A I jgjghest of H 1 Uivtntog Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report "Hi . aw vx a AC50WEE.Y PURE BIO SALT MINE. . Dia California J..alopmn - of inoorporation have been rvntiil Book Bait Min fciaio tne f of Sn Frauolsoo, wun cap er ure . ,.. . vof500,OUU, 01 wuiuu wJn subscribed by Chas. O. Knfutd Bennett, Meyer iii,. Keimer, 8. Lewi, L. t'8,, xfln.l..Un. Ban Uernurdiiio county, and ...u ,f annnrltir Quality. du not, - k., g wit i f " .. . . lu. n.tu .nnnrrllllff to . i. KiilUellttU. UI vuo owvo iffiM In Sun Franoisco, ia fouud ..mirMllv Dure. At the inaUnoe )D, Teller & Koden, and other ..,niflo nouses, a nuiuucr ui .re made, with the result that , nrmluccd from thli mine haa mil to be equai ww "" ug- a, in the murket for butter mak- al table use, and for meat aud Luna, millina and dairy pur- f The lump stock aalt from thia L preferred by the Urge cattle Suit to any other aalt, by reaaon purity, dryness and aolidity; also t it U the moat economical for .feeding. Owing to its llrmneaa rity it does not dellquosoe when ooton the ranges. cuiupany oontrolla over 1,000 f niiuiug ground in wbioh the mined from large deposits, aa m tmnHuarent aa crystals. The h eonneoted with Salt Hock Sta t.inby) on the Atlantio & Paoiflo 'by a road extending thirty-two I especially oouatrnotea oy tne Ln Engine Company, and upon Ithe company auooeaaiuuy oper traiu of traction engine and id, oouatruutod by the Beat Mann ing Company of San Leandro, company ia about to commence feotiuu of extensive works at the and upon their completion will abled to supply the purest aalt produced for butter-making, table teat aud fish-packing. Lump aalt jti-feeding and milling purpose! i being shipped, buildings at the mine are con jd of salt, and the company la to erect an office building at the id Italian out of rook aalt, which Ittract great attention. Paaaen gi the train passing this station )w in the habit of getting off the for the purpose of securing crya salt as keepsakes, (be luulight building construct hii aalt appears as if it was oov' kith diamonds. !raarkab!e iustutico of the inipar (Jjuiuiri rat icm of justice is paid to frvnrred suuio yours ago in a court ms when u young Mexican, ehnrg .tli having stolen a pistol, was ar t Hi. lie proved beyond all doubt ' tho pistol was his own, and that it u iu his poRsessiou long before fli'ged theft occurred. case went to the Jury at 1 8 ic, the unuuI hour of adjournment, lie jury, who did not with to be until the court opened again at 8 i, hurried to give in their verdict. The foreman, who hud been reclining i a peaceful attitude suggestive of Ixr during the hearing, turned to nnpnuiuiiK, sny!tg: cll, boys, what do you think? ft we better give him two years?" Jl right," re-spouded a juryman. I hiui through, or the judge will in." uhoad," said another. "We want to stay here till 8 o'clock, npl" it is he guilty?" inquired a ditful old gentlemuu. "fell, "exclaimed the foreman, nfter ' (if nstoniKhment at this view of 4utter, "if yon think he ain't guilty, Vur him I" ' ft rdict of "Not guilty I" wusspeed idrred, and the jurymen cheerful l'aired to tho noontide meaL f ' Coiupunion. AiUMt. interior of MuNcut is particnlurly oy, tlie bazuura are nurrow and aud roofed over with palm nmt- Tliey uiTcr but little of interest, if you ure fond of the Aruhian llneut ruilnl hulwH it. iii -inut na V'ot to wutch it being made there, fjKRers' fuot are unnally employed f aul the knowledge of this is W Poil the flavor. Mont of Muscat in ruins. Fifty years ago the pop fu must have been nearly three f greater tliau it is now. Thero ia 'wanting in the town the feature fi niakos moct Moslom towns pio itne namely, the minaret. The $ues of thelbadhhieh sect are squa tod uninteresting. At first it is diffl ijtu recognize them from the court I'jf an ordinary honwe, bnt by de 1 the eye gota trained to identify a 9ue by the tiny substitute for a min jjHttached to each numely, a sort of yhaped cone about 4 feet high, w in placed above one corner of the ying wnll. Cimtpninorarv Roview. penny pr two tXtra nrnfit iat s the merchant's reason ?urges an inferiorbindingfor : ,Ny skirt. It's not nothing T g00das vn. 8fi 4 ' J BU Ve'vetcen Skirt Binding. Sifo'S.H.4M. on the label take nn rxiv no other. deale, will not aopply , J ou we Will. Crt.. 5 rt M.Co., P.O. I nd ir.it- Boi 9. N A DEAF MUTE ROMANCE. BcBa EdccI b CorrMpoadaiiM and Cuuflnntd t on Sight. Miss Lillie E. Divveus of Pittsburg aud Jonathuu Hauey of Houth Bnthle