The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 01, 1896, Image 1

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    'Hi I ;
1 13 II
OL 28
NO. 31.
Pi i
Lin -Kurt Ue
d( Willamette b-lween
f .w Etiibth Hlrvels,
jib "' -
I Wlf.
irtising rates mads known
on application.
letture to Ol'AlU),
e, vi.-.
jcks. watcties, uiains. jewelry, tie.
All Work Warranled.-n
tivslclan and Surgeon.
jflio and nmulruut over pnstomce. noun;
,U m.i 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p. m.
;anite and marble works.
Design! end New Ttlcef li Foreign and
Joincsiic Marble and Granite, Monument!.
illt-a'l'loiiei and Cemetery work of
all klndi (or lS'.iC.
HueUe Struct, near rmtofflco. Euguno, Or
itu -(-One-half block south of Chrlmnan'.
If. K1N8KY
N. E. Ma(KL(Y.
'insey & Markley,
mmorclal aud IrobaU BuslncM a 8wc
See In Chrlaman Block.
G. IUkmHicks,
S.B. EiKiK, J a.,
1 Wnlrnt.
j 01 Eugene.
up lasli Capital $50,000
plus and Fronts, 50,000
:ene - - Oregon
feneral banklnir business J-n on reannu-b-rma.
Sight drafts on NKW YOKK,
it! AGO. BAN FKANCI300 and POKT-
D, OREGON. m ,
Hi of exchange eold on foreign countrtoa.
oeiureoeiyedfubject to check or oertlti
of deL'oiit ... ,
J colleotiiint entreated to us will receive
Apt attention.
ine County Bank.
I ' (Katabllihed In
A general Banking business
1 all branches transacted on
orable terms.
I A. O. HOVEY. President.
J. M. A BRA MS, Cashier.
I A. U. HOVEY, Jr.. Asst.Cashr.
I. !. I I I
unit a Law ana unipieieu b.
... , . .... i. r
Inple and Fancy Groa-rlee bought
iu the best markets,
ton ofler the public better pricen
than any other house la Eugune.
nilace of all linds tatsa at Market Prices.
M'ine, Ii.w. writiw nmler date
f March 2t, 1818:
B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
i Dufur, Oreifon.
Qkntlemkx: On arriving home livst
k, I found all well sn1 anxiously
Iting. Our little girl, eight b(i one
Jf years old, who had wasted away
3S pounds. Is now well, strong and
frous. and well fleshed up. S. It.
k'h Cure has done Its work well.
!i of the children like It. Your 8.
Cough Cure has cured and kept
v all bos rsiieas from me. Ho give
n every one, with greetings for all.
"Iiing you prosperity, we are
"urs, Mr. and Mks. J. F. Ford.
Tm VI. S In fHI fn.1i mnA i-h.rflil. and
-ll III. IK. 4nH... Ah .1 ,,m t ha ...,( m
Uw ili1shV and later Curs, by Ukinf i
)& Mm h
ikd,ii vera,
kdaudera poaltlte soaranusa
Oeuta f er bottle by all drofxwa.
Coid nights and pleasant evenings.
Harvesting hm commenced in earn,
And still (he renphj are traveling
ni'iutilttiii ward.
(I RChrisinaii returned from Soda
ville this afternoon.
Rev Futher Black arrived home
from Monroe today.
Jusiwr Johnson, well known here, is
now loeuieu hi iioseuurg.
Studies will he rcunied at tl a IT of
O live weeks from today. depart inent aend a civil service man
A lartje number of people spent the 10 ,oke I1'01
(lay In the country yesterday. Joseph Emery, of Sulinas, Cal, w ill
The whistle of the steam thresher ";,wl M D Shelby as attent at the
will bo heard in a few days. Klamath Indian aK y. Mr Emery
..... ... , ' , . , was formerly the auent at the KIhiii.
fr.,I. MVv7, r,:l,,r1"l',,'S'',Ur,,:,',l''rvatio.., havlu servl under
from a trip to rail Creek. Cleveland's tlrsl administration.
A L Bra' tain went to Portland
ilny on a short business trip.
Deau K C Sanderson returned today
from a short trip down the valley.
Work is progressing at a lively rule
on Henry Anketiy's new residence.
The northbound overland train was
an hour and n half lute this morning.
Sherilt Johnson's deputies will be.
gin riding for deliii(iieiit taxes tomor
row. Misses Sadie Ciimmlngs aud Minnie
sihbetts are visiting
friends In this'
llnriy Jackson and Louis Holleubeck
left ibis morning on a trip to Crook
Mr and MrsClilt Cleaver of Pendle
ton went to Cottage Grove today to
visit with relatives.
Miss Amy G Powell, who has been
visiting iu this city fir some time,
letl loduy for Sliedds.
A I. Brutluiu returned Saturday
evening from a two weeks' outing at
the springs.
John Burger and L-e Lauder visited
at Sislavlllf over Sunday making the
trip on their whirls.
