The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 30, 1896, Image 3

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    State Chemist, California:
The Royal fulfils all the require
ments. Our tests show it has greater
leavening power than any other.
(j-jT,.; gAft. sc-as.? .j&,
fcliouU rlr the First Empire.
Tlit iuiili of the primary school felt
(I'.iusi doiH'udunce ou tue emperor,
Those of tlio ivcoum were tho very
children of atrotiuge, for tbe chrapness
of their edncutioii, combiued with their
wiiiltiiilitury uniform and huhits, Im
pressed ou tlieni and thoir families the
iiumuueuce 01 me empire at every torn,
They entered by goverumout exuuiiua
tiou. All their letter pawned throuxh
tlie bead muster' build. They were put
auder a threefold system of espionuKe
culminutins in the grand Minuter. The
ISO scholurship and bourse iu each
were puid by the state. Tbe punish
luon in were, like those of soldiers, ur-
retit anl imprUonuieut. With the ao
quisition of military habit the jodiik
vcieu conld look forward to militury
promotion, for 850 of tbe most select
were sent every year to the military
schools, where they lived at the eniper
or' expense, expecting professional ad'
vuuceiuunt by the emperor' patronage.
Other of lew merit were ilutuubed for
the civil Her vice, and in that also their
career were at the Imjtcriul mercy. They
were dully and hourly reminded of Ja
poleou'a greatness, fur 2,400 foreigners
frmu the vassal states of the empire
were scattered among these institutions,
wliere they were turned into Frenchmen
and docile subject at tbe emperor' ex
pense, while being virtually held a ho
tali's for the good behavior of their par
ent. Profowtor Slouue iu Century.
War Talk.
I confess to au innate love of wnr ;
that wartiul matter faxciuate me; that
I fuvor a spirited foreign policy, and
am Jen Ion J iu defense of the majesty
aud honor of the nation. It i no timid
ity that prompt thee reminiscence
and reflect ion. Yet I believe that in
thi ago of the world aud with our ex
perience we should remember what war
really in and how unexpectedly it ofteu
couio. Tbe cloud rise and pannes. Peo
ple say "the war scare" i over. Yet
they continue to talk war recklessly at
interval. Mouth go by, and perhaps
year. Then suddenly the cloud cover
the heavens, and the tempest bursts.
Every intemperate word, every rush or
unnecessary duflunce, has gone to swell
and surchurge tbe cloud. It is the people,
after all, who make war in every coun
tryor niuke it possiblo. Aud they
make it iiot so much ty a declaration of
the congress or the king as by their
cureless or uuuicusnred utterance iu
times of peace. War is sometimes in
evitable, but every citizen has a re
sponsibility, not simply individual, but
national, to avoid briugiug it on by
fiery speech when the issue of force may
honorably be prevented by manly self
restraint George Parson Latbrop in
Korth Amoricau Review.
An All Night Seare.
Young Englishmen visitiugthe Unit
ed States have as many absurd and
amusing experiences as Americans have
when iu foreign countries. The .Wash
ington Star tells of an English traveler
who had been assured thut west of the
Missonri river the entire country was
iufestetl with, bears, some of which were
so bold thut thoy came into the towns.
He stopped in a Kansas village, aud
in tho eveuing started out for a walk.
The stores wero closed, but the moon
was shining brightly. He rambled
about tho place for a couple of hours,
and started down the business street for
the hotel. Suddenly he saw before him
on the eidowalk a big bear, sitting on
its haunches, with open mouth and
paws extended, awaiting his coining.
Iu a moment he was on top of a
porch, crying for help, but uo one heard
him, and tbe bear sat and watchod him.
All night long he staid there, trembling
for fear bruin would climb the post, but
comforting himself with the idea that it
was too Binall to be used by a bear.
At daybreak some men cunio along,
and one of them wheeled the bear back
to the doorway with the remark, "I
wonder who put thut sign in the middle
of the walk."
The tourist desceudod from tho porch
without detection, and had he not sub
sequently enjoyed the story so much
that be told it himself it would never
have beou known.
