The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 2

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euoene crrr. oreqon.
la laUra.tlag Oallaetlaa eMteau Vreai
the Twe HtBlipkint rnmM la a
Cm4um4 forav-A Large Aaiaaat
f lafanaaUoa la a Small Spaee.
Mstt McOutre and Jaoob Henke,
miners, were Instantly killed by an
explosion of powder la their oabin near
Sheridan, Mont
The date for the execution of H. H.
ilolmea, the oonricted murderer, hat
been fixed by Governor Hastings of
reunsyivania tor Thursday, Msy 7.
A terrible conflagration raged for
twenty-four hour at Aaperen, Booth
Holland. Several ohnrohea, the post
offloe and fifty buildings were de
stroyed. The blcyole sqnad has proved satis
factory beyond anticipation, and when
spring oomes all New York's asphalt
streets will be patrolled by polioetnen
on wheels.
President Cleveland has approved
the bill granting the right of way to
the Colombia A Ked Mountain Rail
road Company through the Colville
resorption, Washington.
In London the young radios Is bare
broken ont In revolt against the policy
of the leaders of their party. The dual
leadership between Lord Koaeberry and
Sir William Vernon Uarooort is the
source of dispute.
MiLlster Tsylor has refused the
resigusitons of Spaniards acting as
United btatee oonsula when they were
written in Spanish, on the ground that
that language la not the offloial lan
guage of the United States.
The French historical society has
plsoed tablet on the house which
Uenjamin Franklin oooopiei in 1770,
at Passy, France. Two members of
the society eulogised Franklin, refer
ring to bis career as a scientist.
Firs destroyed the Ilannan block and
damaged property to the extent
100,000 in Johnstown, Fa. The
wildest scenes witnessed since the ter
Hble flood of loHtf prevailed. Several
firemen were injured by falling walla.
Undergraduates of Prlnoeton oollege
ournea in euigy tbe king of Bps In in
demonstration in whioh several bun
dred took part The flag of Spain was
araggea tbroogh the main street, snd
later was torn to pieoes in thsoenter
of the campus.
Letters written by Mayor Sutro, of
San Frauolaoo, to oongreaamen suent
the funding bill, have been seised by
the postoffloe authorities. Tbelr ob
jection is that the envelopes bear the
inscription, Uuntiugtou would not
steal a red hot stove."
The oharge d'affaires of the United
States embassy in Berlin. J. 11. Jack
sou, has bad several meetings recently
witn tne authorities in regard to the
lnauranoe matter, and they have Drum
ieed to expedite re examination in the
case of the American oompanioa.
Senator Mitchell of Oregon has been
oonsultiug with the war department
oonoeruing an emergency awropria
tlon for the Cascade looks, to make the
locks secure so they can be early opened
fur navigation. lie will Introduce a
Joint resolution for such amount as the
war department reoommende, so that it
may be Immediately adopted.
Admiral Kichard W. Meade, in
lecture on "The Caribbean Sea," said
that in oase of trouble between the
United States and Ureat Britain over
Veuesuela, the first shot fired in anger
will sound the death knell of the lint
tun empire. Discussing the Cuban
question, he said that Cuba should bear
the same relation to Spain that Canada
Dears to the British empire.
Aotors ill Long and John West
lougbt a duel after the close of a per
... It : ...
iwuiuin at iuariun, in a. bong was
fatally wounded. The men are mem
bers of the "O'Uouligan's Masquerade
tympany, and after a roughaudtum
bis fight in West's dressing room, se
cured ptatois and met on the stage.
In the volley whioh followed Long re
ceived two Duuete. West was nuhurt
buprems Chancellor Ritchie, of the
tinignt or J-ythlas has issued a proc
lamation that the supreme lodge will
meet in Clevelsnd, O., August 18,
and saying that, if satisfactory arrange-
menu can oe made with the railroads,
the encampment of the military branch
of the order may be held there. The
centennial or Cleveland is to be com
memorated in August, and, if possible,
arrangements will be made to secure
the camp vacated by the Ohio National
Guard for the Knights of Pythias.
John liays Hammond, the American
mining engineer under bail at Johan
nesburg, awaiting trial on a charge of
treason, has cabled Secretary Olney as
iuuowa: rieaas reoord my apprecia
tion of Consul Mancon's efforts in my
behalf. lis bss shown wisdom and
good Judgment, rendering me a great
wtiob. i am well treated by the gov
arnment The preliminary trial will
begin aoon. I have no fear of the
Ultimate result, aa I am innocent of at
tempting to overthrow the government,
aiwougo participating in the revolu
tionary movement"
A letter from San Carlos. A. T
states that Inspector McCormiok, of the
interior Department, la now Draetio
ally done with his taak of securing by
treaty, from the Apaches of the White
Mountain reservation, segregation of
ins noted Deer Creek coal fields. The
Indians hare agreed to have an area of
land cut off the reservation covering
all the Deer creek coal fielde. and any
other land on which a ooal formation
an be traced. The Indians will rami.
the proceeds of sale of ooal lands as
collected under the existing laws.
J. R. Bartlett, president of the Nica
ragua Canal Construction Company,
oonflrms the report that negottatlone
are in progress for a fusion of the
Psnama and Nicaragua oompanlea.
