The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 07, 1896, Image 1

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I .1 - -. . . .J
. a
wmnsnED m m dimei.v.tio!. np ohmocmtib rtmmiis. ni to uu iohitlitim bt tobiweit op our bruw
OL 2o
M. 13.
0ffICB-Emt sldi) WlllauioUa b twccii
j.f.jlh and Kl8hll Utreol.
i4 nn
5" "'."'I'l.. : : . .80.
Advertising rates made
on application.
A,'dr si! luilliM
Eugene Ufa jQU.
Clicks. Watcfies, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
s-AII Work Warrauled.Vl
Office over Baum 3 clothing
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
Physician onci Surgeon.
OHio ami nt ar potiffio. Hunr;
; t V a. in.; is "I z, 0 to 11 p. iu.
33. O- 2-E2Z3E3-
New Designs and New Prices In Foreign aud
Pomcatlc Marble and Granite, Monuments.
Headstones and Cemetery work of
all kind! (or 1895.
WllUmette Street, Postofllce. Eugene, Or
Ornci Ons-lmlf block aouth ol Chrlsmsu's
Lane County Bank.
(Established lu 1WSZ)
A ceneral Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. O. HOVEY, President.
J. M. A BRA MS, Cushler.
A. U. HOVEY, Jr.. Asst. Cashr.
8. B. akik, Jr.,
National M
Ol Eugene.
Paid up Us!i Capital 50,0G0
Surplus ant! Profits, 850,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A mineral bnnlcint business dune on rsasou
able terms. Hight tlrntts on NEW YD UK,
Bill, of exchange sold on foreign countries.
Deposits received subject to check or cortifi.
ca of doiinlt.
All oolUotiona entrusted to us will rrceirs
urompt ntteoiloo.
Having a Lame and Complete stork of
Staple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the best markets,
I can oiler the publlo belter prices
lhau any other house in Eugeue.
mines of all Iliis taken at Mirlcet Prices.
Jf De Moines, Iowa, writs under daU
March 23, 1893!
S. B. Med. Mro. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Ge.ntl.emkn: On arriving ti mie lu-l
Week. I foil n.4 nil ui.ll mid hiiiIo'.hIv
Waltltiir I In.. Itltlu ivirl flirlif lit. one- !
... . I
half years old, who hu t wasted away
to 38 pound, In now well, stroll and
viqorous. and well lletiel lip. S. II.
t'ouith l-'ure liaa done Hh work well.
B th of the childrvn like it. Your .
B. Cough Cure hun eurel and kept
away all hoanneiw from nie. So ive
It to every one, with grvetiUK for all.
Vihlnt you prof perity, we iin
Youre, &Ik. asi Miw. J. K. Kord.
tl Ton wlKh to fwl frwih and eh.f rfnl, and
"oy lor the 'j-r'.tn't work, rlraiiaa lb sy.trui
with lha ilnailnebr and l.i-r t.'ure, by Ukm
oflhiwd.MiMa wwk.
Soid under a poalttfa giiarantoe
SO eouu per bottle by all druggists.
Circuit court in acslou.
Pretty rout:h March weather.
M ill II It Miller Ii Iioiiih nguln.
Sell ml election dim w.ek Iroiii
d IV.
Sam Onldsiiiith, r, Is
the cilv.
II ll ! Cluw, of Jumtion fit v. i
in Kuue.
The Hint full of miiow of uny ucc sunt
thin xt'UMiii.
R-v M C Wire went t Portland
tliN ufteriiouii.
Attorney Mllinn V Smith, of Port,
land, Is in the city.
March dime In this year lilia a
imw win it go our:
It Ih likely that couit will not
more tliau u week.
Heveial ficilit wngous arrived from
lliirrinliiiri; yenterduy.
J II Berkley wits a piifM'iijjer on to
lay's I rain fur Riwebiirg.
Attorney Cooier, of Lenmti, in luut
tctiduiit'e ujio'i circuit court.
TluraieS in hca i;f 4i;ow at Roe
burg unil leu iiH'hcs ut Drain.
M S Wall a U invoii iiiif the lluilm
stock ofgood'4 lur Slieiiirjoliiihiiu.
School election one week from toi'ay.
It will tie a hotly c iitc-dcd event.
T A Milliorn ninl Chits Van
Vrnnkln, of Jtimtil in, nre In Kugt-ne
A 1 D.iy li ft for his home lu Victor
ia, I!. C, on this mi rning't) e.nly
lions eiiHier
gener illy riii t enllce-
lliuu lor M.'VlT;U UllllllIlK
I lie Salva'iou Army moved into
their new harracks, Lane's Hull, this
About two Inchei. of miiow fell yester-
uivandltiHi ntglit and the same re-
iiiiiIiih on the ground.
