1 kt,! tlaj - Ct I Highest of all in Leavening Porrtr-. Latest U.S. Goy't Report "wu " UiIi,OAaU MJ mL"nMr"1'3- i -- - i r I I 1 1 1 1 A . i i i i i i l . ' k . I . nr-.w-r an ..r-. i Absolutely pure aiSGIRLAHEKOIKE t D A BABY AND HER AGED MOTH' f ER FROM A FIERY DEATH. 1 Hans ! Fir AUrm Mad Two U, of Ketone When Dancer Wat lit. Became Ilyaterlcnl aud Fainted. 4 allie Steru, a tall, dark haired girl 'J years, saved two lives the other nt her horue, lu a tenement in East rhtv-fifth street, New Yurk. Oue was ,ife almost speut that of her mother, i jg pant HO una nuipiess iroin lutiuiu- itury rheumatism, the other that of a idi u haired child just learuiuR to talk Snrteur SpoaUniitster, 18 mouths old, T . , .1 i - M ij ( lie prmo nun yij vi tua uig time 0t. lillie ami her widowed mother live the second 11 (XT, and on thotop floor, mo OlUlits innniT up, live jeunnra . . a . I J ukimitcrl hia wife uud the buby, I.jrteus". Tho mother hud just dressed ti f child iu its pretty gown of white u.utliuat 10 a. m., when TiJlio knocked at t ho duor. She intcuded just a uioru li cull to inquire about the little one, rid, incidentally, to borrow a kitchen otoiiii 1. IlurttuiFO showod her new gown, n :d when the girl started down stairs ciied to go with her. VP'euxe, niumuia, p'ease," she plead e l, and the mother nodded consent. Til ! 8 took the little one iu her arms, and c'A Mrs. Stem showed her the pictures lithe uioruiug paper. Tillie left her at i is pleui-ing eutertuiuuieut when she i wted for the grocery hard by. lie swelled smoke when she reached t' t foot of thestaira, The hall was filled v, ith it, hot tiho thought it came from t me careless neighbor's stove and went u to the store. When she came buck, i f caw the smoke coming in volumes ? m tho speaking tubes. The halls were i Ifliug, and she screamed for the juu i l, Churles Roeder. He came, but i k1 purulyzed with fear, and Tillie t raft him aside impatiently. f Arouse the peoplol Tell them the 1 i8e is on fire I" were her orders. 81ie rau to Firft avenue and fell, 1 .If fuintiug, against the pout coutaiu I g the alarm box. fc'he turned the ban :. and then started back to the burn i: g house, her mind filled with anxious thoughts. Was her old mother safe? Had t.' y saved little flortence? The street before the bonne was crowd- i '. with people when she got there. Ex i 1 tenants rau to and fro, and among : sin tlie spied Mrs. Spenkmuxter. f Where is Horteuwf Is fho safe?" f She is up stairs with mother," nu ! ud the girl, her pule fuco becoming i m more blanched. Instead of answering, the mother fell ! I (load faint. Tl;e smoke was now pouring in dense clouds from the open hallway. Tillie glanced at tho mother's form being diagged to a place of safety and with hrf lips tightly compressed rushed iDto the bail and to the stairs. They saw her throw her gingham apron over her head as she duxhod up ud stood breathliss until, a minute later, she came out through the smoke, bearing the golden haired baby iu her arms. She handed the. little one to a neighbor and rushed bark. "Mymcthert She must be saved I" they heard her say. The rooms were black with smoke. "Mother! Wheroureyou? Comequick!" she called. The old mother staggered forward and leaned ou the girl's arm. To return through the hall was impossi ble, aud Mrs. Stern, helpless with rheu matism, begged to be left to die. Tillie threw open the window aud ran over the fire excope to the apart ment next door. The men were too ex cited to listen to her. "Come help me to got out my mother," she suid. "She will sntTociite." Oue of tho women was touched by the appeal fc'ho forgot her four aud followed Tillie back over the fire escape and into th room where Mrs. Stern sut. Tbey lifted her out of the wiudow into pure alt and over the fire escape to safety. After she had done all this the relapse canie, and Tillie became hysterical uud