Selh Mu.V Ister visited with the
Prentice-Luekey crowd on the Coast
Fork mouutuiiis yesterday.
Prof Chits Friedel has returned from
Gearhart Park, where he has been at
tending the HUiuiuer school.
Thanks for a complimentary ticket
to the Astoria uiiuual reg itta. It will
ocvur from August IS to 10.
The Electrio Light t o. are placing
wirvaroumt a number of their poles
on Willtimettestreet today.
The new sewer main extending east
from the llolluian house has been
completed as fur hs Oak street.
And now the stay-iil-hoiucs can
laugh ut those win) aie paying summer
hotel rates for ceiling
C W Washburne and J C Bushnell,
prominent cilizt-na ot Junction City,
were in Eugene this afternoon.
N A Smith returned yesterday from
Blue River, where he bus been send
lug u couple of weeks at his claim.
Those who have promised the
Guard wood on subscription acco mt
should bring it in as soon as possible.
Hon II R Klncaid eame out from
Newport yesterday to visit his mother
who has been quite tick for the past
few daVK.
FARoseukruus and wifeofCanby
were passeugers out on the Siuslaw
stage this morning. They were bouud
for Hcceta Head.
ProfD V 8 Reld, principal of the
Eugene public schools, will assist with
teuchers' institutes in Coos, Douglas
and Lane counties and at Newport.
Mrs Geo M Miller and little daugh
ter went to the fish Ranch ou the Slr
Kenzie yesterday to epcud a week or
Brownsville Timet-: Miss Jessie Gil-
nllau, of Union, is the guest of Miss
Iterlha Tenipicton, as is also miss
Wminfred Miller, daughter of Hon H
B Miller of Eugene.
Dr. McCornack inlorms ui Ihut he
has a much better crop of peaches than
he counted on. He Is one of. or the
lucky growers of tills fruit.
The Bachelors. Club Is gradually
growing smaller, says the Astorlan, as
Its members, oue by one, drop oil" luto
the lio ml s of matrimony.
Iu the bievtie race against the pac
ing horse Chehalis at Portland Satur
day, the foinier won easily. Time of
bicyclist, 2:02, 2:03 2-5; Chehalis, 2.0UJ,
Brownsville Times: Plntographer
Boyd and wife started for Crook county
this mornliiff. Thev will return to
llrownsvllle about tho middle of
HeptetuU r.
Sheriff Johnson and Dr E D Mo
Ifennev accidentally discovered yes
terday" that they had known each
other 30 year ago in Iowa when they
were both young uieu
.While sharKiiliig a knife, known as
the trimmer, ut the taunery oaiuruay
uui.nioir. Haloes had the first
two lingers of his right hand badly
cut. The wounds had to be sewed up
Some careless person burned a lot of
papers In the free rea Ing room stove
yesterday. The stove Had uot had a
ltr in it for several mouths aud the
result was some badly burned plaster,
scotched wood work aud several rooms
tilled Willi Biiioke,
Henry Stewart, 8 P operator at Coin-
stocks, Is visiting menus lime auu .
Springfield. He and Frank fcott,
operator at Creswell, have each se
cured a layoff and will leave touignl
for a trip to San Francisco by steamer.
Drew and Charlie Grillln started for
McKenxie Bridge on their tandem
Saturday evening. At High Bank
Uieir front tire blew up aud they were
compelled to return. Th-y w.:re mak
ing gissi time, having ridden to High
Bank, eight miles, in 27 minutes.
H W Stewart, of Comstocks, aud B
F Scott, of Creswell, will leave for Han
irniiirht on amooihs trip.
These voting inen aie agents for the
S P RR at their resctive places.
Mr ' leorge H Bullock, who has re
..1.1. ..i i., ii. ,a i-iiv for two or time
Blurt. - - - .,
yeais lift to lay Willi ms isiiihj
ihelr old home in Fayette. Iowa,
where they expect to reside In the tu
tu re.
Tom Keeney Is up from Portland on
- ..i ... ... 1. 1- ..Ihm .1 DtMlieU. tie will
i I ".. rluis nit at 11
viniv '"" . -
several week, at KltM.ll spring, and
Ihe lakes. He will 1ms acoompsined by
Geo Rad who ctnie up irom roniauu :
William Tage,
who resided in F.u-
, gene 20 yea- ago, lint who U now n
, resident of Myrtb Point, Coos county,
was In tlio oily today. Mr Puko is i
looking over old scene-, and can see
! vaKt change from the pit ncer day of
I 20 years ago.
I It la thought that Dave Houston, I
the popular S I' R R conductor, will
he apHilutel chief of txilioe by Mayor
IVnnoyer, of I'ortlancl. Dave would
make a aptcndld otlV-er.
W J Wadd hits revltrned the oltlon
ks furiuer at the KileU agency, and
John Magee, Jr, htn ich unpointed
to (111 his dite teuuiorarilv. until the
The Medford Monitor has been re
duiid from an eight page to a lour
pane paper under the new manage
ment. The publisher assures his
readers, however, that he will enlnrue
the sheet when the business will jiisti
fy It.
