The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 9

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    FROM actual analysis made by me, I pronounce
the Royal Baking Powder to be the Strongest
and Purest Baking Powder before the public.
I nmrtilf CmfirnU.
laaugtiara Trick
(ufUBtu'iuB anecdote are related
ajartioiiwith the recent discoveries
I ltgtltn' tricks. A few year ago
"jltldoul in an ecclesiastical ooa-
ptd to croon the frontier from
l0Uiii into Franco every Morning
1 Urge breviary in bia hand. He
. msu uf dianifled aspect and re-
Lj every murk of deference from the
Inn officers, who oniotiniea aocom-
Lj him part of the war of hie daily
L At liutl a leiwr tuv tun autauri
lo theaWt. and the pre timed prieet
(unud to be a professional aiungnler,
bid contrived to introduce into
at leant 1,000 watches in hia
firy. which on examination proved
1 tin box.
,rt cnrioni a 1m wa the experience
former Inspector general of custom
Daring a visit to ueneva be boalit
k and instructed the vendor to fur
it only when he had informed him
kt retain to Farm, adding that be
jl be careful to pay the dnty. One of
rt things that be noticed on hia
fful at bit home waa tbia identical
Apiece in bia drawing room, and in
j to bia question hia coachman ex
iled that the tradesman had hiniielf
calculated that only one ont of ten
Iruionul smuggler ia ever caught.
odoo Telegraph.
A Competent Hotormsa.
Ji complete power which thor
ny practical and long experienced
iimun has over hia trolley car waa
rlj dcnionsiruiea - vj one 01 me era
sers of the Hostonville line in Phila
this the other day. It waa dinner
kind several of the oara were at
feud of the loota. Included in the
kh of one of the motormen waa a
boiled egg. In a joking way be
J to bia neighbor, "I will bet $4 that
p crack the bhell of thia egg without
Iking the egg with the front dauber
ky car. " A pool waa made and the
torman reversed the current and
ked bia car distance of several
4s. Oue of bia oompaniona atood
the rear platform of the car in front
) held the egg between bia fingers,
A oue end against the rear dauber of
tear. Tbe maker of the bet started
car forward at a good rate of speed
1 tben applied tbe brake, bringing tbe
1o a dead standstill only when it bad
tome to clone to tbe car ahead as to
I the egg supported by both cars.
m he again reversed tbe current, and
hell was found to be neatly cracked,
, the meat of the egg unbroken. Ex-
Where They AU Gargle.
visitor to the French aprlngs at
itrrets, whose sulphur waters are
-' J.'r recommended for throat difflcul
! 4 writes thus:
(trolled into the Therme and waa
acdiutely seised with astonishment
he gargling rooms. The solemn way
Which petty le took their' glumes of
1 ter and went to gargle waa a source
' Wonder to one who wm not accustom
t J to it I will draw a veil over the
prgling. It ia not a beautiful sight,
and the bewt looking womun can hardly
look rretty when engngt-d in It.
"Proficiency in garbling is much ad
mired, and I overheard a gronp discuss
ing a man who, they said, 'gargled a
BierveilJfl. ' At the table d'hote later I
Misused to hear a man ask a good
! king girl if she gargled. 'Oh. yes,
mieur,' was the reply. 'Shall we
le together tomorrow? he arked,
the seemed quite pleased. "Pear
's Weekly. .
it modern firmer ts not content to UN the
' Iqnstcd tooli and method! of his fathers.
ilili age ol keen oompelllion, the farmer who
nea to prosper, neeili and gets the moat lm
4 farming implements; and by reading
boat agricultural literature, he keeps lu
1 h with the aplrlt of progress ttaat pervades
' 4 fsrtulDg eomtnanltles He la particular
' 4 in retard to the kind of seed be plantaand
eiinuornf planting It. The seeds muu be
tUbest fertility aud grown from the highest
S'sied and moil profl table vane lea of stork.
'rt seed Brm of It. M. fear 4 Co., De
4 Mlrh.. tally apprrrlaie this fact, aa la at
o by their proareaalTe buslneaa methods
HieaaelltT of Uieaetxl wklcb they supply
erri.ud lardenera throuch the dealers ail
tie ronniry. Tbe reliability and lertlllty
Plrsiedt are proverbial and tbe laraeal
1 btulnres In the world baa bren erealea by
Mle. In evidence ol thU Brm's knowlekre
s wanta and nqnlnmenta of planters,
t sod small, li "Ferry's nerd Annual" for
S This book Is of the yreatest value to
Srrs and gaMenvra-a veritable euoylo
of plantluf and farming knowledfe. II
ins niire useful and practical Information
t many Wit books tbat are sold for a dollar
Sp's. Jet It will he mailed tree to any oue
Unt his nam and address on a postal oard
,' T rewrfraMe rnneoV, lefk fo W.
aSli?1 EXTERNAL-. aeW "
T"" fUfauVk actiea ( rJ Jars all stress.
