ICugciio City Cmrd. KMURIMY AUUl'iiT 8. A HA.NKKtt'S VIEWS. I'ha fiUowinn communication ni p'.arctl recently in tli Oregon t,Vy Courier, written by Hon. C. 1). 1, tourctto, u bunker ami lending uttornoy of tbat i-laco. It U worthy ol a cureful consideration, cspec ially by democrats. Ho coys: 'Where. iBouitbing inexremitly ludicrous in tho manner in which tlio (Jrcgunian administers the Oold faith euro to prominent deuiocratH, und then when they oro fairly under its hypnotic influence, gets them to Fpeak out in meeting, to repudiate Boinething or Homebody. "In regard to tho treat financial question that now agitates the peo jile, democnts, regardless of indi vidual opinions, should swing into lino and support their party. The United States is a great silver pro ducing country, and every true American, having tho prosperity of his country at hi art cannot otjeci to proposed legislation which will tend to increase tho production and enlarge the uso of this great Amer ican product. "Hut tho Orrgonian fays that free coinage will destroy tho parity, would drive gold a may, and by contraction, would cause universal ruin. etc. I'erhaps so; ncrlaps not. I cannot see that there would be danger in an honest attempt to remonetizo silver. Of course we must not havo a radical and sud' den chango in our financial policy Hut that should not prevent ub from endeavoring to Iind somoex pedient, some compromise, some middle e rou nd that would favor an increased demand and use of silver especially American silver. Cold might just as well be Bent abroad us to be locked up in the dark vaults at money centers of tho East, so far as tho good it docs us here in tho est, and n we can not get gold but by iving interest learing bonds and mortgages for it. we better let it alone. "For one I nm getting tired of tho Oregnnian s protracted calamity howl. It is timo that all this twaddle bo silenced and these fears be quieted. 1 am not much of a believer in tho principle ol prosperity being brought about by any species ol legislation. J think it about time that the Anicr ican people should begin to woik tho vast natural resources of their own country, thereby creating wealth, instead ol trying to scheme themselves rich by aircastlo build inu upon lorrowed capital. Hut legislation, if any, should not be altogether against ourselves und in favor of the old world. "Tho democratic party, by its platform and nominees, has shown itself friendly to silver. Tho ro publican party bus declared its emnity to silver. There aro but two sides to this iicstion and if 1 may bo permitted to disagree with our '(ireat I'aily,' let mo suggest to weak k ne id brother democrats, that we all lino up in support of the party that has always professed to stand, und which now stands fear lessly for tho welfaro of tho com mou people of this country. It is folly for any ono to say that the democratic party will put through anv radical measure that would disrupt business or endanger enter prise. Tho party is purposing to do what can be dono to relievo a debt ridden people who have been sweating veritable drops of blood in order to carry a load of debt that has almost crushed them to the earth. Should it not be com mended and supported? "Let us trust the modern democ racy, us led by tho great young commoner from tho central est. Do not make tho subtle influence of tho Oregoniau make you stultify your political principles. Unite the forces; closo up tho broken lines and let us all join in the shout for 'Hryan and huneiallisni." PASTE I.N VOIR HAT. The following is an editorial from tho London Financial News (goldbug): There is a plain moral in tho remark that if tho United States would venture to cut her self adrift from Europe ami take outright to silver she would have nil America and Asia at her back and tho command of tho markets of both countries. Tho barrier of gold would be more fatal lliaii any harrier ol a custom house. i he bond of silver