l ine i- : rr the t le- .v" MAKC.I I HA I" UK DAY, M AKC'Jl ( J KXtfK(i'r.S. Mr (.' Vuiiuynf. i moving to Fuir- IIIOUIll. Tim llhthniii c;i'HtC"''ir1 lime II recovered. K M Wood, tin.- bowling iildy man, went to fulfill tml'iy- Work on Hie i-n-uiiiery Imil'liiiK U iiln'il rr iilly. I', ,M ('nihil mi l l.inlly hiVi-Konif lo n.lri''iiil'-iuo cm it viit. Attorney Wilkin (ii'l l' t!l lni-.tii. i ul Junction Ty it few hour today. I're.ldent Chapman ami J K Weth-triM-o winl to Albany llil riioniliiif. 'Mm inNtiriP iit little elnrry hird are now it' ll nig in l heir deit'lly work. Two new iriwnlk liitv I u coii HtrucUd nt tin' lloHniMi Hou- i r hit. HtuoVnU uru IfuviiiK for limo ly every truln to tK-nl tin- Arll vu.-u-Hon. K C Hinllli Mini if will have on a vi.it to Ntw York olutu loinoirow inoriMii. Win Mnyir hlurii-tl ftoiil It-iM-buri hi timniiiiK- U ' """''I '"J "'" order of Klh hist i.lli' In Uiat elty. dun J 1) Weuvi-r, the imlixt l.-uiliT, will iniiku lo i 'i li-n in Omgo i. One of Hi. in will bedelivtrid In MJgi'iii'. The lh ptl"t ehur Ii of Portland hiu linked thu Kev Koluiitl (Jriiul lo recoil tliler liU ri'li(iiutloii. Jin miiytloMo. W T Halll'liiy ami wifu left for Kali ihl iiiornliiu' loeitl truln. They will luUu thu llyer at i'ort- Imid. Klt-hnril Main", it unlive of (Ireiit Itnlluu, hut now u roiiklit f J.une eoiinty, liuHilii liirnl hi Intention of bcconiiiiK an AiiieiltMii citizen. Il4mtibtirtr lie-view: Konebiirn U to bt-eouie elty only In iiiiinu with no water, Unlit- or polio' protection. The only tiling Hie ruM iit nuliiio in op-mim-iI to iUilihiii( 1m the tux luvy. Tim Textm rei.iihli'-au e.nivelilloti huil a rej,'nliir IIkIiI yeMerdiiy. Many tint ll(liloiTUireil. 1 he Uetd Allium men fuiitiireil thu regular convention uikI thu MeKhiley hueen lielil a aepur nlc iiiiv. A tret I hruw I thin iiiornlnn tiboiil 3o'eloek iieur the Jlolel Knittnu woke up moil of thHKiiel in Hint I'liihHnir. Tint two chimney nuei-p, we K uril, wire miiioiiu Ihf TlneiMiU l' thu ii Hit I r. Juxl u we uo to .ic.n Ollltir I rutt urienteil the nirlie. Atiraiil'n I'm 'U-puUli of yenhr- iluyav: Jallie Wil limliila-T nl K pillar Army ot IhU place, hud H lieiuiiiK totluy tu Imu Jilxliee l.l.ler oil a churo nfli.-ulllt Willi liilenl lo e nl rupe iihii Wliillrnl l'uiily. an H-yeiirold ehlhl. Ho wit held In thu H'"'"' J'"".'. Thu t-inlelli Sliile-iinrtii nay l.tlini ouinily I repiesenlcl in the Mat h-nll-t lonvenlloii iu lollou: It UoUrt on, W II I'ltuuh, St: Spin kn, (JeoO KiiIuiiiI l.-nl i:iy ly K I full! well pr.ixv, J It Kouno, U I' fuhlwell, J I' A'lil-, lien .llliul, A I' Hill loll, I'' M Nieh-.w miller, Jerry Atkln and J 1, AlkiiiM.n ly V II .-puiiKh pioxy, A M Sweeney. Wheal Lied, fid. l'.nr foinern Mr Wilier, who ha ehari-of I.llientlial' Imp department, whs in Wheulhind ,s;tliud.iv. He Inform n thai hU people will malie it eonnldeiuMo re dil lion in Hie iiereiiK f their Imp viinl xl rieiiMiiiloii I hi year. Mr Wulemln now -nti;'l in mukiiitfu caiivin of the hop di-trict nuthe inK lulu lejjiirdinu the pi'' "hie nereiiKu lir'Oil. At the Millie lime helaadvo i nl I iitf that the lop men redueu their M.'MkIii older that there limy not lie Imt Hit-iii mi over production this y. nr. I UK Al'lill SlKnVKKS. Umt Hie I'ruphi'i y Moiiili. vl till New Pally Guard. Mareh J". I'onlei' hint luilletlil kv hirvcaxt oflheKlorm W'uvo to clou the eon tineiit lioin lih lo -Slh unci the next will re;u h the I'aellln coat about thu lUlli, Clou tlmweit of Ihu-kie country by elo of liillh Kr'l central valley 8it to April 'Jd, Kind-rn -tBte April ;id. 