tfugcne City Ciuitrd. Lat-g.-.f r-r-m"- - '-- ' : rA IX'IIDAY, AL'Ur.ST 1. I HKOl'liH. NEW YOIIK 8TATK. i'liere is qtiitn a prevalent opin io! that New York Mate ii over wlicliuingiy for HJ. Jnvtntiga-ti.-ii reveuln tlio fact that ouIh'kIo of tlu big cities this is not true. The country is for uilver. The follow ing letters to the New York World, u gold paper, are to the point on this subject. L'tica, N. Y'., July 19. Tho democrats jn Oneida county i heartily approve the Chicago plat form and the nomination of Jiryan and Sowall. I'hero is hut little Bontinient in favor of eound money eandidatiH. If the election waa held today tho democrats woulJ loso not more than 5 per cent, of their vote and would gain not Ichs than 10 per cent of tho republican vote. We are uot wailing to Beo what certain democratic leader are going to do, but will loyally HUpporl the ticket and confidently expect to carry this county. Tho nilvcr Heiitiment is rapidly growing and the mai-Hc favor it lor the reaHou that it will better their condition. I). A. liAHNI'M, Chairman Oneida County Com uiitteo. GitANNM.i.K, N. Y', July 19. Only a mnali percentage of the democrats in this county are op posed to the candidates and plal- form of tho Chicago convention, and there is very little Heiitiment in favor of what is t- rined a Bound money candidate. If tho election was held toJay tho Buiall diHHalixfaction in the democralio par'y on tho money issuo would he inoro than made up by republican votes. I hnd Btrone and crowing Henliuient among tho farmers ofull parlies in this county in lavor of the money plank adopted at Chicago. Joll.N (ill.KuY, Chairman Washington County Committee. Oi.kan, N. Y., July 10. Tho great majority ol democrats in this county iiro for tho ticket nominated at Chicago. 1 lure Heems to bo very utile Heiitiment for another ticket. There is a large number of republicans throughout tho county that have declared for tho ticket. It looks as if, were an election to be held now, the county Mould bIiow a largo democratic gain. This is not based upon my judg ment, but on voluntary correspon dence from several uf the towns ol tho county. Thomas Thov, Chairman Catlaragus County Committee. Dkxtkh, N. Y, July 19 In my judgment 83 per cent of tho democrats m tins county in dorse the nominee at the Chicago convention. No siuitiuient, to my knowledge, in favor ol third ticket. If election was held today 1 think republican minority of last, year would bo re duced at lout 50 per cent. O. M. Wood, Chairman Jefferson County Com mittee Tour Lkypkn, N. Y'.,July 10. All democrats in this county want sound money, and a major! v believe silver is that moiiev. In this county this would apply to both democrats and republicans; probably two-thirds from each party would support this proposi tion. This would in my judgment be the result today. Thomas Noiitox, Chairman Lewis County Com mittee An exchange says: The gold bug press of the United States points with pride to its new acces sion, James Gordon licuuett of the Nmv Y'ork Herald. In this con nection it is worthy of note that Kir. ltenuett lives in l'aris. Is a foreigner in fact if not in name, and is in sympathy with the lloih schilds and all the great Jewit-h bankers of Europe. loes the American press expect such a man's heart to go out in compassion, and such a man's hand to battle for struggling humanity in the land i f his birth, who long ago severed the ties which bind a patriot to Ins native land? Mr. liennett knows not the American people, but only those who prey upon their toil and grov rich in disposition of the government. Mew York Pcmix-i ate. NkwYohk, July 'JS. Tho lVmn cntliu