. r I Lir.iDAY JU,Y 1 IUi.UrsMi( oculist. . t w.. it, hi. ultornev-iit-law. Money to 1i" 0,1 ft" '"'1- l''.niiliv of ,t. Yulton. . ... I.; I. II.. t. I ..i n- If ' il'l'M- ini',1 tn- i-niim ui i'" . ; i .i 'iit i .i.i u k i j r I1'1 "l1 v . , . ' . i c i Ii mIi-wIs mil lihw-1: v. i.st H( ihe' Minnesota lintel. Ho Is lire t ,red I" ll" ll" ,l,,"t"1 w",l '" ""' '"t'Ht I t.v Anil It"' Tliiwaic-tjiiiiruii-i '.'. i liri'i" ecu's. r F L ClIAMIIKIIH. c-jitttMii liark! ( ulttcm IhiiU!! Higtiet '""h Pr'l'u f"r I'l'l'ifiu 4rk. Iri"t! '"ur ,,,rl r'0 F.irnn fur Sul. i . .. i.mii-lliiilv fine farm. In tlm .-:' .iii viillev for Halt. Thesi JI llinu" , " : tnn include every varlrty in si.e uii'i .. . .1. . ...I. .11.... II. . ...II irliV. 1'OT oeni-i ijjiiuh unit Mil litres tihll. SI. Mll.LKU, Wllklns Block, Eugene, Or. Important to Frmt r.'). . L'l'ire' Sucikuki. I'viritui v. fiH, I tie original and only article of Us linil lilving compiem suiisiucnon. K.mf nil need friiiu o(l to !M vi Im ui i ... .'..r h-iU lit' r' ' ..... ...... Eugene, (Jr. Unit fiiNliol Huj-. .seated bids for eivoiiug u school i.tu-o ll) tliHtr'.'L No. 10) will ins re ived up to July lo, Plana unit jjucitleauous en ii ue seen in iu tmice ! the cm rk or r ll tliusi, utter July IS'.H). I'lie board reserves the rlglit i nj.el any or all bid. Fll til AHK, C J Uol'i, Chairman. Clerk. i;il Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes: "J have been suffering funn piles for J v turn and though! tuy case Incurs-fl,-. DcWIU'b Witch Hazel Salve win niiiinenueu ionic usu me cure, to i night a box and it performed a tier- Suneiit cure." This Is only one of jb'iiiHMinU of similar cures. Eczema, ires ami fkiu ditt-usce yield quickly I lien it is used. Osbiikn A DkLaxo. liui'lvleu'd Arnica Salve, j'llie I!eHt Halve in t lie world for luu, Itruihcs. toivs. Ulccru, Salt Umim, Fever ISor'.i, Tetter, (.'imied IhiiiIs, Clilllilaiii', t'oniK, and all Skin .iliotis, ami MiHitively cures PIIcm, fniiay reulrel. It U Kiiarunlc-ed i z'wv perfect mtlxlactlou or inoney ifiiii'I'il. Price, li cents per box. brxale by llendersoii A Mini. Ik- n I.a! r wis '. w n".- ii-r Cti. 5li-a k'.ic a 0 t'ail.l, !: cri' I fr-r Ciworln. fh. n i'io tvomi I'M, r!w c?an to r.rst.r!a. ?!nn alio but CMUicd.sV- jvoU.cia Coiluii. t ( all for Woi ranis. I Notice Im hereby nlven that tbt fol-I-jT'iiii; warruntrt w ill be paid on pre- Otation at my olllce. Interest on i me will cense June 29, 1800: All 1 wie county warrantn from rcj!islered i iDibir 0SC3 lo iegllered nuinber 10,- Mil luclui-lve. i J U Obay, I County Treasurer. fcuKene, Or, June2(J, 1S90. Mrs RUodlo Noah, of this place, was ktii in the night with cramping dns aud the next day dlarrhiva set U Khe took half a bottle of black ti coidial but got uo relief, tfhe n sent to me to see if I had any dug that would help her. I cent her (kittle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- mid Diarrhovi Remedy and the fit dou relieved her. Another of our neighbors had leen nick for about week and hud tried (lilkrctit icmedies rdiurrbivi but kept i;cttlnfc worse, lavnt him thin Miiedy. Only four itH's t'f it were required toiuru him. : : snya hu owes hi recovery to this wonderful remedy. Mm Mary Sibley, fluey, Mich. For sale by Osburn & 0 I. mm. 1 Kditohs lNHK-rKi. I'.oseburg laindealer: "It in nM misery loves 'tnimiiy. The edilor of Hie Plain- lertius tieen Indicted by the grand iry for the publication of liUlous attfi. It 1s HOinewhal consoling, nvwer, to know tliat In our dis'ress All of the nroorli tors of the Itevlow Re also bven Indicted for a like fciiHP, vU: ulauderiuic I) KSham ik and Juiues Hattv during t he iaii;n." It Is likely that the only ilt will be an expensive trial for Ml Ih rwimitv li f.mt. lVonle that f liU'lled by 'iiew-HpaiH-rs liould In- Bute civil ttivttml or criminal pro filings. reseent - $50. 5ual to any $75 wheel. i:tiV ANI COUNTY.! F. L. CHAMBERS. Wednesday, julyi lomuiiMioncrs' court ncxtwiik. I SPO.I.uin.of Fulrvl. w, Is in the city. I" Harry Welder ii up from JIurrN miry. ! F J Mulkev Hiient last ii((lit in Fu gene. I l..t..iii.1 u...lil. ..r D..i 11 - 1.1 .--iiiiiii hi i iiiivtrvilio 14 the city. ll) W.kiI U nellliii; In i-j f v at 11 c- ins a puuiid. Prior liluir returned from Pni tluiid this U;'tlTllO(:i. When yon want a v. hip g j .i pUn. ton & Half. Prof K K Orton went to Junction IniN morning. Mr Jin ItemiuM ami family h fl to day for Kltsou springs. liicyc LudieV and (li-nts'. V L t'11 im;i:s. Italn Is gieatly needed but it dues not sei 111 to mateiiali...'