The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 9

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a be,.:
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1 - Cam Hard.
VrajX M 'n n,0Ht otuer countries,
jntrtwafy to give one's age when
Ljitatemeut In court of Juntico,
f' j.. n rt w nrriat- ffliiul link
i4 But i rencnwonieo 01 maiur
. .1 ..Urtwaa all rt tin Atimn
j, BDWiUinKneas io siate meir sue,
ooe occasion a lady who bad to
wan accompanied to the court by
eroui company of ber friends, and
tlie DiuKiHtrute a.neu, "now old
... .i - .U .
fc.lll' lUt'lU woe lUVil WUUIUK
ilearing ot throat, Mof people auf-
I -1-1 .- . - 11 1L..
from severe cuius, w an vua
Kg heurd in the courtroom waa
1-ty years . m i
tooKD 18 smianuiiy ui mo wagis-
tbii more tnan iiau suppresseo. re-
biili ure not alwayi ao lenient. Ou
jier occasion a magistrate asked a
Hbat i your age, madam?"
Ehatever you choose, air," an
d the lady. She waa under oath.
on way pot down 45 year, then,"
jtbe magistrate to the clerk. "What
jnr occupation, madam?"
ir," eaid the witness, "you have
fe a mistake of ten year in my age. "
Pat down 65 year, then," aaid the
pslrate. "Yonr residence"
fir," exclaimed the lady, "my age
years, not 66 1"
At last we nave your statement, -
the magistrate, and be proceeded
the examination. Youth' Coin-
An Attentive Gallant.
ImonK tue auuionce at one oi
jilar theater were a young man and
fang woman who appeared to be
ier newly married or on the verge of
The yonng man waa a attentive a
kmld be, and the young woman, wbo
je all the earmark of a spoiled child,
kali his little kindnesses aa a matter
Jourse. Between the first and aeeond
the courteous gallant whispered to
lair one for a moment, and she nod
(her head affirmatively. The young
arose aud went out of the theater
Qngh a door leading to an adjoining
idy store. He returned a few minute
ar accnmpuiiiea ny a coiorea toy in
Jto coat and apron, wbo carried in
$ baud a tray with a glass of soda
Ier upon it aud in the other a napkin.
etood in the aisle while the young
B bo sought bis lady to refresh herself
th the ulans of soda. The eye of the
Ure audience were upon them. Tbe
fug woman sniffed at tbe glufs dis
fully and waved it aside. A face
ts youngster in the front row of tbe
Scry ruthlessly fractured the prevail
j silence with the suggestion: "Slap
f4ta de 'rist, de sassy t'ing. Get 'er
leslmnipy. She don't want none o'
j temp'rauce driuks." Tbe young
blushed and sat down and looked
a rable during the rest of the play.
Jladelphia Record.
) An Old Lot Latter.
The following love lotter, written by
e Seutuckiafl in his youth, and bearing
i te in 1823, may be of use to some of
c .r more modern but less effusive and
tropical lovers, a an example in erotic
epiirtolury correspondence :
Mt Dkah asp A dor abu Poi.l.v Ai the
heavens yield gloomy aapocta, making null
anil VuliI 1117 tlmkllcal feelings, I alt do-n to
JirunulpitD to you, moat holy and Immaculate
Tirfin, that I hold a kind of biennial rererenoe
(l J our mint nacred charm a, but owing to tlto
1 tense friRiiUtjr of the clrrumamblvnt atmoa
; ro It hua diHoomboboruttHl my inspiration
. a ahtp toswrd on the tumultuoua ocean In
jit of the delightful land and then totm-d
4k again. Oh. If there ti any tender pity
within that anowy boaom, delay my raglne
ion, or I "hall doubt lem paaa out ot thla
wld In a hurricane ot elgha to that aweet
raian which Rlvea dreamt of oonaolatlon to
51 luvi-alck hcurta. Your fond adorer, etc
t may reduoe tbe percentage of ro
Aiice to state that the writer died an
Id bachelor about 20 year ago. New
.'ork Sun.
She'e In Good Ilanda.
r-l i I I 1 ..4 t U
it vciio iiiui xiuu uua w mwv
fulution quarrels with her manager,
tl the details of the Fame have been
nished the newspapers. Yet there are
e people who affect to believe that
ivertiHiug doetu t puy. Waaiiingtou
ptli the method and result whea
vrup of Figa ia taken; it is pleasant
3d refreshing to the taste, and acta
"nj yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleansea the ara-
jtm eflectually, dispels colds, head
pbes and fevers and cures habitual
pnstipation. Bynip of Figa ia the
My remedy or iu kind ever pro-
"ucea, pleasing to the taste ana ao
f cptable to the etomach, prompt in
i:s action and truly beneficial in its
'jects, prepared only from the most
licalthy and agreeable substances, its
man7 excellent qualitiee commend it
li all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale fa 60o
r?d tl bottlea by all leading drug
K'sta. Any reliable druggist who
ma7 not have it on handwill pro
C(jre it promptly for any one who
fc;bes to try il Do not accept any
. 4 nKI3CO. OIL
A Coarhoiaa Told lllm He Would Maver
Het a Klver Aflre.
