The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 23, 1896, Image 1

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1 ti 1
NO. Vn
l irE-K't aide "I Willamette b tween
T,:b and Elitlnh street,.
tkiohok si'mcitiiTia.v:
H mini.
tjrtiJina rates maao Known
on application.
ir... '! ba.ln M lettori
to UL'AUD,
k$ vVatcne3, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
til Worn Warranted. -fH
,4yslciafiand Surgeon.
fv ami rraiilrncc nvr pnatnfliee. Hours:
m.i 12 to 2, 0 M. lu.
eidc MsiBlcaiid Granite, Monument!.
Headstones and Cemetery work of
11 klndi for 1H'".
all work ouauaxteed i
L. tL- Street, near Featoflloe. Eugene, Or I ''on II II Miller went
T toilnv and will deliver a
i r.-'iuc-lialf block louth of Chrtiniau't
N. K. Makkliy.
insey & Markley,
iimorclttl and -Probate Builnesi a Bpeo-
ir In Chriiinau UIOL'k.
t .
Ine County Bank.
(BjUsullidied lo lHSi)
Ai general Banking business
i all branches transacted on
vbrable terms.
A. O. HOVEY, President.
"i J. M. ARRAMS.Coshler.
A. O. HOVEY. JR.. AssUCashr.
til Ull I .RICKS,
8.B. KaW, Ja.,
Ot Eugene.
J ik) lasli lanital $50,000
rplus am! Profits, $50,000
Igene - - Oregon.
' (ftiiral banking business d.ine on reaaoij-t-rina.
Siht drafu on NEW YOKK,
Jli, OKBtiOX.
Jl ol exchange sold on foreign oountriea.
esitt received lubjeot to cneca or oeniu
of deposit. ... ,
-I mlUctloni entrusted to ni wilt raoeir
alt attentiun.
wiiii' a Large and Complete biock oi
"f aple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the best markets,
in offer the Dublio better prices
lluiti any other house In Eugeue.
Tr H.j r ill Tin if s tiVaa at MirVdt PrlPP?
k ui nil a.iuii) uibii si uiuaoi
i Motnea. Iowa. writM nnder date
March 23, Wit
Mkd. Mfh. Co.,
1 Dufur, Oregon.
pK.VTi.EMfc.v: On arriving home la--t
I found atl well and anxiously
Sitinir. Our little crlrl. ciirht ai. one-
it years old, who bad wasted away
' li h hi nds, is now well, strong ami
I'Tous and well fleshed up. S. R.
Cure lots done Its work well.
;h of the children like It. Your S.
Cough Cure has tured and kept
.v all hoantneas from me. So give
everyone, with greetings for all.
l-tiing ,-nii prosiierity, we are
'"rs, Mk. and hi ks. J. F. Ford.
i National Ban
Sum G ilil.tuith is in the city.
L G Aduir Is vixi 1 1 k In Portland.
R D I'uine returned from Salem to
County flection two week fr.i:u
Miss Mm If Ware visited llurrisburg
J M Keeney, of Jasper, was in E l
gene today.
Hurry Welder relumed to Junction
this morning.
Screlury or Stale Kiueuid relumed
to Salem today.
Hon U It Miller relumed from AI-
liauy yesterday.
Rev l'"ather Rlack went lo Cottage
Grove (his afternoon.
S Moon returned in Rose burg
yesicimiy uiiernoon.
Dr L I) Searlirough, of Cresweil,
was lu the city today.
Prof and Mm J V Holland uro
iii(; at Cottage (Jrove.
i Frank Hud ley and family, of Had-
VCT TtPOWV AT T lville, ore in theeily.
I,. W . OSXJ V IV , Hi. U. Mrj j, n .,, lH (1Ul. H,..k ...
Inline ull Patterson fltreet.
Prof J P Holland returned from
Cottage Grove this morning.
Geo M Miller was a pustener to
Astoria on the Gypsy yesterday.
i Assessor i. r. liurson came uown
urc AVn MAURI C WnRk'Q fr"' ottu tirov tliis tii.ruiiir.
Hilt ANU lllAnDLC TyUnJ. Kiihi had a evuloi.e
Fifty or sixty -oilu were killed.
Attorney X E M irkl.-y was a pas-
rVlxa. "d New I'rlcea In KorelKa and i'Hil'r l Collar Grove'lliisaflernooll.
oiney iiemenway nas mm a ni-ai
hli;n painted on the front of his drug
Miss Ella Smith, of Coyote, has
lieeli visiting In l ie city for a few
to Cnrvulll.
political ml
uresg there touiglit.
Bond llros. circus is headed this
way. It in already advertised In East
ern Washington.
