FAMISH IS J.I PAX. for Infants and Children. - Caeiorl a Ii ao well adajiled to children thot C recommend It u .ijrt-rU)nr i-rMcTlplU-n known torn." JL A. Aw Htm, SL P., Ill Bo. Oxford fct., J.'rouklj-n, X. V. "Tha UM of 'Cantorla ll o unlecnicl awl :i merit ao well known tliM It iwim work nf miinrerogntlon to nil"nm It. Fw are Ihe InU-UlgeM bmlUM who da not kwu Caetoria lUiln wr n-evh." Ciaua kUam, I. P.. hew York Clljr. f 'aetorla eur Colli-, CunitljvitM, tour Mouior-h, Mvrli'aa, rtiKtatlua. Kill Worm, (;lvi-s Utej), and i-ruowU " jmtlon, WItliout li ijurloiu nvdlftln, ' For emend yinn I hata rocnmei'-t i jrmr '(Ml.irla.'wiil li-!l l"a;- c.ntl: ' : do It ha Uif arlol.ljr iiroduu-d Uw.n-1-.i Tiwi r. PiOBW, M. T, IKlh Btnwt and 7th Ave., Kew York CC; Tn Currant CtMTkin, V Mi mut rVncwr, r Yon Or. W.I. BROWN, rMletnt. g. D. PAINE, F.W.OSBURN. Vic Prandial. Caialar. THE Eupe Loan and Savings BANK, Of Eugene, DIRB0T0Kn. A. ralne, i- Harris, J. Darls, B. U. Palna. W. B. Uruwn, J. F. Koblmop, r. W. Oihum. Pall Dp Capital. j : : $50,000. A General Banking Business Transacted, lulorcit allowed on lima dcpoilU. O.iloHlouMlrniUd lo oar eara will rocetre p: i tpl attantloa. Mcxica. Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Uddero. Piles. Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations. Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago. Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, AH Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle,. Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Llnlmwnt coniten Fain, Make fUa or Baait well gala. ll kept on Meat K.O. HAKE'S At1vMrtl.li.iff AuMiirv. CA and a , I. i. L" ..... U .. .. lrM.ti.luV1 I'kI wtr. contract! lor advarlliln call aa mmle THIS PAPER nw. ' (.tattliialloo, JlLl ... MullieM, .'3i'A Kalllne, Hen. i.JitJS" aniliii,KrrT. ' onllwllelllne. 'Pf-V' p . ) .,v, rnd other fUtf 1 ' pans. aI?V. 1 Hlrenrtheni, IV'' ; lllTlanlUlM ami lonee tlie lt'V..''5 entlrevtem. R tlA'J Hullo Mini Thla ailia- fmllii.ry lt- Iitreuator II ha noil wonderful 1lorry of tha air. It liu been en (lorard ttf tha ltUiii;.'len. ti no men of Kumpa and Amerlra. H.dria la pnrela Taa Ul.le. Nudiia ropa rrimiiurentss of tha Ula rharira In VO I4HHO0D I Wt: ): t,M'r Bnlrklr. Orer 1,000 tiriTata endomeme nti. 1'iviuatun-UM nieam luinotrm-y In ll.e flrat in. It to a iTmptom of armlnal weektin aim barrenunn. 'it van Im r.ojyca In m daja trlliauaaodludran. Tba new dlKvrory wml n(1 T ti 8rcll. ItUof Iheold (uuoueHuito Mtdlcal Inilllula. It to lha MmniteM Tliaim r Diado. It to Terr powerful, but naiml.M. K.I.I for II 00 a rLk r or I rknrr ft fS.0Ol,lelnaealrltnie). Mriiien fiiareuiea (rireuforaotir. lfjoubur mboiMaud am n eniln.y oured.iU rnota WllHeentlOTif.Tofil . B.ndf r flmi'rni (..tiinmil.l". Art'lreja Ht UMOr ItlCAL. INOTITI'IK, JaaoUoa, tlewwa. .eiarkcl kUlle Bia ..a rreuviKetvBi liability, It.wutiuieu, Km In ton a andlrTvk.i ant reeU.ni w.e 1'alin In U.e kiejee W At bit in uopped JIOIUICT MAS JJISlilVlMiS. TirnuH.HeriilJ: Men ore ark i ti of i n i MM liniil and lialf-frifflit- eiieil ill the face of gwit lu:k. In thouiuing room or tlio liunura hotel luHt Thumil.ty evening I met Mr. lluburt, oml extended t liim coiigriiiulutionH on lii nomination for vicc-prehidency, wliicli wus bur to oi-'cur n itlnn on liour or two, nn the convention wui at that inoineiit liHtcning to tlio nominating speech' eg. "I feel that I am g'ling to