Mrs Judge RS Beau and two little
children, of Sitlem, were arrivals on
this afternoon's train.
W T Campbell and Win Alexander
repaired the north show window In
the Matlock building today.
t he street commisionur and derm
tlcit did good work today In cleaning
the street and alley croaslngs.
The U of () (U'legittes to the state
oratorical contest from
Portliiud yenterday ufitrniinii.
The family of K M Wood, proprietor
of the howlinc alley, tin I veil lieie .Sal
urday from New Whntcom, Wash.
It eoH Umatilla county U.'i!)S for the
iisichHiiielit nf lust year. Hal her a
still bill. Deputies were paid fl a day
Harrv BrUtow left tor the Mead of
Tide with an extra ettiue yesterday, to
brill;! out a number of witnesses Tor
circuit co iirt
Judge Fullcrlon and Proecu'lng At
lornery Brown arrived here from
Rom-burg on this forenoon's local
V S Leo wits In lown this forenoon
imikhn arrauueuieiits for the tlual
settlement of the Iaaao Cook entatu of
Col S P Slaildeu and wife, of Port
laud, arrrlveil here venierday after
noon ami will visit in Eugene fur a
few days.
Al Kuykei.dtill has accepted a posi
tion HHdrug clerk In Ostium & lv La
no's drug atorc, Harry Welder having
resigned. '
C F Houghton returned on the flyer
lust ulirlit from a four months visit to
Southern California. He got olf the
tiniti at Junction.
Harry Bristow (.ot lu from the Head
of Tlile, nhortly utter ikmiii today,
with a etago load of persons Interested
in the lixhermcu's rolt cuses.
There will le plenty of politics for
everybody this year. It would he well
to resolve to nave icas pontics una
more bushiest, don't you think?
The babe thai was born Saturday
will tie in hard lt'ck iu the nutter of
birthdav ani.lversaries, as It will have
to wuitelght years for the next one.
A clothing an I shirt drummer in
town todsv. We would advise our
citizens to pntroiii.H their own tullors
and shirt maker. Ihey spend llicir
money here and help pay the taxes.
A Portland llrni having got a corner
on the onion net market has raised the
price to II uentsa pound. This will
prohnhly bring in a few (uilotuts from
the Ettbt.
An exchange nsl.s: "Shall wouu n
wash on Saturdays or M udtivs?" We
suy, let them wusli at least twice u
week, especially If they do the family
Attorney lUncdlet, O V Hurd and
Louis Bean nrrived lure from the
Lower Siuslaw Saiurday evening to
attend circuit court.
Fossil Journal: Mrf D S Brown left
this week lor Cr swcll, Lane county,
to visit her father Mr Scott, who has
been sick several mouths. She ex
nccts to be A'if trtit about a month.
Fossil Journal: Mr U W Rinehart is
kble lo lie out again after everal days
sickness with cholera nioruus. roi
awhile he thought his last day on
..,il. huil nrrivtd. but ill that hu was
agreeably disappointed.
Cottage! Leader: J G
St'veiisuii, scliotd hiipcrinteiitb;iit of
Lane county, vas up from Eugene
l'litirsdav, and made The Leader a
pleasaul'call. Mr Stevenson is u lailh
ful worker in the cause of education
and takes u delight In laboring to
forge uhead Ihu educational Intens's
of Lane county.
The Dulles Chronicle: The enumer
ation made by School Clerk J.icohson
shows 1-SJ perso is of school age lu
Tlie Dalles district, an lucreuse ol u
over the cetts'is of lat year.
Win (liillowttv litm hail to give
bonds In the sum of $:io,0O0 Is fore en
tering u 'O l the duties of receiver of
the land ullhv at )regoii CHy. Tnese
homts he made out last week and sent
them on for npprovul.
Uos burg Review : Bauey Mathews
and wile, who have been the cause ol
much Kossip for several dns, relumed
yesterday on th- local and, e learn,
lire noivdoinlctled In Mathews) rtsl
.1...... ,,,, Siioilit ns street.
This yeai-".Hl-. nght side Up
Vlhieheve! wa.V yoU turn It I llde
doM ii und botioin side up it Is Ml W
A we will h ve ...i year like it for a
c. nlurv, hen few of Us will m heie,
this oi'ti-t ! the J ear for a boom.
The closing of th abattoir at Linn-
ton is another slap at the horse Liv
ing or devl, in eans or packages of
fertilizer, he Is without a place in the
estimation of man. Them seems
iiiehin to do but for the horse to re
tire from business u'ld consider his
ust fuli'csn over.
