The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 09, 1896, Image 8

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Cotnprebanalte llerlew ot the Import
Dl UapiMiiIng ot the fail Week
Culled From the Telegraph Coluuma
At Horn and Abroad,
There wit large Increase In Berlin
during the pant week of death, (rum
influenza and pneumonia.
Russia bm ordered seen ironclad
and ton cruisers (or her Pacific flout, in
Tlew of Japan's extensive naval prep
aration. The oonferenoe (or international ar
bitration held in Washington, which
hat been a very barmouloui one, baa
Just closed.
The battleahlp Massachusetts made
16.15 knot on her trial trip in lioatou
harbor, and her builder win a bonna
of $100,000.
A crD same on Grant avenue in
Kan Farnclsoo wa held up by two men
About tlfiO wa taken. They were
captured by the police soon after.
Mia Laura White created a sensa
tion in Ardmore, I. T., by publicly
horiewbiDuluir Professor Llun, a drug
iint. becauae he bad charged ber with
A Kome dispatch aaya the cabinet
bal decided against the campaign iu
Abyaaiuia in the autumn, on the
ground that auob a oourae would be
diaaiitrou to Italy.
It 1 said in Washington that there
iia strong poaaibility that the dele
gate (rum terrlturie who have state
hood bill in charge will not attempt
to secure oougreasioual action until the
neit session.
A dispatch from I'anama aayi: Home
(ear are enterUined bere that trouble
will occur when the election (or
deputies take place. The member of
the liberal party will vote (or the Brut
time ituoe 1HH5.
A turiuu oouflict between Christian
aud Turk ha occurred at Kpiskopi,
Island of Crete. There were two day'
fighting, and fifty person were killed
aud wuuuded. The Cretan have Hp
pealed to (treooe (or aid.
In Houghton, Mich., ility trammer
bave (truck in Quluoy mine to euforue
a demand (or higher wage. The iniuo
ia ittll in operation, but the trouble
will probably exteud to the uiiuer of
the (Juiuoy aud other mine.
In Glasgow, Kootlaud, the steamer
Marsden oullldud with Uie British bark
Flrtb of Holway, uenr Klsh lightHhlp,
oauaiug the latter to link. Thirteen
of the crew aud Captain Koudrick'
wife and child were drowned.
The Loudon Chronicle has a dis
patch from Druiaol, which aav that
the Baroness Herri, a lady B0 year
old, wa strangled, her body mutilated
aud her house robbed at IxolU, a fash
tollable suburb. The murderer escaped.
The treasury deficit (or the fl'l year
ending June DO, 1HU0, will be approxi
luately IJ6.000.000. This i the opiu
ion of oftluiala and other beat qualified
to make an intelligent eatimate of the
reiult of tho fiscal operation of the
A Madrid dispatch aay tho minuter
of finance, Heuor Juan Navarro, hn no
tilled the oabiuet of the necessity of re
lief measure on account of the pro
longed drought, wblcb ba oauaeil a
rapid rise in the price of cereals, also
injuring livestock.
A (10,000,000 bicycle trust i being
formed iu New York. A prominent
member says the trust will out the
prtoeof high-grade wheels from 100
to about (05, eliminating lubbers
profits aud advertising expense, and
will make money at that
Beuator Warren, from the oommit
tee on olalma, haa reported the amend
meut to the sundry civil appropriation
bill for the payment of the French
spoliation claims, which have beeu al
lowed by the oourt of claim. It our
rle an appropriation of (1,020,000.
A Louisville A Nashville fruit train
aud the Evamville A Tvrro Haute pas
aenger train oollided at a crossing near
Mount Vernon, lud. Alexander Prta
ooll. a brakemau, wa killed; James
Covington, an engineer, aud F. K
Thompson, a brakemau, were seriously
Tbo two associations of mauufao
turers ot wire and out nails haveoloaed
a three days' conference iu Chicago,
In oousequeuoe of the rise iu the steel
market, it was decided to raise the
price of both wire aud out nails 15
wnts per hundred weight, to take
effect May 1.
8uator MoBride has secured a pro
vision appropriatiug (50,000 for oou
tiuulng the work at the Cascades, (JO,
000 ot which shall be used (or exteud
lug the walla of the lock, so that it may
be opened for commerce, The appro'
priatiou is intended to secure the build
ing of another lock.
While leaving work at lock l, a skiff
which oouuiued uine men, upset and
three were drowned at Charleston, W.
V. The dead are: Henry Mahan,
colored, of Gallipolia, O. ; Kichard
Dickinson, colored, former home un
known; Jordan, white, 16 years old.
The other six swam ashore.
The crop bulletiu for the northern
part of Idaho indicate that in a general
way the wheat crop will be late, aud
the fruit crop good this year. Cold
aud unfavorable weather ha clun ked
the growth of vrgetatior. Over the
greater portion of the state ice formed
nearly every night the past week.
The ten day allowed the president
(or the consideration ot the agricul
tural bill has expired and that measure
will become a law witnout ni approv
of all aorta, (or Indian under govern
ment oontrol, will be bought by the
commissioner of Indian affair at Chi
oago this week. The article to be pur
chased include vast quantite of drugs,
mud loin os, meat, corn, floor and
hominy, and oat in large quantities
will be needed.