In the midst of u 6tormy discussion a
gentleman rose to settle the matter in
dispute. Waving his hund majestically
he began, "Gentlemen, all I want is
common sense."
"Exactly," interrupted another.
"That is precisely what you do want"
London Tit-Bits.
SYota P..S. JflwnMj JfaMHjw
Prof. w. H. retke, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more ease than any
living Physician ; his
snccaaa Is astontshlnif.
We hare heard of case
of so year' Handing
enrea o
Dim. H.
work or
this dis
ease, which
he sends
with a
larre bot
tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer
who may send their P. O. and Ei press address.
We advise anv one wishing aenre to address
"rot W.H. nOL F. B-.a Cedar St.. lew Tor
Lin of Cntlerr. Sporting Goods,
Barber suppllesaud BmaarUoodsT Wtijr.doa t
Jou kuow
They will supply ynti with anything you wsnt
at lowest market prices, end furUenersl Cata
logue or Ca'aloue ol epoetins: uon-n or Barber
Supplies, tuu Market Street, n Francis, t at
rOH r-tOrLS trim t SIC of
"Jut Don't Feol Well,"
are the One Thine to use.
Only One for Dos.
Sold by Drtilsls at t So. a bos
Sanplce msll-4 fr, Adores
Or. Besanke Me. Co. Pull. I .
Far sale T all lrswVta. CeaU a SMtla. 1
i i.Jtsl kalL 1 I (ia (Ail 5L
A Couth bf rap. Twt4M tou4, V
(o.l try drnwlina
Sotyy zj&.tz w&.s
They Find Mr. Oust.
"The way In which Mr. Quay itms
the little-In fact, most trivial-things
Indicate the shrewdness and unliiie
lies i.f Ids perw.iiiillly." remarked a
Senate employe the oilier day.
'Tor InstiiiiKe, any man that conies
to Washington to we Mr. yus.v. and
whom Mr. fiiay wants to see -ami
there are hundreds of them-will go ill
rectly to Ills room, that of the Coin
inlttee ou I'uldle Hull. lines and
tlroiuids. atul never ask a iiiestlon of
nn.r kind. Not so with the friends of
other Senators, for. while they may
have liecn told how to reach their dif
ferent rooms, they have, ns a rule, to
make Inquiry for their location. I was
amused the other tiny, when the call
rrs for Mr. itiny were unusually large,
to see how they went directly to hi
room, notwithstanding the circuitous
route necessary to get to it. When I
asked tine of them how he knew where
to II ml the room he showed me a card.
It told the story. It contained very
minute directions as to how to reach
the Senator, and Just what to do."
Wnshlngton star.
Clod In Oft Hack.
Judge James If. Mtilllgau, l ulled
Slates consul to Samoa, who returned
to his home In Lexington, Ky.. re
cently, was given it banquet. At the
Im liquet he made an address, the most
remarkable part of which was the fol
"When I was away off on that little
Hpct-k of In ml In the I'aellle ocean and
looked across the vast stretches of sea
to the storms that were agitating this
country, I could see no Democrats and
no Republicans. It was America. The
English, the Germans and all the oth
ers are against America, uo matter
what the diplomats miiy say. I feel
that I have learned more in the last
two years than I have learned before.
I have Isirne my part in the battles of
politics, have sHken bitter words, but
when I stood under that mighty crag
ou that far-away speck iu the ocean
and helped to lay him to rest whom I
hail learned to love, and who 1 believe
had learned to love me Itoliert Louis
Stevenson-1 felt that If I ever got
back home, I would not speak In an
unkind word to a fellow-countryman,
but would do all I could to bind up any
wounds that I may have caused."
Hon t'omerou'e Weakness.
J. Iiomild Cameron, of reunsvlraula.
who Is Just retiring from the .Semite,
was carefullv trained In the nrt of ooli
tic by his father, Lincoln's famous
Secretary of War. In the days wheu
Cameron ruled reniisylvanhi with ab
solute power one of Its faithful hench
men vtnN calling noon Slmou Cameron.
and In the course of the conversation
he remarked:
"Sena tor, why Is It that Hon has
never made much of a success of poll-
tic? He seems to have talent, and
le has all the advantages of your pres
tige and Influence."
