for Infants M C'utorla la to wrll uUptMl to children ttiat I rMwnimrad It a. BijierUjr toanjr irnrn-riptlou known to nw." L A. Axma, M. I)., Ill Ho. Oxfrd 81., Ilruuklf n, Jf. Y. "TU UM of 'CaatnrU U o unirenal an-1 Id iiwrlW (o well known llit It urnni work of fuprrnogtilon to endoni. It. few are Hi. InlWIIirmt fwnllfcw WUo do Hut kwp CartorU lllilo Ma twh," Ciaio. Majittx, T. I)., , hew York City. Tu CnrTifm W.I. MOWN. . O.PHaf. F.W.OSBUS". Vic C.ihl.r THE Eugene Loan and Savings BANK, Of Eugene, - - liIRItl'TORS 0. A. rln, i. B. Il.rrli, J. K. IhtIi, H. 1). I'.lnn. W. K. Brown, ). r. Iloblinou, V. W. Oiburu. Pall Dp Capital, j : : $50,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. InLnn-it allowed on time dopoilti. (ollnlonnlruiled toour or. will rcln pllKDpt attontlou. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udderu. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Straim, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle So re J, Sciatica, Lumbago. Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle AilmcnU, All Morse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle,, Membrane and Tissue! Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment concert I'aln, Make Jlaa or But wall again. TUIO DADCD UkKion ni.ti k ckakkk InlOrArCn AtlTcrtMllK AKiMiey. M .ml tiM.rch.nti s lAi.MKt, Hah Frem-I.c,, ( .1 Whr cmilrnoti lor liiriln r.u ho II, !,(.,. rHtlitiK (iou. Uit) vyr rml ol bar lii. flrrnittif in, I ii v I u nrm.i ml li'iit'ith. .uiiri'iyki.m. Hudii. tut, i I' flil Illy, Nt'rvoiuno., li'l.lvvkim in' rrUirva otcini. i'ulni lu 111. t. Iomti Ii V .1 . n t , itri tr tii. JliiiK'li'n -Ami-rlr. Hu.iin lily. wuili.n Copt frintlursnrss of III. U ! Tii-v In l tlirv. I IUT IANU00D UlthtUoppnl nanuuuif , jCcVf j" ' nlrk1r. Or.r tOM prlTl .nilonwmmli. t rviuaturriKM mr.iii Innxx. iii y In Hi. flrat turn. It t . ytiilon if mini! wraknraa IhI bITMIIl.V 11 OUI U) tU(IKl lU UlU)t bj Uh iimoI llul)in. Th. duw illn-.iv.i7 tM1 7T Ih How'il liof III. old lnniiHu.o. Mtdlcil Intlll.l.. It U III. ttronm-rf r n ul. It I. wrf pnw.rfiil, but IhuiiiI.m. MA fr II do it . .iroor irkr. fur H.COI, l.lnMMlol Writtrn irimr.ulr. ! furaoum. If yiwlxiy nil hnitM.ud r rot rutin eurwl.iU BaMw will tw Mnt to yiw f..f if all i-nann i. H.Mi ll ir UMJlmwiwia A, I In lll'OSO:- HJ-.lilCAL. INMl'ITl IK, Iwarll.a Mojioii, nmrkrl A IvIIUNt Han fraurl.r! VmU jiiTviuiur it -.iJJ I Ilia mo.t H5V-J wond.rfiil tlirarrry of VV'-1 tli. ms It k-VI '4 liu bc.n rn- f, 5 ' 1 AwJ trill. i'A'.ft )lliiK'lin- yt ! ino turn or (...j.j - f. iL,.l U NT;! and Children. f'.atorl. rum Colli-, C.itntll'!"", Four Hbnnarli, I'UirrlMtMi, I'.nu-UIUin. Kill Wnniu, gl- IcfJ', " l"iii"t ?' .lin, VVIt limit lijurliiua mMI-tIiin. "For T.-rnl )ri-r I li. t-miiwi..v li ynur ('a.t.irta,' uv ilwll lwr. ortilln J t do no M It lu. luiUIl produced Uiwy-i-l rwulni. r. 1'iai.M, SI. T, 1XIU Btrwt tud 7th Ave., New York 11 TowrAXT, 77 Jtcaiui Ihiwr, w Y fm rutronizu thu l.nno county num mcr r'nori. The nroHiiei.U for a lariro groin crop id not very urigiu. Tim r-itizcnH (f Kllffifl C ftllollM make tyt-rv eiulcavor to builil llic " . . . .t tii wiii'ini road llllo Uio ioinini in t una V I ii tlni milliturv rouil. wouM mean a largo trade to our city. Woiihmi employed in the litund- riim i.f Vienna luive to work from Tt in llm mnriiinff to 'J. 10. or even 12 nt night, for which they get M.W a week mm incir uuuih. An rxi-lmiiL'o iirintH