The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard.
Wo take the foIIowiiiK ditoriul
from the .Salem iMily Journal, a
republican paper:
"Thu Kentucky legislature lias
adjourned without electing a nena
tor toeuccsed J'lackburn. After a
long Btrugglo in wliieli death and
dineabft, corruption and the wornt
political jiaHHions played a hand,
the battle ends in defeating law
and order and Ulackburn'. seat
will bo vacant.
"Tho men who etood for 15lack
burn made a heroic fight. They
can go rnmo with clear conscience
an democrats, having rtood fur
principle, for the people, for a man
of character and convictions.
"The people- on the outside lo k
upon it as a battle between the
silver democrats and a republican
minority alleged to le for sound
money. That republican minority
was willing in part to elect Mr.
Carlisle, Cleveland's secretary of
treasury, a gold bug cu' koo. What
tho recult of that would have b en
no one can forecast, but lew duuiil
it wiuld have niemit the rendition
of national polities in twocatn.
on the money quotion. Now the
tho Kentucky battlo is transferred
back to the eoplu.
"The politicians and tho people of
the nation were intent upon Ken
tucky. All tho money of Wall
street was ready to be poured out
to encompass the election of a
Wall street senator. A man's vote
to do that, would have been worth
$100,000 and he could have got it.
liut thanks to the honor of men in
old Kentucky, that traitor could
not be found. The corporations
wore likewise intereHted. A na-
tor just before a presidential year
means influence to control courts
anil (vinaroHH.
"The battle is all over tho United
State between organized cam tit I
and corporations in olitics, and
tho disorganized people. What is
tho coal of ambition with the
hnssi-a in Orrpon? To defeat
Mitchell because he is not a docile
tool of Wall street. What do the
I'ortland bonne, want? Offices
Yes: but far inoro. They want
power to compel the apMiintment
of federal unices. Having that
power they can bleed tho corpora
lions and capitalists of tho Unittt
Htates for unlimited corruption
funds, and become millionaries
What would you do with your
hare if all tho money in the
United States was divided equally ?
How would you spend it it you
suddenly found yourself with the
same hnancial resources as tin1
members of tho Gould and Yamlcr
bilt families?
Few persons have any idea how
much a pro rata division of all tin
money in the country would yield
to each one of us, man, women or
child. It is a very simple problem
in division, but it would require
some tall Yankee guessing to give
the correct answer ofThand. .Some
would say $5,000, some $ 1,000 and
soino $100. All would bo far
The fact was ascertained from a
recent statement issued by the sec
rotary of tho treasury, in responst
to a resolution adopted bv the
senate, that if all the money in this
big land was whacked up that
is, all the money in the United
States treasury, and in the banks,
and trust companies, and private
safes, and money drawers, and
stockings, and old stoves only
about $30 for each individual
would be forth-coming.
A Sunday Journal reporter put
the question to a number of people
who claim to bo up to date, and
their estimates of tho sum tliov
vtould receive ranged from $1,000
to $10,000. Tho total amount of
money in the United States on
January 1, lS'JG, according to the
statement of the secretary of the
treasury, was $2,l'J7,000,'2;!o the
population was about 70,M0,(XK),
"I am a farmor and a democrat,"
observed Mr. Allen of Nebraska,
his political attitude and the con
dition of his hair and whiskers
giving some indications that he
might be a populist. To this
Senator David It. Hill retorted:
"If you are no better farmer than
you are a democrat, I am sorry for
the crops of Nebraska." It was
Mr. Allen's turn to come in but he
passed. There are no senators
anxious to break lances with the
brilliant New Yorker, who is by
long odds the best oil'-hand debater
in the U S Senate.
Tho following is a sample of the
manner in which the Salem States
man is going for Hermann, who in
previous vears tho paper has so
lustily shouted for: A distin
guished physician says that when
ever a person tells the same story
over and over again he is on the
road to lunacy. That is what ails
Mr. Hermann. Ho has written so
many frank letters and telegrams
claiming to have "secured" or to
be about to "secure" everything of
benefit that is granted to Oiegon
ians in Washington. It is simply
a mania with him. The distin
guished physician knew what he
was talking about.
