The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1896, Image 4

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    titigcno City Guard.
IVndlvtuii K. ).: At a lundieuii
pirty at tlio Hotel l'unilhtton on
'Tim Foiirth," Joaquin Miller recit
ed Die following vcthch in a manner
that would CHtublisli an uflootiou fur
his tnuBes, Lis thought and senti
ments, in any soul, and raiHo men
to higher jilanta in Hpite of them
selves: The brsveat battle that over wuh fought,
Klmll I U-ll vou where mxl when?
Ou tliH iimixt of the world you will
(lnil It not.
'Twhs ft)U!it by the mother of men
'h.v, not with butlloorcuiitiou Mhot,
lib sword or nobler ik-k :
Niiv.not with eloquent word or thouiili
1-rotn the mouth of wonderful nu n
But deep to a wollled up woman' heurt
Of a woman who could not yield;
Hut patiently, bravely bore her purt
Im mere la thai uuuie iieiu.
No martial troop, no bivouao ontr,
No banner to irjeam and wave;
And Oh! they luxl o Ioiik.
From babvliood lo thoKrnve.
After he recited these hcautifu
vcrscs.he recited "William Drown,'
a humorous account of an old
maid'a search of a dincarded lover
which is as quaintly humorous at
the first was refreshingly soulful
The noem "William Jlrowr. was
written 01 the tomh of Caesar in
Kome for London l'unch tn
special order from that publioa
ludluu Doctors
Upon tho Yakima Reservation is
an Indian doctor who cures all the
ills to which the aborigines are heir
He is a whole system of medica
philosophy and drug storo com
bined. llo camo down to I'enJlu
ton today, says the KastOregonian
expressly to treat Paul Shoaway
Hhowaway is the real chief of the
Cayuso tribo and his people recog
nisso this (act. There is not much
in the chieftainship business now
and so ho does not assert his rights
But they want him full v to recover
and so they sent up to Yakima for
an Indian doctor. Hub Indian uou
tor's method is ono which would
make a yellow dug laugh if
was an atUu'ho of a medical college,
It is as simple as the naluro of the
child of the forest and consists only
of doing Hub: lie applies his
mouth to a spot on the body direct
ly ovor tho heart, if tho heart is
affected, and by suction power
draws from the body all the dele
terious substance which cauHcs the
disease. If tho arm is lame, ho up
plies this suction to the part
atlected, and draws out the pain
and disease, l aul enthusiastically
declared that no one could fail to
recover when treated by this Yaki
ma doctor and ho expects soon to
baas well as ever. Onco recovered
said I'aul, "I will never again drink
whiskey. I here s nothing in it.
The Day At Chicago Spen
In Debate.
A telegram from New Orleans
dated July 2nd says:
Uepresentati ve Dudenhafer's high
hat bill hat passed the liouso by a
voto of (5 1 yeas to '2 1 noes. As
amonded it provides that tho the
aters and other places of amuse
monts where admission in charged
shall provide a suitable reception
room lor hats, and an attendant to
take chargo of them freo of cost to
their patrons. Tho bill, in effect,
prohibits tho wearing of hats alto
gether at theaters, etc. It has not
yet been adopted by tho senate,
and has yet to receivo ti e gover
nor 8 signature.
Hetty tlreen's husband, Edward
Henry Green, is 20 years his wife's
vonior and is now nearly 80, though
ho does not look it. When they
woro married ho was possessor of a
million or so, made in Kast India
trade, but he lost it all in Wall
street, and found himself a bank
rupt 12 years ago. Though he and
his wife had separated, sho made
him a handsome allowance, which
is still continued, and he lives com
fortably on it in a Now York
A real flying machine has flown
around an isolated island in the
Potomac, though there was nobody
aboard of it. Tho apparatus rose
like a crane, circled tho island like
a turkey buzzard and settled finally
on tho waters of the Potomac
marshes like a duck. The motive
power was napthn and now the
builders, two professors of the
Smithsonian Institute, will pro
ceed to mako one big enough to
carry passenger. .
Foley Sprluirs.
The Foley Springs health and sum
mer resort has been refitted and re
furnished sod Ik how epea to the pub
lic for this year's season.
