Pi Minv HSTiliLISUEn KIR TUE 0IME1IHTIOS OF DEMCRlTin rilMIFLM. 1SD TO MIS 1 nQSMTllYlSfl BT TDK 1WE1T OP OIR MOW KUGENK, OIU SATUttDAY, FEB1.UA1.Y J2. 18. NO. 11 n 1 1 JDjIiwMiJDj J!i WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. L, CArtPBELL, PUBLISHER. rut aide t Wlllsinello o-iwifu MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. r 12.00. 1.00. .60. 'Advertising rates made known on application. .,.ijr business '"'' 10 OL'ARD, r.,i,ue,Oreii.)n. . f&LOOKEY ta DEALER IN aSa ;iocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. UpAHUNO PROMPTLY DONE. jyAIIWerli Warranted.! L. W. BROWN, M. D. Vhyalclan and surReon. Office sod rseldruo over pnatoiuce. luran, to g a, ro.; U to 2, 8 to 9 u. in. MNITE AND MARBLE WORKS. ki Dull" and New Prices PoreUii and Uometilo Marble aud Uraulto, Muuuuunta. Hcaditonti end Cemotory work ot all kind tor WW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! V Ulemclte aireot, near Pojt.itrice. Eugene, Or 1. C. WOOUUUUii, .Utoriiey-ut-Luw. Ornci-Ouebalt block aoutb o( Clirlmnau's I lock, KL'GENB, : OBEUOX. Lane County Bank, (H.tabll.hed In EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business Inill branches transacted on vorable terms. A. G. 1I0VEY, President. J. M. ABRAMS. Cashier. A. O. I1UVEY, Jit., Asnt.Ca.shr. O.llBltl.BlCKS, Prwi,lrnt. 4. B. KAKl.t, Jr., (.'aahifti d mm Ban i 01 Eugene. Paid up tub Capital 50,000 urpius ana rroms, sou, Eugeno - - Oregon A. central binkinj buaiii.u done on rawou le terms, flight drafts on NEW YOKK, lilCAUO. KAN FKANCISCO and POUT XD, OKKHOX. Rill. n( inliui nolil nn foreign countries. )Niiita received subject to clieck or oertiti- of dei.eit , AilcolUrtloaa entrueted to ua will rtooWs i nipt attention. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- 'A ilavlng a Large and Complete stock of Btaple and Fancy Groceries bought in the boot markets, EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, cab ofler the publio better prices than any other home In Eugene. Proince or all tlnds taiea at Market Prices. J. F. FORD, i (SrantelUt.) H Ilea VHnea, Iowa, writwt under date I March 2.T, 18U3: A B. Mki. Mm. t'o.. nnfnr. Oreirou. Gentlemkn: On arriving home lift wek, I found all well and anxiously waiting. Our little orlrl. eight ah- one- i half years old. who had wanted away jto S8 pounds, la now well, strong Biid vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. R. VUKH Cure has done 1U work wen. HU of the children like It. Your H. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept way all hoareness from me. Ko (five very one, with greetings for all. " ishing you prosperity, we are ours, Mr. asd Mrs. J. F. Fokd. ".Too wUh to (mI (reah and chwrful. and rlrauae the iytin lor the ?r!ni"a work i ltl? "ea-laeh and Liter Cum, bj Uilin oa andera poaltire iiaraiitr ecnie per bottle by all drug f lata. ! Mrs A V lYtera Ih alill ijiiite ill. ; Ci'iiniderulilu imlitiiw being talki'd. Iticycle (Irumiiun are iiille iiuim r- Oil". I Tlie dua tt mid I'UkIivm are o:il in full ; lf..f. j The ii'ulillL':t':H have iomIii to , duy. Hum finldnilili u. In Hie city to duy. J (' Cult', I'lit-timii-U r Hi Inubil, Is in tlie city. I'lia weitllu r iviimliiH waini and do- llKlitful. Mrs W V lify is vUiiinu relatives In Kugt-nu. V I! Yorati U rrceintini: for tuxes in tliOhlicrid'sollUv. E Uninoyer the IlitrrUbuig lumlur in ti ii , Is In Kui'iie. Tue MUst-s May iviuriicd home to HiiriiHliiirj; today. The Iiiineriul iiicyclu man arrived in town yesterday. (Jtiltea fog tliN inorniii', the flint fur vi ral moiillw. Mni'rtliiil Day run a uangcf hoboout of to .mi this morning. Rev J II l'.lucU went to t'ottAge Grove this bfurnoou. A l lliulliuit, the .Sniltlillvld mer chniit, is in the eity. Ruv M C Wiri', of ih M E cliureh, returned from Suli'in today, Muck K'lmmi'n Ille I. us in cepted u Hiliill ill Ed i'Sl s shIooii. John Keenev r.-tunn il tri in June tion on IhU iiioi nl, it's freilit. Thetivi'sv failed to j;et lure this tri,' ns tlie u-aler too low. Tlie republi :aii county vni ral com mil tee met in Eugeuo lodny. Tlie ChineHe eeleluh utlon Hutunlay evening was largely attended. 