FRIDAY, JUXE Fine growing weather. JcmUln Miller is In Poilland. Aunty Hunchctt Is ftili quit" ill. Colllllllslliolicril COUrt still ill Hl'S-doll. Sloven Hpeticer u In Ku-n to. duy. JanicM H.tufir'l, of H i. I Dell, U In Eugcii". (i i;.itmuti went t roriiuii'i tin forenoon, Ben Lurch, of Lent ill was in Eu gene today. MI- Ad.i Hhurples It visiting t Oregon City. Line county tim.- striwberrlm In I he inurket. The linmil Axe I for ulc or lease, mo it advert iw. Mm Geo M Miller returned hot night from Chicago. Hen Lurch returned to Cottage Urovu thin ufieruoou. George II Colter, of Gleiiudu I lining llllsillCMI III this tity. Mr W I Cheshire lm returind fioni Ojkluud, California Wult MeCorim. k left lor Wusliiw on the Muge (Id til r 11 1 II kf . Mayor Oulcshy, of Jiinetion City, visited in Eugene Hiit afternoon. Arch Rice made one of hi UhUa! trip to Cottage (Jrovo Iub' evening. Virginia und North liukota demo Ciull declared for free silver yesterday. Trout lUhlug l reported gots! eon nldering Ihut the streams lire quite high. V W ClirsHlliaii, the Hprllmllcld itn-t master uud grooeryiiiuu, win In '.uuvnu toiluv. A iKistolllce has Ihii re cstiilihshed at Trent, Lane county, Or., with Jlelli't'll jiiiiich poiinic.. Edward L Clinton, of S'litllc, Wadi, UHlmnk examiner, I in the city, and will le here several da.,. W ho will t(he deputy prosecuting attorney? It In raid there are four republican candidate for the position. 1 1 -v II L Iloiirdman will speak dur JiiK tin commencement exercises of McMUUivillo college before the ntie lclit. 'Ihe election expense in Lunc :ounty will f'H't n about tl iiM). The ouiity court now in essl"ii will pn on eluim. Htone iiiu-oiih arc now ill work on the foundation of the I Frank lilock. (ock (miii the Fulnnounl quarry It being used. The HH'liibcr of the county court viewed it' proposed turnpike roud between (his t'iiv uud Junction to. duy. A gentleman is In the cltv attempt ing to organize a loditu of the I'nlted Artl-ans, of I'oilland, a iKliellciiiry organization. (Julie u numlier of the churches am milking iiriiiiig"tiifiil to conduct re freshment stands oil the thirl and fourlli of July. TiiigiiK iM-at V.inderburg only 37 vote In tin' former' own county, run. Iiillg ul'OUt I'iO vote hehlud newt of Hie rent r lil ticket. Mis Ethel Haven, of lliirrlhhurg, came up on the iil'tcrnooii train today mid will he the guest of Mis Ermine Owen for few day. Michael (Schneider, Sr., and wife, led I hi forenoon on Urn local for their old home in North Dakota, where they will n-sitlo nnaueiitly. HiCII Chapman, James llntl'man uind Mr Trine accnmpuliicd (lm V oft) l,o to Haleni thl morning, Mr .llutriiuin w III n' t a lime keeier. Superintendent ltalhhoni', of the ( li it N 'o, state that the steamer j itulli w ill probably make oceiionnl trip to Filgeiie when tiunlneii ollei. Jtcv Ito.e ailiiilniHlered the tirdi nnueeof Imptlsui, hy ImincrHion, (o (wo thoii at the I'hrlslliin church ut the player ineellug nervice hint III lit. l'lilhi'lelplila American'. Now come the time when we V ill hie (o (he cool and rural fimt, where dwell (hose country n la Ivm who for uioudm we had forgot. Sin nil Cntlicnrl. of Dougla county, linn mri'kli il an Individual at Hone liurg Mippoacd (o he Ihe innii Tulk, whoeMnped fiom the county Jail ill (hi city recently. Salem Stiitcmnati! The content for (he Milvcr cup In mild (o have narrowed down h a light lietwtcii Willamette Unlvcmlty and the Culvcrnt.v of Ore gon, (he tither team having conceded it to lhee two r J T Lee, of Independence, I elected lo Hie legUlaturu Iroin I'olk county, lie formerly otudlul incd IcineCtith Or Sharpie In Fiigene end I a drodii r of V S Lee, of Juiicdou. II V Ctmlldge n-turncd from Ah laud Iiik( night. He Ntate thai (he fruit crop In Ihut vicinity lm Ui'l greatly damaged, w ith the exception of apple. Alhiiny Ictiniera: The next leg ist ittue will (e a notahle one. It will have Kev Oliver In It, and ihlng will 11 v. It i a good thing Hurk ley of Marlon I In the other house to even piling up. Jloracv McClure, allint city edl (W if Se.Htde rost lnlclligoncer, ar rivetl n Hie aftcruiMiu (rain and will apcndafew dnv vUlting w ith friend and relaUVi it III lid cty. I IV.. i., lu.lniv I, III I lleil liul.'IV rlllol' I fiv.