("'" "" J ' A niHrriuge license was lo.lav grant-
I ed to Iternarl V Thordenberjt and
f . .... i ..Lt I Ml... I.-I I V.......II
..imp a.icv.i i. ..tinvn,
Mrs Dr II A Davis came tip from
Harrislnirg toilay and will visit a few
days witli her sou X A 1 avis.
Mr Frank Anderson cune up from
Portland today and will v i-i a short
time witli relatives in tlrs city.
Miss Pearl Roper returned to her
echind at Camas Snule yisterday, ufter
a visit of aevtrl d iys in ihis city.
Miss Ethel Frizzcll of Salem wlio
has been visiting with friends in this
cily for Home tinw, has returned home.
Hans Hod' left yesletday lor Ann
coiiila, Moutuiia, whero he expects to
locale. lie went to Portland by the
steutner route.
"I made a dollar mighty slick for
these hard times," Haiti one man lo
another. "How did voil do It?"
I (KiubllMied in lHSi) t'Ureased It."
i I i , , i. ,.. ,.... i .... ,.r 1 1... i,.fll. i
1 lie OI-III'Miinijf iiirt-iniK if, uiv
Chiislian Endeavor Union was held
at the Cuinberlaii I PresbyUriaii
church last evening.
Leu I. Stevens left for Roise City,
Idaho, on yesterday morning's loo il.
J E Young will follow on tomorrow
morning;'" earily train.
Several persons from this city went
down the river on the G.vpty as lar as
Harrisburn yesterday, r.-turiiiug on
the train in the afternoon.
Joseph DuRois has relumed fr im a
three months' trip to California and
Colorado. He reMrts Colorado ex
tremely dull, and thinks Oregon is
alright yet.
Stuart R Hamiamd Jo'.iu lland-ak-
er, LI of U delegates lo ine l m a
convention at Ellin Grove, Cul., left
Poitlaud for that place on the steamer
Sunday evening.
Minscs Pearl Durellusand Dell Rruiu
ley, who have been employed ai
teachers In the Junction Cily -hools,
have returned home, school having
Iclosed for the term. .
Corvallis Ti.nes: lr i MKiuie
arrived about a week ago from E'i
gene with his family. It Is his inleu
Hon to establish a Gold Cure Insti
tute if. Corvallis, antl will tuiliea
specialty of Keeley cure relapse.
Ycstetduy was the seventh Sunday
since Easter and there are some who
clulin that it has rained every Suuilay
since that time. The Easter sign has
come too near nuitci minting to sua
most people and it Is hoed that the
weather will be more flattering from
now on.
re i H..II..J T f "l,i,lrr ttruilshnw
7. PAGE. and attorney H 8 Wilson arrive I from
V ' Prinevllle lust evening. The trial of
I dealer IV the niuuler case of Slate vs Isuuc Mill
. in an aeouittul, the testimony showing
that the killing was done In seir do-
1 The people of Coos bn.v arc talking
of having the warship Monterey visit
, , their harbor this summer, remaining
itig a Larire and Complete stock of two or three weeks The Coast Mail
says John Morgan, of Empire, is in
receipt of information that the visit
would be made if pilotage in and out
of the harbor Is gnaran ted.
Colonel and Mrs Tlnm M Anderson,
of Vancouver, were yesterday morn
ing shown through the various de
nriniiiita of the university I'V Pro
fessors McElroy, Condon and Haw
thorne. They expressed themselves as
very highly pleased with what they
saw. Col and Mrs Anderson returned
to Vancouver ou the 11:0 train yts
terday. Corvallis Gazette: A R Hammond,
nresident of the O. C. A E., tamo up
from Portland last Friday and re
nin,...! the following day. During his
stay he has In consultation with Man
rpirunlini DCs E. alliilrs.
Mr Hammond is exetetl to viit Cor
vallis iiL-iiin shortly, at "
will IlKeiy muse .- r.
yarding future O C A K plans.
Bishop JS Mills, piesldillg liishop
or t.. U Rclin-ch for this tlii net. i.r
rived home jeterday morning from
the I-jisI. wliere he has been in H e
Interest of the atlalls of the church. At
i. - .h.ii.munl rtw
a ivwia iiieetimr of Ihe church
at Alexus. Illinois. Rislioi) Mil
u u
annul li tnd lo the niis-ionar
list net
nwnnriliia Germnii V ami Africa.
i ' 7... i i.T.r Mr MilU u ill L"
i' ". ihi". I- Africa, but if he slm.jid go o . .
ilM.Ieh. ,nd Llrcr Cure, by taluif will prolulilV be uexl oVeinls T, III
iiar,d.'!:.!.,"k- . I family will likely be removed to the
, nndMrapoalUf. fuaranl It,"..!
J eenu aer bottle by aU drofgtata tMl.
Rather a pleasant day.
