The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 08, 1896, Image 2

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I. L. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
Voapnhtmlri Kevleer of tha Import
ant Happenings of Ihe met Week
Called rroro the Telegraph Columns.
Htorm in West Virginia have "
ted great havoo and railway trafflo
bai been impended.
The member! of a camping party
nar Ouklund, Cal., were foroed to
cliinb treoa, while a madened bull de
stroyed their camp.
E. L. Harrison, who wa formerly
traveling auditor for the Northern :
I'aclflo railroad, committed auloide in I
Taooma, by shooting hitnielf in the j
mouth, the bullet from bis revolver j
penetrating to the brain and killing
him almost instantly.
A freight train on the Vandalia rail
road ran through bridge near Craw
fordsville, Ind., killing Couduotor
MoKenxieand Fireman John Herber
and serlou'ily injuring Koadroaster J.
H. lirothon and Engineer Bowman.
The wreck wai caused by waahouta.
KeT. Geo. P. Knapp, who wi ar
rested In Uitlli, Eastern Turkey, on the
charge of oonsptring agalnit the Turk
inn gorornmeut, and who wai onoe lib
erated, but refuted to leave the country
before bla Innoceuoe waa establiihed,
bai again been arrested and will be
tried on a charge of inciting riot. J
i E. L. Moody, a logger, made a cow
ardly attempt to murder Mr. 11. J.
liuun in a hotel kept by the womau'a
husband at Klma, Wash. Moody
tabbed bla victim in the wrist and in
the right truant with a knife, and then
fled, leaving Mra. Dunn aerioualy if not
fatally wounded. Moody ia atlll at
A Havana dispatch aayi the polloe
hava captured a collection of mapa of
the island, highly colored, ibowing the
supposed iuiurgent headtiuaiter In
Cubitus, the rebel flag and ploturiug
varioui chiefi of the iniurreotion. The
mapa bear the imprint of a Barcelona
firm. The Havana itationer, Don Fur
nandex, in whose possession they were
found, wai arretted.
The two daring navigator! who loft
New York Juno 28, in a aailboat but
eighteen foot long, to croaa the Atlan
tic, are all right. They were aightod
on July 11) in latitude 63, longitude
81.65, by the American liner Indiana
and asked to bo reported. They ap
peared to bo in the beat of iplrita and
required no assistance whatever from
the Indiana, although provision! aud
water were offered them.
It la rumored that the Turkiah gov
ernment contumplatea an laaue of paper
In Victor, Colo., fifty pounda of giant
powder eiplodod, caualng f 3,000 worth
of damage. Many poople were cut by
glass, but none killed.
In Scdalia, Mo., Mart Crawford, a
notion foreman on the Missouri l'a
olllo, waa hanged by a furloua mob tor
tlie attempted rape of a 10-year-old girl.
The aoolalist congress, which mot in
London, proved to be a noisy gather
ing. Boene of violence were enacted
aud a free fight waa narrowly averted.
The coming year it ia an Id wlnea will
come high, owing to the failure of Cal
ifornia'! grape crop. Little wluo will
bo exported from tho golden itate thii
A Now York dispatch ayi Senator
Hill ia now iu favor of a third ticket
The information, it ia laid, comet di
rect from a personal friend of the sen
ator, who ia a prominent Democrat.
A stockman named John Lawrenoo
waa found dead upon tho range near
Uutou, Or., with a bullet In bla head
aud a pistol lying a few feet away It
ia supposed that he committed suicide.
The trial of the Bouth Afrioan raid
era haa ended iu London, and Dr.
Jamoaou haa been givuu a sentence of
II f teen months imprisoumeut without
labor. The others received light sou
teuoes. In (julucy, 111., five fatalitici by
drowning or otherwise occurred in
forty-eight hours, .lames McLean wai
killed by an accidental fall from the
roof of the Kicker National bank: Her
bert Harrison, a school teaoher, Fred
erick Grosi and Fred Hauuigarton, ion a
of prominent oitlaena, were drowned
iu Hear creek; George, another
youth, was drowned in a pool south
of tho city limits, aud hla two brothera
were aaved ouly with ureal ditlloulty.
l'ennaylvaula waa visited by a dlcas
. troui hurrluaue, resulting iu loss of life
aud property. Nteeplei were blown
from churches, adjoining bulldinga
were crushed, housei were uuroofed,
and trees broken off or torn op by the
roots. Great havoc wai caused by the
heavy rainfall. Two livei were lost,
thirty-six injured, some fatally, and
property damaged to the amount of
1 100,000. A boarding-house near Ceall,
Washington couuty, waa washed away
and its occupants, fifteen ooal miner,
were drowuert. Seven of the bodiei
have beeu recovered. Eight are till
Two cable can broke loose at the
top of the Ntuth-stroet incline iu Kan
sas City, aud dashed down the declivity
Into the Union depot sheds. The grip
car aud those on board escaped Injury,
but the trailer wai thrown from the
track just luside the elevated sheds aud
literally smashed to pieces, Several of
the oooupiuta of thii oar were badly
huit Among them are George D.
Fearon, of Kansas City, aud hli two tit
ters, Mrs Gay and Miaa Fearon, both
of New York. Mra. Gay suffered au
injury of the spine.
