The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 11, 1896, Image 3

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Latest u. 5
The Uerolo Hyniphoaj."
forkof art requires no explanation,
.k.wrv title Beotuoven Rave the
LljcSiij)bony" provokes quiwtion,
!.!. huve been many oudoavors to
I n it WiiKnor tritxl vm to explain
r -inn (Ikiii to exnluiii it bwuv.
reJ"'f "
to bis ouo idea, bo asserti-d that
Lmmi'i hero win not a military
bot a yoniig nmn of complete cinr
I md physical cudown.eit, Mho
j from moro brute delight in life
iii itrength through triiRio snfler
io a bigli spiritual eat it-fact iou in
-that U to siy, he assorted that
iou'i hero was Pursif.l or Sieg
I Kow this ranch of Wagner's the-
J, trnp thnt Betitboveu would not
tp8UJ"IU 11UUJUU uuiviiui uuj luiiig
, he would worship a pork butcher
horn. On the other hand, Beutho-
l hero was undoubtedly a military
Kapoleou llonoparto. we know
the fvmphony was originally dedi-
L to Napoleon, that tho dodicutiou
Isltered when Kapojeon (as Beetho-
itbooght ) turned traitor and became
foot. WO kuuw wiiuu iuu uciwj
jii death came Boothoveu casually
juried that he bad already composed
(mnsio for that event
fif what parts, thou, of Napoleon's
frt do tho first and lust two move
hti tell? ThoKO ore questions which
jnevcr bo uuswored ; and. mere cori
ly apart, it so happens that it matters
e whether they aro nnswerod or not
werfd so long us they are not an
red altogether wrongly. For what
tevents Bouthoven miglit at any mo
lt bavo in bis mind, ho never tried
lepict thorn, bet onlytocommunicato
emotion they aroused. He himself
I u much. It is in tho expression of
fun emotion ho Is supremo, and to
aright the emotions of tho "Heroic
aphony " wo need only have our minds
iirof a story which Beethoven did not
could not have bad in his mind.
rday Reviow.
luterpretlug the Koran.
be Koran is at tho same time a reli
ct aud political code. AH Mussul-
Jni admit it to be so, and it cannot be
footed therefore that, since thoir relt-
au is cuunected with their national
ilicy, they will not make use of the
. truer to carry out tho latter. Their
' il'cy niny be briefly defined namely,
t raaiuteuance of their faith in its
iity by exclusiveness and isolation,
emancipation of tho countries which
e fallen under Christian rule, the
Ttniuiition of the infidel nations and
le who by refusing to pay tributo for
I redemption of their blood are pro
feed by the prophet to be in a state
'open rebellion against the law and
iseqneutly deserving of death. En
queued and tolerant Mohammedans
Ul endeavor to palliate these precepts
Quotations from the Koran and Had is
Jditions), but they are not tho loss
(unshed creed, the conscientious beliof
flj upward of 200,000,000 Mohauinie-
Di buglish Consular Report.
Ought to Fill the mil.
f'We have no rise, for bear stories,"
Jd the editor. "Our readers demand
iJtnethiug spicy. "
"Well," said the mnn with the manu
script, "this story is about a cinnamon
Wr." Sports Afield.
j .
the warmth of spring and summer may
i4 much to relax the muscular system and
rke many feel much more comfortable,
'at there ia this about the old enemy
Srtimatlsni, that when he once takes
Old, he tries to bold lh citadel at all tea
ins of the year. But whether this arch
emy lurks in the muscles, joints, bones
f the nerves, he is such an enemy to
fbnian happiness that be must be driven
at of any stronghold. It wai planned
n: aco to do this, and St. Jacobs Uil as a
miKht in battle has soured wonderful vic
aries. At all times he is ready to over
came and conquer this hnd of pain, and
ke it as surely arid certainly an knights
iold extirpated the Saracen. So no one
ould be deceived by the mild wcattur of
sjiruiu to trifle with it either in chronicor
wantient form Use the great remedy lor
tin and get rid ol it at ouce and for all.
r'Btrai think he's getting fat." "Isn't hot"
T; the laundry li only hrlukitig hit flan
1(. '
Brines comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
nwtijr used. Ihe many, who live dpi
Jer than others and enjoy life more, with
expenditu-e, by more promptly
adapting the wo, Id's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
he value to health of the pure liquid
ative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
, It excellence is due to its preenting
' the form most acceptable and pleas
nt to the taste, the refreshing Hnd truh
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
tire ; effectually cleansing the syntem,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
nd permanently curing constipation
" has given satisfaction to millions and
et ; with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acU on the Kid
Bys, Liver and Bowels without weak
nine them and it Is nerfectlv free from
ery objectionable substance.
