The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 22, 1896, Image 6

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An excellent day.
MrLlvealy, a hop buyer, lain the
J P Holland, of Junction City, In In
L F Crow, of Josephine county, U In
The street were crowded with far
mere today.
Secretary Klncald cam up from
Salem today.
W II Abranie and wife came up
from Balem today.
Deacon Davis haa taken the agency
foriueEclipte bicycle.
The Free Methodist held service In
Mounl'a ball last nlgbt.
Mrs Grace Osburn came down from
Reseburg tbi morning.
Mlaa Vesey Conner returned today
from a vlalt to Portland.
II 11 McKinler returned today from
a abort vlalt to Portland.
Chaa V Llndley, of the U 8 snag
boat Coivallis, la in Eugene,
Borne of the member of Co C held
a practice shoot tbi afternoon.
Prof J W Johuaon went down to
hie farm near llarriaburg today.
Mlaae Nora and Edna May, of
Harrltburir are visiting In Eugene.
Frank Anderson la confined to; hi
room In Portland with typhoid lever.
Levi (Jeer, populist candidate for
etate eenator, made thla ofllce a call
The aberlirhaa received the ISM tax
roll and la now ready to hand out
receipt a. .
Grand Master Workman m M
Colvlg, of Jacksonville, went to Al
bany today.
Clyde F lionney a atudent of the U
of O left laat nlgbt for hla home at
Tygh valley.
Col S P Bladden of Portland, spent
laat ulgbt In Eugene attending to
business matters.
Dr J F Ilendrex, of Harrlsburg,
spent yesterday la Eugene visiting
the popullstio oonveutiou.
Un ti'raab Polndexter took the lo
cal yesterday for Harrlsburg where
ahe will visit for a few days.
A warrant has been Issued for the
arrest or Kudd Comp, of Irving, for
killing a Chinese pheasant In the vicin
ity of Natron.
J A Bushmill, of Junction City, and
Judge t'owles, of McMlnnvllle, regents
of the Eugene Divinity School, ar
rived on the local thla afternoon.
James Hammond, who hns been
playing In Cordray'a theatre at 1 ort
land, arrived here this morning and
will spend a short time visiting with
By the Oregenian we see that E J
McClanaban and wire left on the last
taimsiiln at Portland for Ban Fran-
rlwv). Our Ed donlea the soft
The Junior class of the U of O will
deliver their orations on the evening
of March 27. That are 30 members of
the class but of these ouly six will be
permitted to orate.
An advanced womau, living In Ne
braska, proposed to a man and then
tried to couvlnce him that It was a
Joke. He sued her for breach of prom
ise and now she wishes she had not
been so fresh.
The will of the late B P Hturgi has
beeu (lied for probate at Pendleton.
He leaves hla estate of $100,000 to his
widow, excepting $2,030 to relative,
and a bequest to the Pcudleton free
library of $5,000.
Several members of Spencer little
Lodge, I O O F, of this city went to
Junction today and will attend the
meeting or the lodge at that place to
night, ljulte a nuiuler of new mem
bers will be initiated there tonight.
Corvallls Times: The present Is Ed
Urrson'a last year at Eugeue. Next
year he will enter upon a course at
Columbia college, N Y, from which
institution he expecta to return iu
three years, a bachelor of laws and a
bachelor of arts. He Is said to be oue
of the best ttudeut in the U of O.
The GUARD is always glad to publish
anything that gives the black eye to
the superstitious of the day. Here Is
one from the Astoria Budget: A man
who believes in the old saving. "Bee
a pin, pick it up, ami all day long
you'll have good luck," saw a pin In
front of the poetoftlc the other day.
Bending down to get it bis hat
tumbled oil aud rolled Into the gutter,
hla eyeglasses fell and broke ou the
Iiaveiueut, bis suspender gave way bo
und; he burst the buttou hole on the
back of his shirt collar, and he all but
dropped bis now false teeth. He gut
the pin.
The farmers have already begun a
war of extermination upon squirrels,
says the Pendleton Tribune, but so far
there haa been no appreciable de
crease In the number of the agile and
destructive quadrued. lu two days
last week nearly l.nou were poisoned
In a single field at Juniper, but yester
day they uied as numerous as ever.
