for Infants and "CMtarlabKwenulaiitodtochlldmitliAt I racorameoil It u aura-tor to anjr iirecrltluu looirs to ma." Jl A. Aacnra, f-D., Ill So. Oxford bl., Drookln, N. Y. Tb UM of 'CwturU U ao unlreraal and !t BieriU to well known that It eem work it ipprftir&llnn to mdone It. Few am the lutrUltrent famlllea who do not keep Caatorta wllUia aaajr reach." Caaxoa JUanr, I). D Hew York tltf. W.I. SHOWN. B. 0. PAINE, r. W. 05BUHN. Prulitnt. Vic Priildtnt. Ciihltr. THIS Eupc Loan and Savings BANK, Of Eugene, - Oregon. DIRKCTORS-D. A. I'alno, J. II. Ilarrli, J. It. Dil, H. 1). I'alna. w. K. Ilrown, J. . Kouloson, F. W. O.burn. Pill up Capital, j : : $50,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. Iulrit allowed on time dopoilU. Collection entruited to oar care will receive rotnptaltentlon. Mcxica i Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Uddeir, Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago. Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailment!, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle. Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain ant' Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment contu en laln, Make Ilaa or tteuit well gala. TUIO OaDCD le kept on nie.tK.C.nAKI mla rArtn Advancing. Anviiey. li end M Uitron.nU xehatiav, San Kranetioo, t'al wher. common lor silv.rtl.hiii inn bo ma.le Korvouuit.kM h in I . 1 1 1 n . aiul devekim aun rtun. el (viu.iia. I'.lna In the vk. klM4-t h V n A n kl.IHMliprJ I" uli-kl. Ort lOflo prlrat enitonementa, Premature!! tiie.m liumMenry In th. lint tium. It U a ivtiiptoin if arniliid weaknrM od harrennim. It an be atoppod lu tudari bj the iimoI lltidran. The ni'W dlMiivery wi mail W the Bueetnl. liUoftli. old kiwiMHiilita Medical Inititul. It U Ih. (tronvi-M f liaiin r mad. It k wry puw.rful, tut haunt, m. held fur II M a pi.k. am or iiaokave fur M1 llnoleil lane.). Wrllln toaraniM jivvn li.r a cuttv iryonlmy alt Umaaiid ar. r4 rutin .y C"n-d, iux iuoi will Iwaeitt to vu frrii( all r a'ii tlendfr rln-u!irnd li-tlmmili'" A 11ri! III UMO:' MJ DICAL. l.Hiin IK Jan.Uoa noiJiuii,,il.riii lA Lin. a fraurinrw. taU Ljry s Ahv- -"- j : v -ii K 2 Jt JMlfR i';.t.r.on. the u.o.t v,jV'' L, Jn Ih. . II "f 1 ol 111. eye. ton.i tr the i ' iA 1 l.lli,i(..-Wn. l"-Jp'i' Hlrvnsthem. lino m.u of ,!J lv Unruir. .iimi and t.T, ! .lid unii't the AmorW. 1 ' " . eimrw.ynetn. Mir.i ..... l.-ll 1 leillli. Hi..... f 1 frtinalurene r . n J I a LOST t;:'K I-- manhood vw,-;;va it.,'Ti"i'"r':,.,:f''' iSfti.;'. jVtfSO.S . - I i Xs." Children. . Ca.tnrla ciirea CoUe, CoiuUpatlnn, IViur liUiraaeh, IriorrhoM, llructatioa. Kill Worma, gives lj, ftuJ irmjmlea Without Injurious nvlli-atlun. "Fur aeTeml Jiurt I baa Iwommii't your Caaloria,' owl t'uill alwaya cotitlr do no c It ha luTurWJjr produced Imiii:.i.-i-.1 rwailu." r.owiK F. riaoaa, M. D-, IXth Street and 7lh Avo New York City Till CnrrarB Comuwr, 71 MrwuT Bttst, r-r Yoaa Crr. a ritosrirtTKD fi-ank. The statu tax levy of nearly 6 mills, as nga'umt 3 mills the nreviuus vear. will make tho tax- piiyers howl. However as a diver sion from an ugly situation, let us hnntir from t lie last repub lican state j.l itform, its celebrated and elegant teonomy piann, says a state exthaiiie. llrro it is: "In our ntato ufT.iirs ) de mand tho closest scrutiny and iK'onomv in expenditures. We condemn tin- prodigality a id cx- ess of past legislatures, oi.d call upon tho next legislative asrjmhly to keep ull appropriations within the limits of tho most economical administration consistent with ellieiency. The ollicers ol tho ad ministration department have be come too expensive, and their ex penses must bo reduced. When tho constitution fixes tho salary, only the constitutional salary should bo paid, without additional emoluments. Tho practice tf em ploying