. Mis Hattie (iwinii, of.S.ileiu, is vis iting lelalives In Kiigene. John Slewart has returned from a dip in the Foley Springs. Deputy District Attorney Williams made Junctl 11 a visit today. For axle grease nod oil go lo Pri-iou it Hale's. Dr I) E Loveridge retuii.id lionie fiom Porliainl tl.is uflernoiiu. Jolinnie HieWurt is now working In hay ham-Hi near liiille, .Molilalia. J W Wilhrow now lias a National cali n-gi-iler in Ids place of ho.iiiic-s. Wagons, P.iigii-s mikI t'aric. F I. Ca.i.M!ii;iih. .S II h iieo lly Is hulin acarwiih iliilli'iu b.irk fir Deiroit, .Mien, lodoy. SlveliT Pelilioyer is now lnaor of rortlainl having ipulilled at tini to day. Get your curry combs aud brushes at Preston & Hale's. FC Potts removed lo hi new loca tion in the Ho, I cm building thin after noon. Prof C S Hunt, left his three mother less Oaughtcis with the mint In Call foi nla. The Deeilng Binder. Light run ning, ball l.eariiig, has no equal. F L CltAMIlKKS. Judgo Fisk and wife have reiurmd from a pleasant outing up the Middle Fork. . Frank Coleman, mayor of Hadicy-villi-, Is in the city to celebrate the Fourth. M Volk, f'f Portland, road um-ter of t lie S P it it, wits io this city lust evening. Oct harness oil of Preston &. Hale and oil your harnesr. The F.ugene h e works shlpp"d a car load of ice to Uo.thurg on this morn ing's freight. Fixht-r & WatUius thinned a carload of beef cuttle to the asylum lit Salem this iitleruoon. If you want a good saddle or harness see Preston & Hale's. President Chupm-iii will lecture be fore Hie Ashland Chautauqua, which convenes July Mh. Pap O M Stroud, of Portland, grand lecturer of the masons of Oregon, spent last night in this city. Charles Thomas, of Florence, arrived lnKugenetlilHnficrinx.il. This is his ttrt visit here for some time. Wall paper, all new, latest designs. F L ClIAMUKKS. Miss Iula Bradley siient last night In Fugene witli relatives. She will spend the Fourth in Portland. Geo T Hall, Sr., and family wid leave for their summer outing at Mo Ken.ie Bridgo Friday morning. President Cleveland lias appointed C F Bell postmaster at The Ialles and V A Williams at Independence. Milk cans. Dairy and Creamery supplies. F L ClIAMUKKS. Miss 1 fa' tie Smith, with her brother Bert and Master Sammio Hauilsaker, all of Natron, were in Eugene, today. Several cyclists from Albany and Corvallis will be here to compete In the bl -ycle races 011 the 3d and 4th. The small hov Is practicing up for the Foil rlli and the reports of lire crackers may be heard quite frequent ly- Prof J It Wethcrbee arrived home yesterday evening from Portland, having ridden down and back on his wheel. Miss Marie Ware w ill go to Foley Springs next week, where she ex pictsto spend the greater portion of the summer. A private letter fi' .ui a leading hop factor in I.olnlon says the weather is favorable to the growing crop in Kntflmid. Til'' Dalles Is now a second class postofllee and Pendleton has in en relegated from the second to I lie third class list. Chairman Harrjty, of the democrat-1 lo national commitiee, now eoncuh-s that the silver d-l gates will control the convention. MUs Anna Cowglll left this morn lug for Portland and after a short stay In that city w ill leave on an extended visit to the i:ast. Misses Venia Adulr aud Carrie Hall have been re-elected as teachers in I lie Portland public schools. All salaries in that city have been reduced. Pius the good word along the line. Piles can I e quickly cured without nn operation by simply upplying Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve. OSUl'RX it DkIj Nn. Miss Muiuio Clinton, of Astmia, arrived on the caily train I lis morn lug mid wlil spend the holiday months vi-l'lng Willi friend-, inll.i City. Albuiy Herald:-Mr F J Mu.i.ey cume uji from .Mono uii-i on ll. e steamer Al iy U-l n.jnt eo n nH lo Kilgi-lie on Ms w ay lo 1'nle.i Sji'lligx fol Ills summer nutiiig. "Wake up, Jaioh, the day i-l.nnk-imz!" so aid I eWi l's I.Mle lanly Blsers to the m.;n who had taken tiiCIll to lumise hit uhlgllhdi li" r. OohUIll u I) !.:tl:o. Miners are na-Miig thioilh Kniieiie dallv for the Blue Bivi-r mines, i lil district will