- J " " - a. y ANP COUNT V. twin, wtw- V,.it uttorney-it-luw. t, . udder, spray nd lrl '"' F L Ciiamiikrs. v to 1'"'" " r"l"M K,,m,lre "f Wall"" 4 w Iliddlo tuny bo found at L.ceoii 0"ve mi. Mweuii lUixtti streets, one block west 'Minnesota i,"tvl Hu J,re ydv(lldoiitul work In the best Lir farden seed orders to F L i i t j hi of Imlk uurden seed . 5 " l,..,. nn.in,i itrti-.ii ,4 of Kugene. in Not' vally; ,nrivd; K"d ""; K", w rU'"". price flOO, easy terms; .liiiiiit f'r cash. Address Honour, kiowii, vrfiiiiriiuu. trrnis for Sale. I now thirty flue furnis in t he " ii ... r... ..I.. 'I'l,..-.. Ittte Villi iit-w irluile every variety in sixe auu tur description acnircea J (iKO. M. Ml LI.KH, Wilkin- ItliM'k. Eugene, Or. I Jr garden UhiIh ut reduced kN!,ul r AJ l IIA.KUt.llK. For nle. r,s i.f liind, Kod range; lO If cattle; plenty of wood and Will take part pay in liind In -tie valley. Address. SI. IS. STONE, Paulina. Crook Co, Or. WASTED. tingou (rapt Hoot. ns Oregon Grupe root wanted; highest market price for same r hiri-e or kiiiiiII uuantitles. jlurmiitioii nit to preparing for ele., I IUU l re ui store. S. II. Friendly. ullc Nominating' Convention. it is hereby given that lha deui- If the Eugene precincts will the court house Thursday , Murcli ltk, 1890, at 7:30 fur tlie purpose of placing In iiiiui dclcgat) s to be voted for primaries next Saturday after jr democrat In the four Eugene its In invited to take part in the gs. J. P. Ramsey, Mattesox, Cbuirruau. Secretary. r C'liUi-h Syrup cuies Coughs 1ml Consumption. Mrs. Cat a Hack of Le Iioy, N. Y., sayB: "I je bottle of Parks' Cough Kyrup. f like mnrjtc. Stopped my und am (K-rfcdly well now." A. KKi.wrox. I fall fall of 1 8113 a son of Mr T A nil, u prominent niercliant of Oak, Sutter county, Cal., wbh frith it very heavy cold. The his chest were so severe that spasms and was threatened pneumonia. 111m fiit her gave is large doses of Cliainberlain's i ' K-medy which broke up the i and ciirf (I him. Mr McFurlaud beuever his children have croup invariably gives tliem Chamber j's Cough Remedy and it always res them, lie considers It the best ugh remedy m the market. For le by Oaburn & Delano. Bnrkleii'8 A mica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world for ' Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt i, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped i Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin ous, and positively cures Piles, jay required. It Is guaranteed I 1torfect satisfaction or money ed. Price 25 cents per boi. le by Henderson & Linn. Sbr u tick, we gave her Casto.V iiiui ClillJ, lite critxt for Cantoris. Sr bwme Mlu, h clung to CfirtorU. in hl Cbildren,t)ie gsvelliem Outoria. w la Cure Khrumillim. o, Coos Co, Oregou. Nov. 10, fwlsh to Inform you of the d Chatutterlain's Pain Balm pne in v wife. She has been td with rheumatism of the arms ikIi for six months, and has Jiisny remedies precribed for tmiplaint but found no relief he iishiI this Pain Balm; one f which lias completely curert inKe pleasure in recommenn or thai trouble. Yours truly, C I.OHIi. hO Rent and Si. 00 bottles k by Usburn & DeLano. tain Sv eeney U. 8. A., San Dl- .!.. savs: "Hhilo's Catarrh jy is the first medicine I have found that would do me any f Price 60c. Henderson A "OiailidiK In l.ane lounlf. 1 UregoDlaa today has this dis- kne, Or., March 18. A number imMtits wlio were not successful in 'Hurts to control the recent conn- ivemiou of tlieir party are now 1 their disappointment and are I'tuiic to start a movement to Y the work of the convention " call a new convention and 'e a new ticket throuuhout. ' fi'Kent uoinlners,hnwever,and the T 01 toe party they represent, do r- kindly to any iuch proposi- spin in tlie psrty is not l" heal ever. lids Wasted. ' Is hereby given that bids will ceived by tlie connnissioners fr the running of Hendricks' n th M,-ICnlfl rlv.r T.i .vi Oregon, for one year 1 April 15, 1SMJ. Suo bidder will be required JMi tonds. lUds will be opened r" day .,f the April term. ll'l. at is res..r-ed to rvject'any and all y order of County Court. u iti i iwtf B ltlirfl 'I'l... WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 E M Corbus is Improving. O P Hoir, of Irving, U in the city. Mrs Chapman Is lumroviii-; toduv. J L Chaw viitUed Salem yexlcrday. Miss Relle Ward went to Halxey to day. Frank Taylor of Hermann Is in the city. Prof. Frledel Is home from Port land Jas F Koblnsou returned from Port land today. For axle g.ease and oil go to Preston A Mule's. Attorney Woodcock lias returned Irimi Corvsllis. J X Veatcli, populist candidate for sheriir, is in the city. W L Rrldtow, of Pleasant Hill was in Eugene last evening. Miss