The scheme, however, his not vet aa. !
eared the oonsiderasoln of their reepeo.
tive boarda The consolidation of in
terests is regarded with great favor in
banking orioles la Europe, and, it la
understood in Amerioa aa tending to
remove us rivalry between tha inter'
esta, and the governments are also be
lieved to be friendly to tha proposed
oomninaiion. it is believed that
Anglo-French-American syndicate for
oanal-bulldlng is being formed, but the
details are withheld.
The Commercial and Ssvinga bank,
ot Dan Jose, CaL, has closed its doors.
The depositors, it is said, will be paid
in mil.
Fire destroyed a block of ten booses
in Pituborg, Pa., rendering ten fam
ilies homeless, and causing a loss of
The defenses at Eaquimalt, B. C, are
again being strengthened. Seven new
besvy breech-loading gons hsvs just
arrived rrom England.
roar men were killed and one in
jured by the blowing up of an engine
on tne Delaware, Susquehanna ft
Schuylkill railroad at Gam Ron, Pa.
The oollapse of the rear of a frame
factory building in Chicago resulted
In seriously Injuring five persons snd
nearly 100 others had narrow escapee.
There hsva been floods In the Alpine
aistnots or the Tyrol and in Bohemia.
with avalanobes and landslides on the
railways. It is feared that many lives
nave neen lost
A project is on foot in Vsnoouver,
any 1 1 riL i-i-r. r inirvi.ii h,b uii -a . v.
XAJ"' "AttilLliiDnri,
ml More Thaa Oaearal later.
I Davaleaaieal aae tngtrnt la
all ladutrUa-Oreaoa.
Mslheur has a school distrlot named
"Fighting Seven."
The Bandon broom-handle factory
has started up again.
Sheepmen of Grant oouaty are taking
their sheep to the bill.
A Umatilla reservation farmer will
have 1,600 acres in grain this year.
Two eagles were oaaght In a trap set
STATES du,rlbn,lo b farmers for poison-
ua "iuuivit,
The general opnion in Eastern Wash
ington is that the recent cold snap did
no damage other than slightly injuring
fruit trees that were far advanced.
Colonel L. 8. Hewlett, commissioner
of arid lands, has gone to Washing
ton, D. C, where be will endeavor to
seours tha pssssgeof a bill granting tha
government arid lands outright to tha
Then will apparently be almost as
great a rush to tha Na Peroe reserve
tlon this spring as there wss last fslL
Many will return to their claims, and
others will go in tha hops of finding
homes or work.
In Whitman county during the
month of February there were 14 judg
ments granted, 26 foreclosure actions
brought; nine marriage lioenses issued
six returns, two divorces granted, 28
for ooyotes nesr Grant's Pass last births snd five deaths returned.
Week. I rw4rt riiimlm AA mt hi hnma nn
The public schools in Albany for Chambers prairie, near Olympla of
February had an average attendance of heart complications. He was prom 1
686 snd an enrollment of 608.
The whole oost of assessing Washing
ton county for the year leU6. includ
ing field and offloe work, was only
si, BOO.
Fishermen predlot there will be no
high water in the Columbia this year.
B. C, to hold a ohamplonabin Drofes-1 and anticipate a poor fishing season in
sionsi regatta at the time of the meet- oonsequeuoe.
ing oi we northwest Psoific Assoola- Brownsville is one of the few towns
won oi Amateur uaxsmen. in the state where no citv ta la nald.
nently associated with the early history
of Washington. Sinoe 188 bs had re
sided on his farm east of Olympla,
where be amassed a eonaiderable for
tune fattening stock.
Expert Cation, who was sppolnted
to examine the city official's books of
Walls Walla, has submitted bis report
to the oity. The report is from June
1, 186, snd shows a total deficit of
3,471, divided between the oity treas
urer and two ex-marshals. The short-
In Oakland, CaL, two olhldren, aged That city has decided electric lights are ages, so the report says occurred
10 and 6, were run down by an eleo-
trio oar and Instantly killed. The
children were daughters of Frank K.
uooth, a oommiasiou merohsnt doing
Duainess in Ban frsnolsoo.
President Cleveland held bis first tri
weekly recepiton to the public at the
White House, after a suspension of
nearly two years. About 200 persons
took sdvsntsge of the opportunity to
ansae nands with tha president
In San Frsnoisco 800 painters went
on a strike. They ask for an Increase
of 60 oente a day, making their wagea
13 instead of 1:1.60. The strike wss
not sbsolutely necessary just yet
There la said to be a good prospect
at Astoria for the location of the rail
road depot at Smith's point in case ne-
gotitaions for the Scow bay site faiL
The mill company's boom at Pitta-
burg, in Columbia county, was broken
by a freshet, snd between 160,000 and
200,000 feet of logs went down the
A petition was circulated and signed
in St Helens last week and forwarded
to Senator Mo Bride to be presented to
oongress asking for an appropriation
for the improvement of Soappoose bay.
