The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 25, 1896, Image 4

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    Ktigcno CHty (iuard.
f. rpiti)AV,
JULY 25-
The motto on the llryan button
that ban btt-ii adopted in: "No
Crown of Tliornn; No Crons of
(iold." , ,
J'be idea is taken from tlio cloi
in words of Jiryun'n njK-cch before
the Chicago convention in which
he snid: "Having behind uh the
commercial intcreHta and the labor
interest, atid the toiling iiibhhch,
we shall aniwer their demand for
a gold standard by saying to them
you shall not preon down upon tho
"hrow of labor this crown of thorns.
You shall not crucify mankind
upon a cross of gold."
The exodus to the mountains
Tho silver convention at
Louis is nracticully a unit
Tho money brokers of New York
thinned 12.250.000 in gold to Ku-
roiie today. It is hard to keep the
"sound honest" money with us.
The freo trudo cold democrats
are political orphans in this cam
paign. They might find refuge in
one of tho wings of the prohibition
Tho foreign tankers of New
York held a meeting yesterday to
confer about tho best meanr of pro
tecting tho gold reserve, (iold do
nosits of near v 13.000.000 were
inado at the subtreasury as a result
of tho conference. They do not
wish another bond insuo before the
residential election. It would bo
fatal to McKinley on whom they
etako their fortunes.
Following the lead of Senator
Hill. Tamilian V has adopted the
following resolution: "Tammany
Hall hereby ratifies tho nomina
tions of tho democrat io national
convention recently held in Chicago,
viz: William J. IJrvan.or Nebraska.
for president, and Arthur Sewull,
of Maine, for vice president. Ana
wo do hereby pledge to them our
loyal, zealous and unswervering
Pendleton K. ().: It may inter
est toinu people in Pendleton as
well as all over the land, to know
that Joaquin Miller lias declared
for llryan for president and will
take the platform to help ulong his
election. Tho old poet loves his
fellow man, and ho considers
by helping llryan ho is help
ing along tho brotherhood of
man which aggrandized wealth
id destroying. We say with
fervor Hurrah, for tho old poet!
Hisvoicois tho voico of Oregon
for bo is a truo son of Oregon, who
Hies with her own wingx, as all
truly democratic things should
It is rumored that the recent sale
of tho Oregon Kailway it Naviga
tion Company placed that corpora
tion in the hands of the Southern
I'ucific. Tho cessation ol the tight
between tho railroad and steamers
on low faros between Portland ami
Sun Francisco gives color to the
rumor. If this is tho case the
eteamer Gypsy will bo seldom seen
at Euireno. Sinco that boat hus
practically demonstrated the prao
ticabili ty of steamboat navigation to
Kugeno a considerable portion of
the year, tho proposition of tapU
Gruy to build a boat owned by
people whose interests are centers
in hvjgene should receive serious
consideration. luriug periods of
low water in tho summer months
tho bout could bo profitably used on
tho lower river. A large amount
of money was saved our people in
freight rates by the steamer Gypsy
and wo have heard it stated the
O. H. & N. netted a fair profit
on their investment. Help your
Natrou Item".
July 2t, IS!" 6,
Mr Jaiiioi TallarYro Is working uear
Kprinirrlt'lil, J Io makes a visit home
every Sunday,
Tho l'lenxnnt Hill coruet Imtul gave
a fiee concert at JuHperJuly 12. A
good attendance and enjoyable time
was hail,
Mlil!i'r(le ty I venter was tho gui'it
of MIch Lena Smith Sunday, July 12.
Mr Hoston KIuhIcs Is now working
for the 8 V H H, rlckluif up wood near
this place.
Mr Johu 1 lull: ram, who hus been
staying at KlUvllle, In on a visit to Ills
lttr, Mrs A it (Smith, who rvnlJi's ut
this place,
A Iwiiket ocl ill tin given ut Tlitir
ton July 1U A largo oruwil ut It iiiletl,
A ginnl thus whs rvnrteil by a uuiiiUr
who were mere.