I. G Atlair Is liome from Portland.
The river Is tit a fair boating stage, i
Miss E Salt.umu visited Creswell j
Tun e gooseberries lire now in t lie
Physicians report sickness
on every
Eugene races one week from
Vie llainiiiltl is still quite sick at
Farmers are very busy sowing grain
between showers'.
Forty Indiums were killed by a
cyclone in Xebiaka yesterday.
'1 he Polk county legislative candi
dates on the republican tieket were
avMssed tll apiece.
The county canvass begins again
next Saturday.
J L Cottle, a Portland stock buyer,
is in the city.
Miss MhU'1 French lias gone to Si
sons, California.
.Mrs Humphrey ol rprlnullelU was
in Eugene today
Mr and Mrs Frank studrews went
to Leliannil toilay.
Mrs Dr Chapman
from Portland today.
arrived home
Mi) Richardson of Pleasant Hill
was it. Eugene today.
Miss Frona Davis returned
Junction this aftt-ruoeii.
Hon R ibt Clow, injunction City, Is
in Eugene this uflernoon.
I ti-n Lurch, of Leniall, was doing
business here last evening.
The students again meet in daily
assembly at the university.
Miss Haliie G lines of Corvallis is
vUiilng friends in this cily.
Attorney X E Markley returned
from Cot' iig" Gr ve this morning.
The Grand Lodge of Oregon Odd
FelliMs met Is tit Astoria May HOth.
Judge J C Fitllerton passed through
ou the Roselairg locul this afternoon.
Lincoln Yuruell and Jack Reulnger
of Mohawk left for Rohemla yester
day. S II Fiieiidly and ' tlatightei, Miss
Rosalie, were passengers t i Salem to
il i.y.
Mrs S T Wyatt of Corvallis is visit
ing in this i i'V, the gut si of Mrs W S
J P Cuiiin and Darwin Rristow
t- tine down from Cottage Grove this
AI Auleu has had some more signs
painted nn the front ot Ills cigar
Mrs Anna (fleshy went to Junction
this morning to visit u f. w days with
tier parents.
The great Wallace circus, which
played here last year, is at Preseott,
Arizona, loduy.
One way to stop It. The phsslelans
of Galchorg, HI-, offer to buy the
spaces used ly quack doctors.
Tne fineral of the lale Mrs Rhoda
McCord occurred this afternoon, a
large number of friends attending.
Several new residences are lu course
of erection In tills city. A sign that
belter times have already appeared.
'1'lie groilud-i of the Central school
are the scene of a well patronized bicy
cle training, school each evening that
the weather is faVorale.
George Small, of Silver Lake, will
start for the Eastern market about
June 10 wit li u band of 35U mules. He
will drive all the way, and may be
gone u year.
The funeral of the luttt Mrs. McCord
was held tins afternoon and the re
mains interred in the Masonic ceme
tery. The criainery received almut twice
as much milk today as It dltl yester
day. The tlrrt churning will be made
tomorrow morning.
Mrs Vatidcibiirg, of Florence, who
has been visiting at Portland, left for
home on yesterday's Siuslaw stage.
Miss l.eota Plyuiute who has been
the guests of her sister, Mm Win Par
sons, returned to her home at Hulsey
Wlnllcld Hayes and family, of Port
land, arrived lu Eugene last evening
to attend the funeral of his father, the
late J T Hayes.
'Miscs Ina and Margaret McClung
who have hecu taking lessons in voice
culture In Sun Francisco are expected
home about June I.
The largest camn in the Pacific Jur
isdiction, Woodmen of the World, is
Pueblo caiiin. Colorado, which has a
ihfinU'rship of 5011.
Krimk Strontr arrived here from
Yreku. California, tin this morning's
overland truin Ho lias several horses
in training nt Mel inn's park.
Mis Ca. lu ll, who has occupied Hie
ImiM.. on Seventh street, between
Willamette and Olive, is preparing to
remove to Pendleton
Misses Lottie While ami Rosa Hnn-
Mull, teat! hers in the Cottage Grove
nublie schools, have returned home,
school having clo-etl for the term.S
Mondiiv's Salem Journal: L O
Adaii. Southern Pacific agent at Eu
irenc, spent Sunday In Salem, going to
I'ortlaud on ine overiunu mm mom
iiiiniv II ocrs!: A voting man
i.,f, l iiimU Inwl week with Hie ther
...t..r in.'t In the ihaile. When he
lll.niv be was obliged to rtlxll
to the clothier for heavy underwear.
vv..-i,ii,,.ioii Star: "Money talks,
...i.i ..r i.irfTiiiini. witti oracular
l.L Tli,.'aan ." said the old
r..i,i,,..d' .mi i. "Rut I don't see' H
tirter hev a iiitmopoly on !!i- argymenl
in a cumpuigu."