le llioiooghly prospected this summer. We predict that In lets than two years it will have a popula tion of heverul thousand. We m'ght tell you more alsmt One Minute Cough Cure, but you piolml.',, know that it cur. s a cough. Every ouo does who has used it. It Is a per feet remedy for cough-, col Is, lioarre newt. Il is an ei-pecla! favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick In curing. Os in-it N 4 DkLano. Thfcbenelli entertuluiucnt for MU Seal at the M V. church la.it evening 1 was fairly we'd attended, considering i theoihci ettraeiion in the city. Each pr8u on the pi'ogrHtiiinbuequitteU nieiuseives in a cielllatjle milliner. Dr Lowe, the well know n oceulLt npticiao will arrive on tne 4th lo remain fir a few days. See him at Motel Eugene if you need glasses. Pir-on.s who have it coughing sn!l every nuhi, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. Osni'KN DkLano. The i; B ice i ream social at the Chicago restaurant la.it evening was a very successful allalr. Over Jot) p ople partook of lunch. I he Eugene Cor net Bund furnished most delightful music for the occasion. t haniberlalu's Cough Remedy cuie colds, croup and whooping cough. It Is pleasant, safe and rellabt . For sale by Osburu It Dc Latin. A Dayton, Oregon, dispipch says: The recent dry hot weather hits done much ihiimigu lo the small grain through this section. Farmers say unless rain comes soon the oat crop will ne very light. Fully two thirds of the hopyards around Duylou are not being worked this year. Mr and MrsJ W Downer, of North Yakima, Wash., arrived in the city this afiei tioon, the gin-sis of the family of Bev M L Bone. Mr Downer Is one of Ihe pioneers of Eugene, having settled here in 1S47. He has for several years past made his home in Wash ington. A cup of Parks' Tea at li'ght moves the bowels In the morning without pain or di-comfort. It is a great health giver and blood puriller. Sold by A. Yi:k.ni;ton. Mower mid binder extras. Seeticua to 111 Dt criug, Woods, Osburn, Fin nlre, Buckeye, Champion, Peerless, McLVrniack and several other mowers, and several slz.es for each kind. Guards, sickle heads and other extras for all the above moW'ers. F L Chambers. SH I LOU'S CUBE, tho great Cough and Croup Cure, is In great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-live doses only 2-H-. Children love it. Sohl by Ib-llder.sOII it Linn. J P Biimsey will leave Friday morn ing for his old home in Goshen, Indi ana, where he will work at his trade for a son-iii-law, (hiring the summer, tiller which he will return home. En route he will stop nit at Chicago and wilue.-s the democratic national con vention which convenes In that city next Tuesday. It Is repo:ted that Fnlon county Is lo have another contest over the school superintendent's olllce. J. E. Reynold's election will be contested on the ground that heollered linnieemeiits to the voters by promising to turn the olllco over to Miss Nellie Stevens ami allow her to draw the salary. The (act that women ore beglning to cany matches Is held by one author ity to be a sign of her development in '.lie masculine direction. But there is another explanation. The use of the wheel aud the neccssty of keeping the lamp lit is better. It is well to remem ber that in asking a red headed woman for a light you should always avoid looking at her hair. Tho Mitchelllte legislative can didates in Portland have entered con texts, claiming they were counted out. We arc anxious to do a little good iu this world and can think of no pleas untvr or better way to do it thau by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Osburn it Del. alio. Twhv within the past few days ladies have h Tiered intense paluand discomfort caused by stepping on unnoticed nails which protrude from sidewalks in this city. Property owners nml the street commissioner would pei foi in a kind act and pre vent painful if not serious accidents If they would tee that the nails ill the sidewalks were kept driven down. A sample of grain growing on Mrs Charles E Green's farm In California, from seed obtained froir tho Depart ment of Agriculture shows twenty heads, each six inches in length, from a single grain. The average numU'r of grains to each head Is twenty, show ing a yield of 400 fold. The condi tions under which the sample was grown are exceptionally good, us it was not