A case of leprosy ba been discovered
In California. The afflicted person ii
a girl of 15.
Lord Dun raven denies the report
that Mr. H. MoCalmont i now the sole
owuer of Valkyrie III.
Itev. C. U. Brown ba given up the
fight aud resigned bis pastorate ut the ;
First Congregational church of Ban i
A loot Rieoff' blow out the brain of
hi wife Julia, at a lodging-house in
Seattle and then killed biuisulf. Jeal- j
ousy i given a the cause.
A German force defeated a lurge
body of Hottentot rebel in Damaraud, j
on April 6, killing forty-six of them.
Tbo Herman loa wa small. i
A general strike on the line of the
Union Traction Company has been or- j
dered to take effect at once. The na-1
tioual board ha given it consent. ,
John Hoinetz, aged about 28, and
James Davis, aged about 71, prospect- j
on, mining near Delta Cal., were;
drowned while crusaiug the river iu a
During a fete at the town of Le
Hauler, France, an anarchist named
Colau stabbed and killed the mayor. '
Budget of Interesting and Spicy
News From All the Cities aud Towns
on lha Coast Thrift and Industry
la Every yuarter Oregon.
Eastern Oregon bills will rejoice in
a fine corp of bnncbgrasa thi year,
owing to abundant moisture.
Did are being received by the lister
nf .Tcrtutnh's iftudftrnv. Pitndletnn. for an
addition to the school, which will cost ' pound and six ounce wa caught in
some (7,000.
Waterrille, was kioked in the breast
by a horse and killed, April 10.
It is olaimed that over 1,000 bead of
cattle bave been bought by Montana
stockmen from Big bend farmers, (or
shipment from Davenport this spring.
It Is proposed to build a small steam
er to ply up and down the Cowliti
river daily to bring the milk to a
creamery, to be established at Castle
Book. .
The names of Bender and Barnes,
two stations on the line of the North
ern Paoiflo, below Prosaer, bave been
changed respectively to Gibbon and
A salmon truut weighing eight
Klamath county owes in warrants
and interest (78,787.41. The resources,
oxunting unpaid taxes since 1 8U3, a
asset, are (18,540.30.
The annual oonvention of Benton
the Walla Wulla river by William
Oswald, with a No. 15 fly book, says
the Union.
The Shelton sawmill, in Mason
county, is getting out tie for the rail
way extension, to be made this season
county' Sunday ohool association j by tne bneiton tsouinwesieru remu
meet at CorvallU, May 6 and 0. Mr. "olar road.
J. M. Blosi ii president. The section known ai the Grouae
A human skeleton wai unearthed in Creek county is becoming nettled np
an alkali lick on the middle fork o( the i Pllj rapidly by people anxloui to
John Day river last week. It ii sup- engage in the stock industry, layi the
posed to be that ot an Indian. , Asotin Sunitnel.
The state university is rejoiced over ! Jhe Waitsburg fire dement ha.
I iL . u ordered a racing cart for the tourna-
'L "I'.l. I ! went of the Eastern Oregon and Wash-
iugtou Firemen's Association, to be
held in Pendleton. It is ball-bearing
: and cushion-tired.
! A serious acident occurred at J. D.
Hay' logging camp at Belfast, What
ooui county, on tho Great Northern
county nominee, for representatives are
graduates from that institution.
The Dalle citizen are considering
the feasibility of putting in an electris
Tho motive for the crime wa political nr? ",arm J"61? 01 purcuasiug uy
hatred subscription a chemical engine.
A dispatch from Athens says another- biieep-siiearlng in tne soutnern part rajiroaa- jn which a man whose name
conflict has occurred in the Hagiou of Wasco county bas begun in real ; WMg Whitney wa killed.
Vasileon district or Crete. It Is alleged earnest, ana in a snort time tne wuui
twenty Turk were. killed and thirty crop of 1806 will begin arriving in The
wounded. i Dalles.
hi, wmiu.n R,.i.i,,.,.n ..,.., nf I Placer mining has been commenced
Hong Kong, telegraphs that there bas ' U,over Ea,ttt'rn reKOD- ThU Vi
been seventy-five new oases of buboine 1 proiperoM season for this
luuunirjr, uhiuk w tun ruuuuiuuo ui
free water.
The Fossil Journal says divorce are
plague and seventy-five deaths from j
the disease In Hong Kong the past
week. '
Commander Booth-Tucker, of the
Salvation Army, while out slumming
in New Yurk, wa arrested and taken '
to the Elizabeth-street police station.
Hail was fixed st (1,000, which wai 1
furnished by Steve Brodie.
The battleship Oregon, which wai
recently completed at tbo Uuiou iron
worki in Han Francisco, bas been
placed in the drydock to be scraped, in
preparation for the final test of speed !
required by the navy department The
Oregon will be the most formidable 1
battle-ship iu the American navy when
turned over to the government. 1
A Pretoria, South Africa, dispaoth
says: I be sentences or deatn imposed
upou John Hays Hammond, the Ameri
can ougiueer, Colonel Francis Hhodes,
brother of the former premier of Cape
Colony; Lionel Philips, president of
tho chamber of mines, Johannesburg, :
and George Farrar. proprietor of Coun
try Life, of Johannesburg, have been
commuted. ,
Cripple Creek, Colo., wa again,
visited by lire, aud now from 8,000 to
4,000 people are homeless in a city of
desolation, with no homes to offer aud
no food to supply the daily wants.
