nn HUME 1 Y ri in HST1BL1SDEH MR THE 01E1IU!0 OF DESOCRITIH rBlNCirLES, AND TO R1R.1 11 IQIIITLIUM BY TDBIWE1T OP 01 R BROW 12S KUGENE, Oil., SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. 180G. NO. 35. hi EUGENE GUARD. CA.1PBELL MONDAY, AUGUST 3. PUBLISHER I tn.l giiSlith HtrueU. j TEIOHOE ai'BSCBIITMN: ttf. : : . ! . ' . '. : ijnlhl. J; ' 1 jrtising rates made 2 on application. Willamette l twi'i'ii 12.00. 1.00. .50. ! , Din""- T lottun to Uouds muddy again. Wi.leruielons nre in the market. Fins mi ijulio cnnifortiible these days. V . () m-widiiM la-gin six weeks from t .ilny. Council imru oue week fioin tO-lligllt. known' VVoodnien have one a-ses-onent I for Augu-t. Geo W Kim hurt, of Condon in In the GiAitn, Samuel Taylor was over from 'obur "JOKEY. DEALEB IX &Stii& vVatches, Chains. Jewelry. Etc. janiNc promptly' doxe. -A II Work Warranted. "11 W. BROWN, M. D. yalclari and uriooii, u.l ri.i.leiicovr potutfiu. HiMiri a, bj,; 12 to 2, 6 tu 9 p. m. J. C X..223E3- 11TE AM MARBLE WORKS. ai and New I'rlcei In KorclKH sad 4 aslic Marble ul Gnlliltr, Monument. 'fJ.-a.l-.ouea and Coraotorjr work of all klnda for UO l WOItli GUAUAXTEEl) ! it HUe HirwU nar I'oitoilW. Kiifiono, Or C. WOODCOCK, tlor:iey-at-3i".Y, 1 I One ImW ul.ick sou 111 of ('iitinniin, loilitV. I Attorney J M Wil'luns Is at Cutage I drove. I Kl'liKSK. uri:ison. X. E. M.UIKLKY. isey & Markley, Utorneys-at-Law. troiiil a:id I'robalc lliu!ne Hco 18 Clirlsiiiun Murk. : i'li-si.l.-lit. Kakik, Jr., (.'ashler i fetaa 8j.i1; Ot Eugene. ip Iftsri Capital 50,000 is and Pronis, $30,000 ;ne - - Oregon. il banking bullosas dune on reaaou M. Hii-lit flrnfu on NKW YOHK, i, HAN FKANCISCO and I'OKT OKKUON. ,1 .chani?e sold on foreuro countries, i received robject to check or certiti- ilactiona entrnat'.-d a Ui vttcnllon. will n-CT.lv 1 J County Bank. t (KsUbUdhtJ lu ls..) JGENE, OREGON. . sneral Banking business I branches transacted on t ble terms. Al O. HOVEY, Prwlilent. J, M. A Bit A MS, Cashier. X, U. HOVEY, JR.. Asst.C'ashr. L. PAGE, DEALER IS- 10CERIES i a Large and Complete stock of and Fancy Orocoriit bought I iu the best markets, lUSIVELY F03 CASH, tiller the public better prices l any other house iu Eugene. 5 chll llEflstatsntMimt Prices, i T. P. FORD, I (EvDgelit,) ' W iIdm, Iuwa, writ, onder dU i March 23, lHMi I:d. Mfo. Co., Dufur, OregoD. n.KMKjr: On arrivinir home l:it 1 found all well siul anxiously ExponiUoii f. Ulir little (Tin, eiglll Bl. one am nlil u'lm i.u.l u-uwImI awav wiuK t now well, ittrong anu tru caiicUlsle lor uie nw. H. H. I Mrn I I) Driver. Jr.. returneil to iSuliiii tmlay. Clum YiiiiiIitIiuik U ngtiln able to lie on our Hiret'i. Clem Node lift for Foley Springs mm niornin. L X Koney went to Cottage Grove tliU aflemotxi. I lie MeAIUter party has ri'lurneil from the Mohawk. Tliustreetc.tr lino wa fairly well p:troii I z.L." I today. Conxiileral'le rain tmluy. It in Btoppeil the threMiers. 1' CoiinTi'" if Herviiimlelliujiieiit tax wairautt in (he country. The fo'.imlutlon of Henry Aukeny's new ivrlilciiie in eoiiipleleil. The Hoelurt; locul took a carlnuil of cuttle through thU tnoriiing. During hU ni'.-nt trip to Fohy Spriiign, Win lti'hliiuv lo-t u valualile liifket. Hells IhoH ami For.'P'iiuH' nirciiH, juiiips from S:iU in, OiVjou, to lUil- (init', . al. Mayor ()'le-.h,v ciitne up from Junc tion llili alterniHiu. Mix Ella Mu Iti', m of Fall Cieek, is veiling in the city. J FStarr went to Cotlnue Grove this afteriiiHiii to ilo Home roolii g. Dr Lowe nnil Geo, Keegun were p:is cfiigeri to Foley Springs today . C II Hale vlnitiil over Suuilay with his f.imily at liiit clnim on Fall creek. Mih Dr G V Blil.lle anil chililieu returned tmluy from a viil at Albany. Mr llempe ami wife will go to ltli e river tomorrow on a campiog out trip. Darwin Yorusi iell for the upper Me Iven.ie on hi wheel yesterJ ty afler noon. l'rlor Blair h now running a nilit elevator in the Imperial hotel iu Port land. AHt'!iH.ir D P Burton brought hi family down from Cottage Grove yes terday The Misses Myra and Lulu Xorris returned this afternoon from a short viit nt Junction. John MeCnllistcr, of Drain pasted through Eugene today on Ills wheel, en route to Drain. Mr and MrsG 1) Linn are Hpending a lew iiavs ti t,euar rial hi kiiicu ui wild blackberries. Miss Mattie Smith arrived home this afternoon, after a pleasant visit with friends iu Portland. Luther Rowland today niovtil Into a house which he has purchased on East Eighth street. tnlte a number from tliis city spent the