The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 30, 1896, Image 10

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    t -&&L-&f kw
for Infants and
taslorla la ao well adptl 10 eUldren that
r rocoiiunwid it a urir to any piwrlptlon
known lo me.- Jt. A. Ai, M.
Ill tin. Oxford Bt., Uruuklyn, N. V.
"Tli UM of 'Castm-la U so unlraraid and
:a merit so ell known Hint it at-tnn work
of auiirreroirallon to endorse It. Yew are the
InMHirrat famlllr who do not kni-p Caatoria
wuulaaaay roach."
Caum MiTT, T. P.,
"Sew Vorn cay.
W t BROWN, 1.0. PAINE. F. W. 08BURN.
"aalaaat. Vict PfMlotnt. CaiWtr.
Eiiw Loan and Saviop
Of Eugene, - -
JJIRHMTOKS 0. A. Pain,. J. B. Harris. 1.
Hatla, H. 1). rains. W. K. Urowu, J. K.
lMuluion, F. W. Oatiurn.
Pali Dp Capital, J : : 550,000.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Iutarest allowed on tlm dcpoalla.
(;olloilnn animated to our car will roeolva
p-otupt attention.
Caked & Inflamed Udderc.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sore
Insect Bites,
All Cattle AllmenU,
All Morse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it In a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment combers
Make rUfl or Bcmat weal
Pi .urn'iiVDH r fti'iiatiipci', nun riaurim-",
t Vr routmou fur v.vrtultnt 111 lw mm'c
Th'a !- I
oMhurr li.i- D,.
JiiVKtialnr la
I li moat
dlaouvrry of
I lie aan. It
liu U'n on.
ilurar.t rjr Ilia
IlK'Hllk'H, it'll-
iiu'll nt
tumia and
A tn.'l li-aw.
Hud, an la
jMiii ly TOfcD.
Hudiaa anp
Pram I'lir mai
Fallln hi'u
aaUiiiu, Keiv
l the eyre
i ml viner
and liinratlie
Hutfiaa inri
and drreloiire
and rr.iort'a
weat organe.
I'm ina in the
4. keera
rharstf In I-'
llav. rurra f
I 0 8 T f ' '' '
EANU00D Mffif
. ...... JT i j liS-Ti ' 3
1-. ' .L-V t W '
(nick I r . frir J.(W irlral endonwmenla,
rrvuiatiirvnia inmna luitoU'ii-y In the lint
(tact- It la a aympunn of ermtnal ntna
and lrrnii.v II ran b aiuppvd lu kida
by iliv ueol lludvan.
Tlivri'W dlMveiy wna wad" V the Kr-vlal.
lata of Hie old lanmiia Muilaon Mialcal laalltul.
It ia Hi anonm-l viianu r Ddf. It la wry
pnwrrlul, but ImiinhM. rtiid r4 II nu a pa k
h ir(t packaine fiT .VMlil,iiiaulrl ii.
Wrlliro iiriui itvevii d'ra cur. If you buy
all Inuuiaud are i m rutlM ,y ciurd,al inoiw
Mill lanu-ul to J ml fn if allcr-airifc
t.-nd f r rlnti ran I liMlm.intara A Mrtai
III lNI:' I.IOAI. I .Mll lH I K,
JaarUu, .tlarMi I l.lll. a.
tan I'rjklii ;., A U I
rfs--"!, ' '.-aflSsABBsfc-aks-kv " M " '
Cm tor I cim Colic, Cuostlpatlon,
Shut, Marrtiiaa, Kructatlon,
Kill Worm, glvix sleep, and pronuitc r
Kent Ion,
Without Injurious msllc-atl'.n.
"For acTerel yir 1 hare reeomnvtZ'-d
your 'Caatoria,' and shall always cmtln J t
do so M It hat torarlauly produced bone.Vl
Eowrs- F. riaD, M. I,
19Bth Blreot and 7U Av., Kew York CUr
Tbi Cimn Covpaxt, 71 MnuuT fira-prr, Haw Yoke Cm
in it nnt nrohaLlo that atniJpt
tho royal jiageant at Moscow a
spasm of fear may occasionally
aeizo tho hearts of the central fig
ures over thoughts ol minimi
itnn ifwnpv of fioHlien takes
great pains to advertise himself as
a piigilmt. lie ougni 10 resign "in
position as deputy aBsesBor and de
vote his entire attention to this
muchly despised "art." The tax-
no iin.i (l.i.n tcnnlil not be com-
pelled to support hitn as one of its
olheials, at least.
