EUGENE CITY GUARD. a, U CAHrBBLU rrearuta. EUGENE CITT. OREGON. NEIGHBORING TOWNS NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST EPITOMIZED. Development end T regret of the Torl out ladastrlee the Faeiao Coaat-B-orrthleg relate to a Bright tad Prosperone Fetore-Oregon. A new steamer fur the ooal trade U toon to be pot on between Hun Fran olsoo and Coqnlllo City. A mining and ooal-ahlpplog our poratlon baa been aUrted at Bandun, with a oaplul atook of f 160,000. The tinllitlncr of the Astoria railroad bai already consumed $100,000, which la at the rate of 150,000 per montn, A rabbit drive fad ia now being in dulged in by the oltlsene of Lakeriew, and tboaaandaof the anlinals bave been killed. It la eatiinated tbat the wool crop alone aold to auob good advantage tbat 1600,000 waa dlibaraed in the vicinity of The Dalloa lait year. Benton oounty, now having all flour lng milla, ia to poaaeaa a aeventb. The new mill la to be of a oomplete roller prooeee and to ooutaln modern ma eblnery. Pendleton la aoon to have a new hotel. A leading property-bolder of that otly baa about oompleted arrange ment for ereotiug brick edifloe on the corner of Main and Railroad streets. The Portland Oregonlan bai award ed f ISO prlae fur the beat definition of a baby. The Iieppner lady who wun the prlae eeut in thia anawer: "A tiny feather from the wing of love, dropped into the aaored lap of motherhood." An outalde market fur hope ralaed In thia lUte would be a moat welooine boon to growert, who are very maob oiroumeorlbed In their movements. A n eiperimeut of tbla nature waa reoently tried in California when 60,000 pound were eeut to Isswloh, England. A $9,000 nugget waa reoently found In the Virtue mine near baker City. It consisted of a alngle alab of gold weighing in all about S,000 worth, and required no ruturtiug before ship mont to the mint at Ban Frauoisoo. A three day run in thia mine ha jost produoed 01,000. Tillamook' lumber report aliow tint over 1,000,000 foot were aawed there In 1806. Of the throe largest mill, one ba a oapaoity of 60,000 feet, another 110,000 feet, and the other 16, 000 feet Buppoae the output to be 40,000 feet per day a a low estimate, the combined product of all the mill fur 800 day would be U, 000,000 foot. An enterprise which 1 to be of great importance to the oommunitloa in the Hogue river valley 'will be the proposed Highland oaual, which la now taking dotlnite shape. The matter wa for mally brought to the attention of the board of trailo, before whom represent ative of the oompauy appeared by in vitation, and detailed plan and spool floationi on point touching on the en terprise. The Willamette river loem to bo teadlly deepening every year and also inoroaiiing lu volume of water. In place the chauiiol ha an entirely dif ferent oourse than that remembered by the oltlent settlor. It really teems to be going back to It old bed of p rob la turlo times. Such radical change have takeu place in the ohnnela of other river, but the cause of which ba been just a deeply involved in myitery. Vf uhliif ton. County immigration oonvoutlou are all the rage in the Evergreen aUte tbla month. A resumption uf the operation of the paper mills at Everett la a matter of oouldrable luiportauoe to Uiat town. A consignment of Kaffir com will soon arrive from Kausas and an eflort will be made to induce Adam oounty farmer to gve it a thorough trial. The people of Puyallup are rejoicing In the mlldues of It climate, which fact I evideuced by the preseuoe of blooming rose ami ohrytauthouiuuia, Bpoolmeu photograph of Whatcom oouuty timber have boeu forwarded to an Eaatern polytechnic tuitltutiou, to be used In the regular ooure of itudy. Anotlier large batch of land ha been patented by the Northern Pacific rail way. It oousiatsof 8118,818 sores lying In Yakima, Walla Walla and Krauk lin oouuties. To thl state ba been secured a sop rate district for river and harbor Im provement by the authorities at Wash ington. An engineering office will be established at Seattle The Rltavllle farmer and business men are very Joyful on aooount of the bright prospects for a good year. Bum iner fallowed ground ia permeated three or four feet with moisture and a good crop la almost assured. A good suggestion ha been made to bnlld flat boats with a oapaoity of ton or fifteen tone, to be loaded with or at or near Falrvlew mining oamp, B. C In the Oesoyoo division upon the Okanogan river, and float them down to Weuatohee. The Paclflo oounty bar association ha taken step to prevent Oregon law yer from practicing in the auperior court In the district wbloh oomprlses Pacific Wahkiakum and Lewis coun ties. The last legislature passed a law allowing ouly those lawyer from