The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 21, 1896, Image 10

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B...V'I.V a
; L
for Infants and Children.
" Caatorla I ao well adapt! to ehlUrMi that
I reromiMDiI It u mipedor Wany ps-acr1itk.n
known to r." L A. Aamra, M. V.,
Ill So. Oxford Urobkln, N. Y.
"Tb UM of 'Caatorla b so unite I awl
lu moriu o well known that It aw-ina a wurk
d (ierroration to rml.rK It low ar. th
InU-llijTnt famUU-a wLa do But ktcp Caatorla
llbla aaay roach."
Ctau lUim, p. D
how York City.
Caatorla m C.IU Ooatlpailnn,
Kour Honuw-h, Irtarrti', rruc-tation,
Ki Worm, riiM alaeit -t I
WlUwui U.Jurinu meditation.
"For n-mal yr I frm'"t" ' (Wort,' mi l aiiall alwaya conllr. t--du
. aa It h lu.arUUjr (irwluwd bene..
r.nwm r. runs. M. T,
IXlb 6Ueut am Ave., Now York CT.y
Ta CnrrarB Coarairr, 77 JIituut rVraun-, hrw You Cm
W.I.BSO". 1.0. MINE. . W.08BURN.
reili.nt. Vic Pr.HHnt. Caahur.
Eugene Loan and Savings
Of Eugene, -
DlRICTORR-D. A. I'slne, J. B. Harris, J. K.
Oafla, H. I). I'ahi.. w. K. Hrowu, i. .
Uotiluaou, K. W. (Mtturn.
Pall Up Casual, : $50,000.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
liilercat allowed on time dcpoalU.
(.-olt.ailnn entrusted to our car will recoWl
ronpt attention.
Caked & Inflamed Udderc
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle.
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jii.fy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Muittang Unlme.itconn.teri
MaWes run or Oeaat well
nio rArCn AatMtiaini Aionc. m ud
a. Mfirhaiila I lohano-, Sau Ktanclaen, CI
whr ooulrmau lot aitrvrtlaln. ean k tnada
Th attt
Mlnrr He-
itui. is
h most
dlvov.rf of
I'M am It
baa hn rn
ItNt men of and
A m-Tlr.
Jon.., Wp
or ih ii i .
rnrx In 'JO
era. i iirtw
'l Ui. r
ni'l otb.t
li ta.
au4 lour. Ut.
Hutfyan rnrt
l'ab lllljr,
ut rmtorra
MANHOOD .Vjf,,,;;
jnloklT. Ot t(W firlt. ai'Vwaameiila.
pivuutumi mean. lxnnm'nf tu ll. flrvt
Urn. II la a rtnimim ol arailnal minia
nJ trrrnnri. It oaa bo aR tJ In Wdajrl
bj iho uaaof HikIvm.
Tb ar (lmiyni t th Bprlal.
laUoihonM (Vmmi.Nu.tM IlKllcaJ Intliluta.
ll ta lh mim'tvt liaa-r B aJ. Ii m Tory
pimarfVil, but baimltaa. KM Ar II OK a rit
aw larliot l ti.Oui4a)naalrd Ixtaat.
Wrliun ruarauiv iclTra cum, If you hoy
Mi iK-ixaiid arw l . a rntlrt.y cured, ail uiura
will tarui to y. rnviafailrharrra,
fc-i1f.r r1rru'arriit l.ilrmii(;a. A VlMta)
JaaUwaiatM.toB, Tlark.ri A luilalta,
frame taras
The eftuto of the Ute JMgr
WiNon Nye, the liutnoriHt, U aui'l
to (inure up between fjO.OOl) ami
G0.000. ii)i:ome in uaitl t
have been t-"0,000 a year, iro n hU
ni.'wpaiMfr tketchcH, but ti.U i
Henry C. IJowcn, of Iirocklyn,
N. Y., editor of tlie Jndepeident,
died otfod 82. He was exiellcd
from l'lyramith church at tin- time
ol the Iiecchi r trial because ho pro
fessed to have evidence of Mr.
Iteceher'a- guilt and refused to din
close it.
Ki-I'rc-ident Harr'mon and Mrs.
Murv Hentt Lord Diminiclc will be
murried on Knitter Monday, April
Gth, at Ht. Thomaa's Trotestant
Kpiscopal churcli, ew lorn city.
