The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 09, 1896, Image 4

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    Eugene City CJuard.
Democratic Staie Ticket.
rorBui.rem.Ju.lio "' ""ri"11
i-r iivniuu.
toi.rr..m..l Mttn M,r"
Of I.I Ml).
Elwr.lKllitther oOlullnoinoh
J U C.rrull
J J WtiUut'f "'
w wtiibr """,IC
ricoKb jrMcuL bmTiin t.
Proiecutlnl Attorney J I'l'tou
of Coon.
Board of Equalization Frailer W ard
of Itiiuxlaa.
Democratic County Ticket.
of KiifvLa.
L.IIII.VKU of Kme ne.
W. L. llolMTON of Junction.
C. II. MATHKWb ol (io.h.ii.
of (.chIii-u.
H. H. hl'KSI Kit,
of Irrln.
of HirliKlluM.
J. It. IIII.I.
of ltlt'liarl.ii.
V.J. Mtl'llKll-oN
of r.ujfioio.
School Suiwrln'cii'lent J. I'. llol.l.AMi,
of Juui'lloii.
Snrveror J . HEAVKNIK,
of EuKDe.
Coronor Ir. UKO. H'AI.:,
ofColtaxo llruro
t'oininliduiiur .
Aaactior ,
In an editorial in today ' Kegin
tor we note the following: "Ilewl
inn the UcLetH uro tlio numen ofC
II linker, populiBt nominee for the
etuto Benute. What u record. Jn
18'J5 he rciirvKvnted the county or
rather mimiikpiikhkntkii it, in the
legislature, lie mudo mien u con
uuimate fool of liunxelf tliut the
idea of returning him did not rot
in a true republican bead out'
minute. " Who told
the HeiriHter ti:nt not one of tlie
41 delegates in the republieun con
venlion wun not u true repullicun?
Dues tlio KrgiMter menu to rend the
whole 'Mr' out of tlio rt'iiuolioHii
party when it H.iyH "thai the ideu
of returninir him (llaker) did not
rent in u true re.ullicun head "
However that may be. Driver oc
cupies no belter position relative
to the liiMt legiHlatnru tlian does
Uuker. 1 he reverend gentleman
was conniieiou in tlio lobby at
Salem during a great portion of the
legiHlutlvo BeMHion, uiding ami t t
tin with ull bin power tlio b iola
tivo 'hold up," sustaining linker,
ll'lbman, et ul. in their course of
astion; wan the HtM'ciul friend of
Hecrutary Kincnid; helping to defeat
all reform lcimlulion una labored
to be elected a railroad coin mis
Bioner. If llaker in unlit to return
to the legislature, a fact woconced
Driver U enuallv unlit.
A to Mr Skipworth'a pottition
in roforonoo to the flection of United
States senator be lias ulwuys been
coiiBistent, be has never talked but
ono wav about the matter. 1 1 o has
lived iii the Willamette valley for
20 years and has a reputation for
courngo, integrity and ability
worthy any man in county.
Of tbo three candidates for stale
senator Mr. Skipworth ought to be
the only Borious one considered in
tbo approaching election.
The fnibt for senator is between
Skinworth and linker. Driver
all intents and mirnoncs is out of
tbo contest.
Tbo candidates do not uppcar to
take much interest in tbo canvass
itidiiiniz from the licht attendance
at the public speakii.g.
We are not endowed with the
ruotism necessary to compare our
mental calibre with such giants as
llowurd Rowland and JacK How
ardl 'Nufsnid.
Mr Skipworth has repeatedly
stated before and alter thoconven
tion that nominated him, if elected
to tbo state senate be would vote
for a free silver democrat for I'nited
States senator. That is all tin
help any member of the legislature
could give the silver cause.
Mr. Moorhead will bo kept busy
explaining bis legislative record.