he chosen," uaid Mr. Hohart, nnxluHlIy, "but I am willins to conf'u to you that I Itnlf wirdi I may Iia dnfi-ated. There liavo been time when I coveted thin honor, hut now that it in niiourentiv with in my gran I bhrinlt from it and w r i 1 had hover neriniiieu my nnn.il in lm liHrd. I llCrtitatO to chango my quiet life for tho refon- BlIllllLll'H III 1ft 1IIIM1 l.unill.'ll, 'J wifo and I aro now as happy as mm-tula pan he. and I om reluctant to take this plungo into the sea oi jioIiticH and truHt to luck for hap kl IXPHM 1 1I tlie future." Mr. llohart Hiiiikn with fevhne and carne8tn'B, showing that ho had a ueep nnu miinlv annrociation ol thereupon nihility which would bo thrust ution him Blioulit too people rainy ll.n ol.nion nf tliP roll VRI1 1 HID. Sl.1 !))(' how I liked Mr. 1 lobar, better after ho had tliUH spoken. W'o ean now witness tho remark ablo phenomenon, viz; on increase nf limit m iiiiva uecreaso in v. ' . lencth. Hundav was theoretically tlm limirnHt (lii v in the vear. 14 liours and 4(5 minutes. Next Sun day will bo two minutes shorter, so savs the calendar. A Portland lawyer named Milton V Smith is miikiiiif an effort in tho circuit court to force tho sheriff to return an execution os satism-d without firBt paying tho expense ini-nrri-il In mauitiu a real esuuu snip. He claims that tho f 10 re n ii i red hv law to bo iwtid in advance covers tho entire costs, including imhlieation of sherill '8 sale. Mmtli is entirely too liberal. Pendleton K O: If James K. Campbell, ex-governor of Dhio, is nominated for nresideiit at Chicago bv the democrats, as seems likely, the campaign will at ouco assume a lively hue. "1 he advance ageni of nrosneritv" will not have every tliirio- Ion own wav with "The Ciimiibella are cominc." It would be a light to tho (inn h with these two. men in the Held. Ju tins con nection tho Portland Telegram says: "A liknlv candidate of tho demo cratic party for president, if it adopts a frcesilver platform, would bo cx0overnor James K. Camp bell, of Ohio, lie is a pronounced advocate of Ireo silver and a very brilliant man. 1 he personal re hitiitiiR between (iovernor Camp hell and Maior MeKinley aresim ilar to those which existed hetwten Lincoln and Douglas in Illinois in tho vear ISOO, Lincoln admired DmudiiD' Doul'Ius loved Lincoln There is a strontt bond of personal friendship between MeKinley ond Campbell, notwithstanding they have been pitted 'against each other in several campaigns." "What do vou think of athletic .liniition for vouns women? was , asked of Charles Pudley Warner, liv the editor of tho Inlander. He renlies: "I will answer the oucs tion by asking another Why do not women need as complete and harmonious development as men? 1 believe that women require a different gymnastic training from men. I would not cultivate an ab normal athletic development in either sex, but 1 would train each into as perfect men and women as possible. 