A man in Brownsville is putting out
through negligenoe on the part of the
oity clerk, who oollected the delin
quent taxes for the msrsbaL
Thousands of acres have been planted
to grain 1 Gsrfield county the past
two weeks, and many farmers are well
nigh through their early seeding, ssys
the Esil Waahingtonian. The ground
Is said to be in excellent condition,
and on the pasture lands the grass bas
been ooming on rapidly. The recent
indications are that this is to be a pro
ductive year, and that the state of
Washington will make such a reoord
In growth and prosperity as will bless
her people with abundance and plenty.
The loggers of Cbehslls county bsve
by tha Painters' union, and
was decided upon some days ago. '
The president has psrdoned Nathan 800 Irnlt tree majority of whioh organised a temporary Loggers Pro
Blum, convicted in Oregon of smni- prunes. Almost seventy varieties tec tire Association. A oommittee
gang and conspiracy, bot whose sen- r ruit are represented, and being was appointed to confer with the mill
tenoe wss suspended, and F. M. Sauls- P'aosd n good soil will doubtless grow men of the harbor and, if possible,
bury, oonricted in Oregon of misusing he an excellent orchard. agree with them in the selection of a
penalty envelopes, and fined 1300. The EmlnHn- H.n.,- u man who would be acceptable to mill
James Duggsn, a well-known citison snd Mining in the Unid States, the men ,nd to1 tot appointment
of Denver and five others have left French syndicate that has been buying government sealer of logs, the inten-
there for tha Alaskan gold flelda Th.lminea in f ..,., ,il "on being to entirely do away with
party will number fifty and they will first psyment on a plaoer claim in the PriT,w wling ot logs, all concerned to
mweym mm uuat IUD ugun III uia aeaier
who may be so sgreed upon.
Theexeoutiva oommittee of the State
Immigration Association has dcedied
to raise $20,000 per year to carry on
tha work. The amount was appor
tioned at follows: King, 1100 per
month; Pierce. $360; Spokane, 1300;
iu " a ouarterea veasei, snd carry
uppuea sumoiont lor a two years' stay,
inoussnds of dollars hsvs been
Burnt river district, a short distance
from the town of Bridgeport
B...1 V. 1 1 i .
filched from, he Chicago iitfUln,!
on the Nebalem beach. Wild oran
berries have grown there for many
years and there la no doubt that, with
urougn a clever scheme oonoooted by
mm mx snsns. in the controller'
omoe snd in the special aaseesinent bu
reao. The steal waa
aoooninllahttrf hi ....1.1...!... i " . I "
lorgtaf plal ajseaawM. u, Whatoom snd Wslla
I w w seassvij vu lV 1 leKTU.
Walla, f 100 eaoh; Thurston. Chehalia.
J. H. Hooston has been buying furs Clark, Skagit, Kittitas. Psoific. Whil
st Klamath Falls for the past three mn nd Yakima, f 50 eaoh; Island
months and is now ready to make one oounry, 826. Tha next meeting of the
of the finest shipments that has ever oommittee will be held In Spokane
been made from Klamath. His lot of shoot the middle of March.
furs consists of martin, mink, wildcat. Prosecuting Attorney Ormibee, of
una ana wager, ana the whole will Walla Walla ooonty. last week secured
bring him in a neat little aom. a benoh warrant in Yakima onnnrr fnr
The Ashland woolen mills are shin- w apprehension of J. K. Edmiston,
I . . I tVl. k n- ... J ... J . . . . .
A dispstoh from Barcelona aava thut
uie mercnania oi that city have avreed
not to aell American Drodnota In an
or Cleveland approving the Cuban be!
llgerency resolutions. Thev have alan
openea a subscription towsrd a fund.
whioh is to be devoted to the nnrehaa
of wsrshlps.
John L. Sullivan and Parson Davies
are preparing to head
plaoe pugiliam on a paying basis sgsln. Pin blankets to San Francisco as fast r06 banker, convicted of receiving de-
Sullivan believes IDOrttHaT mn ihnnM II thtiY CUX1 bft inrntwi nnl A n naw4a. posiu after full knowledge of the in-
orgsnlse sud refuse to cast their ballots for '.000 pairs of vlcons. blankets for ,0,Ten' condition of his bank, and who
icr legislators or oongreaamn hn
wooia not agree to let Driaefihtra im
The disreputable women who infi
Morton street and St Marv'e Plan, in
San Franoisoo, are in a state of terror
on aooount of the murder of two of
their class within a month. Both
wumen were strangled to death In
their rooms, and in both oaaea tha mn.
nerers nave escaped.
Robert Edgren. the well k nown nnl
Toraity nammer-thrower, has broken
the world's reoord for ihmoin. v..
m . i "a
o-puuna nammer. On the Urk)
campus, in Berkeley, CaL, he threw
the missile whioh haa m.H. kin.
famous.' 147 feet and 7 inches. The
woria s reoord wss US feet
The National Armenian relief oom
mlttee of New York will send 10,000
to Constantinople. It is stated by the
oommittee that the distribution of
money is being now made among the
",u,uuui ua at the prwnt time
tne greatest obstacle to the work of re
lief is lack of funds rather tha
.w. rtr
uu vj win aatian.
Delegates from the varinna
olal organisations of San Francisco held
ouuierenoe ss to the tost mean, nf
protecting San Franoisoo's trade with
".ureaa ana other North Paoiflo
i aiu i uruana a oomniii.,n
uu..v-o n anoinitttl til wait
upon the U R. A N. and North rnin
Hwmanip companies, and ak
uikuuhdm meir service between Port.
iana ana fcureka and IntermaHi.t.
