The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 6

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    - --aaasaWlaaaaaaaaaM ' . - . aa I
i ' . . . di r.imit 'Irani-aiUmn1.
I.lltlll.l.S M THE l'OT. I A MYSTJ'.BIOIH CASE. Jlcpo J j
Hjrbt For tha Nomination of Ktate
H-uuiur From Lane t'ouuty,
V take the following from ytster
day' Orryoulam
Kl'oesk, Or, March 14. The ap
ririmchliiir republican coii my eonven.
lion, which will bo tiulii April 4
proui'M li ue 01 muro uiuu -oiuiumj
iiilrent. Ill the first place, tlit-re are
muny candidate for eu ll xmltlni un
the ticket, tliore being a general iwlii-f
that lloulnatlon on Hid republican
ticket l KUlviilunt to election, and the
approaching preslilcntlul election
cause greater In eru-t In polltlciil
ultalr gi nrrnlly. The most lujMrfuiil
content lu tlio convention, from a
purely political taudolut, will be
ovi-r iiomlriktloii of a itate senator.
Ex-Itireenlailve C II llukur l mak
ing a thorough cauva of the county
and doing everything la lila power Ut deh-gatft will to the convention
w Iiomi vole he con control. In this
way, anil by the aid of Mccretary Kin
eald' following liakvr I working up
jt good dial l strmgth. Hut he U not
without o(kIiIopi. 'flier la a targe
eltiiifiit In the republican party du-cidi-dly
averse ti sending back any
wbo clH tln-inst-lve among tlio "lui
niorlal Tlilrly," who prevented hgi
latlou so successfully at the hint
slon. There are a gnat many can
didate for county Judge and for aherlir
mid clerk. There will lie 1W) dulegati-
in the convention, and au exciting
time I almost curtain.
The 0 Sal Fund.
(,'orvulll Tlmeii: "There wo an
adjourned session of Ihv circuit eourl
yesterday afternoon, and tliecmirt con
sldered I lie question of whether or not
an erder should no made, directing the
clerk of the court to at once proceed to
dlsbursa llm relduof tli O I sale
fuml among (liow made parliclpunl
In it under 1U fcree Woodcock' retort.
Attorney Hull'ord and Iturnctl, re
presenting preferred tax claim urged
the court to make audi au order, no
that the fund could l liuuiediatelv
paid out to creditor. Juli McKuii
den, representing everl creditor ug
geHted tliat the court allow thirty
day for Interested pnrtli to pi rfectan
aH'ul from the decniloii continuing
Hit r feree'a report. The tux claim
attorney responded that the court had
no right to anticipate an appeal, and
that au order directing Immediate dis
tribution by I lie clerk ihould be. made.
The court, aher hearing the argument,
dweided to luke tho matter under ad
vIm meiit.
"Ho far no appeal proceeding have
been taken, and It I not geiierully b
lleved that such proceeding will be
Instituted, but Dial til referee1 rcmrl
will be allowed to Mtaud, and that, the
fund will be disbursed according to It
llndlug. Time, however, alone will
ConvAi.t.m, Or., March 15. At a
special aeiwlou of the circuit court for
lleiiton county, held here yest irdiiy.
Judge Fuller ton approved the rcxrl
of Huferee Woodcock lu all thing, and
made an order for the distribution of
the fund now In court arising from the
of the Oregon I'aclllo. Clerk
Jluntei will begin at once the work of
checking over I lie claim, and in
about 10 day will commence paying
them oil'. It la not known yel
whether or not there will l an iiih-hI
from Judge Kullcrtou' decision, but It
Itlhoiigln probable that the l'Vimer'
Loan A Trim Couipairy tho plalntlll
In the litlgali'Mi, uud the liiMirauce
companle holding clulm for pre
mium on insurance phieed during the
lludley reiiline, will appeal. If they
do not, the long draw u-out and In
tricate Oregon I'aclllo litigation will
probably Ih brought to a clone ut the
regular April lerni ol the circuit court.
w mill mi fok i he m:i:k.