Itlunch Kmlth was a piiHSi-ner to Kosehurg tills afternoon. Wiien you want a whip go in Pres. ton & Hale. C D Sanders and J M Keetiey, of Jaser, were in town today. I Newton Greene, of Caup Creek, has returned from Portland. t'apt W II Meon has returned from a trip to Poitland mid Vancouver. "Unele Kam" Holloway I msking a neut fence at his home on Uth street. (iet your curry eoinlis and bruHlus at Preiion 4 I I'tlc'H. Mrs W ynti mid Mr Eikin ciune d .w n from CottuKe (ir.iv.. tlii.i morn, lug. Mr und Mm J p Cliehei- und Ed II' lug drove Uifriuii Sodiiville yivler day. Thl lovely summer wentlier litm caused eople to talk of the moot. tains and M's coiihI, County Surveyor C M Collier lias been appointed a notary public by Governor Lord. Superintendent Paine of the state Insane asylum at Salem, sienl lust night In Eugene. Mrs 8 8 Sigel came up from Port land today and will visit with rela tives In this city. Salem Journal: Mla Ethel Frizzed went to Eugene this morning for a visit with friends. A serenading party made tilings lively for a while last night lu tlie astern part of town. State Superintendent of Public In truction (i M Irwin and wife returned home to Salem today. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney J M Williams went to Cottage Grove this afternoon on legal business. Mrs J M Hendrlckson. of Albany, formerly Mrs Fronk, rf this city, Is visiting frieuds here for a few days. It Is now thought that about sixty horses will be quartered at tlie tracks near this city at the beginning of the racing season. Tuesday's 8alem Pot: Dr D A Paine was a business visitor today at Junction City, and will probably visit Eugene before returning. Mrs N K Frazer leaves tomorrow morning on tlie early train for Chicago for a month's visit. She goes via the Canadian Pacific route. Cat fights are numerous these bright moonlight nights. A nu ruber of shot guns have ieen primed and loaded and war is likely to break out at any time. Attorney George B Dorris has rented the suite of rooms in the Harris block over Wood's grocery store and moved his office Into tlie snme tills after noon. Section Foreman James Knight came down fiom Comstock tins morn ing and made Irving a short visit to day. He has about recovered from his sickness. MrsJE P Withers returned today from Cottage Grove, where she has been at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs Jsmes Hawley, who has beon quite ill. The Guard pays no attention to anenymous communications. The writer must always give his true name not for publication, but for our own satisfaction. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will pu rify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and makes your bend as clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, and 11.00. Henderson & Linn. Black Alder and Fiee Coinage, two ruuning horses, owned by Attorney Cardwell of Roseburg, are expected te arrive here this evening overland and will be placed in training for the spring races. Dr W Kuykendall returned today trom Haleiu, where lie has been to de liver his weekly lecture on gynecology before the medical department of Wil lamette University. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is In great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. Sold by Henderson s liuq. t'antaln Fisk. of Portlaud. who has charge uf the government improve ment worK 111 line aisirici, arriveu on the 2:04 train aud drove down the river 1 1lls afternoon to ascertain the condition of the snag boat. Additional news In the building line is that William 8mlth will erect a handsome two-story dwelling on East Eleventh street, and Louis Potter will also build on his property in the eastern part ot tlie city. A cup of Pnrks Tea at night moves the bowels In the morning without pain or discomfort. It Is a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by A. YKKiNOToS. The Fairmount republican club was sddressed last night by Fred Mulkey. Mr Mulkev was accompanied to rair mount by C A Eastland. The at tendance was light but the address was very Interesting. There is a community In Clackamas county composed of people who are y i . i. n.i. ......... r i i.u called iiaisiounes. mo mim .u r.uiMiior of tlie society is RaUtou and that of the society is the Rsli-ton Health club, which claims that by proper attention to the laws of health one can live an years. i'pr.blm hut received another consignment of (he famous light and . i. t'u.,Mnni mu lile. or- oara nuwuu, , v.....