The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 11, 1896, Image 3

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    Gladness Comes
',i'itba better understanding or the
l jnubiftit nuture of the niuny phys
1. .rj, which vanish before projieref-T'Jp-gentle
c (Torts plousan t e Aorta
: .i.ilv directed. There is comfort in
l,t knowledge, thut so many forms of
wkness are u,,t t,uo to 8ny t!tl"l dit-
Jk 'of the system, which the pleasant
family laxutivo. Syrup of Figs, prompt
r removes. That is why it is the only
,'.mlv with millioiisof families, and is
i1" J. ..... I.I. .1.1.. v. .11
vho viilue pood lieulth. Its beneficial
ffeets are duo to the fact, thut it is the
.ne remedy which promotes internal
tlesnlinehs without debilitating the
tirirnns on which it acts. It is therefore
ill important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to noU when you pur-
ithsse. that you nave me genuine artl
iri. whieh Is manufactured by the Call
Xrnia l'ig Syrup Co. only and sold by
II repuiuuie ui ungiom.
If In the enjoyment of pood health,
nit the system is rerrulur, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Vigs stands lushest and is most largely
evd and gives inosi general saii&iucuoa,
the Breast.
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
paid no attention to a small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment ol
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and Krow rapidly, eating two
boles in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
Her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat'
ed her, but she con'
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
. that both her aunt
and grandmother bad
A. died from cancer he
ttf gave the case up as
i 1 If' someone men re
I " commended S.S.S.
and though little nope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she bad taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy.
S S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or anyotber blood disease.
I uur books
will be mailed
free 1.0 any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
' "i name
of the
Hi V
fliinrr ma.inf a.m
that is rainproof and sheds water. It
wears like the other S. 11. & M.'s and
does not turn gray like the cheap kinds.
Put it on your traveling and sea-side gowns
I If your dealer will not
j supply you we will.
Samplti $howmg labels and material) malltdfrtt.
J " Home Dressmaking Made Easy." new 72 pig
took by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of lha Ladies'
Home Journal, giving valuable points, mailed tor
5. H. M. Co., P. O. Bos. joo, N. Y. City.
unr uiupinuj'P
mno. iiinoLuu o svhup
Fee eale St all lrnUU. Sft t'eale WttU.
iLshiat; and Hilar, ijidc m rrotfulinf PI1i ftoltf al mm W
t ir. a.ara sent frsej. PrlM
1R. UOKAMrlO. fklitk P-W
Tho Best
CmMLI a . I
voiwaing lODaccomaOB snu cc uuw k-i ;uu. .u... p
v7C7"arN"I If W "IVT T1" Tery remarkable and certain
Is .1-
fniT- , me of woman's Friend. It is
hi.i.rl!l'eui bsxkachea,headache
"""en burden and shorten a woman'
and iTlt7 ,OT 14 iU S bssJth and strength
ItLCVi X Plpw"- For sale by all druggist.
pt Ma ULR-F BAH k DRVQ CO., Tobtlakd, Agent.
ost of tbo Orlgl. ot OrMl BrllaJa1.
I'ssml ft irk omnia.
John Bull, the mythical persona
opposed to the Kngliah pro
pie and now figuring largely i our nl
Itorial writing and in carbarns, was tho
Invention ,f Dr. Arhuthimt in one f
his sattneal sketches ridiculing the great
Dukn of Marlborough. Intheopiuimi of
Dr. Johnson, Arbntluiot was "the first
man among eminent writ. in yuccn
Anne's time, V He drew John Hull as
the typical Englishman a stout, red
fared old fanner, far too corpulent f..r
comfort, choleric, hut withal an honest
and well meaning fellow. Ho clothed
him in leather breeches and topis sit-,
put a stout oukeu cudgel in hi hand
and a bulldog at his heel and set him
up for all timo to serve as tho represent
ative Englishman.
He may have been not so had a ruri.
catnre in the days of Queen Anne, but
today certainly there is much funvi in
Leslie Stephen'-' remark that "he com
pletely hide the Englishman of real
life." Thoaveriufo Emrlishninn of ,u
day i physically no stouter certainly
tnan probably not so stout as tho av-
erage American, and the stout rudirel
and the bulldog ore no longer at,t m..
bolsof tho modern Britisher's diKtui.
tion. Ho has lost the excessive mnrnaci- '
ty of his forefather and is, above all,
anxious to keep the peace with hi L'u-
cle SamueL Baltimore Sun.