Another I'oncsusii of Predict I mil fin
the Neve'i llayi.
llslly tiu.rd, Morch M,
The weather wera are Rtlll at It, and
here I what tliey Invite in to ex ct
In tliu line of weather for tho seven
davinext eiiHiilug:
l'rof. Foster: tftorni wnvo will
reach the raiitlu roast alHiut lite 17th;
cold wave LMlh; the week ending the
2L'd will ha the coldest week of the
month; damaging fro t during this
time. 'f lis 1'aeillu roast wid probably
gel cold waves and front unuo illy far
Houtliward about the lftth and 'JtHh.
ltev. Ira llli'U: Moon In Apogee
on the Hlh. Within foity eluht
hour of that date, nftei If not on ll.
atoriu of great energy will occur In
many place on land nudum. A cold
wav. .will follow. The lllili to 21 li
the pa1 Huge of the vernal eipilnox,
blended with a regular Mtorni erlod.
Watch III Cohl for the mii-oii will
follow. TheiMlh toSih will bring
manv storm.
l'roi. Klchard Mnibdll: Oi eofthe
principal dUtiirblng imisIHouk of I he
planet for March 1 located about the
I'll h or Hilt, and the I'Ut tothuld.
The inoxt dlaug ifeable perimU tire
fromtleltth and IMh, th li.'.l and
llljr liuint, Murvh 11
Captain II li Hutch was lu the city
over last iilulit. Ho Informs lis that
the sunken U 8 snag lx at Is In a 'r
lliou pOHltlou, and It I doubtful If idle
can le rained. However, a number of
men were employed to make every en
deavor to do o today.
1IIJ lnurit, Murch X
Swi.k ins Links Mr pollin-k, who
reside went of town, dmve lu to at
tend prayer meeting lat evet Inn.
He left blii team tied at oneuf the tiitch
lug rack, and while at uieeting rome
one stole the lines oil his horvca and a
whip out of hi carriage.
I'tlly Uuiinl, Mrv-h 11
I.KAI Ykak I.h knsk. A iiiartiiige
lliinto was today granted to Mi
Kmma Veatch and Mr NVesley Neet of
Kail Creek.
llar Nnew alarms,
riTTsiii mi, March 12. The snow
storm lu Western IVniisvlvania for
the '21 hours ending today U the worst
of the seasiiu. The torn raturo drop
IH'd 20 Jeg.
To tub Fkont. If you are drirou
of learning Information that will tt if
Importance to you read K K lHinti'
ad lu today' 11'aki.
An Attempt to I'ldsou an AgeJ Lady
rar totiurp.
Word has leached this city that an
attempt ha been made to poiun Mrs
Iliroin Hmlth, a widow ludy, aged 75
year, who resides five tulle below
Colnirg. No arrests I ave t een made,
though three attempt have been
made to tuiie the mo r mo nmy or
iiiember i.f her family.
Mr Hmlth' hunbaud ha been dead
about live year. They never had any
children, but adopted four children, of
w hom only two are yet living. .ir
Kmlth resides on the farm with
several of the children of her adopted
children who are dead.
The first attempt to take her life wu
en or twelve year ago and It I not
believed Hint the present circumstance
can have had any connection with
that one.
On last Hturday week ago, Mi
Smith drove to liurrUhurg, having
two little girl and a young man at
home. During the morning the
young mail went to a nelghhoi ' on au
errand. While absent, a limn, who
had previously come to tho farm a a
iiolx) and had been employed
fur a few day and then discharge I
after having some trouble, appeared at
III house. The little girl were fright
ened at hia pre.eiicu and linked the
houie when they saw him coming.
He procured a pitchfork and attempted
to enter a window but ' did not suc
ceed. He then left the house, uud
some time during the day while no
one was present arenfo wa placed In
all the victuals- about the house but
win discovered U-fure any daitiRgo was
On last Haturday soma one gained
entrance to the lion ami acuttered
some kind of pulsou about the house
but it wa discovered before any dum
age resulted.
The euswi s a peculiar one and I not
understood by the neighbor.
Kdwln M. Utom.
Kdwln M Tatuin, of whose death
briel mention wa made In Haturday'
OlUKD, wa bom lu Nashville, Tetill,
in April, 1SU'). He was a on of How
ell Tatuin, who served in the war of
IH12, and also in the wur of the relxd
lion, on the Houtherii side, having
made t'ie topogiaphlciil survey under
(ieneral Jackson at the battle of New
DeccriHed lived for many years in
Winchester, Tenn, wheie he followed
Hie merchandising business. He
afterward removed to Arkansas,
where lie resided a few j ear and then
removidtn Texas, rem liniiiir In tha'
stale a'siut 20 year and 'hen removed
lo t'alu iruia He lived In Cul Ifornl i
two year and then ci me IoOitl'oii
sis . i iil'o. HI net then he las
lived u ost of tha time l l Kugetie, I Ut
ha n. i le several trips to WatsouvIHe,
California, where lie lots a daughter
HlMwIfiidled in Jam ary, 1S7I, and
since Hint time In has resided with
his ' ildrch.