other .tat, to praotloe in Washington court whose state granted the same privilege to Washington lawyer. It appear that Oregon lawa do not per mit lawyer residing in this cut to praotloe there. Two carload of machinery have ar rived from the Eat forth Seattle firm that successfully bid for two of the new warships. Tb building are now all In readiness, Including tb building way, which are oovered by a roofed ehed I00iT feet, giving ample room to build both tbe torpedo boat and the rev enue tug. Not tb least significant of the reoent eitenslon I tb shop for steel shipbuilding which If now oom pleted and ready to reoeiv 1U ma chinery and tools. Real estate agent of Spokane are jubilant over the Increase of their took In trade of alluring Inducement. Tbe bank olearanoe for tbe week ending January 36, exceeded those of Seattle. Tsooina and Helena. It may also be noted that the railroad traffic show a remarkable increase, and the hotel and restaurant are filled witn more stranger than at thl time for three vears previous. Thl Increase together with ten big mine working in the Coeur d Alone, and a lengthen ing list of shipper in tbe Bloosn and Trail Creek districts: with wheat ad vancing nntil it is worth about SO oeuU per bushel more than last year witn new enterprise guaranteed for thl oitv and with the other sign of new prosperity, Spokane ha no oomplalnt to register at tbla date. Idaho. The late Ooddard murder esse oost the oounty of Nea Peroe $7,534. A shipment of 70,000 fruit tree waa reoently made from Moscow to Camas Prairie. A snowslids carried awav tbe mill at tb Vanderbllt mine, two mile south of Halloy. Another tavment 1 due the Nes Perce In February of 1150.000. It might be very bandy theee dull day to be an Indian. Development work on the Black Hor net ha suspended for the present. Tbe owner will put np a ten-stamp mill for reducing and saving the gold. The maoihuery for the new paoklng ooinpany at Idaho Fall baa arrived and I being plaoed in position. Contract have been made fur a large number of hog, so that alaughterlng may oom menoe at ouoe. The Boise mining exohauge 1 start ing off In a business like manner. Tbe momber seem to be In earnest in the matter, and tilled with a determin ation to score a suooess. Tbe exohange promises to be a great benefit to the mining Industry of the state. Some Indiana oitisena desiring to come West have written for offer and inducement a a bono fur their start- lng a wood-pulp mllL It would re quire considerable soft wood, mob aa oottonwood, linn, buokeye, eta All things being favorable another deslr able Industry will b atArted In Idaho. Montana. Tho diphtheria epidemlo ha died out at Belt and tbe publio schools have reopened. Billing' latest enterprise I to oon- mtwnnt . S t A HAfl riruava sl.K a fe 1 UU. ) fIV.VVV V t UUMVW TT . ... capacity for 000 persons. A reoent lire at Helena destroyed a $30,000 milling plaut of the Montana Lumberng & Manufacturing Com pany. A brewing oonoern ha just finished a fine oold-etorsge bouse and are pre paring to put In buttling works in oon' nection with their establishment at Bolt i The assessed valuation of Montana la $134,078,686.60, while Its indebted ness is only l'.,7,030.8a. For a young state that Is only six year old, Montana is doing remarkably welL The munioipal authorities of Helena, under authority of a popular vote to that effect, tried to dispose of about $(100,000 worth of bonds reoently, bear iug lute rent at 6 per oeut There was ouly one blddor, and the matter wa postponed fur thirty day. Rrlllah Columbia. It 1 likely that the War Eagle will put up a milling plaut of It own at KosHUnd. A new brewery Is soon to be erected at Happlugtou. It will have a oold storage plaut lu the same building. The present air oomprossur at the Le Kol mlue having proven too small, a new twenty-drill one will be put lu. This ouinpauy Is a steady divideud payer. The people of Howilaud are now oou- slderlug the proposition of municipal oorporstlou. Two meeting have been held. At the first meeting a commit tee wa appointed to learn the concen sus of the property-holder on the sub ject This being favorable, at the second meeting a committee waa dl rooted to draft resolutions to the logt lature, now lu session, praying fur in corporation. British Columbia possesses the unique distinction of containing the only quicksilver mine uudor tbe British flag. It is situated uu Kamluops lake, opposite Saronas, a email station on the Canadian Paolflo, aud the ore is a cinnabar, or native sulphide of mer cury. With ouly two retorts in opera tion the results have been surprising. From a test lot of twenty ton of orude ciuuabar sixty flask of quicksilver, weighing 4.6U0 pounds, were