Dr. Driver in now telling about
the county that McKinley is a free
silver man; and that "me and
Tongue believes juat tho game.
Still his aoaertions do not count as
li will lip third in the race. The
raco is between Skipworth and
Ilaker with chances favoring the
Kvery man who has the publica
tion of it fheriUrt Halo advertiBe
ment Bhould bo allowed to procure
itu iiiHirtion wherever .10 desires.
llo pays for it and si ou'd have
thi! privilege. 1 lie uuakd is not
com pel led to huvo this printing to
exint as evervono knows. The is
sue i: "Has tho sheriffa ofliee
lu'i 11 run nc-onoinicallv?" We know
it has not and our figures have not
been disputed.
Tho democratic cold bugs are all
concentrated in eastern states which
cast their electoral votes for re
publican presidents. Hence, tho
national democracy lrns nothing
to loso by nominating a freo silver
nutii. On tho other hand, should
tho national democracy nominate a
cold buir. tliev run tho risk of
losing free silver democratic states.
The republicans must nominato a
gold bug; there is no avenue for
them to cscapo it.
A man with an empty sleeve is
always an object of pity and do
sorves compassion. Yet sometimes
it is used to creato sympathy that
is not deserved. For instance
friend of L. Gils trap, republican
enndiduto for treasurer, encourngo
the belief thut the gentlemen lost
his arm in the war. Tho truth is
that Mr. Uilstrap while working on
a church building at Oakesdale,
Wash., fell off and thereby lost his
Col. Alley in his linker City Ko
iniblican sav editorially: "Poli
tics in I.auo countv are at a fever
heat. Dr. Driver is now finding
out that he is not in the pulpit
Baying nil km 1 sayings without the
least tear ol any one or paper talk
ing Imo';. Politics nnd religion
make very strange bed fellows, and
Dr. Driver will find out that they
are not compilable companions
There 11 satisfaction, however,
that tho political executioner will
001110 along in June and hang the
w hole business up for a period of
two years.
On assuming the- oilioe Jennings
chose as first deputy, Mr. T. L.
ttibbs, a comparative stranger in
oor community. In addition to
Mr. Uiblw ho lias kept one and
sometimes two of his daughters in
ti e ortico as deputies at t 10 expense
of the taxpayer, on salaries far be
yond their ability to earn in any
other capacity. As everybody at
all acquainted with the fact knows
Mr. Jennings dot s but hUlu work
himself. Ho regularlv draws his
salary nt tho rale of lf'JlHX per an
num Ix'Milt s a large amount of fees,
which fUuild properly go into the
treasure, and gets most of the work
of the r llioe done at tho expense of
the taxpayers which a competent
man ooht to slid !would do him
self. Vote fur Sin iieor.
A new liuluitry has sprung up In
(inrflcld ' the Knterprlao. Some
enterprising boys, knowing that while
aiillleworuit an ploiitlfiil at thli time
of year, w hile lit -r on they will tie
dlltU'ult to find, are making hay while
(lie sun shine, ly gathering them
for flail bait. They fl ud a market for
them with those who expect to take
fulling In the uear future. The price
laiOiiintaa gallon. Several gallons
have u supplied to the Spokane A
1'nlimae trainuit-ii, and also to local
K. Kenned)-, Leading- ropalist
will Support hUpwoilli.
I May 21st, 18'JG.
Knnou (Ji-ahd: The under
signed in a resident and legal voter
of Lane county ,0 recoil , by instinct
and affiliation a member of the
populibt party and for years post
an earnest supporter of that cause,
believing that only through the
instrumentality of that party can
the reforms be effected that ore so
essentially necessary to the well
fare and prosperity of tho whole peo
A general election is at hand
whereat candidates for the legisla
tive assembly are to be voted for.
Of the number we have soliciting
our suffrages are three candidate!
for the state senate. Having Gist
nonsidered the interests of the
whole people and carefully weigh
ing tho merits and de merits of
of each and believing that the in
terests of the people will bo better
protected by the election of E. R.
