The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 25, 1896, Image 9

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. I'mel's Fa-sat arllla lha beit
R ',lir '""" uirvaionle. In iwi
, tin' "n.- True Blood Purifier. All druggists; .
Mood' P'" ,u,e " llfcrl"''- 'tfeeiita.
operations i,.r i lie lam ten veai. From
that record ill,, following facia .
i liven:
j For the flmt n.ti.- year u,e ,.oM ,.,.
bead ranged from u ii-.i to ,ui
lu lhitt he Ihk.,11 feeding beets' and
.rti n-l.l..l. I... it
" nuim m:i.i ncen cut Mil. I cured III
the nhM k nu.l th.-n rtm itinuuli a lir.-..
ironta from Crop, Mu.t Alwa,. in. ding mat-blue. -nr. stalk, blade all f
elude th.t Which the Boll O.I,d- which In l.y the machine reduced to the
Parmer Lawmaker-Hooin for ('oni11""" "f coarse luiy. The cost of
Dutrjr Improvement-Odd aud Ends. httrv,',"ln'' Wlitf. shredding and
. feeding Im 3 rent per bushel of grain
Relative Coat of Crop.. ,lul ,l l,,r '"" "f '"dder. The 1,1km
Any crop that leave the soli lu Rood tcrvt averaged forty and one half hush- ,
condition will coat less t tut u one which '.Vf t,or" " "' 1 one half of
V-r apparently pay better, but which1 ""'"'r '"'r "''rp- 1 '"' N'u 'sugar beets)
I oH almost from the data of iti ad- I largely draws upon the soil for plant ' ' llrl-v "f,' ,,,u" l"'r ",lv "'
mifilcii bun beeu called the "Hawkeye ! Ordinary wheat straw taken ,,"l"t re fed whole.
W" Ha"!0 wa lDe name of a
v,,iu Indian chief.
Kites S'ei.le I'.e l.
I The Elkhart ( (lid ) Telephone Com-
Lot i' retailing "hellos" at Are oenta
I titr for residences, and seven ceuts ; plants, but rather a a location for buitnesa noose.. growtii, the rood for the plant to lie rttANtMlstJ BEcniED. l'rovl,'4'( farmer, according to
f I the requirements of the crop.
IT! I snrhlsenr ev il'ceitlon one of the I -No Wop I'")' that lenvea the anil
,iii.i.l- i'i the .Iftol mrdit-sl sclenes poorer, unless cold nt a price which
' H.. tn oimrh It t er. elihtr tmiip. eauble to rcatore the plant food
i-fii t io iii.nsn it atma. and also receive u fair protlt for his
. nr III. Mir. rle niiiulle ami (ever and una ... .... .' .
fyn. per mis troubled wllh iiervoiiue., j "",e WWr. the anil la the atorj
, i i.v I'lin.t'tuX'il uliiiiilit alo tecuia lliu liiiiias i,t iliu fiipn. . ul.L.I. u u. .1
t ' . the raw Ilia er al for future rroii. mill
Pr lead haa been found some thirtr ! ,he ri'ul oiilth of n farm la in ita aoll,
eel uuder the grountd Dear Cheater, " iHa w drnwn ulM,n , tMnrv
JU. A company bai been organlxed to
Bjiiie it
more rertlllty from the aoll than pota , , " """ arP r"," ,,r
toea. If compiired by welKht. lcjime ".' wn t,,nu ' """ fI,'r 'tittln
the potato la ctimtMiaeil more larRely tf '" ""' f,"vv ''"' ,lie eauU' lr
atarch and water. The aoll ahould rot !'"e ,flr nH ,M1'
be coiialdered aa a aouree of food Tor ''' ''- ' ""'e IltIt thla ration the
Jv ipllrttlon, M,thrr rannot re'eh the
j .tin -I "rll n of Iherar. There U onljr one i
D 1 i' irfdt'ntue, mul that la brcoualUnilau
f f mcne. liraliiFw iiinU'fd bT liiHinird '
) ti Iliin'i olth uiiiroiM llnlm nl KulUi huu
J H li ii thin uitx) re' liilUnird jkiu hare :
nun!''"' ton ml of Imivilert harlnit and !
lien I' lni'iitlrelir nlowd deHluma li the reaulf .
