111 e I I EUGENE CITY GUARD, (, I UMPHILI frwprleter, EUGENE CITY. OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY CPITOME OF THE TELEGRAPHIC NEW8 OF THE WORLD. lb Two Hemisphere Presented In u Condensed Form A Large A moon! of Information In Smell IptM Austin Abbott, LL. D., died at bin late residenoe, 16 East Fif ty-flrst street, New York city, after an illness of tea week. A postoffloc bat been established at Cbaae, in Yamhill county, Or. Wit liain U. Chase It the postmaster and thb cfllce ia a special one from MoMinn- vllle. Tbe ynnng ladiei' olnb of the oniver lty of Washington defeated tbe young ladiei of tbe bllensburg normal school at basket-ball by a aoore of all point! to three. A New York Herald special from Cairo, Egypt, aayi: A telegram to the war department rtatei that Colonel Lloyd defeated the derrlahei near bua kin. Joseph D. Iliggini, one of the oldeat of tbe pioneera of Oregon, died In As torla. lie waa 78 year of age, having been born in Fulton oouuty, 111., Iu 1823. A Madrid dlapatoh aayi: It ia an nounoed that the royal ipeeob to be de livered at tbe opening of the new oortot will promise political and aduiiulstra tive reforuia for Cuba aud Porto ltioo. Judge H. F. Denuison, ex-chief ju tice of the aopreuie oourt of Washing ton territory and one of the ableat Jur lata of the atate, died in Olympia, aged 76. Lie waa a native of Vermont and one of the Argonauta of California. An old flintlock sun, smooth bore, and bearing the date of 1776, wai found in a cabin on the Colville Indian reaervation by two prospectors. They alao found a atring of euriouily oarved beada and a acalp-lock of a woman From Waabington, D. C, oome the newa that the poatotlloe at Excelsior, in I'ierue oouuty, Wash., will be dia ooutiuued April BO, next. It ia to be consolidated on May 1 with the post' offloe at Taooma, to which all mail aliould be sent. Sir liurouloa Hoblutou, governor of Cape Colony, telegraph! to the English government that there ia no aigu that lluluwayo la endangered, aud that pre oautioua are being taken to keep tbe road to lluluwayo open iu ordei to sup ply it with food. The drat ileeping oar porter ia dead. lie waa John D. Mitchell, and be wai with the Pullman company over- thirty year, lie began hia aorvice aa porter on the "Pioneer," the first Bleeping oar ever built, the lolling foundation of ita luveutor'a vast wealth. The arreat of the baptist missionary, bishop Uiai, in Havana, waa due to the declaration! by some prisoners who were oi.ptured at Vivora, near that place, aud to the document which were fouud iu their possesaiou. ilia case will be summarily pushed. A dlapatoh to the Volka Zeitung, Cologne, dated from Shanghai, declares that it is true, as baa been before re ported, that Li Hung Chang, who is on bis way to Moscow to be present at the coronation of the ozar, bears with him a secret Kuaso-Chluese treaty. A dispatch from Home to the Pall Mall Gaaotte. London, aaya the papal nuuclo at Madrid baa been instructed to propoae the mediation of the pope to bring about a settlement of the trouble in Cuba or to urge upon Spaiu the ac ceptance of President Clevelaud'a re ported offer of mediation. A dispatch from Havana says: Throe prisoners of war, Urcgorle Kirges, Ka tabau lloruandcs aud Jose Pacallao, wore executed at Cabana fortress. They belouged to the insurgent baud com manded by Dr. Liruuo Zayaa, and were captured by tbo soldier of Aarapiloa' battalion during the attack on Mana gua. A number of the newspapers of Mad rid aud elsewhere duuiaud that the elections in Cuba be annulled aud ex premier Sagaatl intends to ask the chamber of deputies to annul the Cuban elections on the ground that the elec tors, owing to the slate of rebellion prevailing, were not free to vote aa they pleased. The Loudou Daily Telegraph has a dispatch dated lluluwayo, via Pretoria, which aays: The enemy are maneuv ering and constructing laagers to pro Tide for retreat aud organised attack leas than six mile out A council of war has been held, and it has been decided that the local force are too weak to make further attack upon the Matabclca. Jauice K, Allaop, alias A. A, Austiu, who was arrested iu (Seattle by Detec tive John Courtney, of Minneapolis, on tbe charge of murdering Leua Olaen on the shore of Lake Superior, near Du luth, in order to get poaacsHion of 400, oommitted suicide iu the city jail at Seattle, by hanging himself with a piece of blanket The steamer Uaello brings news that Admiral McNear, in command of the Asiatio squadron, is contemplating a naval demouatratiou in Chinese waters. Tbe fleet, consisting of tho Detroit, Olympia, Charleston aud Uoeton, will rendesvoua at Shanghai during the summer, aud