The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 15, 1896, Image 1

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    Ill) '.
' 1 r
NO. 36.
L-(-Ert il'le of Willamette
Lh and Eighth Streets,
1.00. I
.60. 1
! Teir. . - . .
) . :
H Henthf.
tsrti3in3 rates mads
i on application.
dr al! bmlu; letlori to GUARD,
, nrnn
k$, Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
til Work WarraDtrd."l
iW. BROWN, M. D.
ivslclan ana surgeon.
lo and residence over poatntnee.
a. m.i 12 to 2, 6 to p. ui.
0. c. Xja:es:ie3.
fcydgm tnd New Prlcel In Foreign and
,Bi.tlc Marble aud Oraulto, Mnntiuienti.
I UeitlKtonei aud Cemetery work of
I all kinds (or Wfi.
II work guaranteed t
aelte Street, near Potofllce. En jone, Or
It to rn cy-at- Law.
Ka-Oue half block loulh of Chrlsinau's
S. E,,
nsey & Markley,
aerclal and Probate Builueu a Bpeo
tin Chrlmnan Block.
ie County Bank.
(Kdtabllihed Id 1SK1)
general Banking business
( branches transacted on
.ble terms.
i O. IIOVEY, President.
I, M. A B R A M 8, Cas bier.
I G. HOVEY, JR., Asst. Cashr.
8. B. EakiM, Jr..
national Bank
Oi Eugene.
up Us Capital $50,000
as and Profits, $50,000
ysne " Oregon.
oral banking bniilneai donon Tttmw
'hi SiKht draft on NEW YORK,
, OREliON. , L,
o eichange mid on foreign countries.
receiysd iubjeot to check or oertin
ieiit. . .
. lleetione entrusted to u will receive
. attention.
a Largo and Complete stock of
t and Fancy Groceries bought
4 in the best markets,
Oiler the publio better prices
1 any other bouse In Eugene.
sol ui iiafls tain at Market Prlcei
' (Erangeliat.)
M.iinee, Iuwa, writea under date
March 2.1, lh93i
!kd. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
tt.emkn: On arriving home last
, I found all well and anxiously
Our little girl, eight ai.. one
ant old, who had wasted away
',KMindn, U now well, strong ana
hhl and well fleshed up. ti. H.
Cure bus done Its work well,
f the children like it . Your rt.
'l Cure has cured and kept
' -l hoarHiieHs from nie. 80 give
ry one, with greetings for all.
f you pmxperity, we are
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ford.
lh to M (rmh and (IwrM, and
" the "pr!:iK- w,rk, elranae the iTiteni
-4ehr and Ijrer Cora, tf laklnf
ll'Wt we.
-ra Doaltl.e Kuarantrc
tt botUe by aU dru(Ula,
W IC Walker waa in the city toduy.
E P StmltUl'lt. of Portland. U In tliA
b twet-a city.
! eo F Craw went In Foley Siti intnt
jliMlay. ' 1 K
W T E ikin was In Eugene this forenoon.
I it K.Morris, of Salem, ciit Sunday
known,1" Eugene.
j L E Parks and foiully were In Eu
gene loaay.
Wiu Pretnn returneil to M.-Kenzle
lirldne today.
J R Wetlier'jee bus returned
Oearliart l'urk.
P 11 Whitney of Ashland, was lu
till" place .Miuulay.
Eugene Is largely represented at
Newport this year.
Thanks to L Itonney for a mesa of
fine MtKenrle trout.
D E Yoran is home fro'ti a pleumnt
trip up the Mi Kenxie.
W A Teiitscli. of Han Francisco
Sunday ed In this city.
Volne.v Heineliwsy left for MclCeii
tie Bridge aguiu tixlay.
Mrs D W Jnrvls, of Portland, went
to Creswell this afternoon.
Most, of the people of Eugene, HjH'iit
yesterday In the country.
Attorneys Kilyeu and Klusey have
returned from Juiil-Hou Ciiy.
Judtr" Alfred F Hears, of l'orlliiml,
was a Eugene visitor yesterday.
I'r.if Edgar Met '1 11 re leaves on his
wheel for Crater Lake tomorrow.
Geo T Hall it, left tor McKelizie
Ilrldge today for a mouth's outlnit.
J L Castle shipped a car lo:id of beef
cattle to Porilauil Saturday evening.
Mr Uroimbl, bridge stieiiuteiident
of the 8 P R It, was iu Eugene today.
Waller Giillln returned this nioru
Ing from a short visit at Yaqulua liuy.
MrsThog Luekey como up from
Sulem this afteruoou to visit a few
8 Hundsaker and wife were calling
on friends in rpriiigtluld this after
noon. BeHslonsat the University of Oregon
will be resumed Ave weeks from to
day. Mayor nnoyer says he w ill resiirn
(he oilloe if Hryau is not elected presi
dent. Chas I) Thomas has ret unit d to hi
home near Florence much Improved iu
John Burger and J C Goodule Jr.,
attended the nieetingi at Mohawk
Robt Johnston and wife have re
turned from a camping out trip to
Clear lake.