Recent advices fullv confirm tha m.
pori oi tne overthrow of the nro-Jao
b'uuibui in lurea and the ea
uouanment of a distinctly Rn.i..
UIUUU7, tne members of the late cabi
o naving. with one exception, been
put to doath with horrible barharit.
i, ---rf.
uauaiuaasm. The form.
a big San Franoisoo firm is now well WM ont 00 uil Pending spplication for
along. A portion of the goods haa been new tri,L anpreme court de-
delivered, and they are so satisfactory sgainst him, but In tha mean-
that the firm desires to increase the iita be hd Bd9 hii herty doubly
order to 8,000 pairs at the aame nrloo. Dy getting acroas the line into
n.. i, . British Colombia. The offense is not
, - oouaiy xor toua extraditable.
oa oeen turned over to the aheriff.
It shows tlie following: State amim Idaha.
snd school Ux, (108,881.28; poll tax, A restoration and increase In pension
2,881; Lebanon poll Ux. IMS: Leb- h" oeea eTanted George F. Lyons, of
anon oity Ux, J5.98; Halsey city Lwijtoa. Nes Peroe ooonty.
Ux, f U3.63; Sodaville city Ux, $98.78; The postoffloe at Leybnrn. Shoahone
Soto oity tag. 139.21; special school oonnty. has been discontinued a ita
Ui. f S.886.18; tnul. 1122.120.98. Of mail hereafter mu.tTn? to Fr.r
the school Ux. Albany'a share will ha . Kr
(3,685. In Fremont and Bingham counties
recently a rabbit drive wss hsd and
It Ma Ba Peatlbls bv Tbs strange
a..ii.aaaa ta ProJaet a SultabU
- r r ' w
Cbaaileal late Anf Part ot lbs Bod
-KOcH aa tbs lobjact.
New York. March 12. The Electrio.
al Review nnbliabes a oommnnioatioD
from Nikola Tesls. describing for the
first time his very interesting expert
menu in radioirrsDbr. The scientific
world has been wsiting an expressioi
of opinion from 31r. Tesla, who li
known to hsva begun his experiments
within an hour after the news of pro
fessor Roentgen's discovery was cabled
to this country.
In connection with Mr. Teela's oom
municaiton. tha Electrical Review
prints two remarkable radiographs.
One of these shows the right shoulder
of a man taken through his clothing,
a plate of glass three-sixteenths of an
inch thick, and two inches ot wood,
This radiograph, wbich was made at a
disunoe of four feet from the souroe of
the X rays, shows the ribs, shoulder
bones and bones of the opper arm.
The other radiograph shows a oopper
wire, bent to form the word Roentgen,
and waa made at a distance of eleven
feet from the wooden side covering the
sensitised plate.
Mr. Tesla also sUtes thst the rare
faction of Crooke's tubes in these ex
perimenta may be increased by electric-
si means to any degree desired, far be.
yond that obtainable by mcbanical sp
plisnoee. This method he describes.
In regard to the nature of the X rays,
be says:
"I sm getting more and more oon
vlnoed that we have to deal with a
stresm of material particles, which
strike the sensitive plate with great
velocity. It is now demonstrated be.
yond any doubt that small meullio ob
jects or bony or chalky deposits can be
infallibly detected in any part of the
Tesla bas secured radiographs show
ing the bony struotureof birds and rab
bits even to the hollow of the bones.
He hat secured a radiograph of a rabbit
after an hour'a exposure in which, not
only every deuil of the skeleton is
visible, but also a dear outline of the
abdominal cavity, location of the lungs,
and the fur are shown. Radiographs
of large birds show the feathers dis
tinctly. In another insunoe, an ex
posure of forty minutes gave radio
graphs of the human skull, showing
clearly not only the outline, bnt the
oavity of the eye, chin, cheek, nasal
bones, the lower jaw and connections to
the npper one, the vertebral column
and connections to the skull, the flesh
and even the hair. Mr. Tesla oontinues
his communication in the following
interesting words:
"By exposing the bead to a powerful
radiation strange effects bsve been
noted. For instance, I find there is
a tendenoy to sleep, snd time seems to
pass swsy quickly. There is a general
soothing effect, and I have felt a sensa
tion of warmth in the opper part of the
head. An assisunt indt nendentlv oon-
uriura me tenaenoy to sleep and a
quick lapse of time. Should these re
markable effects be verified by men
with a keener sense of observation, I
shall still more firmly believe in the
existence of material streams penetrat
ing the vault Thus, it may be pos
sible by these strange appliances to pro
ject a soiuble chemical into anv cart
of the body."
A full supply of early California pro
duce came in on the last steamer. A
carload of bananas from New Or.eans
hss arrived this week. Reoeiptt of
eggs hsva been large, but quoUtions
hsva changed bot little from those of
w,W. Thebntter market is not
so firm, and arrivals of California but
ter will probably bring about a aoonne.
Groceries, provisions, eta, are un
Wbaal MarbeS.