staggered iuto a chuir weuk aud limp. the recovered after tho firemen hud ar rived and put out the fire, and the ten ant were restored to their water soaked rooms. New York World, j 'Po yoirtninc nis cissing ner was so much of a surprise as she says?" "1 tie. Why, she even forgot to scream." iidlnnnpolis Journal. PAIN KILLER THI (1DI1T Family Medicine of the Age. I Taken Internally, It Cure iPUnhoea, Cramp, and Pain in tha , Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Cold, gn, sc., &c Used Externally, It Cures Cnt, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Nen gia, Rheumatism, F rotted Feet. i,'11 tul U neh uboaaM A, J?V!' rtMH Olmulk. wh!St2 2' '" Pt- att ihoald b ' b.,i i'. "Vri a r.p.uiia. au.l I " K Mil EOPHONE TRIALS. An Iotd11ob to CancantraU Banad In a Tog. The receut deluyi in the arrival of oceuu steamers at the port of New York and the detention of vessels on the great lakes from fog will be obviuted when the euphone, as its discoverer names it, bus been brought into geueral use. The discoverer, or inventor, is Frauk De la Torre of Baltimore. Professor Henry of the Smithsonian institution and Admiral Walker 20 years ago investigated, on behalf of the Unit ed States government, the nature uud cause of these curious areus, in which fog siguu Is cannot be heard. They agreed tlmf the distance of the signal bell or whistle from the ship wus not a factor. The direction of the wind and the den aity of the atmosphere, especially the vurying density of alternating strata of air or fog, were found to exercise the most positive influences. De lu Torre was already making his experiments at that time. I asked Admiral Walker about the eophone and its value to commerce. "It is a device," said he, "which con centrales uud intensifies sound so that it can be board at a greater distance than with the nuked ear and its source located nioro quickly and exactly. It gathers sounds iuto a sort of funnel uud brings it directly to the ears. If it is whut the inventor claims it to be, it will suve not only a vast amonut of val uahle time to steamers and sailing ships, bnt much property and muny lives as welL " The United States lighthouse board is making exhaustive tests of eophoues ouh De lu Tone's and another designed by Major Heap, U. S. N., intended to be an improvement on the first. EFFICACY OF PRAYER. It Saved n Ship When Oil fpon tha Wa ter! Was of No A tall. A most remarkable story of saving an ocean steamer by prayer was given out when the Northern Pacific steamer Ta- coina arrived from China and Japan the other day. When 1,000 mi lea from Yo kohaniu aud near tnidooeau, a "twister" struck the vessel mid all but wrecked it. The waves dashed over her, currying away all the upper decks. All control of the steamer wa lost, and she went drifting about at the mer cy of the big waves. Then she listed aud the officers, losing hope, congregated in the surgeon's cabiu aud united iu prayer. Several hundred gallons of oil had been cast upon the angry sea, but to no avail Soou after the ofllcers joined in prayer the storm subsided, the vessel righted it self and the officers cleared away the wreckage on deck and brought the steamer safely into port. No one was lost, and iu the official chronicle of the buttle with the cyclone prepared by Sec ond Ofilcer Smith, under direction of Captain Crawford, divine Providence is freely credited with saving the steamer aud all on board. LIVE TAPEWORM IN AN EGG. II la Two luchea Long and Was Uiaeov ered In Mount Vernon. Dr. Johu Kuapp of Mount Vernon, N. Y., has in his possession a tapeworm 3 inches long that was found in a hen's egg by Mrs. Benjamin Sedgwick. Dr. Kuapp insists that it is a genuine tapeworm. He says the finding of such an organism iu an egg is unprecedented, and that it will suggest to bacteriologists a new field for investigation. Mrs. Sedgwick was breaking eggs iuto