will sail north along the coasts of China aud Japan. Undertaken of Chicago are inter ested in the propositions of an Indiana company to manufacture glasa cofllus on a large scale. Id an Interview Ueorge F. Kimball, the plate-glass manufacturer, stated that the idea is entirely practicable, aud that ooftlus can be constructed iu the cheaper gradea for not more thau 60 ceuu a running foot. The oflloera of the Chartered South Afrioa Company In London are persist ently representing that the situation at lluluwayo la not a serious aa repre aeated in nou-oSlclal dispatches, aud that the town ia not in any real dan ger. Tbe chartered oompany announce that the official of lluluwayo are con fident that they can hold the town, and that tbe town of Salisbury 1 also aafe, and i organizing it defensive foroe. Deputy United State Marshal Sam Vinson and Secret Officer Harris made a raid on den of counterfeiter near the Union PaoiOo depot, Spokane, Wash., and captured two. A complete plant for the making of half-dollar was found, with about thirty of bogus coins. Tbey are splendid imitations, and have been in circulation freely in saloons and sporting resort. Tbe national arbitration conferenoe will bold a two days' session in Wash inton, D. C, during the coming week. Between 800 aud 400 written accept ances of the invitations to attend the conferenoe have been received from governor of states, jugdes, publicists, lawyer, leading busiues men, minis ter of religion, philanthropist, educa tor and other eminent Christian. Tbey represent in all thirty-eight state. Captaln-tJeneral Weyler ha decided to release Itev. Alberto Dial and bia brother Alfred from custody, on con dition that they will leave Cuba imme diately. The trial of Scott Jackson for the murder of Pearl Llryan has oommenoed at Newport Tbe speed made in HCur ing a Jury astonished the oourt and tbe counsel on both side. A dispatch from Panama lay: Some fear are entertained here that trouble will occur when the election for deputies take place. Tbe member of the liberal party will vote for the first time aiuoe 18H5. A dispatch from Ottawa to the Lon don Timea suya: Sir Mackenzie Howell, the uremier. has announced the resignation of the minister will be nanded in in a few day, it is expected sir Charles 1 upper will be tne new premier. Estrada Palina, president of tbe Cu bun junta, issued an addreaa to tbe poo Die of the United States, in which he declare that the introduction now of reform in Cuba bv the Spanish gov eminent will have no effect upon the revolution. Tbe Home Tribuna, commenting upon the tupturo of the peace negotiations between Abyssinia aud Italy, violently attack the government, declaring the minister to be responsible for the di honor suffered by Italy through King Meuelek'i attitude." The schooner Prosper.Captain Hulm, returned to San Francihco to have a leak repaired. She started for Cook's Inlet on April 0 with a number of gold hunter, and wa about 800 mile up the coast when a leak wa sprung for ward, on the eveniug of April 17. An official dispatch from llatavia say the endangered post in Acbin territory baa been relieved, after a fight with the rebels under Tockod- joban, who lost 70 killed and had 200 wounded. The Dutch loss was oue oflloor wounded aud 88 soldier killed aud wounded. Llaron von Humiiierstoiu, the former editor of Ileus Zultung, Merlin, aud leader of the conservative party, wa sentenced to three year penal scrvl tude, to be deprived of civil right for live years and pay 1,600,000 mark. The ohargua agaiuat him were forgery, fraud aud breach of trust. While leaving work at lock 9, a skiff which ooutaiued nine men, upset mid three were drowned at Charleston, W Va. The dead are: Henry Mahau, oolored, of Oallipolis, O. ; ltichard Dlukinsoii, oolored, former home un known; Jordau, whlto, 16 years old. Tbe other six swam ashore. Tbe house committee on military allaira have decided to report a resolu tion authorizing the sepaker to appoint a committee of tive members to investl gato the charges of mismanagemuut of the soldiers' borne at Leavenworth, Kau., made by Hepreseutative liluo of that state. The oommitteo on text books of the board of education, of Omaha, Neb., has determined to introduce a book of llible selections into tho public schools, A majority of the school board is iu favor of the movement The commit tee will submit ita report at the next regular meeting, and its adoption ia re garded aa a oertaiuty. Chief Washakie and the principal men of the Shoshone tribe and Chief Sharp Nose and the leading men of the Arapahoe have just closed their coun cil with Indian Inspector McLaughlin regarding the purchase by the govern ment of the liig Hot