyor W T
Campbell ioml 0 10
E Nchwarlzchlld, siationerv $ 7 4-"
O as-iS l'ruuiiomine, stationery.. 18 OC
A V Jennings, eiera. stiitionery ... 4 35
Ira McFarland, jiinilor work 1 00
Fugeue Light Co, light for Julv 23 00
rraua iniiian, uotiniy on z coy
ote sea i ps no
J B oung, bounty on 1 coyote
scalp 2 00
C 8 Hunt, school superintendent
postage stamps, stationerv 4 00
U A iticKa. roati woik t.uireiie-
Jtinetiou grade 25 00
11 U risk, road work, Whitle
aker Creek road 34 so
11 Hlisk, road liauds W hit tea-
ker creek road 120 40
V L Chambers, material, W'itte-
akerereeK road 40 75
F L Chamters, material Whiite-
aker ceek nmd 19 70
A 11 Fisk, work on Kd wards
bridge, team and material.. .. 12 00
Henry Chilson, work on Kd-
wards bridge, team and ma'e-
rlal 8 00
Horace Stout, work on Edwards
bridge 2 50
E J Hamilton, work on Edwards
brldue 2 50
CM Holletibeck work on Ed
wards road bridge 2 50
E D Wesl, work 011 Edwards
bridge 1 no
Ed McKee work ou Edwards
bridge 1 00
Stephen Smeed, viewer Brent or
Mckeiir.le road ; so
Frank Post, viewer Brent or Mo-
Kenzle road 18 40
C II Decker, viewer Urent or
MeKenzleroad lft 4n
J M W'ltlirow, chainman Itrent
or McKeuzie road in no
Win King, chaluman, Dtvnt or
McKenzie road 10 no
Win Hmeed, marker, Urent or
McKlnzie road 10 00
C M Collier, surveyor, Drent or
u'llrklr. Otm I.POfl rrlmte en.tonkirienta.
I muiatun-niva mraiu tinuti-ii..y In Hi flrtt
..acii. II la a )iiiiinm iifai mliial wraknna
-.h liam-nm-at. II cau U siui-iK-d In wdajs
l'he nt-w ilUiivery waa mad Vt the Rm-ltl-aj
of I lie old raniiuiaHudaes M.d-cal Inslllut.
S Is lha etninutit TMaliai-r nmja. It la Terr
, merftil, tint baunli-m. Kilil fur II 00 a pave-
''l rkairra lur U.CO(;.laliiavalr.Uaiiia).
v .liieo (iiarauir cirrufuraciira. ireoulHif
Imniaaiid are 1-4 rutin it t'uri-d. all murai
- 11 lieaent to yin.1 f.ii-failcba'v.a.
iondf-ir rln-ulan-kinl ti-a-.tnmiiial.. AddraM
uruMtir m:iiioai. iNNimi'K,
at lateUon Mewiuu, .Markrl kills !
Hau FraurUro,
tend to my business without their
interference and they may attend
to their business without uiv inter
Tho Boseburg riaindealer, a sup
porter of Mckinley, publishes the
billowing ridiculous paragraph
banners should remember that
Bryan is a free-trader. Ho wants
free wheat to come from India,
Uussia and Argentina. He wants
free barley from Cantda and Uus
sia. Ho wants free .cattle Irom and .Mexico. He wants
free wool from Australia, China
and South America. He wants
free hay and eggs from Canada.
He rants free hops from England,
dermany and Bussiu." Think of
this dear farmer! Free whcat.cattle,
barley, hay, eggs and hops. This
would certainly bankrupt the
Oregon farmer, who raises these
products to export to our British
cousins across tho water. It seems
strange that any paper pullished
in Oregon would give room to such
a paragraph. It will not fool the
producing element. It is too transparent.
the lant ten months and deserve great
credit for their enterprise in erecting
sueii a commodious uuiiiiiug. lo give
the reader an Idea of the size of the
building It Is Just but ntHvssarv to
say that not leas than 150,000 feet of
lumber was used In Its construction,
auii it nas a storage cm parity lor 60,
000 bushels of wheat; also ample room
for many bushels of oals. Its location
Is adjacent to the Nat mil and Woo -
bum It It track, wtileh will be great
convenience lor snipers.