Leonard G Brown, this morning
returned from a month's trip to 8au
Jim Woods, at nuo time a resident of
Eugene, now resides at John Day city,
Graut county.
Geo Wilson, of Portland, but who
has been visiting at Goshen spent the
day In Eugene.
Col Louis Flelschner, at one time
slate treasurer, died in Idaho Satur
day aged 06 years.
Rev W 8 Gilbert went to Corvallis
today. He expects to visit Yacjulna
Bay before returning.
Mrs Chas Croner, Jr, left this morn
ing for McKenzie Bridge, where she
will spend several weeks.
An amended plat of University ad
dition to Eugene has been filed It) the
clerk's ofllce by H N Cocker! I ne.
Nine persons were baptized by the
Free Methodists at Mohawk yesterday.
The meetings closed last evening.
A marriage license wa this after
noon Icsued by clerk Jeunlngs to Hu
bert C. Mahon and Mary A D.irman.
WJMulkey of Pleasant Hill, has
moved Ids fauiilv ill the Hollaway
residence corner ol 12th aud Pattersou
A salmon trout was received in Eu
gene Saturday from Louis Bean, or
Sluslaw, caught by hlmse f, which
weighed 80 pounds.
R McMurphey and family started to
Helena, Montana, on this forenoon's
loca' train, where they will spend a
month visiting frieuds.
Rev J W Miller, atone time pastor
of the M E church In this cl y, now
on the retired list on account of old
age preached a sermon in Portland
The hot wave Is slaying hundreds
of people In the East aud Middle
West. In New York 60 fatalities from
heat were reported yesterday.
Throughout the entire secliou lJa.
Postmaster Craig Is virtually build-uifiu-eiu
Dlaceof his old
nna nn rhnrneltnn street. It will be
nniinsn addition to the ninny beauti
ful dwellings on that street when com
rwvaiiia Times: A four horse team
orrU-uil 'mm Kinretie to haul a boiler
to that city. Ttie boiler is to be used
in connection with some brick making
apparatus of fcugene.
Ti. Milton Rairte savs. "It Is now
that season ot the year when those who
ean't iro to the mountains wihu mrjr
could, and those who are In the tuotin
taint wish tney were at nome.
PriiUv'a Florence West: Mr RoM
n.winn nrthe (itiAKD oilloe made this
office a pleasant call yesterday, ne
was accompanied to Florence by H
Mouut, of the Eugene saw works.
Tbey left today for Smith river.
A correspondent writing from the
Head of Tide, uuder date of August
3d says: Mrs Chas Williams and
children and the Misses Edna and
Amy Dunn expeot to leave for Florence
tomorrow. They have been at Maple-
ton for the past two weens.
Ysqulna Post: Among the name
mentioned as candidates for the va
cant Judgeship of Lincoln county that
IwWe of we nienllon:
1 , nf Waldnort: Prof Ge
nTnlMin: it A Bensell,
Newport; J 8 Booth, of Yamilna Oty;
Wm Alexander, of Toledo; t K Uo-
do of Toledo.
r'.r.,u. nr.lri In Lake county, was
nrttv mHll lined with hunters Sunday
before last, and a great many sage hens
were baa-ied. Thes orl was
the sports were filled with enthusiasm.
A bsnd of bunch-grass horwa were
Hrlven In and
sold at public auction In
lutlveiton the other da v. The hors-
' - iinliniban anri we I
low prices, (iood horses were sold for '
M, and good teams were sold for 10 to
A span ofhorsesaltuclu'tl to awsgou. '
the proerty of Mr Stevens ran away!
Saturday evening, on lL'th street, but :
they were stopju-d before much dam-'
ge was done.
W S Byers, of Pendleton, is making 1
up a shipment of three carloads of (lour
for Africa. It is nut up In 121. 241 and
4H-II). sacks of the ordiuarv kind, and
the e sacks in turn are packed In cof- j
fee sacks. 1
A countryman traded for a horse
Saturday, lie hitched up his prize'
animal and started for home, but it
reliised to budge an inch. He hired i
Charley Croner to hltcli his truck :
teaiu to the unruly limine and for!
quite a time It still refused to move.!
At Inst It went on the run aud the
farmer made a vow never to trade
horses again.
Some time ago Jack Montgomeiy, of 1 25 cents per box this year for
JacKann county, captured a coyote and
tied a
Oregon com is In the market.
The harvest Is progressing satisf.ic- I
torily. '
I'rof E B McElioy Is homo' from;
Seal Rocks.
I. N Rooucy went to Cottage Grove ;
this afternoon.
CJ Howard Is visiting the lower1
Sin law country. I
Frank Close will leave for Mllhuru
Springs again tomorrow.
Geo M Miller went to Salem this,
uioiiilng on a buslnes, trip. j
File Ma.atnas will pas, through Eu-'
gene on tonight s overturn!.