(ml mik'u Ihe liilliiimlioii mo be taken out are Colialderrd more vultlulile
pi .l mi. iiiiH.- rei oieu iu u- normal eo- union.
f re RH1 be deftttojred forever; nine easel
ni nl reu M cauie-d bjr ca'arrh. mblcb U
a ibiiiK hut an Inllauied coudliion of the
an'-ou Niirla'-f-t.
mIII Ki'o one Hundred Dollara for nr
tw of IMnlneM (I'Hiued by ealarrh) that ran
a ! i cure I by ilall'a L'alarrb Cure. bVud for
eitculart free.
; r.i.i nr. vii a iu,, toieuo, u.
' SiM bv prucittKI, 7.V.
UnU'e'ramilr fill are Ihe belt.
At Riirlinirani, Ban Mateo County. Cal .
lonfof the moat thortiuifh, careful and
p aclical "Hum t'cboola" to be found on
Ihf i'acitio cons', it prepare boya for any
Snivrrsily. technical Bohool, or for active
ii-iiicsa ; la accredited at the Ktate and
fjmnf.ird 1'niverni ien. and under the able
iini.'piiie'it of Kx (state 8uperiutemlnt
ia(i. lloitt. l'h. 1)., ranks ainoiiK thelirst
Kli Kill in the I'nl'el States. Ke-opeu
August t. Mining awl Scientific ltst.
I I never used io quick a cure ai PIo'
Cure tor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box
1171, Seattle, Waafi., Nov. 25, lttti.
FITH.-AII fl itorped freebv Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Keaiorer. No liu.ller II e lint
iiv iue. Marvelnui curee. Trenllte and .' 00
trial botlle tree to Fil cn.ei. bend to l)t. Kliue,
HI Areb bt., I'blladvlibia, fa.
for crops tluit may be In tleiniunl
j Whether a 'firmer recelvea n lur" re
turn or rutin altogether durliiK any
year, he hits the soil as a auvluca bank,
representing much of that which has
been applied to It previously
Water la a
and la sold more extensively than .U'V
thlnic elae. .Milk coiitiilna about ST per
cent, of water, and fruits of ull kinds
If w:it-r
predominate In their composition.
Even a grnln crop la not free from
j water, while (trass and vcKctnblea are
, mostly coniosed of water. Water is
therefore the chencst subatance p-o-1
cured liy gmt cultivation (for be on
' tains more of It by good cultivation
; than would be the case otherwise!, and
I next to water is carbon. When oil,
j butter, sugar and starch are produced
' on the farm the leaves of the trees and
' plants derive carbon (cailmn dioxide)
! from the air and store It lu their cells.
When the animals consume plums
they couvert thla carbon Into
cost of fattening cattle haa never ex-
ceeded :n per bind. No cholera Ima
ever iM'i-tirred among hog folowlng the
' attic while feeding beets. It I call
mated thai heel top from beets used In
Misar milking are worth an average of
per acre for cuttle food.
White Clover Heed.
There U uo plant which I hot an ah.
solute weed tlult keeps Its hold In the
soil so pertinaciously aa white clover.
If It were not so valuable for feed It
would become a very bad weed, and.
Indeed. It is such to strawberry beds,
There 1 one true ipecitio for diaeates
ariaing from Impure blood and a de
bilitated nervous system, and that is
i'aiue's oclery compound, so generally
prcacribel by physicians. It is prob-
Part, of thu CIIt In Which It la Mo.t
IHflUull to Drive.
The whistle on steam fire engines U
now more comiuoiily used thuu former
ly In place of the ImOI on aivoutit of the
growing din of the clty'a busier stnt-ta,
and the m-icsslty for aome uiihilalak
ilile Indutitlou of the eugine's approach.
loMii town la the most dlitlcult strt of
the city In which to drive a fire engine.