,cynip or Fip is for sale by all drug
Ptain 60c and $1 bottles, but it is man
nfactured by the California Fig Syrup
o-only, whose name is printed on every
Pfge. also the name, Syrup of Fig
being well informed, you will not
pt any aubttituU if offered.
Absolutely Pure
Flutter of f nthem ami pcrfunir ul Ib--h,
Corvi-tl tic k. ,,f ivnrv, dummy whili-;
Plumv little l-tiil,l, with mi-,i,-ri, facr
Ah, euuld I hut rind y,iur expri-ulon aright!
Buy, do you know, are you wholly onfi-eltn.
A you It one another with n- an iwe,j
Do you not know tlmt my heart he l sti-aliua,
To trninplo it ouUer her nearly ahod f.-eif
Almrwt I think yea emit In the glaneea
Your owner Untuwa when tha erk to nn
lave. Enow you no cure for woumls from love's
Have you no power her virtlms to aaref
Ewirtly the whirls In the mz of the dnmva;
blyly you laugh aa you peep fruru riu-b fold.
And thiuone moreTletliuof coquetry '(ancles
(Juinttoui In valn-hla fate la untold.
Lucy Mayo Warner la ikton budget.
Elpcrienc of Ilotcl Clerks la DMllog
With Soma of Them.
"I cannot sleep in that room," said a
guest at a hotel in this city last evening
as be walked to the dtxk iu the ollice
and throw the key upon it.
"What is the matter with it?" asked
the clerk.
"There ia nothing the matter with it
except that the bod ia iu the wrong
place," the guest replied. "For more
than 20 years I have slept iu a bed with
tho bead toward the north, aud it has
become such a habit with tue that it
would be actually impossible for mo to
sleep with the bead iu any other direc
tion." "It will be impossible for me to give
yon a room containing a bed with tho
head in that direction," sai4 the clerk.
"The hotel is well filled tonight, and 1
have only two vacant rooms, but I will
bavo the bed turned for you. " Calling
a porter, tbo clerk instructed him to
turn the bed iu the geutlemau's room so
that the bead won Id be to tho north.
The guest followed the porter up stairs,
and as nothing further was board from
him it is prettunicd that be retired and
slept peacefully.
"There is no accounting fortastos,"
said the clerk, turning to the reporter,
"and tho funny experience we buve in
the hotel business would fill a volume.
Before the night is over we may buve
calls for beds with their beads turned to
every point of the compass, and of
couree we are obliged to accommodate
every one.
"1 remember an instance like this
several years ago. A man slightly in
ebriated caiuo into the hotel one night,
and producing a pockot compass said
that he wished a room where the head
of the bed should be placed to the
northeast. We sent two buys with him,
and they turned the bed ua requested.
The joke was that the compass was
furnished with a little stop, which hold
the indicator in a certain position. It
so hnppoued khat the gentleman's bed,
which had been carefully placed north
eaft according to the compass, was in
reality placed with the head to the
south. The man discovered his mistake
'the next morning aud was enred of the
fad." Philadelphia Bulletin.
CrrDiatlon Growing la Favor.
The movement in favor of cremation
as against earth bnrial is growing in
England. Tho other ty Mr. William
Rathbouo, ex M. P., stated Ju publio
that be bad made provision for crema
tion in bis own case on principle and
with a view to promoting the reform.
At this moment a now crematorium is
almost ready for use at Liverpool It ia
a neat building of red sandstone, simple
and chaste iu design. The main door
opens into a small chupeL From this
room the coffin will be carried after the
burial service is read into a small apart
ment beyoud and there placed upou an
iron framo ruuuing ou wheela and rails
iu a line with the furnace and pushed
noiselessly into the abode of flames.
From the chapol the clergyman, fol
lowed by the relatives of tbo deceased,
will ascend a stair on the opposite side
from the door by which the coffin has
been removed into a small gallery over
looking the door of the furnace. From
this gallery the service prescribed for
the grave will be reud and the mourn
ers will take the last look of the coffin
as it disappears witbiu the furnace.
The situation of the crematorium at An
fiold is wisely chosen, being iu the heart
of a pretty suburban neighborhood and
accessible from all parts of the city.