8 L Moorhcad, editor of llu Jnnr tion City Times, Is in the cit. Vlllio Godinali. tlio handsomest drummer on tho mad, is In the city. People nr) paying their taxes. They will beeouie defiiiiiueut April I. Col Allev remark in the lHt that his8ta In Florence will be short lliiirv Wilson, at one time a resl dent of Eugene, is now residing in Teas. Ienter Ehbert, well known here, Is now running us news agent ou this route. MrsDillard Is unite ill at tho home of A H McCluro on East Eleventh etreet. Mr-Will Smith returned to Salem i.hIuv. after visitlnir with lricntlsaiid relatives In Fuuene. Tin. Vl.ireneu West Issued on a half sheet this week on account of tlie turn arrival of I'hiw r, it in riiiiiort'd that a lluht will he HL'iiin on tho fchoul director duestioii this spring. Kecretarv of Btato II It Kincaid re- tnni.,.1 to Salem today, llewuaac coinpuiiied hy his sou Yebbter. uiuia OrLrunl.r Mcllenrv will or imnize u cainn of the Woodmell of tlio Woild at l'leasunt Hill tonight The cow hoy preacher, Rice, who .-Lit.., i i-iiimmic some time rince, la now in lull at Los Angeles. nvv f noil. lira has moved Into the house on North High street recently riurchused hy him. At a cost of $1300 the GIIIibiii county Kliomiiiivn'g Protective union nsl l for the scalps of 130;i coyotes. .. . b . . I.-..l..l.. Tlie S2J anniversary oi me iviiis: of I'ylhhis occur.- next W.dnesnay. it will not lie observed by Helmet lodge this year. Tha bright siiiishlne or yesieruay afteriiooii br( light peopl -out In largo uumliers to enjoy the warinin oi rays. Tha funeral of the late JefKO Klock took nlace yesterday afternoon luterinelit took plucu cemetery. Murshfleld Sun: J L Thompson, of Eugene, arrived here last week anil now holdsaposiliou In Row tie bar her shop. E II Lauer, of the Rlumnuer Frank l'nrMnii.1. Uln'ttt ...iti. i.u fnk. Hit? family of Chin Lauer, In this city. County Judge Fisk and C M Horo i rniriii.,1 frniu a Wiek's l.UUl on the Long Tom. They lu'ed four dozen ducks and one goosv. Miss Cora Linn, of Jacksonville, who has been visiting n'l.itivee In this citv, left jesterday for Toi'thind. wl'iero she will bo the gner-t of her Bister, Mrs L G Guy. Mrs Mary K wase, u p-i'""" aueuker of Kansas nas . . r . Wiiikiltiv- i nor II tl IT the papers say she will preach her first sermon. n.i.l.nr IliH veill- Fihsll H to liae the biggest building In Us hUtory. Al though the year Is not yet six week, ol.l, three buililingl to cost altogether $i:,(HHJ are aireany u "v Tl.a OrHL-on CltV enterprise .. that it is quite probable ll.al nearly one third ot the hot. ae.eage ol Clai ks mas county will tie eiuo r ,.i..i -i-or abandoned this ceusou. . . . l.a.ul.lU.I.. t i.. ..... mi, nil,, r oi minusm-. Wlieelmell might have ...ell lin about town ye.-teitlny alt If vainly seeking s une enough to permit Into the cout:try. t ..t ..ft .a X atU'U' Professor D Leppert and wire. United Rrethreii evangelists, v.V.nrt in the Cnte l Ibetnrei. churrh in Hood R.vrr last baturday. Those who hear.i tnem ;""' " ic in praising their gospel singing. Young ladies should not hesitate to make uie of thl leap year. A school "acherat The Dull. ;' " ; I'M" ad Muote. this p araurap of Mrt u in iiiiive her stateiiielii: N hatsor 'J. l' . Z. l il.i.t men should do unto you, do you even s unto tbetii. .. . ....... .,f Mi-iifonl. . -,,r r' : -,mi afternoon ! has frlenis in r.ut-.ir '":"',..,. in the tniuoi in Josephine county re cently arrived in re on the overland this morning and left soon after for his home at Henderson. He is aide to walk with the assistance ol crutches. It was a yenr ago yefterd.iv that the lbany poslotUeo changed hands. A curious coincidence Is that during tho last year just lttUO more money orders were issued than in the preceding year. A lady teacher in the public) reboot at Antelope, In trying to explain the woru "slowly," illuslrateil It by walk ing aeror.t tho floor. W hen she asked the class to tell how she Walked, she nearly fainted when a oov at the foot of the class shouted: "Row-legged, ina'um !" Back In Iowa there has been a new lepurlure in the saloon business. The saloon Is lit ted up with diflereut kinds of intoxicating beverage, but the authorities are unable to find any one who owns it. It is just rigged out and runs itself, and the cuatomer who wants to he served must wait upon himself and deposit the money Hi a box. There is a ninu around the premises w ho slays there because be has nothing clio to do. The b)if jim: out tit that has been get- tlnif out Iol-s for the pulp mills at Ore gon City lias removed to the Kii:er island w he'e all tlie balm an. I white flr trees on the Gcruurd and (iridium furtm are to be cut and sent down the river. A raft containing KHJ.oiMi feet of logs taken from the lleach place was limed down the river by (lie I long lust week. A ipiaiitity or timtier on the Wilhuiik placi hui Sieen purchased and w ill lo taken later on. A dozen men are lu tlie camp, and 'he logs are moved with a team of four yoke of oxen. Corvallis Times. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY IS. I'ltlvf ratty Notes. Pally (luatJ, February 17. The C A C's have postponed their entertainment indefinitely. The llnal hand-ball contest between Vimil Johnson and Wlllier Wester takes place at the gymnasium Tues day evening. Hon Win Colvlu In the interests of IheAOUW addressed the students at assembly Friday morning. Those who are to take part in the open "i'atlence" are practicing on- igeiitly anil a go.ui enieriiuuiucui, is promised. Accoi.linir to a late rulo passed by tho reirenls. atuleuts when absent from recitations on account of sickness will be marked zero. Tho Beuiors have allowed time to drift bv until it la too late to plant ..hi. a tree conseoiieull v they aro lu something of a quandary concerning wlmt thev shall do in order to be re membered. Thi following are the delegates chosen to accompany the orator to the Ktute contest v. hleh takes places in two weeks: l ai lion Kinlth, Anna Roberts, Edwin Rryson, Lotta Johnston, Howard Davis, Ralm Mann, Mr Aldeiman and Miss Kelly. The In the I OOF Want it Mohhied. Corvallis Time: Weatherford & Wyalt, of Al bany, have llle.1 w ith the clerk of the court an application to have tho re port of Referee Woodcock relative to Lincoln county taxes modified. The original claim of Lincoln county on account of O P taxes was 20,75.03, and was reduced by Referee Wood cock In bis findings to 915,041.03, the reason assigned being that taxes for tlie same amount for the same year was claimed by Reiiton county. The documents filed by Lawyers Weather ford and Wyat moves that the court mod ily the report of the referee hy al lowing the taxes of Lincoln county for 182, instead of disallowing said taxes. Tin. motion sets forth that the referee erred in disallowing both the taxes of l'eiiton and Lincoln counties in 1802. Arguments on the motion will be heard at the adjourned term on tho 25th. bully Uuar.1, February 17. AtlllANOINO FOll TI1K DK11ATK. Salem Journal: At the meeting of the Philodorlan society last evening dis cussion was had relative to the joint debute with the Laurean literary so clety of the stule unlveislty of Eugeu . Saturday, March 21st, Is the duy de. Hdcd upon for holding tho debato ...1.1..1. u itl laku nlu.-HUt Fuuene. The v 1 1 " i . , " , . . I Hiihleet bus not yet been selecteu uui the Eugene society will choose the topic for discussion for the debate. Thus- who will represent Old Wil lamette In this eontest are: I P Cal Hson, leader; C J Atwood and W V Mathews. The alternates are t S Nickllu and II O Hibhard. Pay your county taxes. Lcnt.bi'glns tomorrow. (J ilct at the court house. Ed Petigra Is lu the city. Frost and fog this morning. The streets are drying up quite rapidly. O A M.-Muhuu, ol Thurston, was lu Eugene today. Mr and Mrs Win Preston weut to Portland today. A little frokt this morning and a very pleasant day. The pay car was attached to the lo cal tins afternoon. Prof J W Vogel, the eye specialist of Salem, is in tlie city. Miss Belle Ward left for her home at Halsey this morning. Miss Katie Helfresh weut to Collage Grove this altermsju. People are buying garden seeds, pre pa ru lory to pluutiug gardeu. Miss Dotlie Soveru retutucd this morning from Cottage Grove. Mrs M J Hillegas, wife of Represen tative Hllle(as is improving. Horace Burnett, a Guahd typo is retained at home by sickness. Mr and Mrs Ira oray of Thurston have relumed from Jucksoii county. Tho Euueiie Church Alliance held a meeting at the M E church this afternoon. Ali heus R l'.n. tin in of Cottage Orovv has bteii pluced on the pension list. Miss Nellie liill'ry, of F E Dunn's dry goods' ttoie, has returned from Creswell. The Springfield Woodman of the Woild lodge will give a social on the 23lh lust. X K Britt. of Newberg. civil en gineer ol the S P R R, spent lust night lu I'.ugene. L Y Canadian, of the Piano Man nfucturing Company, did business al Cottage Grove loduy. Mr Parker, of the firm of J L Chase & Co.. returned Ibis afternoon from a trip down the valley. It is now said the prize fight be tween Filz-iiminoiis and .Maher will tuKe place next Friday. Thirty six pages of this year'a tux rolls ure taken up Willi