1 believe further that physical training which tends to produce the ideal figure in man or woman, grace of movement, ease of action and endurance, in short, normal l.ealth, is as essential to moral ns it is to mental soundness. It is a maxim that the mind works best in a sound body, and 1 am sure that any student will bo in tellect aally tittor to cope with his studies if he is vigorous in body and has all his physicsl powers in good working order. If you will How me to go a little farther, I will say that it is tho testimony of experts who have BUjierinlended the training of girls th-t gymnas tics, suited always to the Individual and to the sex, are not only an in tellectual stimulus of great value, but the girls who are so trained make the best wives and are best rt'ienl for the ceneral duties of life." Tim luteal mail advices from Japtn rep-irt nearly h :!f"f the 1", (KK),WXJ p'lpol it'i'ii 'I l he French pro vi nee of Tonkin. Su i her ii China. starving to diath. r iiiiino pre vails in Tonkin, and suin-criplionH aru being raised there f ir thu bom- lit of the r-uffiTer". Th; governor- gi-tierril ll is denied I lie lii-t will) it lunation of .j(J0. 'H"' misery of the people is dei.eril.nl as tcriihte. 1 ins hoiim government lins ku- lhoriz"d a loan for urg-nt public work in the colony, n 1 pre. sure lus In en brought to bear upmi the governor general to take tlnse puhlie work'' in Ii'iii'l ill one'! and I'ivc emiiloyiiicnt lo iii'illituiles in the thinner of lntli I'runi hunger. It is, however poliiled out thai subscriptions are of little avail in succoring from 4,000,000 to 5.000.000 starving people. Itend dered deierato by want, riot mur der and sad pillage among ineiii ho ex necled to embarrass the government and raise grave politi cal (tanners, should the policy of .Irift lm followed to the ueclect of relief work. TO l.NVAUK SKI UET SOCIETIES. The Illinois aMcallto court for tho fourth district has handed down no oninion declaring that where a secret society ex pels a member the the courts niav itmuire into tne cx pulsion and sec whether or not it is just ana ought lo liavo wen iiiikIc. Tho case nasMd upon is ....... - . . that of tho Modern Woodmen of America vs Anna Deters, on ap peal Iromat. Ulairrouniy. augum L. Deters was n member of the Modern Woodmen. He held a benefit certificate in tho order lor I2.000. piivuMc to his wife, Anna -. -.. ... , ., Deters in the event oi iiis tieaui ubiln in eood Btanlin2 in the or, lor. hut if ho was to be expelled while holding the certificate, the same should be null and void. He was expelled while holding tho ctr- lifieato and shortly after dud. His wifo brought suit upon tho cer tificate, claiming tho expulsion to have been unfair and illegal. The order claimed tho expulsion could not be looked into by tho courts. The appellate court held buHi ex million to bo nroner subjects of judicial inquiry and gave judgment in lavor ol me ueneuciary on me certificate. -rrrr-T-w '..f V GRATEFUL I AND COMFORTING Pot Tired. ArS-:. IrriUtcd Fetto warm uaui with CUTICURA SOAP and a emite : CUkAa.i.'i.' 1 Ttil Invljit. it! ll..,, ...o. i.-Htili.l 1.4. '.tt l cli.li:,r I. r"i.f 1 li.-Hl . - r,,.. e.j.1 ib.., yrt'r.i: wlh CUTI. (;iec;ninture.. I'riiiiiir atiil Ini- lr:'i;jfiiiatloii aliul . f I.. Int.. fc'fl- i.url- I Ij.ioi tl.i .h. l ..r l'ro., UmIus J lil M ETA bids T CU.NVK.NTI0X. .laeksonvillo Times: A number ofthose citizens of Jackson county who are in favor of bimetallism and tho freo coinage of silver met at Medford last Saturday atltrnuon. M. F. Hgglcston of Ashland pre sided and Chub. U. Wolcottuctcd as secretary. Speeches were made by Gen. K.'L. Appleg.vtc and -others, and a resolution endorsing the boll ofTeHer nnd others lrom there- nuhlican national convention and in favor of tho candidacy of the Colorado senator for president was adopted. The following were elect ed us delegates to the stuto bime tallic convention