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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1896)
AND COUNTY. CITY AWUiST 1. s'A I b uu. i ..... it t v H1.i.l.r"n,iili!'t. I J. J. Wall"", attorney -iit-hiw. M,v lo I.iuii mi farm. Empire i.f ru iir,- VVulton. ; tir (! w. ni'i ii" '"".v fr"""1 i r I i. Tnv n Olive stive- between ".i! ,.... Sixth sliet't, one block wet Minnesota hotel. JIo I pre- ,ri"l t 'I" " l'''tul 'nrk 'M-Wt tanner- (ii litem Hark !! lliliyt rash price paid for Chittem irk Ir ng yur " rK W. Ham.kkm. I Farms for Knlc 1 lisvn ii"W tlilrty farms In tho Jillsiiiclte valley for sulo. These include every variety In size mid " .. .1 ...I..,l.... II..1 .l.l,.iu 1' tlr 1111. llilimi ni B't'iiii"!. (IMI. M. M 1 1.1. Kit, Wilkliii Block, Eugene, Or. Important to Farmers. AViKi:l.EK'H Hut'lKKKI. EXTKllMINA- on the original and only article of It ll Klvilljf Complete o reduced from oO to satisfaction. 30 cei ts per in. ror aiu oy I Osuoks & DeLano, I Eugene, Or. Vatti.b foh Balk Four calves, bc gisnl miliill oiiw Binl one thorough i. Jersey Lull for sale cheap. A ly lo A Klrkluii.l, river road, mar X'ii' l Mutiny limned. First Mortgage on Improved I'mp rtv Negotiated: We are prepared to (-pilule 11 rut mortgage upon iin luved farm in Oregon, Washington a.t Idaho with Eastern parti. h ami sMgu capitalists at the UMlul rute of interest. Mortgages renewed that avelHvii taken by other companies, Ou' out of hil-ducs. Addles (w ith : ;nip.) I MAKVIN iSWOKTS, I Baker City, Or. -- I'l.KXTV F Sacks. The Hprlnglleld ;ievaiur has on hand nil the Bucks tiled, wiiieh will he li t out on the tual term. I llurveluiis Ucsuil. From u letter written by He v. Guii jruiiin, of Dlnimidale, Mich., we are eruiilted to make HiIn extract: "I ; ve no hesitation iti recommending . 1 King's New Discovery us the re tilts were almot marvelous In the (Me of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church ut Rives Junc tion she wus brought down with pneu monia succeeding lagrippe. Terrible ; ir.ixyi.iim of coughing would last ours with little interruption and il Dined at if (the could not survive inn. A iriend recommended Dr. ling's New Discovery; It wus quick in its work and highly satisfactory in u!ts.M Trial bottle free at llvll rsoti A Linn's drug; store. Uegulur ze, 50c and fl. I'ulty Items. Harvest is in full blast. The went tier is not so warm. Zieh Smith wus in this vicinity lat veek. Mr. TwUley,a tan baik hauler, had mi accident by one of his horses step I oil of the grade near Mr. Rhine i ults. There was no serious damage ne. Iliii wide track wngnn does i.ot Hie Kgypt rood. Mr. MK)re, tho phrenology lecturer i at 1'iiity measuring heudr'. itev Wolf will prenchat this place i xt Hundar. H A Carter visited the county eut lis week. I am glad that we w ill have a free Iver president this election. Jos Malteson is convalescent nt this wrltluif. R U Kdwards killed a lare rattle mikke the other day. We are sorry to hear that Jasper 11111 lost his team. It seems that luok tsaunliist him. He lost one In the creek last year and ulso had one crippled which he had to kill. toil. f RUDY "8 I'll.K BUriWlTORY. Iriiimiite.'1 to euro I'tlei Cpntli.;io rmuur retunili'.l. Ml eenl mT box. fwiia MAK'l IN KI'liY, HckIU'(V1 rhruicll,lJincR- l.r, r. Nu Hosti. Asswkrii. rurmieyy lu-clKdniiiKluieviTfwlire, sua in luiueue O.'vieun j osburu it vviu i in Oregon Senator. Balem Statesman: There having Leen much opeculatlon relative to the part that United States Senator John U Mitcheli would take In the emulug presidential campaign, the SlatesmnD, aihort time lnce, addressed a letter to tile senator requesting n expietslon from him on this m itter The follow ing dispatch received last night, there fwe. is self-explanatory ;"Ati.antic City, N J, July 20. I 'ipect to reach Portland not later than Auvust 15th. and will do all in my lwer to hold Oregon in the republi caucolumu, but I cannot make any in sixak until after Naching home, igned) John H Jlitchell." $ iThM Kit of Portland Rose- bur ' and Fa'em. savs the St alciiinin, .. . . . oxpeot to liold a clam bake at New port ou Sunday and Monday August lh and 10 li. On Saturday evening ex cursion trains will carry the members of this benevolent and social order to Albany, whence they go to the &ca side by special train, returning Tues day morning, August 11th. N.arly all of the iiiwiiliers of the three lodge oamed are exnected to attend this grand outing excursion, and a royal good time Is promised them, as It I Veil known that of all the fraternal orders In existence, the B P O E is the most social, and a transient broth er Mi their midst l sure to meet With a brotherly reoeption and treatment that nt once makes 111 in feel at home. 1 Win J Bryan will be notified of bis Oouiluatlon'at M idisuu Sjuare garden, August Uth. . WKpNfDAV.JCl.YM Tumatix-s are in the market. A middle for 13 at I'rcslou A Hale' CommlMloiiei court next Wedii.