Pfl It! m Kl Hp f a " re ea re mr fer
wi. n, I'ICrTmrnt. Cee.ks,
r. alSaaSl tkll JiniaW -vj
w;!l,J",r'f "-eche, Pal. I. Ibe
-. n eeasaaueaa ana nearmiaiav,
IU 1. ' laterwally er eaMrwaUIr
? eartalatT mf reltef.
7 "l"'" by ifUHowirtss. by anwaiare. kf
I aa, by A'wrsns n HofUmU.
Lr mr mrgmrmoor.
Qln-Klllrr MadWneCbsethl
aon J!.: ifc and law Taaeale
rB "libowl this
nhTn ",.ltl booa. Iia prwe brines
'hT r-b of all. ai4 It will eaaaaily
fTr..'lhVam' Take) Bute bai IM
mm J
t BMU tkt Ik. M an., w.
-" j iup ww suss anas
Are Adalurated.
A recent report of the dairy food com
misNiouer of Pennsylvania names so
many food products which are adulter
ated aa to raiae a query aa to what is
not adulterated. Among the many im
pure things sold axe allspice, which of
ten ia mainly composed of gtound and
roasted cocoanut shells; baking powder;
beef, wine and iron prepared as a tonic;
bntter, buckwheat flour, candy, catchup,
cider, cheene, cinnamon, cloves the
lutter made almost entirely from ground
cocoanut shells, the odor and taste of
clove being scarcely perceptible ; coffee
consiMting chiefly of coffee screenings
or damaged coffee, but sold at a bigh
price as a pure article; frenh "Java"
made from wheat and barley hulls,
Matted with sugar and containing no
coffee; codfish not oodflxh at all mere
ly cheap dried fish; cream of tartar
adulterated with floor; flaxseed adul
terated with starch; fruit "butters,"
snoh as spple butter, peach butter, etc,
very seldom pure, being adulterated
with starch waste and salicylio acid;
tbe same is true of grated pineapples ;
ginger adulterated with ash, rice bulls,
rice flour and cayenne pepper; lard;
maple sirup, made from commercial
glucose thinned with about 20 per cent
of water; mixed spices; orange juice,
lemon oil, lemon phosphate, molasses,
mustard, olive oil, pepper, vinegar, va
nilla extract, all kinds of preserves, ex
tract of strawberries and tea.
To add to the deception a few apple
seeds are scattered through tbe so called
fruit Jams, or timothy or other seeds
are added to tbe mixture to represent
raspberry, strawberry, etc Tbe produc
tion of artificial colors is particularly
common in confections. Indigo, tumer
ic, annotto, logwood and cochineal are
used in great quantities, and are proba
bly not harmful ; arsenic, copper and
leads are very deloterious, but are not
now oaed as much aa iu former times,
before sanitary officials made such per
sistent attacks on them. Milk and milk
products are often colored. Annotto is
very commonly used by dairymen to
give a rich yellow color. In Itself an
notto ia probably harmless, but it pro
duce deceptive result. New York
Maklaf Table Ia a Day The Balls Sea.
eoned In Incubators.
A billiard table can be built in 21
hours if carte blancbe ia given to tbe
manufacturer, but be prefers to have
time to get the right effects from one
month to six. Tbe wood needs to be sea
soned for a period of nearly seven years.
Rioh, deep Spanish mahogany ia used,
pollard oak, ebony and satin wood.
Table are not always covered in
green. Blue is sometimes used and a
pure olive green. The late Prince Leo
pold waa tbe first to make nse of tbe
latter color, and olive green is known
today in tbe billiard world aa Prince
Leopold 'a color.
The balls must be well seasoned be
fore they are nsad for play. Manufac
turers have incubators in which to store
them tbat they may undergo the drying
prooess. Some incubators will bold fully
8,000 balls. When they are first made,
they are "green." Solid ivory is the
only satisfactory material of which to
make them; "artificial balls" (those
made of composition) are much heavier
and do not wear well English makers,
to give the red balls a perfect color,
steep them in a decoction that ia some
times described aa tbe "guardsman a
bath. " Thia ia extracted from the old
coats of Tommy Atkins, and for bil
liard balls it is the finest scarlet dye
known. New York World.
A Brare Chinees) OtBoer.