Misses Bertha Rosenburg and Ii
Meyerslein, of San Francisco, who
have been the guest of A Goldsmith
and family for several days, went to
Oregou City loduy and w ill sn-nd a
week VImiIiiil. at I hut iiiuii iiml In
Portland before reluming home.
Dr J, Casto, lecturer of the state
gr.iUK has organized two new granges
in (teuton county since July 4. One
at llellfouutnin with 3i meiiilMTs; one
at King's Valley with H- m iulers,
and the doctor says he will organize
several in TillamiMik during August.
The following election newt Is taken
from the Oreiion Secta(or of June 21,
1SI7: "EliClio'l A Ij JLoVejov, esij,
lias a ui'ijority of 4j over George
Abernethy, esip, for governor witli
Lew is county yet to hear from. The
following inrscuis have been elect d
representatives: J W Nesniltli, M
Kurd, and St Clair for l'olk couuiy;
J Robinson fir Clatsop couuiy; Mr.
rioumiidcail for Lewis county."
Preparations are being made Hlmig
the lineof inarch to Crater lake for the
reception of the M zumn excuisionisln
in August. Tlie trip has been well ad
vertised all over (lie const, und a large
crowd is expected. A visit to the
Josephine county enves is also contem
plated, If proer arrangements for
transHirtatiiu aud other accnmniodtf
lions cat) be made, Mtys the Jackson
vllle Tillies.
Dispatch from Salem: A new phase
has developed In the matter of expert
lug the books of Marlon county's
ex-treasurer. Scott Hi'zortli, one of
the experts employed, h clerk of the
Sulem ech.Kil district. It is claimed
Hint the district has, by mistake, over
drawn the amount due it by nearly
$.'X)(K). With this money the district
has paid olfa debt, and to refund the
amount will leave the district short of
The week bcgluin the 18th of Aug-u-twillbeu
inemoi utile one for sxirt
In Astoria. Resides the third aunuiil
regetta there will be the state fireman's
tournament. The battleship Oregon
and the flagship Philadelphia will be
present during the week ol sports; and
in the list of races, special features will
be added, umoi g which will be a
grand oceuu yacht race. The Oregon
State Association itlso hold their an
nual meeting In Astoila during Re
getta week.
Portland Telegram: Relng a Jolly
good fellow and un extravagant man
about town bus involuntarily exiled
from tills city, his family and bis
friends George McConnell, grand keep
er of records and seals of the Knights
of Pythias. In short Cornnell robbed
order of between 2tH) and :1000. Ex
pert are now going over his accounts
and witeil tnev maae uieir n-pim
possible that this defalcation may ne
considerably swelled. It is thought
that he has lied to Canada.
Tpachers' F.xaniluatlou
Notice Is hereby given that the n g-
ular quarterly examination for teach
ers' certilleales will be held at the
Central school building, In Eugene,
commencing at one o'clock p in, ou
Weducsday, August um. i nose woo
desire a nte certificates or diplomas
should apply at this time.
County Superintendent.
Palljr Guard, Jnlj 2.
Irviso Otti) Fui.hows. Irving
ImliTR. No. 79. I O I) F. Installea o'U-
oers Saturday night. Quite a iiuiiiIkt
of Odd Fellow s went down from tills
city to attend he lnslallullon Aiier
the work had len finished substan
tial retreslinienls were served. The
olllcers Installed were as follows:
N (, Herman Miller; V G, L II Cren
shaw; Sec, H L Bond; Treas, Green
Zumwalt; R 8 N tl, Jno Wiscarsoii;
L S N G, Howard Dunlap; Con, E A
itmwlf War. li F Bond: I , J E
Martin; R S S. Frank Miller; L S S,
O P HofT; R 8 V O, J R ates; L H
G, J H Ue.
Pally Guard, July.":.
FkiiryBoat Si nk. A huge saw
. g struck tho McKerizle ferry boat at
H in'ricks' ferry Saturday evening
which caused the boat to spring a leak
and the hull filled with wuter, hut was
run unto the haiiK neioie u suo.
Grant HeniJrlcks. Cio wide awake
ferryman, Immediately set to work to
make repairs, and by Haturday even
ing at 7:.XJ o ciock lie nun "
running again, as good ever
IialiT Guard. Ji.Iy
AT Bi.l'K Ri KK.-City ReiM.nb r B F
Dorrls arrived home Kslay from line
Blvermini-s. Me reports n- .nn
at the mini's moving along nicely with
encourugliig prosper- lilies nun..
berofnew locati..!.- nave Is-eu luaile
andarelsing worked. One miner s
erecting a two story residence on h s
claim. This Is the flrst regular dwell
ing house to be erected at the mines.
Pally Gourd. July V.
DlH) Another one ol the Johnson
children, a boy aged about seven or
eght years, lied Saturday night of
diphtheria. I he lainny "
proving and the services of physicians
bad lsll dispensed '! ll as it was
had lell lll-reliei
il.oiwbt all danger was
but ex
r.uM'd one of them to
' cd which resulted 111 Itseath
to end h
-In this city July 28. isisi,
to tbe wife of t hai rarsous,
Ki nc nights to sleep.