produoed, valued at $1,130, at a oost of only $300. This mercury wa aold in Ban Frauolaoo; but In future, when the new retorts are built, the quioksllver will be dispatched to China for the manufacture of Vermillion. FIVE KILLED, MANY HURT. Holler Biplosloa la feausylvaala Kail Works. Hollldaysburg. Ta., Feb. $. Five persons wer killed and nearly a score Injured, some fatally, by the explosion of a thirty-Inch cylinder boiler at the works of tbe Hollldaysburg Iron & Nail Company tbla morning. The dead are: George Lane, nisson; Con Evaus, helper; Merrill Treese, 16 year old, and two unknown tramps who were lying nesr the furnace. Tbe boiler was blown through the roof 800 feet into the air, and oame down like a spent rocket, crushing through the root In another depart ment of the work. Th entire roof was precipitated to tb floor below, and the works practically wrecked. Tb explosion broke huudreds of win dows a quarter of a mile from tbe milL There wa th greatest excitement around th wrecked building. Fam ilies of the dead and wounded are frantio with grist No explanation is offered at to tb of th explosion, j EVENTS OF THE DAY EPITOME OF THE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS OF THE WORLD. roes la a louat 4a laUresUag Colloetloa of Heats V tb Two Hemispheres Pretested Condensed Boras A Large Am of lafonaatlo la .mall luaeo. C. W. Smith, of Ban Francisco, ha haen nsmed a a new receiver for the Atlantic & Paclflo railroad. The ftillsenm in Chioasro ha been elected a the plao for holding the national Democratic oonvention. Three member of the last Ohio legi lature have been Indicted for bribery, Tbe name are not made publio yet March as the German reiobatag will celebrate in an elaborate manner tbe aiirnioir of the preliminary peaoe ol aj. w - 1871. The Llbertr bell, wbloh ba been on Mihihitinn at the Atlanta exposition, ha been returned to Philadelphia. It arrival there waa announced by a salute of forty-five guns. Cashier Oeorge Barnard of tbe For Rlinvlt National bank. Home. N. Y. on being told tbat tbe bank examiner waa coming to look over tbe a Hair oi hi bank, immediately went to a room and bung himself. Charles Aslmus, who murdered James Greenwood September 31 last, died on tbe gallow at ftaiama, wasn. His last words were: "I must die; i am all rfiht: the sheriff be cood man one bad man. I. must die. I'm all right" The Amm-foaii board ha received word from Erceroum, Turkey, that through the relief money which it sent, bread I given dally to about 1,600 in that oitv alone. But anpli- oanU for relief are nearly twioe that number. Whtttaker Wriirht. an Australian yachtsman, haa offered a $600 cup, to be sailed for during the Riviera season, and with tbe object of bringing about a mooting between suoh big yacht a Britannia, Batanita, Aiua ana possimy an American yaont. The Japanese legstlon in Washing ton has received an important cable gram from the foreign office of Japan with a direction to make it publio, by the terms of wbloh the rloh island of Formosa, wbloh Japan acquired from China, will be opened np to trade and oommeroe. The Blue Jay, Silver Bow and Gray Rock mines, of the Butte & Boston group, in Butte, Mont, have closed down, and over 800 men are thrown out of employment Tbe pumps have not been withdrawn from the mine, which show that the ahutdown ia only temporary. In view of the report circulating in the United States that William K Vaudcrbilt is shortly to annonnoe bis engagement to Miss Amy Bend, Vanity Fair, published in London, thl week asserts that William K. Vanderbilt will ahortly announoe his engagement to an English duohesa. Lord and Lady Sholto Douglas have abandoned their theatrical tour through California and returned to San Francisco. Tbe lord attribubte the failure of the trip to the heavy rain and the faot that hi advanoe agent left him in an inopportune time. He says he will try It again ahortly. The London Observer says: "We bsve good authority leading ns to ex press the belief that Germany reoently Invited Russia aud other powers to oo- operate in a plan hostile to England's oontinued occupation of Kgypt Ao oording to our information and belief thia proposition was declined by Russia." Emperor William is firmly deter mined to carry out the project of doubl lug the sise of the Gorman navy. A high German official say that he ha had repeated conversations with the emperor on this subject during tbe past three weeks, and he asserted that dur lug the oomlng summer tbe plan fur the reorganisation of the navy will be drawn up. A terrific tornado, aooompanied by floods, occurred in North (jueeusland, attended with great destruction of life aud property. Many vessels are miss lng as a result of