There is an office, with a cottage for the
caretaker attached, at theeutrunce gate.
The crematorium will be openod for
pnblio use not later than April 1.
Westminster Gazette.
Tha Slaacot Worked,
Otto Feudner has been buying lottery
tickets for years and has never won so
much aa an approximation prize. He
concluded that he would have to got a
mascot, so on the advico of a colored
I friend ho set a box trap out iu the ceuie
1 tery to catch a graveyard rabbit.
Fcndner caught a great big fellow the
; first uight aud put him iu a big dry
! goods box. It was the day before the
j drawing, so to make sure that the mas
cot would work all right Feudner put
$25 worth of tickets in the box with the
rabbit. After the drawing he went to
tee what be had wan.
I The mascot had worked. It had eaten
' np all the lottery tickets. San Fran
: cisco Post
i Fnldeotlfled Rivera,
The first rivers mentioned in authentic
I cistory are alluded to in Genesis. They
are the Pison, the Gibon, the Hiddekel
and the Euphrates, which are said to
I have flowed from the garden of Edon.
i Various attempts have been made to
! identify these streams, but no agreement
has tx-en reached among the authorities
save in the case of the lust.
Temperance Shoes.
Customer I notice some shoes in the
window that yon have labeled "Tem
perance shoes." What kind are they?
Dealer They are warrunted not to be
tight. Loudon Tit Bits.
North Dakota, though still yonng, em
ploys 1,847 hands in ber factories and
ends ont every year $3,028, 107 worth
of produet
The Once Fnrttary of Ihe Navy Tuna-iiig-
Ilia Declining Iiuye in a Tran
quil Home l'l med by lliuiaclf and
Wlfa Nearly Half a Century Ago,
Four rWore and Seven.
In his pleasant home at Terre Haute,
Ind., Col. Kichard v. Thompson Is en
Jnyllie a well-earned rest, after linir a
century of Inqiortatit Judicial. IokIsIh-
in c ami administrative duties. At the
flue of 87, vigorous and active ns ninny
bicmahu w. TuoMrsox.
men SO yeari younger, his Intellect is
as strong" aa ever, aud the clear appro
beuslon. the sterling character that
made him an Important figure Iu Con
gross and Iu the Presidential Cabinet
during vital periods of the natlon'a his
tory, 'manifest themselves powerfully
when he Is called upon to exprew his
sentiments on questions of the day.
Brought up In the vicinity of such men
as Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, the
associate of Adams, Jackson, Webster.
Clny and Calhoun, the Intimate friend
of later statesmen and orators, bis
memories embrace the most Interest
ing phnses of national politics, nud all
clear as cameos. Other meu In various
positions Iu public life have accumu
lated millions of dollars. Col. Thomp
son Is far from being wealthy, aa rich
men are rated, and the competency he
enjoys wn derired from sources whol
ly separate from politics.
The venerable ex-Seorctnry of the
Navy was born near Culpeper, Va., In
1809, of Ingrained American stock, and
throughout his life bis habits of
thought, his hospitality, Ills culture and
his courtly ways have lieen those of the
educated, well-bred Southerner. Twenty-one
years later, at the Christmas
season, he left for the West and set
tled at Bedford, Ind., as a young law
yer. In 1M2 he came to Terro Haute,
and a brilliant career opened up for
him. A term In tho State Legislature
bad been followed by one aa State Sen
ator, and be was now In Congress. He
was returned In 18-18. then appointed
Circuit Judge, and from that event
until he was handed the naval port
folio by President Hayes was nearly
all the time serving the people In a
Judicial capacity. During the war he
was provost marshal of his district and
drilled four regiments an olllelnl ca
pacity fraught with danger In that par
ticular district, where thnt somewhat
mysterious and deadly association, the
Knights of the Golden Circle, were a
strong present social feature. It was
In his first term In Congress, In 1811,
that Col. Thompson met Abraham Lin
coln. The acquaintance grew Into u
friendship which endured until tho
death of Lincoln. When the latter was
President be urged Col. Thompson to
take a seat on the bench of the Court
of Claims. The ex-Congressmnn de
clined, as he had the proffer of the
Austrian mission uuder Taylor and the
recordershlp of the Laud Office In Fill
more's administration, but be was a
prominent figure In all campaigns. In
the old Tlpecanoc campaign he gave
the elder Harrison eealous support ou
the stump. As a Presidential elector,
he enst hia vote for the first President
of the nnme. Nearly fifty-six years
afterward his support materially aided
the grandson In securing the nomina
tion and election. He was several times
a. Presidential elector, and was a mem
ber of nil the historic or nomblo Re
publican conventions after tho forma
tion of the party. Col. Thompson re
tired from the Hayes Cabinet shortly
before the close of the administration,
to become president of the American
committee of the Panama Canal Com
pany. He was also a director of the
Isthmus Railway.