Nerth east of the city, the farmers
with but few exceptions, have done
nettling as st; one of the principal
causes of their Inaction Is their finan
cial Inability to purchase strych
nine, auother reason is their bv
lief that cold weater will set In, In
which event, so a farmer says, all the
squirrels which veuturvd out of their
holes before the proer eeasoa, would
be killed by the atmospheric change.
At the sale of damaged flour Wed
nesday morning at Tacoma from the
cargo of the steamer Strathnevls, fully
300 merchants and deale:s Irom Port
land, Oly lupin, Keattln, La Conner,
Tasoms, and other oitlea were present.
Tbo tlour sold consisted of M00 sacks,
some of which were broken opeu by
slight shifting about of the cargo dur
ing the Strathnevl' late memorable
voyage. The tlour was sold to the
Garvin-Chandler Company, of Tacoma
at 43 cents a sack. They will Ml the
uubroken sacks ou the market and
work the loose tlour into mill 'wed.
Bids started at 15 cents a avk and
were hrlik at first. The tlour was
originally worth from $2.00 to $; a
Having Goon Si ixksa. The com
mittee appointed, to raise funds for the
racing association, Mesrs Fisher and
Bangs, are still meeting with good
success. The sum ot 'M has thus far
been subscribed. They will continue
the work uutll they 'have procured
Populist day.
Did you get a valentine? j
Alta Plckard returned from Haleui ;
Flour has ral-ied from $2.80 to $3 per
Z A Davis returned toduy from liar
ribhurt. The racing committee now has $740
The pupuIUU have bud poa-tesaion of
the town today.
Rev J C Wooley went to Cottage
Grove this afternoon.
Mr and Mrs J E Noland returned to
Creswell this afternoon.
John M Souers, an Albany attor
ney, was lu the city today.
The big balm tree en the J It Alex
ander residence lot has been cut down.
Messrs Dartsth & McCornack dis
played two Hue beeves on toe street
mis morning:
Labor day comes this year on Sep
tember 7; Thanksgiving will be due
November Utb.
Mls Ewing, the Missouri giantess,
Is two Inches taller than was Chang,
the ( bluest) giant.
- The Albany Woodmen have an en
tertainment and parade next week.
They have engaged ZM axe for the
The electric lights of the university
gymnasium plant were turned on last
night. There are 00 of the light and
they worked to perfection.
Attorney W H McFaddsa, of Cor
vallls, was doing legal business ljt Eu
gene this mornlug. He returned
home ou the 11:20 o'clock train.
Mrs Robert Garrison went to Port
land today to attend the bedside of
her son In law, trauK Anderson, wno
is seriously III with typhoid fever.
At the examination of teacher for
certificates at Albany this week there
were but 3S applicants. Hie oldest
was 47 yeurs or uge and the youngest
Miss Hattle Thompson left for her
home at Collate Urove this afternoon.
She was accompanied by Miss Dottle
rtovern who will vlsltat foliage urove
for a (ew day.
Th teachers' examination comes to
a close this afternoon. It will be at
least a week before the examiners can
go through the papers so the result
can be anuouueed.
Albany Herald: Rev Dr Wire, of
Eugene, is assisting the pastor ef the
M E church iu a series of mteting.
Services each evening at 7:30. All
cordially Invited.
A baud of Oregon horses, In transit
to Kentucky, a few days ago, says the
Halley, Idaho, Times, were taken
from the cars at Shoshone and the
animals sold lor 50 cents apiece.
A literary journal states that Airs
Rudyard Kipling attends to all her
hustiand's correspondence and care
fully guiird Mm against all would-l
intruders. He does not go to the
"lodge" many nights Id the week.
The Presbyterian church of Browns
ville has Just closed a remarkably sue
cessful revival meeting, taking in 50
n'w members. Among the new
converts was Orville Montgomery, a
brother of the lute Lloyd Montgom
ery. The Roscburg Plalndealcr says the
asking price for teu undeveloped min
ing properties lying betweeu Muick
aud Annie mine In the Bohemia dis
trict is $2.0,000. We opine the giving
price would be a small fraction of that
The Mississippi democrats want W
C Whitney to head the next ticket
for president, while the Pattison boom
has lieen started by the Peunsylvanians
It is now stated that Senator Quay's
name will be submitted to the national
republican convention for president.