'Hie w arm wave will cro thu went of ltoc l.1. eoniili v uhoiit mt!i, itrent eelilrnl viillev alit; l'.iitern Slrtles ApnllM. I'uid wave will cnirw the went of Koclile country iiIhuiI April lnt, great i-ciiIiaI vnllc-y Md, KubUtii rllilea .'llll. Theu'uriii wave w ill reneli tin) IiIk'i rl leiiiperiitiircn in the l-'..iteru Hlnte and Hie cold w-uve Iho liiwoal Uinper liliiica III l liu upper MlNionrl valliT. i tic npiii.t; dioiiih w ill have intieli to clo w lib ihe crop of IMH1. Aeivrdil to Wtiilher 1 1 1 ii V In l'nf MaiiHill bud cxpecled uhoiit Ihe lt and lliid, fmni the Tlh to the l:tlh mid Horn ihu iMili to thu '.Mil ami L'Sih. AitiI t-hoiild 1m- a tideruhly fair month of weather W illi It few M'Velt' Blorni Sun pul will liu few, ex ceplimr Ihoxe lint1 will h leftover from .M;iieh, uud thn-c Will he ilhiiln Uhiui;. Pally l.uaril March '.'7. Mll.l.lSKKY Disri.AY. Mcsdiime Kllbury While of the Wonder Mil linery 'sltue have their display id arrln'ii hats ami tiiiiiminii " I"'11 ,nr insptH-ii.-u loony i..i ."" illshlnv leiinii row . They have Hue and complcti' display tomorrow. They have a very Hue uud eoniplilo disp'liiy ef t-piiug an. I suiiiincr hat and litiumliigs, and ihe lu'erior of The Wonder present a very fsshlon able and atlrtic live appciirauiv. Iail Ouaf I, March '.'S. In I'ulu'K Col'Ki'. Yestenl.ty af ternism M J Cole and J F I'lley, the chimmy swiips, entered plesa ,f KUilly to assault and also to gaiiib'liig. 1 ole'w .is tlned oil (he two eliarvrs .' and Ft Icy ft". They both went to Jail. I'lcii of tiullty were filtered to iimbtiug by t) I) Kow land, lleorgo I'ark nnd C M Wilier. I!e hind w us lined , IS us also :. Talk. They both willed wllh the recorder. Wilier was tlnt d f'.'H, bill tli.l not pay. Si",ri u. DiM'rivs.uiox. Kugeno (irove, No -I. WiHhhneu elicit', has se cured a spcehit dipi-u-ation for a short lime, reducing Ihe Initiation ten front f i'J to cl in. i he lodge hud H r.nis lug inivilog litst nielli and iuitlHlctl nevcral new member. Thu Imlie circle I becoming wry popular. I mx. mit ti PINTS - lb UL W II .Sp:llil!l I in Kutfcnu. Ivlltor Anil returned rrom naiuui ; till miiniliirf- i F W Shelll -Id, ol hpoUane, Wahh, It j . I I in thu city. Arch Kic U vl.itliitf ut Hurrltburg for a fuw cluy MUiMiiry Ih-rrfer weir, to nuuige l..,, ,)eiiiW;r were clionen houi uie (JroVM Hfieriioon. iiumbc-r to repretent It in this txur- flie ooieih.t cxeeulive coimultUn i I cl-e. The nlHgi) wan ueutly decorated In M...II.M in tin city. I with houu plant. mall hrub and m:-. II....I.. ..f SDilmzfluld lid evergreen, and wu draped In the vUillui! frieiida In Kugene. (Julie, ii fro.t tni moriilog It will not do the eherrie uiiy good. WHandkerl buying u nuuiUri.f calve for I he ranch ut Dexter. ISeeretiiry of Htnte II K Kincaid catnw up Irom Hulem thl mornliig. M O Warner wa a panenger on the iwutti bound iraiu Ihl' iifterni)ii. Mr Dora Wallace and (,'ha Sylvu ler, of Jiuper wu in Ivigeiie Friday. Frank Mi;Aliter went lo Halem to day to lit during Ihe April vaealion. Diuii Haiidcnton went to Muddy, in Moil county, and wnl conduit rellg ou w-rvlct llu ru tomorrow. Coke lhlyt-u went to Albany today and will upend the April vacation vli-ltlng with fiiemUal tiiut place. A I) llurtoii of SprliiKlleld returned today from Hull in, where lie ha been allc-udiiiK the populist convention. WJ I-MwariU, of tillliam couuly, arrived here today mid w ill vlnil Willi relative In Kuguiie and vicinity for a i.hort time. School district No 1J7, ha afked ihe county board for pninliloii lo bond the diHtrict to thu amount of 5 percui.t of thu laxnlilu pioperty. Mis FormoHtt Mendiiwni accom panied the Ml" fixilK-r to Inde pendence today and will vir.it with the in during thu April vac.itlou. Yi-Htenhiy'ii Knm-burg l'laimlealer: Win. Myer of Kugeno had mi Inter-i-atlng expel leiicf w II Ii u herd of Flk Thurda night, o wa ale Informed. MrM Kl'raigof the Kuneue creain-i-ry I talking of eHtiibilahing a akiui llling htiitloii at t'reawell. The joilc of Ibul vicinity idler loguuraiileu him ihe milk Irom aw cow. A reader of tlio Duly (iL'akij ays the proper liainu of thu elder Sulho liu, uient'.oned in yesterday' UfAltl) tn coiiiieetioil with Ihu Drown mtitape, Ii Fendil, hut I called "Fen" leu nhort. Why make your nvlghnor think you are the iiieunent peiaou In town, w hen a doihir' wi.rin ot poultry netting will keep Iriciiilship forevei? All i.c piiiitry netting ul F L I'liuin-ler-.'