The Dalles T-M: "The fight
that is being waged against the
Southern I'acific company both in
California and Washington, I). C,
is bringing into more man usjai
prominence two Oregonians, who
aro acquiring national reputation,
one as an attorney the other as a
cartoon artist. We refer to Wiu.
F. llerrin, chief attorney for the
Southern I'ncilic company, and
Homer Davenport, the S. F. Ex
aminer's cartoonist. Mr. Jlerrin,
as chief counsel for the company,
is exerting his wonderful legal and
oratorical ability presenting the
company 'a case before the U. S.
district court in San Francisco and
refuting the charges brought by
the California railroad commission,
while Mr. Davenport, on the other
hand is placing the Southern i'aci
fic in as ludicrous a light as pos
sible, weilding his unrelenting
brush. Uoth the gentlemen are
Oregon born and bred. Mr. Herna
is a native of Southern Oregon,
and received hW education at the
Agricultural college at Corvallis,
where he displayed modi ability
as an orator, and soon after having
been admitted to practice law en
tt r (l the employ of the Southern
Pucifi'1, and lor a number of years
hits been chht legal advisor of that
company, lie is a brother of D. C.
llerrin, a photographer of The
Dallas. Mr. Davenport was born
and raised in Marion county. He
is a son of ll-n. Tim Davenport, of
ol Salem, and a eousin of It. CI.
Davenport, of this city."
I'ortland Oregonian: "It will be
tho fault of the sound money re
publicans of Kentucky if that state
hIi-11 le represented by a free-
silver democrat for tho next five
years, lliey had it in mcir power
to clod Carlisle by combining
with tho democrats of the same
faith. Now that the legislature
has adiourned. the ISln kburu men
aro going homo to make a fierce
free-silver campaign for the next
legislature. As tho power of fed
i-ral natronaie will no loncer be
available, tho camnaiiin may sue
ei-ed " This is the sentiment of
the golJ-huir organ of Wall street
which is opposing John II. Mitch
ell'a re election as U. S. senator
If tho neonle of Kentucky are in
favor of freo silver they should
havo it, without interference from
Wall street or the administration
Senator Itiuckburn is a patriot, as
. . . f I
is the nobio band oi men wno suj
ported him.
Dexter Items.
March IS, 1MKI.
Gardening Is the order of the day.
Uv Miller, of Unity, preached ut
the lk-xter school house Tuesday even
Ksaex ltown, the ferryman, vislled
the city Monday. Mr Howard ran the
boat during his absence.
Hms Mathews finished a successful
term of school at this place Friday,
He will teach on Mohawk this spring.
Mrs Griffith was called to Mohaw k
Haturday to attend the bedside of her
brother, J M Spues, who Is danger
ously 111.
A M Khlgway Intends starting to
day with his family for Coos county to
make his future residence there.
James M ClrlllUli starts today for
t'omstock on a business visit.
Mlaa IVrlu Hyland, of Lowell,
visited relatives al tills place Nu inlay
on her return from a visit at Klktou,
Douglas county.
MIm Maude Holhrook, of F.gjpt, is
visiting at U K l'arker's this week.
Ml you boys had lielter keep your
eyes on Charley. He evidently means
Democratic primaries at the school
house Saturday. All democrats
should attend.
Jeso lianslmry who has bern stop
ping at John (luilsy's (luring the past
year, lias returned to tils home on Mo
Wesley Nett of this place was mar
ried to MU Kir ma Veateh, of Fall
Creek last Sunday by Kev Miller. He
will move on his place at orce.
School commenced at Upper Lest
valley Monday, with .Miss varrie
Hridgrs as teacher.
DM liol.rook made a protracted
business visit to I'liirene Monday.
('crimps be loed at l'lvasanl Hill en
the trip.