The local market la dull, with no
kr..i.toiia mu!n. and o notations are
nominal at follows: Walla Walla,
60o; Valley, 62 to 63o per bnsheL
From August 1,1895, to March 1, 1896,
shipments of wheat irom roniHuu
amounted to 4,622,868 bushels, worth
ProduM Marbet.
Pinna Pnrtland. Salem. Cascadia and
Davtm. are auoted at 13.15 per barrel;
Ooiddrop, 12.96: tsnowflake. 13.20: Ben
ton county, 3.15: graham, (2.90; super
fine, $2.25.
Oats Oood white are quoteu weaa, a
27c; milling, 28$30cj gray, W(S.
Hol ed oats are quoted as lollows: iag
f4.2596.25; barrels, 4.d0i37-W; cases,
Hat Timothy. $9.00 per ton ; cheat.
i.00; clover, $o(s7j oat, $6(88.60; wheat,
$6.50(38. 60.
Saklsv teed barley, s i. w per ton,
brewing, nominal.
JlULsTcrrs Bran, su.uu; snorts,
$14; middlings, $18(320.00; rye, 66(7i
per cental.
Buttbb Fancy creamery is quoted al
55c; iaucy dairy, 45c; (air to good,
35c ; common, 17c per roll.
roTATOKH rew Uregon, 20(SJUC per
sack; saeets, common, 3',c; Merced,
3i per pound.
Unions Oregon, tw(gwc per saca.
Pooltby Chickens, bens, (3.50 pet
dozen; mixed. $2.503.00 per dozen;
ducks, $3(34 50; geese, $d.00; turkeys,
live, 8(g9c per pound; dressed 11c.
hoos Oregon, Vc per dozen.
L'HKWfi Oregon foil cream, 14(315i
per pound ; hall cream, IBac ; skim, 4(4
6c; Young America, 10(3 lie
TaoricAL i'aoir California lemons,
$3.U0is3.50; choice. $2.50(33.00; Sicily,
o.50; bananas, $1.75(32.50 per bunch;
California navels. $2.50(33.00 per box ;
pineapples, f4(30.0U per dozen.
inq AamnM-r." CEin
1 UKE,
Parmere Mast M..t Coma.,,.,
-Faedln, Potato.. to .... "
atUeallaaaoua Kotaa. U-
Farmera begin to reali .L
must meet the new or,!.?.
We have the mark... . .7 Ul "lnf
must meet the oomnHn..- WorlU:!
what South America, Au'M
India cannot produce for
marketa. They raiae wheat IN
than we can, and they JLH
stock cheaper than we can- ha! ,
better grade, of improved
dairying North AmJiJ 0 M
the Euopean oonntH. 001 ni
Our exporU are now ..n
for high grade beef, Buw
horses and dairy products, and w. ft
a great and growing home tradTf..
own flltiaa. All ... . "ueifl
own oltiea. All
more emctint? than in f 7 n
V4Uoraii'i a
wo must produce superior qajL
be oontent to take sornh nutl
better quality of the high gT.rt.Vl
maturity sort, from good grad.
and pure bred aire.. h. u.
get tha hl,rh oTa a a "u.r,..MJ
- , , - 0-0 wwii Now.
marketed most of them when w?
breeding; and aa to bulla. iwTLT'l
few breeders, and the Western bwlv
are taking all the bull, at bettorTr!
than our farmer, think they cuii
but a. there is no vj7r,-,i
beef animals other than to nTf?
uuid in im i mi m i r, a mirnn
- we get ub,
tha nnlnliar ora nan i...
t - - aa juio mwkji
"tw Ooloa Cnltnr.
The new culture oonsiata
sowing the Med in greenhouss, hu
or elsewhere and then traMpl,,,
the open ground, a. cabbage orw.
plant By selecting the right nZ
ties, there is claimed for thi.
larger yield of better quality uall
less labor than by any other b,J(
TL. .
uw evenu Tinetieg of fr I
ali.ifii.iM Vtt.aaTYARi.Kii.-aU'nihhckLrA 1 ts nriffin that to Ira mall A at.:. . m
vaow j avaiavw vwwava I --am- IHBW VV Uil SAJ LII I RMMJ .1
iVfir otLtWr nsatr. 7 tit Hi ner nrtiiml ' nnltnM V.n a
- W B v mm arww 1 VUlVUlVi aUBJ hUa ATI I1M II llrl Mltlai.
ftrLit-liok(rH. 7(h tmr duzam HmnnLH fir I twa. j. v s al. 8 fTj
Which Then
Th- p.- rw i. .... I " . ' " u
tb- hn. Z", .k" " ,:DI u, l- "bbl w killed in one
"w a Ltinnion i aay,
li!,1!. r)e.)Jnk) ""1 rgon nH A Pto, ted to Jsmes
week for the purpose of . r Pvn. ..i . .V-
Unnton, to be killed for canning. '
buyer made this statement to the Eat i. ... , . .
Oregonian's informant, aavinir ha h.A I ,T. .sIPa "tflority that the
positive order, to proceed at aS rt'.Utah'
oommence finding suitable horses at a
DTioe cheaD enonvh tn 4niifw
ing them. in tbe bur mail servioe
are soon
Orchard, about thirty
The searching nrti. - ZTITT oryan post-
r -w h TV oajB UUk I Ulll im nsajgan rVTTlCkTmmSl In 11 .
to search for D. J. Woodward. ,h. .i. I m" "T. ru.T,"'",wa.
oll.,.f keeper, h. th'e TT 7. twthe
turned, and are of the ooinion that Rlackf. .n aw, ' .