One life wa lost. The business por
tion of the oity loft standing ia less
than would oover a block. The resi
dence section is oonfliied to what were
formerly the suburbs.
The announcement i nmde that M.
Muliue had succeeded in forming his
cabinet a follows: M. Meliuo, pre
mier aud minister of agriculture; M.
Darthnu, minister of foreign affairs; M.
Cochery, finance; M. Lebon, colonies;
M. Valle, commerce; General Billet,
war; M. Darlaii, justice; Admiral
Ilernad, marine; M. Lacombe, public
works; M. Kambau public instruction.
The Old Dominion steamer Wyauoke,
wheu making for New Port New pier
uear Norfolk, V., struck the prow ot
the United States steamer Columbia,
lying at anchor, and had a holo cut in !
the forward part of the starboard side. I
She sank in sixty feet ot water. All
the Wyauoke' passengers aud crew '
wore saved, but their baggago, and I
probably the cargo, was lost. Two j
firemen were badly scalded.
The Spanish gunboat Mensagera has
captured and brought iuto Havana the
American schooner Competitor, of Key
West, loaded with anus and ammuni
tion. In command of her were Alfredo
La horde, Dr. Beudia aud three news
paper correspondents, who are held a
prisoners. Some of the filibusters are
said to have succeeded iu jumping
overlioard aud swimming ashore.
Others who jumped iuto the sea were
drowned. The insurgent general,
Monsou, was a member of the expedi
tion. Instructions canto from the treasury
department ordering the oomumnder
of the revenue cutters of the Ilehring
sea patrol fleet, equipping in the
Sound, not to take aboard auy spirit
uoiis liquor. The fleet wa ready to
sail wheu the orders were issued aud
the ollloers were compelled to land
their private and mess liquor supply.
The captains themselves, while in the
North, must live like prohibitionists,
as they will not be allowed to have on
board the mildest ot intoxicating bev
erage. The following unique challenge ha
more numerou than marriages in Gil
liam oounty. Five divorce were
granted at the session of circuit court
in one week.
The 0-year-old son of Mr. KoberU,
of Grant's Pass, fell thirty feet from a
tree top aud struck his head on a rotten
log. The boy wa unconscious twelve
hour, but will recover.
A lurge amount of wheat is being
received daily at the warehouse in The
Dalle. It is part of last year's crop
that wa bold by the farmers who were
not satisfied with prices last falL
Train running through Pendleton
bave been swarming lately with hobos
aud large u umbers have been stopping
off there. The railroad yard ooutain
good-sized populations each night.
A. S. Bassett died at the home of bis
son, near Ualsey, in Linn oounty, at
the age of 72. Mr. Bassett was a pion
eer of 1851, coming to Oregon from
New York state. He left a widow and
several childreu.
A family named Smith, who had
beeu living in a tent below John Day,
lost their little boy last week uuder
distressing circumstances. The little
follow bad eaten a wild parsnip which
he found in that vicinity, and only
lived a few hours thereafter.
Robert Harris, a promising young
Iudiau, ia at the Chemawa Indian
school from Alaska. He says many
Iudiau childreu iu the territory are
anxious to como to the school, and he
will probably be able to make arrange
ment for their doing go.
The lute rains have swollen Coos
river to a higher mark than for years
past. The low place iu the bottom
lauds have been covered to a depth of
several feot, but very little damage is
reported. If the rain keeps on though
it is feared it will cause a destructive
W. K. Cuuningtun aud A. S. Hine,
of Fremont, Neb., have been (or tho
past week engaged iu buying a band of
souiothiug over 6,000 3 and 3-year-old
wethers iu Grant oounty, to be driven
to Nebraska aud fed next winter on
coru grown ou Mr. Kiue's 1280-aore
farm, to prepare them for the Chicago
market next spriug. The prices paid
were from (1.50 to (1.00 per head.
Since January 17 last, the treasurer
of Beutou oounty ha received from the
sheriff in taxes, including the sum
received from the distribution of the
Oregou Pacific sale fuud, the sum of
(50,846.06. Of this sum a lump of oity
aud oouuty warrant turned in by
Sheriff Osburu, and which had been
turned in on taxes ou the 1805 roll,
aggregated (13,000.30. Of this amount
(i 76.64 was in oity warrants.
The Corvallis Times says that the jig
is up with the old steamer Three Sis
ters. Duriug the lato high water she
was towed out ou the river bank below
Corvallis. aud she is to be dismantled.
Her hull had become so decayed aud
leaky that the oompaay decided that
her day of usefulness was over. The
work ot taking out her machinery aud
other useful parts will be com
menced in a few days. The Sisters was
built by the O. D. Co. in the year 1887.