In bis speech nt C'oburg be at
tempted to explain bow be secured
tbo fat job of correcting the bouse
journal after adjournment getting
the neat little sum of $10 per day
for 21 days. There were three
members of the committee yet they
hired two clerks at a largo per
diem to do the work. Mr. Moor
bead said be would like another
such job. No one doubts it. Ho
is before the people asking re
election. lVndletou K O: J. M. Upton
of liandon, has been named by the
populists and democrats of his sec
tion for prosecuting attorney. Here
is an instance where the ollico
Bougbt tbo man and where a man
capable of filling the ollice has Urn
eslectod. Mr. Upton is a man for
whom we have the greatest respect
and in whom we have the greatest
confidence. For fifteen years we
have known him and during all
this time we have seen him ever
true to duty. If elected be will be
faithful and bis ollice will le ad
ministered simply as a trust, in
the interest of the eople.
blll 'KU'S l.MlbKb IKJ.Nf.EUS. j
Salem Journal, K".: "Ur.l
Driver's infidel : niters are some-1
what of an imaginative character.
They arenrisiugin their graves and
causing him much trouble in his
canvas- lor Hcnitiorauip. no n
as yet oU'ercd no denial or expla
nation of l.M remarkable niter-
"He named N tutor Semnitli as
hi an lllll'ICI WOO U1UU llioain;.
United Sla'ts Senator Nesmitb was
tbeist not an atheist, not an
unbeliever. Ho may not have
ken an orthodox believer orchurcb
member, but be was far from un
infidel in the tenet- of denying the
existence of od.
When Nesmitli was in the
United States senate bo prided
himself on being a sup
ports of Abraham Lincoln, and
voted for every war measure and
everv dollar oi appropriation vi
uphold the cause of the Lnion,
although u democrat, lie has left
sous and daughters who are noble
men und women.
"Jesse A indicate was also pained
as one who was an inlidel and died
insane. He was very much of a
gentleman an I said nothing about
religious matters. J hose wno were.
his associates say he was in no
sense un unbeliever. Ho was an
inmate of the asylum, but it was
more hecnU"o he was homeless than
liecaiisit of his I ss of reason. The
authorities were willing to let him
go ut any time if be could have
found n place to stay.
"Pcncra was not rent to the
asylum in his old age, but is said
to have been a man oi fining
emotional nature, and if Dr. Driver
hail stated that ho was an exhorter,
it would have been less likely to
prove untrue. He is said to lx
alive und well in Crook county,
Sam Cover, mentioned us
another infidel, who went insane
and w hose progeny would the out
after the fourth generation, was a
rank alio itiotint. und that was
counted a kind of religion in itself
in ib.isi! davs. lust as much as
... ... . . ,
bimettalism or populism i now
a davs.
"Dr. Driver I.iys too much stress
on progenv. iieorgo t h.-miiiijjumi
wusa noble man, served the people
with rare i.ttriotism. was the father
of bis country but never the rather
of a child. Dr. Driver has a hard
row to hoc up there in Line county
Delias n heavy load to carry in
his candidacy for the senate, and
he should disown the statement
attributed to him about the inhdel
pioneers who all went insane. We
'.ii . . i .... i - i..
sllll reill-e lo neneve no ever nnum
such a statement, but if be did it
was not true."
Tin.- ('miNiis.
KriiKSK, Or, April 2.1, ISlHi.
Tlio followiim nro the dales to he
filled by the chiivh:
Thiimloii, J-relnV. .Maynin, ai-i p m.
Full Creek. Saturday, May Oth, at
l- .
Pleasant J i til, .Monuuy, May inn,
ul 1 p in.
. 1 . . rH l II... 1.1.1. ..
tspiliiKht-lu, luennay, .uuy i.m, ui
1 p m.
Creawell, Wiiluesday, May 13th, ut
1 p in.
ottaire (Jrove, I hurmlay, May 1 Itli,
ut 1 p in.
I.orane, i riuny, .May i nn, ui i p in.
llailloyville. rulurduy. May loth, ut
1 p in.
Florence, Wednewluy, May liOth, ut
1 in.
Mupluton, Thursday, Slay -1st, ut
1 p in.
Chcshcr. Friday. May SJihI, at
1 p in.