unnecessary clerks and of paying fees in excess of just pay ment for services needed or rend ered, has become un abuse that must bo cut oir, and wo pledgo the republican party to the prosecution and accomplishment of this re form. District attorneys and other ollicials should bo paid fixed sal aries, since payment of fees en courages litigation and entails up on tho taxpayers heavy and need less expenses." OLD TUWJt lEEISl'lLT. Tho building of a new town at Kvuns' ferry, on tho Clearwater at the big eddy, is tho rebuilding of a once nourishing town which was doing a thriving business as early as 18UI. Selli Hater opened a general store and supply depot, and an cating-liouso and feed stables soon followed, and tho new town was known as Haterville. This was during tho first discovery of gold at 1'iorco City and Orofino, and Haterville ffas at tho head of navigation. Kiom this point these two nourishing camps wero sup plied by pack trains. Not only did they supply tho miners, but trappers" and Indians wero deult with and largo quantities of veni son and furs wero bought and shipped to Portland and Walla Walla, which paid handsome profits. Traces of tho once flourishing' town can bo seen in tho holes that wero excavated for cellars and foundations. Today tho scer.e is changed and good roads reach Agatha, as tho postollioo ie named, and two Concord couches filled with passengers puss every day, running between Juliacttu and NcEperce City, Now, in plaeo of tho war w hoop is heard the hum of tho busy mills and tho rine: of the hummers in tho lit irkwniitli thop.. Corvallis Gazette: "For con gressman from this district there are a multitude of aspirants on tho republican side. Several coun ties have favorite sons to present at tho Albany convention and some ol them more than one. There will bo at least three up from tho capi tal astride of the Salem Hog. ForJ, tieer and Gateh are the Marion county would-bo's, while Speaker Moore's name is also mentioned. Warren Truitt will have tho backing of Polk county. Washington county will present the name of Tip-mas 'longue. Itrownell will control the votes ot the Clackamas delegation. Joe phino enmity is supposed to favor 11. It. Miller. Lane county has a supreme ridge and tho secretary of state, but it is said she will present the name of A. C. oodcook at the congressional convention. Her mann, of course, is the Douglass count v favorite. 1 he counties that have no favorite sons for the honor are Yamhill, Tillamook, ' IVnton, Lincoln, Coos, Curry, Like, Jacknon and Klamath and their delegation without much doubt will favor Hermann. He will also le likely to have Bonn support from counties with candi dates of their own, so that on the tirrt ballot he w ill lead by a Lime vote. Hermann, without much question will be the nominee." Pallj Otiard Marvh II. SoMwiiiNti I'NrsrAi.. liciicrfclly In Ute l.rtu. county circuit court I lie pratnl Jury mily 'liolil four or five tiny, w lille tlit trial lury It nearly two wwki work. 'I'll lit term llio trial . Jury Im only bail tlin cam' and it tin txt'ii hel l a couple tif Uy already w ailing upon tl.e grand Jury toflultli. J A UTK DKCIS10N. Adfcision has been rendered in the c.i-e of the title tutiielirge tract nf hind in North Urownsvilh. upon which Andrew J. Monk filed I a t laim two or three years mi. iy an act of enngre-s Jan. 18, lS'J."), tlin title to it was quieted uii'l es tablished in O. P. Coshow und others. When Mr. Coshow made an application at Oregon City his money was refused mi l tho pupcr sent to Washington. Now the de. cicion has been sent to the nflico in Oregon City in favor of Mr. (!nshof arid tlue-e he represents. Anything else woe Id have been an outrage. The decision is that the railroad company acquired no right to tho land, because, ut the time of filing the mai of di finite locution of tin railway, the land was withdrawn by the preemption of Richard Benjamin, and it did not matter so fur as tho rights of the company were concerned, whether Renj imin ever completed titlo or not. Then, as ad verso rights were not inter ferred with by the law of 180-j, and Monk maintained advene rights before the passage of tho law, it is held that the purchaso of tho land under the provisions ot that act cannot be permitted.