It Is said that a certain lawyer, not
oue of the Eugene fraternity, however,
wrote a loiter or condolence to a lauy
whose husband had just died, and
said: "You cannot Imsglue bow
pained I am to know that your hus
band, my best frleud, la dead and gone
to heaven, and now we shall never
meet again."
Candidates for Judge.
A man asked how many candidates
there were for judge of Lane county
this spring. The following number of
hands went up:
i i t i i i t
lie was also Informed that inure
would be more to follow.
Primaries t Be Held March Xlsl
f ouniy Convention Jlaren 28th.
The republican. county central com-, proving the
me court nous " - - -" " , ;.rv crop
Frew Elmlrn.
.. ..... . c.i.. Jmirnal. republican,
EwToKGe eoMtorial in Sat-1
iiccess ... I
lie pop bin Whip S
nmences. WU
val I send you a few Items:
exceedingly tine and
uNayapap. .
"The Dopuusv uionb... -
unty, arid Marion county, have,
TaSl.wlr.Btfu.ion. This was
Pall? Guard. Fsbrusry 17.
Divinity Eriiooi. Reoknts Mkkt.
The ttoard ot regeata of the Eugene
Divinity School met In the school
building at 7:30 o'clock this morning
and effected a permaaent organization
and elected a ermaneut set of oftlcera.
Keirenlsj wiowie. or Jic.Mianviiie,
J A Bushnsll, of Junction Ciiv. J H
Hawli-3', of Monmouth, Y H Osburu,
ol Salem, and J D Matlock aad J t'al-
llson, of this city, were preseut. One
regent, P J Flint, who reside al
North lakima, Wash, waa absent.
The following oflleer were elected;
'resident, J A Mushuell; nrst vice
president, J I) Matlock; second vice
president, J C'allison; secretary, W R
Uollenbeck; treasurer, Dr J 6 Dale.
The secretary and treasurer are reel
denta of this city. The I vs
committee it comprised of lVan K C
Sanderson and the officers of (he
scheol. The flnani-e of the school
were reported In goed condition, there
being no Indebtedness). The boartl
adopted the best plans possible ac
cording to its judgment for the future i
permanency me aciiooi, and
arranged for a vigorous campaign in j
lis Interest tn Oregon and Washington i
between now and theuext school year.
afternoon for the purpose of fixing the . opaortun iy f 'mulliiy i
time for meeting of primaries ana ' ""d except colds. " lB existed. T
countyconveimou. , , , ., I ,. " ,, .,. vinla. Polk ' it. infancy
ACWoodcocg. ciiairmau, presmeu uwen roweu, " - - f pariv , ir
nd Dr W V Henderson acted as secre- county. Oregon, died at Hie noii ( wllf) cat-olI,
7-Vv his biolhsr, John Powell, ?."" . , .::. nf tbfl old I)tt
"The following metnbers were pre.- ,irec,pC,. from l -""" ,)0ok'
cut: ! severe atiaca oi tm .V-....7. '" :i
ne o. i JIT.,.- luiauy iiiuimm.
I o'clcK-k
Spaugli ii a i
circus com
It was noticeable that the
lint convention was cqJ
mainly of oli men, inunyofl
have Bullcred disappointment ,' :
ixilitically or financially, Rsf
has made
derson. . . .
North Eugene No. 2-B D Paine.
North Eugene No. 3-D M McCrady.
South Eugene No. 1-J M Williams,
South Eugene No. 1!-A C Wotxl
cock. . .
South Eugene No. 8-0 L Day.
W Cottage Urove D P Burton.
Sprlngrleld-J C Brattaln.
North Juuctlou E U Iiee.
West Junction H L Moorhead.
Creswell-K D Hawley.
Gosbeu Wm Stewait.
Irving Allen Boud.
U lllametto-fi B Alllngham.
Camp Creek-C H Baker.
Thurlon-A H power.
Pk-aut Hill S Rldgou.
Richardson J S fust Is.
Glentena-J A Sutherland.
Mohawk CC Cole.
Jaxper Frank Smith.
Spencer E H Babr.
Florence J Stevenson.
Fall 'reek-R G t'alllson.
McKeuzie-A S Powers.
Chesher A N Thurman.
Middle Fork John Crail.
Elmlra-W ti Kaiser.