In an Item the oilier day announc
ing that Ur L M Davis was an In-
deieiiileiil cuinliilale for slate senator
in Porllulld, the compositor inadi) lis
sty that he was formerly a burlier In
tliiseilV wlien II should have read
Several ileluehuitiils "( Intlian.
from the Warm Springs ngeiicy, ac-
. . ... . ...... I.... uiul ttnn
coint'ii l "J ""H". v "7"". ', ,,
no--, have iias-d througn
; . I -I f.. vV
tluv. lhey are
n I heir annual
i . nro aoi k.
l . .....
C'llll-IS llll'l. 1.1
The Indie of fot i a.'f (i rove, have a
u .v. l wav of raising m'"ey to .ttV a
cl.urch .I.-M. They solicit W'P;
lion, uud the oume of every subscrlUT
j is worked ou a quilt, and each one has
I a chance draw the quilt,
, Cincinnati Enquirer: "I wonder
: what Eve said when she met Adam?''
I said the dreamy boarder. "Very
iiKciy, naiti .-stiury repper-. -viie
said, 'If that isn't like a man!' "
Detroit Free Press: "I flue you fl.l
for being n vagrant," said tne jinh:e.
"Have you the money to pay I lie
fine'.'" "Your Houor,""said the" man,
plaintively, "if I had Hi, I wouldn't
be fined us a vagrant."
Jonathan Rotirne, secretary of the
state republican committee, w ho is a
candidate for representative of Mult
nomah county, has been endorse d iv
i the populist, a populist c.itnli'l.ite
i having wi'hdruwn for the purpose.
J M I'plon, of Ratidon, deinocralic
sipulist candidate for prosecuting at
torney for this district, is inlhecity
gelling acquainted. He is it pleasant
tillable gentleman ami a first-class at
torney. He will poll a heavy vote in
Lane coun'y.
Monday's Salem Post: J It Can
teubeiu went this tiflernoou to Port
laud, where he will meet his uncle,
John Straub, father of Prof John
Stratil), of Eugene, w ho Is on the coast
ou a visit from the East. Together
they w ill visit Astoria.
The funeral of the late J T Hayes oc the remains bt
ing interred in the Masonic cemetery.
J W Geary lot, G A R, acted us an
escort, Mr Hayes being a veteran of
Hie Mexican war.
OregonWn: " I'lu- question of
whether or tint stock shall be permitted
to run ut large w ill be Voted upon in
Lane county ut the coming election."
Linn county is probably meant In
stead of Lutie, us l be question Is not to
lie voted upon here.
Plate ghea windows are growing
larger. What is claimed to o the
largest single pine of glass in the
country was received at llatlfonl,
Conn., 'from Relgium recently. It is
IL' ft ft high, l'.l feet wide, one-half
inch thick, and weighs l.S KI pounds.
Miss Hi Maxwell tetircs gracefully
from the l uuipaigu in Linn county at
a candidate for county school super
intendent on the republican ticktt and
will be uti earnest udvocato of chang
ing the constitution si Unit women
mny I old olllce I., Orcunn. Miss Max
well is an uccompiishc I ami popular
young woman.
An entirely lie v near view of Grunt
will lie given in McClurc's Magazine
for June, ina paper mitten by the
man who was chaplain of the -1st
Illinois when Grant was colonel ol
the regiment, and w lio lived, during
that lime, In the closest Intimacy with
1 1 i in . It let) iris interesting conversa
tions with Grunt uud relates u liuinlw
of characteristic anecdotes.
Yroka Journal: A couple of "fly"
drummers hud the conceit taken out
of them a little nt the hotel I.i Ager a
few days ago, as menlioned b our
correspondent. They ordered eggs on
the huir shell of Ihe pretty gin wuu
ress, which were promptly furnished
by serving hurd boiled eggs nicely
peeled halfway down. The others at
the tables In Ihe dining room ut the
time gave them the laugh, w hen the
drummers wlltered.
Albany Herald: A certain lellow
who was convicted here under the
name of Chas. Denny, ami who was
pardoned from the penitentiary by
ennover, having ucacricu ins own
wile, is now trying to insinuate him
self Into the good graces of another
in ill's wife and thereby ruin another
family. There is a move ou foot to
muke It decidedly tropical for this
fellow If he doesn't desist. If he Is
wise lie will take a trio to Portland to
support his former liberu'or ami foiget
lo return.
W C hartley, a Wyoming sheep-
buyer, was In Fossil lust week with
his family, which travel along with
him in a handsome covered wagon.
He hut ptirchused 12.IHH) head of
wethers, besides some yearling ewes,
In Wasco ami Crook counties, which
lie was on his way to receive. John
Meek of Condon, was employed oy
Mr. Rarnev lo lielu drive the sheep to
Wyoming, anil left Fossil Tuesday for
Aiitilope, where lie expects to over
take the outfit.