Ex-Congreasman Uyuum, who ii a
member of the sub committee of the
lound-nioney Democrat!, which ii ar
ranging for a natioual convention to
nomluate a aouud-mouey ticket, taya
that 1 fl state have already iudioated
that they will be represented at tbe
meeting in Indianapolis August 7.
There are a few Western slates that
will not be represented at the meeting,
he says, because the time ii too abort.
ISynum says Minnesota hai already ap
pointed delegatea Delegate have
organised in leveral stales, and Kausai
hat aeut word that the itate will be or
gaulaod liuuiediatoly. '
Victoria to Kellre.
The rumor that Queen Victoria in
tend! to retire In favor of the Prince of
Wale ii again ourrenl in London. It
ii added that court o ire lei are geeatly
troubled regarding the condition of the
queen'! health, tiucb reports have fre
quently appeared reoeutly, ouly to be
aeml-offlolally contradicted later, but it
aeemi that there may be aouie actual
foundation for tbe ttatementi made.
It li added that ber majesty bai de
cided to ipend ber time in future it
Balmoral or Osborne, aud will give the
Prince and Princes! of Walei the use
of Buckingham palace and Windsor
Is Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
An interesting experiment in educa
tion will be commenced at the deaf, i
dumb and blind institution at Berkley, !
Cal., on the opening of the achool year
In Augutl Graoe O. Hperow, aged 10
yean, who waa been itoue blind from ,
childhood and la now almost deaf and
dumb, ii to be made a special student i
and educated at the expenae of the .
state. Thii child will be given a nine
years' course and will receive instruo- i
tion from a apocial teacher employed
for that purpose. Thii will be the
first attempt to educate a deaf, dumb j
and blind person and In consequence
great interest oenten about the case.
chreder la Tela. !
August Bhrader, the so-called diviue '
healer, put in an appearance in Dallas,
Tex., where he treated 3,000 peraoui in
four days. Borne reported they had
been cured. He left luddeuly, leaving
the following note: "I am called '
from here, and obey my Father'! will." '
ftucreaafal filibusters.
Paisengeri from Uivana, arrived iu
Key West by the tteamer Masoott re-1
port a rumor of tbe luooeasful landing j
of a filibustering expedition in the vi- j
olnity of Cienfuegoi. The expedition j
ii believed to be nnder the oommaod
of Captain Cabrera. j
Oregon's Hrhool Census.
The itate school census, which baa ;
juat boon completed by Huperiuteudeut I
Irwin, at Salem, ihowi that there are !
in Oregon at preaent 130,033 clhldrou
of achool age.
Itepubllran Btale Convention.
The Uepubllcan alate committee of i
Waahiugton decided to bold the itate
convention at Taooma on Auguat 30.
Ihe convention will be attended by
80 delegatea.
Judge Carpenter Head,
Word oomea from Holland by cable
that Judge Goorge M. Carpenter, of tbe
United State! diatrlot oonrt for the dis
trict of Rhode Inland, died of paralysis
of the heart
Kpldemloof Huleldet.
Driven to despair by different oausos,
ix poople attempted to eud their own
Uvea by suicide, iu Chicago in one day.
Devastated bv the Htorm.
The moat destructive storm in the
history of Sunday Creek valley oc
curred at Gloucester, a mining town
twelve milea north of Athens, O., re
sulting in the almost total destruction
of one of the principal thoroughfares of
tbe town. Tbe fury of tbe wiud ii
almost Indescribable. Building were
toppled orer, trees torn from their roota,
aud the towu is a scene of desolation.
Nearly every building in the town is
damaged. To add to the horror, Sun
day creek Is a sweeping, raging torrent.
Several houses have been washed away,
and word was received that tbe list of
dead will reach fifteen,
Political I'neertnlutr Haa an I'nfavor- j
bio Kffeet.
New York, Aug. 8. Bradatroet'i '
weekly review of trade sayi: Political
uncertainty continue to have an unfa
vorable effect on trade, and industrial
and mercantile line are unusually
dulL Mercantile credit are closely
scanned, aud In many case ihortened.
The insduttrial aituatlon ia lea favor
able. Among manufacturer! of iron
and iteel it ii regarded ai aerioua in
aome Unci, owing to tbe lurprislng
falling off In tbe demand. The reduc
tion of pig iron ii further curtailed, yet
itocki increase. Tbe outlook ii for a
further decline in iron and ateel pricea.
Chicago offer! concessions on pig to
briug bid! fur round lots. Curtailments
of product! in cotton fabric! oontinuea,
yet fall purchaser! in print! are of
small volume. The demand for boot!
and shoe li also imaller.
Export! of wheat flour inolndcd ai
wheat, from boin coasts of the United
State for last week amount to 3.484,
000 bushels, aa compared with 8,074,
000 bushel! for the corresponding week
of lust year.
Tbe total number of bualness fail
ure! in the United Statei thii week ii
304, ai compared with 380 last week.
Tbe increase, ai contrasted with the
corresponding total in 1895, it seventy
three, or an average of ten each day
during the week. There are thirty
seven fuilurei reported in the Canadian
dominion thii week, tlx more than last
week and thirteen more than in the
corresponding week last year, and only
aix more than in the like week In 1804.
Express Crashes Into an Ex
cursion Train. .