- liehire the wiiprcnie eon it at Salem to lie admitted to i! he (ar we notice the liHimmil HonlUiii K WHUIiiMin, of Kugciic, and Oeo J' Welch. Mimic Margaret mkj lnu MeCluug, w ho have liceu lu Franclco fur M'Veral iiioiitlm taking vuit culture, returned on (he alterunmi (rain, hav ing eomo from Sin FrancUiii dy ateauier. Memphl Scimitar: "U dl w here dev waul a doy?" "It l, hut he must he a hoy who never utter an un truth and doe not in.eidat orawear." "Well, me liruddcr' a deaf mule. I'd win! 'lm 'round." A llrvuicti' ( wa held (lii week In Pendleton. Hone team were enteieil fio-ii that city, Walla Walla, WultKlitirg and Haker C Hy. The iccd t'tiute:, tt'Hl feet, w an won hy Walla Walla in 1 nccomt Hit. The wet tost, .MM fevt run and ,'tiHl lit t of hoe, w a also won hy Walla Walla in the fast time ol 34 3 5 m-coiuN. j Alhany leiniK'Mt: "Mr Tongue ahould move to Lane county, ll atood by lilui belter than Id lioii o county, iwlilch irave him only 87 plurality. While Lane gave him ahout 700 I Lane wa Hie huiiuer county for Mr Tongue. HI plurality of C14 wa (he full rcpuMiean vo log (reiigth. France K rutlernoil ha mied her hutuud, Thouiaii l'ut(('roii, for a dl voice. They were married in thl city In IS70. The lady' maiden nuiiie I win I'.Vftliii, lief hiep iaincr wing rici Cul lein-in. Coo Hjv New: On Siglln ha no f.n liiii.rnveil. (lint m hunday III' walked a few HleiiH. It w Hie flint tune he had I men oil III feet in live uioiilh. and It I IioihiI (hat he will lumrove ratiioi V irom now mi. i in u A H boy vHited him on Iiecorntion O.iy, u'id a Hiiorl flint wil'i tlm com rade wa iiiut'ii cnjoyid. McMiiiri villu TelephoM-Iteglntcr: IteVt.'M Hill, of Oakland, Cat., c nt rtiiiuluv ut Hie colli lie We hope hi ininMion wa u failore iiud thai Fre I tut llrowiiwui will remain at the head ol MeMinuvillc C illege. Haleni Sluii'Hinuii: In die Mipreuie eiinrl v.-fcleiiiHV all on er W ll cntereil iadoiiuiog An'orney Wiillaui A Wood. of Kuueiie. to eciierHl pruclli e in all ihe court of Oregon, 0on the rcconi- meiidnlion of J M Willi nm or that city. A heated polllleul dU-iM-loli oc curred on (lie Htreet Ihl iil'teinoon he twei iian ex-preacher and an ex-governor. One called die tc tier a liar and oll'ered to l et fKVI ttiut In; could prove what l:c wild. The dlieii-loli Dually ended hi'fore (ho partlcip iidt came (o hlowit. A IV'iiilleton dl-Piilch aays: "The elecdou i f T C Taylor, republican, elate wnalnr i now uHnurcd hy a aft' plurality. The eleetl'in of Fruxier, county coiiiiiilsi-loin-r, deinorra', 1 ei eded. The average populltt vole m iiih no large a two year ago. The democrat avtruge I Inrger. There liuhlicaii i not materially changed. Judge IviWIn, rcpulilicaii, lit in I'i mile Ion today, und aava hi" re-t Section I anHuied now hy J(MI or .'too pluialty In Iheekdith diniiit. Lowell, repuhli cuu, In (hi district ha or IWU pluiality. 0FK KUt THE t'O.MEsT. Tlie (' el 0 IIovh belt firSdein I li l Ft Sleruing. (IftllJ llUHTll, Juue il. Lemon-lined rlhlion mid 11 iweri visible everywhere iihout (lie st'C 't at an cailv hour this fori no hi, helug dis played hy the V of () ll' Id day collet team and their many fiieuds. They left, on a Mpeciiil car attached (o die liH'al train and felt conlideiit of w in nlng the cup. Over MM) tickeln were sold. Their many IViends In Ivigenu are coiilldeut tliey will luing the trophy home. Ilelow Is given a list of evei.l and men entered from (his school. lnUyard d.i'h OverhoK, lligulu, IliiM'uliurg. 