day at Abrum's mill on the Mc kenzie yesterday. Gray & Son have a lie ad today and quote low prices. Don't miss it or you will be sorry. A traveling photograph nutllt Is Iu town and has pitched a tent n a va taut lot near the depot. Ellen Wlckham, a widow of Len burg, Lane county, Oregon, has Uco granled tin original widow's pension. Little boy The preacher says there is no marryln' iu Heaven. Little girl Of course not. There wouldn't be eunugli men to go around. Hopgrowers. representing about 1000 acres, met iu Independence Satuiday and agreed upon IB cents per box as the picking price this year. Gcortce Sides, of Tntirstnn, arrived In. nit) today from a visit to Duniiigiui, Yolo con nty, California. Selh McAlisler and Frank Knapp rode centuries yesterday going to Waterloo and returning. Missis Alice Dorrisand Emma Chase have reUirnnl from a visit to .Mrs um lim Cogswell, of Linn county. 11 11 Sllckney, who has been con ducting a bowling alley at Corvallis arrived home on the afternoon local. v 1 Mrs It Z iirler and Mrs V O Zeiulerand children left this morning on a camping t.iplo Foley Springs Tlicv will be absent about a Itioutli. Ed HaiiMin and sister, Ada, returned tlili iMiirnlii' from a short visit at Ith their sister. Mrs J S Medlev, who has been quite sick with lu n ir trouble. !.. Iir l.iiv-rlilirp. r. Ctor of St Mary's Episcopal church ot this iit, will'lesve on a visit to his old homo iu New Yolk state, tomorrow. He ex is ets to be absent several weeks. iVilte a number of people fiom this ..1... ..i...., ,l,.,l the Free Methodist camp llnir at Phut Yam: on the Mohawk ........r.i.n' s..vi-rnl iiersotiH were iifi j i-ioersed. ov.. r.. i In. 1rt trlrl I over loved," i :. I "vv..l never lliilltl." sbe replied, "I don't care about that. The point with me is, am I the last girl you ure going to love?'' voung man had U'eu talking to a bored editor for a quarter of an hour, and observed: "There are some things iu this world tint l.'o without saying "Yes," said the e.litor, -anu .r n.,.. mure tiling in the world who say a good deal without gomg. Georg L Baker, who married ., ... . in.. i. ..f HiIm rilv. has jiiTlim jm.i.i i -i I u..iu.r mlUllliTIl III llie 1 " lionu Ml. Ill jirnuiiii p-j-w--- aeleetiou of Mr BaKer wnu.r. - great many people. "ero -r.- ; Mr Miller it Is said will study law. j He is young man of ability and would uiiuouuicuiy iimae a success as a law yer. Kobt Huston of tlieGL'AltDforoe anil It Mount will leave tomorrow morning on a trip uown llie coast vlaSiuslaw as far as the mouth of the I'lnpqua, then they will go about :0 miles up Smiili tlver. They will be gone about two weeks and expect to do a great ueui oi waiKltig. J E Haima, of HihmI Itlver Is visiting in this city, having Joined his wife who has lieeti here stvcral days. Mr liiinna has just returned from Juneau, Alaska, where he has been engaged lu putting lu machinery for a mining com pany, lie says llie prospects for gold are goiai mere out llie large inuux ol people have over run the mines. John Bamcr procured one of Ilobt Bowlsby's tine buggies and drove to tin camp meeting al l ing lang ys tenluy. While driving with his best U-st girl one of the supports to the springs on the front axle broke and John was compelled to return home after lie had patched the break. Too many people for one light buggy. The county clerk of Gilliam county has involuntarily discharged his depu ty and will hereafter do llie work alone. "That is right," says the News, "the taxpayers are wor. ing for little moie than an existence, and their servams should he brmiKht down to the same busis. No man Iihh a right to revel in luxury at the expense ot the iitople 1 1 use Units." Prinevllle Itevlew: S I Belknspand Ed Harliln started last Sunday on llieir "bikes" for Portland. They went by the agency and will cross the mountains on the Barlow route. They will spend several days iu Port land, afler wuieh they will take a run up the valley. They will stop awhile at (he Belknap Springs and then travel on toward home. We ask the people on their line ol travel to treat them well for they are alright regardless of how they may appear and act. Lines on tln 1'ie-ieiit Situation. IIY ONE WHO SKKK9 KoK INKOHM ATION. 