Col. Thompson Is passing bis declin
ing days in a tranquil home, surround
ed by grent elms that look as if they
were natural forest growth, planted by
himself and his young wife close upon
a half century ago. He has Just com
pleted his Interesting "Personal Recol
lections." Full of euterinlnitiK anec
dote, be Is as well a rare analyst of
human excellence and the national
progress. He believes thnt Webster's
oration will never die, that Calhonu
was a brilliant man always underesti
mated, that Clay wns the greatest
speaker of his age; but be does not
believe thnt American eloquence died
with them. He considers that, as great
questions come up for settlement, able
disputants will meet the occasion, and
that American pride and energy can
compass all requirements that arise to
make It necesary to mnintalu the su
premacy of the United States.
He'as Apprehensive.
"What's the matter?'' was the In
quiry. "Are you looking for something
to eat?"
"N'lndeed. I ain't hungry. I wants
scl'ntiflc lnfohmatlon. I wants ter
know 'lout dese liyah X rays dat dey's
tnkln' de phort.vgrnfs wlf. fey done
tells me dey kin take plcteis right fro
yer; dat when dey goes after ye wlf one
er dem, yer skin an' yer Wo s ain't no
'tectlon 't all."
"That's what they claim."
"An' ef I dun hed chlckln foh dinner,
I s'pose dey could Jes fro me down an'
take a pldur oh de chb kin."
"I !elleve the theory Is something
like that."
Pa's whut I thought. Da s whut I
thought. Does yer b'lleve dat dey
could git er good nuff llkenen oh de
chicken ter Inable de ownah ter reco'.
Dle "im?"
of Doww-a darkey
" PKINU la the most perilous sea'
son of the jiMr in the far West
' and Is always attended with great
loss of life and property. Pierce bll
rards sweep acrosa the great p'. ilus of
the Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado,
marking their entire wlih the froz.en
carvHiiiti" of tlioilo.'llld of cattle.
The blizzard gives hut a brief warn
ing of Its coming. Duly those dose to
shelter may hope to escape Its fury.
The cowboy on the distant range reads
the sign In the sky, notes the action of
the cattle, ami pn pares to battle for his
life. I'siiallv a snowfall precedes the
blizzard. The snow Is llii.1 and light
aud dry. The atmosphere U calm and
cold, the temperature heitij below the
freezing point, but there la a feeling of
nppreHhiveiiesi in the air. The sky Is
dull and Icidcn. Unite Instinct is
quicker to discover tlnt.o signs of the
approaching bli.zard than the intelli
gence of man. The cattle begin M
gather for protection, first In small
bunches which meet nnd mingle until
they have grown to the proportions of
a herd. Animal that have strayed off
alone are attracted to the constantly
increasing main Isxly, and liny ap
proach the common center from all
parts of the range. Not a breath of air
lias yet disturbed the newly fallen
snow. Iuu the sky Is growing darker,
and notwithstanding die coldness the
air seems heavy and produces a sufto
rating sensation.
Suddenly the leaden hue fades from
the sky; it grows black in an Instant.
The mercury falls to rero within a few
moments, nnd continues to sink toward
the liulli of the thermometer. The cold
Is hitter and keenly penetrating, 1ml
its power to chill nnd kill will lie dou
bled when a velocity of sixty or eighty
miles nil hour has Immmi given the at
mosphere. The cowboy hut tons bis buf
falo overcoat and ties It with a rope
tightly around hi waist -preparatory
to lighting his w ay to shelter. The wind
comes In intermittent puffs, and bore
anil there line particles of snow are I.N A III.UZAAD.
tossed nnd whirled iu the air. Just as
little clouds of dust rise and curl when
a glnnclng bullet strikes the dry ground.
Another moment of dead calm followed
by a cold blast of wind more general
and far-reaching than what has pre
ceded, which whitens the air with
snow, chills the cowboy and his pony,
and causes the cattle on the edge of the
herd to shiver as they crowd closer
Presently there comes a low moan
ing sound from the north; It grows
shriller until It resembles n wail; II
rises and swells Into a howl and then
a shriek, as the great currents of air
from nature's cold storage sweep wKI)
cyclonic fury over the treeless plain.