Well. Iron In llkelr fellow." re
rilled tlienlil num. "Hon will tret on nil
right. You must remember I started
In life with a big advantage over
"What was that?" asked the visitor
Lord Cromer Who Holds that I'oat la
the Kulrr nf All Kuypt.
Lord Cromer, the Itrltlsh minister at
Cairo, who Is the real ruler of Kgypt,
I a man of the greatest ability In his
profession. He has quick tleelsiou aud
Immovable determination. Even since
his appointment In 1KS3 he has been the
cause of uo end of anxiety to the
French, and for this. If no other rea
son, It Is to lie expected that he would
enjoy, as he does, the absolute confi
dence of his government. Lord Cro
mer was formerly a European commis
sioner of the public debt In Egypt. He
was selected as one of the controllers
general representing England and
France when the Khedive Ismail was
deposed by tbe flrnmn of the sultan In
1870. It was about the close of 1KS0
that Tewllk I'asha became the ruler of
Egypt. Abbas soon found out, how
ever, that there was no bending to the
will of the English diplomat. Cromer
bluntly told him that If he gave any
more trouble he would be deposed, and
iiiinir that the British emissary was
tbe master Abbas reslgued himself to
the Inevitable.
When you are to blame, acknowledge
It; there Is nothing In blaming your
own mistakes on other.
Pray for a sound liver; you can be
co.'nforubl without money or fame.
im earn
Lonn moHKR.
Short History of the flatlet.
Liko all dancing, tho root of tho bul
let is to bo found in prehictori-! times,
but Italy wuh the borne where its
growth bet 'Utile cuitii'iiliMir it ou
development nf tlio opera. With the
"""" ' was imported into France,
and flourished as a court entertuinuicnt
under Catherine do' Medici. A the bal
let ini-rcined in popularity it was grad
uully aosiviuted with the libretto of a
great puet and tho music of u great mu
aiciau, and it used to be put on the
stage by some noble putmn of tiie arts.
Princes of tho royal blood frequently
took part iu tlie performance Louis
XIII, trt Wit. and Henri IV. mIih I, ,.l
a speciul dancing room built in the
ursenai. tven I Koi Soleil did not
dream it beneath his dignity til imoer-
suuittu Viirnms characters iu (lie ballet
until he was prevented by bis growing
Guetuu Vi-tris, who styled himself
in Provencal dialect "le diou de la
dansc," brought the ballet to its perf.v
tion. aud when age disabled him bis
win Anguste was a worthy successor.
Mile. Camiiry danced with the father,
while Madeleiue Huimanl, the' protect
ress in uaviii the painter, was a con
temporary of the sou. This centnrv u-a
aquurtergone before tho golden iigetf
the ballet in Loudon. Ureal things,
however, were done at Her Majesty's
theater iu early Victorian days. "Hi
aelle" was the united work if Heine,
Theophile Ouutier and Adolphe Adam,
and the premiere danseuse was Curlotta
Grisi. She was succeeded by Funny
Elssler and Taglinni, who was' immor
talized by Thackeray, and was alive not
juuy year ago. Saturday Review.
Matchniaklog; Napoleon,
The first Napoleon was the greatest
matchmaker that ever lived. After re
pealed refusals the doughty little soldier
himself Anally won the hand of Joeo
phine, and devoted his matrimonial in
stincts to the affairs of others.
No excuse was admitted from a bach
elor. To him who urged that he could not
find a wife, "Be that my care," he
aid, aud the same evening the affair
would be arranged. The poor received
dowries aud trousseaux.
One day by decree the emperor mar
ried off 0,000 soldier at once. Another
day his great court dignitaries were
obliged en masse to find partners for
better or for worse.