- i u.iy. I -I I II r. .i ..... iiv iii.iivun.'iin mu nuoiucr warm HJH-II. The hiuoke has marly nil (limp pearrd. The H i pile .lilver is workliiir In this vlWnlty. Three hob.M were run in today by I'olic. inun (.'roller. Wall paper, lime and cement. K I. Chambers. Tlie Mi lv.'ii.i.' slae went out this moi-uint; uitn a full loi.d. T'iee are hard days on the city edi tor, ns Ileum are exeeedlunly ncaice. A good cook Move $!.0O. !' I. Chumbers. S II Friendly chittlm bark to tisbiy. Ihtrolt, Mirlilan, Try I'reston Sl Hale's null cure. They yiiuriintie it. Trout (lslilng is reported better along the McKeiizlu river than for a number of years. Cmisidern'ile sicklies ttiroiignoui the country. Is niedc.l. is reported A good rain Whips "i ("iits and HuleV up at rnsioii it Ac.or.liiiK to the uo.iL'f on Die pier at the river bridge the Willamttte now register '.') feel. The Hillary of the president of the State Oregon Agricultural college is filjtO kt yeur. The U -eiie foundry nt Sprinlleld has isi'ii started up nnd is now run ning full blast. Campers' tinware. Threshers' out fits. F L t'huiuU'rs. Italliiiig In the river is still ipille impulai witli our young people and some older ones. Your horse w ill hot switch his tsll over the tines with a Preston & Hale net on. Wils Owen I ivlng his family Into the II C Oweh residence on Kast Klcveiith stieet. (i'lite a iiumls r of Kng. ne jieople will iitteiid the lk clam bake at New port next mouth. It Is rumored Unit Secretary Morton will run for president on the demo cratic gold ticket. All kinds of thresher extras ordered by F L Chamls rs. It is thought that it Will take four mouths yet to hang Theodore Dtiraul, the S:ii Francisco iiui.ilerer. A good many of our citizens will leave nu their vacations Imimdiiilely uftei the llrst of the mouth. We understand Hint there are about 40 iKople at Folev Spring, .') lt Uel- knaps ami uo ill .ieiv. ii."k'. The residence of WF Williams, at Pullman. Wash., wns destroyed by fire on Sun.lnv evening. The loss is $r.M. Dojoulnck faith and love health? Let us establish your faith and restore your health witli DeWllt'sSarsapHril- la. Ot-Bi'KN & Tho thermometer registered 83 de grees In Hie shade this ufterno hi, a little warmer than lor se erui ujs past. It Is thought the Bryan electoral ticket 111 Oregon will consist of two democrats nnd a like nuinb-r ot popu lists. Quite a number of changes and im provements have been made on I K Peter's feed and supply store on Otli street. A cup of Parks' Tea at n'ght moves the bowels In the morning without pain or discomfort. It Is a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by A. YER'iNQTON. Not until the new womau Is ad mitted lo tho order of Free Masons will she feel that she has conquered destiny. Several hobos have Iron, doing the town today. They wert quite bold, begging from almost every one they melon the streets. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, Bafe and reliabK For sale by Osburn & DeLano. J. B. Young Bold a coyote scalp to Clerk Jennings for f'J today. 'Ihe animal was caught In a trap at rail Creek. It had been killing sheep and goats. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will pu rify your blood, clcai your complexion, regulate your bowels and makes your head as clear a a bell. 25c, 6dc, and $1.00. Henderson & Linn. Miss Fay ne Strahsn. formerly of Al bany, has gone to liomion, necoin- y 1 . . . .. ...... It. ni.ltn paillea oy ner mouier, SlieU a daughter of the late Judge Stralian. Tactile good word along the line. Piles can e quickly :ured without an operatlou by simply - applying Wilt's Witch Ilar-el naive. Osbukn A DkLano. Some ihtsoii has stolen F A Ran-1,1..