The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 06, 1896, Image 1

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VOL 28
NO. 27.
if 1' y
i inrK -KMt il'le ( Willamette b ittern
,e,,th and Kighth Slrwts.
Vi '
1. Month!.
12 00
itli Months,
iHtertisinci rates made known
i on application.
i,'dr.-k ell business
letters to Ol'AltD,
tut". Oregon,
Lcks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
Ikpairino promptly done.
gtf a II Work Warranted. -1
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
physician and Surgeon.
'"Office nJ residence ovr postofliee. Hjurs;
to a, tn.i U to 2, C to 9 p. ui.
1 33.. O. 3CiV.ZSZ3E2.
:ranite and marble works.
'w Deslaas and New Prices in Kurt-Inn aud
'poinestlc Marble tud Granite, Monuments.
Headstoues and Cemetery work of .
all klnda (or WA.
flllsmette itreet, near Pnstofllco.- Eugene, Or
i. C. WO 0 COCK,
grFici One-half block south o( Chriuian'
N. E, Markliy.
linsey & Markley,
I Attorneys-at-Law.
Commercial and Probate Business a Spec
Itv. pihce In Chrliman Block.
.ane County Bank.
1 (KslablUhed In mi)
A general Banking business
h all branches transacted on
tvorable terms.
'! A. O. IIOVEY, President,
r J. M. AKRAMS.Cashier,
, A. O. HOVEY, JR., Asst. Caslir.
" ; O.Uemdbiois,
S.B. Eaaiif, Jr.,
Ot Eugene.
rU up tash IcpSiiii 50,000
i arplus and Profits, $50,01)0
lugene - - Oregon
A uoneral bitnkiuc buIni done on retwnu.
.I.trui. WKbt drafu on NEW YOKK,
Hill. ..I aTnhtnira aold on foreliTO coontrler.
epoeiu reoelred lubjeot to check or oe.-tit-
.La of ilftt xiait.
All rtnt.ted to a
rcmpt attenUop.
rill rooei
T. L. PAGE?,
luvlng a Larice and Complete stock of
f Staple and Fancy Gnxxrii bought
1 in the best markets,
can ofter the public better prioea
than any other house In Eugene.
Proiuce of all Klnis l2keii at Marlcet Prices.
Of IX Kioioea, wr!L under date
March SI, 16'J3:
3. B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Dufqr, Oregon.
; Ge.vtlkmkn: On arriving home lut
I I? I I
o mm
week, I found all well and anxioujiy
waiting. Our little girl, eight an- tme
half years old, who "had wanted away
to !J8 KundM, is now well, strong ami
vigorous, and well fleshed up. ti. H.
Cough Cure has done its work well.
B ith of the children like It. Your S.
B. Cough Cure ha cured and kept
way all hoarsness from me. So give
it to every one, with greetings for all.
Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mr. asd Mrs. J. F. Ford.
If jou wlh to frrl freh and cheerful, and
-Ij for l He s'yr'uf' work, rleanee the I'M'm
"Uh the ileilche and l.ler Cure, by Ukins
wo or Uiin a week.
id midera poalilrr uaraiiti"e
lu cvou (er bottle by all drutgnu.
Election DVlT.
Collet-tors numerous.
( ' mi m Ih1ii itTrt court tomorrow.
Dr D A 1'i.ini- returned to Sulcm U
Will Smith returned to S.tVin to.
Ham Gray in down fium his Creswell
V II A brums relumed to Salem -jii
the local today.
Hon H II Friendly U confined to his
room wlili sickness.
Mm P N Laird, of Plea-ant Hill,
was In Eugene today.
Mica Dont Luird returned froiu
Pleasant Hill, Monday.
Secretary of State Klncald returned
to Sulcm this morning.
Frank S'roiig went to Independence!
today to attend
the race
Stock buyers
are paying $1 50 for
mutton sheep In Luke county.
The Salvutioii Army fulled to get on
the streets yesterday evening. Thanks.
Carpenters llnl!iol pattinir the
joist on the Hovey brick this after
The S Ii Jackson have moved from
their farms in Creswell precinct to
All the Eugene ptycincts except
South No. 1 fluixhed counting the vote
last night.
Lark Dilveii sent a telegram to Pen-
nnyer today as follows: "I am elected;
how are you?"