In the crowded streets of this part of
the city au engine may aoiiietlmc be
brought to a standstill, but the nar
rower street are not always the worst
to get through. The illthVultles attend
ing driving through the street may de
pend much upou the character of Ita
Irattl.'. Nassau street, for e .ample, la
a narrow and extremely busy street,
with many people constantly passing,
and with many vehicles, but, dlltliilt
aa It Is, la U uot one of the most dlitlcult
of the down lown streets to drive In,
for the wheeled trattlo 1 nnwtly of
comparatively light vehicles. There
are not proportionately so many heavy
trucks a In niauy other down-town
street, and It la the heavy, lumbering
truck that can't haul out of the way
lu in Instant, which most Impedes the
passage of the fire engine.
The most dlttlcull of all the atreets to
drive an engine In down town la the
widest of all -West etreet. The dllli
cubic here arise from the tremendous
you ym&jpz
Vou will Dud on coupon
Inside each two ounce bat
and two coupons Inddeeacb
Durham. I)uy a bag of tbla
celebrated tobacco and read
the eoupoa-whlcb give a
tltt of valushle present and
uuw io gel luem.
iniiiiy grower can testify. Whlta ably the most remarkable remedy that u'1 c"n""t 'r'"'" lo'n'-y truck and
,a.t tt,...,.., .... ... ..... 1 .. ... . - .all .. .... V. I ..I ... . u .
clover propagates not onlv bv seed.
but by runners, ns the strawberry
does. It Is one of the surest plant
to seed that we have, and the voting
lll.lllt.1 H'lll ..... I... I-OI...I I I
staple article on farms. ! ' '. " '
...... .... i.n,.-i liiunn iiiiiiih, ns lliuny
weeds will. It often happen when
grass Is cut lute so that it doc not
start tpilckly that a mas of while
clover will start up and soon show blos
som. This clover was hidden under
the grass while the latter wa grow
ing, and only began to be noticed wheu
the grass was removed.
the scientific research of this country
na produced. ,'rof. Edward E.
I'helps, M. I)., LU D.. of Dartmouth
college, first prescribed what i now
known the world over as I'aiue's celery
compound, a positive cure for dys
pepsia, biliousness, liver oomplaiut,
neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous
diseases aud kidney troubles. For
the latter Paiue's celery compound has
suoceedud again and again where
everything else bas failed.
Tar Gisnsa for breakfast.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
' lUls, which vanish before proper tf
oris gentle effort s plcasunt efforts
ighlly directed. There ia comfort in
lie knowledge, that ho many forma of
i'knehs are not due to any actual dis
sc, but simply to a conatipatedcondi
Ion of the system, which the pleasant
'amily laxative, tSyrupof Figs, prompt
J removes. That ia by it is the only
remedy with millioimof families, and ia
everywhere esteemed 60 highly by all
who value good health. Ita bcncAciul
effects are due to tho fuct, tlmt it is the
one remedy which promotes internul
clcanlinehs without debilitating the
orpins on which it acta. It ia therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ticiul effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which Is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by ,
all rcputuble druggists. ,
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system la rcgulur, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If 1
aBlioted with any actual diseuse, one 1
may be commended to the most skillful i
physicians, but if in need of a laxative, j
one should have the best, and with the I
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Vlgs stands highest and is most largely
vwcd and gives most general satisfaction. '
Blood Poison.
i - -;
pounds familiar to ull, but the cost of
i which ao far us the fertility of the aoll
la concerned may be very small, and
j wheu the aoll can be iiiude to do service
( without loss the gain la correspondingly
as great to the fanner aa from a sale.
The real cost of crops ou nearly all
j farina la that of lalsir, but labor Is prof
' liable according to the uses to which it
la applied, aud Ihe labor-saving itiiple
' incuts must assist the laborer. If the
'farmer continues to grow crops for
j which he knows there will be low
prices hla lalsir will be more expensive
i tl-an with some better crop. Just what
: that better crop may be depends upon
the location of the farm, the markets,
the soil and other conditions. There
are seasons wheu aome crops pay bet- ;
; ter than others, as was the case with j
peaches last year, which gave good re
sult. Au acre of onion may be more
profitable than tlve or ten acres of
wheat, and yet the cost of the onions
may be less than that of the wheat pro- I
portlouately. A diversity of crops !
should be the rule, for no farmer can i
afford to take the risk of depending on ;
a single crop. The cost will be accord- j
lug to the skill and Judgment used by j
the farmer, and the estimate of profits j
must always include that which the
aoll haa also gained. Philadelphia j
Record. j
Farmer a Lawmakers.