.... ., . i . .. nn. I ... f
J-.liiiira, r-aturiiay, ijuy ioru, at j
P '"
... .... v. I . t ... II-. 1. .. .
MiiillilluM, .Monuuy, .iuy mui, hi
1 p in.
honif Tom, Tuekday, MuyS'ilb,at
1 p ui.
Jiiiietion, Wednesday, Sloy If'th, ut
1 p in.
IrvniK, iiiursuuy. Mtiy -sin, ui i
p m.
1 .. I .. t.... ni.i I. ... 1 ...
IMIUClic, r riuuy, .nay p
(,'huiriiiuu lU-p. Co. Out. Com.
ItollKKT Ci.ow,
Chr. Dein. Co. Cent. Com.
'1 ho peoples party is importing a
nun. her of Kastcrn speakers of
national reputation.
I, .me county has already been
disc-raced hv rival candidates lor
I he senate not bv lion. h. U
Skipworth, who was absent. Such
men are certainly not the lit ones
to enact laws for the government
of the people. otc for Ski
Previous sherill's have arrested a
prcat niiuibi r . f lawbreakers, but
ilolmsoti l.iied bv the vt ar at a fat
salary, has turned all such busi
ness over to Constable Lint in, who
has i anted large fees w hich Were
drawn from the heavily burdened
taxpayers of Kane county. What
does Johnson do to earn bis $'2,000
salary anvwav? He is seldom
found working in his ollice the
inside work hcinc done by highly
paid deputies at the expense o
those who pay taxes.
As Sheriff Johnson has devel-
oind into a letter writer wo would
like to ask him n question or two.
During the past year burglaries of
stores and sales have occuivd at
Spiiuglielil, Coburg and Irving
Ditl yon or your deputies move ;
foot to detect them? After A I'.ond
A: Son's s.tfo ms burglarized did
not one of tlio members of that
linn bei: vou to help run down the
robber-sand vou absolutely refused,
savini! the constable of K'nene
could do that work? And still
your hired organ prates about your
record. It is a daisy. We will
continue to throw more light on
the "best sheriff that Kmc c.-uutv
over had." Hah!
Sheriff Johnson's deputies, for a
lime, attempted to charge fees as
constables, ..i'.o.nigb being paid
large salaries bv the county. How
ever, the t oinmissioneis court nip
ped this in the told. Of coium it
was one of Johns m's jobs t.) further
increase his extrtvag nt sala-y.
And still his lured organ persists
in Baying that he has made the
best sherilV Kane county ever had.
Away with such silly twaddle, lias
ho ever anestcd a lawbreaker?
Hardly. Hut be has many times
been informed of crimes bv injured
people, hut he merely told the peo
pie to ",;o to the constable,
in tiie n i'ii.' ,-.i!vii..'i
he done lo i.uo Ills
year. His paid organ
S. S. loiiVHitteu Notes.
use has
MO per
The ladies' Crescent for $-'0cnuiut
U equalled. See them ntF K Clinui
PAINTS : : : $1.50
and everything else in
proportion at
The Crcwill Union District .Sunday
School Association met ut 1'lcasnnl
Hill, Oii'L'on, Saturday May .nil, ul 1U
o'eluik u. ui. AHIioukIi under unfa
voruhlu elicoiiiftulicea. I owi-Ver the
dcli-i-alfft und friends Ih-lIiii eoinini! In
at un eurlv hour. Vice President H. H.