. .1. J. eott, The Old I'loneer
(rrnvtll, liiid This Morning.
lie a lined the Full I'enalty, Which
was Kxreedingly small. 1
Paiit I'.usrd, Augn.t l". Another f the noble nloneer men of
llhaslnvn stated trulv that the Oregon a'd away at his houie near
niot dfsplcuble of all low down l:iutes Creswell tills moriiiiig at u o'clo.U,
Is the wife Is-ater. A mail that will
strike the woman that ho has swoin
to protect through llfu should he an
It apN'ars that Lane county has one
of this class of criminals. Due Win.
Sherman was tried Is'iore Justice G S
Miller at Creswell Saturday evening
cliargetl with cruelly Is-atlng his wife,
is-lng prosiH'Uted by attorney Williams.
From llie evidence as related to the
Gl'AHD reporter, it apia-ars that Mrs
1 r-.. .... ,.r .1. MpW 1
J Scott. lie was born in Morgan
count v, Illinois, October 15, 1SJ4. aud
then-hire lie was"! years, It months
aud2t)dayti of age. Mr Scott cauie
acros the laliin In IS III, anil first set
tled In Scot t's valley, lkmglaa county,
aud some time afterward removed to
near Cn swell, whero he owned large
bodies of html. On October 3, 1S.V), he
married Mlstj Hurreliea J Hobluson,
who survives lilm. He also leaves
Several lire Insurance adjusters are s WM bU,. ()n thL Iu;,rnlM(, r ,i,u . I ten grown children and one sister and
bell to him, hoping thus to
drive others of the kind out of the
country, 't he sequel to the story came
lust week when Walker Lewis, at
tracted by the tinkling tf the bell,
discovered his coyoteship w Itli a com
panion Iu I he act of slaughtering a
The stale Ismrd of equalization, as
constituted for its next olllclal ses-iuii,
presents the following names: Klrst
A C Auhlon, Lukevlew; second Rob
ert Walker, Itandon; third S D Gib
son, Salem; fourth I) I Thompson,
Portland; lllihG Wingate, Astoria;
sixth Chas Johnson, Heppuer; sev-eiith-t."
W Wills, Hav Creek; elchth
O I Goo.hill, Union; uinth-1 II Hol
nud,Yale. Coivallis Times: T iursday Alex
v'ainplH'll hiiuletl the pilot house f
1I10 "Three Sisters" from tiie river be
low the electric light works to a vt
cant spot above the O C 4 E Incline.
The pilot-bousi Is the property of F B
Williamson, and his Intention to
thoroughly r novate It with a view to
sellim t renting it to some bachelor.
Mr Williamson tore the hull of the old
Three Sisters up and delivered the ma
chinery at the old O P depot , taking
the woodwork of the craft as bay fr
his labor. The hull he sold to Eph
Beach, who will use as much of it as
IMissihle in the construction of a baru
on his place in Linn county.
Roseburg I'lnind. aler: A very lu
dicrous scene o:-cured at Pine Grove
church last Sunday during the hap-
tlsmul exerclsts at lint plaoc. Itcv
Mr McLulu was preparing to immerse
a new convert. He stcpied down into
the water with the candidate. Stand
ing upon a rock, be went through the
usual ceremony closing with the
words: "I baptize thee iu the name
of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,"
and Rssaved to immerse the candidate;
just then his feet slipped and both the
minister anu tne canumaie i un
der, while the crowd on the bank
broke into a hearty laugh. I he by
standers evidently thought that the
minister should not "stand on slip
pery places."
Junction City Items.
From the Times.
Aug. filli.
Dave Houston, the popular S P con
ductor aud lamilyare the guests of
home frieuds Iu ibis city.
Travel on the "flyer" both ways Is
steadily decreasing since the Increase
In the price of passage. Overland
trains have la-en Is-iicHted In like
ratio. The war has been an expensive
one to the 8 P Co.
TheSP carpenters were l.ere this
week and made some much needed re
pairs around the depot. Anew floor
was put down, a new dHr hung and
other repair that adds 10 the appear
ance of the Burrouniuiigs.
Tub Game LAW.-Here Is Oiegon's
game law In a uut shell, mate 111
your hat: Game and fish can only bo
killed during me (oiiow iuk "
Grouse, Mongolian pheusatus ami
quail, September 1 to December 1.
t'rairie cnicKens, juiy 1 iu v.i"''
Wild ducks and water fowls, (Septem
ber 1 to March K. Deer, .Mountain
sheep, etc., August 1 to December 1.