li hot springs. The two tribe have agreed to aooept $ 00,000 for the territory tlve mile by ten, embracing the springs. Colonel Caleb Dorsey, of Oakdale, Cal., a wealthy and prominent mine owuer aud ranoher, waa shot and killed at the Dorsey mine, 1 1 miles from Co lumbia, at II o'clock Wednesday morn ing, by his mining partner, J. T. New comer, over a dispute that eusued upou Dorsey 's charging Newcomer with cleaning up aud misappropriating the amalgam without the colonel a knowledge. It la again positively denied that negotiations are in progress between Madrid aud Washington ou the subject of grantlug noiue rule to i;uua. seuor Cauovas de Castillo, tbe premier, says the reform projected for Cuba will tie applied only when circumstance are in favor of suoh a movement. The premier also says the reforms would not be applied to Cuba until asked for by Captaiu-Ueneral Weyler, who has said nothing ou the subject. Seuor de Castillo says be will not be a party to a bourse maueuver by keeping silent regarding this rpeort. The New York Herald says: Through special correspondence, news of import ant executions iu Sau Domingo has reached tbe I'uited State. The min ister of war, Oeneral Kamou Castillo, and Jose Katay, governor of the prov ince of M aeons, were executed at Ma oorit, on March 28, by order of L" lysis Hereaux, of Sau llouilngo, General Picardo, boarded the steamer Presi dents with 160 soldiers, went to Ma ooria, aud at 6 o'clock iu the morning of the day mentioned, had the officials shot About 7,000 Cubans have fled to San Domingo during the last six mouth. THE PACIFIC STATES INTERESTING NEWS NOTES FROM VARIOUS PLACES. The Orent Northwest Furnish Boms Kews of More Tbaa Oeoem.1 Inter st Development mad Progreee Id All Industries-Oregon. A number of valuable doga have been poisoned in Tbe Dalle recently, and the owner are after the poisoner, who ba thus far escaped punishment At the close of the East Oregon pres bytery a resolution waa adopted offer ing a vote of thank to the people of La Grande for the hospitality extended to the visitors. Mosier ba a monstrosity in tbe shape of a calf with two mouth, one immediately underneath tbe other. Tbe calf, to all appearance, ia per fectly formed otherwise. Sheriff Knight, of Marion county, has turned into the county treasury hi fourth annual installment of taxea oollected for the year 1805 Tbe amount wa 3,188.63. Crook county ha three candidate for sheriff, L. W. Wood, who waa de feated for nomination in the reoont Democratic convention, having an nounced himself an independent can didate. Mr. Angelina Frazter, the wife of William Frazier, died at her home in Cove, Union county, April 4, 1806. Mrs. Frazier wa one of tbe earliest pioneer of Eastern Oregon, aud had been a resident of Union county for many year. Mr. Perard, ibeepraiset of Echo, is preparing to drive bia abeep to the Cascade. Tbe animala have been horn and tbe wool told for 8 oenta per pound. Tbe dip realized ix ton from 1,600, an average of eight pounds to the fleece. Three of Crook county' babies, Fred Smith, Love Bailey and K. E. Misener, met in Priuevllle recently and some en thusiastic friend took them down to the hay scales and tipped them at 825 pounds. Pretty good for oow county, the Iteview thinks. Tbe Kepublioau, of Uniou, saya it ia now generally oouceded that Kelaay Porter, who waa convicted of murder in the first degree for killing lien Mache on New Year's day, will escape the gallows. Porter wa to have been banged last week, but an appeal waa taken and execution stayed. For theie years every person within the corporate limit of Floreuoe who wa liable to road tax ba been in doubt a to whether he ahould work it out under the city marshal or tbe road supervisor appointed by the oouu ty oourt, and the uncertainty of tbe situation i aa perplexing this year aa ever. The owner of floating flshwheela near Tbe Dalles, have most of them in the river, and are oatobing some fish, but o far the catch ba been very light, owing, no doubt, to tbe low tago of tbe water. Stationary wheel are still high and dry and are doing nothing, aud will not until tbe water has risen ten or fifteen feet Tho Corvalli Time confirm the report of a new flouring mill for Mon roe. Order for fuOO worth of new machinery for the mill have been placed iu Portland. The mill is to be located ou the farm of E. Maude, oue and a half miles north of Monroe. It is to be a roller process, with steatu power,, aud the capacity to be fifty or sixty barrel per day. Work 1 to be giu in a short time. Tbe miuers at tho coal mine east of Coiuille had a narrow escape last week. L. P. Maury, oue of the miner, while working, bit what he supposed to be a tree