Itinaaid that Mr. Harrison will
devote hia time to literary work,
whicri is more congenial anu proni
able than law.
The great Li Hung Chang of
China is coming to tins country on
his way batik from Uuisiu to Tien
Tuin in M.iv. He has been ap
pointed to represent tho emperor of
China at the coruintioii of the
Kuesian czar.
Ily tho time our United States
eenaioru finish their ecehes the
Cubuu r will likely be over.
The republican papers are nuk
ing a very hard fight for Her
mann's ncalp. Will they get it?
The Albany Democrat is author
ity fur the Interne nt that you car
now buy a suit of clothes for f 10
that a lew years ago would cost
f-0. The statement is literally
Every democrat should attend
the iiominutint? convention lor pri
uiiiry delegates at tho court houne
Ipmorrow evening, the way to win
is to seo that good men are pclcctcd
at the primaries.
Tho United states Senato is in
deed a house of lords when it taken
o33 employes to wait UMn the 90
senators; nearly lour servants tor
each senator, this small army
costs about half a million dollars
A Brooklyn preacher lias dis
covered the scriptures prophesy the
Roentgen cathorde rays in these
words: "There is nothing covered
that shall not be revealed, and hid
that shall not be known."
In 1S92 tho electoral vote lor
president flood: Democrat 277,
republican 1 15, populist 22. It is
estimated by tho Omaha World
Herald that in the next el otion
2-5 votes would he for bimetalism,
and 222 for gold.
Tho Kentucky legislature has
adjourned without electing a U. S.
Senator. It is better than to have
e. op-en a gold bug for the position.
Senator Hlackburn, who ouht to
have lieen elected to the jnisition
will be successful after the luxt
It is said in Thiladelphia, which
seems to be the headquarters of the
free coinage of silver party in the
east, that unless the republican
convention shall adopt a bimetal
ism plank, 15J to 1 ratio, there
will be a bolt, and that the silver
candidate for president will le
either Senator Teller of Colorado or
Wharton Hark tr of Philadelphia.
Notwithstanding the protest of
the American rorestry Association,
the commissioner of the general
laud otlice, has made ait earnest
recommendation that the petition
of tho Oregon's delegation to the
president for a reduction of the
Cascade timber reserve be granted
The application now gins to the
secretary of the interior for his
consideration, and thin to the
president. The jieoplo of Oregon
will hope to see this reserve re
duood to a reasonable site.
I Jacksonville Times: "This part
i'f Oicg.Mi, which is eonsiderablv
, interested in the withdrawal of the
Cascade timber belt from settle
ment, will l surprised to loam
that the Mate Hoard of Land Com
missioners protest against the
opening of the greater Hrtion of
thelase.vlo reserve to settlement.
The President's proclamation was
entirely too sweeping, and will
prove detrimental to public inter
ests in more ways than one" We
can hardly Mieve that liovernor
Lord, Hon. II. II. Kinc.tid and Mr,
Irwin, the land commissioner",
would interpose their objections to
just relief to our people.
Alii I U lit Ulin IIMIV .a i 11 ay " " w t a. j
lions have thus fir met in Or'-gin,'
and each have declared in noini-(
certain language their position on 1
the silver question. Here they
are: j
The Clatsop democrats resolved
emphatically us follows:
'J!o it resolved, 1-irst I hat the
dcinoera'ie party of CUtsop county
favors tho free, independent und
unlimited coinage of silver at a
ratio of 1G to 1.
"Second That as this issue over
shadows all others before the Amer
ican people ut this time, und its
immediate settlement is a matter
of the most extremo importance,
W believe that the platform to be
adopted ut our state convention to
vote for delegatrs to tho National
convention should favor sucu coin
"Resolved by the democracy of
Marion county in convention as
sembled: "First That wo favor the money
of our fathers the money named
in the constitution gold and sil
ver; that we ure in favor of the Iree
and unlimited coinage of both
metals; that each should have the
same purchasii.g and debt-paying
po rers, and this without reference
to any convention or agreement
lictween the United States and
foreign powers.
"Second That the delegates elec
ted today to represent Marion coun
ty in tho state democratic conven
tion be and ure hereby instructed
to uso their lest endeavors to se
cure the adoption of the above or
some similar resolutions by the
Btato convention as apart of our
state platform."