the storm. The rain' fall during the tornado auiouuted to S3 Inchea, and it is estimated that the damage to property will amount to $160,000. A large number of per sons were drowned. A dispatch to tbe Loudou Btardard from Madrid says: The paper here protest energetically against the United State senate committee', attitude on the Cuban question. They declare tbat the Insurgents have fulfilled none of the requisite by international law or usage for the recognition of beilgor eucy. The government organs, with a view of pacifying the publio Irrita tlon, point out that President Cleve land, hia minister and the federal authoritlea so far have preserved a per' feotly oorreot and friendly attitude to' ward Spain, contrasting strongly with the popular sympathy and assistance the Insurgents have obtained from the Amerioan people. Lloyd Montgomery, th self oon' tossed murderer of his father, mother and Daniel B. MoKeroher, haa paid the penalty of his crime by death on the gallows. The prisoner exhibited considerable pluck, considering his youth, and did not flinch npou the soafiold. The execution took place, as required by law, In an inolosure in the jailyard at Albany, Or. An hour be fore Montgomery went upon the scaffold, be wrote out aud signed the following statement: "I did it I am guilty. O, Ood, have mercy on me. Take me a I am, I am a poor (inner. 1 am sorry for what I have done. Ood, do have mercy on my poor soul; for my sake, do, and forgive all my sins, each and every oue of them, and forgive those who sin against me. Oh, Ood, help tbe precious soul to see the way of lit for my sake. Do help them and guide them through this life." Colonel W. P. Thompson, president of tb National Lead Company, died of pneumonia in New York. The city council of Chicago has passed an ordinance prohibiting any person from engaging In th traffic of borsemsat It U announoed In London that Jtt- of In tin MoCarthy will resign tb leader ahln of th Irish parliamentary party, at th next meeting of that party. Tha nnnrecedented rains in tbe lower Mississippi valley th past ten day bav caused all stream to over flow and the lowland oi lenueeeeo, Arkansas and Mississippi sr on vast tea of water. Wnrt nomea from BrSlll that rain ba fallen in uoh torrent for the last f th.t it ku eansed tb falling of many houses in tbe cities. Yellow fever la increaalng ana one man uu mo Italian orniser Lombardi na uieu tb disease. tv,. tarthino' ha been opened. tbe speech from the throne, King Oscar ..m ha hnruul that the meeting of the oommittee on the condition of the union of Norway and Sweden wouia tend to an agreement fur tbe happiness of both nstiona. Tb United 8tate mlnUter to Tur key, Mr. Terrell, ba demanded an in mnit nf tioo.000 for tbe burning and pillage of the Amerioan missions at Marash and unarpui. no siu uou for the immediate granting of firman for rebuilding them. Tbe oelebrated case of Dr. Arthur Duestrow, the St Loui millionaire, who ba been on trial during the past month for tbe cold-blooded murder of hi wife and baby boy, two year old, ba ended, the Jury returning a verdict of guilty in tbe first degree. rwlnnmnnt show that Loe Sellers, lynched in Knoxville, Tenn., ten year ago for the supposed muraor suu rou w nf t l.l 00 from Edward Maine wa Innocent Liule Hickman, on ber deathbed, oonfessed tbat Ik Wright, a notorious oharaoter, waa th murderer. He is now being pursued by the of floera. Tbe federal council baa authurixed the president of the Swiss republio to aocept tb proposal tendered by the governments of Great Britain and the United Staets that, in the event of a disagreement a to a ohoioe of arbi trator for tbe Canadian sealers claim, the president of Switzerland shall designate tbe arbitrator. . After a six month' search through ancient and modern history tbe patent office ba issued a patent on bloomers. The man who sets the credit of inven ting this up-to-date article is Thomas H. Royoe, of Brooklyn. In tbe future the new woman will have to pay Royoe a royalty on ber nether garments. Tbe congressional delegates from the Paeiflo ooast are making quite a pusn in the matter of the additional reveuue nnttnra for the ooast If Sanire's bill should go through, the probabilities are that one will be stationed at ruget sound and the other in tbe Columbia and adjacent waters. They will no doubt be built on tbe ooast Andrew H. Davidson, of New York. who la oreat'f interested in socuriua the reloiise jf Mrs. Maybrick, confined in an English prison on the charge of murdering ier husband, says' the next attempt to secure her release will be made by the Mason ind Roman Catho- lies, and that the effort will be made on the same line as those in the past An agent of the