crowded, but even under or dinary conditions tho yield from the wheal would be enormous. Last milliner one of our grand chil dren was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our tloctoi's remedies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihun Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. We regard it as the best medicine ever put on the market for bowel complaints. Mrs K G Gregory, Frederickstown, Mo. This certainly Is the best med icine ever put on the market for dys entery, summer complaint, colic and cholera Infantum In children. ll never fails to give prompt relict when used in reasonable time and the plain printed directions ore followed. Many mothers have expressed their idncere gratitude for the cures U has ellected. For sale by Osburn & DcLauo. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will pu rify your blood, eleai your complexion, regulate youi bowels an I makes your head as clear as a bell. 2-)C, fiiM-, and fl.UO. Henderson A Liiu:. I've a secret in my heart, f el Vai nil i i a : 1!', V' i Tu , ,-.-:, la. i r l-e i-i a- .1 ,iys U-' ,.i i i i.a nt a. 'aits' T. . i.i Ml. u m t ii in ie. . by A. Vh'.:',i i. I'ltl Sur- r ' v i a .i'.ivciiec.lii: lu all diseases of the Liver and Kid neys. By removing the nrie add In Him bliHid it cures Rheumatism. H. B B:t.-ford, of Carthage, S. Dakota, says "I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all other medicines for Rlieumutisin and Frinary disorders." Sold by A. Yi.IV I IM.TO.N. .Mauiukk. At the residence of tho k I A i ' blli'e's puicilts, Mt aim .urn i v. Jhiiihi gs. in this city, July 1, iHlsi, by Bev E C Sanderson, Mr Funis Mc- ... I ML. VC.Itiu .lentil 11 If 4. I IIITSWI U 11 11 .inns ..iii. v - The Gi'aki extend congratulations. THURSDAY, JULY 2. Marriages numerous. Last quarter of the moon. Tom Abrams came up ln:ii Salem today. Leap year si eliis lo In.- slaUng the sterner sex. W S Lee, of Junction spent last night in Eugene. R--v Father lleek came up from Portland today. F E Wilwatlh, a Piint-villc i.v newspaper mall, is in the city. The Epworth League held a picnic on the banks of tho McKcli.ic ye: tei duy. Miss Emilia Edw ards came up from llarrisburg today aud will remain un til after the Fourth. V V Henderson's little girl, Miss VernllH, went to Portland to, lay to visit with relative. Miss Allle Link came up from In dependence today and will visit wllh friends for a few days. MrsJ E llanna and children if IIishI River arrived here today ulid will visit with relatives. Mr Riiishart, a wheelman from Olympia, Washington' is In the city, the guest ol Rev M L Rose. ('has Nickel), a delegate to (lie den ociatie national convention, left Port land lust night for Chicago. The Misses May and Alice Bildwin wlio have bee teaching school in Crook county, have returned home. Corvallis Gazette: MO Wilkins, of Eugene, was in town Saturday curoiite to Lincoln county on legal business. Company C of this eity has received a lot of accoutrements, among the lot being two bug cs, some leggings, bats, etc. Tlie Frv Coiiiakte saloon was recent ly burned iu Meilford, probably set allru by some gold bug of tire' bug. Loss t J.ooo. Mr Harriet Beechir Slow e died at her home In Hartford. Conn., yester day, aged 84 years. She was the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." All cyclists wlio Intend entering the bicycle parade Friday evening ore re quested by Ihe committee to meet at the Central school gioumls at 8 p in. A Fereiiailing pally of alsiut 1.) per sons serenaded Mr and Mrs Mack Soinmerville i.l their residence on Twelfth and Ferry stieels last night. The gutters by the crossings on Willamette street were tilled ill wllh line gravel today. Tonight Ihe street will be swept and placed In llrst class condition. Pure bltHid mt ans good health. l)e Witl's Sarrapanlla purilies the blood, cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula aud all discuses arising from impure blood. Osni'KN & DkLano. The Portland Daily Telegram yes terday evening issued a neat illusl rated Fourth of July edition. The malingers of that paper are deserving of the mic-cei-s attained. II P Hayes, the Fall Creek school teacher, who was scut lo the ieiil tctiiiury lor one year Irom this coun ty, on the charge of seduction, has been pardoned out and is now at Junction. Mrs Alia B Siauson, of