Skipworth, I have definitely con
cluded to cast my vote for him
and unhesitatingly recommend
my friends, neighbors and co work
ers in the popunsi cause 10 uo
P. E. Kennedy.
Mr. Kennedy has been a dele
gate in nearly every peoples
party convention held in Lane
county. In his section he is con
sidered the leader of his party, and
his action will have great weight.
In today's Guakii will be found
an articlo explaining another one
of tho sheriff pfiice's methods of
heaping burdens upon the taxpayer
of Lane county. The amount in
this instanco is not very large, still
it is enough to show the disposi
tion of Mr. Johnson. The law says
plainly that he is not entitled to
any fees in this instance, but not
withstanding he plainly and pre
moditatedly violated the law, and
did not stop in his ravages until
tho commissioners compelled him
to desist. They ought to have
seen that ho mado a restitution of
tho money.
This is only ono of the many
instances of tho office being used
to further privato ends. We nat
ually Bupposo that wo have only
been able to hunt down a few of
the illegal practices, as we could
not afford tho time to do so.
If tho taxpayers want to put a
stop to theio practical they will
vote for Horaco Hampton. He
promises to run tho oilice in an
economical manner and will live
up to the letter of the law.
Voters should study the question
well and cast their ballots for the
man whom they think will labor for
their interests.
The social and business interests
of Eugeno are largely bound up with
the state university. This institu
tion depends 011 the stato for aid and
is now. receiving an annual appro
priation of 115,000 for support. It
is now absolutely certain that the
coming legislature will be of an
entirely different stamp than its
predecessor, and that, in the inter
est of economy, a determined effort
will ho made to cut off all aid to
state institutions of learning. This
being conceded it behooves the
voters of Kugeno to support men
who can work for their protection
in tho legislature. In this connec
tion tho influenco of the man should
bo considered apart from the one
vote he may oast. Skipworth or
Hilyeu would either bo worth half
a dozen votes in their respective
positions, when tho inevitable con
tost ensues.
Kditor Condon (Potter's law
partner) is telling tho people in the
hired how necessary it is to
have a lawyer as county judge,
claiming a saving of 1100 per
month could he made. This is
quite funny to those who remem
ber when the gentleman was deputy
dir-triot prosecuting attorney, and
how the office was conducted.
Although John McMahan is u
farmer ho has good common sense
and will run tho
in an
economical mx 11 iter.
Hon. C. 11. Hdkrr in the last
legislature voted forty days against
X. Dolph because he was a gold
man and then at the last moment
voted for Geo. W. Mcllride another
gold man. What was gained by
thus electing McCride ins'ead nf
Dolph? Will our friend Mr. Baker
County Sunday hi lmol t (iiiveutl ni. j
CKKHWKX!.,Or,.May22, ISM.
Ijfvotlnnul eervli-ee h-il by pre-bli-nl,
Mrs Harp, ufh-r which some clmngf"
and additions weru uiadtf. lU-v M O
Iirlnk delivered the a hires of wel
come In which the Imp irtaneo of
Sunday school work In reaching out
at here "the t-huri-h cannot wn empha
sized. The aocleiy ol onr children de
pends upon the Influence we have up
on tne children of other and the so
clelvof the future depend uiKn the
work we do to upillt the young lo
dny. Should the M H work ceue the
church would loso it well spring of
Jtesponse was luitde by Mr Ilille
gw. The following committees wre then
fleHoliitiiiim-ltev Needy, Mlee 1 e
teraon, Mr Longlioltoiii.
Nominations Mre Uoiid, Ml-e
Smith, A K Wheeler.
Finance Mr Horn, Mr ISurton.
Enrollment Mabel Wheeler.
Adjourned till 1:1(0 o'clock.
Praise service was canducled by Mrs
IJarton of Junction. Keport of execu
tive poiiiiniitee made by Co I J A
Struiidil, who showed that the com
mittee had done what It could to help
the president and other oflieert. Sec
retjry OilU-rt also reported on the
committee work stating that the
president hud done all the real work.
Reports of district presidents m
Pilnev reported for Junction district,
allowing good work done In teacher
meetings which are very iieipnii. ic
showed that union school are very
successful, and showing there had
been a general stirring up all over the
district and a good convention held.