The present personnel of Congress
shows that there la one farmer to six
lawyers, and still the farmer wonders .
why It la ao dlttlcull to secure legisla
tion on agricultural mailers. While
the proportluu of representatives In
State Legislatures la not quite ao much
iu favor of the lawyers, neither Is there
as large a proportion lu favor of the
farmer when the representatives of oili
er OLH'tipntlona are considered. The
agricultural Interests are tjulte Import
ant factors, aud should be more prom
inently represented. Not that there is
need of more laws, for we have a sur
feit already, but that those In whose
interests the laws are or should be
made may have a voice In their con
st ructton and enactment. Neither
Should It lie allowed that there are uot
equally Intelligent aud able men among
the farmers aa are to Ire found lu any
Btlier vocation.
The lawyer, the manufacturer, the
capitalist, all have their different inter
ests, aud are supposed to know the
needs and requirement of legislation
to protect and foster those Interests,
(t la but natural that they should make
theseluterestsparamouut In their labors
la represeuatlves of those who elect
them. They know little of the practical
lde of agriculture, and cannot be ex
pected to enact laws affecting it with
the same wisdom aud Judgment that
I ate Hatches of ( hlckena.
Wlille il is not desirable to set hens
late, where they are allowed a wide
range some nests will be stolen, and
large broods of young chickens may
come off us late as September or Octo
ber. We have had such and made them
profitable. The most Important thing
with lute-hatched chickens I to feed
com-i them liberally with wheat. This will
Professor Vaughan olaiins to have
invented a telephone by which conver
sations can be carried on between New
York and London.
The peat bogs of Great Britain and
Ireland are estimated to contain fuel
equivalent in beat producing to 4,000,
000,000 tons of coal.
keep them growing aud cause them Io
feather early. Corn should only la- fed
after really cold weather makes It nee
essary. If the young fowls are In
duced to feather early they will l.eed
less corn. The work of feathering ex
hausts their strength very rapidly, aud
should be finished before cold weather.
Boll for I.I I lea.
Soil for the llllum auratum should
be rather heavy aud lightened with
coarse sand and leaf mold, says tbe
Philadelphia Press. The secret of suc
cess with tlie auratum la to have rich
soil below the bulb to Induce roots to
grow below. Rich soli above will feed,
but will not cause the bulbs for an
other season's flowering to form, liulbs
that bloomed last summer, and are
to remain out all winter, will decay
If they become water-soaked while dormant.
: contagious B'ooa roison Has been sp- i .. , , ,,
Ttopriately called the curse of mankind. !UUNe '"'"' r.
U the one disease that physicians can-, n. Lach d vision of Industry
t cure; their mercurial aud potash ;"d business should be represented by
medies only bottle up the poison io !l careful selection of those best titled
be system, to surely break forth in s to understand and exMiund Its needs,
ore virulent form, resultiug in a total Why, then, should not our agricultural
wreck of the system. Interests be more prominently repre-
i Mr. I rank B. Martin, a prominent t , our ,, ,,, ,, eK,.
jteler at 926 Pensylvanta Ave., ash- ' taturva? Then and uot till then will
I was for a' long i Iboae Interests be loked after as they
time under treat 'ibould be, and the legislation so much
ment of two ol flealred aud so obviously needed be
the best physi- secured.
cians of this city, I
for a severe case ! Room for Dairy Development.
of blood poison, I The dairy ndiistry Is woefully neg-
but my condition (.(,.,1 u many of our States. Well tie-
veloHd iu the North ami Fast, It has
long Iss'n a notorious fact that many
section well provided by lutlure with
xoellent pasturage anl capacity for
jraln raising Import from other States
most of the butter ami cheese consuni-
Kiigi In a Year.
A hen will furnish, uuder favorable
conditions, at least five or six times
her weight in eggs iu the course of a
year, and sometimes considerably more
If properly supplied with the where
withal; but, a bricks cannot be n ude
without straw, neither can eggs bo
laid unless their component parts are
Odd and End.
if clothespins are boiled a few min
utes aud quickly dried every few weeks,
It will cleanse them aud make them
more durable.
Figs are aperient and wholesome.