The sale of the really In the Job
bank concern, ut CnrvnUis, litis been
continued ami the result "ill place, It
Is said, about fi'i.lKiO in the receiver's
bunds, which will be distributed a limit
the UUh of March, and will amount to
aisitit a 1-1 percent dividend upon the
,1 'IT.. f"lU '"t "'."t"1'1 ,,,'.,B" i
It eis-s ,. hi,.. i. .... i
we may
lor some line went tier a little later on.
Match cuine lu this time wlih a fall of
dry snow and fteec.inir weather that
savored of genuine winter. Tlie pre
vious warm weather was slattinu
fruit blossoms very rapidly, but few if
any varieties of fruit lint are fur
enoiiKh advanced In huddmg to be
damaged. A few peach trees may s if
fer somewhat.
The ladies under whosn niisplivs the
recent lielictU for the Free Reading
Rintiii w:ih given desire to express
their siiiccre ' hanks and iipreciiiiioii
to Prof KatiL'ht, Ml-s 1). 1 ji-htnntt,
Mrs I, inn, Mi-s Condon and Miss for the eXii llelil Ullll slici i-ssful
prokiraiiini" rendered; to Close who so
kindly took part iu the iro,'iuimiie:
to the editors of both dully papers; the ;
orcncstra, ittiu to ail inner w no so
cheerfully assisted In every way Ims-1
sible to lir.ike I he belief. I a au,e-s,
The Chinese lily which lias filled
with peifuuiu so many ol our resi
dences is Just going nut of bloom, and
many ladies wilt want to know what
lo do with tneni. Mrs A J Goodman,
of Independence, writing to tlie West
Side, who is an authority on llowur
culture in that section, says to plant
them lu the garden and the bulbs will
multiply, and two years from row the
new bulbs will bloom. Thus our
flower lovers can have their own bulbs
without buying them.
Bcuint fer the
cest $
Bending Itooui a IStic
;ti.'.)U t lenreil.
The public spirited people of Eugene
have again manifested their loyalty
to the Free Reading Kootn. Eiulil or
ten yeurs ago the W C T U, realilng
the need of such a place, furnished und
opened lo the pub lo a risnn that soon
emerged Into the pleasant anil com
lorlable rooms that are now lu the
Conser blm'k.
There Is no doubt that comparative
ly few ol the people ot Eugene realize
ihe inannltute of this work; but few
know that the average daily attend
ance is from sV to i' ptrsuns. Yet
they know the cause is worthy and
that a tree reading room is vsi' iiial to
the moral and intellectual Improve
ment of every town, and whenever
called upon either Individually or
collectively to assist I1iiuiil1.i1 ly or
otherwise they respond.
The ladies me pleased and gratified
to tinunlincu thai the net gain from
the recent benefit Is fTU !H. They
consider It tin expression of the Inter
est and npprtchitiou the people have in
the rending room cause.
University .Notes.
Four more weeks until examina
tions. The co-ed basket ball team Is talk
ing of challenging I ho Multnomah co
eds for a game.
About thirty Junor orations were
handed iu this week for correction.
Only live will be delivered Jjnior
The Seniois are anxiously looking
forward to the time when they may
don their cups and gowns.
The demerit system has been re
nettled. Of course it Is not reasonable
to suppose from this that class marks
have la-en abollsiied, it simply means
that students when absent from rec
itation oi. account of sickness will not
be marked zero.
The defeat sustained In the state
oratorical contest only Inspires the
students witli added du'crmiuuliou lo
win next time.
A Douhi.k Ai.l.KY. H H Stlckney
has leased the room in the ( 'hrisinaii
building on Ninth and Willamette
streets and will open up a bowling id
Icy. He Intends to put iu a double
alley and expects to have it completed
in two or three weeks. The balls und
plus have been o'dered from st Louis,
Mo, and the work of building the
alleys was commenced this afternoon.
.MrSilcknev will conduct a first class
alluv and will solicit the patronage ol
both ladies and gentlemen.
AN OuKtioN SruiiKxr. Albany
Democrat: Eugene anil the Stale
University have reason to ' proud or
the success of Clyde Fogle, of that
city, In winning the secmid prize of
the American Institute of Sacred Lit
erature for excellence In New Testa
ment (Ireek, against many compel!
tois. Hlssuecesaiseertuiiily a notable
one. The Democrat Is proud In again
being permitted to shout: "Oregon
airainst the world." The wonderful
success of Oregon students has often
been commented upon by me Demo
bally (luard, March 2.