The air Is thick with line, cld snow;
the cowboy and his pony are obliter
ated from the vision and the herd la but
a mass of Incomplete and shadowy
forms. The blizzard has begun. The
buffalo coat of the cowboy does not
seem to afford him any belter protec
tion than If it were of linen; the Icy
wind Ouds Its way Into every opening
ind penetrates the thick material at
though It were a sieve. Ills eyes are
momentarily blinded by the flue cold
snow, and there Is a stinging sensation
In his fuce as If a mass of chilled nee
dles were being hurled Into It each In
stant. His first thought Is for shelter,
but whither will he go? There aro no
longer nny rardlnol points of the com
pass. North, east, south and west nr
all one now. There Is nothing but a
whirling, swirling, blinding mass of
snow and the shriek of the tempest. He,
cannot trust to his pony to carry hlin
lo a place of refuge or to the home
ranch. For the pouy In a blizzard Is
ruled absolutely by the Instinct of self
preservation, which means that If left
to choose bis own route he will travel
In the same direction ns the storm.
Only by persistent urging can ho be
made to face It nnd If must be nn er
ponenced rider that cau guide him In
any dlrootlon but the ono which glvea
him the best protection from the ele
ments. There will come momentary lulls
when the rider may take his bearings,
but before he can make much headway
In what he thinks Is the right direction
the blizzard Is again upon him aud
often tho skillful guiding of his pouy
will result In traveling In a circle.
Tho herd, with the Bame Insllnct up
permost In the pony, turns tall to th
storm and drifts with It. The bod in
of those ou the outer side of the herd
are soon coated thick with snow and
there Is a constant struggle for a place
near the center of the bunch, where
the surrounding animals Impart
warmth and serve to break the pow
erful force of the wind. It Is a contest
In which the strongest are the survlv
om and the weakest perish.
If the blizzard lasts but a few hours
all may escape; If for days, then only
the hardy animals will be left. Fol
lowing In the path of the blizzard the
rider will come upon the dead carcass
es of the animals singly. In twos, and
sometimes ns many ns a dozen will
fall and perish together.
The heavy thaw that so often follows
fast upou the blizzard frequently
causes as heavy losses in cattle as the
blizzard Itself. The cattle seek the low
lands for water. There they find that
the terrllic wind has swept away the
snow. The grass there Is luxu
rlaut than on the range, but with each
hour of sunshine their footing beoomes
more and more insecure and they sink
deeper ond deeper Into the soft nilre
of the marshy ground. Those that
have been weakened either through
fasting or the rigors of the storm nre
held fast. In the spring every marshy
wnterliob' Is clus.'ly watched by t!:e at
tleinen and thousands of cattle are res
rued. Those places that are not watch
ed are thickly strewn with carcass,
and In the summer and fall look like
Nut filleted In water colon- toper'a
The Unavoidable Result ot the
Continued Use ot Tobacco.
Is Thara Sura, Kaay and Quirk Way ot
Oblaluliif I'erwaiiant Itellaf
r ruu Ihe UabltT
Million of men
think they need
si'mulanta. because
their nervea are set
on tire hjr tohaivo.
The persistent abuse
to wnlnh the tona v
oo-intr mhjecta tin
nerves raiinot poi
nd! fail to make
weak the tningeai
man. I hemnsaiui
m iklll destroy
manhood and nerve
power. What you
enJf a itit is a nerv-
oris dlrae.
Tobacco, in the majoritv of cases dead
ens the feeling. You mav not think to.
haeao hurt you, but how are yon ever o
Ing to tell how muoh better you woilid feel
wittwnt it, unlesa yoa follow the advloeof
Postmaster Holhrook:
icaiD 49 CAts orr or M.
MiiLsaixK, Ser., June, IS.
Gentlemen The eftt-cu n( No-ro-ltarare truly
womterlul. I had iinsl lohteen lor Inriy-threa
)ear, a Mtn1 pint a week. I ned two hetea
ul So To. Bsc tint have hal no disilrr tor inhao
co lnee I sure two boiea of No-To-Hao lo a
nmn named Weat, who had uie,l tobacco tor
tony aeven )era, and two boiea to Mr. White
man, and neither ol them hare a-ed lohaccn
pioco, and aav the? have no de-Ire (or It. Over
HOT that 1 know ol hare il-e.1 No-ro Bae
tliroiiith mr Inrhn-ni'e. and I onlr know ol one
ca where It did not cute, and tltcu It waa the
littilt ol the pattenr.
waiV4 yea ao d laal week. I have talned
aevemeen potnnli In tleah alms) I quit tha uae
ol loluuvo. You can uae thla latter, or any part
ol It, aa you wlah.