a dish, when she noticed iu the albumen something that moved. She wus at first too much startled to look into the dish a second time. Mrs. Sedgwick finally determined to have the phenomenon in vestigated, aud carried the broken eggs to Dr. Kuapp. Dr. Kuapp at ouce said that the live object wus beyond doubt a tapeworm. Dr. Knapp says be will report the matter to prominent bacteriologists. Very Odd. How odd a thing is lovet Or shall we call it by some other name? It mutters little, for by any other name the result would be the same. Here is Mrs. Frank Higgiusou, a Bos ton heavy swell and well known in New York society, running away with a Har vard student, although she is full 40 years of uge aud the mother of four children. By Jove, but this thing we call love is an awfully freakish thing I Moreover, it seems thut a woman is never safe from it, no matter what her age or station or previous condition of servitude. New York Recorder. The New Inpreme Court Ja.tloe. Many complimentary remarks rela tive to Judge Peckbam have been mude by persons acquainted with the family of the distinguished jurist His father and stepmother, it will be remembered, perished on the ill fated steumer Ville de Havre in the Atlantic years ago. As illustrative of the high cuorage of the elder Peckhum, which his sous are de clared to have inherited, the story is told that when the ship was known tc le sinking, aud all hope had departed, Judge Peckhum clasped bis wife iu his arms and said, "My dear, if we must die, let us die bravely. "New York Times. Ingenious Railway Invention. J. L Allen, a telegraph operator at Loretto, Ky., has invented a railroad clock that is a marvel of ingenuity. It regisleu each train as it passe aud the time at which it passes, and an accom panying device gives warning to incom ing trains if another train has passed the station within 15 minutes. Tha Hoapltable Dardanelles. This talk about the Dardanelles re vives recollections of "The Almighty Dollar." Mrs. Gilflory, returned from Europe, was asked if the had seen the Dardanelles. "Ob, yes," wss to! reply, "W! dined with W'-Bt. Lonli oablla. MANY ARTICLES ON WHICH NO tUTY IS PAID. Bout Dear Friend on This Bid Wlehea a Drcaa 1'attero or Bom Jcwelry-A Careful Examination of All Articles la an Impoaalbllltr. Mania of Returning Tonrlata. Most travelers, on returning from Eu rope, have a mania for aud have very few couscleutloua scruples against, evading the payment of customs duties. They bought some articles on the other aide, not to sell, but to give away. When they started away they were D1SKUBARKI.no FltOWTHK STEAMER, commissioned by various acquaintan ces to make purchases a dozen pairs of gloves for one, a diumoud pin for an other, a collection of pipes for a third, some small works of art for a fourth and so ou. Under the strict Interpre tation of the law these articles are du tiable and should be "declared" to the customs officers of New York as soon as they come aboard down the bay. But the policy of the travelers appear to be, "Declare nothing unless It Is separately packed and loo bulky to es cane attention." Perhaps the total value of the dutla ble articles Is $100. The traveler puts the small articles lu his pockets, diS' tributes the others through his trunk and valise and Is reasonably confident that titer will not make a sufficient showing to Interest the Inspector or ex cite his suspicion. Is he a smuggler? If so. then a majority of Americans returning frin Europe are smugglers, No one knows better than the liispec. tors, however, that these small articles are being brought In. The Inspectors overlook their presence and seldom make any trouble tinless the article Is so large or so valuable that to pass it would be a btosb neglect of duty, ir a man has nvc minus nucq wuu num Ins there may be a question aa to whether all the garment! are his and have already