would bo stronger than any bond of free trade. Tlieie can bo no doubt about it that if the United States were to adopt a silver basis tomorrow Hritisl. trade would be ruined before the year was out. Kvery American would be protected, not only nt home, but in every other market. Of course tho United States would sutler to a certain extent through having to pay her obligations abroad in gold, but the loss of ex change under this head would bo a mere drop in tho bucket as com pared to tho profit to bo reaped trom the markets of South Amer ica and Asia, to say nothing of Kurojo. Tho marvel is tint the United States have not long ago ficizetl the pportunity. It has been a piece of luck that it has never occured to tho Americanos to pcoop us out of the world's markets by going on a silver basis, and it might serve us right if, irritated by the contemptiblo apathy , of our government toward the silver prob lem, the Americans retaliated by It could be eas- OlMECT UhSOM IS HiLVKU. V II Seubastiaii. general mana ger for W J ItrandenBtein & Co., t..n imrmrtprs of Han Francisco, bus just returned to Los Angeles from an extended trip wirougu iuci... One result of bis trip was to con vert him from en ardent gold man to an advocate of silver. In con- nentiiin with his changes Of 111! lid awvw ---- - on financial matters ho said: When I went on this trio I was a fuIMIedged cold bug, but have re turned a free silver man. I found Mavinn nim nf th most iroBierous countries in the world. Old adobes that have stood for 100 years and over are being torn down and in their places are being erected mag niGciunt business blocks. They are doing little if any trade with Europe for the reason they are mnnnCicturinir evervtli'ng they need. The only thing you can Bell them and teas, matting and Japan silks, and in a Bbort time they will be manfacturing the two latter arti cles. Kastern canital is being invested In Mexico with good results. 1 found several haslern capitalists . . . . is who also went to .Mexico us gou bugs but changed their opinions a to tn-e silver. Whv. free silver 1 consider one of the best protection nriMitnenta that can be brougni out. If free Bilver has done so .D - .. much for Mexico, which it tin- dniilitrill v has. it is iood enougl for this country. I could relate numerous incidents of .Mexico progress during the past four years that would surprise me American cople. In ono city alone during llm i. nut fmir vpnr llicrn have been fifteen factories built and they are doubling their dividends every year. lho Mexican Central i making more monev than anv rail road in tho United States of its size. N0M)iY 1M .NfckUoVwOKK. There is plenty of work at As toria. The Oregoniun of today sayB: Mr. Hugh Glenn, of the con tractinir firm of Honeyman, l)e Hart & Glenn, who is constructing a portion ol tho Astona-iioblo rail road, H ut the St. Charles. He has iust returned lroni Seattle, where lie went to employ laborers. He wants 300 more men, principally ax moo and station men, but finds it hard to sccuro thorn. "I havo advertised for men," he said, "ami pay them $1.50 per day, which is ten cents moro than paid by tITo railroad companies and other contractors for the same class of work, yet it is impossible to get them. "it is our purposo to give every thing possible to Portland, and we still hopo to get men here, and on the Sound, of having to go to ban francisco." Cleveland l'laindealer: A dem ocratic meeting was held at ISrook lyn, N. Y., last Satutduy evening to endorse tho nomination of liryan and Sewall. A man in tho meet ing who had bon reading 'anti Hryan papers mid had taken their lino of "argument ' rose and shout ed: "iou are anarchists and pop ulistsl" He was remonstrated with, but continued to yell "an archistsl" Tlu sergeanl-at-arms started to quiet him when the dis turberdrew a kirfeand stabbed the official to death. That is the first murder of tho campaign and it is a lesson for newspapi ri which nre denouncing the advocates of free coinngoand their candidates noun nated at Chicago as "anarchists," "revolutionists" and embodiments of "political viciousness" and "all round depravity." They persuade some readers of unsettled minds into believing their reckless asser tions. The Hrooklyn murderer is said to havo been a bit "cranky." I hat wns also sai l of Guiteau. 