which meets at MiMinnvillo on July lh: S. Pat terson, M. F. Parker, J: J. Houek, II. S. Kvaus, M. F. Kggleston, W. II. liradshaw, J. 15. Welch, C. K. Wolcott, I. W.Thomas, Frank Wil liams, K. K. Pliipps and A. S Jacobs. Tho following county cen tral committee was appointed: M. F. Fgglestou, J. J. Hou. k, N. A. Jacobs, II. S. Kvans, J. 15. Welch, W. N. Lu. key, C. K. Woleoit. New York and Chicago will h ivo to make great progress to catch up with London in population. The census just taken show s a popula tion of 4,411.721 in Inner London: This is confined to the "Adminstra tivo County of London." but the "(ireatcr London," within the jur isdiction of the metropolitan police, adds to this l,7o0,4'.M, making altogether for Inner and Outer London a total population of 0,1 137, GD'J. The Outer London includes practically all the suburbs of the great city. The development is now largely in the Outer London, due, a paper Fays, to tho growing use of the cycle, as well as the ex tension of Boburbaii railways. The heart of London is becoming more and more a business center during tin. il i v mill a solitude at nicht. No Btiite of the American Union has the population of the "(.Ireatcr London" except New York, which, by the state census of IS'.l't, had 0.513,311). against 0,107,002 in Lon don. Pennsylvania bv. the eonsu of 181)0 had 5.2oS,014 population, hut tho six years increase since then has probihlv brought it up to nearly 0,000,000. Tho London of today is the gnatet city tho world has ever seen in its history. An cient Home in its palmiest days had about 2,000 000 population, according to the tiest autiioriues. tilo ho Democrat: Countimr in clerk hire, mileage an 1 incidentals, a member of congress now re vives a total of about $12. Got) for his Uo vetrs' service. Daniel Webster "used to net for the f.ur.e period fllo.'S. The expansion in the pay has at least keit up with that in the statesmanship. Senator Horace Tabor was once diniag with llose Conkling When the truit and nuts were brought on Tabor e:vletv.ncd to crock a large pecan with his teeth. "Why. Horace." ex lain.ed the amazed New York senator, "where are vour crackers?-' "I ate them in my soup an Lour ag," was Tabor's reply. C.imiiilslloii,rs Court. (l,,.. lirury J-idge 1'',l,,"n-;S .mrcr .... Win Naylor clerk r election John aiiihiyiiu . e W I Colt mail J'i"w WltHuilli " & ?i Selirnoi'i ju.ikv. Mill llit'lley Clelit li li lla.vei. " K It I'urkel jil'lge W K Parker and 1 and 6 00 8 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 40 0 00 e oo 6 on o oo Commencement at lirulr. I'ii, in tlm IbMHtiiirir 1' alndeiilel ' iiceiiiint of tliu coiomeiieeinelil exer ci-. M of tli I)niln noriiial kchool tlie f llolnextraeNore made, o number nf the exereiws havlti( been InKen part In ly Lnnecouuty yonna (M-ople: KiuMiUinor tif iIih oralnrieul eontesl which wo won by a daughter of Lane ll says: Tlie oratorical contest was the fi uliire of Moiiiiav evelilne. The seals ttnri. niniin noarlv 111) (H'CUttted Olid tlie liniciiers were myully eiilertnlned for more than one liour with music uuu th earnest cflorts of the six ((ill- ii-IaiiIh ii) win the llrst prie. Tlie nnines ol tbiwe who participated ill tin riu-i nri iih follows: Missis Clnia I'M uiinU. KiiL-ene: Mvrn NigliHWiiinler. Ila.llevville: Uaisy Kailuer, Drain; M,..rii V J I.oonov. JfU'ernoii: Kdivln nl, . Drain: Svlvan Kenler. Jell'i-r .mi, 1 1 wiih Hie" irenerui