Wrack Occurred at a Itallroad Crots
Ing, and tbs Excursion Train Was
Literally Cut In Twain by tha Eipreis
Atlantic; Cltv. N. J.. Aug. 8 A
Salmon Tban me
Canneries Can Ilnadta.
a. The receipt
,.L i . t,innnlii ManV
parted been taken with gaff
f i.. ,ma f,f the men who found
themaelve. in tbe mid.t of a great
chool of flab. At one or two can-
t.. i i.. ,iu .... tnn mauv Dsn were m-
raiiroaa aociaeui, nomuio m ! umi, . , .
j , ... .u. M,nrrml ...i-a h l.,s ia hoavy. Tom oi me
ami BiuaeuiUK iu . (. immiw, wnmi - -
thii eveninir. lust outside of thii city, fiHh are
and ai a result about 100 persons are
either killed or injured.
rmi V ..11 . i I J m neno Wrlirh
100 ntJHaiDK rwruu cyiwnt " vv wmu-i. - . ,
left Philadelphia at 6:40 o'clock tbl been lalted for the winter
a Pennsylvania railroad excursion train were freely given to all wno
at tbe second algnal tower, aDoui lour carry tnem away.
mile out from here.
The Penniylvania train wai return
ing to Bridgeton with a party of exoar
ilonisti from that place, Millvllle and
nelahboriuir town. H wai loaded
with passengers, and a rough estimate
Busineai for the put week haa been
tatiifaotory, tbe month of Jo y far ex
Ata amortationi in roost line A
A.torla.Or..Aug. I.-Th P- bl(J 'mtan of the trade I. the
of aalmonat the various lower mer thH, large order. for which prompt
. j ...
uu ''.".r.r. ::"wT. establlsbmenti.
several ui - , ,ifi ri,t wool or a ousuu. -
Today tho fish were w v tawifol til , woo ,M
one of nuw'i.?!""1'; only crop. The doi ng day!
100. and near Sana " . of lhe fisbing aeaion are maraeo wuo
ported that the water -"-J .n nnprecedented run of .almon .od
!... rt ii t u i rMH 1 1 v i-jv, a UH v
continue unusuauy ont ,. ma(iB have been oommg in
ind are far in cxoe.1 of tbe capacity o H--" wbere not , pound of
l nv at bnshel of wheat ha
Wheal Marhat.
Tbe pioipecti for a fair yield are
much better tban they were reported a
few week! ago, and conservative estl
the total output witn-
ihmwn overboard at , .ft nt of that of 1894, or fully
Dan aro uo,uB . . . . v . ioqk
Kinney'i on account of tbe lack of 8Q oeD, greutor than in 1800.
meani to preserve tnem uuwi -- gome oi tnt in jreaw uu
be canned. Ai many ai posaiule have acreHKe 0ver last year. o"tln,1"
Fishermen assert that nevor since tbe
ai Ioiiowi: want a.n,
Valley, 63 to G3o.
Produce Market.
Flour Portland, Sulem, Cascadla
Hellion ci.
canning industry began bai inch a run d D ,lotii riM, Benton cnuntj am
been aeen. If it continue! until the WhiU) Lily, 12.05: --BU eu
close of the -bance. are fa- PKknOcner bush
bud been anticipated.
vorable for a mucb larger pacn , Z " " 27(.i2rtc. Kolled oata
.A onHninatfid. AU UUUBUH c. , B--i., --. U5
of the killed and injured at a late boor feature of the lituaton ii the quality oi .,5aTret $4.60(t7; cai-eH, 3.75.
plaoei the number at 100. It ii hoped the fish, which ii fully equal to those ' noHiy, 10.50 per ton; cheat,
tbattbii ii an exaggeration, but the taken in June, the flesh being exoep- ,l fi0c47!CiOver,tti(fl7ioat,$(5.60; wheat,
number ia undoubtedly more than nity. tionally red and firm ana wo ju... t5.r00.&U.
of oil abundant
Mine llurued by Ntrlkera.
The mine of the old Pittsburg Coal
Compuny, at Hyinoau, Sullivan county,
Ind., hai beeu burned. A committee
from the miner' organixation visited
the mine and lought to induce the
miners to quit work. The watchman
wai captured, carried some distance
and the worka burued. Tbe lost Ii
Italian Warelilp !! royed.
The Italian armored wrashlp Hula,
of about 6,800 toui displacement, was
struck by liuhtning near Home. The
(lames spread rapidly threatening to !
reach the uiagaalne. It wai found lie- I
.- 4 .i.u I, ...... I
iug torpedoes.
Iluth Are Head.
Kobert Stark and Abo Tlukey, the
former a merchant, the latter post
master at Sequlm, Waah., attempted
to acquire a cheap jag ou wood alcohol.
Tbe effect wai such that within a few
hours after drinking the fiery decoc
tion both men died.
Its (Itiiry Hat liarted.
The great auditorium in which the
Kepublicans and Populist held their
national conventions iu St. Louis, will
be turned into a Madison square garden
for horse shows, bicycle meet aud
other great indoor sporting enterprises
the oouilug fall and winter.
Heavy Damage In Smith Dakota.
Dispatches from Melitte and other
point iu South Dakota state that a hail
storm devastated a stretch of country
sixty miles loug aud five or six unlet
wide. The damage amounts to hun
dreds of thousaud of dollar.
A TerTlUe Kiplnalun.
