Urlf. . Ianima."ild"ihe HUle.-Won'l yu ,eirn.. th.Uoftl.etry about il hoi ask meiitlou .h It is forbidden 10 "But w uy. "" ' ,, n.v dsar. It U H ' account Why! How very odd" Oh. Ii U flnipl enough. Uu se the shoes "f t''" "lu",rlou,'1 "'"lfh, ! ,1,-1 hMpiM-u lit other peoi.le. And these oilier people exceedingly o- . ive OU III- Ul.JCt Of IUOC Ju.l HOW. sensitive, Indeed that an edlel La. been Issued forbidding the pspers to mention anything that might ivmolely suggest abaca, 'therefore, tnv child, you will hear nothing wore 0ftheBlnghUhatuutllyou hi biiuary iu prim. I am orry, uiamraa, . it,i..rr Inr " I thjiik lie He was amusing, wry amusing at .1 Iinnim sorry that we ahull Le no more of oue ao delight fully pl'x and ao logically Illogical." r com- The recent actlou of the Chlwtgo Woman's Club In admitting 10 mem beralitp colurtit lady of talent and re finement la likely to result lu the withdrawal of the Womeu'a Cubs lu lb south from the federation. r:ith era prejudice Is atlll too strong to over look the color llua. In the case of M ra Williams, the lady who has caused the sensation, the Chleago club Is cer tainly Justified In itt action In rd nilitlug her. For In spite of her com dIhxIoii ahe la generally acknowledged to 1 the equal in polut of mentality, culture and maimer of the women who have accepted her as a tr ember of their dlgiiifled body. Thla la saying much for Mra William. It I a well knawu fact that sotua of the brighleel and most gifted women In the laud are membera of the Woman's Club of Chicago- The cold wave, foug expected ty the weather pi opbets, has at last arrived and we are having zero weather after the blaok aiiow of the IHth. Hlx rudlutora and a gaa fireplace fall to tuiunugtily warm UieOregou flat; and a for venturing out, thut la rashness not to be thought or. It la euougb to make one more in love w ith oue'a na tive atatt thuii ever. Henry In Ing and Ellen Terry are to be In Chicago next week for a very brief engagement. Rernhardt followa aiMiu; butl)use refuses to come to the lake city again. Thla proves, for one thing that the Italian actreaa la a wo man of poetlo temperament who absolutely declines to have her artiatio sensibilities shocked for the sake of rinllnra. Modlcska has elven up the stage for the senso'i at least, and thinks nowt-nly or recovering ner neuiui. Her company has been disbanded. She will start lor California as soon as ' aha la itnuiir enough to travel. At present ahe la at the Virginia hotel w ith her husband Count Bozeuta. The onfiil 11 u of the new Y W C A homo Is one of the events of the week It speaks well for the women of Chica go, this Deauinui aim coruniouioua hulldlnu- la to serve as a home for stranger girls who come to the city seeking employment. It distinc tively represents woman's work for woman, and I alao an Immense financial enterprise. i'he building Is even stories hi nil. not couullng the basement, and contains about three hundred rooms, all furnished In mod ern Mtvla. It is located on Michigan avenue in the most attractive part of the city and Is valued at $200,000. The woman of the Young Woman'a Chris tian Association are responsible for U all, and it is not too much to say that Chicago does not Contain worthier monument of Christian work. Many a lonely homesick girl will bless tha noble women who have thm nrovldsd for them, not a place to atav. but a home. Thla is the sort of Christianity that counts In the sight ' w uoa and man. do lona; world hnn nnh a. reminder of true love and endeavor It ia not In Immediate clanger of going to destruction, a la Mas Nordau. That the women of thiscltv know how to manage suo ceasfully, glgautlc financial ventures linn been well proven In the adminis tration of the affairs of the Temple, the splendid monument of the W. C. T. U. When Shipped. Portland, Or., Feb 26. Editor Dkmocbat: Referring to the paragraph published In the Ore frmiimi thla nmrnlnir taken from the "files of your paper anent the Introduc tion into ijinn county 01 inn"" pheasants penult me to say that toward the close of 1881, 1 shipped by aalllnir vessel to hit brother, John, In pare of A H Monran. Portland, about 80 birds, all but one or two of which 1 1 1 ....l:t.. mm T Mmam. arrived 111 goou iwihiuiwui ber. Two-thirds of this shipment were hens. I do not remember the exact date of their arrival In Linn, but my brother will be able to fix that as well aa the number turned adrift. I ro- iimmiiAP thnnirh that the ship was quite a long time on the voysge. O. N. Dknnv, That would make the date given by th ivmnttrat aa to when they were turned loose in this county, March 14, 1882, about right TiKAnt.v Cigarette. A dispatch from Franklin, Ind., of Feb 25th says: Tl-nr- ('nlfrall. (if KdlnburST. died VCS- tor.iuv ufir aavernl weeks' Illness of softening of the brain, due to excessive cigarette smoking. A post mortem examination was held, and a pe.uiliar condition discovered. The pericardial sack was enlarged until It held about a j gallon of water, and tha heart was ab normally contracted. A fat y growth had also lormed, and both the lungs and spleen were enlarged aud weakened by the disease. Dllj eaard, Fabruary 28. Gone Prospecting. J W West, who has len holding a position aa Jeweler In J 8 Luekey'e store, weut to Collage Grove thla arter noen, where he will be joined by Jack Morgan. The two of them will leave by train In a day or two on a prospect ing tour to Southern Oregon. Married. At the residence of the bride's parents at Trent, Lane county, Oregon, Feb. 27, 1896. Mr Hiraon C. Kmart to Miss Lenora Oulley, Rev. Thos- Huosaker officiating. Mr. EAKIN NKEN. He uvcllues to Talk Ipm tin Tax Roll (juestiwit. baity Coin! february . As W T Kaklti Is a candldute for in iiilnttllun for Nherlir. sulilect to tliu ! Uecisiou of the republican convention he was seen today by a reporter, who wished to rind nut in what liuht he re garded tlicai tuni oftiherltT Johtisan in leiurnlnir the 1HU.J tax roll to Clerk JennliiBs for v. ritlcstiou, and also whut etlsct he thouuht it would have upon hisvliauovs lor nomination fur siierill', as he had performod the work of extending one it the volumes which has been rexirtid full of errors. Mr tvakin declined to talk todav. saying that he was not yrl u-ady to make a atatenieul and tlioulit for the present It would be better for liliu to rtiiialn quiet Uikiii the suhlx t. He said he had a stutemeut to muke and would say a iiumtwr of thlnx to the public If lieceHsry, when the proH'l tlmecoint-s. Wheii asked when that proper time would arrive, he replied that he would piohahly be ivudy to make a statement ror the betient oitlie punllo ns aoon ait Mr Coollde hud luudu his tlnal repori of his lnMK'tiou or volume So. 1 or the IH'M tux roil. Iu oouvernntioii Mr Kiklo made several remarks which Indicated to some extent how he regarded the iut ter, sH'cally In couiieulion with him self. While ho did not say tlml the roll was sent back to the cierk's otlh-e for the purpose of bringing about re suits that would politically injure him self, yet he evidently thought as much. He seemed tointiiK mat tne proposition mar't by Mr Jennings to Mr Johnson to have the latter gentleuiuu continue tax collections, rectifying- such mis takes as he might find as he proceeded, until the clerk aud his deputies could have time to go through the roll und verify It. which they proponed to do by working on 11 01 nigiiii inter 'vi lections for the day had c aied, whs a fair one; and that It was the course that ouuht to have been pursuvd. He was of the opinion that ll was the lt wav out 01 the matter, aaa wouia nave been the means of avoiding ull pub licity of the udair and uiincceiwary tiotorletv of Mr Jennings, Mr John son anil lilinseir, ami couni unve harmed no oue. He denied th ttitte ueiit that slicrltl Joliuson lad In f.iniii'il him of what he Intended to do before returning the roll to Mr Jenninits. saving that he did not see Mr Johnson until after tho roll had been returned to the clerk. In resard to the errors w hich have an far been found in volume No 1 of the tax roll he has nothing to say yet, but atatea that it was bis du-dre when he had finished extending the volume to verify It, but as Mr Johnson was In a hurry to get the roll to begin tax col- Icclloua Mr Jenoingsaiu not uiiiik 11 necessary to take the time to go through the roll again. As reo-ards his chances for the Hum Inatlon for