verdiel of iIiimo nri-Kciit I liul nil should have a nri.. m i nriit-t nnd careful were their ufV.irlM. The hlilifeH Were VrCuillii of Kow liiiig, Mr Herald of IIuiIhuii ami Mr.Miriof Drain. Tiny jrve Hrxl honor to Misi Muh-wiio'ler ami hicoiiiI to Mr Loonc.v. Tho prizes were V10 nlul f j reHM'etively." "The class tree jiroRram was held Wednesday. . Miss Nellie Holt, of Coliiirg, r-ad tlie clan hill, which hromrht I'm th eonnlderable mirth." "Thursilttv, 10 a in. louno ine beiiiitiful urovo by the M ehureli lairly alive w ith people. t)n the i laud ill this UHsembliie could be neell visitors lrom INilem, jeiietsiui, llarrlsburif. Crawfordsville. hllgeiie, Hudlevville, (.'oinstock, Yoncalla, Oak laud, how liurir, Klklonand" leveland. The salutatory, essiiys.orallons ami val edictory of the class were listened to wilh limrueil luu-iiiioii. The memliers of I he class from Lane county were: Jiiss iMiima liners, Kugeiie; Aliss IS el lie lion, lohutk; .Mis Mvri MghHwander, liaoieyvme Miss Katie Carlwrlght, Eugene. Ciittage (iiove-U'iiiatl Items. Leader, Juno 27. and Two while crows with blue eyes were recently captured near here. Married, on Sunduy, June 21, at the resilience of the bride's parents, Miss Minnie Powell to Mr Jvl tleer, Itev Sutherland ulllchiting. Election of oflleers of Juvenilis Lodge No. 4H, K of P: C II, J K liar- nit: V V. J M Luip; i" r, i rmiK Jordan; M E, li Lurch; M V, W V Eockwood; It K S, tieo wull fll A. J K Medley, J U, J li A Young, D U, A 1) Lincoln. J II llingliam, a well known and prominent mining man uiid expert from Idaho, arrived Tuesday on l lie overland, lie repivseiils tlie liypouili Hank of Spokane. Wash. Ho pur chased P J Jennings' Interest in the Eureka mine In Pierce City Mining district, Idaho. The price paid was JS.OOU. Mr Jennings bought the in terest in this mine two years ago pay ing JI.IKK). lie thinks there Is no property equal to good mining properly- Bfirissni.. Corvallis Times: "Somethlmr over three years ago 11 W Dunn came to this city from Eugene and started a second-hand store. Contrary to the predictions and ex- iiectutions of many, the business prosH-ied. At a latu date T I) Camp bell became u partner in Hie store. So it went on until a little over a week ago, when Mr Dunn sold his in terest lo Mr Campbell. At present Mr Dunn is In Eugene with his par ents and it Is likely he will remain w ilh iliein in the future and engage in the dairy business. His parents tire old and be Is their yo ingest son and it was mainly on tl eir account thai he was induced to sell out." It It Hemphill Judge of election and imsM'iiger I, E I'aiks Judge of election J It West Judge of election. H 11 Calllsi'ii clerk of election 1) W Hnilges ' joL.Tru.i.. II Judge " " and messenger t! Cole Jiiiltfo of election J M Hti.llool " , " " John It t'ook clerk " H Itaxter " ' ()V Hurd Judge " Win Kyle " , " . , . Wit MeCornack Judeortlec (ioii ond messenger (Jeo II Coulter clerk of elect lou... John 11 Morris ' " Win Ferris Judge ' J (t Hinlon " . " ' FM Tucker " S E Milledgecleik " t,.ouhj'iiirir J s Taylor clerk of election J K Vef trees Judge " " Win Hamilton " " " aud Hli'sseliger W P Drugg juilge of election Seth SiiuuioiiB clerk of election... W 11 Ulauhiey " " " Frank Know les Judge" "and messenger Amos Hartley Judge of election.. W W Neeley " " " Eeuis K Ilean clerk " MJ Hadsall " " " I1A Pollerf judge " A H.irnelt " Joseph P Whismiii juuge ui eleel loll IIIIO llienmrugi- II J Talior clerk of elect loll k-n.,1 I! Poll " " " John A lnham Juiljie of election and messenger...". 