thin: "W rino (or the purport ofuskinf; the lion. Jlarvey &coii. oi mo wrt'Kti niiin, if ho is in favor of the fre ii ml nnlimitpil poinnon nf nilvcr un der international ngrecment7 We know tie m nol in any ouht way. Would ho bo under nuch a contin gency?" Clinrl..n A. Dunn, who hug been a literary man bb longns ho has been n iiiiirnnliHf. A til'riixl of lnOTO than .r0 yearn, nscrihe" his excellent health, inn continued mental vgor Ami Hi-iivitv.ut a time when most men have retired, mainly to bin never nllowing liinmeii to ue in a hurry. A SlfowheMii. (Me.), women, be- cominn indignant with her huoband ttstilicd that the pi nnion dr.ivn by him was not doing him any good, and the department cut the pension oil. 'J'ho man went on to the poor fur i ii nml ilifil IliiTl! Ik 11(1 the Widow lost sf 12 a month during life. Tim rrini-i'HK nf Wuli'M ii all ell- thuBiaiitic cycliht. She is a woniiiit- ly woman, and lias a tin r Kence 01 womanly dignity thin is poHtfrnstd hv inoHt women. So iiirtend ol giving away to the mania of the hour, oho has net an example for her own and other people s daugn Iitb In- tiikinir hir outines on a trieyele. It is an improved rotary trir-vrli' tnnrn oraei'flll n till more rapid than tho old three-wheel liiiicluno. A club of prominent women in Brooklyn have agreed that alter the first Monday in October next they will wear skirte clearing the ground by at least three inches; except on occasions demanding full dress. Tho club is also pledged to a rainy lay dress in w Inch the skirt reaches tho knee, and is worn in connec tion with bloomers or knieker hockcrs, leggings or boots, and a light waterproof. This appears to bo a conservative and sensible movement, and will be started, it is said, by 150 well knowi; profess ional and society women. Bicycles will no doubt bo sold next season for a lower prico as tho number of manufactories Itavo in creased about sixty per cent during tho past fix months. A bicycle maker writing to an eastern paper asserts however that tho big pro fits that are supposed to lie made in the manufacture of wheels exists chielly in tho imagination and that tho general public has an altogether erroneous idea about tho cost of manufacturing tho overage bicycle. It is a business, ho says, which bears a close resemblance to the millinery business in rcsoct to changes and shrinkages. Tho maker has to calculate on "heavy expenses, abort seasons, liberal guarantees, and heavy ehriukage in machinery end goods by con itant change of patterns, and these obstacles, togellu r with tho trading and installment methods of selling wheels, all tend to make the busi ness hazardous and frothy, and certain to produce a balance sheet that is disappointing to golden dreams." Silver Pick Bland, of Missouri, is one of thu possibilities at Chica go, and is backed by enthusiastic friends in Southern Illinois, Mis souri and throughout the south wtst. His headquarter were opened in I'hieaco last week, ami in St Louis $00,000 was subscribed by 2d Bland clubs' to send to Chi cago 2,000 members of a marching club who will work in the interest of Silver liek. In the meantime he is hard at work on his big farai near Lebanon, and within the last week could have been seen almost any day driving a mower over his meadows. Nor is this for effect, but is bis usual occupation in the harvest season. Ho works on his farm by day and attends to polities by night and when ho can get day off. Silver Dick would take among the farmers. 