Fsmllj IeU mod Women.
Tho family of tho lato General Me,
Clellan were devoted to ankials.. In
dited Miss McClellan carried her devo.
tiou so fur that she used to toko hci
white mice (which were named, by the
way, after tho king of tho nncicnl
Egyptian dynasties) to tho Italian op
era, as Mrs. Van Rensselaer Ouger did
her celebrated turtle, Mllo. Michett.
which, attired in its rosy colored sash.
used to be brought in on a tray by the
butler to show to casual caller. When
the McClellaus' house down town was
burned some year ago, tho family pet. j
included an elderlvT.i,! Ifl , kI. 1
uel J. Tilden name. Mrs. McClellan
stood on tho sidewalk watchiuir tho
destruction of her household goods and
exclaimed in great anxiety, "Oh, where
is bamuel?" A kindly fireman overheard
her. "Do not fear, madam, the children
will be all saved."
It is pleasant to record that Samuel
was rescued uninjured. New York
Tho "Eleetrie Magnet
Annie May ABbott, the famous "eleo-
trio magnet, " whoso feats of strength
created a considerable sensation some
years ruro, is amusing herself now with
the strong men of China and Japan.
The Japanese wrest lors, whose physical
strength is celebrated tho world over,
were uuablo to raise Miss Abbott from
the floor, while with the tips of her fin
gers she neutntlized their most strenu
ous effort to lift light objects, such us a
cane from a table. The Japanese paper
say this is hypnotism, while the Chinese
journals accuse her of being in league
with the power of eviL
Doubly essential Is It that yon shoild be pro
vided with eonie reliable family mellrliie.
Moatetter'i Stomach HltU'ra Is the brat ol Its
lata, remedylus thoroughly as It dors stu h
common ailments as fnrtleratlnn, constipation
iml DiiiouRiieaa. snu anoratn shio ami niwruy
help in malarial casea, rueumalliim and luao
tlvlty ol the kiiltieya.
The Cuban bonds are made payable
ten year after the evacuation of Cuba
by the Spanish forces.
I shall recommend I'iso's Cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
f lutusteaa, Kent, Engiana, aov. , im
Will commence its sixth year August 4th.
Is a nrst-class Home school ana pre
pare boys for admission to soy Univer-
tty. or reonnioai ecnooi. or lor active
buniness. Full information and catalogue
ean be had bv addressing'
Uislinuami, Cal.
oj iM i n uwii.. uvj . annul n-arn inr
diaeusrd portion ol the ear. There Is only one
way tornreaeaitiraa, anil tnat is oyronstitiitioii
al remedies. Iea!nr,l Is rained by au Inflamed
condition ol the mucous llnins ol Kustachlan
Tube. When this tube (els Inllamrd you hart
s rumbling sound ot Impertm't hearing, and
when It la entirely cloned dealueas Is the result,
and unleaa the Inflammation can be taken oul
and this tube restored to lt normal roi dltlon.
hearing will he destroyed lorerer: nine cases
out ol ten are caused by catarrh, which it
nothing but au Inflamed condition ol ins
mucous surfaces.
We will gire One Hundred pollers lor any
caaeol Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bvud foi
circulars free.
r. J. t HKIMI Ol iU., loicoo, v.
fold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family fills are the beat.
FITS.-AU fl s storned free by Ir. Kllno't
Great Noro Keaturer. No tllsafler II e Aral
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and f-' lit
trial bottle tree to Fit caaea. bend to lit. Kliue
Ml Arch BU, fhlUdclphis, Fa.
Tst Gssmia (or breakfast.
It i estimated that it take twe
year for the water from the Uulf oi
Mexico to travel from i lonaa to tni
coast of Norway.
To Be
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will find one coupon in
side each a-ouncc bsg, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Buys bag, read the coupon
and see how to get your share.
relief given woman by MOORK'8
uniformly saccess
and weakness
life. Thousand of
Will rMllie (he tn-slMl amount ot food hi tho
.lion,., ll0J, .,,4 ., , J 11
rtio OneTrae B owl Putiflir. All Jrumlatf. l.