Mrs Richardson, who resides live
miles east of Albany, started h e
from town Tuesday evening' In u
wagon, with her little child On near
ing the Southern Pacific railroad track,
she saw a freight truin approaching.
Fearing an accident, alio sprang out ol
the wagou with her child. The horses
started to run and croi-sed the track
just In time for the engine to strike
the wagon aim kiiock h inio hiiiuiihk
wood. The horses were not hurt. It
was a narrow escape for the lady and
Iter child.
A Stkamik Cask. A man by the
name of William Randall, w ho bus
Is-en Ktoi-iiinir witli J W Guiley ut
Dexter for some time, look hl depart
ure rather unexpectedly a hhoittlme
since, tukinir with hi'h, so II Is
claimed, property thut did not la-long
tO lllUI. JtlllKlall Cllllie lo r.ugrnr. u
week ago on horseback. The horse
was his piopertv but lie wits riding a
borrowed saddle. He had a check for
m ts in piikb: also tJ in money which
hud been irlveli bill'. He Cashed the
check and since that time nothing bus
been heard of him. Randall claims to
liavnnnme here from PaloUse The
mutter has not been placed In the
hands of ihe officers Ly Mr Guiley
Great icpiiratlotis are being made lr
it.., li.i..reolli-ifiate meet at Salem, Julie
it It i. HiitlciiiHted that a liiimU-r tif
rww.riU will 1st broken despite unfavor
utilt. u-i'Mttier for training. Ccrtulnly
the largest number of ulhMes that
have ever emue lognner in wre"n
u ill contest fo- ! e hot'or l Ho n
colleges. Tlte U ol O ' "" " hieh ill
be selected next -a'urd i.v will b" a
large one anl will go il. lo win. An
excursion will be run from Eugene
,. ol, f,.r tbiin half nrice. 'Ibis
excursion i under the management of i
"Ocacnu" Davis and M the liumls-r of'
lickels Is limited those
should see hnn at once.
desiring to v
Pany i. nar I. Mny r.
AT MakmiaI.'h Sai.K. Murshnl II
J Day lliis afternoon sold ut in irshal's
sale three head of young tai tie. Two
of them were two-yeur-old and were
bid in by C R Doyle at t'l and J i ol)
resis ctnelv. The other one, a Jersey
one Venr oi l, wus bid lu by Abe Rai gs
r U V).
I'ally t.tiartl. May Is
MrJT Haves tiled ut the residence
of Ills son, Mr Shetiiiau Have, near
Springfield, Oiegon, this morning ut .'I
o clock, aged si; years, 7 months and 5
days, after an il nes of several
Mr Hayes came to Eugene lulsr.)
from Hariiesville, Ohio, ami worked
In Eugeue for it number of year, un
til declining health compelled him to
retire from active duties. lie leaves a
' wile ami four children, Wliilleld
; laves, of Portland, and Mrs Philip
Miller, Micrmaii Hayes ai.d Charles
; Hayes, of ibis county, to mourn his
! lo-s.
Mr Hayes had many friends who
uill learn with regret of his demise.
The funeral will take place tumor
row afternoon at 1!'!0 o'clock from the
I n-idenee ot' Mr Philip Miller, ou
Sixth street, to the Masonic cemetery.
I'riends of the family are respectfully
IVbai'io ou t lie IleU't.
I'sily i.uitiii, Uay l1.
A tlcuioiisttutlon was mtule yt-ter-d..y
Islore flic students of the stale
university to show the pernicious ef
fect of smoking. This w as i-U'ectctl by
mums of a Kphygmngraph which re
corded the U-at of tlie ratlial artery.
To the writing lever of the instrument
w us attached a piece of w hite paper,
which could lie plainly seen from all
parts of the room, to move lit each beat
of the pulse. After the normal heat
was shown Ihe subject smoked a
cigarette, which caused the heart to
bent more rapidly, as was shown by
the movements of the White paper.
In a laboratory experiment this in
crease over the normal w as shown to
lieut (he rate of beats a minute.
The evil ell'ict of smoking Is easily
seen. The instrument was ma le
by Mr. Scth Mc. Ulster, an assistant in
the university, who Is to tie congratu
lated ni oft liia ingenuity.
A l TKltMitiN DlNNKK. Prof ami
Mr- E R McElroy gave an allcrnooti
dinner ut o o'clock Saturday afternoon
at th-lr home on Sixtn ami Lawieiice
streets, in honor of their guests, Col
ami Mrs Thus M Anderson of Vali
ent ver, Washington. Thirteen invi
tations were Issued, being to one of the
committees on arrangements for the
Ma-onic entertainment of Saturday
night, ut w hich time Col Anderson
delivered mi address Upon Musony.