titute committee, at a ( hotting ii I v 1" minutes, today il clded to call a convention for lumilnnl Ing ntnte olllivnt at lliilbiln on K-plcin-Iht 10. Noother business wait con sidered. Several leaders among the commit teemen were nueallniicd an to the holliiii of the Htitle eoiiveiillon In regard to the national cuiiilidtileii, and put form. The general sentiment wunlliat the candidate will ho endured, hut on the Milirl of tin nlulform there was far lew iinanltnlt v. I'ftiijr uiuril, July m. ONTIIK Itot'K J'll.K. l'lve holKMt were given mi examination Injure Jleeorder lorrl, last evening ami wn fenced to live duyii curh on the city rock pile. They were put to work thU tnoi nlug and for a few days ut least will crindi rocks for the ulivet in stead of plying (hull usuul vocation of Is-gglug from uiont every 11011 they llleet. t'emoiial. Iiutly 'inanl, Juijf .M. I'rof 1) V H lb 11 went to Albany to day. 1'red C IS. mi, of Muplelori, Is In Eu gene. llniilley Overton litis returned to lirowiiHvllle. John Davlcs Is down from his Mill creek eluiin. Henry 1 tollman 'and wife went to Newport todiiy. JmU'e R H limn and family crime up from halem today. Miss Mimirle ( "toner arrived home Iroin l'oi lluiid todiiy. It It Hayes went to C'reswell toduy to his hop yard. Mrs M H ISaikcr made Junction City a short visit today. Henry lltiddleson returned to Ya rplina J lay this morning. I,, (J. Harwood has accepted a posi tion In the If ginter nlllce. H Knifed, of Wiillervllle, was dolii)i huilnehH In the elly today. Salem Journal: Mr and Mrs Frank Ault, of New 1'ark, are visiting in Kiigrue. John (Jriy ami family returned this morning from a visit to their Coast Fork claim. Willi liable, M I), of Osage, Iowa, was a passenger to Jcllcrson from tills city today. Mrs I) Mc'iinley was a passenger to Portland today. She goes from there to California. Coiniiy Clerk Jennings Is moving Ids fitmily into tho Coleman residence 011 West Fifih street today. Misses Carrie Friendly and lletirl e!U I.aner, w ho have lieen visiting In Portland, retorm-d boinu today. Mrs Kmrna Wilson, nee Test, nl Portland, Is visiting with her sister, Mrs M H llurker, In this city. J It Stowell and family arrived bonis last evening from the head of Hills creek, where they have hcen camping. Mrs (leorge (iill anil family went to Sulcin todiiy, where they will remain until after the meeting of the state fair. Mrsdeo I! Dorrla, who has been pii e III, Is now alile to sit up, we are ideiised lo leai 11. The family expects to go to Newport In a few days. Presley Cheshire and daughter, Meta and her two little girls, Franc and Winnie Kelley, will start oil Monday to Crescent lake to lie gone I wo week Judge J C Fnllei ton passe I through on this nit moon's local, returning to ItuM-lairg from I'orvullls, wheie he has Ih-cu holding an adjourned Urm of court. Miss Anna Ogli-shy maile her father a short vIhIi, at Juui-iloii today. Hie will go to Albany tomorrow night to relie.e the postal telegraph operator of Hint cily. Oregnnian: Professor Frederick O Young, of the state university, former ly 'i 'inelpal of tlio Portland high nchisil, Is hiending a week of his sum mer vie-iil ion In thu city. I'rof J I) Letcher was an iplieant for the presidency ol the Corviillls col lege. 1'r f McF.lroy, repmts to the contrary not wlthstaudliig, was lint an applicant for the position. Wci'ncsday's S.ilem Journal: Dr and Mrs I) A Paine ami daughters and Mr iind Mis W 1 1 Aliinin-, of the in sane asylum, went to Newport this morning for an outing. Ir John C dray returned last even ing, lie started across the nioiiii lains for an outing hut became si -k Hie summit and then went to McKen zle Itrlilge wliere he fully recuperated. Wednesday's Salem Journal: Mrs Norris lliown and son, who have been visiting .Mr and Mrs deo. llrnwn, left litis city for Fiigciut where she will visit her parents. Later, Mrs ltrowu " HI :etiiru to her home ut Oakland, Cal. Ilarrishurg correspondent: Mrs. Nellie Pal'ton mid two children Visited her mother Mrs Jcsiu Sullivan and family the last week, They went to F.iigcuc, where they will In tho luturw reside, Mr Pulton having h.