'JUUymd dasli 1 1 iggli a, Uoseuhurg, Duvls. 4 ID run Coleman, Kecne, Johnson 8MJ run lllshnp, MeiriiMiu, Lry aon. One mile run Hurley, Ilryson, Templelon. Mile walk DcL'isliiiiuti, Narrein, Travis. Two-mile bieycle- Ilryson, Liver more. 1'Jtl hurdle While, Kuykcildall. hunlle-White, Kuykendiill, Teuiplcton. Hainmer throw S.'iaMticU, Temple ton, Kilmunilsnii. Shot put S!iatlu k, Templ' ton, Overholl. High Jump Ovcrholt, (lavis. Jlroail Juiiip Kuykendiill. l'ole Vault Wester. I'uly uar I, Jine- .V STtU.K (ioiiliS. In nolorioiH Jim McFarlaml, who nsldes In a shack hy Ihe railroad In the north eastern part of the city, yesterday again laid hlms.lf llahle 1 pnnisli nienl hy In-caking Into a shack at Ihe cast end of Ninth street an approptiat lug a lot of household article lielonglng to iis.jiiaw known ua"Sallle." Among (he household goods liikeu wuh ii stove, lamp, etc, w hich McFurland hauled away In a wagon and sold at lluiiluim' si coud hand si. ire. The loss was discovered late last evening by a squaw who resides on Klevcnth street dy Ihe name of "Julia," a sicr t "Siilllc," who Immeillately notilled IheoMleers. McFarlaml was nrrvsted hV i'.iliivinan l'rait and placed in J.iii. lie will pioliahly he given a tlial lids evening. "Saliie," to wlioiu the stolen article helong, Is ahi-ent id Hilet reservutlo'l. Fkum Lank Cof ntv. Ko-ehuig I'laindealcr: "W U MnhpiUs, lute of I, line county, ha assumed the position lately held' hy J M Flynn, us iidju Ian t of the Soldiers' Home. Sergeant Nliirniilss Is an Oivgoniau, hut loi a long time a citizen tl'Columi'iu cnun (y, Wash, iind was slionH' (or two term In that county. He was first sergeant of Co C. 1st cavalry of Ore gon. Adjutant Maniilihs Isevldcntlv a popular man, and we trust will maintain his popularity ns adjiitunt of die Soldiers' Home here, coming as lie diK-a w ith very high iveouitneiuln lions from places w lu re he ha served In several Important posliloii of trust." Pallr Uimnl. Jinu K. of 1'. Kl.Ki-Tlii.v. The scml-an-! n-.lal elect ion of lit Inn t Lodge, K ofi I', of this city, was held la-t night. Wink In (he third degree wa i.No ' had, and at Its close the Knight pres ent retired to an adjoining ro in, where each wan Kiipiled withatuf-! Ilcleiit iiu.uilit v of delicious Ice ciciim I and cake to fully satisfy all his wants. The election resulted as follows: I ' C, ! II W How laud; V V, O W Oi itUu; delate, F.d Andrews; M of W, 1 W CoolhUe; M at A, O F. Hubert; I (1, Win Alexander; O O. John Whitney. )r Kuykendall wit elected medical examiner. 1 A llfTTK ox FlKK. Alhany IVin-i octal: An inimetie h'lize Issuing from , Ihe lop of lYtcrsnn's hulte attracted isinslilerahle atlclltiou last night. It looked a If die w hole hutte w as on lire. It shot heavenward against the Mklcn almost madly. It was pro nounced a pretty siglit. What was il? A neatly a can he learned it wn a crow d of Ihaimn popunsts cell t ra il nc, and this w a "tirlghl" way to lei (lie world know thai (hey were lu il. HATUHIMV.Jb'Ni: 0 IIljr Gurl, June. Circuit court convene Monday. Farmer are getting ready to make hay. Howard Jlowlatul U in Halem to day. Tim Woodmen Initiated three new iik ioIk'M lust night. Frank Sirong, of Vrcka, ( al, u l J-.uuine today. O It Chrismau I t In Hulcui walclilng the raci today. J W Doak of l'rlmvillc ha n inovtd to Collage Orove. Or L I) KcarUnotigli of Cu-awell vi.ut in the city last liighl. ltcv II L It latdmuii returned from levelling lid lie. ruing. Tin- Wo.mIiiihii have no a-.sci-siiielil for Ihe Uioiilh of June. A linn wring of redside was ex liihitcd on ihe ktreel tislny. Tom Siavcy di-poM-d of il coyote scalp ut the court heue today. The nnrlhboiiml oveilaiid train wue '.line hours late ltd truing. A new awning was put up in front of Oihurn A lA Latin' drug more to day. Ill- Hall, of tin; Herrmann company, left for SeuUle I'd iiiorniiu. Altoii.ey i; U Skl.werlh and faml ly r turiu'd from I'oidai d loduy. .Miss I'earl Iloi-r I vi-iting with friends In die city for a f.