A special from Vienna sayi an ex
plosion in a powder niagaxiue at Fuen
fklrchen resulted iu the death of flvo
persous, injuring eighty others aud
wrecking the town hall.
Not tald to lo Campaign luty,
Poattuaster-Geueral Wilson ha is
sued au order to tho railway mail
clerki directing them not to take au
active interest in the political cam
paign luoh as would be tuvolved iu at
tending political convention! ai dele
gate or making political speeches.
The postmaster-general's circular ex
pressly state that he doe not desire to
oontrol their ophtiuii on political mat
ters, but tbey must refrain from tak
ing an active part in political matters.
To Taet tba Law.
Chicago railroad oftloluli will test
the right of Postmaster-General Wilson
to prohibit them from carrying their
own railroad letters or those of other
roads. The Lake Shore will make Ihe
test It superintendent has issued au
order to all other roads' employe to
carry niail pertaining to the business
of the roads, aud letter from oilier
roads relating to Joiut bustnesa affair.
Poutofftoe Inspector Stewart says he
had not heard of any agreeuieut to test
the law, but the government would be
very apt to aooomuiodate them by proa
ecu tlug the viola tore.
Shot Through the Heart While In the
Hpokana Court House.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 8. L. II.
Plattor, a well-known attorney and
Democratio politician, was shot aud
almost iustautly killej in the corridor
of the courthouse shortly before 6
o'clock thii evening. The allot was
fired by Henry Seitfort, a restaurant
proprietor aud iportiag man, who ia
also well known.
Tbe tragedy resulted from remarks
made by Plattor in court, and which
UeilTert construed aa a reflection upon
bia character. Suiffert wai being
pressed before the court aa adminis
trator of the estate of Hudolph Gorkow,
a rich brewer, who died here thii
week. Gorkow bad marired variety
aotresa about a year ago, and the mar
riage war an unhappy one. He brought
suit for divorce shortly before his
death, and iu hi will cut hi wife off
with a dollar. She ii contesting the
will, and there ii a struggle over the
administration of the estate. Plattor
represented lome of the beneficiaries of
tbe will, opposing Seiffert It bad
been insinuated that Selffert'i relation!
with Mrs. Gorkow were not of a prop
er nature
I'rotacutlon of Hallway Claims.
Washington, Aug. 8. A complete
change of policy in the method of gov
ernment prosecution of railroada in the
West to recover landi erroneously pat
ented to thorn, li provided for in direc
tion! issued by tbe secretary of the in
terior to the commissioner of the gen
eral laud ofllce. Iu thii a rule is laid
down that all railroada agaiust which
uits are uow pending for vacation of
patent under the art of March 8, 1887,
hall make a showing a to the bona
fido purchaser from the road of laud
patented, similar to the ibowing niado
in tbe casei of tbe Burliuvton & Mis
souri Kiver aud Uulon Pailio roads.
Similar recommendations for the dis
missal of luiti wherein non-bona fide
purchaser! may retain title will here
after be made by the department iu all
oases. The proceedings aoorodiugly
can be hereafter instituted under the
aot of March 3, 18U0.
A Braille Mau's Long Hide,
Chicago, Aug. 8. Mr. Sheneman ii
in Chicago, after a ride by wheel from
Seattle. He left the ooast June 1, ex
pecting to reach Columbus, O. , by Oc
tober 1. After he had crossed two
itatel ou hli journey he made euch
good time that he decided to keep ai
far ahead of hit ichedulo ai ho could.
Shortly after leaving Setttle Sheurm.ui
reached the desert which exetuds from
Prosser Falls to Umatilla, aud in at
tempting to cross the thirty-five milt a
of sandy fields the tourist nearly lost
hli life. He ootild not rido the wheel
through the sand, aud had to disuiouut
aud push It ahead of him. All the
water in his cautecn had beeu oon
lumod before he had covered half the
desert, and when ho reahood the Co
lumbia river he foil exhautted ou the
A Neat of Murderers.
Vleuua, Aug. 3. After a six week's
trial at Agraru, the Stenjuo baud of
thirty six pvrsoui, charged with nine
teen murder! and numerous assaults
and robberies, has been ended. Nine
teen member! of the baud, iu .-ludiug
two women, have beeu sentenced to
death. Nine have beeu sentenced to
twenty yar' imprisonment Ktght
were aoqultted.
Female Raring Condemned.
Toronto, Aug. 8. In the racing
board bulletin issued today, the Caua
diau board oondemui female raring,
and aunounoei that the board will here
after blacklist any track upon which
female rlderi are allowed to race be
fore tbe public
I'layed With Matches.
Grants Pass, Or, Aug. 3. The res!
dence of George Burgesa, in the out
skirts of town, took fire today an I
burued with almost it eutire contents.
Some little girl were playing with
matches in one of tho upper rooms aud
set Ore to a table cover. There ia no
In Massachusetts the lieutenant-governor
does not become governor ou the
death of that functionary, but only
At the leooud signal tower, the
track! of the two roadi diagcnally ;
orosi. The Readirg train was given
tbe signal to stop, but tbe brakes either
failed to work or the speed of the ex
prets wai too great to be checked in
time. It caugbt tbe excursion train
broadside and ploughed through, liter
ally cleaving it in twain. Tbe engine
I Bablxv teeu Dariey, eio.uv ""
brewing, 14(t10. . .
