The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 5

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A dull day-
Rev T J Wilson U visiting in Al-
Tiw maple ' ttrt
t.UtUtiitr out
'F,U,J, .... l........ ' ...... ...
a num"" -" 5"" "
B" . I . ... .n
went to Thur-lun
.1.1. .Jiuru"""- I . -
' Z Oy psyPted to rdurnl.ereill',r,,V'1';
V? .....nrrow. I Howard Dav
i r Ksllv. of Grant Pat. spent lust
uijjbt In thin city.
Tlimw llttU early prhnf flowers are
blooming profusely.
q ii Jackson, of Junction City,
.pent last night here.
twwIii Bristow, of Cottage Grove,
WM in the city today.
nvy Link relumed today from u
biuiu" visit to Albany.
The tension of John It Talsluaii, nl
U'oodoiini I going to nave electric
light and a water plant.
The city niofti margeis are uu anting
..hlmi Mtull red cuiue inese uays.
ITlie sherlfl's offlou yesterday o !
ilteted taxua to the amount of f'JtK).
8 A Rohertt and R J Sherwood, of
Dayton, are at the Minnesota hotel,
nr It F Russell of the eouuty poor
fsrui at Thuratou was In town today
p WoolfT. of Fairmount, was a
..mnir to Albany on today's train.
. .B-.
I Mm F L Chamber l ailil in a very
precarioui condition, we are sorry to
Work It proj:r8lng at a lively rule
outheitoro building of Osburn Si De-
H M Titua oud wife went to Albany
Dili ruorniuic to vlttlt John O'llilen
and family.
Mi Carol JohnaoD went to Cre
well this afU-rnoon to visit a few day
with relalivei.
V 8 Lvmao lias a very i-om oilmen
'irv article on the btale Univeraity iu
;tcJay s uregoiuan.
i Judie Fullerton went to Corvulll
tbis niorning, to hear vome proceed
Macs lo the U 1' caee.
) MIh Ella Arrnatlge came up from
Portland today ami will vIkII with
rtlativesatid friend.
I AC Wilson, the drummer who had
a narrow eeapa from droimii yetter
(day, went south this afternoon.
I Judire J J Daly, the dtfraooratlo war
liorwof Dallas is in the city visiting
bliiou who is attending the U or U.
1 Frank SUIpworth, farmerly of Eu
uM. is secretary of the newly or
g-auized democratic club at Lebanin
i Proaeeiitinir Altornoy Brown went
to t'orvalll tills morning ni the local
tralu to att-nd to some civil Dimi
I A niarrlave IIociim was tixlay grunted
MnW E liuiler of Jackson county, and
MIm Emma Waohburue of Junction
EC Smith presented his daughters
vitti a new t resent nicycie eveu
111?. The young ladies are very nncli
pltwed therest.
4 Mrs Scofleld. of Onint's Pass, who
bubeen. vixllinir with the family of
il Howe, left for home on the early
Inn a thin morning.
I Company II, O N O, of Woodburi:,
the hint company , organized iu the
Hcnid regiment, will build a new
armory this summer,
f A new ciseof diphtheria Is reported
att'oburg io Hie family ol 8 Thomas.
DrTW Harris drove over this alter
noon to see the patient.
; Life: Hhe (with cheek hurled on bis
shoulder -Don't move. Fred; this is
so nice. Tie Then you do love me
darling? She Nonsense! ft helps
my tootuaoiie. -
i AIIss Ankeuy, of Jacksonville, who
bas been visiting with her sister, MIns
Dee, who is a student of the UofO,
will leave, for her home tonight.
I Mrs Chapman continues about the
same today as yesterday. She had a
rsry bad spell Jast night and for a
time her life was despaired of.
? It Is rumored that the Southern Pa
ciflo company will make a reduction
in freight tales between this city and
Portland. .The company has already
inade some concessions.
I FWACtainla reported quite sick
at his home in Junction City with
heart troubles. H N Crain and wife
went to that city to help wait on the
'gentleman this mornll'g.
8 Thursday's Haleoi Journal: RovSJ
Vilnon of Eugene, returned home this
morning after a bUHines tripatTaco
nia, ami a short visit here ut the rel.
deuce of Mr and Mrs W It Power.
Mr 8 E Craig, the creamery man, is
expected here the first of next week,
and will soon begin operations on ine
creamery., He expects to move his
family here as soon as he can secure a
, bonne.
I Messrs Fields, Koehler, Orondnh
and several other Southern Pad He
'offlcials from Poitland, arrived here lu
their . private car yesterday evening
and spent last night in the city, go
ing en south this tnernlng.