.Morsse oiielied I lie llicelllof ny reuoniK
a iiuriiiio of scripture, und prayer, u.ter
u lilcli tliu eurolliiielil 01 ucifiues wan
In order. Schools were represented
from Creswell. Cuuiiis Swale, Trent,
Spencer Itoltu, Dexter, Uoshell und
Pleasant Hill. Owinir to the Inclem
ency of the weather, quite u number of
ili-lcgalc! iroui nearly every scnooi hi
the tllslriul were ouuOle lo gel to mo
convention. e were extremely sorry
of this too, for we were looking forward
to u LT'iml rally In Sunday Schisil worK
this stirliiL'. However those that were
iihrt-ul were the losers, for limit every
Niihlect touched upon was thoroOKhly
dis Hissed with much nthusiasin lioui
ciich one piesent.
exl In order euine election or hi-
llet-is. S. It. Morsse, of Creswell, was
nominated for picaidciii, Sir. Morose
having made it splelnlid president for
t lit past two yeais, wus uuaiiiiiiotinly
vleeled president for the (voiiinir year;
for vieu president. 10. It. 1'ioker, of
Dexter: second vice president, II. C
Wheeler, of Trent; secretary, W. K.
itristow, or Pleasant Hill.
Ilrother Morssu then eave a BtiitUt :c
al report of tint schools iu (lie tils' rict,
all show liaic ucllve worK, (leinonstriu
liiLj the fact that active work wus go.
Iiil' on nil ull nlolij the line ill thisdis.
tricl. I'lc-idenl Slor-htf bus nntiriiiL'
.eul lo placing thu uood fcultiresof this
work hufore the people, and till upjire
eiatu it.
Piioers were read as follows: "The
.Model Teacher," by K. It. 1'arker;
'Class Work." l!ro. Park; "The Model
Stipciintcndem," W. K. Itristow;
"Iliiuie Cliifs Work," S. It. Slorsse:
l'.to. Kont-lKittom, of Faiuene, being
liuaiihi to attend us auiiounivd, was
sin. plied by Klder W. A. Sw iek, of
Altiau.v, tlie lii.veliiiK lioine missionnry
for Sunday Selionls, who aave us u
splendid lecture on "Sunday School
Work," Saturday night l)n would
havetol eurllie lecture to appreciate it.
The time and place for the next
meeting in thu spring of 1V.I7, was left
to executive cnuiiiiiltce to announce iu
due time. Thus ended a Very plea Mint
mid prolltiililu convention.
W. K. llltlSTOW,
Kotit.s Kcioi:i IllM. (loil's Regu
lar friny forces established barracks in
Cottage (Irove lasl .Monday. The of
ficers com prised two men and a wnmun.
Some trouble urose, and Tuesday one
of the ineii and the woman left town.
It wus reported Unit they went uway
to get married. l.Hst night the man
returned and when he ventured out on
the streets ho was rotten egged by a
number of cill.cus.
Hons. To the w I ft of II V Keenoy
of (icsheii, Oregon, April 'M, IS'M, a
Diiv it Henderson, Undertakers anr
Emualmers. Cor Wil. jnJ sts.
For your"-1
Seas cnid
B Qoffee:,
a c. (ioii)aiiiii cd.
Highest Market Pries Paid (or
Hides and Produce.
I'Ktl.tR is
Musical MmlundUf, Bind Instrument!' Sheet
Music, ttc.
I'l Wix- IV k. r Hnn , lversA ruil, Siisefor,
'I rioi ImuUi', Ki'liler .v i'Iihc..
olio l Mn.iiti ,v IUiiiUu. X. It. ChiiM.
1-HVlT Hllii OtlHT l. 'Hill! MnWl'll.
North Roiim. CS rismsn Block. Eujma. Or.
We offer for 90 days at
$1.35 per gal cans. W. P.
Pullers Phoenix and Yates
Pure Paints.
A full lino of Wall l'iicr at 10,
i;, ai, , ;io und ;d ot
per double rolo.
Solcin;nt for the tVlebratid John W,
Masillies pnil.t products.
.Buv your tt I tit ut Oit.
Kugeii. tln'Kon
for Sate bj Ail Oruggisti
r ow Shoes
Yes, that's what you want at
this time of ihc year. He
don't Io anv plowing but
we sell lots of VLOW
We sell them at
The n.rlla..d. Mitchell ret.ublic.mH
jhave nominate.! oenua, -
ThuCre.ceutsnr here. ISO for Le
equal or any made. Fee then, a the
uianufacturerH- upnt, F L Ch.i.'il".
iUuiivlook-ftHif Myer. and
derburtf will t-ll' "'".ku ",e r",hod ut the iiieethiB l'"rt,",,U
yesterday .