-cn ap pointed section foreman for the H P Co., at that llnce. Thu Portland Tribune says that I be politlciar.s there think that Charles K I lelirv lias oeclaied that he will not accept (he police chtcflhturv, tlio olllce w ill go either to 11 1 Mcd'ulre or to Houston, a conductor on the Houti.ern raelllu railroad. Several couiiulttee- meii said the tight lor (lie position will lie very elnse tie tv cell .Mosrs. Mclilllre and Houston. lh ports from Sherman county are lo Hum licet that wheal is sullering from I lie eontlinied hot weather, and fanners do not expect the avenigi yield of the county w ill ts more tliiin bushels to the acre. A month ago they expected tho average yield would uo luishcis, ' A new game called "editor's delight isplavxl in tins wav: Take a sliei-t of oidldarv writing paper, fold it care fully and enclose a bank note sulllel cully large to put all arrearages and olio year In advance. Keen voiir cvt on (lie editor, ami If a smile adorns his tare the trick worUs like a charm Now is 1 he time to play this trick. The dead body of William Joins was found on the Satsop river, near Finn., the other day, by Patrick Urif- tin, for whom Mr Jones had Ihyii working. The coroner decided Ihat ue was Killed iy iieiug struck iy a piece of a tree he w as cutting down. His skull whs crushed and his tuck broken. W A Piuehanau, manager for Honey- man, iVIIait A Co, contractor for the line of railroad from Astoria to Goble, says there are -Oil men at work on the nnc, 1111. 1 mat more will k- put 011 as fast at they can he secured, says the Astoilan, He Kiyst'.at It Is exacted soiiii to run a force of from Unl to plnO men. Headquarters have biril e-lab-dshedat ll.dulcr, In Columbia county. The Hood Itiver t) lacier reports thai from tin, e ipia ters of an acre of laud IVniilelon (; l.llid.-i-V picked and shippid -00 crates i f straw U-rrlcs U sldi s what wire sold and consumed at home, making in all ahoul I'.'iil cmtef. WALL PAPER : 12 CENTS. PAINTS : : : $1.53 and everything else In proportion at - OVERTONS' W. A. WOOD, Caujycr. Eugene, ... Oregon. I'r l'l Wiwk S.s'mllT. Oll(K lrr Urn-1 ouiiljr Bank. nrrrltlen. Atchison GloU: Who ever beard of a married man coaxing bis wife to sing? Jiggs rarrotl Is playing short stop for Columbus, Ohio, and Tacks 1'arroll center Held for St Louis. Jtolli are Portland boys. New York l'ress: Jack I don't I liove Maude's color Is natural. Dorothy Why not? Jack -I tried to teach her pnker lal iileht and she didn't know what a straight Hush was. The distance from Albany to New port as tho bicycles go Is Hi) miles; of w hich all can lie ridden except ulmut 3 miles lo all. The road goes 1) miles north of Toledo, and considerable more north of Yaqulna. The luteal In political emblems is a gold hug all arllhYlal beetle madiV'f yellow metal, attached to the coat lapel. When this insect's tall Is touched out springs wings on either side, displaying to view the portraits of McKlnlc'y and Holmrt. The entire stock of groceries of O W Kmipp has been turned over to the Kugeiio 1oan and Havings Hank un der a chattel tnor'trage. The bank now has possession of the good and they willi e sold at cost until disimsed of. The Dalles T-M of Tuesday says: Misses F.muia Vanduyiie and Kits Owen of Kuim'iip, will arrive here some time during the week with a 'full lint of hooks and stationery which they will oM-n In the rooms formerly occu pied by the Cycle Milliard Hull. The Worry cow Might huvu lived 'till now. If she hadn't lost her breath Hut she thought her hay Wouldn't last nil day, Ho she worried herself to death. -ItalphTlllton. Albany Democrat: Mr. James Mur rv writes from Portland that t he Fore paiigli and Sell's circus wdll bo In Kalem Aug. l!