Killing lor nines or ran "i mi .,
only Is prohibited. Killing spotieu
- . t.l. .1 T.' . ... .1... f'u.i.
fawn IS prollioiieu. I'-usi in mo v
cailes it is unlawful to kill at any time,
nheasants. utiall or Bob White,
ivaiit Anril I to Novemler 1. Salmon
December 15 to November 1. Explos
ivea to kill fish, nets, wines, obstruc
Itlons to free passage of fish etc, pro
ttrvi.a KhIitii Statesman: The
number of pounds of contracted hops
In 1u rift n fftlltltV for the year 1HM,
hnwii hv the contracts so far record
ami nn tile in the olllceofthe county
clerk Biid record -d, Is something near
H n.000 nouuda. A Stutestuati reporter
.1... ..vui.l u.rtrriia
ultelUDlcil 10 secure iou -.
gate and succeeded 111 ge ting a totul
;,r T'.Ki.OUtl after an hurried examination
of the itistiuments aforementioned
xi,,. ., ..i. nniounl b PiK-aruiK
any single contract was 6,0nn siunds
aud the lurKesi to,us. .
range from 6 to 8 cents. 1 lie numher
of contracts examlred was J-.
Iiailj Uu.Pl, AtiK.ill ".
From Ei'oknk. Junction City
Times: "A very revolting sight was
witnessed on our streets last Sunday.
Two women, solid dovet, from Eugene,
came down nere anu ""'
freely of that wnion inioxicairs. ....j
staggered across the street and when
about half way over, they stopped and
indulged in the hilarious t.a.t lime ol
trvlnir as to which could kick tne
1 y'. . 1 .1 i..uu I ,....n run
lu and fined the full limit of the law."
Pally Guara, An(int 1
tl'm l.iivfi FltllHY At
has b-eii determli 'd '.o a
1 1, mL I'liniriauv C G N G. ''f
will participate iu the vo iipanimnent near N
; . 1 ...
here to figure on the Rostelu loss.
The thermometer registered 81
grees lu the shade this afternoon.
The Woodhuru hop growers wl; pay
It never rained a drop In Douglas
ouuuly during t lie recent storm here.
Dr Hesse, the miner, Is very low
with typhoid fever at the Minnesota
Hot -I.
B (' and J B Heald, prominent citi
zens ol Drain, scut last night lu
Mrs Prof Jarvis returned to her
home in Portland, (his foreuoou on
the Usui train.
Newspaper thieves are aland the
city. They will be prosecuted if de
tected hereafter.
It Is stated that Ex President Har
rison would like to Is- elected U 8
senator from Indiana.
Walter Griffin lias not returned from
Yaipiiua Bay, notwithstanding the
item lu last night's paper.
The New York World Is now hedg
ing. It wants to get In the band
wii.'iui on some lame excuse.
Norris Humphrey and family will
leave for Vnquiiia Bay tomorrow
morning to spend tbne or four weeks.
He will dilve his team over.
E P MiCoinuck, of Salem, Is re
siHiusible for the report that D P
Thompson will support McICluley.
L N R ney is building a residence
to instil,! Ot), for Harvey Sommervllle,
ou Ills farm east of llarrisburg. Tin
workmen oil the structure are all from
this city.
The hot wave iu the East continues.
Over U!0 pi-opledied from the heat In
New York city alone yesterday.
Dent lis are retained Iroin all the East
ern cities.
A Nye Creek writer to tho Albany
Her.dd says l'rof Straub Is among
those who never fails to appear at the
apiHiiutcd hour with a bathing suit lu
his hand.
Miss Caroline Strong, arrived lu Eu-iri-no
on this afternoon's train and Is
registered at the Holl'maii House.
will go to roley .springs oy
morning's stage.
The irold democrats will hold a mass
state convention 111 Portland, August
in elect eiuht delegates to th' na
tional convention which meets lu
IndiunaH)lls Sept 'I.
tfooiervllle Journal: An enthusiast
declare that a mail can live to the age
of 110 years by follow lug a certain diet,
hut having read .ins programme i-uio-fully
we perler to die youug.
II N Cockerllne leaves ton ght for
Grant' Pus where he will visit his
parents aud will also visit crater i.iwe
with the Mazamiis, aud will then
make a tour of Klamath oounty.
The Watts-Patterson party of pleas-
nr sikers. returned from Pine Om n
iums ast evening. 1 ney report naving
had a pleasant trip barring their ex
perience w lib a couple of their horses,
.... 1
Albany Herald; I lie marriage 01
Mr Anderson M Canuoil aud .Mis
Yesla L Mason Is announced for Au-
iriiMt 17. at t he rresnyieriau ciiurcn
Two of Albany' most populur young
Indianapolis Journal: "11 is nnu
that Gihta-r should be s systematic
ally wicked when his wife Is so earn
estly religious. Hedoesuot want to
to lake any chance ot nioeiiug ner o
the other shore."
The Dalles T-M: Tiie potato crop of
Oregon is not an exact failure, but II
is shorter this season inau tor ninny
veurs and polatm-a will in potatia-s be
fore Fall. At present they are selling
at 11 cents per pound iu this market.
Itoseburg Plaiudealer: potatoes
have laen selling In this city this
week at 24 cents jer pound, 01 f 1.6(1
per bushel. LhsI year at this time
they were selling at 40 cents per bush
el. The man who has raised a good
crop of potatia-s this year Is lu luck.