His death occurred at I he home of
his dimnhler, Mrs CT Dodson, at the
east end of Kleventh street, Saturday
afternoon, March 11, IV. Ml, he being
then IM yearn of ace. He wa appar
ently enjoying hi usual health in the
morning uii'l lit ileal n wa suuueii
and unexpected, being called by heart
Deceased bus been a member of the
Christian church for the past four
year. Ho followed tho profession of
scIiihiI teaching many years n-hlle
young, mid belu the position of Judge
and magistrate, while living in u.-irK,
l-'rinklln couut, Arkansas.
Deceased leave three diiuirhter and
one son a lollows: Mr CT Dodson,
of Mil eitv: Mr K II Culllwiiv. of Fort
Worth, 1 Vxns; Mi Addie Wells, of
Wuteouvllle, tul, and Ailolphu la
uiin, of Ituriiham, Texas. Mrs Well
I expectud to arrive here on the early
truiu in tho morning to attend (lie
funeral, which will tx held from the
residence lo tho 1 O O F ceil etery ut HI
a in tomorrow, Hev I.oughottom, of
the C 1 church, olllciutlng.
Dally GusrU, Msreb W.
As ior D P liurton ha appolnlcd
deputle. subject to changes by the
board id county commissioner!, a folio"-'
livn Kceney Gosheu and Creswell
W li Haw ley Coyote, Kluslaw,
HiM-nrer, Mound and Walton.
W L Uulley Florence Lnke Creek,
Gleiiiena and Hermann.
D W Coolidge Eugene.
Froiik Bond Irving.
l'aul Hadley Thurston, Jasper, rull
Creek, Middle Fork aiyl Hawl Dell.
John I, Wllson-HprlnKthld, Wil
lumetle and Mohawk.
Mr Yale Long Tom, Klcliardsou,
Cheshire and Klnilra.
Ocorgo Itigi:-Mal)el, McKenz.e,
Uate Crc-vk and Camo Creek.
Fred Calllson-lieasunt Hill ami
Lot Valley.
Mr llurton will himself assess Knst
and West t.'ottage (iroie, and Junction
is yet to be supplied. fWveral of the
deputle are now busy assessing and
the remainder will be at work in a
few day.
roiiiiuUsinut-r Court.
r..t r i, n fniirt bouse Moudav
morning ut 11 o'clock. Full board
H F Kusm-11 care of pauper. ...i.tlii4 "o
A H lisk, Judge, salury for
Ul.nmru hli C5
J (J Uray," treasurer, salary for
A J Johnson, shcrlll, salary fur
February 100 65
C'ha L Hcolt, deputy aherill,
salary for eenruary no w
A (' Jennings, clerk, salary for
February 100 05
V Li tiibbs, deputy clerk, salary
for February 83 40
Mattlo K Jennings, deputy clerk,
slurv fur Kiiiruurv 41 05
J T DoiinldHon, fyrryuian, salary
Tor renruury o-
K lloweu, ferryman, euluiy for
February 14 00
J O rtievensou, scliool superin-
tendeiit, salary for February... .r)0 00
CW Lyon, transportation of
prisoners from Head of Tide... 24 25
Feltou road III tp 20 a r 1 w; contin
ued until April term.
l'arvln road; petition to review and
resurvey said road; granted and C M
Collier uppointed to survey the same.
riweet and llrund mud in tp 20 s r 10
w; M Nollslngcr, Captain Cox and
W Xeeley a (pointed viewers and C
f fnllli.r inrvitvnr.
Whlteaker road in In 18 and 10 r 8,
OandlO w; K li Mills. M D Laudis
ami Allien Kiinwie iippoin'ci view
er nnd C M Collier surveyor, to meet
April 21, 1SO0.
Will of the Lute John U. Day.
The last will of tli late John U Day
ha been tiled with the county clerk.