An amusing little itory about the proa
eut emperor of Germany, William II,
and a Vienna cuuchniuu wti narrated at
a banquet lately given at Vfeuua by
some diplomatic, the narrator being
biiuself a well known and promiueut
member of the corps diplomatic
In the year 1 887 the preaeut Emperor
William II of Germany, then Prince
Willium of Pruasia, came to Vienna,
visiting bin particular friend aud chum,
the late Crown Prince Rudolf of Aus
tria. Jeiued by the Prince of Wale,
wbo was at that time also a frequent
viaitor to tbe Vienna court, tbe throe
prince took a fancy to mingle with tbe
coiumon of the Vienna population.
Drexaed in ordinary clothe, they viaited
place which are not in the least regard
ed a suitable for princely guest.
Oue day they entered a hotel, but in
stead of going into tbe dining room tbey
walked iuto tbe "aebwemme," a place
which am were in antue degree to tbe
barroom of an American hotel; in this
room coachmen and the servants of tbe
hotel gueat take tbeir meal.
Tbe three princea took seat at an
empty table, and listened, highly
amused, to a fierce debate about politic
between aeveral (tout member of that
claaa of fashionable Vienna coachmen
who are known all over Europe aa
"ftex'he Wiener flaker. " Tbe distinc
tion of those charioteer i a kind of
good natnred boldness and droll famil
iarity toward their customer aa well ai
to perfect strangers.
After listening awbile Prince William
put iu a word, and soon waa drawn iuto
the excited discumion. Suddenly a stout,
red faoed coachman walked up to the
table where tbe three princea were seat
ed, and, tapping Prince William gently
on the shoulder, said, "Now, if yon
should ever have anything to say in
politics, yon wouldn't set a river on fire,
I'm sure!"
As every publio coachman in Vienna
wear a number, this coachman waa
upon a special request of Prinoe William
easily identified. The prince sent him
a handsome scarf pin with his initials as
thanks for the amusement be bad fur
nished, and thus tbe man learned in
amazement wboae political abilities
they were that be bad ao belittled.
Vienna Letter in New York Prea.
Bow London Bandied the All Devonrlnc
BlekneM la the Seventeenth Century.
During tbe plague of 1003 Francis
Bering, "Doctor in Physicke and Fel
low of the Colledge of Pbysitians in
London published certain Rules
and Directions for tbe prevention of the
spreading of that contagions aud all de
vouring Sicknoas. " Tbeae he reprinted,
"somewhat inlarged," in the next
plague seaaon of 1625, "to tbe view and
vse, and I hope good of my Cittizeus
and Countrimen. " Among bis rule are:
"Concourse of people to Stage playes,
wake or feasts and May pole dauncinga
are to be prohibited by publique Author
ity, whereby, a Ood is dishonored, the
bodies of men and women by surfot
ting, drunkeunes and other riots and
exoesses dispoced to infection, and the
contagion dangerously scattered both in
Citie and Countrie.
"Let not the carkassea of horses, dogs,
cata, etc., lye rotting and poisoning the
aire (a they have done) in More and
Finsburie fields, and elsewhere rouud
about the Citie.
"The burying of infected bodies in
churches, churchyards and, namely, in
Paulea Churchyard, whore the chiefe
Magistrates of tbe Citie and many other
Citizens nieete weekly to hear Sermons,
must needs be not onely iuconuenieut,
but verie dangerous for spreading the
contagion, and poison Lng tbe whole
Some folk ate breakfast then, others
did not:
"For breakfast yon may vse a good
draught of wormewood beere or ale,
and a few morsel of bread and butter,
with the leanes of sage, or else a toste
with sweet salade oyle, two or three
drops of rose vinegar and a little sugar.
Tbey that haue cold stomackes may
drinke a draught of wormewood wine
or malmsey, instead of ale or beere.
But take heed (as you loue your life) of
extreme bot waters, as aqua vitas, Rosa
soils or other compound waters of like
nature, which Empericks prepare and
set out with vaine and boasting words
tbey were devised to kill,
not cure men. "Note and Queries.
A Remarkable Tree.