. .Mr and Mi F. 0 Siniih left thi in. lining tni lln.-lr FuHterii visit. They Bo Irom lu re lo Chicago, w lit re they will VMll a fetv week with Iheir on, Inrl, mid then go on lo New York wtatc where tiny will vinll for s u time lit Mr Sinllh' old home. I'hey cxpirl lo be absent about three in. nilln. A MirprUe p.irty was niveii to Mr Win lvlii-t, corner of Olh and High street, last liighl, In honor of her oultidiiy. U.-l'ie-hmeiil Were nerved iiiiring ihe evening and a most plciw mil Unit am had by all pre-ent. S me lianilsomu present were given. About i i wcrtt piest-nt. At a late hour nil dispersed, wishing her many more hippy birthday. Another lliryclist. Iially IJUHM , Mllll ll -'7. F.iHTtiK llCAttii: I huvu rend with one surprise ihu editorial concerning the hicvclu accident of Tucsdny even Inj:, appearing in your Issue of March J'lih. Thu Injury to Jude Kisdon was a very deplorable iill'iir, hut your hie of a rwmeily Is prejudiced and unjust. Thu Idea thai thu army of bicycle rider should bu made to sillier for one person's c.ia'leineM oi awkwardness i absurd. 'there wo ild Im as inueh reason In ordering ull vehicle oil' thu city streets because pom carult a or drunk en person drive luster than the city ordinances n-iinit. Our city law , conlluing hlovcle to one vide of the street and a limited rate of speed, i entliely milllelfnt to cover the eue If pm eily cnlorctd. Thu blcyclo Is a great convenience to cltl.cu Kolug to and from their busi ness nnd If banished from thu side walks would bo uu es lor a irrcat part of tho ye ir, on acoount of (he muddy contllliou of the slirels. ItiCYfLisr. L'Hlly tiuard, Mareu Js. tjl IIK I'oMfl.lMKNTAKY Today' Collate llro.e I.euiall Leader has tlio following couipliuieMiiry notice of our fellow ttiwnsinau: "lu thu last few ilny wu have heard many expressions of pleasure In hearing that Hon S II Friendly Is willing to allow hi friends to present his name hvforo the repub lican county convention tit Eugene, April 4, as'a ciuitlidiito for M-uutor of Line counly. The editor of the L- rid er take hut' n small pint in politic, but w hen ii man like Ml Friendly is willing to uerve thu people It must he regarded a an evidence that there are some men who are willlug to hcivo thu Interest i of their con stituents for the tumor and WmicIU Ihevciinbeto them, rather than for i,,,,.!..,,.. ,1M1 ,,.,-iilrttl snoil. Mr I'lieiitllT IS ,lie ll r.i'uriiT a brt citi.ens. a nlouuer long and fvor.tlily known for his sterling Integrity and i loval love for nil Ihe best Interest of I Lane county. Should he receive the I nomination he h i a hoet of friend who w III b happy to rally to hi sup- poll in overwhelming iiuuiIkts." I'alljr toianl, Msrvh ;'7. ItllWI.INtl Al.l.KY Dkal. 11 H Siiekiiey till iiioriiing sold his double h.nt ling alley lu the- Chrisumii build ing to H F llollelibet k w ho yester tl.iv puichtv-ed Hie alley III ihe Hunt building of F. M Wood. Mr Stickney's alley Is just completed ll'id he li.nl not vel reii-ivttl the hulls and pin. Aller the llrst of Apiil Mr Hollenlsck w ill consolidate the two alley and conduct I Iu-iii both In iho Chrtsiiiiin building. Dii'r Hky III t.KKti; Albany IX-m-t-critt: "Drum! M'tlme Itcausoant did not give their splrltulisllc rulertaln inent at the oH-ra house last night. '1 hero were only about thirty present and their money was rrtutlled. At F.ugciio they had liearly a hundreU dollar lioue." I U. SiMtisu tJtttuw. A V lVtent 'Seven Jliiiibeii nf tlie VU Uidiver Tlitir IuliUtiv uraiiou. Ial,y Uuaril, March '."). A repreaeiilatlve audience aiwemhled at Villard Hall luslevenlnn to wltm-M the nnnual Junior exhibition. The eb,a. u-lnif lew an: for an to oraie, AlH:20tlio program opened w ith a chorus, "Uiistlo Coquette," from (;iiainpuey, by eigni voice. no proved a very