Washington, D C, aud known by many Eugene people, Is visiting her parents at Al- I.. .... I. .1... ii:i. oany. nne is a sister oi .mis i, iniycu of this city. Cass Matlock and sister, Miss Carrie, will go to Oakland, Cat, next week to Bpend tho summer. The rest of the family will probably remove to Cali fornia iu the fall. A gentleman 65 years of uge yester day applied for a license permitting him to marry a gill lo years of uge. That Is one point were the law Is tie llcient. However, he did not get the license, as lite papers were not proper ly made out. Small lu size, but gieat in result'. DeWitt'a Little Early Bisirs act gently but thoroughly, curing indi gestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Osuukn & DkLa.no. If the matrimonial market contin ues to boom In this county at the rale it has for the past week or two it is not HKeiy mul mere will iki many marriairealiln young couples left at the end of this leap year. Two KcntlciucL' by mistake cot their hats exchanged at the Masonic meet ing Wednesday night. Ouo of the hats Is now at this olllce and the gen tleman having the other one can get It exchanged for his own bv culling at this olllce. When we CJiisider that the intes tine are about five times as long as the body, we can realiz" ihe Interne siiHYrlng experienced when they are Inflamed. DeWitl's Colicaud Choh ra Cure subdues Intlummalioii at once and completely removes the tlilllculty. Ohiiuii.n A DkLano. Last evening as the band boys were reluming from the social al tha.Miv Muriihey resldelii-o the Cornells! pio- diicedagood Imitation uf the old Sal- vatiou Army tune so faniiii ir to all Eugeueltes, and for i lime sun i of the citizens were led to believe that the captain hud returned. It would be bard to convince a mini sulTcring from bilious colic that his agony Is due to a microbe witli an un- proiiouncoble name. But one dose of De Wilt's Colio and Cholera I tiro will convince him of Its power toull'oid Instant relief. It kills pain. Oriit uN & I)i. Land. Salem Journal: The Gi;aim my Ihe Eugene i-reiiiin iy no rn-el vi s uboiit 10'fll poll, nIs of 'n.iiU d uly and wems l i think I ln-y might lo have I w ice lhat much. We iii.i-.- knew n ennlii"ry thai stalt'd l l Wn'i oil poiliiils.liiit In'- fote ll had on t n. ' i-- leeelvllig over hi .,.un j"' Mul- ! i i. "Big ouU from hit!.- ii i.r n i;r '." Ill .i i:y It . ! .1 f 0 is, l!n un a!- .!:. -i ' . i I i 'g 1 1 il.c ul .Mi .e;i mi. i 'i ' -t i r p.;s s.-d in this e.i.i , iy. A' - :;!. ye" lo lliil-t a M is il Cat .- e I. i in- log Cabin eating ii ' i n ili.-O It AN. railway, that has , X r.--s.-.l other Hum entire satisfactl o. S'l. 'i an e.itln horse is a ere r t' :( ! s.'a' - and esplcally to lias r;i '-. 1 'i'he Wooiliiieo, of Brownsville, Or , miii.'e ll hot for Ju l.oy, a Chinaman who was initialed, or thought ho was, last week. The Brownsvi lo Times says: "He wns lambasted, swulla whacked, lioom II ..lei and ysiikd doodlid. uii'l ipiieily submitted, until it was proposed toaobreviate his queue when be madu a break for thu door, knocked down the guard, ran over Hie Sentry, and cleared the stairs In three Imips. He says Wisidnien henp foolic, no giNslee, ulee suinee slum of a gun liee Mellcuil mull. Boll.. To the wife of Amos Wil kins al Coburg, July 2, IV!, a ton. I'.MVUISIIY IIIAM.KS. (.Vneii!pluteil b Hip liuurd of 1!" iTunii to S ein e mure Uccl- t.ltiOU li'iolll, l ailr UumJ, J..!)' .'. I'.ver since President Chapmtiil Iris I cell at the head of the L 'uiversity ol Oregon iiiiiiierotis changes have Inn made lu '.he various departmcu's ol that institution. Newcoiirsesofstu.lv have been added mid the ol.l ones have bei 11 extended. The number of the faculty has been iucica-cd, and as a I colire.pleuee of these chliligi s much more room has been ueednl. During the past year the hillbillies have hu ll taxed In llu-ir iilmosl capacity o fur nish class iiNim, and Kome ef thede piirtineirs have leiu ciuliqed for SplllV. Prisideiit Clianman and the exccii live committee of Ihe board ol legeiils have been hsikli g over Ihe buildups the past r(,iv days w ith a view to milk ing some changes In order to secure more class riHiiu. Prof S E MeCluie of the department of iinalylleal cheiu Isiry Is craiiis'd for space ami one of the objects is to MCUie another rismi for 1 1 in . The boa id now conicu plates