Mies Mabel Wheeler, preai tent of
Eugene district, reported 13 schools
and over 1200 enrollment. Report
permanent organization and full et of
oftlcer. The district had Contributed
to slate nnd county work $7-,i0-
M J Hillegas, president or Spring
field district, reported a law
convention in that district since lust
yeur's county convention; had lieen
"unable to visit school in his district
but was cerlaln thut all were in a
prosimrous condition; could make no
definite reort as to finances.
S 11 Mores, president of Creswell
district, reported a good Working dis
trict; an Increase of membership In
10 schools of 75-425 last yenratnl600
this year: average attendance 2UU last
year to SH5 this year; for state work
the district has paid so far this year
flil.S5. '
Edgar King, prwldent of Cottage
(irove district, reported six good
schools lu his district and a splendid
The secretary reported 431-5 scholars
this year; 4UU0 average attendance, 131
added to the church and JS37 expend
ed for the 72 schools reported.
Rev Wolf of Sprlngtleld objected to
anvthiug being said against deiinml
naiiomtl work as compared to union
schools, having misunderstood what
I1111I been said by Mr Mors as to union
The president's report was well pre
pared and well read. She urged the
holding of teachers' meetings.
Rev Needy took the place of Harry
T- mpleton on "The Source of Power.''
"No man can expect to succeed un
less fall liful to the cause lu w hich he
"A teacher cannot succeed without
earnest, consecrated study lu teachers'
"lt is necvMiiry to understand the
life and environments of the pupil.
"A consistent life is necessary in the
tencher, and earnest praytr."
Rev Wolf of Springfield rend Mrs
Jennie Hjll's paper on "Consistent
"The dilinltlon of 'Christian' Is
'Christ like."'
Many delegates came in on the
afternoon leeal.
Praise service conducted by Cololel
Over 50 delegates had gathered by
this time and together with the visit
ors the church was full.
Rev C II Wallace read the scripture
lesson for I lie evening from tho 78th
After tho praise service was over in
which all pirtook with enthusiasm,
Rev II I. lioardman was introduced,
who nnnmiiiced Ills subject h "Ruts. "
"Sunday Schools r-re in rut ami
are a curse to tho work.
"Itiseasyto pet Into ruts but wry
hard to get out of them.
"Sunday School ure stalled lu nits.
"Narrow lires make deep r.iK
'We are not pleading for new ilougs
In faith but new things in practice.
"Look where you wan' to mi ami
you will go where you go."
Prof Letcher was nett Introduced
who announced the mbject of
"As the physical nature need lisid.
so the soul needs prayer.
"Prayer is the Christian's vital
"To pray with effect we live con
sistent lives.
"In all prayer petitions should lie
accompanied with thanksgiving."
Prof Straub being abseni Rishop
Mills took his place on the pr.ignun
and held up the hopeful side of Chris
"The change that discourage us are
not in us. Light may be intense 11
to make the darkueis seein greater. So
wicked lies In the light of today looks
blacker than It did years ago. The
dally paper show us th- wickedness
as we could uot see it 40 years ago.
The light is spreading."
Opened with p raise service- con
ducted by Col St'iiight. Rishop Mill
read the morning lesson fmin Isaiah,
5 chapter. Minutes of first day read
and approved.
llieoril. ror business w chancel
J s0 a to take up the eVoti.m of i-rihy
J lie iioniinallng enmiiiiiice made
their report, nominating for president,
Mrs Haip: vice president, Rev Needy;
secretary, Rev W S Cilb. rl. Mr Harp
withdrew lux name but t . ct iwin
tiou would not hear to It, 11, id on mo.
tluu ol P-of Letcher seconded by
Rishop Mill the report of nominating
committee wa adopted, thereby elect,
ing the following oftlcors for the di
alling year;
Presideut, Mrs Nellie Harp of Junc
tion; vice pre, Rev G D Needy, of Eu
gtue; sec, Rev W S Gilbert of Eu-
"bhih-Mims-. CHMoAlisterof Ktigeiie;
"xec.ive committee, lr W K"
kcndall. CI Straight. Rev Ilnard
,,.,,, Mrs Shackle., Prof H.ruub
Jll.i. t presidents, Eugene, iU-v Itosi-;
junction, Win Pitney; Springfield, M
J Hillegas; Creswell, H R Morse, (.ul
lage (Irove, Edgar King; n..