-- u..,l H M Yorall's wheelbnrrows. Tills shows conclusively that Eugene has at least one gentleman who Is will ing to loll. I Hi re blood means good health. Di Witt's Sarfapaiilla purifies the blood, cures eruptions, lezema, scrofula aud .11 AX.mim ii rial HIT from impure blood. 0.-I1UKN A Th IT of O otictis peveti weeks from i.. . i i.... i,,. i. of live weeks, as i.. Ii'... ci'iHii. The school r.. ,i o f .11 i. rn. .hi the 14th or mini i-'i ..... S nteinl er. ' ..,.ir.I..lin II Mitchell will be in (Ireuon 111 a few week A go. n uimi i .. oi.vliiiile wutcliimr to K-e whit he will do jioiitleally, and how- be will do it. Kl.tln's Cure Is sold on a guarantee, It cures Incipient consumption. It Is n.n i- umiirh cure. Only one cent a A its.T&0cts., f I. S,dd by Hen derson A Linn. TheOCAliIi Is the only evening i.. tr.i,nn l list vesterday pub- " l l the election of Hon H B Miller, "I ..1...1 r the Corvallis college, i . .... i -ji ix-r month: sub- II iiiiij v"---. I serilsj at once. The dwelling of J D Wilkerson, near New Era. was 'jurneu mm" .?..i ' .11 of ihe furniture and houholdeflectiof the family being also delnye.l. I ue i f Oakland item In Roseburg Revlewi u- -ir... I.-... i-nia are now liug made for enlarging the working forte on the Bohemia rd. Thorough or gauization is now about perfected, and with a force of M or 0 men this eiiler" prise will be ushetl rapidly to comple lion. Stoves to fit every bod) ' purse, from H.OOtoMOOO. Jj,t bought a bank nipt stock of three car loads. F. L. Chamber. Albany iXMiioerat: Hon Dinger Hermann Is nt Ya.pilna Bay. Mr Hcrmnun has done enough for Ysqtil n to entitle lilm In extra privllegisi. Even the wave should treat him kindly. 1'cri.on who have a coughing spell every night, on itccoiint of a tickling sensation in ihe throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. Osui K.N & DkLano. SHI LOU'S CURK, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket si.e contain tweiity-dve dos's only ij?. Children love it. Sold by Henderson & Linn. "Wake up, Jacob, the day Is break ing!" so said DeWltt's Little Early Risers to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Unburn & DeLano. Grant County News: That reported sheep yam over near I zee wherein several men were killed Is a big ywrn. So far hs we 'mve been able to learn, the only indication of a battle In that country whs when two neighboring ladies got into a scrap. I've a secret In my heart, Sweet Marie, A tale I would Impart, Sw-rt-t Marie: If you'd even fairer be You must always use Paiks' Tea The Improvement you will see, Sweet Marie. Sold by A. Ykhinotov. An exchange says: A new $1 silver certificate has proven very popular. Payments In silver certificates will al ways be acceptable no matter how large. The silver back of It could east ly be taken care of. i room OlixiMI feet would hold all the silver coin and bul lion In the world. Small iu size, but gieat In results. DeWitt's Little Early Risers net gently but thoroughly, curing Indi gestion, dyxpepsla and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Orilltnt.N A Riddle Star: W H Holden has se cured the laud for a reservoir site on the head waters of Canyon creek, from which it is proposed to Hume water to the large Lold bearing district in the vicinity of Canyon ville and tills place. Mr Holden is a man of push, energy and determination and we predict suc cess to hi plans. Purks' Sure Cure Is a ssllivesecine in nil discuses of the Liver and Kid neys. By removing the uric acid in the blood it cures Rheumatism. S. B Basford, of Carthage, S. Dakota, says: "I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all other medicines for Rheumatism nnd Trlnnry disorders." Sold by A. Ykr- INtlTON. It is the same old story and yet con stantly recurring that Siiuiuoi.s Liver Rulator Is Ihe best family medicine. "We have used It in our family for 8 years and find It the best medicine we ever used. We think there Is no such nediclne us Simmons Liver Regu lator." Mrs M E 8 Addingtoii, Frank lin, N C. "Each member of our fam ily uses It as occasion requires." W B Smith, Mt Vernon, Ky. Last summer one of our grand chil dren was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlurihua Remedy, which gave very cedy relief. We regard it as the best inediciue ever put on the market for bowel complaluts. Mrs E O Gregory, Fredcrickstown, Mo. This certainly I the best med icine ever put on the market fur dys entery, fcuiiiinir complaint, colic and cholera