-w days. Councllnian Fislier it at S.deni to day ttttetlding die Hi Id d i.V contest. Secretary tf Slnlc- II K Klncal.l came up fn in Salim this uftcrnoon. MiM Ahhli- I'rve, a sludelit of the L' of O, left f it her limne al Alhany to day. John Cogswell 1 lu Kugene for u few duy visit. AWheeli r mid W W Haines re turned fmui trips ilou the valley till afteriiiiu'l. Coiiiinissiniier's ci.tirt udjouriicd this evciiii g u iul alter circuit cmnt is over. Harry Williams has purchased a half Interest In Hid F.iglitti street lur bcr shop from Sam Case. Il'ii-i-hiirg has raise,! the buwkers license o in 'r d ie. This I right. F.ugclie should do likewise. Toe clrcit t court dock' I for June is puiilisheil t;i another column. It Is a llU'hloiie this time, I'll rc U iug only lis caics. Win Leiielia-.v wenl (o Salem oil (his morning's ei.rly train t nttend Ihe Ib id day conle.-it. Mrs Win I'resioti, who has lieeii vis itln at I! ii hurg for a few days, ar ilveil lioine this morning. Mr and Mis A IS Colvet, who have been visiting ill this city, left today for New Whatcom, Wasliing(oii. Louis Alderman and J 11 Carico, students, left for their home ut Jic Miniiville and Oregon City today. Miss Flora Young wu a passenger to I'oilland this morning. She will visit nt Victoria, li C, and Washing ton he lore letlii niig. N S Dullois i-i lu the city straighten ing Ids iid'aiis prepiiratory to going to .UcMiuuville to engage 111 t lie Hotel btl-ine-is. Si'Veral dispatches in tialay's Ore gotiian miv Hie rcpuhlicnn ldaifonn at St Louis will stiadd e Ihe liuiiucial iiie.-liiiii. Leinati and C'ollaiie (iro.'e w ill cvli hrale (lie Fourth of July. Hon II W Ho will deliver Ihe orulion and Mis Fllie Younger wi'l he (lie reader. Conrad Neiher, Ihe Cunhv Milium keeper, who wa shot In t Thur-dai nlirlit I'V rnhlicrs died fioiu the ell'eet.-i ol the wound yesterday. The murdc! ers have noi, hci u detected. Geo Fldicr shipued a car load of heef cattle to Turner oil last evening' freight. The calllc are for the state Insane tisyluiii. Mr Fisher accom panied them, going on lo Salem and ret u t nlng today. Today's Salem Stah sitian: Mis Dorrts, of F.iigeue, came down on the afternoon train yesterday and is visit ing her sister, .Mrs II II Thompson. Jacksonville limes: Milliorn liros, of Junction. Lane county, who are engagci! lu miiilnit in ihis .section were in town a few day ince. Salem Statesman: Hon C lv Wilk inson, a memher of the Oiegou legi lalure of lsn;i, Ih lu (lie city the guest of hi friend and college" classmate, Carey Martin. Oregon City Knterprise: L A tail it rt-n , of fjlgetie, came down to attend the funeral ol hi brother 1 m t S.itur il iy, and is now visiting r lativcs In this vicinity. County School Supciinleudciit-elicl CS Hunt, of Sptiugtleld has gone (o Soul hern California win re Mrs Hunt will remain for mine time with (lie hope ol bent thing her huilth. Fletcher Linn will go to Portland tomorrow lo assume (lie duties of his po.-l'ion. His wife will remain here two or thtee week yet. We wish .Mr. I. inn nil possible success in bis new home. A stranger gave a street performance in fiotit of the postnlllvc this after noon. He chewed mine glass und swallowed some mills, lucks, etc, to Ihe satisfaction of the crowd, which w as culled upon to give a collection. The Wester brother and Win Wiinn, students of die 1' of O, who lelt for ihelr h un.