Ax Billy lias a new ad today.
A few cars are In the market.
The days aro growing perceptibly
Kins felt vciy comfoitahlc this
TIUs Is the season of the year w heu
ratilesimkes can't see.
J. L. Page has had a new sidewalk
laid In front ot hie stor-v
Tbe luiz of the w '(I saw call be
beard In all dirctloi,,.
Sherlll'Jolin)ii has'sevci or eight
deputies riding for Jelillilli'lit taxes.
The Burns TIiikj has Isvn sol. I and
relegated to a tiling of the pnst.
'I he ln w Empire cannery on Cis's
bay exH'cts to start next mouth.
Frank Reisiier. of this c'ty, has Urn
granted a patent ou a key fastener.
A good many salmon are reported
In the MeKeuie river north of this
citv, bv fishermen.
A B Conley, of near Union, expects
to harviKt (Kj,(kH) bushels of grain this
Attorney Williams Im been ap
pointed a notary public by the gov
ernor. An original widow's pension has
Imh-ii granliHi to Madliiin Ml I lege of
Hernia. in, this county.
A J Krael, a native of Holland has
legally announced his inleution of le
comliig a citieti ol the Culled States.
I).. lles-e, the Mi Keli.lo river
miner, wlio Is sick at the Minnesota
hotel with ty idmid fever, is improving.
The Oregoiiiati ptiblishis a rumor
that Win J Bryan is thinking of with
drawing his Inline from the populist
Scvernl samples of Imps havo been
exhibited in this cll to. lay. They
are rather far advanced for so early in
the season.
The republican campaign will be
oened at l.lnoln, Nebraska. Rryau'a
home, by Hon Koswcll G Hon, on
August 1st.
Crescent ami Oiell lakes seem to Is
unite an altrui lion fir pleasure sinkers
this season. A party ol about 10 li ft
for there yesterday.
A healed nritumciit on the silver
iiiestlon at Ninth and Oik streets this
alieruiHin sltruetial all the idlers in
that pari of the city.
A telegram from Rev Geo D Needy
stales Unit he arrived at Harrison,
Ohio, with the body of his deceased
wife ill gisid coudi'.lon.
The San Francisco Examiner has
been taking a ballot on tho tlnaneinl
iiiestion with the following result: Foi
silver 0,G2ii, against 87.V
Albany Democrat : "Thos. F. Wat
son, iiiiiiiliin'i'd liy the populists for
vlce-presiileiit Is a cousin to 11. C. and
J. tl. Watson, of tills city."
Tho couimittco appointed by the
county court to audit tlie books of the
county clerk. slieriH aiiil treasurer will
llnish'tlieir work this evening.
Dr L W Brown has coinmeni-ed
suit in the circuit court against Inn
Hell Paximi to recover money for sei
vices rendered 111 the sum of fill.
Detroit Free Press: "Last night I
took a long stroll with the one 1 love
last iu Mil the world." "I should
think you would get tired of walking
by yotilself."
Town tonics: Helen What makes
you think that Eve rode a bicycle, In
the gurilen or imii-iit iarains .nere
ly inference. Tlie Bible says she whs
the lirst woman to fall.
The rattlesnake In O-biirn & De
Luno's wh (low has hud hundreds
of visitors today. A live ino.iso was
placed in the cage tills mor g nut
was not molested by the rattler.
The new Thos. Kay Woolen mills,
at Salem have Is-eti completed and the
machinery will im started tills week,
all hough tlie mill will not Is operated
to its full capacity for several weeks to
Theie aro now roving at largo six
trusty convicts, who have escaped
from the Oregon penitentiary at Salem
ill the post six months. One of the
csciiK-s had only 20 duys more to servo
when he run away.
Albany Democrat: Mr A B Slausoii,
of Washington, DC, arrived In Al
bany on Saturday night's overland,
Joining Mrs Slausou, who tins been
here several weeks. Mr Slausoii whs
al one time news editor of the Portland
Oregon Ian.
The men 111 the railroad shops at
Dunsniuirwl I be luid oll'on Saturdays
hereafter. This order alsoellects me
other shops on tho coast, which eni
plov some 4IKHI inen. The wages saved
iu this manner bv the S P Co amount
to about J.ll.OUO per month.
Tim nresent outlook for hoiigrowcrs
Is not encouraging. Rcimrts f nun Sil-
verton snV that growers exie.-cl to re
ceive only almut 5 or 6J cent a pound
forth s vears CT'ip. ttl Wllien hut
v wi'll ..ot iri to tlie expense of
having their hops picked.