MiuiiuVra-Bran. $14 60; short.
115.50: middling!, 18(20j rye, Wc
! nnnfA.1 at
ilUTTKU rancv cicnmw, t --
fair to
new, wc per
Texas Man Slays Ills Family and
... -f Thai, II fill I .
1 "M ..... , ........ 'tn.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 8.-T. E. Burt, v -Jf,l2ocj comnion.lHSicperroll
a member of one of the moat respect- i'otatoeh. 80IK) for new, 1
ahln families, murderod nil wire ana .....i. or 0u.
of tbe Heading train wai Bhattored to two children, aged and 4 years, last I Qnionh Keil, 75c; white, 1 per aaca.
Every oar on the exuuraion Friday night, ana piacea mo Poultry tJliicxeus. mieu. t""
... " w i . 1 1 . . . p-.v.O Kit. Houaa till
bodiei in a cistern, tie leu me on a.ou, Droiiera, i.ouii w.
Saturday night following the terrible turkeye, live. lOyJllc; ducks, -.00(!S
deed, after advising several neighbor! J.0U per aozen
not to driuk the water in hii cistern,
ai it wai polluted. Hii relative! be
came alarmod at the disappearance of
hie fumily. and began an investigation,
resultiug in the finding of the bodiei
rnriv. Kurt bound hii wife in a
jammed to it! fullest ca-
train wai
Ai soon as the news reached Atlantic
City, tbe utmost consternation pre
vailed, but the authoritiea weie equal
to the emergency. Uelief traiui were
dispatched to the icene, loaded witb
ooti aud bearing staffs of surgeons.
Ai quick ai tbe bodies were recovered,
they were carried into the local hos
pital! and undertaker's shops.
A general fire alarm was sounded,
and the department promptly respond
ed, and aided in the heartrending work
of digging for the victims. Fenr grew
into despair and horror aa the vigorous
work of tbe relief gangs revealed tbe
awful extent of the disaster.
The first Reading relief train bore
into thii city twenty -seven mangled
corpsca, men, women aud children.
The next train, not an hour later, car
ried fifteen of the maimed and wound
ed, and two of these died soon after
reaching the city.
As train after train plied to the
scene of the wreck', and came baok
with it! ghastly burdens, the Sani
tarium, which does duty aa the city hos
pital, quickly found its oapacity over
taxed. Meanwhile others of the dead
and injured were boing carried to tbe
private hospital at Ocean and Pacific
Eward Farr, engineer on the Read
ing train, wai killed outright, aa wai
another railroad man who rode on tbe
engine with him. This man, whose
name hai not yet been learned, saw the
collision coming and leaped from the
cub an instant before the crash came.
Almost at the same iustant the engine
out its way through aud caught him
directly in its path. Hia body and that
of Farr were found under a heap of
debris, but the engineer lay in what
remained of the cab, and his right
band still clasped the throttle He bad
been faithful unto death, aud met it at
his post
The fireman on that train leaped a
few seconds before aud escaped with
trifling injuries.
Samuel Thornton, baggage-master
on the Reading train, ii among the
Janie M. Bateman, a Bridgeton un
dertaker, is knowu to be killed. Ho
was in the third car, aud hia hat wai
fouud lying among the mas of broken j
Richard Trenchard, a Bridgeton ma
chinist, and his wife are both dead.
Conductor Kelly, of the Penusylva- i
nia train, had both arms and logs'
broken, and was internally injured. j
Albert J. MoHebaoh, of No. 18 North'
Eighth street, Philadelphia, was on the
Reading traiu. He escaped unhurt. I
The excursion train was made up of
12.;c ner dozen.
Ciiaxsa Oregon, tfc; Califo.nia 8c,
Young America, Uc per pound.
Tkopical Fboit Calilornla leinona,
finer t4.50fa5.00 tor box; bananas,
Xl.:6(a3.00 per bunch: California eeed
ling oranges, 2.602.75 per box
blanket, after tying her feet and neck iterrftnean aweeta, 4 per boxjpiueap-
togother, and then dropped the Doay pleg 3.oo5.00 per doiten,
atone time . prominent
derin this city, but gam- cm.umh.rB, 15(25c per dozen; egg
into tho cistern. Both children naa Okxoon VaoxTABLxa-oar if, uow, w
their bralna knocked out. Hii brother! per pound ; Oregon peas, x , new iu
have offered a reward of 1300 for bis bage, l4'c per lb; w5i
. , box: Bin. g beans, 4(goc per lo, max,
apprehension. ' , n.K 10o
Hurt was
furniture dealer
bling got the best of him, and last year
he failed and was indicted for embc z
tleniont, but hi brother! inccoeded in
getting him out of the trouble. The
governor bai offered a reward for hla
arrest Nothing ia known ai to Bnrt'i
whereabouts, although
been seut all over tbe state and to out
aide cities. No motive for the crime ii
Uraas Valley Suffered a Serere Lots
From the Flames.
Grass Valley, Cal., Aug. 8. At 8:20
o'clock tonight, an alarm of fire waa
sounded for a blaze in tbe opera house.
The fire started under a store occupied
by Ismert and Webbe, and spread with
great rapidity. Soon the whole build
ing was enveloped in flames, and tbo
adjoining buildings oommenced to burn
and, despite the work of the firemen, it
looked as though the whole ceuter por
tion of the town wonld be destroyed.