Vnm, Pa., have just been married at PittNburg. Both are duuf mutes and be long to families of Rood standing. Mr. Huney aud Miss Divveus became attached to each other before they bail met or even seen one another. A mutual friend who knew both well thought that their likes and dislikes were not dixsinji lar, and lie bclioved they would appre ciate an acquaintance. Over a year ago be urgent ly reqnested Mr. Haney to write to Miss Divveus, which the young South Bethlehemite did. Mlxs Divveiu answered the letter, which did uot reach ber unexpectedly, and the correspond ence became warm. Mr. Hauey proposed by mail, making the fulfillment of the obligation conditional upon the mutual satisfaction of one with another. He went to Pittuburg last October to see his intended bride, and when they met aud hud seen something of each other, both were well sat ii.fi wl to have their acquaintance load to the altar. Miss Divveus is 2i) years of age aud prepoMsessiug. She was educated iu the Western Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Edgewood. She spent seven years iu her mental training, luav ing the institute about five years ago. Her home is at 65 Pride street, Pitts burg. Mr. Hauey is 24 years old, aud employed in the Betblehein Steel works. He was educated in Philadelphia, un der the Rev. A. U. Maun, general mis sionary to the deaf in the United States, who interpreted the marriage ritual to the couple. Professor Brallubough, a teacher in the Edgewood institute, does not disap prove of marriage between deaf mutoa. He says as a rule their children possess unimpaired faculties. Philadelphia Press. HOT DROPS. Nawipaprr tuned la Maniuerlpt bjr aa In. dinna Convict. Hot Drops is the name of the newspa per printed within the walls of tho In diana state prison, South Jeffersouvillo. Its editor ia a convict, but his paper is as bright as any comic weekly in the country. He ia kuown as Joe Bush. Tho prison record gives him the name of Ueorge Henderson. Neithor is correct. No one knows his real name. "Joe Bush serves the pnrpose,"aid the man who selected the name when he dropped his right one to conceal from the world his disgrace. Buth is a tall, sparely built man, whose black, short beard gives him the appearance of a He brew. The editor and proprietor of Hot Drops describes his paper as "perhaps the ou ly regularly issued manuscript pa per in the world published exclusively for the amusemont of the editor." Louisville Courier-Journal. MEANS OF GRACE. Michigan Irracher rills Bli Church With Itarbcra and Tools, The Rev. M. H. Ford, pastor of the Methodist church at St. Louis, Mich., recently preached a sermon especially to barbers. Muny of them were present The foature of the evening was the decoration of t lie church, about the walls of which all kinds of tousorial articles bad been neatly arranged. Razors, scis sors, hair dye, brilliuutine, bay rum, towels, cups, soaps, strops, bottles, mir rors aud washes were arranged about, while iu the pulpit a big barber's chair served for the pastor's seat The sermon was replete with barber s terms, and the preacher drew lessons in life from the various articles ou view. In the past Mr. Ford has preached to firemen, G. A. R. veterans aud black smiths, with his church appropriately decorated on each occasion. Chicago Tribune. LUCKY CHICAGO. Ber University One of the RIchMt of Edu cational Institution. It is rather bard to keep track of the gifts to Chicago university, so fast they follow. As we figure it, the latest mil lion dollar donation raises the univer sity's eudowment fund to f 8,000,000, which, with $3,000,000 in laud and buildings, gives it property worth $10, 000,000. Miss Culver's gift also secures one of the $3,000,000 gifts from Mr. Rockefel ler, which he promised to give as soon aa like sums w ere raised elsewhere. This will give it property worth $11,000,000 at once, and with the $2,000,000 still coming will make it the richest institu tion of the kind in the country. Of this mm Mr. Rockefeller has al ready given $3,425,000, and the $2,000, 000 additional he has pledged will raise bis douation to $7,435,000. Boston Herald. A Boy Court Martlaled. An 11-year-old Cuban boy whom the Spuniards captured on Nov. 19, having been wounded on the road leaning to Cartagena shortly after the engagement with Aniceto Hernandei's band ( accord - imz to La Discussion of the 14th inst), was tried at Matanzas by court martial on the 1 2th and sentenced to life im prisonment and perpetual