The lime for Uirinnltig the contest
a-ninst Hon Tlios II expired
on Sntunlay. Mr O II Dulryiniile, one
of the ultorneys for Mr amlerbtirg,
serve-l tliu notice on .Mr tongue in me
court riKiin al ilillsl-oro, Thursday
evening. There lias la-en some mis
apprehension as to Hie expiration of
Albany Herald: It Is said the big
Forepaiigli circus will show in Sulem
on Augn-122. and will skip all oilier
Williim.llo Valley towns, going direct
to Sacramento Ibis will l g-sal
news; It wl I keep a g-s,d inuny thous
and dollars at home, ami we eau exist
very comfortably without the circus.
The T.uie- Id raid reports Mr Jam' -soll.eliaiimiio
of the s'lile
eoiiiudllii-, of lllni"is. as saying: 'llll
nois Is mil in the r. pulili.:..ii column
todav." Hesas ll H lime for plain
ss aking and lie til
1 1 it, I 'Unit volllig
I lilt- ii-ii,ti,,,
nrebra-i Rrvan,
... 1 1 1 l.iml liiuiM. If in Hi' uhite hUMf
!i,.i.ns couliuue to under
estimate the lore'
ts-lilnd him-"
of the movement
to 12";. California will not taine-
out J,','lle, .,y (,r. gon.
f f , , ...i.uiti-d t
All Oregon
thai It was Wl
in the simile here, a Fre
re-mi, California,
that is nothing,
pS'r ileelnr." th"l
the shade tlieie.
u i,e. li was . "
Wu v.-rv ilnillV
admit tlie greater
summer heat of our neighbor,
fhe Volt'
SlooJ S to
i in
Uo Lord Idvoi alril III l.lrclloo.
j Sp.'l'inl to till.' Ul'AHIl, July 2S; 4:10 p in Hon.
11 B Miller of Eugene miseleeted pres
' Ident of the Oivgou Agricultural col-
lege Ibis afternoon by a vote of eight
i to live.
I Tlie opposition to him consisted of
three votes for Ex i'resbli'nt Bloss, I
one for Prof. Lilly and one for
II -vernor Lord made a speceh advo
cating Miller's eleilioii ami
llilleary, master of the state
giauge, spoke nuaiust bis selection.
5 p in Board of Regents slill Iu s. s
slon, but no further business has been
(Hon H B Miller, tho newly elected
president, has ts-cn a resident of Ore
gon since about lS7ii, lirst locating in
Eugene, and at that lime followed (he
avocation of bridge building. Aflerwad
he moved to Omul's Pass and managed
a large factory. He served one
U-rui in tlie stale legislature from
Josephine county. lie is a g'd
business man and a fair speaker. His
many fiiends will be pleased to learn
of his i lection.
For the last year he has resided
Iiie ( iiiiiiipiou Mine Will Start l'
Again In a Week.
SYeclsl to UioCCAIiD.
CotTAiiK tfitoVK, Or., July 2S. The
Chumpion mine which has l ien shut
down about two mouths on account of
changing Ihe management, will resume
oH-raiiou In alsiutn week. Mr. Weiith
erstone, of Ir-uitown, Michigan, will
have charge of the liianugi Incut, sue
oeili'ig E P Jennings. Mr Weather
stone is a practical miner and has a
great deal of faith in tlie Bohemia
mining district.
A fori ect toil.
EniToit Ol Aiii), Dear Sir: Iu your
issue of July 2:iid, was a clipping from
a Corvallis paa-r which misrepresent
m. Iu justice to tin. hoard ol legelils
of Hie university and in Justice to me
will you k hdly correct Ihe Impression
which Hie article must have made.
I he clipping iu question is as follows:
MnllK (). A. I'. M ATTKUS.
Corvallis tia.ette: "It is said if Mr.
Miller Is appointed president of the
Oiegou Agricultural College he will Ik)
accompanied by Piof F L Washburn,
formerly of the college, now of Hie
state university, who will ohicinte. as
deau ol the faculty. Prof Washburn
is reported to la somew hat disi ppolnt-
ed at not having his salary Increased
at Eugene, und Hie cut (ailment .of his
Held and the Importance in ins wora
by his change, uud the new position
would give HUH nil opportunity ui
distinguish himself in expi-rimeiitul
and other work."
The Corvallis (la.ctto has placeil me
in a wrong light by the above, and I
wish to lake this opportunity to say
that I have been treated Willi extreme
eonriesv liv the Board and by its Ex
ext illive Committee living In Eugene;
that inv department has been well
equipped, uud that all lias been done
by tliose III ttiltnoriiy to iiuvunuu injr
work, that could bo done. 1 wish,
further, to publicly nssuro the board
that I appreciate their tlloils most
hlghlv. My work has not l-en cur
tailed in the slightest ami I have abun
dant opportunity "lo distinguish my
self" as the Oazelte puts it. To be
sure, Ihe matter uf salary was a disap
pointment, ami a Keen oue, yei i reiu
Le Ihut Just ut the present time,
when economy In every ilircciion is would have beenadilil
cult mutter to have accomplished.
I have no Idea of tho source irom
which tho Gum-He obtains the alsive;
it conveys the Impression that I am
very much ulsappointeu iu coiiuiuona
here nud discontented, which is lar
from tho case.
ours truly.