Chinese government bat oome to tne racino coast to piaoe an order for 60,000000 feet of lumber. Most of the timebr la intended for the construction and repair of government bnildiniH. The as-cut savs the Indica tions are good for a healthy revival of the lumber trade throughout China and Japan this and next year. The Mexloan International Exposi tion Company expect this week to con nlnda arraniremnnts with the irnvern. meut fur a national exhibit, and a na tional oommittee toco-operate with the exposition managers will be appointed. The liuid on which the exnoaition will be held has been formally conveyed to tne ew nor syndicate organised to carry out tne project It is expected that the battleahin Oregon will have her official trial some time in the latter nart of Anril or early in May, and Immediately after that sue win be ready to be commis sioned as a flrst-clas battleship of the United States. All that remain to be done is to plaoe the armor plate of tha after-turret and mount the two 18-inch breech-loading guna it is to shelter. The New York Herald's oarreanond - . eut in Rio de Janerio telegraphs tbat the British minister has received a dispatch from bugland ordering bim to reooKiiise the sovereignty of Braxil in the island of Trinidade. It ia now probable tbat Braail will permit Great imtam to estabiisn a big coaling sta tion on the lslaud tor her South At lantic sonsdron. and that alia will grant tbe right to lay a cable on its shores. The bliurest trust ever formed on tha Paoifio ooast. and reoreseutius' a capital of over $70,000,000, has been consum mated. It is the Central Lumber Comoanv of California. Its mnmher. ship inoludes every lumber mill, all shipowners, and the wholesale and re- tall dealer or tne western ooast of the United State and British Columbia. All charter of vessels and sales nf lumber must be effected through this company, whton regulates freight and nxes tne ouying ana selling price on all lumber, reiinlatlna the product of each mill and the amount of lumber each vessel shall carry each year. The lumber shipment to foreign oountrie are also plaoed under restriction. Four thousand six hundred and fortv bids for $568,369,866 worth of bouds, 1 tbe tremeudou total of the inbaorin. tious opened at tbe treasury depart ment, tn aooordanoe with the terms of the call issued a month ago inviting proposal for $100,000,000 of United State 4 per cent bonds, to run for thirty year, from February I, 1896. Theee figures do not include about $130,000,000 of "crank bids" roWwl a bogus. The immense offerings as tounded tbe expert. The bids literal ly swamped th department Al thounh no action haa been taken vt th bid of tbe Belmont syndicate, HO,8i7, will probably be aooepted for at least $50,000,000. The svndi. cats bid oovered th entire amount store Bomb Throalag. Lisbon. Feb. ft. A bomb waa ai. ploded at 9 o'clock toniaht in the real. dene of a physician, who testified to the lunacy of th man who threw a stone Into th king' carriage a short tim sjro. Maoh dimaes was oanaed by th sxploslon. Ten arrest hav neea maa. THE AMERICAN NAVY A COAST-DEFENSE FLEET TO BE COMMISSIONED AT ONCE. riaeed oa a Complete War Bootleg as Bar as Possible la Time of Pea.o-ll ships to Be Bt la Aetlv Service. v v.w Fab. 8. The World PORTLAND MARKETS. Potato contiouto arriv in Urge C?:, Jiwfl FlackY The California mar- KniTket Th. "'PMvSol made by growers against the advice i oi deXs Bu'in" 1" Produce m"' ket ii only moderate. Wheat Market. t,. i,-.l market 1 weak, with a lower y.: Naval officer, on duty In , thi. ; u dency. Trading!, reported quel. Mtv and Brooklyn declare that It 1 the ; Kxporter quote Walla alia " SenUon the government to place j,,. an'd Valley MKlc per bushel. the navy on a oomplete war looting . fax as possible in time of peaoe, and demonstrate what tbe United State can do in tbe way of oom mission lng, not a flying squadron, for wbloh the United Bute ba no need at thl time, but ooast-defense fleet to guard our shore, both on tbe Paolflo and the Atlantic D1 . Commodore Montgomery Sloard, commandant of tbe Brooklyn navy yard, received order last night to have the new monitor Terror ready to go into commission March 1. The abipbas been nnder construction for tattai Tbe!l5;middlingO118.60;rye1 the government U about topLoe &SkJr ' commission, will be oom posed of. , " FoTatoks New Uregon, 35(3 46c P' Tbe new ram Katadhin. now viW.B. aeets, common, 8'c; Merced, Brooklyn navy-yard; the double-tur-, pound, reted monitor Terror, also at this sta- i onions-Oregon, 75$1 per sack, tlon: tbe double-turreted monitor Ml- PooLT-Cbitkens,heus,$2.60(a3 pei intonomah, which i. to be pulled out doten; mixed $ltt160 of tbe mud at League island