Tho democratic county conven
tion of I'olk Bpoke as follows:
"Whereas the present depressed
condition of tho country and the
shrinkage of values are mainly due
to the financial system which has
controlled the country for mure
than twenty years past, the deni
ocracy of l'olk cuunty in conven
tion assembled, believing that the
money question is the paramount
issue before tho people, hereby de
clare ourselves as unalterably op
posid to the single gold standard,
and demand the immediate return
to the constitutional standard o(
gold and silver by tho restoration
by tho general government, inde
pendently of any foreign power, of
the unrestricted coinage of gold and
silver into standard money at the
ratio of 1G to 1, and upon terms of
exact equality as they existed prior
to 1873, the silver coin to be a full
leual tender equally with gold for
all debts and dues, public and
private, and we denounce all dis
crimination by the government
against tho gold or silver currency
of the country. We demand that
the secretary of tho treasury shall
coin into standard silver dollars,
as sixin as practicable, all the silver
bullion now in the treasury of the
United States, which represents
the silver seigniorage or coinage
prod to the government, also all
silver bullion that may hereafter
be oll'ered for coinage."
Pall, Ouanl. March 17.
Markiaok Lhknsk. A marrine
license was today grnuted to I.uilwltf
Chriatsnsen, ?rd -I, and Mary L.
Nueley, agrd Is, both of Florence.
that are inO
any way dan- cj
perous or ol-
loniive, also g
patent medi- o
cines, noB-S
trums, and!;
empirical preparations, whose o
ingredients are concealed, will 0
not be admitted to the Expo-0,
sition." o
Why na A)tr'a SsrvMurllla dnlt- o
tsl T IWcaiiM1 It la not a ;lont nirdli-lnr, O
nt a uttruni. nor a sroirt prrpratioii,
not ilanciTou. not an rxiH-rlnipnt. and c
twosua It Is all that a family medicine J
.1 i i t. o
m-uia it. 0
At tho
Chicago, 1893.
Why not get the BestP
stUOU.U l-UT Iv,
1 It l iu Ii rts)tt hauv.
t It l piU tf thf wry fn-t
in b' r.i t ur
tiii i tttr 'c i iw r,. t
3 TbtMt. tA.T tn.TiC -x c v
tut i ..; . v .
M.itit. r,. tv rw
li.a.-'- '.. ., iv m I . i-'
CAN YOU AJX Ftlt :,.
a-n n r-j r , T 77, : p
jj Silj ,-;'.'i-,(..-lUuHl
13 FC'jriD IN
lo'it Ihmorhool It" rtlk d'lSi r " w-
iiiii I. Kn.r l,'lw.1.. i....i... I'otiaa
lHia ai Cwaa. C'mr bM lrupa Bw.uo,L. a. A
THE SNAir lid AT I OliVAl.l
til t-.rr riiMierrZlill AlUilipt 3I:I
10 Iti-isaa" tier.
Junction. City : Milling Coinpi
m . v I !.' A f'TI'It KltS OK TIll.' I
o o J
Lancaster lt'iiis.
II W Koas of I.unea-ter w ill Is? a
candidate for juMice in C 1 a is dmtricl on
the republican ticket.
Floyd Howaid i takimr down the
iMwl-'aiid wire from one ol his 1-' sere
hop yards, which la sn liioieuiion 01 a
KhiJ wheat crop tlie coming scusoii on
hop land.
There w ill le only acres out ol 0
ciiltivult d on theTiiili- tl hop yard. Tlie
remainder will be sowed to grain.
There is no uroieet for much U-tter
prices lor hops next fall.
Hurrah for .Skipwortu for county
Jeao Lawrence is down from Kn-
trene, having come on in wueei.
l here were several lwi from I lie ny
down this w ay lust Sunday.
Mr Matt, of Juncli was out ut
this place for a load ol wood last wvek.
Home one hud put poison out and hi
doo. trot a tliwe and died. He vulued
the ili'K at I-jO.
The sprini; term of school commenc
ed at tills plai-e Monday.
The Sundav sebtsil is improving
eveiy Sunday.
Where is Ihe Pleasant Hill corres
pondent. We would like to hear from
James Howard will co to your
house for your poultry and pays cash,
(ico Carson has t Ii -? Iuiik fever. He
should have pood attention us he is
one ut the liesl ! go and wait on tlie
sick. DrArtnian of Junctinn is the
aitendin pliysiciau.
Mrs (' I) CofFuian is v i -i t i 1 1 tr in I-'.u-irene
Ht the home of litT daughter Mrs
L A Wheeler.