It was voted to make the apportion
mentor county convention o..e dele
Kale for each precinct and one dele
gate to each 15 and fraction thereof of
the vote cast for Senator J II McClung
at the last elect iou.
The following committee was ap
pi.inted to make the apportionment:
C H Baker, E II Bahr aud B D
Committee to apportlou new pre
clucl: J M William, A S Powers
and RD Hawley.
The committee on apportionment
reported the precinct entitled to dele
lthIvs as follows:
Precinct. Total Vote. No Delegates.
N Kugeiie No 1 ISO
N Eugene No 2 155
N Eugene No 3 .'CI
S Eugene No 1 157
S Eugeue No 2. 107
S Eugene No 3 24
Willamette 59
Springfield 142
Irving m
Thurston 34
Jasper 30
Creswell 120
W Collage Grove... 81
E Collage Grove... 74
l'lcasaut Hill 33
Mohawk 67
(loshen 42
Camp Creek 43
Long Tom 15
Gate Creek 30
McKenzie 22
Mabel 10
Fall Cleek 57
Middle Fork 11
S Junction 52
N Junction 47
Florence 108
Siuslaw 30
Hazel Dell 11
Lost Valley 25
Hermann..". 20
Lane 19
Mapletoll 10
Lake Creek 15
ho populist;
is loaded i
disgruntled joo.l of turning over the f0Ur
rties. 1 ncy
or crook the
nut the
liledbU, people's party in po-er
re.- t I. ,,.. ei.ii.A rtllMl ill im niv't"-
ffittrst WKi-nc.fionMn unholy alMance
(I wen hsd 111 an inyn , , ,tf ,n ()Wer anl uicu
- I. j Dt-tflllC D $' ' J . .
for two years past, aim v ; - . , . ; r,ltJ. wh0 ue
Totals 20SS 178
The following committee was ap
pointed to net the time for holding the
primaries and county convention:
(J 11 Baker, J F Smith, J G Steveusou,
B I) Paiue and S L Moorhead.
The committee recommended that
the primaries te held ou Saturday,
March 21st, 1S9T, and the county con
vention be held ou Saturday, March
28th, lS'.Hi; adopted.
It waa recommended that primaries
be held slip. in.
Dr W V Henderson was unanimous
ly elect d secretary of the county com
mittee vice Dr D A Paine resigned.
On motion adjourned.
Meu Endorsed.
SMITHKIEI.D, Or, Feb 8, 1S90.
Epitor titARit: At the regular
meeting of the Young Men's Demo
cratic Club of Smlthflald, Lane coun
ty, Oregon, It was unanimously
agreed to present t'e name cf E it
Skipworth te the democrats ot the
county, aud ask that he be nominated
tor county Judge at the coming county
convention. And we also preseut the
uatue ol J R Hill, of Richardson pre
cinct, to be nominated county com
missioner. Believing them to be the
right men In the riitht place aud If
nominateit we it the support or ail
honest men, irrespective or politics, te
help elect them.
The club Is In good working order.
Adjourned to meet again tn two
BC Ukaman,
President of Club.
11 T Smith,
realizing a favorable ehai-ge he tiesirea ; e,pp up f,jr Ultt oiuces.
to return to his parents. Hi brother. . .,rofL.s810als for
and iStEYn law. Mr W.r. are no u j - ; ,0
frew ""I . TnVy remain..? with formers, when all thov can see in
-irew. ; i;;";;; rie of u
sad, sorrowful iiome-coming. what straw did ne ever i
wasof a disposition tint endeared him f t, e ring or to re
rea y lo euter u,Wn a life of usefulness. re stood in to locate the
lily r.oilis ware taken lo tue laiiin.v
home 5 miles south of Philomath, te
be met by his sorrowing father and
dwoted mother. He was laid lo rest
beside his brother and sister.
Avery Interesting prot acted meet
. . i: i I. a.,ur liv in the
what straw um no . v -
reuueo ti-
. .i ;.fi;tiiti.ina wnnrpver
ana omtr imui"i" --
lcziblative combines directed. He
fused for I'tnnoyer, but always op
posed fusion against the gang.