The natural mineral hot water and
steam baths are curative of rheuma
tism, kidney, liver, otomacli, private
aud other complaints. The tempera
ture of the water Is 1SS degree.
These springs are situated In Hie
heart ot the Cascade mountain, t0
Dillea eaitt of Kugeue. Flue flxlilng
and huutlng during the ohii seiuoii.
Stages leave hotels of Kugeue Mon
days, Wednesdays aud Fridays at 0
o'clock a m, returning ou alternate
For further luformatlon addrea
Mks. ItlNKV,
Foley Spring, Or.
Ciiicaoo. July K: 0 l ru The de
bate on tbe admittance of the Mich
Iguu silver delegates was very txcit
tug. They were admitted by a vole ol
5'iH to 3i.'
Tlio announcement of the vote
caused grt-at chuering. The cheering
completely drowned the bauds. Many
deli-mile uml others stood on the
M-Hts waving llugH. Home Kentucky
delegutew went Into the alnles and gave
a "lireuk down."
Henuior White was elected permit
nent chairman, lie said allHtatesan
del iiiitiou may depend ou fair truul
menl at his hamls: amx-aled for liar
iiionv. saviuit democratic principles
would live when all have cease
The usual gavel whs presented.
Adjourned until Thursday at 1J
o cloea.
Chicago, July 0. Delegates com
lint lu slowly, nimie lime yet tiefor
the convention comes to order. 1'roiu
luent men are being cheered as they
10:48 am The comiiiitee on plat
form has added an anti-A 1' A plank
and a resolution irttiiiliiir. civil an
reliirlous liberty.
Holes banner has Just beeu carried
in and Is helm cheered.
11:03 Convention called to order
(Ally a unit ot the delegates are I
their wats.
It Is claimed McLean of Ohio will
receive sixty votes for president ou the
llrst ballot.
Henator Jones of Arkansas preseuts
report of committee on platform.
Various points In the platform are
being cheered. The platform Is sub
stantially as presented In tbe moruln
papers and outlined In these dis
patches veslelday.
11:10 A minority report of the com
mittee on resolutions will be presented
by henator Hill In wiiien strong ex
eeptioii ot the silver coinage plank Is
taken, and contains a strong endorse
ment of rreskleut I levelaml.
VliHi Henator Jones announces
there will be one hour and twenty
minute iriven each side for debate,
The minority report advocating all
money bo kept at a parity Willi goiu
loudly i-heered.
Plank endorsing present admlnls
tratinn in minority rert, loudly
cheered. Many delegate and large
part of audience on their feo. Chair
man rapping for order.
Kcnalr r Tillman, of Houtli Carolinn
ollering amendment and I to speak
for llfleen minutes. He Is siwaklng In
favor of the majority report. He is lo
tie allowed fifty minuses. He refered
to lying newspaisirs that have mis
represented him, as "Tho I'itchfoik
Man" from Houth Carolina. Cheers
and Inuuhter. Hays we are to tn
augurate a war to liberate the "white
slave" (cheers); cannot say whether
he Is a representative of the entire
south. Cms of "no, no," and con
Senator Vilas will in (urn sneak for
the minority report.
Tillman says we have been tho fiew
era of wood and carriers oi' water In
bondage to the slates of New York
Connecticut and New Jersey. Hays
this Is a sectional Issue ihisseswllh
a few cheers); lays facts cannot be
changed by hissing and is presenting
arguments to corrolsirate his state
ment. Asks It New l ork and renu
sylvania got It great Increase lu
wealth lu tlio lust decade honestly
Cries of yes aud no. Hnys the lu
crease lu wealth Is more than ill per
(Viil or the west, western anil southern
states combined.
A marching club 1 mining in with
bands. Hergeaul-at-arius has gone to
stop it.