pleasing numir. It wa fol lowed with prayer by Kcv H L Itourdman of Ihe JJuptlat church. The first tpeuker wa Lincoln . Farrlngton who ti)k for III aubject, "Should the Monnm Uootilne lJ tu forced." He Ugau by clllug the coin partlve atreiigili of uailout and show ing the need of a doctrine advocating uniform protection to all. Thl I neo essary to protect the weaker from the stronger. Tlio Monroe Doctrine fllli such a need ani must be enforced, and c n be If upheld by the popular elitl mentor toe American people. In the Kre-it civil war 800,000 uieu prompted by the spirit ir patrlotUm, laid dowu their live for the freedom 4,000,000; and the H-ople today have authority to any whether the country shall be thrown Into a violent ui of war, or whether il hall sail on In continued pein e und pioss.Tity. Fretl Fisk wa the next member of fie class to muke hi appearauc on the singe. He had chosen for hi sub let "The Anglo Sixoli me toiou J ' - . . .. ii fiu... ...... i . a ..rn.A Iz-T oj .Millons. ine Kt-inus ui nit AngloHuxon created within him a burning desire lo push out and con quer Hie uncivilized Mildness of the world. He could sen lieyoutl the con line of the IJaltic vast barbaric regions which ho longed toeolonize. He came westwunl and planted his banner upon the F.astern coast of the Western con Intent. Not content with thirteen colonic ulong the shore of Hie Atlantic he continued to uii the star or em pire westward. The barbarous savuge gave wny under the Intlucnccs of civil izatlor., and the Anglo-Saxon estab lished one id the greatest nation on the fin e id the earth, Inculcating Into It very core the ennobling principle of freedom of thought. The Anglo Knoll tin enriched civilization, liter uture and the art and sciences and ha carried hi educational Institution around the globe. The next number wr.a a vocal nolo, "A Day' dream," by MissStulla Dor ris. It was rendered lu her uuil pleasing manner. Sluait 1J Hannn' subject was: "Ihe L'usK' ikable Turk Should Do Kauished from F.urope." The Turk i Ineap able of highercivllization. Hi nature I susceptible only to brutality. From lhol3;h century, ho grew in power, waging brutal warfare upon other nations, lint lu the 10th century he rruclivd the summit of his power and Marled on the downward grade. He continued to retrograde nnd retribu tion Iihs overtaken htm In a degree. Thu power of the Turk should be banished Irom the face or earth, and ir he cannot be civilized let hi in bo eon -line I to thu desolate plain or Asia. F.ngtand rernse to act and the Turk i still free to butcher. Fred Templcton upoko on "(lod't most dieiuirul Instrument In working out a pure lutein U, man arrayed for mutual slaughter." In a neighboring siato is ii magtilllccnt minima n 14,00(1 feet in height. It 1 the result or great coullict and confusion, but ataud to day Ihu emblem or purity. Man's greatest enemy is man. His desire to outiival cause principle to clash. None will yield und nation are thrown Into conflict. Light vanishes ami nations are made and unmade. Dut war are healthful. They are followed by reconstruction, and cor ruption I wired out by them. The law of conflict Is the law or progress, and war Is Ciod'a penalty upon nation Tor misconduct. The next number on the program wa a quarrel scene rrom Julius Cicsnr, between llrutus and CaMiu. K 1' Shattuck t.xik the ride or llrutus while L M Travis acted the part ot Cnsslus. The two young men were admirably adapted for their parts mid the sup posed quarrel wa well reproduced. Ow en Vanduyne took for his subject, "The Iufluenca or France on Modern Civilization." Modern civilization re.iehe from the regions or coldest north to the Jungles or hottest south. France has lieen a leading factor lu bringing about this vast civilization. She ha stood by nations in their darkest dys. French soldiurs fought side bv safe wiih ragged continentuls. The F.nglisli may bo the colonizers of nations hut the'Freneh