Mr Jarlea Powell of Camus Kwale,
was In our mliUt vlxiting with rck
MrHuck w ho reside near Creawell
was vUltlug hers a few days ago.
The Janjier Sunday sehuol electtd
the following new oMcvni fur the fil
ming six months at the rvgulsr month
ly buslin-M meeting held nt the
school boiido lat evening: Ml Manila
Morehouiw, librarian; Mix Dora Wal
lace, supt; Mrs Keeuey, aiwlittntit tupt;
Mlaa 1U-I1 Keeuey, trcaurer and aeere
tary. Mr Claude L Hmltli went to Albany
this week aud esHH'ls to return soon.
Tie "Middle of tie Eoai" Fac
tion Scores a
Hr. Loi is, Mo., July 11-7J a m
lAliKiilin coming In slowly. t
over 70 111 their miU and vUllor
uall'TV entirely vueniit.
12:40 Chairman Tniibcneck eullB
convention to order. Henutors lTeller
and Allen and IgnatliiH Donnelly,
"Cyclone" Davis, General Weaver and
Governor Hlolio occupy seut on the
Chairman Tanlneek Introduces
Governor Ht ne, of Mlwtouri, who de
liver the aililrcH of welcome.
Newland, of Nevada, ulilresse the
convention. Kpeech received with
lenthUHliiHni. ICetera Io isryan ami
xayn: "Wo muni accri uie uiiMiniii
leader of ilcinoeiucy and march with
him to victory." ....
Ignatius Donnelly U Introduced nod
resiionds to Gov. Htone' addrenn of
1:10 H'nator lluller, of North tar
olina, teuiorury chairman, wax In
troduced ami given elieertt. Jle 1
now uddreMting the eonventloii. Jtut
lersaldlhu deiinM rul liad utoleli the
people's jmrly plutform, wliereUon he
was largely cheered. Hald he hoped
the convention would not turn Into a
democratic annex, lie nay ho ha loo
iiiin h fubh toUlleve It will turn it
self Into a republican annex.
Tim iiHiml i iniitlee were appoint
ed and then the convention ailjouruei;
until H p in.
Kr. l-ot is. Mo.. July 23; 10.0S a m-
Weutber clear und lilcunulit. I tele
gatlou nlowly ga luring, lioth Hry
and nntl-llrvan men claim a UHiJori
ty. Thro will probiibly be a lent vole
nil credential coiiiinlllet' repon.
10:18 Chulruiaii llutler call eon
vi n i Ion to order. Committee on en-
ili nllnlH nut ready to report.
1II:"L' Itoll I lielllg culled for colli
nillteemeii on iteruiiineut orgalila
11:4.1 Committee oil permanent or
IF II II iiitloii. rule and pbitforiu have
!, Hiiiioliiled and retired.
Delegate from Oklahoma takes pint
fiirm mid hIiich a sonir.
G K Gather, of Alabuina, InlrodiiccN
Mrs IVnnlnnion, of ArkaiiMin, who
ang a iopulnt son, "Down With the
Coiiimllteo on credential nay they
Will le reaily to report at o elucl;.
Motion lo udlouru until that hour
l..r0. Convention takes icct-ss until
3 it m.
Partial report of eoiuiuiltee on i
dentLilsllow belnir rend. CledetitiulN
ciiiiiiiiitteH recouillielidn III Illinois Coll
lent that both dclcu'itlnn be muted
and each be clven a half vote each
Mlniirltv report will U mililiillle.l.
In Colorado the I'lUternon ileleKUtion
I willed.
l'atterMin of Colorado tinive to con
nlder content In alphabetical order of
atalci.: motion curried.
Time of dlciiMMiti of majority am
minoritv reiHirls limited to ! minute
for eacli Hide for illwuxi-idli.
4:U'i. On motion id Patterwiu o t ol
orudo conteHt over an hour or until
miiioi it v report I iueMnteil.
Darrow. of Chicago, Masking for
adoption of tin) minority report aeat
lug tho Tuylor delegation. 'I'iino
dlKi'UHxlou exlelided .1(1 minutes.