Hhlli. Cure N sold on a guarantee.
It cure Incipient ciiutnitioti. It I
Only one "
0()cU.,y- S'ld by lieu-
dersiin A Linn. v
The No. 1 Crenecnt lii-ycU'
f..r aiMt-ll anu IU
I'.est Shoe for the money
ever sold in Eugene.
The Shoe Dealers.
MUI llelllC.
May 4, '00.
Ruin, rain, rain.
Tbo roailn are worne on How river
now than ut any time during the win
ter. The funuem on tlio river are not
through Meedini; yet.
A Kirk U huvini; miuii- i inj.rovo
uienlH uniileoii hiiin-ti.
J Ii Sicwnrt bun been building eon
biilcrulile fi-nee on bin furm lately.
Mr O II Teeters and mm, Shelby, are
Kclliui; out tiinbeM for tt lnr;o burn
which they intend to build tin.' stun
nier. Lou Weber ban rented his farm to
Mr Abbott und bus moved to i.'ottuKe
tirove. Mr Abbotl is leaching the
lied I lock tchnol.
Horn, April 2.jth, to the wile ofl'lnm
Teeters, a Kil l.
Jasper Items.
May o, I Stiti.
The Sunday nehonl will hold ex
ercise In the hcIiooI house tlie llrst
Sunday in June.
V T K iton la helping I' S Hills log
on Mt (ilen.
Miss Clara Eveiiwin and Miss Belle
Keetiev of Kiiirena visited here Satur
day Hint Sunday with Miss Keeney's
MrC KSvlvesler, Mrs Ii F Sylves
ter und Mrs 1 S II. Us visited Kugeiie
The political HjieaUcrs slighted Jas
per this time. What's that for? tJuess
they knew they o mid not change our
Mr Sit l)avi of Mt (Jlon is very
sick with laiippe.
Sheridan Meltee and wife moved
across the river Saturday, where ho is
goiui: to cut 50 cords of wood for I
the best eotigli cure.
do-e. cIm..
thu world
F. L
lVople'H I'urlj Speiikini,'.
lion J It Sovereign, master of the
Kuighta of Labor fo,- the United
States, will speak iu behalf of the eo
plc'8 party nt
Ktiene, May 10.
Junction City, May ill.
lion Mortimer Whitehead, lato lee
tiler of the Nutional Grunge will speak
Coltii.',' tirove, May 10.
Kugelie, May 'Jj.
Dailjr ouara, Mn) ii.
Ckmk.NT Laiii. The cement work
In the new creamery huildinj,',oii West
Klk'blh street w ill lie complett'd this
evening. The work has been delayed
eonnidcribly by the wet weather. It
will require aoout eight days for the
cement lo harden und about two
innte davs after Unit to place the bill
tiuee of the nii.eninery in place, so that
it will lie about 10 days yet before the
creamery will ne ready to start up.
It is Muted on food authority. mu
the Astoriun, that about 2U0 gHiiililew
und iill aroun.l to.njhs have rccen ly
ur.ived In A.toria from I'oi land and
other cities from which they huxe
been khutotit.
It is not u mirucle. It won't cure
everything, but it will cure piles.
Thut's what DeWitfa Witch Huzel
Salve will do, because it has done it iu
hundreds of eases.
OhlifltX A PkLano.
Captain Svcelley t'. S. A., San Il
,.go, Cal., -ays: "Shilo's Cuturrh
Kemedy is the liri-t medielne I have
ever found Hint would do me any
g.Nid." i'lice one. Heliderson &
Itu-y peojile have no time, and sen
sib e -oie have no inclination to use
u slow remedy. One Minute Cmich
Cure acts promptly and gives perma
nent results.
Oniii'KN & Ii-: La so.
Parks' Tea clears the complexion-
Mrs. N. Meyef.e, of Le Hoy, X. l
says: "I liavj usi-d Parks' Tea ami Und
it tbo best remedy I huve ever tried.