Little llauua Kuox, so badly burned
recently iu Gilliam oouuty that skiu
grafting had to lie resorted to, ia doing
well aud the skiu has beguu to grow
aud spread. The skiu used is being
Judge Pritcbard, of the superior
oourt of Pierce county, holds that a
chattel mortgage iu Washington ii a
mere lien upon the chattels, and does
not affect the ownership of the good
1 mortgaged.
Adjutant-General Boutelle ba re
voked the appointment of Captain C.
! W. Billings, of Company G, N. G. W.,
ot Tacoma, owing to bis failure to file
an acceptable bond. Lieutenant Stew
art was made captain.
On March 1 the oity of Taooina bad
outstanding general fuud warrants
amounting to (806,113.27. Funding
bond to the amount of (350,000, added
to this, left the city in debt (32,378.82
over the legal limit.
A new sawmill to coat (50,000 is
soon to be erected ou the water front
in Tacoma by a oompany, at the head
ot which is H. M. Lillis. Work on
the mill is to be commeuoed in thirty
days. The capacity of the mill will be
80,000 feet of lumber per day.
Secretary Robinson, of the horticul
tural society, requests that the school
clerk of the districts adjacent to Lake
Chelan, while taking the census of
their respective districts, also take
down the total number of tree that
have beeu planted, by whom, number
bearing, etc.
The Golden Winnie, near Murray,
has one of the most complete milling
plants in the state. It has given splen
did satisfaction from the first day.
The Daddy mine has laid off one
shift in order that development work
muy proceed. This will only last a
few days, when a full force will
agaiu be employed. The company is
making arrungemeuts to add a buttery
of five Btamps to the mill.
The miners of Florence district in
mass meeting assembled decided unan
imously upon the location of a new
town to be situated a quarter of a mile
south ot the old town of Floreuce ou
Summit Flat, say the Graugeville
Free Pros. The new town is to be
called "New Florence."
Shoshone oounty ha added (100.-
000,000 to the miueral wealth of the
world in the thirty-live year of it
history, aud great as that sum is it
will be more than equalled iu the next
ten years, while the succeeding decade
will produoe wealth beyond the powers
of ruuu'i mind to comprehend.
The cattle men between Cheney and
Cow creek, two week ago, formed a
protective association and waited on
the owners of sheep who were herding
on the strip, aud requested them to
move their flocks below a certain line.
The sheepmen have declared that they
will not be driven off the range, and
tkey are also organizing aud will resist
with arms any attempt to put them off.
John Kent, who left Clark oouuty
about two years ago for Johannesburg,
South Africa, writes to big brother,
Auiaudu Kent, that he was quite seri
ously hurt by an explosion which oo
curred at that place February 17, when
sixty tou of dynamite on a tourist oar
exploded, killing about 400 people. Mr.
Kent was standing about 300 (eet from
the scene of the explosion.
The Etta Mining Company oomposed
of Portlaud men, and under the man
agement of Arthur Wilson is operating
some valuable claims uear Kadersburg.
Part of the work laid ont for immedi
ate construction i a 700-foot tunnel
running from Keating gulch which
will tap the main shaft the 200-foot
The.r Feat. Hand, and Leg Fro..
SI, Indian, of a " rhooo.r'.
trew Reported Lo.t While Off Cap
Port Townsend, Wa.h.; April 80.
The steamer Al-Ki. (rum A a.ka,
brought to thi place last night two
...ii . tnr of mucn pri-
eaiers, wuu w - " ' ..
., . ' j m...i.. The are GUI
vation auu ' .""InH .'half-breed
fetersn, a owe"". - .
ua "rtiwash Jimmie." inej
Vlrtnria January 23 in a
. .i. -;.. f Sun Dieito. On
scooouer, iuo viy - - - ,
.... ........ i. .-0t liwt in a blind
OUl UUlinnH ,
ing snowstorm, and driven before it no
wind all night in a small canoe. W hen
. i . .v.. ...hnmier was not
aayugui cauio, wo
in light, and the two men were out of
light of laud, with nothing to eat but
a.iu f Pf 94 tl U4I l ttiamL For ii dayi
j .v,- ArittA. until finally
went on the Alaskan beach, 100 miles
r KitUa with leet. leg! and
TV V V wa,a.H ' , .
u....- t.-n g,ift TheT were picked
up by kindly disposed Indians, who
cared (or them until tney were nu.
v .iiUn tn KitUa. from which place
- . -
ikoi luma horn cm the Al-Ki. A) tne
...i..,n. r w r,f s.iii Dicuo bas not
been sighted since the uigbt o( the
storm, Peterson ia o( the opinion that
she is lost. She had eighty skins at the
time the men lull ner.