navy-yard duck., $6.0Ug i 8se, ggj near Philadelphia, and ed, and th new monitor Monadnock, I ixxsi-Oregon fail cream, 120120 sister ship of the Terror, nearing oom-: poUna. ball cream, ,c ; skim, 4tf pletlon at tbe Mare island navy-yard. ! yonmj America, 10(S He All tbe abip are to be put in aotive . Tbopicil KaoiT California lemons, ervioe and furnished with officer and $3.60($4.0U; choice, $3.003.60; Bicily, crew, within the next three week. , .60; bananas, Jl-Jf-' bSi The other ship, of thi. ironclad .quad-1 California navels, vlWMW p,, box, ron already In commission are to be PPPK ,,,, the flrst-clas. battleship Indiana, the ga,lic, new, 8(J10c per pound; J .1.... i...tldUU KfalnA tintf t 1 . ..... t,, DECIDEDLYBEj SUCH IS THE PRESENT T J THP WUCiT .. Farmers Who Held oD to T. Have an Opportuultj u t S n. tho Hotter Frlcea Prodnoe Market. FLOoa-Portland.Ha!em. Cascadiaand Davton, are quoted at 13.00 per barrels Uofddropi2.W; Snow flake, $U.05; Ben ton co!t3.obj graham, $2.60; .uper- fi OATsii'ood white are quoted weak, at 24c; milling, 28j30c; gr. ltt21a Rolled oaU are quoted a follows: Bag. 4.25(86.25; barrels, 4.WS7-00; case., Ha't- Timothy, $9.00 per ton; cheat, li.OO ; clover, $0(37 ; oat, $6(0.60 ; wheat, -txrFeed barley. $14.60 per ton; brewing, nominal. .Jr.,.. Uran. 112.60: shorts, seoond-clas. battleship Maine, now at artiCUokei, 85c per dozen; epiouts, 6c Hampton Koads, ana tne uuuuio-mr-reted monitor Amphltxite, now at Key Hampton Koads, and the donble-tnr-1 per pnd; caaliilower, $2.75 per crate, 1 ' UOcAfl per dozen; hothouse lettuce, .-oc West CONGRESS OF REPUBLICS. ner dozen: Fa ihu r'aciT Pear, Winter Nelli., $1.60 per box; cranberries, $1I11 per barrel; lancy apples, sii.ou; common, ,h 60(g75e per box. Ukikd rauiTB Appies, evapoiaieu, Will Meet to Define and Endorse Monroe Doctrine. Waahinoton. Feb. 6. The movement! bleached. 44Xc; sun-dried, 3M4c; Initiated by the government of Ecuador , pears, sun and evaporated, 6(4 tic plums, of holding a oongress of all tbe repub-! pitless, 3(s4c; prunes, 3ts6 psr pound, lie of tbe America, to define and in-; Woou-Valley, 10c, pel pound ; East doreethe Monroe doctrine, and to . nCbolS,C,Oregon 40, pe, tabliah closer commercial and political d medittlI1 'negiecfed. relations between them, is rapidly r Km Almonds, toft shell, 9llc Uking form. The Ecoadorean minis-1 pe, poUud ; paper shell, 10ijJ12'vc; new tor here, Senor Carbo. ha. freely dis-1 crop California walnuts, eoft shell, cussed tbe subject with the other mem-1 H(9l2c; standard walnuts, 1213c; ber. of the diplomatio body, who oome ! Italian cliesnnts, 12,14c; pecans, from the South, aud today, to give an ; 30ci Braxils, Uatjl3c; filbert, official character to hi. mission, he ad-, ffSSZ drossed a oopy of a circular .igued by coanuUi yoc per Uoxen. the minister of foreign affair, of Eoua- Provisions Eastern ham, medium, dor to the ministers of all tbe nations , ll)i:c per pound; bam, picnic, of Central America and sent a oopy for 7c; breakfast bacon 10,'s10,34c; transmission to tlieir respective foreign ' short clear aides, 8S(39ci dry salt offices. A oopy was delivered also to '""e. 78cJ dried beef hams, 12 SecreUry Oluey, for it is expected that fompUDi'11'n Un'', " j ..,, La 1 lard, pure, in tins, 9H10c; pigs' feet, the United State, certainly will be ' , , $5.26; kiU, represented as it was in the pan-, 1-26- VKgou 8moked haulBi 100 pe, American oongress. ; pound; pickled hams, 8c; buneiest It is sUted by Senor Carbo that, j Lams, 7Sc; bacon, lU.'c; dry salt sides, while tbe City of Mexico is suggested Ucjlard, 6-pound pails, 7?Bc; 10a, 7c; in the" clroular a the proper place of j&us, 7ac; tierces, 7c Country meats does not follow that the ; el11t Pr,ci' accoriling to grade, oongress eventually will be held there, j , """T V,9lde' buef' ?Unu' for the first opportLity will be offered aTogjSj fti'f ' aiiwii lbs and over, 6c; 60 to 00 lbs, 44.4c; lereuoes in we manor ui a uieenug plaoe, and It may be tbat tbe oity of Washington will be selected. The circular, after stating the pur pose of holding a general assembly, quotes the conolusious of the oiroular addressed by the secretary of foreign relations of Ecuador to the foreign office of all the republics of America: "The enlightened government of your excellenoy is doubtless aware of the necessity of such an assembly, be cause it shall be called to decide some point of vital importance, both poli tical and commercial, to all the Ameri can republic. At present, and in con sequence of the development which those republics have shown, through the efforts of their own children, and through the progress necessarily pro duced by time, study and industry, each one of them has become