Harry Williams lias usmiclated him
self with Sam Case in the Eighth
street barber shop.
Mrs (J en M Miller and little daughter
Mury, will return home from Chi
cago tomorrow night.
Hon L Lilyeii received a congratu
latory tel.'graiu from Ex-Gov IVn
uoyer this afternoon.
Judges of election coming in from
outside precincts with returns weie
eagerly sought for today.
Very little betting oil election. Most
of It was done on sheiiir, even money
being placed on (ho candidates.
John Davles nnd George Peterson
have tone to Mill Creek to visit their
claims. They will be absent about a
Mr and Mrs M V Harrison and
little daughter left today oil a two
weeks' visit to their old home at Hood
Chas Mayhew went to Indepen
dence on the local today to attend the
race meeting which commences to
morrow. O Coolidge died at Ashland Sunday
uightof pneumonia. D V Coolidge,
his nephew, went out lust uight to
atU'tid tho funeral.
Mr Rofirer was in town yesterday.
He informs us that he lias his butcher
shop at Cottage Grove almost fitted up
for business. lie la located on the
west side of the creek.
Rev J II Rrook, of Tubor, Iowa,
la expected to arrive hero In about a
week, and will accept the pastorate of
the Congregutioual church of this
city, lie conns highly recommended.
The truinload of cattle purchased by
U C Cornelius for a Montana linn were
shipped from Creswell today. The
train was accompanied by H O Mat
hews of Goshen, who Is in charge of
the cattle.
Ed Mullock, a brother of Mayor
Matlock, was eleoted sheriil'of Morrow
oounty yesterday by 150 majority.
Ho was formerly a resident of Lane
oounty, ond his friends herj tetuler
Clius Mavhew sold a number of
mutual pools on ditl'eretit candidates
at Auten & Honiinfrville s cigar store
lust evening Haker closed ruvorne lor
senator. Mutualson the othercaudl
dates sold about even.
The nruno crop In Hood river valley
is almost a complete failure, the
Glacier says: The prune orcnarasoi
Shoemakei Rios., containing 3000
trees, will have no fruit. Winter
Nellls and Uartlett pears are also a
failure lu somi parts of the valley.
J V Henderson left today with the
truinload of cattlo that was shipped
from Creswell. He will accompany
the truln as far as 1'eiidletua aud then
jro to Haker City, where he thinks of
locating. Mr Henderson has many
friends here who regret to se? him
The Ryeis ti Hiring mill in Pendle
ton una just llniMied loading a
t .... rlr.a.1.. fifltnlir. tloUIld
nieiii oi iinvv - ,
. .... i .
for Smi Salvador, me mui snips to
Central America and China, and the
Chinese insist on having their Hour
lc reeo tacks, wlsila
doraus will only take
tue S..U calva-
their in blue
lbany Democrat
The mau re
cently ordered nut of Albany, Govern -
or Pennover's friend, it is said, has
fering, it is repo. ted. !. been broken
up by the wife leaving her family f'r
this man, for whom tur and feathers
would bo none too good.
. . . ... .i, l
i who Is to be local! at I'o't
I education was obtained ut Ohio Unl-
vt-Miiy at Athens, i). Ht. enlisted u
the United States service ami rose to
the rank of cuptuln of the Sixtieth
Ohio Voluntar Infantry. He la a
- ! ,,u'm!,'r of (" Military Order of the
Loyal Legion. Hi. acrvleo in the
church after the war waa In Ohio
conference, ami lu Evarsville, Ind,
Jacksonville, III, and Denver, Col.
Dr Cranston ha always held a high
rank an a pulpit omtor.
The field day of Pacific College at
Xewberg resulted s follows: Hugh
Nclsouran the 100 yard daih la llj
seconds, and tha 20, yard dash lu 24J
second. Luther ltaCr won the pole
vault at 8 fed, 11 luefvs. Rrlit and
Hound tied for seconcPolat-e. JCun
n inn nigh jump, first lrUou 4 feet,
11 iiiohen; n-eoiid linkcA Tha 2J0
yard hurdle, flrV'D P Pry, 31 sec
onds with Ke'it worthy a clHescoud
Running b.oadjfump, HobsVi is fat 1
men, second itoMiui. -MO Yard race,
t rice n rst ,.D second, tut
onds. JUif li. run, Vd
Stanley a. cojufl, time 2:17).