;iu left personal property of the prob
able value of J3100 ami real proH-rty of
tli- probable value of f 1000 The will
in part reads:
Find I desire my Just debt to be
paid. (
rH'cotid I give and lieouenth to my
Ix loved daiiKhtiT, Kli.MOeth F. Day,
the house and lot purchased by me
from Mr ltliglitnu. I also Ix qiieiuli to
lu-r, my said daughter, KlizHhcth 1C
Day, my life policy of JliOO lu the
A'.iuh Life Insiiraiico Company.
Third I give and beipienlh to my
lemiiiulng children, or the remains of
them, namely: ItotH-rt M, Oeorgp O.
AdolphimO, Thoimus M, D.ivid O and
Charles O Day, all the remainder of
my property, both real and personul,
In eipi'd parts, vhare and share alike.
Third I appoint my said sou, Hob
rrt M Day, executor of my estate, to
qualify without bonds, and authorize
and direct hi in to erect a suituble mon
ument over mine and hi Piother's
g ave, at a cost of not less than $i)0.
The will was made in tli" presence
of lleo li Durrls and F.lteri K Brown.
An Orkoon City Hchlatikk.
Courier: Israel lll'ut nam, of Oregon
City, b. Iter known as "Hock Island
Putnam," reuently left for a visit to
lit mother lu Marietta, Ohio. A
Putnam wears long hair and has a
meek and child-Ilk expression he was
on several occasion whllo en mute
taken for Fra cl Schlatter, the Den
ver heahr. Whllo passing through
Kansas a couplo of traveling men told
him they weie going to atari the ru
mor that he wus Schlatter and sooil
l tie passcuuer were crowding Into
Put nam's car, where several recog
nized hltn, having seen hi picture,
eto. After hi an I vl lu Kansas City,
where he stopped three hours, he wa
surrounded ami continually besieged
with ivrsoii, who wanted him to
bless them, touch them, bless I heir
handkerchiefs, etc. A poll -email had
his handkerchief blessed lifter which
lie folded it and placed it next to hi
heart. He nlso blessed a woman with
a broken leg; another lady was cored
after tying n blessed handkerchief
uroucd her neck.
nity (lusrd, Msrrh It.
'Stu. Waukhoi'pr lli'HNKii. The
warehouse at Dunham A Company'
dislliery, on tho Wallace fiirm thrw
mile west of thl cltv, was dcslroyrd
by tire last night. It 1 not known
how the tiro originated but Is thought
by ii'ii m to have been Incendiary, a a
sash fuim one of tho buildings wit
found near at hand, win re II evidently
had be 'li placed by sotne person. Tho
warehouse building wi s alxnil 14x10
feel In size. One end of ll was used by
the tu -li employed at 'he 'stil a a
lodssPi room and out- incd a lot if
bedel lies mid similar article. Tho
ether 'nd of the bullomg contained
the p:.'duet of the '.--l I for the pust
few tin nth, lu it vi. stored over
UK) gallon of gouged britldies, lieside
the oiitput of the 'stil fur the past
three month, amounting to over InO
gulloi.s. The brandle consisted prin
cipally of spplo nnd prune. '1 beie
was no ono ut tho diAtillery ot the
time of the tire.
Kki'UIilicapi Mkltino The young
men's republican club held its first
political meeting Haturday evening,
addressed bv Hon. 11. li. Miller, ol
this city. Mr. Miller discussed "The
Itelution of Protection to Social Pro
greis," lu the Interest of republican
ism and his chances for the nomina
tion on that ticket for representative
to congress. He delivered a very
pleasing address, taking the radical
republican view Hint turitr protection
I the underlying basis of our prosper
ity. Ho argued that our linuttclal
system, a he called it, need attention
ami Immcdiuto reorganization, and
that our Industrial laxly need to lie
stimulated with an improved circu
lating medium. At the close of Mr.
Miller's addres it wa moved and
carried that tho club meet again April
Complimentary. Salem States
man: "The l'hllodurlan ohsii meeting
on Friday night was attended by
about two hundred itude.its unit
trlcnds. The Intellectual and social
features of the evening' program be
ing fully up to the high expectation
or un appreciative uinttenc. The
add revs by l'rofessor F S Dunn was
exceedingly Interesting, especially to
student of the ancient classics, ami
none hut a most prosy temperament
Imlceu, con nl tall to Ih deliuhtcd bv
tho lenutifiil and truly poetic mauntr
In which the professor related the
charmlnu stories of llreeK nivtholoitv.
whence the sweet "N.ircissus" and the
mysterious "Fclio'1 derive their ig-
A ( aid Inter.