IO Knolls.
Ou motion of Rev Gilbert the di-,rl(-t
vice li.esldel.ts of this association
be entitled district presidents.
Mrs Harp and the six district pre
dcut were elected state delegates. A!
ternaiu delegates: Mr H M"e, J
U Lew I. Miss ClaialJona, .Mrs jv, ......
Itarter, Rev V 8 Gilbert.
An order was drawn on the (reus
urery to pay the 2o pledged at last
stute convention for stute work.
Mrs N L Harp wus elected delegate
to international convention.
A resolution was Introduced by 8 H
fru-10 i.rL... all school to hold an
nual eleclloiis on the last Sunday In
March. Col Straight wanted It
changed to Easter Sunday. Rev Ren
ham of Springfield objected to Easter
Sunday and to the plan entirely. The
resolution was adopted.
Lcaton Lewis of Cottage Grove .cad
11. 1.... clkiud In-
B paier on nuiniujf -" It showed very careiui
thought and was well read.
"The Sunday school Is to give to
i,n,ir...i iii onn hour that lu-
fluence thut must staud agulnst thut of
107 hours in the home. Tie mission
of the day school Is to educate the
children for the duties of life from a
temporal or woriuiy sianoKiiiii,
the iLissioii of the Sunday scln ol Is to
prepare the children for the duties and
temptations of life from a spiritual or
moral standH)lnt, not only for this
life, but for the life to come."
The subject of the home deportment
was presented by ti R Morss, which
1.,...,,, 1, 1 .,nt Hiii.Htlon sliowinir that
considerable Interest wus takeu In this
comparatively new work.
Mrs MC Wire of Eugene who was
to have presented the subject, "Sun
day School asa Factor lu Missions,"
bring absent, Rev J F Day. took up
the subject. ... , ,
"Ninety per cent of the church In
crease comes from the Sunday schools.
Mission sermons should be preached
to the children. Children should be
turuiiuf li li.ikliiv lo church services.
That a mission literature fund be or-
gnnixed to supply Stinuuy school in
unoccupied t-.-rritory."
Rev Renham of Springfield llioiivht
thut it was not nucssary to preach
sieeiiil sermons to children. They re
main ut other sermons better than
those siM-cial ones.
Rev Wallace thought that the Sun
day schools were doing more for mis
sions by training missionaries.
Pro so service led by Edgar King.
Miss Eiumi Chase of Euyehe In
troduced the klndeejirlell methods in
her ready am) Interesting way to which
very close attention was given.
Alter some discussion on this subject
the time had arrived for tho childrelis
meeting mid Wm Pitney, of Junction
IV la 14 UaLa'a I in entertain tho children.
about 30 of whom had gathered for the
occasion. Only a very short notice
hud been uiveu hence the small num
ber of children prcsuit. Mr ntney
i.Uil 1I1. mi tlu atorv of (li.lcon mid
Suinuel to which the children gave the
Closest iilieniiou.
Albert Walker of Snrincfleld pre
sented a paper, "The Mission of Our
Sunday Schools."
"Sunday School need the help of
the olilcr people ami they in turn need
the inspiration of its inlliience.
"The mission is to briuir the world
to Christ through theehildreii and the
young people."
The oaiicr nrenared by John Hand
saker was read by Col. Straight, Mr
Ilauiisaker being In California.
The church is compared to a do
Dirtmeut store mid the Christian En
deavor counter an I Sunday School
c muter are shown us leudirg to the
prayer nueling counter. I he S S and
C E counters are connected by ou
arch Upon which Is inscribed "Com
mon Inlerest." -
The cotnpiil isons were ounlei out
completely uud wire wry interest
Tie M'oiiilse nicellne was oinille.
mul district presidents made pledges
lor uieir ret-peel 1 ve districts.