chains. New York World. THE BRITISH WARCLOUD. Now fa-tl us ell ibout the war, And what they'll kill each other for. Brethren, don't let's go to war with England or any other country. Haven't we colonels and captains enough now? The war coraee on apace. Exchange. Wrong. It comes on the water. "What do yon think of the warcloud, mjor?" ... "Well, sir, I thiuk It'll snowi "What will you do, colonel, in case of war with England?" "Can't sar for certain: but now high is your barn?" Frank L. Stanton ia Atlanta Constitution. J3IFTS. It wa not for your boart aought. But ymi. Wr, fuulLb i;d, hare brought Only y-ur h.urt to mn. Ah. that xi rum , g (t hoa)j h. TH lift 1 wunM unit I d iiiiiim-ulnry thing, Bui 'ti t-t-rnity y,,u tin,,,,. An4 wtiu Itigtiiuiiu rn You oftVr. aa tliu U-nm-t prim, Ttito print lMM ,i(T, ring. ih, abut. In ion.', nwiie. ha!l I do. Ulio have lM,ih .. ,j ropmrj m will but lure me; u Klnce I, tnt,, riuiri'.t ,.t you I can but love you too. Arthur Hymon in Academy. A TEMPTATION. Wheu Leunder Clarke married Mabel Thorpe, ho had uo expectation of ever being a rich man, but as his affairs ap pcarattliB jirenrnt time ho is on the broad highway to future wealth. It all awe from tho fact that he tooktimo by the fort-lock, the only way poor mortals have of evor getting even with him of the scytho and lmurghiha. Now, Matxil Thortie did not export her hero to awim tho Hellespont of lifo with all his armor ou, but she did do maud from him, as she had a right to do, a high moral standard, for she had not niarritM him until h had seen, as she believed, his whole past life laid open before her as a book. There is no ; time when a man is as weakly senti- mental ami as religious as when he is trying to live up to the standard of a : pure yonnjrKirl's ideal, and Leauder be , rarnn almost an angel 1 There are very few of us capable of making human angel of ourselves. Good and evil are as persistently proa nt in our moral nature aa light and darkness are in our atmosphere, and one serves as tin) complement of the other. To banish night we tire tho light of tcience, to counteract wrong we invoke divine help, but so largely is onr world ly naturo iu excess of our spiritual pow ers that wo are constantly in danger of erring to lie forgiven in other words, sinning and repenting. Mabel Thnrpo believed in an inflexi ble uprightness. The oommand to do evil that frond may come was to her a perverted text. She was not aware that there are sins of omission aa well us of pommission, mid that her unrighteous condemnation of sinners and her severe judgments were in themselves of a sin ful nature. The self righteous are often harder to live with than the sinner. Leander Clarke had beeu a good son, and he intended to bo a good hnwlmud. Ho was both proud and fond of his wife, but certaiuly regretted that he '.-onld not give her all the luxuries that she could appreciate, not e-en the grand piano that her musical talent deserved. But he went to work with a will to make her bnppy aud hocd in a few years to be able to add ail other needful things. Among the wedding presents of the young couple was one that far outshone all tho rest a superb Ret of diamonds sent by an uncle of Leunder's who was uear to death and gave tho residue of a large estate in this extravagant present Leander himself wan genuinely sorry that such an undesirable gift had been made, but he argued that his wife was a sensiblo woman and would turn them iuto something more suitable to their condition in life a piano, for instance, which waa a necessity rather than a luxury. What was his surprise when his bride said : "I never was so plearcd in my life. Diamonds represent to mo the crystalli sation of everything beautiful in art and nature. I never dreamed that I should possess such magnificence. " "But those have no associations, " said her husband. "They are not heirlooms. " "They will be. All diamonds were now at some time. Aud are they not as sociated with the dear old man who grave them?" The dour old man had been a terror in the family aud had only given the dia monds to Lioander's wife because he hated that nephew a little less than the sthers, whom be hoped to make horri bly jealous and angry and had succeeded. Wheu Leauder asked hia wife to keep her diamonds in the bank, she promptly declined. "But yon nurely will not wear them, dear?" he suKfrested. "Why uot?" she asked. "It would iujnro our prospects and oot ho cousiiiteut with our position. " "They wero a gift to