Tout I'ownskni), March 12 Fartl.a
from Alaska slate that the present
winter was tho coldest known there In
20 years. During January and Febru
ary the thermometer was not aNive
re'ro al either Juneau or Sitka. Huow
fell al'iinst continuously.
Hkpohtino Station. Tho O R A
N company ha established , regular
reporting station in this city. Here,
totore thev have, simply had an
agency here, which was sublect to the
olllee at Corvalii. M Svnrverud i
tlie agent in this city and the O 11 A
N Company' ottlca hn Ixsen estab
llslied in the Matlock building oppo
site the postonico. The company will
now bill and receive goods here the
same as nt any station ah ng their
lines. The lame amount of freight
which tho company I handling at
tin point is the inducement for equip
ping an cttloe hero.
Pally Gusnt March 111.
Makkiaok I.icknsk. The matrl
nionlal market has revived. A licence
was today granted by County Clerk
Jcitnlng to. Irving () Atvliart and
Mggiu Clow, Ixith resident of Lane
ttuj. Orr.ce la i' "s. -i-i
...i Mnrv II Mllatn
.tract of land In tp 17 ,;l
C.T' V!: .. .f.. . n W Mllhurn.
a tract of laud in fee 27,tp 17a, r 1 west,
con. 50. ... ., o
Oscar W Huruana "'., ,
f i. I. .is 1 nnd 2. skcJO, tp
18 , r 12 west; 23 acres, con. 100.
James A McL,eou ami new
ii i..i, lut s. sve lo. lo 1, sec
15, tp 18 i, r 11 west; inn fSiO.
.. ..n i.. t.mos T li chard-
on. N J of so F, sec 0. tp 18 , r 0 wist,
SO acres, con. $100.
Charnel Mu'luran ami "",-""
M Davis i tract of land In sec 84 tp 17
s r 8 w, 10 acre; J1000.
M A Hchmwllzer ct al to r L torbus
thee i of OeorgeSinith d I cin tp 10 a
r 4 w, IW acres
u u . I...- utru loi'ornrhiia
Too a tract of land in sec 17 und 18
tp 10 r 4 w, 180 acres; J1UU
Horace CiurK ami who iu"
r v '..i.. i.., ii.ui i.riuiul In tlio Joseiitl
Davl d I c tp 17 r 4 w, 10 acres;
w... TT....,,.., u-ui. and wife to Frank
Jordan a part of lot No 4 In hlk H, Mo-
turiunu auu.
Geo M Miller and wife to Minnie H
Howard. lot 10. block 1, original plat;
con. $100.
n..La., Piiitv Aii Oakland.
X l''-1 loanu ..... .
I VI u: rimail showed bitelv her pro
gresiivenes III lean year functions by
giving a "proposal pariy, -oi '
the following account appeared in the
San Francisco Wave: She arranged
in her reception-room and hull, cozy
corners, and into these the young peo
ple were usliereu ami giveu nvi
minutes to propose prizes being odeied
to those whose method were the most
up to date, original, and appropriate
One girl, whose effort w-ere not
crowned with success, is said to have
ilronoed on her knees belore tbo man
of her choice, and with her hands on
her heart and her eye mscreeuy
lowered, asked, "Will you be mine?"
t he mule thus honored ut his hum)
Is hind hi hnuk nnd answered most
ilui.iil.ul I v "I will not." No accept
ances have been iccorded.
Osil Outnl, Usrch U.
Lalkean NoTKfl. The Laurcan so
ciety met lust evening with the usual
good uttenduncc. After routine busi
ness F W Mulkey delivered an ad
dress on the "Method of Procedure in
the IT SSeiiute," and Will Urinies on
the "North American Indian." The
question, "Resolved (hut Napoleon did
More to Advance Civilization Than to
Itcturd It," was discussed at great
length and decided in the afllruiutive
CA Kattlaud made au address on the
great credit aecurlng to the Moiety
from the recent brilliant achievement
of F L Wilkins in proving himself to
be the L'hauiHoii soap bubble blower
lu town. An old time Lnurean in the
person of Professor K K Orion, was
present and added greatly to the in
terest of Hie meeting by his reminis
cences of former Liuireuiis and the
value of training nU'ordcd by the so
ciety. Pally QutnJ, March 14.