I Iu the Qoshon and Dexter, Oregon,
"tar mail service, the postmaster at
"Pltuaut Hill will lie allowed eight
minute additional time when nee
:sarj for afitortiHg the mail by order
iof the postofttce department
I Three large boys supplied a small
ooy with a large fire cracker to expiooe
t the Salvation Army street meeting
lt night, but the Utile fellow became
'ripened and gave up the job before
he succeeded lu firing the cracker. .
A Washiugtou county paer boasts
as follows: "The whole cost of aswsa
in Washington county for too year
sao. including field and unco worn,
ws no more than 11,8.50."
, A Pendleton doctor has sued Walla
'alla paper for libel. The editor
wrote: "The doctor toi k the patient's
pulse before prescribing for him," and
h printer set It up "purse." O rant
County News.
A dispatch from Union, Oregon, un
Ute of March 12th says: A lodge of
Ralui-one Sisters was Institute"! in
this city la-t night by Grand Chief
Ella Houston, of Itoseburg, assisted by
Mr. W A Wetherhee, of lUker City.
The new order started out with a
rge membership.
P ni (May 8. iiv.nj.l ue iikii
Anril l a.i i..
April 10 h l Arlior day.
Considerable north wind today.
New u.o hi today. Is It wtt or dry?
E Stew mi i able to h i ilin
' uflerilOOII
" ,V'"VM utm
. .
a Salem hop buyer
Dr Oglc-di,. may rr of Junctlnu Cltv.
I ilt ill Kllg. He.
i'.nio a' of doth awning are
U blot iiiiri'liii.l
icirr uicyeie.
The comet "shied" tixisy and fulled
to hit the erth.
Mr uml Mis P Cooivgy a -o vNltlni;
ut liiKli Dank. .
Mr hikI Mrs S P Sluilden reim owl t.
. "
J Portland tmluy.
J Magx. of Urautit Push, U nl t lit
Miuu. bi la liol. l.
J U Cornet, scuttle buyer of Port
laud, is in liit) city.
A number of students pioiiioked at
Mciiau's I'srk today.
Mrs J P Curiin of Cottaiu Orove
mum In Eugene today.
John Long has sold hi Inteitst in
the Corvalli saw (still.
The d ihiheri case ut Coburir are
rcporieu vouvaicscing today.
Ralph Whipple came don from
Lottage l j rove till morning.
'MS Barker went to 'ullage Grove
louay ou a snort business trip.
Mrs J L Page went to Albany today
io visit over nuniiay wild retuttves.
I) E Yoran yesterdsy eveulngsold a
ictor wluvl to l'tor J J( WelherlMt'
Rev A II Suiidoriuuii, of Natron,
was a passe tiger soulli this i.Itrrnoon
Mrs P Hyde returned to Harrlxhurg
today after s week's visit in litis city.
Puiu Avery, of ' nrvulils, was doing
uuslues iu tho t-ily a few hours to
day. T!:e Missis Lulu and Myra Xorris
went to LoiiibtocK today on a snort
Dean E C Sauderm, of the Divinity
school, wus a pusseugt-r to Corvallis
Doiuociatio pilmuries one week
from today; republican primaries two
Very few farmers In town today.
They are busy sowing grain ut home.
A goid idea.
Secretary of Statu II KICincaldcume
up from Kalein today to ipeiid Sunday
with bis ramliy.
A man went tj the slicrill's ofllce to
day to pay his taxes, but did not have
i-eiils etitiiicli In do so.
M W Clearwater, who resides above
Springfield, Is reported quite, ill with
la grippe, lie is quite aged.
Rev Reud, of Oregon City, tho Rust
Portland bank robU-r, liis aaln been
commuted to thu insane asylum.
Judge J V, Fullurlou and Proaecutlug
Attornery Brown were pa-siueis
tliroiiuli to Ro.cburg on thu afturuoou
Poor ho:scs an Hi ill po r property.
Eighty two head were sold ulslicritPs
sale In Eastern nshingtou recently
for tSi
W W Hnlucs returned on tlie fioight
last evening from a burluess trip In
tho Interest of the tannery as far south
a Riddle.
Mr V O Keitsim, rcpraeiitii)g the
Western Nuvvspaper Union of Port
land, a new organization, wa lu Eu
gene today.
O W Iluid returned from rortland
this moruinir. lie will leave for his
home In Florence on Jioi.tiuy morn-
Frank Hswley, at one time in thu
hntcher busintss at Surin-illeld, ar
rived hero this mori.Ing Irom Yreka,
This is the day that son ebody pre
dicted tho world would come to an
end. Of course that somebody Is uot
to be found now.