-s on the overland train this morning, were tendered a farewell reception at V. 1 Pool' lee cream purlin at 1 o'clock, shortly be fore Ihtir departure. Dr W Klng-toti Vance, chU'f mtd leal adviser of the l'aclllo Coast Mag netic Institute, who bus been on a sue-ivi-sfull professional tour thiough the chief cities of Uc northwest, Intend to spend the summer at Co a ltav, w here the doctor ha niai' oltl IriemU and patients. Horace McClure, of Seattle, Wash Ington, who Is vlsidue lu this citv. will leave in a few days for S( Louis where ho will specially report the pro- i-eetiiiis i uie national republican convention for the Seattle Post-Intel-ligeiitvr. Vll Vhifmutiv IT...... o ....I.. nanj o At-iiiit. Ion lias been chosen valedictori.iu of theclassol ".Hi of the I'nlversity of vnton, I'ref. Fe-ter Forecast. Prof Foster' laXi'Ulh li" gave fore- Htkle country by r Juat eelitral valley Utb to Hth, Lastern "Cn wave will fro the west of Uockie"country al-;ut June it !,, great central valley mh.Ku.tern n ut e 111.. C.h.I wave will crot tne wesi '" -. I... country al.ut KHh, grca cntral valley U'tli. Fasten. Htiitt 141. Tl. rd disturbance of June will reot U the Pacllle coast alH)Ut 11 h. ertnei he west of It'icklc country hy chwe or nth. great central valley 14-1. to loth, Lastern state ITth. The warm wave will cro he west of Ho,:kie country uboi.t 1. . h, w central valley 14th, Kastern Htatea ld h. C.h.I iuve w ill cms the west ufHoekics coiinlri' ubout loth, great central valleys 17th, Kasleru .tale l'Jlh. fitvuut. WKATIIKK FOB Jl'NE. The line between loculltlc where cxceslve rains ure remcieu ui.u i... localitle where orouins 'tL ed ore not easily located ami therefore the forecast line of average tcinjieru tore must have some llexiblllty. Ill (he foreeus' of general M'iy weather Ihe Old.) valley was made the dividing line iK'lwccii the drou til dl trlet noith and west uml die rainfa 1 dislriel south and eu-t. The drouth exteieled well to the south ulo of the Ohio valleys. The Missouri valley were made the line lieiwecn the rain he t aoiuli und we-tiuid the drouth noith and eust. The rain belt extend, d Into Hie upper Mi-si-iippl valley north und custof the Missouri. June lemperatiire w ill I.e unusual. Diaw a line from Charleston, St", i rihwesllo Winnipeg uud that line will be Ihe center of below average temperatures. To die northeast, covrmg uie ioe. I..L-... I ihe north Atlantic coast, the temperature w id range above. Sotltll Ol tlie OHIO III"! Hie .ui.-w.uii valleys die teiniH'rature will average above. no the in.rl i Pacillc slope the lelii- pcruttire willuverage below. On tlie soutti niellie siopo uu- n oi w ill uvetaue alsive. A general drouth will occur along ih.i Hiio river und iiloint ii. i.i ..f i lie hmer MiKxissiiuii river. Including all I he Soul heaslcrn stule. The ui's'r anil lower laKes, i.p.ier Mi-i-sippl valley, noith Atlantic coa-t and west gulf flutes will have uverai.'.- rains. Tlie tipper Mls-oilii uud Itetl Hivcr of the North valley w ill have from iiveracc lo above average rain. All the Hocky inountuin country will have tiverage rainfall. All ihe I'.icitb slope will have uboul avi rage rain. The east of KocMes anil coutntiei w ill have about average ruin. il;.. I. .in. .villi.,, fiiri.eiitals of Ai.rit and May weather have proven to be lunyo)sr ceni et. i.t-ei, iiinvnwi have Ikvii coulluctl (o near the lints bet A ecu the mouth uud mlufall dis i, 'II... ..l!..u if May drouth will Is,- As'ii in a shortage of the wheat, oats uud grass crops in the northrasterii iiortiinis of tlie ereat ecu I ri.1 valleys. Those luttresieii nave occti ncne 11 1 led bv liiivliii' the eurlv forecast of these Important result. IUiskii. The Dalle F.xcliunge: Postmaster Crosseti nccived a letter from the postmaster cent-nil this morn ing which must have given