Class ok 'OS. Miss Lillian Acker
man, president, assisted by Miss Halm
Mann, entertained the class of '1)8 of
the diversity of Orsgon nt the home
of Mr ami Mr J II Hopkins on North
Pearl street lost evening. The class
wn well represented and after the
business session was held a Hucial
evening wus enjoyed. Various
amusements were engaged in and a
delightful luncheon was serv. d during
the evening. Thine present pro
huliuced it one of the tim-t pleasant
meeting of tho Sophomore class this
Cha.nok ok Pastoks. North
Yakima, Wash, Arnu:' "Tha Chris
tian church of thl city have tel
egraphed u call to Hev li 10 Ulz, who
is teacher of Hebrew In the Duke Uni
versity, LVs Moines, Iowa. Hev
who leaves for Kugeiie, Oregon, Apiil
1st, is personally ucipiuliited with Itav
Uiz and highly recommends him. It
will lie dilllcull for th church here to
nccure a imstor wiio can hold the es
teem of the people ns lias IV.'V It iso."
H-.'V Hose will take charge of tho pns
torate in this city about April 11.
Xi:' Itl-ll lnvria M. I u IT... i.
' v U 1 lull A
expects to errel a handsome new
dwellinir on hi hit mi VIi.h, i..... .
just west of the mill race thla sprlnir
i i... i. ..ii. ii.... i..
inr i'iiiiiiiii), i iii inn iH'iweeu f rjinj
und $1500. Mr P Frank will com
merce work ou the new two storv
brick, which he will meet on Ninth
el reel, about May 1. The buildinK
will be40xSO feet and will I a vnlu
able acquisition to progressive Ninth
- - - - ... ,
Diki. At hi honiHon Day' isnd
north of tli city, March 13, 1S!J, ol
lgll!!f, :llen'"'. ft a long illness,
1 A Hllgliton, aed 6H years. I).
ceased was a native of New York, but
came to Orejon in 1SS9 from Illinois.
He leaves n family. The funeral will
he held at 3pm tomorrow afternoon
from the lesideuce of the deceased'
son. Hiram Bligh'on, on 14th and
Hilynrdstrvet, to the Masonic ceine-'0'-
PftlU lillluJ. Man h I I
TllK HlOHKST Xl'MBKIt.-rodav'
tV? r.l,",r,,",,.': ,T,, M1 xIiIkiI
for til bllmi rin i-i. . ii
.. ,. ,,r 1 1 1 1 1 es.
terday in the inrson of Mi 'pirthena
Dawns, fiom Cottage lirove 1-11-
iWiilnt. h..l-l.. .... 1 -.niicr
I .' ' a toiai ot tweutv-slx
I ,,ow 111 attendance, the largest nuuilier
mi, . V , "1V I" the
""""J ion insilluilOII,
A Woman IIeater.-c W Fultou
often mentioned for congress, Vfc?"
dava niro beat u un,,. 1,? , .w
a- unmerciful maimer. This U,U
' pretty savairo on the fa.s, of 1,, ,n
l ullon' friends ill ( e V . ly to
lapt thesiutient.nutll t i K
thai the u-iiiiinii .. .... - . .
director -and Mr FuZl
..1 i'lHI!llll UCkeL
I -any uuaru, MarrM-!.
A Small Fikk.-TI,o Catver hon.
corner l.tth nnd H.l.vard stn!
as,a i r.x,rtlr.. th, 'mornUur, "
by a defivUve tine. It ,. X, la .