are the colon izers of Ideas. F.dith Florence Voiulo took the subject, 'Towel is not always with the majority." The Idea that the major ity should rule 1 comparatively mod. eru. It took years of cmjfuahm to make the world realize the necessity of democraov. Dut the majority de not always rule. Legislatures are often defeated in accomplishing an object by a minority, and the majority doc not aUviys win lu Untile. In the history of the world's greatest move ments the iniu.irlty has often rendered decisions, l'ublio opinion nnd pro gress are governed by the few. Oen Ius In music and art must bow before the relentless critic, though few lu nuniU-r. Men have power in excel lence, and I'lato ay majority Is tin- sound. A vocal ou:trtette by Mrs Linn, Miss Stella D.irris, Mis Deiismore and Mis Denctta Dorrl followed und proved one of the mint charming numbers on Ihe program At lis close tne young hidies were called to the stage again by an encore. A scene from "The Last Day of Pompeii" wu then produced. 1le characters wore lone, the blind Nydja and lone' servant, rv. reseriled re spectively by Misses Kate Laura Miller tnd Darbara Kellcy, Lauer. The vouiitf Indies were attired In open i now inj; rones, ami i lie siage eueci was I very good. (' K WootNon spoke on "I'olitli-al I.lhertv the Heritnire of Kvcry Nation of Anxlo &ixon IViteent." I'olillial liberty U the birthright of very Anglo-Saxon The lienir for the law of tree Inslltntionii ami freedom of thought prompted ti llll to uh out in to the world, mid the lllth c. ntury found hi in elllng out his course with barkerUun worKs. hit ! linv tl-liiiit; Ini kleor n I yA llfllltl- I unlagKini; footsteps aero-- . ,,e.,t: 1-:..kD-D I'.-tory . and tne t.iigiiu--i---'"", , ;r,ir)11, I.'i..1Ij1i.MIU'UKMIU '.'-- - trol the wor d today anu i..r. will be inaintnined by strong, " lelylng meu. . TW " ""::?e o7u.''The nother chorus, "The eral a. , ,r ' journal. ''Un .W WWW was ioiiowou I'j Kea Hath Its lean, . .r. " inu. The program cloed w iui mc - inter- u-iis verv Inter- est ngm dthe'";;..- were ut. well f.el vSred. the speaker, showing ex- The entire progra... " " n delivered, the speaker cvllent training. The C iiiniDtou ma .". ... ... MrO II Mitchell, a pioneer who "L?m iflal i d ttnlk up a do.,.,.1 who 1 now 87 years of age, and look U says llie Portland Oregonian, l. heen 'driving an .f pres. tweon this city and Lnlver ty la k all winter, and never uiled y unlil yesterday, when he put a drUer on his wagon and came over to the city to see a friend and umke some ar raugement about the dismal of his eflV-J-U, a he feels that he i able to cross the divide before long. Although so aged, and suflerlug from a grievous bodily inflrmlty. Mr Mitchell is quite active and energetic, and hasattendet to his express business with a luucu earneslue. a any one could, loading his wagon with all sorts of good and supplies, and delivering them prompt ly, although on aecouutofhi Itilirm llyhels ollcn obliged to sit down In hi wagon bed to drive hi team. Friend who know him ay that he has always been a hard working man. and could, when practicing hi trade or millwright, get more work than almost any other man under the same circumstance, uud lie I yet probably the most nervy and active man of In age lu the stale. On hi claim near hugcnehe raised a family or 13 chil dren, who are all scattered, anil, it seem, afford him no uid or comfort In his old age. Wheu he hud attended to the business for which he camo to the ellv uud hi puper hud beeu sealed lip and put away in a sure, the old man said: "Well, I ltiut get into my wagon and fee it I can't make a riece." The old man ha a friend who see to It that he doc not want for anything, but be would not I at con tented if ho were not doing something for hi ow n support. The sight of a man almost fourecore and ten, lu such circumstances, after being an Indus trious, hard-working man all his Hie, and after having