.1o Simon is in the senate today
uiiBis run
In-rsof the legislature froujr
county to the republicans. 1
In Louisiana the populiu, J
republicans have combined k1
Biaio m,nvi,uu mere Is 8 pro.
ofasiinilur nombinution inx,
ntt U he d al the new Christian , ,
Din Port and toii
urch under the m nisiraiioii 01 'middle of the road' ticket ana a
Ba'p t b t" 'h lire h ." I Tarn t hat. uucl"; corporation Democrat ran on a
Xl ,V I ' L .roused lu the com-,! 1,11- of the road' ticket, and be-
muniitr and it la hoDed much good
mil Mull. It Is contemplated to
organize a church at this place during
the. progress ot me mceiiuit.
PsrtlMare eettlair red hot. Fusion
or anti-fusion taking the lead. Popu
lists threatening l oolt, Uemocrais to
stay at home. Wonder what they
would all think should they examine
closely the vote on thesilvvr bill in the
U S senate last week. It seem nearly
very party was willing to fuse on that
occasion. Anyway, just so we get the
Josie Stephens has about finished
moving his effects to hi new home
near Falrvlew.
George Mock aud other retlll
railing the logs into the Long Turn for
the Elmlra mill.
Potterff Bros, are still engaged In
delivering the limner and shingles on
Dr Mshon's homestead, oh which he
will Immediately build a dwelling aud
other buildings.
Buried 1 renm ro round.
From Monday's Telegram we burn
the following:
W 8 Fasselt, a well known hop buy
er. Just iu from Grniits Pass, tells a
strange but true story nf the unearth
ing of a large sum of money In iireen
baeks on Jared Overton's ranch, 10
miles south of town.
Overton on Wednesdi.y last while
inspecting an uncultivated corner of
his farm saw the top of a uare oyster
can projecting from a rift in the ground
made by the recent heavy rain. Curi
osity led him to dig up the can whi 'h
helound to be scaled and to contain
some metalic suMancc. On opening
it he discovered the melallc sulKitance
to consist of octagonal fifty dollm
slugs, minted at San Francisco lu 1K.12.
Besides these the caa contained $7,inio
In greenbacks rolled up in an oihkin,
almost ss crisp as they came from l lie
printing press the second year of the
'I he t'niululRte.
i t
tween the two, little Jo, who prorj
ably furnished money and di
rected both of thftn, slipped in. The
partisan for revenue is the hard
fact the taxpayer has to deal with.
'This is the first comment the
Journal has had on the whole dis
graceful controversy. The Journal
is a republican paper and its edi
tors will labor always for reforms
within their on party and for the
best possible renults for the people
at the hands of all men in office,
regardless of what party they be
long to.
"Hut it is sickening when people
of a thinly populated state like
Oregon are suffering from an over
supply of politicians, extravagance
of officialism and partisan machine
politics, to see a lot of pretended
reformers wrangling for spoils that
are 'out of bight as completely as
the gold fields of the moon, and
there isn't a politician among them
that would not lay dovn all prin
ciple and tako crumbs at the hands
of the republicans or Cleveland
Charles A. Cogswell announces
through the press of the state that
he is no longer a democrat. Mr.
Cogswell is a citizen of Lako coun
ty, and repreiente 1 Crook, Klam
ath and Lake counties in Ilia
senate for eight years. He is a
lawyer, and also an ambitious,
able, shrewd little nun. His de
fection from tho clem crtic party
will not materially disrupt the
organization or interfere with any
arrangements already completed
for the June campaign. For years
Senator Cogswell has d ine nothing
mire to signalize his democracy
than to vote for the caucus nomi
nees of his party at Salem; in hi
ho has always
Whcu he run for ofllce ho
Was a seclsl as could le;
Always trlliir lots or okes;
"Hello, Billy! how's the folk?"
Early mornint evenin' late,
1 1 I..- i.. i.. i i ....... -..i...
Klstl the come from school 1 legislative actions
Held the old man hitch his mule; ! worked and voted with the repub
Showed a new five dollar note; llicans. Democrats have been
-caiiiuij, now IPTOUKO,,, ,ovou." llirj,M tl, ,.., ,im .,. ,.(
calculations when they needed
him. He is a war n friend and ad
mirer of Joe Simon and can be ex
pected to receive early recognition
in the inner circle of the republi
can organization. Since Gro-
vcr Cleveland was elected to
office Mr. Cogswell has been
seeking a federal appointment.