The name of U L Jlldson was elected
director instead of Dodsoti.
W II Siuiiith has rented his hop
vnrd to the liureiis liros und a isirtiuii
of it w ill lie put to garden.
Then Haiiiinen-il v haa lieen Vi-rv iil
und was tuken to his parents on Lake
C nek last week. His brother J1--I1
saw the news in tlie (it'AKli thai hi
hrother-in-iavv was: killed lv a saw
lot;. He started there iiunit ditilely to
see his sinter.
I will nitmo Mr Merritt Catell for
constable In this precinct. Howls ii?
The populists and democrats will
nut out a ticket for justice, perhaps
(ieortre Cajon has concluded not to
rent his place this year.
C J Tihlietts writes from California
that he is recclvlui; $2 a day.
Aiex McFuddvu is having ipiile a lot
of work in the grubbing 011 his farm.
Jasper items.
March 17,
The roads up this way are improving
It () Callison will teach die spring
term of school at this place.
Mr Hicksou of Irving superintended
the prayer meeting last Saturday
Henry Walker and his thrie lioys
left for 1'orilund today by wugon.
Itev K O Callison delivered an Inter
esting sermon at the school hou-e Sun
day. Uncle Jack Keeney and Win
Dauiels visited with relatives here last
A social dance was uiveti at the hull
Saturday niht. Prof J L Morehouse
and w ife furnishing music. A iare
crowd and a gooil time was n potted.
The stage bound for Kugene went by
the wav of tiosheii Sundav, loaded
Willi llm-e passemrers and a load of
chickens. 1 1 is staie is doing a lirM
class business as it has passengers each
Will Sanders is aide to be out once
more after a long spell of sickness.
Mr (Jus W aimer of Walterville
passed through line on bis way to
I.iMt al lev.
Mrs Itead of Pleaiaut Hill wax in
town today on bu.ine-s
Dailjr ouaiu, Uarcb l-.
TllK Ckkamkky Mr S E Craig,
the creamery man nrrUcd here yester
day and w ill commence the work in a
few days of erecting n building nod
putting In a plant. He ha secured a
vacant lot on th-soiuli able of Eighth
street, between Olive and t'liariielton,
nod will -reel a building uimni ;)44o
fif t in sir.e. I'rstiir exs-cts to have
the creuma,. ia operation by May 1-t.
He expects bis landly lierv In a few
eeks and also his son, Win Craig, of
HilKUiro, who will be associated
in the busines.
Ye-l.-r.lay af'-ru '" ,
crew e
hL.ers m-nle Ul.olher uiwie.r. I il
tempi torelea-ell.rstiir.'boatlorvulhs
' . . ..... ....rll.illi. IllllllOII.
pilil tier inwiii r ' ' 1 , .1,.,
Willi all Ihe uppliiioit ,
hmiser parted, and Hit -relme another
failure was ri-conled.
Captain I'i.k, the l'orll ml govern
mi nt engineer, who N in .1 'g-of ...
improvement of all ihe river, in tin
Noilhwe-t. anived lo re on the idler
immm. train, and imm.-.l ial.-ly. In con
puny wilh Captain Hatch Mllrlhe
M-etfe of the sunken bout.
Another will be made to
pi.ll Ihe Isiiit oil, and it iih-in-c till,
-he will probably be abiiodo. ""'T
removing her upper deck. U
imp.",.l.le to remote the ini.chli.ery
until in Ihe summer when tl.ewuler
is at its lowe t singe.
FLOUR........ 0 .
A Country bimn's J.uck.
There is an editor of a country paper
who comes to Spokane quite often,
nays li e Keview. His borne Is not
u.aiiv miles away and w ilh an edi
torial liillenge-ls.ok III his pocket and II
ort of fondi.ei.. lor some ol' Spokane's
ple.1ure he manages t make the
visit ut least twice a month. A shot I
time ago he wu- up on one of these bi
monthly trip-, "strlcily for buiue-s
when, meeting a few congenial friend-,
asocial game of poker wus pWMMed.
The editor.being a country editor, wus
not overburdened wilh coin, but he
wus not at ull loath to invest what he
had iu the game. It was in the after
noon when they started in und by
supper lime the editor, together w illi n
couple of bis friends, were cleaned up,
and a good-natured young ,1,K". w'"'
is doing ihe mining net, had ull the
money. As they walked out ol the
room'ilie mining man liirniiig to the
editor mill deeply pitjlnjj his condi
tion, said:
"How much is that paper of jours?