Yours reapectlully,
C. i. UoLaaooK, P. U.
You say It Is wonderful. Indeed, It Is.
No To-Hac cured over ikO.OOO cases just a
had. You can be made well and strong by
No To-ltao. YouruwndniKKiit guarantees
a cure. Get our booklet, "Don t Tohacoo
Spit and Hnioke You Life Away," written
guarantee of cure and free sample, mailed
for the asking. Aildreas Tha Blerlluj
Remedy Co., Ohioago or New York.
Bacon 8o yonr Irlend ta engaged to that Boa
ton girl, alter all. Kglwrt-Yca. Bacon-How
did he melt her? Kxbert He didn't; he simply
trine to ber.
AiShakeapeare tars, Ii to poke fan or sneer at
people who are uorvoua. under the hall Ix-llcl
that their complaint la imaginary or an affecta
tion. It Is neither, but a aerlona reality. Im
perfect dlgeatlou aud aulmtlatlnn of the food la
a very common cainw of nervousness, eapeelally
that dtstmaaliig form u( It which nianlleala It
sell In waul ol sleep. Hosteller's Stomach Bit.
ters apeedlly remedies nervnuaneas, as It aao
doea malarial, klduer, bilious and rheumatic
allnienis. i be weak gala vigor speedily uiruugn
I la use.
As Mamma Haw It. Mrs. Yoauglova See this
beautiful ring John bought ma. Mrs. Old bird -
n bat a be been up lo uow.
BraTS or Ohio. Citv or Tolsoo,
Lctas I'oi HTT. i
FatHa J. Chskiiv makes oa'h that he Is tha
sen lor partner ol the It rm of F. 1. I'M a N a r A Co.,
doing liiialneaa In the City of ToMo, County
and state atnn-aald, and that aa'd Arm will pay
the sum ol ONK IICNUKKII DOI.I.AHs lor each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the aae ol Hall's l'atsh eras.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presenea, this 18th day ol Dec ai ber, A. I), las.
I I Notary Pablla
Mall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally and
sctadlieetly on Ihe blond and manoul surface
of th system. Send lor testimonials, Ire.
F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7to.
Hall s Family Pills are th bast
"bo yoadealre the peace of lurnneT" Thorns
of great Keeia: "thai depeuus on which ol
bs gets Ibe Biggest piece."
T. A. Bloanoa orTer to iend Two Bot
tlea Frae of Ilia Hemedy to Vara
Consumption and All Lang Troubles
-Aa Ellslr of Life.
Nothing could be fairer, mora philan
thropic or carry mora Joy in its wak than
tha utter of T. A. Hloouin. M. U of lHtt
I'ear. street, Mew York. Farfeotly oonU
dent that be has an absolute remedy fur
the ouie of consumption and all pulmon
ary complaints, ha otters lhrou(h this pa
per tu aend twu bottles tree to any reader
who is u tiering from lung trouble or con
sumption, also loss of fleeu aud ail condi
tions ul wasting. He invites thoaa deslr
oua uf obtaining this remedy to sand thair
eipress and posiottloe address, and to re
ceive in return the two bottles free, which
will arrest the approach uf death. Al
ready this remedy, by lla timely uae, has
permanently cured thousand of cases
which were given up, and death waa looked
upon aa an early visitor.
Knowing his remedy as h doea and be
ing so prouf-posiliv of Its beneficent re
sults, Dr. Hlucuai consider It bis religious
duty, a duty whloh he owe to humanity,
lo (lunate his Intalllble remedy w Bar It
will aaaault the enemy in Us cidatal, and,
by Us inherent potency, stay tha ourrent
ul dissolution, bringing joy to homes over
which the shadow ol tha grave baa been
gradually growing mora strongly defined,
causing fund hearts to grieve. lb cheap
ness of the remedy ottered freely apart
from ite Inherent streagth, Is enough to
oommend it, and more so ts the perfect
oontldenoe of the great chemist making the
utter, who hold out life to those already
becoming emaciated, and says i "tie
ike Invitation ts certainly worthy of the
conilderatiun of the arJIioted, who for
years, have been taking nauseous nostrums
without effect; who have ostracised them,
selves from borne and friends to live in
more salubrious climea, where tha atmoe
pbere is more congenial to weakened lung,
and who have fought against death with
all the weapons and strength In their
band. There will be no mistake In tend
ing for these free bottles the mistake will
be in passing the Invitation by.
for 10 CENTS.