In this beautiful season ot flowering
green, when the air is balmy and the sun
light golden, it seems a pity that anything
should enter into this Eden of ours to mar
its pleasures and blight !' joy, but so it is
ordained; man has his heritage, and it is
even doubtful if all of life were a scene of
pleasure whether we could possibly en
joy it. Tbe birds come and sing, and tbe
birds sing and go. Rheumatism comes
also. It ooniet from exposure to the damp
ness of tbe nights anil mornings, to the
sudden change of temperature, and it cer
tainly goes, as thousands know, by tbe
prompt use of Bt. Jacobs Oil, which is a
complete and perfect cure. It is well,
therefore, wbile we enjoy all these season
able delights, not to be without this great
remedy lor pain, and to have it ready,
more because we are the more liable at til is
season than any other to sutler from such
"What," asked the neophyte, "It thedlnVr-
ence between wit and buinotr Ihet'oruncld
Philosopher dwlseil the iueltiiii. ' 1 11 vn-m-pllfy,"
said be. "A wit is a humorist with d
Is not steadier than a system llhersiej from the
stascklesof chills and fevur, blUou remittent
or dHinb srne by liustetter's Htomsch Hitt'-rs, a
perieci anunoie 10 malarial poison in air or wa
Ur. it Is also an unexsmpled remedy for
billons, rheumatic or kidney complaint, dys-
tteasla and nervousness. It Improves sppeute
and sleep aud hastens convalescence.
She This decimal avsti-m Is so slmslrl I
don't see why incy don't use our money Iu Knit
lann. lie 1 hey do, as last a they cau get II
Piao's Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. tieorge W. Lots,
rauuener, l.a., August Vi, wt.t.
As mercury will surely destroy the sense nf
smell aud completely ilitramie the whole ty em
when eulering It through the mucoim surfict-s.
Such at tli lea should never be used except ou
prescription from reputable phyticlau, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the koimI you
can possibly derive from tnem. Hall's t atarrh
Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney A Co , Tie
leuo, o., coulains no mercury, ami Is lakeu lu
ternally, ai'tlns; directly upon the blood and
muunus surfaces ot theaystem. In bavins Hall's
Caiarrb Cure be sun' )Oii get the senullie. It is
takeu internally, aud made in loitdo, Ohio, by
r. J. t.neney a t o. testimonials tree.
Hold by druggists, price 7.e per bottle.
Hall's family Hills are the best,
riTH.-AU flt stopped Ire by Dr. Kline's
Sraal Nerve Restorer. Nofltaafui Uis Srtl
1st s us. Marvelous cura. Treatise and U OC
trial boil! Im to Pit cases. Band to Or. Kline,
ail Arch V, Philadelphia, ra.
Tar OikasA tor breakfast.
It Is often difficult to convince peo
ple their blood is Impure, until dread
ful carbuncles, abscesses, bolts, scrof
ula or salt rheum, are painful proof of
the fact. It Is wisdom now, or when
ever there is any indication of
blood, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
prevent such eruptions and suffering;.
"I bed a dreadful carbuncle abscess,
red, fiery, fierce and sore. Tbe doctor at
tended me over seven weeks. When the
abscess broke, tbe pains were terrlble.and
I thought I should not live through it. I
heard and read so much about Hood's
BarsaparUla, that I decided to take It, and
my busband, who was suffering with
boils, took it also. It soon purified our
built me up and restored my health so
that, although the doctor ssld I would
not be able to work bsrd, I hava sine
done the work for people. Hood's br
eaparilla cured my hustsind of the boils,
and we regard it a wonderful medicine."
Mas. Ansa Petebbon, Utlmer, Kansas.
Is the On True Blood Purifier. All druggets. It
rt-fi eiir liver Ills, easy to take,
rlOOU S FlllS easy to operate. iOecuta.
Boa is
Itcft.lf tl4M 4 H-l-tt a- f r-Wflmf M n
Ib uiiim i 'Uf A s"i ' i f ')'! ssM'i r sway
to!. liiMJimaf as... MVaANk), CSIIa- fa.
But if tho X ray finds only a lone V
in your pocketbook, what doth it prutit
mau? Detroit Journal.
Proposes to investigate tho interior
department Professor Koentgou new
cuthode- ray. Philadelphia Item.
The discovery of the X ruys is uo new
oue to old poker players, but they have
never found a way to always make the
raise, Cedar Rupids (.iuzctte.