lilting up Ihe basement of Di ady l.sll and using b fur a hhiary room. The bascnieiil is ul procut Usui us a living apartment by Frank Close, Hie In ad Janitor. Il the change is made, Ilie burn on the pron rty recently aciiiired from Prof Collier, w'ill be reimiit and converted into a residence, which will Ik- occupied by .Mr Clo-e and '.lis fami -Iy. The riHim at pieei.i oei upli d by tin l.aurenu and Euliixiall sis'illis will, If satisfactory itrraogcincnls can be made, be vacated by them, mid they will be given the rooms now used us u library on the third lloorof Deady hall. This w ill not materially inconvenience them, as (hey are at picseiit loocated on the third lloe.r. The room thus Viiciited by the societies adjoins Prof Mcl'luro on the cast mid will be turned over to him. Ihe Collier nsideiice, known as South hall, w ill be lilted up for recita tion rooms. This building was pur chased wilii a view to converting it into a ladies' dormitory, bill it will be used for recitation rooms Instead. The departments which have been quar tered in the men's dormitory will probably U removed to this building. The nl'ove mimed changes are mere ly contemplated and have not yet U-eli ordered by a Vote ol the com mittee, but ll Is quite likely Unit another meeting w ill be held inside of a day or two mid the changes ordered lii'poileil Slioitsge. The last Issue of Hie Harney couiily News contains the following: "As the rumor Is rife throughout the county that the sheriH' Is short $."0tH) to $7lM); bus skipped the coun try, etc, mid as such tales gather strength as they go, we give the fob lowing us can lie learned lo date: That Mr Outings is iu Port land; bis ImniUs show o shortage of f'Jll'l.iU on I Ml I taxes and t'.'-Jt ill) on (s'.ij taxes, or a total shortage of tl.'liiS .'IS; dial ho has moie than enough property to make gisid the loss and some of his bonds men are satislled that ho will return and make die loss good. His books snow collections for 'M f:w,77:i il'.i; for nolo present lime, $ .'M,2!U.4, D II Smyth nml C 11 DeWitt are two of tho nine names on the lined. That the books show a "shortage" Is not an evidence of a theft. A Wu-co shcrlll's books were short a much larger sum. ami expert testimony made clear how the fault lay in the bookkeeping." DlsniNIIM'KH. Rosebiirg Plain dealer: "The postolllee ilepurtmeiit has discontinued the free delivery service at Rosebiirg from and afier liiu llrst of this moii l ti today. Ml Her mann secured Ibis service for our el l.v for Ihe last live years and lo It i ii a llr1 citizens owe ul! the advan tages mid conveniences: of this free de livery service. Now tho people will have lo ciiiiii! to Iheolhee to deposit or receive their mull. Tlie boxes at Ihe live stations a,o taken dow n mid laid aside, and we opine gre il will he Ihe lieoplc's disappointment. But there Is no great loss without Mime gain. Drop letters will hereait.-r be only one cent whereas under the fice delivery system they wero two cents each." Among Some at Ilia lulrrsl Ncitni a On IliU coiitlni'iit sail In thu Imrilm, inlrl uilolu liiu iiiiihi1iito Willi IU isislllentlsl lin-ntli, towlnii the secila of illfe nml ileslh in uvrry dln-rlloii. It Ii la mirh ! 1 1 1 1 1- llist thu iri'VPiillvo sail rcintsllsl iUHlllle ul Ibiili'tlei'a Sluinaeli lllllrranru most eoiiiplo uouhljr iliuwu. Kor erorjr form ol niaUrls II In a IkhsIIt tllleacluua rvini-iljr, ami coniii ra illHunlera of Ihe itninarli, liver ami ImwvL, n ini'illea Imn-tltity o( Ilia klilurya, ami iiuun Icraeti llio weaklicM ami lack id ataiiitna vrlilcli luvlK-i itiseiuu by b'velllnil Ilia darrler Klilih a vlKunma iiHrulliii ol llir illnestlrc aiiJ m-rrtllvn orgim" niiom a lull. So iIi-Iimi- Ire iiii-illi'liii) In li i) tins rlruiiier puiiiiiii'ii'la tliina la iirufeasluiinl iimri-r Isilh lur purliy ami ri-iiii-lliil iiiiilltli-a. There are two reasonable things which everybody should do; lake good core of one's health; mul if lost, regain it quickly, and to tills eve.ybody will agree. And there are are a gnat mul titude of people who lire uj reed that for both purposes Simmons Liver Regulator Is the best hcls r. "I am tr mhled with torpid liver mid nothing gives m relief so quick like Simmons Liver Regulator." It R Strange, Luke City, Fla. Tlieie la more catarrh In tlila asnilun ul tlifl country than all oilier illaranun rail t uti ther ami iiiiiiI ihe lt lew yean waa iiihi-i In is? In. euralil-. Kor a nn-nl many yi-ara ilormr. i-ro. iioiiih'i-(1 11 a Itif-iil illHsasv, aiel ihi-nciiIs iI Iis-hI r-nii 'lles sinl l,y r.ih.uiilly Inlllnn In riirn w till lis sl in aliiii-' l, iriiiioiini- i ll Inr uali e H.Hi.uf'n Iihi iiiuvi-o estiirrti lo Is a outi-liliilloti- at itl-i nse, ami llieri-turi- ieiilri' ruli.tlttitloliHl lr:' lliient. Il.ill's C'Htsrrli loin-, liinlinlsr nii-'l lo I' .1 ( S-iiev .V I'll. 1..I-I I I'.. IHI. simly (''it. s itetl"l si l-ir.i nil Tin noil k.