They are said to lie valuable aa food
for those suffering from cancer; they
are used externally us well as lutcrual-
Tomatoes are n powerful aierlent for
the liver, a sovereign remedy for dys
pepsia and Indlgestlou, and are Invalu
able lu all conditions of the system lu
which the use of calomel Is Indicated, j
To set the color and prevent delicate
colored cambrics and dimities from
failing wheu washed, dissolve 2 cents'
worth of sugar of lead In a pall of cold :
water ami soak the garments lu it two
hours; then rinse and wash.
Lime water will sweeten Jar and 1
Jugs which soap and water full to '
cleanse. It Is admirable for correcting I
acidity of the stomach, and for cleans-1
lug milk vessels and nursing bottles. A
leuctlpful added to bread SfKUIge will '
prevent souring.
ltlscult or bread dough once raised
with dry yeast will keep In a refrigera
tor several days If closely covered with
au earthen bowl. For breakfast rolls
lu warm weather It Is more hygienic
than baking owder, cream or butter
milk biscuit.
The fact that youngsters ruin the ap-
Orown, Dolled, Warped, Fired, Pol
ished and Ornamented
Tbe manufactures of canes reveals
an Interesting process connected wllh
a growing Industry. There are sev
eral large factories lu Philadelphia
aud some lu New York. These have
recently beeu established. Tbe cane
is grown mostly In Austria. France
aud Japan. There are numerous spe
cies, among which are the Congo, Co
rlne, I'cnang, Bamboo, Fune, Wham
poo aud the Welschel. Many caues
are partly shaped while growing. At
the manufactory the crude cuues are (
placed over a large steam vat. Cloths
arc wrapped over the slicks aud they
are left lu this position until the wood .
ha become perfectly soft and pliable
at tluentl, where It is Intended to form
the handle. Ilavlug reached thla condl- (
tlon, they arc taken out separately and I
placed in a vise, around a mold nf ,
whatever shape It is desired to make
the curl. While the cane Is grasped '
tightly In the vise, the upHr end I 1
placed In a steel spring having a cast-
Iron handle, which Is drawn sharply 1
around, warping tbe cane at this point j
Into tho precise shape desired. When ,
all sort of vehicles to and from the fer
ries and the pier.
Crowded and dl moult as the down
town street are by day, the situation
there la very different at night. Then
they are practically deserted, and Ihe
driver of the Are engine lias a perfectly
clear road to drive a be will, with noth-'
lug to look out for but the street cam. '
The area of difficult driving hns. with
the growth of the city, aud the con
stant Increase of Ita business, gradual
ly extended further and further up
town. Knglne house that ten or fif
teen year ago stood In residence dis
tricts, are now surrounded by business
establishment. Then the engine went
In and out of the house unimpeded;
now they may encounter tho traffic of
a busy street right at the start. 8peak
lug lu a general way, the area of dlffi
t ult driving may be a!d to have exteud '
ed aa far north aa Thirty-fourth street,
and It I mill extending northward,
lint while the difficulties are all the
time Increasing, the driver of the fire
engine, ami of every kind of other fire
aparatim for that matter, appears to
get there Just the same. New York
Crimson Clover,
(!ood success wlih crimson clover j
should tie secured, provided the land la
thoroughly well Oiled after harvest, If i
one pock of crimson clover be sown to- I
gel her with half a bushel of rye. lu :
planting one crop Immediately after
: another, the fact should not be lost I
1 sight of that the one removed, especial
Iy If It Is not a leguminous plant, I
1 likely to have taken a large quantity j
of the readily available plant foot! from j
Ihe soli. Thla Ivclng the case, either j
: MtiM'rior fitting of the land by culture I
aud by allowing II to weather for a
i week or two between the harvesting t j
one crop and the sowing of the next, or !
commercial fertlllxers. should be resor'- j
ed lo lo siart the young plants of the ,
second crop, (luce wtdl started they
will take care of themselves. On the
black loam Ihe next year's product
might bo mown early ami made Into
hay, while on a clay upland the clover
and rye bail better le plowed under.
Clover roots ami stubble should form
a fair quantity of plant food for the
young coru on the black bmin which
most likely Is far richer than the upland.-
Country (ieiitlcinan.
taken out of the vise the handle Is I'
with cord, to prevent It from stral;
enlng nut to Its original shape.