Rnanir Tm-Lien. who was a returned
American student. Waa killed before the
surrender of Wei-Eai-WeL Be waa first
lieutenant of the Peiyang cruiser Tsi
Vn.i. havina? anoceedod the late Sben
Shou Cb'ang, another returned Ameri
can student, who waa killed while com
manding tbeTsl-Yuen In the first naval
action of the late war at the month of
tbe Yaahan river, Korea, July 28, 1894,
owing to the oowardioe of hia subse
quently decapitated captain, Fong Pen-
Kien. During tbe Dgnting at wei-aai-
Wel Lieutenant iiuang isu-ijien was
harllv wnnnded and was therefore ad
vised to leave bia ship and go to Che
fu for treatment Thia be resolutely
refused to do, declaring tbat "bis duty
to the emperor demanded nia remaining
at hia post." After having bad bia
wounda hastily dressed, the late lieu
tenant went on with bis duties on
board, although be bad to be supported
by an attendant in doing so. onuruj
afterward a shot struck bis thigh, but
be still refused to retire, remaining
with bis guns. A few minutes after
ward a shell from the enemy' batteries
almost annihilated the gallant officer.
Blackwood's Magaxine.
Mr. Oratebnr en Flsblnc.
"I think." aald Mr. Grate bar, "that
the talent for fishing, like many other
talents, ia a gift No doubt the true
fisherman, Ilk the poet, is born, not
made. Fishing is a faculty that can be
cultivated, like many others; one can
learn by rote about tackle and bait
aud tides and so on, but wben it comes
to actual contact with the fish there
comes in the art of the fisherman. Tbe
fact is that some men can catch fish
and some can't I am one of those who
cannot; time and again I have sat in a
boat alongside of men catching lota of
fiah and caught none or next to non.
But I love to go fishing, all the earn."
New York bun.
Oddltlee ef light,
Tbe two eyea really see two objeot.
If tbe two forefingers be held, on at
the distance of. one foot, the other two
feet in front of the eyea, and the for
mer be looked at, two phantoms of the
latter will be observed, one on each side.
If tbe Utter be regarded, two phantoms
of tbe nearer finger will b observed
mounting guard, on uc each (id.
ftod'i angel was bidden to make her fair,
Ho be wore the sunsblno Into hr hair.
He took of the mlUmion's i-loucllew aklna
And faahtnn'd Ihrrvfrom her two blua eyos.
He washed her white with the sIdIom anowa
And palnUnl her checks with the dawn's faint
He dimpled h. r tiny hands ami foct.
He niailr hi-r sunny and soft and swivt,
He molded her round wn!t limbs with art,
He got her from h,avrn a pure rhtld heart.
Th.-n he lVd hr lts and hor brow and eyes
And brought her. ahvplng, Inn paradise.
ui'h virtue lira In thoa klws three
That, how eo weary at hoars are we.
The look and the aiulle on onr baliy's fae
Bring reat and comfort and endleas grace.
Beanie Oray In Ladlca' Home Journal.
"PreiiciitH, clothes, honeymoon. How
on earth con one leave out cither?" ask
ed George Littlecunh of himwilf, earnest
ly drilling his penholder into a much
furrowed fnrcheail "There uever was a
wedding without presents. As for no
boueynnxiu why, Hetty would be jus
tified iu crying off before the vory altur. "
v nut hud pliui'U onr friend iu this
unpleuKunt quaiidttry was, to begin with,
L ucle Piper s check fur 500. It was a
chock to marry Hetty aud set up house
with, and qua cush was aatisfuctory
enough, but accompanied with tbo wine
avuueulur injunction, "George, niurry
on a cash biuis enhh, mind or never
look me in the face ugaiu. " Such ex
cellent advice, plus a i'300 check, it ia
impossible for a nephew to spurn, es
pecially a nephew iu lova
Aud tben, when he had this gold
mine of untold wealth in his pocket and
a full ocean of hnppinexs to look forward
to, Georgo fell into the toils of a plausi
ble fellow, Tom Soberer of th well
known city firm of Mouton, Soberer &
Walker. Soberer had such a taking way
of remembering and cherishing affec
tionately one Christian name.
"Ah I Congratulate you, my dear
George. Coming off next mouth, eh?
Happy man I Some of yoa follows have
tbe devil's own luck. And just in time,
too, for me to put you on to one of the
nicest littlo chances of making a com
fortable newt egg for the happy home,
one of the prettiest chances you ever
had. But come into Pipps' and have a
Pipps', that long, low, smoky "dive"
in Tbrogmortou street, was crowded
with easy muuuored gentlemen in silk
hats, or in no huts at all, who conversed
in pairs and groups with electrical en
ergy. They could uot hear themselves
for their own talking. "Soil at five
three eight," "Book you thousand,"
"Buy six quarter," "Sell." "Buy."