- As to the allegations that it was town prop erty at tho tho time of Monk's entry, and that Monk had not complied with the law ns to resi dence, tho local land office is in structed to order a hearing. It is niccessary that tho records be cleared of Monk's entry before the application of Coshow can lo ac cepted. As to lots 3, 4, 0, and 7, it is held that tho record does not show any claim to this at the time of the railroad's selection that would exempt them from tho grar.t of the company. At the Salem school election not a single lady was allowed to vote. IJ D Paine, tho retiring school director lias filled tho position with credit to himself and tho district. Wo believe that Mr Frank will fill tho position satisfactory v. Tho Hon. James R. Garfield, son of the late President James A. Garfield, and a member ol tho Ohio senate, is soaring into distinction as the author of a bill intended to eripplo the degree-conferring in dustry in his state. It seems there aro 43 colleges in Ohio, somo of which are called universities, and their alleged recklessness in sling ing degrees right and left is deemed highly reprehensible, by Senator Garfield. CONSUMPTION SO fit INUIM Ml By the Physicians Is n SEVERE PCOUGH opining DIUUU Given Over by the Doctors! LIFE SAVED BY AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL "Seven my wife had a JJ severe Attack of lung IronMe which o the ihyU'iii9 pronntineed cotctumiitlun. i-1 - . . i., .iiAi....ui.. A IIU I'WMIfll ml f-AHl'IIH I uilUVMiHSi q opeeUlly at iilcht, and was frequently o attended with the spitting of blood. O The iliK'ton being unnhlo to help her, J I Induced her to try Ayer'i Cherry Pec- o Uirnl, and wn urprled at the great ? relief It guve. llefore ttilng one whole 0 hottlo, she wn cured, no that now she Is o quite strong and healthy. That this medicine saved my w ife's life, I have nut 0 the leant doubt." K. Mounts, Mem- o phis, Tenn. Aver's Ghernr Pectoral I oi Rocelvod Highest Awards oj AT THE WORLD'S FAIRO OS opooooooooooooooooocooo- CSS0SSC3SSSSO3SO88O GOLDEN 1 WEST I BAKING POWDER S 22 HKt(Nf WHY V9 fj iu lould liuv It. vl 1. it la m:i,le rlht h Tci.t Ihiuio. J?V qQ a. It I tniiile of thf very llne-t SV 2 iHittna. and 1a Uiu-aiitovd f in ewry rt--jhi t tnml iir no bUiHirmr to tlio viry l Ft. CO 3. The maker iiiumiiIit o . i : Otiu iiirl e'ry i a't : 1 Htithordu! to rettttu CO mOlH) if 11 iM'DOtFHd fl.i . q CAN YOU ASK FOR f C Cuvurr t cvi:iuk Portlai..!. 08SGSSOSS8SSG3SSSSO !. i.t1 ctr "'v- , '-r NrtiMw or Hir li -!h1a', It' I '.,--.ttin Mr. 1 1 rvi.. nf n ..fU. , ittt T !i,ttui'4, (toil Kattf t'l . .', i. A'Mil .' c VIZ ARNCin ( .';'. CAl CC. tMtiU'4. 101 S.VWtttrt i.-, y AT iiiGHT MOV ii "J THt COV.'tLS IN TKE MORNING for sal. at Yraun mh nnn d.ui .um 17 , S A CUPr S . cs 4 ' " r DISTRESSING DISEASES OF THE SKIN Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by mm prrfiii , i pn in.-. Wrm bslhi with I'unri-RA HnP, irentl. appll c.llon. of I'ctk c 'iiiiinii-nti,ni mild ,,'r ot Curltx-iu ltroi.vr.T itlif new Hood puilllrr) .,M ttimnrtnut ft. w-M HHil,h il'PMi T ir a I. Kir .t..-i.. li;l. I'na ll,i.. l ..