land assess ments of the 8 P Company. Tlie Firemen's tournameiit lor East ern Oregon and Washington will be held lu I'eudletou iu June. Chns White, an old soldier, Is suffer ing from a bullet which he has cur ried iu bis arm since the war. Messrs Zeigler & Brady, of the Chica go Bakery, have dissolved partnership, Mr Zeigler returning the busiuess. A geutlemaii receutly from the East, Is talking of opening up a wholesale produce business oa imuiu street. Miss Nettie Whitney, who has been teaching school at Loraiie bus returned home, I avlng finished her school. The census shows 4,001) legal voters and 17,618 population for Lane county, lu lSSoslie had 10,079 Inhabitants. Rov A M Sweeney of Cottage drove, populist noiuinee for representative, returned to this city this afternoon. L H Harlow will leave In a few days for Hoqiiiam, Washington, where lie will follow his trude, that of a black smith. The spraying senson is on and quite a number of fruit growers have already commenced to apply the diilulectauls to their trees. The Jas O Blaine repuUioan club will meet at Springfield February 31. A U Woodcock, oi mis cny hi un dress tne club. Councllmun Fisher Is quite a fine chicken fancier. Today he mceived three pair of game chickens from W m Dysiuger, of Koseburg. Mrs J H McClutig has returned from a visit of several weeks with her Jauglilers, Misses Margaret and Iua McClutig, at Han Francisco. Mrs Willis Holly, who has been em ployed la the Ninth street luuch coun ter, left this afternoon for her liomt In tho vicinity of the Bohemia mines. Dr R T Burnett if Astoila, arrived here on the early train this morning and will visit with his folks, the fami ly of Rev. P R Burnett, for a few days A flaw iu the weld of an axel of M S Hubble's transfer wagon caused it to br.ak wlille the wagon was iou. Iiifiontcf tho Minnesota house this morning. loo Hills, of Jasner. left yeHer.iay ,. f 'unu 1 Ii-kl-n fill ihM Columbia to look - ,. ,,,,, nr. uu intiirmir i utmii. . iiw ..... A SIN lUtM ISt'O Al'KAIlt. Mlis Carrie Thomas. Formerly Eugenr, Assaoiteilby au r.x Con v lit. i MlllOll.M. Nlil.U'r:. of James It. Wagner is Supposed 1 Have lleeu killed by Issue I Mills- to "Another story i f altunpled rob bery and threatened inuioer in Ihe tendi'rlolii district came to light ;'es- terday when an ex-convict named Kolly was tiei.i ny Juue i.ow to ap pear bt-fore the Sticrlor Court. "Tho woman w bo s.i nearly shared the fate of Minnie Mclermo,t Is Car rie Thomas, who occupies the houe al IU I Berry street. Mioriiy ueioro mm tiiirht last Saturday the landlady called at the woman's place to collect the rent. Hie woman put. I tin mil without taking the precaution to draw the blind, at the name lime excising ten or fifteen dollars more which she had In her possession. "About 2 o'clock Saturday morning a man enti th.1 the place, locked the door behind him and demanded the woman's money. Tlie woman refused and was Immediately knocked down by the Intruder, who proceeded lo beat and kick her unmercifully. "The woman still refused to part with her moiiet, when the man drew a knife wltn his left bund and grasped her thioat with his right, threatening to strangle her if she continued to resist. 'The woma.i' crhM attracted the Httenllon of the inmate of the adjoin ing room, who called the police. "Oillecr McWowati and DiUglaa, responded, and, finding the door locked, made their entrance through the window. They found Kelly hold I. g a knife in a thieatenlug mutinrr over the prostrate woman. "The woman's throat Is bluck and blue in spots, while her body Is covered with bruises resulting from the severe klckiugaml lienting she received from the wo dd-be robber "At tlie prison Kelly gave his name as Wllllunis, but the police soon learned that he was a notorious ex convict." r rito above Is taken from the Ex aminer ff February 12. Ihe young Ih.Iv referred to formerly resided lu Eugene and was an adopted daughter of J W Mollis. When here aim weut by the name of Reua Hollls. Pally Oui.ro. February 17. Makkikd In the private parlors of the Hotel Minnesota, at u o cioca last nvi.ntoif bv llev W H (filbert ot tlie First Presbyterian ehurcli, iur itooert Johnston and Mrs S L Lytic. Only a few of the nearest family relatives were lire-cut to witness the ceremony After it was performed an elegant lunch was served to those present. Mr Johnston is proprietor of the Min nesota hotel, and has been In this city a number