1 1'was only a whisper that came and went; Nobody knew Just what It meant, Ami nobody dared to question; I u the strangest fashion such things arise Like the tiniest cloud lu the summer skies, The faintest, vaguest suggestion. But the w hUicr into a murmur grew Ami people said "I thought you knew ! You arc lacking information! Besides we are weary in club and school Of howing us down to imMirted rule; Accepted on lirler probation. " S.) the murmur shortly grew to a roar; People heard It who hadn't before, And were tilled at once with wonder, Krom a whinner so soft and so low A rumor could uather and grow and ir row Till it s artled the tow n with lis thun der. And when these conservatives smile and say: "Tell us the reason friends we pray, v.... t.l ,.1... u.l.kii.tlalruliiill " I. ii ii I imi un iiiu n.i ...... .o. .. Wliv the fr hrhlened people declare u-it h oread "To save the body we'll cut off the head Aud so secure our appropriation." juiy aisi i.hju. Frszer Not loiivluced. Pendleton East Oregonian: Frank Frazer Is still a firm believer In l lie- halls' ability to beat bicyclists, lie savs he had no show lu the recent race. The bicycle rider had the llisiue rive feet of the (rack, which was smooth and hard as a pavement ami also a tandem to set a pace Tor him. in mis he had the lest of the horse In several wavs. and It was not a fair deal. In a letter to Joe Tillman, Frank says: "You can sav to the f.ast oregonian that I am not convinced by any means that Slaver can beat Chehalls. Since (he race was run I have oiiereu lo pui up any amount from 00 up that I can beat any rider. There will be no tan dems or pavements, however, llicso t ove n neon o Won I rut UP. loey won lil not bet. l iey were biivu uim I I.I1U llHlt tllH lead cinch. I have had n.tHiidimr oiler of $1000 to bet that I could beat Staver ever since the other raw, but there are no (alters, ine irm.l.lnis these bicvele riders want uv.ivtlilnir one wav aud Unit, llieir way." Tbs l.alarrtte Lacks. McMinsviu.e, Or, July 31. The nt ii..ii nf ilip rountv are uneasy be raiiw work has not vet been begun on ti.a I nfuvetlo locks. A movement Is alootto have the silo changed to 1 rw.lnt neiirer the fa ana nearer to l,b favette than the one selected. The change, it ii said would not affect nav igation and would create a splenuiu water power. a ri.ini. m-iR Htoky. Marshtleld Sun: A story comes from theCoqullle ...,,i u v..onii..ii for as true, which Miss been ts, and we 1 tleshed un "ure has done IU work well, f thechildrvn like it. Your H, i?li Cure has cured and kept ll hoaranes from me. So give wyone, with trreetinits for all. I you proxperit v, we arw Mr. and Mtu. J. F. Kord. "th to (r. fn-ah ami ehrfiil, and It... ..r.-,(f-s w,,rjti niraliw tlie irtlrra UliM-h anil Lier Cure, by t&kluii J J"M a wrk. t a pMtu giiaranKw teoi ler bottl b ail drigjl.t. Miss Emma Vatiduyn and Miss Helirietla Oweu letl on the JLiO to. y for their new home at I lie Dal es, win-re they expect to engage in t ie book and stationery business. lbe Gt AKi) Joins with their many friends in (his city in wishing them the best of slice, ss. Albany Herald: Hon M A Miller of Leliunon has pun haed the residence uromrtv off) C Mcrarland In tins city and w ill remove to Albany to reside. eclipses all other feats of feminine bear hunters, ansa ivise m "'""i'"i n.u i... ml ne of (he story. She Is miuli..l vftiinir ladv and in her teens .,,i i... nn nu-uiiH accustomed to slay i.... ii... PArnivcrous monsters of the for est but on this occasion was strolling In an unfrequented place In the woods near home with a parlor ritle shooting rabbits, birds, etc., when suddenly there came to her gaf a ci'b bear near by In a moment ll tutw m o us... vfi ii-i. in slioot the little fellow. The crack of her ritle brought the little fellow to the ground squalling, and i,o. i,. il... iiHtoiilshment ot the liunt- .....ii.i.r lirnin niTi-iired on the .....,.. .i ai.il tu. I; i. irl III Ibetdra on-lit- ..... . , n. hi' niHklnir a miki!0 rush for .HSS w,.u 1.1m Mwled at the same time Bring several shots at the en net doit then took . i.om.i ... ilm frsv. This attracted the ...... iwr l-nr'a attention In another direction until Miss Boao g"t i.. n.u f..tMlhot and bruin measured her length on the ground. n.Uf (iu.M. Auk'i.I I. i... .. i. ...I. Morris, an old and ii i,;an resident of Harrlsburg -I.. HiateltV at 10:) (lieu ni oi" ,' I...I,. pm Sunday, me lunerai li i o'clock this Bftermsin. the ser " ... ..i r..u,.i,...l t.v lt.-v M L I'.ose, . f... i. ..i.