Hood's Pills arera.y to u,fny toofate
Mro. Moris Koblee of CaliforaU sad
Her Kemorkable Family.
I'p In Canada the gorernment give
a flue farm to every woman who has
borue a twentieth child. That Is to en.
courage multiplica
tion and help popu
late the Dominion.
Mr. Maria An
tonio Hulilcs, of
Mouutoiu View,
Cal., could have
won a lot of real
estate long ago If
she had happened
to lire In Canada.
Mr. Hoblcs ha been mother to twen-W-ulue
children and Is well ftud happy
yet. She Is SO year old and has enter
ed the lists a a conetltor for the sli
ver plate offered by the San Francisco
txauilner to the
parents having the
greatest number of
Little and chunky
and active, she
married Secundlo
Roble at Santa
Clara when she
wn 13 year old.
She any be wa a
sple ndld fellow,
IIV " '1., ,7 ' Zt .
"nd one of tn9 borseinen that
over six feet tall, brave, and generous.
threw a leg over a bronoo. At one time
they were very wealthy. They owned
so much land that you could scarcely
ride over It In a day, but Secundlo was
so generous thnt he lost It all. Home of
tbelr twenty-nine children are dead;
some are still living. Asked If any of
tier children vwere twins, Mrs. Roble
said: "O, ye; I've had tbem three to
once, two to twice, and one ever so
many times."
His Career as so Actor Was a Moot
Bacceosful One.
The drama lost one of Its most able
and distinguished exponents by the
death of Frank Mayo, on a train en
route from Denver to Omaha, Neb., re
cently. Mr. Mayo was one of the best
.known and most popular of American
actors. He will be most widely and
most pleasantly remembered In the
character of Davy Crockett In the play
of that name, which had a run of many
years. The past two seasons he ha
been acting the part of Pudd'nbead
I AVIIson In the dramatization of Mark
I Twain' tory. He wa born In Bos
ton In 1839. lie begnn his theatrical
career a a "upor" at the Amerlcaa
Theater In Pan Francisco, where he
had gone with his parents In IX). He
continued to follow the stage for sev
eral years In parts of Increasing Impor
tance until In 18i5 he came east. He
then went on a starring tour which
proved very successful. Ill repertoire
Included all the standard Shakspear
Ian drama, a well at Vlrglnlus, HU-h-elleu,
The Robbers, The Three Guards
men, The Marble Heart, Damon and
rythtas. Jack Cade and Tho Street
of New York. In 1872 he first pro
duced Davy Crockett In Rochester. In
1878 he took It to New England. II
appeared In It altogether more than
2,000 times. Philadelphia wa bit
Invented by Women.
Cella Thaxter, the poetess, bad not
an exalted opinion of the capacities of
her sex.
8he once said: "Women never Invent
ed knitting nor any other art." Yet It
I. iinlsnnteil fflft thAt thn first hilt.
. .t.hliahment wis due to a woman. 1
The machine for making satchel bot
tomed paper bags was the Invention of
a woman, men having tried long and
unsuccessfully to produce such an ar
ticle. A foundry owner declares that the
first stove he ever saw was Invented
by a woman, though the patent was
taken out by a man, and the original
Declaration of Independence was
printed by one Katherlue Uoddard.
Failure of France's Hay Crop.
France's hay crop being a failure, M.
Mellne, the Premier, has ordered pro
fessor of agriculture throughout the
country to suspend their lecture and
proceed to the rural district, whero
tbey will try to persuade the farmers
to sow vetches, corn, and other fodder
to make up for the hay, aud to make
use of oil cake, straw, bran, and corn.
Pleasant Attraction fur Guests.
A man to hang by the neck thirteen
days and nights was the attraction at
a Montmsrtre cafe recently. The doc
tors, however, stopped the performance
at the end of the fourth day. the man
being In a critical condition. Ills name
Is Durand.
There are three thing women should
not do: Bplt In public, yawn lu public,
or blow their Dose In public.
AImiiii IO.ikmj Aiiierlran visit Kug
laud yearly.