Ulf;,At her home in Junction
Ciiy, March I, IHUtl, after a liuireriiui
Illness, Miss Calls Copt-land, uged
alsiut L'D years. Deceased leaves a
widowed liiolher and four married sis
ters. The functal wl'l b, held tumor
ow ami the remains h ternd in Ihe
Emretie I OO K cemetery lit ii a m.
Rev A I) Skng, of the Christian
church at Junction, will conduct the
services, tleceasen iiuviok un-n
tier of lllill organization.
lv. u.iarl, Match, 'I.
At)VAN. i;M: r Ci.t ii.-Ti e eh.b
S (1 well allelide l last liight.
Bishop J S Mill- delivered h.- a.ldr.'ss
U fore the club on "Snmu "f the Dill ;
ctillhs of Evohlti ui " Rev i I
Uiverldge will address the c .ib uexi
Monday nl'.'tit on evolution ami w ill
(.ike upland similar to that taken by
Hishop Mills.
TVt Titll-s A W'KI K. M Svarvcrtid
ie..,l a leli-Lrram Si'urday thiit
coium-nciug next Friday, March (I,
,ie sleslio-r h'-y would imike l"
trii.s w eklv betw-eti Oirvillis and
IU. IH- CM. lie. Illlit Ut C' lVaillH I Will
ll. Until and Ivmore. Ihe Gj .
la expected here tomorrow.
A nice sunny day.
Tito Tribune bicycle man is In town.
Dim in Bristow wits lu Eugene to
day. Rev J M Dick was lu Eugcuu to
day. The snow has til died considerably
W II S ttugh, of Hurrishurg, Is lu
the city.
Frank Bull.ick is atilVerlug with a
ytirniii.'il iiriti.
M tlurrUou is driving Will Clark's
t""'-f' r wagon.
L F Crow leaves for Josephine
(-entity tutiiKi't
Rev Geo D Needy made Junction
a short visit today.
The Cold Storage Co received a car
load of beer today
Rev J II Black returned today from
a triii down the valley
Darin Bristow came down from
Cottage tirove this morning.
It A Washbiirnc and wife, of Spring
lb I I. w ere lu Euirelte today.
J II I) .Neil ami J P Jones, Portia d
railroad necuts. are in the ( It V.
Frank Poweis is reported unite sick
ui Ins hoine north of Sprlngllcld.
1'hc open for hunting ducks
and geei-e lasts only two weeks longer.
' Nelson pnprlttor of the Salem
Wi.i ks, icturned lo mat city to
,i ' .
Tiiuhotioiti work on Ihe rock pile
bus had it large number of visitors to
day. Tht US siionnie court has decided
the luihoad i-a in favor of Mrs Stall-
Springfield school di-trtct h is SI1S
scholnrs. tin increase of over last
Prof Vogle, the eye sH-ciallst of Sa
I tm, was a a si nger south this after
noon. Bert Luke has received a smull con
signment of nuirble direct fiout Ver
mont. Misses Lou Beiiuer and Mae Lari
mer left this afternoon ou a short visit
to Oakland.
A-ves-or Burton lettirucd this morn
lug fiotu a short visit to His homo at
Cot tag tirove.
The diphtheria cases at Coburg are
reported lo In) getting along us well as
ci.uld lie exjieclcd.
WW Humes, of the Eugene tan
nery, K it today on a business trip to
Turner ami Salem.
Mrs J E P Withers is visiting with
her dutigh.-i, Mrs Allie Haw Icy, who
is unite sick al Cottage Grove.
Miss Lizzie Day bus returned to
Creswell to resume her duties as teach
er iu the school ut that place.
J W Bounds, car driver for the
Hidden Brothers, went in Drain this
afieruoiiu on a short business trip.
Yesterday's school election at Spring
Held resulted iti the election "I EC
Mariiti us director, ami Albert Walker
as clerk.
J R Wyatl, of Albany, the attorney
and prominent Linn county republi
can politician, is in aitcndance upon
circuit coin l.
W II U'eiiton, of Pleasant Hill, has
announced himself us a can hdale lor
nscor subject l the vote of the re
publican convention.
Ruck, the Chinaman, who has been
employed in the Hiillinau House for
die p'usl the or six yeurs, left for
Portland this morning.
Geo T Hall & Sou have llnlshed
packing prunes. One earloatl has
already been shipped Essl and the
rest will be sent In a few days.
J D Matlock & Co are having false
windows placed in the front of their
store. The space between the win
dows will be used lu which to display
The funeral bf tho late Callu Cone
laud was held today. The remains
were brought up on tho local this
afternoon an conveyed to the I O O r
cemetery for Interment.