I think I will subscribe seeing you're
The answer did not come, us uttcn
tiou wus distracted, und the mining
man, with nil the money, went to the
theatre that evening Tlie editor in
the meantime had done some A 1
rustling, and by the time the theatre
was over w us ready to get in another
game. The mining man was w illing
ami "with u naughty little twinkle iu
his eye" sat dow n nt the tible. It
was only a little after midnight when
tlie g-iiiie broke up. The mining man
and his two Iriemls hadn't a cent left,
while the suave editor carried in his
pocket l-ol.l, silver and g'eelibacks. As
I hey walked out of Ihe room the editm
looking at the downcast miner, said:
"Say, what is your address'.' I'll
just send you that paper gratis seeing
you are buted."
The niot-t jiopular Hour in tho market
leading grocers.
Sold bj.
I omiiiissioners ( ouri.
6 '20
0 00
A Son's Ikiini.s Salmi Statesman:
sad piece of news is uwuiting the
aged grandfather anil Ihe mother of
Herbert Hioglaii'l, a young man now
iu the Oregon eini. Hilary for seven
Veals Under seiilenee t.f l.ibls-rv.
The family of ningland, I at-k in the
Fa-tern slates, have not for years
heard of the I oy who came We-t to
make his fortune, but got a long job iu
the I tii ltd it inr v. YV hen the young
man got into trouble and was con
victed of robls-ry. he was desirous of
keeping Ins fate from his family. A
lel'.t-r has been received by Mieritl
Scars h! Mulluomah county, who is
reipiest.d for a .l.-spaii ing mother's
sake to liy and tiii.i some Iran's ol
young ill gluml. The writer ss-aks
of a HT-yeai -old gramlfal her, who is
exlremely unxi.i is to hear about the
boy, and they say I hey have been 011 a
search for him lor a long time. With
great the sheiitl' bus replied
In I he teller, giving the ss of the
11 issmg man us Hie state penitentiary
at this city.
- -
paily (.land, Mereh is.
Sroi.t: a IIoat. Soint! imiividual
whose name has not yet been learned
by the ollicers here stole a skill' from
the vicinity of the river bridge Mon
day night and left down the riv.r in
it. Tin- boat belonged to 11 Mr (ill-
man and he uoiilled the ollicers as
soon us il was missing, l onstnble
Linton sent word to Shetitt' I lave
1 isburu of Iteiilon county to keep a
lookout for the boat. Mr iMmrn did
so 111 d sum-riled in cnplurii.g the boat
thief ut Corvallis this morning;, ('on
stiible I.inton will go doivu ufler him
011 tomorrow s local train.
Mr- (i W Vuughaii, grand Jury
' witness, 1 d.y, 41 miles, al
lowed 4J miles
W W Ihioy, grand Jury witnesa
1 day, -4 miles
KM Logan, grand Jury witneas
1! davs, 30 miles
T K silk wood, grand Jury wit
ness 2 davs, 60 miles
Koval Smith, g'aud Jury wit
ness, days, 30 miles, allowed
on judgment
F Keisiier. grund Jury witness
1 .lav 'i miles, allowed 1 mile...
N (i Hayes, grand jury witness
2 days, 34 miles
CI vde Cook, grand Jury witness
j day. 'LH miles
1) C ull'mnn, grand jury wit
ness 1 ilav 37 miles
J V Fleck, grind jury witness, 2
days :SU mil'
Andy Howaid. grand Jury wil
lies 1 day 32 miles, allowed "4
M I) Lundis, grand jury witness,
3 days, 2 miles, allowed 1
lieorge Hartley, grind jury w it
iirss, 8 days, 2 miles, allowed
1 mile
Lew Christeiiseu, grand jury
witness, 4 days, 2 miles, al
lowed I mile
linger Allen, grand Jury witness,
3 d.ns, 2 miles, allowed 1
11 C Miller, grand jury witness,
4 duvs, 2 mile-, allowed 1
mile," Jfj.10. See judgment
docket pMgel.11; trial fee due
eoumy tl no; balance
C H Mathews, grand Jury wit
ness, 4 days, lti miles
Lelie Haggard, grand Jury wit
ness, 4 days, lti miles
Mrs T A Evans, grand jury wit
ness, I day,o2 miles 7 20
Morgan Ibiuli grand jury wit
ness 4 days 2 miles allowed 1
Ira Allen grand jury witness 1
day I'i2 miles ullowed 1 mile...