Mummer School la the Fast.
We are In receipt of a copy of the
Worcester, Mass , Evening Gazette,
whh u gives a detailed ait -on lit of the
summer school of philosophy and psy
choloirv now In M-lii in'thiit i-iiv.
'1 lie attendance of teachers Is lart-e.and
rvpreseuls all psrts of the United
Stales. The teachers, who are mem
bers of the aohool, re for the most
part specialists or are iireiisrinir In
simm'IhI lines of work.
The Instruclois are noted for their
anility soil advanced met hods of teach-
Ingand Includes such leading educators
as O Stanley Hall. K It Stoddard and
ot hers.
There are several teachers altendimr
from the Pacific const among whom
we note the naiii-s of Prof li J Haw
thorn, of Hie University of Oregon,
and Prof M U ltoyal. Principal of the
Stale Normal School at Weston.
McKeuzie road..
F A Post, lumber and rnad
D Cherry, use ot store for pri
mary election
Clayton & Son, lumber for dis
trict .No 67
Clayton A Son, lumber for dis
trict AO 66
L J Yoder. lu m U r
Ell Perkins, hrldire work
J 11 Perkins, bridge work
45 00
18 25
2 00
6 00
19 03
7 60
10 no
7 00
2 70
2 70
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
0 5-5
0 13
W T. Simmons, wliiu
Vaughall ,"
lien Kaiaer, ttlloess Stale
Jumes Hayes, witness Stale vs
AlVnK iCd','" Juror"" Stale' vi
William Smith, Jo'"' ""e v
Sam Flint, Juror Stale
A W Hood, Juror Slate va
James A Hagan, Juror Stale va
A ColJingwood, Juror State vs
A E Wheeler, Justice Stall vs
Brady "
A E Wheeler, Justice, btute vs C
A KciHirt of the Husiuess Tra-i-aeled
Lat SigUt.
Ii.lli (luaril. Aiiiual II.
A regular lueeiing of the Council
was held at the City Hall lual evening.
Present Mayor Matlock. Councllmen
Dnv, Giay, Usher ami nang.
MiniitHiiir Julv 13. 10 and 17 read
at till tatinraVi'1.
Counillman Gray, from the Judiciary
committee reported adversely on the
pel H Ion of F L Chambers lo place
powder box in Hie alley north of his
store, as the gliding of such privilege
would belli violation 01 tne rmun8
Lu - mrxirl mlonted.
l'..i Ii inn of Win Smltli and others,
Mskiinr that herding and driving of
cov.s on Eleventh street, lie pro-
liiul ed. The conimlltee reorleu
Hint the Marshal had la-en
iimiroi-ted to order them driven
mi l ui-lfih street: reoort adopted.
'oiiMi-lliiiun Henderson being al-
hpiil there was no report from the
ilimnce i-oniiniltee
l 'oiiiif- Fisher, from the street
fiiimiiiittee. nreseiited report of the
airi'i-t work done during the month
report adopted.
Ciniiii-iliiniii Dsv. from tho com
mittee on lire and water, reKrted pio
gr-cs In the matter or purchasing note
r.iMirt Htlooted.
Councilman Gray, fiom the health
committee renirted that there were no
iMouoriiinhtheria III the clt V at pres
ent. During the recent prevalence of
this disease only two deaths occurred
Coiinellimin Dnv presented ordl
nance to construct tewer ono blM.'k
fuithereast on the south side of the
court hoiihO vulture, being a eon' lull
ance of the sewer recently constructed
in the rear of Ithlnehail's store, the
woik lo be taxed to the lots ndjoiiiing
iliesitme; read and passed under stis
oensioii of the rules.
Ordinance establishing the grade of
port ions of lVarlnnd third strevts.iead
and nns-ed under suspension of tin
Ordinance to imprive poitions of
Pearl and 1 bird streets, read, nmendi d
and pas d under sie-pensiou of the
Ordinuuce II x Ing allowance ot fire
companies, read second and third
limes, and passed under stlr-js nsiou of
rules. I lie orilinauce omuliis as
Ski.-. 1. T nit ( iii-li lire coinnanv
organized in I he cilv of Eugene sluiil
and ae lierehv allowed for ordinary
exjienses of the company and nppara
tils the sum ot (7.61) per iitlarler.