- Ih-eeased wbs a meml-er of the thristlan church, TUESDAY, Al'Gl'ST 4. Xew corn is in the market. The county Jail has one occupant Very little travel by rail at present. Cllfornla prunes are In the market. Xew potatoes are selling at VO cents per bushel. i v '.lj 't.lXIZZ The man who has a thrifty potato patch tills year is iu luck. California oantalotipc have made their appearance lu the market again. The steamer Gypsy expect to run between Salem and Coivallis all sum. mer. The steamers Albany and Hoag, of O A E It H, have been laid up until the fall rains. Black Alder has lieen taken to Van couver, B C, where he will race Au gust 7 and 8. A marriage license was granted to day to Joseph V Knebel, aged "7, aud Li.zie Ho re u, aged HI. A squad from Company C practiced target shooting on the range In Fair mount this afternoon. It Is learned that the order of Elks will likely postpone their excursion to Yaqulna until September. Gilbert Murray, formerly of this city, now of Salem, was married the other day to Miss lna Weston, of Unit city. County Judge E O Potter (his after noon moved his law library and his olllce llxtures lo hisolllce in the court house. The eastern market reports each plums as commanding a high price. Ton bad that Hie crop lu this section is a failure. Alabama held an election yesterday. Il went demia-ratic by a larger ma jority than two years ago, The legis lature Is also ueuiocratlc. At least 50C will join the Mammas' excursion to Crater Lake on the 1 tit Is Inst.; many people are coming from the Eastern slates for the event. Attorney Dorrls is now around ex plaining his recent runaway. He claims that the old gray was not to blame, as a yellow jacket was respon sible for the all'air. James Nibley, need GO, cut his throat aud jumped Into the Grand Hondo river at l.a untune ycsleniay. lie was Manager of the Oregon Lumber Com- ni s store ami bad gone criu.y. Martin Oulun, (he populist candidate for congressman in the second district has been appointed siicrinlf udciit of the streets of Portland by Mityor fiiuoyer; the salary is tllKi per month. The Wilhoit staire was held up in Clackamas county yesterday. About twenty shots were 11 red, aud two stage horses were killed. The passengers and driver wen uninjured. Only a small amount of money wits gotten. There was a California!! In Los Ga- tos 'Si years aito w ho died and left the income of t'.lOO to buy candy for the school children. The fund Is still faithfully administered, and In I.ns CJatos that man is bigger than Wash ington. It is stated that the threshers were not coiiinelled to quit work near Co- burg yesterday, as only a '.few drops of rain leil. ueuiiemen iroiu me west ern portion of I he county also tell us that the rain only extended four or five miles west of buifene. It Is rumored that John Switrtz, the German resident of the Looking Glass neighborhood, who was supposed to have wandered away from home in a demented condition, reached Walla Walla a ravimt maniac, aud has been sent to the asylum as an incurable subject, but the rumor likes continua tion. James Hicks met with a painful av cldeui Saturday morning near Pull man He was drlvintr a wagon for Ed Kllr.tulller, at the hitter's ranch, when one of the horses fell down, gel- ting entangled In the harness. In in deavorinit lo free the horse to enable It to get up, the animal kicked Mr Hicks iu the face. It Is reported that the hay crop In Clatsop county will this season he a very short one. in ttiu montii ouune there was no rain whatever, an unpre cedented fact In the history of thai county tu a number of years, 1 he Brass was burned betore it rilieutd, and il Is probame tnai not enougii nay uas lieen produced for home consumption. The Welcome tells the following st or at the expense of Albany: An Albany young woman whiieswiiuming in the ditch the other night, cried out that she was drowning. Aim nanus rescued her and tender lady friends re stored her clothing. When she gave vent to the yell that startled the town she was standing In only thirteen Indies of water. I hu Democrat Is Informed that a.i agent has been around taking oiders for pictures and receiving fl on the same iu advance. The person Is very foolish who pays a stranger a cent in advance for anything. These are times wlieu it pays to do business In a business way. isesiuos we nave itoou home artists. Why nor stand in with Albany es abiishmeiits. According to the statement or the Web-onie. W K Butcher, the well- known democratic politician of Baker ra.nntv. will Institute proceeuings against the San Francisco Examiner r,,r lll- l. Butcher was a delegate to Him mo volition at Chicago and the claim Is made by him that tho Exam iner made a statement to me eneci MiHt Mr Butcher w a arrested In