After it has lulu for aome days In this
eoudltlon aud the curl Is permanently
formed, the cane Is thoroughly seub
bed In a hot water bath. The next step
la to either put It In the stain box or
to finish It In some other desired until
tier. In the stululug process quite a
degree of skill Is required, because If
the cane Is colored lu a tasteful shade
It will 11 t with a readier sale. To
achieve this result the mixing of acids
aud color lu the staining minpomid
must be very delicately done. Some
of the canes, Instead of being stained
by a liquid, are "llrcd." This opera
tlon Is pel formed by moving the cane
backward and forward lu a gas Jet
flume, elongated by means of a blower,
which forces a current of air through
It. Tbe work has to be done very care
fully by hand, so that the heat pro-
pearanee of their digits by the exercise ! duces a uniform effect upon Ihe wood.
i v.iidkT ;
i It V- J
crew worse au
!.. . It i 1h nt.
withstanding the
.v'M fact that they
1 V ' charced nie three
I' i....,.r.A .tnllar.
if IV uus v v
ly Mv tuoutu was
311el with eating sores; my tongue was , While Ohio makes an even toil of
almost eaten awav, so that for three
Honths I was unable to taste any solid
ood. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried
Prions treatments, and wasnearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommeuded
3-S.S. After ' bad taken four bottles, I
Jfgan to get better, and when I bad
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
und and well, my skin was without a
'lcmish, and I have had no return of
'be disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life
' Wsery." s.S.S. (guaranteed purely
ttable) will cure any case of blood
oison. Books on tbediseasc
"u s treat-
br Swift
?.eefic Co.,
Unu, Ca,
butter for each square mile of hind sur
face, and Iowa. Pcfinylvnnhi. York
State nnd Con -tictil even more, many
it our Southern States tiiru off an
iverage of less tliiin 'J'"' 'round, and
lOregoti and Washington only "
pound. With proKT safeguards
round the purity of dairy products,
this country ought not only to rats
every pound of butter an I cheese used,
but scud abroad milllol'S each year.
' Feeding Corn and ' eets.
An extensive cattle feeder of Ne
braska. who feeds l.issi acres of coin
of his ow 11 rais'tii and lm tons of bets
1 year, ha kept a careful account of hjs
which Is known as "cracking tho
j..i..... 1. ' 1..1.11
I joniin, i.i v. . il iwn.Kii-ti, . uia uiiiii
stretches aud weakens the ligaments
aud so enlarges the Joints that the en
tire band becomes knotty iu conse
quence. Currants give an acid richness to
cakes and puddings that Is very appe
tizing. A quick way to clean them,
after picking out sticks and stones, Is
to add to every mtind alsmt a teaoup
ful of flour, rub thoroughly with tho
bands and separate them entirely, then
rub through a sieve, which will remove
most of the stems.
The great ouuoyanoe of people who
are baking fruit pies cornea from the
la of the rich syrup of Juicy pies. To
prevent this take a strip of muslin one
inch wide aud long enough to go around
the pie, and lap. Wet the cloth lu cold
water and lay It around the edge, half
iiniii the pie and half ujsin the plate,
pressing It on either sale When the pie
Is taken from the oven remove the
cloth. This will be found a succes.
There Is no better tonic than season
able and wholesome fWI. When tip
pMite flags, aud the system weakens
from excessive labor and oppressive
heat, nutritive tlmt easily
food Is required. Heavy dishes, con
taining animal fat: or Irritating condl- :
incuts, like suet pinlilings. iani pastry. ;
etc., or rldi meats-Mirk. Wf and
mutton-mar Is- eaten with Impunity
when snow is flying, but let when the
thermometer Is lu the eighties.
Then the cane Is ready either for var
nishing or rolls!ilng by chemical proc
ess, whichever It may be.
After It Is polished the cane goes
luto the hand of a trimmer, who pre-
if "
I F.lrctrlo Hell Which Hum.