Among the Kngllsh nobility 19 per
cent, are childless.
Iu the new Hotel Ceell, In London,
there I a telephone lu eneh room.
Of the U..VU sailors In the I'ulted
Stales navy -Mmi are foreign Uini.
New building under way at Cripple
Creek are estliuuted lu talue at 7ll,-
Siintlower cake has been found, cm.
chilly lu ltii,i, mi,, uf (he best auxil
iary entile food.
Aiuerli'iin elmiiy Is one of the heaviest
wood kilo Mil. weighing Kt IS pound
to the ruble fool,
A meteorite which fell In .1mtrnll11
ni-eiuly had iiihax of pure copper Im
bedded In one side.
I'lisliionalile young hulles lu Japan,
when they desire to look very attrac
tive, gild their lips.
A French railway company ha or
dered clock to be placed oil the out
side of every locomotive.
The hlghcHt Inhabited building In
Kurope Is the Alpine Club house, oil
Mount Itowi- U'.ism feet alnive the sea
Slight rcpulrs to the stone wall at
the KltHHly Angle, liettyxburg, made
the other day. uncovered lm bullet,
plcci of shell, part of gun, etc.
The North Ceriiiiill I.loyd I soliciting
offers for the construction uf five
Klciiiiier of ;,.iNl tons eiti-h for the
tnittle iM'lweeii Hreliieli and Itlfllll.
African uiitivca unlveriuilly know
how to prepare Intoxicating liquor
fr such Kliupl,. lualerlnls as the top
of broom enrn, sugar rune Juice and
ciicotiiiut milk.
From rough enli-ulatlons lately made
by contributor to the Zoological llw
ord. It iippeiirs that over .liki.uio sH-les
of iiiiIiiihIh have been desi-rlbed by nst
liriiliNts up to the preiietit (lute.
The pliiyiiig of golf on Sundays Is
practiced tn hiicIi an extent that In a
certain parish In F.tigliiiid. it I a!d.
the hour of service has lieen changed
to suit the convenience of player.
A gi ed deal of "r al" 1110 imvo is mnilo
from tin. Kkln of the ray. A for the
salmon ll skin Is also tanned. The
result I 11 very nttraellve m nle inarked
lea I her. This Is uxed chiefly In Asia.
The Siamese, as a elns. are not ovor
ninbltloiiH lu trade, and the greater part
of mini 11 retail cHtiilillMhiiieiii and vari
ous kinds of shop nre in the hand of
Chinese. The la Her also furnish the
lahor of the country.
A horse tlcslcr III West Woodstock.
Vt., hn owned horses during hi
life ninl bus never told a He about a
horse, line man who ha dealt with
lilm was so Impressed w ith this remark
that he recently gave Is 1 1 si a hatchet,
j A report on the State farms In North
Carolina, which are oierated by con
! vleis, shows there are now o,i acre
; In corn nml 4. 000 lu col ion, ami that
j the condition of the crop I 1!5 per
j rent. Iiettcr Hum Inst year at this date,
j The ancient (J reeks, to secure reson-
ance without the use of woodwork,
I placed under the seats of their theater
, earthen pots, with the mouth turned
j toward the stage, the vibrating mas
! of air In these serving to re-enforce the
j sound.
The house of parliament are partly
lighted by -PI.IXKI electric Inmps, which
i iiumlier Is U'lng constantly Increased,
! Fifty experienced electricians are em
; ployed to keep the system In order.
i Rut there Is still a yenrly gas bill of
I over HMl0.
I Western Australia's supply of Jar rah
! and karri, the hard woods used for
I street pnveiiieiils, Is practically luex
1 hiiUHlllde. The Jar rah (eucalyptus
iiiiirgliiatat covers N.inhi square mile
of the country and karri K. dlversl
eolori I'.tiiKl sipiare mile more.
The performance of Rubinstein'
niiiNlenl ilia ma, "Christ," which llerr
I.owe of HicmIiiii siiperlnlended at Hre
; men Inst year, ha la-ell forbidden by
: the I'riisMliin poller In virtue of an old
. decree prohibiting the representation
! of the Savior In public entertainment.