knot, which on examination, proved to be two stick of giant powder, both with cap aud fuse attached. It seems almost a won der the ohargo did not explode, the oap being slightly iudented from the foore of tho blow of the pick aud a serious accident happen. It ia thought the charge was placed by the negroes, who previously worked the mine, aud who neglected to remove it The Long Creek Eagle say that Hugh Arbuckle recently fouud the skeleton of a human being in an alkali lick on the middle fork of the Johu Day, near the mouth of Granite creek. While looking after some stock, Mr. Arbuckle wa attracted to the lick by a peculiar formation caused by tbe incessant licking of the animals and the action of the element for yeara past What appeared to be a knee joiut protruding above the surface, led Arbuckle to vigorous efforts, aud with the aid of a pick aud shovel what proved to be the remains of a man were soon unearthed. Notwithstand ing the fact that they must have lain for many year iu thi alkali forma tion, the bone were all well pre served. Washington. There will be a oue day teachers' in stitute in Whatcom, Saturday, May i. George Lee is planting fruit trees iu sixty acres of laud In the Keunewick valley. The opeulng of the reservation has given quite au impulse to trade at Colville. The director of the Tekoa echoola have teachers who now constitute, the educational staff in that olty. A burglar succeeded in making off with fJSO, taken from the house of Charles Gustavers, a flour aud feed dealer of Auburn. Six families of Hollander were lo cated iu tbe Yakima valley last week. Another party of these people is ex- epcted there in July. Seattle now ha a law library asso ciation. Nearly all of tbe attorneys over 800 have subscribed aud prom ised hearty support Judge Pritehard of Pierce oouuty, hold that a chattel mortgage in Wash ington is a mere lien upou the chattels, ud doe not affect the owuershsp of Uie goods mortgaged. Au eflort is being made to reorganize the Ceutralia Water Works Copmauy, so as to fund the preaeut indebtedness and secure inoue) to exteud the piaul and build a power-house. John Clenian last week moved 10,- 000 head of sheep from the Columbia river bottom to bia ranen in ia Wen, where the increaae will ba ared for and ahearing begun aoon. Thomaa Johnson and Bid Crull, who were oouvicted In Walla Walla of bar- ing sandbagged 8. Malnomson, have been sentenced, Johnson to tbe peni tentiary for ten yean and Crnll to the reform school Tbe board of county commissioners of Pieioe oonnty ba closed a oontraot with Attorney E. W. Taylor to prose cute the collection of the delinquent personal tax-roll. Tbe amount out standing ia about 10,000. Person from Yakima in traveling over the mountain to Wenatchee, re oeutly encountered mow to tbe depth of 16 feet; of the oompany of Ave, two lost their way and had a aerioua time getting out of the mountain. Thieve entered Captain Ward' grocery tore at Eagle harbor last week, while Manager Slater wa at upper, and a large amount of flour, canned goods, etc. , wa carried off. Several other robberie were alao com iintted. In Seattle two Chinese. Chin Jim Wab, bookkeeper of the Wa Chong Company, and Chin Chong, manager, filed identification paper for their tbildren, the object being for the off spring in due time to be able to inherit whatever property their father may leave, and not be subjected to litiga tion. Manager F. A. Huntley, of tbe Puy Hup agricultural experiment station, ba arranged for experiment in flax culture tbe present season. Twenty plat will be sown at Poyallup for the purpose of demonstrating the quality of fibre produood, and arrangomenta have been made for a limited number of experimenta in Lewis, Cowlitz, Clark and other counties. E. K. Learning of Yakima has bad a wagon equipped in the prairie schooner fashion, and with hi wife ba started for a trip acrosa the ooun try. Tbey will go through Oregon by wagon and will (tick to the convey ance so long a they find it comfortable and beneficial to tbeir health, which i the object of the trip. Tbeir present intention is to go to Mexico, and they expect to be absent from Yakima about Ave months. Allen Shadle, father of Joseph Shadle, whose mysterious death at the Steilacoom asylum caused a sensation, ha addressed a ciroular letter to the people of the state of Washington, from bis borne in Ohio, appealing for justice, and declaring bia belief that both Shadle and Frank Barrett were murdered, liarret wa an attendant at the asylum, and died suddenly on tbe street one night in Taooma. Shadle offer a reward of 500 eaoh for convio tiou of the murderer of hia ion and llarrett Idaho Mining Not. The Daddy mine, at Murray, is