A letter from Jusper Wilklns slates
that he left Roseburg a short time
since for tho mines iu Curry county
ihe letter staled thul tho party was
encountering lots of snow.
Will Clark went lo Portland today
ami will be absent ubout a week. Mrs
Clark Is now visiting In Portland.
While lu Porllund Mr Clark excels
to purchase a furniture traiislt-r wagon
to lake the pluce of the one uew bus.
The II rui of Alley & Gruy, of Vlo
toriu, B C, dealers lu lumber and llu
ishlngs, luis received the contract to
furnish the material for the new V lo
torla postolllco at 7U0. Frank Alley,
one ofthe mcmoers of the llrni for
merly resided In Eugene.
John Ehrumn, who has been nctlng
as butcher for C M Young for several
weeks past, left on this afternoon's
train for Roseburg, and from there will
no by team to Fools crtek In Josephine
county, where he will Join his partner,
Jack Wslls, and engage lu mining
during the coun-Jg summer.
Urowusvlllo Tiiin s: President C II
Clin nnliill. of the Oregon State Unl-
will deliver a lecture In
iiii.iei.Bvitle. Friday evening, March
(I. under the auspices of the public
school. His subj. ct will be "Tlie Use
of Edtlcuted Men." Prof Chapman Is
a pleu-aul speaker, and as tlieadmls
sion is gratis, everyone ma;-attend.
( orvnllis Times: Monroe Is to hear
ii... side of the A P A finest Ion.
ii,, s.inrdav March 7th Rev J H
itiuek of Kuueiie will deliver a hdur
in Mimioe. in w hich he w ill set foilli
i...!' i, base of the doctrines ad
1' II lliSl I bv tlie Anostle Powell iu his
lute address.
The farmer, of county are lioiii a suuniel .est. The
i.,..i (ireeonian savs: Suuinel (lea.
i ..ti loisizone on for ui tuy weeks
und Ihe luruieis huve succeeded in
ullll,, r roiMitlevs lliousiiiids of the
. i. Ti... w.aiher liusiieeil favorable
to the laiiners but ex Iremely fatal for
the sumrrel. The early opening of
spring and the (.one(iieut coming out
of the snuir els caused them to die lo
l..ivH nutiibi-ia when the cold snap
d now the snow, which fell
L'..,l ,k- ll'ir'll. has. no doobt, (tone
....... lb a u real man V others. In
... . is ctn.-i'i
,, , at l.a-l in pait of the county
t iojsc.iiIk? auvnl fiomany dum
age of coiis'iueiice.
15 J O Rhiuehart vs J B Rhine
ho't, to recover money; continued.
17 E B Prentice vs W P Campbell
et al, continuation; continued.
Ill C R MeLeod vs D A and E P
Wright el ul; to set uside deed. Iu the
blinds of referee.
Board of School Laud Cuiiiuiis
sinners vs James I) Bennett et al,
eonllriiiutlon; con tinned.
3 Samuel Clitlord Vs F F Patterson
et al, confirmation; continued.
31 Nels Alison vs E J Frasier et al,
continuation; confirmed.
At In rcussigiiuicut of II N Craiu;
arslgmneiit. Iteporl on tile.
67 E J Outline vs Win A Gulhric;
divorce. Relerred to Geo M Miller to
ictiorl twlimony.
OS Nels Hanson va E M Warren, to
recover money; dchtuii aud judgment
for 1137.6(1, luturesl at 10 per cent und
13 attoi neV fees.
(10 W E Brown vs Win Sapplug
flehl, to recover money; defuull and
Judgment for MM, attorney fee $11(1 and
order of sale of attached property.
h3 Richard White vs Whipple &
Hunt; to iccoxer money. Decree and
judgment for i-'M M. ,
8S C A Wells vs II C Perkins et al;
foreclosure. Decree against all the do
fendulits except Lomburd Invesmeut
Compan v.
U7 A V Peters vs J W and M M
Liles, to recover money; dcl'uull aud
judgment for toJ, inlertst at 8 per
cenl, ami sate oi atiaciieti proiien; .
US A V Peters vsS V anil L h Al
bolt, to recover money; default aud
Judgment for ttl.sio, 8 per cent lutertst
ami sale oi aiiacneu piooenj.
ldl II G Burg va T D Linton, lo
recover money; default and Judgment
for $ltil ll" null f 15 attorney lee.
lutl State of Oregon vs Robert
Alexander; obtaining money under
false pretenses. Grand Jury remrted
-'uot a true bill."
lnS State of Oregon vs Dun Brum
baugh; maliciously wounding an ani
mal. Orund Jury reported "not a
true bill."
Lit John Kelly vs R E Campbell;
damages; continued.