1 h fc'-l l. DAI LI UKUl.Vl'CU KISPESUS. The laily I'egi.ter this morning aiiiioiini.iil its rtifiii'ni. The pa per first Mnrtt'd January I, 1S'J., and has been a fair local paer and worked faithfully for tho upbuild ing of Kugi'iio and Lutm county. However, the field was ion limited fir the support of two daily jiixt, and the (Ji'aiik having Im-cii estab lished for a number of years and com I .letely tilling tho field, it nat urally compelled tho younger paper to retire. This paper will cintlnuo to give all the city and county news on the day of its oeciirretioe, mid will use every endeavor fir tho Ix-st inter cuts of the city mid county. Tho circulation of the Daily (ii AKi) has increased steudily from thod-yof its first Uuo, Jjiu;8, lS'Jl, and therefore bus become valuable to our busbies men us an advertising medium. It is only by constant, careful and hard work that a daily paper can bo made to exist in a city of this fcize. It does not pay a fair return for tho money invested in tho business and re inuneration for tho labor employed. Tho weekly edition of tho (Juaiiu is where our profit is made. Minister Kansorjie, who is home from Mexico-on leave, says Ameri can capital is building ip Mexican prosperity. Of President Diuz In says: "A wiser and better ebie' magistrate never guided the desti nies of a nation." Helena Independent: It was But Collins who was addressing a Boston audience on the virtues of tho gold standard. He roso in a pompous way and began: "My hearers, I hold in my right hand a silver dollar, and in my left a gold dollar, and the one represents 53 cents' worth of silver and is good onlv in our own country. The other is a tiny thing, out it is worth I anywhere in tho world. Now, which, my fellow citizens, will you take?" An old Irishman got up and said: "I'll take avther." The Milesian had voiced tho sentiment of the vust majority of workers in tho Lulled States. Oregon people nro oil interested in the A-ork of Homer Davenport, the low celebrated urtist of the New York Journal. The Cleve land Becord says: "Since Nasi lost his cuiininn and Kenpler died, we have had no leader in political caricature until Davenport, the principal cartoonist of tho New t . . . . ,.,, i l ork Journal, appcurea in mis ueiu of useful work. Ho is rapidly proving his right to a higher place than either Nast or Kenpler earned. To a stylo of drawinir pe culiarly his own, and great facility in giving to familiar bices charac teristic expressions, Davenjiort unites the faculty of clear insight into political situations and limit- Ics ingenuity in inventing signili- caiit designs to illustrate them in caricature. Wo predict for In in national recognition before the campaign is over, as the greatest of our political caricaturists. There is a suit pending in the circuit court at St. Louis, Mo., which is of considerable historic interest. It is for tho recovery of 110,000 damages by the heirs ot the celebrated confederate leader, Forrest, from the Adams express company, for the loss of a pair of silver spurs, which wero presented to rorrest during the war by the ladies of Mississippi. Tho spurs wero shipped through the express company to St. Louis several years ago and wero delivered to tho wrong man, who melUd them and sold tho bullion. Tho origin of the spurs is what mukes tho sentimen tal value of them so great. It ap pears that in casting about for a fitting testimonial to the dashing cavalry leader tho ladies found themselves too poor to present him with gold spurs, ns was the inten tion and were equally lacking in silver, but they had thimbles, all of them. Therefore the cherished silver thimbles wero sent to the melting pot and the spurs were tho result, not particularly valuable intrinsically; but hs relics invalua ble. li.lly OuirJ, July s. Famkw Kl.l. ltwui'TloN.