'llllman says the south has no amirv
feelings or resentment for the wrongs
ll liaseiuiureu.
liallerles crying time ou Tillman
causes Interruption to lilsspeeeh.
iiouu cries or "inn, inn." rrmu the
galleries. Chairman rapping for or
der. Tillman says he will have his
say If he stands here until sundown.
l ouveullou proceeillmrs at a
'1 illniau resumes. Hays the senator
from New York will folllow, and that
he tried yesterday to get him lu the
front, but he would not come out;
tiol that lie feared tho senator, but left
him to explain If he so desired. Hays
Hill forced the prescut Imuo and left
it to him to tell why. Tillmau's ref
erence to Cleveland was loudly cheer
ed. Haid to endorse Cleveland's ad
ministration was to write ourselves
lowu as liars. Kcfcrs to bond svu
dli'ato. Cheers aud hisses; savs Cleve
land had no courage to override his
oath and Invade the state of Illinois
with government t roups. Cheers and
hisses. Hays Cleveland has been the
death of the democratic party so far as
he could be. Now quoting lines from
llyrou levelled at Cleveland as a
traitor. Hays lie will noon close. Cries
of "good." Kcfcrs to John Hherman
and Cleveland republicanism. Laugh
ter aim nisscs. tars wo are now en
gaged In an ettort lo wrest the liberty
of our lathers and says we must get
lliu populist ami bimetalists to en
lore the plattoim aud nominee, or
tney are beaten and disgraced tn No
Hav tho scclUimillNm Is lift wmn IbA
u'oplo and the money oligarchy of the
Fast. Asks where Is the New York
leader now. Cries of "In the soup'
irom mo galleries, i rics also "iter
Most," laughter and hisses. He agaiu
refers to the lying ucwspncr. Hays
we have repudiated sin in the plat
foi m bill have failed to mention the
Inner. Liu.ghter and cheers. IV
pouncing Cleveland as uudemocratio
and tyrnnl lo, and denouncing the Is
suing of bond In lime of peace as an
usurimtion or authority and deserv
ing of lini a.'hinent i hisses In trnllvrv.
I'lllman ha ttnished. Confusion.
12 ill Senator Jones, ol Arkansas. i, convention in favor of
majority reHiit. Hays this Is not a
sectional convention (cheers): savs
this i a sectional question; says be
would lay down Ids life for hi
country; believe tbe whole of this
great country is atsive the south mid
lve section. Ureal cheering, del
egates standing on chair. When men
are. coming over to a great question
from all sections, how In Odd' name
can anyone claim It li eetioualim.
ISuSU Snator Hill Just ascends plat
form. (Irvat elurrlng all over the
hall. Cheering continued, and re
newed wltli vigor. Hill eland calmly
on platform while demonstration goes
on. Chairman endeavor to restore
order. Cheers break out afreli. Three
cheer given for Hill. Chairman liar
rltv liislructinir sergeant at-srms to
restore order. Hill trying to be heard
Hill says If the Houth Carolina Henator
I a democrat he Is a mugwump
Havshli mission Is not to divide the
tmrtv. Cheers. Asks If he needs t
defend New York and her citizens.
Cries of no. Says New York Is the
Gibraltar of democracy; suys It Is not
a question of patriotism, but Is a que
tion of busiiie- and nuance and ecou
oinv: says the convention should
oulv declare In favor of Interim
t onal bimetallism; cannot act alone
in this lustier: say convention
launching Its nominee ou one Ingle
ratio, 10 to 1, while many think other
ratios are proper; regrets that Platform
has not one word lu favor or interna
tional bimetallism; says in view of the
great production or silver at small ex
nense. might as well say coppei
is vmial to gold. Hill is now point
lug out the danger to business aud
to party of platform as endorsed
on financial question; also de
nounce plank favoring Income tax
Has it Is unwise to assail the supreme
court or your country, cneer. nayi
be will not follow such revolutionary
steps: thinks It unwise to criticize
bond question lu platiorm, and ask
what ll means. "1 It repudiation1
Cheer. Asks what condition the
country would be In today If it had not
been for the Issue of bonds; say the
platform Is full ol absi r I proismilloii
and calculated to injure the party
nnnoscs ulsllorm because It makes dif
fk-ullits for the Eastern demis-rata lu
ttie coining struggle. Apoeals to the
convention not to put the Hastcni men
In a position with their nanus lien
Savs that it may prevent the west aud
aoulh from winning the fight.