Woodward has periahed in th. .no.. I, "'ZZ vTLT . uruer
of the blue mounulna The Elgin n., n w.n ... - .
searching party found a oalr of
shoea, but whether they belonged to .r' " T on.
car in mo penitenuary lor embeialing
pair or snow
Woodward is not known, thonsh all
indications pointed that wav. I.lttia
doubt now remains that the missing
man has perished. Woodward waa a
Mason in good standing and the order
may institute farther search.
A thrifty dairyman, near Ashland.
al ....
t US I rl mm mm v
" vkauauBjs iiBiii. 1 HA Tittn- I l. a
natemenioMnf .x. i IT" . I lrum ouiier ana cream
. " " a"wumeni to aale of ten oalvea .h. h..
county runaa UaU was tressurerof
the oounty and oashier of a bank which
failed, and in which Van B. DeLash
mutt, of Portland, was one of the prin
cipal owners. County funds were in
tne nana. All exoept (1.600 was re
covered bv the oonntv. H.ll ...
hss figured up whst he has realised on ,or embeaalement for falling to pro
a half-blood Jersey and Durham nn duoe that sum.
in tbe Uat nine years. Ha flnH. th.,
who is belief to hive aIVi' f"U ?
- - i - i ui utw aiiu dot retmr
Thi. ia tha
tual oaah return easily traced, and does MonUD Mining Company for
not include any allowance for the skim (D0W at thu oonoern ia in a
Several rich oopper veins hsva been
discovered east of Dillon, Mont
me annual report of tha Boaton A
o in exile.
ins plan lor the reorganisation of
i;"0 L-lDt L-ah North- milk that during that length of time PrProus condition.
TD KatllWaW lmtMn a.m.. I a V . n I L.. . a V I
contradin rin V.".VZr ZZ .V .! Z000 Th. The melting concern, of Colorado
laanaH i. 11 V V . w" uuw ' 7"" ma and apparently
h-ued. It calls for a foreclosure and a Us valuable as ever as a money-maker
-.w wmpany to oe known aa the
MA..aa UL a 1 1 a .
v .. OUur uine naiiroaa tympany. Wa.hia.toa.
It preserves the h ....
slso the control of . H.v.w'.iTL": xui rains nsva so swollen the
R.i.. a, v xacims tv
I. il!Lf L"a!.M Wh' UdlfflOUlt.
Spilled Oil ob Bar Drtil, Fir.
San Francisco, March 13. Mrs. Ella
Townsend, 33 years old, the wife of O.
rrana lownsend, was fatally burned
today. Her clothing caught fire from
an open stove, and she died tnndrh
Mra. Townsend while filling some oil
lamps, spilled some oil unknowingly
uTer uio iront oi ner dress and then re
turned to tbe kitchen. While busy
auuu mo opeu-rront stove, a Same
spurted out, caught her oil-saturated
dress, and in an instant, she was
msss of fire. She screamed for assist
ance, out none came. Passers by at'
traded by the peculiar odor, hurried
into the house, but instead of tryinir to
put out tne nre, ran out again and to
tne receiving nospital to report the
case. A hospital ambulance was sent
out, but Mrs. Townsend had already
received fatal injuries.
Aa Impodant Sh.rllT,
Moeoow, Idaho, March 1J Gov
ernor McConnell was in Moscow last
week, and left for Boise Sunday. From
Colfax he telegraphed Sheriff Campbell
he had heard rumors that a mob was
organising to take the murderers 8mith
and Gordcn out and hang them, and
.1 iue anerin needed aid. he would
furnish him a regiment to Drotoi h
prisoners; also holding the ahertiv .
spon.ible for the same. Sheriff Camp
bell Immediately sent the following re-
"There haa been no foundation for
your statement The sheriff's office
W i Kn,dncted rigidly ia ordanee
" ine unbounded gall
' " "waing to direct
umoe is no doubt
per pound ; cauliflower, $2.76 per crate,
WOcatl per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 40c
per dozen.
rassu rauiT rears. Winter fiellis.
$1.60 per box; cranbernea, $9 per
barrel; lancy apples, $1M1.76; common.
50(3 75c per box.
Daixo Fruits Apples, evaporated,
bleached, 4yX4c; sun-dried, 3 (tie:
pears, sun and evaporated. 6 (3 tic - plums,
piiifss, (3-k: prunes, a (30 per pound.
Wool Vallev. 10c, per pound j East
ern Oregon, oSc
xiora vuoice, uregon 4(g0c per
pound; medium, neglected.
A'ots Almonds, soft shell, 9011c
per pound; paper shell, 10igl2,c; new
crop California walnuts, soft shell,
ll(3l2,c; standard walnuts, 1213c;
Italian cheenuu, 12, (3 14c; pecan.,
13(3 lcj Urazils, 12J(13c; hiberta,
14(3l5c; peanuts, raw, fancy, b(S7c;
roasted, 10c; hickory nut.. SutlOc: co-
wauuie, voc per aozen.
raovisioNs fcsstern hams, medium,
1131C Der oonnd: hama.