At the annual election of Sunday
Schools nftUvm was held last Sunday
as follows: Superintendent, K H Par-
kei; assistant, Mrs Julia Chandler;
secretary, I,rvu Serivner; itRMxtant,
Mrs Scrlvner; treamirer, Mrs Martha
(iiilley; organist and chorister, Grace
lluuaakcr; librarian, Klden Temple
For a year or more past this neigh-
coriiood has lieen bothered mine or
less with .nine party committing
sneak thieving and pilfering, such as
borrow ng potatoes, wire oft of lehcee,
et, uud last wevk J K Carter's house
was entered and 40 pounds of bacon,
all be hail, was taken. A dav of
retribution will surely come.
No doubt all may remember tiie
circumstance of the nmu being found
dead on tho military road near Silver
Lake last summer. Until recently
nothing was known a to whom was
the perpetrator of the deed, but devel
opments have bee. made that point to
the guilt of a certain party. Arrests
will be made soon.
Goon TANTint-
let on reasou
Ax Hilly.
able terms.
TImwu are nit rai:t from bis letn-rs whli'b
tell thu whole iitor)':
"Nov. 0, I MM.
"You rai.not know what s slns-k it was
to mo to lm tnlil tlmt you wre 111 this aft
emmm. I cniuiut full to cwinei-t It with
our Inwr walk i'tiT(luy, and I am en
muni v.Ith iiiym-lf fur my stupidity In id
IowIiik yon lo tire yuiirslf out, ami on
itch n hhnk ilny too. You must know by
this time that your built h mid your Imp
pliir nro thing's which I value wont
highly tlmn anything elm. lain
hupiiiK that the vinli-t will Ss-ik chiT
fully to you nml will iniiku my hiwi with
ynu, o Unit wliun I ooliui tomorrow you
will not ivbuke mo fur my -n-linMii-i."
Nov. 11, lh'J4.
"My love, you ran not know no woman
can know what it means whin a shining
froilili'ss like you puts nut In hand and
lifts uno unworthy of Iht to her shh'.
How happy you have maihi mi'! No nmt-ti-r
what may happen to me in the future,
no matter what mln, what noiiy of dis
appointment, I shall always Ini thn nuit
bli-st of HH'li, for tho lioliliwt, thn swis;ti-t
and tlm hlKhest liwly on the earth has said
that she lovi-d mn. My heart throhs
to think of It. The sky I splendid
with slam; the air ruxhes by In inimlc. I
fix.l cIomi to all who have livisl mid loved,
brother to all men who huve worshiped
women as I worship you, my star, my
queen, my love!"
"Dec. 1, I sbl.
"I am quite selfi-h enough, Louise, to
bml ho thu thought (,f tlm winter with you
nway, and yet I am glad that you am go
Iiik. I am glwl that my Imly will we thn
1'itrllieiion, where KwMtmv not cum so
IM-rfei t as yourself were wont to Iw wnr
shlpixl; Kiad that you will wateh mmwiu
mid star rlsiqi over thn JWiilltcrnirieiin.
llut iikIi think of this ifniy New Kiik
liiinl town and thn factory every day. Never
shall another winter find us apart, my
'Feb. 1, 1HH5,
"Louise, my ihirllnir, I do not wish to
Iw exacting, but I know how beautiful you
are, bow chnrmliiK and how unconscious
nf your charms. Therefore I Im-k you to
beware of mhiIiik too much of that young
Enullshmnii. k) not nilsunderstaml me.
lk-llevo that I know you tlm very heart of
truth and coiiHtancy. Hut even KiikUsIi
men are human, ami for Ms sake I beg you
not to bIvo IiIiii a chance to fall In love
with you."
"Feb. 8S, lHiiS.
"As to thu matter nf that Englishman,
veil totally iiilsunderstisid mis Louise.
I am not jealous, llavii you not said
that you love me, and shall I ever duuht
anything that you sayf Dearest, do not
let us misunderstand each other. It Is bo
ruuMi I would not have another man look
longingly uHin the erfict Jewel which Is
liilini not iMieniisii I fear that hu ooiilu
steal It that Itxg you to have nothing
to do with him. Asforwhtkt yousay alsiut
Anita, that Is of course absurd. Shu Is
visit lug my sister, and I am forced to bo
rsilito to her. Forgive me, dearest, but
that suggestion nlsnit her was so unlike
you so unworthy nf you and your love,
Do not torment my luiielliiess with such
"March SO, ItfUS.