sheriff. Mr Eaklti does not think ha w ill be Injured in the least bv the tax roll question. Ills friend regard it aa a political scheme gotteu ud to Injure him and win wora an me harder to secure his nomination on that account. Notice. United Btates Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 27, 181)8. Notice Is herebv elven that the ap proved plata of survey of the lollowlng townships have been received rrom the nrvavnr arcnsral for Oreeon. towit: TnlRH. R7W: To20 8. H8W, and m Maturdar. April 11 1890, at nine o'clock a m. aald plata will be tiled in thla nfflra. and the land embraced therein will be subject to entry ou and after said date. K M Viatch, Register, R 8 Sheridan, Receiver. DalW Uusrd, February 28. Mnvrn On Mrs Hendrlck. the old fiarmnn ladv who oame here a few d.va airn from Orant's Pass In deal! tut ciicu instances, left on the 11:20 r.in atardae for Salem. She staid about a week at the Minnesota hotel and went away leaving her bill ua paid. Before she left a purse was made up and a ticket purchased for hr to Salam. Since coming here It has been learned that the woman is a tramp. Though over aixty years 01 era and anfaab ed and wrlukled wit: the hardships ol a lifetime she still possesses that roving spirit wuicn w in not permit her to be satisfied to stay lu one place. She has no friends or rela- ti vm niiL aopnia iu ua omubuhwiwi.ii o. .i.o I. la iwrmltted to travel, hue 1... ihm, or tour sacks nuea wun sundry belonglugs which she carries with her. They form all that this discrepid old woman has In this world. When she left here she seemed dcxir ous of getting to Portland, Dally Gusrd, February 28. Rioht, You ARB. Today's Ore tronUn has this editorial: "The peo ple of the Willamette valley will nnu In the proposed Improvement of the river from Portland 10 Eugene, ue tailed yesterday In The Oregonlaii's report from Washington, the most Interesting reading furnished during the present session of congress. I he plan of improvement Is carefully de tailed, nd, accompanied by maps and estimates, will be before the river and harbor committee early next month. The lagging agricultural Interests or the Wlllumotte valley would receive an impetus from the realization of the plan proposed that nothing else would gjve." n.Ti-oT i.v the Evening. The Portland . Hebrew News of yesterday has this concerning one of Eugene s most churning young ladies: Misa Alice Frledlander had twenty-two in. her naity at the omnium ui,.-, lRt Wedr.osday eve i- CM 1 1 1 Iiivi-v, - , 1 Ingweek. The Players were ' - 1 tip aud indulged in many 'i' -nd witticisms on the party dur-. Ing the play. Alter in a- - ; elegant aup, m ; the r neaianuer - , the Columbia thea're orchestra furnished the music. Souvenirs were given to the auests, consiHling 01 a luP , and saucer to each gentleman and a 5 ailverhalrpin-casetoeach lady. M'ss, Carrie Friendly, of Eugene, who Is, visiting Mlse rrieatanaer, a m. special gubst ot the evening. BEE C11 A NO E. See change In F E Dunn's ad today. It will pay you to watch his space and note bis wee kly changes. I FRIDAY, FEURUAUY US. RokwcII Shelley is 111 Eugulie. Eugene i itut have tho crcainery. Editor Tiiorti. of Lemutl, It In l'.u 1 gene. The river Is twelve feet above low water murk. Attorney Woodcock arrived home this afternoon. The aound of the steuiihout whlxile is a welcome one. Hon II H Lvmiiti, of Astotin. visited lu Eugene tmluy. Y li I.awlcr. thu minlnir 111:111. hits relurned from iilue River. Deiiutv Sherltr W C Yoran made Junction ' i'.y a vliit today. Rev W rtCSilhert went to Salem on this morning's locul trnln. E E Hmi'win returned home today from a short trip down the road. The hobos luive changed their emit and are traveling north aain. The ladle of the U H ihurch will give an apron cociul In the neur future. Prohlliilioii a killed by thu repub lican IcKl'lnture of Iowa yesterday, in that state. Our btininem men should give Mr Craig, the creanieryniun, every en coiirHKi'ineut posaible. J It Eddy, railro'id commissioner. Is said lo In.1 a caudidale for ColiureKS In the Eastern Oregon district. Commlasioiier IVrkliH was iu Eu gene to 'ny. He is said to l ea repub lican cnmlldute for county jucge. Pendleton Tribune. Feb. 27th: Mr M Lev inner is in the city Irom Eu gene, vii-itlng 1 leaver jirotnors, wno are old friends. R. v J F I) IV, ntiptUtevangelixt. left for UoHi'burg 'liiit afternoon. He will lo to Kiddle tomorro'V to eiii;a-e In religions services. The Lebanon Ktpres says that a (l 1 in mi 1:1 11 ith white woman fir a wife pa-wed Ihrougii L lianon Wcdois- dy oil li 1 h wny to footer. Coiiotai lc I.liiPm li'i- returned from lown the valley, luvli g failed to find an.' c tie to the iiurainr wno rouiK.