Macyllisjf Stanley second, til
U Tell tbe
This T!iu-
. Uailr UuatJ, June i.
The elect ion of yesterday will pi
ably outrilyl uny lu the history ot
oounty h surprioss. It is ha. I
mixed, in fuM much more so thau
anticipated. Loti of alashing I
been done on (Vunty o'llccs and e
ueiuvs of iraoitig are plain In son
precincts. Hie caudidaU-s for th)
most Important Vounty olllces are at k
fever heat of ettcitemeiit. Returns
have been iKimink in all day lung and
so close Is the light that the arrival of
the vote of oue precinct will put a
candidate ahead while the next one
will throw him bclkuk.
The clo.-eet light u on the senatorial,
slierill's, clerk's met county judge's
olllces. At Ihe tins of going to press
Sklpworth, democrat, for senutor, 43
votes ahead af D iver, republican;
Hampton, democrat 1 for sherilT, was
83 ahead of Johnson, ttpubllcun; Spen
cer, democrat, for cirri, waa 49 ahead
of Jennings, rcpubll'kn. Potter, le
puhlicati, for judge, is l(t ahead of
McMahau, democrat ;lyeu, democrat,
for representative, was kull in the lead
and his election Is asAvd. The re
mulnder of the ticket vUI probably bt
tilled by republicans. Vt, this time
the chances for Hamptulnnd Spencer
are very favorable, win Sklpworth
has a fair ol.anco for eleeLn.
All is yet uncertain, hoV ver, as the
votes of thirteen precincts p-u yet to be
heard from.
Thus far Tongue, lor cingress, has
plurality in Lane couilly.
Lane preciuct just arrived but not
accompanied by totals, A gtnlleuiau
states that Johnson gained 11 or IS;
Mc.Mahau and Potter about even;
Sklpworth gul tied about 14; Jennings
a little ahead of Spencer.
Prosecuting Attorney.
mg Attorney.
ianl, June 2.
paiiy Ouanl
A dispatch from Corvallis state) that
Yates, republican candidate for Prose
cuting attorney, has 600 majority ever
Upton, democratic peoples cnndldite.
Coos county, the home ofthelatur,
gives Yates about .100 majority. Yatm'
majority lu I-atio county !a estimate
at 300. These returns make lU
election of Yates certain.
Marlon County Kctnrns.
SlolaltotheOUiKO. 1
Salem, June 2. Marion county
elects the entire republican county and
legislative ticket, except Mlnto for
treasurer. Carsou, repabllcau candi
date for prosecuting attorney, Is led
by Haydeu by a big majority. Vauder-
burir. populist. Is about 600 ahead of
Tongue for congress.
quar'i opt n toi
W'AbulMiToM, Ju'' 1- - Senator
tinny concedes the nomination of Mc
Klnley on the first ballot at the St.
Louis convention, and gave out fig
urea last night to hack up his opinion.
Tills is the first time the Penusl:
vuuia leader has punllcly admitted the
certainty of Mcllnley's nomination.
According to Uuay's list McKinley
will receive 470 voles on the first bal
lot, or 19 more than are necessary to
assure his poiuluutioii.
Pally uuaru, June 2.
AWAHIXw IiKTl'itN.-A CHlblder-
able cruwij congre,;.il.l i! 'f'1"'
I'iKil i Holleiibeek's bowling tilloy last
' ul'i'l 1 1 HIT lU'H lilnir election returns. A
s - -
. f. .:i ....lrw.l( In
until two o'clock In the
r0w reinauieo
mr..l.. Dsn Linton and I L PiXo-luli;,
! son a.tetnH to :hdn, ,ho, on .be J), ',lU,-.W"
pally Guard, June
Skoonp Shipment Mr It C Cor
nelius will make his second shipuii'i't
. .. .. .... i... ,i ,.f ,uiilc from l.ane
: (i'ou U) w,)Mll,nB tomorrow. This
,,-ut will consist of K00 head and
,5oAkpma.m ItotriSH.-Rev II
L ,().(r(lnmll ,lllBtr of the liaptlst
; ,.,urcli. baa tendered bis WW-
p. i.riM.t.on was read to tlio con-
K i. ...uiiUr mornltiif ser-,
- vice yesterday,
HIM, " -
temt er I.