If thi Roentgen ray ran be so adapt
ed as to clean the snow from the side
walks iu winter, it will have a big sub
urban indorsement. Let ns be pructicuL
Family Call.
Complaint is maile that Crooke
tubes ore scarce and tho X ray experi
ments ure retarded in consequence.
Why not draw upon the numerous bur
gluts' outfit? Columbus Journal.
Now the timid, doubting anltor,
By Profiiwor ltocntgi n'a art,
M:iy, beforu he aiM-ukt, iliacover
If she has marble hi itrL
ludiium(Hlia Journal.
The Cows In the Mortgage.
There is a man iu Taylor county who
knows how to mortgage cows. Tho
Montezuma Record knows this man
and vouches for him. Tho man is a
farmer, aud recently a cullii-tur culled
ou him for the payment of a unto se
cured by chattel mortgage.
The farmer wa obdurate and gave
no satisfaction that he would overpay
the note. Finally the collector said :
"Well, I'll have to take the 11 cow
named iu the mortgage."
"Oh, no, you haveu't got a mortgago
ou 11 cow ou thi farm."
"Why, yes, I have." And the collect
or pulled out a copy of the mortgage
aud read as follows :
" 'Ono red ond white cow, one cow
spotted red and white, one red cow with
white spots, one cow with while spot
in forehead, one red cow with two white
hind feet, one white cow with red spots
on side, one white mid red cow, ono red
cow with two white fore feet, one white
cow with red spot ou shoulders, one red
cow with white spots on bit, one white
cow spotted with red.' Now, how do
you like that?" continued the collector.
"Oh, that's all right. I see you've
got 1 1 mortgages ou my old red aud
white cow. There she is down in the
pastura The boys will go down ami
help yon catch her I" Atlanta Consti
tution, i
A Racial Difference.
There cau be uo question thnt very
many of the differences, mental and
bodily, that exist between the aver
age Frenchman and the average Eng
lishman are caused by tho distinct
methods of education that prevail on
tho different sides of tho channel. You
would not like yonr son' only school
ing to bo obtained in France. Ou the
other hand, you have a pretty distinct
belief that if French boy were sent
over here young enough and put to good
English schools, thoy would grow up
into a very fair sort of Dritou. A typ
ical story of the ways of Fronch school
boys, with their ushers, is reported in
recent morning papers. Homo spirit
had been smuggled into oue of the
dormitories a thing, we four, not al
together unknown in somo English
establishments. It is even conceivable
that the English muster who discovered
the bottle would have conliscuted it to
hi own use, but thi would not have
been at tho invitation of hi pupils.
Rut the French pion iu qnestiou wus
contented to niuke one of the party, and
as he was not so used to rum as bis pu
pils, he got so terribly drunk thut he
died. Happily for tho Fronch boys,
thoir compulsory military service give
them an opportunity, later ou for learn
ing a little discipline. Pull Mull (ia
sette. The Thief Discovered.
An employee in an np town resort
ha been hold nnder suspicion for some
timo, and canio near losing hi position,
on uccouut of the antics of a big tom
cat For weeks the cush registers, wheu
couuted at the close of the duy'a busi
ness, showed a deficit of severul dollars,
aud no clew could he had to explain the
mysterious absence of tho money. The
proprietor, having great confidence in
his employee, was mystified, and not un
til a fow nights ago was the matter
made clear. Whilo uluue iu the place,
after closing hours, tho proprietor wa
turtled to hour the click of the regis
ters, followed by related clicks, Jike
those of a novice upon tlio key of a pi-
ana Looking up, hu found hi pet cat
playing upon the keys of the register
aud apparently enjoying the perform
ance a much as if ho were a feline
Pudorewski. New York Journal.
Vindicated the Law.