Frank Sweet grand jury witness
3 days 2 miles allowed 1
Leonard Christeiiseu grand Jury
w itness 3 duys 2 miles allowed
I mile .'
Hans Hansen grnn.l Jury witness
3 days 2 miles allotted 1 mile.
John Harris grand jury witness
3 days 2 miles allowed 1 mile..
Frank Montgomery grand jury
w itness 3 duys 2 miles allowed
1 mile
fSeorgc Peiisou Juror 1 day...
4 80
0 10
0 10
8 10
6 10
2 10
0 CO
0 CO
8 10
2 10
0 10
6 10
0 10
G 10
6 10
4 00
Wheat trun,
J L Kllllan stated in .1- r.
gonian Friday vmdnj . r7
I.iiiii.I l.i. L...11 1
......... ..... ........ .ay r7 ,
recent cold snap and had u
IK'lled tO DUt two lean,. .. - . 11 1
.tip .fil.lM f Ola lu...l ... ,ra
grain was nol .ntirel'v kmB ! 1
from pretent amjearHncea, ui'
aa.'' unuij UNtliH(ed ku i
would rvso almoat f (t j!1 4
vice to o tier farmer. l0i
vtrv close insnect Ion an.i u f
Ion ts'lore raanwln. u,
were frozen out. The rraaog k,
signs for the freezlug (, t)e '
Ihat It was brought out bohm,?
previous warm wentutr th.. i i
tender and suaoeptlhle lotheeowVj
than It would have beeu has , I
...I. I .. i . . . . alJ ut
grow in tirru Krauuill Blia Dot kJ
by the unusually hot iuii.
The Date Fur tttr.
"Thirty days hath September,"
Every person can reinemWr;
Ilut to know when Fast er'i root,
Puzisles evBti scbolnrs, Bum.
When March the twiDty-flnt k a,
lost u 1 1 Ii t lia .! lea... .
. . n . . . ......i.j Ull. if (
And when you sen It lull tad (oqj
Know Easter'll be hereiooa.
After the moon lias reached Itifii
Then Foster will be here
The very Hunday after,
In each and every year.
And If It bap Sunday
The mown should reach its brftt
The Sunday following thlieteii
Will be the Easter brght,
lliaitou Tramaiji
Tt I b Tea tig aite Mam Hrawa ilmf.
It'jHKliL'KO, Or., March l.-0i-cnurt
coDtened this niornlBf, J-;
ruiiertoii pmmiing. i tie jup
struetetl the grand jury tofullru
tlgate th escape of Murdrnt i
llrown from the county liiL tu
place the responsibility Bbinkk;
longs. 1 lie aockei is HiorL
lleaev Inaw Biara.
New York, March 16.-fiwf
lieen falling coutiiaouily tiw
o'clock Sunday, and at nooi!n
showed no signs ofabatemtiL Vj
Is no wind. The storm dun not rj
to have a fleeted the railroads, Tn'i
on the street railway llraajUiowi
I 1' ( iilinore juior 1 day 4 0
4 00
4 00
8 00
2 10
2 10
2 10
0 20
lll.UK KlVKR MlSiKS. Brownsville
Times: DeWItt Kolsrts, win. has
tst-n employeti at the Lin ky Hoy
mine for the past two months, re
turned home Thursday morning. He
resirts work progressing nicety, and
s.ys Ihe tunnel is in about iiii.ety
tive f.vt. Consiilerahle snow- has
fallen and thert la uls'iit two feet at
prestnt nt the I.uekv I toy el.t.i.
frnt Irtam'a tall la Ihr I nlt.ralit
El'tiKNK, Or. March 17. lion ( M
Ir.tin visii.hI the I'uivei-slty of Ore
gon tmluy and thnugldy in-set..
the deartmei.ts and lals.ralori.-s. He
expresstal salisl'aetioti Willi the pri
glt ss ol the lustiMltb'U and Ihe rapid
grow th of its nt'eii. lance. In his opin
ion, the university Jis greatly cmwil
ed, slid should bate ncre spa,-e as soon
as the financial sltualion improves.
The present altei.dsn.v of 3l1i stsj-ni-ed
to Professor Irwin remarkable,
eoiisideriog the hard times. Professor
Irwin will preside Ihe i-ducational
eoiiveiitiou to I helu ;.l tlie univers.i v
In May.