Dalles T-M says: "Miss Henrietta
Owen, with the assistance of several
l...ii..u i.f The Dalles, has started a
movement toward a circulating library;
the need of such a library is badly fell
in every towu, and 1 lie wanes is pnm
ably the only place of Its iu without
.,,.."i. un , Km. time. Gisid nilsoelltt-
1 t in. at this time are a luxury
..,.1 ..(.luhiul.tii mil v bv a few. where
they are obliged to be purchased,
whereas a circulating library places at
.. ,r,iii,w ,mt ipihhI and prolltauiu,,, uiiliiii ri'itc h of tho mass of
til.. Illitlll ! Koch a movement should
bv all means be encouraged. Miss 0-
- . . .1.. l.,..i..,l fpfini flm
snult nd was unable to arise until
after D o'clock, when she went to the
isitato patch to diir some of them for
tier breakfast. Her husband forbid her
touching them but she persisted
when he slapped her In llie face knock
ing herdown a con pie of limes. Luck
ily she had a table fork in her hand
and by threatening to Jab his eyes out,
at Ibis time, protected herself from
furthur assault at this place. Then
she returned to the house when the
hrute again struck her aud felted her In
I he floor. After this she bad lilin arrest
ed. Justice Miller after hearing the evi
dence lined him t's) and costs, the full
penalty under the statute, remarking
that he was sorry that the penally
w as pot more severe. The money w as
The next legislature should amend
this law and make w ife Waiting a pcui
teulary the cowardly crime Is
one that should not bo tolerated by a
civilized people.
T. Harris Appointed
This Oltlce.
...a Kau rail's 1 1 1 I V u u 1 un 1 va
Unlversltv of Oregon, and Is familiar
wiih good literature and highly com-
pctelittopl"1'1 ",,r li'.'rMry
of which we may Justly be proud."
Every since the Juno election, and
even prior thereto, quite a scramble
has la-en Indulged In for tho appoint
ment of deputy prosecuting attorney
for Lane county. The mailer was fin
ally settled today by noilllcatlon from
piosecutlng attorney Yates, of Cor
vallis, saving he had apslnted Law
reiico T Harris, to the Hiition. He
had not Iss-n mentioned as among the
candidates hence his selection created
quite a surprise.
Mr Harris I a young man lairn and
reared In Eugene, and is the sou of Dr
T W Harris, and has good ability. He
graduated from the University of Ore
gon with high honors In the clusi. of
'nil, and this spring took a degree
from the law department of Ann Ar
bor, Mich., University, standing close
to tho head of his class.
The Gi'AKi) tenders Its congratula
tions to the gentleman, and wishes
him much success In the position.
Attorney J M Williams has held the
position for the past two year and
lias made 1111 earnest prosecutor. He
will cintlnuo the practice of hi fro.
fesslou here.
Decisions Rendered.
Circuit Judge Fullcrton has handed
down decisions In the following cases:
Harriet E Sladden vs Willis Brown,
et al; order setting aside default and
Lemuel Clark vs II Bundy et al; ac
tion dismissed.
W J Clark vs H Bundy et al; action
Koiinii Gt'ii.TV. After a trial of
Iwenlv.fiiur hour la-fore Rceoidcr
itnil a lurv. I lose WimmI and Hes
ter Blew, at Junction City Suturday,
was found guilty of conducting
bawdy ho iso. They were each tired
X aud costs, which they gave aecurl
I v to iinv. Mrs Woods' father at Rose
burg, paid his daughter's lino oil her
i.r.m.lHlmr to return holllU and conduct
hi. mi- If hi a ladylike manner. These
are the two women who were arrested
iiimiiiier nhht In Kugfiie ana IIIIHI ill uraitful actions. It Is
iwuuhI t hev will reform ucioro it 1
everlastingly too late.
Delinquent Taxes. West: "Deputy HherlfT
r vi. urrlvi-il In Florence last Salur-
.7. .. . 11-1 1.. 1.1-
day Willi till lieilliqiiein m n"
niii'Ul'l Willi Wll Cll HO lainnni u.....
i.Miav. when he started for Eugene ex-
is'ctltig to finish his lubor In Mapletou
and lleruiaiiu precluot 011 hi returu
.. 1 . . 1 . 1 I ... I CloMliAa
nhrn.11 111111 wh ii-arn inni, .
..n...,..'t la renreselited Oil llie delln-
oueiit list to the amount of f HU..I.
'r!i !7 was assessed against the prop
..rt v .if'Hlilellls. )i 1110 un.oino.
t4ii.D4. utllte a large portion was poll
i.v " ih lota lax atllicueii 10 ins u
iinniii iit taxes un to the time of levy-
lug upon the proia-rty was 107.33. Mr
Lyons succeeded In collecting V-M
which was mostly poll tax upon which
no cost was made, Mr Lyons found t
.tim,. nil in locate the lot In
I ' 1 1 li.uim Addition to Florouou upon
which he wished to levy and It I quite
probable that the county will never be
Li, I., m collect all the tax assessed
against property iu that part of town.'