infantum in children. ll never falls to give prompt reliel when used In reasonable time and the plain printed directions are followed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by Osburn & JJeUiim. ltter List. July 30, 18!HI. Orinold, H H, Graham, Miss Mil. n ie, Stowell, Miss A, Taylor, MrsSa.lie, B.H-nlcke, A, Bishop. J L. Dick, Jlev j m, Dunn. Mr W II, (latch, T li, A rhsree ol one rem win ne m.i mi .. Intern xlroii 'il- IVrsom ruling lor Winers will i.leswi lUie wneil siivumiu'i. 1 I1 I rmhi li M "i "( Crop Failure. Jnlv2!). An Ordeisa dis patch to the Times announces that of- I. . . . a I... ..IP.... I I, a! Ilia tidal reports are w hie cucvi . hurupi hits li.H'ii a failure throughout the most fertile grain-producing dis tricts in the south or .tusia. vv. . Wants IIU00. $4000 of O money ordered distributed remains lo .1,0 i.uiwU nf Hie elerk of court await- It is in about 800 dill'er- Ulll Ollll llllt. mostiv ill sinull sum. vi. .in nut the c nimanis can ir . . . ,1 their money, or are I hey dead, or have tho checks been transterred beyond recognition. Buckleu'8 A rule Salve, ti. Ik-Hi Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, fetter, Chamied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ililii'in, - - . - 1,11.... eruptions, and positively cu ,r no iiiiv renuirvd. It is g luni 1 lien. i,r no IIIIV rClUirvil. 11 in SuniB..., to eive is.rfc t wtlsfact or money refunded. 1 nee - iy.' i box. For sale by Henderson a. i-mn. ivtikvstin'ii Rkvivai.. A revival ....'.l.......,l l,v the Free Methodists is ill progress at Ihe Ping Yang school Imui-e .... iii Mohawk, and is said to have ilisn the usual interi ihe resi1l.1i- ! i!ul vicinity . minili t have already Ullite. u.ii. Thu idiureh through its liiiluenw. nHT ourl, July 3). For Ixsamty.-TIiob Mu'.key, who l.s Is-en living wun in ua.ig..-., vi , Mrkns. who resides mar this city will be examined for imsaultv this evening. Mr MulUey has been in the ssylum once before. ITKRIT Horn. Sidney Kcott ha .i.i i.u interest In the butcher shop formerly owned by Scott A Hymau to r il,.. will continue the .11.I1 e. Ml Scott will give the c.ii Abie's i-moe his entile alteutlon. THURSDAY, J I' LYoO. D( Lowe leaves Sunday. Mechanics are generally busy llovi. Ir. Finley, dentist, room ::,Imi ii lilk. The Ice works Is still doing a good business. Financial discussions are plentiful th.'sedsy. The whistle of the steum thresher can be heard. A new crosxiug was put In by the M E church today. An immigrant train passed through town lal night. Moulding at half price at Wheeler Brothers' yard. The 1n.11 bark haulers are now deliv ering their product. Dr (' W Lowe is thinking of making his homo In Eugene. The finishing are being placed on the Frank building. Only one A O U W iissessmeiit for t lie month of August. A fine phaeton f 100. F L Chambers. Japanese pheasnuts rather scarce this year. reporb d A steam threshing outfit passed through town last evening. A fine light buggy for H'.'.OO. F L Chambers. Dr. Fiuley. denHst.rooiiiS.Duiin blk. The Eastern republican headquarters will to opened In New Yoik tomor row. New and second hand buggies. F L Chiuntors. M A Mill. r bus sold his drug busi ness at Lebanon l O C McFurluud, of Albany. Tlie hardware stores nr.' daily send ing out hii I111111. use quantity of bind ing twine. Stoves at half price. F L Chambers. The open season for killing deer bo gius August I and continues until De cember I. Lumber at Wheeler Bros' yard cheusT than you can buy In the mld d le of tlie run.!. Postmaster l lai intends making a niimlH-r of iiuprovemeiitH to Ills dwelling at once, Side walking a small lot nf clear dressed for tlie price of common to close. Wheeler Bros' yard. CT Grillln has moved his family In to the house first d.sir south of tlie U 11 church on Ferry street. The B Reed opened Ihe republican campaign lit Alfred, Main.', yesterday. Honest money wus his Ihcme. Mr I'.ryan bus ree.lve.1 six rabbits feet, a great many four leaf clovers, k horse sin? and two love birds. Advice from many hop yards state that the lice are becoming thick. Be fore the last week very few were noticeable. Lnno county bus 7,.W children of school age, stau. ling fifth among the counties. The total number In the slate Is lJ!,H.'i ASilem llspatch says: John Gay wns discharged from tlie penitentiary. He served two years for forgery com