A cruel elistoiu prevails on the death
' of a prince of the royal family of Aim
1 tiln. Ills horse, covered with black
' cloih, follows the funeral, limping
painfully. The lameness Is caused by
I Irlving a null through one shoe, and I
1 Intended to typify the animal's sor
I row.
j There Is a Kansas editor who lakes
; the right view. Recently, under the
; headline "We Are Thankful," he pub
lished the following editorial note:
"We slipped nml fell Hie other day nml
I peeeled our shlll and hose; we feel
j grateful that we did not break our
d d neck."
, If the Mikado of Japan curries out
i his plan of visiting Europe and the
1 Culled States he will In- the 11 rut Jnp
1 linear Emperor w ho has ever Is-eil al
lowed to lenve his country. The ron-
nerval I ve JtipaneHe an
liilieh opMtsed,
however, to the schemr, and It may
have to be aliiilldoiied.
It Is a whole day's tusk for two men
10 fell n mahogany tree. On account
of the spurs which project from the
Imse of the trunk, a scaffold has tc be
erected and Hie tree rut off above the
spurs, leaving thus a stump of the very
best W I from ten to fifteen feel high.
Hissing Is out of order In the house
uf common. The rule against such an
linle' i-nt display of feeling dates back
to lifi. when It was decided that "who
soever lilsseili or illKtiirlielh any i n n
In lils speech xhall answer for It at the
I tn r as a breach of order 11 ml contempt
of the house."
The very peculiar tlusiry has of lute
been proHiiiiidi-d Hint all men who par
lake to any extent of malt drinks have
large feet: The women of Holland,
Hcrmany, and even Khghind, are limit
ed us examples, while the women of
the wlin- countries - France, Spain and
It.ily- nre, on the other hand, famed
for their small ami shapely feet.
A curiously Ingenious device Is re
girded us bring sometimes employed
by Mongolian letter carriers. These
nu n iiinke very long Journey on foot,
ninl within time which allows them
only Hie briefest Interval for an or
clialoiinl lisp. To Insure thetiiselve
against oversleeping, therefore, they
tie a piece of Joss stick to one of their
thumbs, light It and lie down to rest.
When the stick bum down to the
flesh the palu awaken them aud they
resume 1 he Journey.
The almauae of the middle ages
were eouwrrated almost entirely to
astrology and alchemy. The oldest
printed almanac of which we have any
knowledge Is said lo have appeared In
Vienna In 14k. Fourteen years later
Regimontaniis, a Herman mathema
tician living lu Hungary, published a
series of almanacs from H7.1 to l.vst.
The only animal known In the world
which, on the appronch of dissolution,
seek out the general burying ground of
Its species, and there-digs Its ow n grave
Slid lies dow n to die, Is the guauaeo, or
wild llmna. It Is peculiar In nther re
sieci. too. These animals. In fart,
have a regular sanitary system, which
they respect like human being.
A llangor woman who had read that
camphor sprinkled around the room
would drive away file and mosiultos,
Jumped out of bed the other night,
sclicd the bottle of camphor lu the
dark aud gave the bed n plentiful
sprinkling. The next morning she
awoke to Hud the w Idle spread covered
with Ink sHit and the ink bottle empty.
The Foodmynut, w hich, it will W re-tueiiilH-red,
was saved from being
broken up In the lirrman timber yards,
Is now nearly restored to what she was
when she fought under Nelson, and Is
as near as posslhle au exact reproduc
tion of a line of battle ship of Hie
most glorious period of England's naval
A "midget" testament, three-quarter
of au Inch long and htilf au Inch wide,
weighing only twenty six grains, and
a "mile" Itlble, one and three-quarter
of an Inch high by one and one-eighth
wide. contnllilnglVlllpagi s Slid weighing
ISO grain, have Just been published by
a tilasgow Arm. They are snld to be the
smallest Itlble and Testament In the
The Dominion of Canada, consisting
of the provinces of Ontario, Uueboc.
Nova Krotln aud New rirunsmlrk, came
Into existence on July 1, 18(17. It was
subsequently augmented by the prov
ince of Manitoba and the northwest
territories lu 1S70, by Hrltlsh Colum
bia In 1871, and Prince Edward Island
In lS7:i. and now Includes the whole of
Hrltlsh North America.