Sold by A. Ykkixuton.
Knrl's Clover Koot. thu irreut Llood
I'uriller.givvs freshness and clearness
to the Coiii.le.ioii and cures Constipa
tion, ets., 50 elii., H Sold by
Henderson it Linn.
It's lust us easy to try One Minnie
Cough Cure as anything el-e. It's
easier to cure a severe cough or cold
with It, Let your neit purchase for a
cough be One Minute Cough Cure
Better medicine: better result; better
try it.
Osui nx & DkLaxo.
Burns are absolutely painless when
Hewitt's Witch Hazel Salve is prompt
ly applied. This statement is true. A
perfect remedy for skin discuses,
elianncd hands and In s, and never
fails to cure piles.
Osiii'iiv & DkLaxo.
Parks' Couirli Syruo cm in Coughs-
Colds und Coin uinption. Mrs. Culli
erine Black of Le Hoy, X. Y., says: "I
took one bo! tie of Parks' Cough Syrup,
It acted like limbic. Moppcil my
cough and I am perfectly well now
Sold by A. Ykkinotox.
When you take Simmons Liu-rHcg-ulator
tliia spring for your blood, und
for Malaria be sum to note bow well It
works, and how quickly you find
yoursclvis improved in health and
spirit. "I was induced to try Sim
mons Liver Hegulator, und i's netion
wu.a quick und thorough It imparted
a brisk in. d vigorous feeling. It is an
excellent remedy." J H llilnnd, Men
i oe, Iowa.
1. Three Star Amoskage Ginghams, re
duced to g j
2. Sea Island Zephyrs 10
3. 4-4 Amoskage Checks 5
4. 36 French Zephyrs 16
' Ull
1A I
! (
7th and Willamette Streets.
Make Your Feat Glad.
Wo soil thu J. Miller & Co.,
.elz, Schwab it Co.,'
rir.-rroo & Smith,
(ieo. '."J. Snow's Shoos.
Prices are Right
Every Pair Guaranteed.
II X S KiXK SIIOKS, ?l. to. Sl.fiii, I?'.' .fm -ANY IOK.
MKXSTAX SHOES, tiM, ;l.00, $:i ''.-.-LoXIMiX Olt XKKDI.ETOEi
MKXSFIXE.fW Sll()l,,Til( I,i.SK, f..'.'.-i ANU 2..M).
I. AHIKS'FIXE SIIOKS, ?1 fl.M), fL'.on, iz:0.
I.ADIKS' WAI.KIXi; SHOKS, H.w, ifl 01, Sl.Vi. $1.51,
LADIES' SfllltT WAIVI'-, :.().-, l"c., !D,-, J1.0O, .'J.-,, Sn.
r.oY's suits, u.'i:, $.100, $:i.."o, f i.."n.
men's si'irs, $, if.vr.t, s;, sr..-,?, ?h.!'s, $o.:), ft a do.
Not li e.
I hereby announce myself an Inde
pendent candidate for thu o I tire of
I'otiniy Tieauii.-r for Lane county,
Oregon, ut tlie i nsain el 'ction.
J. (1. ItUAY.
Kugene, dr., April LO, iv.Ki.
Through unavoiilalilo circuinstaiu-os, be in"; unable to
j;ivo my personal attention to luine-; this Sprino; ami
Summer, 1 have iletennined to till'i-r my entire well assorted
stock of Merchandise at COST, until Tall, or further notice.
It is impossible to quote prices on every article in thestore,
but the following are a few. to oivo vou an idea of what. yo
l'e $ .."" :;ow -lie
.rctf .7.1 now liJc
.reu 1.10 now h7t
..rcj; .To now ti'J1,
. i oil 1.00 now 7J!
.rei ,."i0 now .'tso
..rir ,'J now lilt;
are doin::
.'Ul in tdaek nil wool uioluiir
40 iu '
41lii " " " ',
4 iu " " eri;o
44 in " " " "
3S in colored " "
.'iti in " mixed "
lllir ellfia tuintirio una etc. will ull Le Mild ut a treat reduction
Men' reufJ.3 Muck Fedora ut... ,
" '' 1.50 lirown nud;rev l-Vdora ... . v .!!