Chicago for dlsorderllness. H.tKKI.KY KOIt SI I, V Kit. Iteplldliltes llie KcputillcitU Plunk. M Oliey Salem Journal of August 4: Hon II L Barkley, of Woodhiirn, was iu this city todAy for the first time since Ids return fiom Ohio. Asked as to re port that he would take the stump for .McKlnley, be sul.l: "I am opposed absolutely lo the money plunk of the republican plat form and am more tlrmly iu favor ot free coinage of silver than ever before. I have made no speeches for McKlnley nor do I Intend to unless he comes out for blmetallsm and repudiates (he SI Louis money plank of the republican platform. lam a republican in the sense of the past history of the parly. That history diss not t .tacit me the gold standard. 1 told the republicans when 1 was nominated that 1 would never support the gold standard and I meant what I said. 1 told the in If the republicans iu their national conven tion made a republican platform I would stand uou it. 1 do not consid er that it Is a republican platform, and I cannot stand upon It. "A Woodhiirn banker stated the thcr day that I should take the stump for McKlnhy or resign as a memlier or the legislature. My answer to that proposition was, call another election and I will make the canvass on free silver straight and will abide tho re sult. It was my Judgment that the party should have made tho canvass for Independent hinictallam as il vot ed down the gold slt.iidard lu the state convention. "I exisrt to hold meetings In Ore gon, California and Washington and in this campaign do all in my power for the cause of Independent American blmetallsm." Hon H L Barkley was an antl Dolph member of the last general as sembly and was re-elected to the leglsb ttture fiom Marlon counly last June He is sl-ill a republican. Savkii TllK Costs. A good Joke Is told on one of Sherllf Johnson's depu ties who Is serving delinquent lax warrants in the eastern part of the county. The deputy called on a farm er (o serve a warrant, but in some manner got his warrants mixed and served l ho wrong olio on the man. The tltlinquciil taxpayer soon discov ered the mistake bill said nothing; he acted instead. As soon as the deputy had left he hurriedly bitched up his horse and drove hastily lo the county seat. Going lo llie lax collectors' olllc) he paid Ids taxes, leaving the warrant which had been served upon him by mistttke with thecollector. The depu ty, having discovered Ids mistake, called on llie fanner tho follow ing day to serve tho proicr warrant, but was informed by (he gentleman that his tBxes wero paid, and to prove w hat he said produced the receipt. The result was, tho deputy had all his trouble for iiothlnir. and the farmer saved (- costs by getting the la-st of the depu ty- liailf (itiar.1, AuifU.t 4 llvouALi.il' Ef.KVAToit. P Flunk will nut a hvdrauliu elevator brick building on HKHSION KKVEUStl. The Heirs of Win. Ilargcr Net the Indian Depredation Money Awarded to the Jus, Pulley Estate. The public Is well acquainted w ith the facts of the Indian depredation claims which were allowed by the government about a year ago. These cases have been pending' for many years and befuro thev w'ere a' lowed some of the claimants of the Joseph Bailey estate, which had sued for (.15l.)0 damage through Its admin istrator. John Bailey, have died. The claims were made on depredations committed by Piute, Klamath and Modoc Indians of Southern Orego.i. Joseph and Isaac Bailey and Samuel 1) l'.vaus. were traveling llirougli mat section iii lsiij with a. large baud of stock, when they were attaoked by the alsive named tribes. J.tNeph Ballev aud Evans were both killed and all (heir cattle were killed or conliscated by the Indians, who wero supposed at Unit tune to bo iicaccable. Joseph Bailey left no children, and his wife after his death married Win. B. Burger. The amount of the claim allowed was rlll(is.Oafter the attorney's tees had tiecu deducted. I he money was paid to John Bailey, a lmluislnt- tor or the estate, and suits to establish claims to the money were liniii"dl iilelv commenced by heirs of the estate. Mrs Burger having died a luinils r of years ago without leaving any children, suit wits instituted by a brother and sister of Joseph Bailey and also by Wot B Burger, who had married Bailey's widow. Judge Flsk rendered a decision In favor of the Bailey heirs, w hereupon Wm Burger appealed the caw. lo llie circuit court. Judge J C Fullertou has just rendered his decision, and 11 led his report w ith tho county clerk today. The