"Panjandrums," "Rhodes," "Barney's
stock," "Struck Bibble bobble reef,"
"Last crushing ten ounces" such were
some of the scraps of jargon that
emerged above the din in flashes of
comparative silence, while ever and
anon a gentleman would draw from his
vest pocket a littlo notebook and pencil
some entry or other. Almost deafened
at first by the hubbub, George Little
cash was soon in the whirlpool himself,
an eager listener to Mr. Scherer's glow
ing tales indicative of the pecuniary ad
vantage certain to result from a small
pant in the South African "boom."
"Eighty thou' in one deal, my dear
George what d'ye think of that, eh?
Springett went unp on Gold Bug Ex
tensions put on every penny he could
scrape together till he hadn't a cent to
swear by and came out 80,000 golden
sovereigns to the good. Ami yet you say
it isn't worth trying. My dear Goorge,
faint heart never maintained a fair laxly,
if it won her."
The upshot was that George figured
np his liabilities against his check and
hunded over to the trusty Soberer 250
to be converted in two days or some
such reosonublu time into 3,600.
"DoneT'cried Soherer as ho penciled
the littlo transaction in his notebook.
And "done" Goorge was, for uext
duy whon he looked at "Mines" in the
money column he found Gold Bngs bad
crawled down stairs throe-eighths.
" What do you advise, Schorer?" asked
George when they met in the city.
"Never advise, my dear George.
Don't do it on principle, 'Cut your
losses, let your profits run,' is onr old
wheeze. But it's no good being ton
hasty. This fall is simply duo to some
body being iu too big a hurry to pocket
a profit But yon judgo for yonrself,
dear boy ; that's what I advise. "
Next day Gold Bngs had crawled
down stairs two or three steps more.
"It's nothing, George," said tho opti
mistic Schorer. "Weak holders couldn't
lout out That' my explanation. Still
don't be guided by me. "
Next diy after thut Gold Bugs had
fullen so heavily that you couldn't find
anybody to pick them up aguin at any
price. And just then of course to make
amends George Littlecush was reminded
by his tailor of "that little account"
which had been overlooked so many
quarters. It was in thia doleful hour as
be sat savagely biting his lips, knitting
his brows and inwardly cursing Soberer
and all bis works that be glanced vague
ly at a copy of The Evening Intelligence,
"Renewed Activity In rtiuid Buares"
was the line in large type that caught
the disconsolate investor's eye as the
paper lay on his desk.
"(Jonfouud Kana snares i ne ejacu
lated fervently, wheeling around as
though from a too affectionate snake.
Just then, as luck bad it, in popped
the beaming and expansive Scherer.
"Why, George, my dear boy, you re
looking as ghastly as Jume Cauham
Read when be was 'taken mm lire,- as
the waxworks bill says. Nothing seri
ous, I hope? Gal chucked you?"
"Look here, Scherer, 1 don t want you
blarneying again. I've had quite enough
Df Rand shares, thanks in fact, a long
iite too much."
"Rand shares? Why, my dear lei-
low," Scherer returned, with a look or
pained virtue, "you really don't mean
to tell me that's what put you down in
he dumps that littlo matter or two-
3fty, when you stood to win as many
bousonds! Bless my soul!" Scherer'
ry bad just caught tbe lino in ine
Evening Intelligence. "Have you seen
the paper tonight?"
"No," repliod George, whose back
was turned, "nor want to. I'm sick of
the whole thing. You knew, for I told
you, I couldn't risk anything under the
circumstance unless it was absolutely
certain. "
"And that's what you call 'risk? "
"Oh, hang! I know it's my own
fault only dou't bother me with any
more of thine fine tales. "
"Now, I cill th verT nukind of you.
George," said Scherer, injured. "I do
indeed. " And so saying Mr. Scherer
last an eya down the mqnV aolamn.
When it rcaoiicd "(told Bugs." that
particular eyo flared up liko a fuioo,
"Now, what should you suy if Gold
Bugs wt-ut np aguiu to o,t4, eh?"
"Right yon ur. dear boy. 'Rut,' is
it? Well, wtU, you think I uiialod you
about that little ileal, eh?"
"Well, if you want plain speaking,
Mr. Scherer, I think yon did."
"And yon and I friend. George I
This Is whut comes of trying to do a
miui a good turn! Now, what do you
any if I offer to take thono shares off
your bands ntruin, since you're so rut
up over Vm?"