The Legislature le ll w In Doubt.
wll ui the On no.
l'oini.AM), June 2; 3 p m Keturns
are uieagro. Vunderbtirg's cltti'tioitto
eoiigrsss, thus defeatiiig Hon 1'hos 11
Tongue, is conceded.
The election of CoiiKreHsinan Ellis
In the second district is in doubt at
this hour. Northrup has a chance for
'The legislature U cliisn and In
lVnnoyoi for mayor of Portland Is
elected by over two thousand plurad
fhe Mitchell republican legislative
ticket III Multnomah county Is lead
ing. I Vanderbuig Is from Coos county
and was elected a senator to the legis
lature In IS'.iJ, having lvn formerly a
democrat. He wus ut the time the
proprietor of a suiull liutcher shop nt
Nlurslitleld, which he still owns. It
was not thought he hail any chance of
election at tins time. He is a fine ap
enriiig man ami is said to ha fair
Elect ion Notes.
Puilr (iuard, June 2.
Douglas county Neurly solidly
Ronton The demiH-rats elect the
majority of the tickwt.
Umatilla The populists liavepnib-
ably carried the county.
V Union Ticket divided between the
'inocrats, republicans aud populists.
Raker The county Is In doubt,
favoring the democrats.
Columbia Tho republican! win by
a reduced vote.
Morrow A divided ticket.
Clatsop The democrats nnd popu
lists divide the ticket.
Wasco Republican ticket elected.
Hlisimau Evenly divided between
republicans and democrats.
Wallowa The populists are in the
Marlon The populists make largo
gtius. Republicans generally success
ful, however; probably two or three
democrats elected
Washington Republicans success
ful. Jackson Probably populist.
Polk Looks like a republican vic
Tillamook Republican.
Clackamas Populists probably w in.
Yamhill Union ticket elected.
Josephine Republicans generally
Lluu Divided ticket among the
three parties. Vanderburg carries the
couuty by 500 majority.
Coos Popullsti. have a heavy hm.
Democ alio representative elided.
The Oregouiau thl uksthut Ellis Is
elected by a small plurality.
It also says: "The result of tho con
gressional election lu tho first district
Is in doubt. If Tongue is elected, It is
by a small majority; Vandeiburg, the
populist candidate, showed unusual
strength. Even in Marlon county ho
polled a vote that surprised everyone.
The republican legislative ticket seems
to have been elected lu most ol the dis
trict. Judge llenn received a Mutter
ing plurality So fur as the rema'iid. r
of the ticket Is coucerned, local Issues
had much to do with the result."
Piilljr (juanl, June .1.
I he Orcgoninn tlgurss up the legls
latnre as follows: Henalo republicans
V. Mitchell republicans 1, uetiiocrms
I, popllllStS J, nous P'puoiicuim .ii,
tinpullsts U, uulon-bime'allic 3, doubt
III 10.
Clackuinus couuty - Everything
Warlon Republican. andcrburg
ciuitfd count v by 73.
nton P,epubllcans elected alsmt
oii'Wilrd of the olllcers; democrats tlie
rest excepting one representative,
Pl'lst. ,
CoUxiie populists elected all
ofllciTi, tho repuolicans getting tho
clerk kiH surveyor and tho democrats
Pollts-The republ leans curry every
thing Vxcepllng one representative
and cleft, u F Mulkey, formerly of
Lane cci,t U elected senator by 40
Jaeksofc.'n)tt populists win except
ing Ju1g democrat, and one repro
senlatlveA republican.
JotphiW(j..ierallv republlean
Wushlnfou Itipubllcan. Tongue
carries ttit'tonunty t y 37 plurality.
KluliinlhWlViich i.f the llireo partle
curried an 'n numU'r of olllcers.
Lluu - Mf.iy populist; one repub
lican rej.ret.tive, recorder, treus
urer and anlsjjr. Vanderburg hud
107 plurulit).
Tlllumook re publican excepting
democrat lu
an, but iJcimcu
ClUtWip l IH Jt-llllKTUllO
DonuliMt reiri,.iutive.