A friend of Rcprcsontutivo Culberson
of Texas related the following incident:
"Wheu Mr. Culhc rsou wus prosecuting
attorney," he said, "there wus a crimi
nal stutute universally disregarded. The
indictment of a well known man for
violutii rtrjf this law was sec u rod through
the efforts of Mr. Culberson, who prose
cuted the case with more vigor than al
most any he hud ever conducted, suc
ceeding iu securing a conviction aud
sentence to the peuituntiury. Then he
left town, and uo one kuow where be
had gone until he and the prisoner, who
had been takeu to the penitentiary, re
turned together. Mr. Culborson had
gone to the governor, obtained a pardon,
aud met tho convict at the penitentiary
with it. The law had been vindicated,
and there were no more violations of
that statute iu Jefferson. "Washington
Not Enough Mini,
The unmusical manager who protest
ed when lie fouud a performer in hi
orchestra holding hi bow during a rest,
saying to him, "I don't pay you to
rest I" was the same one who, on an
other occasion, was superintending the
arrangement of some performers who
were representing allegorical character.
"Here in (rout," said tho author of
the piece which wa to be given, "we
will put the nine muses."
"Nine muses!" exclaimed the great
manager contemptuously. "Nino muses
would look well in that great space,
wouldn't they? We will have 88
Biuse I" Youth's Companion.
Oregon has 1 A, 708 band in ber fun
torie aud niuke every year 141,432,
171 worth of goods.
The first of the modern bank note
were made in China about the year 1000
A. D.
Why the M or can Syndic! Did Not Ut
th Whol Lot-To President at Oat
With Morgan -Why Stewart Lost a Good
Slsed Fortune.
Tho recent loan, despite its imprcs
liveness uud popular features, was nil
cicutitic and clumsy. Any one could
bid, whether he had gold or not. It is
pretty certain that millions were bid by
persons win) bad scarcely a gold dollar
to their names. These were speculative
bids, and they uro of course to he trans
ferred to banks or other institutions
, Which have gold or the menus of getting
I it. The result is that gold is practically
I at a premium in New York and Host mi.
It is a small premium, but just enough to
tempt the cupidity nf many men who
have bid fur bonds. If they find they
must pay un eighth for gold at a bank or
broker's, but can get it without a pre-
uiium ut tho subtreitsury, where cartage
expense may tie avoided by simply cur
' rying tho stuff from the pay to the re-
reiving window, where are they going
to get it? Hnmuii mil ure is human nu
' lure, und uo one has as yet discovered
I that it is uny less human among bunkers,
( lin kers and bond speculators than it is
1 among other people.
In this connection I um able to give
. somo secret history that is very interest
ing. Some weeks ugo the administra
tion wanted to place this loau with Mr.
Morgan und his syuiliciiie under condi
tions thut would protect the ri serve
Mr. Morgan was willing to undertake
tho task, but he declined to pay more
than 105. The administration offered
him the whole lot ut 1011, which was
equal to 8 ' percent interest. Mr. Mor
gan persisted, despite pressure, in ad
lierence to this figure, and then the
president decided upon a public loan.
The howls of certain new, papers and
the speeches of senators in congress de
nouncing private 'onus had nothing
whatever to do with the president's
change from a private contract to a
public, competitive loan. Mr. Morgan's
refusal to pay I OU determined that. It
was some satisfaction-to the president
to force Morgan to come up with an
offer, not alouu of 101), but of nearly
111, but ho would Ikj better satisfied had
he assurances that the sale at 1 1 1 were
going to protect the reserve anil make
another loan nuuecesHury before the
presidential election.
The newspaper writers who prate of
Pierpout Morgan as the favorite finan
cier of the administration do uot kuow
what they are talking ubout. President
Cleveland is out of patience with Mr.
Morgan. If auy financier may be regard
ed as the favorite of the administration
it is John A. Stewart of tho United
States Trust company. After the presi
dent had rejectutl Mr. Morgan's terms
of 105 a month ugo Mr. Stewart was
asked to take hold ami help make the
public loau a success. Ho did so, and to
ills efforts and iufluenco more than those
of any other man is due tho success of
the recent loan.
And yet Mr. Stewart was outtuanen
vered by Mr. Morgan us a bidder for
bonds. This wus hecuuso Mr. Morgan
had a friend iu tho syndicate which Mr.