"At a shilling upicce, I suppose. Ha,
"A shilling apiece? No, sir; not at
'a shilling apiece I'll give you what
you gave for 'em and 'a shilling apiece'
over to soothe your iujuied toolings
hat d ye think of that?
Mr. Sohoror found his magnanimity so j
exhilarating that be drow himself op, ;
throw open his cuitnudsliped George's i
Evening Intelligence into his own I
"You doubt my honesty and my good
faith, eh, luy dear sir," he laid, pull
ing out his checkbook and a roll of
notes. Last wook you paid tim i".'.'i0. If
you will ba so good as to hand me back
tho scrip, I shall hare much pleiumre in
banding you my check for 303 10s., or
perhaps," he added, with cutting sar
casm, "since rou doubt my honesty you
would prefer Dunk of England notes?"
George, who had rison, half dazed,
had just enough presence of mind to
gasp iu his astouiKluueut:
"If it'sall thesamo to you, 1 should "
"Certainly, my dear sir. "
"I'm only delighted to hand it back
to you," said George fervently as he
pussed over the scrip and received the
crisp note aud gleaming gold in ex
"And yet, strange to say," laughed
Soherer, "I :mi assure you I'm no less
delighted to take it buck. Ha, ha, liu'
Ha, ha, ha!" for some moments the
cachination prevented speech. When
Soberer found breath, he. retnarkod to
his bewildered friend :".My dearGeorge.
let me give you a word of advice in
fact, two words. Don't donbt your
friend's honesty agniu, and wheu you
hold active shures keep a sharp eye ou
the papers. Ha. ha, ha!"
"The papers?" echoed Littlocash
Why, no, I haven't seen tonight' paper
yet," and he struck a belL
"Yes, sir?" said the ofllco boy
"Where's tonight's evening paper.
"Ain't come iu yet, sir."
"Oh, yos, it has," corrected Mr
Scherer, choking with laughter aa he
produced The Evening Intelligence. "I
just just mechanical lly picked it up for
a moment myself. "
But the ofllce boy triumphed.
"That's a hold oue, air. Tonight's
ain't come in nqt yet, sir. " '
"Not come in I" shrieked Scherer,
turning to tho dute, "Why, good Lord I
The d d paper's a month old!"
Mr. Scherer's exclamations as he sank
into George's chair were so shockingly
profane that even the office boy turned
pale and expected a flash of lightning.
George got his frieud ont of the ofllce
at last, but mailo a point of bunding
him back the odd 12 10 "to soothe
his feelings." Tho wedding took place,
and Uurlo Piper will never kuow the
particulars of Georgo's first and last
little advouturo on the Stock Exchange.
St James Budget
Moou'a Effect on Fras and Means.
In the works of most old authors who
have written on the subject of agricul
ture, or astrology us it is stippis-cd to
affect agriculture, frequent allusions are
made to the influence of the moon ou
the growth of plants. Iu nil these books
the husbandman is especially cautioned
to sow seed of a certain kind during the
increase of the moou, and those of an
other kiud during its decrease. Peas
and beans wore accorded their sliarti of
this superstition, the careful gardener
being especially admonished uever to
sow such crops during the period be
tween new and full moon.
Sir Anthony Fitz Herbert says, "Tuke
special care to sow your peuro iu the
'old of the moon, 'cause then they will
XKld better aud be soouor ripe, "
Thomas TnRxer writes to the samo
effect when be says:
Bow peas or beans In the wane uf the moon ;
Who eowrth thmn sooner, ho aowcth too soon;
That they with the planet may tvst and rims
And flourish with bun ring must plentiful wise
St Louis Republic
John's Demise.
Mr. L.. a nood natured German, was
tbe prosperous proprietor of a considera
ble clothing business in a country town.
He had in hi employ one John a.,
whom ha bad advanced from cash boy
to bead clerk and who had for many
year been an attache of the store. Since
hia promotion John bad several times
asked for a raise in bis salary, and each
time bis request had been granted, une
morning John again appeared at the
old merchant's desk with another re
quest for an Increase of f 10 per month.