decision decrees a reversal ol the decision of the lower court ami oiders that the money less tho cost of eXH'iis. s of suit, etc., Is) paid to the hell's of Wm B Burger. Mr Burger died a few months, ago since the case was aniH'iilcd ami the money will now go to his legal helis unless tho case should take another turn before It Is finally settled by law, It is said Unit the Bailey heirs will appeal the case to the higher court. Hkitkmnii Homk Dr W ill Tt'ox and wife who came here from New Yolk City, last fall and went by team across (ho mountains to the Deschutes w here they hsve been sielidlug the winter with the Vanileverls. have re- turnid to this city and will leave for home lu it few da vs. They are accom panied bv Miss Vandevert. Dr Cox lias been aciiiiiring specimens in the game Hue to take East with him, and has quite a number of bear and other skins. He is now having some of the y s i Ki m oWs .v rkguUtor 1 THE UE3T SPRING MEDICINE I Simmons Liver ProvLATcm-dont f jr. t to t.ilif it. I lis I Iver grts sluggish during tho Winter, ju t liUe all nature. an J llm svst-.-:n (va nu-j clinked up py the a.cuuril.i'u j w i-.te, whiih bring on M.il.irl.i, 1 ever n:u Ague anJ Minima- tisi::. You w .cit 1 1 w.ike up your Liver now, but lv mii? yeu t.ike SIMMONS LlVl.i KiV.l l AIOK tJ do It. It alw rcgul.ites tiu Liver keeps It properly at work, who, i vour system w ill be free from poK.ni ;in J tin w h .I.1 IvJv Invigorated. loue-'t un. im..m iiiAiun when your svMen Is in Al condition, and that will only be when t!ie Liver Is kept active, 1 ry a Liver le:mdv once and note tha diiterence. Hut t.ihe only SIMMONS LlVfU Klif.UI.ATOK it is SIMMONS LlVliU KLV.ULArou which makes the difference. I'.iUe it in powjer or In liquid alrc.kly prep.irej, or make a tea of tha powder; but takeSlMMONS LlVtR REGU LATOR. You'll fuiJ the KLD L on evtrv package. Look for It. tl. U. XvlUu A Co., Philadelphia, Pa, Jl'NCI ION TOl liHS. Two Girls nnd a Voung Man out for 'Tliiie."-lii the Police Court. Pally (iuanl, Auttml Four would -ho toughs from Junction city held it high carnival In this city l.iMl ..l.rl.t ' ii... u.irMitlll l.ip a .'l lllu'' and (hey had it before they were llirougli. two or them winding up in (he police court lids looming. Ihe worst feature of the wdiole a (fair la three of the "sports" are young girls, one ofthein having highly respected parents who reside near Junction l Ity. Hie tniy i'f tho disgraceful allulr is about as follows: Last evening Charlie Cook, Hester Blew, lb Wood and Angle Richard son procured a two scaled carriage froiii liveryman .Miller al Juncuoii, representing to hi'm that they wished to drlvo about one and one-hair miles Into the country. Instead, however, of going to the country thcycamu to this cily, Intending to have a "gay time" and then return home. Assoou as Mr Miller, who Isalsooon- .ki... ....... .. t...l l,u Tiny. Awbrev of stable of Jiincllon precinct, icarneu, this city. Mr Cox Is the possessor or lbe people niitliiriven ins rig to mis ono grizzly IsMtr skin for which a re- city, he telegraphed the olllcers here to u.r. .rt7.rt ui. ..I1.tr...l lu.I.,r. 1 1... I LIIKU I Oil It'll 111 ll.vl. V 1 1 .11.1 11. .-.II. i new lia.llr Guard. August 1. an Act'iUKST. The city editor oi n. (Ii-aku vesterday morning inoun wl i.U silent steed and left town to spend the day at Abrams'old mill site, 1 ft. .1.' 1.. ....I lit .l.irlu f..r lltH oil me .iicrv.-iitic .." f.H'lve liout but to commune won ..ior... When alioui inree nines north nf Eugene one ' tne tires c i.lode.1 much to bis chagrin and he I ...... . It l.a..b If. 1... was eoiiipeiicu i" ;- gene. It sismiis that the best place for the average newspaper man, any w ay, is Inside llie corporate limits. Mr Hammoms Projkcts. - Ytt iiultia News: Mr Hammond of the O (J & E and Astoria Goble railroad is now on lbe coast and in company with (leneral Manager Stone exects lo pay Salem a xlsil during AugusL liie viii ui is- mane wiiu a view w i.. . .i.u Ur. .nnil over nn-iiaratory to rnakliig estimates fortbeeoliteinplated extension ofthe Ya-iuinaroBd toSaleiu from the most accesible K.lnt. in his Ninth street. The piping lor the elevator Is now he- turned out ut Geo X r razcr's foundry. The elevator w ill have a capacity of several tons and w ill operate between the Hist and second fioois. Two plta-a are necessary to raise the water. One of them Is about six Inches In diame ter and about fifteen and a half feet In length, about one and a half feet great er than the