me. Surely I have the right to do as I please with my own." "The right, yos. Bnt I thought my wifo had more discretion. I did not know you cared for gewgaws, Mabel." So the first clond came on tho horizon of their love, but Leander was good tempered and Mubel satisfied, and it disappeared. Tho truth was that Leau der had expected a handsome sum of money from this very undo, who was a bachelor and very old. But age bad not mellowed an ugly disposition to thwart bis rolati ves, and after raising the young mail's hopes he took a malicious pleasure in disappointing them. The young couple began life in a pretty furnished cottage on the modern plau of a chafing dish aud hand painted china, and it worked like a charm. Ma bel presided over the dainty cuisine, the butler's pantry, the parlor, and really did woudura. Leander foil iu love with her over and over again. But for the diamonds they would have been as hap py as larks. Did they hear a sound at night it was a burglar after those precious gems. They were nfraid to leave the houso alone lest thieves break in and steal, aud one or the other of the two was compelled to be the hiding place of the jowels when they went out together. Mabel did not care to adorn herself with diamonds when she went to market or to church, but ahe could not listen to a sermon in pence if the gems were not about her. And somehow it ''d annoy ber to carry concealed wealth like a brigand or a smuggler. Bnt when Leauder had a chance to boy shares in the Little Catawba Lum ber company and to make aa much in tnree nionuis aa he would iu a year by hia clerkship Mabel would not listen to the suggestion that tho bnuk would ad vance enough on the diamonds to enable hivn to make the investment Then Leander discovered that his wife could be a very obstinate woman. It was in vain that he laid befiu-e her the benefit that would result from a tran sient disposal of the gems. She replied, not without logic on her side, that the Little Catawba might be a failure, and then her precious securities would bo forfeited. lyander, man fashion, grew angry, and after soms hot words reached the Denultimate of uasaion. "1 wish," he said in tones of invec tive, "thut burglars would get the hate ful stouc They might at least lo of some use to them!" It is said thut cutyon, Me chickens, come bourn to roost. After Leander had asked forgiveness for his rudeness and Mabel had sweetly extended the olive branch of conciliation he smrumlivH that she be doubly careful of ber chcriehed p sutessioua, "The towu is full of hnrchira. ami they know the people who have fine dia- mouiw, ana u tney once set out to get them they'll succeed. " Mabel did not sleep with tho dia monds in the same room. Womanlike, she thought if she secreted them in some place where thev would never h detected they would be safe. Neither me asn oarrel nor the ragbag entered iuto her calculations, bnt Dlacos lust as inconsistent did. One night there was a crash in the room below. Mabel shook her sleeping husband and whisjiered iu his ear: "Bmglani! (.Jet yonr revolver und go down stairs. The diamonds are in tho bottom of the clock. " Leauder was startled and confused, but as tho noise continued ho hurried on his clothes, and taking bis revolver ran softly down the stairs. Mabel re mained where she was, shivering with fear. There was a fearful commotion bo low, the noise of falling furniture, open ing aud closing of windows aud tho rapid firing of tho revolver after somo flying robber. Then regard for ber hus band's life compelled Mubel to hurry to his assistance. She found bim lyiug on the floor, grasping his revolver. Sho did uot faint nor shriek, but, kneeling beside him, bathed his face and besought him to speak to her. "Where am I?" he asked feebly as he tried to raise himself. "Are the dia monds safe?" "Never mind tho diamonds," said his wife, "Are you mortally wounded any where?" "I don't know," answered Leander feebly, and, to her credit lie it recorded, Mrs. Leander assisted her liuskiiul to a couch and sent tiff, or rather called for, assistance before she even thought of her diamonds. Then tho open door of the clock told the whole story. The diamonds wore gone, root und branch! Aud tiiey were the only things stolen. If Leander had been surprised at the manner of his wifo ou receiving the juwels, he was astonished at the calm indifforence with which sho parted from them. She allowed the usual courso to be taken to recover tho thief or thieves to justice, but