The fire department of Nevada City
came over to assist the local depart
ment, but a scarcity of water hindered
them so they were of little service un
til an extra head of water was turned
in to the supply ditch. Tbe two de
partments did great work aud oonfined
tbe fire to the block bounded by Neal,
Church, Auburn aud Bank streets.
The loss will exceed f 100,000, it is
thought Insurance in moat cases is
small, aud the blow is a hard oue to
the city.
An Indiana Tragedy.
Vinoenoos, Ind., Aug. 8. Thomas
Prather, a farmer, aud Misa Maud
Delay, daughter of a wealthy farmer,
eloped from Sanborn, thii oounty, aud
drove to this city and were married.
They then drove back to Sanborn, when
au altercation took place between
Prather and Clyde Delay, a brother of
the bride. Prather fatally shot the
new brother-in-law in the abdomen.
The elopement waa plaunod aome time
plant, 1517,'sC per lb; rhubarb, i.'t
Fbkhh Fboit California apples,
1.50 per box; ch-rries, Royl Anne,
loose, 6c per lb, (i5c a box ; Black Re
publicans, loose, 6c per lb, 00c per box;
teleorams have gooseoernes. tuc per wu i v"
teiegramB nave o ,aa.Arroa j..- , .-.klierries.
lailtd) ut tuouLii.vv) - r
3c; apricoiB, 1 per box; peaches, t'occ
75 per box; watermelons, 2'3.00 per
Dbikd Fbuitb Apples, evaporated,
bleached. 4(d4.)sc; iuu-lrietl, 3(g4ei
pears, Bun and evaporated. 6 (doc ' plutua,
pitless, 3(tf 4c; prunes, 3y5 per pound.
Wool Vallev. 0c, per pound; East
ern Oregon. 6 (4 7c.
Hops Choice, Oregon 23c per
pound ; medium, neglected.
Nits Peunuts, u($7c per pound for
raw, 10c for ro.isted ; cocoanu s, 00c per
dozen; walLUta, U!g14c; pine nuts,
15:; liicsory nuts, bylOe; chestnuts,
17c; Bra.,!, 12c; pecans, large, 14o;
Jumbo, 10c; tilberw, 121-; fancy, large,
14c; hard-shell, 8c; puper-Hhtll, lo(;j
I'novisio.Ns Portland park : Smoked
liamB are quottd at lU(al0'c per lb;
Iiicnic liauiB, 7c; boneless hams, 7,'uc;
ireakfaet bacon, Ilk-; bacon, 7c; dry
pal t Bides, 0c; lard, 5-pound pails, 7ec
10b, 7)c; 60a, 7,'bc; tierces, 7c per
Hiukm Dry hides, No. 1, 10 pounds
and upward, ItValOc per pound; dry
kip, No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 8c per pound ;
dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, U(i'12c;
dry Ballet), one-third lets than dry flint.
Halted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds,
and over, tic do, tJ to CO pounds, 5c ;
do, under 50 pounds and cows, 4'a(tf5c;
do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 puuiula,
4c; do, veal, 10 to 13 pounds, 6c; do,
calf, under 10 pounda, G,s7c; gieen (un
Balted, lc per pound lees; culls (bulls,
stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored,
hair slipped, wealher-btatcu or grubby)
one-third lees.
Bkksw ax 2022 per pound
ago, but Prather marriage liceuse
fifteen cars, the foremost of which waa ! foroiuly t""8n from him by mem-
a baggage car. This aud the next two W)rg 01 Ule young woman's family,
coaches caught the full force of tbe
orash, and were utterly demolished.
What remained of the third car was
tumbled into a ditch at the roadside. '
The responsibility for the accident can-'
not uow be fixed.
Neutrality Proclamation.
Washington, Aug. 3. The president
has issued a proclamation bearing date
of July 27, again commanding citizens
to observe the neutrality laws in re-
speot to the Cuban insurrection, and
William Thurlow, telegraph operator giving notice that all violations will
be vigorously prosecuted. The presi
dent cites the decision of the lupreme
court In the Wiborg case in order that
citirons may not be misled as to the
meaning of tbe military laws.
in tne tower-nouso, was arrested to
night aud held, pendiug an inquiry.
Dragged to Heath,
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 8. A distress
iug accident happened late last even
ing, whereby Frances Elizabeth Kreft,
the eldest daughter of ex-Mayor Paul
Kreft, wai killed. The young lady, ao
Oil Tank li I plotted.
New York, Aug. 8. Two men were
fatally injured and thrw othera
oouipnied by her younger sisters, was verely burued by the explosion of a
out driving, when the horse became : tauk at the Staudard Oil Company!
frightened and ran away. The younger ' worka, at Cravena Point, Jersey City
listen were thrown out, and the elder ' today. The fatally injured are: Rich!
one stayed in for a time, when she, ard Cunningham, and John Goldsmith
too, was thrown from the vehicle. The worki were let on fire by the ex
The youug lady wai dragged for ovor a ploiton, but the flamii were extln
mile aud fearfully lacerated. guishod before much damage was done.