The UMial decorations were observed,
anil Ihe guests were r) ally entertained
by Mr and Mrs McElroy, wTio under
stand well the art of entertaining.
Covers were laid for l.'l, anil by each
plate was placed ti cartl unique in do
sign and beaili g the name of Hie
guest and date. Hand painted cards
lien ring a number of questions were
ulso given each guest. Attached lo
each card by a small string was a
penny. The penny suggested an
answer to each question ami the secret
of the game to guess t lie correct
answers, which was done between
course. 1 host" present were: lot
ami Mrs Thus M Anderson, of Van
couver, Mr tin I Mrs J I, Pago, Mr ami
ilrsj I Itnhl nsou, Mr ami Mrs Geo 1
Hull, Mr and .Mrs Chus Luuer, Mr and
MrsS II Fiieiidlv. Dr W V Hender
son and Prof ami Mrs McElroy.
Didn't Makr a Foktl'.nk. The
Corvailis Ladies' Rami gave a musical
ami literary entertainment at the
opera house Saturday night which
was not greeted by a very enlliuslustio
audience and which In ull probability
did not net the pel formers a very
handsome return. However they got
all they could expect, as they came
here without at all advertising their
pei fnrmniice. Eugene usually turns
out good audiences but it takes ad
vertising to get tho people. 1 he la
dles' band of Corvallis is composed ol
very nice people, but thov no doubt
have a poor opinion of Eugene,
though they could not reasonably ex-
.ect treatment oilier than they re
liauy Uuard, May Is.
At tiik Ckkamkky. The creamery
started up this morning on a small
ale, us only a few farmers have ytt
completed ariauge incuts to deliver
their milk. Tho umouiil Drought, in
this morning was 6.'ID tmunds from
which was t.htaltied about f() pountls
of cream. When the milk Is brought
In it is poured into a tank which sets
on scales ami tho weight obtained. It
then pours Into a large r.lno vat and
from there, Into the. separator. From
the separator the skim milk passes
into cutis ami is ready for the larmer
to take back home.
IlKfNti iNuLiltKi) Fou. One An
drew F McCoriniek Is being Inquired
for by relatives In .Minnesota, mo
Connlek Is a large, well built loan ami
was a student of law ilil the .Northern
Indiana Statu Normal School. II
stalled West hist winter ami litis not
slncn been heard from by his people.
He was In Eugene two or three days
Inst Xovember uud registered at the
Minnesota hotel. Ho came here
"broke" ami in a drunken condition
ami spent a short time In the city lull.
hi the night of XovemlsT 80 he h it
for the south, riding a brake beam out
of town and lias not sinVo been heard
Lank Count v Soai Factory.
The Lane county soao factory Is tun
Inn out larize Humilities of soup, The
i. iMilbly output Is about ,S(SM) pounds
of liiunilry soaps, Is-idesa large amount
of dllle rent brumlsof toilet soars. The
sua n maile by the company is highly
spoken tif by patrons. The fancy toilet
sou us mmlu by the company will com
pare fiivoiubly with thoao made by
Eastern factories, both In quality and
In fancy design. 1 Im company's
s'liitisare bundled by ull (he grocery
lions, s lii Ihe ellv excepting one and
lle a'-', li d g' ol markets III valley
tow liS. .
Tun Co.Niii'tTKits' ExrrnspiN.
The management f the annual eon-
.l,i..t,.r..''lll-shitt llHVO flef'blell tO
,,, Mlwllir Salem agiilu this
.... txl.rHj ill I held on
jllnn. The objection to holding It in
this city was the great tlltlance rrom
Portland, as it I t' fur to run a train
from there here and back lu a day.
Cm .unship Rkstoiikii. Governor
Lord today restored to eltlehship
I u Vj.i.i. nf l'.-n. Ilctoli u bll ael'Vi-il
one year In the penitentiary for lur- M a huikh. At Cuti vonvllle Sunday,
ceiiy. A large fsdilion from proml i May 17, Miss Orpba Wynn, of Cottage
pent citizens, the Judge i.nd prosecu- lirove, and James Reusoil, of Canyoti
ling attorney was presented. ville.
The f ount II Practices la'tmomy
Kciliirintr Kpi"ise on Lights.
I 'idly Ciiard, Majr !'.'.
Council nu t lu icgiilnr session last
.....itil.tir ..iir.n.itil (.. .. .1 I. .., ..... t
...... oiK l'. . in l Hi (, lit. I. ll.ll
I Present, Mayor Matlock, Colincilmen
Henderson, Hangs, Fisher, Dunn, Day,
jGray; Ailing Recorder Geo A Dorris,
I and Marshal Day.
Reading ol minutes of meeting of
April iiml May deferred.
Finance coiuiniltce leporb d favor
' able on the Usual miiiler of bills and
Ibey were ordered paid.