1'aily U until, A u null ft. Lkaock Social. The social Riven at the M K church last evening under the Hiispleles of the Enwnrth League was tairly well attended mid whs a very pleasant altair. Refreshments were served an I a number of nanus were played during the evening. I'ulty Items. The smoke has di-appeared since tlin rain. It O Edwards has the contract to cut nud furnish 1,000,000 ft of logs for the l'.tigcue liiimocri o. C 11 Halo Hioiit Sunday with his family ou Fall creek. Thou. Warner lost a homo last week. 1I went up tho creek berrying and while picking berries ho hobbled his liorso und when ready to return homo his horse was gone. He traced It to I ho. ford of the creek where he found It lead. It had drowned In water not over IS Inches deep. l.oonev Smith had an ncvlilent ly getting his leg mashed. He was out where the boys wort cutting timber when a tree falling, slid around and caught his log cauxinga painful wound. M E Edwards will teach the Egypt svltool this fall. Fifteen of Mr A I Hyland's family aro ruHtieattug id Kit n Springs. .Is me Howard and Ship Smith are falling timber for the next summer's drive for the Eugene Lumber IV. Frank Smith Is In this vicinity col lecting delinquent taxes. It Is feared the rain will damage ti e wheat If It continue. The U I) camp meeting will eom inciice at this plsee the LMth of this mouth. We hoiw there will be enough eampors to make It intonating, ltisli op 1 M I It'll Is expected to attend the meeting. Hev Wolf preached hew Suuday. Hov, Miller will preach here next Suuday. frgoW BfiTSY ANN liLKSSIXO. In sumiiH'rof IU yenrot r 1770, wbun llioAiuorlcaii army was ttlitxl in New Vork, the xmiiiinnler In clilnf, Gen eral Wmtlilngton, wad Inilululng la a Lrlof rusting spvl' "''" dlnmir when ha Wui ap lrooliel by an orth-rly, who announced, Mla'rcM Uutr Ann liluxslng. HliewiM a girl so young she appeared like a child and Indued a:td like ono, for no Kiouor tlld sha ttuiid In the jiruwncu of the great man than she seized hli hand that baud of stalwart proportions and dropping on her knees klwod It with the srdor of a dovotee. Muanwhllo the tear streamed down horfoce In pltjus torrent, and ber form shook with suppressed emo tion. Woablngton hud tendur heart, and bo was groully dUtruued by this unusual scene. "You bave something to say t" he owkod gently. "Speok on, but, I beg, iny ohlld, that you oeaiMj weeping." "Oh, your excellenry, you are too kind," said the girl, and rising to bnr foet she un covered a beautiful do w neon t face which glowed pink and dewy through her tears like a ruin waitliod, sun klwuxl rose. "Now, Mlrtnw Weening," Bald Wah Ington In til klndoHt nmnner, "tell me what bring you hither and what your er rand may bn." "I came hlthorto ave your exoellency s life," was the itartllng rexiKinso. Inst4iad of laughing ut the apparent pre emption of the wui plug girl he hade her tell bhn ovorythlng, promising her im munity from punishment In cote her new wa not weighty a she anticipated. Thus cnoourawd, she begun her story. "On tho morrow your excellency 1 to dine with several oHlocr or yourcoumanu under guard." "JIow know you that, glrlf aikod Wanhlnifton. much surprised. "Your exoellency will lay certain plans galnitt the enemy before the company." "I'rooeed," ouiumaudud Washington tnrnlr. "Among the dUhns set Isiforoyouroxmd loney will bo a nowvegotabloof which you are vorr fund." "Ah," laughed the genera), "yoo hovo lost or forKotteo an order from the kitchen Here 1 Indued a new version of tho uioun tain and tho mourn." "I know not, grnclou sir, what mean