Iiaut Ouard. Augu.t 10.
Tun AitH Htoi.k. Attorney Skip
worth the other day purchased two
w.aar n V Oil ft 1 1(4 ft T
...1,.., f,,r 1,1 residence, and placi'
a brother.
The deceac-d lived in Eugene for a
number ot vnrs for tho purpose of
educating hi h children, and formerly
owned the land which Is now known
as Scott's aUI it Inn to the city of Eu
gene, liM'atcil in the south-eastern por
tion of the city.
The succfHH or tne university or
Oregon Is'Iiik located n Eugene, Is
greatly due to the efl'01 ts and liberality
of Mr. Scott. Ho was a firm friend to
higher education, as well as to the
public, school rvslem. He was one of
the member) of the Union University
AssiM'iatlon appointed to solicit funds
for the purcli ae of land imkui which
toliK-ate the University of Oregon and
also lo erect t tie building now know n"
as Deadv Hall. It might be well to
slate here that Lane county, by the
act of location llie University In l'.u
geue, was coin MIK'd to furnish a site
for tho University and lo place thereon
and furnish a bulMing to be of not less
value than toO.tHIO. It will be seen at
once the herculean task imposed upon
Eugene, which at that time, 1N.J, did
not contain a imputation of over 1200.
Of course tho other member of the
manaipersof the Association are also
entitled lo like credit. But Wm J J
Scott was one of the hardest workers
of the Board, nml undoubtedly spent
the most tlmu (if any one Interested In
the Institution, When the time came
for the accepting of the building by
the Slate, there was Is'twecn f,',0m) and
(4,000 due on It, and without paying
that sum the (State would not accept
the structure. Mr Scott came forward
and tfiiiMrarily assumed the entire
Indebtedness, and the State was satis
fied. It may ulsobe mentioned ttini
Mr Scott gave nmre money t thu
fund than any other one Individual.
lie was one or uo.i s noiiienieu ami
the people uimirn for his loss. The
un versitv or wregon win aiwuys re
member him as oiio of the grand men
that made Its auccess ptmsibie.
The funeral will occur at Ills into
home tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock;
Interment In Howe's cemetery.
I o
f r , v mmm -
N Simmons I ivi:t? Rrc.fLATOR-don't
foriri't to 1 1! It. 1 lu- l.ivcr Rets slugRlsll
during the Vi;it -, ji: t 1:1 :e all natur,
and tiu svst r h... 'lies choked up by
the na-umu'.iuj v..i ', w!ikh brings on, I cv.t .:n 1 A iu-and khruma
tistn. Y"U v..i' t t m.iUj tip your Liver
now. K:f h s;ir. u t.'ivc SIMMONS
l.ivi !? I:: :i f. ro: o do It. It also
rc,:i!l.ii . s t.'si l.iwr I.ccps It properly at
work, w!i. ,1 our s.-sl. :ti will be free from
poteou :riJ th( v.' b v1'.- Invleor.ate J.
Yi'Ug.lTtlt'. ltnsr HLoOIwhm
yout system i-i i:i Al ivndition, and that
will cnlv be v li-n t!ie 1 1 tr is kpt .ictlve.
Irv ;i l.uor h'oikJy tnwe and note th
diiint-thc. But t ike only Simmons
Liviu Uiiut'lAroK vIiIl1! makes the
dillerciue. I ike It in powjer or In liquid
alroaJy rrep;ired, or make a tea of tha
powder;.lnitt.ikeSlMMONS I. IVhR REGU
LATOR. You'll find the HLL) Z on every
pjck.ige. Look for It.
J. U. ZelUu A Co., Philadelphia, Pa,
Mm. Dllchburn Wauts Divorce.
Oregon lun: John DUchliiirn, tho at.
tnrnev. has uh-ii sued for a divorce by
. , -.1.1... 1,1.. .1.1...... 'I-I.u
111 Wile, Mllir 4'li.ciii'ii. 11. ..w
imnera were fllt-il III the atate circuit
iwnirt veslerdav. llie charge against
the delcndant Ih that he has been gull-
tv of excessive Indulgence lu alcoholic
stimulants, soil while uuder their in
fluence, has abused and sworn at her,
rendering her life burdensome. Mrs.
Dllchburn cite) specific acts of her
husband' lll-uage of her, covering tho
period of the pat two year. Mio slates
that on Msv 3. IMS, he came home
carrying a large lzcd Jng, and waxed
very wroth IsH-atise she left tho baby
carriage at Ida oillco, and he said he
had pushed It out into toe street.
When she went with lilm to recover
It, he asserts, that he cursed and sworo
and In other a-ays exhibited a bad
On another occasion, he say he or
dered his brother-in-law, Mark Dunt-
ly, out of the house, and again she ao
coses him of threatening lo kill her. am ml me roll! other MUCH allega
tions. There are two children, ami or
these Mrs Dllchburn ask the legal
custody. She aays she I a dressmaker
ml n uinnmrL litem.