1 (ieo Ffissell Judge of elecliou A S Powers Ira Isliam clerk " J W Suiiuis ' " " It li Denning Judgo " " James H Yates and messenger J A Jeans Judge election l.-. M.'i'luie clerk of election.. .. J K Ionian clerk of election 0 00 i.' Ti.iirniiin lm L'e or election. ... o w I ..ot Viillirliiill Imlee of election.. 0 INI I S Day judire of election 0 00 Li Atkinson ciera oi eievuou ..ml inoMu-nircr 1- 00 A D Peeves clerk of election 0 00 Middle rork Items. June 24, 1806. 1'oonle are irolee to the mouutalus every few days. M r Purler missed through heie to- dav with aw head of cattle tor wiver Lake. School will be out Thursday, July 2nd. Mr Larimer and Walter Goodman returned from Eugene today. Poll i.Im (iii il.o Middle Fork will lint kill d.-er: not that they are afraid of MiClamdiau, but Ibe low. Mr Jake Xeet and Tom Blakely while, trannimr last week killed two black hears. A party of fishermen came up the river and put their boat in forty miles iiiiove Kiiuone. line oi tne party was Mr Smith the Coburg miller. They could not catch enough tlsli for the fat man. Wliv doa't Ihev leave John frail's chickens ido.ie? Why di they go into his house mid take his Iruit w hen be leaves home? Some say it Is lieeuuse John will not bother them, but I be lieve it is because the fellow that does It is a coward and a thief, and will gel a loud of shot It he keeps it up If some one has to shout for John. MrGeoivo Wilson of Portland, traniiini! with Jake Neet aud Tom Blakely. Mr Nell Kelsay accompanied Mr Miller across the mountains with his cattle. Judge Fisk passed here today on his way t ) Eastern Oregon. Dock Umljr OuaM.J 1; 1. Wool Stoi.kn. Some ono entered May & Si'iiders warehouse at Harris- burn lust night and slulo five sacks of wool, worth about flOi). One of the sacks was rouud lodged In the river this nioriilug by a tisherinau. The parties committing tlie theft evidently nere In hurry to get away and bad lost one or the sacks oil of tin- wagon They have not been apprehended yet P1II7 O uar, I, J ;uc . Fkkioiit Movkmkms I'he En- gene Mill and Elevator Company Will ship 0 carload of hogs to Portland on this evening a freight. Dr I D Drlvei will ship a carload of cattle lo Portluud on the same train. M Svarverud ie- ecived a ear load of farm machinery on tliis morning's train. as Pally Uuard, July I. DlKI. Ivan Wold, died suddenly of In art failure this morning at the Saiitee Indian Agency in Nebraska. Mr. Wold was Indian agent at that place. He has four children lu this city Misses Jean, Emm , (.trace ami Master Irving, who are staying heie Insecure and education. Final Kepnrt. Final report ofsoliool district No 18, High Hanks, Lane county, uregon emlinu June 20: No. of days taught 5.r: No. of days attendance. 1000; No, of days absence, 120; Total number of pupils, 24. Those neither absent nor lardy during tlie entire term: Ollie Pilzcr, Harry lMtzer, Edith A mil t age, Sylvester Armitage and Oleii Nich olson. El.LA A. KlSIIKK, Teacher. The t rops. The warm weather was beneficial to all well cultivated crops, except to late sown gram, fall ami eoriy-i.own grain nave made good development nut late-sown grain, 1. e ihat sown lu May and tlie fore part of June, was li lured hv tne weather. Larly cram is beading nicely, but the late grain needs ram