lna that hath of the mountain and the niouto." crlod Iletny, "but If a mess of sreen iiea bo served at tahlo on the inor row I beg and beseovb you, sir, not to taiite of them." '-Wbereforo, Mlstroti DhwwInR?" asked Wanhlngtun In his aternoHt manner. "The piws will be polnonod." "How know you this?" demnnded tho general In a tone which mode his soldiers quail when they heard It. "Speak nud sue that rou trifle not with me. Nay, child, do not fear. If what you say be truo, not you, but the traitor who plauuou tho uus turdly deed, shall sudor." "No. doI" retorted tho trembling girl. "No ono niUHt ufTur. I It not enough that I have (lured to como Into a llou's Jaw to tell of the deed, to Insuro sufi'ty fur thu designer theruoff Now that 1 linvo warned your excellenry permit mo to ro- tlre from your distinguished pronenco." Uanend WaxhliiKton gnvo a sIkihiI, and Inntuntly an armed guard of soldiers re sponded. "Arnwt this girl," hosnld sturnly, "and keep her under imrd until such I lino nil she send for mo to come lier Mult. ' "That will I never, though I die In prison," wo tho dufluut reply hh the girl, who hnd entorc'd bowed and weeping, rais ed her head proudly and walked out with tho xildler like a young queen. All wni tumult In the kitchens at Itlch niond hill, and cooks wero running nlioitt getting Into one another' way when a fair haired yuuth In tho itarb of a serving man loitered In and innde his wuy unoliserved to the ureat llruplitce, where ho uncovered tho skillet In which tho voirotnbh'g wero slmmurlng on the hearth. W hen ho camo to that ono eontalnlng tho ucikfl, ha drop kh1 iu a handful of Ktnun coiulluient and tustantly took till departuro. Ill next apiHtarnnco wn under tho win dow of that ruom In which Mis trow lihMS tug was Incarcerated. "M-l-s-t, sweet heart I Tho dono Is ready. Keep hears until tho morrow, when 1 will myself re loose thee to rldo pickaback on my roan bone. It 1 told in tho town thut lletHy Ann Mousing Is smutted for a spy. Kuop up your oourngo, sweetheart." "If you would befriend mo, botnko your self to some safer pUkOO," wbUporotl Hut sy's voloe through the barred window high abovo him. "A halter will be ready for your neok If you aro seen or suspected. And listen If your doHo takes effect, you aro no longer a lover of lnlno." The youth wont away grumbling about all being fair In love and war. It Washington was different from his usual self at thnt historic dinner, tho foot bos not been recorded. There was union, secret discussion of weighty affairs with hi guests, but ho nave clowi attoutluu to tho viand sot before him. It was not, bowover, until tho vegetables wero served that he madu any allusion to tho food. When his favorite vegetable, a dish of green peas, was uncovered, ho demanded attention, nud when all wero silent re marked In a loud voice: "There Is death In tho pot." A great vxoltemeut ensued. Tho gueot, who wero In full uniform, drew their swords, and murmur of "Death to lho traitor I" wero heard on every ldo. Then Washington sent for Mistress Blessing, who caniowith a defiant light lu ber oyo and was given tho neat of honor at ber hunt' right hand. Sho took It with a dignity that called forth approving and admiring oomiuents. Soldier aro prover bially gullant, and those of 170 were no exception to tho rule. A servant was next sent out by tho oom inaudur In chief ou s peculiar errand. Ho returned, lirlnglng with him a lho and particularly active chicken, which partook eagerly of the dish of poo. And In live minute by tho watch It lay dead lu their midst, Hetsy Ann Mousing married her lover after turning him Into a patriot, and W'tuhlngtnu himself gave away tho brhlo. How imii'li ho knew remained hi own se cret, hut green pons never afterward grsced hi table or wero alluded to lu bis conver sation. Dctrult Free Cross. I'p to date Major MeKinley has eccived the biggest watermelon, but Mr llrvan has the most in spiring collection of rabbit's