laid to have netted ita owner $50,000 dur ing tho year 1805. A conservative estimate places the output of concentrates from the Coeur d'Aleue mills at 10,000 tons per month. The building of boats in Lewistou is assuming cousideralbe importance. Several boats are being constructed at that point F. A. llauer of Elk City writes ad visiug men and prospector, who con template going iuto that couutry, to wait a few weeks longer, a there is considerable anow, which will inter fere with prospecting and inspection of properties. Considerable prospecting i being done in tbe bill between Wallace and Murray, and quite a number of the claim have a yocd showing of ore, aayi the Wallaoe fiefs. It i strange that old prospectors tbould find any satisfaction in leaving Idaho for Brit ish Columbia to hunt for new mines, when there ia sucn a good field here. There ia plenty of undeveloped ground in thi lection and there is no reason why it should not be opeued up. The Standard Mining Company hive oompletod their new dam on the Can you creek. It is a very substantial piece of work. Lumber is expected about tbe end f the present week, aud when it arrives work will be re sumed on the flume aud pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. The electrio plant previously meutioned, to be used for tbe tramway at the Stand ard tniue, will trauamit power a dis tance of about six miles, and it will undoubtedly be one of tbe most com plete in tbe Coeur d'Alenea. KESULT 0FRESUIIVEY TRAPS WILL BE MOVED EAST AND SOUTH OF SAND ISLAND. Engineer H.,.rdt, It Is Reported. Hae Ord.r.d That a Number ef Tb.oi B l.k.a Out. but Just How Many Is Mot Doflnlloly Known. Astoria. Or., April 23.-Wbile the agitation over the flshtrap question ana the right of partie. to drive obstruc tion along tbe southwest tide jf bua island baa not yet been aettled, it ha had the effertof bringing about a re .urvey of tbe harbor line., which will result in the removal of a number of trap east and aoutb of a line extended from the outheast end of Sand isluno to Scarborough bead. It is not knowu just how many will be removed, but It i reported from Fort Steven that En gineer Hegardt ba ordered that quite a number be taken out One trap owner will be compelled to remove trapa vauled at about 5.000. and ev eral other will be affected to the ex tent of from 11,000 to 3.000. Incon sequence, there i considerable feeling among tbe owner interested against "Slab" Kelly, of Ilwaco, and hi ileut partner. Tbe identity of tbe latter ha not been disclosed, but it i whis pered around here that, when it be come known who tho partie inter ested with Kelly are, there will be a slight sensation. THE BISMARCK MINE. Klch Htrlfces Have lTeel.ltUd a Coo troverjr lor I'ostrsslon. Denver, April 23. A special to the New from Idaho Springs, Colo., ay: Great excitement prevailed here today over the dispute over the possession of the Bismarck mine and tonight it ap pears a if there would be a pitched battle over tbe possessiou of the prop erty within the next twenty-four hours. Those of tbe interested partie seen tonight refuse to talk, but it i known that an organized eflort will be made to regain possesaiou of the property. Tbe difficulties originated almost six mouth ago, when Beers Brothers, of New York city, failed to meet tbeir mining obligation. The wage of the miner were in arrears and an attach ment waa made against the property to secure the debt. Monnig & Bailey, who held a claim against Beer Broth er, paid off the attachment aud took charge of the'mine and have since been operating it In the past mouth a big strike of mineral waa made. It is claimed by the friend of Beer Brother that Mon nig & Bailey long ago paid off it in debtedness. Last week Beer Brother offered to pay that firm any balance due them. At first this seemed agree able and the Beer people were given possession of the mine, but last nigbt Monnig & Bailey took forced posses sion, threatening to annihilate anyone who attempted to eject them from it. No legal action has been taken a yet, and neither side seems to favor such an action a they claim that the law will be too slow. Tbe mine is one of the best in this country. The aver age value of ore is f SO per ton. NOT YET OVER. Montana Mining Now. The license law a passed by the late legislature of Montana has finally been declared constitutional by the su preme oourt. The' Montana Ore Purchasing Com pany has declared ita usual dividend of 1 per share. This dividcud is at the rate of 48 per oeut An accident occurred at the Alioe mine last week that was somewhat miraculous, inasmuch that no oue was iujured. The ground beneath the ma chine shop suddenly dropped, leaving a hole about twelve