1:22 Senator Vlla ascends platform
Much confusion; many delegates ou
their feet. Vilas begins siieech lu
favor of minority retort, but is Inter
rupted by cheers. Confusion coll
tiunes. villi aava maturity has con
ceeded right to minority ot 'presenting
their case and no more. He Warn
them to heed the solemn protest of the
minority or the consequences will rest
with them.
Vilas Is endorsing Hill's argument
Governor Kusst-ll, or Massachusetts,
takes the platform. Hays the con veil
tion Is not open to argument; will say
but little, and that a protest.
JSryan, of Nebraska, takes plat form
and receive an ovation. Hcaks in
favor of the majority report, says the
pioneers of the West are as worthy o
R ipporl as the magnate of the hast
liryan Dnishis. Cheered loudly,
Cries of "Nominate him! nominate
him!" Guidons carried to Nebrask
delegation. Cheering increasing
Hlates marching around the hall Willi
guidons swinging. Guidons of some
slates known to favor other candi
dates being forcibly carried around
the ball. Hergeaiit-at-arms clears
al sles.
3:11 Vote on platiorm ordered.
Motion now on adoption of amend
nieiit oUi-reil hv Hill to substitute mi
norlty for majority report so far as ti
nsnclal question goes.
Motion to lay Hill's motion on the
table, ruled out of order. Call of
states ordered.
Hill's motion lost. Vote resulted
Ayes 303, nsys i-D, one not voting
lieeelved with cheers.
Vote on Hill's motion endorsing
Cleveland's administration resulted
aves 354. noes olW; some few not voting,
Much confusion during vote; It was
luiMissible to keep track of it.
11111 motion that if free coinage
was found lo tie a failure at the end
of one year it should be discontinued
was loHt by a large vote.
Vote on platform resulted: Ayes
U2M, noes 301.
4:47 Convention takes a recess until
8 p m, when nominating speeches will
oe me order.
Cwlou ScnintilM f Po-r Icooraal
Mi C.d A orl I.
A few example mar "e fitted to shmt
to what extent the popular belief lowltcN
craft, deinonlnont powcsslon and the cfli
carjr of conjuration still prevails. In tu
spring of 1804 a Hungarian named .lordas
startod on a bicycle from IJuchait wltb
tho Intention of making a tour tareiigl
the lialkan penlusula K ConatantliMipla.
ot fur from I'lilllpoppel, In liouuiPll, at
waa overtaken by night anil ohliged tf
stop at a hovel, which served as a pubMt
house, and aftir contlillna his wheel to tht
caro of tho Innkeeper, who took charge of
It wltb CHinsldurablo dlitrust, went to bad
Very soon tlio newt spread abroitd that a
Sorcerer had arrived riding on a uiagie ear
drawn by InvUlblo spirits, and a crowd of
rxolUnl MiaKant fllhsj tho Inn under th
direction of the poim, or villain .irliwk
who inrlukled the bleyclo with holy water
and adjured tho demon to drpar. Ttifc
niaglo ear of tho Itinerant nireerer fa
thou taken ont of door and demolished.
On tho next morning, when Mr. Jnro
wlshod to ooiithmo hi Journey, he foutst
hi bicycle brokm to phsAt aud was under
the mw.-lty of walking leng -Jlntnnes
to tho DiMirrot railway station. It wot
only the fuar of Mj enehantnieiita a a
wandering mnglolan that savinl him fmnr
perianal harm.
In October, 1894, a chromolithograph;
t. Anna, lu a church at Nanlea, kUeV
suddenly on the breast of tho saint a wiin
pot, which In tho eye of her worshtiwrt
gradually grew Into the for:C of a I"
Tho rumor of this wonder caused tkaa
sand of people to flock to the iv.o-e j slirUio,
and several nilracle weroalrvatly reporVo
wnen ino poueo orcerd tfet print ta b
taken down and oiandned. Or. tnvtwttgtO
tion tho white lily e roved to bo rnoM B
U hardly enidlb.o il the Neapolitan
clergy thould not liars known Wis nainiw
of thl phenomcaon, nid yet they illf
nothing to expoao the diu4mi, but niadt
cpltl out ot It by holding solemn sir
lc at tbe altar In recognition of 16 suf
poeed iidraoulont chan-ter. Tb Kj.l
of socb supirUtlous notions are not!
way so harndmf u In thenwe Jiut eltefi
Popular Science Monthly.