The Rouiittreii rays will come Into
use in detecting good from had egs.
One can count bis chickens before lliey
are hatched, ns It wero.
The street sprinkhr was on duty
this afternoon the first time this year.
It was badly needed as the dust has
been Hying badly all day.
A large number of people will drive
or wheel into tho country tomorrow it
the weather continues inus. J lie
roads are becoming quite dry.
T)ic lumt few ilrv (lavs have brought
out Held sports at the University cam
pus. Tenuis and oilier games uuo out
door drills are being indulged iu daily.
A nartv of Toitnir people were ser
enading near the midnight hour la-d
nlgut. Tliey serenaded me ansses
AlallocK ut tue nome oi mayor .oui-
Ashland Record: Misses Hawkins
and Brewster, of Edirene, who have
been attending the Ashland noiuml
school, went to Lane county Sunday
to teaoh.
The Corvallis Times says E R Frnuk
anil wife were in that city Thursday,
and savs they Intend leaving Eugene
for Southern California or Arizona lu
the eprlug.
Today's Ba'.um Statesman: Mrs
Woodmansue, of Portland, daughter of
J O'Douold, is lu the fit:' visiting and
will goto Eugene for a visit with Mrs
EB McElroy.
There wus a man In our town
He wasu't wise a bit.
His business kept a iroli g down.
An advertiser? Nit.
botou Courier.
Mm A 0 Eaves of Falruiouiit went
loCoitae Grove this afternoon and
will address the young people of the
Cumberland Presbyterian church at
that place tomorrow night.
A farmer In Wasco county says that
the recent cold stiup destroyed millions
ot grasshoppers in that vicinity. The
warm weather caused theiu to hutch
very freely, a'l i the freeze destroyed
Hon James K Weatherford, of Al
bany, one of the most prominent dein
ocrats in the state, spent a fow hours
iu tho city today ou legal business. He
think democratic stock Is on tho rise
iu tlie market now, and he Is always
A lot of salt marsh lands in Warner
valley, Lake county.was sold recently,
under the saliue act, and purchased by
in latum lor me com
David R Jon,.. f,,r He, will
er.-ct a refinery Mint iiinnufac lire salt
f a tJitTla .juultlv.
' About !1.00t hu been mld Into the
. county lu .nury. at (iruut'e lw, us
.'axes thu. far. The total amount to bo
j Collected from taxpayers of Jo-ephlne
- Ililki Hit I I A I' r.,it....l I.. .I....... f -
0ll , huaAnd ttm, dghty-stvcn of tho
Ml far liliiil t' l,iv. r..i Isil.
i taxpayers in iifiitoii county have
It I
asserted ly officials tliut nnlty i to
""""''''d after April l.and tliut utter
inui unit) county warrant will uot bo
accepted lu payment of taxes.
Cincinnati Enquirer: "Yu," said
the man with his i.unts In his boots,
" defeated Bill for constable because
he put on too denied much dog. Mao
that says 'those molasses are' I a stead
of 'them uiolusHe U' can never get the
vote of our towtwhip."
Corvallis Times: Hon J C (lood.tle,
of Cohurg, U in thu city uu bus! iiess.
Mr liondale is largely engaged in the
manufacture of lumber, having u saw
mill of 3;.IKJ0 capacity uml vawimr
about live million feet escli year and
having lumber yards ut Cohurg, Salem
and Eugene.
Captain Waud ha Informed The
Dalles Chronicle that tlie dredger will
open a channel entirely through the
locks within two weeks, so that boats
may pass. l ilii proves true, there is
Just about time enough to get up the
long-prom scd celebration, now 12
nays overdue.
Albany Deuieerat: There are going
to be a gtsid uiuiiy candidates for pros
ecuting attorney, an utiles said to be
wortli RUM) it year. Besides the
present incumbent there have been
mentioned J R Wyatt of tills city,
ninl Alva Coudit, John A Carson and
J 11 McN'ary, of Salem.
While speeding silently Into town
ou his bicycle from Wliccle:' lumber
yard this morning Alley Wheeler was
struck on tho head with s brick which
was thrown out of a yurd us lie patsed
by. The mau in tue yard was not
a Ware tint thu tilcycll-t was passing
and tho result is ilio latlet curies a
very sore head.
A woman lu Ileppner went to a
physician togi-tn prcsciiption for ten
tier tcet. lie jjave her a iiiixluro con
thlniii two quarts of cold w ater, one
table spoonlnll of bay rum und two
tattle spooufulls of ailioniu. He did
uot ull her how to apply it, and she
tlaiuk tho mixture lu' six doses. She
say tier feet haven't felt tired since.