Wi,rA ruur-hnil here todav from Neab
Ku v tlmt aiz Indian sealers of the
TWtihrVf which curried a fall
Irwitun rtTAW U'ArA lost while sealing off
Cane Flattery. The six men left the
vhiinnar in two cunoea five days ago
aud bave not since beeu seen. After
a nrnlmi Bflxrnh thev were given
up, and the schooner returned to Neah
hu and rnnorted the loss. The In
rtiuna urn VMrV an nerstitious over Buch
--- j . .
a thing, and are now bemoaning the
bard luck wmcn tney say is sure 10 ioi-
lru thn miahun. Thev sav they Will
now bave bad luck duriug the rest of
the sealing season.
beeu sent to Colonel Hubert G. Iuuer-1 peeled off of the editor of the Fossil I Considerable excitement was caused
soil, by Thomas Keuyon, a resident of Journal, for the reason, that paper j u Great Falls over the arrival of a
Providence, K. I.: "I, the uuder- ays. "the doctor divided that it must Scadiuavian kuown as Illiug Elwing,
signed, challenge Kohert G. Ingersoll I oome off of some one having a healthy witn "early (2,600 worth of gold dust
iu a joint debate before three judge ; skiu, and a oleau heart and a right , nA nugget. The man cealously
ana two timekeeper, teu minutes spirit within htm, and be being the
each, for poiut on hi (lugorsoU's) j only pesron in town possessed of all
Bible lecture, in auy hall in New these requisites. It the little girl don't
York or any other large oity, but New make a mighty smart womuu wheu she
I. 1 -.!-... ...
iota iimcrrvu. uo oue gaiuiug luw ; gruwa Upt wu u miss our gucaa.
The ouo
most points must receive 65 per eeut of
the net receipt after paying expeuses
Thomas Kenyon." Colonel Ingersoll
will probably accept the challenge.
The Spauish authorities iu New York
and Washington, have recently dis
covered a conspiracy, which was
formed by Cubans, to blow up a Spun.
lull warship aud at
The first number of the Cheuey Free
Press has been issued.
The town of Kitiville is advertising
for bids for fuuding bouds, iu the sum
o( (5,700.011 May 19, 18i6.
William Swafford pleaded guilty of
burglary before Judge Deuuey, in Suo-
guarded the eiact location where it
came from, but said that he aud his
partner had washed the gold out in two
weeks' time.'
i,- ......... i
..V - ..." I I I LUU U- ....
tercept a peninsula mail steamer and 1 nuu,,B- uu lvn J' n
rob her ot a Urge quantity ot gold in
tended for the government troops on
the island. The plot further lucluded
But one of the bodies of the six un
fortunate men who met their doom in
the Hope mine at Basin ha beeu recov
ered, that of John Buckley. The other
bodie will not be recovered for ouie
time a a now shaft will be suuk and
the mine drained of water. A thor
ough examination has been made ot
every part of the mine above the 200,
aud it is now definitely oertain that the
men are ou the 30O-foot level.
the capture of
Neuvitai, aud
the seaport town of
contemplated certaiu
aloug the northern
ai. The measure contains some tea
turea supposed to be objectionable to o" d he Kastern Cuban province.
the pretdent, but they are not uftl-. " Ma'r to precipitate a rush of troop
oient to oauae him to veto the whole '" be west and effect a weakening
bill. , of the miliary troch acroa Piuar del
One million dollars worth of supplies
ueuiiruiiarv. i
A burlgar succeeded in making off ! . Keport wy ,th ,h r,ch ,trk of
with (3S0. taken (rom the bouse of Wl" u b" of the adit
Charlee Gustaver. a flour aud feed . " ."?,?e ta B0W
dealer of Auburn. ,bon' lnchl Mth. beside
ueany uuee reel ox milling ore. These
The board of state laud commission
er i now prepared to take up the mat
ter of appraising the oyster lands in
Mason and Thurston oouutie. j
Alexander Smith, an old settler of J
the Homestead neighborhood, uear
be ot incalculable benefit to this whole
district, a it show great value and
permanency of the Florida mountain
ledge. The mine It making it regular
shipment of concentrate and bullion.
. i- mnnl demand at
EbK . continue - ,D0fpr0flt
,0o. There - -- - Mdttl
IT Ban FnciIo markei weaken.
pretty wu" " a very poor
""iS 512 to b .vy rain, in cV
?orui.y' Veal continue.' in large .up
Kwith prtoeiweak. Other line, are
steady at quotations.
Wheal Market.
the MaMaaad aaafc,w1'
Washington. U.n
presented a lupplenient.i J'11,t'
cerniug alleged election fi, ,
bama, aud the naval approxi1'
it Li. Will III till LisfAti tin Tl. ' "" i
Local wbeat reoeipt. ' ' ' ' ' of the bill are the ilZK
, - - ! .
n nrt.
. . .i . ...ill ha ut least
pnitnen. p"nCinality will Uke a
XOraiSJ. A .l,a nnnlillff
Urge cargo from ruri- -
week. yuotatiuu. r
Walla Walla, 57 to oac;
roilura Market,
f v m it 111 lT- 1 ILL IiJiWV K- "
S.wake jaj: Ben;
ton county, 3.U0: graham, .o5. super
Hlxly Other Vouiuilltermeo Have
eelired Various Nenleucvs.
London. April 80. The Chartered
South African Company bas a cable'
a-rani from Johannesburg giving fur
tber details of the judgment of the high
oourt at Pretoria in the case of the
members of the reform oommit tee.
This dispHtch states that in addition to
the sentence of death passed upon John
Hays Hammond and other leaden of
the reform committee, sixty other mem
bers have been sentenced ta two years'
imprisonment, a fine of '3,000 aud
three years' subsequent banishment
The dispatch adds: "There is great
excitement in Johannesburg aud un
less the sentences are speedily commut
ed trouble is expected."