( .. nr., hi, 1'iup... Iku. 1 A. t irn..iifn t no .tit rot1 UT. IH) Jaine L Hcutt v M J Kcott; (II vorce. Delatilt. It. -furred to M O WIIUIiih to take evidence. Divorce grunted. W Willielnieliu I'eilerwiti vs hlln I, Klun,'; to Hi t libido li tul to plaiulilf Deratilt and Judgement. llM Win Vaiiduyiie, inlinr, va C H Vamluyne; to rt cover I ey. JtnU meiit and order of e:tlo of utlaelit tl prntiert v. 117 i Rniim vh Kilitiun; to recover money. Default and Judgment. I1W I llauiu vK Itaiim; to recover liionev. Defutilt and JuilKUii'lit V U Pickett vh Martha K N"t lund ct al; forcelontire. Ix-crce. 71 John Hl'liarleiiown v Jacob It Helirng et al; forecloMire. Di-cree. 101 (; V llotiHton vh It A Art mini; InJiiuctlou. Referred to M O Wilkin to reinrt the ti-Htiinoiiy. 117 Thmiius M IlarKer Atlm. sp pellunt va T O id Adinrn. Miipellce; Appeal. Attorneys arguing the cne (hi ufterutMiii. Taken tinder udvlNetiieiit. 113 Stale of OrKnn v Lorett l'l linger; larceny. Grand Jury, March 7, reported "a true bill." i'lea of not guilty entered. The follow Iiik Jury wits drawn In the en-: A M IlrlMow, Joseph Truiiin-ll, ItolH-rt l'ltttlhon, tl W Welder, J II Powell, lttinj Hn-h, ('It Iti.leu i: II Hawkins, J 11 1 1 k i lift, W 11 Ihiughiiian, W V Finltcr and J ii Dig gins. The tlefcndatit wan Hcuteuced to fiiiy a line of t 'iO, or be con lined in l he coun'v Jail, today As he wn lint hlcKfcd wilh either hiker or gold dol lar he will iKiitrd the next twcti'y-the tlav with Lane county. V2H Slate of Oregon VS George Hamnlcm, Ira Allen, L'hnrle Hartley, Triieiiian liitiler, Joi n I ISutlt -rlleld, George lirnilley, Kichiird Kc, Jim Ciowntid John Dim-; Indictment for the crime nf riot. Grittnl Jury, W-d iicmIiiv uiortiiiig, repotted "not a true bill."" lit I Stale of Oregon v George Satiiiilers, Irn Allen, t. IiiiiIch llaitley, Triitnitii llnrlier, John I liuttcilli-ld, George lirnilley, U in I try lice, S Siveel, Kichiird Roe, Jim Crow and John Due; indietuiciit Tor the crime of riot, i i rum I Jury. edncmluy morning, re ported "not a true bill " K tieo W Welder v The City of l'.ugene, liijuticlion. Uelerred lo A (' Woodi-oek to report Hie law and fuel. Mime order III the other eilv can-, Nih. II, 10, II. ll', l.'t n nil 1 1. 3S J CGnoihile V W 11 Vestal A Anna Veslttl, bin wife; fnhclo-uie. Referred to K R Loimhurry to report teslimony in.") Martha June Taylor et itl v J 1) t'ox et pi; pa tilloti. Ciiutililleil. 42 Win Clark et ttl vs Samuel T NcIhoii and hi wile; to recover prop erty; continued. To Siiuilicrii iiirl. Her eye Would match the Southern t.Uie When Southern skies ure hliiisl; Her heHrt Will alwiiy take Its t art When Southern skies are truest, ltilght pen r Is, The geiii of Hotithern girls, Her winning smilt- tli-u'loses; Her cln-ek When mlmlrntion speak Wen only Southern' ruses. Her voice, Jty nature ami by choice, K'en those who know her slightest Will find Atttofl n Sntitheril wind When Southern w inds are llglitest. Her laugh, As light as wind or elialt', llreitk clear Ht willy sullies, A brooks, Run babbling through (he nools Gfall her . 'southern valley. Such youth, With all ll charm i'ois,,n;h Ala, too well 1 kimw ill Will claim A song of love uml fame Sung by Boine Snuihern port; Hut she In future year maybe These verse will discover, Some time May read this Utile rhyme Sung by a N'orthern'lover. New York lo curler. Ilrevltl tt. The Pendleton ehvtinn Win. carried by the anti-A 1 A'. j I ,a .w.niil W luitlt ttt nr.. I JesH'rately for tontrol nf the party organlall"ii. Senator Vainleriiurg is nreused or lieing a tmss, nuii "iliej ring" i talked about ns freely ns is tlone in the old panic. ' j Two Portland married ineii l ad tt j hot diciiKjon Thursday its towhielij was Ibe lileift-r fiinl. biilli i-liiiniiiii. il.u ehatiipiniiship. One showed that l e marr:ed In haste and repetiied :it leisure, ami the other proved Hint he uutriied at leisure and repented in haste. The I'.lletisliurg Register says: If a newspaper iulillslied all that'ils , dilnr lenrns of family trouble dual lives and the oiiiitemu