been worn. A traveler with one or two ordinary steamer truuks Is not an object of suspicion. It ts not to be Inferred from this that travelers are subject to no restrictions, WAITI.NO TITRIR TUR3T. or that an American may brlug In a cartload of foreign goods with Impun ity. It is true, however, that the Inspec tion of baggage during the tremendous rush following the arrival of an ocean liner is not the ordeal that many per sons Imagine, and that inspectors are not ordinarily Incllued to be suspicious aud proceed on the theory that every returning American Is attempting to cheat his own country. If they unload ed every trunk and valise and cross examined passengers as to every article that might technically be called dutia ble It would require a month to "clear" all the baggage swung from the bold of a mammoth steamer. The passenger who unlocks bis trunk, removes the tray and gives satisfactory answers to a few questions Is not liable to hnve trouble. Lifting one or two of the gar ments and patting to see If anything bulky Is hidden underneath usually constitutes the "Inspect ion," CONGRESSIONAL CONTESTS, Speaker need Will Appoint Two Commit. teas to Conalder Them, In view of the unusually large num ber of oontested election cases to be passed upon by the house of representa tives Speaker Reed has decided to ap poiut two committees to consider tbnm. This is the first time In the bistoty of congress that the number of coutests reached the remarkably high figure of 8J. In the last congress there were somewhat more thuu a dozen, and some of tht m were not disposed of until near the cle of the congress. The commit tees on elections will be among tho first appointed and will be instructed to go to work and bring in their reports without delay. It is the intention to have all the contests disposed of during the flrt session of the present congress. In all the contests there is but one In which a colond man is a contestant That is the case of Murray versus Elliott, from the Charleston district Murray was the only colored member of the last congress, and be hopes to be able to unseat Represeutatve Elliott in bis pending contest. Many of the coutest auts make the fight for the f 2.600 ex penses allowed to contestants, providing they are unsuccessful, and it sometimes occurs that the expenses of a contest are not half that amount, but the contest ant is thrifty enough to pet In bill for tha antlr! amount Nsw York Son. Theaa Animate Bank Next to Man as Practical Knglneera. The best, most skillful, and adroit en gineers and practical mechanics upon the face of the earth, next after mau, are the beavers, whose Intelligence In these directions is ouly equaled by their providence In laying up stores agalust the conveutlouul "rainy day." It Is fairly proper to state that man conceived his first Idea of water power from the operations of these kings of rodents. The latter were, of course, headed off by man In the Invention of water w heels aud other machinery and appliances for the utilisation of the power thus obtained, but man selects a dam site for the same ruuson that the beaver does viz.: That he may hold the water and get out of It all he cud. In other words, the beaver goes to the trouble of felling trees, cuts them Into blocks of from two to four feet lu length, bears them to the water, sluks them, plasters and packs them down In mud, and raises the wall above high water mark solely that It may bold and DKAVIIIS AT WORK. retain lu all seasons a sufficient quan tity to enable It to live comfortably aud enjoy a dally bath without paylug taxes for the same, There nevor was an aucluut setting ben thut more ertlnaclousy clung to Its nest after the eggs hud beeu re moved ngalu and agalu thuu does the beaver to Its work of building. Brutal and Inconsiderate man may tear down and destroy the work of Its hands, but with the coming of night