when no results followed sho said shn was glad of it j that the gems had been like an evil eye to them, aud for her part she never wanted to hear of them again. "I wonder, " she said, "thut I did not see it in that light before. I will never keep anything in my house again to tempt the cupidity of tho wicked or unfortunate To that extcut am I my brother's keeper. " But the effect upon her husband was entirely different. Either ho caught cold on that night of the burglary or his nervous system received a shix-k, for he was almost ill from the cflVcts of his tnsslo with tho burglar. And ho could not endure to huvo tho subject men tioned beforo him. Not eveu tho success of tho"Littlo Catawba," iu which a friend had invested for him, gave him tho euco aud rest he craved. A little incident that hap)encd at that timo did, however, help to restore him to his normal condition. His wifo received a small package, accompanied by a soiled mid dilapidated note, which, npon being opened, read: nosoRD mahkh I gets no strap wnev I stoal yure dtmons; no yuru luttly an I am a retch It I giv them up pra fur me. an nnnono trend. And in tho package Maliel found her diamonds, exactly as sho had last seen them. She was pleased whero is tho woman who would not have locn? and phe at ouco showed her confidence in her hus band by placing the gems iu his hands for safe keeping in the bunk. "I wish I had token your advice ear lier," sho said gracefully. "It would havo saved us so much trouble." Leander murmured something ulsmt all being well that ends well and at noon brought her a certificate of deposit. There we leave them on tho way to fortune aud happiness if if Leauder 's conscience does not uiset tho whole schema He would give a greut deal to know, what no clairvoyant could tell him, how much or how littlo Mat ad has discovered. My own opinion is that she saw through it from the first and holds herself equally guilty as accessory after the crime, and with that sweet fir Lio ness which eveu an upright woman em ploys she will mako herself a loving ac complice, for it is a foregoue conclusion that Leauder Clarko was his own bur glar. Detroit Free Press. Profit In the Baca Canal. The Suex Canal repreeuts at present a clear profit income of over 1,is),ishi a year, and this, too, means a saving to the commerce between east and weal ef over 2,000,000 a year. Its political nd military value la somewhat prob lematical, wince the sinking of a slugle ship or dredger would render It itn paasnble. The Source of Sunlight v. run now understand what hap pens as the buoyant carbon var soar upwards througn tne suu s aimospiiere. They attain at least to au elevation where the fearful intensity or me aoiar h-at lin no far abated that, though nearly all other elements may still re main entirely gaseous, yet tne excep tionallv refractory carbon begins to re turn to the liquid state. At the first in thia return, the cail))ii vatior conducts Itself Just as does the ascend ing watery vapor Troni me eanu w nen i.n tn I. transformed tulo a visible clond. I'nder the Influence of a chill the carbou vapor collects into a mynaii bost of little beads of liquid. Each of tlii-se dr of liquid carbon In the glo -i. ...Inr eloiids has a temperature and a corresponding radiance vastly exceeding that with wnicn tne mameui glows In the Incandescent electric lamp. When we rememlwr further Hint the entire surface of our luminary Is coated with these clouds, every parti cle of which Is thus Intensely luinluoiis. ut nn lnmrer wonder at that dax sling brilliance which, even across the awful gulf of KV""l.is roiien, jin'ourre for us the Indescribable glory of day light McClure's Msgsxlne. A DYING SPARK Stop Right Now! Don't Light Another I You're Burn ing Your Brains. WRECKS ALONG T11ESTREETSIDE Oft-timrs tobanco's vic tim look at tlis dying spark in the cigar slump or at the big niat'raird "ohaw" of tobaooo Just eipecioratrd, and iib nerves uicolinirr.l with i hi J tobaooo, mentally re- ' -T A solve, "Now, thai is in v -alr--411 last, I will never use it again, I know that it Is Injuring me physically aud financially and my nerves are becoming o Irritated that I can't stand the least annoyance." What is the mult f Theie good revolutions are generally made while the Hi oot of the use of toliaooo practically paralyiea the crav tmoi of millions of IrritauM nerve center and )mt a soon a the ellecta commence to rasa away these good resolution arakin, showing conclusively that the use of