-nd, and then Jumn Into California, not stopping In Albany. Wallace's circus Is also somewhere In the Noithwest and It Is probable will fill the void. Portland Welcome: The people of the little town of Waterloo, In Linn county are to he congratulated. All Its oillclals have resigned. If the voters are wise they will elect in others. There is no need ol a lot of "city" nftlcials In these little vlllagis Dr. (ieo H Wright came very near heal Inn the world's record at McMinn ville vesterdav. He made half a mils in fitll refunds, which is within 'Z seconds of the best record. He had tandem for pacemaker, hut on the homestretch was obliged to turn oat and he heat the pacer ill by 40 fee.. The Saiillani Lumbering Co. has re ceived an order for 3(0,000 feet ol bridge timU-rs, to use on t he O (! A K railroad this summer, this order In eludes the timls-rs for rebuilding the draw in their bridge which span i the Willamette at Albany. A force of hiblL-ecaipeiiters will commence this work in a few days. Detroit 1-ree 1'iess: "Do you mean lo tell me, sir, Ihat I have no proper regard for the truth." "1 liaven'l said so: bull will nay Ihat if ymi went into politics thu other side would have a busy time guessing be tween what you said and what you meant." Dillas Itemier: Everybody ad mires a minister who, when occasion rcouircs It, w ill lav aside his broad cloth and turn his hand to whatever needs doing. ltcv It F llonuell has had his family camping In the ever green forest at Mr Garwood's, and ha' Imh-ii utilizing his own time by haul lug slab wood from I hillock's mill for next w inter's use. He was dressed in regular laborer's style. The Dalles T-M: More encouraging reports come in every dav from the wheat grow lug sccthum. F'ields that a week ago were thought to Is ru nert will yield a fair crop, and fall wheat In most places Is reported to he first-ela-s. The indications are that the estimated damage a week ago was con siderably overdrawn. (lathering and selling chittim bark has become an extensive Industry in Itcntou, Lincoln, Lane and Tillamook counties, Oiegou. The price paid for the bark is from 11 to 2 cents a pound. Peeling and hauling the bark to market gives employment to many who might otherwise' be Idle, ami it is possible for an energetic crson to make from t- lo il M a day. The ipirk, after peeling is dried in a shady place; when britt-c it is broken up Into tine pieces and allowed to dry from ill) to IK) days more; It is then sacked and Is ready for market. HarrlsUuig llevlew: Thresher, nen of Ibis vicinity generally expect to lie at work in the fields by the middle of next week. They are of the opinion now that the shortage In crops occa sinned by the late extremely pot weather w ill curtail their earnings, as compared with ordinary s.