F L Wahhiii'Iin.
I uteri-Mlnif Speculation.
Ills said Hint the OC&ERRt'o
will lie a nromiiieiit factor In the bid
ing on the contract for the government
work, sisill lo be sinned uniier mo new
project on the bay. Should the com
inn, v become a successful bidder It will
bring about qxlto a change in ullairs
ou the bay. It will no doubt be the
means of Influencing tl i to build on
from YaqutmtClty ami make tho ler
i.i,,o i,t ibelr line at Newport. Or it
I. intimated that theV lllllV hlltld a
cut-oil, leuvllig the line lust below To
i..,Im iiilotr no tho Lltllo Beaver
M.-ross t,. Newisirt. Tills would re
quire a tunnel, but one not so loiu as
I II tl 111 I ' neiir the summit. This cut-
oil would lake their track away from
the edge of Iho bay along which It
runs for nine miles to Yaqulna. If
1 1... i.i.iii lino V should secure tlie coll-
liaet, tin- stone for Hie same would Iu
nil probability be tuken from the
Pioneer quarry. That would make
things lively there also.
Daily Oiurl, July i
Hank M ahiikd.-Whl'e loading a
wiignii with luu ls-ra- Sprlnglleld Ibis
morning Frank Wihs had his left
liandbadlv msslied by a 12x12 timber i. r. ii nnoii It. 1 tie huud was
dn-s-ed by Dr. Vaiivnl.ali, of Spring
Held, ami again ly Dr Brown of this
city, lids aficriiooii.
: '.'l.irn, Jul) .
.b M All fruit t'.ult
I'm rr
has been s ored In me
ii.iv lias ls-e removed to J II Mi.
) mill A l eiern iih-im...
. mi, t , , ...1,1.
excepting what has Is-en placed wl
iiie griM-erymen. .xiiiiok is.... ...
some evaporated ap.lcs ami cannea
t iinatiH-s.
Rohhui mi',')", Jul. 27 -Tho city
water coiiip.ny have al
lust cine to terms ami -i"ed
' r,.. t The city will pay M-JH-r year
li., tt.ui..r Inr lire I rote- I loll only
will gel no waU-r for other purpows.
Hydrants ure being cnnicted lo the
Cottage (irove-Uinatl Items.
From the Leader.
A car load of machinery arrived dur
ing tlie wet k for Jones' mill
Tlie N-Hinday mining company are
asking lor bids to cut 1OJ0 coriN of
wis nl.
A number of men paid ell, who had
ticcu at work on tlie Jennings' road
came down from the hills during the
Meek and enlivened trade somewhat.
Nora Todd is the only girl in I.ntic
county wlm lias ridden a wheel to
Portland and return. She win. second
prize in the girls bicycle race ou the
Fourth of July,
Last Siindav was the hottest day of
Prof.!"10 season. Tho thermometer regis-
lereil lu.i ll ine siiailt', I Ills is unusu
al in this climate.
Tin clutter of boiler makers nud
machinisiH preparing for shipment of
UiUiiiintTV to Noonday, chimed with
the church bells last Sunday morning;
and the profanity of tlie mule skinner
contrasted strangely with tho fervent
apH'iil:i of the preacher.
Mr. and Mrs (Mrander, Mrs Love
luce. Mr and Mrs Nettle Martin,
Misses Myrtle and Nina Oslruiidcr,
llatlle Thompson, Dottle Sovern of
Eugene, Marin Kline of Wondhurn,
Messrs E P Long ami O E Smith,
started Wednesday for Winchester
Bay at the mouth of tlie I'mpipni.
They will travel by wagon In Hcotls
hurg, then go down the river in open
Is. a is. They Intend to remain about
two weeks.
A New System.
Mn linger J A Fillmore has decided to
Inaugurate a new system of disciplin
ing the employes ol the oH-ruting iIj
partuieiit of tho Southern Paclllc
Coiiipany. iiie new system Is to be
one of discipline by record, and debits
and credits will be entered ugaiust the
names of employe's as the occasion re
quires. A bad record w ill eventually
result In the employes dismissal, A
good record, on tlieotlicr hand, marked
with credits lor excellent conduct,
deeds of heroism and loyalty, good
Judgment Iu emergencies, etc., will
opera e to me employe s auvantage.
The company tuns nopes ine sysiem
will prove of great an vantage alike to
the company ami to employes und
lliclr families.
In the circulars Issued today It Is
set forth that tho new system will be
out Inlo elici t August 1st. Cpou thai
time, all employes will bo considered
asstaitlng In w ith a clear record. As
occasion requires, und Individual ac
count will bo opened Willi each em
ploye in a tiook kept lor nun purpose
Iu Iho superintendent's nlllce, aud
reprimands or credits will bo noted ou
the records of employes who may re-
celvi tho same. Ono feature ot mo
system is that suspension from duty
with loss of Unit) will bo discontinued.