40 Mate or urcgon vs iieu roun
ders, Geo Bradley, Z Young etal; in
dicted for riot. Dismissed aud re
submitted to the grand Jury.
47 State nf Oregon vs ucobuuii-
tiers, Oeo llrudley, A loung etalj
(count .) Indicted lor run. wisiiiishcu
and re submitted to grand Jury.
74 F W Osbtirn et at vs 11 SI u
buruet al, eipilty; default. W L De-
Lauo upo!ulcd rcierce to sin tue
i J Allan Ij oneiioii m ,
Ilenrv A Cary; foreclosure, iteruuil.
Juilguieut for Vi71.'J7, 8 HT cent Inter
est, loll alty fee and order of sale of
foreclosed property.
IB Alliance i rust lo vs j inuer
et al, foreclosure; delauil ami juug-
nieiit for JJ(i7il, Interest und -"j
ally fee-. ,, , ,,
113 Jesse Neuls vs Allien rseais, ui-
vorce; delauil. Referred to 1 C Mal
ti son to report testimony.
U State of Oregon VS ll w imse,
bonds to keep the peace Dismissed.
Oil Ktate ol Oregon vs uou ,u ar-
. . . , .... to
son; bonus to Keep tue puc. i'in-
mlssed. .
Sit Electa R Lackey vs H v i.ncKey ;
divorce. Referred ti) M O Wilklns to
take testimony. Divorce granted.
(Ii) J Jacob Am vs i-.uza i Am;
divorce. Default. M O Wilklns B -
pointed to tuke testimony. Divorce
7U ijinuiey nros vs r. iu iisorn,
recover money. iJecreo lor sine oi
bulhllng descrilied In complaint.
114 State of Ore-gun vs wiiuonn-
son and Wlima iiowmau; auunery.
Grand Jury reported "pot a true bill."
115 State of Oregon vs J is uowusj
larceny. Orund Jury reported "a true
bill" March 4th. Attorney Markley
appointed tu defend. Took day lo
110 Statu of Oregoo vsJ ACnppin;
burglary. Grand Jury reported "not a
true bill."
Jasper Items.
8, lH'JO.
feet lust
The river rulsud
Miss Edna Spoor, of Eugene, visited
friends ut this pluce lust Iwlduyaml
J A Hills catiio home Saturday
night on the local. He has two or
three Jobs in view which he will In
vestigate lu a feV days.
A social dunce was given last hrlday
night at Mr Lopp's vacant House.
I hey report a tip lop lime.
J H Hills has moved from his log
ging camp on Ml Oltu.
Hnhool election passed oil very quiet-
lu imri. Miiudav. Mrs Dora Wallace
was elected as director aud Paul Had
ley re-elected as cletk.
Will Sunders Is Improving, but vury
slowly. He has lieeu sick a long lime
and I hope lie win soou ueseun iimong
tlie boys.
Uncle John Morehouse Is grafting
fruit trees this week.
Dally Uaard, March 4.
Out ok Prison Into Jail Robt
Alexander, of Cottage Urove, who
was vs.terdav re eased by tue gruuu
turv from the charge or obtaining
itioiiev unuer laise preieuna, bivci n..
" . - . - f ... V. .. ..
lug spent several weeks In the county
Jad pending circuit court, celebrates!
Ihe occasion oi uis nueriy iy '""k
dr,,.,u hist ii hbt. lie was tnrowu in
to tnll bv the city officers for being
,n.,,r,l..rt v and tcaluv was given a hear
tir III Recorder Dorrls' court and
lined i ami costs. At ibsi uucouiiin o
uma trviinr to borrow money with
which to pay his line.
A Hknevoi.knt Gkam Jurv.
Alter the graiitl lurv hud dismissed
ll ,. p oi- nenlu-t Win Jtihlison of ('ot-
t...i t.. ive, churged tilh adultery.
they pas-ed the hut and tsk uu u col
I. ft ion offiV'U for Mis Bowman, one
..r ilia r.rloeli.nlsln the case. The grand
Jury's sympathies had been aroused
l.e tin lesllmouv of Mrs iSowniun
while on the stand, hence tho gift,
bally (iuard. March S.
School Ei.mtionh. At the C-dtsge
(Irov-B aclnsil election yealerday
i.riKi tax was vol d with which to
Until! a new school building F
Yiuineer was re-elected director and
J as Barrett was re-elected clerk- One
hundred and ninety lliree voles were
cast. The Latham district elected
Jeaae Truuuol director aud Wm Keyca
Mr. Borris Arci punoe.