Morrow A! republioau except
s .erill ana clcrK deuioerats.
Union PopVint excepting one
democratic reitmutive, sherill',
clerk and school Wieriiit -ndent, pop
ulist. This is virttuny tho election of
MissNtllio Stev.-! whn I to be Ids
deputy. v
( iimtlllu UepsUicun excepting
commissioner. demorttt,
Wallowa li'puli.
(iilliam HepiilUii, excepting
representative and Witt', dein'Hrals.
liaker Yonkum, isjbuhst, is tleot-d
to the levulaturw
IiukI JtepubllOku excepting
sherill, deinocrai.
Will Take the Ulllclal Count to
ride lu the Secoud District.
hambrrlalii circled Judge.
SK'i'lal to the (U'akd., June 3, 4 p in. IUpub-
licaus concede the election of Vander
burg, populist, for congressman lu tho
Ilr-t district over Tonguo by from two
to three hundred plurality.
Both opii lists and republicans
claim the congressman lu the second
district by a small plurality. The race
between Ellis and tjuiun is exceeding
ly close and It will take the olllelal
count to decide the matter.
The legislature will be republican on
joint ballot, but It is Impossible to give
the exact figures. This is accomplish
ed by the republicans having fourteen
of tho fifteen hold-over senators.
In Multnomah couuty both the
Mitchell and Simon legislative tickets
are claimed to be eleoted. Tho vote Is
not yet all counted, hetico It Is Im
Kssible to tell who will win as the
vote Is close.
(icorgo Chamberlain, democrat, Is
probably elected circuit judgo to suc
ceed Hon. Henry E. McGinn.
03 THE KIVKlt.
The Steamer (iypsy Makes Her Last
Trip 'Hits Scrtsoti.
Tho O R A N Co's steamer Gypsy
arrived here lust night at 10 o'clock,
having miidu tlie run through from
Corvallis during the duy, bringing up
a light loud of freight, .he river stand
ing at a five fst stage. She camo up
from below Palmer Ayer 'a after dark.
This Is something unusual naviga
ting the uppiir river after dark, aud
shows that this portion of tho Wil
lamette Is not the tortuous stream
t lint many of tho peopli attempt to
make it out. This Is the Gypsy'a last
trip for this setsou as tho boat will be
taken to Portland, her hull repainted
and many other repairs made as she
expects to run all summer between
Portland and Corvallis. Her with
drawal is necessary so the repairs can
be made, so at to place her in readiness
when the river falls. It is likely
the company will send ono of their
other boats hero in about ten days, as
considerable freight is promised at that
time both ou the up and down trips.
Tho Gypsy bus made thirty six trips
to Eugene this season aud has hauled
an Immense amount of freight, saving
our eoplo thousands of dollats. The
boat lias nover met with the slightest
mishap, thanks to tho captain,
Mr Gordon. It might again bo re
marked here that the river Is much
better than many aro disposed to
grant. With a decent appropriation
by the government the river oould be
made navlgablo to Eugene nearly
every day in tlie year. Our people
must work for this object, as river
navigation lias much to do with tho
upbuilding of a city.
His ex pec tod that the river will re
main at a boating stage until at least
July 1st,
A Hi. I.wule Rrare.
St. Lot;iH, Juno; 1. Early this
morning St. Louis and East St. Louis
received a thorough scare. A storm
camo up (rum tho southwest, accom
panied by tho low rumbling of thun
der', and almost continuous (lashes of
lightning. A few minutes later black
clouds apearod In the northwest lior
l.on and rolled up until they covered
tho city. i'here was a strong wind,
though not approaching a hurricane.
Tlie elemental disturbance lasted an
hour, and then became- a drizzling
liallr (Juanl, June .
Tits: Okkiiai. CofST. County
Clerk Jeiinigs, assisted by Justloes
Wheeler, of Eugene, and Churchill, of
Hpriaglleld, Is engaged this afteruoou
milking tho olllcial couut of tlio re
turns from Lane ootiiit''. On Mr Jen
nings Invitation representative! of all
parlies are present watching tho pro
giess of the count. Tlie law rsipilres
the count I made t.y tbe county clerK
IIMand. two J n.1 ice of the peace.
lamuill Coiiiilf.