-i t lJou.l i Son's store at Irving. Five Eugene teams went to llarrU- hunt Wediiculav alter freluhl. the water In the Uarrmiiurg oinioni pre veiitslhem from returuiiig, much to their dinusl. Y'estenlay's Ncwpoit Ncwk TIio HtPiimers Koharts ami fuistioii nave been in port since last week oil uc- count of bad weather and heavy sea. Today tho weut her is wotse than bad. The Monroe flouring mill is to be built tho present eain. A hnnus or $1,200 him been niliK'tPx-d by the citizens of tlic vicinity, The mill I to located on the site ol thu rotmer unit. A Douglas county office hunter makes this hold announcement: "I owe nohoilv a cent, iwu therefore free to act fairly and Justly to und ny ait, and for tliu best intercuts ol Doubles cogtity bine." I belong to no ring or com The Portland Oregnniun has hint awarded a prize of $lii for the 1k.bi definition of a baby. The Heppner lady who won the pri.o sent lu this answer. "A tiny leather from the wing of love, dropped into the sacred lap of motherhood." Arevou ludae reprobate?" asked a woman as the walked luto Probate Judge Duncan's office Inst Thursday afternoon. "I am Judge of probate," i... II.. ronlv. "Well, that's it I CX- .Mt " nuotli th old lady. "You see my husband died dctcstetl and left me everal little infidels, and I want to be their executlorer. telescope, nrnimn l thu leudlnir oat-producing oi.m .,r th Pailflo coast. Its crop Inst year Is estimated by the department or agriculture at 7,240,0K2 bushels; Wash ington. 3.077,075 bushels; California, 1.(11)0.040 busliels; Idaho, 1,10.),3-)S h.i.hou ('Hllfbriila mukes ur. how ever, on barley. Its crop of that cereal for the past year Is slated at 111,023,078 im.hain whllo Oreson only produced 708.682 bushels, aud Washington 1,- 042.211 buahcls. Todsy's8alom Statesman: Supreme court adjourned sine die yesterday, the October term having ended, but the day calls It into session again next Monday, when 1110 aiarcu leriu m begin. A recess of the court In tialem will be declared Just prior to Miaflnt Momlav in Mav. when the turm nt Pendleton will oncil. follow inir 1 ho March term will be resumed here, to bo interrupted only by the mid-summed vacation. The Southern Pacific shops nt Sacra tiitantn iitm run ninir Rirnln III full blast, Uruduttlly tho force has been Increased tii it now numbers 1.700 men. and that 800 more will lie added M th working force before 80 lavs pass. A congressional law com pelling all railroads to equip freight cars with automatic couplers, the same to go Into effect on Juniiury 1, 1808, has furnished conslderr bio work and will give u good deal more during the next two years. Daily nuard, Kuhiuirj S. P.fKINKSS FAII.fRE.-E Uuutn, tho clothier, who has be.-n engaged In busiucss in this city for a number r years, fulled today. His store was closed r.t 10:.'!0a in, under attachment inndubv Fleisclinfr, Mayer & Co, of Portland, and I Rniini, of Portlnnd. The amount sued for by Iho former Arm Is $377.02, Including Interest, due on (roods sold to defendant. '1 he latter sues for $1,4.12 00 Including Interest, due on prnmisory notes. Mr llaum seemed to bo greatly surprii-cd when the attachment was nuide and evi dently was hot expecting It. It is to 1 be hoped that he may soon Income solvent ngaln. Dally liUHrd, Fttiruaiy'-n. PiiihoixiiAN Nona. The Phllo loiian s.K-iety of the university met lust night s"d elected E R Hryson assldunt stcrelary. The (Uesllui, Resolved, That Ihe presidetit of the iT..u..,l Hintea should bold office six yeais slid not be eligible for two, terms." was debuted and won by the , affirmative. j Dally (iusnl, February . w.tl-u Iti.tiNO. The live freight teams that left Harrlshurg tor this city with about 10,000 pounds of freight are now in Ihe bottoms below Cohurg and are unable to get through on account r i.h'h uuter. Croner aud V lute leit 1 their wagons lust night and cume I through 011 horse back. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 02. The river staiuU at 0 fvt. Today Is the extra day of 1S:K). Tim little son or Mrs Strand Long Is 1 iiuito ill. 1 Mrs. Oov. Whltcsker Isvlsilingat Creswell. Tho trulu was twenty minutes lute this afternoon. M H llarkei receive I two more new Ciulcs w heels toilay. Thechildrvli of John Christian 111 e sullerltig with chicken pox. Remember that It snowed on the latt day of February this year. Mrs I) R Van Skvke or Harrlshurg Is visiting relatives In this city. l Kuykeiidall returned this morn ing from a short vlsi: lu Drain. M Levincer is traveling through Eastern Oregon and Washington. Mrs W L llristow and son Arlo It, of Pleasant Hill, uro In Hid city today. John Haudsaker went to Harris- burg today aud will preach there to morrow. Master L I. Huudsukcr, of Pleasant Hill, Is visiting his grandparents iu this city. Frank James of Tacoma, a brother of CP James ol this city, Is visiting with the lutter. Hon Ilehl Hsvden Is being talked of bv democrats as the ptububle uomlnte ror stule senutor. The lust few dnvs have brought forth several new republican candidates for sberltl ami county clerk. A marriage license wus granted to day to Robert Philips and Mary J lleckley, Isitu or Cottage drove. The senate parsed rcsolullons yes tcrduv favorable to Cuban ts'lligerencv and independence. Thu vote stood 01 to 0. Rev W S (JillH-rt reluriie I last nilit rumi S.ileui. where he had been lo at tend a special meeting tr the Pres bytery. The store of Kent A Son at Drain was broken Into lust Wednesday lilglit und the sale robbed of $2"i. The com bination had I'eeii left unfastened. Feburnry is the shortest mouth, but it lu.s Wellington's biilluluy, tl. Val entines day. ground hog day, Chum new yearand Is rvspotislble lor leap yeur." Mr und Mrs John Wiemied uro tho guests of W P Fishel, at present, and will utso visit at the home ol Mr and Mrs Henry Fisher and other rel atives and friends w Idle iu the city. John Ehriuuu will leave iu a few days for Southern Oiigon where he will engiige In mining. Ho Is inter- sted in a mine on Mans v reek liuoe ihino count v, which Is now islng worked by his partner, Jack Wells. Portland Hebrew News: "Missis Celiaund lierlha Goldsmith, r r.u- eiie, have opened u llrst clusa inillin- rv Hloro in Oreiiou Cltv. 1 he younr ladies are thoroughly fumlllar in their line; we predict and wish them suc cess." Albany Democrat: Hon E R Skip- worth, of EugeiiP. Is reported a candl dute for county Judge of Luno county. That county would do 1110 proper ihliur 111 electinir him A county judge should be a lawyer and Mr Skip- worth Is an eiuoieui oue. Ashland Record: W I Yaw ter re turned to Mmlford 'luesday fiflin a two weeks tour of this congressional district looking after his Interests lor congress. He and Hurry Miller have pooled their interests ami are innnioK a brothel ly love canvas to aolldily their strength when the Until scrap takes place against ftampsou ner mnii 11. KiP Hkaku From. In the Jack sonville Items to the Ashlund Tidings we tind the pillowing concerning a graduate or the U or O, who Is very popular iu Eugene: "At tho annual meeting of tho Huston Athletic Asao social ion held Feb Htli, 1WM1, Mr Kas- IUIP lv K11 1 or Jacksonville, ure., won a silver pitcher, given as tho llrst prize iu the 4 yards high hurdlo race in u-hioh hd defeated Stephen H Chase, the champion of tho world. He made the 45 yards In six seconds, the highest record ever nisdo being live aud four-tlfth seconds. Kup Is a natural athlete, and with his record gained without induing he would iwmnr nor count v ut the Olympian ramoa that are irolmr lo be scored at Athens next May. The trophy won on thiaoccaslou wus nicely engraved and worth S "5. which makes his cn- tira nidlcPtlon now 111 athletic contests tonhln and Ulllulli'. Klip al wavs scores a sucirss for Oregon, and when he graduates from Harvard In !,,.,,. 