ExchniiKe: A little girl In Aberdeen
brought a basket of strawberries to
tlie minister very early one Monday
morning. "Thank you my little girl,"
he said; "they are very licauiiful, but I
hope you didn't (.'alitor them vc.sierduy
which was tho Sabbath dav?" "No,
sir," replied the ciilid, "1 pulled mem
this morning. Hut they were grow ing
Up in Douglas county the candidates
are announcing lliemseivrs tor llie
leuistaturc. ll.?arwhat Geo i itttssell
svs In his card: "I umiotiiiitt my-
If it a candidate bef.frt thu republi
can convention for thn iiotiiinuiloil of
representative to the legislature. If
nominated and elected I promise on
til. honor of u man, to do everything
in uiv iHiwer to lift the heavy tax
burdens from the shoulders of the
over-taxed people ut the county and
A lodge of tho new order '-Patriots of
America" was orgnuizt d in tiilisboro
on Saturday lu-t. 1 lie loiieauopiaiue
namo Hillsboro Lndue No 1, Patriots
of America. It starts out with fifteen
charter members. The ord -r advocates
the free ntid unlimited coinage of sil
ver ttt a ratio or lu to I nun is (.rgiimzen
to promote t lint idea. Tills lodge, is
the lirst to be instituted in tho state,
though its charter isNuul. Within
thirty days alter the order wus
founded twctity-ono states and ter
ritories were occupied.
The Dulles T-M.: Kenneth Clair,
thu little waif who Ml from the clouds
or some other unknown place and
lighted uu Mr Farley's door step some
time since. Is liecoiiilnt; a iiersoiiuue or
more lliun ordinary notoriety, suysthe
Tlnifi Mountaineer. Mr Furieyisin
receipt of numerous letters from purtles
In d liferent places who want to udopt
the child, and a few days ilnco he was
offered $ii0 bv a Chinaman for the
boy. Little Konneth has, however,
won a warm place iu Mr and Mrs
Farley's hearts and w ill likely remain
in their homo.
Mr. Hermann's Rosohurg Plaindeal-
or says; "Al tno district convention
at Albany next month Mr Hermann
will have thu followingsjpport: Doug
lass U, Clacktnus 12, laruhill I), Benton
fi, Polk H, Marion It), Washington 6,
Coos 4, Curry 2, total 04, two more
than enoiiv'lt to elect on the first hal-
lot." Nit. Sulcm Slaiesmun. Rep.
If tho Pialud; oler has missed It as bad
on other counties as on Polk, his limn
will Is? "shy" a good many votes In
the convention. Hermann will not
uetany votes from Polk county, and
8 from 04 leaves 0 short of enough to
nominate. S'.f? Dallas Observer,
From Mr J A Green the Chelan
Leader learns that a week or two ugn
Allen Roycc mvr a deer swimming
across the lake near his place, about 13
miles up tlie north shore, and getting
Into a boat ho gave chase. After a
while, by heading It nrst ono way and
then another, he managed to gel
oloiusid.-of It and .finally to gout by
the tail, and then il towed him to
ward the shore faster than ho could
have rowed. He was tuet by Mr
Green In a boat with a rifle, who'
killed the deer. It wn a tine iarBo
buck. The gentleman had a rather
exciting expeiiencc. and II was less
i i i.. '
interesting lor a iiuu.oer o, ,.co,.,
nt'wl " ' ...... - niet a newly married friend and told
Astoria Budget: Tho boys UiJ a ltm f ug0,y u, molars csund
good Joke una hair rsstorrr who trldjll(11 An" suld'ths friend, "I, too,
yesterday to sell Undo Hope P'"-! had tlm face ache recently. Caught
guson a bottle of his medicine. cold In in Jaw w hen out one evening
was rxpiuiiung now toe "'"" '
make the hair crow on Hopes Pa d
pate II lie would ninj io in. mw
rections. Just at this time o gentle-
man came into the abst uct nlllce with
. . , I I.. r..1T...u tl.n .li.
a pule snivcruig. imu n
hairless dog. "Try It on tint dog,"
savs ilos, "and if It brings out the
hu'i.-, I will buy a hundred bottles of
vour invignrntor." "That i im
possible," said tho medicine msn.