Another one of the pioneer men of
Oregon, John Cox, died at Medford,
Jackson county, Ore, on tho Hi h day
of July, IN!HI. Ho had not been well
lor six months and (lied of heart fail
ure. Ho was Uiru In Harvard county,
Mo, ou the lHlh day of Oclols-r. IMS
ami lived In that statu until the
spring of 1H4H when ho came to Oregon
Willi his lamer, two uroiuein ami
threo sisters.
When tho mines were discovered Iu
California he went there In 1S1II and
when he cumu buck from tho mines
he settled III Oregon.
Ho was a worthy meinU'r of tho
Chrlstlkii church and wus the oldest
of nine children, six boys and three
Deceased was among tho men who
selected Eugene as the sight for the
county seat of Lena county and it was
hi. w bo drove tho slake.
I In leaves two brothers and two Jesse and Benlauilll Cox and
Inh.tlu. mm Marv Itieliardsoll. He
also leaves a son, W illiam H Cox,
whose whereabouts aro at present un
known. Anyone knowing of him
would confer a great favor by Inform
ing Jesse Cox, of Goshen, Oregon.
Bicycled From Salem.
Tho Dalies Chronicle, July 20: Judge
ltb.iii.lev received a telegram irom nu-
lem yesterday morning liKpilrlng utter
two young men num-ii nuim.-.
Milb.r u im left Heleiii two wi-eks ago
ou a tandem bicycle for Tho Dalles via
the Rlcftenziu roum. inen ...
friends hail not heurd from them sin e
they left and worn uneasy about them.
Thev wanted Mr Blakeley to send par
ties out from The Dnlleslo search for
llieiu. While Mr Blakeley was debat
ing what to do the bicyclers arriveu in n aa till aWallll Mr Blukelev wus an.
..,i-,..l ..rtliu fact. They were trivel-
stidued and dusty ami Ihelr faces
i. fr,.i,i exnosure. but were in
cxccliciii health ami spirits. Shaking
,u irii. tliev said the roulo was
in but (hey were
eoiniielled to wulk but little. They
I....I ...,lu mm aecldi-Ht ami that wus
iiliix. lb lire uklinr ofa chain which
iinleklv ri-iinired. They left this
morning for home by tho sume route
Before leaving lliey uis-aseu voo nn
iety of their Haleni friends.
Camp Fikk Laws Pakty.-Tucs-day's
Salem Joiirnul: A;iiulquc social
event .scurred lust evening at tin
beiiuliful rural home of Judge R n
II. an ou liast Court otr.t-t. A ncoro or
more i f friemls were entertiilnetl
around a camp lire In tho grove of oak
trees on Ihelrexleiislve lawns. Japan
ese lanterns Were suspended from the
trees, which lent a mystio i-ftect rel ti
ro c-l by 'be bright Is.nllre. Although
unostentatious ill every particular,
...... I. ,.iu ii,. oinro I. leasing lawn party
was ever given In Sulem. Lively con
versation, repurto and story telling
iiiiiiis. i1 the circle, and light n tresn
is were served. Before departli g
ull voted Judge unu iirs nean, nun
Ihelr wideawake boys, charming en
tertainers. - . a . ll . .. I
t .ukiKii Itoseliurg Review: At
tho homo of the gr.K.m In 'vJ!K8
eim k. niHin, July -tn,
Mr E R Watch ami Miss Anna Alex
ander: The bappv ooliplu left for
Portland Sunday morning on their
bridal tour. Mr. Watch Is a well
known employe of the S. P. t o., and
Ins bride Is a M.pular young lady '
t ils liiy,
! in. ...jr. - -
I R ILeV UW inula wiiii
many filemisii ' " ,-' ' .:
: . r -
Mri.'.vno-s i ivn PrntxATOR-don't
f -;r t to t.i'- i'. I l:c I Ivor gets sluggish
dcniv; tlu Writ --, ji t like all nature,
nnj tlu sv ;t -:n t .rims choked Up by
lbf ;i :c.w .1 v. i l , wlikh brings on
M.i! ::i i, 1 t. r ;ir 1 A ",iic ,mj Khruma
ii x
rt .: :
l ' i v, i-i 1 1 w.ike i p your Liver
t . ' tv si:- vi t ike SIMMONS
? I. :.ji'l AiOit tj do it. It also
t ; Liver Keeps it properly at
w-ie, v. h---i y "i r sv:.:, iii will be free from
rcl-i'U a:iJ t!i v!i -I.- l-'ls' 1'ivigorateJ.
You -;et T( 1 1. l;i :. V 1 1 LOO 1 when
yt-tir svsteci i; i.i Al fondiiinn, and that
will cnlv hs - li.-i '.'' Liver Is k-pt active.
I rv i Liver oivt anj note ths
Uiil ieil.e. But PlllV Sl.W.MONS
Li:; kikiin.AToK it is Simmons
l li ; kLui.LAroU wlikh makes the
diilerenec. l ake it in powder or In liquid
alre.iJy prepared, r make a ten of the
powder; put take SIMMONS I.IVER REGU
LATOR. You'll fnij the BED L on every
package. Look for it.