Stewart bad urgauized for the purpose
of insuring the success of the issue.
With this information in hand, it was
easy for Morgan to outbid Stewart. If
Mr. Stewurt had been guided by the ad
vico of a Washington banker, one of his
friends, he would have beaten Mor
gan. Lust Wednesday morning this
banker became satisfied Morgan was go
ing to bitl nearly 111, uud hu wired Mr.
Stewart to this effect, uot once but
thrice. SStill Stewart refused to change
his bid. At tho last moment the Wash
ington banker filled out bills for a half
million ou his own account at 111 and
a little under, aud reached the treasury
ut just five minutes of noon. His bids
weut in, ho guts his bonds, uud mukes
125,000 or :(), 000 for bis quickness.
Stewart lost the chance to make u mil
lion or two.
The Stewart bids for bonds, all at
110.075, were put iu the bunds of treas
ury ofllciuls about 85 minutes before
noun. Tlio Morgan bid of 110 0H77wus
put iu five minutes later. The Stewurt
bids had not been opened when the Mor
gan bids came iu, und the Stewurt bids
were not iu the hands of the treasury
ofllciuls when the Morgan bids were fill
ed out and seuled in theoftlcoof a bunk
er two blocks from the treasury build
ing. The difference between 110.075
and 1 10.0877 represented the loss of a
chance to make a fortune Hut how silly
and reckless the churgo thut there was
collusion in the treasury. Walter Well
man in Chicago Tiiuos-Hcruld.
A Man With Visible Heart.
One of the must remarkable of all
human phenomena of which we find
records in tho history of physical soiciioo
was a young man whose heart and lungs
were not only visible, but could be
bandied by a second person.
This young man wa the son of the
family of Montgomery und lived In the
reigu of Charles I. While truvcliug
abroad he met with a very serious acci
dent, falling upon some Instrument
which pierwud his side aud left a large
open wound. Even when the wound hud
healed the cavity remuined.
The great Harvey, who discovered
this remarakblo youth, relates in oue of
bis Journals the strange story.
"When I paid my respect to this no
ble vouth und conveyed to him the
king's request thut I should bo allowed
to examine him,' wrote Harvey, " ho
made no concealment, but exposed the
left side of his breast, when I saw a
cavity into which I could iutroduce my
finger and thumb. Astonished with the
novelty, again und again I explored tho
wound, uud first, marvuling at the ex
traordinary nature of tho cure, set about
the examination of the heart. Taking it
in tbe fingers of one hund, and placing
the lingers of the other upon the pulseof
the wrist, I satisfied myself that it was
Indeed the heurt which I grasped. I then
brought him before the king thut he
might behold and touch soeitraordinury
a thing, aud thut he might perceive, as
I did, thut uules we touched the outer
skin, or when he saw our fingers in the
cavity, this young nobleman kuew not
thut we had tonchud bis heart."
It was in this way that Harvey proved
hi theory of tho Insensibility of the
heart to be correct. Pearson's Weekly.
Hare fcaoagh.
Landlady Do you like your steak
rare, Mr. Hoard long?
Mr. B. No rarer thin it is, madam.
Detroit Five Pre.
Only One Remedy That Will Make You 8o
Paine's Celery Compound.
Why not be a well woman thi
There are women whooanuot tolerate
the smallest neglect about the bouse
who too often take no care of their
They ahould use these prnclou March
d ty for getting strong and well by
taking. Paine' celery compound the
greatest of all spring remedies.
Miss Elsie M. Hrown of I Leeds St.,
Dorchester, Mas., whose picture i
given above, wrote the 6th ot thi
month a follow:
"Four or Ave year ago, I suffered
with dreadful pain in my bank (owing
to my kidneys), much ao that night
after night 1 oould not close my eye,
and what few hour sleep I did get, I
could be beard moaning and tossing,
showing thai even lu my sleep, I
suffered pain At time I would have
more pain than usual over my left
bip'iud when waking in the morning
it would be all I oould do to atrotoh
"Contains More Flesh Form
ing Matter Than Beef."
That is what an eminent physician
says of good cocoa. The Cocoa
made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,
Dorchester, Mass., is the best.