M. Henry, a French savant of the
school of higher studies, has revealed
the power of sulphate of rlne to absorb
sunlight and give It back lu the dark.
A powder produced from this mineral
gives a soft luminosity lo a fair young
face. A cycllHt dusted all over with the
same material Is lu himself a lamp on
a pitch dark night. Damp will not spoil
the effect. Rain Is Incapable of dimin
ishing Its bright ni'ss. j
There are more Jersey cow In Amer
ica than there are In Jersey, and yef
there are more rows In Jersey than In
any other similar area. England ha
twenty row to every 1U acre. Jer-,
sey ha fifty-eight, but then every farm'
there ha It row, and the farms are
small, ranging from three to fifty
acre, the reason lielng that the old
Norman laws that still prevail In the
Island prevent the acuinulatlon of prop,
erty. I
Dutch fishermen make astonishing '
rnlche by means of the following very !
simple plan: They put 11 number of 1
live worms and Insects In a bottle par-!
daily filled with water and then cork
It securely. The Ixittle Is dropped In
to the water, the fisherman sinking his
line alongside. It appear that tho
sight of (he wriggling rontenls of the
bottle so excites the appetite of the
finny tribes that they fall easy victim
to the bated hooks.
There ha lxen great complaint of
late by foreigner In Paris regarding
the quality of the coffee served In the
hotel and cafe. Pari ha been noted
heretofore for the excellence of the
coffee dispensed to visitor, but for
some unknown reason the coffee served
recently lis lieen of the very lowest
grade. It ha always been difficult to
obtain a cup of good lea on the con
tinent, but no complaint against the
coffee ha ever lieen heard before.
The recent death of Dr. Rlrhard Sal
mon In England, at Hie ripe age of liMl,
hear out the truth of Dr. Saltyiniinn'
slatlstlr regarding Hie Increasing
longevity among medical men. From
the archive of hi province Dr. Salty
inanii shows thnt whereas the average
duration of life among doWor In the
sixteenth century was ftil year and B
month, In the seventeenth century It
hud risen to 4.1 year and 8 mouth,
and al the present time had reached 01
years and 7 month.
There are at present no less than 2,
IV x Journals published In Paris, tn
which number the technical Journals
hold the foremost place. There are
over -l HI financial papers, list medical
papers, 170 political papers, I11M fashion
pn cr, 104 Illustrated Journals, lUi
sNirtlng paper, ami, among other, H
paper entirely devoted lo philately.
The (in .cite de France I the oldet
politlrnl newspaper In France, having
lately celebrated It 27.1 anniversary; Petite Oftlchc Is I'M years old,
and thn Journal des Dchstls 107 year.
A citlxeu say that he wa riding on
the front platform of a street car In
Huston, and, as there wa no one out
(here but himself and the driver, he,
In a fit of absetit-mludednes, repeated
a few line of Virgil lu nn undertone.
To hi surprise the driver of Hie car
lisik up the line where he left off nml
carried them on to the end, and In
Ijitln. And yet, In cultured Huston,
there hang a sign lxmrd on which Is
printed this legend:
I'rovrrlx Itev 1 lo Dale.
Au ml lu time will often snvo the
Don't count your rhlckis tieforc yoii
silver! I sr.
A good advertisement I better lo bo
chosen than great rich".
The better (he advertisement the bet
ter the day.
Au nil In the newspnp"r I worth I wo
In the circular.
He advertises b"t who advertise
I'tMir I. till. Thlnua,
Mrs. I hlpperlng - No these aro your
children, are they?
Mrs. Marrow-Yes, and evi
says they're Just the Imsue of me.
Mrs. ClilplMTliia Why, so they
poor Utile things! -Tit lilts.
Uses Palne's Celery Compound. In His Family,
ana troneriy
Msjor-Ueuersl Hlrusy, who it now,
at the age of 75, practicing law arid
doing departmental work in Washing
ton, in a letter to Well & Hlohardson
Company, says:
"My wife ha been taking the
Taiue' oeltiry oompound for some time
put, and is so much pleased with it
that the wishes me to express to yon
her high opinion of it merits. (She
think it is the host remedy she bsi
ever tried."