There is a wayward white oak tree
near Laporte, Ind., that may well pus
la natnraliHta with the vasaries of its
growth. Tbe tree is 9 feet in circumfer
ence at tbe base, and mere are no
branches of any size below 1 5 feet from
th nronnd. There the great bole di
vides into a number of limbs. Two,
leaving tbe trunk about 20 inches apart,
irmw wast, their line diversion for some
6 feet, aud then each rending toward
the other. Twelve feet from tne Doay ox
tbe tree tbey nnite again, making a per
fect oval, and out of this grow two
smaller branches. As if not satisfied
with that expressed disregard for tbe
lawa of nature, this old tree bus per
formed another feat Six foet from its
base grows another white oak, less than
half it size, and no sooner does the
mailer tree arrive at the charmed cir
cle of those branching limb than one
of them grow right into it, and i ab
sorbed. The second tree is very much
larger 20 feet from the ground than at
its base. .
Noah'a Boali
While teaching a claa of girl in a
school recently, the master nuked the
following question:
"Whatwa Noah supposed to be do
ing when the animal were going into
the arkt"
He received several answers. At last
a little girl put up her band.
" Well." be aaid. " what do you y ?' '
"Taking the tioknt. air." Buffalo
Tiinas. .
i i
She hat hair (hat la Buffy. straight, banted or
half eurM :
Haa a pun,., I, oft by her d. ft flurer twirled,
febo haa -y. rltlur lru n or Llack. fray or
true llu.',
Haa a neat Dttinit glureendaatill neater ahoa.
Hhe has rtuo k that make bitter tha enrtuu
Bhe has trunk upon trunka of the ouatlieat
Che hai ji'wrla that thin aa tbe start do at
i nlijht.
And the ilaneea aa Ariel daneee or night,
fchr'e vut.mi-d to tilting onrwkalntbe
lie'! alao ereuthinied In tilting on men.
There't not murk In hor bralu, but there's
heaven In hi r ttnlle.
Hi r j.mfi anion la lure, and aba Slrta all tbe
Munaey's atagailne.
A certuiu now agency bad telegraphed
abroad the report that I am in Switzer
land, not for the benefit of my health,
but for the purpose of stoaliug bicycles,
and they added I hut I waa au expert
thief, aud, for a time at least, I bad
succeeded iu buflliug the most praise
worthy attempt of the police of two
towus to capture nie.
While this statement Is naturally flat
tering to me it is nevertheleoa a libel,
aud, in fact, if 1 cared to use strong
laugunge I might go so fur as to take
the hint sylhible away from the word
Tbe whole trouble arose through
Switzerland not having a proper lan
guage of it own, tliat hilly country pre
ferring to express what few thoughts it
has in a mixture of French, German aud
Italian, depending on what particular
canton you happen to be in. They say
that the Swiaa are natural linguist.
Unfortunately they are. Any combina
tion of sound you may make mean
something to any Swisa to whom you
happen to be talking, for be knows so
many language that yon are sure to hit
one of them, aud so ynn convey idea to
him that you had no thought of express
ing. October weather i lovely in Switzer
land. Moat of the visitor have then
gone, prices come down one-half, and
the air i sweet and cool, with usually
a cloudlee sky.
Under these circumstance I thought
it would be a nice thing, a tbe road
were good and the scenery picturesque,
to take a bicycle tour right around Lake
Tbnn, beginning at the town which
give the lake It name, going around
tbe north side of the lake to Iuterlaken
and returning by the south shore.
The hotel keeper told me that if I
went up tbe street, turned to the right,
went under an arcade until I came to a
tunnel, penetrated that and emerged on
another street, turned to the loft aud
kept on I would come to the shop ot a
man wbo would let me have a bicycle
on hire by the day or the hour. I fol
lowed the direction a closely as possi
ble and thought I recognized tbe shop
because a bicycle was leauing against
tbe wall. The owuer was leaning
against the doorway, looking at the bi
cycle outside. The following conversa
tion in many languages took place be
tween us:
"Haben sie un bicyclette a loner?" I
opened on him with the above impartial
mixture of German aud French. It
seems he understood me to ask if that
was bis bicyclo, whereupon he replied
in four languages :
"Yaw, yaw, out, yes. so."
Then, throwing in a bit of Italian, I
led off with:
"Quanta costa la machine a la boor,
oder per tag?"
Now, I submit that to any educated
person, or even to a university man,
this sentence said aa plainly as print,
"How much do yon want for '.his ma
chine by tbe hour or the day?" I tried
afterward to got the magistrate to see
this, but be, not knowing Italian, shied
at the very beginning of the phrase.