Skc. 2. All ordinances and iiarta of
ordiniinces in conlliet wall this ordl-
unnee ure livrehy repealed.
The council proceeded to appoint
viewers as requited by See. 110 of the
charter to view Hue of proposed sewer
and report to the council their hint
logs, as follow: J II Met. lung, Jam i
L Page and J J Wultoii.
Petition of J E itoach, It Mount
anil t f liecK against ropon-U sewer
read and ordered tiled.
Bills read and referred to the lluanee
Natron Items.
Aug 10, 1800
miss i-.i ie inn was seen ou our
streets the oilier day.
A It Smith and family are mnvimr
back In Camas Swale, to take nos-es-
sion of their farm which they failed to
sei l.
Mis Sunderman is on the sick list.
The leap year dance given at Jasner
1..... ..'.... 1 ' .
nisi n in oi-siiuy uigiii, iis a graiiu
Lena Smith of this place sncnt a feu-
days last week visiting witlt relatives.
Lester Jacoby, of Jasper, has lieen
working for his uncle, the liant fi-w
The Jasper Veople are makinir nren.
aratlnns for the lee cream social which
win be given Saturday night.
Miss Helta Smith went to Jasner lust
Miss Elsie Hill and Mr Lester J-u--
oby had quite a misfortuue to u,i
some sulphur lu their eyes a few days
ago which was anything but pleasant.
Miss Mct'utiu made a trin to
field last Friday.
Rev John Ilundsaker dellv-P mil un
interesting sermou at Jasper lust Sunday.
Spkinofielp Or , AuglOth. "M.
Editor Guakd: Lust w.i....i....
An.., A. I. li r.. - .. 1 .
upr,. um, nviillMi.ll jrilljai) I I t-lirllli;-
field and Miss Adella liarr of Mohawk
were Joined in holy matrimony at lln.
home of the bride's narenlM lu. i.i
wi wm8!iww, "ini)wg aiiu Wan
AFIrstCluss Buggy, Leather Trlmin.iig-. and J leath, r ,op
choice of Ave styles of springs. Former prices: Upl ,
tl00and105, now
No 11 Road Wagon (Portland Body) Lea Trim "
4 Spring 2 Sent Mouulaln Wngou, Complete
4 .. 3 " " "
Canopy Tops fX and f 2-5 extra.
No 2 Combination Spring w agon -i Heat, rormer price Hon,
These are no chep trash but the best oonn.
made at the factory. 01 eyf
COAST" all 5tecl Oear Wagons.
2.rs00l.s I J, (arm Red
350011 II,
4iO0 lls I).
.0000lls 1,
70X) Ihs l,
3x0 ..
3 Inch tire $5.00 extra. California Rack bed $7.60. exi,' I
Juaction City : Milling Compaq
a a .r w r a a a tw Sr ar. ,. 1
The most iiopular llour'in tho market,
leading grocers.
Sold J
III Melll.irluill.
At a niiH-ting of I he First Universal
1st church of Eugene, Or., held August
If, 1S!"I, the following n solutions were
Whkkkak: God, the giver of all
giMid.and savior of all, lias taken from
us our dear sliter mid friend, Mrs. Su
inautlia Almira McAhster, and,
Wiikkkas: In hcrdciith thecliurch
fur which she has so earnestly and un
tiringly lalHircd, and to which she I nut
ulveii her time and talent, has lost Its
leader, the home a devoted loving
wife and mother; therefore, be it
Rksoi.vkp: That this church, who
has loved her so long ami so well, do
send to the bereaved and sorrowing
family this token ol its lih-hest leirar
for the departed, aiid sy minti hy In this,
their hour of d:epeit Hlllietioii, emu
mending tliem lo the hiving Father
who'MiH'tti all things well."
Rksolvkp: 1'liiit tliene resolutions
be sprtinl upon the ret-ords of this
church, a lasting tribute to the mem
ory of the deceased, and thai tuiiies be
sent to the city pajs-rs for publication.
Miss Epith Hkown,
Mrk. E. V. Cdlk,
Com mi i tee.
Iloiiiisiut-ii May Not Par.