feet. Tho national inspector was at tho home last week and said that there was no better managed sold iers home in the United States than at Uoscburg. He thinks tho home is worthy of moro aid by the state. lie inspected tho new hospital being constructed nn ls.iid it was Mv'tiy arr.inpeil and well built in every particular. (m m I Her , I lint.?. (.'HK'Auo, Aug. S At a nice! i 14 of the democrat le Mste tvnlral oii'iimiltee the trohl stvidnnl nieniN r all ri siiu d exivpt lien T I 'able and 1k was re moved. L A OVERTON Will nil you your PAINTS, OILS and WALLPAPER Cheaper than any dealer In Kogone. SHOES AT YOUR OWN PRICES. -AT Your Own Prices. In order to CLOSE OUT our frtock of Summer Shoe no reasonablo offer will a refused. Try Us and Be Convinced. YORAN & S0 Pie v II lis. Toduy's Sali-in Htn'esmaii: Mita X Iliillv depurled for Kntelie yisterday after a iileasalit visit with balelll Mends. People who are al home will do well to stay until the weather Is settle I. It would be anything but pleasant cook ing breakfast around acamptire in a sli'iwer like the one that fell this morn ing. Albary Jierald. The old C). P. locomotive "forvuliis" w hich Imslieeii repaired and sold to the ItelliiiKhnm Hay & Kohtt-rii road, whs started last iiiKbt I'll the S P frieght train for iH dctiliiialioii. Capital Jcurnal: J V (loodate, the Colmrt? lumberman, t-slay closed a baiitaiii for a million feet of lumlier, to be slili pod to Halt Lake and )in: ha. It was contracted at a gsxl figure, and the t'obiiri? mills will more than bum for some time. IVmons who have a coiu;liiiiK spell every night, ou account ofu tickling sensation In the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute C'ouk'i (.'ure. Oshukx & DkI.ano. HairisburK correspondence: Wheat is LieiiiK received at May Henden.' waiehoiiso and the Top Itoyal lloiir-In- mlils. The fliit wheat of the sea Hon was brought to tho llrst named warehouse last Friday by Marion fun iiihliam and to the latter Hie same day by Mr I K Wlgle. Newport Item: II Miller, the new president of tlieO. A. V, was iu New port Sunday having returned to C'or vallisln lho evening. He engaged rooms at the Hay View to he occupied for himself and family f ir a lortnight later on. The llrownsville 'limes says that the different flouring mills of Linn county around llrownsville have agreed that from the llrst of August, ISisi, the rate of exchange for each bushel ol good, clean, while wheat will be US pounds of line Hour, and for each bushel of good, clean, red wheat, 30 pounds of line Hour. The transfer of (Irand Honde placer mines to French syndicate, mention of which was made in Saturday morn ing's Oregnnian, was effected at Un ion, not La (iiaiule, as was stated iu the dispatch. To the various claim ants, the money for their purchase, $.)1,000, was paid through the First INnlloual bank ol i n ion. CorvalllB limea: II T uonuou, oi Eugene, arrived III Corva'lis Saturday 1. 1.. .I..,!.... .... ..U,..I u....ri. CorvallisTimea: H T Condon, of to asHtimo his duties us private secre- ? STOVES. You can buy tbo Universal stoves and ranges now mlionnnr tlinn cvor b(forn. They are made of the best iron uso the least wood in inrr nnil nro thf host, bakors made. We sell them cheaper been sold in Lane county GRIFFIN N ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING HAMMOCKS AT $1.00, famous ravuford Bieyelesf Will be in in a few davs. I'his makes the loth con signment of bicycles this sea son. We sell the best bicy cles for tho len?t money-save you about S2o.OO on each math inc. We givo' special pHHl values :lus Moti on account of the ("i.v.vh axi tim us. CALL AND SEE OUR GOODS. BARKER GUN WORKS. - oth St.. Eugene. I 'turyto Presldsnt Miller of tln O A C. M,to had two years experience in legal capacity In lhUtale. Tampa, a Ihet-f.sited animal, owned by Keeney Mros., of Long CreeU Or , as sold recently at Ana. on; la, , Mont., toWF Matlock, of reudleton. I he "nsldera.lon was r7;M. a... a I as innde quite n repu.atlo. i u Mot'ta a, winning a hull -nilta handicap rw against .on f the best '"" bus passul into the hands of au ex pel lenced racehorse mall. Portland Telegram: An old resident r t his "liV. brought to the county '"''ir'ir ::';, esurk iliai wero Hoiu i"i .i.