To J W IL.rris aud others:
Gkntlkmbs: Your communication
rciiicstiug me to H-r iiitt my name to
be used lor tho olllce of school director
for Eugene district No 4, al 'lie tip-
pioinhing election, Is received and
duly considered, ninl I must here ex
press in v regrets that I feel it my duty
locall vour aud Hi" intention of Ihe
voters of Ihe district lo a reliable ru
mor lu Ihe lown, that the secret socie
ty culled the A P A has selected
from ll-eir nmniicr a candidate to be
voted for who shall further the alms
of thai organization. 1 regard this
ucllou upon the part of any of our
citiens us a iitiblh) calamity. 1 lie.
lieve Ihe la st interests of the stale, the
count vuud the school district reouire
that lit) mail who is op post d to civil
and religious lllierty should be elected
to any ulllce, much less to uu olllce to
di burse the school funds of tlie pcoiie,
lu accordance with the views of this
or any other society whose aim Is to
uiukv war upon any class of citizens or
societies for religious opinions. Once
begun In the election of a school di
rector, thai union of tlie citizens And
harmony requited for the successful
nilvuiicemeul of the school Interests,
are Jeopardized, and t.t ranny with all
its iitiending evils falls with baleful
i-U'ect upon the community.
A union of forces and proscription
ou one side begets union and retalia
tion on the oiier, und the slid ofthe
bitter feud, arraying fumily against
family, cannot be seen.
Keenly realizing for the continued
prosperity of the schools lu this district
und lor good government and citizen-
ship thai a board of directors should
be chosen who will In all school mul
lets bo Independent of any political
organization or other society, and uot
proscribe any citizen lor tils religions
opinions, I consent to f "he
ii.-o ol my uaiiio ou ims
line of action, and If elected shall
conform my actions to the require
ments of the laws if the state.
Very respectfully,
Gko. B. Dohkis.
Eugene, Or., March 3, 181MJ.
Heavy Suit for Damages.
The San Francisco Examiner of a
recent (late says:
KotH'it O Collier bus sued tne
Southern Puoillu Company for $ 10,050
for personal Injuries alleged tit have
been sustained ou Deccmlwr 10, 18U5,
whil" he was driving Across the com
pany's railway track ou llarllutt
street. He declares the accident was
due lo the negligence of Ihe company's
employees lu lint blowing a warning
whistle ami to tlie neglect or me com
puny to provldt) gates to prevent the
passage or vehicles across tue iraca
while a train was approacning.
The plainllir la a son or rrol comer,
aud is well known lu Eugeue.
Should UK Ahiiamki). Lebanon
Kxnrcsa: As predicted by the Express
u few weeks ago, the S P company has
taken oil tlie passenger coucu ou tue
Lebanon brunch, and lu Its stead lias
put uu a regular old lashloned yellow
a house with seats running along inc
Hides. This throws the pitssciigeiu and
buciriigii almost together. Iu the first
one put on there was no partition be
tween whatever and as there is a great
deal of poultry shipped from Ibis pluce
the pusscugers, uuggsge, pouiirjauu
nil Hie express hud to go on cubooee.
II is said It was a queer comoiuaiiou.
Ihe people are justly Indignant ut
audi treatment und if tho company
keeps this caboose ou, a great many
latople wl 1 go to and from Albany by
leant when the roads get good, Instead
of riding In this car. This car is very
little ahead ofthe old stage line.
Somkwuat SARC'ABTro. The Dalles
Chronicle: "The recommendations
for the Improvement ofthe Willamette
trom Portland to Eugene Indicate ttiat
It might be cheaper to build a new
river between the points named. But
however great the cost, tno pcopie oi
tlie upper Willamette valley are en
titled to nave tne river maus uav-
limhla at all seasons of the year. Au
open river Is tlie best regulator of tran
sportation charges."
baby uuatd, March S.
A RakkSI'oht. Yesterday some of
Ihu enllius issilo young melt or the
iiy were busily engaged lu manuruu-
Hiring sleds aud last night quite a
crowd of voting ptoplo assembled ut
Skinner's Bull at the north end of
town to engage In the rara sport or
coasting. Such an opportunity eel
loin oilers Use r to the young people
here and ll ey were not atal! backward
lu taking advantage or ll last evening,
aud hud a most enjoyable lime.
Ei.kctkio Lights. The Kugene
Iron Works bus a coutrsct to build a
oil-light dynamo for the Springfield
itoni- mitt. The dvtismo will be com
lifted lii a few weeks aud men Do
nluced In operation. Power to run it
will be obtained from the mill's water
wheel. It will add greatly to the fa-
cilliy of the night run or tue mill.
bally Guard, March S.