"He didn't have ruy hall on him
when he was bom." "Neither did I,
said Jlope. The ptddler dropped
i i .irr.n... M..v ...ut
uienou. cotiiracied it m ure tue coin al on. I 0rHCM
A (Nild Spell About ttit 201 h. With
I'aiiiHgtDg FrostM,
FosUt's lat bulletin pivo forecasts
ottiie sturm waves to cross the contl
pent from tith to loth and 12th to l(5th.
The next w til reach the Pacific coast
aiHiut the 17th, cross the west of
Rockic country hv eloso of ISth, great
central vallsys luth to 21st, Eastern
states, 2d.
tThe warm wave will cross tho west
of Rockies country about 17th, great
central valleys l!Hh, Eastern states
21st. Cold wave will cross the west of
Rockies country about the 20th, great
central valleys 22d, Eastern states
1 lilt storm wave w ill occur during
tue cold part or iMarcii and the week
ending 22l will averago below the
normal and be the coldest week of the
A severe cold wave will follow the
worn wave of the above described
disturbance and damaging frosts will
go unusually far southward.
The Pucltlo ooast will probably get
cold waves and frosts unusually far
southward about the loth and 20th
rorthe whole country thu amount
or precipitation for the week ending
--u win ot) auove ine normal.
Hail Wauled.
John W. Cool, attorney-at-law, in
letter dated ut Platte City. Missouri.
March 7lh. and addressed to Secretary
i mate ivc.ciiiti ut caiein, uregoli
s-iys; -une i nomas Jones, late
rlalte county, Missouri, diet) ut thii
place about 5 year ago, sued 104
years, and h-a several hundred dollur
for his son William S Jones. In hi last
will. William 8 Jones was here about
10 years ago, but returned to tlie state
of OrvKoii, here he had been residing
tor many years, lie lias not been
heard from since his return to Oregon
and there has been no one to claim his
money. It is still sHfe and will Is?
paid tohlin or his children, if he left
any, upon proof of his or their Ideiit
ity. All the mini red legal iiubllca
lions have been made In vain; but a
nncli pui'licutloiis are usually made iu
papers of local circulation, they were
not calculated to reach him or his
heirs iu Oregon, '1 Jones was
soh'ier aim penxioner ot the war of
1HI2. Ifyou will kindly give this mat
ter to the press of the state I feel that
it.would lie L-enerously published, and
might be the means of helping some
worthy and needy citizen of your ta e
very materially."
Very truly,
Jons W. Coots.
Will Skli. Turin Mink. Oregon
City Enterprise: The stock holdeisof
the Blue Mountain Milling and Min
ing 1,'oiiiimny, tj it Ureeo. iireident.
nnd Mayor Slrulgl.t, stcietary. held a
meeting ut the city council clmuibcr
inesdHV aitcruonn, to consider tlie of
fer for Hie purchase of their mine
from a New York com pan v. The
mine I situated in the Blue River
mining districts lu Lane count v, and
all the adjoining claims and mining
properties iinvo iiccn ponded by an
English syndicate This company did
not cure to Poiiil tlietr mine, but want
cd to sell outright, and when a repre
sentation of New York capitalists
ottered to otiy mo mine, ns soon us a
sntisfaclnry examination of the proper
ty could no made, a meeting or tlie
company was culled for hint Tuesday
afternoon. A committee consisting
of N O Witldeii, V K Hubbard and S
R Orctn were appointed to confer
with the Intending purchasers, and
the deal will In all probability be con
summutvdaa soon a tho snow melts
sulllcleiitly to admit of (lie mine being
reached. This committee is author
ized to uiaktt the sale of tho property,
and it is understood the consideration
will lie a good round figure.
O.v tub Bottom. Corvallis Times:
"Word reached Corvallis Thursday
afternoon that I lie snug lm t 'Corvallis'
had met with an accident and sunk
in tlie upper rtver. From Captain
Smith of tlie Hong, who came dowu
from the upper river yesterday fore
aooii meagre details of tho affair were
secured. Tho Conallls,' It appears,
was making the run through Mecks
slough, eight or nine miles above rlur
risburg. Shortly after entering
tho slough something went wrong
with hor machinery, and tlie steamer
began to drift. Presently she turned
crosswise of the stream and while
drilling with tlie current struck a
snag and went dowi in four foot of
water. Beyond this Captain Smith
knew nothing of the allttir, and was
unabU to say whether or not the
crew would be able to raise ine
boat, or whether her machinery
woulil be taken out anil the hull be
abandoned '1 he Three Sister steam
ed up yesterduy afternoon, and went
up tno river to bo or whatever assist
ance she could to the disabled boat."