Jerry Simpson, tu' Kauna, making
five minute knvch favoring minority
remirt. I tew veil with cheer.
I ol H K Morton, of Chicago, mlvocat
nir ikdoiitlou of miilol llv report.
uKKl Hecrclarv ordered to cull roll
ofKtates on motion mibntitutlng minor
it v remirt aeullng Taylor delenution
from Cook county.
d:M The motion substituting mill
nrlty report for majority report lost by
a vote of litio to til 'J.
Majority report adopted aentlng both
fuelloiiH of Illluoi w ith one-hull vote
for euch deleuate.
Tbl Is eoiiHidered a victory for the
uildille-of tlio-roail men.
lit port of credcntiuU cobimlttee
Colorado minority report with
t):07 Gil ring eon tent Goo V Wash
burn, of MunHuchiiHctt lui been IP ting
us tempornry cbuirmnii.
I onveutloii still Hi scmMoii as we go
to pre.
The Latest.
All Are in Favor of Bryan an i
On a tent vote for Chulrmun Heuutor
lley, a llryan man, was elected
chairman over Champion, a middle of-
the-roud man, by 00 majority This
surely ludlcute that llryan will be
endorsed or nomluued for president.
Call iir Harrauts.
Notice U hori'liy given that the ful
lowing warrunl will U paid on pre
sentation at my oilUv. Interest on
sumo w ill cease July 1".', IS: HI: All
Lano county war runts front registered
lHiiuler J0,to3 to 10,327, both Inclus
Dated F.ugene, Ore, July 21, IStHl.
County Treucurer.
Kills for Hoed
Sealed bid Villi he received at the
(ll'AKltofllceup to August 1st, IS'.HI,
for 10 cords of 4 foot grub O.ik, und 10
cords of 4-foot body maple, to he de
livered in Kugene liy AugSOlh, I mm.
Karl's Clover Hoot, the greut HKhhI
.'uriller, gives frvshneiw and cleuruess
to the Complo.lon and cures Colistlp:t
Hon. 'Z cK, M etu., H.. Mold by
lleiuleooii vV I. Inn.
PAINTS : : : $1.50
and everything else In
proportion at
tuQene, ... Oregon.
turn Wurk Si-I1T.
IO KH K Out Uur I'ountT lltnL
1-ltOI I I ll fill I4H,
Hr. In.-iH, July ?J; V2.0.-U I the
plull of the ailverltes to n-rfeet a telil
sirury organization and appoint a
committsu Infore Hie oftemoou od
jourument. A coniuilttee ol seven
will be sent to confer with the pop
ulists. 12:Pl -Convenlioii culled to order by
Chairman Mottof the n-illonal com
mittee. Itoll of comml'tee on credentials lie
lug called.
1:45 A young lady costumed as the
GiMldess of hllierty is reading the dec
laration of Independence.
Chulrmun of Hie convention reud u
telegrum from Heuutor Teller, ol Col
oruOo, auying that a vote for llryan
sod hewall I a vote for the monetary
lndeienduiice of America. Great
Convention udjurtied until 4:30
though much opposition to adjourn
ment wus uunliest.
Alternoon session culled to order by
teiniHtriiry chulrmun New lund.
MolloH to admit populii-t to the
hull wit In ut tickets, curried.
5 p m Committee on rules report
ed; iesirl of credelitiuls committee
Committee on 'iuiuiient ongtinl.u
tlon reisirted W 1' Hi John, of New
York, for permanent cliulrmuu. Great
appluuse. Chairman Ht John escorted
to the ebulr. He I now addressing
the convention.
6:12-Chuirinau Interrupted by loud
and continued cheering. Frequent
burst of applause and cheering.
6:i;H-Chuirinau Ht John concludes
amid loud and enthusiastic applause
ti:.17 Much discussion und excite
ment over motion to upMint a com-mitu-c
to coi.fer w ith populists. Chair
man rapping for order.