niitted In Lane county. The Eugene ice works wl'l ship number carload of ice to Roseburg Saturday. This w ill make the sixth car load' sent to that place since July 1. The Burns city council ha purchas ed a (list class lire engine for Burns. The low 11 has long toen without any means of fighting fire. Bv refusing to accept payment on a government claim which had Ihi-ii satisfied many years ago, but had toen overlooked, K ll Lewis, of Raleigh, N ('.saved Uncle Sam the neat sum of f 4 1, 000. fl..n V MeConiiell. who emUzzled fiooo of the K of P is now accused of using flOOO of money of Mrs H G Mat hies, which was in his hands to turn over to her, but which he sient in high living. No candidate whose name ended In N ever failed to be elected president, either one time or another, whilst ten out of twenty-three presidents enoeo their names w till in.uui one was never president whose name ends In Y. Whilo In swimming lasi ween 111 the river above Independence, uien Goodman saw something bright shin ing In the water and dove down for It. Il proved to be a silver coin atom the size of a dollar, made in Saxony, and dated 1835. We are anxious to do a Utile good in this world and oati think or no pleas anter or better way to do It than by recommending One Minute Cough ure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles thai loliow negiecie.i cm. is. Osburn nei.nno. An imiM-ttl hns been Issued by the Department of Agriculture for the ob servance of a "bird day," in tho pub lic schools throughout the country that children may to Instructed In tlie, VHlue of birds and tho means ol pro tecting them from wanton destruction. It would to hard to convince a mun HUlIVrlug from bilious colio thai his agony is due to a microbe with an un- pronouncablo name. But one dose 01 DeWltt's Collo and Cholera Cure will convince him of Its power toallurd insUiit relief. It kills piiin. Ohbukn & DkLano. Hp . 1 . (. nnd lluirli Gray arrived home lust evening, after an absence of two weeks. They left here Intending to go to Prineville and Baker City, but w hen they reached tl.esummll of the Cascades the doctor was taken wiin a severe attack of rheumatism. Hicy returned to Foley Spring where uiey remained u'ltil he was improved. When wo C insider that the Intes tines are alsiut five limes as long as the body, wo cun realUe the Intense suffering experienced when 1 hey are Inlluiued. DeWltt's Colicand Cholera Cure subdues hillammatlon at once and completely removes the dlmculty Osulkn It DkLano. K11I. -in Statesman: Mrs Zarilda Mil ler and James R Coleman, who have a i..riii Imn acreage aooui line nines x.iniifii Ka eiii. have commou-u ao, OUO pounds of the current year's crop to A I-ehuiun A Co., of Cincinnati, for 0 cents per pound; one 01 the provis ions of the contract hemg that an ad vanee of 4 cents w ill to made al pick ing time. Eli Hill. Luuils r City, pa., wrttesi "I have been sufleilng from piles 25veuMand thought my case luoura ble. DeWitt's Wile.ll Hel Salvo was rooutumetided to me I'He cure. 80 1 U.ught a tox and 11 performed a per manent cure." This Is only one of thousands of similar cures. Kcxcnia, sores and skiu di.eucs yield quickly when il is Used. Ohbi DkLano. Personal. t sl'.T OiuM. Jul)' ,i W K Walker Has l.i loan lo.liy. Mrs tiei ie I'!, list.. u I:, a gn t dull better. Harry Welder Is down from I'oitace G rover Al Kit) ketidnll has returned from ('.sis county. Tom Millerd was dow n from Cot luge Grove today. Attorney A C Woodcock titurn.d from Portland today, Le- Lander returiie.l today from a visit to Linn ivuniy. The Craig paity left for Rclklinp springs this inoruliig. Wiley (irifliu ( osilhui in the llollmiin House. Mrs, Nor 1 Is Brown was nu anlval (HI tlie afternoon t.-nln. Horace McKinley is visiting his friends In Eugene again. W T Nelson waj. a passenger to Cot tage Grove llils afternoon. Airs W E Loughmlller returned to day from a visit at l'oillami. James Belknap, of McKc u.i Bi i.lge precinct, wus In Eugene today. W T Kizer, the Elniira merchant aud piwtniaMer, was In the city today. Piof E B McElroy is home again for a few day. Ho Is I. Miking splendidly Win R.uislmw nnd Ml"-" Lulu K.-u sliaw returned from Foley Springs lat evening. George Hall Sr., writes that he will tint return from the McKenzie U-fore August 10th. Prof E B McElroy en me up from his farm near Monroe on a short vImIi. He return-.! today. Belij Miller nnd liimily nrrlved thlsmorniugfr.ini New Mexico w ill locate in Lane county. Mr ami Mrs H.