Ahskksino. Assessor Burton has
assessed a lew persons and In a Tew
ilvi will net at the work in good
Shane, lie will uegiu me canvass ui
tin, e n irrne nreeincia tomorrow mom
lug. 11 will be assisted by D W
Coolldge as soon as that gentleman
gets through working on the tax roll.
New Cn iZKNH. The following per
sous have become altlzens or ine
Culled Ktatea during this term oi
court: Fiunz lleiirlch, a native of
Austria; Jus II Wnlto, a native of
I'-ioiaml: Francis Raverta. a native of
li,.iv I'.ml V Schneider, a null ve of
France: Adolnh Weber, a native of
Dally Uasid, Slaica 1
Dkktitutk. ApplicatU.n was made
to the county courl today ror assistance
for Mrs Slppey, a lady living at lbs
souMi end ol Oak street. I no woman,
wlin has been desertetl by her husband
has four children on her hands to sup-
port and is In destitute clrcumslauces,
Ciwei.rr Ciii'itr Cahe. Win Van
duyne, executor of Ihe estuie of Isaac
Vanduvne, has Instituted asult lu the
June term of circuit court against C W
Vatiduyne for t'lfiU w, on a note.
Pally Uiiarl, Mart-h 3.
KTKAUKit A mil Vim. The steamer
Oypsy arrived hero at 4:30 o'clock this
shcruoon wnn a goon inuu oi uviK.i..
She leaves down tomorrow morning,
h 'ST'-l- T-. S- f . . w. .1 -
- j . ..ilV-
tit . atust.
Is Simmons Liven kegulator Jon't
fort to Uke It. The Liver gets siugglbh
during t!u Winter, ju;.t like all nature,
nnJ tlie system Ikvciiics chokrj up by
the accunuUt.-J w.t'.c, whkh brings on
Mai .tri.i. lever anj A;mc an J Klicuina
tisr.i. You want tj wake up your Liver
now, bs sure you bike SIMMONS
LlVI-R KneULATOU to do It It also
regulates th Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison anJ tlie vhi Iv.dv Invigorated.
You get THE 1IEST I5LOOD when
yrur systcn is In A ccmJition, and that
will only li wlie.i tho Liver isk-pt active.
'Irv a ll.-cr l!c::vl oticc anJ note the
diit.reikV. But t t'e only SIMMONS
I IVI !i Ul ill'l ATilli uM-K mil;., th.
dillcrctKe. Take it in pow der or In liquid
aircauy prepared, or in.tKe a tea ol tne
powJer; hut take SI M MONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find th BHI1 nn v.r
package. Look for lb
J. U. Zcllln A Co., riUlaUclphla, Pa,
Call for Democratic Convention,
A democratic convention" fur Lane
county, Oregon, Is hereby culled to
meet at the court house In Eugene the
7th day of April 18'J0, ut 10 o'clock a
m. Said convention Is culled for the
purpose of electing 12 delegates to the
State Democratic Convention which
convenes at Portland April Oth, lS'.KJ,
and also to uomlnate a ticket to be
voted for at the election to be held
Juno next and to transact any other
business properly coming before the
convention. Democratic voters ot the
vailous precincts In the county are ad
vised to hold their election for del
egates to said convention Saturday,
March 21st, 1800, at 1 o'clock p in.
The several precincts of the county
are entitled to representation In the
convention as follows, to-wit:
North Kugene No 1
North Eugene No 2
North Eugene No 3...,
South Eugene No 1....
South Eugene No 2....
South Eugene No 3 1
Willamette 3
Springfield 3
Irving - 3
Thurston 1
Creswell 4
West Cottage Grove 3
East Cottage Grove 3
Pleasant Hill 2
Richardson ,
Camp Creek
Spencer. 3
Coyote 1
Long Tom 3
Gate Creek 1
McKcnzle 1
Mabel 1
Chesher 1
Fall Creek 1
Middle Fork 1
South Junotlon 2
North Junction 3
Florence 2
Lost Valley
Mound ,
Total 60
All voteis who favor taxing luxuries
higher than the necessaries of
life and favor the lowest tax possible
for the efllclent administration of gov
eminent both state and county and
payment of constitutional salaries
only to all state aud county olllcers
aud abolition of all useless olllces are
earnestly requested to participate In
thu election, of delegates to the couvea
J. P. Ramsey,
Chairman Central Corn.
F C Matteho.h,
Hi-fuiMu IViiiht Tim Slate of
Di-uimii resiwinilmit. vs. X N KteeVes.
apxllaut; appeal from Multnomah.
Judgment of tlie lower court reversed
ami a new trial ordered In accordance
with this oplulou. Opinion by J
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
,ew 1. '