Tha mnwr nf the bicvcla on oath de
clares that be thought I asked bow
much the bicycle had cost him. lie says
that be answered be paid 600 francs for
that brute of a machine, made in
France, while I understood him to agree
to let me have it for 6 francs a day,
which was cheap. I waa in a hurry to
be off and was afraid be might repent
hi offer, so I said it was all right, and
I would taka it. wherounou. without
further parley, I wheeled the bicycle
Into the middle or tne road, sprang on
its back and was off, leaving the aston
ished man standing by bis door, too
thunderstruck, it seems, to make any
outcry until I had passed beyond bis
light st the first turning of the road.
I pedaled serenely on, little realising
what a commotion I bad left behind
me, and the one funny thing about this
most regrettable episode is that I spent
an nipnedinirlv oniet. Deaceful and en-
lovable duv. not knowing I waa pursued,
making no attempt to elude anybody
and yet eluding tnem in wnai appeared
afterward to be by subtle and crafty
dodges. The magistrate could not be
persuaded tbat my sitting on the ve
randa of a restaurant in tbe main street
of Iuterlaken, with the bicycle in plain
view of everybody, was not the brazen
act of a hardened criminal, who knew
the police would be searching for him
in the back streets.
When the man standing against the
doorway bad recovered partly from his
amazement at my sudden flight on his
machine, be rushed to the police station
and told tbe authorities there a plausi
ble foreigner had engaged him in polite
Ollendorfian conversation, and, while
his mind was distracted in trying to fol
low his remarks, bad seized the oppor
tunity and also the machine and was at
that moment making his way to the
north road toward lnterluken.
Now, capture under these circum
stances seemed to be delioiously easy.
There were no branching off roads. The
mountains were on oue side and the lake
on the other, on neither side of which
wss bicycling practicable. Therefore all
the two policemen had to do. when they
mounted their machines, was to rido
farter than I did, and so overtake me.
As I hsd no idea that a race was on. I
plunged along in a leisurely manner
and would undoubtedly have been taken
near Iuterlaken if it had not been for
the fact that some year ago a company
built a funicular railway from the mar
gin of the lake a mile or so op to St.
Beatenburg. I had lived in St Beaton
burg once, and I remembered that the
road from there to lnterluken was a
good one, so I thought that perhaps it
-nnid not be a bad plan to go up on tbe
! railway and coast down to Interlaken.
I I knew a msn who bad done it once. I
can well believe now that no one ever
I tries it the second time. The car goes
' up to St. Beaten bur three or four times
a day only, but when a couple of miles
away from the binding I saw a steamer
coining in, nini I knew if I reached the
luiidiug uUiut the time aha did I would
get a cur.
I am tint a racer, but I thereupon put
in my lieat lick to muke cotinectiou
with the mountain tailway. The road
at this point is as level as the luke itaelf
and only a few fivt above it My
thought turned to the ruilway because
1 kuew that beyond the lower end of it
the carriuge mad roue high above the
luke, pawed through several tunnel and
theu went dowu to the lnterluken plain.
By taking the up car I would avoid all
this aud have it dowu bill all tbe way.
The policemen, it swims, caught sight
of me I was making my spurt, aud
they at once put on extra steam, but
there i a doep buy jnat before oue
rcache the funicular, and they lost
light of me a I turned tbe point I had
reached thi top of the railway fnnicu-
i lar, and I bicycled the mile or more
I along the street, high up above tbe luke,
ou one vide of which Is scattered the
I village of St Beateiiburg, with it wou
I derful view of the snow mountains tbe
! Juugfrau, the Eiger, tbe Mooch and a
i bout of other.
I fonud the ride down the zigzag road
not inch fun aa I hud exiiectod. I saw
the brake was not going to last if I
kept on, so I had to walk most of the
way down. Coming to a more level
gtouud, 1 cycled gently Into Interlaken,
making for the place where tbey sell
Munich beer, and there, over a mug
and a saudwich on the main street, I
made my frugal lunch, with the bicycle
standing against a pillar of tbe veranda.
After a smoke I proceeded out of In
terlaken and took the south road that
borders the laka This road is not so
good for cycling as the other, being
much more hilly, while the roadbed is
more stony. I therefore walked a good
deal, taking it very leisurely, and in
course of time I was overtaken by a po
liceman, wbo also waa walking bis ma
chine. Us aaked me if I had met a man
on a bicycle coining from Tbnn, and I
told him quite truly that I had not
He seemed discouraged and told me
all about the bicycle theft aud the arrest
of the wrong man. He feared the thief
had hidden in the forest until be and
his comrade went past and thou perhaps
took the steamer across the lake, or tbe
villain might merely have pretended to
take the north road, while in reality he
went by tbe south. Thus the policeman
hoped to meet him yet I promised to
keep a lookout, and the officer went on.