and the de parture of the enemy It will proceed to fell trees and to saw them Into proper lengths for repair of damages with as cheerful a heart as the well-worked donkey turns homeward at dinner time. The bcuver It not confined to North America ouly, but Is also encountered In northern parts of Europe and Asia; yet has gained a firmer foothold on this continent, or else Is more successful In eludlpg the pertinacious search of re morseless trapiH'ra. Unfortunately for the beaver, it gives forth an odorifer ous substance which It carries In two sacs located near the base of Its tall and Is knmvu In commerce as castor cum. This la a valuable perfume and offers adltlonal Inducement to seal on the part of hunters who would scarcely need this Incentive, hocnuse, as nobody has to be told, the beaver la Itself very valuable. What, however, with tho castoreum nnd the fur also In prospect, the huntor will swim streams aud climb mountains, go through Ore, and risk the tomakawk of the Indians in his search after them. While hunted and pursued, driven from pillar to post, still the beaver Is fruitful, aud, except In h ralltlei where man has overrun stream as well as land, is moderately plentiful. DISMANTLED WHITE CITY. Fate of the Poautlful Statuary at tha World'e Fair. The court of honor does not look so grand now as It did when It was sur rounded with the white palaces or when Illuminated at ulght with thou sands of Incandescent lamps or tinted with all the colors of the rainbow from the electric fountains. The buildings are gone. MacMoules' grand work of art la gone. AH Is gone save a lone Neptune and a shivering horse or two, and, rising majestically above the ruins, unharmed by the fire or winter, the statue of the republic, The monumen tal figure Is In white now Instead of gold, but with only the sky for a back ground It shows Its proportions and lines to better effect now than before. Other statues have not fared so well, Most of them were destroyed In the various fires which laid waste the en tire central portion of the grounds, from the terminal station to the lake. If Columbus should come to Chicago and take a train out to Jackson Park In order to get away from his specter ou the lake front he could stroll all around the court of honor, where In former days he was so populous, aud ouly find one of himself. The only Columbus standing is the one in front of the ma chinery building, and Inasmuch as this Is headless, It Is doubtful If the real Co lumbus would recognize It If be did be would beg to be given a Christian burlul or at least to be taken to the con vent of La Rablda, In the bare rooms of which be might find a more con genial atmosphere. Chicago Chronicle. According to C'uMoin. Even after euterlug the Government schools Indiun children are not at all ashamed of their odd names, hut seem to be as proud of them as If they were Bmlth or Jones. The following list Is furnished by a teacher In oue of the Miosis of the Oklahoma Territory: Lucy Little Ktandlug Buffalo, Atkins White Sail. Anna Hull Frog. Lee Little Turtle. Marie Buffalo Head, Clarence Black Hair Horse, Jennie Boy Chief, Grace Yellow Flower, Mary Big Goose, John White Eagle, Martha Crlef Pipe, Mary Cries for Ulbs. Cora Filzzlc Head. The Cheerful Idiot. "Which city is It that baa the name of the city of homes 7" asked tha board er who Is always forgetting. "It Is a little doubtful Just now," chipped In the cheerful Idiot, "whether the title of 'city of Holmes' belong! to Philadelphia or Chicago." Indianapo lis Journal. ftwallowa In All Hensone. It Is stated that swallows have been In England during every month of the year. As partial confirmation of this assertion a corresjiondcnt writes to a, London publication that be saw two at Whltely on the evening of Nov. 2. Blobbs "Miss Oldglrl would make a good soldier." Hlubbs "I'sed to pow der, eh?" Hlobb--"Ves, and