Tim i.liilniill avers that she I the
nuMlltr 111 lur nwn right of house anil
hit hL 1k4 Arthur street and sue bbk
tho court so to decree. She also ask
$40 per month allmosy, and the pay
ment or counsel ices.
Thu Dltchburn were married In
ti.ii.niiv IkMwmtittr 24. 1H8.1.
The Dltchburn were lonneriy lo
cated In Kuucne and Jack a' one time
kept a cheap rotttauraiii here,
Hllttilrrt Death It Offals.
Okrvaih, Or., Aug ll.-Today short-
lu afWnmiii. Mr Elizabeth Jiiown
iv (trim nf t he late natuuel Jirown, 01
it. la nit v. riled of heart failure, Mr
iir.iwn unloved tt heart V dinner, but
shortly after eating dinner wo taken
u.itii u ini 11 1 1 11 ir siimj 1. ami oi.t
...i.iiiniw miuhl be rendered her, had
in! In her chair. She came to
Oremm In 184!). tnd ha leeu a real
dent 011 French Prairie the greater
.ur ,r tha i'iiim siiioe. She leaves
.....iu frli.ixl. and a large number of
..liidrlnir friends." She was the
mother of Mr Oeorgo 0 8wlft.
How a t'orvullls Man Make His Vines
A mo'.isc-cnlored horse altatched to
lever, crank or whatever It may be
called, working 11 pump, that In ap
ii araiicn resemdles n iiiudgrlnder in a
irlckynrd, Is n sight that gm-t the
eves of pedestrians on tho roads run
ning east and west along the north
side of the college farm says tho Cor
vallis Times. On iho north sido of
this road, Just opposite the O. A. C.
buildings, is the Utile placu of E Ber
lin, now In (ii'liirnia. It Is a neat,
tlily-appcaring little farm, and Is set
out In fruit mostly. There Is a large
straw berry patch among other things
perhaps morn than 1111 acre ami
I hey are of llie everls'arlug variety, Ed
I'Vlton Is In charge of the placo.atid the
lugeuius device above mentioned Is hi
Invention. It became manifest that
in older for any evcibcnriug fruit to
amount to ao thing water should lie
furnished In nhuiidaucu the year
round. So Mr Felton dug a well some
.'10 feet ill depth; tl, is well, It was found,
could Ih piiiiis'il dry w ith his appara
tus Inn couple of hours, so It waa
abandoned and another one dug.
When thcdlggeis of the second Well
reached a depth of JO f. et thero was a
rush of water and mi Inexhaustible
supply whs at hand. The well has not
gone dry in it whole day's steady
pumping lit a 2HM.galloiiH-au-hour
rate. The pump Itself is on the plung
er plan ami works very satisfactory
Indeed. From t ho well , tho water Is
carrlo 1 in various directions over toe
strawberry patch bv means ol little Ir
rigation ditches. 1 lie strawucrrica are
now In bloom, and will continue so un
til the frosty weather shall "nip them
In the bud."
were unbroken and were sold at very
last il
this city
ilunteer niili-
t-wnort. lhe
company will have I ere Friday morn
log at an early hour, about 25 strong,
in vehicles, for Albany., where they
will take the cars tor sqmna Bay.
They w ill al" return from Albany lu
pi Pate conveyances, lhe company
will remain lu camp nine days.
r 4a
IntilX Guard, Auiiuat ID.
RUM BkoKES.-M liaiwe ...
city w as thrown out of a wagon at the
Goodpasture pi"' ,'",t Thursday after-
ii,m. rite, broken and
noon '. - ,
two more fractured His bor-es s
cauje frightened at the steam eng'"
employed for threshing.
(tall) Guard. Annua! 10.
ON TniAl..-Thecase(if the Ktalvof
Oregon vsC Billingtmi, charged with
practicing medicine w ithout a license,
son trial thlsafernoon at the court
, i.f,.r.. Jutlee Wheeler and a
lurv. co-i-is lug or j j 1 "in, n i.
i; .'.wn, i; Anderson, J II Lamson, A
it Williams and Charles Beadle. li e
Stale is r. pr.-eiited by Deputy prose
citing Williams and the defendant by
Attorney lUlyeu.
IiallT Ouard, A'iKail II
Difd.-AI the poor farm. Thurston,
OrVgon, August imh. lMW. John
Wan.enaged W years. 'Ibe funeral
t.s.k pla.-e this afternoon and the re
mains were buried In the Thurston
cemetery. The old gentleman had
been a county charge for a number ol
Givb IT L'P.-Gregonlan editorially:
Is M. Kinley's letter ever v
1 the republican campsign e
,..-' I Is uribably thl
tra'ddliug the silver question
1I.....1 l.i il. u wood r Inset in tne 1 w "
F building for safe keeping. Some
person stole both nf them Friday or,
Saturday nlglit. This will relieve Mr
8. from a gisid Intention at b ust.