-my Hotl'mtui here 1111. 1 will leave for Newpoit tomorrow morning lo spend two or three weeks. Dr. w and Charlie Grillln wl;l h ave again for McKcii.ic. Bridge 011 their tandem bicycle, Saturday afternoon. George ('roller bus been employed as assistant M)llcctnan on theiilght force, since the street lights have been .lis-IH-uscil with. George W Pickett relni nid thisfore noon (inn) a three weeks' trip to Mc Kenzie Bridge. Ho report having hud a pleasant outing. lloraiv Burnett, Curtis Harris, Al fred Mills nnd Archie l.lvel mole started on their csuiping trip lo tlie upper this morning. Iirnn.i airs v w rreinnv aim .us 1 Jessie Parks came down this morning I from tlie former's claim in the Coast Fork mountains, where they have been forseveiul days past. Staytoii item In S ilent Journal: Rev Sanderson, Dean ol the Divinity col lege at Euueiie, was In the city one day last week soliciting aid for (lie Ix-iicllt of the above named ivll.-ge. Mis Annie Whit.-uk. r an iv.-d h.ui.e today from a visit to Sail Francisco. Sheeauieou last night's ll.yer, getting oil' ut Albany. Mm win aceomp:.i'ied by her sister, Mrs D W Jarvis, ol Port land. Prof J V Johnson has returned from McKenzie Bridge. His children will remain at the place for sum., lime el. Mrs Johnson is at Soduville to which place Mr Johnson will go iuai'ayor two. Dr J E Puyton. of, Califor nia, but formerly of this city, who has Ih-cii visiting friends aud relatives here for a few days, went to Astoria today and will stop there a few da) bctoro returning home. What Const It ut es a Family Medicine? A iri'srstliin which l .lit.-J to the relict anil Ciil.-i slli. ii'iiU lo Hhli-li ui.Miili.-ri. .if s hniiMihiilil In 111. ml .iliji.-l, sn.l w lili-li l not only to .1" this, hut lis l"K sua nn- t.lllnulv nrovisl tin n lil 1 It v In .In It, s.-nn-l if .l. iiTv.i lh Ullf "t n Ksi.Hly M.-.lf-cine. Aluniiic litn.-li.iiiuii-l rl'-rittl.iti. Inch 4-x tierlolifl-i mi-1 1 lit- KSin-tl.iii nl lln m.-.'. Ii-luu lii'lii-st.' .1 rvliiK ol h..ii- Isr n-Ksnl nil Miill.l.-.n'e, I" lln-ti-li.-r Sl-ll Illll.TP, S lll.-llll-tlltf Mlllill-J t.l It..' estliill nl lyii!nls, oiimmpilnli nii-I IiIII.mi liu's, the llirce miiHt lri-fiit-nt .h-i-uiiiik sllini-liU tlnil Tt-x iiisnklnd Pi-riVi-'l Inun Iilaiiut ir. I1KSI-. It " elll.-l.-lil n.-ll ks liur,' slid h hulciMiinii. It r.-h.-TM ni-rv.iiis ml li luai-llvlly ol ihr kl.lni-ys an.l im.ti-r-a.-ti a u-iiit.'iic In rhi-.iiiiaiiMin. reiit-wltiK llaiitfiUK iirenitwi an.l liuniriiiiii a.M-tilii It .-an Im i tn l lil 1 1 y r ll.-.l iihiii l. i.-r ami asuo, thvuiiiatliiu ami d.-lilllty are r-nn-.l 1 l lir II. Hkkk'h tiik Law. It shall be un lawful lor any person or persons lo drive any steam tructioii or portable engluo over any bridge or culvert oil any public, street or highway wiiiini the state witliout using on such bridgu or culveit, for tho purpose of securing Its safety, four stout pieces of plank each of which shall lis ut least ten feet In length, 0110 foot In w idth and two Inches III thickness, two of said piece of plunk to to always under the w heel of said steam traction or portable en vine whilo it shall be crossing said brldgo or culvert. Tlie penally for tho violation of any of the provisions of this act will to held lesponslbl.i for any and all damages done to county bridges or culveits and will to prom cuted to the full extent of the law. We ni'ght tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it our. s a cough. Every 0110 docs who litis used It. It is a per feet remedy for coughs, colds, houri-e-nes. Il 1 an especial favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick III curing. Ohiickn A DkLano. psiiv (hum, July ). A W a km 1 no. A young man w as seen to steal tlie GuaKIi from Ihedisir of a subscrils-r last evening. We huvo many complaints from the same chii-c, and we give notice right lit re Unit th. next person detected 111 the crime win to arrested and piosecuieii in me 11111 extent of tho law. Pally .iuanl, Jul)' :''!. Bio at Ca yoik. -Two mutch guinea of base bull w ill lie played oil the (11 vole bust bull grounds next Sunday. A very large crowd Is ex iiected to witnesi the game Ollu r aiiius.