When I reached Than and came to
the place where I got the bicycle, I
found the man was iu Iuterlaken, and
his wife, who knew all about the rob
bery, was amazed to see tbe thief re
turn the machine and pluce 6 franca and
bi thank ou the counter.
I regret to sny thut the apparent hon
esty of thi actiou did not commend it
self to tbe authorities. They looked on
it aa the ruse of a crafty scoundrel, wbo
realized that, so vigilant were the po
lice, it waa impossible for him to es
cape, and so endeavored to throw dust
in tbe eyes of tbe wise men of the place.
I therefore had to pay the expenses of
the chase and apologize to everybody
Thus the bicycle, at 6 francs a day,
was not so cheap as I bod at first sup
posed. Luke Sharp iu Detroit Free
The Preacher Performed Hit Part.
It has long been a matter of contro
versy bow fur the end Justifies the means
in gfltting mouey for good purposes.
There are occasionally fouud people wbo
objoct to the extortion of a church fair
where you got in for 25 cents aud out
for i-'o, aud who say that the raffle of a
charity buzaar differs from no other
gambling except that nobody but tbe
directors ever win the prize quilts. A
gamblor from Ohio, who hud made a
big fortune in a saloon and furo bank,
says that last winter he attended a col
ored church in Florida where the
preacher announced that a special bless
ing would be asked for all contributors.
Oue brother put in a dime. "De Lord
bless Brer Jones I" exclaimed the preach
er. "Brer Johuson, God bless you for
tbat quartan." When it came to the
gambler, be flalied out a 20 bilL
"What name?" asked the almost breath
less oollector. "It doesn't matter. I em
a gambler from Ohio." "Uuuibhth from
Ohio!" shouted tho oollector. The pas
tor rolled up his(eyes and dropped on
his knees: "Twenty dollars from de
gambluh from Ohiol May de good Lawd
prosper him in bia business I" New
Orleans Picayune.
The Alaska Boundary.
Alaska was not much thought of at
the time of its purchase, and there is a
tradition that the money we paid for it
really reimbursed Russia for other good
office of hers in our behalf. But now it
is seen to have been worth far more
than it cost. It is likely that we do not
know as yet anything like the full meas
ure of it possibilities. It is worth re
taining to the extremeat boundary. Brit
ain knows something of iu value, as
she kuew that of tbe Columbia river
years sga We should know enough
about boundary problems by this time
to defend our own without shrinking or
It is not probable that the Alaska case
ever will come to arbitration. It will be
settled, like tbe Maiiie and Oregon
boundary disputes, by negotiation and a
treaty, and the United States will lose
no territory. Portland Oregmiian.
A Story of Maatom.
ti.. Post tell a atory Il
lustrating the politeness of Minister
Ransom. Oue day, when he was in the
senate, as he wa going down the cap-
itol tep, be saw approocmug a Terj
j-n i, uliuUH man. Ransom was
uu,, ,",'B - ,
alarmed. He was in no mental or phys-
. i . . . . ii
leal shape to Dear me urun vi tun
fledged bore Just at that moment He
must do something to save himself. As
the dull one drew near. Ransom, In bis
desperation, greeted bim with short
ness aud honied by. Tbe other had
paused, but at this brief dismissal, as It
were, turned away up tbe steps. Ran
som was smitten of conscience at bis
own rudeness. It wss foreign to bis po
lite end flowery instincts. He must do
something to tuke the soreness out of
the man. Runsom turned pleasantly
when some ten steps separated him from
the bore and called out: "Ooodby,
Simpkinsl I've been thinking a mighty
heap about you lately, Simpkin!" At
thi Simpkius began to betray symp
toms of returning. "But dou"t come
back, Simpkius," remonstrsted Ran
som, wildly motioning with both handa,
"I've been thinking a mighty heap
about yon lately, Simpkins, bot don't
tome back ; don't com back I"
A LI Time Bablt Kaally Brokea-It's
Katy If Ton Only Take tbe
Klgtt Koad.
From Tbe Proas, Ertrelt, I'a.
. i, ., A number ol
f. f tt II our treat and
most Inveterate
tobaooo smoker
and eh wars
bsTeqult theute
3 of the filthy
weed. Tha re
form was started
by Aaron Uurber
who was a con
tinued tlar for
many yta-s to
tb use of tobao
oo. lis tried th
uaeof No-To-Btc
and to bis great
surprise and da.
light, it oured
Hon. C. W.