-asons, to a considerable extent. However, as a rule, the yield of dry seasons In Ore gon nre disappointing In the fact that the output is greater than whs ex pected, and It is reasonable to expect tins condition in legard to the present harvest. Here's some good advice trom the E O: Htrivt fakirs are showing up, Wednesday evetinlg an outfit dropped down on tiie corner of Malu and Court streets. A man played a banjo, sang a few songs and drew a crowd. Then he commenced selling notions pock et knives, razors, scissors, soap, etc A number of people paid oO rents for 'St cents worth of truck. This morn ing they are operating at ditl'ereiit points in the city, gathering in a few shekels occasionally. Don't be hum bugged. Don't "nay tl for 50 cents worth of ntutl' you don't need because a fakir says it Is worth After the tlnding of Nelson, the four year old girl lost for tour days at Susaiivdle, Or., the following unioite card w as published: "1 wish to IliaiiU, through 'the col umns of the Ftgte, all the men who helped M'arch for Nelson, each and every one w it bout any exc ptions, from tbe bottoni of my heart. Will say further, Ihat thev were the lust behaved, most luterciited and resject fill crowd of men lexer hsw together. and, when It befalls any of your lot to lay down slid die, I 1io.h the giver of a'l good w ill have mercy on your souls. i ours most rcspeciiuiiv In behalf of Mr in d Mis Nelson,' ' The meatiest man I ever saw," tin Irrepnsslble Washington lodge ex claimed to a crowd of adu.irers "bus never appealed In niv court asa de fendant, and it luckv for him. As a matter of course he as a newspaper man a blaukety I lank rascal of an editor. O' e day he was playing seven up w ilh a yomig lady friend and guess what lie did? He told tier that when ever she had the Jack of trump It was a sure sign her lover was thinking of her. Then he watched her, and when she blushed and looked pleased he wo Id lead a high card and take her Jack. A man who would do that would steal a hot stove or w rite a vil lainous Joke about nic" SHOES AT YOUR OWN PRICES. -AT- Your Own Prices. In order to CLOSE OUT our stock of Summer Shoes no reasonable offer will be refused. Try Us and Be Convinced. YOflAJi & S0J1, tttar Items. July 2S. Everybody busy harvesting and blackberrylug on How river. Lota of freighting to the mines now a days. The road is now completed to the mines. George Land and wife accompanied by Jim Laud, have gone to southern Oregon. The peddler from C'reswell seems to bo getting about all the trade on the river. The "bed-rock store" ain't In it. J II Stewart and family have gone to the Johnson meadows to sienu the summer. Charlie Teeters complains that the lierry pickers wude In the creek so much that his horses won't drink the water. M Oroiixbcck was out from town last week looking after his raucli. Messrs James Teeters and Miller Pitcher are talking of taking a trip to the Hlue liucket mines this fall. Henry Smith ;ays he Is very fond of rice lu blackberrylug time. Pat. (all fjr Warrauts. Notice is hereby given that the fob owing warrants will be paid on pre sentation at my ofllce. Interest on same w ill cease July 22, 1810: All Lane county warrants from registered number 10,(53 to 10,327, both Inclus ive. Dated Eugene, Ore, July 21, 1S1KI. A 8 Pattkkson, County Treasurer. A stocKinan I. amed John Lawrence was lound dead upon the range near I ' ii ion. Or, yesterday, with a bullet In ids head and a pistol lying a few feet away. Ills supposed" that he cum in it led suicide. BUY YOUR AT LANE'S HEIRS. BEST IUtAND OK MIXED PAIN T. Phoerlx, per gallon fl 60 Yates' Lest, per gal 1 60 Hay State, er gal 1 36 Best Lead on the Maket St Louis Linseed Oil. NO ADULTERATION WHATEVlR. Sixvlal prices to ilpulcra of Conn'? on U0 in OIL. We i-.rrr s dill line ol WALL PAPER, l.o lull lini- utothur paint product!. IIAilllB AT $1.00, (()) $fpamou5 $rauford Bieyeiesr Will bo in in a few days. This makes tho 13th con signment of bicycles this sea son. We sell the best bicy cles for the least money-save you about $25.00 on each machine. We pive special pood values this year on account of the f TIM KS. CALL AND SEE OUR BARKER GUN WORKS, - Qtli St., Eugene. BINDERS. ku il t,. Lay I tll 1. tli -.1 iRXE. It I. th. b,,t id tirl.l tl J'tJ. , ,""ly u' B.. ollr. K.'kir. .Iw.)