-in. ntH will also to had. Every body Invited. ru i. I i rf p v VJ - r i , i ) ED f r, u n ssat, ' " S ' eiTUnilT A 6 ' - III). IVW I Ki or Operation, Trtltm?-Lt Absolutely Painleaa cunz rrFCCTED Froirf Tl.r'o Six Weeks. Tii: ' ' CO. , , . '-'iiij, ;o:t. Or- Will U (hi KiUt. . P.'ltTI.A.l, July 111, ls'.si. ToTHH I'.iiii.ik: l or the purpose of advertising Oregon this Ismrd 111 send a car f Oregon products to ti e Minnesota Statx Fair, which will be held ut St Paul August ,'llst to Sp. t. uils r .llli Inclusive. Excellent spine has beel. reserved fortius exhibit in the main pavilion. During the tun-.-of the State Fair the Grand Army en campment is held in Sl Paul and Knights of Pythias Conclave is held In Miuneiipolis, so thai it Is eXH-ct-d that at least one-half million -.i,l.-will view Oregon's exhibit. This board will bear the entire expense nf this exhibit, but It is ask. d I hut the H-ople of Oregon Hssist us to make an exhibit worthy of the state. It 1 de sired to exhibit grain, grass, fruit, minerals, wimi.I, fish, wool, hops, veg - etnhlcs, etc. Tlie Saul hern Pacific Railroad Com pany w ill lransMirt to this city tree of clung.-; all exhibit shipped from points along the O R A X Co trail and bout ,1 must to marked "charge col- led." The local newspaper aro requested to oiler to receive nnd forward all sped- incus for the exhibit. The people who d.-sire (11 assist. If Itiev desire, noiv al dress the undersigned for further infor mation. All specimen should bo carefully packed. Local Immigration so.'l.-ties ..r nlhcr organizations, or individuals, w ho may have riut.d mailer for.lis trlliullon, descriptive of their se tloll are requested to send a supply witli their exhibits, for distribution at SI. Paul. We need Immigration to Oregon and here is an excellent opportunity to make known our resources nnd we hope that the people will give lis their co -operation. All exhibits must be here 011 August 'J'.'ud, for the car leaves here on August IMr.l. Address all exhibit "Samples for exhibition for Ihe Pacific Northwest Immigration Board, Portland, Ore gon." Without the word "samples for ex hibition" the packages will not to car ried free nil the S P R R. Editor are requested to please lake this matter up and lend us their aid 111 the upbuilding nnd development of our state. Very lespiH't full v your, The Paeitlo Northwest "Immigration lloaid. E. C. M.IM KN, Secretary. There Is more rslarrn In llili noi-tlnu ol the eniintry than all ulht-r ills axs. nu 1 hc-iIh-i- ami mini the i-t lew years was a.iisii-1 tu he 111-i-iimMv Kor a sri-ai man years ilnotnrs iro-nouii.-.'.l II a lorsl illi.-si, alel lircserlhisl I.h-hI r.-iii,-.ti.. ami hy euii'innlly lnllliit In rim with 1 il trvalm.'iit, it Int-illalili'. S.-lrn.-i Im s prev.-n ratii-rh In Is a nin-lllllllitn-al i-.. SH,-, aixl tlierrfori- r-..ilret r.iti.ltnll.iiial trrtlill.-lit. Ilrtll's t'nlsrrh . nre. niHlllllH.-tlllril hy K J hi-n.-y V .'11, l-ih-l.i, ohln, Is Ihe mil v eiiiiHiltiltl.insi .-lire mi Ihe liinlki-l. It Is luki-n inii-risliy In .l.i-a Ir.mi hi dmisi l.i a ti-seHtn fill. 11 acta .llri-r. Ijr .111 tho hhHsl an.l si' .it(iiiH n( tin. aysii-ui. Thi'T niter II. Inr any em..- It Ml loenre. Hi-mf fir olieuiaia an.l tiMllminUll. A'hlri-ia K J . i.rsrr A fi)., Tnlisln, tl. g4J-&Ul ly ilriiKKli-t. i-ic. Pally (instil, July M. liKlt'iiNKIi.-Hon II B Miller the newly elected president of the Oregon Agricultural college, and II T Condon returned from Corvallis last night. They will go back lo Corvalll Satur day and Mr Condon will enter at one, upon his duties us secietary. Mr Mil Id's family are at Granl's Puss nt pres. cut, excptlng Mr Miller w ho w II probably accompany Mr Miller Satur !'' Co 11 11 kit. Albany Democrat: An exchange In an Oregon town I telling about how a brother editor has fall, d to pay for painting his house nnd for a ilru'v bill. Why hot get even with soine of Hie subscribers and advertisers w ho fall to pay their bills, or some of the people who fall to liquidate for their meat and groceries. A paper might make Interesting reading In these llelds If thut Is what is wanted. Why thould an editor to made con spicuous whe'i no doubt everybody Is trying lo beat lilm. Dll'IITIIKKIA El.lMINATKP. The diphtheria eases III Ihe Johnson and NeA'innn families have been reported cured by the physicians. The resi dences will 1st tomorrow, after which tho quarantine will to re moved. This practically eliminates