The Times says in an artiole on the
judgment of the Pretoria court: "The
sentences were a complete surpirse, but
were regarded with equanimity solely
because it was perceived that they
could not be executed. This applied
with equal force to the monstrous sen
tence against the other prisoners (those
senteuceed to death).
"We rely ou President Kruger's com
mon sense. To execute these sentences
would be a crime from which we glad
ly believe Kruger would shrink. It
would be an egregious error. It is
hardly necessary to discuss the certaiu
consequences of the execution of the
sentences. The putting them to death
would kindle a blood feud between the
English aud the Transvaal Boers. No
sober politician can doubt the ultimate
issue ot a oouflict between Great
Britain aud the Transvaal, whatever
its alliances."
CountT Treasurer Not Required to Show
Caah for Coniiiilnalouers.
Chehalis, Wash., April 30. The su
perior court today passed noon a case
in which couuty officials all over the
state nave taken much interest It
was in the matter of the application of
the couuty commissioners for a writ r
compel Treasurer Maynard to exhibit
me county iunos in bis possession. In
January the board accepted, in quar
terly settlement, certified checks and
certificates of deposit as cash. In Feb
ruary it attain demanded an nnnnnnr.
ing, and refused to count anything
uui caau. ine treasurer refused to
bring the funds to the offloe of the
board to be counted, but offered to take
the commissioners to the banks aud ex
hibit his funds there. Then the board
asked for a writ Judge Langhome
denied the application today, holding
that the commissioners couid not de
mand au accounting, except at the
times provided by law; that certified
checks and certificates of deposits are
money under the statute, but if the
commissioners arbitrarily demanded to
count the cash they might do so at the
banks, but could not require the treas
urer to take money from the banks to
hi office for exhibition to the board
The treasurer wai lustained on every
point '
The War Iu Cuba.
Havana, April 29. In the engage
uient fought between Colonel Nario at
Mount Jucaro, in the Cardenas district
pf the province of Matanzas, and the
insurgent under Diinas, Martinex
Kegiuo and Alfonso, among the insur
geuts killed were Lieutenants Jose and
Rejina 01 hMhT ' Martinez
Maceo ha. ordered all the small
bauds of iusurgenu in Piuar del Rio to
be disarmed in order that their equip-
maTu tog ned ,0 8treUg'hen the
Persistent rumor are in circulation
that Antonio Maceo intend, to leave
the province of Pinar del Rio and it ii
said he is being closely watched by
the Spanish offloisl,. 7
A Murderer Karapee.
TopeU Kan., April SO Bill West
charge,! with the murder of United
btate. Marshal Kenny, in Ind an t0S
tory, escaped jail here today, th
bar and with a key mde from an im-
The ( at 4:30 A. M found half
doxen prisoners in the corridor unable
wiXw.,e throu8h,the penin s:
l !aa ..a n Mi it Mai TaVAAK. &l
KoYJoat H e quoted I a follows s
4.2o6.25s barrels, f4.60Mj7.OU, case
HAV-Timothy. W..?0 per tons cheat.
Iij.UO : clover, 0(S i ; oat, uvv. , .
vW i-&0'. ...... ,..u tiaMlnar ton:
BAKLai-reeu u";i , r-
brewmg, 15l4lo. .,,. -horta
MiLwri-m - bran. 13.00, il orw.
lib; middlings, i 30.00, rye, W,V
Bcttsb Fancy creamery is quoted ai
Me- fancy dairy, 30c; fur to good,
I7.'.c i common. per roll.
sack: eweeU, common, o;i.
3 per uuuuu.
UMON-t ancy, U-60 per saca.
PoULTBV Chukeus, bens, ..i.ou pel
dozen; mixed tW'
ducks. I&UOluO; geese, M.W , turkej .,
live, 13c per pound ; dressed luytlc.
Koua Oregou. 10c per dozen.
Cumtsa Uiegou mil cream,
per pound; hall cream, Uc; .aim, 4j
6c; Vouug America, lUia 11c
TaoFicAL tauiT-Caiilorni. lemons,
I3.oow3.2o; choice. 2.00(gl60; Mcily,
io.ou -banana. per buiicu;
Caliioruia navels. 3.3d(4S3.6j per box j
pineapples. toisrj.OU per uozen.
OaaooN VauaiABLa Cabbage, It
perlb; gatlic, new, 7Jo per pourd;
artichokes, 3&o per dozen; sp.outa. &c
per pound ; wuliUower, f.7& pel crale,
yocsl er dozen ; hothouse lettuce, -KK:
per dozen. .... , ...
Fkxhu rauiT Pears. W inter Nellis,
1.50 per box: cranberries, pel
harrel ; laucy appies, i.oota,
60(tt76c per box.
Dbiko Fkuits Apple, evaporated,
bleached. 4401 sun-dried, 3yj4c;
pears, sun aud evaporated. 6j0c plums,
......... ........... Jm R nr ivilltlll.
pilirss, on-;. jiiuuco, uc r-
Wool Vallev. 10c, pec pound; i-aat-ern
Oregon, blase.