uever de serts her color." Philadelphia Record. Tou'U bear of a woman one day that ah li about to die, and th next dj that ibe la living a receyllotv GUNMAKEIt OF ILI0N JEFFERSON M. CLOUGH REFUSES A TEMPTING OFFER. Hit Uealtu Wot Too Poor to Tarmlt Atlantlon to Bntlnaao A Great !nf- rarer for Many Venn, But lie II u Mow Keoovered. From the Hprlnsleld, Maw., Colon. Theie isn t a gun manufacturer in the United State who doe not kuow Jefferson M. dough, and why? Be cause he hss been intimately associated all bis life with the development ol the two best American rifles, the Rem ington and Winchester. For years he was superintendent of the E. Reming ton Se Dons' great factory at Ilion, N. Y. After leaving there he refused a tempting offer of the Chinese gov ernment to go to China to superintend their government factories aud accept ed instead the superinteudonoy of the w luohestor-Arms Co.. at New Haven. at a salary of 17,600 a year. it was alter this long term of aotlve labor as a basinet man thut he fonud himself Incapacitated for further serv ice by the embargo which rheumatism had laid upon him and resigued his position more than two year ago, and returned to Belohertown, Mass., whore be now lives and owns the Pbelph farm, a retired spot whore he has five hundred acre of land. Being a man of moan he did not spare the oost aud wa treated by lead ing physicians and by baths at oelebrat ed spring without receiving any beue fit worth notion, Daring the summer of 1 8U3 and the winter of 1804 Mr. Clough wa eunQued to hi house in Belohertown, being unable to rise from bis bed wltlioi assisuuoe, aud suffer ing oontiuually with aoute pains and with no taste or desire for food, noi was he able to obtain sufficient sleep. Early in the year 1804 Mr. Clough heard of Dr. William!' Pink Pill for Pale People. He began taking these pills about the first of March. 1804, and ooutiuued to do so until the first part of September following. The first effect noticed wa a better appetite and be began to note more ability to help himself off the bed and to to better generally, Ls( August ( 1 804) be wa aue to go alone to hi summer resi dence and fans of 103 acres on Grena dier Island, among the Thousand Islands, in the river St Lawronoe, where from thehighost lsndof hi farm he oommaud a view for thirteen miles down the river, and sixty of the Thousand islands oan be seen. Instead of being confined to his bed Mr. Clough is now and has been for some time, able to be about the farm to direct the men employed there, and he is thankful for what Dr. William' Piuk Pill have done for him. These pills sre mannfatured by the Dr. William' Medioine Company, BoheneoUdy, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm' trade mark and wrapper, at SO oents a box or six boxes for 1160, and are never sold iu bulk. They may be had of all drug gists or direot by mail from Dr. Will liami' Medioine Company. IturU oil Jtiuiiiiy. Mrs. Kldby (to bur small sou) "Well. Jobn, what's tho matter? Johnny Sister says that she's an ad vanced woman and I've got to watch the dolls while she sails my toy boat Pearson's. A Simple t bans'. "Professor, how does th hair-cut suit you?" "The hair I altogether too short a little longer, please." Fllegende Blaet ter. Society Courtealea. Sirs, rarveuue I am tuluklng of go ing slumming to morrow." Mrs. .May fair Ah! Going to call on your relatives, I presume." Plck-Ms-Ud. THE GIFT OF A GOOD STOMACH It ont of tht moat beneflrlent donation. vourhaaled to ut by nature. How often II I. snitaly tbuacdl Whether the elnmarh lanatm ally weak, or baa bern rendered eo by linpru Bitten la the r .t ueut lor Ita reatoratlon t' vlaor and activity. Both dleeatloa and appe lite art uewed by thla tine toulc, which ala overcomea coiiatlpatlon, blliouaneaa. malarial, kidney and rheumatic allmeuta ana uervoui ueaa. Teacher-Buppoa you were t klnr, Tommy. what