Argument over conference com
mittee continues; m-vcimI substitutes
and amendments ollered; great con
tusion. Motion to appoint a conference com
mittee, carried.
Convention still l" "en-Ion when
we went to preas at t o'clock.
Hr. Loris, Mo., July 23; 10:18 a m
Deleate late in arilving. Committee
m leclecl for conference with (H-oplo's
party caucusing buck of cli'iirmuii's
desU. ') lie hull Is tilling rapidly.
Iii::i2 Convention called lo order.
10:35 Motion to appoint a cummit-
t.enii wavsuiul uieiiii c.iril.Mi,
KK30 ('ungressman Cha Towne, of
Minticsota, ttddresiiig I lie convention.
Tow nu su' m J llryan reprcHcuts
l he eiiuse of Immunity iigainsi iiiiiih
tlce. At the mention of Teller's name
the convention cheers in a body.
11:42 Kx -Governor Ht John, of Kun
SUM. called for and responds. Mention
of Cleveland's niune greeted with
Mrs Coinrur. of Indiana, addresses
1 1 ii convention.
Hand olnvs. "Mv County 'Tis of
Convention rles and slum.
Hheldoii. of Connecticut, addresses
Towne, of Minnesota, say Mrs
l-'.lleii Lease, of Kansas, will address
the convention thi evening.
Hon HA Cole, of Wisconsin, ad
ilrense the convention, anil takes I
sue with Mrs Cougar's address. De
fend the Ireulm: Intercuts of Mil
waukee und Ht houk Cole inter
ruptid. Chair raps for order and says
the speukcr n.iisl le iieuru. ureui
coufiislnn. Colo resumes and con
clude Ills speech.
12:5(l-Ucccsu taken until 2:30 p m.
I. unc's speech well iceelved.
Motion liiuilu by cliulrinnu that when
the convention adjourn t lie hour for
reconvening be set at 10:30 tomorrow
morning cutised a general and heated
4 40-Molion thut upon adjourn
meiit the hour for re convening be set
for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, cur
A poll of the former political adula
tions of the di legates to this conven
tion give the following result: Ke
publican 52ii; rteiiliwrats 13-5; popu
list 47; prohibitionist !t; green buckers
I; Inilcpc mlcnls i.i; total
Convention udjourned until 10 am
Notice te
lit lil go lluilihrs
ami t'ou-
Notlceis ln'ivby given that sealed
bid will U received at the clerk's
oillce until 12 o'clock m, l'rlduy Au
gust 7th lii'.Mi, for the construction of
a bridge across Hill erce!; nt Jasper,
In Inline county Oregon, said bridge to
be a 50 foot spun with 170 feet for the
two approaches.
To be built on piling driven to bed
rock. Piling to ho not less than 10
Inches In diameter ut nmull end, und of
oak or cedar timber; three piling to the
A. C. Jknni.ngs,
County Clerk
New and second hand buggies.
Y L Chambers.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account nl u ticking
seiisutioti in tho throat, may overcome
It at once by a )o of One Minute
Cough Cure.
Osm uN A DkI.aso.
Stoves to lit every bod) ' purse Ironi
II.H0 to f 10 00. Just bought a bank
rupt stock of three cur loud.
K. L. ChamW'rs.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day Is break
ing!" so said DeWilt's Little Karly
liisers to tint man who hud tukcu
them to arouse bis !ug!kh liver.
Unburn iV Del.uuo.
Your Own Prices.
In order to CLOSE OUT
our stock of Summer
Shoes no reasonable
offer will lie refused.
Try Us and Be
YORAfl &
I'oily Oiiaril, July .'J.
I. O. O. I'. Installation. Spencer
Unite Lodge, .Noll, I O O held an
Instalhit on of olllcers last night.