tobacco I not a habit but a disease of the nervous avalem caused by the edu cation of the nervra to crave for the nlio tinn poisoning. What then ia the easy, permanent, natural way to relieve your self of the use of tobacco? Certainly not by discontinuing it and suffering the Dorvoua reaction aud proktrating rlfects and menial degeneracy sure to loilow the lung and continued use of toharoo. Do- it n j t sugKrat Itself to you that the natural llilng to do I to take a remedy that is specifically prepared to rrad.cala the ef Ircti of the nicotine in the system and to overcome the nerve craving rllenla and re store the toliacco Irritated nerves to a nor mal and healthy condition f To this, w all say, "Ye, wiiere l the remedy T" Vnu will tind it in No-To-Han. This I eatilv said and we all naturally a'k for proof. Certainly. IfNo-To-Uao fail to cure, The bterllng Kemedy Company, ol New York, Montreal and Chicago hare so much faith in their remedy, that they poe iiively guarantee to refund the money, and the concrru Mug owned and operated by mine ol the most reputahl buiinraa men of the east and west, it U absolutely re liable and we are glad to say, able In every way to live up to lis guarantee. Hie sale of No-To-Hao within the sit few year has awumed enormous propor tions, almost entirely developed upon lis merit and lb recommendations of the oured. Ho great I the sal that It I hard ly possible to go into any leading drug lore without finding It on ale, and the druggist has nothing but word of prais to give it. "Do J on rail hvr eiinliiiin real?" "Ie rldwtly. II lias banlly a iik. Hon ef the ldt-al rhool " the miaiwauce, fur.herinurt', did not rem to be In It ail. CONSUMPTION CUItKD AN ABSOLUTE REMEDY FOR ALL PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. T. A. Hluenm Offer to Read Twe Bot tle Fro of III Heniedy to ura Consumption and AU Lung; Trouble An Ellilr or I. If. Nothing could be fairer, more phi'an tbropio ur carry more joy in it wake than th otter of 1. A. Hlocum, M. C, ol IMS Pearl street. New York. Perfectly confi dent that ha has an abioluta remedy for the cure ol consumption end all pulmon ary complaints, ha otters through this pa per t send two bottle free to any reader who I sutlerlng from lung trouble or con sumption, also lots of flesh and all condi tions of wasting. II Invite those deair ous of obtaining this remedy to lend their cxpres and postotlice address, and to re ceive in return th two but lie free, which will arrest th approach ol death. Already this remedy, by It timely use, has per manently curedthousands of oases which ware given up, and death was looked upon as an early visitor. Knowing his remedy as he does, and be ing so proof-positive of Its benehcent re mits, Dr. hlooumoontiders it hi religion auty, a duty which he owe to humanity, to donate hi lufallibl remedy where 11 will assault the enemy iu Its citadel, and. by It inherent potency, (lay th cuireni of dissolution, bringing Joy to borne over which the shadow ol the grave baa been gradually growing more strongly defined, causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap ness or th remedy ottered freely apart from its Inherent strength, is enough to oummend it, and more to I the perjecl confidence of the great chemist making the oiler, wbo holds out life to those already becoming emaciated, and say: "lie cured." The invitation I certainly worthy of th consideration ol the alllicled, who, for years, have been taking nauseous nostrums without effect; wbo have ostrauiced them selves from home and friends to II v la mora salubrious climes, where lb atmos phere i more congenial to weakened lungs, and who hava fought against death with all the weapon and atreiigth In their hand. There will be no mistake In send ing for these free bottles th mistake will be in passing th Invitation by. Two Casual Gentlemen. When Lord liotijfford came In, I es cajicil from cribliug" und heard many pnterttiiuiiiK think"- (-)lin wus of his meeting a mau iu the mail conch who looked us if ho wns Kmity, and could not stir without greut difficulty, mid never without the assistance of it com pun ion, who never moved nil inch fron him. At Inst Lord Longford discovcroo thut this gentleman's gouty overalb covered fetters ; thut ho was a malufuo tor iu irons, and that his companion wus n Bow street oftlcer, who treated hit prisoner with the greatest politrnoss. "Oivo mo leave, sir excuse me one on your arm mid onn on in I no, and then wo aro smo we can't leave one another." A worse traveling, companion this than tho bear, whom Lord Longford found one morning in the conch opjMisito to him when day dawned the gentleman in the fur coat, u ho had all night sup posed him to bo. Maria Kdgeworth's Letters. 