escapade and ad ventures of wi ll known people which come to hi ears, cathode nixscoiild lit hold a caudle toil in depicting tkch-lotis of the hop hushe s hssarcii-ed the grower of Cal.fornia to orgatiue f.iT com, i e. aclion t. WNidlhat curtitllitielit of the pr-'due-tioti. Wiiatisofso much luipor.auce Is (he miality. N. .tiling but ehohv hop should Is p -.i'iictd and where land is known to pi., u e sMir hops it hould Is1 alwudomd. lloraiv lun'np returned to Lake view-last wek f' out hi l;l( to New Orleans, where he took Iwo i-arlond of mules. He did not Hud the market a gtssl as expected but w ill try it again lt lint litar lulttre. .Next lime he w ill take tnarv, a he know n w hat he can do with them. He followed the Snitlierii Pncillo road, goln via !. Au'lca. PuUlie 1,1k' s Ainclcu and Aiimti- I tJlun. The Infanta Kuhdic. who vWll America .luring tl.e prg.e. of t United Stale, expresse liersm a n for America and Ameii.-ana and her regret that tt war between llj nation slnuhl l Incurs I, i u the f. I lowiinr latigunge In the ew iorn W'Stuet reliiembralice of the nlleC tioimte reception given me by Ihe .s-ople of the United Stale whel 1 went to their country reprceiiting my men at the fesiivllle III honor of 1 ol iiiuIiiis, live, and w id ever live hi my heart. During tlm-e festivities alrotig proofs of mtltuul e-teen, were given I V Lotli conn trie. I became eouv tied, and still am persuaded, that wwr, never should that traditional friend ship I broken; much less "hoiil.l peace lMMlisturlK-d. IScing apart front the allair of the slate, I can only pray (hid fervently that cordial Million between i he two countries may never ce ie." kill. I. I TIIK t l VI" V JAH" Durrani twaltnif Ml Action by Hi. Mipreine t'ourl. si iv Vu Avi-iscii. Marell 0. On April 0 next a year will haveassed since the murder of Rlanche Laiimiit, and yet Th.Hidore Dtirrunt, who was convicted of her murder last govern her. Is still In the county Jail awaiting the Until aclion of the slate supreme court In theciisc. Iiiiinedialcly after Durrani's conviction un uppeal was taken, hut the case has not been pre sented to the fiiprenie couri, owiuuk to nipi.-Mt for additional nine mnu hv luiili tldi s. 'The last posiMiiiement ttnik place a week tigo when the prosecution ws grunted ill day In which to file a hill of except ion. At the end of this time it 1 believed the case will be presented lo the supreme court, but u decision l not exiecled for several month. Dnr runt was sentenced to bo hanged Ket rtinry 12, but the slow manner it. which justice is meted out to murderers in this state make It probable Unit lie w I I not meet his (leatll milch lielnre the close of this year. Meanwhile tl.e prisoner spend hi lime nt the county jail min i the same a the otiier luiiliile. He lias few visitor.) and devote most of his time lo reading and writing. He has writ ten a history of hi life und lately he I said to have iH-gun the study of law. (j.islieu Items. March 11, 181H1. Another spring day yctcrdiy. MrJ II Keeiiey fell ai.d received a tevere sprain of her tinkle Sunday. Dr Van Val.iih, of Sprit. glleld, w ill be out here today lo examine u tunic Is-r of applicants for inciiil.ership in Ihe Pleasant Hill camp of Woo men of I lie World. Win Daniels, of W slhoro, Mo , ar rived liere yesterday on a visit to Ids brot lier-iu-iaw, A J Keeiiey. His son and family accompanied him as far as Salem where they were compelled lo top temporiirilv on uccouiit of a sick child. The (Insheii Dancing Club has sus pended until May 1st but a ratid dan. e w ill be given in Ihe hall on Marell I'Olli, It la-ill a benefit bull for the blind musician, J K Keeiiey, and It is hoped ull w ho love lo "trip the light (aulas-it'" will be present, hate a line lime und also give "Johnny" a boost. The buket hoc til .it the U H church Friday evening under the manage ment of l'rof. Wheeler's class in ueal music wa it very pleasant nllair. The sale of 2U basket for S. 10 was a sue- cc.