-l. Ill.tnkell i.,t t in ili -i i liom lu ili'i... lu ii t. ii-ii-i ll . Ha ' 'lir-i- 1,'iei tie l,!e A an I ni'i-mil . if e . i!i.- .i-'iiii. I'l.i'i- ie:. r liiufnraii) en. ii i -nr. in-. .-ei,l li r el r i i.ia ine 1 S. .1- .Jill.- I i j. i i i m v .v ( o , T. I. ,!.,, r. i ;. Iy. I, . 1 , .'..'. ! i 'l '. Kll.l.si I), i'.lt. - Coi. .,. U i 1 1 . i I,.. I ei i e-tei !u y arre-ted D -I-I wi .-I . a. :. r si IM. I'. u I.- r.ir hilliiii I ,;. e, .oil . I n a- 'ii. iM CURED "'-T WITHOUT K"; Knifo or OporaVon I'r'MPK-nt Absolutely Paiuless CmZ Cf TCCTED FriM "fir. 3 y V VVcoks. vr.rr ro: TGftMS "r ' I i ' 1 ill. . ,;r. p 0. ..ii i Oi i ioit Tin: monuok t'osiOFH i: tltirchiM '.di I It mill I'ui ki Sill till I ll.lll.'f. I lie Corvallis Till.es; this city ji !er l-iy Monroe pii-tuir.co l.'-i I Moii, lay night receive. I w a-i only lined In Ihe simple Tlie news r. ached lilteil eoll that the had tsvu h.irgl.ir The intelligence meagre, la-lug con slateiin it i'l a note lo I'ostmus'.i r liobert Johnson from the Monroe po-tiuUtri , saying ihul Ihei'llb-e ha I been entered the night previous, and (but a small nmouiil of money In siiiull change hud hi en taken. The postmistress Is Mis Ella Catcrlin, daughter of Mr SO Thump.; sou, and she even failed lo say ill her lime w hether (,r not any si:ini s i r ot her olllce valuables hud been taken. When si ell, Shcrill (M. urn had bund iioiliing (if tin. mailer, and from the fuel thai the olllcers of the law wi re Hot untitled it Is presumed that Ihe amount of booty secured by the bur glars was compaialively iiislguillcaiit. The .Monroe ssloUee Is located on Ihe principal street of the town, on Ihe npposiie slile from Wilhillit .V Sous' i-i-tabllshmeiit It Is a small wiHiileu building, to gain access to which would probably be found an cay matter it any time by perrons held on burglary. A Household Tressure. I) W Fuller, of Caiiiijohurle, X X, says lhat beal .vins keeps Dr King's New Discovery In the house mul his family has ulwuxs found the very best ,.' ,. ,, .," . ... results iiillow Its use; that he would not he w ithout it If pns'iirable. (I A Dykeimiu, druggist, Catskill, X Y, sa.islhat Dr King's New Discovery is undoubtedly Ihe U-st cough leiuedy; that he has used it In his family for eight years and it has never failed to do all that Is claimed for It. Why not try a li uiedy so long tried and tested? Get a free trial bottle nt Hen derson & Linn's drugstore. Regular size oiV and f I. ...... . . llol'S. New Yoik Record: "The hop harvest in (his section will be very limbed this season coin pared with for mer yeais, us many of the yards have been either plowed up or are l elng used for pasture. A few yards, how ever, are la-iug woraed, but w 111 lie harvested only on condition lhat the price of hops will Justify It This In dustry has been the means of dlsbuis iug considerable money lu the hop growing districts, I he lack of which will be keenly felt by Ihe snple. Some of the yards have had large sums expended on them, Mid It Is principally Ihe-e yards that lire being worked this year, the compeiihiitiug Idea being Hull when the market for hops shall resume lis normal condition their yards w ill ls lu condition." b.uljr (oinril, Ji t .'. A J Aioil ii N aii. Dii 1 1'. Ye-ler-day evening, while Mrs Prof Fred Dunn of 1-alctu was walking along Oak sired, rear Eleventh, w ith her husband, site i-teppcd on a Jagged nail, which produded Irom u board In the sidewalk. The nail went through her sins' and Into the foot and the luteiisn pain occasioned by It caused the lady lo faint awny. She was carried into Ihe house of .Mrs F B Dunn, about a block distant, and medical assistance summoned lo relieve her sullerlngs. TTikOA C Piuxiukmv. Albany Democrat: "A gentleman who was lu Corvallis yesterday says the senti ment there is decidedly In favor of le lalnlng Prof I Sli ism as president of the O A C, lhat he lias built up the college nod exerted un excellent Influence. Though he has resigned In self de fense lie is willing to continue the presidency. They believe It would lie u great Injustice to put a man lu just for political reasons." Fiwt Class Band. Corvalls tla- xede: "T he Hook und Ladiler liiiml gin s to P.ugctie for the 8rd and 4lli. They start Thtirsduy and are to give two concerts dully and participate In tlie parade on the 4th. 