Is Junk. Tuo annual meeting of
tho Oregon Pioneer Association will
beheld at Portland on June 10th,
this year. The regtilur date is tlie loth
but according to the as-ociatiou s con-
Itutlou. when Juno loth made no-
peer day because the treaty of 1810
was then signed fulls on Motility,
the reunion is to be held tho following
day. This acoount for the change in
the date. Hon George II Williams,
18.13, of Port laud, will deliver the an
nual address, and Hon T W Daven
port 1861, of Salem, the occasional
address. Rev J S Orilllu, ISI'J, will be
grand chaplain nnd Willlum Kapus,
183, grand marsiint, lie svieciiug as
Ills aids George 11 Durham, B B
Beekman, F P Mays, I: A King arid
Lansing Stout.
GavkHima Tip. E O: A Pen
dleton cyclist, who recently braved the
u etnn eveust. w
.., 'ol vMyf ,jUl ull,IlUued
m wheel. Put when l weni nome m
wifu w,(u.c and caressed me so inut
. the face nclie vanished.
lp I,
You take my
"I il!; Is your
wile at home
I-i.ixuri Ki.i-.ctkk. Ti-e Ep-
woi'.u Leaie liu elect.-. I the f' Hom
ing delegate to attend the district
convention, which meets In Sulern
April U: Misses Jessie McClung and
Kate Patterson; Messrs llouier
Keeney, liester Hnlin and Geary
. r,,, :,; -. j:.,,,, imiUia j
The Of & E Situation.
Corvallis (lar Its: "Tint situation Tlie giaud social event of tho vtar
In Oregon Cuutr:i A Eastern iiit!e-s in l. il.t view was a leap year ball 1-Vb-Is
not so gloomy as souio are itie:iin d ! ru i v - Ti i Kxau'ilour elves lbs
to believe. Mr Hammond' rotu'iicli -
inent policy ha teeil fot'nd i.ecessury
' in order to keep expense within the
income ol the road, but the office fore
will soon lie as large as formerly. Mr
Clark w ho has been connected with
the road for several year past, and
who has been Its elllcletil MiH - riii(cpd -
cut since the property! cvne Into the
hniids of Messrs Bonner & Hammond,
bus been teuirarlly removed, or lu
other words has been given a 'lay-oil"
until business picks up again, w ben II
Is understood he U'l.l lie reiimtuteil in
his firmer position should he so de
sire. "Mr Alfred Anderson ha accepted
the position ot stetiogtuphtr with thu.
company and is to n-uiaiu perinanenl
ly. lu addition toMrS one, thu maii
uger and superintendent, and the
stenographer there will be employed
in the general oil lee for tho present a
train dispatcher, which position will
be held by Mr J R Abbey; J C Mayo,
general freight and passenger agent,
and Harry l rinwlth, bisikkeeper. Mr
A R Chapmun, the present bookkeep
er, will relieve J R Abbey as agent ut
the depot, who will hereafter tie offi
cially known as train dispatcher.
"Manager Stone says that indications
for an increase of tralllo are somewhat
brighter and as the buspiess Increases
It will lie necessary to increase the
working force. Ha says however,
that thu management Is determined to
keen the expenses withli. the income,
but that further retrenchment will not
likely bo necessary."
In memory of Mrs M J Prvme. who
uiud Tiiursttuy, March otti. lM'.MI
Long will there lie a vacant place Hi
our Pearls, for she was Indi-ed the
sunshine of our lives. Siio will be
missed by old and young, cstM-cially
the latter, for "Aunt Jane" always
nnd a cheery greeting tor all
Those of us who knew her best,
know of the swt et self-sacrificing dis
position she was never so happy as
wiieu doing something good tor others,
and her hearty good will, cheery laugh
and kindness to all will be remembered
as the "oil of gladness" to the weary
Heal t. vteuid uol know now to ap-
predate her until sho wus taken from
us; Vet wo "do not mourn as those
who have no hope," for we know that
such soul will have a great retard,
and she will bo watching for us In the
"Land Beyond."
Gone from our midst, like thu sun's
brightest ray-
She has left us so lonely and sad:
But she'll greet us with smile ou tliut
glorious dav.
And hor love will again inuko us glad
A HtlF.M).