oadi ; ir rain docs not soon tall the late-sown graiu will not make even hay. Keports covering all crops tire good, except for fruit. There ore occasional localities where the cmitii tloiis me not favorable. In Eisiern Oregon, spring-sown grain is l.ss nble to stand the dry weainerinan tne lail-sowu. Lorres omiiti'llts rnlMirt thut (.ruin well hut 1,. in good summer fallowed ground, will' make 0 good crop, un matter what the wtniher. JJsihy ond rye sre nearly ready to cut. W heat and oats are turning color. Haying Is in full blast. . . 1'AOl'E. si'inpK r fakki). Lakevlew Ex anoiier: "Itev l-sh received a letter last w eeK from J l) St Hers, dated at Ashlaml, June 14. and mailed at Ager on the loth, lu which he said that that night would tie his last lu this world. Family trouble was supposed to be tlie cause. Sellers having separated fioin his wife not long ago. No account of his d. ath has appeared in the papers, which leads some to believe that be tailed 10 co unlit Ihe rash act. Others think he has wandered oil to some secluded spot and dctred himself." Mr Sellers was formerly" a resident of l'basaiit Hill. loiters lint our Ix VS niav con . 1 . .1 . ., 1 A Swivm i-u (' v 1....... 1 . . aider themselves UCdV III U lin y , - . -c-r.i, ioiei.1 ore. neither Ethionie or Tartarian 7 ' Z ! cliil lren, for thos,' that uri' i'or i out of ulsmt $20,000. The Oreg mlan fellows have to learn two hundred 1 : "He u president of several d two letters before they can ""'erii wregon rem estate and land Charles and Dick Vandevtit will leave tomorrow morning for their home at Prinevillo wilh two large wngou loud nf supplies. They will be accompanied by Cbas hilselt. To Eit tPU'ATK Moi.ks. Place a few ra-tor brans in Ilie mound, of esri!, liu.t t lit v turn up aud thry wl'.l disp siir. A simple le.nody but u good one. Where is the boy or girl that docs not consider it a m.isii r ;.isk t learn the twenty-six lntters of It e alphabet? We presume the most of them would like to be a Sandwich Island voul'. Tr then if he had to learn only h;M-.vn alpha b t, it would be found in twelve PLANO MOWER and HAY RAKE& 4-4 .:tr?-i -. 'iS A-tTf. ??25?&' "iZ- v LIGHT. RUNNING PLMNO P -aen DI-IUUrR Fumlihfd ty tha Piano" Hy Wheel. Ij t,ic LnZ? STORED POWEJl lmpt)ement ever made 111 6cl.'.u.ua.uX Ms!,, kef Uk aM.fl fit at u W m '" e rt(. Olf.,1. IM f.w ro.T.,1 hi; r.-Min.t0iiTif. "eirmia TflE PLflHO LEADS D- ST .3 THE SST: ra r.lv.-sl' li-al n oliim iii Inncil er iiiiap,' i,nn3lk ' TUP ri V WHFFl erouMl:M.i'-iti"nmli-l,Pvnv-r,f.p',l.tal II L r L I IV 111-L.k uWli,,i-h,;lit,r ili:i.1 and land a bunille aittr IbeiaaiJ More Jones Steel Headers Sold In than all others comblatl .0dtteS CHAIN MOWERBr (onion, no none, nollmnc l ,he '".." ..V""1". "wet rum iw rerrii wbeeX ThiiproveiiUiircnKth. Bitytlci ire t nam I'rive. wuyt i.ikW duAl ino ron our rncc-roo-ALL illuotnatkd ctlooui The Piano Mfz. Co.. w""""""- West Pullman, Chlain, n Also agents for 13uffalo Pitts Thresher and Walter! Wood Harvesting Machinery. Junction City : Milling Company, MAN UFACTURERH OF THE "WHITE ROSE" FLOUR.'.