would yuu d to wtab my I r Tommy- -I'd uever atvt fact any more. IB HNOWBOVMD ITATBI. In states and territories whsrt snow and lot lost all tbt long winters through, where men art much tipattd and suffer much from sold, it Is a wonder tbey do not prc vtds better sgalnat torn of th eons quencea. In soma lumber camps, obop- Eert ttand all dty in knte-dep mow with slf frosen feet. 1 h i feet art inuob more tender tban tbt hands from being covered up all tht time. Men art often lame all sum mer from th Irott bltet of tht prerioui winter. Why It It to. Is simply btoaut they do not know that Bt, Jooobs Oil will our frost bit la a night. Bit .ermnu'a .Imo.t eixlleaa, Aud thut hla people alt And And It tery hard to make Head or tall ef It. VIlW.-AUSia etoppoa tree by Dr. Ellna'i Oreat Nerve Kaetorer. NoSiaarui the Sr. dar'a nae. alervkoa curat. Traatiat and tit trial bottle Iraa to ril eaaea Bead to Dr. Kllor Wl Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tst Osbmia lor breakfast. rl b-bi vi 173 IF ASI-..U.MS FREE Wustratad by 6 doll with 91 dresses, O suits. 03 batA, and 8ft other articles, furnishing; the ladies with the latest French fashion a well at the children with an amusing toy. Ways tO r -a, Tt,.., Uei I nQ90' Fashions. 3 BlickwtWt Pvrham T&cco Co., Durham, S. C, and tha !rashion Dolls will be senl you postpaid. You will find one coupon nside each 1 o. bag, and two coupons Inside each 4 01. bag oi Blackwelus Genuine Durham Tobacco. Buy a bag of thla Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read tha ewpon, which gives hst of other premiums and how to get them. OINT STAMPS UOff'l THUT Wt offer One Hundred Dolltrt Rtwtrd for .u, ui vaiarru uitl ceuuol be cured It Hal a I alasrh I 'ilia y.J.t llKNXY A CO, Pror. Tnlerto, o. Wetke uniler-Wned, hare known . J. Cheaee lor the laii It rear, aul Iwllrv him iwrfitilr ounonbie lu all builuen tmnsautlont tail flu iii'UIit bleiotury ouiani ubllvallout made bjr their Urn WmeTini, ho e al irut slit. Toledo, O. WAI.D1SU, K 1NSAM A Mtavis. . "Bolewle liriiKSliii. Toledo, Uhlo. Hall lCCrrUL'um liukcu Internally, ecUni directly upuu the oIihhI and livui turtiuit ol tlmy.iem. rrli e, 7Ac rwr bottle. Sold by all druvKliti. T. t linni. lale fire. Uall i Ftutlljr 1'tlla are tli beat. KBW WAT BAST-NO bUIT, Oo East from Portland, Ptndleton, Walla Walla via O. H. A N. to rjpokatie and Great Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotot, Ht Paul, Mlnnrapulti, Chicago, Omaha, Bt Louis, Kaat and Uoulh. Kuck ballattrub. Hnt scenery; neweuuinnient: (lr.t North. ern Palace bleepert and Diners; Family Touritt Cart; Iluttet-Librurv Cars. Write A. B. O. Dennlaton. O. P. A T. A.. Portland Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. A T. A. Bt. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in. formation about rate, route, elo. Pito's Curt It tha Iliedlnlna In hmk nr. children's Coughs and Colilt. M a. M. u! olcbt, Bpranut. Wab., March 8, 1KM. Va r.tnrMl e JTaMrtM Frof. W. H. rtekt, who makes a specialty ol hplleney, hat without doubt treated and cur ed mureraara than any living Hhyalclan; hla aucveat It aatoniahlnir. V. t have heard ol canei (Mi ex to yeart- atandmt enrtd nj mm. itc publliheat valuable work oc thlt dlt. ate, which Be aendt with a It of hit tbanluta care, trmm i ! i - w ui core, rree to any aulTerera o may aend thair H. O. and Rapreaa adilreaa. .J.vli!Jni-on,w,hlnS tcura to adilreaa 1 W H. ftUl, V. D.,CLulU law Tor w. Tat mfftrtd ttrribly mm roaring in my head during an attack of catarrh, ami bttawt wry dtat, uutt ( Oram Balm and in (Arte verb couid krar at mil ai ever. A. E. Xtir man, Orating, Mirk. CATARRH BLT'I 4-KBAM BALM Opens and tlranaet .ha Naaal Paaaaaea. Allaya Pain and I don, Una It the So ret, Protect! tb Membrane rord oolilt, Heatoret the Senate of Taate and ImelL The Balm it quloklj tbtorbad and slytt relief at onoa. A parUclt la applied Into each noatrll, and la isreeabla. hrloa. 