1.., u ill no doubt far stirtiass in Itellecluiil achievements his record in physicul culture." Dally duaid, February -.M. RfKINKHS AND SOCUI. SltftSION. Tho Y P S 0 E of the U H church he.d a business and sociul session at tho home ol Miss lono Zlegler on South High street lust evening. It was voted by tho aorluty to send at least one delegate to the itate convention which meets at Oign City. The society also voted to give a social in future. After r.poits of committee had been heard and other ousiness at tended to a sociul fi ssion wus held and wus greatly enjoyed by all present. Daily busrd, leiirnary.lt. ASSIONKDTOTIIK UEKORM SCIIOOl.." Eddie und Lee Ooodwln aged r speclively 12 and 14 years, sons of ti N (loodwlnof Franklin, were today com mitted to the state reform school at Sa lem by tho county authorities. Tho complaining witness was Slh Harpoleand tho boys were charged with being incorrigible, turbulunt. vic ious and of extremo depravity. They will be taken down on the early I rain tomorrow. Pally Guard, feliruary 29. Miss McCf r.Lof 011 Estkktainh. MIsb Delia McCullough entertained atKiut2-rj of her young friends at the residence af Mr and Mrs 11 I) Uliuti .... v,.nh 11 or 1 street last evening. o-in'ies were ulayed and refreshments durin the evelllng It wus a ve ;y b-:irulit atlnir. Imllr Ousnl. February TJ. Tiif. Stkamkk. Tho steamer Oypsy arrived here at 2 o'clock this afternoon with 50 tons of freight. She will leave down In the morning with 80 tons of !f;. Lid. JlcMlSSVIUKTIIKYlClOU. The llapt 1st Coll. ge Carries Away the 1 Uraturiciil rrize .uu test ut .Nuwburx- The 4th annual intercollegiate ora torical contest took place in Centonary M E church In l-.iut roiuaiid nisi night. At Its closo the follow log tele gram wus received iu Eugene from E PShaltuek, secretary of the associa tion: "I'nKTI.ANK, Feb. 2.H. -Charlea Oalloway, si Mc.Mlnnville College, won tho contest. Ills oration wus True Americana.1 1 he U of O, never theless, lias reason to bo proud of Travis, wlui was a close contestant. :i the husiuci-s meeting of the assiK'lutioii held It wus decided that the next Contest would be held at N'ewburg. Howard Davis or the U of O was elected treasurer of the association. E P SllATI'll K." The siiccc-ful candidate is a bright voting man, and is a son or Hon Wil liam H (lulloway, w ho was a candi date oil the deiuiKTutiu ticket for gov ernor against the nicsctit incunils-nt, llovcruor Liord. the iiapusi v onego has good reason to bo proud of the young man who has honored (hat In stitution by carrying away thu laurels of the fourth oratorical contest, In cotnetitlon with the leading colleges of the state. The Institutions of learning repre sented In the contest at P rtlund last evenioir Mere: Willamette University, Salem I P Callison; subject, "Thu Soourge or the Eust." Albany College-Albert W Wright; "The Mounsj Doctrine Our atiuiiul Delelise." I'nlversily or Oregon, Eugene Lee M Travis: ". IrulM-ail." McMinnvlllo College Charles V (iidlownv: "True Amerlcuns." Pacific College, N'ewburg Lldu Hanson: "Methods of Progress." .Monmouth Normal School Leila Pari isli: Joan of Arc." TiiciUc University, Forest drove P K ltaut-r. Cortland Unlveislty O W East- ham: "Perilous Times." 1 11 the contests so fur thu following InMitulioiis have carried nwuy thu iirl.i-s: Contest of lSD.'l. ut Suluni, Paclflo Cullcgi'. or Newburg; J'4, at Eugene, Willuii ette L'lilversity, orSulcni; 1-SlCi, ut Forest (irove, University of Otegon, of Eugene; ismi, at Portlund, .Mo.Minn ville College. Creswell Casualties. Miss Leora Wilson, of (ioilieii, is visiting at Vcss Kelsay's. L W Riggs will leavo next Monday for Alaska in search of his fortune. Miss F.lslo Kcllev Is visiting rela tives on Coast Fork. F A Tozinr has added a tousorlul de partment to his store. Jas Law niado a trip to Eugene last Saturday. Louis II Johnson was in Creswell Sunday for a short time. We are Informed that Ohurlle Sum mers (alias Si.eucer) bus shaken the dust of Hear Creek settlement from his foet forever. Hubert Giles of the Mutual t'lro Protective Association is working In tlds purt of the county The I (1 O F'a talk of organizing in thlanliiiM ut no distant day. 1 ho Woodmen also have their eyss on this locality, f rcswell Sunday School will make u rood rcnort of