-A farewell recent lou was tendered Itev II L Iloardinnn and ftitnlly At the Baptist cliiirclt last evening, it was an in- utlulr ,1.1 lirii.rl-11111 mil llikvllliv -"" v ( for the occasion. Mem-U-iwiifthe church, pastors of the city nnd others were nrvscut and extended farewell greet inn to Mr and Mrs Itoitrdmaii, w ho will leave for their now homo at McMlnuvllle In a few day. Kl.OHKM'K lYl.KJIKATION. The Florence celebration wa largely at tended. One of the most ekciting ten lure, or me ouy was a nmicii pnnc of lm Uill lie! u feu the Klk Prairie and Florence nines, the former win- 1 1 1 1 1 tr . The score stood: Kilt 1'rstriv 1M, Florence 10. Bokn. In this city July li, ISM, to the wile of S A llulin, n 10 pound oti. Mother and child are doing nicely. The OrVpni Mn.suia., u ho Imve ar ranged fur a climb to Crater lake in A uplift, have In view a viit to tlie woiiderl'iil JiMt-phine ci-.ves, w hich are ninoiig the utictplurtid curlivtitlos of Oregon. Little la kuowu of them. They are liih up on old lirn,viMek, and almut 40 milearoin tiraiit' 1'ns.i, and they it re reached either lv way of Iv'thyor William valley. 'l'he ex ecutive committee of the M:i-iiih. has Ixi-ii errctMindlUir w ith Mr Sllsby, of that city, w Ith rvfen-nee to couveyliitf the arly of mountalu-olliutH-rt ( tilt Jom ihiue rave. The A-liUiiJ Crater Cluti lis. heel) comnl.tititf all ilu ilc tails for the trip tip to Crater lake, and the prospect, are that it will tie a very delightful trip. (tiiniulsidniier Court. Bill allowed: T H Wlsln-y dc nly aberlll i lnlinul tl 'allowed i Bipley deputy slielill ehilim-il il Mlluned 10 tl 00 P li Hlierwo-d dy; illy sht-rlll eluinnd tl allowed - ' John Moorelii lle deputy slienll l-llfii l t4 hIIu-) - l U V Veateli ileptlly Nherilt ehiliiieil tliilloMnl - w II A DallleN deputy sherill el,.i...,l t nil, i II-. I - Otl I II Van Seoyni! deputy sheiill eluimeil tl iillowtd 2j0 C V Lvon. delivering election .iippl'li-H eliiiimd i-i o" al lowed 2 00 N O Hyliind drlivmiinr election Hiippiii-H eluiiMd l al- lowed ' K W Hom-Iioii linikinif eleelion iHiillmelaiiued Hallowed .1 00 J L JSIewiirt niMkiiiL' t lection IxHitli. eluliui 'l i- uliowed . o Win I'arHoiis delivering election 6 K W Veiitch dellveriiiu election rllpplic WTKakln delivering election 6 00 1llllltitN 12 60 I Lt iimplll prlnllng IM W) KM lla.lelon piop- in eiL-nou mid nieKi-ii!ir la Oo IIW Luynejiicl of election... 0 (il) 1'erry vll " MDJohnmin clerk " " "00 It lt.lolitn.nn " " " 00 Mllluril V I'lilllitH detlUtV slierlll' eliilmed il allowed "00 Km n Wolf ih niitv HlierlU'cli'im mI tl allowed 2 00 A Boifers deputy .lierllT claimed tl allowed 2 (-0 Win Alexander deputy sherill eluii I ii allowed 2 00 It V Moore ( elilltV alieriu claimed 1 1 allowed 2 00 Oeof Flirmaii deputy sheriff claimed f I allowed 2 00 C W Kiurr deputy sherltr eluim eil tl allowed 2 00 II It Kinculd " claimed tlHJ m allowed 81 lit) George Carpy almtract of land entries mid phi's l'l '0 Olii-mV I'rudhomine staiionery.. i'4 no J II Met I u n pauper supplies... 