-s when we consider the number of p ssil.le purchaser present. Thanks are certainly due the young ladle and gentlemen irom Pleasant Hill who coiiiposed a good share of the andieni-e at l aided materially in the success of (lie occasion. Come again, friends. At our recent school election James Berkshire was elected director and U K Keeiiey re elected clerk. W L Miller, of Klmira. has been elected teacher for our spring term of scnooi loeoiumeiice on .March 'J.'id. Postmaster IWistow, of Pleasant Hill, was lu-ie yesterday soli, -ithig lor llie camp or Woodmen of Ihe World at at that place. FkatiikkwkigiIT. Items. Mar. tub. The ground wa "overed w ith snow several days last weeg. Joe Gale ha moved to the Mennl place w here lie ex p. el to slay until he get through plowing for R M Vcateli, w hen he will move to the Mosby farm. W W Chrisiimti made a Irl 11 111 tvll. gene last week. Chas 'Peelers and win. visit ,1 .. ;il. Ihe hitter's parent Mr and Mr Me- iMonen on .Mosliy creek. Mr J 11 Teeters went lo ('ml.,,... bnlav. ' tu'erec Land lias lahnn I, .1 1 n the lull just hack of ( R.-atehi-r' I' Mis I idle Itilriii'll,. I. viiii... ... r Lands Joe Huriiette talks as soon us he gel his new house cum. pleled. It is lOinored Inat u- u-ill i....... - new store at R iw river, this spring. Mr Rrooks ha traded a part of hi fai in for property in Kaiiui ntnt. Ihe altendetice ut the StMr Lvciuin seem to be on the thiline. Pat. .l Ilium rHrdonril. Wasiuxovon, M,,,,.!, fi.-The presi dent has patdmied Nathan ltlun, c . evicted In Dregon of tuiiligglhig opinio and eon-piracv, but wlii.e sentence was Misheiuled, und K M Salisbury, eouvi. led in Oregon nf mi's, "sing pmally envelopes, mid lined Conskntiii at Last -For some time past the democrat of Crook cmiiiiy have ts) n using their best en deavor to persuade a prominent sheep-r.n-ei-1 iH-eotne a candidate Tor conn. I V commissioner, hut he emphatically r. iis- d until lust Wednesday innrning whi-i the voting population of the' ciinty was Increased by the addition oftwo vouug dem.s-ral to hi house ho! n,M.i, llo, r,.fu!t(l J 71, s .1theres,i w.ll l.. bnt (rook will have most eftleient e..miissh, after the llrt Monday In July, wlieuMrJ , oltbv. Hew a formerly a resident of r.ugetu-. t'llv loi-.m. V.rrhTl Rm'i ki.h-an rim Mkktiso.-TIi Lugene republican club will hold a meeting at the court house next Hat .ir.iay eveninr at 8 o'el.s k. l,ol, I I III .svasi,,,, Walh,, MCamam of t , .rtland. a llii. ni .. :n . ,,. ,, - - ... oenver anaddrvaa. Ihe public generally luvited to attend UiU meeting Junction. Ciw M A N UFA CT U "WHITE .FLOUR.. n o 0 J GUARANTEED The most popular Hour leading grocers. City (olllitil. p.lljr liusrd, JIarch 10. Council met In regulur session at the city hall last evening. lWnt-Maynr Matlock. Council men Fisher, Kakln. Linn, Dunn and Henderson, Rang Mug al-stnt. Minute of February meeting read ''Fiimnwcolmnlltre reported fuvora blyon usual iiiunber of hill which were ordered paid. Judiciary committee reported ad versely on the construction of an Iron litirw'ay In u certain alley. Report adopted. . Street committee reported con struction of shed for rock pile, where rock Is crushed by city prisoners for use on the street. Report favorably on petition or A U Woodcock regarding certain street a-.eslliellt. Adopted. A l-o report cost of rcparing cily Jail und material used lu street repairs. Adopted. Petition for vacation of certain strict and alleys lu the north west part of the city wa referred to street committee. Usual number of hills were referred to finance committee. Regarding certain bills, the rule were suspended and the bill ordered '"oil motion It was decided that a mieeial meeting be called for consider ing further the question of wider und electric light bond. The following judges ami clerks of election were ai pointed fur the cily election In April: First Ward K O Potter and John McClure were appointed clerk, and M C VunTyne, Judge. Polling place, hose house on lltli siieet. Second Ward-I L Simpson and Ml,-,,.. ..lurL-u- b' A iuli.rufin . 