reared a largo family, cause one to ponder on "the vanity or all human labor, the mystery or all human life." Mr Mitchell wa a resident or Lu gene ror a number of years. Dexter Item. March Sti, 1MJ. portion of the mill A considerable company log wore inrougi 10 Ihe mill luesilay. , Mrs Nancy (Jrifflth has been called to llillshoio lo attend the bedside of a sick sister. Messrs Ilosea l'arvln and Lldoil Teinpleniail have bought Mr Kceney's mull contract and will take charge April 1st. The river wu loo high for ferrying a couple of days this week. At the democratic primary Satur day Henry Ciiin wa elected delegate to the county convention wi'.h in structions to lise hi best influence to nominate Hon F. It Skipworth for senator. K It l'urker was nominated for justice of thu peace andETTeiu plcuian for constable. IthUl'LAK. Ilrowit's AccoiudIIc. UosKiu-iui, Or., March The trial of Albert Tool lor a-nisting Sam Drown, the murderer, to elude the of ficers, developed sen utionally today. The evidence nearly warranted the indictment of Stonewall Sutherlin, sou of Iteti Sutherliu, the richest man in the couuty, and the graud jury acted at once. Witnesses i wore that young Sutherlin had a steel saw made, which he gave to Drown and that ho other wise aided him. root's connection seems to have been as an accomplice of Sutherlin'. The jury In Fool's case is still out. Suttierliu's trial will tsj postponed for the term. It is thought many additional indictments will be found by the next grand jury Sutherlin furnished fci.OA.H) bail, wllh hi father us principal t-urety. rtmiorcr lor .tlayr. Portland, March 27. A move ment Is on foot to cull a public meet ing for next Suturday night, and nom inate ex (.inventor l'onnoyer for may or. It i intended to anticipate the regular convention In the hope thai the democracy and Independent movement will endorse l'ennoyer. Will Soon I.kave. The following I from the Yakima, Wash, Argus. Itcv. Hose Is expected to atrlveaud take the pastorate of the Christian church of thUcily about April 1: "The people generally in the city are pleased that Itev ltose i to give a lecture be fore hi departure for F.ugene, Oregon. Those who heard hint at the last teacher' institute pcak very highly or his ability a a lecturer. It will 1 given at the church on Tuesday even ing, March 31." I'ailjr liuaril, March .7. Anotiikh Dell.- Defore recasting the court house bell, Mr. Frazeroftho Eugene Foundry made two mold or the bell, one being Intended as a re serve in case the llret mold was not n ; success. The first one. however, was a succcm, so Mr. Frazer yesterday cast 1 a.iotl er bell with the second mold. The bell consists of a mixture ol met- aU and was made as an experiment. ltly CuitrJ, March . The I'oi'kt Hors-u lHn.t.. The last hell cast by Mr Frazer of the F.ugene Foundry was placed in position iu the court house tower this nmrnlno on.i .given a trial. It produced a dead ! sound Inadequate hr the miriirm j was taVen dowu The old court house wu, men n;s neen i -cast, was thin placed In position. It Kvcs forth a I " answer for (he ' ...l.l .1. lit . pose, though note.nml to the tone of the old I, i. r.1, i MAHKIE,.-Atthere,i,le.,co of the " hride'. pun-nu nt Kmnklln, Mr and r J I"?,? Uw;k,. M"-" Hen- (' !vrir!iind, timclming. t-ine WASlilNUrOVMARKIKDUr. reason ti be- iTiirH i r-very . . it- ,v,inotrm ran men 3 ;..;.-.'' f?Z . if l-lroelv. U. & lu I lies eral I ' . i.. i.;. lttftrs , fortunawiy Kut t)gre dctroyt, -erby sull eicnl atiusiu - jare ul "t icatc That ml corrcqmnUence i vetiro, nil" . . . i..,in .. , i l lfti consiuci.. iw no buo-vvi -.