J. 11. Xclliii & Cos, riaiadelphla, Pa.
.New Hop Cniiirai U are Filed.
Salem Stale. man: Fubor & Nels,
agents for J t! Bauer A Co., of Bail
l-'rauclsco, h ivi) iniiilo new hop con
tracts with the following growel of
Minion county, tlie same la-lug (Bed
Willi tho county clerk yesterday:
Sebastian und Anna Alcber.ot ooil-
burn, l'l.oml pounds lor tho year of 1H1H1
lMi7and IS'.iS, the coiislderalion U'ing
(It, N and 1) cents respectively, luclud-
iin udvauce of 4 cents ut picking time.
Klik '.i'. liters ol St I'atil 1X000 lbs.
for Ihe same years anil I he same Con
siderations; ami Peter Kirk, Sr., and
i'etcr IvnkJr,, ln.OOO pounds crops and
im ices to I e the samo lis Iu tho forego-
Tho liop growers Iu tho vlclulty
f Indcpciiileiicu have called a
inci-tlng fur nc)4 Satuiday-ti be lield
al I nilcpi mlciicc when arrangements
w ill jirooaoiy lie main- inwaiii preimr-
Itigiorlbo picking season, I in I form
prices w ill he arranged for at this meet
ing which. 111 view of the poor market
ami Iho worse prospects for the future,
will bo v. iy low. (he nop-growers or
tills vicinity think thai 2.) cents per
Ixix is the price that will la) paid this
venr or .'! I cents ut tho most. Messrs.
t 1, Patterson and W ll Holmes, of
tills city, will probably attend the
hi ii it un tl Crop Prospects.
limit ti"r., July iV.
Prof McElrov, w ho has been work
ing ou his fruit farm near Monroe
during tlie pusl three weeks, returned
to lids cli y today, no reports me
fruit crop ulnioKl a total failure in all
the orchards of Mint vicinity. The
trees are milking an excellent Krowth
and bltl fair for next year. Tho now
deseiise iiiuoug fruit trees, known as
"Oiliniliosls" or "Black Spot" la man
Ing Its appearance and there will be
some loss ou this account, especially
Italian prunes anil Royal Ann cher
ries. The wheal and oat crop are be
low average ami aro estimated atalsiut
sixty per cent of tlie usual yield. The
clll.eiis of Monroe are much encourag
ed by tho addition to Ihelr town of an
extensive uud first-class llourlng mill
ami wurchotisu now la-lug built by A
Williehu Al Sous. When completed it
will l) one oftlm finest structures of
tho kind in the Willamette valley.
Iially iniard, July '."J.
Hkhiikkt Condon Ciiohkn. At
torney Herbert T Condon, ol thlsclty,
was yesteitlay elected tsiokkeeiwr,
stenographer and purchasing agent of
Hid Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallis by tho isnird of regents. The
position has lormerly been held by J
V Crawford. The salary Is 11000 per
un 11 1 1 tn . The selection by the board of
Mr. Condon Is a gtsid oue, ho belug a
young man of excellent deportment
ami ample qualillcallons. MrCondoU
graduated from the University of Ore
gon iu I8H2, and Inter from the law de
partment of tho University ol Michi
gan iu 18114. He formed a luw part-'
nerslilp witli his brother, Seymour W
Condon, in Oakland, California, but
afterwards returned to tills city and
entered into partnership with E O Pot
ter In tho law business. Tlie partner
ship continued until the lirst of this
July when Mr Potter entered upon
his duties us county Judge, to which
olllce ho was recently elected. Mr
Condon bus continued the law office
up to Iho present time, but will doubt-l.-HS
close it now. us tho olllce to which
In-Iins Ju-t ls-en elect, d will necessitate
Im removal to Corvallis.
illy Guard, July Js.
Kivkuvikw Not km. t Julto a num
ber from Eugene and Junction City
ntteiided tlio union service Sunday.
Rev Grail' preached to a very Interest
ed crowd, as did F W A Craln in the
evening. The basket dinner was a
siicccn and the hsiiiId had a good
tliuii. All were well I'leascd with their
coining together Willi the people of
Oils neighborh.Kid We learn that
the steamer Gypsy will continue her
regular Hips when tho river will per
mit. It will icqiiiri) a good deal of
work she can pass as the gravel
bars arc filing pretty high this sum.
imlly Guard, July V.
A RoVAi. Ratti.kii. Ross Mathews
brought a large radio snako Into town
today. It bui nine rattles and a but
ton and was captured allvi on Mt.
Plsgali a few days ago by Mr Mathews.
'i'i,u r,,til..r bus Ist'ii iilaced on exhibi
tion in Osburn & DuLunu'sshow win
dow. Hop Lick. Hop lice are showing
upon the. vines at an alarming rate.
Presley Cheshire and Wm Nels are al-
ir,.Hdv si.rav ug their yams auu mo
: w ,i. r fe ai.ii.'.a'll Yard lll Com-
nience spraying l
day or two.