Mc'Minnvii-I.e. Or., Juno 2. am
hill county complete, ecept Carlton,
llundee and North Newts-rg, gives
Tongue 1110, Vandeiburg 1217, Myers
win- lienn 1070. OiiMtoil HSU), Rurnett
!i-': ioint relirem-ntiitlves.
isrooas i'i ),
(iuild I'lii-', Colin :.i7; district attorney,
Carson 1117. Hayden lltit. Silver men
elect the entire county ticket by ma
Joiitles from 3 0 to Itioo.
Tata l-lsl ' mesial.
ST Lou. Jo.'" 1. The list of pom
sous missing since the torrlblo tornado
last Wednesday Is appalling. The po
lice have about 12) names.
Soiuetltlng About a New Educational
factor lu Orrgoii.
That Oregon is moving on In educa
tlotial matters is apparent to those who
are giving tlie subject of education any
attention. Her school system and her
Institutes are already up with many of
those ot tha so called "best" of the
Eastern stales, while now her latest
and best move is the Incorporation of
and placing upon tho market of 20,000
shares of the stock of the Oregon Sum
mcr School, which did Its first year's
work last summer at Gcarhart Park.
The corporation owna ten acres of
beautifully situated laud on the bench,
the auditorium and boarding ball of
which will be improved with tho pro
oeeds of tho sale of stock.
A number ol the progressive Eastern
states several years ago Inaugurated a
similar movement, all of which bus
proven a great factor in Improving tlie
standard of the teaoblng profession of
those states. Saratoga Springs, Ash
burr Park. Atlantic City, Colorado
Springs and other summer resorts are
uow the regular seats for tueso profeo-
slotial summer schools, where teachers
and other professional people go to
spend the summer and at the same
lime pursue a regular professional
course. Tlie sessions usually insi ironi
six weeks to two months.
Tho seat of Oregon's summer school
has been permanently located at Gear
hart Park on Clatsop beach a site
which will at once recommend Itself
to Oregon'a teachers; while the course
of study which will soon be published
will commend Uselt to the favorable
consideration of our most progressive
educators, those who teaclt from a pro-
fessional etaudpolut. Gearhart Park
will doubtless bo the Mecca mr many
who visit the seaside from this on
those who will bo glad to combine
their outing season with an opportu
nity to pursue mine study along lines
of literature, sclenco, art or other In
terestlng subjects which will bo treat
Tho faculty of the school la com
prised of many of tho brightest men
and women or Oregou, among whom
are Piesldent Chapman, President
Campbell, Professor Condon and Mrs
Naroissa White Kinney. Tho direct-
orsalso Intend to secure the services
of a couple of the most noted lecturers
aud educators of which the East
It is hoped that teachers and busi
ness people of Oregon who have the
best interests of tlio state at heart will
help this enterprise along, which has
for Its object the advancement of edu
cation throughout tho entire state, by
becomliig acquainted with Its aims
and the work accomplished, by mak
ing Its advantages known and urging
their frleuds to attend.
Regarding the Grand
Collegiate Meet.
Salem Jouraal: Saturday, June 0,
promises to be a great day for Salem.
It Is the day tor the second inter-col lo-
glato field day at tho state fair
grounds. Arrangements for the ao
commodatlon of swveral hundred
visitors have been made by the boys.
the weather promises to bo all that
oould lie desired.
The Monmouth State Normal nohool
has notified the executive committee
of Its luteiillon of taking part in the
field day coatests and baa forwarded
Its list of entries to the secretary of
tho association at Forest Grove. A
meeting of delegates from the differ
ent colleges will meet In Salsm rrl
day afternoon aud evening, June 6,
when amendments to me constitution
will be made and other business tran
sacted. The matter of admitting the
Monmouth school Into tlio field day
Contests will also be disposed of.
Marlon County.
Special to tha Ouasd.
Salem, Or., June 2-Vaiderburg will
probably have 800 plurality in Marlon
cauuty. The republicans also lose
('arson for prosecuting attorney and
Mlnto for treasury.
HrcalOeail's Vela Nel OueialneeV
Washington, June 1. Tho house
committee on rlvero and harbors U-
day decided Ui report to the bouse in
favor of tlie passage of the river and
harbor bill over tho president's veto.