Deputy W W Chewimuu nf .Spring
Held ucted uh Installing ollli-t-r. Alter
the work uus lluislied Ihey repaired to
10 I) I'oil's Ice cream parlors w here
cold refreshments were served. The
lollowiuu' were the nlllii-rs installed:
N (I, M Svarverud; V(l, C S Frank;
secretary, II Y Dorrls; treasurer, A ti
llovey; conductor, T W Jenkins;
warrior, Hobt (iross: li.S.Ntl, (IN
Kruzer; LSXtl, II; I (J.J
Lamson: O (J, J M Williams K s S,
JC(irVi L K H, (Jen Croiier; KSV
(J. C Lltllelleldj LSVU, LOlle-k-with.
We m'ght tell you inoie ubnut One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know thut it cons u cough, Kvery
one d'H?s who has used It. It Is a pei
fii.-t remedy for coughs, eolds, houie
uess. It Is an especial favorite for
children, being pleasant to take and
(ju jik in curing.
(.sh k .t DkLaxo.
SII I LOU'S CUIt7:,"tiie gn at Cough
und Croup Cure, is in great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 2rc. Children love it. Sold by
Henderson St (dun.
about here.
nctii in me uisv
Jlillnirii Spilnif
July W.
M, John llurlseh Is st the springs,
m. fc'.a.itc Close and Ittv M Us, of
Eugene, visited this place Satmdav.
Hears mem pienuui
Tn more havo betn
few duys.
..ti..,..ui' mill V III
jauies .uii"j .. . l Aii.,11
lough are at the spring, " V:
and Wm Hond and Mis- AinM
Uond und Alice Wlmmer, of Irving.
m - ..Mm Si I lit tit
Quite a number or young "i- ,
Saturday llslilng, ineeling
una mlshap-the losing of
ring by Miss Jionu.
Among those visiting this place
Sunday were John Simpson und w ife.
MrtJnodno and wife, Mrsl yuka d
sou, Misses Etta Simpson, Ella aud
Ivu Smith.
School picnic on uie
and bring your bas-
with only
a dlau olid
Grand Sunday
Come all
lluckleu's Artilca Salve.
ti, it..ui Salve in the world
f..... li..uua iinn. ClilTH.
Khcum, Fever Sores, Tetter, tbupped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and ixwltlvely cures Piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect Kutisfuctloli r money
refunded. Trice cents per box.
For sale by Henderson & Linn.
Mrs Ithodie Nouh, of this pluce, was
taken In the night whh cramping
...ins and the next tiny diarrhu-a set
In. She took half a bottle of bluek
I, n roidial but irot no relief. She
tl en sent tome to see if I had any'
ililnir thut would help her. I sent her
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi
era und Diarrlnea Itemedy and the
first diwe relieved her. Another of our
neighbors hud been sick for about a
week and hud tried diflerelit remedies
fordiurrhoia but kept getting worse,
I sent him this remedy. Only four
doses cf it were reouired to cure him.
He says he owes his recovery to this
wuiiderful reined v. Mrs Mary Sibley,
Sidney, Mich. For sale by 0buru A
tikily ousrd, July ii.
A Hiiokejj Sit.b. Iwo flat curs
louded with GO foot timbers were
switched oil' here yeslerduy. A sill la
uur of tho cars hud become broken and
the ends of the timbers resting on that
cur hud to be ruised by lack screws,
while the crippled cur wus replaced by
On account of the noor health of our family we ure compelled to
close uur store and leave Eugene, much to the regret of ourselves
Hud family, liut as the health 'if uur family demands it, we
shall commence on
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Oar o Qreat o o o Out 5alj,
D oing this sale everything will he suld at Auction Prices. II
yon wisli to buy goods Cheap now is your opp irtunity. Come
early before the stock is broken. Nothing reserved. Every
hili(f 1 1) oijr store goes,
HAMMOCKS AT $1.00, $1.50,
Cump folding stools, 2oc
Folding camp chair and
bed (d.25
2 lines for 5c
Fine tro it Hies 25c per
Lenders; 3ft 5C
Jointed poles, 25o, Goo
Split bamboo pnles.f2.00
lull and sec Hiese great
Another consignment1 of the
4lFamnic (PraufnrvJ
Will bo in in a few tlavs.