11 le Trent Luinlier Coiiipany lumher o 00 Kutfeiie Lumher Company lum ber 5-r2 J I Itiubre dellverlmr election mipiillca claimed 114.00 al lowed.....' U 00 (ii-orgc .Smith preparing hall and booths for elections; cluimed tl, not allowed. John Holland deliver!nelectioii HUpplil-H '1M Oi-orge Holluiid delivering elec tion supplies A 00 I) McCluin, constable serving Hii!iKcu!tH for grand Jury in Linn county 1 40 H K Brown Jury room and meals fur Jurors 8 00 A K Wheeler, Jury room and meals lor Jurors 3 00 I) W Cisilidge deputy assessor... !Hi 'S li F Keeney " " .. 2-' Ot) (leoWKiififs " " ...47 60 John T Wilson " " ... 4 Oo Paul Had ley " " ... 60 IK) Jiih II Vatea " " .... 60 00 A K Wheeler jiiHtice of the -nce stale vs Bogus 4 Oj A K Wheeler limllee of the pence stnto vg Henry et al 4 4 " J M Williams ;dl8trlot attorney state va ltoggs 5 00 J M Williams district attorney slate vs Henry et al 5 00 J V Baker juMice of the peace state va Ijcatlierman .1 4a J W linker ItiHilee of the peace state vs lteed claimed t-l 45; not allowed. J V Wallace Conslnhle slate vs Lenthermun mid Heed 14 61 T 1) Llntou coii-liil.le slate vs Hharn 1 00 T I) Linton co'iMutili slate vs Saddler 2 59 T I Linton conMiilile Htitte vs Thomas el til 3 30 T I) Linton cniitulle Mute vs Lakln 5 50 A K Wheeler Justice nf the eace stale vs Saddler 5 50 A li Wheeler. lust ice of the peace state va Thomas et al 4 80 A K Wheeler Justice of the peace state vs Sharp 4 20 A E Wheeler JuMlce of the peace state va Lakin.. 7 4a T I) Linton constable sliite vs Hogg. 11 00 Minnie Lakln witness state vs Lakin 1 70 Pearl Lakin witness stale vs Lakln 1 70 MA Lakln witnes state vs Lakln 1 70 J W Lakin uitius Mute vs Lakln 1 70 M H Hubble witness Mate vs Lakln 1 GO J V Clark witness slate vs La kln 1 CO John M Williams deputy sherill Brallhwalle to reforni school... 10 00 John M Williams deputy district . attorney Bruithw aite io reform school 3 00 John M Wllllamsdepnty district attorney state vs Muiikers 5 00 John M .Williams examination Slppey children 5 00 John M Williams deputy district attorney examination of La- tellier Insane 5 OO W H Lee, M 1 examination Lalellier Insane 5 00 J li Miller constable Liitcllier Insane 3 go A J Johnson sherill Sipnv child ren to Portland and expenses... 23 15 I, lirown, .M 1) exHiuination Diblile insane 5 00 In the mutter of the L J Yoder Mud In tow nship IH south, range U west. At lids time tlib mailer ctime on for further hearing oil the report of the viewers lieretolore appointed to view said roud, said report lir.ving ul ready been n-nil at the May term lsOO. but but not completed and was again read the tlrst time lu this June term issai. and payed to tK'Cond reading tomor row. At this time th mailer of the above road came on for liearlng and read second time, and J y Brewster and J K Huller having Hied claim for dam ages, It Is therefore ordered by the court unit janics Jo'i, it l liuvtun and I', lioclwick U' sppotnled ,'iewers to as.ess ilmiiNge. caused to the premises, by the location of mid road, to meet June 1 v i. In theiiiHittrof ttUc Bohemia rood iH ginnl'ig lit tp21a, r 8 tf. At tills lime this came on to be heard on petitioner F M Wilklna and liV other petitioner f,.r a rrn. froniHHid iH-giuiiiug n ution :-, tp 21 south, runge 3 cast, aloiiii Military road to convenient point for leaving ihe.amei t'teiii ill a westerly (lirectlon Into H. "henna mining dislrlil Said ptl- U011 Mug iu iirnmr form, it lx heretiv ordered Hint a view ami iivey or said roud te made and thsi S HlgJon, T J Martin and Frank Warner Lie au.l they are herrby appointed viewers and C M Collar surveyor to view and survey said proposed road, io meet & the U-ginnlDg oint qn July 2, l$:j. At ibis tinu) A J jnhiiHoii notified the rtuirt ilud Ue bail apilnl,d the following depuiy slier I (t; J M YII Dams and Milari) Phllllj. I TUKSDAY.Jt'I-iY " j Warm ngnln today. A.k Hall Son for ll;e !