'Free Silver- wc will One at Scarf Pin wc witt Ateo etno FRCC, omk pais or KlLinkSlccveButtonsfr You will find en coupe Inala aach t mac baf , aa two osupooa loaida each 4 uac b( af BLACKVELL'S GEfJUIFJE DURHAM TOBACCO. CUD COUPOia WITH NAMtsa AOOSIseTO BUCK VOL'S DTJEHaJI TOBACCO CO., DCBHAI, I. a . Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. VERY AWKWARD INDEED. This I' makr If Ibe road ererlM'ly Ihe kind nf mlitiike a man he "tutuaiml" mi the vrimi liinnl when a trhlcle eiin Inward iilm. No r.l ! the error u( thu linlivlilual who lens bii lukri df .ur mrilli'lu, to rellvve hia llv-r. au li on the rigid ililf. mil the mad tn ! llMlelier'i steinm n KMIrri. a nie.il sdan'eil in the mile! o' ilvii.la. run TiihI (irgi Hi relief i-tue sImi niwiion nisiana. , klitiii-y aud rheumatic allnivui aud " .'". -iii wt mm hip wiftluc, M!U li.-u he refuxsl in Vum'lurhtre. Mnn. .1 . m. . . M . I. - W . - . .1 .... WIMI SWKI'T. Wtf It not for th Intervening moun tain range, this country, from Northwest to Kjuiliwrnt, would at tours In winter be swept by deva t iting lovnadoes. HlU-snU seem to arise out ol th caves and canons of the plains. Ua'niug strength and vol uiue over a wide expanse, their force is ar rested by lb battlement t4 big h ls Sometime they rise ahovt th barriers ' d sweep th Middle slate with lury. There you enjoy one day a mean tempera ture, and the neit may be far bidow trees lug. It is like an ice water bath on w arm day, and I lie shock to unKclei. nerve and circulaii n Ihe raue of sud den neuralgio and riieuinatia at anks, both violent and aeiite. flu we predispoaed to null should have th nia-lrr cure, 8t. Jan bs Oil, always ready, li prompt use prevent the chronio stare and in the ohrouio ilaK it 1 a prompt, sure cure. "Maine, what l rlaaaii al mullet"' "Oh, ilnni lull (Call. I ll.al b... t.a. 1. Il I. .. a nether you likHI or uoi " NOTICE. Pr. II. II. ftreen A Ron of Atlanta, Oi., are the grea e.it dropsy specialists Iu Ihe world. Cure more patient than th entire sriny of physicians scattered over 1 hi beautiful land of ours. A valuable discovery outside, any medical bonk or published opinion. A puely vegetable preparation. Remove all symptom rapidly. Ten davs' mailed to every snttWer. Bee meul In other column. HOW'S TIII8T dropsical trratnoMH advertise W offer On Hundred Dollar Reward for any ou of Catarrh that cauuul be cured by Hall's Catarrh l ine. t. J. CHUNKY A CO, Prop.. Toledo, O. We the unilrrigued. have known P. J Cheney for Ihe laal 16 yeara, aud halw-ve Dim perfi-ctly honorable In all biialncaa Irmuaaetlmis aud flu aui'laliy alii to carry out any ulillgailoua nad by their Sim Wtr A Tarn, V hole1 ale irult. Toledo, 0. Wiloiso, Kissas A Maavis. Wholesale lirugstaii. Toledo, Ohio. Rail's CatarrU Cur la uken Internally, acilns directly upon the blood and mai-oua auriaewa ol th avaiem. Prlre. 71V ier bottle. Sold by all drurslila. Ti-ellinnulkla free. Hail' family eilla am Hit beat riT.-AII rtta etoppea free by Dr. Kiln' Or eat Nerve Keatorer. No f'U afler IlirSrat day a uae, ISarreloua cure. Treauae and fl-W trial boll ie free to Kil raara Meua to Or. Kilo. SI Arab Ml., Philadelphia, Pa Piao's Cure I Ibe medicine to break tip children's Cough and Cold. Mis. M. U. Blcst, bprague, Wash., Maro 8, 1M1. Tit GsauiA lor breakfatt. DROPSY TKRATEO FRKE foal II ly Oured with Vegetable Ramadl uaveeuraa meaaanaa or anil, l um nana pro, aouneeil houelaaa br boatptaralrtana rrua, aratdoel araapiuma ataappear: In too daraaiieaM iwo-unrw all armDloma reruuved. Seud for free book leatlmo- niala f nirarulooa enrea. Tan dara' imtmeni free bv mall. If ro order trial, aend IISJ. In alarupe or par pau lis II II UHBNSoNs,Ailania.Ua If jo order trial return lot adTsrUMOieot to ua REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT H. E. NOBLE tl Comnierolal Hl'k, I'OKTLsMD, OK. SURE CURE for PILES leaiaa ul ana4. SiM4iaa w rmn4i., rtl. rWM t DH. BO-BAN-KO'a PILB If MIOV. y, m l.,MMaiMlKu, 1 a-IH., tur.. I in- ar e-al tlm Trtm tm. IMmauu wall It It. UoaAkko, rail, fi If you want a surs relief limbs, use an Allcock's EE Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and Imi tations is as (food as the genuine. SryiA THI ONIOiNAtv NO OIMUIHfl. Tt IJT haiaa twnlwd