of venrs. Mrs Lvtle Is prop erly a resident of Crook couiity.atid bus larire lironertv interests llieie. She has spent a great deal of her time iu Kiurene and Is unite well known lu re. The newly wedded couple left on the 11:20 train tnis morning on tiicir u (Una- trio. They will go to Haleni, when, iliev will visit Willi Mrs Johns ton's parents a short time. They will go from Salem lo the Dalles, where they will visit, a short time, and then go to Prineville, iu Crooa county, Mrs Johnston will remain at Prlne vllloabouta month to settle up some business affairs, but Mr Johnston will return In about 10 days. Piinevillo Review, l'ih. 13: This Usually quiet pla.s. was throw n Into excitement lust ll.uiadsy by the all- iiouueumuiit that Isaac W Mills had hot an I killed Jumes I; Wagner of Hardin. At Ibis lime Ih i only report that we cull get of this Ululr Is as follows: It seems that Mills ami W uglier are neighbors and as usual sometimes, hard feeling had arisen Ulweeu them atio.t their division fences, m any rule, on last Wednesday Wagner was plowing Hi his field and Mills rode up lo the tence which was some little dis tance away and sjsike to Wagner, ask ing him to come out to where he ws us l.u wanted lo have an understand ing til reference lo the division or the fence, which they na.i iiecnieu iu divide and each build his own fence. Wagner leplleil that ir .Mills ileairen in link w illi him. he would have to come where he was, so Mills rode lu to here Wagner was, when lie touini that W agner hud lieil his team to a post and in his bunds held a double bar reled shotgun. Mills got down from Ills horse ami Iheu commenced a war f words, pretty hard nuiiies were given by one to the other, and as bit terly returned by the other one, until llnully Wuguer.wne was sihihiiok r Mills suddenly rained his shotgun and struck Mills in the face making a wound near Ihe right eye at the same lime stepping back a little bellied at Mills, who al the same instant struck the gnu wltli his right baud receiving the contents In the buuk of Ins right hand, striking It near the knuckle Joints aud ranging up ward toward tho wrial louring away the tctidoueaud ligaments. This shot dazed Mills for a moment but ou recovering he leached for his pistol willi Ills e l lluiiu aim iiiiiiicomiviv fired and at tlie same time Wagner hot the second time ami again Mills received the contents lu the hand but i ni ilmo iu the led. the one III which he hud his pialol. .Mills urpHu ma unit wauiicr inimniiiuieiy ieu over backwards aud MHU after some difficulty succ-eded III picking up his ami wjiaeu on ichuuik -ecu rut lTIiooii as highway dry tlieiu to take a Pin Jon Estate Bob!). Tlie real prop trity lieloiigiug to tin estate of Hamil ton. Job A Co., wus sold In Corvallis Wednesday. The iraliam drug store .imneiiv went to Ranker Woodcock, for :I013. The bank biiildimr aud tlx tures were bid in by M H Woodcock (or the First National bank at IIO.OUO. Tho Caiitlioru warehouse was sold te I VI lltnn,!.' rberrv for $82"), for the 81- . ...i i.u ih-'bunk: the other 20 CO UU o ru . 'j - . - , . . ...... i,v IbuiUer Bush, of hulem. Property i Job's and Kilkins' addi .ion's Lro .gin !'. W M Ludd, of i..r.t..inl. wus the principal purchaser. ..... ii.. I,,,- bouuht tlie five acre i.ino, (..rvaliis f.rC20 an acre, ., i.- :,i,.,,, l.oiiL'ht the larger tr;ict, coi.'tsioing ubolll 13 acres, for t22 I-, .. i-..r i l.i. rest of the properly was then postponed . until I the ?ti,0W wuh n-Hlizcil from the bu iLiiv QimrJ. Felrury 17. building U ie- log erected by theclt just south r,f the ,',1 i i. Tl.a building is 20X80 feci In structu re visited i ac who will her brother B. F. HAMELL, M. D. PHYSICIM AND SUHGEOX. c over Baum's clothing Store. i ....... it. . roiiiriiiMu ! . . rlv train. Mr deary uav oi" h - -.- , , . ...... i 'i i, ,,r of the Offie . f .i... t ..r p Is (iran.l Chancellor u. order for Oregon. J W Cowles, t.f McMinnvlllc J A Bushnfll.ofJonc.io.. Ci- v. J l J i t i nth and W H O-bum, I Sale..,.' menib. rsof the Ikm.M -J regeiii. of the Ktige-n- Diviuiiy ch I; '"r citv lull. The biill'iuig t . : ...l ... II l..i nr. .ils'll . '1 ...I- u ill In- I.I I ed III the building , . ..... r .... i ill of prisoners r. ... .....b U iit t... olitiiined from I ou l N ' . ...lit 1... q.iurrv on Skinner's butt-, anu wu. uC ready for use iu a few l"yH- (loi.r. Ct RK-Agold cure institute ls-. ii estaidishci in mi" ? . . v , i. Llittu ii. M..I 'iirin it. I iortn Washington, who has Is-en here some tu The Institute is located In the Spauldiug building at the west end of Eight st leet. .. t . .... V,,ihV The ChlneMj held Liglicsriiival in llo ir attack u,.. . i,i i.rti.H .lfvil on N M,,Ms.e..s,. 