-"-n- --- . Kt reet ferry boat over 85 years ago. As "v." ..... .Illl'..,.l IHHIll t ons h how ng wnui '" . governiMl days, the price for 8 ticket for a double team t 40 cents; single team ticket - " " and the l.s.t paHseliger 10 cents. , in those days the boat was run by mule power. A whale was driven ashore at Han- don last Sunday morn ng. l"l""" Hans Heed secured It ami pre tiii-U ih caicli. It came to the beach .luce the lookout. It was over sn It long, and 10J rt. across mo ..Vii.u klnil called Ureelilano, or right whale, and these are very valu able for theiroil and bone. It is about half grown, but will iirmg us inp..-; not less than f-tW. The strand ing was a great event for tho many visitors ou the beach. The executive committee of the sol diers' home board yesterday finished lho auditing of Pill for tho month of Julv. The total amount paea on was $1271.1!S wlilch Inciuueii .m paiu fur a wagon, I Hi HO for hay, $31. 2j for slashing, ami 45 for wood. Imrlug the month, Colonel Hrow.i, the nation al limpet-tor, paid the home a visit. .....i n........ ..i,l f tlm homo that old soldiers were no lietter cared for In any home or the Colon, ine nospi bi now In process of building, I o said, was well arrangeo, and so far proper ly constructed. Portland Telegram: Oeorge L Ha ker's appointment to the superlnten deiicyof this year's Oregon Industrial i- in....,iiMi.a mi Intciitlun on I .4 11 l"i M C " ' tho nnrt of tli directors to exclude sentiment from the promotion of a vol v urni' Mini cnterDrise. They se- i . . ..i i. itbup lu.i'iiiiu. Ii nn.. cared IITU ll !I , . v . I totliem as the man best imalifled tor the place, and that opinion is shared bv all who know him and have had onnoriu litv io iiiilgo of his work in m i...p .....i. i. ni vi.nturi'H. He Is a .riiiv, -- - . w . . . young man of clean chancier, and has shown rare energy anu len nny oi re annnid uu n Drill' iih-r of nulillc enter tainment. His possession of these .HH,. i, limi wiirrxtit a lirediclion tlmt iii bis new position he will strengthen his favorable record and popularity. Ker the Woman. Woman Uod bless her, the queen of ol an creaiion. Woman The tyrant we love, the friend we trust. Woman She needs no eulogy; she sneaks for herself. Woman Once there was tt womau l .....I III.,., 4.1... IU 911 . ll.. nil. Woman A creature "nobly planned .. ....... . i ii IO wani, IO million, null linillllliini. Wimmiii'liit fiiri'st work ot the great Author; the edition is large and no Minn should hi- wit hunt II eonV. Woman The sweetest creature the Lord ever made. o lllg l.uiid Kalr. Poini.Axn. Aug. 4. All Northern Paeitlo lands in Oregon, com prising about 3(10,(100 acres, was soul at public auction today. They were bid in by i'resident Winters for 5-iH,uuo, iikii. .i .iituiit', .roo cKiiniy, Or., July lliid, 1S!U of cancer, of the, fi,i All. til Ml lour. . . r . i .. stomach, Ira Allen, aged 51) years. than any good stove has ever HARDWARE GO. $1.50, J2J5 aud S3.00. Camp fuldiiig siouls, 2oe Folding camp chair and bed ll.'A FISHING 1A0KLE. LA ROE ASSORTM EN 2 lines for r)C Fine Hies 'Sw per dozen. Leaden-; 3ft 5C Jllilltl'll nnli.a 'r.n Dt and fl.23. ' Split liainlmo in , s.2 no Call and bev Uuw great bargaiim. Another consignment ol the OFFER" Beginning To-day, OUR ENTIRE LINE OF. Misses and Ladies Shirt h $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.00, 85 and J :;.:::;(ualities, all at the Uniform Price,:- 50c EAQ This gives you a choicq of our Wholes1 COME EARLY and GET the Bft Full Sized Bed-Steads ; $1.50 EACH, At DAY k HENDERSOK 7th and Willamette Streets. mmim fur sale la KuKeiio,OrcK.,lr HK.NOIilU-oN ft LVN.N.nud by o.