-..., ... . ,i..i fr.... Hi KuhL some time since. He also received the marble for a large nioiuimeut to ie erected over the grave of Charles Drain, at Drain, uregou The Amerleau Beauty owes her pres Hire more to a clear complexion than In .nu nlliur KttlllHlte. A CUD f w 1- ...... ..... Parks' Tea will enable anyone to pos sess this. It clears the skin and re move pimples and that sallow, mud dy look. Parks' Tea Is used bv thous ands of ladles for the complexion. Without being a cathartic it cures ton- jpation. Sold by A. YikiSoto.n. THUKSDAY, MARCH 10. I Dr. Finley, denllst.rooui 3.1)uuu blk A little rain la-t night and Ih is after- ! noon. J 1 Moll returned to Irving this morning. Capt. Fisk returned to Portland this morning. Attorney N V. Markley wei-t to liar nsimrg today. Mrs J M Heiidrickson returned home to Albany today, Attorney H T Condon npent last night at Pleasunt Hill. If you are "out of sight" see Dr Lowe aUiut your eyes. Dr A Sharpies came down from his prune rucch this morning. If you want a good saddle or harness see Preston & Hale's. Jake Kurt sell U confined to liis room witli an attack of poison ouk. Attorney H D Norton was a passen ger lo Albany this morning. Fred Kliises, of. the state reform si-hool at Salem, ism the city. Get harness oil of Preston & Hale and oil your harness. Miss Carol Johnson returned tills morning from a visit to Creswell. Th -ee freight cars wsre taken out by the Roseburg local this afternoon. Attorney Sleeves, of Portland, has been stn rendered by bis bondsmen. There Is talk of organizing a county base ball 1 iiL'iie for tlie coming seasoii. Col B F Alley und family will arrive here on Saturday night's Florence stage. Democratic primaries Saturday; republican primaries olio week fioni Saturday. The Broad-Axe piuts another pur orted list of members of the A P A lodge, today. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Wil liams returned from Cottage Grove this morning. F J Bachelder and Walt Jackson, two well known drummers, ienl last night in Eugeuu. Mrs Chapman continues to improve and the chances for her recovery are now very good. Miss Fannie L Hayes, of llarrisburg, is now a nurse in Good Samaritan hospital, Portland. Daniel Test is reported to be serious ly ill with typhoid pneumonia fever at his home in Portland. Several teams and road scrapers were taken to Meriau's park early this morning to work on the race truck. Dr. Finley. dentist, room 3, Dunn blk. Dr Lowe desires no better advertise ment than to have you read the news through Ids glasses. Miss Martha Medley, who lias been visiting at Cottaue Grove for some time, returned to Eugene today. Mrs L L Wnodmansie of Portland, and Miss Edith Frizzed o( Salem, are visiting Mrs E B McElroy of this city. Hon II B Miller addre-sed the Jack sonville republicans last evening. He is reported as favoring the gold stand ard. Gut a "fit" by calling on Dr Lowe. His glasses look well. Mr and Mrs Robert Johnston of the Minnesota hotel, arrived last night from a visit of several weeks in I rook county. A new case of diphtheria Is reported at Coburg In the family of Frank Skinner. Tlie other cases are all im proving. C M Hill, managtr of Belknap Springs, who has been spending a few navs in Eugene on business, left for home this morning on the McKenzie stage. Superintendent Paine of the state Insane as luin returned to Salem to day. While In this city he purchased a ladies' Crawford bicycle. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches the right time if you take It when you have a rough or cold. See the point? Theu don't cough. OSUtlKN & DELANO. xr..i......i....i. T).,..i..,. ri..i...ii.. ITTUnrauilJ I. ivrat uuin A laiuuroioi , f. Hill-ail ..I Vlli,una a uninilnjuil af- " -'"J "i " '"avi r tornev of thatcii v. is a iruest at the Van Houten while a counsellor before the circuit court. r'.t.int.. lif.L.a VUL- an. I fni. in In- .VIU II 1 J VUUgg M IDW U I V. IIIIHflllT- siener Perkins returned from Lemati Hits morning, commissioner isinson who was not feeling well, came ou last night's freight. It not oiilv is so. it must be so. One Mlnnt (Yiih'Ii Cure acta ouickiv. and that's what makes It go. II...U..I . ,il Vll,..l Tlww.iiiiu.it mil Hum II in .iiiivi i.. i.. .. - are attending Stanford University, are expecieii 10 arrive nere on me wvci land train tomorrow morning to at tend tlie funeral of their grandmother, the lute Mrs Cooper. Elmer Gray went to Albany this ..wirnlna. u'lifira lia will visit, for a few days, then lie goes to Portland to spend a couple oi nays, ana iroin mere lie goes to iiiiKer uyio worn on v.oi Alley's proposed new pser. Don't nvite disappo intnient by ex- oerinientinir. Depend upon One Min- r " ute Cough Cure and you have Imme diate relief. II cures croup. 1 he only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. OSHURN & DKIjANO. a ........ t t,li .kt'Arirrikwn shiti-sided woman In Portland has been arrested fj.t Hf .iil n a Imp iionr little husband. There should be a stop put to this husband beatiug and abuse of poor In nocent men. (Sen II Dorris has moved his law ofilceto the Harris block, where lie will be pleased to see old customers and friends. Entrance first door north of Saving's Bank. J W Pierce, Republic, la, says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure In my family and for myself, with re sults so entirely latisfactory that I can hardly fl ml words to expro-s myself as to its merit. I will mver fail to re oniniend it to others, on every occasion that presents Itself." OtiHt- KN ft DKLANO. A. 1 1.. In no di hire us to pub lish the foilnv.lt . (xirset Irom a letter of Chan M Gutfeld, of 1 teed ley, rresiio .1.1 ...II.. .1... ...... K.I u to,, t tl., as lliey nuiiuie ioc iriiic.j referred to and want their customers to know what a splendid medicine it is: "It Is with pleasure I tell you that by one day's use of Chamlierlain's Cough remedy I was relieved of a very severe cold. Mv head was completely l w l.l .I.u.n .( ttnptsM' up aim i mum n"i i--if ulk-ht. I can recommend this remedy.' A cold nearly always starts In the head and afterwards extends to the thront and lungs Hy using this rem elv freelv B soon U the cold lias been contracted It will ur. the cold at ome ud prevent It being extended to the lung. (OLI.IKK PKOPEUTY ITRtiUSF.H. The I', of 0. Ssreres a Valuable Ac quisition to Its Territory, and Mill Have a Udie,' Dormitory. t)tij liuitd, M.rvh is. Willie b session in the rooms of Secretary Walton this morning, the executive committee of tlie board of regents of tlio University of Oregon closed ad.-al w hereby the state univer sity Incomes the possessor of the Col lier tract ot laud adjoiug the universi ty campus on the south, together with all its buildings and improvements. Tlie consideration was $.'0ti0, which was paid over to 1'rof Collier today. I ii the purchase or this morning the University of Oregon lias l?eii very fortunate in securing a valuable aiiiul sitiou to Its proerty at a very low figure. The tract is a very choice one and is conveniently located near the university. It contains nine acrss of ground, is well improved and as it stands today hits cost Mr Collier HO,- 0UO. Hie residence is a largo two-story building, containing II rooms. It is the purpose of the board to convert this building Into a ladles' dormitory. An addition will I built to it, and it will be placed in readiness for occupa tion by the beginning of next scliiail year. Besides the dwelling there is a good barn on the tract ami a number of ornamental sad fruit trees. When placed in readiness for occupancy It is exK?c:ed thui tlie new dormitory will accommodate tietween 30 aud 40 lady students. Professor George II Collier ha for many ) ears ts-eu a resident of Eugene, having been elected lo the chair of chemistry and physic in the Univer sily of Oregon on motion of Regent E R Geary at the June meeting of the board In 1S70. Prof Collier Is-gan his duties that fall anil held the chair continuously for a term of 10 years, up to tlie fall of lSH'i. rie lived for a liiimls-r of years at the corner of Fifth and Lincoln streets, and theu pur chased the property near the univer sity, where be has since resided with his family. During the winter months Mr Collier has ssut a portion of his time in California and recently ennsumuted the purchase of a lemon orchard near San Diego, where he will remove with Ids family about the first of May. In tlie removal of Prof Col lier and his estimable family Eugene will feel a great loss. THE KKELEV INSTITUTE. Years of Established ilerlt Note uf Warning. To tuk Pt'Hi.ic : As a matter of justice to ourselves and to the reputa tion of Dr Leslie E Keeley's Double Chloride of Gold Remedies for the cure of the liquor, opium, morphine and tobacco diseuses.aud neurasthenia, we warn tlie publiu i list these reme dies are Used by no institution or sanitarium in tlie United States, ex--s'pt those established by our company under the uniform uume f "The Kkki.kv Institutk." All others claiming to use Dr Keel ey's remedies or formula1 are frauds and impostors. The Keelcy Institutes, In various parts of tlie United States, now num ber one bundled and fifteen, with five in Euroe. where the Keelcy Treat ment is administered, and the Keeley Remedies sold. We, however, caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with Genuine Rki' kkkentatives, authorized by us, is'fore taking treatment or purchasing remedies. The misleading establishment use the name of "Bi Cliloride of Gold," or similar titles. Tlie uewspaers often tail to discriminate sufficiently to know that they