:: :: l-: r1 v-f uMi "r,,y :::: ;
" " l..0 tdacK Maple ..
Boy's " 1 00 l.lack l'e.lotii IZZ""'.'."" V'o
" " .fill tilue eruslt
" and irirl'x eapn
Don't nvellook our s'ill liat ; we luivc Viieii'i ' f-on'i I'j'i.'iiiJ'ii'p"
$ .!. H.nrl wnit for --,f M,-n M to llnee.,lfi.i.Hat 'V,
11-. . II .... I ....... . I ."' I
'" . 1 ..I till
I.'.'. i " " " floo ' i ;;( .. ..
i " " " i -o r,vs i ,,, ..
1.7i l.;;ii i ..
Racket Stored
. v f
Thlt rni..,
J .t:WiL'.!i , ' !.- ';: i
41, m,.i. mwi. (lurijt. bwULrwttrMuU.t
ynrn til. mil tuiii.i. Ai-t.i i
iml'l, Wi'htt ml ""ii; f - I
incillrnl hook b.'"li t p
nntiic'ii l utmwMtiif, 2- i' ' '
We ni'lit tell you more almnt One
Minute Cinijjli Cure, lint you prnlialuV
kiuiiv tlud it euriH a eouijli. Every
one docs who has used it. It i n per
feet remedy for eolith, eohU, hoarse
lies. U is un especial fuvorite for
ehiKIreii, hcin pleasant to tuhe and
ijtiiek in curin-.
Osill'KN ,V DkLano.
i I','... nd C1
in iiarHiiivt u n. int.- .
or intiiicy riliimltil. "i" P' " J
Iu... .1. I..r. ..irn lur ltl1 0-f
MA HUN KI'KY, lUTM.wmir'
II: Ht-t-Usi. (lnniiiiHiK fV.T.viilifrt.H
Ort'iioii hy iliiirn A IU'Uik1
" 1.10
" 1.110
" l.'Jo
ii . . ..
t'.Hi.i.Hrti. .tul ....I llrvl ,.h.n,...i l..r . . . . I-''
" 'i ' incus ,-inil liovs heavv sliot-s nr..
they wil, not last onMU llie-e prices. ici., d in ,U sX. '
Will makd the Season ol 1838, as follows:
On nt Cr.-Hll; on Tailv and
e.m...,t on t l'.,tt:lL'f liroVH; on 'I'llllM
il.iy ;a .U,.n li Kwiify'a fitrni one fuurtli
nine ei-t ut t.iwhm; on Fridays mid Sat
;d.iv, ut Kusene, at K. 11. liowUl.y.
ndif..iNi.i Jim i a boaiitiful niuli.Kany
lv. u-,tli Mar in fon-li.-adi .taudn 10 hand,
"'ill, is,,, .mnn ttnJ wm , fi
J. iirs ..M May ls;i(i.
' leillyree. :
i-,1lif.,n!..Ii,n sired by a full tired
l.tUi-li Morn, win., wriht at 6 ynt old
"lid on,- half French Canadian.
ll;i:IS; - Single imi,. nyal,e ,t
tune of ,,., ie. ..l-"n , payable at eud of
i,"'-."J'jio1.,,.i1i, whfD m,ire
l eor.M. ere.lwithfoaL Cm, taken to
r. ,M,,ent. but re.p,!, fr ,ww
A. PARKS, Proprietor.
Mt'i.j rillkti shirt! juM Urawt r
m it t
rK line now 4lV eael
.. " 4"io " Kj0
" Coo " ;;ic
' 4oo " ;i.;H-
I'"' ler suit
' d at cofl.
I Iens and hoy shirts, s vkn, overalls un.l iiinn, r . j i
f:t 00 line kid Iiih for
I .'Ml donmda flux' for
Our entire line of ehlldrens, nussts and ladu i,
the same olaiixliter.