the year's work at the coming annual convention. Last year ua renortud liU membera With OU aver- aire tttienilance. This year we will n-iiart IK) members enrolled wun aver age attendance of CO, an Increase of (iO r cent, besides having orgauizeu n 10ms class of over 00 and made a start toward a library, having now 30 volumes. Harry Webber, engineer on one of tho freight trains of this division, wliile wuitiug for another truln at this place, delivered an exleniK)ianuous lecture on advanced farming methods to a couple of Wehrootera, and It was hlizhlv auiireclated. and the verdict wusirivenas he mounted his locomo tive again that they were spoiling a good farmer for an engineer. Wn lisvn It from a rel ublo source that there are thieeorrour welldenned cases or bicycle rever in this place, and as soring approaches they near the danger point. Dally Uuanl, February 2t PlloTOMRAl'IIKD Til B HONKS. Per bans no better success has boeii met with In photographing through solid substances bv Prof Roentgen's method than that of Prol I'rledel.orthe elect no ilensrtmont or the University of Ore- iron and C L Winter, of the Winter I'holo Loillliuliy. J.ust,' evening u little tliviullou w as mudo lu the exper iments. Heretofore tho tests had U-en mudo on pcices of inetul placed between slabs of wood. Tho experi ments were not successful until tho first trial was mudo Wednesday even ing when a fairly good Impressslon was 1, hi, lined ora small coll or wire, a small ncrew and a thumb scrow vice. Whllo the Impreslou was plainly visible tn thn i.eii it wus not strong enough to print. Last night a trial was nisdo upon the bones or the hand. A plcco orblottlmr iianer was placed upon the sensitized pbto and Prof J H Wether l:e placed Ida hand Immediately over the blotting nupcr, which had been put there for Iho imrposo of absorbing the moisture of thu hand. Ilia ('abode ray was turned directly upon tho hand mid an expostiro of HO min utes made. Today tho plate was developed by Mr Whiter and a proof taken. An outline of the whole hand Is shown hut through it, its bones are tilainlv visible from the palm to the tips of the linger. The knuckles and form of the bones of the lingers are quite distinct und t' e exjierlment call be suid to be most sucuesslul. Dslly board, February W. OKI'K'KIM El.l-:rmi. Tho Lstirean soelty of thu l. niversity etecieu omcers , fur t ie ensuing l rin iasi main aa 101 ' Iowa: President, J. Edmundson; vice tiresident. A Llvermore; secrelary, E I). Hoone: assistant sveretarsry, J DeLiishmutl; treasurer, O Van luyne; censor, 1! Richards; Sergeant ai-arins, ... . I.V. ..I.. ...I I. v J HSUIII. aiessra V- i r.usimiiu, r t Mulkef a'ld C A Wlnlermeler havo been clmsen to represent Ihe society lu Joint debate with Willamette University. THE CUKAMF.RY AHSL'KKD. The Mailer lUscussed I'ru aud Con, Patty i-iiarl, Keljrusry :'). About fifty farmera mid a number of others Km- present this afternoon ut the court bouse to hear Mr S E Craig's proposition lu regard lo establishing a creamery ill this city. Mr Cral,: stated his proposition by saying ll would lie necessary to have tho milk from ut least 2-'iO io. Whenever lie was guaranteed tho milk from that number of ( for a period of one yvar he would estubhsli the creamery. He proposed to put In tho plant and to have it lu operation by uot later than May 1 of this year. Tho farmers were to deliver the milk at thu creamery artd Mr I lalg would manufacture It Into butter und market thu prod -let, charging tho farmer 0 cents per pound for making and mar kelluir tho butter All butler market ed In Eugene ho would only charge 4 cents for. .1 he farmer was 10 receive the market price less the 4 und 6 ceut commission. After Mr Craig hud stutcd his piop- ositloti It wus discussed pro und coll. The genarul spirit of tlie meeting seemed to tat lu favor of a creamery, tliot.gli quite a uumlM-r were a little backward lu ottering their support lo Iho ptolect as they had hud no experi ence lu that line ami were not sure that ll would bo a paying Investment. Severul persons present who hud coma rrjiil locul It ls w hero mere are ereuiii- eries spoke heartily in favor of estab lishing oue here. The main objection seemed