Tt maVea a grand parage with elephanta, eaa of animal,
eharlota. band. Oivee a full performance In a nn. with ring
maeter, olown, aarobata, bareback riders, trained dn(a and ele
phanta, winding up with tha pantomime of Uumptj Dumpty,
Inolading ail the onaraotera and eoouery.
3 Ways to Get f Onriil
This Circus :
,: ucuu
Black well' 8 Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N.C.
and the Clrou will be nt ron poatpald. Tou will find 1 coupon
Inside eaoli It ounce bag, and il ooupooe tnald each 4 ounoe bag of
Blackwelus Genuine'
Durham Tobacco.
Buy s bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacro, snd read tho
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
CtNT STetS tCCiniD.
Kipss Field.
One of tf j muuy stories whloh are
told about tha lute Kuguue Field ia of a
little joke ho hud at his wife's expense.
They hud rutcrod a struet our, to find all
the seitts taken, save one at each end of
tho car, and they crated themselves ac
cordingly. Whru the conductor collected
the fares, Mr. Field announced in audi
ble tones, as he g.tve him a dims, at the
same time pointing to the far end of the
car, "This is to pay the fnre of the lady
over there the ot,e wearing the new,
benntiful brown silkdres." All eyes
were turned to her, and her pretty face
took a most becoming rose color, bnt
buck of the reproving glance she threw
at him was one of mingled indulgence,
appreciation aud mirth at the nnetpewt
ed and apparently truthful anuonnoe
niont. The vVoniaa of It,
"Now, dear, I have one favor to ask
cf yon."
"It Is granted."
"Then please don't toll ma that you
have never loved before, that yon nover
dreamed that yon conld love, that I'm
the only girl yon have ever been engag
ed to, thut"
Ha (Interrupting) I won't.
She (anxiously) But yon have never
been engaged before, bave you, dear?
Brooklyn Lifa
riT.-AII F1U stopped frae by Dr. aTHne'a
Oreat Nerve Restorer. Ho F'teefWr ihearal
day a aaa. starralnus ours. Treatise and
trial boiue free to Fit eaana Bead lo fit. Kiln.
BU Arcs at., rhlladelpbla. Fa
Tit Oiimia lor breakfast.
Anxiously watch declining health of
their daughters. So many are cut off
by consumption in early yean that
there is real cause for anxiety. In
tho early stages, when not beyond
tho reach of medicine, Hood's 8arsa
parilla will restore the quality and
quantity of tho blood and thut (five
good health. Head the following letter!
"It I but Just to write about my
daughter Cora, tged 10. Bhe was com
pletely run down, declining, had that tired
feeling, and friends aald sbe would not
live over three months. She bad a bad
and nothing accrued to do bar any good.
I bapiwned to read about Hood's Bareapa
rllla and had .her give It a trlat. From th
Tory first do aba began to get better.
After taking a (ew bottles she was com
pletely oured and ber health hat bean the
beat ever tlnce." Mas. Addh Pkcx,
13 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
"I will say that my mother baa not
stated my case In as atrong wordt a I
would bave done. Hood't Baraaparilla
baa truly cured me and I am now wall. "
Cora Pkck, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Be sure to get Hood's, because
I the One True Blood Purifier. All dnifdrtrta. 11.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowrai, Mass.
177. , are purely vearuhle, re.
iiOOa S PlIlS Uubleaudbeueflclalsica
4 CmcMtmirt f holism.
I Laaiaa, t DraarM IMiliinei
iratM w OlM
Ik klaanttaa.
All fill, la r-MHSiaii kciM. Hak arai
. F- p, mwh wtMawr,, aaa --aLiiw Me lallw. Ml
le.OO Tllarala. -. MM tv all lral llnnku.