Th s otUrw
Tho ea otter combines t!is habit alfi
seal with the lntelllgni-e and aiunsit
character of the otter. Wheu met In faril
far out at sea, they ar eommonly sel
(wlmmlng on their tiacks. They even i
their fo-sl lying tn this position ou the
tor, and nurso their young ones on thob
chests ttwoen their mm exnvtlv a a
South Sa Island mother swlnu jrith her
Iwby In the water. When swlmmlim b!
thl attitude, they eveu shndo their eyi
with their nw when tho un daih)
thoui. Now thoy are an rare that the night
of a single otter iwlmuilna nut at ea Is
signal for a fleet of Aleutian boats to m
out for It capture, and the pr bcat to
nunUHl till It ran keep below water
longer aud allow Itself to be mmroA
hroin Uie whole area of the north 1'arlito
tn which thene pelaglo animal are fouui
the supply of n otter kln during tht
past year win ouly 1,064. For six year 4
tjvadlly dwrmmxl at the rato of bOO
skins a year, and It I probable that In
few year' time the creature will only U
seen tn the oollectlun ot naturalUts.
Ixindon Spectator.
In Jilack aud Tan
olors, at price
thai can not la
Summer Shoes,
Bicycle Shoes,
Tennis Shoes.
Call and examine them
Yoran's Sk Store.
lioir Ta.
louare hereby noli lied, that your
Dog Tax Is now overdue and must be
paid without delay. On and after the
13ih lust, the marshal will arrest and
kill all dogs umiii w hich the tax bus
ll'd been paid.
H. K. Don his,
PAINTS : : : $1.50
m and everything else in
proportion at
Eugene, ... Oregon.
1'f l'Stn Work SMvlsllr.
HKUl K Ovrr Ulie cuuntj Btak.
K.. b, III ncur. ."4 h. W.7 H.
tinukc Them.
. Ud c gar. The phlh.pldo.n.oker tnko.
hlseu.frt in alel-uMy say, '"' f,
.urroundlng, and Is able to shut Wima.II
out from tho world and all its pe .
noyance. as ho follows the curling wreath
Into tho dreamland of ruvcriu.
,nb. man who allows hU olgar to go ou
a eat many times and n-llghts t In suo
S spasm, of Hdg-tlnes. '
lyiet down as an Incoherent cl.araiter, to get off bis
peak. Mid certainly lacking in t-naelty
of purpose. Tho man wbo funiWe Is
cigar a B'ssl deal and manage, to Rt t s
wrapper unraveled and tho llro all on on
side may be dlml-.i d a a nervous per
.on, wlih a proclivity fr unoomfortahle.
new. Men who chew their cigar, leaving
Uioir t.vth print nn them and do this ror
a Umg Hum before HghtlnR them are quits
likely to bo stern, determined mon, full ol
grit and resolution. Genecal Oratit uw-a
to handle a cigar In that way, and Ills
marck Is said to do likewise.
As an Index of generosity or nieannc.
of soul the cigar Is qultetrustworthy. ine
generoui man, If he gmoke. al all, I. .ure
to Indulge himself and his friends when
they call on him with a good cigar. The
man who, with abundant mean, to .moke
the best, delllsjrately buy. the worst cigars
and pretends lo enjoy them Is capable oi
almost any conceivable meanness. Per
contra, tho man who can And solace and
refreshment from a cigar of good quality
... t,i. w, filled with choice tobacco and
who ts always ready to open his heart will
and let hi. tongue wag tlio mosi nivrriiy
when ho take his friend Into the hospital
I tie of a mutual smoke talk Is pretty sure
to bo ono whoso Instinct and Impulse are
In the main honest, genial aud right,-r
Baltimore tjun.
An ciicioi nniaenc
A concierge was showing llnrrloolettl
over a suit of rooms overlooking the oenie
i,.rv Imt. lUrrlcolettl wns slow In making
tin his mind. Then the concierge, after
enumerating a list of odvaiitnge pertain
ing the anartments. wound up With
the remark, ' And, then, uch quiet neigh
borsl" I'arls Journal.
No OfinM Intended.