This makes the 13th con
signment of bicycles this sea
son. Mesoll the Lost Iney
i . i r
cies tor the least money-savo
you about
l'hiwi Ix, per gallon...
Btes' Hist, per gal....
Hay Mate, per gal..
,.H so
. l ao
.. 1 ir.
Best Lead on the Maket.
St Louis Linseed Oil,
siMml erici 1.1 iltstlon of tune Couii-t on
IE 0 anS OIL. o rrr lull lin ol WALL
t PtS. full lluv of oihrr atul 'rvKlur,.
on each machine,
special good values
on account of the
vein1 'rrsiifsrurAX
Beginning Today,
Misses and Ladies Sit 1
$2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.00, 85 and
(yaffles, all at the Uniform Price-
This gives you a choice of our Wholf
AAUduiuiciy nu neserve.
COME EARLY and GET theft
During Our GreatS
We aregi ing to offer 60 pus. no. 3 anu 3i I.mlin Kid Rl.n-
than fiOo on the cn.ili.r: "IUB"C
?2.00 Shoes at $1.30,
3.00 1.50, '
5.(K) ' 2.50,
We are alno goliiK to clone out our Ladies TAN and BLACK i
at 77c per pair.
pon'l niiM IIiIm oimorliinlly, for rtiiifinbr lliis une tiHttt,,
A. V.
Corner Eighth and Willamette Streets.
Ladies Duck Suits
Worth $5.00 For $!
Oassitz Kid Gloves
Worth $1.00 Fcr E5 tt
F. E.
t A
Sied Bed-Steads
$1.50 EACH,
7th and Willamette Streets,
I TttU Komi ii I.
I litiaUuchc. t.
ltiioii, OTtl urvum. I":;- i
1 oouthf hi error t.r rxrts '
Ipnltl, frithatrUtenn,:tr..:
mvHIcnl honk, n !','t 1
flnnnrirtl tf itntth.if. 1 n
r . um. vwi4H;ir)-i'ii' -
.i i.ikl"
D3V Si HflnHorcnn WnAnb,
Embalmers. Cor Wil. and 7th sts.
BARKER GUN WORKS, - gth St., Eugene.
If you want V gvi II
tl t mil li.l,t.l nin,,;.. ..I ... .
kin.l to buy ,l tli.t i. tl,. kWHOKN K. It l xhTbZ , ZtfZ VT 'l 'r "D.
i.y lunli
B I'llliT
oitfnrth; miiiiiU lwav nn hinl
Uepftirt lwjno hAiul nr emu
iWr fai.ith of
.kf th t lSitt iKVk' M.l, U .1,- Tt. in . u
. - - W Ul
tin Art- 0J
U Hit
South Willauiftt Htnvt, J u uaqoicc
One do.irwuihoflSnvn'iirrnivry to'r& nnniib, Agent,
" ' r.Uj;iH, Oregon.
..Uh i'.l.niHto .tr- t I al.o ,ml..r .i.ii. n, tn ,,'t ill ii,..
t'ltl in 111. pvutuL IURM It llll, ,b,
Highest Market Price Paid lor
Hides and Produce. It C'1 . . Vili"-
: sevrel in my
Sweet Marie.
A tale I ui ,part)
Bwt Marie:
If jou'J even fairer l
Vou nlust always use I'ark Tea
ll,e ,luKovenieiit you will
Sweet Marie.
M ly A. Veki.noton.
I n.' cf1 .
I.- ll.A lll.t
' ' .... , 1 !..
t II r. .iV;i,
., h. I ll'l""'
.,.1 IU
a. n. k "i
To A. I'. Iii.l
I II ill" , ...
hori'by r oulr.'l ,7in lM
iiniui n'iiJ "
m-lloil by I'
ben. ' .. ,i
of Mij fiiiiiu'i " ; i
t.i.i-0 i.i '"'. : ' Tit
. . ....... i . 'Hi. 1
for'"iil"r,vl;, ,p nfi""
niri.t.miti'-l vou I. r
lorm-T fimi'l ; r, ', m ,
.uiiimouIM"il ''- ; lbi