General Dlruey'i hearty acknowledg
ment of the great and lasting good that
bis family ha received from Paine'
celery compound I repeated, in sub
stiuco, in countless testimonial, writ
ten in the ame grateful spirit and
seut from every part of the country.
Don't sit with folded arm and do
nothing toward getting rid of poor
health. Drive out all iuipurltie from
your blood; build up the vigor of the
body with Paine' celery compound
the one remedy that ha kept all it
promise in the past
The tired nerve and brain need Just
the sort of nourishment that this great
iiivlgorator is able to lupply.
Now li the time when I'aine'i oelory
compound, aided by the favorable in
fluences of the season, fairly outdoes it
"Pass Your Plate."
nrn n
. Prices of all commodities
have been reduced except tobacco
41 Battle Ax " is up to date.
Low Price; High Grade; Delicious
Flavor. For 10 cents you get
almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of any other high
grade plug.
Hit IN Irll W0U0.
Its wrarlni ialltlMsrunsiirraael,a'tiiallT
oullaatlu twu tiosr of any mhrr brato! Kros
Iruin Alllmsl Oils. IIT TUB IIIM I1IK
ana iHisrs generally.
I la arsry town, tor oasol the bast Ml lint artlrlrs
I Bia.1, i mi ujr .tnrs man, woman ana rhlhl,
frsilsrlKkl Sanitary Tooth Hruih with
Tonga. C l.ainlnf Attatekuionl.
Inrinrsnl hr all lh. Ira.llns hsli-leiie a nit
dentlsta. Hsnil ISe. lorsamiils. Ratal Is lor 3Ao
sad Me. W 11.1. A FINK ro,
Sls-sJO Market Hlrsst, Sao franolaco, Csl.
''Just Don't Pewl W.ii,"
Recommends It.
self. It searohe out the bidden cause
of debility, neuralgia, rheumatism and
those oomtantly recurring headache.
The worn-out nervous tissue are in
vigorated. Paine' celery oompound
i the one auocessful nerve regulator
that cure disease without any possi
bility of a return of the trouble.
Take Paine' oelery oompound . this
very day. It won't do to pottpnne get
ting strong Ind well until you have a
vacation. Do a thousand of other
have done to their great Joy, take
Palue's celery compound I It will in
vigorate at ouoe your impoverished
nervou system.
If yon really want to get well, read
the letter recently published from iuob
men a Justice Power, Congressman
Urout, Congressman Meredith of Vir
ginia, Assistant United State Attorney
John C. Caper, Cougrewuian Wilbur
of New York, Congrenaan Bell,
Lieut. McAllister, Congressman Nell
and many other who are fully as care
ful of what they recommend. The
peruml of a few of these personally
signed, bearty testimonial of Falne't
oelery oompound will give any one a
olear idea of what thia wonderful rem
edy i doing In every state iu tb
Union, and in every city and village.
It 1 making people well.
$ tbis wbat ails your
Have In a feci! '
r wrlitt la Ike '
StMiaai-h SlMtlnf
anrraallne RtkB
lol.fWl.s-V.alt- i
las l,r-
krak Hrarlkara i
Ha Taate la Ike
fcWk la Ike Mere- 1
laaPal.itatUa el
Ike Heart. tfuttuRla.
lea!a ef SteaMch
taakm Uealk I
; la Ike Sewele i
Lm el rit.k
Hi lie Apeellte .
Ilrpreeee. If (liable '
(eadlllea el the ,
MlaS - Mulaeae
Headacke ienella- ,
atlea ee Dlarrkaaf I
Tkea fm tare
la mi f Its mm trm Tht ptklvt car
flckcr'i Dyspepsia Cablets,
ky ns.ll, prttf, rvct ipt f 15 cMtt
rit.vait KaMBT. H't1 Imiwrtfil. Smw Ttrh
iwmr- "1 fTrvl hrrtttlT frwm itmi4ili btiiJ
, A km' tbttsi,toku after nsNsls).tutrt ourii ui.M 1
, AIKII MIDIC1MIC0.. Mill St.. XT.
N. F. N. U. No. V. IS. U. No.