7c; breakfast bacon 1010i.c;
short clear aides, 8,9c; dry 'salt
sides, 7's8c; dried beef hams. 12
(SI Jc; lard, compound, in Una,
lard, pare, in tins, '(S10c; pigs' feet,
8o.,r$3.60; pig.' feet, 40s, '(J.26; kita',
$l.o. Oregon smoked hams, 10J4c per
pound; pickled hams, 8gc; boneieee
hams, 7,c; bacon, 10,Vc; dry salt sides,
bV;lard,5.poundpaiis,74c; 10a. lc:
0OB. ic; tierces, 7c. Country nieate
sell at price, according to grade.
liiDs.-Dry hides, butcher, sound,
per pound, lll;c; dry kip and call
skin, 10(3Uc; culls, 3c lees; salted, 60
lbs and over, 5c; 60 to 60 lbs, 44;ic;
40 and 60. 4c: kin ..l .I-i .V
,10 J Wlta, 4c; calfskin, eound, 3
to 10 os, 6c; green, nnsalted, 1c
ess; culls, l-2c less; sheepskin., .hear
liDRS, 10(3l5c; short wool, 20(430c:
medium, 30(340c; long wool, 60(S70c.
Xt.rehandi.a kfarkai.
91.26vdl.fl0; ho. 2. talis, (2.262.60
ncy, ho.l, flats. $1.76 .86 AJS
JSo. 1. Ij.I1. .1 on. vT a TT"!
tail., (1.90
Bsans Small whit Ka 1 01
und: butter. to.iZiVT?-?,?
. 1 vwu, 4 A-iina,
CoanAos Manilla rope, 1-inch U
quoted at 8.c anH si..iTj .ncn
dry granulated. 6?.c: nh- .'i '7-CJ
r , pound . 0 M oonnd
unt0'f grades ioi promptS
half barrel., itC mon Urrela!
maple sugar. 16 t 1p ZTj Drreu.
a"r08K.22(!J23Sicj Rio, 20
(Sc; Salvador, 21 m 22c" i.h.
7m to -Sri : T 306 ! r1ni bang
MsArfr l-. 23(S26c; Ar?
ckle s Mokaska and Lion. fi sn' 7L
Taker la by far the best snd 7
trativeo of any of the varieties ma
wetwi. Ania variety resembla fa
large Bermudas.
The seed may be sown from tinai
die of February to the middls a
iuarou, auu tne eanspianting im
when the soil will permit Tht plm
are Uken up by loosening tbs aotln.
uerwem nnt wiu a trowel or aid
By trimming off parts of the toptui
roots we are enabled to set pUnum
rapiaiy ana oetter. Do not mi
severely, but with a bunch of pluiu
one hand and with a aingle itroni
the knife we take off Just enough of to
top so that the plant will stand an
wnen aet, and at another stroke snoui
sprangly roots are taken off so that vi
canaomuon better work. To settbi
plant, a round .tick about an lncbn
diameter, aharpened to. ooint i
wera the purpose very welL With it
make two or three strokes to snob ph
First, a straight hole, into whidat
plant i. placed and held with tktf
hand. A second time the dibtsia
serted, about an inoh from thM
pointed toward tbe plant st itt,
and then pushed toward tbs pluvu
compacting the soil about the n
then another light stroke to fill npt
hole. When properly set, plana
not be pulled out by the topi Alas
set the plants when the soil in mom
By this new method of ooltivstuf,
say. an Eeastern paper, is avoided m
most tedious part of the cultinnn,
that of the first two weedings, and not
of the cultivating is done with tk
wheel hoe. Aim to cultivate with tbs
every week or ten day.. On. tharosri
weeding by band ought to suffice. Oh
of the best tool, for thi. work is aoold
table. knife. What hoeing is neoetaij
after thi. i. usually done with s ut-
row-bladed hoe.
1.1 j .
14 21 Ml fu.. 1 .
Pan. $4.00(44 h '
d- .
Coal .t..i. . j ,
secured by (1S.000.0OO eoll.t.r.1
1 m aw r.M (. a . . u. . . , h . . .
ui nw coon 1.1 n a f vn.. I w-t oummenoM nn
paoy paying tne aaseaament upon the a,uoai obarch building st Chinook,
An attempt was made to m-w .v.
Union PaoiUo, Butte dt Salt Lake ...
press one mile from Pucaiello, ldaha
nuenwiuina abort di.unoe of the
last switch. Engineer Andrews saw a
man throw the switch and run away.
The engineer immediately reversed his
ine train left tbe track, but
lortunateiy tne oars remained upright,
and no one was injured. There ia a
dp JSU at this point, and. had th.
train not been promptly stopped, it
would hsva daahed down the steep
grade. So motive la known for the
and it necessary to draw on the lead
mines rrom .Montana and Briti.h
lumbia for the majority of this class of
ore and there are a number of ahlp
ments reported eaoh week.
The hills around the Rabbit district
are full of prospector, and a number
of very good disooveries hare already
been made. The snow ia fast diaap-
Paoiflo oounty. peering. Several new oopper die-
I rmiwaartaaai PI ta x-aaKaa a.J. J t.