Asheom, who bad been smoking for sixty
years, tried No-To-Hto and it cured him.
Col. Mamuel Btoutener. who would eat
up tobaooo like a oow eat hay, tried this
wonderful remedy, and even bamuel, after
all hi veart of slavery, lost th deetre.
J. C. Cooler, latln Evans, Frank Dell,
Geor B. May. 1'. U. BktllinKton, Haneon
Kobinelt, Prank Herthrwrver, John bhlnn
and others have slnoe tried No-To-Hao, and
in every cat they report, not only a cure
ot tbe tobacco habit, but a wonderful im
provement of their general physical and
mental condition, all of which goes to show
that the us of tobacco had been injurious
to them in mora way than one.
All ol th abov gentlemen are so wsll
E leased with the result tbat w do not
rsttate to join them in recommending it
to sutTering humanity, a we bar thor
oughly investigated and ar satislied tbat
No-To-Hao doe th work well and 1 a
boon to mankind.
Th eott is trifling, and three bote ar
guaranteed to cur any oaee, or money re
lunded. One box in every Instance stated
above effected a our, wttb one or two ez
ouptlons. No-To-Hao has a wonderful sal
upon It merit alone, and can be secured
ai any drug ttor in this oountry or Can
ada. It is mad by th Sterling Remedy
Co., Chicago, Montreal or New ork. Our
reader aie warned against purchasing im
itations, as there are several on th mar
ket. He sure you get No-To-llao, Then
you're all right.
There wm a young fellow tbat golfed.
Aud thut It oovurrrd oft aud olfed
Iney ttw htm at play
Tarried wltn then away
The bcllei luat hit head was quite eolfed.
In acrobatic, gymnastic- and athletic
training one thing toeuit to be entirely leli
out; a thing which, if p radioed, might
prevent many tenons oontequenoe and
thereby become th useful part of training,
llow to fall down easily and gracefully.
with tbe least amount ot reaistauoe by tbe
muscles, angm bemad a nne art. Why
uot adopt a tilde and practice feet-slipping
with these object ia view. Everybody
knows that at this season the worst injur
ies result from not knowing bow to lall.
There seenis to be nearly always a compli
cation of injury In ery fall, such aa a
sprain, bruit and often broken limbs. It
. true tbat for all these mishaps, either
separately or in complicated form, and es
pecially tor sprains, Ht Jaoo b Oil I tb best
known and surest our. Hpeaking oi
sprain, tb very worst often result from
talis, because th muscle sustain suoh vlo
lent twists from retitianoe. But Whether
there Is praoiioe of tb art or not, th great
remedy for pain la sure to our.
When aiked why the rejected me,
Hor reatom were aiott Irauk ;
She welghvd me In the balance and
1 bad uone at the bank. .
T. A. aioeaaa offer t Bead Tee Bat
tle Free of BI Kauady l Car
ConaumptloB and All Lang Treaties
-Aa Ellilr of Life.
Nothing oould be fairer, mora philan
thropic or carry more joy in Iu wake than
the offer ot T. A. Bloouui, M. 0 of ltitt
Pear, street, New York. Ptrfeotly oouti
dent that be baa aa absolute remedy for
th our of consumption aud all pulmon
ary complaint, be otter through thi pa
per to lend two bottle Ire to any reader
wbo It sutierlng from lung trouble or con
sumption, alao loas of lleeh and all condi
tions of wasting. 11 invites those dealr
ou of obtaining thi remedy to send their
express and potto til o address, and to re
ceiv in return tb two bottle free, wbiob
will arrest tb approach of death. Al
ready this remedy, by It timely use, bat
permanently oured thousands of case
which war given up, and death waa looked
upon a aa early visitor.
Knowing hi remedy aa b do, and be
ing o proof-poaitiv of ita benenoent re
sults, Dr. blucurn consider It his religious
duty, a duty which be owe to humanity,
to donate hi Infallible remedy where It
will assault th enemy In it oidatal, and.
by it inherent potency, stay th current
of dissolution, bringing joy to home over
which th shadow ol Ui grave baa been
gradually growing mora strongly defined,
causing fond heart to f rlv. ill cheap
ness of th remedy onered freely apart
from ita Inherent strength, 1 tnougn to
commend It, and more so I th pert act
confidence of the great chemist making th
off er, wbo hold out Ufa to thoaa already
becoming emaciated, and say i "lie
la invitation 1 certainly worthy of th
consideration of th alllicted, who for
year, hart been taking nauseous nostrums
without ctfect; wbo bar ostracised them
eelve from bom and friend to live In
mora salubrious oliniee, wbere th atmos
phere Is mora oongenlal to weakened lungs,
and who have fought against death with
all th weapons and strength id tbelr
bands. There will be no mistake la send
ing for thee fre bottle tb mistake will
b In passing th Invitation by.