import ant and their mutual interests, and even their own safety, require that representative of all of them should meet and discuss an agreement upon all matters relating to their welfare and liberty, making, therefore, upon the basis of justice and brotherhood, the publio law of America. By so do ing, greater respectability shall be ac quired, conflict shall be avoided and peaoe between our republics and the other nations of the world shall be assured." rraw.. elusions ou Ruiut In Or, n; The wheat market ppe. ! steadily improving and i, Z 1 higher than tho price in (jhu" Liverpool would warrant i7 i Walla Walla Statesman. i?j started in last fall as low u 1 ounts the rise of twenty oenu ward. U remarkably aud decid? oouraglng to wheat grower, u , be regretted that so mnytk fonnd it Imperatively neceswr, pose of tholr wheat when iI hardly paid the oost of raisin, a few of our most prosperom V have held on to their wheat, have an opportunity to profit better price, prevailing. ' Farmers Expect Higher tn ! Apropos of the present boot' Oregon iuu states that wheat ' local market, because farmeri iJ iug ou m expectation 01 nighet and, a. charters must be filial must pay what ia necessary to fs. oraors. mere l. a possibility nc in mis to tne larmen, If th, surplus here and elsewhere,!, break the market down in the t Onr farmer, are in mush beii tlon to hold their wheat than tbe,5 prior to 1893, thank, to the W teachings of hard times. The, of farming ia lnoomplete witS knowledge of market conditio its praotioe i. at a disadvanupu the farmer i. prepared to act opi' knowledge. Wheat exempliiq I So, also, in an eminent degree,! fruitgrowing. Had the improvement oometf in tbe season, before so mnciii grain had passed out of the jrJ hands, tbe benefits would bin j greater, bnt, even at thi. late t fair proportion of tbe crop ii hands. While in the Eastern (W distriot abont Pendloton the u' I well cleaned np, there is much grain remaining In the P14 I country, the great wheat-grow gion 01 wasmugiun. The cause of the present Oct been shown to be tho orop uilcj Australia, which ba. opened ipi market lor the racitto ooait; some may believe, the Earopeut scare. All the talk of probable W ities ba. thus far failed to eicm great wboat markets of tier?1 War scares have been used toooftJ wheat-pit manipulators to bin) further value in this connection. it known to a oertainty that vr, coming, things would be different Burnt In drain. Montana experiment t. The 40 and 60, 4c: kip and veal skins 10 to 30 lbs, 4c; calfskin, sound, 3 to 10 lbs, 0c; green, nnsalted, lc less; culls, l-2c less; sheepekina, shear lings, 1016c; short wool, 20(4 30c; medium, 30(j40c; long wool, 60d70c. Kici Island, $4.50(6 per sack; Ja pan, $4.004.5O. Merchandise Market. Salmon Columbia, river No. 1, tails. $1.26(31.00; No. 2, tain, $2.25(32.60; fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.76(31-86; Alaska, No. 1, talis, $1.20(31.30; No. 2, tall., $1.90 2.25. Bxanb Small white, No. 1, 2 '40 pei pound; butter, 3c; bayou, l.c; Lima, 4c Cokdaos Manilla rope, l)-inch, It quoted at 8c, and Bisal, 6c per pound. Baob Calcntu, ic Sooab UoldenC, 41,'c; extra C, 434ci dry granulated, 6.0; cube crushed aud powdered, 8',c per pound ; 4c per pound discount on all grades lor prompt cash; half barrels, 4o more than barrels; mapie sugar, lftyjioc per pound. Corrs.-Ooat Kica, 22(323)c ; Rio, 20 vs oaivauor, zi(aa;c; Mocha, 29(331c; PadangJava, 30c; I'alein bang Java, 20(328c; Lahat Java, 23t2fic; Ar buckle'. Mokaska and Lion, $21.80 pel 100-pound case; Columbia, $21.30 per 100-pound case. CoAfc Steady ; domestic, $5.0037.60 per ton; foreign, $8.50(i 11.00. Blrlly't rrolt tthlpiuente. Washington, Feb. 6. Last Decem ber more fruit waa exported from Si cily to the United States than ever be fore In that mouth, the aggregate be ing 876,000 boxes of green fruit, 160, 000 of which were oranges. United State. Consul Seymour, at Palermo, who report, the fact to the state depart ment, aooount for the large Importa tion by the ttimulut the business re ceived last summer through the high prices realized In the United States and elsewhere. Now the markets, both in America and England, are glutted, and prices often received are not suffi cient to over the expenses, to say nothing of the oost of the fruit A cargo of oranges recently sold in New urieans brought from 16 oenta box. Shipments in the meantime tinue. The lemon crop is very out cnoioe rruit 1. scarcer than last year, but of very fair quality. Fouaa aa Heir. London, Feb. 6. A special iH.n..,K from Paris say. an heir ha. been found for the miser. Peters. Who AiaA I treett here a short time ago. and in I f?t do ' Southern and coaet whose pocket was found a letter post-1 m 5 luoontin. ht and free, 6W7c! marked Boston, as wss cabled to Tthe I JnfJ? , cta?T7 2728c; pres. at the time, I, .ppear. that he sund.! Meat Market. Btsr Gross, top ateere, $3.25: cows. $2.262.60j dressed bed, 45,o ij McTToii-Groes, best sheep, wethert $2w5; ewes, $1.60(32.25; dressed mut ton, 4c per pound. kal Cirosa, lmall 6i30c: large. 