, Petition ol S M Garrison et ul for u
I charter to establish a hose team to be
known as "C of O Hose Team Xo -"
was presented and on million of Conn
film in Henderson was granted.
Proposed constitution of V ofO ln"e
team was presented lor consilient' Ion
ami on motion of Councilman Gray
was rt feried to committee ou fire and
Committee on lights reported uiiani
mously in favor ol discontinuing three
light, viz: Arc light situated at the
Intersection of Dili and Chiirncltnu
streets, the one at 10th and Willamette
stieets ami the one at 11th and 1 1 il
yard studs. On motion of Council
man Day report w as adopted ami said
lights ordered discontinued.
An ordinance to compel sewer cot
heci ions in the city of Eugene and in
punish persons for severing such con
nections was considered. On motion
of Councilman Fisher rules w ere sus
pended iiml ordinance read by title.
Councilman Henderson moved (lint
proposed onlinaiici be referred lit com
mittee ou health; carried. Ct. illicit
man Gray asked for permission to re
port immediately on proposed ordi
nance; granted. Ordinance read at
that timeaml placed on final passage.
On motion of Couiicilmull Gray pass
ed. On motion of Coinmiltet man Gray
the mutter of making Inqulty If fur
ther leiluction of lights could 1st had.
Ou motion referred to committee on
lire ami water.
Councilman Gray uiiule resolution
ordering that llnniice cbmitdttee make
estimate of receipts ami expenditures
for the ensuing year; carried.
The .Mi n li i ill peal Out Justice
at the Jin, e Term uflotirt.
Jurors for the June term of circuit
court were draw ti us follows toilay by
Shetiir Johnson. Clerk Jennings and
Judge Fisk:
Noah Itnoy, farmer, Creswell.
Henrv Hunter, enrm liter "
John Wicks, farmer "
1) Stnulon "
R Edwards . " Full Creek.
JW Cherry, ' mechanic, Eugene.
J A Y oiler, farmer '
Martin Foster " "
Chas Smith, capitalist "
David Cherry " "
JasOtlult, farmer "
Jus Higgius " "
II McFurlund " Collage Grove.
Cul Wallace " ' "
Roht Dillard " "
J G Powell " " "
Doak .'i in will t " Slusluw.
DPelrie " "
O W Hurd, merchant, Florence.
C R David, farmer "
G C Mlllelt " Juncllon.
A Ihishiif II. warehouseman "
R Y Purler, tanner, Walker.
C II Decker, carpenter. Waltervllle.
J (,' Goodale, luiuhermaii, 'Joburg.
I', I Coleman, farmer
C Martin
El in Ira.
Pleasant Hill.
Lost Valley.
R P Intuitu
R Crtizan
II Inwall
C Parker
Pally liunrd, Mny Al.
Thkv Wkkk Gkatih. Last even
ing after supper stiiull boys and
larger ones too might have been seen
hurrying along the streets. Xo tire
alarm had been sounded hut yet many
of them were running' ami all were
taking tho shortest route to their des
tination. All seemed to have a com
mon object In view anil ull were
heiitlcd for the sumo objective point.
iVu Investigation of the cause of ex
citement revealed tho fact that M S
Darker, tho Ninth street bicycle deal
er, had Just received u large invoice of
cycle cups of ull sizes which lie was
distributing gratis. Of course tho
caps advertise Mr Rurker'a business,
but If one is in stylo for the next few
days it will la- necessary for him to
weur one of those cups.
bally (luard, May JO.
Okitckkh Ei.kctkh. At the annual
session of tho - Grand Encampment of
Otbl Fellows or Oregon at Astoria
yesterday, tho following officers were
eluded for the ensuing term: A V
Teat, Grand Patriarch; F W Riches,
Grand High Priest: W W Francis,
Gland Senior ardcn; E E
Sharon, Grand Scribe; J O
Wright, Grand Treasurer; A
W Rowersox, Grand; Junior War
lieu; Charles Moshberger, Grant!
Marshal; F M Alfred, Grand Sentinel.
Among oilier Important matters a
resolution was con tinned by the grand
representatives debarring saloon keep
ers and tumblers from becoming mem
bers or the ortler.
Iialryniple line Ulliidrawu.
Ai.iianv. Or.. May 18. Tho official
ballot for Linn county wus given to
the pi Inter today by (he county clerk.
Tlie ticket wus llh d ttir.v this morn
ing, and immediately thereafter the
withdrawal on.' 11 Dalrymple, pop
ullst nominee for district attorney, was
aho II l il, so his iiauio w ill not appear
upon the ticket.
Are oi oinlMif I Oregon.
Wamiimiton, DC, May 18. Sena
for Milehel and Congressman Her-
maun have no thought of leaving their
posts ol duly before adjournment, and
while so many matters vital to the
liitere.ts of Oregon are pending lu
congress. All rumors to the contrary
are unfounded.!