1, eO l liri. Ti mm". , Judge. Polling place, city hall. third warn ueo a worn ami John Ilarger, clerk; S F Kerns, judge. Polling plact, Cherry's building on 8th street. Adjourned. A Muiderom Knife. While having a friendly chat with Judge W fc Davidson the other day that gentleman casually remarked to u Walla Will In Statesman reporter: "Did you ever see the knife that Ken mod used on Kids?" On receiving a negative reply Mr Davidson pulled a great block of wood from under lu desk and extlaeted In two piece, a knife from out of the block. To tell the story short, a convict, some time after the killing, drove the knife into tlie bottom of a stool till piece of wood, in the Jute mill. Ihe knife broke oil' when about half way into the block, and the remaining half was d'ivciiln a short distance from the llrst. The stool is made of a piece of sill 0x0, cut to stand 18 Indies high. and on the top I Hailed a piece of iioarii to lorin a seat. Alter the knlle wa driven Into the bottom the con vict, to lietter hide the weapon, pulled the seat board oil" the top and nailed it no the bottom, thereby completely hiding the knife. How the knife was found can alone be explained by the ticrc imam attorney. The knife I one of many of the same sort used lu a jute mill This one una ueen mueii used and evidently had been new ly ground about the time of tlie killing. Ill now darkly stained with blond and rust eaten. The knife before broken was 6 Inches long and hud no handle In it That Crook County Mukdkk. A dispatch from Hum savsthatJR Rigshy, a reideut on Silver ereek, lieai the line of Crook county, and near where James Wagner wa killed by Isaac N Mills, says that the feeling in that neighborhood I that some undue advantage wa taken by Mills over hi antagonist, and that the meet lug of tlie two wa not purely oc cidental, us w u claimed. The nature oflhu ground, the position of the body when found immediately after the shooting, and the fresh track of the men and the animals thev hud been riding, show, It I said, pretty conclusively that at no time were thev nearer together than 15 feel, and, It la caiiiied, it would have been Impossi ble for Wugncr to have clubbed Mill over the head with a gun. Mill Is at ' nneville recovering from hi wound. io"!i.Y 1)KINK Watkr. -Browns. Ville 1 lines- o'a..Mii.. . , - .-s.-.,j no., cause our el men to drink water, a fact that dou i .ties has proven a ureal surprise to many an over-taxed sioumch. Tlie saloon do,,, w-ere clostd Tuesday evenii g, but how long they will re. main m this condition Is a nuiiter that in. s, ,,e tie-.ermtne.l at the polls. The lllll CHt till luu uis tli-l 11 t the prest in council In running: a pro- h hllorv u..l ...III I .ut .. n J n ill IT laillH'tl, ' -V FineShowino. IVnToerat: The AlllHIl V IT.iUllu.rit .1 I. . . ircnvHi uunnir rib unir.y. wMhtuMdaya, StMKJ pound 'Pi. i r . pouuua per day. 1 Iih r..,sul,..u f..M ... . .... . - i. . ' ';. l"o ouiier made rrotti ItareHOiiO. Tho net return to the lll.llll.iy H'uy - . " - ' woia ier pilllua. Had hey made the r own butter It would .t orvn nan inat amount. The reeciiits fos I . . . . - , ... ...iTiunT were JU40.50 show ing Mg Increase. The crumery - ... sienuiti iiann, and lis business I a ti.aller of local pride. hsily UtiHrd. March 10. m a i .... . i. termed v., rr...... r:,:?i",hiya.;rm.r VeTal olhi.r .,.. ji. i .. . injf. r M"J""" ivur T5 JTir ... " ,. ,T-" . ay ,,,e room In' Parker's oiwra inuuf.... . . 