Why Nam m Albany Democrat:
Mr W U Ijiwh-r desired that the post
oltb-e at Hie S.uilism Is? naiiiel
Medina after ail old .mining compan
ion; but the name was so iinn h like
M.-bama in apiwaisiiiv thst thev re-
fiiwd to use it, hence be had the name
j reversed so aa to read backwards,
' An idem.
Pall; i.iunl, Mauh Is.
r it K K l o.Nt KltT. l.n-t evening Hi
!:.'!) the l.ugelie cornet bind toriued
on Willamette street at the Lane
t ty bank an I played several nice
selections. As bifore, the bovswere
out too late to catch a eiy large uu-
illi'tiee, lull tlie music was highly ap-
ptis'taieil ny I lie ti w people who were
on the sire. s at (hat tune.
Fink i'ath.k. John Tail, the pro
git-ssivc an, I eatt b:::an, of
Creswell, tills w,,k shipped to Port
Tow 'i. send. Wa h., b,rty . ad of wry
eli.'lee slnll led beef cattle. I hey
uteraged l-.'(i.i .,.,,( i, received
I liree cents per pound gross for tliem.
Ihe manager of the stock vauis of
lV.llatid, tvriles t,,t t,v w,-re Ibe
best ful lot i, cattle he had seen llns
Flil lf lNjt nn) -The fre.piencv
with which lale li"'s hate oeenrull
this season lias prov. ,1 it. n. cute to
the earliest t an. tic- ef !,ui and nuts
in this section, l-'ruii j.,i.w, rs ted ns
that early peaches, iiliiiohds and
apprienta have been dcsnteil by the
'rusts. However, the b.s tt'ill ,,.
light us but few .f l.i.sf tai it id Ulv
grou II here.
ba;.y omrtl. Marc .t Iv
TllK JoiM' Dui.VIK. - The joint
debate 1 (wwn the Plulodoriiti, ln. iarv
society ol Vi:hui.. lie Cnit-.-r-iu and
Ibe l.utiivaii s,-ifiy f i:. Coivirsity
"I Oii-.,, will o c-.r on t -veiling
i.r Apnl in or 11 Iwithsianiting ti,e
ii poll In tin, r.iormuVs l5.-gi,t,.r that
the d. bate bad !, ly post.
'Iiik Wisv.Tbei.ew proprietor f
l be I,,.,,,,,-,. West is t.ri:t, u
KnoMl s., ami it will p:,.,.
ably adtoeale tli priiten,:,., ,,f
Popil'lst ,:ir.v. Vo ,ho )t.vv ,,.!, s 1 ii'eess Iron, :l tin-o,
elal st ,-.,,.t. 'iie ,,.,.,,,
satsto, All.y ,, f,ny
arrive here toi.iht r ,vlllril. .
...gon . ,.s,:,g,, , :l!UT u:
couple of ,iat,w,:i ,.,,e fr
tlei.l of lalsir, t ( Uv
I T!.'e S;,1,v,!,:i "" Aruiyius went to
-..i.n.r io Monii,,. t e tield as
suLdto thetr ,,lk. r,)m tnkZ
'the ae-piain n,v of Charles, N lekell
to n. Keanos. Uver. I;vy, w,.kmri;
a dol her,, the .....sssity ,.flrir ,
! .tll.s-s I.VMlIf ,.(.. e,,t ,;,( il(,v .,,..
jCs-,.edlo, lrra.-k Hint institute
itrtirauir" ttu,i bu
H F lliiniiieui juror 1 duy
K P Whipple juror 1 duy
Wesley Clirisuiau grand jury
w ii noss 1 oay till miles
J E Young giund jury witness
1 day 2 miles ullowed 1 mile...