'fli. Is.ii.banl the Nili'b ...... i,i,,v in-lit. II it'll t lMtf1 " ' ' their reactive homes ,h,s ''""' " vn burned cost $125. 1 Merritt Huntley, who was Injured the nrecrais it Is said brothers are thinking of engaging In lolling at that place. Rev II L Riiardman win preucu next Sunday morning on Ihe Ltiris tin n as a Citizen." having sia-cial ref erence to the Church Alliance move mc nt now ou foot. li-v O It Whitmore. state lecturer or i. l-.ili.,! Artisans society. IS billed to address an Albany audience this evening. He was lormeriy pusior ui tlie F.u.eiie ai i' cnu.cu. I II Harries eft this morning on a i.o.m. ua iriu to Portland. He was .oionunied bv Mrs Harries . . . . - , ...t.i. vis t alsiut ten uays nun K. D El wood, at enurg. Victor. Coloradn, Is announced to be I,- i,i,ri,.i iocornnrated town ill v..c , ..... . K . world, being iu.oiu n-rt u..o of the sea. l.eauviue is iu, CrlDiile Creek Is about 10,000 feet. Prineville Review: F nyiano ... I-.ii.cue wis in Prneville Inst Hut ..nUv Mr Hvlund has been ap. poiuied administrator of the estate or William N Cox deceased of tills county. r. n..oi..v Is the orle.r of the day .,!.. Hi m snlaries of tho CitV reduced, and the trill !" - , iilghtwatchiiin disciiargsd by the city council 'V resolution was passcu vy the city council to keep the expenses within VinOO a year. A father wrote to an editor for In .tru. tions how to stop bis boy from I moHi.gclga.ettesand got t le lolloW- g ep y: "W e suggest brilie-ry. per suasion, Instruction r shutting oft allowaiXd. Then li no re,"f ' ,, etlnale. use rawhide on rawh i. e. We t . i... ... .i l.aa r.-jstiv to hold up His III I'l I"1" ? i i. und promise never agaiu smoke .mother cigarette, not work, diown him Utiur than one The Bi.st. The FrawlcV Company, from tho Columbia theatre of San Francisco, which reproduced the great American i.lav. "The Beiiator," al the bousu Kuturduv night. Is with out doubt the best aggregation of players that has visited this city this season. The people of Eugene seem to l,. ulila to lull In advance when a good troupe is coming, and In this case their foresight was not uceivu. iscu... all the seats were taken early lu me w-k and Saturday night the house u'tta nil1 ke.l to its utmost capacity The nlav was strictly first class, and was full of laughable comedy from be irlooi mf to end. Mr Muclvu Aroiicklo ,,. siaiiHti.r lliiiinible Rivers, bad the leading purt and was well qualilleU lo handle it. lie was most amy sop iiirted hv the balance of the company It is earnestly boed by the theatre going people of lMigeno mat i.a comnuiiT may i k'" Induced lo stop here when they lour the coast next season. Dally Guard February ID. v.vnAfiKMKNT Announced. From the Salem Statesman ol loday we learn of the engagement or Mr larey r Martin and Miss Adda Davenport. Mr Marl In Ik Secretary of State Kill ... . - - . . aid's private secretary, ami was tor miinv years laeuillleu wit.i umi" o.ii.lv. uiv r.ir recu veu ins start in the woild here. He Is a member or the class of '03 of the University oi Oregon. He has had cliarge ot jvmor Klncaid's paper, Hie j.iur.iui, unui- ferent times, and he hks Had consider- able experience m newspaper work, having filled the pwltion of reporter on one of the leading dallies of Seattle for finite a period. Miss imvenport is a daughter of Hon T W Daveneoort, clerk of the state land ofllce of the eapltol. The UUAiti) congratuiaics in advance. . 7 ' ' - Ti . . i ' Mr ' I ' I ' :r i - -'it 1 ' ! . ' - jk.ill.l If u.t( i". t-iA)e..!"VV ! 'rtutu'n.r; i v rt h v lli.li Ul.l his GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody t.iket some laxative meJiiine to cle.uive tlie system and keep the blood pure. I li.e who take SIMMONS LlVLK KliGl'l ATUK tllipiiJ or powder) ;et all the benefits cf a mild and pleasant axatlve and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than tins: nmmons I.IVUK KBJU LATOH regulates the Liver, keeps it active anJ healthy, and when the Liver It In good condition ou find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousne: s. Indigestion, Slck- He.iJai.he an J Cuustip.itinn, and rid ot that worn out itnJ dthllilated feeling. These are all caused by a sh gglsh Liver. Good digestion and licejom from stomach troubles will only be h.id when the liver Is properly ut woik. It troubled with any of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LIVER KfcGL'LATOlt. 