For ioo Coupons ) J For a Coupons
and $1.00 J OR ( and $a.oo.
You will find one coupon Inside each 2 ounce
bag, and two coupons 'runde each 4 ounce bag of
Blackwell's GEinmiE
Durham Tobacco.
The wetoh is Zleetro Oold Plated, a good time keeper, qu lea
stem wind, ana item set. It I offered far below lu value to Induce
you to try thla Tobaooo. Band coupon with same aad addreae to
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and I reed the
Coupon which give a ht of other premium nd now
to get them. I CtST HAMPI ACOUBLX
A Witty aVadf.
The late Lord Bow en, beside being a
great judge, was alao a great wit, and
many Interesting bun mot of bis sre be
ing recalled just now. Ou the occasion
of th queen's jubilee the judge were
drawing np ao address to the queen.
"Cunsoioa aa we are of our hortconi
Ings," ran tbe addrex. "Consoious a
we ar of one another' shortcoming,"
suggested Lord Bowen.
Sometimes his wit was very incisive,
as, for instance, when be remarked:
"Truth will out even in an affidavit"
Not the leuat happy of bis recorded wit
ticisms waa tbe remark be made when
congratulated on bis appointment to be
a law lord. He would, he said, find the
work easy, his duty being to give bis
oplulon sfter so many others hsd given
theirs. "In fact, I only have to agree,
and might well have been raised to tbe
peerage a 'Lord Concnrry.' "
laecrataala Myttery.
"Mamma," aakod tbe little girl, peer
ing In between two uncut leaves of tb
magstlue, "bow did they ever get the
Vriuting in there?" Chicago Tribune.
And don't omit when von are narking no ronr
efforts preparatory for the voyaae, to lurlude
among tnem a supply oi ttoaieiier t omaea
Hlttert, the great remedy for sea tlekneta.
Trartlera fur pleatura or builneat seeking lor
elgn ellinet, or who loromote by steamboat or
rain, bealilee ytehlmen and mirlnari, tettlly to
tbe rtmeillal and prerentlire efneeey of the nit
'ert, which It Inromparable for nemee, head
ache, djrtpeptla, blllonauee, rhtamalltm, uerr
out and klduey tn-uble.
Muity Tbey always hare a ehaalaln to pray
for eougrete. Crutty They do not. They gen
erally get blind preacher that can't see them,
and ht prayt lor In country.
tao bewabd ate.
Th reader of this paper will b pleased
to learn that ther I at least on dreaded
dlteaa that eclenoe ha been able M our
In all Ita stages and that I Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cur t tb only poeltlv cure now
known to th medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, require a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon tbs blood and muoous surfaoes of the
system, thereby deetroytng th foundation
of th disease and giving tb patient
strength by building up the constitution
and aaalsung nature in doing it work.
Tb proprietor bar so much laltb tn Its
curatir powers, that they offer On Hun
dred Dolltra fur any raa that It fall to
our. Bend lor list of Testimonials.
K. J. CHENXY A CO., Toledo, O.
fTB?-8old by Druggist, 7fto.
Hail' rauillv Hi la ar th beat
rtT.-AD ntt ttsope frae y tie,
Dml Marea Batterer. He flM afW laa Srtt
iar't at. Marrtloua ear. Tittlitt aa Slot
trial kotilt fret lo Fit catta B4 at Dr. KUae,
an Arch at., railasaleaia. ra.
Tst Oaaaaa tor breakfast
On a good (the beat) akirt bind
ing as strenuously as on a good
cloth for the akirt
Ask for (and take no other) the
Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding.
If your dealer will not supply you we
Send tor ttmpltt. ihowlnf Itbtlt tne mtttrltlt,
o iht S H. 4 M. Co . P. O. Boa . New Yerk City.
If vou want a aura relief for
limbs, use as
AHcock's S
Bsar in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and Imi
tation ia aa good aa th genuine.
It the name of Woman's Friend. It ia
fol in relieving the bckache,hdache
which burden and shorten a woman'
women testify for it. It will give health and strength
and make life a pleasure. For aale by all druggists.
luunavfia-IBAIia JVUUU VV., i'0BTLAJU, Agents.
Pur WW
jaeae Tntanu ha iw. i
tuu-Baeisa caamCAl. otk.