For some reason ho failed to
get one. He had an ambition
to bo United States district attor
ney. His failure to secure recoe-
nition at Washington may have
had something to do with his
chiinge of heart, as he is not in
politics for his health. Mr. Cogs
well's public announcement simply
menus whs; - h mere are no
i i. n. e .. .
James B Mills and wlf tn a a i'""ouices jor me in the demo.
Meek lot 4 feo 10 ,) ltl s r w, 33 : "atic party I can no longer con
acres; con f.100. I tinue in it. I am tberefora . r.
M Aw2k.W!o2 ft"', rj"';,1 P"Mfc"-M-A.tori Budget. Pern
Somebody has already figured it
out that G2 votes will nominate the
republican candidate for congress-
iu un uisincl. and t hat
Jest ascunuiis' at could be;
"Want an omee? Vote lor me!"
Wore the cheapest kl d of suits
Old wool bat an' army hots;
Promised If they'd help him win,
"They'd get rich when he got In."
Now he's In ofllce. See!
Jest as proud as proud kin U-!
Ain't a tellln' so much jokes
Never asks you 'bout your folks!
Voter fuelin' mighty sore
"Never saw your face lefore!''
WojI hat biKits dons laim 'em by!
Wears a beaver, slick an high!
Voters stand, an' look an' wonder;
"Want a oltlce'.' Go lo thunder!''
Atlanta Constitution
Keal Ksiatd I raiieactiot s,
RiHrtH illly hr Iho Binonc AbMrnci com
psiit. Oftrulu Inns blvck oi)iutit lloifiimu
tp 20 s r 2 w, 14D acres; con $SOU.
m Smith and wife to Shadrack
Duer a tiact ot land In see 20 tp IS a, i
3 w, 10 acres; con t2o0.
E II Blatehlcv to Carolina Chrisman
thee of lot 4 blk IS Mulligan'a add;
con fl.
M J Campbell to Eugenie Camt-
lu.ll lA 1A I. II. ... .... I
ii, ,.i nit ,vj nun iois I anil L' UIK
Wn.t. Improvk. About the middle
of March Osburu A Del.auo will move
their drug store luto the vacant Pick
ell building, then commence making
exteuslve Improvements on their
prvseut quarters. The floor will lie
lowered aifd a new floor laid. A new
front of plate glass will be put In and
a skylight over the prescription cae.
The shelving ill be of nak, and the
counters will have glass frout The
I latest Improved show rases will l
used. A iisudsome oak prerlpllon
' case will take the place of the presrnt
'one. It I eetimateit the cost of lm
I provement will be shout f 12O0.
A Boy Captaim. Coast Mail: Th
youngest captain on the coast is Louis
Olseu of the Gem who Is 19 yeais old
and has ben in obargeof the schooner
Gem for eight months. The Gem wss
tormerly commanded by bis father 1 4S; con
who m t death on board the veseel !
while the son was employed as mate. IvjrRrn iv a Mivl- : .
The sch,Hner wasowne.1 by hi. father, x&W or" 1 i
and It was the only property he had to ; knowll ,:Vul nu, ill
f'lVfiV I T"!11 fr," b-iug killed in th mine's
a tew iIh) s ago.
beiiucath lo his widow and la
liy. lhe Dov sailed tne ess.l l Mue Jophlne county i
. Haw. " nvic tnc aiurnt A liiiLr (tku.i I i. : ... a ' , .
for some time. He v duu out i,v
occurred which made him a half-
orphan aud since that time the vouth
has supported the family witii the
earnings ol the tie in.
lur Gasrd. Fberrisnr 1
Firk Works. The Chinese ppu.
laliou of the cily wilt brine their new
vears celebration to a cl this even
ing with grand fireworks on Ninth
street at 7 o'clock. They w ill erect an
arvli aenwa the front of the allev by
Gray A son's shire from which to
display the Are works.
inner miner, more dead than alive,
... ..,g wr, aX UlUl'S Ol Ills
n.H-s IVi.-. bull do belong,
l liohl attacked several erwus
tlackamss, I.nn, Lane, Marion
ana Washington could combine
and nominate regardless of the
other twelve counties in tho dis
trict. That would work if there
were about seven congressmen.
Some of those counties would not
oe content with tower than two.