Heinember this U a genuine sale of tlie entire sunk of
goods without exception, so don't miss the 0M,w-tunitv of
getting sotno good bargains.
"MM Will
...... 1 !.-
I t;s
l -:o
innv the
I..1,-.I ConriTT Kng-.,- ju-ti,,',
1- let l,...c.,inov, snoe f .i.o,,
I ' nil neil an! .l,,iu ji h '
- oi.pi. i, I nililla j
K.A L'..,
.,. , Defendant.
- h. . Crts, defendant:
In the I,;.,,!.-of ibe stale f OreRf, ,()
""'"'""J rMjui,,.,! to B,,p,.ar and" answer
e.omplanatjetU.HUiatyou iu .be ,Im,.
eutit e u.f ..t, by Urn luth day of Jnne
I""..... l.eL,U Ol UoVIo-k ill L f,''
no.,, f -.i.l uy. the same Uf u
hour I., me .et for tfcet.uUf
tl'l-1 em-e, the .aid trial lo take p!uiw iu
n,,,.,u.hec.t,of F,,w,e at'.le ,h,
... hou.a .r.M..l.a,l,f yo fail t0 VI
" ' V" nr, ." day. for want therco.
tlie pUmutN ,, take jnruent eoaiu"
J. iiMkM,,;0(Jlft,'lili
H- .'M-,fJ,ma,lv.,o,,1 ,ue rHt9
"",,,uJ Hnd ic,-"
Thm .ninnian. u published bv order ol
er.ible A E Wheel.,, (il,rtb;
Hie ih day of April, l:i,
K K. SsirwotTH,
Altortiej for I'Uimiffi
.'l-.and2i:HiivlHrt. dir. Cobs'
San Francisco, li
Wo pay the Mk-lie-t nurkitl-"
Wheat, Barley, Oats.Pota-
Apples, Poultry, Hid
It will pay yon to write u "'
Liberal .lvam-euni.U'w-
J.-an KiMiifi-o l-ruil
i;i:ki:i:k!:salkok r.KAtrr.
Notice in hereby (;ifn
tb-t t'
.in order uiiil decree of iw'
the BtateoKJr.nouforl-1"' v.
Ike rt-uular term tli-r ! '
ilie4ibiayof M ireb, b-'-'1'-' .,
following denorilud ' "' .
lieloUHii.Ktolbo Ii. i k ol .
hecri Unburn. il.Te.o-fl. '" ,, day f Hay, 1"''. " ; f'j,.
ut tlie court bouse ii""' . 5.
.1... .,f nine i i-Kh.'
inrtu iu. I...II... of.'
o'clock ptu ofi-aiddi.- i't '' ,
No One: Comiu io u ' ; n
eat side of Wlil ilio tl- "(rt ,.
Lane comity, Orruon.'"1 'Jy.
l the KOi.U'.eiiht eerlo ' ' '"
No Id; tin uce we-l ,,'(,.
1'J f. et: tin uee m-' "' '
!l-f, thence K"Ulli 1,1 , ,
lieKiiudiH', lieiiiU kn ''' ; y
limn So. r-. Trie! N". 1
S, !l and 10 m block V " :
ditioii to Kntu ,( '
Three: Tue uor.l, 'f.
di scrihed preinne-- 1 , Jrtir
e .riior of tho tnn t et ' y t,
t'e. brail and wife '.. ot :
or -ed m dee.) book W ,
tbenee north S'J d-'H- J; u ' ', ,e
tin me una ih uo det. :''
lbt south tU do!. ,i
Ihence north no ! u. - j.,,;'
. . ..... i no '
Tin- one half ( ''
Hurvcv Noiiini'd
nttuj that i i'i7 Obii11 ;
chaiuetoth inu. i l'K ,Tt S
. J 'Job. ' . fc"
mm, est a. 67 j.,,-
chaiu to lh plaee t u":t
I m Mcrea iu
Ti-riu-i ol ilu csl1'