feet deep and forty feet iu diameter. An assay offioe has been started up at Melrose uuder tbe supervision of M. D. Fleming, a well-known ohemist of Uutte. Mr. Fleming waa in Butte this week and report the mineral outlook in that section aa being excellent Another dividend ha been declared by the Bostou & Montana Company at tho main office in Boston of J. 00 per share. This dividend is payable on May 30. Thi make a total of 4,- 025,000 up to date. The Butte owner in the War Eagle Company at Rowland received word that at a meeting of directors at Spokaue a dividend of five oeut per hare whs declared on the 600,000 share of stock of that oompany, mak ing f'JS.OOO. It is understood that the Montana road will be built aud completed dur ing the coming summer. It is said it will be ootupleted to Castle by June 15. Beginning with April 1 the em ployes will be paid in cash instead of time checks and it will be pushed to completion aa rapidly a possible. reaching the famous mining camp of Castle not later than the 15th of June. Live to make somebody happy, or yon will never know what the true meaning of life is. Trouble Salil to Be Brewing In the Veil- eioela Matter. London, April 23. A dispatch from Washington to the Timea says the Ven ezuela dispute is still in a daugerous state, and that no agreement as to prin ciples has been reached. "Negotiations between England and the United States," say the correspon dent, "are at a standstill, and nobody know how the deadlock will be re moved. England reject the plan I explained iu February (for the submis sion of the dispute to a joint oom mis sion.)" It ia laid Lord Salisbury will not overcome hia repugnance to the possible reference ot the dispute to arbitration. Instead of ooutiuuing the negotiation, Lord Salisbury submitted an unaccept able draft of, a general arbitration treaty, from which it is understood the Venezuela dispute is excluded. "Thi delay ia most perilous. Tb Washington executive atill shows a strong desire for an honorable and reasonable agreement; but it takes two to make a treaty." The Times say in an editorial, that it cannot share to the full extent the gloomy an ticipation of it correspondent in Washington regarding Venezuela, and think Lord Salisbury' non-acoeptanoe of America' overture does not amount to an absolute rejection. Prince I'hllkov to Visit This Country. New York, April 23. A dispatch to the Herald from St Petersburg says Priuoe Chilkov, Russian minister of way and communications, will, in the mouth of August, tart upon a trip to the United States, The trip is to be by no means an ordinary oue. In the first place the piince will travel as far aa possible along the Siberian railroad to Krashorask and will thence continue his journey to Vladivostok by express post. At the latter place the prinoe will take ship for San Francisoo. The Turkish Andcrsonvllle. Constantinople, April 23 Authen tio information received here shows V , U T i. : i ... iu iuimiu prison at aiarash is crowded with Armenians, who are sub jected to horrible torture. A renewal of the masaaore is feared. Redifa and Basbi Bazouks quartered at Zeitoun are devastating the lands of the Annen ians. The police have commenced arresting Armenians. ( holer Suspected In Chicago n.lMiM5,pril 83 Mr MaKie Dobler died unexpectedly after a few hours' illness today. It is believed by Dr J. W. Fitamaurice that she bad cholera. He refused to issue a death certificate, and notified the coroner in order that an official investigation may be made. J tine Good Women and True. Denver. April 23.-Judge Johnaon today accepted Mnie. M A. Warren aa a juror in tbe district court She is tbe first woman to serve as a juror in Colorado. The other district oourt Judge hold that women are ineligible. PORTLAND MARKETS. The stormy weather ta far ham ben- ii trade and meruunuve efloial to trade, auu ing. There i . staff from the steamer price easily maintain found. Wheat Market. The local wheat market remain! .toady at former quotation, with very little offering. Produce Market. Fi-ona-Portland. Salem. Caacadia and Davton, are quuw- - .. Kh. Goiddrop. -'.!&: buowfiake. Ion coK3.00: graham, 12.05; auper- " O-Kood .hit. .re Quoted weak a 25c- milling. 2WS30c; a" f00. ... ......,.m.1 aa tollowa: Bagr, lrli caae. H7aV - Timothy. 9.00 per ton ; cheat, W 00 : clover, 7 ; oat, 6g.oU ; wheal, 5.WikHI. , .i,MMr ton. XjAai-SI fM uai.IY- ' brewing, 16lo. .i.orts Milwtu" - bran. $13.00, ihorts, 16: middlings, W20.00j rye, W,V l !. , . Bon sb rancv creamery -30c; laucy dairy, 250 ; fair good, j78c;commou,lc per roll. PoTlToa-e Oregon, MMc pel au-k: meets, common, 6c; Merced, 3; per pound. UNIONS vrcijuu, ir- r --- Poultry Cnickeus, beus, fJ.ou pei dozen; mixed. . per Uo.en duck, toOOwO; geese, i5.0U turkeye, live. 14c per pound; dressed loyjKc. Eoua Oregon, 10c per dozen. CtfKKsa Oregon mil cream, U imii cream. U'nc: sklin, oc; Voung America, lOtdllc Tkopicai. iauiT-Catilornia lemon, 13.001S3.25; choice. 