Th. firemen of W.ll. Wallah... Ha. i t"
tlT1i,0..niM Wm! "T" . blch give good indication, for"
r sviMuauucui HI Dd ntUil ill I nTOTintf TtklmaKlas
A ijadtotte from Batt bu Ukn nn
AA AAA I 1 1
vv.wv miners inone. or wster from
th. Msdison river three miles east of
rtea mun wblcn they propoee to utilise
in generating electric power for vari
ous usee in tbe different cities of Mon
Una, and especially Butte. The pa
pers hare all been filed with the proper
authority and it is aald that fully
4)4 AAA V. a . I
rvinmK.a. a.,nn,. , , . -,wv wm w viaoa urn imnmr
The Seattle cspiulisu who ara nnt.
ting in chlorlnation work, nn th.
Upper Cle-Klum ara movina- ta th.t.
The Waahington aoademy at Colville,
baa Just closed ia seoond tens The
people are much grail Sod at the success
01 mis sea 001
surprising to thn.
unscquainted with you. Obev th. i.
tnctiou you gave Grover Cleveland
- mind your own businees'-and here
after keep your nose strictly ont of my
ffaira. Fran, CampbeU j, .riff of
Tha Moaadnork'a Trial.
Francisco, March ia. The
defense vm1 iu.j i ..
, . . ... ' ".uuw;. uje
keel of which ws. Uid at Mare 1. land
oavy.yard twentr-on. .
her first appearance in San ftSnoiaw
harlxw today. Sh, was on her trS
run. having been mad.
th. n.- . . ,ur at
j ' . u a lew n.r. . -
uw-ra iTDa rt h..
00a st
She is
2 XTfir'te ' w.,
pound. are beef, 4(350 per
McrroM-Groes, best .heep. wether.
l2-6 ewes, $l.50ii2.2S- ,13 i er"'
ton. 4V per pound. ' dfeMed mut-
J 'mM' 8 8
S(te per pound. ,6-6!
Flops Net ra.h . ..
tras, $4.00( per barrel- hi? T. '
tras. $3.803.0: snn?i'
BA.L.Y-Feed. L10- ,1 t4e ; brewing. seCc ' ' w :
heavily armored, and carries four heTv,
(tune, with a strong batt,r, ,
is rstod well up with the MontereT
snd the two could easily "1'
thing now in the Pacifil "y
Allentown Pa., M.h IJ.-Fidei
"w' "a it. a member of the an.
lect eouncil of thi. city, shot hi?;
dead while she .lp, mornmg, j
For more than a w.v -r. .a
bn Offering front inmni. I
thocgh he wa. temporarily tne.0,. j
m; fancy feed, 77."'
choice, 70,i7v7l)o'; M: goo,
banks, oregon,:1-; Bar-
w((Hic per sack
choi,n!PnnK. light and
Shore t.h.'fi.!,7 do-. ?8o. Fall
al do, Taac- a.'P''.s;
4mouf.&d coast,
wnds! leifl K WvSlOr;
common to gwrf 9iU, L
- 1112VeS:-J12ai4:i
MTha A -! "
Is vary thin fo, 1.. ii? ln l orse
Feeding Potatoci.
One of our experiment stationing
that for dairy stock it it doubtfa
when foods ara aa cheap as they tnt
present, whether it would pay tofts'
very large quantities of potatoes, I
oause a dairy ration neoesiarilr
quires more protein than a fatKsiaf
Potatoes cannot be fed to yonnf uri
nals aa safely a. to more msturtoM
If fed too large quantities they
tendenoy to prematurely fatten ttat1,
mal and build up a lighter frame fc
With more mature animals, when tto
fattening period i. largely a pria
the addition of fat to tbe body, the po
tatoes oan then be fed to tdTsnui
and mora eoonomicallv. In the to"
lug of large quantities of potatoes,
mora should be fed than th. tninu"
oan oomfortably dispose of in one sty
In one of the digestion trials, wbentsi
pounds of potatoes per day were offer
the Diff refnaad .Knnt half of thK
I when only nine pound, were off"
there were none left over. Rolling
j potatoes in the grain was found to
another way of enooursging s l
amount to be eaten. It is imponiW
to state at the present time, tbe sen
money value of potatoes in the prod
tion of pork and beet. When tti
proper combinations potatoes wi
without doubt, yield a larger rw
than their present market pri "
about ten cent, pej busheL
Young animala ahould be wstchsi
and attended to with as much csis
any crop on the farm receives, but s
alway. are.
For perfectly hardy annuals, the br
Plan is to sow them late in thesutun
or, at least, very early in the PriB'J"
the aeeds are not in the ground below
April you ran the risk of seeing ti
lower very late and very badly.
It is claimed by writers in the
thst it costs one cent to produoeant
On the farm in tha West, a r"
ys. it is not believed that ?
more than half aa much, which wos
afford a profit at the lowest
12 , , I Allowance must be made for cli
ner-' i Por tanoe, a crop doing eU A
and rather stiff soil In tne
night require a warm and rather hp
oil in the North, and vice
In the quantity of seed different
nd looaitiea requira diffsrsnl Btr
titisa of seed.
J -