-TOJK ffSa. CwoHtmiti tnwiH. Rio C03t V4 Diamond Baho l
kj'a2 V I tms oSieiatt e atauiac. vealrSaSaSrt,Mns,inniiaw. V
pi XT -J latl . m Dtmm a? imni -, stall .1 Snnt it lu m e muiiu t
I Iff Wm atM mt h, DM. Tat Be Maar klaa. t-W M,ii mm h Im V
V lt tn mum t rMteewet ttji trwitiw, ttptnet teat If elia. AI vregfuw, tt eat tj
St D tWk M t .WMaH.lilf iillM. mm4 "kMlwt a ltu tlae. t ma MlL
-K K
Is tbe season for purifying, cleansing, and
renewing. Th aocumulstion of waste
very where sre being removed. Winter's
icy grasp U broken and on all side ar
Indication of nature's returning Ufa,
rnwed force and awakening power.
Is tb tin. for purifying th blood,
cleansing th lystrtn and renewing th
physical powers. Owing to clot con
finement, diminished pemplrttlon and
other causes. In th winter, Impurities
have not passed out of th system a tbey
should but have accumulated iu th blood.
Is therefore the best time to tak Hood'
Baraaparllla, because th system la now
most In need of medicine. That Hood'
8araaarilla I tb best blood purifier and
Spring medicine is proved by Ita wonder
ful cute. A oourae of Hood's Harsaparill
now may prevent great suffering later on.
tt tb On Tro ninnd Partner. Atldrntgittt; n.
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood A Co.. Lowtll.MaM,
HooH's Plll ',rr M1,i
riUUU & rill5 ttk.ea.y toortte. isa
Hr. A. IL rraathe. at Bn.
tSS KmrSC Memphis, Teaa.
Writes that hit wife bad eaa-
per woira had eaUia Iwa
lanra bole la ber breast, and
Which lh beat phyataitaa
Of the Burroandlng country
treated, and prooomtned la-
uraDia, nw arenaa
and aunt a4 (ud g
under Whoa
neat the we pi
elarrd bereaaewat bopalea.
All treatment hating tailed,
8 lie was glren op to die
. B. . was recommeejded,
and aalonlnhlng aa u nav
t nav
paem, s taw potties sarea
ber souod and wtil. m
Out treaties oa this die
aa will be scat tree te
any address.
Attests. Ce
"THE I immlnkiiidlallialilMl
BWAKICK" Morelty, which takes place ol
fnrhldtien Mo Mathiw and payt better. Krtry
Saloon and Cigar aiora wtnt one. Kiolutlr
territory. BIG MONEY. Han pit gtm com
Iileto, 7oo. Ptrtleulara 'Je, Poretlry Notelty Co.,
9Q Sanaome St, sea Freucltco.
AnillM Morj.hle Reall Cared la 1
1111111 lloSOdaia. No car till eared.
UI IWIil0N.i.iriPHaNS,ltktea,Osie,
Patenteea af Self-Spacing Type,
Sole Makers ef Copper-Alloy Type.
naina la tha back. alda. cheat, ar
The very remarkable and certain
relief given woman bv MOUKK'M
REVEALKD ItKMKi'tY haa given
nnltorinly success
and wsakness
life. Thousands ot
portlano, oricon
ay sit Lnl vraaai.u.
stti auaitaa a. raULABELpau. PA.
for them
get them.
them. They are thel
standard seeds even
where; sown by the
;rst planter in the world. 1
ier vou plant OOtnuara feet
Of ground or AU acres, yon ttionld
I save ferry 'eared Annual for IM. ,
tnoiiia I
Abe mott valuable book for far
mers and gardeners ever glvta
away. Maura tree
D. SI. FERItY At CO, .
Detroit, 1
Tun AKRMOTOH CO. Sate hair ttie tmrM-
eindmlll tilna., beeaatt It tat :lurd Ltoouat at
win watt ii waat ll Baa auuif Branca
ft atutee, ana tuppiiat lit sod. and riirt
T tWa at guar door. It ett tiut dutt furuub
. f kMttr arualt far Urn owner lota
). fJr- i elntra It aiaiet Panipln
u,VV' leare. Steel toalTtnltta t
mi "('oniplllin Windmill, Til
tl ' tftd filed Town. Kletl lluaa
"H1" Framea, steel rtd llatltct lud I
A Orlndtca
On tppiieatlna ll will name tee
at tf meet trUelM that It will tumua amU
Jteaarr ISM IIIH saoal arte '"It uaa aala)
tank, tod fuaipt tt all Utile. Sea tor tauincua.
attttryi tha. BatavtS tad CUltMrt fcnttt, Caka.
N. P. N. TJ. No. 041 -8. ?. V, TJ. No, Tit
yeraale St el I Uraaartou. St CaiUiMUa 1