are imitators. This Is a mutter of public welfare, und hence this warning. The Keeley Institute of Oregon is at Salem. Respectfully yours, The Leslie E Keeley Co, Dwight, III. Ueal Estate Transactions. Renorted d.lljr bjr the Kugene A butrset com pany. Offlru lu Titus block opKiili Itollui.u UuuH. mUNTRY. Theodore Einfeldt to John D Bur nett w J of se 1 sec 10 tp 15s, r 4 w; con fl50. G W Shields & wife to L Lurch s e J of a w sec 10 tp 21 a, r 2 w, 40 acres; con f5U0. Th.odore Einfeldt to John D Bur nett a tract of land In seo 10 tp 15 s, r 4 west, 20 acres; con $1200. James Taylor and wife to Joshua and William Taylor n w J of n e sec 34 tp 18 s, r 1 west, 40 Rcres; con IJiO. ito Vu Want le be st mMfr? rriilwbly noil But it you do, try und net the dyspepsia hy unwlte to-dlnx. Then you will tiller insrtyrdniT with vunKii(s! Snme ihmiiIo re marlyrs to thin rouiillnt from chlldhmsl to the urave, iitfcrtus from sll lit stlendant horrora o( heartburn, wind end pslu In the alnniach, weary lumber end nlshtinsre, caprii'loui i.llle. uauaee, blllloiisui-sa, lean iifsa and aallowni'M. No ueceaitly for all Ihla. The com plaint, obtlnate ai It fa, when the ordinary ruuiediei are brought to bear on It, III variably yield to the great tamachlr, llu'l' t tei 'a Stomach lllttera, which reauiretrsniulliiy lotheguila n slun and nenrpa, n-gulatea the liver and bowela, bolh of which are dlnturbwl by wenkiipaa nf l lie atomarh, and pnnnotca ap rs'tlte and an lurri-ai eif lleah, That "loc.ln of of tlie aoul," tlie dinner bell, when It sala upiiii the ear, auKKi-ala no premontnona of dire (iialmaafler a comfortable meal If you have tried a course of tlie Hitters, which alao haniah ea hllllniianesa, rhcutnattain, uervouant-as, ma laria and kidney trouble. Dally Guard March 19. The Gvi-hv. The Gypsy arrived at the warehouse at 12:30 tnis afternoon with about 25 tons of freight, having experienced but little difficulty in get ting here, though the river Is still at the five foot stsge. The boat left down the river again this evening with a a small load ot freight. She expects to return here next Sunday. Dally uuard, Jlaitta 18. Cottaok Gkove. Cottage Grove and Lemati have been warring aliouta county road in that section for two or three months. As a result Judge Kiak and Commissioners Perkins and Culllson went to these places tills afternoon to look over the ground them selves before determining the matter. RUPTURE rr'.cr.vjv KMeved th ci:: ItiJiaiieatly (CURED k ' 4 VAITUn IT wZQS' Kr.ifo or Operation Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Tl.rcc to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MiLLER CO. Orncrs: IK mi :-: :. yr.m Uaildlne, PORTLAND, OREGON. LOCAL 1 MM Kilt A HON IIOAltP. The I'srlflc 'rtlinrsi Doard cf 1'tril.uid Uiiits su AnMI liarylu ) mis Count!. The following letter bus been re. reived at this office from the Pacilic Northwest Immigration Hoard of Portland, t'rging the united efforts of the peaiph of Lane county for tie purpose of organising a local Immigia lion board to woik I'l co os rutloti with the Portland hoard: Pohti.ano, Or., March P, ll. ElUIDK Gl'AKO: I'.licloaed please find copy of our clrcuhir We are verv anxious to have it local board organ ised in Lane county, and for the purpose of laying the matter before vonr citizens, with a view nf organ izing such a iMiard, Mr II S Pit-ue of this board will visit Kugene, Wednes day, March 25th, and hopes fosse you together with many of your citiena at that time, for lhepurMse of talking the matter over. We would suggest that you have a meeting of your board of trade or prominent citizens, that Mr Pngue may meet them In a bodv and lay the matter ls-fore them. The organiza tion of such aboard Is to the Interest of your county as w ell as to us, and we hoH that Mr Pague will meet a large number of your citizens en Wednes day evening. We would also ask you to kindly bring this matter before the public through your valuable pajwr, and in vite all citizens of Eugene si d vicin ity to attend this meeting. 