'Tex' Stoud- eiiiuver. tiieir oin-iime leaner, nus In ch iiractlcluir w ith the boys and will accompany them as director. As tho baud Is composed ol nr si class iiiui vlduiil players the peoplo of Fugene will not la dlsappolnlid 111 their playing." DEERING uf o r-i ir W fAVJH fy-t'CY DEERING BINDERS. I'kYH laaiaaiLilalKia.,.,,,--, ".'fh Ball Bearing. Lightest Running On Earth. t lrti!l.ttiui; Library, The follow ing iiw l ooks for tha cir. llaling library have been received and will Im ready for distribution ou Fri lay aftcrnnc n, July ad: I ,io" Red Badg" if (.'oiirugo Crane. .--.ones of the I-'imiI H ills Graham. A Little booK of Prolitable Talet En; cue Field. ( on-taut Inople Crawford. I! I Men mid White Owen Wlstor. Ten Great Religions Clarke. I he I'l lin e of thu House of 1,'uvld lngrabam. A Singular Life -Klitihetli Stuurt Phelps. I'.lljf loin-, I. July J. (iKi iiNn Rkaiivto Sckkam. The uiiileis gelling ready lo scream In stentorian tones on tho fourth. Car-penli-rs urn busily engaged about the court Incise square and by tonight the dancing plallorm, bin il aland and several booths fur candy slunds will tie completed. The dancing platform Is.'iUxoi feet III fl.'.e, Is built oil a solid foundation and has a sunsith, planed surface. The p'atform will 1st open, but the bund stMid, which Is 11x10 feet 111 size, will be covered over Willi ever greens. Besides the several booth for refreshment stands alsiut the public squares, there will be I lin e or four on trucks, which will follow up the crowd. Tlie city Is already taking on a holiday air. Visitors are arriving from aU'directlons and the Indications arn Hint there will I mi a birira at- j u.,l ance Istth days. A great many , of the business Iioum-s have already ! commenced to decorate and llugn aud hunting are be ng displayed o l over .,,,.7 1 1 i in.-1 ii j . A Foothai.I. Ciiank. Mr J It Marklcy of Collage Grove, who tins been engaged In mining at Butte, Molilalia, (hiring tho past winter, Ii homo mi a short visit. Since going to Molilalia Mr Mark ley lias ln-come con siderable ol a f.silhall crank, haviuirat this lime in his employ three members of the Butte football team, among whom are Benson, who coached Eu gene last vear, aud Lasswell, formerly willi the Slultiiomahs. The team has been playing lor several months and intend keeping in training until fall, w hen they will again meet the Reliance club, which they cxect to defeat. Mr Mink ley says they have strength ened Ihe liutto team very materially since last season, and with the splendid coaching they are re viving, t liere Is every reason lo believe that the coast championship for lS'.Kt, will go to tho Butte team. Pally (luard, July 1 Lawn Social. The lawn social, held on the spacious lawn of Mr and Mrs It MeMuryhey on a slight eleva tion of the hill at the north end of Willamette street, under tho auspices of the Cougiegutional church, waa a niosi delightful nll'alr and waa attend ed by several hundred people. Chi nese lanterns were arranged among the shruhi of the large lawn and made a very pretty display, which could be seen Irom all put ts of the city. The Fug. 'im Cornet ban I p!ayo I several beautiful selection while the crowd waa gathering and lelng crved to Ice erciim, eto. Daily imam, July 'J. Lu'Kshks. Marriage licenses were last evening granted to ', L McPher- son ami Miss Martha M Jennings nnd lo Muck Soinmerville and Mlsa Mag gie Stevens. One was i rented today to John W Stormuiit and Mlsa Fstelln M McNult. Do you lack faith nnd lova health? Let us establish your faith ar.d restore your health with DeWltt'i bursa panl la. Omiiuhn A DkLano. FEW DAYS ONLY. $1.00 will buy 1 Mrs. Potts' Nicklo Siul Irons. Regular $1.50. sot of Plated price Ax Billy. MOWERS. o o .1 J i Sole Agent ll I 1 1 1 till iV A "-X - HaV