"Mr DKAft IjOI'Isk You t-hargu mu
overmuch with jealousy. You force, me
to think that I have reason for It. 1 Insist,
as your future husluind, that your ac
quaintance with Lionel Sewell, or what
ever bis name Is, shall at once. Is-come a
purely formal ono. Forgive my
tirade, my darling, but ynu do not know
tho agony of mind I endure thinking of
you oil pleoMirliig with a guy, handsome.
fascinating mini, while I plod hero ut
"April 17, 18H5
"Dkak Lot'lsE Your letter requesting
an Immediate dropping of my acquaintance
with Anita Memlng Is absurd and Insult
lug. She Is my sister's guest and will ls
during all thn winter. I shall do what I
can for her entertainment. I have told
you that I love you. 1 havn asked you to
marry inn. louhavu no right to doiiht
my devotion nml loyalty. If your letter
was meant as a retaliatory step because of
my attitude toward thu Englishman, I
think It eitnunely liad taste. Now,
dear, let us have done with folly."
"May ia, 1SU5.
"There Is but ono Interpretation to put
upon your refusal to comply with my very
natural wish. You do m . care to oblige
mo. You do not love mo. Miss
Fleming Is of oourso still with my sister.
Your attitude toward her Is Hrfcotly un
reasonable. If you find that your alleged
lovo for me lias passed Ixnilse, I
cannot wrltul Come h.nno and let us be
"Juno 4, 1W.V
"So you think that my attitude 'has
been una of Insulting and unwarrantable
Jisdousyf' That I have 'assumed a dic
tatorship to which you are unwilling to
submit f Permit mu to say that your own
attitude has seemed to mu quite as unrea
sonable; that I regard you as displaying
an Illogical and thoroughly feminine Jeal
ousy. I dure say you never loved me. I
dare say that I was simply ono nf tho vic
tims In your oolleettou nf victims. Of
course since you wish your freedom there
is nothing ror ma to do but to grant it. I
hope tlm t you may never suitor from tickle
nes and falsity as I am suffering now."
"July 1, lS'JS.
"Tho package received. Please ac
knowledge tho receipt of your letters ami
gifts, which I forwarded last wis k, u
soon an ponsllilo." New York World.
As a factor In longevity tho London
Speaker calls attention to the fact that
those HHjple who have beeu accnsioiued to
the continued disciplinary use of their
bruins dally, and who have thus placed
their nerve power under a highly deve loicd
conditlou of constitutional training, are
Stiahlcd by thiwe very inivtus to wcaHi the
i iv-dled early decay, and to avoid those
alarming aocldente to health from which
o many apparently healthy men succumb.
lVople who use thulr brains and observe
ordinary hyglenlo care of their bodies re
sist diseases In the first place, ami when
they are actually 111 they prolong their
Uvea or recuperate sooner than do thie
who have lived Icm IntelUvtual live. Thus
there Is given a new force to the avscrttou
that you may kill a man with anxiety verv
quickljr, but it Isdinicult to nil him with
work. Whether tho brain can actually
give power to the muscles U not certain,
though the nuormous Mrengtb sometluics
developed In a but rally looks very much
use it. That It can materially affect vi
tality Is quite certain and has Invn ac
knowledged by the experlenixsl In all ages.
So It Wu,
Mrs. Sublirll 1 thoimhi vnti O
tho little boy ueit dxr who was making
all the uolwf
Utile Johnnie So It wiu. m T wu
hitting him with a stick. Lvudou Tit-
Ilvman Abrahams, ex-colhvtor
of customs at I'ortland. died in
that city yesterday from heart
failure. He w.h a prominent eiti
sen and was known all over the
state. He leaves a wife and one
daughter, Mrs. Samuel Goldsmith.
For Hunt A comfortable rrsb
deuce w ithiu I hive blocks of the butl-
hws portiou f town, ou easy terms.