-. 00 hind o, U s ,t on J1(,r noii.s,. I hv, fil 1 b,,y RAKES. MOWERS AND BINDERS el tin OSHOUNK niak la tin Titu. W xlt. ono .l..r k.uth ..f Or. mlh Wlll.mrtt. ,tr..t. I 1 onW wm..m ,l nigi ut .11 a .KJltn ?"n nn mD & TjU thwlung m.hirM of til . 1 h.i,ll. repair, f r th Cl I "', Art' ".hTa "h it taiiTbrhi South Willamette Street, J U HARRIS a- One d.H.rH.u.hofOro-.groeery s,?' ARRISEuS,e,ngon. ill!b .... .. tt-..ii..rullle. N V Time id the , 'htom reliable sources w e are h ; formed tlial a If r,'"V , , their Clulty have contracted pa " m ui ty tehe ed from the absence Il 'l'ly Vnd 1.U al.hoUKl. the danger IHl Ii". II1H IIOI jrv ..."- ,,.,, V ' The follow ing is from Hie O -ego, Vltepuhliean, of the 22ml ins - oohl hops being so near gone, all terest centers In the gmwi g e . I . which now ooksofavery line I""' h v there being no lice but a very small vL U T aid thai dealers are an x n istocoMract the crop from he growers; we are lf'" 5. r....riii if l ie entire coast ter wan uiiiu io ""r"",v i nut contract ahead. . , "A canvas of the hop acreage of l towns of Paris and Urldgewaler. Maui son county, snows a remit... . . -. - - ae of 4.1 and 62 per cent respect ive y. The Puyallup Commerce, under dale of the 24ih says of the Imp condition or ,,., tu.riion uf vVashinuton: The hop vine Is In good shape n this vicini.y In the yards that have ro.-elved prois-r cultivation. er.v ttw ' i nmt arn fill lice are apparent auu wnui " lower leavls, which are being stripped iff." "Otto Meuhler was in"i' terduyand said his hop vhi.n were lisikingwellandhe would harvest a giKHl crop If nothing hapens. Porllaa KtniocinU I'oktlaM', July 2.-The sound money democrats of tins city, are dis ... i.r.. ..... ...i, i-,,i,iiii v of en limr a Cussing .i. ....--. j - - ..u. 1 1. oi in wlect delegates for tlie purpose of noniiuatinga gold standard democrat for president. A circular let ter has been sent lo prominent demo crats of the slate, asking for an express ion of opinion. murine '' - l 27 Leadinir edi tors In murly every county in lids state have been asam mis iihwh"". "Will you kindly lei the New ork 'Journal' know what influence, If any. tlie free silver doctrine Is having hi .. ....i..i.i...riiiul u oether it has led or Is now leading to any desertions from the old parties, ami iiicioei Will rliecv ii.c L-.... il.u iiiimuroim reiilies rece.ved It Is evident thai the fnns silver aeiill- nient largely prevails, paruciminy among the farmers and laboring eluss es, and the indications are that in ccr tail) localities it is spieading, not only among democrats but republicans and even prohibit ionists. It has caused many defections In the interior coun- l..u lull 111 Soil'., II: Hint ()ilee::s it does wuv i uot seem to have made any preceptlhle Impression. In tlie central and south ern tier the divibion of feeling appears to be as nearly npial us possible lw tween voling'for McKinley and pro- t I, 1 .... ..II....M teClloll, llllll lor JOJllll mm lar fiiei. s!.,,,w. u.lll.irs toeiliel H DOU'erflll reVolll- tion in favor of the latter when he makes his appearance in the East and begins tils campaign, inai n m t--peeled will be both masterly and pic tures, iuo. A printing ofllce is cniicldirc.l by some folks a tough place an I the news paper woiker a mighty bad man. Sla tUlics. however, do nut bear out that Idea. Of 