1 he k'ing of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. sT-CYKUY PACKAGE-ft lias tho Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. II. Tcllln Ok, IM.tluu. Ta, PATES CI11XGEU. Republican primaries to he Held Marc li zuia aim teaiuy tonien Hon, April Ua. Boon after the adjournment of the republican county central committee testerday afternoon It was found that tho dates were the same as set for the democratic primaries aud county con vention. After duo consultation by the mem bers yet lu the oily, this morning, It was thought best to nave a special meeting of the committee and make a tslol ami waisru on '-' . " .,.,-.,,,. B.,B. hnl.llno-nf nrl. h0Me "l77"uf..T. "'. T " :Z marie, would conflict In many of the leinetaooy ... - eouutrv precincH. as the meetings are home, ami ge too ,.. .,... 0,11.rt; nt th- !,,k)I houses. Mills then tame (tow n v ...7 ; - -- -. ,Mir. . . t-fif k i. . I .....I I 1 lurlntf V itillla I I D uillllllltl' UHH"h' brought him to this place lustThurs- ,i,n. ilia woiiu. s were (tressed vy it. v"': v i i:.....i. llelkuap ami in auouion m inn.- iu.i...r li.rrilile acerate.l. snot was tuken from his body. Ho iiuinediute i. U.HI. r..r -lo rill Combs aud siir rendered himself. Iu Justification of his act. gave the account as we give it t i nnr renders. N Other person BP' .,a rin if from that vlclnuy, and Mr . .. " , I. I It .... In VI Ills II. IL kl OWllIlT I1....BV.I Itn .w whether Wagner was kil.lod or not, nM. . .. . I I. . I ..... (but he lb lias ne was us. .t , u. v . r - . i)T jkeiitunp, rucuu .... - --. ,v th primaries from Suturday, MaroU 21st to Saturday March 28tn, and the county convention Iroui Saturday March 28111 to Nituruay, April tin. Self Explanatory. Too manv friends of the late Clay Martin, whoBCcidently killed bltnielf near Thurston on January 81st, 180(1, will be pleased to learn or the sate ar rival ef his body at tho home of his nuivuts. ai IU .oiiovYinir iciiur win I 'itM til and Denutv Dlstilol Attoruey IL.ll l.n Thiiisdav aftelJ.NiU lor tue Ilia aliiuilliiir. Mr Mills a Ivlng at roiuuexier s rosiuaraut and Is al largo out Is under i.u mirvslllnucrt of thesberltT. Roth ...ni.. ur nromliieut s.ockmell Of liur.iin firiuli.et where both have manv frlend.4. We havo given Mr ........ ... . i Mills' slutemeni ot me iiiiiuum uu whim tho ollicers return which they have not up to the lime of going to mess, we will find out whether they corroborate Mr Mills statement or not, ltri Julia a. IMlUrd. Paily Guard, February 10. Mrs Julia A Dlllard died at the home, of her daughter. Mrs J MO l or st 11th and 1'allerson streets, at 0 o'clock lust evening after a lingering Otllceof J.D. Bacon A Co., Dealen in Furniture and Undertaking. Maund City, Kan., Feb. 10, lsud. M kssks. Day A IUndehson: Ihe body of Clay Martin arrived here on the Mb ami was hurled on tne iiid, it was In excellent condition and the rel ative were well pleased. Yours respectruny, J. D. Racon 4 Co. Pally Uuard, February 1. . . Frkihtened by a Mouse. luie morning a youna gentleman heard a woman screaming In a house oj iLluvanth street. Thinking from the sound of the cries that minder was be ing committed he rushed into me house. The siiectacle which met hie eyes was startling. No one but the lady or tne house was oreueut ui.u mi was standing on top oi a tauiu eurcum- r a la 0 o'clock lust evening arier a lingering , f()r tr,r"lfe wi,u iUiail mouse Illness, at the age of Uojears, i months I pBVfuy fSterlng around the u. ul I'.) .lavs. I.. 'hi.. ,",,. hrul rlla- Mrs I) Hard, wnose inuiuen ..uiuo ivaa itensnaw. wus u.nn . county, Tennessee, In 1810. In 18.8 she was married to Stephen Dillurd, u...l In 18:17 thev removed to Missouri, where they resided until me spring oi . .. . . ' .i .... '..nr..