distance between the cell ing and the lloor. Tho oilier plKi is a links smaller and Is matlelo work In sldeoftlie first. The 11 rat one Is sunk its full length Into the ground below the lloor or base upon which the eleva tor will rest. The water -Is admitted to il from the bottom and its pressure raises the Inside pipe gradually lo the surface. The elevator, which nMs on the Inner pipe, Is rabeil by It. Tills is the first power elevator of any kind lo be placed in operation In this city. ASHLMINO AtTIVK FUOI'oKTIONH. l--r..,fliL i mild I. v team In this vlcinl ty Is niHumlng active proportions. E II Ingham's grocery establishment ro- ,...iv..,l l l i.itiM bv the last San rrauclx co steamer, all of which was fielghled rr.mi Cnrva Ills here. ine same iirm alsosent a ton to Cottage tlrovo by leniii about the same time. 1 his on ly serves as an Illustration of what the teams are doing. Other firms ure freighting extensively. While team sters are kept busy It is noticeable that rrleght shipments by ran are urui. Tumi irnlna were recently oidered till becauso there was nt.t suillclcut freight to pay to run them. O.v a Vacation. Halem Journal: "Conductor H Veatch. of tho Salem I, .pal Hftviiiinaiiled bv Ills family lias unnti ti the mountains for a week's i.iitiiur. In the meantime J Hans Minim; i will acl US conductor oil ins f-anoiiball. A great many of the em ployesof the roud are now enjoying their usual annual vacation. 1 he roan .linn,., oil liu eiimloves a live days' va cation euch year, during which time their names are kept o:i the company s pay rolls." A (iooo Ykar. A very much Inrwer 'lillllilicr than lisiiul of letters of Inquiry concerning the University ofOiegon are wing receiveu hub sum mer by Secretary istuiaer iroiu jrtm pective students In all parts or the state, ami the Indications are that the university w 111 this year see more pros perity than ever before In lis history. Hol-8. Sulem Statesman: Contracts are being made at 1 cents ier pound, and, in a few cases, at il to tlj, 4 cents of the price Ulng paid at picking lime. About 12 lo l')s r cent of this year's crop has already Iwen contracted for n"l loop' (oiitrucls ure being made Iroiu lime to time. animal was killed. He was also fortu nate In being able to kill three or four la ar himself during lint winter. The doctor will return to New York well pleased w ith his year's outing lu Ore gon ami will nave some big near stor ies to tell his Eastern friends. M ini'1. Ai nu Con ki ikn k. A Ibany Democrat: A kind hearted bachelor iu the country took a poor footsore tramp Into his house and gave hlin a warm welcome, lie promising to worn for his board, which he proceeded to do for a few days In a proper manner. But his kind friend went to Albany one dity, leaving him at home, he hav ing hired to a farmer near by for three months. When he relumed his man was gone, also his la-st suit of clothes, un extra pair of pants, a pair of over. alls, four shirts, a pair ol ihioIs and va rious articles of an eatable nature nan also disappeaied with him, leaving the poor bachelor almost without any thing to eat or wear. It Is needless lo say tiiat tramps will la) looked iimii with suspicion hereufter iy tins man. A Mahiikr ' M ABil Ki. Portland Welcome: A smart young man had his ears well boxed on the Yaqulna Bav train a few days ago. lib had been trying to attract tho attention of two Corvallis girls, and falling, saltl to them: "Ah. there, girls but you're aw fully slow." "But I'm not," said the big hi other of ono of the girls, who was silting near, us he lamled I three (elllng It seems he knew lliem well enough to fear that Ihey might get on a spreo and wreck his ootllt. The "crowd" had already been "siMitted" by Ihooftl- oeis and when the telegram was re ceived tho team was taken charge nf by them and placed In a stable for safe keening. The sports procured a lot or ' boor' and t aiaded the streets until a late hoiir.ereat Ing considerable disturbance. W hen tho :i:0!l overland train arriveu this mm nlng young Cook and Hester Blew look tiossage for home on it, out tho other girls remained. They were run In" soon after by policemen Pratt and Croner and lodged In the city Jail, but were soon after removed to hiIIco head quarters where they were kepi during llie remainder oi ine night. This morning they were taken betore recorder Harrison the charge of Mug drunk ami disorderly and lined $," aud costs each. They did not have the money to pay their lines, bill prom ised to send I' up