Apply at this office.
A few boots left
yet at a big re
duction. Just The Thing
You Want
For Plowing.
Y Oil AN & SON
The Shoe Dealers.
Hazel I tell Items.
Lanza Winfrey, John MeClnne and
Itoy Wlleox spent Sunday at Mr IK
ben's. Miss Daisy (irav It visiting at
Hpringlli-ld lliis week.
Mm 1'engra la staying; with Mrs
Mr (Jiistleiuaii, the widower, was out
sleigh riding; and buying oats Inst
Win I'etigra has returned to Spring
field after a few diys' i-it at Mrs
Talk of wur Is strong. I'.ovs, don't
The second day of the montli was
school meeting. All those present
were I bos Met lane, Mr Wrny, Walter
Hummer, '.'has Jlebert and Jumes
Aunt Susan Lowell has her fencing
nearly completed.
('has McClitne has I sen losing some
of bis cattle.
Willie Hubert is visiting Karl
James Mellek talks of going east of
the mountains.
James Sanford is Ruing below In a
few days.
Crrswell Casualties.
March pi, lsiHi.
Miss Llllie Kcolt went lo thu county
seat Wednesday.
Frank Wilson Is down from Itowe
Iiiver putting In some grain.
Cbns Mittan leaves this morning for
Sherman county to herd sheep for
V es iveisuy,
Mr Utilities and family moved to
theli prune ranch near C'loverdalv this
H A Hulin, of Harriahurg, has
moved his Htock of drugs, stationery,
etc, to this place and has fitted up a
neat drug store in the Searbrougli
building. This Is an enterprise long
nevded In this place.
Judge Milier has a llrst-class meal
market alaiut completed next door to
Kobiuett's pegging awl suidio. The
so ii I re w.ll dispense law and steaks
after the tuest approved style, being
pmtlcietil In tsith I'ltllings.
James Law, of Itacbelor's Hall,
while busying himself w ith bis itxik
Icg Monday evening, HtooM'd down
mar tin stove and in some way over
turned a vensel full of hot apple butter
which struck him on the head, burn
ing him severely.
and everythina else in
proportion at
Is is What Ton Cud See at lv Store
Gold and Silver Belts.
The Latest Buttons
L-r b: ovvurt i n O.
The Newest Kid Gloves in Butter Color,
and all New Shades-Button and Hooks.
fancy r.n i nRrnwriQc T.ani i. ..
My stock is better than ever. Our SHOE
DEPARTMENT is Complete-Ladies Oxfordstc!
fcirWe will tell your more Inter. p" DUNN
To the Citizens
Avaiii wo ak vou to luiv
and pood a, forvlKn made. " " 1 lu'aP
V,. have for tli m' year, and will f,.r this war, sell vou Hm. M. I . ...
ware l-hea-rThan An.v IVul. r inl.aneCi.untv. m . L ,Z L , iT . ? U."
I.y. and our tinners buy their living h : i v' , Zv
g-aab. In llardwarv and S,ov w,- are vvi.l, , w,:,.;;
Ibatikinir yuu for il favors, we nk a iMininnaiuv f vn,.. .
in the O.lvl Fellows building . ,.,H.,ite lii AKI) olli.v J0Ur Pft,r"ge-
fiiifiii'e am
7th and Willamette Streets.
No'ics of Primary Election.
Xoib-c is hereby given that on the
21st dav of March, 1SJ, between the
hours of 1 o'clock p m and P ' of
said day a primary electloii will be
held in South Eugene No 1, South
Kugene No 2, North Kugene No 1, and
North Kugene No 2, for the puryose of
electing delegates to the Democratic
County Convention to be held in Eu
gene on Tuesday, April 7, lVJti.
The polling place ill houtn r.ugroE
vrM! lift 1 . will he at the Rowland
Hhopou Eleventh street, in said .South
Eugene precinct No 2. anil ft u r
ton. Svdnev Scott, anil J P Itaiiisey
will I the Judges of said election.