Sec that Imitations are not palmed off on you.
I Dtrchanaable
"You must have misunderstood me,
wuiter. These are veal cutlets, breaded,
aren't they?" "Y-yea, sah." "I ordered
pork tenderloin. " "Yes, sah. Jea take
off do breadetl part of it, sah, an dare
am tie pu'k teudahliue, sah." Chicago
As tin It annual earner
The srorlil goes gayly spinning
Tliu same olil Imtie, tint aaiu ulii tear
mill has It imiiiu iM giniiliig,
Fr Jut ere airliiKllniu aiullea ag-ala
The people sit lul Wulltler
Ou old time theme of Jny and palu
That year cannot amiw under.
Will eungrtiai In pumleriiu tntliilnun Uf t
Will the Washingtiin nlno get a rhaoee at lb
Will Turkey assume a mum genrroua part?
Will KuiM-ror William give leaauna Id art!
Will I'effer' brave wlitaker still wav la tb
Will tho Hiissaril bay Bab glv the duckling a
rest I
Will Tillman m eager ami np for the ehaaet
Will new women and bloomers still be In tb
racet '
And so tliey crowd on In a ream-lea arrays
A wn found tbem of yor ao we Bud tbetu to-
Though other old friend may prove flekle and
Bueh standby will vr b with us, wa know.
Wa-Mliirton Htnr.
errtet or
Who Retail
offered lor limited time, to order
to-day. Your very truly,
If yea hart nv dlftkulty In procarlat year
, cut out this allc an sm It wltaj
ettr erdar le your whulasal dealer.
ssjpssaass jf yy
"fc,lr -
it the name of Woman ' Friend. It i
fnl in relieving the backachea.heaulache
which harden and shorten a woman'
women testify for it. It will give health and strength
and make life a pleaenre. For sale by all druggist.
BLUMAUER-FRlNiC DRUG CO., Pobtlajid, Agent.
my limb down straight, a there would
be a drawing and trembling of the
oord. Reside such torture, I began
to bloat a great deal.
"After suffering for mine time, a
friend advised me to try Paine' oelery
compound. I can truthfully say that
after using four bottle 1 wa cured;
not helped, but cured. "
If you have any doubt at all these
spring day about your health it neu
rslgio twinge, kidney trouble, dissy
spell, indigestion or heart palpitation
show themselves, don't wait for plainer
warning. Make a olean iweep of all
these ailments from the system.
It la easiost to do thi now, a spring
i approaching. Take Paine' celery
oompouud when the system 1 most re
sponsive to it oleauiing, strengthen
ing influence.
An Improved appetite, sound diges
tion, uninterrupted deep, and an ener
getlo condition, are the result ot taking
Paine' oelery compound.
Save My Child!"
T ., e
is tne cry or
many an
'little one
writhes in croup or whoop
ing cough. In such cases,
Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy proves a blessing and
a godsend. Mrs. M. A.
Burke, of 309 E. :05th St.,
New York, writes: "Dr.
Acker's English Remedy
cured my baby of bronchitis,
and also gave instant relief
in a severe case of croup.
I gratefully recommend it."
Tkr sites, TSc'.t SOe.) II. AU Drarsi'ts.
Areas Mkiiu-im Co It t Is t aambsrs Hi.. K V.
N. P. N. U. No. 660-8. F. N. U. No. 727
Dear Sir I
You ar entitled to recelv
FR C E 'ford your wholesale dealer.
Blackwell'g Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. Ono bar
of aoap Free with each pound,
whether 16 ox., 8 OS., 4 oi., or
a 01., psKkagtf.
Wo havo notified every whole
ale dealer In tho United SUtee
that we will eupp!y them with aoap
to give you FREC Order rood
supply ol OEISUlNa DURHAM at
once, and Insist on fettlnf your
eoap. One tMrofSoap free with
Nich sound you buy. Soap le
v s in very remarcaoie ana certain
I VI relief given woman DjettwtiLB
- e KEVEALKD KKME0V ha given
nniformly incces.
and weaknen
life. Thonsandioi