Vr. S ion." said Mr. I. "1 dins 1
hava von nootv veil alrottv. Vat for 1
baya you anymore?" "Well." replied
John confidently, "I am your principal
help here. I have worked yon up to a
large trade. I know every detail of tb
business, and indeed I think you couia
not get along without me." "Is dot
sol" exclaimed tbe German. "Mem
Qott, Shon, vot vood I do suppose yon
vas to die?" "Well," hesitated J on n,
"I uPD0se yon would have to get along
without me then. " The old man took
several whiffs fiom his big pipe aud
said nothing. At last be gravely re
marked. "V1L Shon, I sues you Bet
ter gonsider yourself dead." Business
A atsMM,ufcia' l. u I
"Some folks say." said a fisherman,
"that if a fish once gets into a pound
not it never sets out until it is taken
out, but as a matter of fact fish often
get out of pound nets. It is common for
iheepshead, bluefish, Spanish mackerel
aud shad to get out of them. I've been
to a pound net on a Sunday and counted
285 bluefish, and when the net was
hauled on Monday found only four or
five. The fish get in. and if they find
the opening and get started right they
can get ont They follow one another
like a flock of sheep. "Sew York Sua
What Ha Wondered.
"You seem thoughtful, Henry," said
Mr. Meckton a better hair.
"Yes, sn idea just struck me."
"What was It?"
"I was wondering whether, by next
eason, the new woman will be gentle
manly enough to Uke her hat off in the
theater. " Washington Btar. .....
The Melon Didn't Conns.
The memoirs of General Marbot upon
the first French empire relate that, on
the occasion of a very formal distribu
tion of lewards made by Napoleon before
Rntisbou, au old grenadier came forward
aud demanded somewhat sharply, tuthe
aatnutNhineiit of all, a croas of the Le
gion of Honor.
"Bnt whut have you done?" said Na
puleou. "Why, sire," said the soldier, "it
was I who, In the desert of Yafa, when
it wns terribly hot and you were parched
with thirst, brought you a watermelon."
"Thank you," said Napohtou, "but a
watermelon for a general is not worth a
cross of the Legion of Honor."
The grenadier flew into a violent
rago. "Well, then," h shouted, "I
suppose that the seven wounda that I got
at Areola and at Ltxli aud at Austerlitt
aud at Friudland go for nothing, eh? My
II campaigns in Italy, in Egypt iu
Austria, iu Prussia, aud in Poland you
dou't count I suppose?"
"Tut, tut, tut I" exclaimed the em
peror. "How yon do get excited when
you come to the essential poiut of the
whole matter! I make yoa now a cheva
lier of the Legion of Honor for you
wounds aud your campaigns, but dou't
tell me auy mors about your watermel
on I"
One of our druggists says that in the
medicine business almost everybody
want to sell and not to buy. For in
stance, a man canio luto the store on
day aud attached a machine like a cof
fee mill to the conuter and began to
turn the orank.
"What' tbat?" asked the druggist,
nee actor.
'A machine to tako the seeds out of
raisin that I'd like to sell yoa "
"Will it put them back again?"
The peddler gave a pitying look at
Mr. Lennox and marched out without
another word. Hartford Poat
He Will Not Drown Himself
From the Tmv, N. Y Times.
R. W. Edward, of Lansinbnrgh,
wa prostrated by sunstroke during the
war and itba entailed on bint peculiar
and serious consequence. At present
wrting Mr. E. la a prominent offioer of
Post Loyn, G. A. R., Coboe and a
past aid da camp on the staff of ,th
commander-in-chief of Albany Co. In
the Interview with a reporter, be said:
"I wa wounded and sent to the hos
pital at Winchester. Tbey sent me to
gether with other to Washington a
ride of about 100 mile. Having no
room in the box oar we were placed
race np on tne bottom of flat oars, in
un beat down upon our unprotected
beads. When I reached Washington I
wa insensible and wa unconscious for
ten day while In the hospital. An
abscess gathered in my ear and,broke;
It ba been gathering and breaking
ever sinoe. Tbe result of this 100 mil
ride and sunstroke, waa heart disease,
nervous prostration, insomnia and
rheumatism; a completely shattered
system which gave me no rest night or
day. A a last resort I took some Pink
Pill and they helped me to a wonder
ful degree. My rheumatism Is gone,
my heart falure, dyspepsia, and consti
pation are about gone and tbe abscess
in my ear ba (topped discharging and
my head feel a oloar a a bell wben
before it felt a though It would burst
and my onoe shattered nervous system
i now nearly sound. Look at those
fingers," Mr. Edward said, "do they
look a if there wa any rheumatism
there?" He moved hi finger rapidly
and freely and strode about the room
like a young boy. "A year ago these
fingers were gnarled at the joint and
so stiff that 1 could not hold a pen.
My kneea would swell up and I could
not itraighter my leg out My joint
would squetk wben I moved them
That i the living truth. stf
"When I came to think that Ias
going to be orippled with rheumatism,
together with the rest of my ailments,
I tell you life teemed not worth living.