Fkuit Pksts Through theelfurts
and advice of tlie state hoard of horti
culture there, is at present a mora gen
eral wartaro being niudo ou fruit pests
throughout uregoli than was ever at
tempted In-fore. Every man who has
an orchard lu which lie lakes any
pride, or from which ho expects to
derive any prollt or even pleasure, Is
applying the sprayer ut present most
uuergetlcally uud ellcctually. In East
ern Oregon a nuw dllllcuity has pre
sented Itself. A form of scale, w hich
issupKised to have been originally
drought from Australia to California,
and thciicu Into Oregon with oranges,
is to be found not only In the otcluirds
but among tho shudo trees balm, cot
touwood, popular, etc Not only Is it
neci-stary to destroy It In tho orchard
where it la found, but tho clean,
healthy young orchards need constant
protection ami spraying against the
attacks from the neighboring shade
und forest trees. Tlie law at present
forces the clearing out of badly dis
eased orchards, but it does not reach
the other trees, so it will be necessary
for tho utmost caution and industry on
the part of fruit growers living whore
scule or aphis I to oo found. The
pests are numerous, but united, deter
mined action will conquer them.
Quite III. Coos Bay News: "Gen
Slgiiu's condition has been very pro-
carious for somo lime lately, and his
friends were constrained tn believe that
his lease (f life was extremely short.
On Kuturduy night his rulutives were
summoned to his bedside, as all Indi
cations pointed to the fuel tliut theend
was rapidly approaching; but tits
wonderful vitality again asserted
Itself, and on Sunday morning he wa
somewhat better, and has slues been
improving. His grit, and detcruiliiu
lion to come out victor lu tho struggle
have stood by him, and at this writ
ing hi attendant physician, Di Tower
entertains hopes thai his wishes will
be gratuiud. rue ucuerai lias many
warm iiiends iiirougnoul tins section
who would be heartily glad to sue him
oguiu restored to health."
Pillj Uusrd, March 11.
Mrs Chapman. Thursday's Salem
Post: "Tlie many Salem friends of
Dr Chapman, president of tlie U Diver
sity of Oregon, at lOugunc, will be
pleased to learn that whllu Mr Chap
man is not yet out of danger, her con
dition yesterday wus much improved.
She has, hswever, had a dose call fur
life and Is still in a weak condition,
requiring tho most vigilant and skill
ful medical utteution. She wus taken
violently ill lust Sunday. Dr Clara
M Davidson, of this city, is in attend
ance on her, having, been hastily sum
moned after the attack. Dr DuvldHon
and Mrs Chapman are both graduates
of. tho celebrated Woman's Medical
College of Philadelphia."
Puly Uusrd, Mtrcb 11.
The Congregational Y P SCKuiet
lust night al the residence of Rev and
Mrs H F Gilt on West Seventh street
and held a business and social session.
After tlie business of the society had
been disposed ot a very pleasant time
was had.
RK.-i!i)i:stE Proi-kktv Komi. W II
Abrsms hit sold his new residence
natrty on East Ninth street to Prof
; McChire; terms private. He re
tains the old dwelliilg. A U McClur
and family will move into the proper
ty iu the near future.
DlKP. In Fairmouut, March 14,
lHisI. Edwin M Tstum, aged ul years.
No time ha la-cn set fur the futirrul
pHIet "aiisd begatluTadtlv I 4
I.t'Hp Veur ruvoiltts.
, ail'.tir a i.voc iiiiiui writuup, in which
i tho I'ul., id ttylu if per inul tiotk-o
pursued is Unhealed by 'he following
Gcorglana W hoi ton. arrayed In
'glovelliilug trousers, and lailo'r iiiudo
j coat und vet to mutch, wa IrrcxUt..
! idle, lie wore his unburn hair tightly
I cm led. Ornament, (linmniids.
Sylvia Kchnrt attended, drccd in
city style. Vest cut a hi shuep camp,
with a wide swaih and red trliiimiiitM.
Haircut mechanically. Ornaments,
load of 'etc.
Warnita Snider looked cmntlng in a
scud-evcnlng Milt ami alto h. Hair
dreed chrysanthemum. Oriiiununis
scarf plus.
There wns una gentleman observed
In tlie hull lu it claw- hummer
coat a 'd filed shirt, hi right arm
decked wlili Myrtle. He was proud of
his fantastic duitcing, but ho showed
to the Best advantage a an Ernest
(lus-le Sehlngcl, u deiiil-bloude bru
nette, iu a gone aw ay coat and spot,
tersshlit, was without doubt one of
the central II go res ut the hall. Hair
cut a la anvil polka. Ornaments,
heavy mustache dyed black.
Illg t'siics Again the Fad.
The cra.e for big ca'ies, which ex-
Is-ed some years ng, has rcappta td,
this time in a tuodilled form. it
could hardly ho called it cra.c now, for
thu reason that the new canes are de
void of uny querulous cnsiks, and are
merely long and linis-ive. lu the
hand of a big loan they Ksik very ap
propriate. 'The new c ities me perfectly straight,
and are about an Inch uml a quarter In
diameter. They are wry heavy, being
made of hickory, and mako ugly
weapons. The load Is of sliver, and
run dowu thu stick for nearly six
There uro not many of these cant s
In use now, but the dealers are re vlv
lug orders for them, and will soon lay
In a large supply. N Y Dally Nous.