1 ours truly, EC Mastks, Hecretary Pacific Northwest immigra tion Hoard. The Pacitlo Northwest Immii:ra!ioii Hoard has been established for the purpose or tirlugliig to tlie t actile Northwest such a class of producers as shall tend to develop its resources and Increase Its prosverlty, and to (list end has, thus far, Ishii provided by the citizens of Pmtland witli a fund of $.'U),UK a lund which It is hoped to largely increuse by coutrihuUoiis from other sources. The Uiard calm it have agents In every county to attend to tlie locating of se't tiers and this part of the work must be done by the residents, ami lu this end local organizations must Is established In each county. The Uuut Thief. Pally Uuard, March It). Today's Corvallls Gazette says: "A Lane county boat thief, captured yes- leruay near aiohit, oy iw muij enrrm tikiptou, is lu Sherill Oshuru's custody. pending the arrival or ine otiicers irom Euuene. who will probably arrive to day and take charge of the prisoner. The prisoner's name is i ura ami ne was arrested tiimn instructions received bv Chief of Poliou Welle from Con stable I' D Linton, nf Eugene. While passing tlie city In the boat yesterday morning, Turk was culled ashore by Frank W illiamson, and admitted Is-lng in j-,oHcssioii of the stolen proH'rty. Chief Wells took charge of the boat, but allowed Turk to escaixi Isvuuse lie objected to'lielng arrested without a warrant. Alter waiting an iiour or two. Mr Wells notllled hlicrill' Ostium ot tlie circumstances, and the latter immediately sent his deputy, James tSklpton, In search of the fleeing crimi nal. When capture I, Turk was walk- nir ranidly toward Aitmny, wnere ne exHtc(ed lioarding the iiorthtMiuiid train lor I'ortlauu. lu tlie nope oi eluding tlie olllcers, he had clisnged Ills clothes after leaving this city, ami presented ail altogether diflereut ap pearance when overtaken by the ilepu ly sheriir than ho did when seen ly Chief Wells Tin k was armed with a revolver aud a knife, but tillered no resistance when the ofilccr invited him to return w ith him to Corvallls. Tlie Lane county olllclals are highly Pleased with Turk's airest, as lie is supposed to have had a hand in sev eral burglaries committed in and around Eugene during tlie past few months." Countable Linton will bring tlie man here tomorrow. Knigbti of the Maccaben. The State Commauder writes us from Lincoln, Nebraska, as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discovery aud at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without it here after, as our experience proves that It cures where all other remedies full." Hlgaed, W. F. Kteveus, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as It la guaranteed and trial bottles are free at Henderson ft Linn's drugstore, ltegular size 50o and $1. Annual IConductohh' Excursion. The place for holding tlie annual conductors' excursion this year lias not vet been decided upon, ir tlie same cheap rate that the H p company granted the conductors lust year can be obtulned again this year tlie excur sion will be giveii on tills road; but If the same rate cannot lie Had me ex cursion will be given on some other road. If It la given on this road, Eu gene will make a strong effort to get it here. Conductors who nave been consulted about the mutter are favor able to the town and Its location. For a valley excursion Eugene Is centrally located and is well fitted to entertain all the people that can bo brought here, ana no more suitable and coin mod I us place can be found In tlie val ley to accommodulo such a gathering as Meriau's park. Stats or Ohio, City or lobsso,) l.l i as cui KTV. ) as. Frank J clu-nev iii.akc.-s oath tlist he la the aenlor puttier of the llrm of K J Cheney A Co, dolus bualueaaln the I lly of Toledo, County aud state alnreaaiu, ami mat asm iinu win mj thvatnniif One Hundred Dollar for eai h and ever, rnae of Caisrrh that raunol be cured by the use of llalla Catarrh (ore. rKASK J I IIKSRT Sworn to ls-fore me and aob.erlls-d in my prt-aeucu Ihla Ktb day ol Ktwinlicr, li. AW Ol.KA"OS. f'KAI.1 Notary 1'ublle. Ilall aCatarrh Cure la taken Internal y and . t fiirectlv on the bKssl and mm-oiia aurfaiai of the ayate'ln. Send for l-tlitiotilsls, free. r . 4. ..nr. .- i. a ihpiVi Sold by brugglma, i. Dally Uuard, March lu. TlIK COKVAI.MH AHASPONKI). After noting tlie condition In which the government snug boat Corvallis now i-, ('xpiiiiu Fisk ordered I lint she be aiiuuilaiiied, as il ! impossible to raise her. The Three Ulsters is still at the scene of the wreck and the crew will remove all the appaiatus from the Corvallls that can 1st saved during the present sta.e of water. Unless knocked to pieces by drift wood the machinery can be removed during the low stage or water in me summer season. Dally duard, March is. Awkhhinq Assessor Burton and rknni. famllrlir. have com Dieted a ruu k.t li.t nf lite assessable property In this precinct and began the active work ol assessing vouay. ATIT-NTIOX DI.MOtlUT!. IViiiorratlc Coonty t onveutliio Post poned Till Ttiesilay, April Ttli. At tlio reipiu-t cf many democrats from various portions of the county the Lane county democratic county convention is hereby postponed until TftSHAV, AI'KII. 7. It is recommended tlie precinct primary conventions be held ou the same date us bvforo appointed, viz: Saturday, March 21st. J. P. IUmsky, Chairman