European! Matearred. Driven Out by retain.
rarii, Aug. 3. Advices from Ma- Athena, July 80. A lurge body of
juuga, Madagascar, report that a car. Maulmani supported by Turkish
van of two Freuohmen aud throe Eug- j rooP while engaged in pillaging the
liahmen have been massacred by the A(1om'l district of Crete were attacked
Fahavaloi, near Ambolipiana. , br 60 Insurgents. Tbe latter drove
iuussuimans and Tnrirt,
out of
He Completed the Circuit.
San Francisco, Aug. 8. Morrli Olts
man, an apprentice in G. Speir't
ladle' tallroing shop, was iuatantl?
killed this afternoon. He wai sitting
at hla sewing machine, hii feet ou the
iron pedal, and attempted to out or
brush aside the electric wires which
oonvey power to the machine. Hii
heari must have louche 1 the wire,
for stream of sparks marked the oon
tact Oltsman'i body completed the
circuit, the full stiength of the current
oouraed through his frame, aud with a
cry he fell over dead.
To Succeed Aatotll.
Rome, Aug. 8. Father Martlnelli.
prior-general of Aogustiniaus, hai been
appointed successor to Mouilguore Sa
toll! as papal delegate to the Roman
Catholic church In the United Stato.
A Hlryrle Klder Killed.
Lima, O.. July 81. Josenh Greidler !
of Minneapolis, one of thecraok bicycle ,raia
tbe district
Inflicting serious
A maohlne hai been Invented by
some genius which will do typewriting
aud the addition of figurei at the same
Tallow Prime, per pound, 3(aSjtf'c;
No. 2 and grease, 2gc.
Merchandise Market.
Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. tallb,
$1.25(gl.ti0; No. 2, talis, t2.252.00;
faucy, No. 1, flats, ll.75oil.85: Alaska
No. 1, tails, $1.20(1.30; No. 2, tails, U-9C
Cobdaok Manilla rope, lV4'-inch, 1,
quoted at 8c; White lisal, lmrd twiBted:
Rope, l'j-in. cir. and upward, 0'jc;
rope, 12-thread, 0V.
Sooab Golden U.-lc; extra C, 4c
dry granulated, 5c; cube crushed and
powdered, 0c per pound; 4o per pound
discount on all grades lor prompt cash ;
hall barrels. 4c more than barrels
maple suirar. 15(ti)l(lc per pound.
lon-EK .Mocha, 27(31c per pound;
T .
.pv, laiicy, t(n.-!ic; tosia Rica, 2' ho)
23V; Caracal, 22'aC26c; Salvaoor, l'J
(S22-; Arbmkle, 2.15; Lion, $20.15;
Columbia, 120.15 per rase.
Ran Through a llrldi
Joseph. Mo., July 81.-A freight
on the Vandalia railroad ran
was probablv overoome by beat, for he 'fd hl morning, killing Conductor
left the track, ran straight Into the owler. Brakemau McKeuzie aud Fire
crowd, and wai thrown upou a fence. ma John Berber and lerlonaltr it.
receiving iujulre which resulted iu hi lu Kodmster J. & Brother in
uem nan an nour later. Uroidler ""'UD" uowman. The
wai la the lead in the half mile open c"u,1 washouts.
race at tne time tbe accident hap-' prlftnnB . V:
V 1 J iT7in,i",6.B?D' Jail
- 'cr. wun
a t. iiurmay ruoy. tbe laroat w care lor in thai.
was 1
potted riant
fall I ti 1
ever out. was sold in Loudon the other ll8Vl he care of the plants in
day for 140.000. , au elevating and ref..? h"e
- -aaj tAlUUl'DHA
Rita Island, 3.50((t4 per sack: Ja
pan, $d.7o(S4.
Coal Oil Cases, 20c; barrels,
1 S,c; tanks, lS'c per gallon.
W 11 hat B ins Calcutta, 4.25a4.37W
lor July uud Augiiht deliveries.
Meat Market.
. "GroB 100 eteers' 13.25; cows,
$2.252.60; dressed beef, 45).o per
pound. r
Mutton Grose, best sheep, wethers,
$3.00; ewes, $2.75; dressed muiton, 4'i
(. 5c per pound.
Vial Gross, email, 4J,'c; large, 8(6
3nc per pound. '
HotiB UroBB, choice, heavy, $3.00a
3.25: light and feeders, $2.75; dressed,
o(iJ4c per pouna.
Potatoss - Garnet Chile. C0(SC5c;
j uwc, ojta-wc, in sacks; do in
boxes, 4(Vt-5c; Burbanks, in boxes, 70
UmoNB-Red, 1016c; yellow, 353
4oo per sack. x
too More, 13 15j; ranch, 10(a20c;
uuv.aa, .jit; per uren.
CuaxBi rancy, mild, new, SfS'vC;
fair to good, ti(ft7l,c: Young America,
8 u0c: Laatern. 12(J14 per pound.
ucttkr raney creamery, 20c; do
w-contiB, ng o lsc; fancy dairy, 10(
l,f seconds, lSiirloc,
Hop 234c per pound for old.
it .
ool an Joaauin and Snnti.nm
j coa.-t, poor, 45; do goo.1, 4(36- m,,
oaijuin loutniii, gootl to choice, e.uj
jl,c; do year's tleece, 4(d5'uc;,
htavy, 6ia(c; do, choice, 8 a 8 ,'c; North
ern, choice, lOiffllc per pound.