CMKHKSTatt CktMll'lL
If you want a sure relief for
uinae, use an
Bear ih Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and Imi
tations is as (rood a th genuine.
m'7C'7mfmmm1 JT" y iv.T Th TerT remarkable and certain
W V ,J IXI A 1X1 relief given woman by MOORK'S
.. at, J7l.. IT"? TTT REVEALED REMEDY baa (tisn
a Hia uKiua ui vi uiuauj a rnenu, la n
fal in relieving the backaches, headaches
which bnrden and shorten a woman's
women testify for it. It will give health and strength
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all dratnrisU.
BLUMAUEIt-FRANk: DRUG CO., Fobtlajid, Agents.
Wur Y. Y
I O Coupons, or
1 Coopoo and IO cents, or
14 eta. without any Coupons,
Mr. Nells Paaretl of Boston, haa rvnlty
wrlMen a lk, "K4iief Work and Art Decora
tion.," thai mvea iraetleal urn rueiinna f. r
making d.illleo, table rovers, aearfs. tray eltuka,
fin ciuhtotia, rle.,eln , with Ally llliiatrailmia.
bis book, liiiuther with "Suee.afu Hume
I'el will Im
-i't In-e lo any
fcailrr who f.,r
wardi theataebrd
eoii on an.l a i.
cent atainp to
Wel ana
A Co , Huilluf
ton VI.
The above liber
al offer ta mad to
adverllaa tue reli
COUPON NO. 1002.
TMt enhtjt nny rrnttrr nj
thil pnoer la on epu o
"Fnnry Work nnd Art f e
ararien." nnd "tlw:ttstiul
llomt Vyttng."
able piamnn t Pres. and In eel Ihetr book upon
home dielus Into ttie ban la of w.tmen wbo
want lodreaa well by making their oldclotbluf
look like new.
The Itcl that Diamond lve have been the
stands! home dvea lor u-ar!v twenty years,
and tual tbir 'i t Increase from year lo year,
la prool pusillv tual they have usver had aa
take the
law in your own hands, ladies,
when you ask for
k .a "
. vee
Diss Velveteen Skirt Binding
and don't get it. Sentence auch a
store to the loss of your trade and
pive it to merchants who are will
ing to sell what you demand.
Look for S. H. & M.," on the Label.
and take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you wo
Send for samples, showing labels and msierlsls.
lo the S. H. k M. Co . P. O. Bo 699. Naw York C-
Patentee of Self-Spacing Type.
Sole Maker of Copptr-Alloy Type
Car. Second and Stark St., Port lead, Or.
Rto Cott W Diahono Bho A.
Ilaaalr aiW NniMmwunu kraala. w
IMmmtni irmU la tU4 aa4 vatl Balila T
aa Mbar alaa. avwa AjitwMI mmd ftammaaA
wn an daaarreaa aaaalevAll& AI OraaslMa. m
ai OraaaiM. m mmt aa
mnt, ; rasara Mali,
V-V S1 Maaiaaa 7t'UI LADEIJ-aila, Pa,
pains lo the back, side, chest, or
anlformly success
and weakness
life. Thoasandsof
Portland, oricon
PtrlVct Mtili i row
rnT.nCn)pv PtiwM
F&rnotruwa by cbauir. Notb"
r ln hipvr Irfl toehtuic In crow
' lb tun vnrwbra. WrtU tor
, fhr lHOA. Krlmhl of valuable i
, iDfiirtuat loo aoou t beat ao1 new A
I saxls. rrv by mau. .
0. M. FERRr 4 CO..
Detroit, Mick.
fHB AKRMOTOR CO. os half the ararlaf
windmill eualnaaa, beraoas It ha. rediMMl um eu of
Wiad power te i.n what II waa II baa roan braooa
aouaaa, aoo auppnae iisaoeoaaoa rapeire
aaruurooor. It oan and Soa faralab e
otbars. It aaafcaa Fampln and
J aOiHnplll Wind ml lla, TllUne
mk kT niMl 'Towers, Sue! Boas Saw
a rrmmaa. Slaal mad Outuira and Ia4
ejf S Grinders. tmaprllraUoo it will aamaan
III of Uiaa. artlclaa Uiat It wUl furnlah anUI
aonarr 14 at fX toe aaual prtoa.' It ala. aiaaaa
Tanks and Panira al all tiaita Sand ha Miaia-ue
ratssrri I2)s. lacs wall ae4 Hllwm kraala. Ckkaw
M0C WINCinWC Soptmino
ro CHicoaiN tiithino
raaataTallBMaeiia. Sa Oawas a t mla.
. r. v. v. No. eis.-i. r. v. v. vo. m