-I withafew bu,-ke!:Vf w '.t
out calling out O.e fire dcpartm, nt
Sa-U P-t,. Iod. BP-.
s lecUhcir public eryanU for be
coming two years and u inw.
th? to hegin exerciBing their
iSefninthediffcrentoheia ,-.
ties. And is mere any j
business method, and common
aense should not govern them in
making these selections? W hy
Suiuld honest men men successful
in business, shrewd merchaii s and
lucccsful farmers think of placing
civic power in the hands of profes
8ional politicians who use such
power to destroy Hie credit of the
country and sUto by incurring
needless ex.enSes, and whose sole
regard is for the emoluments or the
offices to which they may bo
elected? Why should such men
be allowed to manipulate eonven
tions and name tickets which the
voters of the rei-pective parties are
expected to march to the polls and
blindly support simply on party
grounds, regardless of fie fatness,
honesty or claims to public sup
port? Whv should not the bust
cess men of the state take the
management of the conventions
out of the hands of professional
politicians and see to it that only
honest, capable men are named for
it, diffident offices? Publicaffairs
t-t'V Vlv . -
can be conducted on business prin
ciples if businesi men are eiccieu
tn nil office, from constable to
governor, but this will never be if
professional poiiucans arunnoncu
in nnrrifi themselves and their un-
ilerlinss for oflice. It is now time
a - - . . .
that the business men or the slate
bestir themselves, and bv attend
ing primary meetings, tako a hand
in choosing who shall be namea
by conventions to ask public suf
frniro in elevatine them to oflice.
Politicans who are in politics for
rpvpnun nnlv. have run the affairs
of Oregon long enough. It is time
that those who pay the taxes tage
11 hand. Let them consider the
the choice of officers as a plain
business proposition, ami me sys
tem of organized piracy that has
prevailed in tho state in the past
will disappear."
A Washington, D. C, difpatch of
March 13, says: "It is a fact that
democratic members of congress
are taking heart again. The gloom
and depression which for several
months has prevailed democratic
circles has lifted perceptibly lately,
and gatherings of democrats are
becomii g more frequent and lively.
"This chango of feeling on the
part of the democrats has been
brought about by tho great popu
larity which envelops tho person
ality of Senator Morgan. The
press all over the United States
seems to have taken a fancy to
Morgan, and ure making favorable
mention of him as a powerful can
debate for tho presidency. -This
boom is entirely spontaneous, not
having been "worked up" by the
senator and his friends, who are as
much surprised at it ns anybody.
"No matter on what ticket he
ran, Mtrgan could carry California,
on account of his merciless raking
of Collis P. Huntington. And it
is believed that he could carry
every Pncifi ; coast state excepting
Oregon on account of his being
among the most brlliant ndvoeales
of free Filver. He is immensely
popular in the South, and it is be
lieved he could carry cvory south
ern state. Tl trefore, while Till
man is looked upon favorably,
Morgan is coming to be considered
tho Moses who will lead the demo
cratic party out of the wilderness.
"Ther9 is now hardly any doubt
that tho national democratic con
vention will pronounce for the Iron
coinage of silver at tho ratio of 16
to 1. Even the "sound money"
democrais now admit the probabil
ity of this action."
President Harper, of the univer
sity of Chicago, is mid to be plan
nine tno crp.itinn .f . . n
in mime in connection with the
institution, the scope of the affair
including the erection of a temple
to cost .-inniinn u:..i. :.. . V '.
home of the greatest musical con
iServalorv in tim r.i,i t. : ..
-., ... ..k.iiu. n esti
mated that Dr. Harper is trying to
induce Paderow,ki to become the
head of the institution, and with
that end in v.ew he has arranged
lor a public recepti.n, on March 13
at which the great pianist will he
the guest of honor.
He is now submissive. reel,
citrant husband, named VU
Martin, at san Bertvmlino (Jul '
' " V i . i lo 8UUaml pre
ceded to have a '-hi old linv. j,
,ulev in a tenth of his behest nt
,oame home after midnight when
: his muscular frau took hi'm i tX
f e tii HIU ,,y his thuml)s Ja
"..... .ig posi, and behihared him
a blackanake until he w
dodo and obedient a, a kitten
bhc is spending the money now. '
isy an act nassed llU it. I
islature, cities of WhsI,!,,,,, . n
islature, cities or Washi,,,.,
the power to levy a uJf
t .1 .. UI
ior vno au ) port nt a public Ilk s
By the terms of the !& . S L
wisiiuik iu iaKe auvanla-s V
law must first havo t! ,S 7H
a library worth at least UnrS"1
Mrs. Mary Lease iav. iv f
has turned from the road
leads to hell, and
. . .. . "c art., i i
rviM.lto nl k I ir
of the truth and gol FTU
has harolnfui-a l ' . 1
has heretofore been foil
owm, t
iniiitur, auu auvocailllg tutU
vi ..i luuimu "reralwrtl
ioiIIh as in K ..... . . '.!