K K Mc.Miehael grand jury
witness 1 day 2 milts allowed I
N Winters grulid lury witness 1
day 2 miles ullowed 1 mile
It II Mosby grand jury witness 1
day 62 miles
Ii Yaiiglinu grand jury wit
ness 1 duy 44 miles allowed 42
W C Johnson grand jury wit
in ss 2 d . 04 miles allowed 40
D I! Hill, trial juror, 9 days', 2ti
miles "(j go
E 11 Hawkins, trialjuror, Odavs,
111 miles, ullowed u miles 18 60
J S lligging, trial juror, 9 days,
2 mile- ull .wed 1 mile 18 10
T A Milliom, triul juror, 9 days,
2.s miles jo 80
Hampton Powell, trial juror" 8
days', till miles oj oo
11 J Cast, nine, rumi juror, t)
days, 4 miles
lieorge Hillunl, grand juror,
dats, is miles '
KolH-rt Haw ley, grand Juror,
dats. 20 miles
J W Lamson, grand Itiror.
days, 2 miles, allowed 1 mile
John Mu I key, grand Juror,
days, 3d miles
lieorge Oziuent, grand juror!
days, 38 miles
Win Slew art, grand juror.''
l :if l' ,,.il..- '
O U Lucas trial juror 1 day"'
I' Comegys, trial j,'i'ro'r"'l)"i7r
miles, I
W J l ', .melius, l rial jur'or,"o davs
-4 miles o,
on, trial juror 9
M 40
IS 40
10 80
20 00
13 10
... 21 00
... 21 80
... lfl 20
... 3 00
13 10
w In C'aaaiKllcil.
New Haven, March 1.-Rr;
from all parts of the stale Iodic
heaviest snow storm of th 1bvk
pre valla. The average depths
inches. In New London, kwi
ovei a foot has already fallen
Beetle lr All
Wasiiinoton. March W-T
ata h.liit resolution allrecllot
n'larv of Airriculturo topurtt-
dlstri'bute needs, ete. as in V'4
years, has become a law wIimS1
nreshlelit'a aliriiHture. tseCTUrt'1'
ton refused to catry out the old Is
mid vigorously opposed thipu--P
the present mandatory acu
Tfa ail Sal.m
Portland, March 18 -LMHoiw-S
whs today sentenced te ten jew
prlsonmeut for grand larceny. j
Tacaniai's nar'
Taooma. March 18.-Tli if j
cans this afteruoou renotnmM-
Orr for mayor.
II I'm
20 40
days 24
'' ( isj
W 11 l'.aughman, trial Juror," 9 "
"avs. '.'( miles ivt
irii juror, u uayi
20 00
trial Juror, 9
21 20
A M Hristow
20 Ini'es
Uriar D.'miing,
oaya. ;t" m.i es
W P lusher, trial juror, 9 days
- nnl-s, allowed 1 mile.... $
J HHopkiis, trialjuror, 9 Oays
H"i rt
HllOW'eil 1 1111 e id in
I, ,. IU .11
1 utterson. trm In.... i
'lay. S miles..... '
E P Kcdford, trial juror, Odavs',
4 Hides " '
Heniamln l,.iish."'t'r'ial" Ju'm'r!"ij
d it s, oil miles
J M Statlord, trial juror7u"davs'
20 miles J '
J" Trunnei', 'tri'ai'''juro'r;''9
days, mile '
"snnies!;.!'!"1 "rV-iys"
C M W. ider;-VriaTjtinV;;"i"aav
- in lies, nllowed 1 mile '
.4 llllll'at ' 1
H M pri,, trtaV'juror'.VVln'v'a"
.2 it, lies '
A Liinliey, trial juror, dai'i....'.
21 40
23 On
20 00
20 SO
20 80
18 10
20 40
20 20
4 00
Popular Brands of
Tobacco and Cigars,
H 3 dft tl Halaa aT at. b
U. S. Land
Joel Ware, having been
pointed U. S. Circuit U
Commissioner for the diiti
of Oregon, is now prep-'
to make Homestkad Fan
Final Proofs, ami take
Havinc had thirty years
perience in this line, lie 1
p-iinr.antPA satisfaction
a" rt - Bfl
..-.. sA I 1 T T 1 1 1 I III "
every easu. vno-v -
Fellows' Building, W
.. win
Breeding vFt
to none in iWtJ
White j'Kl
Plymouth ftfi
anU in o"
.i silver tr i
r. i rn ... U'trg !!t!CS -'
UtU 1.3U VU t J. i" ......
I also hare a le tW l. ''. id. 1
Pins (or ..!. -tistaijjji tiiMjfc,
ta i-.L... w
QnlanM Minillfl
llMi.lacho, lirsoi r..".' .sol.
,.ss-ll or trcrn y-'-' - ,,, ft. Anismia.
101 a. waaura
. a
iaaSJl" il
ISodaWerkr tUflene
For ) t YtrtfiStoo C"B PH