I suffered from despondenoy. I can
not begin to tell yon," said Mr. Ed
ward, a he drew a long breath, "what
my feeling ia at present I think If
you lifted ten years right off my life
aud left me prime and vigorous at 47
I could foel no better. I wa an old
man and oould only drag myself pain
fully about the bouse. Now I can walk
off without any trouble. That in It
self," continued Mr. Edwards, "would
be sufficient to give me cause for re
joicing, but when yoa ooine to consider
that I am no longer what yoa might
call nervous and that my heart is ap
parently nearly healthy and tbat I oan
sleep nights yoa may realise why I
may appear to speak in extravagant
praise of Pink Pill. These pills quiet
my nerve, take that awful pressure
from my head and at tbe same time
enrioh my blood. There seemed to be
no circulation In my lower limb a
year ago, my log being cold and clam
my at times. Now the circulation
there is as full and aa brisk as at any
other part of my body. I need to be
so light-headed and ditsy from my
nervous disorder that I frequently fell
while crossing the floor of my house.
Spring is coming and I never felt bet
ter in my life, and I am looking for
ward to a busy season of work."
A WARRANTED French Brur Pipe, Hard Rubber
Stem, equal to thoo usually retailed at 50 cent,
wil' be sent free
Vou will find one coupon Inside each ounce bag,
and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
Band ooupon with Bam aad address to
Buy a bsg of thia Celebrated Bmoklng Tobacco and rad th
coupon which give a list of other premium, and bow to get them.
Stop a small maladv. which Is steallne tin,
sUeuslh, belore II oeuuue your powr to arraal
It, aud recover what It took Irom yon. Tbe
saleal and promptest recuperator of waning
vitality, Is lloslaiter's Stomach Hltlera, wblob
renews Igor, Itesn slid nerve uateiude because
It restores ectlvlty to those functions whine in-
wmipuoo inierisres wita (eiieral health. Use
ihe Hliiers for drsnenala. malarial, rhaumaiio
aud kidney oomplaluts and bllloiuueaa..
Johnny," screamed bia mother, "whv are
yo silting on your brother's choir You'll sill
Mm." "I know It," retorted the urchin. "But
If I let him un he'U ao swlmmln' ana ha
It is said that If vr take oar of little
things. Hi big thing will Uke cars of
themselves. 11 ut why can't we b always
prepared lor many of onr llltle trouble.
What's the use of suffering days and
weeks, when in ten minutes w ran get rid
of the pain. A suddeu attack of backschs,
toothache, or iietiralglo headache, nude
the most of us without anything at hand,
while Ht. Jacobs Oil would our and put
an tnd to the trouble promptly.
u.l then tbe good ship faltered, hardly
harlng there to hug the shore.
Tha coast was bold. Were It retreating,
f uulbly she'd bag It more.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least on dreaded
disease that salens has been able to our
In all Its stage and that I Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cur Is th only posture euro now
known to th medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cur Is taken internally, anting directly
upon th blood and muouus surface of the
system, tnereny Destroying in foundation
of tb disease and giving th patient
strength by building up th oonatitiitlon
nd assisting nature In doing lis work.
i nsnisiina; naiurw iu ooing lie wora.
proprietors bar so much lakh In Its
atlv power, that they offer On Han
d Dollars for any caee that It fails to
en re
dred Dollars for any
euro. Hand fur list of Testimonials.
K. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, O,
rSold by Druggists, 7Se.
Hall's Family Pills ar th best
riTS.-An stoepa free by pr. line's Nerre Restorer. Ho fits after ihsSrst
day's ess. slarveioaa earaa. Treause as txao
trial bottle free to ru eaaea nan sa Df. Kile,
1 Area m., rells4eipe.Uk r
Tav Q sail as lor breakfast
SVeai rr Amrael tf JTaNeSM
Fret. W. I. reek, who
makee n specialty of
Kpllepey, haa without
doubt treated and cur.
ed more cases than any
living Physician) bis
Succea la astonishing.
We have beard of case
ol so y ers' atanding
larre bot
tle of hi absolute core, free to any sufferers
no may aend tbelr P. O. and Ks press addreee.
We ailvlse any one wishing a cure loaddreaa
frot W. E. WU F. .. 4 Cedar IU lw Tsrk
reeaaleeyalllSraaaisSs. t'sessils
I Premium No. 1 Chocolate i
Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,
Dorchester, Mass., has been cele-
brated for more than a century a9
a nutritious, delicious, and flesh-
3: forming beverage. Sold by gro
3: cers everywhere.