Gkttimi Sc akkk.' Editorial In to
day's Po:tland Oregonlan: "Home
friend of the republican campaign
management ought to suggest to il
that McKlnley's election cannot l se
cured ta-yond iwrad venture by the easy
method of making It pleasant for call
ersat Cnu'o a"d receipting for tele-
gram of congratulation. 1 '" rja
niaiiagemenl hugs no such delualoii.
A r 'ft a nnlt .J V Ehwegen ha
rented tiie room now occupied by
Stone' barber shop, and will remove
his stationery store Into the same the
II rt of next month, sir mono
.niii uiiiin other place.
-.1...... 1... uill i.itf-n una shop. His
family will probably remain here dur
ing the winter.
Ai'PoiNTMK.NTs. The county court
1.... Tho J Duckworth,
una - .. 1...
Jregoi.ian euiioi.-- .s -1 , ,,..
g " i n u . liver ouestlon. ' lu that precinct.
Dallr Ouard, Anfiutll.
Phopkrtv Soid.-R R Hay yester
ilay sold to John and E Stewart
the two-storr oriea oiiiiuiok J"nj
south of the Kimt National bank and
occupied by Rice' saloon, for $7,31(0.61).
11.. l,.i 1. ,! urn f.t This a valu-
able piece of property.
Pally Guard, Aumt II.
Acuuittkp.-O millngton, the cancer
doctor, was tried yesterday afternoon
on the charge of practicing medicine
without license, is-rnre jusin-u iiiuti-
,.. . .1... 1..... . II
cr, was acqillliel loejiujr mv
last night bringing in veruui nut
guilty," after a ahort deliberation.
Ktiei llimaell !.
IlAKBKCTTy,;Or. Aug lOth.-Ed-
aged X4, snot ami -
presence of Mlssa MoCtunnahan, his
ifllanred ls?cause Id parent opposed
llu-lr marrlsge, lie leu leiieis ca
ptaining bis action-
Nkw County nKiiKiic-The county
court ha ordered new bridge built
across 11 Ills creek at Jasper, l he con
tract has been awarded lo M D tbam
berlund for $400.
NiaitT CHAciKP.-The board of
directors of the Kugeue chool district
No 4 hav chnT" Hi I'lK"' 1,18
nvular monthly husines meeting from
Friday to Thursday,
Grant I'roninu's Deer tiperleiices.
Albany Democrat: Grant Froman
left Thursday morning on his bicycle
for Belknap Springs on a iisiung ex
pedition. He traveled 73 miles that
day, stopped at a farm bouse that
night aud started early next morn
ing. He was directed wrong and
went to Foley Springs, and men
tarted again after dinner and on the
way came across a buck lying in tne
road. He was slipping by 011 on tide
when the buck iiiado for lilm, striking
his bicycle and sending It six or eight
feet, taunting the rlui unit breaking
two or thn-e spokes, lauding Grunt on
top nf the buck, where he sat a
long time holding the buck down.
When released, the buck made oft' and
Grant repaired bis wheel and rode on,
arriving at lb Iktiup Springs at S
o'clock In the evening, taking supper
with Joo Meyers.
- -
A Chat With Boukxk. Salem
Statesman of today: Hon Jonathan
Bourne, secretary of the republican
state central committee, and a nieui-
Is-r of the house of representatives al
the forthcoming sessln:i of the legisla
ture, passed through this city yester
day on bis way homo from Newpoit,
where he enjoyed a moi.iirs outing.
A representative of the Statesman had
a pleasant chat with the gentleman,
who frankly admits that he will not
put himself" on record a to his posi
tion In the forthcoming national cam
paign until McKlnley's Idler of ac
ceptance Is Issued. Mr Bourne ha
aspiration to the speakership In the
next house and, as he has consider
able following, ho stands a far better
stiow for the position than many who
aro carrying themselves with similar
plans. Among theso latter are II L
Borkley, of Marion county; H L Ben
son of Josephine; J N Brown of Mor
row, and John M Somcrs of Linn.
Among the gentlemen mentioned for
president of the senate aro Joseph Si
mon, of Multnomah county; I L Pat
terson of Marlon; A J Johnson of
Linn ami JF Calhreath of Yamhill.
Should Mr Bourne carry oil' the plum
In tho bouse Mr. Patterson of this olty
will be a leading candidate for the per
ferment In the senate.
They are getting the "sound money"
crae witli a vengeance down In Cali
fornia. Last week's Issue ol (ho Del
Norte Record state that "a-tlng uu
der Instructions from the state treas
urer, County Treasurer IUisj will here
after refuse to accept gold certtlcate,
silver certificate, certtlcate of deposit
and all Natlnnul bunk notes In pay
ment of county taxes. This Is In ac
cordance with the provisions of an act
passed March 12, lSiO."
Hkaud Fhom. A letter was receiv
ed today from Elmer lingers by his
parents. He Is at Oakland Cfcl. The
young man bad not been heard from
for two or three years, and at one time
It waa thought that he might be dead.