"Wbv did even body leave the roon
when Miss Snuarkiinbusb began to slug?'
Asa token of riwit. They wanwu vo
talk." Detroit tree l'ress.
We have a Tan Oxford Shoe we are selling 25
per cent, less than the regular price.
We have a fine nice Oxford we will place
the market at 10 per cent, less than
regular price.
Bicycle Gloves. Bicycle
Closing Out on all Sammep Dress Goods
On account of the noor health of our family we are compelled to
close our store and leave Kuirene.niueli to the regret of ourslve9
and family. Hut a the health of our family iletunuds It, we
shall commence ou
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Our o (Jreat p Woyyi) o Out o 5al?.
During Ibis sale evervt'iing will be sold at Auction Prices. It
you w Isli to buy good Cheap now is your opp iriuiiity. Come
early before the stuck is broken. Nothing reserved. Every
thing In our store goes.
Of Buggies, Carriages and Wagons.
A First Class IJuggy, leather Trimming aud 1 leather Ion. cnimd.-tn
choice of Ave styles of springs. Former prices:
$100 and 1 103, now
No 11 Road Wagon 'unbind Hody) Lea Trim . ...
spring 2 Kat Mountain Wagon, Complete
Canopy Top f 20 and fj extra.
No 2 Combination Spring Wagon 2 Seat, former i. tinrt
" ' I v oo
These are no cheap trash but the best goods ever
made at the factory.
COAST" all Steel dear Wagons.
1, Farm Hed
li. " " "Z."
U. " "
ij. " " ;
t i . . . . -
ni'ioiniii iuick iK-u ti.oti. extra.
klur l oan v. A . B,
4 rrmu., Urrian
....'j:w U
...xm Us
...,4 l0l lbs
(kHH) lbs
....7000 lbs
3 Inch tire fo (K) extra.
05 00
40 00
60 00
100 00
GO 00
62 60
Co 00
TO 00
80 00
Ladies and Misses Shirt Wai$
Ladies Tcrcalo waists,
Reduced from
(detach collar)
and cuffs. "
"$1.00 to
" M5 to
" 153 to
1.50 to
1.7ot0 i
2.00 to
With the above quotations we hope top
out the Entire Line. It will be necessam
you iv odd iuoiao buwus "v fiGia,bu taft val
June lih, lyik
A "unklmlneraha no runiH.Wt )
Jel lu b wlia jou a uUul ul
toaor. 11um lUlluu.
If yea wni to ire lhb n, liJ.Ust ruiiniiw and tr...t bia.l
u ""ij fxu.i kiiatt m Miv 'rti l r,
ut himler on earth; Mttipl ly on han
no rinr. lvpMir alwayt on band can
u i. h. u.t ia rMi ,iv lh;u -ZZfr
d. ..iu in .ml t . bit.W .n.i r. w , b'
b. (,.t en .h..r ,.ti 1 full ifu,
01 in i'miukm mk In th. Titus lU slt. on J,t kwnh
KHith ilUrartt tUvU 1 ! Milr vcu an.l ..f !
nian 1 ajrltw thmkmii niaohines ol all 1 huiii rviwira f.
uiu..rr. i ut ui whiii u.irunnr ioiq nayrsk
t.H.h ia lh gnnind.
which mxkM it
f Or n't imvfrT tur nn
ii. Aunt i.r tl,. i..
r th lluckfy mr km)
in,mM.ili. to dig th
8oulli WllUitiette Strwt, J. H.
On tloor aoutb of Urcvn' groivry store.
Kujjoue, Urfgon.
Great Sale
We will continue to sell our eutire Block of Dress Goods, Boot,
and Shoes, Ladles and Gents Underwear, ami lu fact every
thing in our stole at Cost until further notice, so be jure
aud call and learn prices.
Wo will surprise you by selling
than you ever bought them before.
go. . il.s CHEAP!
Gorner Eighth and Willamette Streets.
ooool 8 90000
Full Sized Bed-Steads a
$1.50 EACH,
7th and Willamette Streets.