him ir tense satisfaction. It raise this olllce to a second cla imstolllce and menus an Increased emolument of a year. Ill salary will now be$000antuially. This raise is considered c nuanc lit, u therein small chance for the olllce to ncaln lapse to tl Ird class. This news, taken with the greatly Increased vote of Dalle City over any election prior, prove that our population is greater than ever la-fore, and that we have fully recovered from theetl'ecl of the ivmovtil of tho Bhops here Eevcral year ngo. Kttlr t arm's lllirim llequesl. IIoNol.fl.f, May 28, per steamer Al ameda, lo San Francisco, June 4. The funeral of Kate Field, who died on the ItHh of May, was held on IhelUth. The hotly wa embalmed and placed in a temporary vault, minting in struction to Consul (letieral Mill, Irom I hi cu go. It I untlcrstooil that Miss Fields said If she died ill Hono-' lulu, she w ished her remain burled beside John lirown, ut North Elba, N The funeral was attended hy Presi dent Dole, nn niliers of the cabinet and many leading citizens. Sue fell lck on the island of Haw-ail uml started tor Honolulu hv steamer, dying half an hour utter the steamer arrived, of pneumonia. pally uuitrtl, Junv K. Teaciikks Ei.kitkd. The directors of school district No. 4, late yesterday al'lcriioon, re-elected the following teachers lor me ensuing year: 1) V S Heitl, principal; E E Orion, vice id iii- elpal; Anna Whitcakcr, supernumer ary; leaciiers, nut ruiterson, Kmuia Chase, Augusta Patterson, Alio Dorris, Vina Letuley, Mercy Apple gate, Lnu i a llrumley, Jennie Ander son, Nettie Kress, T M' Jackson, Mvra Norris, Jennie McClure ami Ollie Slayton. The salaries will remain ut the same rate us during the past year. Misliuldwin wa unanimously elect ed janitor for uuother year ut a salary of ao per month. It was voted to commence next year's school Monday, September 14, lS'.Kj. There were over one hundred applicant for the several positions, a number of llieui being from other stule. Rrownsville Times: (J A Disot), J W Moore nnd N It Slantlish, owueri ol the Luckv Hoy mine, urrived home Saturday inoriiiiu. The expert miner who was to examine the mine for the syndicate, was taken nick in Califor nia, hence their return home. Mr Lawler. who Is a business man, se cured the service of unother expert, and on Tuesday evinlng Messrs Dy. son, Moore and Staudisii Marled for die iiMvict. All concerned aie highly with (he appearances of the Lucky Hoy, having struck a well de fined letlge, oonie 11 feel in width. There are l.Ortj put leu', s In the Insane I" liiiu ut Salem, Election XoteKi Grant fount, - Itepublican; Kill XKKi between tl, repub- ,,?irr.r,r,ClV."ocral. Mected everything except tho commioner, 'crt'S- Democrat elected clerk, assessor, treasurer and echoo .uperln ten.lent; populist reprcentatlve, re- : litHin. 30.407; tiiutton, '22,W, Bur nett, 17,71)0. (I.0HK. Oregonlan: "It Is now a neck-and-cck race for emigres between the re publican und populist candid, ea In Loth district In Oregon, and only the olliclttl count will determine the .win- '"'"In the first district Tongue's very hare chance ban become a gt.od ilglit l,,g one, due not much to the uew from Curry county of 10 majority there, a to the (act that that on error of aw waa tuiide In footing up lu"lt'r: ' . ... - i. ill Wit .nut I burn a voiu in m'"""" " , - I Curry, the vote hy the returns ho far I . '...ili.rllirir Il.lliZ! receiveu, Hiiiiinsi iiimi'"si --. . Tongue, 18,874. . "The wven precinct yet to near from in Multnomah uniiity will prob ubly decltle U'twceu Elli and Ouinn. Without (irant county, the lliturea o far received give: Quiim, ll.WiU; EI1U, llOli Hut the iiewa from Oruni I th'ut Ellis' plurality there 1 100, le:iv Ing (iuinu 73 in the renr. However, the unheard from Multnomah pre