- (ieolgeHalc.of llale,Ul.. thf '. ihilDPall of Salem, is '"pjoucHofthe SPB It, tal tl tl S.e llolel huge.... Iiils-U gl ''"n.eW have one oasi-ssimmt for July. ., L.N Ito.icy went to Bosiburg this uficruooii. -, ,. rver registers 4 feet above low ater mark. Wild blackberries are said to be quite plentiful. Il -u Lurch, of li-iiiatl, spent last evening in Fugeii'. Wild pigeons are reported quite plen tiful by our hunters. A refrigerator has been put In the U of O incut market. A S Hammond, ofMedfor.), was in F.Ugcue ibis uftelliooll. Mrs W ft Marquis husnturmd from u visit to Koseuurg. Mrs P J Jennings, of Collage Orove, visited in Kugcne today. Miss Mertafi races, ol Boseburg, I visiting friend In thi. city. The ice works have another order for a car of Ice from Uoseburg. Mis Carrie Friendly went to Port laud loiluy to visit with friends. Mrs 1' J Frasier has returned from a very pleaant visit to California. Il is now Chief Justice Moore, Hon It S Bean being an associate Judge. (iuile a number of people have been complaining of colds since the Fourth. Tim milarv of the Albany ixistmasti-r is now tL'-'OO per year, an increase of tiou, Nearly every business bouse reports u satisfactory trade on July 3rd and 4th. 'IViieherN' Midlines were reduced t18. 000 a year in Portland for the coming year. Sunday Oregoulati: Mis Clara Coleman Is visiting her relative lu Cobiii'g. H. Weiiihiird' agency lu this city received a carload of beer from Port land today. W M La Kail of Astoria and B Stephenson of Tncoma are at the Min nesota Hotel. A cheap photograph gallery Is do ing business lu a tent by the Chris man building. The hteuniship Fatallon will leave Yuipiina fur San Fruuclsco next Thursday morning. Mrs James Smith of Salem, who has been visiting with friends ill this city, returned home today. Thus. Abriuns and Chos. Davis went up the Melvenzle river this af ternoon on a llshlng trip. Sunday Oregonian: Mr Lester O llulin. of Fuirelie. Or . visited relative at 4sm Columbia street, the past week Mrs ( A Jackson, of Philomath, who has been visiting with George Harris and sisters returned home to day. The "know bow" gained in the best schools coupled w ith experience mukes I)r l.owe a tnuu 01 success -in ins pro fession. Chis Barlsch arrived home last even ing from his cliiim near Melbouru springs. He has a big bear experience to relate. (us Tueisch ami Phil Scott, two Crcswell young men, are now travel ing for the lied Seal Baking Powder company of 1'or land. M S Barker has received a wooden handle bur for bicycles from the Fast. It is made from hard elm mid is the II it one brought here. Salem Statesman: Clarence Bishop departed for Southern Oregon yester day, whither he goes in the Interest o llie.Nilem Woolen mills, Wheat iu Kostern Oregon and Washington has been considerably damaged by the recent warm weather When traveling see that a card biarlng your name and address is fastened to your trunk or baggage. It win save