Famnni Ke-nJy er a t
rvumft. lit! Dot I if 7 pii.l v.;
utmthfiticrrort or ffxts$ s. V. Hti'M.inv.- i
nnrt blood bttltdcr- Mnkrstho -KfillfrnrrlfiltnTf-itpot
krl.lsl ir '
PM, witKairrittrn mawntc or wu r
nfllcnl book ont,! phitn wnn , ;
tlnnnrinl xtnnrllnff. fi'nc hnrrr fnrr- ;-'':
mmI. mmi, mmi. (ton. IMtabkWRCeaU.M'MJrMJlYLi; ...J'
Fur Ml laKiWfue,On?tf.,br UENUhllSON tk LVNNBiid IgrOSlil li.N A. l
i .-.,iJTU
Davit Henderson, Undertakers anc
Embalmers. Cor Wil, mi th sts.
Commission Merchant.
215ui.U" DvlSt. cor. Commercial,
San Francisco, Cat.
Y py the blghi'H iiisrkct price (or -
Wheat, Barley, Oats.Potatoes,
Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool
It will psy ton to write lit and keen nonte.1.
Liberal ailvaiHvt niatlo ou con.luiinimii.
UpmhpP i-sn Franclvo t'nxjue Kiehauge.
ICIIIUCI i.Nin Kihiic eo Fruit Kiehi.
Musical Merchandise. Band InilmMH
Muilc. Etc.
PIANOS-Oe. knr Ilros , Iters Pond,!
Tn.Hrhrl.luM W.ill..r .1- I'hMM.
OUHANS Muhoii .t Hnnilin. A. B. i
Weaver and other Leailmn Mskes.
Norlh Room, Ch rlimin Block, if1
-FOIt TilE
For Sale ty Ail Druggisti.
For your
Highest Market Prica Paid for
Hides and Produce.
81.00 Bottle. t Vr v ft I M
I -
Itia oid on f"-n'7r,uffl
Rlata, It cure larip.ent tonsur
IttdUth beat Count! wad UrouP v
8oM bjr teiKlerion Dun.
I th Juktlee'i Court lor Eniien. J,i.h..'. 1.1.
i u ..,r,c,:,".,'c"y.Ori-iioii.
... i.uii'wu, rianitiil.
A. f. R ttlmi lwfu...i....
v -. niMioil, IH-I nilKlit,'
... II. IT U
I'laiui riled aiiain.t you In tle alwte .t.iluSj
'V'"".' ,b " l Jr ' J"lT. at th. h, mr
t o e . in th ,.feiM,ll, dav? ll,. ..!
twin lh .I t ,1 h .ur mi by m til , .
..U .i.mU ca.iw, the t .1 to tlk.
"V!.",r""r " o and hour
" ii yon uii io anawrr on or be lor. n ,u;'
r wa . t thrrrol th mnurr mre..? a.""'r'
n.ei.1 awln.t , r ,um 0( ;4";',J",1I;
I. puhll.hed .y order ol on A K
lu tb JiintuV Cinrt for S'f'
iliMtricI Lane c im'.v. v' k
I I. 0 nn hell ai il -IUu K ,
Campbell. Fl intill I
R. A. CroHH.
0. f. inlai.t.
To II. . CrrH, di-ft n.lHtii :
lu tbe oaiue ( ( Ibe t'u"
aie Lerol't renniieit to I T
.1 i.ti A l.l . ain4l VOn
enl,Ml ou 1V lb l'1"1 ' ..
Iwiut .1 - !l n'eloi k
- . u a I.. lH)i
ami bour by me et for l " '
li.lJ : .k. ..i.l IMK lo te I,
my ( ffic it)' the city of tui-f'1
o bout nfornam, " , ,tr.r
wer on or before iil JJ'. , . ,.-.,
of O.'S'.-
.r. l
Ibf I"
, lit "
yoll I"1
, i i v. iii lubi. un'in '
you for lb nm of J1 '' 11 l"
ik. i.. a.,- r J,,. IN'.I'. at Hi''
. ii ....i.l M I u
per cent ht aunnui tin i'
of this aciion or',i '
Tbi nornmon ia publiebe; r i ( ,
Ilouorablf A. E. Wbeel.r. J'l-" . .
I frr tor the bote Jtniiee I'1
tbe 27lh day of V' irn-
AtUiruey lo, 1'niu.jn;