3 IrtAlS ruV wina.l " 4 fv iuuuue lioos tiroes, choice, heavy, $3.0i)ia s.w; ngiit aud loeders' $i60vSi2. 76; SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS FLorja Net cash prices: Family ex tras, $4.00(34.10 per barrel; baker.' ex tras, $3.80 J.U0; superfine, $2.85ta3l0. .Lii-joea, lair tocood. 71i.e- ... w ' 1 choice, 1V,C. brewing, 80880. ,.u,ATrP'inR No. 1, $1.13?4 ; choice. $1.15. rail ing, $1.26(31.30. ' I i Tat lltlin. "T 1 . to $1 a 1 oaT, ., . ,r"?' '.a-"c; arprise, - isiaut; leeo, cagtU; good tn oon- choice. 75rfK2L7: ::v, a00".?.10 Urge. InciwnCr ",uur' oa Hor Juotahl at K. j Potatoxs bweets, $2,002.25 ; Bar banks, Oregon, 50 700. ' Owions-60(375i; per sack. cholLIlW' Bp,rinRl liht 'nJ abandoned his wife and ton fifty year ago, when the latter wa onlv a few day old. The t'aee MyaUrtoae. Rooheeter. N. Y.. Fk a f.-.i. , . , ' WM 111! tootore. 12(3 16 j; ranch, 12(15c. Caaas-rancy. mild, new, il,i2c mmL,0rxl'78c: Vo'ung Amfr lfv"n' I2ai3V Weil rn. Iiai2e per pound. J T w- . " ,na ,wo lnrn ohildren, Gomel, the wonderful ri . . and hi. sister, were found poimined surgent geiewl U a m. J" toeirootuge today. MissLynn U dead, i 80. aboutTS' il Is W m Mrs. Lynn cannot recover, and Mr I and weighing not overuo I g' Lynn', reoovery U doobtfnL The 1 U desorihad h. . I , ? wdt- H ohildren are out of d n. i ! " officer str. is mysterioaa oulatlng and Intrepid. sends out the following ooncluu smut in grains: cunning sat; tack, wheat only. Loose tun tack all of the small graini, tan; of the oat is the most dmip Clean seed, or that effectually a for smut, will produce a crop hi; smut, but an adjoining smDafe may oontamlnate thi. grain it" year's crop. The ouly safefB'V careful treatment before pUtotia disease in wheat may be entire!; vented by thoroughly wetting Ik in a solution of cupper sulphite, K eight onnoe. to a gallon of wita. this will losaon in some degree fc tality of tbe seed. It muy 1 t fectuallv prevented, withont u'4 age, by immersion fur fifteen n-i in water raisod to a temperature a to 186 degree. Fahrenheit Oil c may be completely prevented bj ing the wed fifteen minutes in raised to a temperature of 1323 t degree. Fahrenheit This tn' not onlv removes the smut but motes the growth and inoresetthem It may also be prevented without jury to the vitality, by immenmi j feed twenty-four hours in a soloW potassium sulphide, made by di ing one pound of the sulphide ia t ty-four eallons of water. Tbe c sulphate troatment. usod for vH will effectually kill the smut but will In some degree dam!1 germlnutlng power of the grain A Decided ImproTeiiient. There 1. a decided improvemat wheat on the Paolflo ooast, and ,: wheat farmer, never expect to w-j are hopeful of getting some return their labor. The lowest point reaohed in October, 1894, tccw to the Saoramento Bee, wb I touched 75o per cental. Pri quoted are $1 to $1.03 .'4. Tbu J been brought abont by the shortn crop, in AuBtra lia and the Ar?) Republio. Within the past few?; seven vessels have loaded witb H cargoes of grain from PortCH Australia, while another vessel loaded with a full cargo f?j Town, South Africa. There ba no shipment, of grain from thitP for Australia for some years p, j thl. is the first consignment of f1".; ever made to Africa. There i ""i more hopeful feeling on the p"! wheat farmers and larger sales of j wheat and barley are being "' the warehouse and oommission j tha nanerul for any one season durinfc the pavi years. It is probable that jn be S fall AVAraoABrrrAQmtnf whW' this season. Up to December were lying In the port of ban nlsAA eA.-I -1 a. J efn. (vrfllll V'M wow inwii VUlirvUIVU UI 6'- -af n r. a a..,nd 10 89,496 tons at the correspond" 1HHE TAB? Vhl I A frhA ntianrrn(7HU ' I . . .ed al V is out 17,699 against 6a, 83 " ame period in 1981. ExrmriennA ia jr.1.inir that the farmer who grows fruit and V a little hay and grain and keop' and a few sheep and hogs is no plaining like his big neighbor of tiniAe lnw n. (..... . .. .1 a short Tha an.. II t ii .:ll.J ii I --w auiiiiA iurm. wen 4iio - cess tn all parte nf the country. ' , jj. Let a neighborhood of fannM over their wheat stubble in such on. a. that pest, the Hessian W'1 --atf mnl hmnkl. . T.An MVUUICfXflUtl. " J quickly growing crop, and plo f in the falL Ona field not burntf ' . . . . 1 naroor enough die to supply a wnoie township.