Hops Choice, Oregon 2ig3c pel
pound; medium, neglected.
Nuts Almonds, sou shell, 9(uslli
per pound; paper shell, lOtfilii'nc; nea
crop California walnut, soft shell,
lKiJll'c; sUndard waluuU, 12!J13c,
Italian chesnuu, l:",uJ14c; pecans,
13(jl0c; Brazils, ltslSc; Uiberu,
K')(9l4c; peanuts, raw, fancy, U(s7c;
roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, btftlOc; co
coauuts, VUc per dozen.
Pbovision Eastern ham., medium,
lln (it 1-c per pound; bamB, picnic,
7'nc; breakfast bacon 10:vlU4u,
short clear .idea, ohtfOUc; dry Bait
sider, 7,'n(!jHc; dried beef bains, U
(ijloc; lard, compound, in tiua. 7i4 ,
lard, pure, in tins, tf ailOc; pia feet,
808, (3.60; pigs' feet, 40b, 13.25; kits,
fl.25. Oregon smoked hams, 10'4c pel
pound; pickled hams, tic; boueiest
name, 74 ; bacon, 1U,V; dry salt sides,
b?4c;iard, 6-Kund pans, 7gc; 10s, 7,'c,
5ub, 7'4c; tierces, 7c Country nieaU
sell at price, according to grade.
Hidks. Dry bides, butcher, Bound,
per pound, Hujl2c; dry kip and call
skin, 1U(j?Uc; culls, 3c less; suited, tit
bs and over, 6c ; 60 to 00 lbs, 4Qt4lc;
40 aud 60, 4c; kip aud veal anno.
10 to 30 IbB, 4c; calfskin, sound, S
to 10 lbs, 6c; green, unBalted, U
lees; culls, l-.'cleas; aheepHkius, shear
linga, 10(ul5c; short wool, 20($30c;
medium, i,0j40c; long wool, 60(g70c.
aterobaudlaa Market.
Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. tails,
1.1.00; No. 2. Uhs, 2.25i.OJ,
fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.75(; Alaska
No. 1, tallB, Sl.L0(il.30; No. 2, Ulls, 1.U(
Bxanb Small white, No. 1, 2c pit
ound; butter, 3c; bayou, lJ4c; Lima,
Cokoaob Manilla rope, lj-lnch, it
quoted at 8J4c, aud !Sisai,ti4c per pouuil.
Sduab tiolden C, 6Jac ; extra C, bi. ;
dry granulated, o'4c; cube crushed ana
powdered, b,c per pound ; c per pound
discount ou ail grades lor prompt cash ;
half barrels. 4c more than tarrele
maple Bimar, 15v$10c per pound.
OorKki-CoBta Kica, iOiic ; Rio, 21
i!22c; Salvador, lghjL'L'e; Mocba,
27(i$31cj PadangJava. 30c; Palembaus
Java. 2ttuJ28c; Lahat Java. 23(tfil6c; Ar
buckle's Mokaaka and Lion. -U30 pei
100-pound case; Columbia, T0.30 pei
100-pound case.
RiiB-lsland, t3.50oJ4 per sack; Ja
pan, t4.7544.
Coal Steatly ; domestic, 5.00(g7.6i
per ton; foreign, 3.60(jU.00.
going ooast-llae buttleabina ak
to carry the heaviest artuur'
powerful ordnuuee, and to ocu T, 6
000 facb; three torpedo-boaui, '
speed of thirty knots. J
and ten torr.r1n.K,...u .
" if a lU 00,1 U ,
amenaemnt iW.
me appropriaiion fur r... . -v
auxiliary cruisers from timt'
400,000. Gorman commeaw
delay in furnishing gun.stthav
work bad been much exnMit
ably a. a result of the war taiv 'v!
late the contractors bad failed t
nish the Jackets, etc., of sW
in is nan uuuusiuuea aelay Ktt.
u..t i ... ' . owir
uiniaou ftiinii vuere wa. 280 0(K
cash balance in the treasnr. '
and considerable silver .1m " j
iuj "U.CUUU1CUV was agreed h
Wasliington, April 80. Th.
wa. plnuged into an exciting. (jT
AA 'I ..vM..l . '
cud uu luiuiii iiiuvcuure onip.
tion bills. The naval ipPn
mil na uuuoi uuuBKieratlOI Ui
item for four battleships, to &ai
000,000, served a. a text foris
by Gorman, poinitug out tiT l
revenues ox tne goveurment mj
luuu vuo reueipia. uormaD I Kltea-
brought ont an animated eaumJ
in whioh Sherman, Hale and tW.
joiueu issue wiiu tne Alarjlul aj,
tor as to the responsibility fordai.
nre of tariff legislation in tbep
congress. Gorman's speech its' t
freqnent beated party colloqgjigj,
yeloped, attracted great interwt 1
battlosihps item wa. not on;
when the senate adjourned.