I Many sensitive persona are startled
I by the abrupt, Incisive sound given out
by au ordinary electric bell. M. (Juorre,
a Pari electrician, who has been work
ing on the Idea that this characteristic
: of Ihe electric bell was not Irreiiiedln
; ble, haa produced a bell which gives a
continuing musical sound. The note
' Is very soft and sweet, although pene
I tratlhg, and Is said to be an exnggeu
: tlon of Dint obtained by rubbing the
edge of a glaa with the finger. In
rtend of a bell with hammer and a
spring Interrupter, a steel la-ll la used,
which Is Ita owe Interrupter. When
the circuit Is closed by the pressure of
the button at the other end of the line,
II I releasetl from the clectro-mughct,
forced forward and releasetl again foi
a number of tlmm with groat rapidity.
The vibration set up produces the pleas
ing humming Instead of the familiar
sound so Irritating to nervous people.
The pitch of the note can at any time
be changed. For Instance, should there
be sickness In a house and It I desired
to reduce the carrying quality of the
note, It can be lowered until It I audible
only to the servants, or others whom It
la luteiidod to summon.
Best Quality!
Largest Size!
Lowest Price!
1) f2f
Ihvn Wwk
'ic'?vw.. vrr. j fi
iilafe Ml
The Quaker Bath Cabinet
Turklah Hatha al Minna.
Dry Hatha at Hum.
aleiliraled Hatha at Huma.
sulphur Hath nl llama.
Scientific, Durable, Cheap, Heat, Light, Portable, Simple.
Fold Into Small Space. I pThMUEIT 110 VALUABLE 111111,
CNT t OMI'I.KTIC altb full Iniirt ctloni nu Kecelpt ol His pullsrs( OO).
o&o'! QUAKER BATH CABINET CO., r.!.!.;:.,V?i.:.":rtVi:
oral Aieula Wanted Krerywbars. Liberal Terras.
myT'JC'7mmml P .A. The Tery remarkable anrl certain
it the name of Woman's Friend. It la
fill iu relieving the backaches, headaches
which burden and shorten a woman's
women testify for it. It will give health and strength
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists.
relief given woman by JMOOUK'S
lr L r l! a f L'n tiL'iti'rv 1 1 it L-i .11 r.u 1 uas given
uniformly succesa
and weakness
life. Thousands of
7 , mjxssrv
Hwedlah Proverb.
Mr. linker, lu Picture of Swedish
Life, says tluit the Swedish language Is
rltdi In proverbs. Many of these are
exactly the same as aro found lu En
glish. "The burnt child dreads the
fire" and "Hotter late that never" are In
stance. Others, whllo corresponding
to proverlst lu English, hare a turn pe
culiar to themselves. The following are
a few examples: "When the cat I away
the rata dance on the table;" "a new
broom swei'ir well, but an old one I
bet for the comers;" "one bird In the
band la better than ten on the roof;"
"when the stomach I satisfied the food
It bluer;" "to rend and not to know Is
to plough and not to sow;" "that which
Is eaten from the pot never cornea to
the platter."
Seaside and Country
Gowns need
A SB) trTa" LVSX
''Just Don't Faal Wall,"
are tha Ona Tains loaaa.
Only On for Doaa.
Sol Sv prufg,,,! ttl a,g0a a sas
eaaplasawllKlfraa. Adaraae
Or. Bosnia MM. C. ItOU. r.
It is rain-
on their skirt edges,
proof, sheds water
turns (;rey.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Inarpti ttiowlng I i6f an mattrfult me1 frtt.
" Horns DrMimaklne Mnl Easy " s naw book b
Mim tmmi M Huopar t ths Lsjus' Home Journal
sent for 25c, postage paid,
f . II. M. Co., V. O. Das 609, N. V, Clly.
and never
In every Inwn, lor nueiif Hi tst sellliisj articles
tiisite, Tied by srary man, woman and eblld,
Fradarlrks r miliary I noih Hruah with
Tirnaua i IfNiiliia A ttarhmetit.
Ktidnrai-d by all ilia lt-allii pbrili-laus and
deiillats. Svud I Se. for Mm e. Krtallsfor iic
and our. W 11.1.4 riNK CD,
SIS-S'AI Maik. t Mtraet, Ban franclsco, (.'al.