Reports from district conventions
wtTccHlltd for and one iiiude by Mrs
Kllilll 1 It:ll toll of Jiitn-1 ion alislrlcl
Albert Walker asked for Information
as to how Ilic Irvlmr union Snmbiv
" j
School been me the banner school of
uie couniy mid Mrs Rond explained
vy buuing itnn men- olllcers and
teachers hud been verv faithful? luul
gone into (he mission work in their
neighborhood, and the credit Is also
due to their' disregard of delimnina-
lloiiui inns in their work, which lutte
explanation was made by anothc
dclcL'tttc. Wo. Hiirn
Mr Pitney put emphasis 011 the good
of ministers' helpfulness In S S work.
Rev Wallace thought that by en
listing children 111 Ibis work of
bunging in recruits we could m-com-plUh
more than by putting the inln-
1 tcrs at that work.
The report of the enrollment coin
niiitee was made which showed that
02 delegates had Ken In attendance
during the convention, which is by
far the largest convention ever held by
this ii-oc!atlon.
I he next annual convention will be
held ut Cidtaue (irove 11... ,ii., ... 1 ...
..,.... ur, y WUt executive com.
1...I .....
nun e.
( 'onset-rat inn ai.ri-li.n I.. .. i i .1. .. .
-1 . " w ii 1111 01,
Straight led the singing closed the
cooveiili.-n, witli priycr by Rev
lUiinluuii of pi inrte'd,
I.'iw P.rt.ur Cud,:,, is now u1
!,;,,t,;,l v!u' i,f KtoMof
the H-gisb-r by the ,,..- it,,f
No worn . -r Mr. l-.,t..r r,wiv(i
siicl, m,1lti,)ti BU(J lus Wr, wriu.n .l.trn
" "fB'T. w is notctitK.1
w 1 H.i.'s ; pu,.s,;IXK) tlie
l-hghsh fometl.. At Ytiu.N0-4'8.
Assignees' Sale.
. Tl.e entire stock of tho "CpAST, Carriage ail(i
CVu I.uil'S f'"ragt-s Wagons hum ,0
within the next W uai ivamivaa 01 .-ut.
TliPso are no clieai) or shopworn l'.xmIs i,,.. .
. "Hit;
Tho "CUA&l an Bieet juur wag-jn l.-i the Hg.
nlni,' and strongest wagon made; has been tl,,,
te.-tod and pronounced tho hest in tlio w0U(. "!
have used them.
All goods sold direct from tho factory for t'
cost of manufacture. If you need a buggy or va,(
11 1 . . t'
for prices, you will save money ami get entire eatUf
assignee ol Coast Cd
-ll- C A 1 OOlh 1HOi
( i-j-z-j.
Junction City : Milling Cos
OO.iL- ? -f L O R a .. 0J
The most popular Hour in the market,
leading grocers.
IlaU the HUtorr of the World Ha Been
Written Within It UordeM.
In Rome Itself one lose sight of tho
Vatican and of tho cupola of St. l'litcr'.
Tho view of them is easily shut out when
one is near. Rut at a llttlo distance, as
you drlvo out upon the ciimpugna, the
domo rear itself up by degrees, as though
a giant wero slowly tlirusilng up his hul
nioteil head from tlio horizon, mid u yu
go furttii-r nway the mass rls-s, still, lu ro-s-iect
of tlio littlenesses around It, onor
moiis out of all forosiHiii proportion, until
It lin;!cly masters and thrusts down all tlio
rust beneath the level lino of mist and
towers alone above everything lu vast Im
perial solitude.
Rut out upon Hint broad expanse of roll
ing laud one nued not look forovur nt St.
Peter's dome. Half the history of tbe
world lin-i been written lu stones and
blood between tho sea line and tlio ranging
mountains. Tlio memory of a ilrahinlu
ango, the tonguo of a Homer, the wisdom
of a Solomon, knuailed Into ono human
genius, would not BuHlce to recull, to de
scrlbo, and to Judge all that men huvo
dono lu that bounded plain. Whero tho
inrtlis of ages wero born and grow great
uud died, whero the history ol livo nnd
twenty centuries lies buried, romance has
still llfo to put forth a fow loader blos
soms. For although the dny of the Cusars
I darkened, and tho twilight ol their gods
bus dcciHincd Into night, tho human heart
hits uot yot lived out its day nor earned Its
Ou tho very spot where you pause, dim
primeval buttle woro fought, Christian
luartry died, barbarians camped, Roman
baron slew ono another, and foreign con
querors halted before bosleglug Homo.