-lil IU t lw.i: v.bvTl otes From Kivrrview. Mins Loretz was visiting in Cottage drove last wi-ek. Early Meek cuiiimenced throwing Tuenday. Geo Hieks wiih in Eugeno on busl nefg Monday. John Tenipleton wan viniliiif Irieiida ou the MeKeiizie Hunday and Monday. A STIionipion wlio livid in this district was arrented in Lake creek hint week. Mrs Eli Hamilton is su fining from a Kcrious sick njiell. Henry Loretz w as in Eugene Mon day. Mrs Wallers and hahy are Improv ing aoniuwliat from their sick pell. Most of Mir limners are nearly through witli Iheir grain.. Fnimeis are commencing to plow and are getting re. dy to now Fall grain. The Rev (iiall'ilid not pleach here Visit last hire last Sunday as wax iiniioiniced. Mrs Malum front her with her daughter in Eugene week. Victor Fogel, nf EllL-ene, was stonninir with C vile Malum for a few days last Week. SiiK'e I lie rain ue can ce the moun tains and the Ktimke lias lieen ck'ared away somewliat, wliieii makes It much more pleaxaiil than uetore. J Walleis wni. in Eugene Monday n busiuei-s. Tlie roads tiie in u""d Khitpe since the rain for freight haulers. We learn t but a crew will commence to raise the sunken siiaiitmat and will remove the engines. A, lifgnell t'asualties. Aug. 6, 1SII0. The rain se"irs to have beiu hcaV' ier in this vicinity than eUwliere. It has been a great help to gardeners es pecially to potatoes, but is delaying harvesting. People are coniini! home from black- berrying, and many families havd supplied themselves with that best of all fruit, lu fact Hack hemes will he ahout the only fruit some people will have. Dave Morse and family arrived la;-t Sunday by team from Nebraska. They intend to locute here. Wullace's tile sheds will be rebuilt. Tliey are now getiing things in shape iu maae oriCK. J H Whiteaker, Dr L I) Se.irlirough and W M Kobincit are oil m a three weeks' trip to Crexeent Lake, huiilliig and llsdiing. They'll have Mime lilige hear and llsli stories lo tell. The young people of the Cottage Grove Christian Endeavor and Ep worth League, to lumiui r of 3, came down and visited the Creswell young peoples society lus' Sunday evening and returned that nUlit. Lesion Lewis wan fpukxuiaii fur the party nnil his remarks were eiir.uiiagiiig 8 cli visits are Viry prolit.ihle. Zkimi. Archie Mason, a Salem ooiitrnelni , tliidslhat men Ml,., ihlie work are sesree. 1 IIcmIhv hi- m ri.. m ,,tl..r i.l tl.'Si kt day In a fellow m ho has sev eral I i iiu-m liming Uie eurieiil season "pproaelied him fnriij.h, l.nt ii wiu declined with the remark that '"il whs not enough wages." Mr Mason w inted additional lielp iu making the rleiiueii improvements to Hie Salem t'liiiMolidateil street lailway trai k. It is estimated that il re ar( lO.OnO o p in the Hiii" mi, hi, nuns Oils yeal in the breaks back of i he Wall Walla Valley, i" 1 1- herds urine i.ver timber and Bx-ky hill-ides thai one would mink could never be ouched by anything but a bird A few lar follow the bands of meep. The deer have been driven to other range and to the deep canyons. -INCLUDING OUR- liM.titui'hit. WuLnfti ..i - i unit blood builder. I :. : IvHMIyrsrrlrtilnvontTux i; t- pnhl, vVh n written':i;fr 'n ., . mrllrtil book teniM ptnin M"p tlnntii'ttit ftfnnrtli'lf. A'or' tAt. iota. bML;0arriBUsralfMrl!V.r-;-j Dav & Henderson, Unifrt Embalmers. Cor WiUcjns W. A. WOOQ Caiuyer. Eugene, M I'ntate Work Sjiwliltj. OFFICE over Une tmalifcil Foryour-" Highest Market Price Pail Iff Hides and Pre: BUY YOUB AT LANES HElRi BEST UHAND OF MIXED & Phoerlx, per piillun Yates' Dest, per Rl ' Hay State, per gal Best Lead on the M Rt. Louis Unseed Oi NO ADULTERATE Bj Prop t price to a"" iViTiiii ' H. F. HOLLENB . . iw f . lnilW"l I'lANOS-lif ' 1 (IK'iAXS-Mie'iill '"r'L I Weaver C otlior L " f North Room. Ch rlim MM If STL 1.1 V-.'V TTM, & mm 1 lit) Hnt(!l. One cental. r., J S..,.v, Itlaaold or. f??;nt C snlilhi. .ml.- olU" TAIC L I V E R I N mvfh AND COSSff'i ki k For Sale bj GO TO j C. C. GOLHl