-j O o n O o J GUARANTEED BEST QUALITY, The most popular flour in tho market. Sold bra leading grocers. Springfield Items. June .10, 'Oil. Weather pleasant, but most too warm. Nice signs of a shower on the Fotiilh for which the llowetsitiid gardens are perishing. Miss Sybil Thurston was the guest of Miss (truce Thompson Tuesday. Nearly everybody went to Thurston Sumlay'to attend the con vein ion. In tlie match game Is-tween Spring field and Coyote Siriugllrld eauiuoul victorious. Jim Clark b si ill visiting h:s sister, Mrs H A Washbiirne. Al Heblie and family left for Irving Monthiv to iitteial ei liip n, ci ting Dokoihy. Wulterville Huns. J'ine 'Si, 1800. Thurston Is fixing the grove near Cold Springs for the Sunday school convention next Sunday. One of the patients at the county home has to have h a hunds tied to keep him from tearing his clothes, yet he cannot feed him-elf. Both the Davis and Thurston Sun day schools acipi.ttrd themselves splendidly ou children's day. D. hilly liuurd, June 'M. A Runaway. Yesterday evening while Misses Flora Wheeler slid Faith Johnson were out driving with Justice Wheeler's horse and buggy, the bursa became frightened ami raL away. The young ladies had driven to " It ttto Murphey's residence at the north end of Willamette street and were return ing. At the railrnud crossing Miss Johnson got out to open a gale, and while closing It (ho horse, which was being held by Miss Wheeler, became frightened al the gate and started to run. At the erossim; on the main triCK the buggy was tiituid over and the young lady throw n out. She was considerably bruisid but otherwise was not hurt The buirgv was d1 agged some distance by the heightened hor.se and badly lorn up. U. S. Land C fimrmuiMti ,,nlilllklvi.i Ill-Urlillltr I ttlntt. Mi'Minn ville, June '.7. Lincoln county w ill hold a muss convention of silver men at Toledo July 0, lo elect li delegates to the state convention here July 9. Tlie Washington county convention meets on the same date tu elect 12 del egates. Judge Knmsey, ex-mavor of Me Miunvillc, says that tho" delegation elected from Marioi, county ' t lit Pest all around deleguti.ui that county ever sent to a state convention. The Southern Paeillo railrond ms granted a return rate of one-third fare lo delegates and others pavirg full fare to the eonveiiiion. Joel Ware.havinflwDip- pointed U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner for the di'tric; of Oregon, is now pwph to make Homestead Fan Final Proofs, and take fc timonv in Contest Having had thirty years fh perienco in this line, he guarantee satisfaction ; every case. Oflice in Fellows' lJuilding, W Oregon. ASH GROVE POULTRY !I Brbsding pC' tk o io nans m ,uu' " c- Wliito nu,"t I'lvniontli lt'fl''! . 'i II. .....n ijlltl't'' aim jn " i kiiv.t el'! 1 l.niiliiiri?s. mr wiih " r... 1,1 m nnn 1 C1 twfl CPltif nJlil I il.o hive a few eh"', " pl.alur.ale. e"' V 1 A" Coburn.Osr DS. TuUX IE CHun - mm .s I IT I 1 I I Ul. 1 11 an.thao-'Viiid snd on J I ".V.jli. lUtw uwuiiiiio""'-- .. -if ius linos rt. ,i , I tl 1 i ... ii i. t"ST?I5 SJ LE 71 ASAPKt u,sii"-' ,ji"a " wil.ill"'" 1111,1 . ... r i. .. .i. ... l... .1.. e.mipanies, a-ooug them iruiiiiuiiy rj oii ni' i - o" r,,f, Uv Kugene Orchard alphal)ct. He la unknowu lu Eugeue. eoccern Home." History repeats itself, The old slang has come back: "What's the matter with liatnin?'' sa w -irwt -1'" b. a. iro. .'' ' Z OsHl K'. PH-VNO U.i.l'." igeiiis. hiiinMie. oritc-n. T I S.lsrill.l enir-'l"" ... f.r J-j.i-ii""' ml t.r r.-rf -r'.:-"': ':. r v THE AWOLD CHh.' tBI S, kVeiteOl .iuib fSSXSUCX. .k-... v- I Popular Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, CALL, ON JULIUS GOLDSMITH. Headquarters for the Eugene Soda Works. A CUF3 f-A I Forealeat VerlMWU