60 oenta it Drnrvlata' or bj SXT BUOTHaRH, M Warren Street, New York. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT H. E. NOBLE tl Commercial Kl'k, FOKTLAND, OK If you want a aura relief for uuiua, uaw au Fits SURE CURE for PILES kiziaiTw iei,rr 11,1 1 1 rTvjTi 4 "if Iglli " ' I I llj Allcock's Beau in Mind Not one of tttlons is as good aa the genuine. WEINHARD'8 WOMAN tha name of Woman! Friend. It I ,al I,Ir''ln backaches, headache which burden and shorten a woman'! nm.H tomtit- in. r . r. :n i win give neaun ana itreugtb "d make life a pleasure. For tale by all drwrsist. BLUMAUER-FBaNK DKUO CO., Pobtlakd, Agents! 'WHER DIRT GATHERS. WASTE RULES." CREAT 8AVINQ RESULTS FROM THE USE OP SAPOLIO 1896 SEED... C A TP A I dn Now p w a a-vy VI Send A . . . Jam. . tw V ( Sand 0 Coupon, or ) 8au(J 1 Coupon and fl oent, or Sand 10 OenU without any ' coupon, to aOOIFTIO. Take Care or your pbyaical health. Build up your tyrteni, tons your stomach and dixtatlv organa liicrwr your appctiie, tnrkh your blood, drive out all Impurities aud prevent t Ickneaa by taking flood's Sarsaparillo Th OneTru Blood Purifier. 1; tlx forli. Hood's Pills rsTu'!:' HERCULE8 GAS A1D GASOUHE ...ENGINES... NOTID FORna SIMPLICITY STRENGTH ECONOMY SUPERIOR WORK MANSHIP.m IN IVERY DETAIL Theat tntintt are acknowlerieed t .run enetneere to he worthy ol bltheat enmmenda. tlon lor almnllclty. blab trade material and eo, perlor workmanahlp. They devtlop tht tail actual horaepower, and run without an tlentrte apark battery; the ayitem ol bjuttlon la .Imple, .vrvi,.i. muu reiiBDie. For pumping oatBta lor IrrltaUn mirioera no better enlnt can bt lonnd on the Pacific ooaal. for holatlni outfits for mlnea thty hare met with bit heat approval, for Intermittent sowar their aoonome la u. quaaUooed. ST.TI0I.I.. ID I1RIIE ElBIIEt SisrjTicroaiB rr AmericanType Founders' Co. PORTLAND, OR. Band tor cataJot at, : MRS. WINSLO WS VrM FOR CHILDRIN TCETHINO 1 yeraala W all OrwywUIA. t& (,'eau a kettle. LOOK AT THE BOX Tills Is Walter Baker L Co.'s Cocoa box be sure that you donl pet an Imitation of It. Sold by Croctrt Everywhere. Waiter Bakes & Ca.Ltd., Dorchester, Ms coins in tha hack, aide rb.t nr Porous Plaster tht host of counterfeit and 1ml. WELL-KNOWN BEER 1M HUB OB aOTTLXU) Second to none- THT IT.. No matter whert from. fOKTLAMD, OB, Tha rery remarkable and certain relief given woman by MOORE'S kpvp ii i-n u m v W i i l -x . uniformly ucca. "FT1 Q TP a n d w i a k nM VaJat i(e. Thonsand of ,.. . .. iuuueanuaoi B"on ready ...PORTLAND, OR.' for one... tst, TUB A Fit MOTOR CO. doe half UK orlrt wltulmlll buajoMa, bettaoe. It baa reduced toe coat of wloa enwer le 1 a what It aae,a It ana manr aranra houeM, and ajpplle. Ita ewid. aud rapaira yvur aonr. ll oan ami doe. rarniMi a m Miliar .ma. nv wm eiwi wm J oUttfe. it maeM Fun pint ana r . I IIMrwt. steel, OalmnaMl after. OHnnMIra lard Steel Tra Wlndmllla TllUne ana rtird steel Towara, Swel Buaa saw mrfw Framaa, stael Fred Caller, and Im4 M JSk OrttuMre, on appllcauoa it will aame ena I f of Umm artitlre that II wtU funilah anul Janruvr 1M at 13 the lunal pnea. It alaa BUM Tanta and Pom pa or all tlnne. aaod fat eatalotue. I Ula, oackwtll sat filiated almla. uicasti DR. CUKtrS mrnovBD LIVER PILLS A ,11 1 M fa.ale. One Pill far Dm. A awraiat or lu bow.l. aah dar a, monhi Sw bMlta, Taw palie eapplr what the eratm laaia aa Bp. a. a ht.Uf, Thar aura Uadali& arartifcta the lyaa, aad elaar tha (jMpletloe ballaruiaa MMaattoe, i imj BMtoar an p. aa. alckaa. To eaavuM rae, will nail mmrm fna,, or full hoa f Vat, Bold m ra. M. MOSAJfBO alaU OOu rhiiaoaleaia, fa. nniurf Marp)'"" nautc blm FlaaJt Cared In IB ar till tariHl. keaaoea.Ofciea r LUnts antkt AU lii I AH; I Cvuak St run. Taatae Ouwl, Ultima std nr drnavtata. f -a wa--' au tW! IT. 1. H. V. No. a-8. f. K. U. Bo. 711 n 1