The lulling place In boutll Eugene
Vo2. will lie In Coleman's building,
corner 8tu aud Olive streets, upstairs,
and thejudges will be Ashley Mevens,
Edrls Matloek and Wid
The nollliiiri.hice lii North Eugene
tireeinet No 1 will be ill the City Hall
and J W Cherry. O W Kiusey and
tieorge Crouer will be the Judges of
sb id election.
Tlie nodinir nlace in North Eugeuc
precinct No 2 will be the McFarland
buildinir on the North side or win
street, between Charnelton and Olive
streets and the judges will t Oeo A
Dorris W li Andrews and M hWalim.
Tlie lnunber of delegates to lie elected
at s i ll primary elect ion as llxeil by
(be eoniitv cenlral cnmiiiiltee is a
follow s:
Soulli Eugene No 1 3
South Eugene No 2 3
North Eugene No 1 3
North Eugene No 2 3
Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 10th
day of March, 1S!)0.
F. C. Maiteson,
Secretary Deni. Co. Ceil. Com.
I'nltj Items.
Mr Clyde Warner is walking very
circumspect these days. He has a
boil on the bnck of his neck.
Mr Wesley Neet and Miss Emma
Vratch were married Snniluv at the
home of the parents of the bride, Uev
Miller olllciating.
A drunken dance at Tayeti led in a
row. A man by the name of Adam
son and Jrss McOee got into a quarrel
and ended in a knock-down for which
Met ie was arrested bv Constable Mat-
tenon. His trial was set for Monday
but when the time for the trial came
he was not on hand.
Mr Sam Shires Is banking logs for
air a j iteniro.
The Indebtedness tax law is an op
pre-sion. We think the delegates
from the several precincts ought to Is?
instructed to vote for men that
would pledge themselves to repeal the
same, which Is a burden to the poor.
What do you think about it?
Kev Wolf has closed a two weeks'
meeting at this place with very gooo
M E quarterly conference ut this
place May 1st and 2ud. Elder Jones
will preside.
.Miller lilaekl.urn will move to
Springfield this week.
Mr J II Merrlman will teach school
at this place; M E Edward will teach
the Whimberry school.
Mr Fuller, ( Eiurene. is on Fall
Creek sealing logs this week for the
hugene Lumlier Company.
Mrs A I) Hyland is visiting her
uaiigiiier, Mrs Warner this werk.
La:it Saturday in Spokane a citizen
there set a good example. W H Mann
a liromitient insurance man. wn
awakened early In the morning by a
eurginr in nis room. He drew a re
volver tmm lieneath bis bed and fired
at th" Intruder. The mid
nut of the w indow, ran about 1(H) yards
and fell dead. Mann savs he tired but
mice, but the roMar is perforated by
two bullet wounds, either ot which
would prove fatal. One Is through the
breast, the other in the head. The
tlivorv la tliut u-lmn II.a o..I.I.. i...
j -- ... .. ... ...o lnuiTI ivu ut-
sent a through his head from bis
owu revolver.
for Trimminqs.
of Lane County.
H.nno fn.i. o-....i ,:r v .
hu until wre certain that the Style. M..., .
Vkiy??.2w-"rch until we duJoorwt n.ercha.fdiJf Jjl .d
.. . .,. i i.. i. Ulf.
Consumers should oo iiKewiao. - yoll ,
where "ivle, Material and l'rleea are rlght-wa are certain yu wii,
We adverll-e what we have to advertlae; never exaggerate about (;
tru.bfully-thenstop. W. ..-..bowing
Ofllich Fabrlw, Stutt. of Mohair, Woraled and 811k CoiHMn,,, x
tlm f Curious and fapilvatlng weave. Plain Fabrics and Plaid. Ri fc
j di.:. Mnhslra. ' 0IC4
orocaaes ano nn ..-
Cilk i:xM'i-ite Faneiea fur Watota. Unique Combination, of folr.
&l iiiL-s and Nripea. Manv beautllul weave, are p(.ainK le'
for your insa-etlon. We havo all the pretty thlug. in trilll.
miiit!-1!'",,liful cPttn8lt', BDd Jt'u-
Batist Galoon Laces, Fancy Valancenes Laces in color,,
Black, Striped and Figured Velvet., Set. ol Buckle, and Buttons.