- i. ,- towarJ and resect lor, mlu ,,ioh are tlio ioundcit gurntoei of marital happiness. Since cir- cutnstances uiu w - client visit of bin wife to ber rela Jveswefind Wellington inviting her mother to come to Mount er Las her homo. Itdoe.noUpj pear that this introduction added j0 the barmony oftheboujbo d or if it did the admission of other women, relatives of husband or of wife did not. In this respect Washington, writing later about hi. niece living at Mount Vernon ,pek8ofhis love for her, but he eayg, 'I will never again have two women in mv house when I am n,r mvBclf.' Mrs. Washington 4 3fm ir ire proved an unfailing support to her husband in camp or court, nd Wishineton had her comfort and happiness always at hoart. His field service was irksome only as cntailiiw constant uneasiness on ii.n ni.fi of Ilia wife. Of the many instances of his tender solicitude r,.s her uncurtain health there is none more touching than that con ie.l with his fatal illness. At tacked suddenly and aeriously nflor m idnisht Washington's mat lady was at least hastened by bis unwillingness that bis wife should incur the risk of a cold by rising during the bitter winter nigbt;to relieve his suffering." THE CAKTEK-STEVENS CASK. Pendleton Tribune: The some wh.it celebrated case of Carter vs Stevens, which was brought to this county from Union, occupied the attention of the circuit court yes terdat. The attorney for Miss Steven filed notice of rppeal from Judge Lowell's rulings and the cisu will again be heard by that tribunal. Miss Nellie Stevens was elected school superintendent two years ato and J. L. Carter, who is now teaching school in the Willamette valley was her opponent. Carter didn't like being defeated by a woman and at once began suit to oust Miss Stevens from office. So fir he has been unable to do this, although he has succeeded in keep ing the matter before the courts. The contention is that, on ac count of being a woman, Miss Stevens is ineligible to the office and that she has no right to draw tlio salary. While Mr. Carter will not be able to oust Miss Stevens from the office during the present term, he may, if be secures a de cision in bis favor, sue Union county for pay for two years. A MALHEUR COUNTY TRAGEDY. A tragedy occurred in Red Butte precinct, Malheur county, in which a man named Keller lost his life, says the Vale Gazette. Three bachelors named Keller, Krouse and Craig, lived together in a cabin in the upper Owyhee settlement. A neighbor with whom they had trouble sent them word that be would kill one of the three shortly, so tho three men "heeled" them selves, and were on the alert day and night. Last Sunday Keller took his Winchester and went into the mountains to visit a sheep camp, and not returning at bed time, his companions supposed he would stay all night. After mid night Charlie Craig awoke and saw someone in the cabin coming to ward him with a gun in his hand, and supposed it to be their mortal enemy, seized his six-shooter from under the pillow and shot the in truder, who proved to be Keller. Cbarlie Craig went over to give himself up to the authorities at Vale, but as no information has been made, nothing will be done. Oregonian, Rep.: "The republi can state convention, to meet at Portland next month, should de clare distinctly whether the repub lican party of Oregon wants or does not want freecoinaireof ail It is tune to have a plain, honest and outspoken declaration." The Salem Tost, Rep., replies in the following words: "That's right mciyuuuy whiles to know just where they stand on that question The silver wing of it are not afraid in me test, uy all means let come. The sooner the better." it The A P A organization deim.n. strated that tliev wielfle.l mi.l. 1 , , - lUUVil i" hV 11 f TrcI,ubIlcan primar i U,nSllout La County Satur- da-v- J'"ly will he able to dictate . I . i " l'"UIUl" ! ni-xt S.ittir.l.iv. GENERAL PROnnrr "-punncttrj rU hp ,.r -fr Tongue, of llillsboro, for congr Salcia Journal, Rep; jj Scott ut gone craiy on the mor?. question and wants the rcpubli,' J narln In on sinner wilt. & The discovery of a rich rr,;. . 