TIIK mini I.IIO.
pare It for whatever additional orna
mentation It Is to receive. Tbe bandit'
I then carefully shaved down to fit
the sliver plate, which will Ire soldered
onto It, and the foot Is shaped ready
for the ferrule. After this manipula
tion the cane goe to the finishing de
partment, where the illversinlth put
on whatever trimmings are required.
rlt to us fur
iisrilf ulsrs rrssrd-
InrtilrmtrMila Inr tbe bsnnllii ol the SlamUnl
Senilis niaebliie. Anybody wllh ciiiiiuiiu
sanaa ran sail ineiii at me rnrs wa
nunte, and wa gitaraiitae ary maehliie
sold, w rlteni lor lull iiarlleulara. Wa asnt
sn ascot In every low 11 en the i'acl rte Coast. Now
Is lbs Urns to is a up the Wur. siel nuran sM
ntainriailv lo our liii-nme ly d-Un ao. Ad
ilrraa, Nlanilarit Nawlitf Marhln Co., ISA
ath at., Han fraurjanu, Cal.
t'nele Mob-1 hope. Tommy, you are
a favorite with your teacher. Tommy
I think I must ls. She can't seem
to get enough of me, or she wouldn't
keep me lo so much. Harper's Daiar.
I An I'nusual Occurrence.
1 J. B. Carpenter, living In the c-nfer u . ... . ,
of D.-a Molne. heard a flock of brant 00 10U tVANT TO MAKE MGHEY? "
1 approaching one stormy night In early
' April. He grabbed a gun and went to
the roof of hi bouse, threw hi gun to
1 his shoulder aud waited for the (tesj
j to come along. He could not see them,
but a flush of lightning disclosed th tir
j whereabouts, and he alined his gun aud
fired. Ill Judgment waa accurate and
. one uf tlie birds was killed. The Amer
ican Field say tlmt this I the first In
' cldetit of the kind it ever heard of.
Mini are frequently killed by moon
light. ! Iilamon I Cutting.
; A Compound of borou aud carbon
which I hard enough to cut diamond
has been produced lu the electric fur-
, uacu
fT$ Ibis ivhat ails you?!
Haira yea fafllef I
f atlat la the
tl.wetk - Bleatles
an.r.atina fttkh-
luief, I
Sre.b Heart, tie re i
M.J Tau. la tk '
Mealb la Ike Mere- 1
laa- Palfltatlea tl
Ik. atart.daetollla-
tea..' a ef Slaaiarb
-i'eakere Meatk I
lie. la Ike 1
Leas ef n..k
riiklt Apf.tllte ,
bremerd. Irrttakls '
Coacllllaa ef tat ,
Ul.d - Dlulati
Hradarke iaarils. i
sties er utairkaaf I
Tkas yea fcsvs
Is eat af It. aaey feraia. Tk. est peeltlts cars
lei tkll Slelf..-Mtu ceaiylalat Is
Acker's Dyspepsia tablet,
by stall, snsala, ea renlat ef aj stats, llolrl Imtwrlal. Stw Yiirk.
lava: "I anrtr.,1 iMirnlily fem il.ia, but
. .ti'fcr s aiiieta.uiar'iiaiieriitaia.liavevuirtlnie.'
AIKEN MKiHCimO.. l t iS Ckaaiktra St.. S t.'
MDC WlalCinWC SooTMiNfj
IIIIIJ. iiiiiOLUii u bvnur
roft CHicoasN TtarMino
reeealekralllrraawtala. S Cents a kettle,
luini ut a.ii. ai.-.ii. m rtw.Mun ni, imi.m mm i.
pa. ao-SAM-KO' pili at miov.
l-a. aia-M i ., m re. rue.
Sea, iMMsuuer aau. leL aiMANk. fklia. fa.
! In writing to advertisers don't for
i get to nieutiou this paper.
SEft IN 1MI W0SLD. VllVlaMwC
lis WparlnsqiislltlassreuitinriisnS'l.siHiislly
oiltlaelliif two bosinl of stir nthsr brand Kre
from Animal Oils. (IT Til K (IKst INSt.
aud baalers (cuerslly.
etkfllrtHritTsUW i
Cousb tljriisw TaaiesOoai. UeS I i
In lln.a. rt.n.1 bt 1
- f
N. P. N. U. o. WU.-8. F. N. U. No. 736