A visit to our store and through the varlou. department, will reveal u,,
Qurln that A thnnaand ll..A. .. '
a display of btauinui uiiiiks
'.....;.i..r M.ia norannal Invitation
this opening brings out. Make our
place; your shopping p!ace.
Our Spring Capes will arrive next
1 M &
Outfit consists of Double Breasted Jacket, two pair of
Pants and Straw Hat
Euqene, - -
U.. -
1 VA V yu th '
J)7 Kllj - piirrl
j mill UICMMI
IyJSfy eL-Jl
'unlclnluito,ori'g.,brllENUISU.SoN A
For you rv
Seas arael
p offee,
-go To-
Highest Market Pries Paid for
Hides and Produce.
Muiical Merch.ndls.. Ban Initrummtl' Shtet
il:,.!rMwn lUmlln, A. B. Chase
W.h cr.nuoil.iTl. s.biiKMkla. '
North Room. Ch rlsman Block, Eugn,0r.
li. W . KlNHKY
N. E, Markliy.
Kinsey & Markley,
. i'ii' nmcrcll nj l'wbic Bu.lncs a Speo
i H wlnChrUman Blwk.
Wholesale Commission Merchant.
San Francisco, Cal.
We IJ the higher matkn price for
Wheat, Barley, Oats.Potatoes.
Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool
It til .sT Ton to wrlie m .n,) keep po,,,,,
I, A D Jj Do von ENOW
u i i u ii i n
r --. i, u i pt, i m y
uhi cr- un th mr. 1' nf snd r.
- uouia not J
for you to call and Me the ehni.-.. .
- ... With'
tore your meeting place; your f,
we k
Not a
to figure the saving li
Clothing see the prices
try its wearing qualities
and figure the thing out
for yourself
- Oregon,!
1 I
amit Uemrdy cun qu-' Pf,'f
.(.....A V..i.t m VllulltV. AUUMW
eTr'"'" "r rtc'rt Conlaui no opiiei.
DM HO f P. AlAKPSino pninainu Miny ' '''"
Kft1ir rnrrlfrt In vt ptckt. I pr doxi o ir Tfcw
pnld, irtth a written peininfra ormmrefwikA.
. 1 m .ZnA nl.lit runner With ttltD08' m
- i1lnT.tpiclift
-,. -f lli nrrmiilfoHM.l. HV'JS
LYNN.andbrONUL'UN & DolAiO,Wl
Dav Sl Hendersoni Undertaker w
Emualmers. Cor Wil. and mia
for Sale bj All
M.JU.,...l.ti.- --
. An agreeable laxative .nd rVjA
Bold by Druggist or ecnt by.malr"
and $1.00 per package. Pamples trJ
Sola bynunderson Linn.
. ...,. ro iithis sit.
UaifMttfl. "
Notice ia hereby giten that J lbJ
iRDed haa been by the county w
Lsne coantj appointed executrix rf
lists of Peter Bnney,
per-ons baYing clainn .A-u!
are hereby reqnented to present tn j ,
me at bit home ia Lane oonntvor .
Skipworth at his office infSJ
erified, within lis months 110
of this notice. . , .
D.,.d.tEngene,Or FeUmh.;
Executrix of
E B Skipwobth. Atty lor the et'
Mli I. V V,- tbl J "
k'r, exreotor of the estate ol Jon- ,
deceased, has filed his final 4
mailer of aaid . .late, with the rooarj
of Lane county, Oreeon. andM '
6ihdayof April, 18SI6, at th
o'clock p m ol aaid day has j
order of Mid eonrt as the ""'H
conrt house in aaid eoooty a K
the hearing of objeclioni 'iJb
and for the final aetthoieol
Vlliv u uc.rur K . . l. MDir
Druggists- j
r xi r. -rm m t
D.led this 29lh day l"f
BrLYIL t Yocao,
au.ti,iri,.o0!B I,UT.U ,M Ml.