2.00tS-'.60; bicily, 0.o0 ; uanauas, ti.,tns.v f Calliomia navels. 3.263.6J per box; pineapple. 5(oo.OO per dozen. OBkuoN v auxTABtaa Cabbage, U . .....i;.. ..-n- Tiihc uer Dour.d; artichokes, 36o.per dozen; spiouu. 6c per pound ; caulitlower, Vi.'tb per crate, yoc all per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 40c fBkftn r HU1T 1 CAID. 1 11.50 per box: cranberries, a pei barrel: lancv apple, 1.50(ij2; common, 60(S75c per oox. DBlKO f BU 1TB Aipico, t,p.v, bleached. 4(54c; sun-dried, 3a(S4e; pears, sun aud evaporaveu. oejw jjiuiud, pitiess, 3j4c; prunes, 3tf5 par pound. Wool Vallev. 10c, per pound ; East ern Oregon, U(S8c. Hop Choice, Oregon 2(g3c per pound ; medium, neglected. Nurs Almond, wit ahell, 9lle per pound; paper ahell, lOiajlc; new crop California walnut, soli "hell, llglc; standard walnut, 1213c; Italian chesnuu, 12 (g 14c; pecans, 1331ttc; Brazil, 12ht9l3c; blberte, 123l4c; peauuta, raw, laucy, b(ij7cj roaated, 10c; hickory nuta, 8isWc; co coanuta, UOc per dozen. Provisions Eastern bam, medium, 11j(S12c per pound; bams, picnic, 7,'nc; breakfast bacon IOhQIOc; abort clear aides, 8(4Dc; dry aalt tides, 7,'-(38c; dried beet hams, 12 13c; lard, compound, in tin. 7J4; lard, pure, in tin, 's10c; pigs' feet, 80s, 3.60; pigs' feet, 40s, U6; kits, $1.25. Oregon smoked bam, 10 '4c pel pound; pickled hams, bc; boneieat name, 7,c; bacon, 10c; dry salt aides, 0?4c; lard, 6-pound pan,7?uc; 10s, 7c; 5us, 7,c; tierce, 7c. Couutry meat sell at prices according to grade. llioka. Dry hides, butcher, sound, per pound, ll(J12c; dry kip and call skin, 10(j He; culls, 3c less; salted, 60 lb and over, 6c; 60 to bO lbs, 44c; 40 and 50, 4c; kip and veal skins, 10 to 30 lbs, 4c; calfskin, sound, 3 to 10 lbs, 6c; green, unBalted, lc less ; culls, l-2c lees ; sheepskins, shear lings, lOuiloc; short wool, 20(30c; medium, 30a 40c; long wool, 60($70c. Merchandise Market. Salmon Columbia, river No. 1. tails, $1.251.00; No. 2. talis, $2.262.bJ; (aucy, No. 1, flats, $1.75($1.H5: Alaeka, No. 1, tails, $1.20(31.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 2.25. Beans Small white, No. 1, 2'4'c pei aound; butter, 3c; bayou, l,J4c; Lima, 4c. Coroaor Manilla rope, 1 '4 -inch, it quoted at 8J4c, aud Sisal, 04c per pound, Sdoar ijoldeuC, 5i8c; extra C, b$n dry granulated, tt4c; cube crushed and powdered, b7c per pound ; ,'4c per pound discount on all grades lor prompt cash ; half barrels, 4c more than barrels; maple augar, 16i4loc per pound. OoFFRR Costa Kica, 20(323 (,c ; Rio, 20 22c; Salvador, lg(S22c; Aiocha, 27(g31c; I'adang Java, 30c; Palembaug Java, 2t)(g2Sc; Lahat Java, 23(d;26c; Ar buckle's Mokaska and Lion, $20.30 pei 100-pound case; Columbia, $20.30 pel 100-pound case. KiiR Island, $4ig 4.50 per sack; Ja pan, $4.00(4.50. Coal Steady; domestic, $5.007.50 per ton; foreign, $o.60ijll.00. COXGRESSIOXAlsg ROUTINE WORK r ,HE FOURTH SEfto.,.. FlrT- Jubilance of the Hill, . Introduced In the """N -Condensed Kecord or lBj, the National Lnwniek . " Washington, April Jj wil. thermometer ataudiuir st . less thun 20 senators were n w um k for the appoiutment ,. .! Franklin, Representative Btu eral lleudi rou and Hn-.i member of tbe hoard of onu tbe National Soldier' Uii aaoptea witnout debate, (w ' trnriannd a hill .. u- va0'. klj C OOUltmM. near Washington, of a .m-It the United State ou the csU'f inch to a mile. Mitchell Z 1 """ ou rriday would ask to take up the bill t ins veteran of the ln,iiu r son followed with a report tf tUj would aeok to take it up at the J day. Washington. Anril o called the upper house to ord 7 ing the moruitig huur the tion spent today on tbe Indian tion bill, bot did not oomph if, . aecturian atthruil nn..ii.. - H,uuu w . . nn lata in tho tu n. 1 , -r u uruugHllk. animated debate, Senators tialW Teller and Thurston opposing ujT ator Uray and Pettigrew ioPpcr tne amendment offered bvUn l rell, extending for two ve.n.K.J for tho entire abandonment of ...U.w.lo lfl..l . c'4 buuuv.d. - iuai UIUU Ou tO wa not reached. Most of the j,u given to the contest again ih,V claims in connection with tht Wttt Cherokee settlement, and tbe -were finally agreed to. Washington, April 24. The today disposed of the secUriu n, quesuuu oy aaopiiug a COmpraJ framed by Senator CockrelL ti 1 1 souri. The Indian bill. 11 it Jt from the house, provided that if money nerien appropriated ihill , paid for education in sectarian icku This provision ia struck out hj i . . . cocareu amendment, as adopted, t it is aeciurea to do the settled pt of the government to make 00 ix priatioua for sectarian schoolid July 1, 1898, tbua giving twoitm'- the abandonment of sectarixn sW instead of an immediate abuxkic The amendment waa adopted bjtki cisive vote of 88 to 24. Tie hi v.: 1 1 .. - .. . 