Army ok Pk.u-k. Salem States
man: "Captain" A W Moore Is yet
the sole representative of "God's Reg
ular Army1' iu Salem, but he Informed
a Statesman reportet yesterday that
W 10 Purdy, comii-amier for OA-gou,
would be hero In a lew days Hi'd
would determine upon the advisabil
ity of opening a hall or barracks in
the Capital City. Captain Moore wa
selling the newspaper of the Army
atouud tlie streets yesterday within
dlllerent sum-is. He says they work
ou lines . similar to the Salvation
Army, but aro not connected w ith that
body. He would nut vouchsafe statis
tics as to their numerical strcng'li In
Oregon, but said they had lour organi
zations west of tho Cascades ami wero
prosiertng nicely. Tho Eugcuu pu
llers have uot spoken very highly of
the business integrity tif the rvpre-.
seutatives of the Army w ho have lived
there, hut pro I ably the T.iigeuo iH-nplu
are not liberal enough to the coiilrlbu,
i loti box and the Army most have
something to cut, so such things ns
paying r nl nnd other bills must bo
postponed for tlio tlmo being.
Li:kt os Tilt': R.ui.uoAP. Thurs
day's Alb.iuy Democrat: After being
lllirr'ttcd irom the county jail loiluy
McKciizlii and thu Holcoinh girl, held
for lewd cohabltntlou, met, and Imme
diately started together on hsit for tho
north by way of tho railroad. This Is one of the worst and most
low down sHclmrns of humanity ever
lu thu city, his real character being
only iiilensilled by the hypocritical
game he hud been playing iu jail. Ills
fact) will have to he remodeled In order
to muko a mull of blui. The girl poor
thing was bad Is-foie she saw Mo-
Keti.ic. Sho left her lather's home
several miles from Bolss City, and
entered a house of III fume, where her
father discovered her whereabouts nnd
sunt her to her undo In Lane county,
who was unable to do anything with
her. Ills undoubtedly McKcnxle's
purpose to muke a living without
IIako Links. The Kahuna Bull i-
tin, one of Oregon's many metropoli
tan Journals, dedicates its eighth an
uiversary as follows: "Seven years
sgo the 'Great Moral Lever' wus Issued
from ths sum end of a grocery store
and printed on a hay hitler. Forkeveu
years wo have rustled fur new, writ
ten (ho heavy editorials, set type, run
the press, stood olT the shurlllaud
reared a family at the same tlmo.
Whatover money has been niado has
been turned . In again tor Improve
ments ou the -paper. During these
seven years we have never been sued,
licked or made to retract. Wa have
passed through the nrmy-press and
the Washington huud-prcss periods,
and propose to still 'press' on We .
don't exactly fuel 'sassy, but we feel
In luck that we are still on tho face of
the earth.'j
A Cheap Rktort. Tho following
Is a cheap and ell'ecllve method of re
toning gold: Cut a big potato In
two and dig a hole la ths Iresh end
lurgo enough to cover about $1M lu
amalgam gold ami quicksilver. Phico
tlie amalgam on a spade, frying pan or -some
Hat Iron surface and set on the
lire. The "spud'' will absorb the
quicksilver and the subtle metal can
be extruded by washing In cold water.
Ex. Where to get tho gold, that 1
tho question.
PsTljr Guard, ilsrcti 1.1.
Fisokk Mahhkd. 8 B Strawn on
R P employo on sectl n 2o ut Comstock
had the third linger of his right hand
badly mashed wiillo handling rails
this morning. Ho cnino to this dty
and Dr W Kuykemlull, the company
physician, dressed tho Injured finger,
Is lug compellud to remuvu a portion of
Ilslly Uuinl, March IX
New Tki.kpiionks. Tho telephone
repairer Is now In thn city placing In
pwltlou the new telephone. They
have tho Blako transmitters and are a
great Improvement on the old phones.
A numlier of new subscriber to tho
system should now bo obtained,
I'lioPKltTY SoM). The estate of
Wm Ostium, deceased, hn sold tho
drug store proH-rtv on Willamette,
street near Ninth, 18 X 101 feet, to J C
Church, for the sum of f.'l.iKO. This is
a cheap piece ol proiierly at the above
II guru.
lb. Very good Oflioil B0tt3