Pally tiunr.l, May I''.
Two GuiKltATloNrt Inhank. Sa
lem Statesman: Mrs John bosterund
daughter Martha were rtcelved at the
insane asvluui from Crtsik county
Siinoay. 'The mother is aged 50 and
the daughter The latter has had
fits since she was u baby.
- . - -1 .
Is Simmons Liver RrcuLATOR dont
forget to take It. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, jti'-t like all nature,
anj tne system biwmes choked up by
the ni.vumiil.itcj w.cte, which brings on
Malaria, I ever attJ Ague and Rheuma
ti?m. You want ti wake up your Liver
now, hut ha sure you take SIMMONS
llVbi. KlaiULAIOR to do it. It also
regulate tlu Liver keeps it properly at
work, wIum your system will be free from
poison anJ the whole N-.Jv Invigorated.
You get VI IE It EST 1 1 LOO 1) when
yonr system is in Al cinjitlon, and that
will only he wIiph the Liver Is kept active.
1 rv a Liver Remedy once and note the
diiicK'iicf. Rut t.iku only SIMMONS
LlVi-R KUiULATOR which makes the
difference, l ake It In powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder: but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It.
J. 11. Zclliu Ock, Phlladolphia, Pa.
Cmiiiiilssliuieri Court.
K II Hurpole wltnets state vs E
iV ij oiHidwin, reiortn school... o uu
J McMuhau bounty on cayote
scalp 2 00
A C Jennings, expressage, tele
gram ami stationery 5 05
J G Stevenson postage 6 00
Mestou Dygart Rook Mfg Co,
election supplies 15 60
W T Kuyser pauper supplies,
Carson 2 S2
J II McClung pauKT supplies for
poor rutin inmates u 7a
P Frank A Son, pan per supplies. 1 27
J W Harris, city pauper sup
plies :. ; 7 60
W T Kuyser, pauper supplies,
Mrs llaiuisven 5 10
R F Russell M D, cure and treat
ment of Paupers to May 6 160 00
F L Chambers, hardware etc, for
ferry 7 20
F L Chambers, repairs for ferry.. 80
Eugene Lumber Co, lumber..... 8 80
Geo Sovern, gravel 2 00
It Johnson, aid to puupcr - e-
...... . " nn st
I) P Rurtoli, assessor.
iua IO
45 00
65 00
83 75
, 15 00
1 00
R F Kecney, deputy assessor
John T Wilson, " "
J T t'alllson,
Geo W Rrlggs, " "
A 11 hlsk, stationery
How lo Vote.
The lust legislature simplified the
method of designating thy candidates
tho elector wishes to vote for under
the Australian ballot law. Instead of
erasing all the names except the one be
votes lor, the elector simply places an
X lu tho space between the number
and the haunt of the candidate voted
for. All other names are left blank.
For convenience we will give an Il
lustration: Tho name marked with an X Is Ihe
candidate voted for, and others are
For Surveyor.
John R Reavenue. the dsmocratlo
uomlneo for county surveyor, has been
a resident of Eugene for several yean
and enjoys the confidence or all. He
wus originally ajatKsou county ooy,
and here Is how the well known
Jacksonville Times commends him:
"The ticket nominated by the
Democracy or Lane county Is a most
excellent one, and part or It will be
elected. There are several worthy
and popular candidates on It, who are
well tiualllletl lor tne positions to
which they as til re, prominent among
whom Is J R Rpavenue, the nominee
for surveyor. He was for a number of
years a resident of Jacksonville, dur
ing which time he laid the foundation
of a successful career as civil engineer.
The people of Lane county will con
serve their best Interest by electlDg
Mr 11."
pally Guard, May JO.
St'HPRisK Party. Miss lone Zl
gler was tendered a very pleasaut aur
prise party lust evening at her home
on South High street by a number of
he young friends. The surprising
party assembled at the home of Rev
and Mrs Geo J) Needy and about 8
o'clock proceeded In a liody to the
home of Miss .iegler. The surprise
was complete, the plans having Men
well carried out. The time was spent
lu social Barnes until a late hour,
several charades forming an Interest
ing feature of the evenlug'a entertain
ment. Those present were: Miss
lone Zlegler, Lizzie Brent, Jessie
I.lverrnore. Alice Mills. Irene Rrown-
sou, Carrie Dice, Nellie Owen, Mrs I O
Knotts (bloretice), antl uev anu niri
Geo 1) Needy; Messrs Alfred Mills,
Clarence Luckey, S M Gaitison, C I
Edwards, and 11 A Owen.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Mad.
40 Year the Standard.
I I X E R Skipworlh Detn.
I I I ; 1 1 Raker I'eo.
8 " I D Driver Rep.