I1 V.T l,f new- 73 ! heat and
r ' " : oat' 8 ''rlv, $4 60ci
6;alfal a, first crop, (4'"5 do second
4.o05; per ton.
A Resume of Event, n
Naw. Gathered n 4
Oor Neighborly gU4(
moot Noted la All Indo,,'
Forest fl
throughout the NehaleoJS
Cnrry oouuty'i uT'
amount, to about 10,000 fi1?
Seventeen boxes of f1
first of tbe season . T"!
TheDallei lait week. ""kJ
Of the 801 itudent
tbe itato norm.l a,.i,.i
8H9 are at present teacher,
The Empire oannery m
will rnn through thto'fZr
Preparation are bein.ia.T?
next month. 'i;
The board of eqoalla, l
oounty will meet in EamwJ , . ,
and will oontiuue in leiZ
tember 8, 1808. o"l0i
The Oregon Central St La,
road ComDanv will Kw.v.rr?
der for tbe government work u
on Yaauina bav.
- it
Citizeni nf (V,ni
preparation! for the soldi!;
neer' leunton that will bikj'
August 13, 14 and 15. k
The oounty oourt of ftm J
haidireoted the oounty twtiul
state taxei out of the oouatj h2l
after and to use no rbool Tl ,
tYiat nnrrviiA
John Durbiu will
birthday at tbe home of bbiaw
on Howell prairie, BeptembTu.
... t n. r. 1 ....... . . ..... .
Invited to be presont
The postal dcparhaeji t
proved of the propotitioaiogv
mail line from Klamsth tPmi
ver lake, and to increiN tenta.,
U.l 1 I . -
nuui oihoi utie 10 niri
The grain crop IflLiMoma,.
proven to be much betttk,w
anticipated a few weekitia Q
neiti 01 grain are very lihi gj
yield in moat cases will
and much better tkan wiiujwx
Smoke from fires in tk. r
mountains has been blowDbttc)
wiuub uursa me vaueyi in pujL
mi 11 ia mioi sua DiueinGruiir
nearly obscuring the sun, ud odi
ing the usefulness of tbeanr
tne Uanoyn tity Kewi
Reports from 8hermncout;t
the ellect that wheat ii nfB3i-
the oon tinned hot weather, ul to:
do not expect tbe average ra;
oounty will be more thin 111
to the acre. A month 110 tbtte
ed the average yield wonld bine
five buhsels.
Mrs. Mary Henkle,wbodidiB
in Independence, wu bom a i
oounty, Kentucky, July 29, lii; 1
crossed the plains with ber hufe
18(10. to California, and Unas
Oregon in 1867, locating itouN
nan miles aoutn 01 ruwia s
was the mother of foMaek&
nine of whom aurvm; aajt
ornnd.nhildren. thirtr-ool 4 11
B. , .
survive, and thirteen (ml P"-
dren, twelve of whom lurtut
The newspaper men of Setalifl
formed a press club.
Grasshopper! are Mting tha a
plants in the vicinity of Spnja f-
A lohoolhouse ii to be ta&u
Pleasant valley district, in f
oouuty. J
Harvest has begun ia W
oounty, several header! hTin
in within tbe week.
The warehouses at UirM
being put in condition to we
season's grain crop.
In thaSteilaooom. Wash.,ia
lnm there are at present 611 m
200 of whom are women. J
A AAtlVflll Hnn nf thsnrioasl
WU,M. " , J
aooiotie! of Linoolu county wuisi
in Davenport, Thursday, AW"
Honiemhar 16. bub
by the atato land oommisi m
ins testimony concerning w-n
applications to purohtse UH
Chehali oounty.
The committee of me band
task it was to find out
. it a. in T.ionma Dtl
Judges of tbe auperior court 1
oall a session oi tnegt'-
YCBIilMUfrvj v --- J
Treasurer uewm, t
has remitted to the seversl
r.iiirtwfl: - i
ooiieononB, a ,
1510.97; Montesano,
qulam. $246 81; Cosfflopo'
Elma, 9.?; OcosU, I
.L - a..w,t.lMr SM.lwl1
More net stealing tta.Jl
known in ine -
taking pla.thisroi, 5i
lamet Gazette. ".bleb1?
there is a gaaoline boa 4
ing a business of ''D
men claim that the irS
nr. th web with a nou. ,4
the bottom and severs the
line Wlin one ."
The statement of the J
Skagit oounty for the yere
80. 1800. om . tha tm
amounted to $148,050. .8. J
menta to f98,489.06,
balance of 5a,5M.e
aianoe 01 fj,--
r.u.loe Frank, an lD""B
Lapwai reservation,"
fax. the other day foJr
trie- ,
. a .11 aconi"0"-
deuce was plain tn'l,., ifnn
horse and ridden o8.wi ,4
to be a custom totw --
one another's horses w-- .,,
Receiver Burleigh, w ,
. ..mmenceu -
racino, nas So0bat
United Statei oourt, at
County Treaaurer MudgJ
he be restrained frmL ,8ji
pany'i land for taxei ifr
a mss beaet a'"10"
" illegal- ,a
tnai tne " - - - 1
ti.. 1. a 850-avrs Kv-url
i U. V - l,rtl W
near Garfield that ibo 4
summer fallowing wlSbfbK
Garfield Enterprise- rffi
the Oregon white '
stands ihoulder high, w
well headed.