to Is- in getting the milk to the creamery. The amount 01 milk which each farmer would have would not pay him to make dally tilps to thu creamery. lo overcome tliisuwua suggested that milk route he estab lished ami u team he employed 10 naui thu milk from a certain number or farms, which could bo done at a com parative small c 'st. After the matter had lst-n sufficlent le discussed, a standing vote was ailed for to see how many would ten der their support to the crmmery. twenty two luruicrs roso to then reel. A committee or thrco was then ap pointed to solicit thu crowd and see how many cows wouui 00 (junmiiK-i-s b those picseiit. 1 he coiiiiiilltee. Biter n lew mi" work, reported 22S cows. Mr Craig then assured the meeting that, us there would be iiiuiiy more cows emtio lu later oil, he would estui'llsii mo creamery and would commence work on the buildings, etc, in 111110 iu lim it completed by tho llrst of May. Death or Miss l.ee. From tho Woodbind, California, tfc.iiiocrnt. of February 21. we take Iho following account ot Ihe dcuth of Mlt-s Alice Ia'O, who wus a sister to Mrs E J Fruier of this city und who wus- well known by a number oromeis here: "Miss Autile Alice I,eo died in Mm Francisco oil Sunday, 1-ehruury tho 23d, at p 111. The news wus received in this city w Ith surprise and the sln ceresl regret, where she was regarded bv iter f 1 lends with ail ullucllou us deep as ll was observed. "All operation was perioruicu m ntai lav. the ltlth. lust, and she stood the shock so well that her family und friends were very hopirul that stio would rally. "On Saturday there was a marked chango for tha worse In her condition and she fulled rapidly until' death came to her relief. "The body arrived on the noon train toduy in clnirgo of Miss Hauls Lee, sister or the deceased, Mrs. W. W. Urnwnell and Mr E R IH1.I1. t'ha fuuoral took place rrom lliu family residence, Wednesday morning 10 o'clock." The Weather fur March. Foster's last bulletin gave forecasts of the storm wave to cross tho couth- nent from 23d to 27th anil the next, he says, will reach tne i-uciuo coasv n,ui, the2Sth, croisthe west or the Rockies country by close of 20th, great central valleys March 1st to mi, aim j.asicrn ststes 4th. This will be an Important distur bance, of wide extent and more than the usual force. In niauy parts of the continent all the varieties of tho weather may be expected, from balmy spring days to the uncouth bll..ard, the former preceding tne niiier ioiiow ing tho central dates of tho disturb ance. The cold wave following this storm Is exectcd to bring unusually low tc m perat urea In the great central val leys that will continue through tho first week of March. Thu warm wave will cross Iho west of the Rockies country about February 27th, great central valleys March 1st, Eastern stales Murch 31. Cold wavo will cross the west of Rockies country about March lid, great central vulloys 4th, Eastern stutcsOlh. Letter List. Feb. Harlty, Kennel, 27, 1HO0. Louis Mis I C Rayley, Mrs Ella lturch. T Casey, R A Williams, W H. A clmrKO uf ons rout will Is iua1n 011 all letter" Klven out I'hiwmm rslllug lr lullers will pltssu atuts W len ailurilnl. Dally Uuanl, Fuumary '. Snow. Residents or this vicinity were surprised upon arising this mot 11 Ing to see the surrounding low lying foothills covered with a thin coating if snow. An extraordinary open seu- sou hud led them lo believe that the bscklsme of winter was brokeu und thut we would have 110 more snow, or severe storms outsldu of, perhaps, some heavy rainfalls. Hut the snow wus to b seen ou tho hills this morning, nnu by 0 o'clock it hud commenced to fall in the cilv; at llrst only a few scatter ing Hakes' which kept Increasing until It was coming down In little lltirrys, ipiltu thick at tlmeii. The moisture ot the ground would not iermlt It to stay, though, and It Is not likely that the small Isiy will get auy snowball ing this tlnio. Daily (Juanl, February IK Dii'iiniKKlA Cahkh. There are now live euros of diphtheria In and about Coburg. The remalulng Smith girl now ha thu disease but not iu so malignant form as w hich carried away her mother. The other cases outside of the Smith family uru or a mild form.