There was no dlflereuce of opinion
between the democrats and republi
cans. The only point of discussion
waa whether the report should bo In
the nature of a reply to tho president's
objections. An alllrniatlvo coucluslou
was readied. The bill will be called.
up on Tuesday for aotlon. m
Oresjan Dead.
Cottaoe Grove, Or., Juno 1. Mm
Nancy Garroutto, aged 72, died yoster
day and was burled today. She came
here with her family 81 years ago. She
w as the mother of 10 children. For 6(1
years who was a member of the Metho
dist church.
Vvo Stolen. Ono of Fred Fish's
sinnll mi ir dons waa stolen by some
nnri durluir the race mealing last week
Marshal Day U-legraphed to tho
ma ndiHl of Independence the next
place of the races and last night the
Hog was sens uao uii mw wjpejr.
Ki dKNE Precinct Oi-rifKRU. A E
Wheeler was elected justice of the
i.' ...I.w.1. I.u ,,lnrulll nffUL
and Sid Scott constable by a plurality '
of to.
Ce- -1 -..111
I ReguTatotT7
I ,. !':
f. i.
Is Simmons Liver P egul ator dont
forget to tike It. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Mal.irh, Lever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You wart tj wake up your Liver
now, but ha sure you take SIMMONS
LlVIiH KHGULATOR to do It. It also
regulates tin Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whok body Invigorated.
You get TI 1 U UI CST IlLOOI) whea
your system to In Al condition, and that
will onlv be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note tho
dimrc-iice. Hut take only SIMMONS
LlVtlt KliUULATOK which makes tho
difference. Take it in powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of tho
powder; but takeSlMMUNS LIVER REGU
LATOK. You'll find the KLU Z on every
package. Look for it.
J. 1L ZclUu 4 tU, PUUadolphU, Po
The Sluslaw Conntiy (ilrei Them
Victory by Small Plaralltlci.
The Siuslnw stage brought In the
returns from Florence, Mapletou aud
Hermann lust evening Tha votes
from these precincts showed heavy
republican gains and placed Johnson,
Jennings and Driver In the lead. Rut
one precinct, Hazel Dell, was yet to bo
heard from and the returns from it
arrived today. They wore not accom
panied by the count, but It is said the
vote lu that precinct ran about even.'
The vote on senator as near aa can
be ascertained Is as follows: Driver
153.'!; Raker 1340; Sklpworth 1479. The
above couut does not Ituludo Ilattel
Dell and Hermann precincts.
Leaving out hiu-law, Hazel Dell,
Hermann, Lane ami Long Tom, the
figures not yet being lu, tho following
results are obtained:
Rllycu 1005
Houstoi 1251
Mathews 000
Palm 1709
Vaughan loflfl
Morrheud 1158
MoMahnn 2038
rotter 2115
Johnson 2087
Hampton 2073
Jennings .1650
Spenoer " 1624
Gllstrap 1340
Gray ..1348
Patterson 1393
According to estimates made on prt-
clncts not officially reported the ma
jorities given on the olllces of senator,
sheriff, clerk, Judgo and treasurer are
as follows respectfully: Driver 64 over
Sklpworth, Johnson 65 over Hampton,
Jennings 42 over Spouoer; Potter 100
over Mc.Mahau; Patterson 12 to 16 over
Rilyeu for representative, la elected.
The balance of tho ticket is republican,
except Patterson, populist.
A Junction Girl's Revelation.
She la Just sweet sixteen, and she la
a novice in almost overytning, in
cluding kissing. She has just been
klsied for the II rst tune by tno on it
sweetheart she has ever had, and "la
spite of all I could do to prevent It,
too," she explained. However, what
she says in description of it, spoken In
confidence to one of her own age, is
wortlt reproducing hero: "Why, It
made mo feel like a tub "of butter
swimming in honey, cologne, nut
meg and cranberries, as tuougn some
thing ran down my nerves on feet of
diamonds, escorted by several cuplds
In oliarlots drawn by angels shaded
with honeysuckles, and the whole
spread with melted rainbows. It waa
Just simply delicious, but they tell me
that one lias to practice denial to ruuy
enjoy these things Do you think
so?" Rut the question waa not an
Highest Honors World. Flr,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
U'ld, was
born Jane 27. W, II St'P