A lerrifin wnea nf L. .
nVAP AllutFalln l l .r-i
,. ...... ... ui.c'aiure wu
under 90 degrees and as Lie'
P22 in the shade. IIore aJ
dead on the streets of the ciiiei' 1
in the agricultural district. kJ
cattle and sheep died bir hunt
in the fields. Many'big br
the great heat.
That the republican pan,
unable to legislate for the eui .
is clearly shown in,,,
unite upon tariff UghUi ,
very subject upon which thcV
been boasting for years thii J
par.y m unit ior prottui
and that they had the counin
their baok. Now, behold, Mf
members of that party in ',
United States Senate engijjj .
outer ana neaieu fierBunal alttr,
lions over tne q-jestion ofut;
the sham tariff bill from tLw
Yes, that parly is utterly j
able of doing anything for t,?
country, notwithstanding itj
made plausible nrumisd of ih
they would do 1 1 the people s,:?
return mem to power.
Western people watched tii
terest the coupon voting
of the Record some trjon'.ii
wnen silver senument scored t
victory over gold in Cbicaga i
the Record's figures there tw.
to one of Chicago's voters in Li
of bimeUlism. A emm .
South Bend, Ind., by a toimpx
ent showed ISO in a total nC:
business men to be in fivr,
silver. In fact, every time t,
Record has published anjtfcir
show sentimeut, silver huirar
winning. Now, in view of t-.
facts, what basis is there ii-
for the direct and implied
tions in the Record sod of
papers that "the silver issue ii 6.
everywhere except in themir
states." How can we rewm
actual figures in favnrof lilveri:
the random but emphatic iu
ments that the silver i'it
over and past? If silver
how can we account for thtftiw
vote, the South Bend read,.'
If it is not dead, upon whalW
tion do the reouiem editorllI!wl,
The west would like to km
which is correct, the fiiiurei t'H
assertion. Eastern hi.
The Grants Taes Obsermk
: 4. 1, l,n r..11ncinl
IKUUBIUU iu Luuav UJU 1 1 ' , S (. (
marks, which very fittingly
to some of "our people: There iie b;
always an appalling per centolik t
people in town who are ever
to be bilked. This is perhap -.The
human nature, but neverthelaj' s
it reeius people should lw
lesson once in a while. Rw'i
eome sort of sssociation repWJ'
tative has been here forinwr
em city getting "jiners" by p'
ing the paltry sum ol snveu
msmbership foe, could buygrtw
clothini?. furnisbines. andina
everything eUe, from their boe-
at wholesale price.
BtrnncrA flint, anv husinefS ttlcW
ing man would go into .'j
scheme, yet they do occasu" .
In f:Kt wa arn told that tin H
sociation" rolled in a good "J1'
V's while in this section.
ptopla are prone to tuini
our business mien are get"!1?1
too fast and that they
something foreign. B"'
should stop to tbink and in
rata Tf tKou .Imllld. tbeV
6t fcuwj - p i.
find that business in (.iranm
in all lineB, has sharper coBjn
tion than anv other townptfNr,
in Oregon. "Each line has oof I
tition and the goods are m
cheap as is possible rons""1,
our tremendous freight rates. , r
a person individually buy p
from Chicago they naturally
to pay a greater freight raw.f
a merchant does in pr-uF1DU
large order of good? and id i
end will find thetpselvei ' iT-f
Besides it is possible that thel
object in the rssociatkn
the membership fee. They i i
not have such an "tab hsbh
Would it not be a great deal a
patriotic as well as
to patronize "home imIuJm
even if it did cost a fe
more during a year u" ' hfr
pie who have gone into l,e ,
get their livelihood from tW
r .i . t o...,il,orn Ur
"i ine n,ast or oi om""- ...rf
Ti i. ..i i l. , a i -
iliev BIIOlllll UO R' ' r
i iintiii
Willi Ulfl 1I1IT1I"" "1 ,(i
you would havo your 10 ej
lople prosper, patroniz bo
a us try.
Uihio I'astI'RK To let on rrasnu
dnw within tlm-a block uf tin bust-j 1 III 111 I 111 V llllll tHIUVl VUllllU
9 livas portion af town, ou aasv Urtn. ....... C