If you want a aura relief for pains In tha back, aid, cheat, or
limb, u an
Allcock's Plaster
BtAtt IN Mind Not on of tb host of codnUrfalta and Imi
tations is as good aa tb jenulns.
np" tp r "'s-. TV mm yn sanv wn Th vory remarkabl and certain
XV C J A TJ rlif Riven woman by MOOKE'S
w w sasr nsanwiMwsaBBB nSBBBsanal rt?.t i." t . ii inr
It tho nam of Woman's Friend, It la
tul in relieving the backaches, headache
which burden and shorten a woman's
women testify for it. It will (five health and strength
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druffgists.
HffuR W.Y
MiNirjn . . .
marine - - -
Your blood in Spring la almost certain to
be full of impurities--the accumula
tion of tli winter months. Ilsd ven
tilation of sleeping room , Impure air
in dwellings, lact-jries and shops, over
eating, heavy, Improper food, failure
of th kidneys and liver properly to do
itra work thus thru it upon them, ar
th prim cauhes of this condition. It
Is of th utmost Importance that yoa
Your Blood
Now, as wben warmer weather oomes and
th lonlo effect of cold bracing air la
gone, your weak, tlilit, Impure blood
will not furnish necessary strength.
That tired feeling, loss of appetil. will
0en the wsy for serious disease, ruined
health, or breaking out of humors and
Impurities. To make pure, rich, red
blood Hood's Hsraaparilla stands an
equalled. Vhousand testify to its
merit. Millions tak It as their
Spring Medioin. Oet Hood's, bacsus
ts lb On True Blood Purifier, All druggist It
Prepared only by C. I. Hood A to., Lowell, Maes.
Hnnrl'Q Pill 'theonly plllstotsk
nUUU S r MIS with Hood sSarsaperlll
"I'll bet yon a
"V" that lady Is
riding one of
thoe beautiful
tumbler Bley
elea; beransosh
rid a ao ease and
looks so grace-
mi. s
"And I'll keif
she bought It of
Fred T. Merrill Hlryel Co., 1ST aiittt
street, they know bow to take ear of tbelr
riders how to make riders sit greoafal: be
side, they always handle Ihe best ryies."
Jf toI-Ride a KAMBl.tK" with O. A J.
Clincher tires, and yon will be "well mounted"
aad will not waik borne, with a dst cement Ore.
uuifortnly sncrss
and weakness,
life. Thousand of
Portland, oricon
rysSL Pants?
Tailor aisile, finished an4 sewed
wKh silk throughout, perfeot fitting
or flist-elaaa whit tailors from
your measure. On application will
tend same las ef cloth and directions
lor self measurement. Vlark Chev
iot aulllnga, SIS. rntlorms and
Blcyols bulls s specialty.
IHH AFRMOTOn rO. es half the emliTV
elulmlll business. Decease It has rsduee Uie soet nt
sna aeaMC le I what It waas U haa mens brajx)
newee, snd supplies Its goone en repairs
a V as tour oner. 11 caa an Sees furnish
sV jyr. Ta hfer aruele lie less aaoaet than
IT nX ',""7 others. It makss pnmpiii an
tVV" - ItrMred, StseL Hsrraniasa srtae.
W! Completion Windmills, TllUn
Jt . an ril.4 Steel Tewem, Steel Buss Saw
"aVetrrrames, Sue! reed Cutters so See
eW jsa Orinners. oa application it will aanesne
lP at these srtlcles that It wUi nirniah anal
fanner? 1st as 1S the asnal pries.' n sue asasea
Jnanarf is, as n tee asoei pram
Tut. Piuim at ail ktaita. mI ear estaJoarue.
fMsryi Ihk. ttkwtU aa FUlanrs ttrasts. Csttase.
Is si
a. .
frttrovt all ptrm and will prMr jour hMHh.
H.... kasml.S fciM mnWllrlntl inlsWtllnilT.
far.ltM.lara on wrl Inf ni1.oinl lor
moiil"-' im A. AJilrvia Ka ttiml4U Co..
a.. irnrsA , . Inu r.l
IrVa 1W, SJ SSU ejvnrse vmi
aanillf llHerr-hlne Habit Cured In IS)
0P1UU agfatrtaa;
M. P. X. V. No. M0.-R. I, H, TJ, No. 71T
f X pay Ing cropa. ixjtriiX
ATsUVtMHattJWO b CstenJKm, foth 1
f inlatVfrlHltoobsMiclticrow 1
I Ing rrry HMla. IMlnifU I
I f Uim vTerjrwtMnb Writ ft 1 I
for 1?lflfl. Drlmrul of valuable
Information abnnt bast and new-
est seeds, Free by mall.
V V d. n. rem co.,