10 1 t.-., ., . -rniiu oi one eryand novelties aU.ut t. '.'V ofthi month, m, tV.., . V" Vounir man -.n i' """",uet' a ei lletit habit, na rood 7usi- Two euurm nf tl,. . iiihb In tie Miliiag Compant Itli RS OF THE ROSE" . o o BEST QUALITY, in tho market. Sold by ENGLAND'S BKEAD. Seven eighths of the bread w in England is made from fore grown wheat, and about five-ni of this comes from America x i and South or about four-nfi from the United States tv growth of ffheat in the Ur Kingdom has declined very raniT during the last 40 years; the 2 under wheat crops, which 4,213,651 acres in 1856, 1,080,228 acres in 1894. In 6G the quantity of wheat raii, thiseountry 73.7 per cent of consumption, the remaining per cent being imported, while 181)2-93 the home product wmi per Cent and the imports 73.2 1 cent. TLe individual coii(ur tion of wheat per year ranges one bushel in Scandinavia toeit'. in France; Great Britain coning five. The weekly consumption bread ranges from 11 pound, i, Germany to 6 pounds in Austrii the average amongst Europe countries being about 8 pouc4 The highest price at which brai was sold in Ki.gland was duriti four weeks in 1800. Samuel Edison, father of Thoum A. Edison the inventor, rebuilt died, after an illness of km! we ks. He was 03 years old. Ii is not more than two years iit a friend of Mr. Edison greeted hia with a report that he looked htli and hearty, notwithstanding li yi years, iiaie and hearty," said, "you bet I ami Wit shouldn't I be? I came of loif lived family. I hud two icj who died in their 99th yearui my father was 103 years indf davs old when he passed mt His mother died when she wis li' years old. Pretty good chanewfc me isn't there?" With hin ere brightening he said, gleefull; "lean whip any man of my if in the county." Latest report are that the dek of the Italian army in Abysm was a crushing one, some battilui being almost annihilated. Ses meut in Italy is strongly irinr of recalling what is left otb Italian Army, and ending the stfJi for possession of a country U can do them little good. England, that will steal anything in the shape of land, got her fingers bunt years ago in a like contest, and t content to leave the country in pos session of the warlike Abyssinian Pendleton E. 0., rep.: H rumored that an attempt is beirj made to put John L. Randonlki bench to succeed Judge Kukin. H there is anv truth in this ruowril is an attempt that is against th interests of the eople of tho eighth indicia! district, and one bkb should not succeed. ty, a ConsI'L. Orrp now has more than 25 w heelmen k are members of the League of Ani'rt' can Wheelmen. This enlilUti ihettaii tu b u-itii.ii ha been est. lishedand an election culled fortht purpose of electing a consul. JM vole, must be Bent In not llr.,',J March 20. Oregon is also entitled seeretary-treasurer, who will r pointed by the newly electeu The Uypsy. The Gypsy rrif here this forenoon with hel"J gc . r r.l..l.f Til n. oi u-J ion. ill liriKiiv. ... landed at the warehouse on tin " of the river this time and after" loading her cargo and taking on ' or five ions of freight lor down nj ( is, mil, ior ciarmuu.g o'clock. ll. S. Land Commissioner. Joel Ware, having been ap pointed U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner for the dist"ct of (Won, is now prepared to make Homestead Fiu'g5- Final Proofs, and take tes timony in Contest Cases- Hnvi'nrr hat) thirtv VOarS CJ' perience in this line, he viu guarantee satisfaction nensn nnon lltflO 111 fu IVIJ tdUDi VO'l" Fellows' Building, Eugene, Oregon, ASH GROVE POULTRY to nuns in uib White and.rt Plvmouth K'.zL ind B.own 1 .nit Kilver tl"! Hamburg. SI. fill tier 15: two setliES J2.50. I alo hava a few choice l',llt plia for aale. teliafarilen fT''1,a, WM .... urn ieW weeks.