from Junction to morrow If the Judge would liermlt them to go. Ho accordingly allowed them to go on llieir own recoguizauco until that lime. i'lia allalr was one of tho most dis graceful things Unit has ever haperied In this city. It Is said that Hester Blew and Itose Wood have been con dueling a "Joint" in Junction city. and that they possess doubtful reputations. The other girl, Angle Klchardson, Is said to lm the (laughter or uiguiy respectable people who reside near 1 1 is liuoiner case ui a gui knocked Ihu would-bo masher's hat oulof the car window aud the other two were good for black eyes. A Sunn Tiii.no. Medford Mull: One reason why peoplo never pay any at tention to signs and advertisements daubed on old fences, stables and bridges Is because they do not know whether they aie reading the adver tisements of some linn that Is still in Knulneaa nr nun tliHt has been dead for years. On a ten mile drive luto the suspicion pointed strongly to two country the other day, seventeen signs three parties, prom oi tneir gmn. were noun tad of firms who are now out lucking. Keceiiuy, nowever, led aslray by bad assoclutes. A Uarnlitff. Lkaiii'ho, Or., Aug. 4th, 1SC0. Certain nartles In this section are poHsosed of an unlaw ful appetite for mutton: unlawful for having no shep of their own, they do not hesitate to help themselves rrom llocks belonging to their nelghlsirs. This sort of thiev ing has been going on lor a long time, nearly a year I think, and though UT was some ..r 1,11.1 iw .uu When neon In read adver- horrv tickers saw enough 10 convict iu... ........ in iuura..ner ll.nl. la mi to tlm tli xve. ami l ie matter win uw dute they know the advertiser Is alive brought up before the nexi jury uud doing business. A Marion Cor.vrv Boy. Soys the Albunv Democrat: "A gentleman In this cltv who knows Homer Daven port, the now celebratel curloonlst, well, savs he Is very popular, and Is us much of a wit ami entcrtuluer jhtsoii- ullvashe Is an entertainer with his ........ 1 1 In 11. u n.lllirmanf I 111 lleWStlSDcr. lie has an oil-hand way that is taking; but when he comes to put It on paper Instead of doing it naturally murs his Ideas by trying to emla-lllsh his com position, thus taking away the features that characterize his conversation." If thu sheen stealers are still lu the country w hen It meets. l ouiKicKint.n. pailj Guard, AuKmt 3. No FreioiitTrain .No's. 81 and 32, fast evening's and this morning's freights were ordered oil for one trip and did not go through. There w its not sumcleiit freight for shipment along the line to pay to run the-e trains through. Itmlljr Gu.r.l, AtiKU.t I. Boi'M) OVEK.-John Hull was glv en uu examination before Jusllee Medley at Cottage tirove nii eteiuoK on the charge of assault and b lery. He was held lo answer In the sum or fJK) bonds which he furnished. Dun 111 of J uds llerl. Toi.Kim, Or., August 3. County Judge ti V Bert died at o o'clock p. ni. today. He was elected in June, iwi. I)ki-itii;s Appointed. Sheriff Johnson has appointed the following deputies to serve delinquent i wurruuts: j u (iray, i r ivceuov. It 11 Lyoiii , J I' Smith, Jos llouieu way, M F Stafford, J M Stafford, I L Simpson, V W Brown, Jas Al fttiauo ami r i.omegvs. . Siki'knukd.-TIio ltosehurg Dally Plalndealer suspended publication last Saturday, aged 1 year, 1 month ana Ni davs. It said. "There was uol Fortiik East. Bishop J H Mills i.nd daughter. Alice, will leave for tho Es-d on lbe I7lh Inst. The bishop ill uo to Africa this rail to fill his ap pointment as bishop of that district of eumlKU ,'UOney iu It to Justify contlnu- till) l lllieu Jjlirin.cu Mills will f S)iid the winter visiting lu the East. She will be accompanied hv MUs Anna Hunlson. of Toledo, Io wa, who has been visiting with tho ftmlly during the summer. Ing It." Truly this h a hard year on daily newpaers. Haiidi.V. We Hud the following In the Baker City Democrat: "Hou 11 B Miller, late delegate irom uregoii to ii.u .l.-mocratlo national convention ... .... . n r.n... ... wu.l..r.luv fleeted nresldent of the I LL. 1.IO. AISIUI J III r. I ...in. . w jvn.. - -y . . . i. r .. Company U, or tins city, win go to otam vi.iivu.im.-. ZX Ti. ' ' 1 l, X Cknth Per Box.-The hopgrow- on the evening of the 13th and will ers In the northern portion ofthe slate have agreed to pay 25 cents per box for .i... ...in i.v r.il ..n tl.R ( i; and E nicking hops this season, ll is iiueiy which furnish them with free trans- that the same price will be paid porlatlon. 1 Lane county. la