Where you aro standing, fair young St.
Julia may havo breathed lior last upon the
cross; Augustus may havo drawn ruin a
moment there, while Julius C'a-sar's fu
neral pyro still wot up Its pillar of smoke
from the distant Forum, as the Jows fod
tho Hames, bewailing him through seven
days and nights; tho Constublo of Ilour
bun passed this way, riding to his death;
by this Mini l'uolo Giordano Orslnl led his
young wife to haunted (ialeni, having in
Ills heart already deterinlnod that she
should dio; fiavclll, Franglpaiil, Orslnl,
Colouna, Vltoloselil, without number,
huvo ridden by, In war nnd penoo, to good
and evil deeds. Marlon Crawford In Cen
tury. Ara the Moalrma CrorlT
it tho tniitinent of - non-Mosloms In
Islamic countries were compared with that
of non Chrlstliiug In Christian oouotrlos,
It would be found that the balance of hu
manity, generally sHklng, Inclines In
favor of Islam. From the earliest times soverulgns mado no distinction
between tliulr subjects on tho ground of
faith or creed, and Christians and Jows
have held Important offices In common
with Moslems. Under tlio Mogul em
perois uf .Delhi Hindoo oommandod arm
ies, administered provinces and sat la tho
councils of tho empire. When wore the
Cutliolit-s and Jows omanolpatod In Eng
land? And even In the present times can
it bo snltl that la no Christian empire rul
ing over mixed nationalities and creeds Is
any distinction mado of creed, color or
Cruelties occur In Moslem oountrlos, as
tlmy occur among Christians. Rut whllo
wo hear so much about tho former do wo
hear ono word of reprobation about tho
latterf Tho cruol poisoning of sovoriU
thousand Indians In South Amorloa, the
mnssai-ros of tbe Yomad Turkomans, the
tcrrlblo persecution and deportation of
several uilllloni uf Jows In Russia, the
flaying alive of negroes, the rolling of no
grvsse in tplked barrels, are passed by.
Moslems muy bo Impaled and burned alive
by Christians, their women outraged and
tholrolilldren killed, their villages reduced
to ashes, and tho hysterical brothorhood
whoso disordered bruins saw In Albanian
sonrecrows glbbotod Bulgarians romalns
Voiceless. Mueteouth Century.
Fair Old Maid.
A statistician has discovered that the
number of dark haired girls who get mar
Tied greatly exceeds that of tho fair ones,
and In order to prove that this 1 owing to
man's choieo, not to the redundancy ol
brunettes among us, he proceeds to prove
that un overwhelming majority of those
women who "live and dio unmivrTlod"
ho 1 too gallant to call them old maids
hayo ftilr hair and blue eyes, This Is a lit
tln surprising, fur blonds aro so much
inoro coiilldlng and Inclined to sentiment
Jlinn (heir dark istors that one would
iiuvi) thouHht (lien) llkoly to provo more
attractive to men. Rut romance of foelimi
ometimes protluci-s distaste for realitle.
l crimp the ordlnarr man fall to reach
the Ideal standard of maiden funoy, and
this may ho why so many golden haired
dreamers prefer to roinnln .Inula thut
leaving the more practical dark lassies to
liuiko w ives for the "average umlos."
m r.-aiiciscu Vhrotllole.
Wo aro retorinur in spring, aua sum
mer. In autumn and wtntor we stand
by tlio old. Reformers In the morning,
ronscrvnllve at night. Euioroq.
lu tho lust ciinturv un..i u.-n paIk-hI In
Russia and Poland In vast flocks siraoal
tutU-ely for the sake of their quill.
" I 'all
We m'ght tell you ft,,
Minute Cough Curr, but-,
Know iniii, 11 cum 1 tflj
one docs who hasusnlit
feet remedy for cougln, ;
ness. It is en esp-fiili
children, being pleasani
quick in curing.
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ropuiar Bran:;
Headquarters for te,
Soda Works.
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Joel Ware.haiiyi
pointed U. S.fci
of Oregon, is not ;'
to make 1Iomestu!:
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timony in Cent
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oerience in this Ke-
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uml ulllr-
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arthao''i-'sll"HL '
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