1 . 1 1 ., uiu waa not uuuipieieu wnea UK el adjourned. During the day 1 Un passed providing for government? lation 01 excursion Oeeti attend gattas; also a resolution csllinili formation as to the arrest ol It Diaz in Cuba House. Washington, April 22. Fort time thia session Speaker Reed vt in arriving at tbe oupitoL Cld Dowell called the bouse to ordc announced that a speaker pnl would be elected. Hull wit uA inously elected. Ee had bea m but a few minutes whea M r peared, aud, amid mod lufim. said: "Tho house will b it order." I Although thia was suspwoB dan der the rules, Cannon, itasiii oemmittee on appropriatiou. if I on proceeding with tbe gewniM: : ency bill. The house went into & I mittee of the whole for iu tion. This is the last of uenr- 1 res p!e tKl 0 I 1 I C, fr In .iri dun ; Ban tha eye itn qui bar Meat Market. .,?,5,,ro8J8'top.stoer9' 3-25;cow, $J.25(S2.50; dressed beef, 4&3,o per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers, $3.00; ewes, $1.60ig2.75; dressed mut ton, 6c per pound. ViAj-Gross, small, 4c; large, S ih,e per pound. lioua tiroHR. r.hniea hnaot t'l tn jt 3.25; light and feeders, $2.fK)2.75; uioddou, opiate per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Flour Net cash nrices : Family ex tras, $3.75(83.85 per barrel; bakers' ex tras, $3.553.65; superfine. $2.85(i3 00 BAHLKV KmmI lm . . ' choice, 334c; brewing, 86'4c. Whrat Shipping. No. 1, $1.071,. choice, $1.10; mil ing, $1.17S,icri 2i nnj.'..i """" . "o.c; surprise choice. ,5gS0c; poor to lair, b7 a PoTAToaa- Sweets,' $2.50(82.75; Bur banks, Oregon, 30ti5r. ' Hora-yuotable at 24c per pound. Oicioita $'0 per Back. choice,9(,nc7h;;V,do;0;rFaU hort, traeny San Joiujuin plains, 35 jood do. 4(itic; Southern and coast 4(.45c: mounum. light and free. ,t7c. 1 . . ' creamery, 14'314c econds, l.il4o; fancy dairy 13c seconds, 12c. ,-,atsioc, f4CcTtlt0re' 12S13o; nach' 13.'. Chxisr Fancy, mild. new. lOoJIOWc common to food, 9.ai0c: YonnaAin.r' iVS! EMU,rn' "aii C ; ern. llaPir per nonnd To Keorgenlie a Railroad. Washington, April 23.The aenate committee on judiciary today made a authorizing purchaser, at the mortgage ' appropriation bills. I I Washington, April 23. Tbe k ! today unseated James E. Cobb. Qsi crat, representing the Fifth j district, and voted 121 to 45 I Albert. T. (4nnrfwin. Pouulist, b I point of no quorum being miM iu t house adjourned with the m ' still pending. Five KepuDiiau'j wiin tne uemocrats iu case with instructions to thecom'! to permit the contestants to offer . mony in rebuttal. Mr. Cobb bu J a member of the Fiftieth, Fifty A Fifty-seoond and Fifty-thtrdoongrm u .. a v.. ti,A Fittr5 ua woo uunnniuii vj . house. An effort whs made ' Tuesday, Wednesday and Thortdi: next week for debate on the binkn:' bill, but it was unsuccessful Pickler'g general pension bill "1 brought up tomorrow, aud tbe will nrobablv run until SaturdnJ. Washington, April 24. The T-'t Alabama district was not kfti I the house last night. CobbM unseated, but the seating of niiw ant went over until today.wnea port was adopted, 144 to 65, and win waa sworn in. On n" Cockrell, a bill was passed to mfi- tho. knilnr. Viortit.lf nrfi U 110 WD U oonnty, Texas (decided by ths "PH oourt to be a part of ORiaa- V ICVl UUUUiJ, j amendmout adopted, the present M c officers were confirmed iu tn until tho election in Norem! Pickler, chairman of the wmn"V Inoli than called P 1 general pension bill. Pi, kler " l floor and made an exteuded P support of the measure. A' u" elusion of bis remarks the boo 4:40 p. m., adjourned. c ; n,.h . come1'! ioia jueuouiiueo, - that the Menominee aud lei " are out of their banks, and tM . l tO 1J interests. The logging canip m Monroe, on Fenoe river, has b n ed, caused by a log jam, d " ; pioye barely escaped. tJ iU equipment and prow swept away. Many farmers r...! v,ar been & from home, and have loffereo i loss in stock and crops, w"" - .u l.irf 0'"' meu are guaraiug Theb'-'' various points on the river. water in tms city nas 7 ids' into the oity water mains, and of typhoid fever have ru' The Hunter mine at Mnllsn b urn .. .... M . atrhlle fr on it nignt sniu iu , i the doing of ome much-nf- , opmentwork and also on ita plant As soon the feT'V, work i caught up ' pe again be put to work. 11 that the mill will loon be ran power, but a the anowfal r; light during the winter, rt" have to be more or less conn""' .1