The anti-fusion populists will
prooaoiy read the following with
satisfaction,- which is taken from
the editorial columns of tho Reoi.
"The popnliata demonstrated
the republicans are
eve of another WAlk-
Friday that
again on the
A Via
i., i . i i
. 1 V 111 aiiacKwi several persons
.'e,ruui sireei mie I liurxdav
rifii iilt 1 1 o as-u t. .... is s . .
uniiloneluiwindr : "!!' V.0.1 1-Unat? .' urinR Mr.
wereeoiderHhly frightened, aslhev
Ibouyht the dog .Hd gone mad Lat
Marshal D1J"U"UU' M WWi
The populist convention was for
natu in nocurine Mr. P
for chairman. He is a fair and
impartial presiding officer. But
for his efforts no telling where the
motley crowd would havo straved
Uunraven has not yet
.1 .o r ..I
uwunircioui iou yucnt Vrf
ii umftvo uiucrencs u
sporting worm nus md
ment on him as unworthy 0
ther notice by honorable men.
It is reported thatDr Nan.
Norwegian explorer, hm fn,7
north polo and taken poisejjJ
u ui iuc uBiua oi nit for
Dr. Nansen sailed on his expL-1
expedition in June 1893.
Tha Albany Democrat iuf
i f
law 10 pruniun ijBne couni?-,
from carrying guns. In the
of tho very large number o!
dents brought about by gUn
leesness mis aoes not twai
what might be called a far fet
Tho Salem Statesman isn;
sible lor this horrible pua: Jl
to women are donning wilt
form in lUba and cnterior J
army, in other words, lugJ
Irienrj at our einow, the rv
women are throwing themit
into the breeche.
It is not often a county cou
lion has to depend on outeidehj
The populist convention, honj
had the assistance of Doc Hend.-J
of Linn county in determ:;
party policy. Hendricks ocn
a ironi seat ana wns meotot
Spaugh. A happy combinitio;
M A Miller has written t
to the Oregonian giving tL:
as to tho political respumi!
for the depletion of the tm
and th eGects of tariff legiii
The Oregonian did not atttn;
anrwer to the plain propot;
ennunciated by Mr Miller,
shall publish the letter it
Women in Hungary willlr
forth be allowed to enter tne h
pest University, and becomt
tors and apothecaries, or it:
the philosophical faculty.
must pass the same high .
examinations as the men, hot--
and for that purpose the pt
ment will provide them nil
nortunities to study kii-j
The "egg swindle" iakV.
scheme against the pew.
farmer. A man represent -
self as a salesman for nM
house induces the farmer to
a bill of groceries for h
ncrreea tn lukfi pcl'H in WA
n - - on - . :.
"To keep the matter atraigw
farmer signs an agree mem it-
order for tha croceries. Tbes
. 0
man signs an agreement w
will Uke the eggs. The H
fail to come, but the farmeri
turns up in a hunk as a notes:
he has to pay. We 0$
that the ones taken in tree;
those who "can't aQord" "
their county papers.
A considerable portion o!
time of the populist conyf
was occumed bv aeouwii
men placed in nomination.
the bo!
nest of the contest. Some 4
sought to bo placed in nomiuj
made the excuse that 'ntJ
not qualified for the office. J:
the first time we ever heir
populist admission that thej
not capable of filling any offi
constable to a suDreuie judge.
Diltranlanu nrna akpn of SeTT'
n f iii(iQ nue s -
the nominees who were notR
and could not decline.
hwn a Hiclnration for 'll!ic
declinations would nave ,
corded. But Spaugh succw1
keeping his aggregation
middle of the road
Will stov
Hermann has introduced h
in the house to allow roinj
tries under the mineral I'""
upon the Cascade f'rB,t,.
What is needed is that tW j
reserve re reduced to onl.
like a reasonable size )
much of the good lands tn
thrown open to tettli'DJel.
gon needs more people
ruinous policy to tie up J
larser than several of the1';
o - - -. . ,u I
states to please me
climber, ne in fill the P0"
! timber aneculators. Af'"e,tr
about some of our l-f')' ?'
craters, and the big cave in -I
em Oregon would be a g1
but the present reserve
drawback to the retlleo
idevelomunent of this ."'lf' "
people cannot urge th
.upon our representauvf5
national capital.