De m. Co. Cent. Com. F. C. Mattixix, Sivrctary. Obitmirv. Peruietn Adams Itlightou was hern in Calaraugus coiinlv, New York, Feb. 4, Kill. lie departed this life Friday, March 1.1, 1MKI, aged (ill years, 1 month and l days. lH'censcd removed lo Wisconsin from New York In early manhood and was there united In marriage to Eliza Malcolm Oslsiurne. From (here they emigrated to Iowa as pioneers where deccascil resided for thirty-five years until ill health compelled Iiiui to seek a clmiiL'e of climate. He came to Kugene in issu where he bus since re sided. IVcvucd had been a constant sutler er for nearly two years until death came to relieve the weary soul. He was a kind husband, a good and ls licvnlciil father, an honest ami upright neighbor, a man beloved aud rcsjMcted by all who knew him. 'ile was not a mcmlsr of any church but Ids faith was more in accord with the Cnlversalists. lieceuseil was the father of eleven children, nine of whom are left with the wife to mourn his loss. Those residing In Eugene are Hiram, iMrm W.James hint Jennie Hllitliton, Mrs Emily Kirkpairlck; Mrs OllaNye, of Vancouver, Mrs Eliza Nelson, of? Gor donsvllle, Minn, Mrs Mary Wardall ami A M Itlightou, of Northwood, Iowa. The remains wer Interred In the Masonic cemetery, Itev McAlisterof- llclatlng. A Friknd. The Markets. The market continues about the same with but few changes. There Is no action in the hop market and practically ne prices nru Mug quoted. Wheat bus sutl'ered a slight decline ami Is now quoted at 55 cents free on board the ears. There Is but Utile demand for baled hay at 15.00 per ton. Cattle, hogs and mutton are quoted as follows: H.eers, 2) cents ou fool; rows, 2 cents on foot; veal, 4 cents d i eased; pork, 3) cents dressed and 2 cents ou foot; luuttun; (2 to f 2. 50 per head. llueon Is quoted ne follows: Hhould- ers, 5 cents; bams and sides, 7 cents. Lard Is worth 01 cents In 10-pound pails. Potatoes continue tlie same, llur banks being quoted at 20 cents and l-.ariy J Cose at SO cents per bushel. Onions coil 1 1 mis at I cunt per pound. I lea lis, l j to . cents. Eggs have continued on the down ward scale and are now worth only 61 (vnia s-r dozen. Butter remains at 35 cents per roll. Chickens are worth 12 60 lo 13.50 per dozen; ducks, $.1 (o &l 50; geese 8 to 4) cents jcr pound, and turkeys Uj cents T pound. Letter List. Msr-h 10. 1800. Cather, C W Qulnn. Stephen A Cook, Sirs Marv Hoott, Mrs Julia Kdmlston.MrsEiu Mcott.Mamuel U (2) Madame, Jims Wilson, Will loung, win. A charge of one rent will he made on all letters ifivcn nut Tenons calling for letlera will please atale when advertised. I J ISA'll, r at Foot li A M. Houvknik. Portland University has Issued a souvenir foot ball pamphlet. The work Is dedicated to tlie ftsitball teams of Oregon and coutslns the photographs and records of all the teams in tlie state. Tlie record of the UofO team ae glveu in this pamphlet contains an error which does au injustice to the team, though It Is perhaps a typographical emir Tlie mistake Is In the game which was played with Portland University. It Is'iug credited to Pscifio University. Tlie record of the U of O team for 1W5 should read as follows: U of O 42, Corvallis 0: U of O 8. Halem 4; U of O 0, Portland University 4; U of O 0, 8a- lem 0. Corvallls Times: Another des truction of his property by fire has overtaken W S McFadden. A fine barn on his farm near Junction, Lane county, was burned to the ground In Hie early hours or lost t rlday morning. The farm Is occupied by Alex McFad den, a brother of tlie Judge. The burn was a comparatively new structure, UNI feet 'ong, 70 feet wide, and cost about fiioo. It was used for stock, and fortunately contained only a few tons of hay and a plow or two when the conflagration ts-curred. The fire hap pened between I and a o'clock in the morning, aud is supposed lo have been accidentally set by tramps. There was no insurance on tlie uuiiutng or con tents. Quick In etTcct, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured Ly DeWltt's Witch I Inzel Halve. Applied to burns, sculds, old sores, it is maglcul In ellcct. Al ways cures piles. Osiiuk.v & DkLano. Dally (iuard, March 19. Catti.k for tiik Asylum. Geo. Fisher has purchased 22 head of cattle for tlie statu insane asylum at Sulem. The cattle were purchased principally in the vicinity of Junction. They will lie shipped to Huletn on tomor row's freight. AX BILLY -FOR Fresh OREGON GROWN Garden Seeds in Bulk. 4 lbs. very good onion sotts Very 1'est onion setts, per lb CotiilllUritnnrrii Court. E J McCluaahan witness stab vs Hey Buell 2 days 2 mile allowed 1 mile 4 10 Joseph Stewart witness state vs lley Hindi 2 days 0 miles 4 00 Pres "cl'herson witness statu vt lley Buell 2 days 0 miles 4 60 Frank Ashley witness state vs lley Buell 4 days 30 miles 11 00 Allsrt 11. ike witness state vs lley Buull 4 days 8 miles 8 80 John Hake witness stste vs lley Buell 4 days 0 miles 8 CO Emma Hciitley witness state VI lley Burll4days fill miles 11 00 E K Mc.Miehai'l witness state vs Hey Buell 1 duy 2 miles al lowed 1 milt) 2 10 M F HtafforU witness state vs Hey Buell 1 day 22 miles 4 20 Wnrren Luckey witness state vs lley Buell 2 days 1 mile 4 10 A Wheeler witness stale vs lley Bin II 2 days 3 miles 4 30 Mrs Warren Luckey witness state vs lley Buell 2 days 2 miles allowed 1 mile 4 10 Frank Sweet witness state vs Geo Saunders it al 1 day 158 miles 17 80 John Harris witness state vs Geo Saunders el al 1 day 158 miles 17 80 Frank Montgomery witness state vs Geo Saunders et al 1 day ItU uilLs II 40 Mark Hadsell witness state vs Geo Saunders et al 1 day 120 miles 14 60 M D Landis witness stste vs Gen Saunders et al 1 day 104 miles 18 40 I.nuli Beau witness state vs Geo Saunders et al 1 day 120 miles 14 00 Hans Hansen, witness, state vs George Saunders et al, 1 day, US miles 10 80 Harsr Workman, witness, state vs George Saunders etal,l day, 15H miles 17 80 Kodger Allen, witness, state va Geaige Suumlers et al, 1 day, 104 miles 18 40 Low Chrlstensen, witness, state vs George Saunders et al.l day, 104 miles 18 40 Leonard Chrlstensen, witness, state vs George Saunders el al, 1 day, 1U4 miles 18 40 Anderson Bund, witness, state vs George Saunders etal.l day, 12S miles 14 80 W W Necly, witness, state va George Sauudera et al, 1 day, 120 miles 14 00 Joseph 11 White, witness, state vs George Sauuderset al, 1 day 158 miles 17 80 8 1 Seymour, witness, state va George Saunders et al, 1 day, 158 miles 17 80 ChasS Smith, witness, state vt George Saunders el al, 1 day, 158 miles 17 80 Geo Braiuard, witness, state va George Saunders et al, 1 day 158 miles 17 80 James Frazure, witueas, state va George Saunders et al, 1 day, 30 miles 6 00 Mrs AM Thurman, grand Jury witness, 1 day, 52 miles 7 SO .S P Sladtleli, grand Jury witness, 1 day, 2 miles, allowed 1 mile.. 2 10 T J lluasev grand Jury wituesa, 1 day. 322 miles 50 20 J C l'ldlllps, grand Jury witness, 1 (Isy, itiu miles 10 uu Mrs James Frazure, grand Jury witness, 3 days, 30 miles 6 60 KreTltl'i. A high liver with a torpid liver will not lie a long liver. Correct the liter with De Wltt'a Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and con stipation. Ohhurn & DeLano. The work of disbursing the f 100,000 OP sale money la now underway. Already 58,765 of preferred claims have been paid. This it would seem would preveut an appeal from Referee Woodcock's report, ' A newspaper published In a New England town says: "Our new school house, which burned last week, was large enough to accommodate 120 girl pupils two atorlea high." The new woman must be growing, 'Give me i liver regulator and I can reaulate the world." said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the fa- tuous little pills. Osdurn A DkLano. Salem Journal: A case should be carried to the supreme court to deter mine tlie legality of the late school election. In all other cities only tax psyers, whether men or women, were allowed to vote. At Salem all males entitled te vote at any election were allowed to vote. A decision ol a court, or an amendment to the law, should be secured to limit or dstlue the edu cational franchise. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve la the ene my te sores, wounds aud piles, which it never falls to cure. Stops Itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold aores in two or inree nours. Osdurn & DkLano. The state superintendent of publlo Instruction has granted a state life teacher's diploma to Deputy Sheriff Chaa L Scott, of Eugene, state diplo mas to Mrs Anna V Lowery and James M.sire of Eugene and Agnes N McLean of Camp Creek, and state certificates to Lut'lla Brewster of Eugene and Mrs Martha McClure and E Love of Elmlra aud George Jordan of Fraukltn. Dally Guard, March 19. FunukaIj Servicb. The funeral services ol the late Mrs Cooper will be held from the residence of Mrs J M Thompson, Sixth and Charnelton streets, to the Masoulo cemetery at 2:30 n in tiuiinrroiv. Ths earvlcea will be conducted by Kev Wilbur of the Uni tarian church or rortiaud. Kl'DY'B I'lUC SUI'TOSITORT. lasueretiteed to cure IHes and ConallpsMon or money refunded, to cenia per boa. Send Iwnalatniia for plroular and rrse Samj rse Sample to maclaLlAIICaa- ta-r, 1'e. No Postals Asawssao. for aale by all ilri elaa drusKiaia evsrywnere, aud lu tu.eue Oreson by Oaburn at UoUiio MAKI I UCI'Ya Keuiau'nsi rnarmaciam - WSata, 10c. Maui nmrrT"