tho disease from Ihe city, a It has not made nn appearance In any other fam ilies. SPECIAL F. E. Ladies Duck Suits Worth $5.00 For $3.35. Bassiiz Kid Gloves Worth $1.00 For 65 Cents. H J. D. MATLOCK &. CO., RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. On account of tho noor health of our family wo are compelled to close nur store and leave Eugeno.much to tho regret of ourselves and family. But as the hcultn of our family demands it, w shull t'oiuin.iiice on SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96, Our o (Jreat o Zo$) o Out o 5alj. During this sale everything will to sold at Auction Trice. It you wish to buy good Cheap now I your opp irtuulty. Come early before the stock Is broken. Nothing reserved. Every thing In our storo goes. WATCH THIS SPAOH. (mine t.u't, The following Is a portion of Uti game law and should he read by every bubt-'r: Section ti. I aci y person who hall within the state of Oregon, between tlio llrst day ol I, ei-mbi-r and the first day of ScpicmU-r of the fnllouingyear, tai.e, lull, Injun.- or .1. ntroy or have lu p,,.,.-,,!,,!!, except for bleedilU plir- po-.-s, or sell, or oib r for sale, any grouse, plu a- iiit, Mongolian pheasant, quail or p it tri.l shall to idillty ot a lllisi. iiacnor, piovi'led, however, that I shall In- unlaw ful to kill, Injure or destiny- any prairie chl.-ken except during the 111 utlis of July, August and Sep tember o each car. It shall be un it v. 1.1 1 111 t Ik- s! al.- nit in-gon to kill or l.slroy aiiv riligtu-eked Mongolian phe is oil ' kinds .if 1 or of any of (he various he isatils Imported Into this state Iiv I Ion o N Denny, or any quail, liolm lilte or liheasalit III that I1111 1 1. II oT 1 1 ie sl ite of Oregon lying l.a-l of the I a-cailc mouiitaliis. Paiijr liiisni.jutj.m MKiuwvrn.i: Aukmv. Mr L T I Terry, of Portland, r. p'esentlng the ( Giles Mcrcuui lie Agency, Is In the city, 1 endeavoring to establish ail agency lu re, iiio system was established in April, lv', mid Incorporated in Janu ary of this year. S-jli-ngeiieie have been established at Salem and ill sev eral towns lu Washington and an ef fort Is now being Hindu to establish lb. -in in Albany and Eugene. The ob ject of tlie agency Is lo protect retailer from bad cieditois. Sot.scrllH-r to It are furnished wiiii a bonk which con tains a list of all the people who buy in the city. The names aro rated ao cot. ling in tho proclivities of the own ers for paying their debts. A mer chant w ho sissessc one of the book can by referring loll tell whether or not a person Is good or bud pay. Tbe names are rated iieeor.ting to ' bast dealings. If an 11,'cncy is e-tabllalel here the alteutlon of one man Will be required to attend to It. The first honk w ill probably appear In October and a supplement will to Issued onoe a month thereafter giving new tiamos and changes. - Gai.i.kkv Li:,ski. C. L. Winter, of Ihe Winter Photo Company, la'ne gotliitiug with C A llushiiell.of Seattle, WhsIi., for the lease nf bis gallery to Unit gentleman. If (lie lease in con suinma'ed Mr Biishuell will take pn-t-.cssl.iu about the Dili or 7 Hi of Aug ust. The contract will be signed for one vear. Mr Biishuell, who formerly re bled ueiir this cltv, I said to be a first class artist. Mr Winter has not yet decided upon tin. courso he will pursue alter leaving tho gallery, but will probably take his photo tent and travel .lining the summer. Mrs Itlmdlo Noah, of this place, was taken in tlie night with cramping pains nnd the next .lay dltirrlHva set iu. Sho took half a bottle of black b.rr coidlal but got 110 relief. She tl en sent to iu" to If I had any thing that would help her. I seut her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diurrlneii Remedy and the first do'o relieved her. Another of our neighbors bud been sick for about week and hud tried dlllerclit leinedles for illarrliiea but kept getting worse. I sent him this remedy. Only four doses cf It were required to cure him. He says ha own his recovery to this wonderful Mrs Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sule by Osburn A DeLano. Goon AnvitK Albany Democrat: "A person ought to to Just a moral when at a summer resort as when at home." READ 'EM. 1 do, pt Mason jnis Idoxqt ' " 1 do. J gal " Extra caps and rulitots pordoz.. 8 do, extra ruhtor Good shaved shingle per M 00 TO 00 25 !& 10 Ax Billy. AT 0 BOTH.