3.NIK) convicts In the state penitentiary of Texas there is not printer or newspaper man, while there are ministers, '. doctors, bankers, barlH-rs, photographers, barkeepers, and c oks and memls-rs of professions and calllilL'S. The nriuter nets a bad Dame because the nature of his bus! ness teaches him to detest shams and he scorns the hypocrite. Newspa er L men. $1.50, m and $3.00. These are Special Bargains. Camp folding stools, 2oc Folding camp chair and bed fl.2-5 FISHING TACKLE. LARGE ASSORTM KX i 2 lines for 5c Fire Hies Hoc ner dozen. Leaders; 3ft 5c Jointed poles, 2oc, G-5c ami ii.z). Split bamboo polcs.f2 00 Call and see these great bargains. another coispmenl ol the 9m Beginning To-day, OUR ENTIRE LINE OF. Mi $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.00, 85 and 50c This gives you a choice of our WhoH Absolutely no Reserve. COME EARLY and GET the B$ FOR TEN DAYS ONLY During Our GreatSal We are going to oiler 60 ikb. no. 8 and 8 Ladkn Kid Shoe n u. tliauSOeou the dollar: 2.00 Shoes at ..$1.30. 3.00 " 1.50. " 5.00 " : 2.50. We are alm goin to close out our Ladies TAN and BLACK (W ai lie per pair. Don't mis tlim opportunity, for reruerulier this mile will oolj Wi dill h, A. V. PETEES Corner Eighth and Willamette Streets. f STOVES, f You can buy tlie Universal stoves and rang: cheaper than ever before. They are made of tho best iron uso the least t:-:. cooking and are the best bakers made. We sell them cheaper than any good stove k i been spld in Lane countv. GRIFFI1I HARDWARE I IN ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING Full Sied Bed-Steads ( 7th and Willamette Streets. nilQIa H- ,.' ....."-vW4Ll3jJllfihl.:..'i,i. V,ak.;'i... ' v L5lfr C' 'S S -ii i"""". " i 'v'n. Impoiuisr -'- I fc W M J 1 Inn,IMMHlbulIilrr. MnkiiinKi ' lAltilE -ljK -U'-t tJ, iKu'Uyci.rrlrrtlnri'i.timrtft.ri I"' -ifA "W1 K''llalil. w.lliHi.rlllfnffiiTtinl.-oriHii'T bAI. IM4.i. huUbVMUrurpDU.Wjara..N'H' liurialclu,Oni;.,by UENUlillSoN A LVNN.nndbyO.xill HI A Hoiisk (Story. Tlie Prineville llevlew tells the following. Ag Henry Cadle, who lives on Mill creek, waa coining to Prineville one day liiHt week, tie found In the lane near the tesldence of Coroner Conilig on the Ochoto, what waa supposed to be the I'lmtern bone of a horse. Around this bone was a chalu and on examination It was found thatthe ehalu had a large link lu one end and the other end had been run through, forming around the bone, what Is called a "ulip-noose." Tills hud undoubtedly cut through the tlesh to the bone and a callus had b-en formed which at llrt wiiH.,ft or cartilaginous and alterwards turned into bone. The diain bud bec.ine imbedded in this earning and when found it hud formed around and through the HiiUh of this chain va w luii u k linu-11 uu L ..... 11 "trace ehui n," and U U evident Unit it im.i ueen yeri aiinv tlie animal died. "" 1 -r 1 ' nm.ei Hew c,;igl,t a tn-u the O'.herdav near (ii.M.-.,,! I.. n. ured 13 iuehis in L-.n't'n mi l In i sioniacti wus fouiH '.'U wr n-: . pjetg three smull (Kb u, ,i i , ...... . If some tli. H" ti.M ri ,, ,.K., and started over the c..iintr , Hie gra hoppeis would hik.,1 be no more, the How -i vt r-i- :!--'.V'ir"- "si: IT wu L NOT c"7?tlj and Ladies Shirt K - in INCLUDING OUR- Dualities, all at the Uniform Price,:- O0oo1 8900 $1.50 EACH, At DAY & HENDERSON V ..V. s tlnniirtnl ntntwllnff. A'o rhn w 1m w- ( .1. TAKE LIVERINE FOR THE- LIVER AND For Sale by Wl 0r Dav& HerWerson.UndertM Embalmers. Cor Wil. anJ' ForyourN T GO TO- Hides and PA H. F. HOLLENB .... B.,i IWtt' uilcal aufcaanui". i PIANOS- IV Tr.wb'ildrt. KohU-r A ( , A. , ..rrntl l c. ..Gorans1 fold brUendertoa Linn. Wer "(. other it - 1