-., I. 18.il!, wneil tney reuwvcu mnurau 1.. lsrt thov came toOregou aud set- 1 1 ... I mi a liomestead at t amas Swale where thev re-lded until the deuth of Mr Dlllard. For some time Mrs Dll lunl has been residing with I er .ii.n.riiiur. Mrs Met lure, oi this city i i..Hi.s.,. I Uavus live children as fol l.ov.i Win It aud Geo Dlllard, of Goshen. Horace A Dlllard, of Rums, Mrs Marv K Hendricks, of Kelseyville t'lilitoriilu. and Mrs rt J McClure, of this city, room. patched the mouee, of her awful fright. relieving the lady TsTKiuoi.t.KoiATK Lkaocb. The Guard Is informed that efforts will be made during the holding or the state oratorical contest at Portland, to or ganize au Intercollegiate baseball leugue. It U proposed to get the col leges ot the valley cities to isie pun. If tnis can be done, clubs will be es tablished Immediately, and the citizens of the different cities treated to some first clast baseball guinea. Wit r. Kitteii Hons. The Eugene Mill A KIvator Company has erected She also leaves two sisters . hull.llnir near the tail race lust east Mr. Aoian.la Reed, of Creswell, and Mrs lu.hucca Duaan. of Springfield and a large number of crand children .. ,wi rrim.ila who mourn her death. T.o. fiiiinral will bo Held rrom tne residence tomorrow at 10:30 a tn to the MuBonio cemetery. The ol the flour mid In which to fatten hogs. The waste products or the mm that cannot be sold will be used to fat ten the porkers. r. oun'n Ailianv Democrat: "On Sunday, Feb. 10, 1800, at the home of the bride's parents in earnier, uui TUB VACANC1KH. oaiem nisi: aiio - r- - ,. , . n,.,,- governor will in a few days make hi. ""?; r.'"y " I... ...... ,t. Illllmr tha vacancies nu una. d.i.iu .,..,.,. "i " W hare la Lobster? ujiii..li l.nvr) recently boaid of regeuts of Hie agricultural college of Corvallis and the stute unl- var.iivut Kuuaue. The positions to I to If that dis-s A drowned that s-iioke cigarettes." Yamhill Independent. Dally Guard, February IV. Final Content. The final hand ball contest lor the gold niedut was held at the university gymnasium ian -ucnliiLr. unite a number or stuueuis a. nl oi hers being present to wnncs. tn contest and other exercises which had been arranged for. The contes tants were Virgil Johnson of the senior class und T W Wester of the second year class. The game was quite ex citing and the cheering by the friends of both tie contestants was en thulastlc. Three games were played to decide tlie championship. Wester proted the winner, the scores stand ing ns follows: First Game Johnson 11 W.-sterOj second game Wester 15, Johnson 4; third game Wester 1"), Johnson 4. Totals-Witter CU; Jopu- sol. 23. , Pally Guard, FrtTUery IK. Lively Runaway. A lively run away occurred near tho Eugene foundry yesterday evening. Frank Hawk was driving a mule which was attached to a cart. He had driven In to the mill pound and itopped to un rein tho animal so It could drink when it tu.ma frlvhtened and started to ..... Ame The rider was rapidly ..i..iri.u.l iiiro.ioht the cold waters of i. .... until tint abort was reached ui.en h- lis.-ened Ills hold. The mule wus caught without doing other ser , ious damage. befi U "r.tl,Vo,e.f. rm y occuled today .worn out iu Jmtlce Whe by DM French and 8 PMurgls. The court byh r hfrmer resigned as a member of the against E E Lyoni of Elrulra for of board of regents of the agricultural nnUuira nnil tha lat er died recently al Pendleton. The appointmeuts will iu m.idn from residents of Eastern Oregon, as that portion of the state Is without representation n. eunei these boards ut present. iviviiittoih Fikkd. R isebttrg Ro- view: "Ihe news wat received yes. t..r.iv that Conductors W H Jamie ..... a. ,il Jack Andrews hud been (lis- missed from Ihe service of the 8 P Co. Tim fsiiso was not learned as the com pany does not furnish any great amount of Information eeneeriilng its nctions. It is understood that Mr An drews was contemplating resigning, 1 the order w as no great Inconven ience to him. Both theso gontiemeu have many friends In itoacburg. liallv (luanl. February Id. T.imt'ji Day. This wus ladles day at tho bowling alley and this afternoon ..unit hullns aasembled nt the alley lueugugelu the sport. 'Ihougli this Is only the second meeting, some of them are getting to 1st adepts with the ball, and wh.-a they send them scur rying down the alley they aro almost sure to carry away tlie mark. Tlie games played this elteruoon prin cipally were four backs, Baltimore lives and ten pins, but tho favorite game seemed to be Baltimore fives. Pally Usard, February ts. Ji hth r's Cask. A eoniplalnt was W ueeier a city for lar ceny of oats. Pally Ouard, February 19. Tiikh Mrs Musttrson. wife of EH Mastorson, died at Coburg this morn ing of membraneous erotip. She bad been sick for quite awhile. Awarded Highest Honor World' Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. V