Washington, May 1. Two viA
apeoche. by beuator Tellit t
Senator Sherman, representiaj t
posing elemeut. on the lia
question, woro beard in the e
ate today. Teller addrenri k
self partionlarly to the Ohio taut
fur controverting the viewi bU
him aud maintaining that no he
effort bad been made in tbe pne
congress to pass a tariff bill
senator referred to the McK'inln
didacy, saying that the motto i
"advance agent of prosperitr"
elusive, no prosperity could e
until nnanciui conaitiom itn
xormea. ine cnuiax oi itner
was reached when be .ddoubc!
he wonld vote as be spoke, ud ik
would not hesitate to separate
from the great party with wbi:
had been allied for forty jeut
prononnced for the gold Btandirl
Meat Market.
Bkbp (irobs, top steers,
12.25ta2.50i dresBed beef,
Motton OroBB. beat sheep, wethors,
W.0O; ewes, Il.60tg2.75; dreeseu mut
ton, 5c per pound.
VgAir-(.;ro8s, small, 4c; large, Sw
33,c per pound.
3.25; light and feeders, lii.oOnrs;;
dreased, 3S,(u 4c per pouna.
3.25; cows,
4(g5tC pei
Floub Net caeh price. : Family ex
tras, 3.76ei3.S5 per barrel; bakers' ex
tras, t3.6oyJ3.b5; superfine. 2.S6w3 0J
Babi.iv reed, fair to goou, 71 1.,.'
choice, ioc; brewing, 86'4c. '
NVubat Shipping. No. 1, l 07' ,
choice, 1 10 . mil.inn, 11.17' 1.22'.".1"'
0ts Milling, 75(4S2Vc nr nu
901; fancy fei, fe: to
choice. 75i8iV; poor to tair.WU
V; gray. 72,0
Potatoes-Sweet, 12.5032.75; Bur
hanka. Oreson, 306.-.
Uops-yuotabie at 24c per pound.
Onions 2.25 per sack.
Wool Nevajla. i.r,i,r i:..i. ,
choice, Wlc; heavy do, 0(280. Fall
Short. ti-aj.ii. S.n
good do, 5dc; SoutUnand coaa
45c; mounuin, light and free. 6.470
BrrrkB-rancy creamerv, H'SH,
seconds, ici fancy dairy, 12411.:
seconds, 12c -wioi,
KoUa-Store, i2S(313c; ranch, 13-t
Washington, April 29.
District of Columbia day it feat
and the general pension Urn
traoked nuder an arrangioiit to pt
the district the first two Va. fed
eral district bills were ptati li
derson, chairman ot the comi.'.ia t
judioiary, gave notice that be to.
call uo the bankruptcy bill toiionn
a. soon as the pension bill wid'jp
of. Henderson, from the coMi
on rules, then, at 1:30 P. M. Umai
in a special order for the oomidwajj
of the Pickler pension bill for ok
one-half hours this afternoon, n
the five-minute rule, the previooi(
tion then to be considered ai orta
on the bill and pending smenawn
with a nrovision for a final voteW
row. immediately after the radios
the journal.
Washington, April 30.-lM,,
today passed the Pickler general
Bion bill by a yote of 187 to 54. B
Republicans and Populists voted aw
ly in favor of the measure, d
n.mwvr,ita with SIX eXCeplWi t
ly against it The section to 'li
the bulk of the onposition wai diW-'
provides that veterans otherwise t-
ed to penBiou. shall not be dinM,
nn nnnnnnt nf nrior service io tne t-
they if
viimo J f v ' y,u
the Union tocres ninety dJ"
Lee's surrender. Tho bankruptcj
was taken np under a special order F
a inia Saturday at 4 0 C0
iuite a number of miuor bill"
passed before the regular order
j j.j ,i,u,., a bill
ueuiduueu nuiuug n.w -
store the land, embraced in th J
Lewis military reservation, Colon
to the publio domain.
Washington. May l.-TM K
snent th in further discosf
the bankruptcy bill. tVnnellM
in favor of the measure, M
Newlands and Broderick in opp
to it. Connely predicted, in tW
of the enactment of a e-coiwP
rfom-nd for banWF
law. Before the bankruptcy M '
taken up, there was some discu" ja
the treasury situation A
with the appropriation for tnii r
Dockery declured that the luw
oreated by this congress (iuclndin
000,000 tor oontracts) wonWdtf
1605,000,000. Uingiey,
the majority on the floor, w'f00
appropriations, calling attenti
iucc toat tne nous unu v
increase tbe revenues.
Paaceful sen"-"" f(l,
London, April 29.-FtoIJJ ,
Treasury A. J. Balfour, W'V
oir unam v ernou ,
eral leader, said in me for
mons today that the ""angerflea
consideration of the arbitration
ing Venexuela and otner m"-
the matters that ret Britain
United States had in view
recent negotiations.
n.if.,n, c"
ru urKfjiiaiiuuo. trrtfll f
that tho last communicate"
United States arrived on 't
was now under consideration.
said the government wooi .c.
both the general question ol r
and also with a spfcial a.0' Mo
nected vrith Venezuela, and i vtt
vuaasa rancy, mild, new, 10(410r. nected vrith enexueia, " , va
Tnnr, K0?1, 9,il0ci Voungimer: Adently hoped that by P'V
liift etrn- o both side, a pe"'0.1 oloU
Mi: E
. ... . uuu. i ,Mtter will gttainea