Vale Gazette: In n conversation
Sunday wil Ii W'ni Haiili-v, a leading
citizen of Burns, we were Informed
that it is probable the bondsmen of
(Sittings, i he defaulting slit-rill', cannot
be forced to pay any of the amounts
embezzled ou account of the careless
manner of drawing up the bonds one
ol w hich has ho date at alt upon It
and upon the illemd proceedings of the
county court. Mr Hunley says thai
lu a rormer settlement with thoslierill
he was found over gsiKl short, and
the court allowed him to work
In receipts for taxes collected
and turned I i after the settlement.
He tiled new Ihhi-Is ami was not re
quired to make good the shortage: yet
the new boiid-iiueii were allowed to
enter as ecurily In ignorance of the
state of allaiis. A good sized law suit
is expected as the resiih. It Is be
lieved that Gitlioi-a is not far B.U-HV-.
and the oiler has leen puhlioly made
that foi find he would he captured and
uruugut util-K.
Eugene lieglster, printing (June) 38 75
c. nanus, livery for eourt 4 60
James li Page, supplies for pau
pers 14 40
A J Johnson, sheriff, office and
Juil supplies 4 IS
A J Johnson, slierill', miscellane
ous expenses 10 C5
A J Johnson, slier U. boiird ef
tn lsont-rs 4,i .".S
J W Harris, vhlt to child in luil 2 lit)
J W Harris, coroner, Invesllgut-
Ingdesthof Mrs Needy 5 00
J M W illiams, let si:-rncy,
Male va suiihan 7 SO
W II Yates, lust ice. State vs
Vauehsu 11 fti
J E Martin, constable, state vs
Valiiihan 14 00
Han Itluck, witness State vs
Vaughan s in
George Fergvsou, witness State
vs aughan 6 60
Charles Hollenbeck. witness
Slste vs Vauirhan 2 Tn
Rube Fork, witness. State va
Vaughan 1 W
Wolfe omclatlnir.
Mr Hunan returned to Springfield
with his bride late that iih.l.t. ri,
next evening some of their many
Ii lends gave them a pleasant serensd.T
i-.iii i-cavc noil orosoi-rn v m,
them. r '
David, pMMtor
M K Church,
Springfield, Oregon.
Pslly Quart, Aiiriui i:.
Ax Immigrant Train. An
. ..Kiiiiii irnm tu iw-eive wagons ar
rived here today from Soiiln Dakota
and encan.ed in the SpringhVln bot
tom. lliey exH-cl to hvute lu this
Jon. 1 he ,ai.. somc ,illle
in I ii ion county iiutwfre not favor-
. ""i"rwru wiiu mat con nt rv
i-nnt inn..H llt..l I r. . J'
j. .uniry. mis
uiases a person tUink of old
An Kuiii unlcal t oimty.
Corvilllis Tillies: "It is llontiin anil
hereafter all oflieials must pav their
own deputy hire. The county court
at its recent session determined not to
mane an allowance for regular deputy
hire, but to allow the clerk $2 per day
for one deputy for each day the il'r.
cuit and comniiHsloniri du T 11 auaulnn
and to also allow his clerk 2 per day
for each deputy in mukl Hit 11 Ik I liu In v
aim oeunipient roi s, and to allow the
sheritl $160 p0r day for two deputies
while the Jury is in ntti-inl,nin on n...
court. This will be hard on the sheriff
u mi eiera as I hey can not do the work
aloi.e. The Timis has investigated
t ie iii.-uier of deputies for sherilN in
the inherent counties wUh the follow
lug resHlt: Rakei iiml I! lltnil nnnli aha
a fi.-ouaiHioneat SfiHiO; Wusco and
Grant each one at 1,200; Douglas, Mai
lour and Morrow eiu-h one at $1,000;
Uafanp one at $1,200, one at flKXV
one 1'60": amev one at!
Mt.0; Linn, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook
aniMainliilleach ono at $il(Hl; Coos
i',",'"... : La"' ni,e ,lt r-m- "d one
$WJ0; Marion two for $2,5u'; Washln,,
lon one at $.",00; Multnomah 33 at tl50.
rUirei 'r,l'emt'Xlrtt ,,l'm,tlcs nrv
GeTTINO Low.-Knn a...