milk blH HMm. Tmkm mm fuT AH 9ll- t- taAfs)JAftJ tlM. fjU VTfft Ejf I. ! MBH t ptWtWtMr, raSSsllMMSAlftil. sn !. TolltHMiftU. lUU FLOUR M1LLS...SAW MILLS Sf'gliK63 S9BC".:. Willamette Iron Works T7T7"i IV j. TVT Tne TerT remarkable and certain W 1 JIVI A- XJ relief given woman by MOOKE'8 a. i 7TT , rT a v . HEVJEALED REMEDY haa given It the name of Woman's Friend. It Is -T-TI a---T uniformly snccess ful In relieving the backaches,headaches H TllV. and weakness which burden and shorten a woman's "aai -w (1(e xhonsandaof wouieu iwniy lor it. ii win (five beaut) and atrenKth and make life a pleasure. For sale by all drninrists. liLUMAUEtt-FKANK DRUO CO., Poktland, Agents. -HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO acNo rncc For 12 Ocmporui ca, roa 3 Ooupouj and 12 eta. rat Is what give Hood's Kanuparllla Its great popularity, Increasing sales and wonder ful ctiie.1. The combination, proportion and prise-s in preparing Hood's Barsa piinlla are unknown 'o other medicines, and m ike it culisr to Itself. It acta dl ectly and oi!iyey r pon t he blood, and hi the blood rencbes every uook and ro'uer of the human svnteiu. all the nerves, muscles, bones and tissues come under the ben llcenl Influence of Blood's Sarsaparilla The One True blood I'urluVr. All drugmaU; II. HnnH's Pill llv,'r in": r I 1UUU S nilb wk,eHyloiimi. JSo. CROFULA J Mis Delta Rlevenaof Hmton.Maa writes: I have alwava uft"rrd from hereditary rJemfula. for wliirb I tried Tallinn rotiifdiea, and many reliable pliyali-laiia,lml none relieved me. Afler takings bolt li nf I am now well. I am very grateful to you, as I feel Hi at II aaved toe from a life of un told airoiir. and a. -i shall lake pleasure In speaking only worda of praiw for lite wonilerfiil med icine, and In rucommeniUiis II to all. Treat tne on CURED 3 I lllnod and Ml Oiaeamw mailed free tn any ad SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. DIUF.VTlOSSfotun, CliKA it BALM, tppl.v n porficf of th Ihilm wli up info (A Hojfn'u). A fin a morneni draw ilronp hrfnth through th nott. I'm thret tinrtn inv. after mtnh pieferreif, anibffort CATARRH rLT'S CltKAM HAI.M Open and eleanaas th Naaal puaagea, Allar Pain and InOaraina llon, Heala th Soroa, Proterta th Mumbrane Iroin colila, Keatorea the Heuau of Tajil and Smell. Tlx Balm I quickly absorbed and give relief at one. A particle Is applied Into each nostril, and Is agreeable, Prloe, 60 touts at Drngflat' or by stall. ELY BHOTHKRa, is Warren Street. New York. AmericanType Founders Co. Etectrotypen Slereotypers... Merchants In Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of alt kinds, Folders, Printing Material. for pains in the back. side, chest, or HafW Mm 4 rwMt.f rill Hw ). V sriksav stlssaL JUfW fci.MfvtiMM tmd MtiUi4MM. V aU 4 al t wMt.ll4r (VI t it I) rJ !. 1 WfJal 7.it tmm l4l?m.m tmUmr, ttj rmimm MmlL mil laxal Ura..lav tr all m lrccila. Hsiat MaiUM ft.. rUILAIM.PIIIA, Fat. PORTLAND, OREGON, ueiiLaiiiDersoit "20D,-3W ST PORTLAND. wxbeu. CATALOG rR dr. eumirs .-, laraovKD LIVER PILLS A til 1 1, 1 I'kv.ie. nmm IHII fk tWu . m awieriMai ol w aowaia aaea au tt nnimii mm) iMaJlh, IImhm pllla npplr what Ilia aiel.ui iae&a a watSMilv. Ttwr aura Uaadaoba, bnahUa UK Tbef aeHbev crtpa mtw akSaa. To enunoea roa. a will mmui aareiTU rree or full U ! Ka, Mniilanrr. aaraTbla. tiuSAko MUD, CtX. PaiiMMpaia, Ft. C"".mj imw um i wnpi.iioa peiurtnaa eoai rbef aeHbev crtpa mt eirsea. To auanoaa , TnE AFItMOTOK CO. ea half IK wortiT wlnaluilll bualneaa, bacaua II tua reUuaed IU eaat at Wiaa power u I A oruu It waaa II baa auuu eranra kixaia, anil auppl la IU r l alia repair aA T WWa. at four duor. II can ana doa furulak a jilf4f better arurJa fur leaa aiooet Una LL. V "ea'T utherc It make Pumpiix ao4 gyVff 'r-Vr-ii'l liearea. KtaeL Ualvanlaed after. mJ j? "''Ooaiplellon Wlndintlla, TllUne mf iT and rtleil Steel Towera, Steel Bnta Saw wiP rraiiie. swat reed Outter and t4 WiV Orliiilera. On appllrallon II will aara ana TlT f Inea article, that II wUI nirniab anitl iaanarr I at at I S the uanal pnea.' It alao atasa Tauta and eumnaat all Simla Sn4 e eatainaii. rcaryi th. KackwtU u4 f Ulswt UrmU, ttfcata, allllllF,JM,",P,lB Habit Cr In IS lla'lllf ltnittl daira. No uar till euid. Ua lillll DM. J. STEPHENS, tfbanoaObia, N. P. N. U. No. 637.-B. F. N. U. No. 714 ova MRS. WINSLOW'S HW,?a!: - FOft CHILDRIN TKITHINO i Fee brail Uraawbte. Du a tallla. 1 1'IUStSwskHl Ai.JL.tLi lAlli I J J Beat Cuusb arrop. Tat Uuud. tJaa w i tn time, H'ld lv lr"'l L