you lots or irouoie. Salem Statesman: Miss Grace Kyle who has been the guest of Mrs. Steve McFadden for several days, returned to he homo lu Kngene yesterday. Mr and Mrs Gus Washburn nnd W W Chessman and family of Spring Held w ill leave tomorrow' morning on a camping expedition to Foley Springs Albany Democrat: Forty thousand dollars are on hand to Improve the Willamette river. If it Is spent lion- cMtly and not wasted It will do a great Heal 01 goon. Misses Fredricka and Adelia Hertz, who have been visiting with their uncle and sent, Mr and Mrs A Gold smith, left yesterday for their home In San Francisco. Itt-v CHWaehlte will pnaeh at Dunn's school house south of Fugene the second Sunday In July at 11 o'clock and w 111 organize a Sunday School. All are invited. Mr Grant, who used to. be In the Insurance business iu this city, la here and Is arranging for a fishing expedi tion with his brother-in-law, Lucian Wujde, who icsides near Ooburg. The republicans all over the slalo are demanding that Jonathan Bourne, secretary or the state central committee, resign, claiming he Is not In harmony with the St. Louis plat form. lr Kiiykeiulall's family left today for Winchester bavin Southern Ore gon, where tin y w ill enjnv a six weeks' outing. They go to Drain by rail and will drive from there over to the bay a di.toncc of almut 40 niiis. The doc tor will go over about August 1st. The postoftlce at John li-iy ,low added to the list of those robbed dur ing the present year, having been bro ken Into some lime last Fildav night and about tS In change stolen. The turglar also mted himself out with a suit of clothe hut took nothing vha Mis Manle Knox, postal telegraph operator In this city, went to Cottage Grove this afternoon to visit a few rtavs with her folks. She will visit the Bohemia mining ilistiict tie fore reluriil.ig. M iss Anna Ogleby will act aioHrator here (lurng Miss A pamphlet has been Issued from the otUee ol State Printer leds, under the supervlHinn of Superintendent Ir-win,wliii-h contain an official lit of all stho-.jl teachers, who are licensed to teach in (he public schools of the var- l i!y liimtd, July '. lllVl- 111 B t...... I .1 . ; . . """" in in. northern herK O 11 Siuiili. Deceased was a ogger and has lived tvo or three year, lu this county. The ,louye miarnntined and everything belong ing d,ivae.i has been destroyed by Are. No danger U appreheuded rroul . . m av ft mm awak. UOn 1 mi RUNNING PLANU rviuwtn ernom POWER ""r,,ln,l ,h ,,lao;' Fly Wheel. U the CTfTHEP KUWCH lmptnmtM ,v.r rt.ui. in i.b,nj,n fij L TflE PLnNO LEADS Dccause . niv- it fU-.'lymntlnn In Innc'i-it i-nin TUC CI V WHrrl ,-rouiiil.caii.r.uioriin lit-hiU iv.i up,,-, I fill I LI nttL on. horsrli.htor draft,,, More Jones Steel Headers Sold CHAIN MOWER , .: ... In ..:.!( tile lmirf t-hnlM D. nd li-hmt draft mower in me V llllll ill v ii " ',nl"'""w Vw wrou.. no n "'"l; 1-crrit wneei. miiiiu,a iMMu.h.. END FOR OUR FRCC - FOR The Piano Mfg. Co., M.n - f.rtu Also agents for Buffalo Pitts Ihreshor and Walter Wood Harvesting Machinery. I.OI7GBIISIIiIi: DR, M DPBTEE Junction City : Milling Compan; MAN U FA CT UK E I IS OF THE "WHITE ROSE" o o o o . oXIOXJ 1.? n 0 o GUARANTEED The most popular Hour leading grocers. Ten Virgius. Tlie Corvullis Times dias some fig uring us follows: Wednesday evening the Salvati in Army was out in full force. There were ten women dressed lu while, carrying lanterns, in representation of