1da nna f ai i n n ut I L. l consideralle excitement. v'clll)f !i : said the find beats JohannertJ! all hollow. Senator 'Gorman, of Marij was 67 yean old last Wednwd,,' He entered the senato in 1852 u i page and five years later h! secretary to Stephen A. Dotglai, Charles E. Lease, of Wichjt. Kan., enjoys the distinction ofl in about the cnly perion in ik.. city who baa not gone to hear Mn wary iu. uvuta preucu. jjrs. Lei is his wife, and they live very blp. pily together. An Iowa woman has recover datnagea for breach of promiw in the sum ol I5U0U from the eiute of a deceased lover. It is the fir case of the kind in the United States and is an awful warning to fickle suitors. Roseburg Review: "TrusUn Alley and Ormsby, of tho Soldier,' Home, were not present at tb, board meeting Tuesday. Commoa report says that they were Ukinj after Hermann's interest in t; Willamette valley." Salem Tost, Rep: Tho ma:g. factures of the east have Uta amply protected. Now let th west have a little protection U their great industry silver. Free coinage means nothing more rut less than protection lor silver. Professor Mark W. Harrington, president of the University o( the state of Washington," Lu been elected an honorary ueai ber of the Geographical Socitlr of Manchester, England, in reoo?. .-.! : t.:i.. . niUOll Ol iiib Bciyites nunc ciiiei ol the United States weather bureau. There baa not been been a law yer in the town of Boxford, Mas, a place of 1000 or more inliuliitanu, in several years, and last week 11k one lone policeman compiling liu town's force was discharged. Tin town is said to be in excellent financial condition and a bustling community. Salem Daily Tost, Rep.: "Tin goldbugs were nowhero in yester day's convention. Dr. J. X. Smith, II." L. Rarkley, David Craig, Mc Kinley, Mitchell and E. W.Chap man are all strong advocates of freo silver. The goldbugs will find out by and by where the great common people stand on this ques tion." A good many live Hermann di patchea may be looked for the coa ing few days previous to the con gressional convention. Mr.H mann is a very shrewd politnu after all, will probably bo noi nated. If nominated the first dis trict will do well t- defeat him. Republican papers alone have Mil enough to convince ono of tint fact. Henry Clay, in one of his ora tions, referring to Cuba, said: "I would not disturb tho repose even of a detestable desnot. Rut if n abused and oppressed people m their freedom, if they seek to es tablish it: if in truth they have - - - , . established it: we have o right ' . . . . 1 -4 sovereign people, to notice tne met and to act as circumstances and our interests require." RoBeburg Review: "It loot now as if the republican state con vention might go for free silver. Jackson county started the boom that way, and Marion's conven tion indicates a similar tendency. The fight on behalf of Senator Mitchell, at Woodburn, led by the Rev. Barkley, resulted in a pronounced viotorv over tho Polpa faction led by W." L. Toozo. In almost every contest the silver men carried the day." The French prune growers are getting very anxious about the as portation of American prunes into that country and have enlisted tin prune merchants of the country in their behalf, which merchants have formed a syndicate pledging them selves not to import or handle any of our prunes. And still quite number of our pruno growers are in favor of protection to their frui frnm iVinoo lima Frrtnuhmetl. is about in line with a tariff on wheat and hops. An frr-hnncrn pavs: We have been asked to give information to how China sugar could be dis tinguished from beet or cane sng; Simply by placing the Btigr in glass, add vinegar, if China sugar it will turn a greenisff hue, wliiw beet or cane sugar remains clear or bluish-white. China sner :s un fit for use, as far as healtn is con cerned, and iU sale should be pN hibited or it should be branded tne same as olemargarine. It is u,fl?. " factured in the great leperoos aii tricts of China, and thero is no telling what disease or filth 'urK' in its Bweetness. ..( Il ,i,ri