cinct, which will cast ubout 600 vote, areapttoglveQuInu from 60 to 100 plurality and thul'a the quarrel." Mrs. MurtiiUa t ook. Pally (iumd, June o. Mr. Murluda Cook ditd ut her home at Eleventh and Mill atreets ut li30 o'clock this morning, at Ihe aire of 77 yeur. Deceased hud been sulleriug irom neuiulgia of the face for the past Id yeuis and bus been an invalid for u number of years. The disease from which she sull'ered for ho long a time w n finally the can-e of her death. Deceased was born hi the town of West Chnzie in northern New York. She resided theio until she reucbed the age of womanhood, when she wus uiurricd to Mr. Cook, and continued to reside there as long a her husband lived, be having preceded her In death aland 18 yeur. Seven years lust Sc tember Mr. Cook removed from New York Htute to this city with her daugh ter. Mi Mille, and ihe family of tieo T Hull, Mrs Hall U'ing a daughter of deceased. For several yeur Mrs Cook and her daughter have resided lu the cottage at Eleventh ami Mill streets, the former being unable to leave the house. I (.censed had been u member of the M E church for many years. 8he leaves only two children Mr Oeo T Hull and 'Miss Mil If. One daughter and one son are dead, the latter hav ing been killed while fighting lu the Union nrmy. The funeral will lake place Irom bcr late residence tomorrow afternoon ut 3 o'clock to the .Masonic cemetery. untliiy School Convention aut! .Uas'onic hXtUrsion. The ()l!4E It H Company's bouts will make a rate of one fure for the round trip from all Willamette river points to Portland and return to all parties wishing to attend die Statu Sunday School Convention. The same rate will al o apply to nil mem bers attending the Grand Lodge, the I toy a I Arch and Eastern Stur Grand Lodge of Masons. Tickets good going June Oth, 7th, 8th ami !Hh, and returning up to mid including June loth. Edwin Stonf, J C Mayo, Manager. Supt. Itiver Division. Daily (iimM, June ft. IHsinkss am) Social Session. Tlie Y P8 C E of the Christian church heltl one of its popular business socials at Ihe home of Miss Ida Evcnson, Twelfth nnd Patterson streets, last evening. About 80 young people were present. After a bhort business session a social time was hud. Re freshments, consisting of Ice cremu nnd cuke, were served ami irrentlv en- Joyed hy all present. At 11 o'clock all tell lor their liomes, expressing them selves ns having been most delight fully entertained hy their fair young hostess. bully Cuartl, June 6. A Qt-ii'K Artist. A man Is In town today who cnii mnke your sil houette in about one minute's time without the assistance of tt camera. He simnlv takes a hIimcI. nf etl paper and with aid of a pair of scissors cuts out the i.mflia r .). Ject and pastes it on a piece of card ""'' ' men pay nun iu cenlij and get tlie outline of your face. (liy Ciurd, Juuefl. HfiilNEsa Mkktiv.i ti, it i t.-.. dcavor society held Its monthly bual- IIMI (1i.....i... . .1... 1 .."winy i uie inline oi itt'V uml Mrs Needy on Eust Tlilrteeulh street, lust evening. About 15 perilous were present, nnd considerable business was disposed ot. Atnoinr nihop thia .i, society voted lo pay o on the pastor's snlary. After the brines. im,l bepn gotten out ol the way a Bhort social time was had. bully Uura, June 6. Ei'tsaiPAL SociAL.-rhe ladles of i',i 'l7 ,1 Vulld K;lve a 80cl " the Parish ha 1 wt ..i.,i.. i ,. i,f, . i i , -b'lt.. ii its wen Bite, tied and a pleasant time wus had r'vseiu. tee cream and cake "veiling e Wl'rc ferVcd durlllK llle DtKD.-Mr Jerry JJlgalow, a former reitlent of this city, and a sou ol D C Ihgalow, died in j(s Angeles, Cal, on Sain,, y ,llKlti M n,, nt ; Non,rn.';ri9.f'' tllX Uuartl, June j. -Makkiaok Lke.nse.