"The Gypsy started tfr
Urday moriiimr on li "
Corva lls but ran on a uTiZ?
above this city where .he , l
overlive hours. The capui.T nfla .... ' '
,;,-kib ff7::Tr
returned to this city. Tii
stated that $2.'0
would clean out the river iikkij
It navigable up to Corvajjk jah
i un tne new snag bmi,
government Is having built b
river, Is comiletH tumrkat a'
will lie had lu the Willanirit, rm
obviate the neees-Hv of
out. TheCvptv will
lun alsive this eitr, anil tl M)
owning her the UK a ,N (u
pruiiH'uiy mtiKe a new kMh
iiii-ii iiiiuin mi me rivfr. It
Known smellier or Di4 otwi'-v i... .. . , .
ire iqnni 1.11, iuq pnilULilll j
lug mat the Ituth and 0ya; i
nrohsbly make regular Irliii fes
Portluiiil il.i..liu
. ... ..Ml... Ml.-. .IIIBlllJ,
A Conflict. -Salem giitsaa
seems there is a conflict bttw
constitution of the stale and ttw t
utes thereof In the irerogvire a1.
Ing an election to aiht tbfi
contestants whone vote) irturti'
election for lepreseiitalire. 4 ear :
point has arisen in Cmonira
the governor has been tmtW e
order an election on, or lb5imt
ber 3d, next, under the tub ,
his excellency, with alitmiir
found devollou tn thenrnnlt ait
an executive's ualtiral hesllsnejiafe
atlve the oieratioti of i li'iiW
counseled the partlee iDKmli
throw the contest and their Wf-j
claims Into the dlscernln im
petent hands of the circuit rr
theirown dirtrlct, and tliey will f
ably take his advice.
U. S. Land Commit
Joel Ware, having bees
pointed U. S. Circuit Cj
Commissioner for the dutr
of Oregon, is now prep
to make Homestead tuff
Final Proofs, and tale
timony in Contest Cs
Having had thirty years e
perionce jn this line, be
"iinrantpo satisfaction
Oftipfi in i
Fellows' Building,
-V S. 1
. V .1
flplmillil curnUtr ainl m ,Twrj I" -.i i1,",.,rCot
Iianiia. An;.'u'.i. '1,'" u"t
idalWw-i J lie"" I
161 8. WeiUrn Attune.
times lu
Popular Brands of
Tobacco and Cigars,
soHdVwqoT,:rsforth8 Eufle-
WnO ARKTHEY.-ASndaville CO -
respondent, under date ol August 10.
writes as follow, t0 ule AU.anv Hemo
eral: A few ihiys ago, two young
men, earners, who live lws t,Hn a 100
tlllles, r.oui KlILreiii. ilrnv.. ..... . . r. . i. mini
a liZ 7 -ouav.ih-anit helped them
owner. Im-y were eaunht in the aet,
l"naswella-V . . T":
lh..v i.. - i nai
,.". (.ui in imre been nriMwuiwl
louug men who .t ill leH, ,mt8
Wn: ""e.v or anything, ,.. and the
driw :,!Kl't,,0k"0W,t Ihhw the m
timing into town, lying upon the
als nottoeouee,!,),,.,, , t
ra.t a tentioi, to themlelves. They
are great lailnV men." I lav iwn
youngladles whosmto, li,k suTh
joung men "just lowly."
.. M i?'
Texas Sifter: "I regret to
HH,L7'r..,'',,s,,,I,'nu:1'1 '"u-t close tottay
s, i?'',rcle,' Wo,'" t" Ous Ih
ii sVl- .t . 7 "l''"""ance she had
" UvJ ?v ' ho,el 1,1 C-'veston.
G is .?rn H"ei1 '? I,,ve me?" asked
CudTli i "i ,el"" "'"t my bus
will be here on the next tralu."
tell you
Toraala at Verlnitton i Mhiw
LADIES doioosw
i nn
UlfcU Alii" 1 ,rvrlt "f"
rsthaomd and l Lm'
liahlacr- c n th ,!' "'. '
uiaui. miiii-s"-'l'l "r,J "
.... rirsa ?!
la w,
f.t I .
w rd .
aV - LI 1 V S ai !
..ur-Dv, m. n I'l A NO
acaou, Kugena, Orvun.