the-"leu irgins." It may tie ol interest to some to know that iu Christ's time ten virgins, live of w hum were wise and live foolish, took their lanterns nild awaited Hie coming of the "Bridegroom." The wise virgins had oil iu their lamps, and they were trimmed and burning, wide the lumps of the foolish maidens lucked oil and consequently did not burn. The common interpretation of this passage of the Bib e is that the bride groom was Christ, while the viigins were the churches, so to speak. The bridegroom tarried and the intervene was dt voted to sleep by the virgins. After a "lime the cry '"Behold, the bridegroom coimlb!" wag raised; then there was a coiumotiou among the girls to prepare the r lamps, and those wtio nan no on, nmi were consequently foolish, tried to beg some of the wiser virgins. Failing in this, they Went to buy some and iu the meantime the bridegroom appeared and the wise ones were ushered in (.presumably iu heaven) and the door ha ked. When the foolish virgins had prepared their lamps and knocked at the door, beg ging admittance, Christ ex laimed, "Verily I say unto you, I know you not." The women of Corvullis and vicinity who represented the "Ten Virgins" may compliment themselves that they made a good slrei t appear ance In their while gatbs, but will they agree on w lilch the of tin in will be denied entrance to heaven? litre comes the "sticker" -the foolish vir gins whose lamps were not burning failed to gain admittance to the King dom of Heaveu. Salaries Are Reailj listed. The Statesman's Washington corres pondent .ends the following readjust ment of pnstolllce salaries for the lisoal year (ISSKJ) as required by the Increase or decrease of business at vutious olll ces. ORKOON. The J)al)es advanced from (bird to second-class, and Newherg frqm fuurlh to third class. Pendleton relegated from second to third class. Increase; From ...,soi i ,NH l.oOO 2,100 . ...l.:iou ....l.suo .. $1,100 ... l,7nu ... 1,'iOO .. 1.1)00 ... 2,000 To II 000 Albany Baker City Med ford Astoria Marshlleld The Dulles Decrease: Hillsboro Oregon City .., I'nUin LaGrumle Pendleton M'ooo! 1.41.0 2,:iuo 1,4011 2,0, 'o ; tl.coo l.iino 1,200 I,6o0 l.OtiO FOH Popular Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, GALLON JUUUS GOLDSMITH. . . ' - . ana may RAKE's PLHNO "OK 610 u lut I tin it TMt Cul 01tlw TM! H,--lll..o...J T IS THE EES la '94 than all other combit .wim; - ALL ILLUSTRATIO CATAlOfiut - rr, West Pullman, Chici-u BEST QUALITY in the market. Sold k U. S. Land ktm. Joel Ware.liav'mjbwav, pointed U. S. Circuit O Commissioner for thefe of Oregon, is now jmjr to make JIomkstkadFiuk Final Pkooi s, ami take t ti'niniiv 111 CtiXTEST Ci 1 To i-i ,1 ir Ln.l thirlv years a perienco in this line, lie ' guarantee satisfaction every case. OHice in t Follows' lUiiltling, Eu.t Oregon. ASH GROVE POULTRY II BreEding pns to ncna in tti rivniotilli v.l a n'd Biown h; nnd Silver Hainburgs. ritr ti mi rpr 1 hvjitu i 1 .ifo hv. a few ;t i- A Spl.nll.l c- --" '. ' ItvuilM-'MW. l-i - ' ,-iks-uiI or i;'i ' iii-iiiHin, tlinii. i liili, Aiuvi m . nml oilier slL-ei .. i 1 .1 C jIwvMcnU ,.,..,,fl fll inc Riinui-i' v yujjf. 101 9. i KAiSto' 1 H A nitvft p. vnu PR. FtUX IE BRUN'' rntho'iinuliid '"'' 1 ',ri.. i'.v. . ..i n. rH"r t;J,,; . .. i as kUas wiw V tn . . ff ifiw.' : ' r GURU ISHI RN A PKI-ANO ' genu, hugon., On-gnn- oi ' All. s7 1 :il ' I' if I riiuni .N I! H movthed:'.w,,,,J j KonV. .1 Varioatoi, - ::S0