-A innrrluce ;kJo,U,,,',ll,yBrhl,U,, "V Cou ay M t tuni" -'l' Hurtley a..d MapletS51 Z ,,ttrklun. of I There Is a ,000 delinquent tax list .InUne county out of a total ol TONGDE AHEAD TODAY. He Leads Vanderburg Cilia tlertvri Pjifolal lo tlie Oi'aro. niHitAKu, June 0; 4 p m Tnn republican is now In tlie lend bvn' votes, caused by a gain Gf Xtv in JJtlUKlus county over prev L. ports It will nrobubly tukl th.XS vote to determine ihe mutter i. " talnty. lricer. A LITTLE LATEH. Another report received about th. same time as tlie above, 4:30 n ... . ' Tongue is 0 ahead. 1 ' The re-election of Congressman pi lis, republican, lu . the second tfistru !9nTedT,bya "lu1rulity f from to) to (i(J0. Tho nonul ut ..i ,rt they buve been "couiited out." 1 A Card. To Rev II L Bonrdnmn, IIcvSjt Rose.Dr C E Loonils, MU Rui,. Hendricks, Prof D V 8 Iid, (h. Glee Club and others who listed J W Oeury Post No 7 n i n aud the Womeu's Relief Corps, a t oohervuuce oi iuemoriul Sunday Decoration Day, and to those W,0 contributed of their means todefuj the expenses thereof: It s considered tnai uie timtiKS or (tie aroresaid organ izations are due and the mm. . hereby tendered to you, one and til lor j our ram assiMiauoe, By order of the Post, A Yerinutox, A C Jen.vinoh, J P Gill, Coin, on Arrangements. Gusheu Items. June 3, '95. Election over. All trying to diUJi themselves to the result. Horace Hampton made n good clean race and has lost no friends. His vote at liolue was very conipIiineutary-65 rrom a possible S3. Henry Mathews received acoinpll- mcntary vote In his own precinct thtt auy inuii might feel proutl of. Goshen doesn't believe in going back on her own men. Misses Olive Notthup and Ellt Elder, of Eugene, are vi-itlug near Goshen. Jesse Cox wus elected Justice of the peuco and Philip Berkshire constable for Goshen precinct. Ho for Pleasant Hill's picnic on the 13th. We'll ull be there as usual, for we know we can count ou a good lime when Pleasant Hill turns loose to en ter tain. The danco given In Matlock's wa house Mouduy night was well attend ed and all report a tine time. Anotir will be given on July SbyJFKeev ey, tho blind musician. Coineeverj' one. Road Supervisor Swnggnrt Iscsrrr ing a petition to change the roid around what is commonly known u the "Collin hill" at the north sideof the Camus swale on the road between Goshen and Creswell. Everyom eligible should sign this, fur it it much needed improvement. Hampton Brothers will soou Blurt across the mountains with (heir cattle. Mrs B H Hyland and family came up from their home near Junction Sunday to visit with the family of her sou Frank. James Reed, one of our dairymen. Las a man employed making cheese. We are Informed by his brother Bert that Lucleu Parker, lorruedyof Lane county but now In Gilllain, died the other dny. A surgical operation was performed upon him fiont which he did not recover. This will bei severe blow to bis many friends in tbii oouuty, as "Luch" was popular here. Feathekweiobt. Unity Items. We are disgusted nt tlie democrat of Dexter backsliding and voting lor Baker In steud of Sklpworth. II F Hunnicutt was elected Justice ? the pence and A Mattesou constable lu the precinct. . There Is o,uite a little sickness In this vicinity at present. The Jasper (louring mill ''' v 40 lbs first grade Hour for 1 bushel of first grade w heat. " Mr Sum Btircs Is helping MrRn fro put logo lu the creek and tbev lu soon start the drive to Eugt-ue- Messrs Snodgruss, Barker 'udjrob son came up (roni Eugene Monday vote on account of their homestew claims. Mr A J Renfro visited Eugene tw week on business. The election passed off quietly day. The democrats made a en) 8ln. . Rev MeCIaln, of Koseburg, preach at this place Sunday even next at 7:30 o'clock. , -,.-The cloeM xerciscs ol the Eugei'e rul'". ..TL on ...111 l.A I. ..I T (Ii. fltiHf.t Friduy evening. June Uth, !'